wu.oj.'.na!nnm.Aigj;LTa VOLUBLE IVTUMBSR s. 1 1 1 iui HOLTON & WILLIAMSON, LflTOH8 AMI l'UOl'lUtTOKS. TKliMS: rami negroes, proclaimed martial law, mid offered freedom to apprentices mid slaves of I the country. This force, in conjunction with ; u detachment of regulars and Virginiatroops, iimlcr Colonel Woodford, defeated his lord- The Xurth-Ciitilina Whig will bo nfiordccl to s, .g a ;n th(J latt)(J flt Ur(,.lt !r;(1 greatly impaired hy tlie events of the war. A largo number of her people, dispirited iind broken down iu health by service, the two preceding years, in thu low and insalubrious sections of South Carolina and Georgia ; her treasury and military supplies exhausted in I v 1 I l J 1 ' t . I V . . II. I . . I. . . . .... . I" . I 1 .1 t liol I M(S AM) h'lK'l'y t'KX'J'S it' iuv. n,lu oiiugea iiim to aoauuuu .vonoiK aim ( me maintenance oi uio.-u aim n, ner t xpcill- ,,t In' (kluveil for three iimiitliH, unci THU Kt: take rclugc on board a man of war in tins turns ; all lier continental troops, ami more W' " 1 ..... m.t . ......oil t .1.1 .. . l.i -e . 1 ' . I .1 1 i I . I ' . l pill, (.All t tli end oi tne yrnr. rvo uier iu naruor, as me nisi royal iovernor oi .orih man a tnouaauu oi ner niniiia, maui; j.non- Carolma, six months anterior, had been obll- ers at the surrender of I. Iiarleston, and par gcd to do ut Wilmington, oled, or yet iu the hands of the enemy ; more About the name date, an expedition under , lllU11 live hundred more, including some of l,,lol,..l- Mul-tln l'nll; 1 I !,, ill, o-fo Ir "0 IllO.st IK -pillil T 1111(1 illtl UC 11 1 lal Olll e(; I' inarehcd from the western part of the State against the torics, (called Scovilites, from a l uy ulist emissary of that name,) in the north western section of South Carolina ; and in connection with the troops of that State, un .dcr Central Ricbai Jeori and eo'ioflcl Thomp son, drove the tory eouimaiiders, Cuntiing hum and Fletcher, from the Beige of the vil lage of Ninety-six, and on their retreat, sur prised and defeated them, with the capture of four hundred of their followers. This is known in tradition as the -how-camp cam paign, from the violent mow storms with which its camps were visited. Iu the Autumn of Hit), a force of nine teen hundred men, from the Kaiiio regiou, under General llutherford, was despatched against the Cherokee indiai, "'ho hud es- " , .. liouteu the 15ritih cause und committed The sixth lecture of tl.ib course was dcliv- j..aamns on the neighboring settlements, vesieniay tau, , ,, . . . cui.,,. the III to him it, in i .i ,. tu. was ,hed in the new l- inncniiiiiiue-u uinn mi i !' . - -i,:it at Hit option of llie lantern. .V,h rrtiemciitiiirrted at due Dollar Tiiaru p; linin or less, this sieil type) for the hint iiim r. I . : mill J") cents fur caoll ciiiilinuiinci'. (niirt ml- .i'.i-:ai nls und Slientl's Hales i liarceil U.'i per ,'. I. Inijlier ; ami a ileiluctinii of :UJ r crnt 'will mij.Ii; I'rmii tlie resfiilar irn-r, fur advertisers ly ,l,t. v,-jr. Ailvrrtifnnnt iimerted nionlhlv or , uarii rly, it 1 r iUru for each time. Sinii ill ,iiliily " ccntJ ier minnre for oa h tune. J T All lettim nn bnoinrw must bo directed to tin: Kiiifern. irUer fuuit be pot-uid ur tliey lint Iw attrndi ll to. I I'avinrnU inn bo made t ii itln r. j I'oitinnitt! rs i.rr autlmrizi d to act a arnta. per.s of Nurth Caiia thirty Years ami has bei-ii copic ri.-eelit collection c Noi'.li Carolina. Mr. Lo.-.ing in his ht, wo lo!: o! I he iievolutiA rut age on the whig as the i-iii.iiiv out nui pa- terrupted iu his law studies by the events y iir. heeler in l.is lilflli I l'l I,i:Jii iic of likewise, ii,,tie, (I by the " Field hiring cour- huk coiiii!i riiig that nil them iu tlie Tro ponin!) of four to onkiuj had great ad an British Invasion of North-Carolina. A LKCTL'KB tl.IK!tED nKFIiltE TItK N:" VOIIK IIISTOIl ICAI. 81H1KTV, 111' HOW. VILLIAM A. GRAHAM. Ken at the battle ot i amueii, ami now in confinement at St. Augustine these an; cir cumstaucea not to he overlooked iu estima ting the appalling nature of the crisis, and the merit of a brave rcsi.-taii.; e. Thcta was no impediment to the onward progress of Lord Cornwall!.-, except tin- want of supplies, which he impatiently awaited at Caiiiden. His road to Charlotte, the capi tal of Mecklenburg county, and the lir-t point of his destination, laid parallel to the Licit rivers of thu country, and crosses the State' boundary upon an imaginary line. In the' absence of maps, so much of geography as may be necessary to comprehend the move ments which we shall describe may be com-' prised in a few words. The Jiroad and Ca tawba rivers are the chief tributaries of thei tag',' in position, it l ot t ue w ar ; ami all check upon the i'i -i i the 1" ali-ls over tli Ipt-seit l.y tew events diasti-einent and II exultant spirit of ill ctit ili.-a.-ters to our arms in .vouth Luiiua the result was ot the same nature, an ijiubt equal iu its sal utary eltects, to tlie t t,(y it Caswell aud a mile or two of the boundary between i State had no seaport of niucli commereej the (.'arolinas, on its southern side, hy the ! her inhabitants, then us now, obtaining co-operation of Colonels Campbell, of Vir-: tlicirchief supplies ol forcgiu gnoil.s through ginia, ( 'Icavclaiid, Slu-lhy, Sevier and the neighboring States that Wihningtoi , Mellowell, of North Ciirolina, Wi'iiams, the piincipal of these, soon fell into thu Hill, a id others, of South Carolina, it hands of the enemy, who also held South would be hut idle repetition to speak iu Carolina and Ccorgia ; and almost simul iletail. Of the t:ct'ou and its incidents, it taneou.