l . el; 31 JJT. r. VtU'tf. i I. ! .-WII.I.I.VM THOMPSON INq., is nir a fMil i.i Il.tltiniorc, authorized to obtain advertise Hit i. Is anu subset tpti, ills, ami to L'rui:t receipts. ir K. W.CARR. Kan., is Mir atrci.t in I'liiUilel- p'n.i. 'PiLie.-ieil l . i obt..ui iilvt i list, mei.ts and pro cm i s.i'.se rtjil ! s. 1 .. " . II, r.;!:n. r, Ksq., is our nut'.icr'.7.cii ajp-tit t-t ri ( ; r at. ; r t . f ' IIH-! Is ,;:,d sul-scr ipt Inns tit ills cK'-i s- in i!o-'-,:i. Xc Yo: k and Phil-di Iphn: . Wr v. ! fi.i Mining Prospect. rr s.ii wn a cay t.r two smrp snnif of ! shut., U i! r.,1,; o- i!::.t u r hio cwr i uitiry. T'i- y viT- t-iUin rt;t nf n . l ti (; p: ii. n i in ii.if r ur.tT, t- a I ii t l iilcrtom t cp. md, I flr. 1 nnis.an, an f t ri' ;u t'd tninT wiio him n t tntl y rrojn nni H Ta.tioi.s it iliLt Cc!i LrU.ti mine. We Ici.rn that Mr. Ii ni.mi n intern' nrrcing- the s.:nioIs rih tr txiiibton in order to induct capitalist! to i.I.t Willi h nt in tt.t tiiUrrsrc ui rit;-aili;i t:it : n t.i.tis r..- t a 1. ncjcclioa uf Mr. Bailor. It -is t.t- d in nut pup. r that Mr. Bitti. n' I. ,1.1.111,1., n ton i-i.t c r. ihi- Ii. i.eh ol'thc k c t'it of l'i..uj Sir! I. ii Li.ii i,-!.. the S, i,. t . V. : ri. K.i ml,, tL.. words of the con.' titution which create th cfiice, the rf or trrm of thnl ofticc, and conkniplutc va- cani'iin, nrc as follows. " 'Dir St.niito of tha I'nitcil States shr. 11 lie com. potirtl ot two Sinators from cueli State, eliosi n hy the Legislature thereof tor six ye;:rs.n 1 ;iiinet!i.tt ly after they shall hr .iM-einhlii! in renst tj m l.ee ol tfie t'u t i . itiell. tilt V r;!l.tli hi- 1.1 v..'t,l us tipi.illy its 1 1 1 :i y !, into l;:rtr ei.isi s. 'l'iie s.-its itfllie Si n.tors ot' the first eh ss sli..!i he af..tnl ;.l tat i !;piralu.n nt' t'.e s. hukI i:.r, it , t.ie seeoiid elas-s ;.t tiie eiiir.itloil ot' t! e Iwtrlli ye;.r, niul ot' tiie third i-l.is.s hi the t x jura in. u ul tin s : th year, so that one third may he chosen every ' sreond yi ar; nnd if vacancies hiipjKii hy rrsiirnu. 1 1 ii'ii, or ot her wise, during; t he rcci ss ot" the I.i z is Muture of nny St.,te, the Kxtcutive then of inn y : iin;!;e trniji'irarv ispi"l!itin"lit until the in .t tin t t ' mir of the Li'iaLiiire, wliicii shall thin l.il Mali i neanrit s." l!y these Mori's tile of.iee is made per;'i tir.l, t'..c ; se:it or t. rin is limited to six years, and the i iuui-c I conteinpl.iting vaeiineiis eoines atli r and in eon. ' nex'ton ith that which creutes vacant nru$ in or. I der to produce rotation in the Senate. It is niani- fi st therefore, that the clause providing for till. . ir.' vacancies oecurint; during the recess of the I.'-i: islature id" any St-le, hy ' rrrigualiun or olh. ' i rn ise," cent ti j lati s i i;!v vacancies in the srrrs. and not in ti.e otiiie, which hi comes vacant by the cvpiratieii of the whole time of the term or scat. Tor it nould I ahsurd to supM.se thai u vcc.:tiey ceehi occur hy resit' n.'iofl utter the t-Tto , of lite iiieuiiil cnt had i xpired, and the word "res il'liat.nll," o! tluitlo h tile ftcid " othi rHIfi-" isused in ecnnex'.nii witii it points most unerringly to the i'jrritM of vacancy cjl.temjdatcd by the ftamcrs ti' tl-.i eoltitutitn. The viorii ' i tin rwise" ealion'v I n fi r to vacancies arisirg Ironiideath or rcniov.-il freni itl'.ee. Kor it was known that these casts would otten nrise during the recess of St..te I.i istaturts, and it would lie attended iv..ii M'husc. incotivinii nee, and delay to convtnc them to till! v..cjiicits, wiiich s. mi tunes miht cicur l-nt a sh'-rl Line Ik lore the rigui-r penu fe.r a m w th i . 1;. n. Uut tht vacant i s i.ceurril.jr ;n li.e i' ei hy the i pi ra tit ii ol' tiie Units ol' lie i:.eiiinLei. ts et.uiii always he forese i n anil j roiiutd tor hv the , From the Charleston CorniER. THE SOl'TH-CAlHtLLNA KAIL ROAD. Ciiaplotte, N. C, Fku. 1 1, l3. Missis. Editor; Sonic fortnight or so sinec, vou very kimlly vuibli.shpil an nrtiolo in vl 'ch tonii:iinls were jitefeireil naainst the aiiiiiiiiistialiiiti of tLc (.'liiirli'stun ami (.'oliinil ia Hail Hoad, on aicytitit of the tar ilitiOfS with hit hit Lore uur Cotton to your eity. The article was ilosinud topive what was freneraUy ninletstood here to he tho t aiie, viz : That it was the policy of the company to remove the Cotton from its own depots in preference to that which was curried to it by its tributary roads, and spoke of ''the notice fiven by President CoNXKU to the of lieers of the Charlotte l!oad ; not to send any more Cotton to Columbia, until he ;avo them further notice, c.,'' which remark was promptly denied by Mr. Conner, and wap, if construed laterally a mistake, ns he states. Hut we will look into the matter a little, and we, think it will be seen that ''all their efforts" hate net been devoted to the "removal of Cotton" " nitiiout favor or affection," and ' with justice to all. t-onie of the facts, so far as the Charlotte 15ufid is concerned, tire as follows, viz : The supply of ears, upon which our company de pended for bearing Cottou from Columbia to Charleston, have been those onlv hieh were sent up freighted with goods for the up-country. And at this season, every one knows the amount of goods sent to the interior is very itiepiisiilerahle ; and t b ti t jt li e nuiuiyt of cars necessary to perform the work for the merchants dependant upon our lioad for supplies, would be totally inadequate to bear to market, in season, the Cotton and other pro Suds of the same dependent country, l et. ears thus received, have been ordered round to the depot of the Charleston lload empty, that they lnigLt be freighted with produce from their own st ore hotises, and From the Nod NEW YORK " t We take jdcasu readers the follow wc invite to its su. our fellow-citizen We hope to See th notic views preset, carried out. Wl e!oiueiit appeals ! and aid in uiakin. ments to have the next Woitt's l'uir peat the language timely and coticcr has power to presi si hi .