J Tl'oilf) (Carolina aolbig. been n-of.fi Sold Mine a, S?8 ,.p. iliice, J..-,. li vr KSa?--T . . ft .TTTv M- -Ai 7-.7Tr- not he dih.nnred in comparison with tpcciintn. Iron! tlichlfl nilllll 111 l .Ol II Wall or .Hieing.". vi .. . i I ill n.irlicul.ir. line, block lit folll! I ..... .,. u.ii-il lor exhibition ill tlir l'rvst .1 I' I. ken from tin- Cilhcy Mine, .ilimtcil nb. gt five n:iii b from Charlotte, weighing II. Duly one ah.iit h been sunk on tins vi in , u nil that only to t.if .icpth of 8l or 3ii feet, wliieli a nt irt, n,l nn.l:.t..blv worked fur Enid. of auiphurct'of copper are found it lhe both., i1 e .h-it. and troiiinin uu iiif Plank liimd frmil this l.i hich we tl.ink would land to rrpleniih the ncer.mirir. for h'a huue. He no i.ouU there arc mnnj more vbcro it tame Irom. 'Hie public snotiiu no on men guard against It. tiii islau ij Watct ni a it. CHARLOTTE: WEDNESDAY, Mav 1 1S.1. LT WILLIAM. THOMPSON' K-q., in our a j;ent in BalUinurr. authorized tn obt.un ndvcrtiao ments ami iiibacriptiont, tuil to p:-r.t nccipts. Jj" P.. W. IWUIl. Esq., is our amiit in Vliil.idt!. plus, author. icu l'i ublum advert. s. uirM am: pro cure a jiiseriptioiis. lj-'. fl. IM.mr, Esq., is cur ....K-rircd agrrit to red Hi' niiu rtiM incit- ;iiu! stihs,-:-ipt'ot,s at ..is orHru in Bo.toii, New York ami Piiil-a...i!iia. immense denosits ill ut ,sn, Vi b - ' c tO 1 .1 U Ill I' ll . piSUCS .viiliin a n.ilc ut the laiul ill vviiicu me nunc i , it i: ted. Mr. tirn.it also shewed us sriinpli s t iken finm the Kc.i .Mine, ftn .tui about '.' in. lis from t'li.ir. lotto, on a valuable Ticiiltur..l f.,rm, . m t .. 1 1 . i n ; ah. ut ;',7. i(Tf of 1 mil. Two veins have t u i oncned and nri.fi t.i My vvo.ki.l for (h, Id, running lvrr.lU-1 to inch ether about a quarter i' a mile apart and rMnliir.tr L-st nd West. Tl:e spici. locus taken from then' veins consist of a l.,rj;c pi r nt. .f u!i!.nrt I ' c-pp. r ami n.!i auriti roll. lliiiic. lions.' Ti e cip of the veins is ab.l:t 10 f-. in a pi rin I'.i.u ui. r line. At a fi vv !'.! i I n s, thee Vi ins l.ave l. eli i xpli red to tile l'i pill of Jil tr jO feet, nun asir.jr in the dejcmt be 1 it In the width of the nins otid in the riehmss of their has a larjic romiiioi;ii)ii In.usc, and vvc liovr ollen rceeived iiuii h kind trtalment whilst lioiiiiiiiiij at lua house. To persoin travelling thrculi the iiiountams in Summer for heiltli and reen ution, we would say that they could spend a few days, cr weeks, very pleasantly in ti " lewn of l.i noir. They have' in Lenoir a fine Cuurinliirg funi.le sehui.l, eoiiiiueted by Miss. Eintiii. J llaker, an ae ei'inpiisht d l.uiy v no has bi en eii(;aj:el in teai li iuj; there fur several years, two lintels, six stores, ..I.... ......... .. ...I .. 1 1. ....... l.iil Nt veil in lies Nl.rth of Lenoir, in the Va'ilkin liiver, in .1 tcrftit is tillide ptiyable at till! Jifilltiphl beaulilul cove, where the preen .Mi.unli.ins, the j l,.,,, am js a good ill-it atidll of the geilll K:phin, iinii the spurs of the Hiui) Knit;' form a : . ' , rj-j oJl0WiPJ; marks will serve belli w square, Is situated the Paltt r.