-lywith the march of Cornwallis oh full description iscoiitaimcl in Fuote's Charlotte, had lauded a largo body of "Sketches of North Carolina,'' and bio- troops in Virginia, under Arnold, and were graphical memoirs of its principal actors threatening an invasion from thence that, iu " Lossing's Field ISouI; of the llevolu- there was no internal na igati"ii, and that tion." No one can, however, contemplate tlie best means of transportation from thu tin1 gathering of these intreei: " sons of fertile valley of the lioanokc and from tha I Ihlhlig'.O!.', i:t . years preceding. j J have fjilcd, earlier ; Locke and his I rave I i l iir to engage the i Midge, "'our para- lli : . . it. i . . i . i... I by tlie lion. V. .v. urauain, on iiiu ; f ,Pl,at.e bject. llie boity anu gantry oi j- u'jOVO du campaigns of I'i'ti, i'J. , .. ,l;fi,.. til h.d to fxeess bv a highly . i .-. , i i. .i'l'-J ' - - - -- u. . auu Mil! lUIUlslieu UCr COIUlllgCllls IU llie , 11 ,1,.,,.. rie,.r ...i i.. ....... ti ii.n li.uir niitiMin. . ' . . r . . .. Maw or ."jxatianaw river: ...in'irL lulu nun iiivvi ... ... . ..,...,,.....,. .......... t I... v ........u . . . . . ... i ii i vuiitiuuuiiii m.i itv uewu iiiu itiimniuuiifl ui : i Cougri'ss, to meet thu Common enemy iu other States ; and her militia were marched, by divisions, brigades, regiments, and bat talions, to the aid of South Carolina and (ieorgia ; uot to mention tin t thu ranks of Sumter and l'iekens wire often liiled with : 'her citizens, w ho took service under those Ur. Vn$iJrt -ml ItiJin and (Unlbmrn ; j f;imous partisan olliccrs, when those States 1!. warding the New York Historical were the seat of war, and were computed Lty as a National institution, 1 have not among the troops of South Carolina. From rii.leJ to undertake the task devolved on New Jersey to Florida inclusive, there were , r,.,,.. ,i, few battle fields in which a portion of the ' q( Mtcki,;nLur' I ihi li-eturer. aceoniDanied b tuo lion. ' lthi r Iiradi-.li, President of the Society,1 '.: llawkes, lr. Francis, lr. lie Witt, and , Ucr distinguished gctitleinen, presented . iself to the audience, and, after the ap niso which greeted Lim had subsided, lSantee, ami the Yadkin of the J'e lei streams rising in the mountains ol ' Norll Carolina, and running southwardly to the ocean, in Soulii Carolina. The Cape Fear pursues a like course, but is wholly iu North Carolina, its head w aters being the Deep and The J'an is the headstreain of tho lioanokc. and at our piiints of reference is coursing from west to cast, nearly with the line of division between North Carolina and Virginia. Hut there is an episode to our naratire, In -fore pursuing the inarch of the invading army. 'I he dis astrous tidings of the fall of Ch:'.l'ie-t .;i sped rapidly through the country, bringing ! on to the heart of the patriot, ehcrl'ulie ss and joy to the luyali.it, and inclining the waver- m ' aiet irresolute to tne ca'--e ot royaltv. mention that ( 'ol. ciates, alter re i v tel..-.. I -. lues; -engi r to cany thi. (-riuatiiii to (ieu i ral Kutlii rfor.l, and 'e st his co-op, ra ' ti hi if possible, but Vva make his com pliance a preliminary .led -attack ; and that this '.nicer, h '.'.ingard of the retire ment, of the lirilL-h fonfrom W'axhaw to Camden, had, without iwIc.'Il'o of the iu teiitious of Locke, ross.he (; itaivha, with the purpose of himself iier.-ing tho lories at lanisour's) and itrrivwith Lis brigade on the battle held ubouto Loirs alter 'he retreat rf th : ein iny. I the a-sault bueii iu-iiioiied for this briei.ice, 'he victory wouid doubtless have h inoi-'i co-ipl. 'e, and possibly many of thelhiiit .S ad would have been spared to ene ti r tie invading llrit.'iii. trained for the fe;t I y this first es say in arms. (ion. llutherford, in tlnooeodhig mouth, joined (Jell, dates, in round of a brigade A militia, rm 1 in the dt at Camden, on the I'Hh of August, va-kmled, and tak en pri.-ouer by the en. i. tii.d, therefore, 1 does not appear in the i n,; cainpai.u. I The determination oUn. Jates not to ' at tlie head. He was prudent, Mgilai.t, intrepid and skilful iu his movements a gainst the enemy, and with a charming. ' . . i. .ii. I.. ...l 1..111J j ii u uir. iui: mini.. i ji nee v.'juii..l? this r renin?, however conscious of my few battle fields in which a portion of the 1 - m ...11....1 1 p 1 , . . , ,. . . 1 ,.1 ..... s" .'ii.!. iv 11. 11 u u 1 1; null ii'.ii .in. .. iiiii..ieiiiiiiiii , Icpiaey to t proper fu llilment ; and a tnx.p .-ngaged , defence of the liberties of d)C Wtw;.,. tllL, Vadkiu an 1 Catau !. j. '", M lU c"tabl.d,n,ct.t bung the country were not hers. . j who ha-1 so early and so constantly signal- tniy nun uisBciiiiinin'jii in i in 1. iesl'les inese eouii luutions, now ever, ior , .1 ,i, ,i,. ,, (. i;i . , ,. r 1 ... . . ... . . . . . . ii.ii 111111 ... I'lii.ii 1.' 111. .111.. 111 ie ui l.i 1 L ' 1 out under Hi iL'ailii r (J. iier.d llutherford, to attempt to rally his roi) army short of 1 liilslur nigh, which is the centre of wains movc't lorvvaru Irom Laimien, 011 the Mh of September, with the assured ex pectation of compiriug North Carolina before Congress could bring another army into the field. With his military force there were ad ventitious aids, from which much was expect ed. In his train was tho late Kuyal (Jovernor .Martin, who, having lingered oil' the mouth of the Capo Fear, in a ship of war, for more than a year after his expulsion IVjiii the Frovince, in the hope of restoration to authority, ha t pant a visit to .ew-l oik, ;,, of ()aoJcl. wajJ decisive of th .. .. 1 1 . . , , . , . ' ann was uow reiurneu, aim ivpeu 10 receive that dutiful submission, under the guns of his Maje.