Tforllj (Carolina Solltg. CHARLOTTE: WEDNESDAY, Jaunary 12, 1853. tT WILLIAM THOMPSON Esq., ii our a jfrnt in Baltimore, authorized to obtain advertise menu and inscriptions, and to grant rrceipta. I r E. W. CARR, Esq., it our aeent in Philadel phia, authorized to obtain advertisements and pro cure eubaeriptiona, IT V. B. Palmer, Esq., is our authorized spent to roc ire advertisements and subscriptions at his offices ir Boston, New York and DiiUdtlphia. A Reward. We e .11 the attention of oar resders particularly to Mr. Mott's advertisement of his two Negro burn, Jerry and Tarl. ton. They arc not yet cauunt, and we are authorised to offer one hundred dollars to any person who will deliver them in the jail at Charlotte.or fifty dollars for cither of them. The advertisement will cease from the present time, but it will be recollei ted the boys are yet out and it would be well for those who arc in the receipt of this ppcr W aotiec the description of theiu. Fruit Trees. Mr. Thomas II. Fcntrrss of Greensboro is ex tensively engaged in the culture of Fruit Trees, and proposes to ttie citizens of Charlotte and vicinity that he will t'linn.-ti them with a full sup ply of young trees, which he warrants to be selec ted from tiie best orchards in the United States. He will probably have a lot here in February, wheo our citizens may avail themselves of this favors blc opportunity of improving their orchards. There is nothing more dele-Hiblc to the taste than finely it Ivor id fruit. iNew Advertiscmeuls. We invite the attention of merchants to the Card of Mrwri D. W. Parka with Sparhawk, Dun. ton &. Wurf of PhiUcUIpliu in tin paper. We would be glad if our merchant friendi would give this House a call when they go North, a we have no doubt but tlu y woul! be pieaicd.and ptt gooda tfp reasonable term. Bvidea, when our North, eta brethi-ru p-trunnc U. even in small fsivura, we like to ace them reciprocated. Examine the three adverti nitnta of If. B. 4. L. 8. Williams ami WiJluiiii., Ihxon & Co., in this piper, one headed A C.rd, another. Another l ard, md the third. lionir Swe t Home, or the tiurd. Tbev buve 1-U ly nnivcd t.'uir goods to liifir old itxnd, iw t home." on the corner of flic public square, which now prtstra the appear ance of a city store r-ther tiuu that of a country ill jre. They assure their old friends and cut. tomers that they need nt be afrjid to come in, for they wiil treut th.n with as much kindness and courtesy ss eve r and sell them finer and better goods, and upon more mode rite terms. Wc have examined the scl eral f tores mentioned above and lound them furnished tqul to the best in our country, and filled not only with the com niuo necessaries of life, but also with everything calculated to please tiie lancy, and gratify the most f.lidious t.stes. But call nd tannine for yourstlves, The Mails Again. The M lils are still sadly out of joint. One sub scriber writes " stop niv paper, I don't git it more than or.c - i- three months." Another says "stop mine, I dou't get it until twenty days have elapsed after its puMication." Another savs he -... .... k. I . .. .1 .. ... 1.1..1..J : ... Sv. .... .. Fuu...nco, , and so ou. He cant blame them, but we cau as. ! .u .l . .l r i. . ,,. ... i sure them that the fault is not ours. We publish regularly every week and put the package, in the ! ofic. . V here the fault ,. we know not. but it ,. . certtifiiv somewhere. It ma v be owing to bad , ..- , r 7 weatotr and niuddr roads. Lnless news is fresh ; it is " st-le, flat aod unprofiUbie." In future ift'ncicSam is not moreriiindfulofour rights and our iniereats, and those of our patrons, we will sue the Post Olfice iK-partment, and every otiicer under iu control in the I'uiled Sutca. So we mill. A Fall Treasury. Mr. Fillmore will retire from office leaving the Treasury overflowing with twenty millions of ; if-Zlars, and yet we were told by tue Democratic i rt, and orators, in the 1-te Presidential cam. paign, that Mr. Fillmore's was tiie raosteitravigant : a-lruinistration that the country has ever had. j Facts are stubborn thioga. But the Democrats in Congress arc beginning to manifest signs of ihisi s at tiie condition of the Treasury. I'ti.y are afraid ! tne country will be ruined. .Nome propre to en. large the free list of importations. Ott.ers to re duce the rate of duties ; whilst another is w illing to vote extrsvigant appropriations, sooner than submit to such a fcartul state of things much longer. We'll be bound the democratic majority ia congress will soon find out some expedient to get rid of such a national nuisance. Counterfeits. Tte Sheriff of this count khowea us few d jg met, vrr:il four dollar counterfeit bilU on lhe Bin of the tte of urtb i Vuiitia, well calculi. i d to deceive cart it-i obterver, from the fact tSat the; appear to be old and contifitTably orn. Sofuc of tbeui are made payable at Murgauton , and ot-ra at Cb4rlottr, The ainaturra and filling up vf all of lUcia re ery pt-rfectt but appear lo nave ocn tngrifed, excrpl lite dtra and nunibcra, ne of which are written in blue ink, a certain i pr.f Hut tliey are counterfeit, as we are informed tht the II ;nk never u:s blue ink in doling tlie 1 Ifnuine. The p tper, upon which these counter- j f.