(!(', tokens i intelligence, whicl extensive fame an l!ut to tho letter c WlI.MINUT Pear Sir : Ua to commend the "t which pervades rolina Standard. STAL PALACE." laying before our ommrtiiicution, and nis the attention of he Stale generally. lightened and pat y .Mr. IcKae, fully ill relpond to his i . r- .. ,i ho will Mop torwaru neocjsary arrange rcpiesented at the ew York ! Wc rc- .Vr. Jlcllae, "by a flort crth (. arolina ii that universal us- rer, wealth, skill, and command for her an versal ndmiratioti." Correspondent : .anuary 31, 1S5H. had many occasions orth Carolina spirit'' paper, and having always lound iu t devoted lover of her reputation and t wter, I have ventured to address you, a Wo' you, our fellow citi- ubjevt of interest to rn that the citizens eal emporium, (New iimple of his Koyal rt, Lave uetermiueu o open in their city display of the indtis- rid, l or the rc- zetis generally u us all. It is we of our great co Vork,) following llighuess Prince in the ensuing Si i . i .. . - an i.j mini ion if trial products cuj'.tum cit for thtflr eh grcss of building stilted to vie witl elisions and mar decessor which u lug since adorned the ! ed with it CONGRESSIONAL. j Tho President's message, transmiting the Seorctary of State's report rclativo to the negotiations with Great Britain with refer ence to tho fisheries question, and concern ing the proposed treaty for reciprocal com mercial relations between the United States and the Hritish North American provinces, was received, and, with the said report, was read, and referred to coiumitce on Foreign Affairs. The message is as follows : Washinutun, Feb. 7, 18.r:j. To the frnatc and Haunt of Hrpretrnlalirrt : Having iu my message to Congress at the opening of the session, adverted topenu Telegraphed for the Charleston Courier. LATE FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE NIAGARA. Baltimore, Feb. 13, 1853. Tho British Mail Steam Ship Niagara ar lived nt New York on Sdiday, in place of ' the Asia,from Liverpool, which port she left on Saturday, January the twenty-ninth. THE LIVERPOOL MARKETS. The demand for Cottou is good and pri ces have advanced an eighth of a penuy. Fair and good Fair have improved most. The sales Uurinc; the week havo comprised 53,(100 bales, of which speculators have ta ken 14,000 and exporters 5,0(10, leaving ing negotiations between this Government a(it()()0 to the trnde. The quotations are as and that of Great Britain, relative to tlio ! follows : Fair Orleans ojd ; Middling Or leans 5jd; Fair Uplands (Ul, and Middling fisheries and couunerieal reciprocity with the British American Provinces, I transmit, for tho information of Congress, tho accom panying report from tho Department of Mate ot the present state oi negotiations ; Unlands 53d Riee and Coffee have been neglected. All qualities of Sugar have slightly advan ced. Tho demand for Flour aud Corn has and I respectfully invite the attention of tho , !.,, ,ut moderate aud tho former has de- two Houses to the suggestion iu the bitter j ci;ncj ouo shilling per quarter. Western Canal Hour is quoted at a's (id., and Ohio at Sn. per bbl. ISMilbs. Yellow Corn was worth 33s. per 40 lbs. Trade iu the Manufacturing Districts had slightly improved since the last adviecs. HAVRE COTTON' MARKET. Cotton in thus market has been more ac tive, and has advanced. The Bales for tho week to the 25th of January inclusive, com prised fourteen thousand bales. On the 20th report relative to the negotiation pending ; 4000 were sold. 'I'rn Ordinaire Orleans ecu thin Ooverutueut and thwt ot Orem , was emoted at Ul francs, and Mobile and Britain on the subject of tho fisheries, of; Uplands at from 0 to DO francs. part of the report MILLARD FILLMORE. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. Department or State, Washington, Feb. 7, le53, To the 'rrsirfVut nf thr I'nilrd Hatrt: The Secretary of State has the honor to submit to the President the following eit v of London. ttons. to be this too, while our agents were almost daily science and enter; uriiini; the iiroprietv of perinittiiiL' them t j re- lature made no t it. it t, t.r.oe i rr. r i ..: t s! Ul. . i t s : . i t i f Mr. 1'r ei.ty ihi lith J Ti t..e Striate ! y a Keu-n V. . ' con. n: te, ; ruh- 1. 1 tl : .t.t . r;t i t. ;.r. h'ltt. TI. et r's noioinalii u was on iitsi-nl, iutii finitt ly postponed vs. ' te ol vcas to - j u i y.r. 1 1. of A! Win- .t.Vt , ahselit. w i.o w Slate I.iish.tiires, hic iise the duration of full terms was certain, and dit. rnuncd hy the coii!.ti. i tain the cars, and our increasim' want of ears. Atiothi r fact is, that the habit of theChar lest 'in and Columbia Company, has been to si ml .! i yf i m j i ij ears up to their agent in Coiuiiil ia, subject entirely tt) bis tiiposal, not one of which ever made its pearr.neo at our depot, titilil withiu the last ti w days, and this exception occurred in the following manner, viz : By authority of S'lint prrsun, th, ri train.