-ty's arm v. which he had been unable to . exact by the aid of his provincial adherents alone. A printing press also formed apart ; of the furniture of the camp, with which it I was intended to fulminate threuts, gazette victories, ami distribute pardon-, j fotee ti jus and promises. Iu his ranks was a regiment of loyalists, raised in North Car- voeiije 01 .iiiiericau uioiorj, inn "j'no military operations unroait, a consnn ratiie a which I propose to cngau'e your attention f.irce was iciiuircd for the interior defence 'pposi' the triumphal Scarcely ha 1 . .i.- (.;;. I. ... ,,f ,in 1 ( nr.. 1 1 - 1 ,.c 1,1... s....... 11. 1.. 1, ,1 ,., s 1 ill in 11 is u u ..jn w. " - , nun i-iif 1, ui 1111: 1' ui'- .iiiii'.'ulii in. Liiu! , ' , I .. .. 11...:-.. 1 .....1 i t .. 1 . . .. .... i'nner.1 I 3 1 1 " SH'l luviiij is- ii ii'i'.-ii 'i iv mass 01 llie peoj.ie weii. ;r.i - 10 me country, tj t,me of reinlez j- .' uiV attti iition to some sulijcct pertsin- there was no contemptible ltumbcr who ; ,l,1,rlu.'.t 0f ('Inrl'-tt' . . to the history of thu Southern States, it maintained their loyalty to the crown, and r;Vt.j pf uu a.w,. ,!, . - ... (ii. in ttitiir itiii i'ltftifn in 1.111 mm :il ti.n v.i u . it nn n m-n j i ihj the llrit. semhled ists at llamsour's 10 a ri h of U tliey 10 His, about tell miles w hell iiitcuL'cl.ce ar e of a body 'of loyal Hi ........ c,i.. ,.T:i.... 1 ., ... . 1-1- lib iiaiii.soui .s nine, .s'liii. i.... iiitus f Utc peno.Uo prepare upon anoit.er, 11. at was more conspicuous ly true ot a body of . dUi11, ll.volll tlH. Cawba. iu the county itartied that a revtreud and disliiiguislie'I Scotch Highlander, who had emigrated in e T 1 . ,,r ,1 . . :f. . nd of mine, who has preceded me in 1 the large numbers to tho water ef the Cupe a ,0 ,( Lincolnt 11 rii'villun' to wi alen '' . of CKcrcisei appoinii'd by tbn aoeiety, 'uar m tho incipient i-tages of the cotitro- tj'fp,. ,,, ), ,, ,.;,th. r. d t inn,, de th" a 1- ; inane ue eui'jeci oi ins uinnuii: n- T' rsy m tweeu mo coioiiitu au i me niotner , va,,,, 0f t;,,.. r;tjvj, nrinv. ieii' i .1 .: ii, (.'resting chapti-r in the bi-tory of country ; and the ri-u il victory id tainedbv ; J Je.patiheil orders 'to Col. tli ' ar oina. r 11 n earner i,Mu mwu i oiomis as well ami l-ioiiigi jii, ni ine t ii fact, 1 would I-kU. hive cho?en bridge of Moore's Creek, one of the We-tcrn other topic, to give greater variety tributaries of the Cape Fear, on the '-'Tth of J interest t a course of lectures which February, 1 77, with one thousand nu n, thus far been o Well received by the over the tory forces levied in that region uu- ment ot one halt M the 1 to the Depre dations of the enemy, it- is mei,tioned, v, ithregri t, by Lee, in j 1 .nioirs of the M ar iu th South, on ;eii.t particularly of the district between t Udkin and Co- tawba. whose ciuci.'lir 1. 1 dev. 'll to t!i patriot cause he p'oi.t s a high 101 lo.ium. Will, the Ihi isL 1 lout, and the it:;- mi J li ow an, utvl other faitli .1 , it.; ton ' of th. ir sev or 1! s the in-urreetion moment. Jt :m- der fiem ral M'l'onal 1 and Captain M'I."od, I i.e nuiijert is withal coninioiiplai'i' ; but it numbering fifteen hundred men, wb were do story of our ancestors of their strug- munliing to relieve iovernor Martin from and sacrifice-'- -their freedom and re- exihr on board an llnglish ship of war .. The cene, too, is circumscribed, but :,t the mouth of the Cape Fear, and to bring vtors were personifications of principles ,, back, and lestore him to his authority I rj rcpresentatiTes of nations, ami upon I 1 of the drama di pen led tin- fate of I. (hit ire. If other apology bo wanting I r :i.e selection of this theme, f ' I am leilivc then', nnJ to the ni.nior burn," ; f i fr--in occasional access to official d u u I h!s, us well as from the IraditbriH ami le 1 iilinf thusi? whose honorable near bore i I. tie s of onnortunilics for acri'iintance the fe 4 i!i .,i,.,i .a Ia.i.1 of (Iui events of that ne- infect t -1, am impressed with the conviction that I jia want of chroniclers and printing pres- in the cdoiiv, i- one of the proudest events of the war, iu that jeiir. l'ur-u;d with vigor, ns this victory was, in capturing prisoners, arm", military stores, and munitions of war, it so broke the spiiit, and destroyed the lei'ourees f the enemy in this State, and so cheered the hopes of the patriots, that its ef fects were widely and deeply felt. Still, ling of attachment to the royal cau-e d individuals, and iu many in-tau- 11 s wh !e iici.:hh.'"!io'"la an ! districts, re i'iired con'-tant vigilance, deterininati ui and 1 mrgy mi the part of th: authorities and tr I 'j.s of the new government. it has not received full justice In the spriu of l"11, a f..n:.id able inva- )ii was threatened by a military ami naval 1 that the pe noil to win eli we reler is armament, umicr Sir llciiry Clinton and Nr land 17-1, more than five years after 1'eter l'arker, at the mouth of the Cape Fear, first blood -died in the war of the Kcv- and a large military force was called out to ion at Lexington, and full four years repel it. Dut his attention was soon dircct- r the national Declaration of liuleptn- cd to the nine tempting prize of Charleston, where, in dune ol that ear, oceurrcii the la i; the then infant .Mate, at the time o! ! occurrence, and from negligence or l-ht since, the peu of history. Let it be reniem- t, had North Carolina been no in r i iiu spectator while ether States theatre of war, or in retard to thu iffer were c om inous repulse w Inch lias given immortality 1) preparatory to th the nam of Lock tO Collect till. neighborhood , ;.u 1 suppr at the earliest practical.! pcared that one .John Moore, of the c untv of Try on. i now Lincoln,) ho had joined the enemy in South Carolina the prceding win tor. hail recently returned, dressed iu a tat tered suit of Jiriti-h uniform and a sword, and announced himself 11 lieiitenMit colon, I in the wi 11 known regiment "t N...n'n Carolina Loyalists, commanded by Cd. Jno. Hamilton, of Halifax. lie brou.'Lt detailed accounts ot the siege iind 1 jrrcinkr of Charleston, and an authoritative message from Lord Corn wallis, that be would march into that sec tion as Miou as the then lipeninir harve-ts were gathered, so as to afford a support for bis army. Very soon thereafter. Nicholas Welsh, of the same vicinity, who hid been in the liritisli i-erxice for eiLticu iiiopth-, and bore a major's cuumi-shm in the same rcL'inii nt, also returned, with splendid I'.i cia! i 'iiipini nts and a polls.