-it are ri-cuted, is pile course and thick, snd ! T,.e shaiiinr ol the letters 1. dark, course and ! "I,, infi, rt ic 1 wii j , uu "'. ; hes y I. S. Just aa we were concluding the above dseriplion, we w;re shown snolhtr counUrfnt of tie sum; deitotninati'in, on the snie fjjns, new, and hid to everj partieuUr. Our community is full of sll sorts, sizes, and shades. Uur SheritT declares tint he never will r-c-ive am.lh.-r four d'IUr hill on the limk of tht .Stite of North iit ohaa. Let ever; one kerp a iuo- out. . . , . ! I Le SllFl(laril atlU lllf; W hm Of the If oiiai' of Co in in oils. Tne " Standard ' of t le 2'.nh ultimo, is out iu fut) hiist av,nnt the V'hijr fuiiihers of the lluse of C ftiirienis fjr tin ir conuui-t un the suhjct of rem 4 kiting tue ."v n . Inn j tlitriits of the ISUle accoruin 1 1 tnu provisions of the Comtitutinn. Tueeditir rvisk-ntij fUuipts to create tne impres sion ahro.o u.t tue Whn's of t'.e House were en. fleavonnj to pi t the of any bill for ' tac otijett stcit, a, an. 1 lut t.'M-ir desire was W ercile a yuii tnV:r nuiu in tne The edl. sijrs, In tne It .u-, Mr. Ri-id, of Uuplin nr jr, in ine iiu', .-ir. lino, oi kJUiHin, ted a pi .n ., behulf of one p.n mi the tJoiliiuitl. , i i Mr. M. InWrt . of Kichinond , Whi.) on Uh.lf ui the oilier ; and, after sjiue ujiiion. lite II .u.i , oiiip.,.-.d of a maturity of Whins Voted do. I -Mr. .. Intvrt's pl.n, which i,le w :e justly r g JhlI neJiiMtma an appro. i.l of Mr. Itetd'e plan." Tins ii.l m.y base a.-. n " r. irucd as an approv il of Mr. U.ic'h pi .n " a.exJui tj the rt .udjru's " in Mje of . Il il re.ulu, as in this c sac, often pn.te tin fjl. j Of' Ills l(IC. SiW lite truth IS, is We hai In riled it froiu very intelligent snd honor abh' Wing mimih-'r of tile Iloe, tlut the plan stinmittid by Mr. K.-id w s ss pe rfect a rrrryiM4nderinif seheme mm rr'i w -s attempted to he p. lined off upu a I-jislature. His plan proposed to srrane the ll.ntnrls so as to five tli- Ih-moeraue party thirty Ke K-jnatore and the Wlujra only biueUen. .Mr. Meid (t up and made a sp n h on his hill, si.d ( tjirrj p. rimUirily that it akimld pu', and thai, l" did W, tfAeir ahamld That the fVmoerats Lad a Urjf.f unjority in tlie Kenate than tlie Whi(;s aasj lathe llje, and that tliertfore tin y had ft pass U apoB the n hip"- 1 us hiirh litre, rsIM k r J iai.uit-.-J -, Wh'jt. and they determined that they vrould not be im posed upon in this way, and suffer the dearest in. Uresis of their constituents to be thus ruthlessly trampled in the dust, by the rroa heel of a tyrant cat majority. The hour of adjoarnment was fast approaching, and the Whigs still persisted in their determination to prevent the passage of this abonn nable bill. The Democrats seeing this, became very rma'h alarmed, lest the Legielatnre would be forced to bresk up. and leave the State without a Legislatwre. They became alarmed, because they knew that the only alternative Icft.woald be to call an extra acssion tor the purpose ol calling rent alien of the people a great bng.bear with Tr.e Democrats to reestablish the Legislature ; " There's the respect. That makes calamity of so long life." They knew that if a convention was called the people would amend the constitution to suit them selves, ss well ss reestablish the Legislature, and that ' Free Suffrage " would no longer be a hobby hor-e tor the party to ride another candidate into the Gubernatorial Chair. Yes, frightened st this idea, the party came to terms, and submitted to a plan which gives to the Democrats twenty-sii, and to the hies twenty. four Senatorial Districts.- Of coarse if a convention should be called, it would be called to amend the Constitution in all points where the people desired it. Noble Whigs ! you deserve the lasting gratitude of your country, for thus boldly and fearlessly asserting her rights. Lrgislstive Responsibility. In our Legislature, which hsa just closed its session, the Democrats had a clear majority of two on joint ballot, and yet they failed to elect a l S. nitor. For this they are accountable to the country. If they could notagrecamong themstlvea on this subject, rather than Itt the Statu go un represented, it was their duty to have proposed some man of their party, who was acceptable to the Whigs, and to the other wijg of their party. They have enough of such men in their ranks, who would have done honor to the post, and the Whigs and conservative leinocrats would have supported one of this stamp if he had been proposed. But party spirit snd party dictation interposed to stifle the will and interests of the people. It is believed that the Governor's power to appoint extenca only to cases of death or resignation, snd if so, our State will go unrepresented, except by oi,e Sens, tor, for the next two years, commencing from the 4th of M irch next, at which time Mr. Mangum's term expires. We understand that the Governor, believing this, has determined not to attempt to exercise the authority to fill the vacancy. Again. The Free Suffrage Bill was killed by the failure, or rather by the refusal of the Speaker of the Senate to esst his vote, who is a wool-died Democrat. For this, the Democrats are alone to blame, and not the Whigs. They were not elected to support Free Suffrage by legislative enactment. but on the contrary to support their favorite mea. sure, a Lonvcntion of the tlie people to amend the Constitution, and therefore, if they had voted for the Free Suffrage Bill they would have violated the wishes of their constituents. The Speaker of the Senate wns also elected because of his op. position to Free Suffrage. Yet it may be said that the