- of i ii.t, ears were sent to Col- lit re ts now in pro. hrvstal Palace," de- reciprocal intercourse with the British not surpass in dim- American Provinces, and the navigation of ENGLAND. Messrs. Baring Brothers 4 Co., have lent ncc its famous pre- j the St. Lawrcuce and the canals conuect- $ S7 ,m0 00o ri.aK on the security of igu nations arc mak- The prospects of the negotiation at oom- prcparatiotis fid iu their contribu-' mencement of the session were alluded to s. ( 'ur sister I s too are taking steps in aireneral way in the President's message. represente l this world-show of , The attention of this Department was given As the late Legis-1 to the suhject at the earliest day posssible, -S It .5 Si lit ' .1 I! I I; us i ur iritnd t.f i.i i it tint ti.e IVoT.r -, hi-r elf t I v. 's ii t. i, ( j. .i '' rs. A r a ,ct th.t he f.fiiirer will he :":s , f ti t Am. p h.i. t t i : S Ot O :1"V. p y:.. ,.t li e . ors i.-s.i. a r i ur a i r rjl.s i t. i.i, V. SAIL J. 1 . i- I.i. Ui WL ' Ur il to I'M,! I Hot it-. I.ut t tl t it.Il itst !f The viect. cits created ly t! stKution i:i o.'iar to pr'.duet' p tat. oil in ti.e may h e,,ii.ltJ, red ti;i.tr r.s t set ptn i.s to I 1 i rc h iu .ii n, 1 1 i.s, t'.it y i.ave e. rtain ; i.d ih . tintd I, .nits uf duratioi the terms i nun.t'. in ti.e one ease, in two years, and tin oilier in four j or they inn y he constat red, not as vacancii s in the seats, hut as v.iennt i s in the t thee hv m.iiiing- tile tirtnsof ttfice of shcrtrdur .lion thuii tie regul u tiriiis. 'i'hlS SKI till eiVeS hut li l-tr-rs-fCC i,V Ot" till' .ule ar-unient of Puhlius. a:.d in fust fi.ttur t '.Iirs v. ill ,.v .ii tlif ni.,i 1 . i s of ti.t.. ', Mi. i.f r a i.i:.- v. i.. ! of it hi toe K. ai-t r of fn 1 liih oet. i.t. Tin ",';t..r i.f lii .t i,.r s its .t is fr. in more than could stand presentation casion, it is carnc people themselvi liand. It i.s high should make her and concerted if to present, ia th tokeiis of power, ligenee which will tensive fame at;. Her agriculturi ampies of corn no iili'i incuts for the rc- aud it has been nursued with diliireuee. It .. nf iV,mi;. nB in,. rk,.u,. ..;.f,...inn thnt. Mnpcror s marriage tobacco equal to aland superior to i that will be there cm el t..t ai tiie si.i.ee vi t pens would c'hc null ti.i St.te. lv til Wt had t uf it. Kt'cn cut of U11IU1H, Winch lielli u;on the turnouts at tlu.tr depot, seven of t'.i in were left at the junction of our load, vl.U-h f;:in.! their wav to the Cl. iih.tii. d.- .. i . i . i . lit ... i . - i p"t. ". i.o uouot, r-ganteii i.y tne oinci i s ; peiitine ol tin; pu tiii'ii1 in charge, as the richest rri.j of the j i quailed In r n; sia.-e.n. j excelled. Herb.! Aud atiothi r fact iiulieative of something of timber that i- that m..iw t f ti.e Cotton 1 uvers in ('liar- while her iniiieral exhibition at That was h. 'I'lV . hft tiler s f t:,c Ane !or , L'lV" l.,e v. oi 11 ,H n i-.iim; H i m.'.m;. I'.r.ti.r sa 111 i yidj: r:s i' tiif iro?i of WIIKjS pom y. Th v:-vorMr. r.:'r,-s,i;:i..;.tr;:t1rr, in an .' t-t I i.t ..::,; .(. . ut,t.-i' mi r:ti jr.-t uiir ;..t;u:: !' !i;t uiii it wiiii, h he hin;t i:: v. is unc(,iit icJ!ii, - .lUn.Dt'ii tu quuti tfn : .-m uf her; in tin.- uiiii.-; ui" ice wc arc ia tit, .ti.," hi 't, iiy..i M' It is .1 triith lav.' wof. y -ii a i!i;;.c cr.f.iji . f a ; ! tt in t!i: d 1 - ' j " " ' -t r u '.. , .t v. ti.: '.y iijj L'ut. Kii; u. I: ;a a i,i,L ,,i i ur c.uu. y in p.-'.Li ' i;. ;.' u c;,ii' ,n t:.e vi.u! ;r, - iuu i..ut ii. tin if-. rut-it Minii ".-.if.riH .iioiu ib Mii .n. T!i . incur th;- ;liey were 1 :ier tact sliowin 1 ..tt- are in tllc 1, (.' hiiiibia. tti.ti i.i- to the Charh t ri it to ('hurl, -t taii.ly v.or.l 1 le t knowing what tl .n..t:ier tact, showing the icchng existing towards our road is, that factors in Charlcs t. n, win receive their information ,'we sup pose) i'r .m the Kail lload officers in Chnrles t .ti, are under the itnpressson that the Char- 1-::- i; of J T-t'. do, , d fon'-rtrded to Cl.ar'r-tn 1 National property. Advices receiveu in London aunouneo tho failure of Messrs. Hirsch et Co., of Rotterdam. Their liabil ities arc said to amount to X'15tt,000. FRANCE. Every preparation had been made for the niicrnrH rtiArrittire. which was riositivelv een perceived with satistaction that . ,01 .1 'm.i 0 be hoped that the the Government of her Britannic Majesty : " ' "" take the matter mils prepared to enter into an arrangement lor that North Carolina : the admission of the fishing vessels of the j Down. ISv a time e , I mteu Mates to a lull iiurtic inaliou 111 the has it iu her nower tiublie fisheries 011 tho coast and shores of .ARRIVAL Oli THK NEW S 1 LAMER. 1 1 lucrsat assciuMtigr, the I roviuces, (with the exception, per lth, skill aud intel-1 haps, at present, of Newfoundland,) and in maud for her an ex- j the right of drying and curing fish on shore, nivcrsal admiration, on condition of the admission, duty free. an offer for inspection ! into the markets of the United States, of j k,rjn four ja..s' i.lttr at, rice, cotton and : the products of the colonial fisheries ; sum- j i ,1,,. i.;rr,ri.ool insrtet ctton was firm 1 January. LATER FROM EUROPE. ALPS Another Ailimuc in Cittton. New York, Feb. 17, 1:M. The new steamer Alps arrived to-day, most xliibition. Her tur- irgin dip will be lar privileges, on the like condition, to he I at an ajVilm.e 0f J. ;.,!,. 0f t,c three da) reciprocally enjoyed by Brtish sul jects, on i 07101) bales. Fair Orleans U j Uplands coasts and shores of the United Slates. . i . M0,iles fll Vtorcs would not te .vuch an arrangement, the Hcratarv has itr.,u,ffJ ),,! furtlier declined, and ine will furnish shafts reason to believe, would be acceptable to ; noti,jg 0f upccial importance is contained iu eicue aiiiiui iiiiuii , iu- usmiit; uiiere-is oi ine i niien stales. .1 ,.n,,rl nohtical iilelllirence. Uopiuents are worthy ; It is also understood that the Brit.