jjj uLJt J, I,, i mi i lnii n niiiiiWiwa m ,- 1 ' j'""""""1;"" She VOIjUME q. CHARLOTTE, C, F"EBH.XJA.RY 2, 18SO. 3NTttiveb:e:ol x. HOLTON k WILLIAMSON, Kl'lluitS AM) ruol'liiKToiis. T Kit MS: ... N -r I h-( rl i)iu Win" will lie -fT.iril.-d 1 . I TWO lMtl.l.AKS ii iiuiincc, nr ,UiP llill.r.AKS AND KIKTY IH.VIS if pay- ,i in' ill Kuril tor mrcc muiiius, itiiu i ill. I. Mis aiilie eiiii f tin- year. , , ,,, iniiiisiiisi rto.lntOii.' IW'n -rnuiire ... . .1 KI'IIIHL1 . Min for canli nihlinuance. i'liurt Htl i ...... . ... ,-- . - .,ii, nt nnil Slii-rilVn S.ih' rhnri;rd 2Z k r ;,,..;, and a ili iliH tinn f Xt J prr cent.'w ill I'r.uii tl' n irular ni'i', fur advertisim hy i.'ir. A lurtisi imntii iusirti'il iiimitlily or rl'v. al sl n r ii.ire fnr rarh tillir. Semi- , i !i ':." ivi.tn K-r Mllliire fur carl. timr. I . !. l.l,rr ll.- li'J.l.i-1 l..prt. 1 . .,,..,. i.. (1 in ill,' t-la 1 . 4 r . Atiiiill t .. i ,. i:,r .lull Work. i'.. must lie din , t'l. I'u iili -!n r. All ii lliTMiiiint lie iot.iuid , .- u ill lift ! alli'iiiii'il In. l'wnirnls ran ! in iili- to either. ...m.istt'ra arr aullmrui'il to net an .1 j; '" ' 1 poctr THE NOI1TII ( Atll'I.tNA Vt Illo. TO " WYE." nv 'MisKuii nniuA.' f. timu;ht and yet 1111 tliinkn I heir iiii.il- iif ii.ni;ii il timnili.i sti.inn, I 1 wci ily n ll"- cti'iiim; air.; U when tin" ciKillif! ll"..- ri'i li.iini, .i Ins own putt cy.'.2l..i."-n. "". "iml wa.la at h: in-i'.iri..M ti.tr. 'Ii! r.illn-r, 'ta itvintT in-''-T ,.tt iwi lis .ilons " lk.-l. t' slwr 5 t'.iir swan lias tiiiicil l.is tl.ru, it, In .niitiie sunu. Al i ' " inre !' 1 .n't. Ilj well.ni: I'lpii'l vim-.-, - .:i i-.iusi- the tr.-inl'Iit'i; tear '- tlow, U .' - like thi- simile of early j" .. . thr f.iiinU ni ec isi l.- 11''' ,,.,'V ihv hiir-llliL- liearx inun ."'in w tin- lirimim.c ' i'11'"' M S ii.i Ii"!y darkly .-t. als, r,v vmitii; The 1111 k smrllr, ', i-i h" r k,iv. r wirlr-s t,,i..i. thee 111 a wite-limp ri 'II. ,ii.v n-rr eji 1 e'er 1:11. it- to hr.iilit, r r.- In.., iiile hard, 1 L' -' Ml-i'lo shade, tl. V H-.in- to Idlght ' . . " 1 11. . 1 "I net til V 111": to crnwn illl'l ll 1 -s w.-iv Anu'tl" ulieiil'l ".'lit. nu.l liaii'-e mi liit-'n!i..v l-riht, .;i'.il. W irlllie thoughts mtelit, ii mv ii'i'iH't reason .imte. r ' v-j ' S'iiri- Inutile .-l-r, "r thy rar'.hly pi'h , -t; ti:v .': l'l- In mar r- tljjli lli'-e in Itt l. rath, (.ir r,f vniiitliy I ulieil. ilirp I leu.: tl.f pitymir nirh ; Ti, I'-l An . i tun tt-'.iihl ruse ihv drimieni! ii'i'i. ' ti.C al.lll'lO Ir-'lll tlilH' ')-. Woman's Rights. 1. n-lit t'j w.iP Ii l'i ".'! ',!' sii'Kll' sh 1 nf pun, r- In art -.lit. t d. -pnr. I a til ii..m: l.e.ottl il'aill. Ii' r right to 111-ike tliu I1e.1rll1st.mp g Witil -nth- word" and r-iii " rl" .1 --i A .1 it h. 11 in oi : !th ear.' r. d II iriid sinril to Im gnu.-. III. I-. - hi r r. 'lit to trim Iht iot' - i tli v i. a v Senate I hamuert gisci .. , .In; w.t.i more h.,i..r crown--'!, T if hers..:f had fillol the iU-r. IV. I- - ;i- r r.gl't to lir ailunr. d I.. . ' T V ""li I'foll. m'lli' If hettrt , . . : i!i true d gin'y mid gru., .1' t!i vt'-Il a lAniitin'- part, V. ,!,.! dr.lrrr right than tins '. I , :,. in oi,.: true heart in-oriii"! V. . ii ,,'igh tin- world may all l. ri.li', . ,.".-.-1, still and k t t'l 1 he kind. I. ,. . t rrc i v-t higher right, U iImi' t'. tW'llJ'lll 111 ii ; I , i,. -. ., t. .i"li the ii'firit mill' I I .. . i-., tin .li'ii."' which eon... from lie.ivi VII. . :,) ,i,e mo re than to perform, ' ' .:':i, ; l". ' lioli'.sl. HW lial t ".k ''. - , .ii i,. rl. t W'tii in J.iid . r r. 't.'s than tie. -e !n- i-"kt " I Miscellaneous. THE LITTLE OUTCAST. I'.V Mils. IlKNM-'lN'. ' Mivnt I -lay, ma'am ? Ill do any . g von give me cut wood, go after wa- and do all Your errands.'' '!'he troubled eyes of the speaker Were with Pars. It was a lad that stood tin: oiiPt door, pleading with a kindly .'r..ii' won. ati, who still rei'ini-d t doubt i' aiity of his good intentions. I li; c' U-ige uat bv itself on a bleak moor, 1 . Z .1.1 1.1 1 1 ...11. wii.uin . .ui i.iiin wouiu nt ........... -I, -to . - t. 1 - .., . j tie lime was near 1 in: 1 una: 1 e uihcr and a fierce wind rattled the ,f t , two on V naked trees near the ,',.',. , . ll.-.: wui. a sniv-riiig so,,,,... r. arrow door-wav, as if -e i king for at tie; blaing fire within, v and then a snow-flake touched with ft chill the check of the listener, "r :. 1 the angry redness of the poor i In uiimlii'il nanus. I :,. woman was evidently loth to grant ' le v', request, and the peculiar look i. on his features, would have sug- .' . 1 to any mind an idea of depravity ! la loud hi-i years. 11 1'. Ie r woman's heart could not resist t i")w in tho-i; large, but by liu means om,. gr. y eyes, i nn. in nt a ay rate till tne good man ' home; there, sit down by the tin-; . i, k p.ri-hing with told;'1 and she a rude chair up to the warmest cor ', then, m-j i.-iouslv glancing at the child ir a 1, o corners of her eyes, she continued -' '-.i.g t!.c table for supper. I're-i ;,t!y . attic a tramp of heavy shocks door was tivvutig open with a ipiiek jerk ; :.ti 1 tie- " "ood man'' presented himself, ..I -till. b.l r. . 'k -f intelligence pas-cd between Lis i t :.....;.'. i... ..... . ........ l .,.v" r. ... , ,. rr;n,.;i:n .it.. faction, Lut nevertheless made him come to the table, and then enjoyed the zest with which he despatched his supper. Pay after day passed, ami yet the boy Legged to he k.t " only till to-morrow ;" j so the good couple, after due consideration, ; concluded that us long as ho was so docile, ' " v. ..