iufca Hitman rTaltr. BARRY'3 TKIcOPHEHOUi.For tha Ililr, ,d lur affecliona of ihe skin and musclea. lhi ,M..inn eland, (lone, and deftae rilfy. Thi. n? I'i'ta,ta to -""-d la""j Du " " "' nn, 'I'ticophcrnti. seems lo change Ihe ry '""'re ol h 11 ll,r"h' il ' 'd"d 3f. B,"'l iie. flosay and luxuriant. Boruff and jdri ff" !ij-oned nd extirpated by it. use, and ,r ,, on me i illamcd cut or punctured akin ia "'m'der'ul. The pri.'a ia aatoniahingly low only 7'niep ' bottle retail. fisher, helm rsn. J ,u ,ry5.1B. Su-f Executor's Sale. S Tii'HiJ'J of J iiiuary Court I wI vil lo lha 0 higheel bidlur.in me town oi uiiartoue, One Negro Boy, -,m,d Osco, aa'uabi. hviiao servant For eharao. i , .lid q isHiee of aanl boy, refor lo Jemca A. Sad. i( oh.r'uiio and lo F- Kennedy, Esq , of Ilia Alli,.rican llte, C'-ailcto-t, S U. lertna Nolo p liable in Bank at ail oionllia, its uilcr.at ,rom dale. K. M. ALIXNDI R Exttvfr af Sueauiiau RudiaiW dccM. ' Parisian Hair Dye. NEWLY d' red prepar.uen fur proluci-if nil Ihe natural .hade, from ln.hl brown lo b ark ,i M.inuan, wiihiul iijirji to lha akin. Tha ,i,ha.:ribcis ha" received a Iiother aupply of lha a .. erne:, which Ihey iff ' l N'eir nail lo E lulling., Cu'e e'othmr . .. fc- 1 HallER AIIEINITSII. Jinair. 5. IMS. W-'l" J. IMC I 1ft .V CO.' HEF RESHMEHT SALOOH. BKBtlVa ."aja.' i - HAVr. joei opaned In lha lor pirl of II. B. Willi.ina'. Large Brick Building, a Maw and p'i'did SATING AKD DRINKING id arhirh every pne.tl.le T.riety of eaablee and I (,m kild'a that minai.r lo Ihe neural or arlim-Ml l.-lri am kept and lur lH .a moderate j ure Ti at nave ; u'ljs.ehs, $icW-s, eicjr i t hewing Tobacco, ; indeed every thing of lha very beat quality tbal I vr brought In Una market. ' -('nine and are ue and you ebalj ba traalad gea. ; .Wciauly andcoorlaouaty. ' J BRIAN aY CO. I rierS3, 18ia. 43 r I'. . ve ili not baahla lod't full juauca in tlif Hiatila line until after Ilia lat day ol Jaiiuiry. Uiinurial cepr. J. B. at CO. To lltf Old Customer. AM noej rmplord in lha I'hop ef A. Bclhune 5 4. I 'a., where I ahall ba pUaMd lo aea my tld fiienda and t'uatainora whenee-r lhy rinn ta itwH an J waut anything dona in our line of Loai 6 K. M. KUBINO.V. J,mi-39, IP5?. 49if T I'lirincr P.i Iron. ; I B A Vl ha'n for anma yeara paal engaged in ill Ihe lawn of Charloila aa Inn Ke par, and llninj m ihia eapacily. aij-yed a large and liberal togrre of p ihhe fior and pairongo, a eenaa of gra il ted to my many frieode pr mpte ma t-i reeort lo jt a iuu!ie iiiil'ind of returning lo Ihem nif einezre k .tnka and truleful arknol.dgm.T.i fur Ihe mjr.y e .dTx-ai.d faaoia which I bare heraiofora race i ih. r hande Ferinil ma, than, Iroin my auli. jdii. li ihcr 1 hare retired u-mpmarity, f ir Ilia of na'ing myaa fend fn. y. lo relurn lo hi mi meal grate'ul ai-knowli dg.neoia lor paal V"''. ami 10 tipreea 10 you my iaiu-e for yur fu lire aalfara and bapiiiiiee, I JaMFS A. SADLER. I Ck.,l.tH. rrrmer27, 19J3. Ii ino'-rt ropy. . lew Goods. nl ?. I.ae rreird aor emd eupply ol WIN Ti to tiOIJOS, and are ae eimoue aa any c .! lo all UieU'. all and arr thi-m. UUt.U &. JullNSlON, I o I ti-anile Kange. r.frmarr29, If 52. 43 If NEW 150 OK STORE I l CIIAULOTTK. 1 inr. 11 it rv st co. J ," RK. no rr"img and op'inng a Large, New and Xptrndid Aaiiorliiti'iil of I IKIOKS, s TATJO.NAKY 1 isnirriso 1 rar or tiio ruLL'iwi.Ne worn, ait; j Win', I, if, nf Pairick llnnry, I AMia..na II aniry of Kurop-l, f Tiia Vv-rty N.a a, I I'r I'hnl'iiefa'a Worke, lia'i wifr Worke, I N(krp-im. Uiirna Hyron, All lha Worka of lha 'Modern Poala, I 1''ie l.ifc el p'.inmett. ) Rinrrod'a Id lory of lh Unii'd Suite, 1 ! I'iinliliti.iii of the l! "Hed .V'l. a, 1 1 l.e (,r.-k leoiaioeni and l.niron, t ToutTiiaa with i.L aimii or l School Books, j aid oTiica. ! LiTr.t:.ittv ivoiik, a r,v di-aonplioii, which are eter hruoghl lo Ihia I 'irirry, 1 "ui lernia will he of the mnel modrrato charae ' if VAII. Call next duor to Kerr a II. Ii and f iJiiima) lur jO'irtoUee. f J. IIARTV . CO. ft'imbr 29, 18 2. 49 f MOUVr CAKMP.L i KMAI.i: ACADICMV. 1 H MiLCe iovth or CHaai.OTri. (JTSK( (I mm, II,.) will begin Jininr .-I h fJ3. in thi'gn of Miaa. I,. M. Lh.nuob a. -a a aufn ini number of Aaahant. uui rra eaaeioN or 5 nonthi : I i"ij. Wriiinf, A'Hhinetic, and Geigraply 16 'd. 11 r..t (.andlia. 