- of gold, which was est. itatiotisly ili-'!"y. d to his admirin'.' r.s- loi.'.t.-s, with artful :.pi ci hes iu aid of the cau"! he had embraced. He also gave the first information of lhiford's defeat, and rep resented that all rcsi-t -nice on the part of the whios would now be le'p'-'.e-s. l'nd. r t In- c leaders, the!" was collected, in a f -vv days, a fine of thi it n '.1 hundred no 11, who tn re cheaiiipeil ill an auv ant,i-i ous p.i. 11: cir bclm; marehei ' I" lied t ) 1 tli lar j ol "'loulti ii'. v nil the cxci plu :i ii. t .ti hiuei.t from t'o'n armain. lit, ' luiietiou with the l.nti-h m .'Uth i ar i!:u:i. t'olon. 1 Locke, and tie' other olio - r- v. h . " cause in the incipicney of the contest, which was lauded and committed some dep- had received the orders of ilem-ral liiither- I I ivrly as the passage of the Stamp Act, rcdationsin the county of llruriswick, among ford, already referred to, pr 01. ...1.1 .. r i...,,:iiti..u .i .1. c. 1.:.. . ..r 11... .. ....!.. ...... ,1... ii. i 1 f 'oii 10 iuu urcitHiuir nut ui uu.iiiiiii'.-i which was ine s.iimii in tue 1011.11.1; in.in- eun. iiii-in niin ine uinc-i Mies of a domestic nature. toueh'uiL' the t,i,,ii of the patriot (icm riil Howe no llrittish promi I'titm! Iu than tivi P it t 1 cxe-ae-rity and das thev ih, - ti of creditors in the province to tiro- force had entered the territory 01 North (. ar- lev led their several ouotas, ano, cr--sni' t I by attaebment against the lands of uliim until the period announced iu the out- Catawba at various fords, 1 llect 'l a iu:n ti ei 1 rs re.-idiiig in F.nglaiid, aud the mal pet of these remarks, the laticr half of the within sixteen miles of the camp oi the i" - Iii-itiistrali'in of the provincial povcrimiftit, year I'M'. u'i-ts, on the llith of June, with three huu- . I been agitated Letwccu the crown (thro' lint, although the geographical po-ition dred and fifty men. At sunrise the I'ext 1 loyal governors) and the people of the (,f the State, or the military plans of the morning, with this uiieipial force, and with- , ' ay, which, added to tho causes of com- cneiiiv, bad thus long delayed his visit; he out a chief commander or undi r-tood ar- i iint of more general interest, produced a now came with a pre-lige of success which rangeiiu nts of battle, except that three eom- " ilisoiissioii of the constitution of Great threatened entire subjugation. South Curoli- panics of horse, which constituted their eaval- 'iin, sharpened and invigorated the pub- na and Georgia had been overrun and con- ry, should go iu front, thev a-Miultcd th - ii'lnd iu relation to the rights of Urilish ipiered, and their patriut eilixens driven to camp of the toiics, contaiuiiig, as already I'iccts in tho colonies. Emboldened iu concealment, exile, or submission to his vie-; mentioned, thirteen hundred men. and after a I '" controversies, thu population were in- torioiis arms. Charleston hail fallen on the well sustained and bloody en-'auvmeut .fan .. . 1 1 - I .'Ut und acciite in their comprehension lvlth of May. In proving his success with ' 1 i-sin's involved, jealous of undue con- the skill of a veteran commander, Lord Cornwallis moved forward ut once to ( ain d 11, near the centre of the State ; and on the Vi'th of thst moiith, his light troops, un der Lieutenant Col. Tarleton, overwhelmed and massacred a Virginia regiment under t Ties) within striking dista-, both r; 'lit and P-tt. tlie ontcsi.w In cum. - in that section, a war -jno '"V JikU, with few immediate n so nee- f'tt- jirotection but those furnished by and th".-o greai'y diiuinuheu by li.eia v holy events to which aliu-io i has all" 'en made. I !ut the -pirit, of the cou.v I'i lnot forsake it in this tryin.' hour, a it was perhaps, tort in.iie th.,; the Uril amy. iu its lir-t inroad into the Stat l' encounter a people of such ui.siiakiresuiit. .111 and ac tivity iu the ;!- uu 0 e: -pr. au tho southern country. -, Anions' many nol Imd it nj.i l patri ots. ;,, this di-trict, Alio srtr.'uh'd with t'ie storm's f,.te,v uiiuphcj th" lulling fol'tuiies of their C'oitry, to elll'l'aeters 'li--' rvc to be eoiispip.u-lyri nn ii.l i.o'ed. Thi.-e are lhi-adi'.r leii. . . 1. e Da vidson, and Col. Vu U. 1 rie. lien. lia id.-oii Va of Iri extraction, .Mel hi- parents, li;ei:iluiOstii the origi nal settlers in that ittion, Ve eiiiigrai.ls from I'cnii-ylvani.i. lie wudue.ited at ao lie. .demy, called l.'uee Ma.-eum." iu t ha: 1 -tie, and lii eo' with uoi do ardor tosu.-taiu the patriot eat-e inas was e.iiu-n.i-sioned as Major iu ue. oe regiments lai.-ed 111 North Carolina for i-'iilite l.tat sei vii e. in lllti. In thi-eapu- he u.aieh eil lioi ti.vvard in the ih igade ,, n. Francis N:i-h, j"incd tin; main .H'min-Ii r (Jen. Wa.-hiii.-tuii, iu New Jerscinl strved under the Cuiiiinaudir iu chihioie;h the three following campaigns, iug wLieh tiiue lie v,.i- -r 'in oted t a '. ei.a'..t i -d-o'i' Uy, with the commando regiment. His prcsii.ee at home, at t juncture, was J.n.-ly ii'ielital. Th ,p, of the North Car !i;ia line having 1 ,h tachc 1 to ie-iiil' oec the Southern an. then un der tl. e l.!;o:i!e! of (Jen. l.i:. 