-. m .'. , ., ..a nvum him. I Ono day in the midillo of winter, a pert-! n. nprtitu. an mailt v hiiir a-nn . ..l.m iin , iviij mi. v ua win via iM ijiiaiav lib vuiiiiL'( made his appearance, and disposed of his poods readily, as it h fcad been waited for. :' You have a hoy out there, splitting wood, reality, and that its tendencies are highly '"' fi a theatre, he is i jilted and shock i see," he faid, j.ointing to the yard. 1 mih'ievous and detrimental to the iuterest . cJ- Tuc Ktifrlii.il people. 011 the other hand, i' les : do you know hi in : "I have seen linn, rcniied the peiliar.' ,. 1 . .. . .1 .1 ft n'lTi'ty And W here w no 14 no: wnai is nc . , "A jail bird i" and the pedlar swung his 1 11 t.:;i pack over his shoulder j " that hoy, youni' as he looks, 1 saw in court myself, and heard his sentence '' ten months ;" lie's a hard one. You'd do well to look kecrfiilly after him." Oh! there was snini thinj so horrible in thc word jail the poor woman trembled as i. I.-.....-.. ,..1.11.. sue i:uu away ncr fiurcnases, nor eouiu sue ' ha easy till she call. :! the boy in, and as- Hired him that she knew that dark t'art of .... """ ''.' . I.IJ .Kl.,11, t 1. ....... .1 .I....... .-...I I.A nl.t .f lionv forehead as if the word were branded into the flesh. 1 "Well," he muttered, his whole frame relaxing as it a nurueti oi gum or joy i.au suddenly rdied oil, " 1 may as well go to rjin ai unci mere s in u-e in mv irying io do b.tter-cvcryl.o.ly hates and de-pins me nobody cares about me 1 may as n nil no t.i rum 'it dti. t " .... . .,. . , ii1" me, sain mo woman, who sioou It far enough for flight if that should be m -ecs.-ary " how came you to go so young to that dreadful place ! Where was your mother ! wliere.' "Hi."' exi-lainied the boy, with a burst of -rief that was teriil.le to behold. " oh ! I l. haint no mother oh ! I haint had no mo- , I f I l thcr ever since l was a baby. If id only nan a inouicr, in- cjimn .in .-.uv'ni-u growing v.'hciiicnt, and the bars gushing .... ...... .... . .....r y.- ..... - noini.u 1 ;i iii.in oouui, i,t, uic. cuffed, and laid onto with whips. I wouldn't 'a been sanev, and tot knocked down, and got ran away, and then stole luca-i-c I was I hungry. Oh! I haint got le mother I ! haint got no mother I haven't had no mo ther since I was a baby." j Tit': streiiL-th wa- all gone from the poor ' boy, ami he -auk on bis kn-cs sobbing great ' .h.kai." ..b-. and rubboi.? the hot t-ars laway with his p.,.,r knuckles. And did that woman stand there unmoved ' 1'id ' she e d l!v bid him pack up and be off the 'jail bird 1 No no; she had been a mother, and I though all hi r children slept under the cold sod iu the church- aril In: was mother still. She went up t" that poor hoy, not to has. 'ten him away, but to lay her lingers kindly, Is-il'tlv on his head to tell him to look up, land fr .in henceforth find in In-r a :i fthat Yes, -he put her arm about the le-i k forsaken, deserted child she poured from her mother's heart sweet, womanly words, words of counsel and tenderness. Hi ! how sweet was her sleep that night, hw soft her pillow! She had linked a p 1 or suffering heart to hers by the most sil ken, tin- strongest bands of love; she had plucked some thorns from the path of a lit tie, sinning, but -triving mortal. None but the angels could witness her holy joy, and not envy. hd the hoy leave her ' Never In- is with her still ; a vigorous, manly, promising youth. The low i harae t. r ot his countenance has g;vi n place to an op. 11, pleasing txpri.-"ioti, with depth enough to make it an interesting study. His fo-ler-fathcr is dead, his good fn-lcr-mothcr aged and sickly, but she knows no want. Tho otico poor outca-t i- her only dependence, and nobly does he rt-pav the tru-t. lb- that saveth a soul from di ath, Ind- ; eh muitiiu Ie of sil.s -(, HKM AUK A l!Li: SCII-NTI I-'IC Sis' I LL. A wonderful evidence of scientific skill has ju-t been furtii-hed by Lieut. Maury of the National !- -rvatory, at Washington. This gentlcinaii has for years made the w inds aud currctits of the ocean his study, with a . . r .t .. 1. 1...1 .... VII-W tO IIIO applieailOH 01 Hie S.Cini.'ig thus arouircd to the purpose of safe and si.iedv navigation. The result has been, that he has shortened I s. tho voyage to the I'acifu: about one-fourth, we believe. In July last, the captain of a packet from ,. , . ., ... t-...i..i: .-cw 1 oi k 10 .--an r raiiciscu iii't'iie.. 10 .an us. - a a Maury tor one of Ins charts ot " Sa. ling I'l- rectiotis p. guide inn. on ins voj age. i.n-ui. ' . 7;,, .. ,;i.., ,i:ri. ,.,;,. f,,r his Lieut. ..unn -.....-...... ''' .; . whole route, and assured him that if he i i A tl ..... . .1:. ..a: 1... . ....!.! a na-sa.r,. ,,f not over HKl days, 'flic .lin e pai lions were observed, and the voyage was completed in I'lU days and 'i hours! The sel "crossed the line, mar l-'O west, within 1 hours ot the tunc lam uown, ami then gained Vi of those hours between that point and Sail Francisco Ihisfurnishcsoiieoi iricmosvreu arh.toie instances of Sciciilifiu forc.-ight and knowl - .dgethathasevcr occurred. he a-troiioiiii-r in his studio at Washington predicts, from . . .. r.i i..,i. tin- observance of certain sailing direction-, which in- hiinn-lf resolved and laid down, .isii.ti.n-ii, iii'm '-i-.i, mi. i. ...... elotli in a slovenly parlor. W e can imagine dowu his head ; his cheeks seemed bursting tmt she writes a hi" scrawlino hand with l with the hot blood ; his lips rpiivcred, and the letters all backwards, avoiding neatness J anguish was paint, d as vividly upon liis'w-tM r.ain-takiiiL' precision her' voice is llie passage oi a vrsscr .... in... .. '-'j.