MM'Imiumjmi W'liuai i ii. '. hi, in imiman VOLUME !. KTUMBBB r-J U1,WU.U III iriUMJHJB fife I HOLTON Si WILLIAMSON, Editors and Proprietors. TEUMS: The North-Carolina Whig will be inomea 10 .Ub,crilir. ut TWO IMUXAKS in advance, or . 111, 1 1 imi ami i-ikTV KNTS if dsv. TWO DOLLARS nr I y 1 . 1 a 11 P'J- ... lu. .li lnvod for three month., and T1IKKK Th. North-Carolina Whis will be afforded to no LABS at the end of the your. No paper will I,ltinud u..t.l all arrearage, .re paid, ex. cent at the option of the Lditor.. A,l,1! rr., 16 ;;'haWee V : lion, and 2j cent, for eaon continuance. mihuinii'liu ailtl sllierill oui.tb . umj i-' u . e .t her ; and .deduction of 33) cent.' k, made from the reKn!ur price., fo, .dv. rt,.er. by the year. Advcrti.ement. innerted monthly ..r .uarterly, t 1 prr wiuaro for each time. heou. !"".htVM cent, ncr wuare tw mc:, inn... Monthly 13 cent, per uare for e.c:, mn.. IT All fctt-r. on mu.t be d.recicd to . ... t 1.... ...ut . ii.miI nr tliftf thr h.uitor. icir-- i 1 will not be attendud to. IT PiymcnU can be made tocitht r. p Poatmafcler are authorized to act as cnti. Ftnrmy Winter eorne. Km, ilriiiginir, .now, and hail, and nin, Bcaliiii; 'giintl the window pine Itiiilcly knnekiiif at the duur Dnrraa ln.liln;ht a rout ; See the .Ii u Iter, bolted .b.ul ; Kjilrn all the door, alwut. Stormy Winter i. wilhout tiod have merry on the poor ! On the Hir, half clad in alircd., Tlironifh who.e low and leaky ahrdu, biiuw. tK-al down on aching head. IMIt.n-rd nil the ntked flr. He that look, may their Is hold Hide by .ide, the yunif and old, Shrivelled arma the babe enfold. Oh, how dreadful i. the cold tJod have mercy on the poor ! lron-he.rted Winter eomr., Knock, in vain at eo.tiy dome. ; But he ac( rche. through the homo, Seattt-rrd on the froien moor. There no uliulP ri bolted tight, Piiti-ii out the .Mrmy nieht ; There no hearth i. hl.niiii; bright, Ob, how druolalH the aiglit God hare mercy on the poer ! See, the fmni.h'd inf.nt irr.'d, To the fimd hut empty hrr..t. While the mother benda di.lre.a'd, llropping tear, upon the floor, Thou ho hear'at the racn". cry, Herr look down with pilyine eye S..m! them manna from the aky ; Ur, let bird, their bread aupply iod have mercy on liie poor ! Jti-arta that all ii.rjK d in frold, S. If.cnrirhini; have (jrown old, M ho have never fell 'he told, ne.e unbar your bom.m door. It eompjuainn now io forth, I,arn, what ye to. learn were ldh, That no Injury of earth Half trie bounty', joy i. worth Oh, have mercy on th pour ! Hark, the torm i rapinp yet Who he.idc hi. fire can !, Ihe .nff-rer. forpet Shivcrierj nn the freren mojr t Ye, who downy pillow, p'e.a, , whom lllllh. .oft robe, rare.., Pity and relieve di.trra. ; Ob, the aUirm i. pitilean (od have nicrcy on the poor ! Miscellaneous. I. From the The Flag of our I'nion. TUNING A PIANO; OR, A Jack Tar RAISING THE WIND. nT rAixosnniDot. As a ccncral mini;, thee is uui mile iu- ... ..!.. :cn ,v? faculty or U,r cry about a sailor, j jiacK , too apt to .h.nk boots am shoes, hke eocoaoutn grow on trees, and that the world is on yMAcrflomj ago, but don t want repairing, and ,s uiuio good euough without alteration, for anybody. Hut Jack . a practtcal joker, and so proverbially fond of fun that the result of a long voyage of hardship and danger eoe in a iiffy, to irrat- ifysomc transient nonsensical whim o?ca- ld man .on nf i ,. fntnp-l pnin. - . m tho city of New Yore. Bernard stalked down to the shore, got a free passage up the Hudson on a market boat, aud the next day, says he, I was put ashore near tho 'own of llhinebcck. Two shillings in his pocket aud a stick iu his hand, he went off "a a tramp, determined to seek his fortune among thc sturdy farmers, or go into any thing that might develop the means of get ting bread for labor. The honest tar fell n with some " company " in thc town of I'hiticbcek, ami of courso his two York "hillings, presented him by tho commander of the market boat, vanished for stimulant. To let John Tar tell his owu Story, yi he : "I was out of rhino, in Rhinebeck, and without any idea of the next move. It was Ann evening in Jmlc, the moon wan up and niy spiriu were down. I starts out of the liwrrn to take a walk to myself, Jack, "a I, you're in a pooty lix, you are, up here high mid dry, among these land crabs, "tuck like a big bumble bee with a pin "trough his lack, in a showman case. wat a case, that's a fact. So I wcut a --e-d, thinking it all vor and over aguiu, WINTER TO THE POOR. Br M. E, K1SMT. 1 l median of thirty years aeo John Bernard eff ; and takiti" the kev and fork I goes ed dust, and no nioi.umcnt has been erected and t the country tins committee them, and the gentleman from Ohio, that cd before that Commission in behalt ot some gives us amoiie 'a variety of odd and amu- ' at it, surrounded by a pa'rty of the prctti- to the memory of the man who stood confes- was raised, as one of tlif reasons for raising ,-..,. work ; tul au act of Supcrerouratio. claimants. The honorable Mr. Evvixn, of itigrccollcetioiiaof life mid adventure, asto- est girls and won in the -world, while the 8oJ1J next to ashington, and who would, the committc.!, though they may not have is a law qi ,it lIflici,.,,t for them or Tennessee, who was then, but not now, a ry which we think worth repcatinc ' Iter- ! men were standing off, like so many convoy "' a11 probability, have been appointed to been made at the tine the committee was hinl U) aot