1, he .,!,. tainc I pi-rt.iis.-i.nl to vi-it hi.- tie, fi-.m which i. with the eX' in S i.itli 1 invest 1 at all ace--- Kin.' cut oil h hi nt the war, I ' j Inter nrnci, silent leges, he had gratified his curly desire and the inclinations of his genius, and became a soldier. Of studious habits, he had brought his well furnished and disciplined mind to the .study of military science, and had mastered it. Hisscrvieu had been in the horse, where he hadrcceived the approba tion of i'ula-ki. Ho had approved his' gallantry at the battle of Stone, where he was severely wounded, Hanging Hock and on other ileitis, ana his zeal 111 the patriot i;',.Pf.. o ,iP .i, i,,,t,.rJ r r,.n,,r.t;i-. seaboard to ihe nrmv nt Ilill.l,oi-r.ii,.l, cause by expending an estate, constituting I sections or neighborhoods their issuing Salisbury or Charlotte, was by th ordinary his chief, if not only fortune, 111 equipping , f-((rtlli ag (Ull tlu jjirg't-t portion of then., wagon of the planter, and that no incou 11 h-eiotiary COris, of which he was UO .'! (',., ,h .,,,.1 ,,r thi, All,., niilfrnldn nnrlinn of the mini. It- r,f cad. He was prudent, vigilant, . i,.,;Q ,,,,',1 ,,,!,; tl,,. 11, .1,1 .;,ii(,,i 0,,,,;. hu,l bei n lost in tbn mot. i-i..i,ln .1... ,1... termaster or eoiuiiiissary, each man upon his feat of General Gates, the furni-hing of own horsf. nin! I'lii iiihoil with bi s nvi n pre.-.eiic,', a ready eloquence, and uu uu- I aalllS( 1. ,,c j10rsu to Lc sustained by the daunted spirit, he was among the young ; 11!lfur(S tho f,.,mi t!l( men ol the day, as Harry IV-rcy " to the - i;.iv contents of Lis wallet, mad.; and chivalry ot Lnglaud. ' I filled by his wife or mother" their con- lav nig received his supplies, l.ord (. 01 11- eentration their arrancemciit of the tem porary command by election, their long marches their eager pursuit of the enemy his refuge on the mountain top their assault, persevering courage, and over whelming victory without luinir carried back, in imagination, to the sul lime simplici ty and bravery of classic romance in Spar ta and early Home, or to the memorable defence of the Swiss cantons agaiu.-t the invasion of Austria. 'J'hi.i victory, which was obtained on the cam paign. Instead ot proceeding to his medi tated conquest, the L'ritish general was compelled to address himself to the task of maintaining what he had acquired. De parting from Charlotte in the night, pur surd by Davidson and Davie to the Ca tawba, with the capture of a pcttio;: of Lis baggage ; he retreated to Whin-borough, some twenty miles westward of Camden, us the li.o.-t eligible position for the preser vation of his iicquaiution.s in South Car rolina. Thus terminated the invaoti of 17rO. lint the t -ud of the war was not vet. y bis .selection of Hillsborough as the . eonlingly , large detachments, numbering point lor reforming his routed army, Gen eral Gates had the advantage of consul tation with the Governor '' the State and the Legislature, which, iu view of the public danger, now held two appointed s, s-ious in cacn year, and assembled 111 that banded, lest, by Joining the camp, they tow n on the "uli of September. This body should consume the scanty stores of the at once applied itself to providing for the ! continental soldier. At the next session defence of the State in everv prncti-', of the Legi.-iature, which commenced 011 tlu ward in direction of Charlotte, Lieut. Col. cable method. At iu preceding session a lth January, 1T1, nets were passed to di.--1'erguson, with a detachment of regulars board had been created fir carrying on continue the Hoard of Wur, and " establish and loyalist-, was: de-patched west of the trade, f r the lo in lit of the State," for Council r.teree, or Catawba, ti advance in a the puipo.-c of i.iiiiilin j; or proeuriu,' . ''three pi r ilina, under tin. command of Hamilton, a "C iteh Mereloilit nf H;llil';!V !il(l r-nl el- .Virtu Carolina, ana ino.mi. two hundred j t.j j busineii with a house at Cross Creek.-, miles ir-un Camden, wa ips.tirc abandon- j,, ,1,, ,;,,, c,r .1. a settlement of his coun trymen ; a gentleman of hih tone courage, held in great esteem for the virtues of private life, and who. after the war, was his Ihitannie Majesty's consul at Norfolk. From the.-e, it was hoped that disaffection woiil ! ,e 1 uoaraged, that the State Would tail an easy prey, aud that the royal army would find ready recruits within her limits the 1110; t indispensable necessaries of life was a Herculean task. The ordinary pro ductions of the eurth hud Lcetl yielded, thouji pr.ibitbly in diminished quantities in many sections, by reason of the interruption.-, of J-'bor, from the hcavj dralts for military service, in South Carolina, as well us at lioine, during the year ; but iu the circumstances of siege, which environed the State, the treat privation was in thu want of salt, without which animal food can not be preserved nor vegetable enjoyed a privation which was aliko felt by tho army and the people of the country, ami it is quite apparent from the correspondence of this board, that an army essei.'thilly larger than that which was brought into the field, could not have been long main tained. In their commuiiicatiuh.-i with General Greene, the commissioners ex pressed their regret, than in const qe.iMice of the exhaustion of the treasury, the le"is- ilature had adopted the policy of relying 011 the militia for the public defence. This species of force was usually called to tours 'of duty of three months duration; and us 'they generally turned out on horsc j buck, occasioning 11 large consumption of subsistaiice, it seems to have been arrang ed that but u limited number should be 1 ordered to his aid, except in immediate expectation of a general engagement. Ac- j in nil 1,1 (Hi men. that had been called out by the (.iovernor or Hoard id' War, and were on their inarch under Generals Allen Jones, Gregory, and others, to miitu with tho arm y oi dele nee, were halted and dis- 011 its fur utcrjor operations. T! he main sr.