-i'll i'ailory, . win re tin y manufacture eotioii yam slid card . n ili'tect It : vm.. I, and si II Keotis to a eonsiili r..ble extent. The 'j'j,,, coutiterfi it? arc dated, May 1, 1.52, tn y lib rined us when we wi re up mere inn , . i, I.. t0 I. J)ul're. NEW COUNTERFEIT. We. noticed in our la?t that a new and daterous counterfeit tt dollar note of the liatik of tho 8tato of North Carolina has n t et.tlv been tint ill tiiculation. The conn- they rcilizi u more tbun twenty live per cent elerr proiit li.r the fust year, and it bus only bn n in operation a little ii:uie than n year. It is one ol tlie loveliest plaeis we iver lei elil. 'J'b1' Ilellsis are nil built of line, I e.iutilul br.ek. The clear, limped vvati rs of the YadUin How crecetully ... i ... e .... .. n - i,...i,.,i .., lliroui'ii a oeaiii;u. itii v , .'t i'"" '". " "i.'" i , . , i i '. on all sides bv mountains of the most beaulilul COMMAS 01 eijturrtil .HTS, a. u, eumaiimi green and 1. veiy f. rn.s. Near tins taetery is an , iH, words " teu dolhirs" the COUliterleit. exccllciitinale school taiijjht by .Mr. I'. W K..ucelle. ' t .irrittin. a accou.plished grnilemau Irom the Ustern por. vi-tictti! at the hottom ntid The eimiature., wluli m tlie uoiiuiuu neti M, nre written with very Mack ink, in the counterfeits are WPtten with a pale yel low i-h, ink. l"ne upiipr bonier cl the genine notes -r, a 'l lii- water Uvel in them varies with tuf tin. .'nlatV.ns i ' t e ini-luce, irolli -'II to 40 oil. no lion u l!;i .-all', e.oon uoaruint " I . , .,,,;,,,;. V . . .. . I... ,:,,v..r,... this fan,,, oiive.nint distance in as eood f..mili.. as can be Centre of the Ilote, .11 the pe "ling note Is a tin iii.li tlie ir mineral cuai.Lts h.vc not as yit bici. t-sii run coNi'.r.Ess, Some spi-eimeliii takin Irom tf sunsrc i n.e !'i-....-r Mine p-isoi.t strong! r iniiMvtioi.s ot" a rub tun: lire of I op;.i r In thi i-oweis of the earth thai, anv t: int we I...U' Hit inn in this eoui. try. The trai t ol Ll. l'i on vvh.ih this mine is silu..tiiJ, is a. lint 10 in'k s lu.ni v.'h: rh f.e and contains U-tu be hid a I li ua'ifiiu vii una iu .v.. . ......... ...... - . . , fi iiini ill any tniintry. 'teinale tiptire seateil on an lion cui.-i, tue We should have llientiomd that the people '" i fivt-t llOlllls of which Bte distinctly Soell. Vor-.int,.ii have aline female si lio.d, in a very ' . ,. , j evllie , &.V . at her feet, mid iWisliineocmlition under the ,.rece.t..rl.u.t toe ; ,u,.a URi ' K, v. Mr Sheet,, and sister a.,.' ladv. ! a fh.p 111 tile d.-talice, uu,!. r lull sail at.il I'roiu I.eiioir vie came to .Newton. Tins place : u-Jrt:fii Hp the feUlttle, 111 the CuUIller has in.piovid men- than any vill.i;e in our c I ((,jt (10 fcni!llu appenrs tt he sealed oil a euaintaiicc wilhin fie last four years They have or tlU1it nlll ,a. ju tlC distance a 1. 1 riuan i.eioriii v out mi i". i t ........ . , . tie of a North, rn fompa. U in a very thnltyand tloui , shine e, .!;t.. and : H seen piHngJruHt the I male. tV .li iV I1 TM III! ' l ITM IM I III" " HMTS W. OSSORXi', Ol' Ml, hLlNPl'lW CUl'MV. v ounty of Meelinbn. ;,s a c-'.i.i fice ot fou'itv Court l Urn, at ; u.