-h j0uis Napoleon is married to the Coun- uorld s fair pos- lioverumetit is desirous, in concert with the .,,, T.-ht bit of si.iK.inj their cotton 1 of paying tt.e draya from 1 sessing as she d iron, coptivr. silfer. Provinces, to come to au agreement with p-4, in order to has- quicksilver and godack lead, precious ' the I nited States for reciprocal free trade lit., lm n ccr-! -t- iies, marble, gite. lime and mail, with the Provinces in certain natural Drodiic- expense without j i hat Mats or w.isk iple could present so varied, remarka and extraordinary specimens ? An ar$ of furniture from the Leopard marble tr Charloc would 1 of the attract observation J amply repvy the constructor. Tho dtay of her reso.rC(.s j of a mineral kind wo disclose their exeu. can i.ehver but a limited amount j letiee, invite iuvesti-n and reward the i:i t' d. nubia, and that all that it j owners of lands byn increase of thiir r is immediately taken up and , value, and add to I prosperity of the to (. hat le-tn 1 v Mr. ( isi:n State hv ii.erinsimr ini-rntion. And can LATEST FROM EUROPE. Arrival of flf Ami rieun ul Halifax, Baltimore, Ffd. 17. The British Mail Steam Ship America, The Western Plank Road Company, r!UB Slock holders of the .boy, nn ' Coinpiny, iiro hereby notified that l lis , ims ihniinl, of Tsn dollars pi-r sluro, i bn c hy sn order of toe Board of Dirsclors, on Uiu Ij.'i" day of March next. " Storkhulilors oro renniistHil to ho nunutnAl in . kinjj pavmoinls, os llm completion of tha Hood will Ihoieby b faeiliUled. ami inlursst nf the l.'omnan promoted. TIiubo (itnckholtlnrs who ara in lrre ' am rnspaotfully reminded, that tin, work cnn progress without money. The Treasurer of lliu Company will ba in flu, loll on th Mih, lo receivo paunniits. 1. V. TUOWl'aO.N, rrosid,..,., r.imory 18, 1853. tC German Vegetable Horse Powder. a(.M'r.nir,.vi,r, has ,,ron.d JLi Puwilor, O'hieh ia ciimpo,ed enn ri ially ol Vegetable, in be highly efinisl anil useful lur the cuts, and prevsulaliva l all Uinta ili.,.,, ,, . i i .e .l. . tl . . : . . wiiicn nisi iioiiieaniinai, in llm.sp is auiject as Distemper, Hidebound, llroumn,' Loss of Api eiils, limard hpraii . Yclluw Wan, K.i I ii; us fr mi citucnc or ot k, Ii lljiuiiiuiiun of ule Kyns, Debility, VV'asimf of 1'ksh, Ac. It cairios of all truss liunmrs, prrven a I! im , from b culling at ill' or liniiiderid. puritiea and cunl, the blitnl and improves their guntiral rondiliun. Fur Sale by FISHER & IIEIXETSir, Sign of Ike dWrn Muter, CUmlu ii, A. ( F.biumy, 'Si, 1-53, ia Charleston and Florida Steam Packtu, t iiilvd Jlitlfii Hull I.I u.. sr.Mi wia.Ki.v. Vonntclmx with thr Xrw lout i-lr.imri tnrli u-ay. SE?a t AUDI. IN A, I i Coxctur muster, dl r,,, rVerV Stituritau Aflirn.utH 'll o'eliKlil, tt.uclllliir at J i I, solivillc, I'lenl .l i dli.l 1'il.itk.i, i.li the ;st, J. River i rilurninj;, will arrive in t'harlrst n , H ritntsiiny. Til H.O!!ll., Charles Willy must,,, .. . leae en 'lurttliiy Jhrnimn nf curb wet k, at , , ,' hour, ami, in Htliiitteii to the ulsor i"rt,, ... tit ill o k t reck ; returning, will srrne ne ,. ... tiny .M'niiing. line iiotiee will clwiiys Is win n the C.irnlina mukes an eitra trip to St. y jrustine. It is only cnsiiteri d inttssry t., that these hunts Ime Is t-n built esptt i.tUj' flir i trmie, and arc coiiiinnndcd by the most exM-nt i,, ,j niif..tors. V-tTu to JeksAiiville. . . t'.irp tn IM.ilka. - . . ,ti I'.ir Kn ij;ht or 1'ass.igc, apply on Isnrd, t st,,. tin ra whorf, or tn JOH N W. ( Al.im KI.Is'J K n K v. I'tbru.ry 1 . Is.'t3. Executor's Sale;. rpiHK uf'() rui'iuil, bp Ktf i uf'tr tiht UnW M Hint T Mt i im tit ot Sui,fitinli NliI t, tU i u rilf twic !i (ii!'Im' t ill , et l!u jt. r su:r it S:h i;: u i ill Slit t, in thv rcilllf V ol" I ritrsn. N ' .n tV fli .I.i y of !.ir. Ii, I-.,;!, the t'-.lU tt.:-, -: l rty, mz : 4 valuable Nctrroes, AlJl( S l'uir Ml. EES and I H(U1F.S, T' 'pl. fe3V rt.c- -niiiac: '('apt. Long, has arrived at Halifax, N. S, i... r ; ' .In. I.s 1 t.u.'.or-l.ie iLitti. to be Itii tout uf ;r.v i.l.ii.r husinvi-s i.f !" pi f..r iilid th.! th, a l;v, lih-ie.d ts ei;l. li e i.erF'itl en,jinv . Ceii n-ej N .lur. ' i tn ' n n.. it T :.. .'O far fr. i l..', 'v . .. ti.'.kt.t.w;!, :.n- t. i. i.i ef ti.. ITS t I rr II.' P.oaJ. iot at ( olunii ia wi thutS'litd buks of ( Aa-uIAi. t.ti.es tint lumbt r l.u t-.d iijag the !:i;,-, which o,;r . di i.tiy r, :-ise to !., i.i:,' . r tl. Hons ; and that the free navigation of the St. Lawrence, and of the Wcllmid and Kideau Canals, would be conceded as part , airreement. An agreement of this kind has for sever- j from Liverpool, which port she kit on the al years received tha attention of Congress, . ''th iiist- and a bill providing for reciprocal free U. S. Mail Steam Ship Pacific, Capt. Nye, Made, in certain articles, on one occasion arrived at Liverpool on the morning of the fsed the House of Hetirescntatives. The nut prest, , ,. l,.ve ticeti conducted b : the I Hi ..,,, i. ,i, - fnr CoLton Im. l,een wood, and prices advan Tiik LivtRi-iKiL Market ti. The demand this beinc true, our de-I the mechanic and luufacturins interests il the ''eta. r , arranwnii-iit could he ' ced an eiehth of a penny since tha depar- I show from four to six i of North Carol- . -'i.ia nothing satisfactorily an,i in Htich a way turc of the Niagara, on the 2!th ult. The otton waiting f,r a pass-! of.shilfu! jvorkm.j U the wau-r power . .r'- . f m,ltual ,,cncfit, sales duriug tbe week have comprised i , r ., , " , . , " ."e ul"l" i ui tierforin its "" ke., speculators have taken aeeumuia- t bi.t f.r the purpos,f -making, and part to carry it into em-.