-mv, moving directly north- anus, in nrmv, as and ail other miiilarv st b. re as the importation of of. merchandise, for toe salt, the parallet lino to it, open free communication with the loyalist.-in that quarter, and incite them Ij til'-etive o-opcr.itioli villi the J!n:i-h. To 1" ppOse the main army there was 110 force but the militia of Mecklenburg and llowan under Davidson, and the le gionary crops ot Davie. 1 heso troops had be paid 111 provi been upon duty the greater part of the ed in every cou summer, and, especially since the defeat purchases were authorized of till the means of Gates, had constituted a kind of national of subsistence, as well as of wagons, hoi -f-, guard and corps of observation, i hi its ap- and other necc'sane-, so far as tin- iiu 1 roach, Davidson prudently retired in the poveri-hed treasury Would allow, and ini tiircctiou of Salisbury, but Davie, deli.'ht- preSsinelits were freely authorized, other mg in enterprise, and being perk-ct'y ac quainted with the county, resolved, not l-.xtraoruiii.iry, to eoiuist ot i r on-ol integrity and ablitie--, such as the (icncral Assembly can Lave the Ucati -t c u.iii!ti,"e in," and 11 to invest the actual Governor (.Miner Nash) and u-e and consumption of the good people of this council, with the executive powers of tho State." And leivv, to purchase .-up-. government-," a iter tin; expiration of his of plh's for the large army it ivaa hoped to as- , iicial term, provided the iir'a.-iuii of the i-u-semble and recruit, ta'.es were laid, to eniv should prevent the lioldin-' of the elee- loiis, :".'.! agents appoint- lions, and t!i meitiiiiot tlie Legislature at ty lor their collection; (11 eit-ual tini". I.ut 1 have seen no record of the proeee -ult of tl tmoii u'.incc It is to be organi.ati m of this council, or any !in-;s under these statutes. 'I he rc- !-;u. :paiu probably rendered sary. I'L'retted, that liuionj the doo- ill- 'on- creatui'' a Jioarl of H ur, to direct control the military of thestate, and a re: tion requestin; ( Jen. Sinallvv on J, nf the ti'nntal line, an', second in eomtmunlto Geu. Gates, to assurie the command of her mili tia that were or should be called into ser vice; a niea-u.'e criminating, doubtless, in no feeling of di.-ivspi to Governor Nash, the actual occupant of the exeuctiv" chair, and prompted by a seii-e of the momentous nature of the. t.isis, but utterly at variance .ad 1. 1 1 u three year-par Med , pi et.-ition of joining re.'iuiet.t aio'.ina. Ihit CLaien being the time id' his sio el;, and wa-.. savtd ,le vviili l.i- coinru'.ni anu-. only to watch the enemy, but hurras;- and annoy bun whenever occasion should serve. Keeping well advised of his positions and h'.Gvitr.i i.t-, he struck ou every opportunity, and always with effect. y a perilous ex ploit, nt tho plantation of (.'apt. Wahab, one ul' his own cups, near the South Car olina border, he cuiiipli t.Iy surprised an outpo-t, and, afti.- killing an 1 wounding al -ut sixty of th" a I vcr.-ary, ila-he l oil' unhurt, with a large acqui. itiou of horses and arms. I tiou the entrance of the ritsh nrmv which then, ns now, declared that "the into I'hurlolte. Davie, l-eipg joined by a- Govern 'r, for the time being, shall be the boat liity volunteers ha-tily assembled from captain L'ciicral and comuuitider in chief of the iiei.'hhoring country, under Captain the niiiitia." The Goverimr, under the Graham, and relying uu the firmness of his c.'tMit'iti'V.i, had no power of vet 1 to arrest tr iqo, n.-i'le a gallant stau i in defence of the law, and. il g;;.'o'r Ac.'ry, tli-.l not in this Carolina "cradle of liberty." l!y a tt-rft-re with the at ti-ui of tho board, though. ju iieioi:- di-p" -itiou ot his f ute, under in a lat t '.over of th.' buibiios and enclosures of the t fill a v village, cavalry means ot supph .ailing. Gut tiie most no- ; umi-nts ol tins p-'i'iod there has been but a table of their proci educes was "An act 'meagre p reservation of the eorrespondenco and ot Governor Xash. In the infancy of the 'government, no law required the executive ; correspondence to be recorded, and, there being as yet 110 permanent seat of govern ment, such papers had no other depository than iu the private mansion of the incum bent, lie died soine four years after the ' war, stll'i high in the public confidence, and dcini-e a m -iuber of the at the time of his ( .ingress of thee "tifederation. Having made this ailu-ioii t) the measures of the ili-fenco with the plain precepts of tho constitution, I adopted by the State gov 'eminent in this, to her, the darli".t lour ot the war, I cannot withhold the txpres-ion of my gratification, that through every line of the public stat utes, of the j v.irtials of the General Assem bly and of the Hoard of War, there breathe the loftiest spirit of defiance towards the en emy, ami an uuqu.iiling determination to call forth every energy of the country to uphold its now doubtful cause. It well consists stage of its existence, he refu.-ei icancv oec .iring from the resis he thrice drove back the L'ritish nation of one of its members, upon the with the patriotic and daring resolutions of to receive the rebuke of their com- ground of the constitutional objection. The her popular assemblies and provincial eoti- liuindcr-iu-ehict. and made good his retreat, with a loss much inferior to that of the enemy. Lord Cornwallis occupied the villa-"', inteudini; to advance t 1 Sali-burv. nn II, ly t i i-v er. I'louie iu di-1 iv-Lii !ol in.i., .f.