-t r.o.c.ioi.. f l Onpie ot lt. date lor the Of. Au- ie eiisui.' JrTie Stocklmhi.-rs of the ("harli tie and 'J'iv. I-trsviile Plank Itoad Company will l -.r in niin.!, th..t t:ie:r annua! nnetiii l.ikis piuce at Davidson College, on Thursd y, tin- iljlli mst.i t. U is oe. :rabic !h t ail t'.ue stm'khol..'ers should he pn si i.t. c ti't- i ..eti.-.!i ,.f ot'.icers f.,r the eiisii.-i- year anil f'h-r iiiiort..nt business is to be tr-t.si.ct.-d at In. s lioetini;. 'l'he second ins t :ln ei.t c.lled fir t::e lotti n. Et ir.t. with Ho il;ciiiel.l that Would intirist the reader, .More Suv C iuous. Ilie new ari v, r list Men t rf Messrs. M-I.e..J. These geiltiiloen ll.lter io.t lllll I.CVe II. r lo.il a lii.or ai:J i.;rr .' s-or'.nn u I el t.ooes in ti.:s plan. Jj'S-e also Mr. Btlhuiie's ai.'v-r!:f i; n.t. Mr. (.root. nv h.:s ourrhastd the for- i-iiint; Minis, mpcihcr the town is wideniniron i ve vv.tn tin- eilehrateil Ci-pp ilnt Held Mines. I I i". -i... r i.f w o-.i h. s:U:..'.ii; al.rl'.t a linns from till l. i I,.., ii ;,, and nr. f.t-.Mv wo ... V....in-ai ill l!'.e 1 1 not v ot" Oibarr ns, and a hi nt Kl uiihs !roin (.'oneon:, tht' CouiitvSe.it. 'I I. ,s lel r .t: d .Mine, from which 10 n.ui.ctis of doil. rs in jo hf h. ve alrcev h. i n extr-'-i tec. i on. tains also sull'ii'ient u ui t.ln s i f i .jh r, Siiur ami t.c.u.', toju-tiiy cue in uirkil'' II. e .Mine lor t ii:.i r of toese n i t-is. This Cm pal v bis n's" I'liri hase,! th- on va. Ill .Mi ami eTi l.si'.i. est .te ill tin coin t n s ol' .in. ! the Democrat of April i'Jnd e,.... am. .., ston, known as the liich M,,.a!s Iron . (.'eneral Jackson was a federalist ac ''Iks, ai tins time urn., r i luii si oe ot uo rove, mint. '!'!. re in I. tiv.n 11 am! I o.niiil a i n s ot If. l at!. iilini to r-s pr. p : t v . a l..r;e p. r:i.,n r t ( as di f.n, d by n ndi ru Deniorr, winch is Pilily c.tiv t. .:. !,t re m also, as is1 san.', a .lu.ii it (iohi Mine upon it. W e ii.ile lo t span to e.ive a furll.ir dcscnj.t.on of tl.i- ;..-i p, riy. Wil.ili.iM iiiiluali ins el ci.pi.j ii , nest u : lit. a li I! Iioac c, in, i , . e n.'.i..io w itn c loir,-so.ii ; an,: w;tn I'h.n:, ; :s in i.r.-eiss !' r.stre. ' lien, to r- aei'. ivl" r: ' "l !l u vv i si li,..!. v n. ;. i s i:,t, tin- in. l 'y, we may as-, in y i.. t i ur loonfrv ! acie ..li i.Il.i rs in 1..,. f no n. NEW GOLD WASHER. A pentlctna.i passed through this place a few days ago who, we understand, is the proprietor of four of the newly invented gold wanning machines,, tailed " lturdan'B Quartz Cnu.icr r.nd Anmloatnator." He was on his way to the gold region of this State, there to put his machines in uperatioii. Their n iiiazins product has been tested in New York, and already about one hundred sf the ma chine have been despatched to California. It is a very simple contrivance, and requires but little power to work it. At a public ex hibition at the Novelty Works, a few days ago, when tiro bunds of v lift arc culM "tuii)ii:s," of the Gold Hi, X. C'., mints (nj v hirk thi-rr are find tn bv 100,0011 bar. li.'