3 rum 1.11 Punn, Klre, J per month fioin time nl r''n,ie 1'. No deduction, ece.t lor inahihiy rickneta lur lha mare of I niomh. Siinle,, l' 'rm.giy ,g,i u,r iheir bfel intrrol and thai ol f ' vIiihiI, io enter at, or beloia, Ihe fnat of the h-iat. I f. B. WATSON. R 1. M. I.KK. J ""-" er 21, IPJ3. 411-lf j LKWISVIMaK j IT.llAIal) SI131IAUY. f !'" ail.ra oar or rimeim vil.l.n I KKV. Jd. Ml-DONALD, tsitr. r- ... u i I'rliu lpnl. i ul,rili ia Ihi aurieua Drpittmtntt, J1'"'' s' holaatic rear will be dindrd into two eea. i na of 'i Mnnlha eai h, commencing 0:1 the I ' i1 J inu.ry an.l Imh ol Juiy. a t rma n. li wi r...t r :.i.i. .n,i .. m.mntt " itsiifiig, A ue', i-,ijii im neer in xcte iiU lor one aeanioii "tid Orneiiieiilal branchaa cttra, at moat f '"wble r..l, lt ' '"wind mini be jinid ml Mt taef a eerA I Jf a ' ,e',enl Pttpt'' ' 'l0,'tel f'OO ol 4'" " 'ifeiilarcontiinine full particulara.addreae W J"1". I"ui.yilie P. O., MiMiti Ih.irici.ft. C. - " tin,( ljf nuire i gircn, a rarnage i I nieel , 1 n .nmn.j ( ,, lmt 1utu Uul un tht Y'-llo dk 8. C B.'l Kind. It-.. rr.aEe:a 1 4 , ., i"V- " M'i bar. J. P, Rich a 1 neon ; ,1 v cnxirxc t ,,(,' ' l"t.r, and tha pairvna of lha aoliool ii.! . FISHER, BlIiflUGIIS I CO., In the lirick Building; adjoining Sadler's Hotel. The rotnplclinn orthe Clini'lolle ICail Koad furniHlirsfhc tili zeim of Charlotte niul mirrouiKliiiK country with the ppi timity to punhiibc AT GREATLY RI,lUCi:i IMCICKS FOR CASH, SUM & JAKGI DHT GOODS, 1 Carriage Sing,, Aid aud Trimmings, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS ud SHOES, IRON, STEEL and NAILS, ruints. (Jilt, Varnish, and Dye Sniffs, BLACKSMITH TOOLS & MATERIALS, WLNDOW GLASS and PUTTY, Sperm, lAnsecd and Train ., GLASS and CROCKERY WARE, AND A WELL, SELE( TED STOCK OF mm Charlotte, December 1 , 1 852. Carolina Female College. fT bcrooue li'iei-aar. in new of Ihe deprarily of aonia. and tha credulity of other., to place before Ihe Public, a Maiemenl of f.i-le in leVrewe In Ihe allliciion which ptnailiH in Carolina Female CoMrge, during a pir of the Amu nn j i.l i l twi. Eirly in 8..pieiober, lha Trphonf Fevr made ila appearance in lha vicinity ol Ihe (-llire, but none of lha Studeuie were tflVcud by it unul the 5th o October. The nun.hrr nf Slodenla in Coll. ga al thai lime waa UO. til ihia uumber, e gln, a) aid nv al ti e Cultrgt', had Ihe Kver. O.ln r wi ra ii.Ci'inwrd heeme aoma of Ihe rymptouia of Typhoid Ferei bu' lhay q iickiy recoevrrd. r lOin nrai 10 l.ai, auuin v woiu unweii , ..hub bo allgtllfr, that they dl rrgerlrri ll. A few, who lelt al Hie firal appoaiance ol the Fi Tor, wtre taken au k , at home. Oilier., whu Icll ba bia we hid any alllic I inn, beraiiia tick, ai d of thai number, one died. ! Two, of Ihe number uk in Colli ge, died. Al mil lime did we have ecrcdiu' iwu c.aea together ul i lha Fever, i ho'ifh uio.-e ol the siudenl. may have br-en unwell el Ibe .nine lime. Report, indu-tr i,iu ly rireulaird, bad lha whole nmnbrr ul atudeme unwell, and 25 01 3D proolrale wi h Fever. Nuinberr, howevLi, hit in ptrlect healh, and aon a whu elaid. luve roniinotd wcil all the lime, Iri many in.tenrvr, Parenir, who lame for Ihur daughtera, allai-d that III-y wuu'd have remained at home if ihi y had kno.n luel. i i the ceie, but a ihey had come, and the girla wore auxioua to tee home, Ihey wo'i'd laku then', Homaol our P.'ron. dinlikcd the eacion nf pay ment lo tha cloe of Ihe Sweion. but in the absence of any rAing militating. Ilia 'I'tuilce. regarded t-ia imp.pfi.nl to their owu protection; and who cannot ee biw diaatrou.ly it woold operale f;aiiia' the In IHUMon, il Ihu. unraremuuiou-ly ita eicrciaca can be arreted, and ita duo. a sloect 1 P.truoe were el'i cully notified of Ihe true .late of ilimga; but the circu a. niii of eu many refiurts u,dut-cd Uieiu to come and aea for Iheinaeive.. In view of all the furr g ling facia and circu"lan. ca. the Truteer, .1 a iiiietmg hvH ihe laal ut Ocio. bcr. paaaed umi.l-njuaiy Ihe following reaolu riti, t : It' inter J, That, aa S orkhulderi and Truatree ol C. F. College, while we bow in eibiiuejieii lu tha will of I'ruvideore in removing by Ou.lh two of Ibe Studenta ol ihia Inalilu'ion, we lee I delerm:nrd lo eicert ouraelvee in aearching out, and remmi g any thing, which, ay fmlility, might bare conlribuud to prudura lha t.vtr wnh which we have been viai. led : and ait ill believine; that lha Location la not oh j ;tlioi,abli , in any Krtac. I, we bupa our P.Uuna will not abandon tie. To the oholenf ihia I murl clirrrfu'ly Pub.c ib.