-V ut, t-ih-body tfn'.i.l, leiiiler - in qii. b the t-irv iu- lut, it no tri. - pick an 1 s. il id. liU! .e "il w: luiiiti the in other Country, and ready to any consequences in resistini; her hour, compelled them to retreat. The par ticulars of this action, did time permit 11- to recur t) them, are of much iuterc.-t. liloo.l relatives and familiar acquaintances fought, in the opposing ranks, and when the sin. ike of the battle occasionally cleared away, re cognized each other ill the conflict the to iics wearing their will known badoe of a -''is provincial congresses and councils, frontiers of North t arolma. t m the intli green piue twig 111 iront ot tue nai, ami tne r to tha establishment of tha State cov-1 of Au"iist. in a pitched battle near Camden, 1 whi-'s a similar badge of the white paper, US il III .1 1 11 till' of 'ird ' 'U-iuiients. This was sullicienlly uttes ' ui tlie alacrity with which she rcspon the call lor the lir.-t continental . on 1 to in 1774 : in thu proceedings ot lier , t'ol. Jiutord, nt axhaw creeK, near ine rovincial congresses and councils, ! frontiers of North Carolina. On the Kith m establishment of tha State cov-' of AulmisL in a pitched battle near Camden, I'ut-tit : 11111I in ilinM.. of her nntiulnr nn-! l.n hud kiimi-iII v defeated and routed the main ' w hich w as iii some instances taken I "''lies, nniiing which it may be enough to I army, which had been rallied for the de- ' by the enemy, and occasioned the wearers I '''"ilarize tin) Wilmington, Cumberland, : fence of the South under General Gates, the ' to be shot in the head. These were the 011 f 'aa mill T'ryoti associations, and tha hero of Saratoga. And although some oon- ly means of distinguishing tho two parties li. and l i t Hi lled Mi. I'.,:.'- -.u Lim- -.!' t ) 1 p ' e i : i-r 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 . 1 ot i. ed cili olive si r. ii sui re. lions eoti.-eqiiciit 0,1 t!,!l of ('harle-- In ad t ui. A:ti-r the 1 for 1 at Gates '1 app 'il.ted a li'.ig: and t i'.us tia.t citi.. 11 soldi M of of bearing arms. II the public service, a tinu-ius nbs, nee ol three y and endeared fainil v, hi - th" Well-foil J.t fields of M dywine and Genua ntow n, that he had seen service and with the approbation Washington, made him a star of guidanci his countrv -men, and inspired theiu wltLpe and c ui- v.itl his overw he! ' ot rele i't'.re 1 at, ( r li iliilll.-di.ite r.-i of the I .'. id urg, at the t:m. rv man was reou'.i. . re 11; Gen. 1 Ihivh! ell of Mnaii'l ol :t count v v i the sei vic' I I' was capable ' 'l- devoli on t 't d iu a c m c: T.en a young - duality with eith, lira',1- id the fact r the i". e, were sled t- kept in a annoyance ; 1 I and de-tl'oyi iuarters ; all- in.' detachment 1 1 1 r lon e, he found -e or security. Ills s, n-lo-.v 11 at their ' its ; hi c instant state of alarm his w a -gons, w itli stores. ed within a f 1. il: one in-t ince, f four hundred ni a attacked and driven homo, with twenty-seven killed and wounded, ly an ainbiishin": party of set t 11 individuals, from the neighboring country, all of whom es caped unscathed ; the Friti-h oilier deelar ii.g. on his r. turiiiti;, "tliat he had found a rebel in ov. ry bu ll mit-ile of the ell catiiptiient.'' It was nia'iil'c-tati-.iis such as these that induced Lieutenant Colonel Tar Kt n, ill his " Hi.-t iry of the Campaigns in the Colonies," t 1 honor these adjoiuiii-j counties of old Mecklenburg and Kowau .i,,.i; Legislature of South Carolina, the preced iii": year, had, by its enactment, clothed John Kntledge, then her Governor, with the powers of dictator, l'reeeilcnts these, rather classical than constitutional, accord ing t our system, and only r-sorted t unquestionably, iu those emergencies, be cause of the imminent danger to the very existence of thi? State. The commissioners election of i-lat'.ire itself, were John I enn, er Martin and Iraudates Davis. e-ion was commenced at Hills , on the 11th of September. 1 T-tl, miles f f hi- constituting this board, by tl a for 11 w a iss o f "lorabln 11m.. tin, 1.1 M....Ll..iil.ur.i uti the I 'J'1 May, 1775, which declared ubsolute f '"('"riilfiice. j "'l tliese prompt and decisive niinifos- f 1 ''is of neiitiuient, had been sustained by P itnry ai ,1 ( ; t)in immediato scenes of dan I r hi n manner which proved that she had I ' -sllis.il, sectional or exclusive ideas of dc I '" e and protection. Kstiihlishing a tho I ''-li tnilitary organization ot tho Provin I 1! Congress, which assembled in Hillsb -f '"ijli on the UOtl, of Augu-t, 1775, in De- "'''"r of that year an expedition was sent t l Howe, for the dcfeiico of Nor- J kaml Lower Virginia, against Lord Dun 1 .""e, t lift royal Governor of that province, "". having rollccWil a large army of whites mint inn ns niliniiiistcred to the. woiiiuIimI ' in the action in which neighbor met iieiiih spirit of the American General under this ! bor in deadly strife, with the rifles carried crushing defeat, by the success of General in limiting, andiu the use of which weapon Sumter"! capturing, about the same time, 'one hundred men on cither side were as ex a convoy of the enemy, yet this daring and ! pert and unerring 11s any like number of vigilant officer was himself surprised by the ! Keiituckians in the time of Hoone. Seven dashing Tarleton, and his force of eight hun-, ty men, including five whigs und four tory dred men put to route and dispersed, with the j captains, were left deaden the field, mid loss of his artillery, arms, and baggage, at ; more man two iiuiuircu woe woumio o, uu- KishiuRcreck,twotlaysatterwards. llius,' Pa vie, a less nui. iijjro.uic- Governor and General, and pr ul essary. Suivivii L. ,lur( be went forth filled with a.