Governor's election is the fairest indi. estion of the wishes of the people on this sub. jeet. This is true, but it will be remembered that the Governor was not elected by a two-thirds ma jority of the people, and our Constitution cannot be amended by a large major. ty vote indicated in this way. This is another evidence that the peo ple, by a constitutional majority, sre not in favor of Free Suffrage. The Standard and liis Partr. The editor of the " Standard," in his last issue, issues his Bull of excommunication against those members of tils party who, in the late legislature, refused to suppurt the " nominee " of the caucus for United States Senator, and declined voting for Free Suffrage. He delil-rab ly reads them out of tiie ranks of the party, and tells their constituents :n a tone that the v must not supyoit these men any more for office. That they are unworthy of confidence of the party. Wc agree that it is the duty of the "Standard," and all other papers, to read men out of a party, when they desert their principles from corrupt motives That is the course which our party invariably pursues. But the " Standard " should recollect that the Demo cratic party in this State has two sides upon, at least, two questions of the present day, one of which is a mtlcr of great public momel.t in the the St-ile, we sllude to the subject of the right secession. Now, it may have been the ease that pnnum - " iciuscu w those gentlemen who refused to support Mr. Dob. bm f(jr l.IJlU() Sutrf Diltut th(,uh, ,;,, he wa, . ,..,i : i j , ' - k. riot as aound in his devotion to the t mon as he m, u h, ,d ,heif iiua lo hi, tlc. thtnfn would have betTprompted bT very inJ coo.cei.c.ou. motive Thiother" oues. i t i. . j . .1 . e v n a? tion which we hmted at was that of rree ffrage. u.-k .1 : 11:11 .. ...i.e... v, t'j ! wards, the Siieaker, (whose vote would have car. ried the messure,) declined to vote, and for th the Standard excommunicates him from the pale of tiie Democratic church. Why Mr. Edwards was elected when out of his county, over Gen. flaw, kins who was its known advocate, because of his opposition to it- And now, for olieying the voice of his constituents, he mufit be ostracised, snd de nounced as a heretic, 'jy the great expounder' of Democratic truth doctrine. lHi have pity on Mr. Edwards. It was in error of the head and not of the heart. He was too short sighted to see the beauties of Fr-e Suffrage. The " Standard " should have lent him his glasses. We observe that the Wilmington Journal " pi mcuncea the same anathemas upon those poor , ueludsd wn tches, who cruld n t see CwjAf but voted in Oarknet. The d-yt of lhe Guillotine re iurrlf eotninj tack. (Lfiinimmications. FOR TIIE .NORTH CAROLINA WHIG. The fnlh.wing letter was received by the Hope, well Division No. 91 of the Sons of Temperance, and read by the Worthy Patriarch, snd ordered unsniniously to tie published in the N. C. W'htg, with a request that the Spirit of the Age copy the same. By oHer of the Division. THOMAS AI KX A.VIIKR, f .. JOH.N It. ALLXANDLU.p """""" NovenilM r, 30th 1S2 Grm rnrn : 1 now tender to the Sons of the Hopewell Division through your Worthy Patriarch my resignation as a Physician hoping that you will all scquiesce without any comment or explanation from me in so doinp, and my Hooka are now ready for stt!imi.t with each and every son. and I a. the vear is about to close. ! juu win 1 -.1.1 tuuikkcp ui una upuurLuiuir Yours ResDectfullv. Isaac wilso.v. TOO THE NORTI1 CAROLINA WHIG. Mr. Jylitor. I wih to say to the Mer chants in Charlotte that it would be preatly to their interest to open a public road frotu i that rilaee to some rioint on th Catisreim line, say William Caldwell's plantation, so a I to meet a road from Rocky River Church ' so M to secure the trade from the lower ; 1 -,urreu lo " originating from mm, hut part of Cabarrus and from as Cue an arri-' " "J to '"form him that he is gro.-sly mis cultural wrtion of country as can he frmml informed and deceived, and to ad viae him in N. C, and in addition sonic of the fine-t flour Mills any where to be found in the Southern .States. I would take the liberty to sujcst the propriety of an application being made to the neat County Court of Meckienburrr, to j have the above roa.l oriietl arid fit ffr " ' i travel by the opening of the next fall trade, ! as the citiiens ol Horny liiver and the aur-: rounding country will be much benefitted ly j tne same A Ro' Kr River I'lantek. FOP, THE NORTH-CAROLINA WIIIO. Will the public mind be eternally gulled by vaunting demagogues aud men of strictest piety, virtue aud honor and of high intel lectual and moral worth trampled upon by the bard hofed criticisms aud abuse of presumptuous meddlers T It is to be hoped, that, iu an age like this an age of reason .aJid judgment, men will be taught, that" not all that glitters is gold. W c boat of the bkssiugs and advantages of the press. And well we oiay boast, so long as it is made ) subservient to the best dcCned interests) of 'evUcty. t i ju ike, rci-u aud truth ; aud 80 long as the spurious productions of en vious and would be knowing minds are either eDtirelj excluded from its operation or confuted by reacting reason and truth. These thoughts were called forth from read ing an article iu a recent Dumber of the " Asheville JIngseuger " headed " Colleges vs. Bald-Face." 