-i. 10 I"-rlor"' . 70.M, ,, ex rt,.r 7(MM,. leaving r.i, i.t i - ri u- i "i.i ' w vu-" 'iriiaitr suiut-iitii i.r r.vri 11 hip i inrcii inti-s 94 n 11 .i 1 r ... ( ', llon, h''i, Curny Whrnt, Outs, I ivtcr, llu'i. Vanning Iiiijlriuritsl n,nl V(;ii'n. Ti rms mude known on the luy of snic. N, II. A'l p. rutins intltbtd to sunt rsftt. pirate inike pnvnitnl ; and tlitist- h.i,i-e , s.itiisr s.nd cst..te, sre hrrt hy in.tilii ti Ui no tht iti duly uiitnelitit sti d within tiie tiier Im hy lw lor Ihst purst,sc, otht r ie tin inii.i i Ise pititl in l,.,r nf lln-ir recovery. J A M ES II A N . 1 Hi A N , 7 j . I'liitiu Ceontv, Keh. II, Ic.'iJ. is ,1 ,TB il I i ur rw in - iippi'- il"; 'J'iii' nittrnl nnn and w Itil p- rsoti of thej ul! r ni' n. ur.d 1. t no rn ; ,"t,'l CCIiOl.t ' p"ij.ie nf ,,..-t. LUC r.trv. ,,e V Hun t i. ,, o.i.. ir n M- t. , mnj; jK,ra'.i . A:t-n the fte of tl.usi wiiu i- I, in their isiulj.J i,'. t u.t ' re r ly. 'I'li.si , h;.- f;j wi" seek tin if own len.V 'I'lii. netral ninn and the ir.t, !!etii; I .-. r. ' fwn ciTpsts thun t s-nirn an' ;hrr s;i:i- ; ly i 1 1 1;.,, !. f hi,,.,, ;f .,,.. ,i ).rJ):, r , ,,. f I-'.fn (:... t i.l ! ,i,- ti.. n h,,i l.s ;;-t. ,i ri : !..;. .i.t .:"-e.- I ,. rth -i.d K iit.-tvofpurpt.M i :: T--t htn.i ! iv.e.ti.in si.ei.s ss n.ueh h .rn.r ! its ocenpr i,;. tic most tji.itiL1, vil.ti, !,.,tli ar-- jir is. rttiii v. ith t! cs-n.c iligr-c !' iiti-.-tv. li-.X '.ni. t v.c o.tt i.iii i to say w ..s ti,,. . li,t vi.ui.j. in, :, I.i iv.a.n: Vs, hi i,t -i.i.ij tl.i.tti.ire ,j,t r v.,.y .,f f i ur. - tlfir r s; .. t .!.,,, iv, i, t.i s , :' i" !, I';. .n:.J,,...f.:i. i. '1 .is is i,.t - - . I -;i ...:!v v. .tli ..,i,r j otinj nu n. I'.luil I'UM.'I r,.ii!iz i nonh' fri'ln jir.,li isions lo j.i:,y tn.. ir way until aj the i.urjiig tills i- n;i .1'.: UKI1 t'to 111, m.til they set their Lands. ; ro.-pect of g cttm Witll. r it off ti.e honor of the l.Dl.. in., tr-i, ., I ln iiuntnti.iim nri us and may not the to the compact which furnishes bv fal '.. 'mi' i'.;,rirl...f!l.l M,lHt, ( lrl..r.r,s former elevate Iiiuif by an exhibition of . laraest market to the other, should thinn r.:.i v..;, iv,!.,,,! iii.l .',! Middling Tn. la"fi3d. SO III i ills tlusal ol Our OUletrs to I artls.tlC ski II and e rnrisn Is t hero nV it immusri in imm. n.tuul. t....,t , 1 - ' - - ... ...... , , . v . . , , v w.- w mill, lull ri ceite I. otton at ( o uniliin nr,t. l,i.in, fnlK-1 invmii;,.. : . .:,i..i ia .; .:. .. ... :.. .i . i .i ... i . . . ment, beyond what overnment ot the 1 roviuces retarv has been of ns to haul Iroui : -North Carolinians tld their stagnant en- tu iiiion fh.it tln ninin nrnvi.insi )..,.. !. .... , ,,,111111111!, iictiig iuny invciiiirc genius in r unosl to originate a in others to enlarge tin tiniler t-joi., induced tho remark in my last, j discovery which wd transmit bis name ; subject to the arrange that the order came from Pr.-sidont Conner. , to po-terity along lithe benefactor, of the British IJovermiicu It ai,o led our inend, Mr Harms, into the j their ago T Surely is the time for the would prefer, the Keci err .r of adrerti-iiig lor w a''ons to haul from North Carolinians t.id their stn.oouit ,.tl. oi.ini.m ,. !, .;. l i re to (.'. lmnbia. T .'iv lorinrr rpninitii.i : 1 1 ; . 1 1 wa m .,nii hi niiiiiiii s,-. i,jr in,, purpose, ot c iu-j Hi di inanded. straini one win Srurh the Itist Vyl,srmary Jj-r )ir , : rr.'ics flow in a freeurrent to bid their luded to promised so much benefit on both ' ' '" J", ''."" ""IP.'lW'' "n ",e '' ado j, a j dorm.nt faculties we ,, and tlieir sluggish sides that it would be felt t, .e expedient yit TrZt l u s i tic aoe oi progress to enter the Mi ami r: Tliiluaiii.-iUiiij 1 ts arouse. nrrnriireiiienc rtir sl i I'tiiiitu utiiprifri em.,,,.nr iriliatloll Which the interested rilhlieiai.il ii.ir,rnio,no,,t .'nrth f'nrnlin. c ,,1.1 llm. 1... t,, t 1.. 1 M f :) ...A .....r il... !r . "'. . . , , . , , si B,.ti, .. ....... , ita.iu; ,.7 uiuii; itrisiiuiuil aim nc- : - ' -k--i v ..,. Il(r, (1 -nil aithoUL'h 1 have felt eon- not nnlv ),t nr. trill, i. st.lrii isf (1,.. l.,,i ,o.... I. ,. i... i i ' of his otl'snrin and a nunifrmis nri-lc of Irwrnj. r w.is a consistent menits-r I .. i . much for the devi l inent of her resources, atiou or enlar-'einerit. ,.r i... nr.. ....i ,: ,.i , .'. .-...i. .... ., . om jo ext. i.sive airl niuitoanous in it- m-1 Kail roads well builiioroui-blv stocked and The iniinl.t r m.d vsrlete ,.f ih. ,l.i.;!. 1 m l. He n iameil his .mud ..tl ..., .,,,,,,.1 t,u tin-, ti aiica as lilt ,. , . ti.t , j -.. ,.. , -- i.ii.'iwTtT.iiciu. -tiiiu ctii'iinia B..OUH1 . unit-, jt'aiu io iuiure legislation anu ne- : ' t'. n Jed. And although I have felt con-j not only be up witbe spirit of the age, but gotiation. guided by expriencc to render of h" """,",n? ' ; to j resent the tame spirit. Every j known of men to be. She has and is doin- ,t still more satWactory by future limit- , ,'f 'iiT'pr. !'h". "ran i"b . admit ti,e diffiiultv of 1 lauai'in r a I much f.,r the. tl. i., 1 .1,, i t ,.f l ,.r n,it.i ...t 3 3 of tlti Ircsbrt. r,an It tr !h. i snd theirs .' 'J i.i- r ii v s of life i,re ,,ne. Ami jeiii.lul ordeal, di bts accum,; tie y I.s.k ti rest.