.s at tbr m (Ufa iitmcd inirtlttiss, and snd 10 i nt! ii tar a mere awj) yielded fc")U 7s nj mrr of.' And seventy pounds of the "tailings " from the Kiitherfonl mines, N. I1., j ieliled nine dollars ! Three " tailings " are tho refuse thrown out front the mines alter all the jrold has been extracted which any previously known process was capable of securing. What wonderful results will How from the operation of these machines at the numerous pd'l mines in North Carolina, many of which have been exhau-ted, as it was supposed, and aluindoued, leaving far the largest por tion of the precious metal on the ground. I'nii tti vilie Obsrrvrr. The following description of the machine : is given ly the N. Y. Tribune : c ol tstv ami In udsoinc luiliiiiiL-s. Tin y ha e two .,i;l,e wm ,e uituilfjivii from circulation , -'ul'" l'i '-- is I jocd puU.c In uses kept there, one bv Mr. " iiuj iyw 0cs is,sucvlVheir stead, as soon The crusher is an iron ball or globe, i : ldn we e-ame'sir'aipht Lome "i1 Siet j ' tlii'i ly'itid'ies lu'iiVami tl rT nldcli rSvAvW'i'S lit' K.K.N !'n if in Ei..nm.i tut m.sclvt t. Ciir )!(;i;i:!;ii;i Tiii). Pcinofnicv and Fcdt'piism. Absence fr uu home will plead , ur excuse for n. t romplyinr; with the rnjiust made upon us in vir, to prove that ii; lo the modern acceptation of that term. Ti e ti rin itsi I;', , v, is i, rv much pervert, d from its original signitieatmn. It was orieinaily deriiid from the ..-tin word funtun, a league, al:d was f.r.-t apphid in tins C, u.'.irv lo i'cs, n!'c tiiat prtv. vi itii .!s)iiii,;lon :,t its l',-,', win :'! ni.vce.itri! t!o forination and adopt, on of the 1', deral Constitution. It w is t o i: ti e most p. fiii.,r party in l" fovenimci't. Pet in t!'c ad. mini-lralion of .let n A'.iim", it was .ipj lied as an epil'.it of renr oich to crrscrthr the p. rty w hi. Ii f..v, r, d i!.e a,:, ptn.n of tit: Aio n and S.-ilition ''W. I'l tbi' Cm,' of Mr. M ,'isrn it il rho'. i! tli. v ho i "r, .oil t':e w -r iv! 'i .olr e:-.: t-v was t:.' ii vv i':i a a ins t C'r, a' Ilr-tam. D is r.. vv ,h . I W i siiTV 't'tiv t iTii - a "'auiiiiulh cup, not unlike a potash kettle, , U.Vlll.N ,ll. llh.Ms. h ol,!i(llll.ly nu-pcinled from, and ! Ion, of the a!tii...-.re tlii, gives the f il- j strongly secure, I to a heavy wooden frame ' lowing items : j Wliri w'ltieh should be very liriuly embedded Mr. Foule ii to vi-t tlis city in a few week", I'11 'he earth, or fastened loan unyielding f"r the purpose ol' rttcAiin, his inst riH tin:i, j phtt:riu re.- ling thereon. This cup or basin : and will tnen proceed' to New i ork, where i is uiade to revolve by an ordinary apphca W Wo were politely shown, by Dr. Mo Clcnahau, Astiistaiit to the State Geologist, a few day since, soino gplcndid specimens of Copper taken from tho lands of William Albright, Kmj., of Chatham. From various examinations that have been made, it is now rendered certain that Chatham is as rich in this ore as ony other county in the State. Jialeigh, Register. A great quantity of goodu designed for exhibition have already arrived from a broad, and are stored in tho I). 