'lhe author of the piece, I presume is " Son of Temperance." So am 1, Dut onij so lar as tne true principles of the Order are carried out. It would be useless to saj that the grand and funda tueudal object of the Order w Temperance, lScnevolcuce and Urotherly Love to do good and not evil. Thus far go I aud no farther. But some seemingly warm ana enthusiastic members of the Order radically uibtake the means of bringing about this good result. They not only bring down contempt and ridicule upon the Order and all connected with it, but violate tue pre ccpts of the Bible aud offend against high Heaven by " doing evil that good may come." 'Ibis, I conceive to be the purport and tendency of the article referred to The author is badly posted up on the sub ject he attempt to handle. And persons who are well acquainted with the bitory of Davidson College and character, princi ples and professions of its t'rcsidrut aud Professors would think, that he hazzards a good deal in transmitting through the f ress, to public censure fuch vague assertions and misrepresentations. He seems to be eutircly ignorant of or grossly misinformed as to the history, laws and operations of Davidson College' or character and pretentious of its President and Professors. If this were not the case, he could not, if he be what he professes to be, coocienciously charge upon the Administration of a Literary institution, things of which it is wholly innocent. First be accuses the " President and Professors " of" habitually using ardent spirits, pleading lor its perpetuity, defending its concomitant vices and sneering at the temperance re form '' which is so grosly absurd that it needs no comment. It U a well known and established fact that the President and Pro fessors arc all strictly temperance men and professed advocates of temperance and truly temperance principles. President is a tacit opposer of tne Order of "sont of Temper ance." He is not its only opposer. And be opposes it, not on account ol iu temperance principles, but its secrecy. We believe he is honest in his opinions aud he has a perf ect right to them. Again he says, that the " President not only drinks at times but set himself up as a sort of censurer of temperance reform, car ries his hard-shell notions so far into the cxtrenis as to forbid and prohibit by abso lute edict the delivering of a temperance lecture in the Halls or elsewhere about the premises of the College buildings, while it is notoriously known, that in the same Halls, he has permitted strolling Slagc-V layers, singers aud dancer to let off at their hearts content and he present." If the man can establish any of these assertions, then he can prove that the world is a flat surface resting upon a turtlis back, that volcanic actions result from the turnings and groan ings of some reprobate heathen god, that the moon is made of " green cheese " or any thing else as absurd. As to the pro hibiting of White to speak, though he had the right and would have been perfectly justifiable in prohibiting him to " let of his cannon " on the College premises, he only refused him the ue of the Chapel. He as refused to speak in the society Hallo not by the President or Professors or their influence, but by t!ie edict of the members of the societies. And were the same appli cation to be made a thousand times over it would meet with the same treatment. But it L said this is prohibiting free discussion." What is free discussion ? Is it after a set of holiest men having once innocently permit ted a lion " in sheep's clothing" to enter their borders and abuse and lampoon them in a most ridiculous manner, without any pro vocation, thus that should blindly permit him to do the same thing over apain ! Is ridicule and slander " free discussion !" Are efforts to destroy character and trample good and honest men in the dust " free dis cussion ?'' Then " free discussion " has been prohibited at Davidson College. As to " permitting strolling Stage-Players and singers and dancers let off to their hearts consent" in the Chapel there is need of nothing else to confute it than reference to . ,.c t,..,u 1 - 11 . 1 ' . - ' ' nu mis ai'fuai uu. u nilu the hUtorj of the College, who will testify to the contrary. Again he accuses the Venerable Doctor " as he terms him of " laying in twenty dol lars worth of liquor at first cost for a wed ding fiarty at his own house." This ii a maliciou-ly fabricated falsehood, not by the a.nhor of the piece under consideration but by (some one else or " Mr. Nobody " or " Mr. Mvddlcsomc " or no body knows who. It can be proved that the " liquor " referred to were not used either as a beverage at the " wedding party " or for private family drink. But as thi-j matter I presume will be clearly and satisfactorily btated to the public soon, I farbear saying more con cerning it. But again he says that " he (meaning the President) has long used, set out at Ins house ana countenanced the use of wic;g and spirituous liquors." This like all the rot of the i... .,.. - it . ...1 r .1 ti 1 "u . . . u . J 'ou.iuauo,, ano tiotliifiL' but the pure crytal waters of Truth to undermine it and wash it away into the dark mahi ious gulf whence it originated It in a notorious falsehood that has been going the rounds and that no person who knovts Dr. Williamson aud family has ever believed. The writer docs not intend in these re D,arks t0 the falsehoods and tnisre- presentations on the author of the article l? hludy the school-boy s lesson for compo- ' ition " study