-. and have yrl lob': cunvinctd that a more healthy place can be fuuud thau ihe ai'anf C V Cillega. T R. WALSH. N. B. The fi't Pe'.ion, ol J3, will open the 12th of Jatioery. P..iri. are earneaily rtqoe.trd to aend or krii-glheir i)iuiiilera l me cwiiiuiencemenl of lheSe.i'.n. Tuiiii.q and B i.rd pr Seion.of 5 niooiha, fi,'.' 0, payable in advance. Muaie, Draw-Inr- P.iu'iTitf OLt. ih.rgta uioderalo- Drtimmrt -fl I "St. l Valuable TOYVA I'KOI'I IM I OR SALE. f M II F. anbacribora ill offer for eil in tha Tnwn al ef Ch.rloita, on Tui..lav, Hi" 2jih day ef January neit. (it Ixing lha Tu.ad.vof J.nuary Court.). II of Iheir hignly I;tllafcfc ikf.il f.A.iff, lying im II. a centre and ntnai deeua'ile pari of tha; 'I own of I harlnlta liereiolure known a. j SADLER'S HOTEL f$ I hfl prnprriy Kill h hvdd into 11 fnia 3 of which will itont on T von Mrt-et, 1 H bn 2ft iroi froitl, and H w ill be li7 iunin bn k I9l trvi, and b Minded imi one a d ty II If. if haii'i'a i.mo j ft'ii b lluitditig and "f. tint ut' ar by ibe llulch mn t 1'iuperfy. 6 I will front on I ril .S'ir. a l lyitiir KMtnrd.fttefy blrw 11. II W iiriaima'a inre t Hrtck Duildin '. ttd wilt 33 fcml from each, mid ; rumiMin bark 140 fret. 4 dl linnl ,Unt 1ui i .Nrret, frtiltt.p 29 Iret by 198 hnrk l here il ba k lol 9'J Irvl by 60, ly it.g Iintn d airly bliit.d the floit htMJii I'rnpaj'iy aiMl j tn tf Id .No. 3 on I tf. I on Street, hijti will Im pu d al tin smih Ihiiv ai d plat'd. Ilna prprly a'l It' a itiniilii'i,l nrMind , and aHjMtniiif II. H VV illtaina LarH Hn k Uui d idg. and ia Mitboul doiilit the U al rr.il aiailf r olf'-red fr aile in V atrm Norib noniu Uai.da and Hpp'Oft d et-cunly w il Im rrqitirau from i ur-! rh-aefp. patablu otif hill hi Hank hi ntnely 'lay, ibe othrr half in a x tieutl.a, all berin, intcr. at (rum date. J MK A SAhULKK. S P Al.KX MHi. CkorUttt, DtetmlfT 21, If-lit 4ta ikwins1iltgc;l.s .ii. a, I. ran in- i:ir, RF. now rcciivirg a raw I I of .11 wool Ie JfaA laine and Caeiiioeiea. Valval Itihlooa aud heavy iik Frmgea, which Will be aold very low. Our ato-k nf Maple and Fancy Good, ia now full. Give ua a e.'l. Veeembtr 15, 1HS3 Stoves, &C. Tnl! K auhacrihpr ha. joat received a eupply of A Cocking and Par'or Slevca. Alao, Fancy Tin Ware, cheap for CASH. R. W. MOORE. WmrVr 29, 1P52. 4 Mf $100 Kewanl. KANAWAY, during tho month of ScptemfH-r la.t, from Ihe plantation nf lha late Mra. Martha Cunningham, in I.ancaaler Dial lit, South Carolina, a n irro man named JI M, aaid negro about 40 yrara of age, a mulalin, about 5 ti ei 8 ur l) inchaa high, alonp ahouldered, and look down hn .Miken to. Aa ail'picion reele upon him aa being implicated in the murder of Mra Cunningham, he hat nn doubt absconded from fear of Ihe eonmi'iui net.. I will pay tha above reward, if dillvcrid at any I'd 'o Ih.i I can gr him. HtRJII SUVIMERVILLE, Adm'r. ifiata of lata Mra. Cunningham. December 22, 1852. i9 FA R M E II S' A TiV PL AX T Fit A' ALMANACS rorlSJ3, fur sale at this Office Carptnlcrs't Tools of all dt scrijition, GUNS, GUN APPARATUS, 4c , Sjiadcs,Sioiels,Hoes, Axes,Cross Cut Saws 4Gtf SADDLERS' AND COACH-MAKERS' II A UDWARE. fcc. THOMAS MACKENZIE & SONS, No 222 Baltimore Street. Baltimore, f VrOuTKRA-id Det'ert in II Skmn, Sadd'e X I f o-i, K t i h ll-af.. and Kci-in, Girth Vitb, biirrupit, IlitniP. Bi lj. At n.. Sui tum Axlr (if M It ii Otar-h I.are. HKN I' 11 I.I.O Hubs. Sit k''. Crfi-inifS ftii'l Ihu B !'. P41 tit laiifn-a. ('tttpcitiitf, ti(J 1 rny mtir c (iiuii CM'd with ei her Kmiirh til the Im-itu;--, khi-h lny mm reared to ffcr li punr utl cu i.int mi id go hi term any 01 bar houe iu lh U i'td Sfi. Afrtila ft-r ih -le 6if Ar'j-ittmf PADH and Speticei UUi TKKKS. UL Ordiii iiromfitlv ai'-iHtH t'. AdHraoa THOMAS MACKENZIE & SONS, No. 2 ii.liinui'e .Vtr.a BALTIMORE. December IS 1632. l oitur iinil ' I lie. HAVfM; diacontiniicd the Tailoring Biiainera in the Town ol Cliailolte on my own reepnn aihilily, I ile-iie all poraooe indebten lo me either by N ola or Book Account, lo come forward by J inna ry i ourt neil, and pay up, otherwiao their Cable will bo found in the hand, of an oftVrer. M M. KOIIINON. Charlattt, Dtetn.Ltr 22. 18:2. 