8. bonded ware house. Over 4000 triplications from exhibitors have been received from this country alone, while those from Europe num ber about 31KMI, of which 700 nre from Eng land, 700 from Germany, and 000 from Erance. Journal of Commerce. (TJ'The product of the Lake Superior Copper Mines last year was equal to 2,000 tons. This is nearly one-tenth tho annual product of the world ; Norway, 7,200 ton-, and Great ltritain, 1 l,i.")0 tons, being the largest producers. Of tho yeild of Great Hritain. 11,000 tons are from the mines of Cornwall alone. CONSIGNEES PER 11 AIL ROAD. I. 11. ev J. C. Guitbcr, Sill it S., Springs .t Mel.., Hole, E. ei Co., J. Mead, S. Wethers, J. '. Henderson, J. law it S., Carson. W. it P., W. li ,t 1!. 1". Wethers, J. II. Hnnis, A. Springs, J. G. llallcw, II. Peo nies. I'biler , V l'. M. l.rown. C. Overman, .MurpTity it li, J. i. ltrjce, fisher, r. & Co., Pox .t C, Dr. W. II. Whitted, Smith .t T., Fulling & Co., 11. Keed, A. lii tliunc, '. C. Jiarrihgcr, W. Piusitumons, 1). L. Ilea, P.. Siiiionton et Co., W. A. Cook, Ilokc & C, ! A. Willis iV. Co., li. t-myer, li. I'. Davidson, Ii. Jetton & Co., llou-ton it Co. J. Kyle, i. V. Welde, Hamsour it J., C. T. Alexau- nAVINW determined to cUnnge niv U, . and busi.ms.. I will ., lny 8 ' loci Stock of Good,? OIUGINAL NEY YORK COST. ny uerson desiring to enmr-i in Inn,,,,,, in ,. lutie, would do well lociiuiino my sioek and '. nun. ' A- C 8TKKLE. Chaihllt, Muy ll,IH.'i3 i 'all' 'i.l he will take his departure without delay for ! "i"11 of steam power by means of u belt, and j d,.r ,V Co., J. Porrian, Hoke it M , Murphey Europe. ! thus tlie ball, continually seeking the lowest ! ,,. U j j!rinllt w ,',ijon jj j, .'i.lvi,v,n As to Mr. Porlar.dV, instruction-, I pre- : po.-itioi., revolves without changing its place, ; J. Hickerson, Lowe it li., A. Sheek it 15.' Mime that he has aln adv r, c ivcl tl.. I hein attaeliftl bv - bin to u stem in the ! v vv.: ..... i l n..... - i, . i. i u. We w re ;-i i.:-,: t . H. . : A.t.. , ,,,;.i0 , M '-'! ti. .. t . '.i n paiu.n is ire e-l,:.- it, i'.r of t o, ;,.ur b.e ..nJ tin n i'.re ol; r. i, l .our. i i t : ruer. A. t pr- : it, v have te -t- .: t i pr.K-i s t i. t is iii.in ounc? it :. Ah t, is -i.tir, !y im m evry .-.:t, v .. h ,,. nu it w.ii tur'i ut as ...ct n, j et,t r rijt t'e- ti, t. ,r r, . ,., oi' ,;.a tr i . .s n w 1 'O'l 1st ka. is M.i! ih ui.i ri ..i ol" t.:l 1 1 1 P ; T llil M. mi l t i. ir!. IV -t ,i t'.r v by r, mi:, .i.e ;d. nls a.nJ the cri:itl th. ( iiiirioilc iV TiivlorsMl!," j'l;n:k Uml 1: w.ll S r-atry,:; to t; :.. , .:, ,;. s .,, ' fe.rn. th-.i ti , vu.-k is i..,,o,.. o! und- r iS trnst f Mill!, .; ,,. .. .. , . on,.-.- tie ,j:-r.u'.eiiu-1. ,,: i,,e tractor, M-. It y :, o: Ta . I f,vii; - ,:l ' f - r,.c r.' fmsl.. a m.!!. .;u :.! :,:,..:i! t, , pi' l ii'iw.c vv.i;. l;.e tim't-.r .1 s. in, c. kindly S'.ub ..! tci::.-!in ml s.-i; an v. f in., .; f.i .! t'..n:.s i.nil -,v the st.il b. , : n ' t a t 1. 1- : I. We i '.t tip' no! dr. .. '.' e . . till' Ot'.i'.'.ll, :.t. V. e s, i, .. M...s it t!o l-:.-i. :': m .' : . tio i ' ill u t.no, vvc- I, ft j ;i iii.