well your subiect and write nothing but what you know to be true." Also to couMurr the Uible prccf-pt. "Cast Ult ,"'a,n 8ut of 'our own eic that you may !":e I,luck tl", ,,10te out Jour brothers it would be well to consider that he , , nM " Just. nVM censure the conduct " ' i""' : nuueuous l,,e Wnt f hundred dollars per mouth to a church censurer and minister slanderer, to roll through the county on empty Rarrela with his " I'ilgrim'a Pro gress " in his pocket. It is the design of of the writer to correct false and state facts to the public mind as they are and no more. lie neither wishca nor intends to get into a news-paper controversy and only has to say to the public iu conclusion that if any thing more cornea from liuncomb quarter to " consider the source." A SON. The communication of Internal Improve ment, A Whig of '76, and an obituary, al though in tvpc, are unavoidably crowded out. CHARLOTTE AND S. C. RAILROAD. Columbia, Dee, 15, I8S2. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad Company, in Columbia, on Wednesday, the 1 5th December. lUi'J, the following resolutions Were adopted and ordered to be published : 1. KrsWueii, That the Board of Directors of the Charlotte sad South Carolina Kuilroad Company do meet at Columbia on the second Weduc:di.y uf every month. 9. Kttolttd, That the officers of this Company have their accounts made out every month, fur tne examination of the Directors, and that each re. ccipt nr voucher shall expics the object for which the money was expended. 3. Ktiolttii, That the Chief Engineer be requir ed to report monthly to this Board the nnntber of accidents that have occured upon the road, the name of the runnessamJ conductor in charge of the train at the time, the value of stock killed, and amount of the damage done to the properly of the road by said accidents, accompanied with a statement of facta in regard to each. 4. i ttolvtd. That the President snd Chief En. gineer be requested to close up, by the first Mon. day in February next, all contracts made for the constretion of the road. 5. Hitolrtd, That the President be instructed to sell, by the first Monday in February next, the stock of all Stockholders who may be in arrears, and that under no circumstances shall further in dulgence be extended. b. Krtolvtd, That the President and I reasury be authorized to call in all the script certificates of slock that have been issued to stockholdt rs, and that they do issue in tlieir pl..ce regular cer tificates ut stock. Jom. A. BsADLtt, SccaiTiav, HYMEHEAL. Married, on the xr .tiruo, at the residence of rnnip tt unien, hjj,,m siurxe lounty,Dj mv Kcv. Alexander Abern.thy, the Kcv. I tl. JONES, of Person counts, Miss MAltY CATHER l.N'E, eldest daughter uf Philip Wrlick, .aq., 01 tsurke. Tie love that makes our cheerful feet In swift obedience move, The Devil's know and tremble too But Satan cannot love. Married, on the 9th of this instant, by L. Sikes, E)., Mr. El. UAH (JADDY to Miss MAItTHA, daughter of Jusepu UriUin, both u-rt es of t'uion County, lluppy is the man who in early life. Succeeds in the plan of obtaining a wife ; H ippy is the bell who iu early bloom. Her celibacy sell and purchase her a groom. Married, in the Episcopal Church in Cincinnati, oy tlie Kcv. A. l. Auner, Dr. L,. J. JUf-JS, ol W ilkesboro, N. C. lo Miss VICTORIA, dauirhur of Charles and S.tah Leak , Lie from Liverpool, cngi..nd, now cttiuns of Cincinnati. CONSIGNEES PER ItAILUOAD, For the week ending January, 11. W. Johnston, J. Wells, Carson, W & P., Setter & M., Phifer, A & P., T. Wriston, Urim ii J., A. a & II. W. I-ulcnwider, A K. Norman, Kamsour & J., Moss, IS. & Co., C. C Henderson & bon, I), ii. daithcr, I'i.-h-er, B. & Co., II. 1) & L. S. Williams, D. L. Ilea, Winchester. S & i5,. 15. F. Davidson, Saudcrs, II. k Co., Klias & C, John Baiter, Fox & C, Fulhnis & Co., Fisher & II., E. S Moore k Co., G. Modeller, Spratt, I. & Co., J. S. M Cubbin & Co., J. Mead, V. Muh linghouse, T. J. drier, J. M. Potts, K. Ham ilton, J. Harty k Co., J. M. Stockton, C. F. Dcenis, R. Sittonton, W. F. Area & B., J. K Harrison, Lruckcr et S , II. F. Hunter, W. W. Elms, W. Matthews, Taylor A L., Branch Mint, P. C. Caldwell, J. U. Ileid, Bowcn k. II., A. Bethune, J. B. Stewart. JA CARD. lf HE nndsrsignrd having uosn put lo large and A heavy ripessie to erect buildings, snd en large their stock of t.oods. fur the secetnniodsiinn of their numerous friends snd customers r. spool fully, hut earnestly, call upon those who are indeb ted to'thein. either by Nolo or book Account, le as sist them, by psytng up ail o d scor.s, snd coinmeii. cmg on tne sw Hoots, Ws luve given b.ue ers diis, and nevsr briers called nsn our Irieoda m Una manner, and we bepa now t at iln y will undt-rsisnd and spprec a'e our motives in doing ao at tins inns It is s stern and inflexible iiei'jssity, and the kel'er must corus. if. B. & L. S. WILLIAMS. January 13, I!i3. Slit tnim fWlHK eopartnf rrhip brreiofore known as lh. Firm of II. B. A. I . . W il.'