-; a!,,ij,K Itr Kajah hro.,ke. 1, t them actcr,. no stain en their cotiducH. .Arc they over 17,11011 miles iu length, and does not ; ,,ro j- ,t ()M ( (utrni business, w ith its ; a', w ithout reproach in their homes ? Arc err, in his calculation of the tune occupied, 1 ,,,.,.,,,,, Bri, ,,i-onihgs, l.-gc'sh. r wi'.h the i they all res,.., ted and loved by Ch"ir s.-r-tinj kuiira ! I'al.seh'i'ids of suppression and ascertain on ! vants, their trnanN, their tradesmen and the part of the Kast Tiidia t!ompany. Let j friends ? Ilavo they individually shown1 IKON L CK. them paint famine in Ireland. For each A- j j,;rty an, ,,(, will 1 Are they true sitcrs It i stated that at Nottingham, Kngland, ! L-g-rce they shall easily find a.. , (,f , harity and mercy ' Are none of then. the ircatJ centre of the lace munulacture, th, y are now "' ' ' - " ' : ,:) article of lace for window curtains, 1 i...,i .o. Xt:. of iron wire. I ron nouses, iron i,'r hj.A now iron ' il t- ('( the 1'id.cs hides! From the llritittli Army Ilcspntch. TNl'Li: TOM'S CAKIN MANIA. We have not reviewed Vncc Turn's Cab. in, chiefly because we felt our views of the ivnAeMy nnd lmturo 0f that work to bo no tliat we coull seurci.iv judge of if in a pr, K.r critil,al Ilianlll.r. We believe it to possess a certain nielo-dramatic power eU.il I ; jKlti,os to the " i rceu liushes " at the ' a,i..ii,; ,i ;,. ::.i.,.., . ,...i.,, ,..i I ' " . . . . . HO fill' thin Jii.twPi.il tliu stvh. of Kmrene S,i I all,i i:PO?., ItevnoliU I'.nt we lD.licv it i ! .),,, 1,, 1.., J,v.d of truth nriiieii.h. nml ' of mnnkimi. In sniin.r thi a n.tir..1 -- j n - - " ..,...:.; ..a-h') uI ,, T.n l.iK. t..r nil ti.,.- ...... 1.. a most excellent, as she is undoubtedly & " "v . . " J " very talented person. We fully give her credit for good motives. Wc doubt iiot that j she believes herself entrusted with a mission i as milch as ever did any " eminent female.'' i from Mary henziuska down to Johanna ' Soiitheote. We can ima.'iiie her to he en. ; ,ow(.,l wit, an llwful sense of wonianhood . . . . all,( t0 iMakc if ever she condescended to j.,, ,.illC0 tlC cjhJ t.di(in 0f her book was sold about the worst dumnliii-s .1 . . ...11 I ... 1 n- wiai were ever iiiaceu upon a uirty lat.ie- . . . . . ' ... . . pr,,bably harsh, her altitude imposing, and s l.e will or does wear her own gray hair in the inother-of-a-nation style. Still we think ,t a ,,re:it lily t,at )iC diJ nut j,., an,.,,, ratla.r ,liail wiial lt. has done, with li!l the blI.v llltllUMasm of a woman in bn eches . WIm-i, some time ago, long before the work ' was k now ii in Knglaiid, wc chanced to take ' .1 . . J t r ' , 'H'r'"'''I'a"i''a""'"'''D'rfiid, Wr stiiml, fil iiunn a nassa.'n of t n fir.t a rassace fr,.e j cant aa nonsense. It was in the stvlc of those anti-slaverv African mast blockade tracts, which we remcmh.r abound-' ed some years since, and which assisted, in 1 belravine" to destruction so maliv bratc - i:"l. I .... ..... i: ..." ... ........ .,.,,,.., r,;i :,, ,l., " ' r ' ' ' M i liberate opinion that more crime, abomina- ti ui ot every kind, lo,s of life, and misery ' ,avi. been caused by our intervention to the, negro race, ii.an win ,-e uic liutLUct ol years vmi, ,aV(. ,tiies-ed had alavery been still tile lalv ,,f K..r-pe and all America, 'nml been nll iueil its fnlf n; ,i it... whole civilued wor.d lole civilued wornl. lo avoid our crui sers, what fofe.l inarches an 1 confined stowage have been adopted ! How many unfortunate, blacks have been killed by our gr:i". an.'i round shot? How many put out of the way to lighten the flying slavi r or .. .1.1 .1 ...... .: . tl'l. :l . . 1... 1-1 .... 1 . . ,. . ,.,...,. w.r ,. pi-t, n.ive lurnisheil the skive monar-hs with arms to take tin m captive liruiuuia gein guns, pi-t .ls, and cutlas.-cs to bunt down the. unfortunate wretches, for whom hypocrisy prays, while le-gli i ting the Hin doo and starving the white mat. ! I'hilan thropy, too, ,-w. eteiis her tea with slave grown sugar, a half penny a pound cheaper, refined by ngr blood, .it tin; expense of We-t India proprietors. I low is the cotton raised, b t us a-k, that supplies the raw 111:1- terial mi . for the white Slaves of .. aiichesti r eh points a woman never thinks of. and if she hoars them, canict utidei stand. We will be bound there is no peg in Har riet s head w hereon " 1 0 hang an inference." She sips her tea and cries aloud, " I- he ti "t a man and a brother ?" l!ut this is par 1I011.1I -ie. We cannot i xi-u-e the Putchcss of Sutherland and all tho-e fine ladies round whom thousands of their fellow-countrymen toil unaided pale daughters of consump tion, whose threads of life are wovi r. into the trumpery 1,-c-e adorning the dazzling boson of female 1 iil.-itithr. j.y at a drawing Hood's poi ins cunpan d room. What arc to VncU Tuni s (.'iibm ed inconsisti-ticy of ' Nothing. Wr.