-, Ciliiln road, what he Would i-re. ,1 r-j Mr, I',: by tie I i, lo t . : '- i .i.li;.. o i.. .. lo t v ;.;.riff he w.-e .ol,. y . fc J.ursijtc n;.. I, r t i.t s. -'qui.-.tim, ,.f t,i,t I j.u v.-rnii,. i,t, hut iiri nf tu .! i out a s.oniiir tonrse fer '' oi i. s .:;:.:i,itr;.tlol!. ihi ofr, ( .... u ..... forward to the futun tiirou-ii f n t. i. -top.; of Utspitir. er.d s . i.otn.i.g I.ut nvers of v. : t :., 'in, ... ; ed ineiii.Uii.ij aiii! ,;i, s t f t;oi. '. -i1 'in . '1 ." n, yt.iifi;' nun, ifyou wonid I.i ,.i.m t..! m.'la'.oiij the r ciities of tl..s a !ul scei.i . pjri oe ar.y Ou-ine.s tl.M is ,on, stand ux ful ritil er tl.sii run in o- bt. As ou .alue ton. fort, i.uiet, ; .iid o.d-d' ;sn.!ft.ce. keep outof I,t. As you v;: In, a heai'.ii y appttite. gnr,d st...,n, a ,,!,,, ,d t, ,. T ii ml ti.e rill ncsloti 1 Colin. nctl nm mil mifratirni in li.r wloel, nn-.-n r.r,...,.t.-wl 1 1. ........ .1 ...... :.. ,i. 1 , ,, , , . j I II I ,. , ., , r... i.e.. .... tie, i.e. ill tilt; anu siioulil lie tolerant III con.-ideiiii'' i borders nnd tloina i,r.,liialilo V,iisIii..sm nriwrr.t. ,!' tl,. .,,,..i;,,t;,.n .....I .1... , ,.. , 1 I I 'S. ' ' v' t,J" . ...llltll.'ll, Milt. inn iu,- I uni.-i .t rci aru a s errors in 11 t.tiir.lotit.n t i e C.o.tntt l! ,ilre,,l i ,,n.,i ;,,i :., .nr...... ... i .i. -ri its administration but sweeping denials and j Charlotte will u.rk the west and open l.c United States and the British Provinces protes-ions fhouid not veil from the public ; l.er productions Itl.e world; and when , retjuirin to be carefully eonsi Icrcd, taken ' the manner in wluth those entrusted with the extension tak.laee from some point; in connexion with the necessity of a re-! their interest d.stliatge their duties and we ; on that Koad stillrth. r west, and atrain ' ference to London for instructions as tc all ! lernc it lor thl lll to di terililliC whether :!n. from i:,,l,l.l,r,f,i,,n li..o..r..P nu .I..II 1 ,.r .1 : . i above tacts exlul it any " tavor or affection," and whether all hae been dealt with by the i.Mii hand of J I 'STICK. Hit- lust. He lived and saw his suns and his son' sons, even four geirf rations. Thus atir by star dee lines, 'fill all are passed away ; As morning high and s at.ince To purs and perfect day. Xur sink those stars in empty nipM, Hut bide thenist'hes in H'-iivcn's own light. ( 'mnmumr ufnt dly, have thus far prevented, and II, si' stvet t i I . i.t i f d, 1-rs ; ti , i.t ilrei n,s, III I t is .r i.a; . i.t.. n I" i '.. -. , t, lie all I ! l 'ola pnlow y u aki; ft of a. I t . rs. 1; ,s a i,.ii;..t. i.i u; li.r i :-is !;!, H .r a . i: w ii .'.i firrni n;. r.; t.f nr ;, V j, ;! ;, jt Lt, .-o,,, i I ,1, out ti.t ,t,,r.. J,,,,,, .Ult lii autiln! nnd Ion iv ;tin Ceiw ..ft r. li ipst s STOCK TAKEN. W e have the sati-faeli oti to stat" tliat five hundred thousand dollars, the entire capi tal stock of the Western rail road, from J ayttteii.Ie tu the ( oul f ields, has l. subscribed. J lie suLsi rij.tion in this hu'J re:,i:hod ciL-ht v-t hri-o thou, in, d .1 would pr.d.ably have be. mriJ,. this ii.t.rr.iiig .-lliunio, ,j as to sceiin; the clin.ti r u:id call a Cenerul Mectin" of the SI, ...I. I. ,1.1 . . i. . .1 . ... , ' . . . tot r.i. Jitieii lor tne jiurposc oi orgaiuziti", en town dol- 1 brought into shoia.:d direct ; cation with the vsy of the .Mississippi ; probably render impossible, the conclusion : with the mighty th-wi-st with the lux-, of a comprehensive ajranueinent of the kind , uri.int South, and ith our va-t possessions eoitlfiiitdated in season to be submitted tn : in Oregon and one Pacific. It should be t 1 the desire of our ate to anticipate these legislative action during the present short surpassing nioveu.ti ami to place herself , sesMon. It is heln vcd, howeer, from the i at once upon teniil aoquamtaiicesliip with progress mude and the present state of tho-e in coniiectiuwith whom she may be negotiations, that time only is wanted for called upon ere loito act such an important a satisfactory agreement between the two part. Our citizel should take into con- (iovcrnments on all the subjects above al--idi ration the imptance of beinjr present luded to. in force and with itrrul nt the firthcnn- The only part of the proposed arrange ing exhibition. 1 order to do so credit- nient which may be considered as of an III, It' sn t.fT.,. ul.tl 1. r.,,1,, 1 Pn...., ..... ; t -.1'. . . . ... , V .. e.,w .... ......... u. ... jiu.i- u.g.-iiv us.uic is) sucil a II aUjUSLIUcni OI the i The itt.irl.Hx. r I IIARI.DTTK. J'KIlkL'AR V 'J3. "S3 'olttip, f,j s 9 I N.,,, 6j a h ' j Apples, 50 a (HI Iron, .1) 4 , Hotter, 10 a Sail, $ i "eel. 5 a I. Corn, 45 a 5 ! Klour, bbl. tH a 4J Vital, 4$ An Irish I'otaloea, U a 7 . data, 31 a .? . I Pork. 7 a II I Hi.i-.wsi, 16 a 3 j lard, 10 a l?j Feathers. 20 it Baron, 10J . lj lt,l. Y.rn. 75 a HI ; Snar, 5 a 9 Shastinprs, .1 a II I Cotfoe, II l II Tallos, 7 a j M .Is. scs. 31 a iO Sole iilhnr, H a '.'0 . p-rty. V- . oitu, jin ly in t-.i ot trot, , i, ne til- n! ; it. 7". i .: i-f i ,r cotiv. rs.. M l..t .1 t'Hl. riui o--( of t.'.t. to this l- to toe '. -,i.e,i r, k , . ' ;. '' w hen, la-t cv. t.in-, a g, nth man fr'n, UU 1 """ ,n t,,e mov,!m't' art,'e!, worthy should . fisheries question as would remove all dan- j , ; ' . ' ":n "t" -tret!, New Vork, funder-tvod to ie one 1 C"!l,','t,-"J' V "U'table charge, and per of trouble on the fishing grounds dur-! M.rket ''" '"'"'-v- ,! !'-r-. of i company int-r.-st.-d in Coal and r ' "ll,h ft'T's till'cn f ''''able North Car- intr the approaehin.r season. This is au ""lya'Mll, t... ..f- "'!"' re wro.!:i. s. .;,, ... , i:t)l..j arrivi.