4Jo JOHN HARTY'S NEW l UlIK SuluciiVr ia now hppy In inform Ihe eiti. A a na ol Charlotte and the .iiriounding conn. Iry. thai he ha moved into hie New Nhnp, on Col hga atreel, iniiurdia'e'y back of Saddler. Ilmel, where ha . now re.dy to aMeod to all hu..inee in hia line. He haignl the be.l of Wo kmen, i nd ia Ihi -fore determined lo do Ihe heat, and ni"t feahion.. b e work, ever put up in thta town and at inoder ale pricca. irRf PAIRING done neatly and in durable manner, by t alliug al theahopof. JOHN II ARTY. D crmb-r, 22, 1652. 44 if ,;it i:at i:iiu ( ti). : DAGVERnEOTYrES at Half I'rice! ! SpkniliJ Likenesses for only Sl.50 fr p AVIMi rreently bought in New York at a StA gr. at ..crilii.-e, a lot uf m.teri.l, a a are ro.hl.'C), ('Oily win n ihey la.) io fi-naii ar.aLLT riir ricruara-intl coR.iot I iKKMisar-a wabhaniild Ktca to ranr.. at tin, loltowmif u pieiileni. dly Low raicfta wnnh are le.a than ever oeto.e otleied in ihi. ia e. l.i The uaual 13 .it i in fine morocco cj.- a (plain) only. (I ill 21 F-ne double mororcn caa.a, for g oup. con I a in log I . o likeneet-a different ieraoo. it epa ate pUtea (plain) heretofore 96 UU, now rtdcoed iaoi.lv. llllU 3c1. .upcrh papier iiiAehie book caaea, inlaid with pearl, newe.l ii vlea iiK-ludtng tikeuea.ea, rulurd lion. 7 Ull lo only, 3 5(1 plelldld i-oloied Uaifoerreolyjiea laken it all pri I fee, from 1 1 .fU io .1500 according loaise. aiyla of ciae, l.oi kel, Irnm. kc. Ileiier Li.uiie.Me - finer picturee more atiperh'y col.ued .it'l at Um prn-e Unto at any other O-il le y in Nvrih i .rolma ! and taken eqoally well n elo dv aa in clear we.tiier. A large ...orinieiit of hue gold and cheap Lock II a al l oal Pdiniing.. f i-gra. i ga, Duguerreoiypea, Vc cor. rec!y copied lo .ny .-an 'I i or.-uK'ily pr.ciii al iNeT.i'CTtoKa given and all m itenal. turiti.lied- CIIAKLnl IK HAfJLT.I'IO UN (JALLIIIV (W it.iiE .Y 1 1 AL'OHTt a. Proprieiora ) No i.r .oi h Ku.. over 'I roiici. tora December 15 18.". J 47 if Groceries, Groceries, l.'i I'ct'i irs ! !! JUST receiving Ihe largcat and moat eitenaive atock of Groceries and Provisions, Ever oil", red in the town of Charlotte, conaialing of 6tm Si k. Salt, 20 Palea (iiinny and Dund.e Bagg.ng, ill Coil. Knpe, Still do. Twine, III Hilda, Sugar, new crop, 211 Bill. I limned andCruahed do. SU Uaga II io UofToe, 10 Java do. 50 Hh'j N.O. ,Mo!a.Bea, new arop, S llhda. Cuba do, 5 llhila. Ilaron Sidea, 1110 Hide l.iqunra of all kinds, M uiler u and Alal.iga Wtoea. Wi h Tnriona oil er articlca uiuilly kept in tha Grocery Line, auch aa Ktee and heene. Pick lee and Peppcre, Lard and I audle., Kal.ona and Almonds, fclarch and boap. Soda Diacuit and Soda, Pepper and Spice Ginger and Madder, Jodigu and Copiwraa, 'I ahacco and .-rgara. Teas. Green, Black and Gunpowder, Which I will aell low for CASH or exchange for lOUN'IKY PRODUCF., audi aa Cotton, Flour, I orn. Meal, Dale, Rya and Peaa. Peraooe would do well to call be lore purchaaing elsewhere JJ-AIao, on conaignmen', 800 l'. N. Irlti&lirfi, in good repair, at 12 each, SAVE SO IES3Et AND BUY YOUR II IIM! iinui, niuin. n nTHHT ii i) m v ui r v d n r r n it BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BOHHETS, IMMKETS, nAiiFPiniii rnnno nn nvmr iniiiiriin OP ELIAS ,Vo. 2, December 1, 1852. Harness and Saddlery, ""a-o-wnuw.biV tTiM.iA.ii j. iLinni:ic J A VIM; u-t received al hit old aland one door Ji belnw her e llolrl and nearly oppoiie Braw. leva Brick bui dinir a larva eaMirlment of Ihe be I maieriala of all Cinrnp, ion. and hnvtng emphysd aome of the hcai workmen, ia prepared lo make o' every dcairiplion and Iimviii,' uu h.nJ a U'ze lot of fine TrfintHings and Mounting, he will ta able lo c.oopele wi h the beat thon in ihe Stale al reduced prices. All kind, nf CoiiiHr)' Produce token in enchvuee lor wort .1 He ilk'h- i Maikel pricca. Ihartatit, ieeem'rr a I, I'OJ 4t ti STOVES, PARLOUK and l,'i Oh I li J.,.i , ,.d at PAlikS i liLTtlll-ON Dretmher I, 1852. 4i,f Notice to the M.t'xisltitrc. fJlTBLIJ online i. lien l,y given, th.-tt applira lion ill be m4dc to the prcxent LrpnilHiure. In inrorptialo iho Kuipiie ami Noilh Carolina .Mi ntng Ciirnnanv. l tctn.br, b, 1;2 H9 To Thosr who Oick .Tr?. VI.L peraons indebted to nic. either by Note or Honk Acconi.l. are rennii iiuily rcimcied to i ome forward and pay their desta. aa I am deter mined lo aeltle up my bu.iuiae immi'dtnely. J HKIAN. ( har'atte, December 8, 1S .2, 46if To ui' Oclilur. VI I, pemona indcbied lo me, either by Note or B.ik Acrniint, are rejn'eil'iiy renuc.ied to come forward and pay the CASH iiiiiiicdialely, a. longer indolgciico cannot be given. David parks. Drcen l-r I, 18.52. 