-tch-cot.duct! Miserable 1 ..ni 1 vl ir tii ni of iiiu-t angcis weep sympathy ! What tears at these fantastic follies of mankind ! However, we are . straying from our in tention. We maintain that this one sided n presentation is creating; mischief bi twe. 11 1 1 real l!ntain and the I lilted Mates win. h nothing can n u.ed v, 1.0 treaties obiiate, 110 statesmanship ln-reai'ler avoid. We say that the sickly interference of our fine ladies, many, nay most of whom, would shrink from the contact of a dying needlewoman on their door-itcjis, and daily pass unln ed- mg the inisi. ri. s of thousands of white wo men, is an excess of folly and hypocrisy that will he the curse of freedom throughout the world. We .p.'tioii the motives of these ladies Among them we see the names of some not renowned for matronly virtue-, but notorious for vanity, frivolity, atnl lash- ion that comprehensive word, which in - eludes so 1111 social evil. ' n the stag"', this work, aided by the morhid talent of its adapters and the exoui-ite cleverness of ' 1. .. ,,.,1 n...... actresses as are now cit e- ..... , , , , . .. ,. . , .. , "" "" 'I '"' W'i'ci acemirj : nil ' -re,....;. .... t i t t . .;.. r the Lord I hambcrlani look to . N 0 ..: i. r .1... .1...,,... ,...,1 ih 1 .1 . e .1 1 - . . 1 il... ' H-J V 1 ,. -V , ;T V . .. lines., ,iy .u.-utiinu inv inn. . i. J.' " 'a . 10 in-muni: mv . ,1,...'. . . , ., a oi .1 . . I rica. liat have we to no wnn me itiicrnai affairs of the American llepublie ? hy arc we t" back this great exaggerated I.IK ' Let the Americans send out here and write a hook which shall tell the truth ay, one half the truth of London city ; let llicin get up a drama whose scene .-hall be in Lancashire; let them make out lintoni! to ,)c t;l,k -masters, without one redeeming 1 ov( r .. (.lll-,s(,lll,.ltl,,l millions of I'.rit- . w,,,l, ,,,'ople, whose sinews they stretch (1 l)()irS ,1()Wn ; tl,c a .l ... 1 . ( f ,,,,,.,.,.,., tt t.m M., to Indiajt,, know whether, an wives and mothrr.s and V)rIJ(. (.t ilCm ,lramati.e Warren .Lmgliterti, tli.- have no l.lot .n their char- ""r-:" . " :" , " . . , (liM.n.io broadcast. We do ,.( I seeds of ilisscnsinn broadcast admit that the slate of the negro slave (""' thing like what it is pictured in ( Tom's Cabin, in any ca There may he solitary cases approaching it in abomination, Hut tho Americans, aboli v-'uist-or not, shall anil will get rid of slaviryas they please uiviiinL-iifs, aim evi-rt uuuw iu r.ngiuuu , either sentimentally or uX adds only force I 1 -i i ... .1.:.. . .i.... :.. L'.. -I i . I to opposition. Mrs. Stov. has libelled her ......... . 1 . .1 1 . . I. I il. ... I' . I ...I -"u.u ry men ; ici mem iu m mm. j.ngiaim ntM'1' "ot htvn lnr with l"ly well street ig- noiancc and Kxeter Hal' -ant. If she do. she will bare the wind a d eap the whirl- wind. Kvcrv American Jin London is dis- t'stcd with the I'ncle T- ni mania here. If uclm -.... VaJj. 1 notions of Amer 1 .11. in j.Miiii iu ' i '' -' -a ...... a cia.jer. That ciiecr mat . l-l .-"III ance. At this moment the interests of Kn- fc'an'- nrt America should be one. Why (l" ,lot Knlish ladies interfere in behalf of the enslaved 1'rcnrli people ! We believe, 0,1 tlle other hand, that I.ouis Napolco,. u Jl0I"'lnr with them. If Ktifrland interfere ''h American slaverv, she w ill imt effect her ' "hject, but the result may he, ere long, that ii ..'I,. 1 11 1 ... 1 1 ' " cnsiaven iicrsou. nc nave no la,i,'",',' u' F'nrsue thii subject further. The no"k is false iu fact, s the fine ladies are . ... . . . .. 1 .-. Inn .11 uof.t, ........ TI.A -n.I .1....... 1 ..' """ "" - "' ",- '" k ",l " " "c " cxcuru.e.n on our .uu i are '" comparative force and rality as the tears "f !,n A'lclphi audi tico compared to the tears of blood that ar-shed by nations. This 1...I .. ... . I iriter cntion will be indn-.I acciir.-ed. Jfut why ohoiiM it exist! Simply bcause we arc peace-strikcn hypoerttes. I hnH s ,, K .. ..... I'l . . ... '. 1 n .... v'lr in. i ii"i eau-'O ns in iiiiern re on l' half of I'oland. 1'ct Mi.-s IVirt.-r's work i ' , , , - ... "t overuraivn, ami in merit now im-; ineasural.ly superiort;, Mr ,;., C,,Kln Ala" ,,,at f 'llowng v. re should be so liL'nlet.v riinoicii ait iti,,i,T,,lnlii.ri l, .'....I. ."." 'r. 7'" "shall enter upon a second term with t! means. The devil, in the likeut s.s of Hav nan, is addressing Lord l'al m r.-toii iu farewell h tt. r : M..v tl,.- mKr...yMi Mm-... ni i.r t'ori-i tin elmnm of denlli. r kt.- 1 11 oi thr world Ii.k hid y t to I Ih" fl.'i.i ..I' a .r..'..l iijie.n l.t . y-ur .l..,..k nn rum .1, t ur 1 0111 111. rc last Turn ml , And y...ir n, ,,!,. ,-V uv and t am eiigiin trouinl : M '-v !',',u,"lir'l"-1'' """ ""d M 111- t'.uii.l Thlt tth ,, ,,, wl, . Yes, this wc are cutting oir own throats with vpot ritical Iving ninpathv. Let Urit- isli ladies, if they wait a safety-valve for their hysterical emotions as well as a means of notoriety, form a cotmntee f..r the eman cipation of the monkeys which afford them much amu-ciiielit oi.Siiiii'av's in ...logic- ai l.ar.'l.'ii-. A nn-t '.oucUng and a m-ec truthful work than I 'm I' J 'tit s ( tlun might ....... ..a ,)(. wr, rt ,, 'f'Tiors of these , Mhiie, politically, it would b-harmless. No! Tin y have 110 occasion toinvent, any more than to borrow, an (.pporPmty for the exhibit on of their Ch n'l'in ledings and charity, em igration and death Imvc stifled tin- groins of Ireland. Let then aid l'g... misery at home. let the 111 i.-i'the hoiin s of the ' o,. mint llngiish pour. Let tie in pay tin i r g.iveriies-es lnnre tiui, J.'"" a y.ar. Hut in the naiiie of nation and mat. kind, of lib erty and hope, of tinir om, truth, safety, honor, and salvation, l.t th .