upon. My object, sir, is to dis- member of thn House, appeared t'aero as tmrd ran awavfrom home when a boy and ' merehantiucn in au engagement. succeed him, had I'rovidence permitted so ordered. Now, then, the gentleman ought ! oomicct this bill, njion which I intend to counsel, or represented some party, as I am leeawe a sail.' , and of course became sub- j " Twang ! twang I twee-e-et ! Bom 1 bom 1 St 'J to sustain thw charge before the sprak hereafter, entirely from the matter bdd. The ho.iorahlo Mr. l'mxi's, of thu ject to all the ups and downs trials and tri- tecdlc-et-cet, twee, twang! dom! dom! j () the l-th of August, 1 1 -0, less than House, or modity it. I must consider it as and case rot'crred to that coiumittee. But House, did the sam-thing, tulations of a Bailor's adventurous life One ' "r that ladies ; there's tone ! tone enough ' tn0 mouths after tho decease of Greene, a part of the remnrks made by bun which wii-u to premise a few remarks upon Ihe: Mr. l'HEl.l'S. '1 he gcni.cman from day -.ny. he I f.)und myself ashore ay on a I that string, ladies, for a doien instru- j Congress passed the following resolution : ; induced tho House to raise the committee, j fafts ,,.,,01.tca by ,i,at committee, and which Georgia. mistaken m relation to that matter, lec'linrp ,, . .i.i ;.,il,.ln..ltr nor a iVi-nd meiits," says I. " llc.iohed, That a monument be erected This was the gist of the accusation. It is jiavc Lei, eomtuentcd on in the debate. I Mr. STK I'll HNS. Well, sir. I shad be itud the more the line got kinked up and tangled ; until says I, Jack Hcrnard, it's no use bullyluging and boxing the conipas in tliitf -nv fnlim in old nnv nrul luln I this - j, v " easy. r ,P.n niusie a niano was rnimr . f now ,"c " n u" P' a P'.?n g"ig, hand over hand. I always liked Milne, was . . J brought up to it you may say, I could play violin sonic, pianos were out of my latitude, . but J cou,d know wil,, anybody. , . ... . . - . , ' , ' fc adieg . . and playing the piano, and taking a fancj r" J o. 1 6 J inKiuuu ai;wiii'-.if n.v ,w.ii..un .u itvu. vi mc , i 1 , fcuuee i ,tens. The lady got through with l" I ."V" VT . f , ftnd Jjfc . f j;k j wc reached the height of prosperity only to ' fc thatt Booibravo 'make our fall the more disastrous ? Is the jou kdow, inai a goou , toouw f oowmereloJ affalrd alwayii like the ! - H-How 1" ay a gentleman looking out ! , , . - . .rix.A v... . l.;i.i-. ; ii ir i . ",BU u wi j "u """-i air"'' j " JJcg your pardon," 8BJ3 I, " I was YH tening to that young lady'i song, and it was good, I say bravo!" " Go a long sir," says the gentleman, " a bout your business j don't stand there." " Thank," you says I. " Go along," says he, " none of your pal- ater T ntnnit twit rrrmtlul fltlrl fhfl hinill started again, and two of the and one of the gentlomcu sang a really c ever Jw. Bvw" J , ' I ' Anu wnen tuey irot inruuu, iineu ii ao, -,, . -. , . ., .. ... 4uu . ..,,. c , 'will be freatlv mereaspil. while the nrohts that I again said " (lootl ! Bhavo !'' "Who the deuce is that lellovv : says one of the msiders. " (io, start him off, ' savs another. .... "Why bless, me, its a sailor: says a beautiful voice, from a perfect angel of a - , ... . i . .i ...vl au I .l.u..r,...l hb uli.. pnitia I r. tl.n vin. , , ii.i . dow and looked out at me. ,. . .. ,., .. ..ii " A sauor . says Borne others of thc la-; oies, aim ineii several oi iueiu came to me ,. i .i i e .1 .i window. I heard the door open, and out comes a gciuiei.ien, rnu nays uc : " Look here what do you want ?" " Well, sir," says 1, straightening up and looking him in the face, " a good deal, and yet not much either." " vS bat do you want here, sir ! " l I beg your pardon, ing aloug, and hearing the and the piano going " Well !" " I to.pcd." " We ace you have, but long, bir," says the gcntl ... . . i. t . 111. l.., uuai. , "Let huu stand there, 1 heard one of . . ,. . . , .' , tue lauic. .ay, uiesw uer nenri, ii w uuis i: ,. ... i i... i.:.., i... VJ llll'll. .leoiet:. ii:v lout uu. ' e ' . ... " lou are a sailor, a.ut you T says the are a sanor, o.ui you says ii e ' J J , icuiiy uuuciidioi vj u mujoi i.jr ui biiu C" rman." T , . ,I 1 youiitf men in this country ; and the melan '"ies.sir I.m, I responded but I know .,J, di, wbich our commercial somethmg about muw, sir for all that.- I like music, I was bro.iKht un to it, sir, c , f ..... , .,. """"ind 'ed '"' ,,,.' . T , , t , "ies, sir, says I, "and when I heard . , ' , ., . , tnai piauu oi yuura, x miew ii. wan uui oi tlttl iliuu Ui TUUIB, niivw lb a.-, wuv ui ' , .f .. . i (the pent leman crew iiuite attentive.) . ' v- . ,f, , . .? i , , 7 fn, nr. sadly out of tour I continued. in- it i ..i .i . " (. all bun in, says the gentlemen. 1 u .i i ton Y " Yes, (icorge, bring the sailor in," says the ladies, and, by Biscay in I went. " Ho you play, sir ?" says one of thc gen tlemen. j " O, do sit down and play fur us," says the ladies. Well, the fact was, 1 never j could play the piano, and so says I " La Iditf.i," doffing my tnrjmulin, " you sec it's 'some time since I pluiri, my hands you I see are haid and pokerish, and I'd make a j mighty poor fi.t of it, now ; but I II try," and down 1 sits, with all the flourish of a ; regular professor. I leaned back on the , stool, Fprcad my feet, and stretched my I hands and fingers tun a hum dom duin 1 ttrrrdr Irrdlr litdh dr de ilc tvect ! " By the Bay of Biscay, but they lo iked at me, as I dashed over the keys." , 1 1. .in ilritu " I l.itrf ll... l.nH annip rnn. ini' tbumpi, and then says I, in seeming n-i- tiin at the want of melody or vibration in the strings : " Horn m-m, dom deedle cedle, tirtet .' This piano's all down, tiuite down ; dom, dom, dum ! Hear that T Fine instrument, but horridly out of tone." . . '. ... .. " I knew it was," cried one of tho ladies. "It never has been toned since it came 1.,.