(J i( a.j u L -tri Ij -'i e ()i' ' "lllia V aI'l'Ciir "f'-wm " J -hj-.t f ,.. i...,..-. ,4 , , 1"'""' H ij-:r. of i... i vt , tmj , ),..,.,,,.,. j,,, ! ,,ut ,t (,iMI Vi.aliii" toe entire an ount i f e i ' '.'' ' M:T worthy of h.tf. I have made these iiniiiediati: attention of Congress. A be-"lib- Its l u.a C :-tt,:, tl...- ii:.:.f i i.f .,. ,,7,','e r , ,'i i.. ,1'' ', '' . t,,f'lta' : "ii;rL'i.stions with, view to elicit public longinif to a general settlement, the British 11 pu . in .lut.'r.riii.il l the charter nd - . ' . . i- e . uiJ tistroy u.,: i .i, I, i.ess and fir, ,,, tt,,. , i, ;, , , , action on this etter, bavin? to others , 'jo vcriiiiient is willing to , dispose ol it Be lt F. MARKS, miiisu'illy dull since our fist report, nlcs changed hands, rnres y. slerdiiy, 9 ct-n ts. i'. I.,'. 'I'i.cri 'on., pj s it by as lac I p. r, or one sin. to i, w ill. tl ' fruits ; for tV v .: t oil U't.u piiU. . .11 to hi : I.- ss aii.. b h J, m.i!.. to tiie a ii'ori t.t ear n-t le i' I ri I i acuoii on tins Eiicr, leaving to outers , 'Jueriinieiik in wining iu uiaposc ui it, bv rtockholdc rs, by a f .nnal resolution ,. .1,,. i ,n"T" "k'Jlc'1 to,J(i,e lliu l,,an an" "range effect, uutl.oru:; and iricrcHio t,, I (iiui don 'nents. cry my, J). K. MellAE The shall be i hart kij t o; t llKell . I I in- (' r r i ii :J-. "i rrciuli Emperior d. St. tieinoiiii t,i principal ha.. Ii j i.t a Hilt Of hi." tl J'i a sta i iai i v tl. t i mini d i.j v. hunting i ta- r. I I be re is son, i Tli titH't'f Jur S i if.V.T H i lor. i t. t . tl st la upj.'di.'il a J .1 1 K - 'A I, , llio iii.ii ii, one to he an 1 tiie oti.. r ti day HillalAay 1 ii'il's'J.lj tend ii;;, I'llflile'i.. air, r on Tii- . att.-n .1 b A hv ti.. fi...'l da, : allowed ;, i 1- pro. in, ty to i'aris ii to the principal 'et;. tin- f..i.--t ti.eio tw 'i.:i. tie -i a. -n. T , o ... Kio, to .i.-.J at St. It'or eai;. d the Kti.j,, r,,rri i a i.i;, i" M 'iei loain nai l:. 'I Inn-... ; -. L" a minting day, and on one wiil be at iii.ertv to nt- f iot, on h jr-i.-h.-iei, or in a oil" T Wei.Kly li..-. I n ; Liiij.i r.,r, ;i J m . ( , i : , , , ....' ... to !' ,!:., the 1, ,. 1, tne Lutloii of M to-.-i v lh inueli s.ili-faction ult, i'rot.i the fiit-t .; .im will thus j,a.-s increase to t i ,ft!i(),0()0. puirc.-, tb.vt the book t'1' days ; but the :-t oi-k lie b am that it is ,, t.-,,,,,. iniiii -.-I .ners to receive ; . .r pie ,.nt. ling oi rrgp-t, n.iii-ocii at this ausiiieious partatcly, but the Secretary of State is of (.OIA'.MHIA M A It K F.T. Columbia, February It. COTTON. The weather to-day waa very u favorable foruut.dot.r business, and but few Sinn. plea of cut .in on s.ile, consequently the rll'cct t.f any TilH P.W'ii i RiL KOADCiiMPANV. stated till this Company, now nn- ; 1 1 . i n CitlZeliS cij it iii- le t.e be '.', III. th coiii;,!, til. -it it o ir St i.e.. th. manner ii.it, .i t 1 I OliliOi re tnan L-reat things p; 1 1 be done for Me that it tvo '.nil n.ont i.i it-- :.n l tniu.- otiiniim that, under the circumstance of .. -ft. ... tne case, H congress snouiupass an act ; lh(. Airric,., !. r-nnot Isn ... erUined. I admitting provincial u.-h free of duty into ; baba were aold, from tli to cents. the United States, on condition that the fishermen of the United States arc admit- CIlAKI.liST'l.V MAUKIiT. ! ted to a full participation in the provin- . . ''""""'''. ' hruary I-. ! , e , - ,. . r ' . C 1 1 ION. The tranniicti'ins to. day reuehed eial nshenes. the lioveruuieut of Great: .. . .... .. ... , . . V i, i ; , , , , . ... . sis. Ill I i.t it a. f in in vt.tnii:.- utitn. iroiu n. .NewV'iK Legislature lor an Kritain -.vould irive effect to the measure : k...-h i..... 1...1 .,,t..,.,.. ..i,-i, , .... Iliude arratlttf!- , ,1,., reonisirn h-.tislittinn nr. l.ttr T,i.rl , n.plt.-l Prie... wst- fnllv i. .pr.-.r uli.r a. Itiev dphia, to ' ; li ejiriect.itiori 011 both sides that the ' were prior to tho receipt of these accounts. The 111 .1 .1 , II .1 u! t the St. Lawrence and the canals connect-,,' 1,3 . e,-M ,J . , j 1 ' o ri iron, ran ai. me , t,i -.-lt , ,t. will be taken ui) here-after. KM nt Hli: and 31 bnl hi mountain Mi.-iri. Wells & Co., A. ' with a favorable disposition t come to a! J'lvm ii Co., with Itliers, have contracted mutually advantageous agreement 011 that, it plying to the act of ineori.or.-itiit have tnat the control of mints ilh N .rrin ,t !.'o.. of Philad . 1 .m; i; -iijij- i;i r.i.f nr. U7,r - j f. . s.iilif ..i.lnrr, inofno r.i.n-i.r ; . l-.t i into t it? lui,.4 .if 4- ai 1 k ii ir ..a. .. t . I - r -f' i.t (jt, i l j "Ijj of w J.t-ov, toro)tl,ciror.,T rail at I In . i.i.nour ownjifj- rHI UtttlUtUtu Mi-ri. Well.. tV Co I.i- ii ' r V i i .1 III, 1 V ti, .III I. I 111 ... ... J I ... l.n. 1..I 'M i a. . 1 f . r 1 1 f ' luiii -'-part oi tin: HtiNjcci also, ' ., , f hTl ot ! fioiths, to Le fix (wi ruag-i iUnhh, trark. Kvetl ifucl, an ad should fail to pro- .11.3 , .inti 1. ant:.-.-i) C(lli,)aIiy tjEpct.tlij goveniififiit will ' JIlce the dcsin-J ruUf whk-h in not ap- - ' ........ -, . a.a-i- r.r.fpniifi ir wfiiJic rf?iiHvn l in nitiri ii.niii y 1 me raa w:i iuiii in k;sh man t : 110 i.t 74 ; M nl al H ; "M,2 at 'M ; 1 T ut Inge. .(Kr llultv ' i.fm thi- y :: . K Uf i.ja ,4 m f; . fflfj M I hi Uillllii k ilk jr h"J; . 