45lf ICxrhnnse. DAVID PARK-. Ag-nt for the B-nkof the State of South Carolina, will fnn,i-li funds lo but Produce, or wi'l mil Che' ki on New York. D'crn b r I, 12"i2. 45tf Briggs Iron. K era daily recrivipf from Hr ga Iron Work a IkO of every di a. riptiuii. I lack.mitlia and t.rincra call and examine our Hock. A Lao. Our elock of Sugar t 'otf.-e, Vo'rae, Ae., ic, IS A. IR'lit.MNS. fto. 3, (jr-inite Row. December 15, 1852 47 if B3gT Dissolution. fKllK par nership which herrtufurc ex ited be- te.n Jprail & Alliaon ha xpirrd by the lenna ot MB n ri litntUiion, and t e Kirui bein; do airoua of wmdi.ig up thur old buainras respectfully rtqucat tb r foiin-r ti etida and cuftomrra lo come furwmd lartvxfien tine and t'-e 6 at uf Jdnuarv and vAonn iher ue ounte tuiber hy note nr cacfi. 'I he indu (f the hoKj ihit tula reaiHictful riqicut will be hrd' d ami ihey nvt:d the iiioHiriMtion of re-aorlii-fr lo arahr inenna lo enforce toltteinnle. ( hat tut tt, December 7, p52 4bif A New Firm, AND ?PnATT TJAT & CO. id i V ' r Vr. .up. rented the firm ol j;r.iti &. Alliaon, t-TJL and having laid in a laire and rpkndid aup. ply of FALL & WIXTEU of at v lei and q mI i1 in auiH-riur lo w at baa HptpIo f'orp bet-1 1 iiiipiTlcd lo ihia nitrkrl, fry fondly a i. tb ipu rd an inr reaped run of iiiatnin, and look lo t'.o tr lends of Hit- old Kirm tu c 'iihnno lobnow ttk'ir pttron.t;n upon tiffnt, an Ibt-y a e confid nt I a Ihry am now mre def.-rvm ol tbtur ton ft ence and to torn tian rr.-r 'I heir kMh k uf good a conaiM'e of i vTy p iI.m vartmy, win- It is iv-r broiifiht to t'iw tuarkt-t or which the Mania o ihe country dr-mand. I 'nly uvr us a tnal. and we will warrant you aa go-d barpnina a aa g od Go da aa can be hund tine aide ol (rw Yjik. Ttirir etand ia '.he same aa that ol the old Firm of pralt At Alhaon. Charlotte. Dtctmh-r 7. I -62. 4f''" For Sale. fV TEAM of large e'l irmmd Wl'LF.S. t-'ill vfA on 6' M I I.L A. II A K I, I -i. LSO HUE WOOD fiirniah-d t tHe ehoriest rn icc Call n SA.Vl'iX A. HARRIS. December 8, IPS. 151 SSOIIEWAItD. J 'I OLK N' from the nnhscriln r's etablu, 3 oiilea from Char lotte, on Ihe i&ilu.bury road, on hiir.iltiy mgiil. the loth iii.t-inl. I l(M one a roan. with heavy uiHnn and i.il, .lout, well made and ol common me. 10 or l2je-irso!d: The o hera.mall soiral horK, 5 yeara old, very long and heavy tail, 2 or 3 while feel, and a small w hile spot on tha left stile of hia neck, and a aenron hi. face a little abivc the level of hi. eyee. paece wall and ia a good saddle horre ahod all touiid aleel alio, a on h a lore leet. A man who left Kerr'a tavern, that night, after dark, without paying hia bill, ha.heen sunpectcd He registered himself a. HU I'LKK, but had pn.at-d by the name uf KO.ACIIK in Salisbury I am in formed by ft n epocialiln Tobaccaniat, from Kork inghain county, that hia true name ia .MOaKKLY, from that counly. I will give tha above reward lo any one who will aecura my horaaa ao that I can get them. I. T.CALDWELL. Charlotte, December 22, 1152, 51 is? m GOODS. md run & COHEi, Granite ICotc, i harlottc,. C. 45tf y Express ! My work t. p;nnd, my price- juat. Cheap for CASH, but cannot UukI." V7E who lialen with credulity to the whiepera JL of fancy ; or pursue with eagerness tho fan. tome of hope; who expect that ago will perforin the promiaea of ynuth; or lhat the d--firiancea uf to day wi I be aupp'ied by lha aupeifluilivs of to morrow, attend lo lha buainea. of Robert Shaw, Chief Sadler and Harncsa Maker in tha town of Clinrlottii. II ia saddlea conatBt of the following ra. rielies, to wit ; North Carolina SADDLES, Konlui key Carpeittera 11 Duuior ' Hr a'ao hua b variety of eadd!ca mndo ripre.a'y for travelling a great diatance, warranted lo wear well Bea dea a large assortment of Saddlus, Mo-s Hlartkeia, llarneaa. Drovera Whip. Bugy whips Boy's Sai dles.lcgether itn all lllu n tier ol M.-idillci' II. -i ril ware, he will sell nn tho moat moderate terms, cither by Ihe whole sola or retail. fT-TCai! and suu. Shop one door East of L, Spring's Store. R. SHAW. Chirhtte, Sotcmbi-r 10. 