-.. ....j an.d in. 1 u-'i, . . I h.l tlii genii, man, MJ.anotl,tr y - ''Jj l',', ' ,SC tho gen 1 nan I you .. . ed . .. the gen t, who ha da lew "fi0 V , w.lkH g ,.n s - I h n you J air W JKJj oiTSoftoi i '- a n an . 0 , .e city on , purpose 0 for t. 1 11 tone it, sir, s)S 1, wn.i pu asure , have you a key am. afo.k!" I continued, Uihilo with re.o.lar professional assurance I , . . . : dashes the tuano otien, sua turns up my " Delightful! beautiful!" they cried. Dom dom do-o-o-m 1 deedle eet. tweet ! Sweet treble, that do-do-do-done tirett .'Uncut, with the following inscription : .sacred .Now iti up, sir, ' says 1, alter twisting and ... . . .. . twaneinr; for some three-quarters of an hour, "now", sir. yjur piano'l iu tone, its a superb instrument, sir. . ... " I believe it is, sir; please sit down, sir, and give us an air or two." " Do, do, sir, we shall be delighted to hear you play, sir." But 1 declined, I did, and so complimented ono of the ladies, and her playing, that she sat down and relieved me. The eent cmati treated mn to a fine idass of m I lr--li ... -ninn'iiii' In a few songs, which partook strongly of salt water ami lungs, but were received with as much favor as though they were much better. I received the kind thank of the company tany, lined ollar river tsca and as I stepped out though I declined pay tho gentleman slipped a five doll note into my fist. 1 started down the on that raise, and in six weeks I was at sea again going around tho Iloru 1 Why is an egg like a colt . Uecanso it is not fit for u?o uutil it li Lroke. I SIGNS OF COMMERCIAL I'EJUL. ilunfs Merchant' Maeazine for January touches brief! y upon two or three topic, I I . .1 . . . which, at mis moment posscses more than I ordinary interest. AVe extract the follow- . i ,ng suggestive paragraphs : .... , . . Our merchants have ne 1 . , , ' ,! , '" I'' 1 1 rlv- , Cnntll f- ' tulu t0 "!,!et C engagements, have been almost and thus the profits-and-lo-s account cxbib- ,U. a "De r." " np?" glIe. bat next?' is the question asked, or iitestion asked or. ..' ..' ! , lent of , circo dl.scribcd by a cllild s Bwi,lfr and can there be no progress without I rT P corresponding recreation ? Has the world grown no wiser with age than thus to toil up the hill with the certainty that the ground ..111 ll !. D,.0.M TI...C, ll,..,l ,v "to" ' "4V '"M which will come to many during the Jong evenings that close in upon the first davs of the new year " "There are. it is true, some . of evil 1' I . ' ' . ... r- ... " .1,.. i. - i K.. t-II,., . ., t.. j from sou.ce u not . ti(j tho c.pcn of Icritiuiatc hanking . - c j i t x will ouly be divided. Nor is it so much in , , . . . ... be creit.d DC created , ,, . ' 1 , . , , ', , . . ., - 1 ' .' , thiu w nn ovil nt nr.oir m n nil ., e . , ,. ill. Tf ii, iiani.IT iii'R in inn ii :il inn . e" . . . e ..... i.viiie.1 ui .Mi: 1:1.1 n in v J louiioi ui Lite uiiiieui v uiiu iiiu uuuviiuu ui ..... . , 1 1 1 " e . iiioiieim v liu.ill.1 llll Iliini-, 111 u Lltui niuun-,. e J . . 1 , '. . ? . , lure, from the bands of the judicious and , . , . ,! f S- ra ut:i leiieru into 1111: uhhu, ui a nun sei, ui . . , . :riciiceu inio me uauus oi a new ci oi . . ,. . , . i too little, accustomed to such a change. , ,' , . . f ,,.ie new banks are managed iu a great de- eree bv new hands undisciplined bv former ree t.y new hands, undi.,ciplintd bj nrmer which are sure to be encountered. Like inexperienced manners, they will carry too much snil in fair weather, anil eive unv to ., -i.i. ' undcr coutro, of Jitadij untU thcv . , , . , . are more lit to be trusted to their ow n , ti stren 'in The reijuisitiou for the succcs-ful ,,t .,f ......oil,. i.,,.;,.u . ,-i rnannireiiiroit ot lnereaiitile ., , . ,i i t.r.ntlv finoerratid liv ,f- . , , ,. . ,.., p ,i, O.. ... H'-I U i. . V, U 'J IIIUUVIIIC 111 UV... . . ... ...V young and adventurous from embarking in the same desperate enterprise. And man v . 1 . . 1 even ot those who have some reason in set- , e i , , . , ting up for themselves, show but little judg- " . ' ' , ., . J meiit at the vcry out-ct of their career. .... . , . ,, , J hey have no patience for the small i j t i lungs, the slow and sure earnings which sir, I was hcav--;... " " ','T ' " ","' "V .," " cr it. 1 do not coustdertliat there is any- ;,l'Ji no Knew any tiling ,u ail ot the irauu. Illcll tIlui) pmpioyed be said to le employed ."al 1111 ' w "misnai or ,, :..Per ladies singing ri'3nj t. ''",',; tllin;; ' the 'Pt o' tie committee which ihcre ,s nothing, then, connecting Mr. Cor- j a litlst thc nismy 0f lho l;r.ltcli States! "ngres appcartng Kioto . i ; ' "V J , , , can i'y neh an .n .fence. I take t h s improperly witu me claim, isut, says , jn I1103t itallP0S the onlv iuctions is who!1-"'" a U! l"u,,?-'' "" coinoeii.-.m,.,,. ttL-i XtX ' 6tatc to "o"80 that 1 tWk thI f-'eUtk",,an' the COnl,UiUeC ',aVC "Tor- claimants Jh.Il rlive a' par- Mr. STAN TuN, of Tennessee. Width,, to tiiur caution nor stability. ..' the investigation and re?rt of this commit- ted this bill. Now, it is to that point that ' ti.