-in, as well as the r.st of the lhili.li public, paii.e and consider well I cf ire tn y ratige theliisilvis on the side of the vi.ii'iit American aboli-tioiii-t-, and betray b- fully the cause tl.cy are still right with ther hearts alone to ad vocate ; or it may I e te w.ri- f"r tl.vni. as well as f.r slaury ai.4 Knglaiid. The A mericniis lookwith a national jcal-ou-y on our interferi-nn, atid wc think lin y are ip.it. : light to tar aid feather any impu dent fellow who shall (resume m their soil to dictate to their citizcis. And we sincere ly hope that if the arist.cratie.il fine ladies, ith their female n.frin of toabics, whose names we have seen u prominently put for ward in a in a 11 tic r. coitidcrlng ail the visi ons circumstances of tie case, olleiisive to truth and decorum, Siuuld tr.ittsii.it their resolution or their aidros, or whatever they please to call it, t tie ir transatlantic i-t. r-, that it will be tu t cither by a -tern rebuke or the sih nt colteiiipt it Hu nt-. We who say tins have as ;rcat an abhorri in e of slaicry as any me, jut we cannot f .rget how sle rl a lime it ii since Knglaiid was liersi ll fon iiiu-t in thi-huiuan tralhc Nor can we forget that it is chiefly encouraged by the l!nti-h nation 11 .w e r. e. iv - tin and I "obdeiis of stolen go... I j. The liright the present day Were actui! .-lave-ow ie rs but a few yi ais ago. Tin y arc indirect slavc-owin rs now, and what they are as white task-masters let Hustler and I'arr.nid t.'ll the indignant yeii r.-itiuii thar ts spriiia in i.p. inheritors of tinir evil deed-, l or tM. .. ,, mmhu.. mutt cease, or the rcig , of Kiiglanrt inu-l be o'er. Let these silly dames, from her I trace of Sout hcrlainl dow 11 p, r. t.irrY Cornwall I'roctor, he taught these thing.. Here I t us observe that aj,j, M ,,,,t (. volcn ,,f hnglisli women any nc. .- , , , ,, ....... ....... more man iiraiiiaiise'i 1 1 .1 1 .. 11.; -e . 1 .... .. ,.s the Voice o. I'.iiglisB men. .wi"i nc ore , , , ,, ' C . i t n , any bod y of llntish mitrotis or maids shall 1 . ' " . . 1 ,. t 1 1 i... i i i.. n. l..l.,,.n.. I "V . -""- ' ' OT 1 1 ie I. 1 I .IS ,1 . s ,it;n.ui, i' , 1 1 ia ,..'.-..,.' .-. .' . . aa ' t)T llll'ir irasllV iV.IIIiaiJI s, I'l tin; ill, i l'i - .lie. .matrons of the I mtcd .-tales, we would pray f,,r ,, inquiry into their individual lives , cmiluct, Iu see whether they are lit per- Hons P. couiinunieat.! any cxpres-iott ot na- j ti.,a! feeling granting for a moment that j, is nran.nal feelings, and riot a "porous effort at noluricty on the part of a few idle aristocrat and meddling blue-stocking', ... .' V' 111... (.(ivt.,.,i wi,, a score of Mrs. Nickh bys, .nr,.,.y ft l,c held responsible for their fob jjy )t,f,,re th'-y thtu stand conspicuously j 1(,rwar, , philanthropists, we should l.ke cl" "f", ?"' . , .' ." ' ' ,.i;i, throne ' If thi- can he all well c i t .l.li. b. ! in their favor, tlxn they have .; .in to sneak rul.lipiv .n abiitif cm. fs 4 t - I Yet again, why do not these women, if they j must ho busy, contribute, like the. Roman of old, to the defitiees of their country! The day may conic when they shall ceu . . . 1 i 1.:. . nurtyir 1101 tij ..a v.: uunu mis . To return to Vmlc Tom's Cabin, it is trun tlint we derive it from an American woman. I'l" I .. . I . . I . : . .11.. I... i o ncr own jieopiu sue is iiccoiiuianic, ici not us he her sponsors. What a picture mii'ht he drawn of KiiL'lanrt for Americans 10 nail Willi rajittirc, reao, uraniati.-c, weep over and mcmoraliic up-111, were Sloane given as the type of the llritish bar, or the man who roasted a live cat the other day lit fln nrni.iiiifii ril inj u-iln nml irmtiil ft . r i r .1 ": ..1 1. . 'ii... l lilll il.lllipiaj Jl llu llll.l'llu . I ,..-,-1. . M l.un Camion, the sweep, miglit represent the feel ing of the lower classes ; Mr. Oliveira the il-iuiiy of tho IJousn, of Commons; Mr. I'ayiine should he a sample of our chiirc'ii f Lord 1'rankfort of the nobility. In this maimer, w hat a truthful pleasant novel might I he composed to jiresetit an Knglish parallel the social iilii-iioini 11.1 exhiblteil in such atlraetive, beeiiuse revolting, details, in that mo. - t successful and heartrending publiea- ti jii, I'nrle Turn's L'uhni, INAWUKATION OK 0)V. Iiril. On Wednesday last, the ',"Jd llecemher, -'" ,nis j-.xccllc-ncy J'avnl Uei't, w as iikiii .a. .a a urated ill presence of both Houses of the . (iem-ral A-.-embly as tiovenor of the State for the next two years. The oaths of olliee werc admiiii-t.-red by Wesley .loner, K-.p, a Justice of the IVace for this County. Iiov. Kcid delivered upon the occa-ioti tM. (0wiu,. ,r;,.f lllt M,.,roririate ad. Ire-. : S" ( .1 (tit- Mi " ' -, ii.. Jl'i'i" " tfii'tri'ittA . .r f,,,,,,,).. I..l,,.fll f ,r the an rovil of it, ,.;,,. a.j,', 'called to Kxecutire Clmir of V.rth Carolina I '- ' 1 . cuter upon a second term with the . earnest invocation t the lireat Htih-r of . the I iiiver-e to enable me to discharge the duties . th" nfliee with prudi ucc and jus. lice, and in nn acceptable matiie r to the J J'le of the Mate. I 'I he piineiph-s vow..d ill mv l i-t Inatig- urai .t ...ire.ss vt . 1 1 got en. .11 y i.o. 111 1 111-11 ..iiou 1 ill. !il I : . during the eiisiuug term. I licy are too well J;i,ii n to reijuirc n petition on this i-.ee:. -ion. I he extension ol the right ot sullragi; is a great ipiesti-ui f popular right, founded up 01 tho lmiiiiit ii'li: '.tineiples . f truth and justice, and is ib ina-n'. ' ! y t!i.' Voice of the people. This n f inn i. es iiitial to the preservation of th-: tVs ings nf liberty, and I shall continue eium -lly to urge its con summation. Keeping con-lamlv ill view the fail that r'a' i' I occupy was be-to 1 f.r public oiivelileliee. It Wl.l I -operate with the IT rd me pleasure 1 1 Legislature and the j , t.'l,' ill nil iiim niro. s 'i lent nt.'