-tnit wm diiotv eu on Ilia firal df of Jatiu irjr. 1853, y ttia le(m of tt.eir original agrepmeril, and havi.if im aaao eiaied with thm tn biiinea Mr. Johm I'ixon, lh prtnrra!np will hrntter b condut-ud under I'.r ntflifl and tya of Williama. I'ixon SlCo. at ll a-r o d eorncr aland, in IJ. B. Wi.iaaia'a Utif itiw Brick Buidintf, where tltar mill be p'rad lo ae tlieir n,d Irirnda and cuitoitiera, and contract new friendship and a quainiancca in the r 1 1 r of buai m-aa. l kf fee. aaured (hat It ey are now m a bwiler eondillort to peaae aiid flatter the UUe o tfn-ir friend and euatomera than they lia? eter bn (eforr. They therefore rapretiu.'v aoiieit from (hem and tium the puKm fieriy, a Urgt and fiber a degree of favor and patromg', L. S. WILLIAMS. JOHN DLXU.N. II. 11. WILLIAMS. Jtnury 12, 1 953. a 1 11 I II I IIOi: t O.M I.K M.U. W KSSItS Wfintwt St, $ we have I' giy rivr i f JL ted me with ivU pi;fit Vt hi 1c -iic.r Ii it mat'. I wiijld reapeeiful y tv to ihtc n.d. hi-t hl it la ptsB'tivfly neceaary tlut payn tit kIiouIi ; inad tmiritdMt:ly. "ajr-Will bj pi Id i n Tn- d ij ot Jnusr, JZ. l-'ir" "B i ln'. a iir " -a'- ti llaiidoiiM HI Uir. Ocnji ging lu 4td htm S. P. ALEXANDER. am Januury 12, I-Cil fKcmovnl. rjl I K Hib-cr .bet lakrv linn iin-tlmd ol inGirminp JL nil pvrns iidtbird to li em A. AUxtutlw, 'ni lie hi renjuvod h.w i.tfire loune of' th? utfiMt k ll hiiiit'N Anierii ia Ho t , where he ear. By tn MiU'.d rfejdy V eitle the bu iitei ul' I lie mvi co staf Utetehii. 'I' he hi. b tuy ut' tit ceig tvirr) Ufe it dt b ed, tvutlr.rr-11 f t-wiiry lur h m hn4 hif Hi t t very one inUt b eJ mnl cuinuit r thisi notti e u p-fa.fml pt'lirat ou 'or the uitt-t ilu , aid On payment inoe' be ni(!e or 11 wilt be joit'e y nei;eaaary tu bnnif fcui. S. P. ALEXANDER. Jnnaary SI, l-5.1. il l Davidson College. i II K nuinlier ol eho arships riquiriu ny s rrso Jt luliun of the llu-trd of Trustees ot Iavidnon College, sdnpied on lhe V7lll of tlsri h ls.,l,lisve lieen so'd The scholarship scheme liciiig nuw sdnpied will gu mlo njieralion on Ihe firpt ol Jn usry, too, wnif-ii iimkee it luhiy inipnrisui that ' suhcniis iiqiinlaia their oh ig.iiuns prom plly. The I renttm-r lien by rmlirlrtf tan mu iM-fi'-era thai do if no prfpartrd lu imuu et-ietifi uitH uf cliolsarnh ffid to ei b-tnm-m ot piy iiipnt, itt dfpuxttu I erlificatca I ft lit Imids ut I lie Mev WilliaiMiHi. I). U, hev, A- lUker, Ht-v J M. Arift-ruii, uf f'ouU. Carolm, And Att ilulcbi- lon of 1 harlutle. K J MCDOWELL, Treaturer. Januiry 13 Jeji. 5 1 it 'I itD WVi- ru ('enn'crnl, Yorkville i.U aalmbury pspv-m will pi fit Ms ptL tuti ittr bv. ffflflK Msgi.i.aies of Mm k'tnburg coon'y are M. riq.itsied to atlend on Tue-day ol Jmuary ('oimiy t ourt lo eleel a Comity .lienor. County u'yeyor, and transact ether County Itiisiness. January 1, U3. 51 if M. HliOOM and T II. WILLIAMS, o Winibfro, . C' pro pot e (o l-avlt in ihf . in a of ('har'ofia a cUu l young fitefitn and lad it in Ue titi I art uf danci . at lea duliara p. r t'olar, or gU dullat and lino tli &vaid i of the leeii tm. Tim y teat h I ohllion. and all 'h" fanr 7 dancea, Kueh aa the IVka, Ujurlia. clutlipht Ac c, A at aaion wil rMnf4 oi aightetih itiwtuna Rffrrencea can had at W mnnboro, i elafflbia, ."'"tjrrrjr, h'MfrfiMd, tamlcr, Ac. 3 2 3 HOME, SWEET HOMI. Removal the Third ! ! V) nor Friends snd t u tomars we wan Id say. M thkt at last ws are kick at 00 r Old tl ns-r Mnitt X. nrrcliNNlS ltsv We b!tv we occupy th largel and finest room n the stale of fVsrih I arolina, anil that we hsv the laigesl focl( of 6oo(3$ ever brought to Inn plaie, ahich we intend selling at Prics sj l.swer thsii they sver were hereto fore oft fed in tins insikei Our u.o'li i I.asor ino QUICK SALES, AT LOW raiCti AKP SMOST rSVSirS ill Ibawa who will csil and examine shall be con. vineed thai we intend acting up to what we preach We have on hands a Isrge and well selected stock or DRESS AHD FAHGY Jill kBa'l,aaikSV rnrlfloU .TlnsIlM Al I'llMlri'a Kid Glssvt-a, .?.' nooTstimt snor.s, a Ltaoc lot er GUNNY II VCifJING, ItOPi:, Coals. Psnis. Va-'e, .-hiris. Mnrl I ullsrs, V orstea snd t oiton Drswere eVc, sVo. Cuusimtlljoii ImusJa InrcrSlack ml Ortt-ana and Vuao vatlo M Ci 1ICS. lewart'a Mram ?fi td A. and B. Stfmari'a Double lfinM ljf, Nrw Or! fan lOHMD, Viupovado 6 'I'riniHad do I e-t India do Martinique do Salt! Salt!! Salt!!! a I iso tot or IIHVtTal I3CH '. M.3sV. nrattis imii.v. .1 ?, if mil' stir ami Wtm . m any aeasTiTT Psll and see ns, as r- dtirrmx-td In sell C .! e mini snd teili have, if selling Isaac's will procure it. WILMA MS, DIXON II CO. January 13 13j3. 51u' Hew Firm. TUOTTEll&SON. FI' IK sulMiiker weulsl ii X form the eublie thai h I... iskn his son, W.M. p. 'I KOI 1 1-It, in a. a psri.,.., Ilie buti icss will be et.nduciii. in fu urs under lle sb.iv, nsme ai dsfyh, Thai.k'ui loi pst fsvitis. I respceifu ly so. licit a centinusnce l" S-n. THOMAS TROTTER. N, P. All those imeM.d k B...S Aceount in Vole t'r. n quested to coma and sell Is as mdulsenet cannot be ftvei-. f. 1' J-mns'y 12. iA 3. 5tr Notice, IA1AIN call nn hme moeb.rd ie Wihei It II' ' mske rwymenis, f.r ihe nrrr,n.'ST. i s ol thu lisc w til urn in in t of mifer inCe fane l'h eiedun-s ot ihe Firm fore sii lossy tnt it S. T. ALEXANDER, Agent. J.neary 12, ii S i. The l,nniMter ICnilr.'-nl. A'. S inee l.'K ot In, I oiumle loi.rrs au oitneO t l.aness'rr liurt-hons-, hs the chsr'er. t. nniirporsle the lisilroad Compuiv, tin fmlos'in; rrsolu loos weie psssed snd oreerec) be piiK i in d. Htmlctd. That the )ioSs nf snbrrii linn lo th. -pni aioi k of ihi conipmy beoned for lhe t'em d mu'e. t he-leiv lie n ute, snd Ridssesy nn Ihe fiit Mmirisv in I'rhrus'y nti',bein( the 7,h tsjp ol tne month, siid tni . pm n,t, usy., eU ine on -ne ffvenin dsy nf April rul. si lhe M 'owinf p'Sres, ai d ot dcr the direct i m of the follow r g I onirnMNiwiier. : AT MNf'ASl E'l TOL'hT IIOISE. f. C Iilt'to llirne. T. K Cn t mhi. J i.ns M. With- i i, Ii.emas w. Iloiy. W m. Mi K nns. W r I snih.ii, John Aiisina. W. A. .Mot,ie, II. K Price a d J.ote. K'.nm"'n- At Cjmdn, S f J ,hn Ilussc, W. Thurto snd t tiM h 'I rf'tn. ,41 tnn,aituth. A C Stmuel J. D.rkles. J C lls'nioi i d sim J if KulUnd. AI Laral.r f sif Unutt S C - J dm A. Dr.d!r .ir i.irftmtia a. c .