-itlar fuml i gentleman allow me to make a stalem. nt. you must pass a- "''Ir l: tec fully and eoniplt tely txonerates the Sec- I wish to speak briefly, because this bill j fi.jMme down 0VPI1 t t!li, vcry Mr. STK Pjl !KVS. Be brief. eman, motioning .A. rThn I . ll. L. t retary of the Treasury from that Gardiner : was not reported hy any authority conler-' tribunal before which Senator Corwin awed , -,r ' 1 ' v -on-t miovv wnet.ifr experienced, clerks, who ought to be kept. , i,:,.i. .i i e. a u.! retl on eniniititi.i. nor lno if. .mipI. tho ... . ., " . the cent cmati lr.un tteoraia lias mv litilua lungs, the slow and sure earnings which'l I "n ' "-"r" have laid the foundation of all legitimate i resolution knowing the uter impossibility nucccs in mercantile pursuits. They lay 1' Paving a man s thoufhs or impressions, out their schemes on a scale of magnificence ;-Notl"n-' ln 1,10 gaa'je f the resolution, truly dazzling, and thcir expenses are gen-ior, ",c remarks vitU ,l,.t J arcompa. erally iu a ratio inverse to their profits.!"'"' rcmlutmH, can ic contsrued into This multiplication of mercantile houses , bllcu a change. will be one of the most 'ryhtg cf all the j Now, sir, I have thc renark" of the gen assaults upon our prosperity for the coming tleman as made before thi: House, in which year. A WELL-TIM KD SUGGESTION. From the Providence (II. I.) Journal. The resolution to erect an Equestrian Sta tue of Washington was passed many years ago, and the appropriation only carries into effect a measuro of national gratitude long delaved. Another of a himilnr character has "been even longer delayed. Next to Washington in his claims upon the public gratitude for revolutionary services stands C. . . . ., .. J . 1 Nathaniel l.reenc. I'osscssmg in me lull-. cst .legreo the contidencc ot the great com-, wder. he was selected for the most difti- cu,t an1 dclicate positions, and he never r..:i.,.l ....... .11 !... ......l ,,f lu "V lu u" i-"'" " When thc enemy had overrun the uvutn. aAiiv iju wi'iiy-'ini'n n v-3 'ttininuu i; a i...jf..i r r. 1.:. 1 I 0f disaster and defeat, and , a , Aniem Btauuard updu tUe te. which his valor had recovered. The ry rang with jovful acclamations t the news of the battle of Springs, e, dard and a gold medal, and subscp.ently 1 . . ". Greene died ,1. Georgta, and " to this day uo man knoweth of his sepulchre, ..n lit mm I1.19 lip. .11 r!iip.l ft 11.11 r. 11 is Honor- ; to the memory cf tho honorable Nathaniel i Greene, at th-j seat of the Federal Govern- '. , .. .. i . to mo memory oi tue lionoraiue atiianiei ! (ireene, who departed this lite the nine - i teeiith of June, 17ti : late Major General' ' . e .1 . I" . 1 -.'..... 1 ill me service oi tue i iuieu ciuica, aim .v ... , - n -n ,,.t-.. ros-t by assignment iu his claim. "-- mr uu M-umu-i, nun me iip''i;tiut Hini.' vntli tivmi; largely interested in a commander of the army in the southern, de- carefully, 1 concur w iththe other gentlemen, j an a,i,lliltl.d The centleniati that I would send it to the Commis-i .,,, with ( oiiipanv iu the State of Alabama. Wit- partmcnt. The United States, iu Congress, ' that my impression is that it is lraudulent. j fro)n Tennessee. (Mr. JtiilNSoN.) argued i the proofs ing it. 1 did so send . 0(,s Wl.rt. ".,llt Up,,n ttu. st;Ui l,and .pies assembled, in honor of his patriotism, valor, Hut tho subject referral to that committee j tcrdav tMIlt it wa. 1l,n, in : sr.-' that it. My constituent then desired in., t ap- : tiom-d a- to that f-.-ct. The ..--. .-tin v. as so . -. . .i.i'- . .1 I.. :n. i!..n... ...,.l ... Fa. lli.,!r rr. o ... . . , t . . 1 i . . , 1 . I ::..: . . . . . ana anility nave erectcu tins monument. uiu nullity nave ciccicu 1111-1 luuuuuivut,. This resolution, so creditable to the pat - riotistii of tho Cont-ress of the Confederation. I.,.. l. ,.rri,..l i.itn offept T. not .1... . . f. ...1.1.. :... 1., !,. the act of gratitude ? It is said that the Chairman of the Com- j mittee of Ways and means intends shortly I to report an important bill for the regulation of the coinage. It is said a number of the members of Cengress antl others have held a meeting and resolved to make an effort to push the TrcccU fwilatioa Mil through. SPEliCII or Tiic Hon. Alexander iStcvrns, of Ga, ) In defence of Mr. Corwin, Ljainct the charge of being imnrnncrly connected with tlie Uardmer llmni. Delivered in the Ih.of Repntnlutires Jan. 13, Uj'i. . MR. KINO, of New York. I call for the regular order of busiuch. The Sl'EAKKR. Tlu first business in rer 13 t'ie "lot'on to recommit the bill to prevent, frnilfltf nnnn till' Tri'.'ilirv i ... . . . . . ... prevent frauds upon th Treasury. Jir. STEPHEN'S. oCGcoriiia. The hill , . ' J I. under consideration. 'V Dcaker. is repor- , . - - - j- - - 1 rt,:,.i.. I,,l , r- .i . ii ... . 7 J . I" --"" "ou- t0 report it. l0 far as the bill, therefore, M .conceded, I siall treat it as au indepen- d''t''surc More tins 1 louse as if repor- tell I. V UI1I7 Itlfl I Lhnl j ou. iii-Li u iiienis win tue investigation ot the Ijaruiner Claim ljr I See no lci'ltimate eon- nexion between it and the subject referred to mat committic lor investigation. Ihe bill, I believe, is in substance the same as 01,0 i,,troJucea iro the Senate by a Sena- , f vt, i',,.,i; r- ii.,M,. v i tor from North tirohna. (Mr. IUpokii.) In ....... u, v.