.l ' irifi,-.t the cause of Kducation to justly .ii-trihiit the benetits and burdens of gofcrnmctit and to advance the Agricultural and other great interests of the State, to the end that industry and cut. rpri-.- may he properly rewarded, and tl:.- people become lu .ri; fie?, pr .-pi roil- atid Lapp Till! TRANSIT !' SLAVL.?. The following par.igrijh relative t i the traii-it of slaves tl.oiigh free States is ruu th.- Message of liny. High 1. of I'ciuisi 1 a h'l, ju-t ilclivered ; and the reeoiiiiiieinl.'i ti... contained iu it says the New Yolk l)in , is eipiallv applicable to the State of York : Kerc'.t IfTiciiltit-s in a in ighl.oring State I have stiggc.-tcd the c-,it..Tice of a di ft , i 1 1 y in our St .to i.i-, i i reference I. our . n evaiiee of pi r-on-, held to irn uluntary serv itude, fr iu "tie Stat.- t 1 another. I h" I'tnn-y Ivatiia statute ..f I 7 -n gate all I" r soiis pas-ing through or s..j., inning iu the Stale for a bri. f period tin- right to led 1 their domestic spues. Tin- ait of 1-17 re pealed rhi prow-ion, ai.d the repealing sec tions ..f la-l -.'.--ion did u .t relli-tale it, I , oininetid that pri th. rclore re-pci tlmU ree Wo oi he ma le p,r tuc tran-ii "i lti..e 111 Hiestics through the luni'.s of this common wealth, "iish a law seems to be cotit.'inpl.i ted by the Coti-titu:"Ii of the Chit, d Stat. .Slid to be ' 'Igge-li d bv tho-e rules of clili ty W hi. ll shoill-l 1 xi st b. twe. 11 the Stat, s by the public J . by itidiaidua! c. 11- a ' I It a ' 1 11 e. Wc Would l.ke to see a law lie the one su.".c-Eed above pa--e 1 in all the fre States. M'ti r what ha Ir ui-pir. d. common coiii-lesy dcuiiiids it, and it ... ild .I., much 1 1 r.-cn-ci'.c the feelings of b"th tin- No-.th and the juth. Hut we do let think such a law aetu-illy necessary, as we li dd that a slave owner has the right under the IViu-tiiutioti .if the I'nitcd States, to pa-s through any State f.f the I iiion with his s'v..s ur any rsthir Topcrtv. All tin uecisions ot the highest tribunals of the different States have been in consonance with this principle, and we are confident tin y will be sustained by the Supreme Court of the I hit.'. I States. We arc 1. leased to sve that AI r. I.ap.iugh, . , . oiitis. l for the Lcni'noi,-, in this i'- "" ' . to a centb -man of iroma takes this , , i a4 imprcgiirib!.' a !il.r.i!lar. t-' h Tl... .' ,fj ,,j,.i Vi ,1 r.l'ot'Mii '1,1 lli. 1 j ft'1"- matter, r.-ma.-ks as follows . c . . I . . C - IS ..' Il l' 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1" I T V IV iiv i mi i "c .-i..nr. .i...i.i. M'.W MM.K. notice that a movement ha been al. ready mn. in I he New V"rk Legislature toward st .ration of the old law, rc- j.,,..,!,.,! vears ago, whi.'h recogricd , s,.,.lir(', ,-iave i lave l.ropeity when Proiiglii there by the owner, bile in trau-itii through . .. . . . - . , S.,t,., r. . t. I',.y.,r, of New Vor (.;,yi ), t kt s. Hte ii iti.itive in this lnu.-ici ,(. Albany Argu is itf opinion, will be su- t.,jnr, j ,,;vrt I., revive a law whil r h though cminciitiv ju-l, and in harmony with ,,e writ, if let the b iter . f the Const, tu- tion, the fierce spirit of abolition.sh. expnag ed trom the statuP! h' ks iluritig the rward dynasry.. KF"If the Whigs have lost a Covcrtior in Louisiiitia. they luiv e gained one iu Maine ; William -ieo. Cro-hy hav ; been eh cted j Legislature of . .., .-,.w U lvs .,.. by tl ! that State. Mr. Crosby has ...r many years a , stood high in the .'..nh l. u.-c ni the l.ijg- . , ol .lai.n ANOTIII'.lll.HKI.fAN KNOT IN TIM-: C S. SKNATI-.. J ' ' '" i. . f .i lai-ica.riior I' w if nf MK.tcmniii R.irl the km i v i... 'i! v i . i- '-; i . . . a i . . i . . a ixinyoll OI I Isllcllllllgo, uiai tie, me 'M c. - norwill immediately alter the 111. Maul. 1 next, transmit to Mr. K. a commission as 1' . , 1 1 . I . . I I I I .. 1 . .. ,-. ."emit or, to nil I lie seat, now inuu uy .'i r. Urooke, and which will become vacant at th.-.t tin,,.. Mr K. in l.is n n!v. imtilies thi (iovernor ol Ins willingiiess to accept the njipointiiciit. (lov. l-'oote writes thus to Mr. K. : I ,M)l ,0,Ai Il(J Sctintoral yimr. 1 t . i "''), you win linn mai 11 was ..ee.ucu, ttl a very early period, that toe hxecutive of a j,.,ururiii-ijt, however, (joy. Footc, who is deep State has no light to appoint to a Scnato- , v,.1t.,j i count it ut ioiml Iit, has appoint rial vacancy which had j t at the period of t. j a f,u,.,.0,!lor to r. j!rooke, whoso term cx such at., vinf .nclit, ii'-tu,tllit .": There-1 :.... J., Mawli next. . So nrofound alawver lore.no npp.iti.uiei.t li.'... -.ct.vv iU W,(i t c,,, ... ,, ,, ..... ,,avP vr,lt,,t! .. ,,ufrtlllKlt,. fr ssi,lco it is almo.-t ccr ,, .Hun n would ce valid. 1 lus is piuc tain that no appointment of Senator could be made at so late a .lav as the 1th of March, lieh would enalile the person appointed to i n ai l, n a-lun'ton in time lor ."senatorial sen ice during the special ses-ion of the Sen ate, which, according to u-agc, will com mence on tho next 1 1 li of March. All that perhaps can he now done, is to see that the seat iu the Senate, which is to become va- cant 011 the 1th of March, 1 """'I, shall be occupied on tho I.