1S52 42 if It on iu la ! Hounds ! ISonnets ! A Complete asaortment of fanhionuble styles. A Fur en'e low for cas'i, hy FI-IIKH, BURROUGHS A. CO. iV'ourn.o r 3, i8.",2 41 If Tapestry, ISrussels Ingrain flTOK sale Inw lor cash, by v FI IIKK, BUiiKOCGIIS & CO. A'oremoer 3, 1S52 41 tf llmbroiti cries ! Mimbroideries ! ! lirti cal the allention of Ihe Ladtea loour com pletn asaorlment of Chcinisells, Collars, Under Meivea and C'ulf. For s i e Inw for caah, by FI-IIKIt, BURROUOIH &. CO. Aotrmicr 3, U52 41 If Plank Koad Notice. II Rl )Pt IS A I S for furnt.hing Plank a d Sirmgcrs on IheCharlotte and T.vlorivi!o P,ank Road with the mill ur mills furnifchrd, w ill he reccieved by Ihe Presidenl and Director. P.ank lo he of oak or pin., 3 melius thick by S feet lone For further Fpecilicfttiona ace Ihe hufineer or the underM 'nid, W M. JOHNSTON, I'mid'enl Koermb'r 10, 1852. 4 if tea rllfiifi rKfiKM tats : i liarlolte mid Koutli-L'.-iroliiia It.AIL.il OA I. rplIE PASSENGER TRAIN is now running dai'y, (Sandaya excelled) from Columbia lo Charlotte. sr;iiEori.E. Leave Columbia, 7 OU a.m. Leave Charlotte 7 00 a m. Ridgewsy. C 5H " Morrows', 7 45 " Winn-bo'io', 9.4i Fort Mill., rj 0.5 " Yungesville.III.'.'U" Fbcni xnr, r.45 " Hlacka ock. I0..I5 Ches'erviPe, 10 25 " Che.ierville.l I 4 " Blackalock, I I.H5 Khcnu'r, 1255 L.m. Ynnecsvillc.l I 20 " F.irl Mills 1.35" Wiiin.boro' 12 Ml p.m. Morruwa', 2 Iddgeway, 12.50 " Arri. Charlotte, 2 40 " Arr. Columbia, 135 " The FREIGHT TRAINS run daily, leaiing Co. umbia and Cnxrlotle at 7,15 a. in. Thee i. a daily line of 4 horse STAGES from Charlotte to Sa-i-bury, connecting wnh tho trains. From Chesierville a line of slugos runs in con. npction with the cars nn Monday. VV'eilnendav, and rrnlay, to I iimn vi, le, Gienn Siring, and Spar tanburg. C. BOL'KNIGIIT, AStnl. Knrrmhrr 3, 182. 41 if Clothing! Clothing! ! "p-Usr re eivid . second aiipolv of Fancy Cassi. 3j o era Frucktees. Pant, and Vests, of tho first quality, which will be ald low or cah, by A. UETHU.N K &. CO. AiwiiiW 10, 1852. 42 tf Fancy Cassimcrcs. "HU-T rccenml a eecond supply of extra fine ajx 1-1 one Ii r aitey l uss'iiierie ol the same pattern now aold by the Mi reliant Tailor, in New York. A UETIJI'VK A CO . AUrchtnt Toilort. Sattmbtr, 10 1652. 42 tf Notice. XTANTEn to employ some 6 or 8go'd CAR. " Pr.NTEKS. Good wages and constant e n ploymeiit will be given tu suih, who come well re commended. JONAS Rl'DISlLL. Surrmber 17, IS.'i2. 4-.'tl Ijadics Silk llantillas. ft'ST reei'ivi-il a few of the meal fashionBhle al stylo, lor sa'o low for cash, hv H-llbll, liL'liKDLGIIS ii. CO. Aoremicr 3. lr-5.' 41 tf (jd Notice. General Land Office, OcTonEP. H, ib.")'. L' V EROL'S appliealinna li.vn g been nude tn this otVn'B on Ihe a Ijei I, it mi- b en decided, on full conenleration. lo reeogntse . gnmi-nts ot Land Warrants, w-hen exei uteil before Iw o witura.. es, and at-knowodg.-d beforH a Notary Putiltc ; in all eases, howevt-i.lo lie aecoiiipaui. d hy a certiri eaic ui'di-r i-eat, Iroin Ihe piofo-r suthorttv, of the offl ttal character ol the Noiaiy, at the lime of 1 1 king such ackuowledgtneiila, and of the genuino livh. of his signature. 'I he instiueiooB uf Ihe 23.1 March last a ill there foro be n garded as so aoieodi d. JOHN WILSON, Commissioner. .I Cairo Shoes and tSlfiitktts, Gcoruiu Fliiln, lii'l M'J & I.iiist ), For sale very low at LLI.AS At ( OIIEN'S, No. S.traiiile Row, A LARt;i::oek of CI Of IIS. CASSI VI FR ES. XW. SA I TINETS, 'I'W KEDS and JEANS, lor tale low by LLI.AS & COHEN. No. 2, Granite Row. CN ARY SFED for rnilr-. T. J. UOLTOM. liLEQWJ.EE, GHOSBB.I3S2S, IIAT, CA1S, SHOES, and every tliinus else pennrully k it in nny K.-taMifliment in tltis town. Wo are rJettr mined to sell CL 2 O Q 12 l2 'i;il."".iai2 ES C than the cheapest, at our Store, lo. 4, Granite Ilangr, sign of the Golden lUc-IIive. Xovtmlicr 21, 1802. IV V u And Dealers in Geptlemen's Furnishing e3BC QDtraaia, "F0 most re.;ectfu!lv invite llie attcn inn of their fi tend aud the public gene's I ly, 10 Iheir va ried stock ul' Fall and "Winter, Staple and Fancy 1 f o it 3i i-: x ' s xv i . a i: , whit-h have been aelectcd with care a"d j idfnicul in IS i w York. We leel Lonlnlenl in i liming an as. itortnit'iil uf tiixida uriatirpiried by hiiy bouce in Cliarlmtn, hat we are etibb!Ld lu iuhurc balitflactiuu to the purchaser. OCR STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OF c LOTUS, v.is s .r; .:.., AND WJ29rBl Iff a Si3S nf Ihe moftt faNbintitib'c s'ylra, hoih Blark and Fan rv.of the fjtPFt dca't?'