-. . ....u.... i i.ii .i. ,., ' remarks whuii J shall make upon its its f vb-,11 T,p.e.,r;iv ; ti;,, n, us, l . snail ne:cssari), in noticing the i.i nf iliinmJm .LU, it cs or uiscussioi wlndi it lias eivcu rise the merit; topic .'J "i" uictusiui VTllllll 11 IIU9 XIIULl . . , , - , . , . , t.O. llltromiPI Hnmi nf lllp fiillneetu trhi.'h . ,1 t i . 1 thc gentlemen havi alluded to in the pro- " , ., , , , ,, ' grcss ot the debate, Jhe gentleman from . ' ----- - --..j--- - , o i. n. n i f . , t , Ohio, (Mr. Ol.ns ) for ustanec, who I be- ,. ' ;,, . , ... ' - . licve, addressed th coumtttee first upon .". r . . "J.. J ' V nu"Jttl Mu" "'"" "'ecu is reporieu (jf tL(j tjui(j jn , G1 , of this morn. to !u-,d "'i rePort,ot "s b" . . j . . . ... ...... ...... committee as coiiSrmijig his original s in i elation to th) Secretary of the ry, Mr. Corwii. I do not so consid- r,nai.i.s ... 1 reasury teu.r-y Uie-fl ti'4-.v (this Uo-j?o '1 1, -whathor the oc.-jtarj. e the HWsnrv. i couipeiwatipn in such a capaitity. 1 believe appointed to investig.e the Gardiner claim. ' Was improperly connected with the claim o'fj'' u 8 histnrieal fact that after the .lay I do not seo any connexion which it has which there was a suspicion of fraud attach-1 ,rcat' tllL'ro was a comniission instituted with the busiwss submitted to that colu- 'cd to it. That is the only (iiestion. Well, I ,no adjudication and settlement of niittee. It seeus to be before the House iir) docs not this report of the committe;' ' '''aims provided for in that treaty, and that anomalously. I suppose it must have got raised at the instance of the gentleman from I 'J10 abk'''t attorneys in the country at that here by unaniiious consent. The committee Objn, sufficiently show to us and to the coun- tl'"l! appeared before the board thin eon-ti-.r,;.,l,, 1....1 , ...!.,..:... r .i -.ii : . J ii... ,i .i i e - .. Olds,) seemed to entcrain the opinion or case belore mem. 1 uo not intend to let suspicion that he held. 1 notiee the follow- the gentleman escape in this way. I call ing, iu the report of tie gcntlemaus rc- the attention of the House to this fact, that marks, and I shall be bief upon this point: f Mr. Corwin, as Secretary of the Trea.-t- ' "Mr. Speaker, 1 will not say that at the !u,rrV' LaJ bec" '"'properly connected with time I offered the, n calling for this' thw claim as was ii.uni ated in the original committee of invcsti.-UKn, that I had not a , charge there would have been no necessity settled conviction upon nf mind, that Cor- at ail for 3D-V BPecial bl11 to reach his de- win must have known, r at least have , strongly suspected, the fra dulent character I of this claim. That convicien has not been ; changed, but greatly coiiliiued. by the evi- i CIlitn'fCO. V r ' Idrtieertr u ,R-, I notnitlw begiu-i""B"Jsl 'pureoe c 1 i . ported by the conaiittee. But, sir, tending these conivjtioLs, I had no sf mnl-ln,. m '.! . 1, n r,.n ... ii,.. he say.- "Through the iiivestigr.ioit of Congress, their Galphinism has ben exposed ; and Crawford, loaded with th execrations of the American people, hs rceived his pass ports to perpetual infamy. But Corvviu still remains unwhipped of jtttiee. True, sir, his eatspaw and aceoinplici in the frad, is loaded with irons, and i l auded by pub'ic sentiment as a perjurer am forger; but the mtcr moving spirit, the trad and brains ' ,lic trail, through the ugiigence o tins . .,, . . - . , .,, H'ise 1 still pemuttva toioutroi uie 1 rea- a.iru r.f lo T S " J - -ir. v-i..... anal is a pioiauon iron, a speech made in July up ui entire y another question, in which 1 referrd incidentally to !,, I 1 nf ll... .mnlrv It tool tin " "- yi " , . " connexion 1 with Mns resolt, ion whatever. - 1 - ... - - i i. ,i, tiim, ;, .i,i.vmn ith this subject. !., prt fared now before the House to say that he takes this exprcs- sion back ! Mr. OLDS. No sir. 1 say that the re- marks I made at th, time I olfi red this re- call upon the lions, for investigation, , Mr. STEPHENS Then, if the gentle- 1 - ,an docs not take troju. back, or ...od.ty them, he should mak: them good. 1 hey .Am..L,. m,u ,. ,in m hi. 1 1 mo... ,., ..IUUU ,,.. ... , not my purpose at all to discuss the merits of the Gardiner claim; that is, whether it was lounuca in jusuc, or w neuter h ai a c.i. r f.s.. l. . ... '-"- "' "y , J nat was not even ncir.j use investigating committee. I am fret to state, li owe vcr, mm ...riinn thn fn.,,!!' Al I ll. Illl'P.llira I niii-.siis-i-, .' .-, - ' ...- ,..-...., ...... . , Por wuwmcil, i- l.i now ueiore uib nuu.-i, " '"S.C-,Jr: -orw,n p s) " improper " connex- wun lllc -'-' i "u"u!,: "' J -s. I Pa5f,t'' 1UUOII oueicu ity lue i.e. i...... n.e. . s.. .. jby this House, stated that, " Whereas a strong suspicion rests upon the publit! mind that fraudulent claim have t been allowed by the lato Mexican Claim Commission, with one of which it is suspec (ed that Thomas Corwin, Secretary of the Treasury, has been improperly connected : Therefore, " PrWrfrf, That a committee, consisting of five members of this Housc.bc appointed by thc Speaker, to investijat? all the facts tuiiuLini? tho ;r.wxi:a cf 'the f?aii TbcraaB w - ! Corwin. the present Secretary of the Tre.v 1 claims similar to these before jtit such Mr. HOWARD. As the gentleman from sury, with the said Gardiner claim; what ' tribunals ai this wan. Nay, more; I he- Georgia has mentioned my uniuc in this con fee, if any, he was to receive for his service licve that even anterior to our Involution, l:eotion, I de-ire to t iW, that two cuu.-titu- as ai'cnt or coiiiisfl fur s.