-t Monday of December of j , the same year." j T. ras,. r,.f,.rr,.J (,, r vi-K ntl v that of i.Iatnes Lantuan, of Connecticut, who pre-I ' ..i,.,.,l 1,, dm I' si si. ,r. ,, ..I j ,.t 1.; appoint.,,, t,t bv the tiovemor of that State -1,1 !"'ri'!.:iii . s, 111 the proper place, ! clow, as a Senator ""to lake effect immediately ak.-s, it will be readily pcrce:ved, a 111:1-aft.-r the :td of March, I --J."., and to con"- . ,, r!1 dilb iciice iu the eoustructioii of tho tinne until the ie xt ineetitig of the l.egi-la- ailieb-: ture"of said State. After discu-ioii. M r. Lniiinan's claim to a scat was rejectee!, on j the ground that " it is net competent lor tnc hxeciiti f ol a State, 111 the recces of a I. eg. i-lature, (o appoint a Si iiat-ir t. lill a va- caiicy w hich s.o A.''-;, but has n -t haj,- ; pen. d at the time of the appoititnn lit. I This appointment and acceptance will raise a i.om-I and important oue-tioii in tin Senate, ns to wle ther the expiration of a six years term, when the Legislature has not chosen to elect to the oic- about to com mence, is such a vacancy as the iovernor is j authorized t i lill. The pon. r f the ti .v- cud- to make til" rpp.-Miitiin'iit. under su. l, circiim.-taiic.-s, will be a matter of great ib.ult and controversy. We c tifess that our opinion has always be.-n that the e-m- lituln.ii limits the authority of the l.vcu- live to till sik-Ii vacancies as ari-e atl.-r an cl"-' li".:i by the legislature, :i I !t"t by ex piration nt a t.-rm. We know that this has been the policy and pm-tice ' f irgini i. as manifested o!i s Tne memorable oeea-ioils. ! !- pi'.p' l 1-. ...w.." tl.wt a. .'.in. frnry opiniuii is entertained Ly journals of st -Hiding and intelligence. I'..r instance the Norfolk Argus ,,, st lining the action of (lov. l'.,.,t.' ,-iud app'-als to i'.v. Ibid of N"rlh ( 'arolina t itit a S. iiat .r !' the ( nit. d St it. aft.-r tin- 1th of March, utidi r 1 a slate ..f thin.-, prst i-. I in M.-.-"i--ippi : ' Sr. :; at i:r vt. an v in N'oitTii C.'.r.. ol.rs'.t. c staf.-l in ve't'T'lnys .l.-gx Wi i' at th.- Le-i-!. itur.- of North Carolina ad -jotiriied w c i"' on .Monday, without elec ting a I'tiited States Sctiator to tij ply the Vacancy nccasioned by the cxf'iration of the t. rui of Senrtor Mangum, w hich huppeus oil the 1th of Mar'-h m t'. If there i- no a iilh'"-;; v iu the executive of that Stat.' to fill the vacancy, then North Carolina w'i! have but a single retire-ntati vc i"i the Sen ate chamber, fa two years to c .ni'', 'inles Coy. Ill id should eou-iili r it bis duly to ra" an cxtr:-. sosion tfie r.i-g.-l..iire ..r the purpos,. i,f cleeling a S. lial .r. Ilur ha- ) l iov. Ileid the .ow. r of appoiiisihg, n..w that the Legi-latiire has necleelcd to dis'-hnrge it- duty iu this particular? Thi- is nn im portant constitutional ipic-tioti, and nu worthy of consideration and examination. We ate not aware that there tire any pre cedents Upon the subject, though We ee it stated ill a Whig journal that the I". S. Sen ate decided, a number "f years .since, that the Ii 'Vi t il. r of lite States have no nut hor ity t'l- I'll vacancies arising un it r suc'.l cir cimstarafcs. The pr .ii-i a- of tin- C"ti-iituli.'tl, f. rti nent P. the point involved in the c.ntrotcry as follow : "The Sunt,, of the 1 "nit. .1 Slates "' be conipo-c l of t im S'-na's.i-s fr. m- carli State, cho-cii by the Lt-gi.vlature tin r. "f for six year -." And again : "If acan.-icti harpen by re-ignation '' n'hi rirt- during flu: rcc. ss of the Legisla ture of aliv State, the executivf thereof eia? make temporary appointments, until the next me, fii.g rf the Leglaturc, which shall then fi'.l such vae'i;ie." The time, j.laccs and manner f lc biiiig i leeli' .lis for Senators i- to be p reset ibi d by the l.-'gislat'ire of each State mil. 1 C.-.i-gross shall at any tini" by law alter such regulations. It will be observed from the clauses above .i tcd that t he con- it nt .. n makes- i" imperative that there sia be always .'ic Senators from each State, and that in ca f vacancies by " resignation "f iitltiiui " the failure f..r in-lani f the legi-latuiv to elect, the evi -utive of the State is to make temporary appoiutim-n'. Wc know that the legislature of the s-vcral Stales arc iu tin- habit, and very properly too, of electing Senators in advance before the term "f the inciitcbc-t?cxpircs. !ut the i',csti..n p'.'seiit-. itself, whi... docs the term of a Senator expire? Certainly ni t until six years from the period at which he w a., elected, .tiidgc. Mangum continues a Sen ator I'l'im North Carolina up tat the Uh "f ! March next. At that time and not befoie - ; , ,.r..1(.B ,.,,,. so thai II. fact, the ..r t ... oiii.Hriitiisi ,i. Iliil 1 Oil-Ill II I'll. vacancy ' happens' during the recess of the l.ccislalure. Hut eiimcde thai this is n t ! ...o i'. ct view of the mcanm-' of the Cou-ti- ! tution then the oilier alt. rnative ariscslnat i such a vacancy has happened by the failure f the L gi-lattire to elect which is contem plated by that portion of the Constitution which .itithori.'.es the executive of the States, when avac.iiicy thaU happen by rc-igua?ion nr o'.'ifi u i.-.' vi fil! it. I Suppose that Mr. Mangum was to die to morrow, codd it be seriously contended that a . a a -. 1 II . t I . u .... iiov. lie. u wou u oi iv nu n ..gin. -V . .. . . . point a successor to him until the -it" " iicaI! And that he were to make March , .. . . . . , a ""!.,.!? 