!, buth irnpnrid and dunn blin. 'J'hev will be llt;il Up lo I'll IT, with ihu beit uf Triinminga lo cuil. by a good workuitin as Ctiu be I'uUtid among the trace, lo thuMj who wh lfo,h) eioiiii.icj, we r -fj'er Ihe largest, bent and most fashionable Blot k 'or li:a mom-v uivariuhl) than ran be fount! in t harlotte, having made airanEeiiienia wnh nrie of tho most exit move manulactu'cr in New Yo k, whose G iods and work wc can reeoniuu nil with all ...... f;.l.IA., i ... ..A ..I.. ,i... ... I. il,... son with C3 -XB'"J3"' EBB Jk 0 nl ivi-ry dtui ipu n nn aa rfoMin.tttiH u rnis an utiv I maniitaciurer can aend them lo I'fmrlntte. Wc i ii-U 1 it distinctly understood that uur t; lo.is .re all genu- inc-im imitation. In addition to the above wc have a aplend'id stock of ShirtSfDrawrrs, SitSfjeiiifcrs, GluVrsfitoch-s CmvatS, I'ocliCt tlandkm-him, Drrts- tVir Cam. Vort Hlonivs,' Momy ' ., , y . ' . J IjCJs., iygar Cases, dr.'., ):. Acknowledtfinir ouroblialionsli, o ir lii' ndfam! rect-ive palrnnaie snmcimt in justify un in inert inp our hti-inPH o tn eimb c ua to p!ei-e. I hartottf, October SM. It-.VJ 3'J f II.M.Pritchard,xI.l). OFUCF.NO 2, SPRING'S NKW IIL'ILDING. Cloilii)0, tlidii.)cj, t)oiii.(j. LIAS & COHEN haiju.st received a bcauli. JaLi I11I aia rlincl of auparlitie Cloth I'r it k and Dress COATS, do do Sack aud Bjsiress do Casimrrc, Tweed and Janes do Fine Clulli Cloak., Cloth, Ga siiiicie, Felt, Petersham and Illui, kit Over, cna'r, Pants and Vesta in every variety of style and ma let ill. Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Crava's, Gloves and gen tlemen's furuithtng articles, nil of which will bo sold 10 pet i c nl. lower than any other cslablifltmcTil in lit. Sta'e. Call and j n.'go lo't jourselves al No. 2 Granite Row. Piuvembrr 10, 1P52. 4 2lf Notice to Travellers. DAILY SKIiVICl':. Through Titl:et from Charlotte To IVlcrnhnr;:, ... $16 And in one month from this time a through Ticket will be given To Iialliuiort', fur ... v21 OI'll II' rscs, Coicii . and Drivers, a1 all pot tie surpassi d in the .Mute ; .ind prompt attention wilt be paid to the accornttiod ilion of l i its 'I ravrl. ling cominuiiity who may favor us with a call J. A. !addUr, or Alex. Sprinys, ol I'harlotto, are fully authorised to receive faro lo IVteralitirg at tho ahovn rales, also, to BaHimoro nhtrt tho ar. raiigemcnl can he mado. liLAND & DUNN, Conlrsrlora From Salts!. nrv to Raleigh. Ill l'LLY, M'RINGS i. CO Oct 22. '52, II tf Gitt.ir Clotliing Kmporium. JUST RECEIVED AND NOW OPENING A Splendid Issnrlment of Heady-Made Clotliing, manufactured by at least Eitven Huntlrrd llau.i., kept cor etantty employed at New Voik and else where, by sniticbodt', expressly for mv o u Sales, and sent as txprc-t-ly for the rest ol miK'kxnd. Ca.l and examine the stuck slid etc if lll'Ocan'l beat a 1000 or any thing cl-e. A C. STEELE. October 23, 1 552. 3 .f UOltlaliT ISKYCr, nrat.FK iv CKOC F.R I l.S, 1 1 A II D-W 11 K .NO sbs.w a.aaB.aj ISCLl'DIVO Family and riantalion Supplies, NOLO VI. i: AND HI'TAII, -Vn. ?7 -liari?snn -Street, Cohan'iin, S. C. CH I TON and otln r I'roJueo blond and So'd, aud Attvaneea made. Nor.rorW 3 ISj-J 41 fi ,, TI3IK is )).i;v. torn Shelters and Straw t utters. V"ARR ANTED to peilorni well or no .ale.' " " Clinton'a Paicnl. For sale low for cash, by : HMIER, m'KKDl'l.llS cV GO. j Naremh r 3 152 41 If l.iiiMt v ( loth A LARGE LO T on hand and fn' sal low. hy ! A SAM'L. i'. WRISION. Wanted, lit k rn Jjrjj M til J lf3UfUfUIiY3 Waal- Wa' V ftgi "wV rWrnf fJ 1,500 POL'NDSclean Cotlonand Lin en RAGS. 4Uf AT I llovi tHi 'i ItOT'I ltl'. .lb. 3, GR.l.XiTi: It.tAGE. 05 rilOmy FricinJaandCnslnmers and sli'D the Public 111 general, I jjal ray, Cjjfiif you wish any artnj.j ui ihe ahovi tj?T..-3 line, cai and 1 will ahuw yiiu one of the beM aa.oif mcnl. to be found in Ihe Stole, coi.eir.tmg of I'inc Watches and JewiJry, Silver Sjioon. and F.n ks, IVu and Pocket Knives, f'aa ir., Fum y Articles ami EI1" B CUE OJ X S3 D-IC Tfc' who h 1 will uli dr CASH alreduird pneer. Call and txauiiiie. ocllar).'e lor shun lug Goods. ALliO laroe ansorlrncnl of Uaich Material, for rm.;,. iig Watc'na aiu Jwcliy iu Ihe beat manner anal i 11 hrt nnlire. Charlotte October 20 i-52. .13 f Catawba College, un iii.i, . c. II. II. SIITI!, President, and Prnfei-for of M.Uiciii.iltct., Aiu-.ei.l .ml .Modem Lai guages. Pro'essor of Mtnluland Moral S. teiiee, U.l.ui l.cluo-, Ac. Pro!caor Cliemislry, Mineral. d .N jt un! I'mliis ijihy. i gv, n JI. Fit V, Tutor in Matheinatiea. J. C. t'LA I'l, TiUmi tu I.angttagra. Course of Instruction, And Tints pi r SisMcn of Twuity Weeks: I Coll-ce ("ourre, $14,(10 II P eparalo y il i. from S",00 lo 12 til III. Mn'iital und U.isincss Di p Tin ei-t III I'll IV. Primary do. iVom 5,00 to 1,0i I ' ' . 