-iii ( ! :ir.!inpr v.!im(. : intcrost if nnv ntlmr l,nn I.U f.. rr he purchased" and held, either directly, in said claim, and the auiount naid. ort-tinula- ' ted to be paid therefor, and condition of j such purchase ; at what time he ceased to ' act as the counsel or agent of said Gardi. j tier ; to whom and fr what consideration he disnoscd of liis fee interr-t : to wliom ami . .' . . . . . . for what consideration he disposed of his. i nun foill-th inferftwt in fc.itrl ..t-.ii ii ? one fourth interest in said claim." I TU n,.,i;n .i,.r.... . -. I W v..ljr IJUlUVII, Ul'.IVIVIV, DU till ilj ....,,. .j- i.. u. : i .ug iiiiyi, in lUUiiunLLV 13 VJUeCIllUU,: . : . try that there was no improper connexion at .Hon the part of the Secretary of the Treasury with the claim! The gentleman from Ohio attempts to argue not; and the wuoie oi uis fipecen seems to ne a sort ot t t t ., ... censure upon the committee that was raised nt bin nan inktanna, nt Infill it. an Btrii..L- lno. Ife seemed to be grumbling at their conclusion. What is that contlu sion of the rommirtor. on the real point, iu issn, ! Hero'ti ;s thcir language: e v . , . . " No testimony Las been adduced before ..,, ;' , . the committee proving, or tending to prove, . . .. r " ., . . ' the lion, i homas t.orwin had any , , , ., . ., , . ,J Ktiowieuge tnnt tue claim ot the said uanti- ., i i .... .i 4 r i . . ncr was irauilulent, or that false testimony ) , f,.r..,.A - lit,. ,..... i i or lorged papers had been, or were to be, : . . f . l . , .i o ; procured to sustain the same. 1 . . I he tputininn v ni-fore t ho inniimtti.i chntrc ! "u t VlV V wi Z " ; ---v . " est whatever in this claim after he became ; - i mittee say that there is no evidence show-' ?, " or touting to sftotr," that even as a ! private citizen, in his vocation as an attor- j Z "TIL V ..!,." 7 V L ...fT" 1 ' , . Sir, the founders of our Government, in l.. i:. ...... 1 l -r one ol the first acts passed by Congress af- ter the organization of the Government, suf- fieic.itly protected the Treasury of the Uni- ted States iti this particular. If Mr. Cor- win acted imnrooerlv. vou need nass no new win acted improperly, you need pass no new law for others ; you can now prosecute him, oue aI110I1,,t otlur airit rs before the Board and visit upon bun the punishment he de- of Commissioners. For thc testimony is con serves; you need not let hini pass from defect Cul.-ive that, perhaps, knowing the statue of of the law. I call the attention of the House 17 wili(.h 1 iKlve rt;ad) i( )rom other to the act creating the '1 reasury Depart- consideration, he disconnected himself from meiit in 17-!, to show that there is no tie- tllal relatiou before ho assumed the position ces-sity for this lull to meet any future case 0f Secretary of the Treasury. similar to that then before the committee. . ., r ... .... . 1 , .1 . r.i . But the gentleman from Mno (-lr. (li.psi 1 read the eighth section of that act : 1 . n- . . u c says that the transfer of his iutreat was all " Sc. . And fir it further cri-trff, That a farce. Weil, if so, die iue is between 110 person appointed to any office instituted him and his committee. They do not report by this act shall, directly or indirectly, be that it was a farce. The witnesses are un concerned or interested in carrying on the impeached, and they swear that it was an business of trade or commerce, or be owner, unronditional transfer of all his interest iu in whole or in part, of any sea vessel, or tin; claim. I am bound, therefor", t to purchase by himself or another iu trust for consider it. Well, then, sir, was M;. Cor- 11 1 111 any public lands or other public pro- win the only di.-tingui.died Senator wh" Hp perty, or be concerned in the purchase or peared as counsel before that Commission '. disposal of any pidilie srrurtlits of any 1 have not seen the docket, but I speak from State, or of the I'uited States or take or information which has been communicated apply to his own use, or gain, for negotiating to me, and which I have no doubt is correct, or transacting any business iu the said He- I am informed that the honorable Senator partmcnt, other than what shall be allowed from Missouri (Colonel BllvrnN) appeared by law; and if any person shall offend a- in a case there. 1 am informed that the gainst any of the prohibitions of this act, he bouoi alde Senator from Louisiana (Mr. shall be deemed guilty of a high inisdemcan- Sol. I E) appeared in a case there. 1 believe or, and forfeit to the United States the pen- that the honorable Daniel Webster appear ality of SU.IKM), and shall, upon conviction, 0d as counsel there in two cases. The hon- lie removed from office, and forever there- orablcMr. BuPillT, a Senator from Indiana, 1 g.,;,, cither the hea 1 of it or any .-..'ootdi-aftcr incapable of holding any office undcr appeared there also in four cases, as I am , natebein" int. re-ted iu a ilaini, o'v r jsccn the United States," &C. informed. Whether those genlKmeu ap- ttnj: a claim 'lending before tho 'lieasury. Sir, if Mr. Corwin, as Secretary of the peared for fee or reward, I do not know. 1 lu'tho Slate Department there is no such Treasury, was "improperly connected" come now to thi.-. House; and mark mo again, 'prohibition, or in any other Department, with this claim against the Treasury, as that 1 do not intend to cast any imputation j 1 1. ro ad j,, this connexion. 