'I'liHii of .S.jihufv, wKtr- ,.. Will Im pit au i to i r in lit r inic atcordiii I t'.i .it. mt unti mot aii-rovd it:f;-.. Tin1 rarmaiM. .tirtlu rn finuiiii ri-rnvi d ni..,.;; l y. All work iriit ('mm n ijil.int H ill i,? I " ! liily ijiIip, mil fniiu t il !1 y ri until (1 rif.f. n t , twin. I'fict ra"Hi.tl i'. Tin- mjhrr r r:i ii I.t slwyi f'uiu! I h".' i ia .Mm. rm buiMing opmilti to Mr. Kit Btiiri, OF tilt KoH AII Hiiii - OKM.M.V A. ASKf.W II Pl IILK! MAV HI I A' o VSll We advertise what v rii tin, A tK) ,t S"f tho rnni.nlt nee nml a rl,ni,i,n the tr..'. ilhnt. r... not unity, m l,n . ...t.J,, t d a nrl- ii.lol lint of h,,nr II ,r, l'..-t tn. ),, , c. t bar I. .tli , .V. ('., ,!ir. 1 1 t tiie N.,r tli. ,n iti.s. (rrally i: ihu iiirr t,c Vutt. This line nf I'onr Ih.rst Tt..! C.nihis is re. a m Slieei.slnl Ols riltl'.ll, riinninjr I',,,,,, the Cl.srl. " anil S. I i rt. linn ll.nl ItniH .lirect to tin Kit l-iiem : anil Ksnvilli Itoail.nn to liichinoritj anil I't tt r.etr: Orliet at Kerr's II., tt 1, li.irlt.tle, N. ( . " " It. w in Iboise, S .ii.il.ur v , N " " ll.ipkilis' II. .ti I, (in i iisU.it-', .N I The I i i.i, lira I. live K.iislHirv nriv M. n.! i I V unil I riilny ! li A. M., In.l'li li.r u tlltlin.t t l.e lit It ,1 t i nsls,riiiii. h, ut III 1 he well Hone, and va-t iiiiprovemiiiit to -In 'I. ll7 ,.. five jears. Just Iltriirnl, Kl N K lot of Mountain I'olatoea, low for cash. H. V ala.i intend to keep a irnou Article ol Hour comtaiitly on barnj. As low aa can lie States of the responsibility the conscrpif necs. ! bought. A i All which is respectfully submitted. AMD LVKKETT. February 23. Ii3. BKOWN A. BRAWI.KY. iG ( I. 's St. ur ejMi'l of II. The Law, hie :i t-run l tempi ratiee nioi,; tration t-.ok in 'I reiiton, N. J., on ti.e Vtli ult. '..-inn n-jiiihiTiii? -even iiti-eire I per nar. lied to :lii- Mat- 'npit !, and pre- a p...!; ,u lr a pi,.,it,;torv Li.pior t!i oi-ai.d si-ui.rj I A raw Jonathan, who had been ia.in at j A" L'iii h paper st.-.tes that there were ! a garden, in . city, in wbieh were several Mi-' nwr,,, or 7,:W3, Mir, of ttold i ruarble s.ti.tij.s, melameil" Just see what! olonel J AMKH fAPPAN, the old school- rod need at the .Mount Alexander and Hal- ! a waste '. Here's ,,,, J,.s than six scare-crows ; n"l',, r '' lM:i. W KltsTER, tell on the ice , 9 suiiable for ttnj kind ol miclnncrv, Iglu and lariit initio, i i twenty irorkii.tr iIhih in in this little t..n-f..ot latcl. and any one on 'I'" 0,,"'r d7 " dislocated his hip bone. bwinnf., Imi pcH, 4t. Teia O.I i. rqual S, ntemhi r tl .,1. ,... I.,.,.,ir...i' .!.- ,'. i I v.... ,,,!, I l .i... t .. i; A subscription lias been Htarted in Uoston i w " BP" i - - - -i""''!'.'! iiru'iiipi I a,.. "'ui' ' ij nie Ljunn iiwiu uit, .! t , ItlarliiiK-ry Oil. i V 1ST rreeised aaiipplt f M'llll II :ATINU Oil. hundred thousand i cm would keep the crows from it five acre , ii o,,,. wen- iJir-ctly or indirectly employ. I lot." i d in the jt.h. The f.;-t i ' iii,po-in;t, taken for his relief. V so win-1, VI It ii.'ti:.ii,jr fifty t!i Jiji'i'irn Ziuu'rrd Ji' I lom .ia!. d r. t.ort. and '""jut' .1 wl'li the atitiual yield in Australia, and the continued rich- i will b dotlhl results of popj of the placers in California. or cent, less I cost. I lis l.ill.iwmj ccrtilinsts has btsn rncmsed, I in addition to many othcra i " 1 have tried your Ma. cliincty Oil, and find it npial to any 1 hasa uard io aitinf and freasnig q laliluf, and woika ei.liifij. Hv a VA'A l:,l,in in ',.-,ni,l,t t,n Tn..a ' 1.ITTI PI'lll II ll.t iu.,ile,S .1 ! Crt v.. r . . .1 . .. tl I . t I 1 -. ' r I. . ' ,' . : f'C I'Olll (UIR lay, u tceins mat tne ,'iaue i.nj'ior J.aw j eu ine remains ir. j akkman, nasjnsi. - l-'ISIIl'll i 11KIVFTSII a. i. ..'4 i u in ui oiaie uy a larce reiuruetj iroui v-uiiiurina, wnerc lie la sniu I ie . ... (..j m.,,-, .,;- At f i lu'ijoruy. ; io Lave citiarcu c..,"''u. We.lni lott. ami 1 1 by t. I". M. l t.nn. t la at hnrli.tta with the mil road, mm .n t ii.U,nioi;b wild I". KloC(r'a A ( .,'s spin urn without th hi y, on to Kn him, nil ari.l I'. t iiir. Thr-:.i tickets to Rit biiitinil ami I'ett rsl.urr Vs., can Imi ii: , cured of A. I). I.milsav. Ain ul i! Cliailolle, ui.u II, I,. l(ob.irtls, Ai'l nt. ill Suits! no ( . I.I ( AS A I ii Wist.ury, Jan. 27, is.'.l. r 1 1 iccVvani.' ON" Thum.liy nitflif, tlif .Ird of flim mf.-r'. some iou-linil riroundrcl rht n d tlf f""fnr thr Stci l ('rn k HivfNiori u" On Sum of I ' inrc, and tilr nml 'Hrri-d nwy nil tli' and fK.rtPiiiat of Ii p.i im of thr I i inoii. 1 In- Imjc rcw.ird ill b- jnrii li r tin f t,il' ') f f i ifi i.rhiftMdf jifjH rty, ninl for any tr ll'.H Wllir'i vt M . Ill) t.. tht; lijtT-tV.Tj , f I '"' li.n of tin- tliiff or Onevi-ft ho im riM'trnt d l' ' ollVrirc. itv (Uiin;u ur Tin; iiviin Fliruary It;, tt B ri-fiit)crnt ropy twirf. ISVflM iiiuli rif in d Wini III invi- iH'ti'' 10 3 ' M uliMin it coiifrirn, tli.il I'm f- M.irk All x.indi r lire in w pluct (i t:i I-m "" th.it lit ih milium i d to tt-rri' i lll mm it Itr''" l,tt no our ilm-ivr hiniM-lf. All tlinl do im i " -,u bi tth-mi nt hy (In Aril ( otirt, nmy rxn-c t t" ' ' tie by Iih, 'i'liour Imvfttg chiiiiin umhitt Mark AI i.ii.lrr will rrnt Umiii, thul "llV or may not (an i ir-i.ioxUficf- will iJI" I" nir. Sir, 5 ALKXANMHR. Ap !i(' Ythrua.y 11, tl 4if $15 BSewanl. RAN.WVAY from Ihe aiibserni". in? HI miles aoulli t.f '", rl"l''.;."1 llm 1 lib nisi., a nepio mini liain. il MI'S, dark r.iinplcctcil, 'Jri r ' i'1 ol'oioi, .' feet IJ or 11 inches (' K . I I., he.' 1 hud mi a jeniis cunl, and I " ( hnsey pair of pai.tiilisi'is. It ' J"'1',, !,,. Iiirkiinr about mv neii;hl.orh.io' above reward will Ut puni for ln W'r" " and dt littry tu ine, or bis et.iil.u' iMi m , ' t i.Aitki; vi'.ii!:'"v Ft Wry 1.1, 153. Jl r-tJ r'., :a ,