1:'" M'oul.l again assemble to till the vacancy, that it would be transcending bis powers and a violation of the constitution? To our view, Mich a position would be unphilosophical itad untenable. A similar case precisely, to the one in North Carolina, has occurred in Mississippi. Iherc the le gislature could not agree as to who should be ."senator, and tlicy adjourned .till, nut iiiiil.liiir :hi election. Since the ml . ;,,jlf,,lt ,.,!;;,, ;, election ' ,. ..rn ,. ... 11(.t w ithout beimr fullv f st itie.j ns to lus autlioiiiy lor doing a. ti e trust that (ir.v. Jteid will not hesitate to fol- lr.tt- low ct.'i..ii1i. .nnil th.ir. In. will rnrrv out ; 1,., ,.,,.. i... ,,.;,. ,1... . pointiuciit upon the nuble and talented huh bin." From tiic fisicigh Ilepinl. r. WSirol' IVKS AND Till-! N.C.CLr.RCY. We i.iihii-h, below, the letter of "( tne of the Clergy of North Carolina,!' to the editor of the New IV. rk Tunes," to which ref'er- ' "r ,a-' I't'per. . The oiiii-siou it: the arti-le, as ptibli bed in the " Tiun-s.'' of the sentences inserted To 1 In' vi'.ror of Ihr. . York Dm' Tl.C S ; j Silt : There has been lately sent to the w rili r of the following communication, at editorial from your paper, (I do not know : of what date.) stating, on information rte- i rived from th" Dublin 'Vn'b t, that Jii.-h'.p Ives, of North Carolina, " had attarlied him self to the Church of lloinc," nnd you fur ther observe, " bis cx.-iti.plc !s very likely to have a wide influcnco !in"t n coii-iderable iininbcr of his late clergy." 1 1 inn me ii-noi, .-oiii.'ini'iai.'s sm ,fc . . . .. . 1.: 1 . . 1 .. 1 ,. movement as h aling his own Church f t that of lb. me, I think' very pn.bsble. That 1U l,n. -..Ir-.-atly done sr., wi.mld he very in- eonitetit with a letter received from hint ,v .1,., .ires, tit writer, dated Den. I. and Sv iiieoii-i,-t, iit with toi: n 111 hon.'s'v and f.,ir nc- If. in sta.iiig that los e.y'amplo is likely to have a wide idfluencc upon a con siderable number of his lite ch rgy, you ii . an that they are likely to follow his ex ample in jo.ii, g to thn (-.'lunch of Home, 1 via. I'Mitor. 'oti are under a grievous misi:i.'. 1 h.-i.i good reason to kii'-w the opinions and impress ns of tho eh rgy of this ,!iocc-e. I speak with entire confidence, as far as. .inr ca possible be coniiiliht in such a ca-e, that a. tru. r body of men to a true faith, i.i-t no wliere that tin-re is not the shadow of probability that a .-ingle one can be found who is likely t" npostat!.' :ny. I ) funiicr, I say what ever the Hi-hop's- iutlueiicc may once have 1 it is .-.a entirely gone, nt least, f,,r sin h a purp...c, that I do not know, I lo n d be lieve there is a iui;le man, woman, or child, now living iu and belonging to the diuec.-e, that is at till likely to tollow his cxatnpb what th"-e who are travelling with him may do. I ,-alnnt! s.iy. With j.r-.pcr charity, Mr. I-!dii..r, ym have t'i tisiiicred the lii-l,..p :rs acting ! r on ii lir r motives if ?. tivictioti in abatuloiiiiig his former for w hat is suppo.-ctl to be his hew faith. He has, himself, to the Colivcti U..ti ol hit diocese j ,n f-.'i t, assigned anotli cr caii"e for his favorable inclination to wards th,. Church of liotiic.J It is ivt m ec-sary, at prc.-cnr, yi state that cause, hut if ocea-ioii should reoinre, I hope you will permit me, through the lieoliiim of your paper, I i make it known, using the Ill-hop's, own language for the purpose. iKr. nv i nr. t'l.i.i'.nv ur N'.mTii I.'ahi.ina. intkkks'i im: rr.o.M i lui;h v. Int. li'geiico i if iihdoubtcd aiitheiiticily ha- been ree, ived here of the ref al of the Seminole Imlians rctiiaiuitig in Vh ri.Lt ! eniigrale to the country assigned them we.-t. of the Mi.is-iipi. The agreement to rmi g'l.V t-iailj by ''heir thi.-f, Hilly I'riiiin, when In-... iu ' a hi ngt in , they refuse to ratify, intlucticcd, as we iimlcrsland, ebii tl v by tin advice of S.m.i ..moand Hilly llow h gs' only si-ter, wlio liar, great cons'tilt-Tatioii with the tribe. Lilly himself its believed t have been well ili-posed to Comply with his promie, and held out several weeks, but the oliter Scminolcs, having taken away his l.t wives and their children, mid threatened to annul tribal authority, at length forced him r- yield to their views, tin restoring his faviite wif. the fir-t he dashed deep into ll Vi I'gl.i'li -s. and ha- not not since been h.-ard from. The excitement in I'lorida is of course very great. We understand 1 1 1 a a regiuu nt of the fiiiouis "Cowboys," or " Crackers," is iu rapid colll -c of foi niatiou, to act un li r the authority of the State. A Nl-'.W WdM'liU. Trie new ship, -.y . lirnl mil', has sueecede 1 bey nid all doubt. She Went down the New Y.'ik hay a few days ago, at tin. rate , f 1(1 rr I J miles an Ji.-nr, and was a beautiful sight This was the F.ngen. ci '.. trial trip, and in a lew days a trial trip, to which the press and others will he invited, is to be made. There is nmv, it is ?anl, no doubt of the complete success of this impor tant enterprise. It will be the grandest tn uiiiplt in practical a.! which the agg hat know n. Steam vv ill he supers, .b;1, th co t of fuel dimi'ii licl "o to Ht perch!., and in more bursting f boilers. The cclebrarcd will of Ii. T. llaii-ton. ol Henry eo., Miss., by which his whole cstat' , ainountiiig t" half ii million of d..lays,i. giv en to a little riBgr... w is admitted to recvd, at the last term of the county court. .T-.hn Tf C'ifJ .r l has been tb rtivl by the l.cgi iature. (T.ovt fiior nt Jli.V.i.i-ati.