1 beg to call charged, here is a' law of thc country" that pan any gentleman, because 1 do not eon-j the attention of the House to the investiira- has been in existence since 17wi, under which you can proceed against him, and by which "you cannot only 'displace him, but disgrace him forever. If, therefore, the ooiiiiiiittcp nnil.-rtonl; to recommend this bill . . hi .1 . ....... 1 1 ; . r to meet .nr. corwin s case, i neg to iiimriu '-nr ihe.. farts arc ihat Mr. Coivvin, while he was a Senator of the --,,.,,., ,,,.- wa, emiilovcd as an attorney tl,0 0ard of Couitui ioners to ad - . .. tte claims against Mexico in behalf of ,; i: . .. ..UiuVant. and that he also took . . . ..... , jt wa!1 lrrg ( lor a mcinlicr oi I on- i .tt.vrnev for fee or re- , , , , A tribunal. Is that gentleman right in that position T ; ('.,1-viin did somithiug wrong t wtl(.mn ri.dit in that position T It he is. . ., , ..., ,,., vi mm' 111 1 n- . ' and deserves censure. If not, he is certain - ; iv .hove the reproach of even the most fas- t'idious iu what he did. Let us refer to our ; i,jstory on this subject. Every gentleman ! w10 lt,ars me knoivs that it is usual and, '. ias ))Ctn from the beginning of this Gov- j ,.nnoI1tt for Senators aud members of this House to appear as counsel for fee and re- ! ward, or compensation, before the Supreme , Court of the United botes, to appear be fore a-ny of th courts of the Union, and be - fro fJtr.o;irvf :xri ai'rx.uici to adjalicits Dr. -inn , in cl i 1 not run-i, i r it umlitni m ' si to r.nivn fV4 n.,ii ..if . .mit f,r sir. : oral of the colonies before the proper de- nartuieiits of the covcrumpiit of the motht" country, Great Britain. He was the regu- lar n'ent, (irst of I'eimsylvaui.i, then'of ! Mnssachus tts, and of ( ieorgia, perhaps oth- ! ers of the colonies. I maintain, therefore, 'that tliero imfhiinr in tlm tliinir itselt' T - " which, by the "encral consent of mir eoiin- Irviti.Mi nv.oi tlw. ;.-, ,tf '.tifl l,n li.-J w Itrymen, eveu the wisest and the host, is or 1 has been considered, wr.n in aethi" as : . ,T ! counsel or nttornev. or n-rent for proiu'r -'I , - I I . luicuauiongti iiicui iiii.-inui rs oi vun::rcs-i. Again, at the close of the last war with Kngland under a convention, a similar board was constituted. The celebrated Mr. Pinkiicy, of the State of Maryland, a dis tinguished member of this body an honor to his Stnte, au honor to hi.i country a man whose elo(ii"iice was perhaps never surpass- ! ed a man whose integrity never w as fines onerl. fo f:ir as T know ho. slr nnnnnrorl. j as I am informed, before that commission, L. i . ..:... .. ' lauu artriieu imiioriat i cases as attorney lor 1 . i,-, , , , 1 I parties in interest. ho ever heard his cou- ; , , , . . duet questioned ? Who ever heard an im- . , ,- , , .i , nutation cast upon his character, for thus ad- 1 . , . ., voeating the rights of t hoc who sought the . . . P. , F , , T . , . n aid of Ins legal counccl 7 1 give him as one . , . .i iV . r .i n instance amongst others. Hut further still, T . r, , , , . , . I have a paper before me, from which it ap- .. . .. .. .- fcars ,n" tno uonucorgc.v, . alias w-,,,,e j,c was V ice I'resiitent ot the I lilted Mates, rf,teivej fec, for proseclltin ;,, t.r a viaiui uii'jit' uui; ui uiu ii' l iiii:nv ui lit i , re cna(.0(i witi, j,;,,, ; (, ame C!X I"of Con -ress of the bi"heH char- nctur nnd tl,c bt,icte',t purity How can cUi"' ,,cf'jr one of thc 'I'T"tn.ents-others mip.'ir n cmitis.-l. lie w.i not. the on v member of Comrress w ho appeared, or agreed to appear, there as counsel. And if there was anv tim improper in his connexion with it W.1K it n so wit!) 0,iK.r menibers of Cun- prCHii: Mark you, 1 do not allude tothc.e fllcts ly wav of castin2 inipl,t.ltiolls upou anv f thege'ntlemen whom 1 shall name, but p do not itondi sittin- here in the Hall to permit a talse impression to go bi tore this COUIltry or ,i,at Mr. Corwiuwho is a dis- . '. . . .. . ' til,,ui.jied iawver, s!lall be a of bv aliv .eutlcnian upon this floor. .Mark v tbut the whole charge .v.r w I h, that . ;Mr. CotvU x,hllr a tar, was cmtdovecl j . i. n....i: , . i.:., . .1..:. , ir r:!in,p t,i r.,nr,..,it l.i ..h,i," sider mysclt Mat there was any wrong m it. There was no law against it, ami it had been the custom of the country, from the begin- ning, for men holding such positions to act in such capacity. But I am "unformed that the l,.,nrnl I., Mr I I . .v 1 11 1 ot I .. v - w f,iin,ir. uooo.... -. cdad to be corrected. I oulv spea.-i from information received lioiu otm. rs, as L l.av state. i .Ir. I ll l-.l.l I ertnit me, men, tontaKo '" '"i - tatemi ut. W hen the .Mexican I. oui- ' mission assembled, one of my con-tittieiit I . ; .. ............:..i .. . . .1... - I pear ueiore i.n- v.oiiinii.-Mini, n m eesu, i , i and attend to tue case. Acti n was ll i t I upon the ease, but 1 never appeared before me l oninussioti. i on.v imiuiieo or one oi 1110 '.1111 IlllS.sloliei s liai aeuoil lltl'l ueetl ; had upon it. 1 no compensation j for it whatever. 1 I attended to the business! j as I would attend to anv other business of; ; my constituents. But I did not appear as ; counsel in the case. J Mr. JOHNSON, of Tennessee. I wish to j ask the gentleman from Missouri this trues- ! tion : Did you ever receive any compeiisa- tion tor your action hetoro this loiiiuiiitsion Mr. PHELPS. I did not appear before1 1 mat , f so.Jt.;: that roard at all, nor did 1 raceive any cos n for fc.ics tue mtatoitk. i nl nune .