-J4,,.e, v. I.vlee, J. Csldweli iln! J hh li row insn. AI lAsirser., N f.. 8. S Ksrrar. James T t'hamnrr- snd rri-rleur li r . Frtaer. ,4f I lylmrn't Ksre. I,i'rr DiUxel. T. I. ' lilnirl-, li ah i ...i- a, d -,rt r Jnhn-lon M tUi rs. ' U. A'mj'i. ui Di lrirt Wnii.n n,iir.i.n U in . ii n, r, a .1 J...-c limrdsle. Ai MiJm'tUtil tutr, kniit A 11.1 sli.i,,, . A. tr.umth snd J. II. l.(.l'. ill Lili-ny Hit. S. ( J.din liiuwu, L. O. fat eriMHi, slnl SnJ , tJu' nief httn. Ai rautot, A. L. l). If. Covinirton, W. W. II.. I, J. M. Stewsr . At lllui.'s .Slurs'l C'oanry. Ilujh Wil- mjii r? in. . .'w. si o J nn waiku. I IXON UWtNKS, v T. h. t'l'l!I.TU. J. II. W I I llr.ll.-l'iKlN, 'I Hi i MAS V . liffcY, Ccminissioriers V.('.t:ALIIIN, . J ill.N AIMMS, lLsncssterC.II W. . Vi ().,r, I H. f . IM.ICK. I J V Mt r UoLI.NSO.N. I January 12 J8..3. t3 figf' iVotice. If AVINt; inkon letters IrsLiinenlsry frnm the wi.A ( ourt of rieas and U isrtur eesainns for Un ion t'oiiniv, at the January Term, lr53. nn ih rslsla ol Junes M llouslon, deed, snd ss eieeulrii l aerordinj lo las, I shall esp tl to (..r. uc m, on Hie Villi rln y ol Januiry Inslant n e lol' ar'jrls nf xitxMtXv. Imlotit? ii r lliit aiid cmaiH, v 1 : J'ht valuflUlo and wrll krtuwii Grist and JS.iw 31 ills, nn Twelve Mile I reek. helonginj to die'd. and for inerly owned hy liowatd and hy Wolf together wiiii ine pisniaiian or one jeunsjL tundred a:r s. upon whieh -m II II is -a uiey sie siiusiea. on a ereun sw-wm UjUj I ol one and I wo Vesra. f Also Him Vsnee Irscl. on the public rosu, nh 10 contain MIj e es. Also I wo town lots in Mon roe Also a large quantity uf t orn, HVifrt, I'oiltlcr, Oat,if c. .a'e to lie on Ihe prem.aee. where the ri ceased formerly resided, when and where terms will oe made known. I hose prrsons having ( laims sgainst the estate are . quested and lierrliy lotihed lo present Uipiii in the legal prescrils d tune, or this notice will be plead 111 bar of their recnveiy j and those indebted will please make piymen immedisiely K L. IIOUSIDN, tlxtrutrit. January i, lr53 il,. INotice. i I.L pemnis nidi blio J ime Knbinsne, dee'd. JTSk will make imiHifia'e payment lo me. All bavins; e'sims strsin.t said teiate, will present them iceorniiig 10 law, or line lioln e will be p'ead in bet jf lb ir ree"T. S. P. ALEXANDER, Adm'r. January 12 tW. Jhf . . GOODS ' mam i i WWJE would respectfully announce to the citixens of Charlotte and "urroundini. V lsr lev thet w s are rinw rorAiviniv anrl nnAninnr in 1trawlns Vab. o HtlQ. J. B. KerrV Hotel, our FIRST STOCK firm in the Northern Cities, consisting of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MBTW (BCDdB Groceries. Hardware, Chitlerv fisagguig, jsvope ana & wine, SBeebe's Leary's 8u Benin's fn HATS, IXTegro shoes and blankets. and in fact, everything in our line of businesa. From the LADIES we would solicit a call, assuring them that we can and will Uki pleasure in showing them much more than we could possibly enumerate here. At our GOODS were bought exclusively for CASH, we feel awured that we will t enablea to offer m great INDUCEMENTS, and as OOOD BAKQAlNaao purchaser! u any other concern in the place. ' We solicit a call, aud although we can make no preat display in advertising ve ... mine you we can iu the QUALITY and CHEAPNESS of our GOODS. ' ? Oiarlotte, January 4, 1953. WHOLESALE and ELBTJklh 1ITE re pectfully announce le the rimi s o V V ceivrd. and new Her for sale at Heir .VU, opposite Kerr's Hotel, a large slock nf G- JEL O C ES 2FL IBS, ctec:, CONSISTING IV PAKT OP ' Crushrd Cls'iflrd and Drown &l'lAI(, J.iva and Km CllH f I., S'ensrt's best SYRUI'S, Caudlee, Kica and Pepper, THEY IIAVn, Al.o, ll0 A TOCK OF Gunny and Dundee Bagging, Negro BLANKETS, H00T8 and SHOES, 111 of which we iiilrml lt -l lower nm erer be lure ef. feretl in thia unirlsel. n , , nnouw at mtAu i.i v. Charlotte, December 15, 1S52. .ji f t'PEKr'INK No ihern ms CAKKIAt.K aid llAKNr ,mf. S ir. OVERMAN & WILSON. Jsnusrv 13 InjJ. 61 u .f iJttt or Letter REMAINING in IhsrVst Office for Ibe quar. ter snd.i.j Uecsoihsr 31, Iei2 A J Johnaan, fain O ' Mrs Ann Joass. Fslli- K 14. Kennon, C H Kel'v. Junes Ksrr J q M Kock. Ur . I yles. J V IL n Lewis. Wea U Lloyd, Henry J Auten, Freeland. S A 'sanuer, Mrs r-ussn'h atarga el fc - tar.b F " I r A (reeel'y " llsniilien LK " Lyili G All'S-in, Heine A Aadersne J M Kef A eras. T 3 all son. VI us E A Ahrsns, T W u Rnford J imee Bnrkell J H.irnoll. J II BVaiy. WFiCt Harnrlt. Mrs VI A Howsrs ftiehsrd Rnlton. I.' W W F Pr B sir. Thmnae Hrenl. I tvmss C Bowman vV tn y Bmksr, Win ReNtd. Nsmusl A R a. k, Thomas A Hlsrk. ol John llm ksrman, II Rsksr J-sse Blunt. UenrfS VV Millar John L V 'Cinn, Ceo'ge M'Anhor, I. wis Msfeall, Vlrs -usan C Montgomery. Ko sit Marl n, r.hl ibeib M-Csu sy K U VI'Kalvay, John VI VI in.m, Hiss V) J D Vfsis, Mrs .Wli s Vl'Whorier, John K Vforris. .VI ss Ainsndo , VI'C.II, Mm -slh !l N rwuod. Win iNolui, Vlrs iWry ols', IsatM ila K Nusl Ila iid lorwewi, Jseok M Xi Orr, Parsh J tlikl.y James Owen, George W Osbwurn, W 0 I FVtl.s, .vlsry Ann Bar, hill, Robert