-si verati" sequeiitiv known ltl-e Union. ' suecc-s of his Majesty's arms, ex ... '. ...! . . J . I? . I. . says a spiriteu writer, "tue irageuy 01 ine Kith closini with the catastrophe of the l-dh, the army of the South became a second time nearly annihilated." To this unbroken sue cession of reverses to our nrms, it must be added that llift resources of North Carolina loss being shared about equally by the re spective sides It is 11 remarkable omission, in the histo ries of the war of the revolution, that no au thor, neither Marshall, Lee, Ramsay, li-.tta. nor nny other, that 1 have consulted, makes mention of this important name 01 jtvani to meet the impending danger, had been j Hour's mill. The only intelligil le rec rd of fiileiu Of CI. Da tion is ine became subsequ as one of the great A mi rieaiiatorSj law yers and statesmen, a lead iu every j great enterprise tor the impismetit and ous idi-vtitioii ot the character "1 Imwn Slate at one t me her Chief 5-iitrate a member of the federal eonvepj, a special tninistiM' to Trance, in coiij ijin with : Mr. Murray and Chief JustilKUsworih, during Napoleon's Consu!.it.e,(d one of ' the mo.-t accomplished ami eiut gentle i men of tlm revolutionary r, At the 1 period w hich we refer, lie in have been I twenty-live years of agt sonfonr years I Graduated at Nassau Hall, I'teton in- with the designati di-trict in America.'' The printing pre- tin i-v er hi en carried t 1 that tiv-.was in requisition, b and I " tue most rebellion first that had region of coun th by the royal pr lel-iuiati-uis ns ol the hortation enunciations, up but without seri- t'.i" Le: A'.cxan Thei:- borough, on the 1 1th of Septein! an-1 coiitiiiued, by aJjournun nt, at Halifax, until the Ht t h January, 17-1, when its auth-n-iti'-s Wile ri firne 1 .. the I. 'gi-lat ure. Their jo in, al, with so i.r.u-li of tle-ir e ir-ri'-p.oidctii-' us his been preserved, is among the most interesting ib .cuiu-'iits in our public archive. They undertook the ta-k devolved mi them in the mo.-t de voted spirit of p'ltii-itlsi.'i. and with a pro per sense of its magnitude, and executed its duties vil'.h fearlessness, ability, and eminent public benefit. Conducting an active correspondence with Davidson, Davie. Gciitral Sumter, and otle r officers, as t the positions of the army ,..f the invading er.emv, iis advances, skirmishes, and re treat : with local military oiVu-ii.-, c-p.-eial. grcsses ot till, .), and (1 ; and to the end of the contest her authorities, amid every trial and di-aster, kept the standard cf indepen dence full high advanced, and the organized government in steady, protective, ami salu tary operation " .V g;o i s r.sf ni'miium irniiii, huh in rf I'll 1,1 iilirnfis .icmttus,'' l'l' 1 In- L'Klclu -! 11 i:, our next.) 6" To any inquiring what they shall do for a cough am1 cold, we would say, read the following certificate, which has been signed by utf humiinl of the first 1 Houses of Druggi-ts in this country, to lav belore the public their estimate of a good medicine. They are all ni.'ii of t!u first class and of the highest character, whose ex perience and bu-iness leads them to know, and this is their opinion : : " We 11, .ih ;'jejw , 7, (.s J)tg. g '.'.'. ifl'"g l.ri II lilf l: . in jiiaillti il Ii ilk . . I. vir' Vln i 1 if lV..7o.v ..'i ( . ; ci i t'it our i " i f tii it it is tiiclfit. nil must rtfivtuid j rrmr-li for Viifioutri Viiti jifaints ?vrr ','Hfr.I l'i t!v A.ut t i tin lVny ),'. Ani Kf ! ni. i fi ' ii. 1 ur k iiii'ilC'le ul its mm. nHtti'ii.'i iti i r.r'i ttit'c iisfii!in'xsy ritrdinf ,'' i-mi i"l it 1 1 tht iiijli 'txil as ir;rthi 1 thrtr 'i' 'ni . i,c, muf villi the fin., ' ,', 1,1 tin it ir in'! ilu fur I heir ri'i'f' ,'.' .'',' ill' !:", m' fin tin." t 1 loyalty and duty, and on rebellion and treason cf. W hile bis lordship was tuns occupied and entertained nt Charlotie, he was a stouuded ly the defeat and death of Ker "Usou, at King's Mountain, about thirty miles to his left, with the loss of his whole Iv upon the upper brandies "l llie V ape bear and I'.-dee, as to the ii-imgs or ma- Among the documeuts which arrive 1 in raudings of the torit-s, the dispo-itiou to be the A trim, au'i for which she was detain- made of prisoners taken from them, and ed twenty-four hours at Liverpool, by the measures for keeping them in cheek ; with , Ihitish government, is said t be a pro;ect, the Governor of the State, General Gates,! of a copyright treaty between Great lhitaiu ' .1 1. 1 1.1 1 ..1..H.1.: 1 ... ,.1'.. .. . . 1 .,..ri :,.... 11 ami t us countrv. it n,ui. sivs me n.iui- : regard t 1 the rallied troops of the ile!'.oite,l .irinv. the reiufiirei'ini lit ..,!.. - s;t..i..s ..,,,1 l.i.,, -.-;.1 TON. the liraisli Mini-tor, a the lately ' '"ore Sun, been ex 'c ited at MarshSeld, by ts arriving! the late D.WTEl. WrisTEii and Mr. Cu.VMH- the short while foruier, an 1 ... i...it. r..u firs a 11,1 lovahsts. ki Ii-il. ; l.-oni other Mates, and I cm ', , .. . "h : 1. ......:.!. :.. .... ., . tl,.. l'.e.n.,! .-f W.ir ....m 1. bt foni the la-t illness ot WollllileU or laneil pusuiieis, nvciin 1 linn 111 n.i.i o .. ..... - , P 1 1 ' , ' -,U the -uperiiumerary amis with which be have cxertel its utmost faculties in the having been ret iru-i Ir-ui I.ngU.i t wit.i had been furnished lor tbeiuhabitanU of the department of the eouimissariat-in pro- the sanction aud arprova. of tue liruish gov countrv wbotnubt join the royal i-Undard. , viding food and c'lothin? for th armr. ernwnt rs now probaly under the eonstde q thi 'memorable exploit, achitved within And when il is rccolkcted that the 1 ratlin of .Ir. Everett and As. CaA:iTIO.v.

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