1 "'I""" 1 atitni. extra, execp. ' "i no i".u ar ul i i.ismS. d ntitii c. t exiirii.r. van in. w.lh rircuinslunces. ,, , ' ' c '" "' 'd''""'2- "'J;'' lc'' iU3 lu V I ' j I he nil cess with wliirh II.;. lnHttiili- n has lima fur met k. n duced iii iru.ti, , i lniargi us . c"'""c "f-'udy, so as lo include all that is rmbrs- !',''" ',' '""""." " t-il'e 'I u.:tioo in ilns I'liuriin , ami in a.'opt a sjsta n of moan. In r i se it in H e h gi,i grade aim ng ilia i !.'."""""""" '" " SouHu-rn State. (Mill PrnirHnyphips. by men ul' know n literary mur. I IHJ IJIItl .aVai'Mlll. O" Winter nvion of will commence in tut lirtt .Mi.fHiiiv in J tiiiury, ly orotr id tiie I'r u sunt; J U rii.W. D, rrcbident. Ofo. SrnA S.rrrtary. Ntw'nn, C iiw Ui cjuiiry, N. C. Ni.v. intn r 3 Iri. 4) tf Fasliions. 'glir I. lilies Monlli'y Mb;;, line The Wor'd of C fuHiiion, a J.iiriiil of ihe Conns of London and Pari. Also, I Im Gentlemen'. .Monthly lyinjia 7.. ne of I uroi",iii Kashimis, can he hsd, hy apply trig to the uhcri!i-r. who is a regular aullioi xed aent. The pro-e for the U'urhl ol Kas'non, t" per year. GentlsniciiV Alauzina (I ' A. Bt'l lll'NE. October 13 I -.'2. 3, if en IS : fe 11(11 HOTEL 11 1, largo and coininodinus houso in Lmcolnton, fnvorably kii"'n in former limes as Vo'l'e Hotel, has recr ntly hei-n refuted und put in com lortahlp order l-y the subscriber lor ihe aeconimoda. Hun of till) T li A Y I : LU SC. I i- H LIC. and su h "I hi numerous friencN as may favor him null stall. Il pledges all lhat the utmost dill teiice in his hus ne-s. am! a'tenlion to his custom ers, can elV'-ct. to elietl a liberal depree of patron. aL'u at ihe I, .nuts o ll e public. Give him but a tr;. al and l e will pruvo all he hi re asserts. T. It. Ml I' FORD. ,ln-iiMr)'i, Anoint. Iw52. 2Stf IStiuv ami llariioo for Male. I NQl'IRE at Sadler's Hotel or of V. C. Bar- A rnierr Fmi. Chmlntte. X. C . September !. IS52. A CARD. Ifr-ns U KKNT-KDY. of Cheater, and i.lJ Vlt;S M HL'liSl'. formerly one of the propnetora of tho Pi-inter'a Holt 1. I'll Irh Mon, bars CirHdticl.ienea.n llolul, Km j; Si reel, and ould r (i'p cMuly jjiiliuit (roiii Iheir trittids and ihe irav. e Itiij' ptjfdn. a porliiut uf llietr pttronatjn. We pli'ttgn inirai-sveH that lliogualanl ihe Hotel ! reei ivo ac udif.iudtitiona uiifeur(abt.ed by uny in the city. KENNEDY t HURST. Cm. Notice. OTICI, ia hereby 2 en lliat anplicalion wi'l X M h made to the I omminHunorie- oi rcnaion., tor a rnp!irir i f a Miliary finunty Laid Warrant, iwo.ird IHhIit Aft nf SeileniS'r $i. 1 S'W). to Ellen Multen, for 40 tu rea, and nunitrflfe i ai4 W.irrjnt w.ia puri h.ined uf Un Warrjuue, lor mo, by Evani V fa-.jl Atturneya at V dsliiniun i'Hy, t . C . aiid Inr v arded In my asM i ai ii Eurt Hi'funce, N. t ., at'Oitt l'nlii:ti ur s2fi of April I iat, in a u pit itet eniitrijniiiir live other bind w.trr.itiU. leiti p 1 1 k t w an innkt d No, 1 ur o 'J. a d waa open Ainu rei. cd, tud (lie HJif.int n-fud to mi id El. Itn luiiti), had bet n nlfdcUd ur luat tberefroni, E. vv JUNES, Oc'obe 7. H2. 40 6t Cottonk-iiWanted. M H K Mih-er iher ha v mi; eonneeled hioiself w ith i ne ol i he h st h'.nso hi I "ha l.-l'n, is now pfe pared t.t pur i hase 'OT TO K al r..ir prcrs. and make advances on the t-a i-t', or forwa'd it hy I at I l.'-ml as Ihe t!lrr oisv eh'i.i.e. His O ti,-e la at Unit's II ml. Hi will nisi st'eiid to i'H Cum una. si ill Rilslntss lhat li-ay he imrnsttu to hi e..e. V t L1S. Chflo'te. O tuber 2i. I V.I f WARLAW & WALKER. Factors k t'ommisfioii .Morrhants, NOHTII ATLANTIC WHARF, ( iTVltU.STON, S. C. W. . tVAttl'I-AW O. WALKIR. 1 j iur Comrni'sl in fnr selHiig Cotton will be IS fly cents per hale. Famuv 8itp,iiies w ill I porehaa d for "or friend. Stri.,l atteu'.ion given to-Ihe aa. leeuan of arto l-. ordered. : o ur ' " r f i if JOHN WEI.L8. 47 If. j """"wrsi, ism. ifl - Otttmber 15, J852. ATTACHMENTS FOR SALE HERE. T 3 U'LTC.V.

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