C Caulhee, Juha T ' ruse a Hen t'rsig Themas t'rii'snden, I. -S Esq I sllnwsy. J VV rostUnd B r Csrr. Win ( snipbeil, Isase Esq farksr. VV ui C Polls. J .l.n rinsr. Junes fsliSOR, Mittf Pm rr Clisiies W I'll k s Henry J PbJsn, W l Query, J .liu or hairs 3 Win si hiiti 1 ft Rirhsrds. J lines Kobssun, I. I i RnlMSon. R J Kng. rs. J VV Uinkin, John .9 lloiris liebeoea 3 Kediillrs tlt.ueihS X Smith, flurtnn 3 Swann, Jasper M sei rlsi alley Mary, a Hhosmsn, A Y jtsvers, Henry, Schorl, J II (Sunn y, Wm II 3 sterling. Vnsa ,11a ry E A i real, Hugh M 3 , Springs. H ts L I lifmn, J I I hslmsrs. Or I ellon, James K Coogler, r-smuel t reiirliion. Joseoh M rswloril, Hubert f 'astle Peter Clark, Hunting Catbsy, iMs'giret 3 1 Davis, We W Dr Mamuel N C U amiil F Or J I 3 J .mas Q llaiwerm. Jamas II Horsey, Henry llennis lotin Iter kits C F UaVioiun, John, Esq 1. F.ller, Joseph r.rwm, W C ' t i. P Flsgr Sl Co. s'age sgte 'rsi.rmsn, liv Karmw, RevTM 3 Fnrsiuaii, llavis cVaiiiuel. a set rant S. oil, J M ouiiiinere Wm o'need Joeepii G .Searcy Kielisrd .Viiinmerville, K J Smalt, Wm Springs Sl Wiihore rpeniier, Goodman 3 Springs, .Vlisa nt-arfcil, iViaradon (oan, W'm B Slewsrt Nseliel K Mi.lweli, John 3 T Tayart, IMis Nam y I inner, r-yilney 3 I orreuce, Chariea L V Vans, John W W'iliams, Luef A Ww.dren, M It W.iuiiis, Wire Fliisbelh W'stson, I saae ts Wilson I snder Win.e J U VV aker J tl Rsy 3 Vt ails Juim U.kerJohnV Waikina F I. W hitlow, ie.liuis 3 V Ysary, Jaaies Hornet's Nest S Fowler, Wells a rsy, Mrs anr W CI nn, Ifavid F rier, K C Crier, tiol W M tisnttsnd, VtissSaean Cray, J ilin C jrier, .VI r. Oorrae eniry, M.rlin VV Cialian, J A. f M II llendi rnn r ,tf . flurris, Culuiau llanherry. Ur II R tlmiaei, A lea Miindlay, Jnn lloes, lirs Jeremiah ll-line, A It U W Henderson, Philo llsywood Asia Hope, tteoign N 3 W B 2 llannon J,'sse ll.inl.C W How.ll A ILiiris, Charles 8 linriiian, N Howard, J M Hu'Chisoit. Ady Howe r, opllrllla HsnderiOM Mrs M D Uipp, Mra Margaret ill! ALXAMOtR UKAUAM, . H AND I mm OF GOODS, which were bought by oneTil! " mm. CAICnO.V 1VA'I0 A: IM.ori.raj OOtf AT t' ." spit ik. mKI irrniif iltvt . k. store in MR. BRdWLt'Y'Jl AIV UKlCK BUILD I Mu-cvadn snd Cuba MOI. 4SSIS rii(ar II Hje elj Ts. of s i binds, l fs. sli and Vin'rvr. stvtt CJrerb Arntlrnty. A Si'HUtM. under the shevs de-ign ition w ilts Jm. pened for ihe reception of pnpus, nn i" l-i . dsv nf J .nos y, ns.ier the sii'Tima ef K. W. B Fsissiy. Sir. ie a f rsdusie ol En. bine i'alieie, a gniamau ui a. in sisvueHOi e leeching He win prepare JfObng men lot ad.m.i. into sny of lhe coll geelassee. and g.e ib.rua(li a irueluifl in Ibe rknnjes ususHy taught in aa aa. demn-sl mire. The sehnls. tie jeer ill ewnsisl of two sc-ihsi, o' five monms es. b. Tbs laua of lu liun aim fnlhnes. v S : F.lrmemers K..ili-h B-snehse per session. IS fcaiflish Cramoi.r, Gsograpliy, llialory, eVe. M Cl-a-ies, 15 j G.l bosrding ran be i b sired convenient iv m iedi-rjiy st ic d-illars per m villi. The loeaixMa is ems mile, Wvai ef rhsilattr. m e bealihy ririge and In tbe aild.C ef a mirai sas u- telllenl e,,ti4ff,,,n;iV( Drcma -t J9 Iti.i.'. jntf DRUG STORE. 1 9 V II R siiheMrs rrs a 1 Uft f. Hwi.d and I-. in-" nirfOjeCii!! FlCa New Iledicdl, Dr Chemical h'i; ' ' assj. r m amy am m in t hftolla, nril d-mt i K. Ku 'ing Sic i o ' t in( iofs, wltf-rn Hiry wiM ! plttssarif to c 'it p Bt4 no diif;i'af ancU b mtnif Jrrai:riH tona ft ho tnn-a a Miy tw i-irtd riilir- W ft in thia vie. in y Ihi-y Inn by tarn 44 ' tiitlt d aUrit liun ft uina, to inanl the awH 4ttd ptrun( nf a port on ot Una chhh. um(f A lifiiplvfieaimiriina'ii uimvt ty arti -Ic in ih ir lir.a iU hm kfpt on htn I. tnyihitr a a gvrirl at'c k ot Fancy Artifirs, Vetfttmrry, Hair lrvhn FU'ih Hru$hrs Feth (Huir$ Co tig mi M afrrt Cartfrn 'rrtls. ) t Jjurn nig Final Cantj'Jti'f. tj-c. rhrateiaut. PUtiii-raand f-'armwri. and i f art e i i in thir Mne. will do II I t ! I nf in and inakH u h exinin4liona aa will b" ceaairv in ihnw lh bUi.itfa ar il iliJ hoat q n 4hd at l"W (ultra. MMir-K A. II r.i n r. i 111. Ck-trloft Jnnntmyb If '3 iiMf WITH SPARIIAWK,liUNTON&WUnT First loer err TAirrf, Siiel Snr, SIUjjSJiI'BU. t. r.srsuw, wn son huntom, i ih . writs. II K ds.-sirnid 1 tiers lor I... Ilrij'k lliitlrt I Lot in the low., of Chsrloits. sum"' .... VI... .i,.l in lh. IMnrlli r'asU!' portion ol id low n, 'ho luis ol J t . hsill snd lr. M. M tltr. II not so d pnswl1 I uesd.iy of tha I ou n I y Court, it will I sold at pub lic sale lo lhe high, si bidder on thai day I'ei"1 1 wishing lobuy will spp't tu Wm Johnston, r'" or to JUII.N II. " Jmuary f. 8;,3. To ally Href t untotitrr. A LI, persons llidel.liil lo me lor Heel pure... I.I. persons indeiitid lo me lor Heel "l,r il. duriiig the past sesson, sre r am uu J H nurd lo ea I on my agent, Win r .C md make p ! 'Ill i ediately. ss Ihis " '"' j flesible rule. Ahoit selilemetiis make long l""' ' JUBUAN t MM IU Jmmntryh 1-51. Equity S.'ilcs . a ft m4s (mm lh CTnllft . ...... ... .... . , ti n t a mm. akin acni a a gi the Court tinuse in I liailolle, W "l ,1.. 'I'....,l.u ,.i j IV I l.i O'Vil. ...lii iwn v .luitt 1 I ne.a"1 Land, mm ennlsiniu, 814 sen s. end kni.enss llrr Ireel, and lh other raiitaiumg ICS "c" ''u known ss ihe Hankm tra t. bntii ly I "' ""'"'u, neif h'Mirhood and loniiely esnrd hv ' Ales sudor let ins- 13 months' enJr, " . est Umm data, by gising Im.d ai d approved" :,. p.HHIiNU.ii;1- as at . ,. . ah a affiTTVaa'l mm