-i nt tildes t 1 nie ulm ii I u!eu before the Hoard. I pr.n i.ted them, how- ever, without having exacted or received any compensati hi. .r.S'l Kl'HLNf?. 1 heu I understand the fivnth man froiu Texas did appear belore the L'oard, but received no compensation for it, Mr. HUU'AliH. J will state, that 1 re- Ceived petitions and papers made out, -oine .-i-i i i of liieii 1 colTeetei ami i.iij t. 1 r.- drafted, si.;''. .1 them I'll the .'till l ll as coin.. -i I. ami p'r.iit Hoard, but 1 never re-ati-.n nor -!.at:i' ai;-. ,1 Li' iTce',. ..! any pay I !u:ro'i.l! ii.l to licloro ed theiii I el . c i ,-cd any rue new I h Me new r i Ii ; r:ri for l.'i -ri. to whn-1 the l partniti.l.i. While I am ti j, however, I v;d stute, tliut I d i lint my-ielt eo.'i, i l: r i' foi.' S'teli a board a - til-', thing 1 1 i s j 1 . j i i'i it-elf. I agreed to this rejiort, howriti, I e eauso I think it is belter lor the r present i fives and the emiiitry that members of Con gress should not appear before, such commis sions, and net because 1 c ui-i.lerud such an appearance as anything improper iu itsci,'. I shall take occasion to state my reasons jr tiiis opinion before the debate closes. Mr. .STKPIIKNS. What I was inform ed, then, is true, that thefc gentlemen, did act as counsel before this Board. Mr. Piiki is did not tippear before the Board in person, beeau-e it was not necessary; but as the papers presented by them were for consti tuents, they did not charge or receive any compeii.-alioii for their services. On that point, as 1 .-tated, 1 was not iiiioiiiied as to either of any of the gentlemen limited by me. Mr. l'UI.Ll'.S. 1 did not appear f lorn the Hoard at ail. 1 mealy handed in the papers. Mr. STIil'IIKNS. The gentleman did not appear, beeau.-e it was not necc-sarv. f presume there is no (tiestioti that neither of -. , : . these gentlemen received any compen.-ati on '"r "' ' ' v iei s. But the gentleman from lcxM Xl'r' f'frcctly state-, iu my opinion. as app earniii letore tins: l.oumusMon or not, but I did appear there, in oim c ase for a coti.-tituent ot mine, who employed me as his counsel, and paid lue for it. 1 drew bis me morial and presented it before the Board. did nut think the Comuiisidoii allowed him halt' a much a he wa, e.itilled to, but In'l tae iu villi Lis nvn j-v -p' ,-itioii. Mr STKPHI'XS. I did If t L ive tie :tU l " vry po--.!d, Nr:,:l, H M l; n;r j; ;, -;,-! sis:! wli:','u ""Vr1","1'-. '."' . Av- ' V 1 1'-' 1 Blil a': ,l,r,1!'r- "Ir- .spe8i;er, t:.. t 1 li.T.e uite tided bu.-ii.-. lor my con-t:t .lent ami others , a thousand cent for my ve ;i cent, ai- times, tin ! nt v r n et i ed service-, and never would r though money has beeu repeatedly o tiered me. Mr. STEPHENS. It --ecius, then, that the two gentlemen, Mr. l!ov.u:i and Mr. PtlKM's, happened to have tho papers of constituent.-, in consideration i f which they did not charge them for their service- ; but if the papers had bee a pre.-i nted Ly otlurs, according to the statement of tint gentleman from Tctiiie. ee, (Mr. Sv.WTon,) and of tho gentleman from Texas, (Mr. Huw.utii,) thcv would have considered it nothing iir.prc-per to have appeared before that Commission, any more than to have appeared before the Su premo Court as counsel. N jvv, my point vva. tshow fr :n the legislative lii-toiy of the cotititrv , that Mtch a e .nil'. mii has ..r 1 ,.-i 1 1 ii. . ur-d i ir prop er : tint thcir is no 1 ".d-lalioii against it. ThN. 1 think, I have , -tabli-h-d . The on ly Department of the i .ove: u:.iet:t in rela tion to 1, ieh mo h ;i c-inm-xioii is prohibited by law. is tint of the Treasury. Thai i- th; on'y Departi.e lit in vvbieli public offn-.-rs tire , prohibited fio'tl holding -'Uti a I'el.iii,.,; ..-hip. In the Wur I )et::i rr no-i f t!:er., i 1.0 l,ie ;i. ,ju wnjc.i, n i,ad i -;I7, before the mem- orable comiuittee of Mr. Wise. You recol lect, jierhaps, that amongst othor charges ef impropriety preferred by Mr. Wise, ai that the heads of some of the Departments were f vu'culating iu thc public lauds, aud with having iutere.-t iu. and with prosecuting claiins against, thc Government. The po.-i. tion of tieneral Jackson and of the partv tin ii in power, of which he was emphatically the head. was. that tiirr- irtts nn !:ir . g'tiiftt it, and that if the hea ls of any of thi Departments, except thc Trcr-ury, "i- any of the officers of the Government, bad a claim again-t the Government, or was disposed to iuve-t bis money in .-peculating in the publit lauds, that it was no well-grounded charge again-i the integrity of such olliccr. I have the n ports of that committee before nie, vvitii the remarks of Mr. Wise upon it. These pa pers. I think, fully sustain this position. Ihe N'crctarv ot Mate was charged nt ' ... .... . t . . llK1(iilied and restricted a-: to male:' the wit 4 ..1. ti e Secretary o! State. been 'mtcreste 1 iu anv laud .-peculation.. " coiitrarv to aw. ' Thi. re was no ; gaui't it, and the pte-ti m was not permit ic I t c!"hing the hntt.'t- i ted l0 i,0 ,,r ,,, riil without t:.i- III J.l I 'lL-iltl Mil. Tin! ar that ! was, or if he w;n, tlut it 1 wa, ,;s ,.?al right t 1 intere-tod. -ir, with this distinct allegation n tr. Secretary of State, what said tieneral j Jackson this couimitUt . " If otl ar j ub: to rit t; any ate where there is tho : , ii . (... t, reaviti to suspect corruption abu-c of tni-t, ro obst-iile -rh'.jrt I oat r? - , a-ove shall t" tn'.orr-tt t-? r rovc full. K'i rntu 7 i t J