-.u!., u I.. 1.,-n i. w. l.i-. ol s in" ot l,:e most st rr:l z . f a r-. , -1 .i ! t. ,ii , to r 'i.;t.-, t.ie w i.roi f. ;S I 1 1 r 'ivt n r w'av stv..ri, I'liwe-n il , u i t . v .,!, , fi, !.. uut.l ue .tiful but i!;.:'.t, ,i t. v n o! ' l.,'lir on tiie t ei.'. r- , :' t!,e ,.t H..:z I! fl . ... ':!.'.-1. ii., .! ! v Mr. Mrv I host ami 1 o t-.ss of ti'c is.) tin s - , ,.t th.-" ':. ii-, ; vi s.'o v. :i I . ii, t of I i.c,. to b, of the V. r, r.' to i: i,, r.. ; j i i.t s 1 Iry. J..,k -id more i w.r of t . .e ,',i::-,ti,iriti, r. ol i.li, Il Ili ad of ti e d, f !.,t', 11 i,f li,, lis .ii a ft, rai.sl i C. it d 1 1'. in, i r a l . on His a . .i ,".!, pi w (.',,' r in t,.r i ri.rin tit. i .. . I. i:s Ac. M'.iS I V. .. ,1- no . i v , ol ..I V I'M , lii.V 11 the Pres t:tut;i n i sf'.niii t :: y of i' ,1 in, isur, s ir.. made l.,e ic m.' i.-i.iuii-ii. 'J',. s, In,; r sat i.f ti c ( , : v., r. 1 v l.le ' ol. in, re ti. n an v n t , :. 1 1 .i.i i r. II, ?e l- :l,e Ii e C ,. n. l e li.-nr. t. tut, ,i,,.i Ill II VI i o "vir. 1 1. t.'l i vrc-M i t ti e i t, n?i l to ;u,'i'e of ti t. , x. f',,1 ly C, n-r. i', this r, spe, t b : r:i:s t..i v. r v 1 1,- rmuie that he has aU adv r, t cived tin i and they will probably conform with the views of the administration, as frciju, htlv presented in its only itniwn orao. the 1'n ion. '1 Lo mi-si'iti is protni iii'; in the i;,t s , I' Y or.!).- America. Mr. ilorliitid wiil, if I mi-take tx.t, find the San Juan questiou already (ii-po.-e,l of, ' upon his arrival, and the measures desired by the government al i a ly accotupli.-hctl. .'.'r. lluoliaiian is .-con to ;,e here, a;i,l ihe n. ':n,-, retting rid A the ( lay ton-lii.lw treaty wiil ti it ri ample scope f-,r Hy ami ingeii'i.ly. .lie Honduras q, ai-'iie dee s not :,ff.ir4 siifsici, i.t rto t!,e iibro.atii-ii :' ti.e treaty. Ha! t! lslaiel. question is ;.,re le.pe.ul. J! it il Great Priit'lin siio.il ) yield that i.i'nt and evi ry to!.. .' ; oit.t lortho sake ! i..-.. to the treaty, Mr. 1,'uchanau's i.ij 1 ;nn-t fail. I'h tho .'th of the'-ros, u ih.-.m!, t!. mi-si,, tiers f..r ti.,; M iietiuii . f ti.,- U Military A-yluiii w ill ass, il,;(. jM ;i, f r the T.iirp,)-,.' of de-U vtnit.lie' firmi,', ii-ui ' ana, lie, i iv a uu id u stem in in v ti i l li..... . i. i - ' ... i. Hioi'in, ei. e. Ji. liuuil'l, JI C'lll o. a ., centre ot the cup. A stream ut water is i : s,,.. , -. i ti .. . it i v..n., i t n ". Ill, I'lrtll A II I 11,1, I , ,'l, 1 US , up Irom above, and . !,,, ,t u , .,,.... Iriil,, a II ; U into the some inrce oi nmr pails-tun !t;K,. ( ',, llnn Uer .t S. E. S. li..!'- 1. I he mereiirv 1 r. tt C I! Si..i.. C C,. 1 'lv c. the ouaitz .1 it vv; i: c l' !. I ... v;' . , 1 - - - , U Ullii-I III. . eotiil it, I lo rn is a around and under tlie I ' is of course under the ball, and is saoven , into the pat, or tiriy be po.ireU ; KiIlimous, . H. q,uir, .1. Parks, M. I'. C m (."in a hopper anove. lar, gold-mi- j libers, li. I. Jetton 4, Co. , hers will ri".'o.rnize it as an nupr ived Chilian I but beneath 1 " " ii. i xtraorUiiiarv t,mver. ,-r ,is .- i . i.-- il'lcti"!. ,1 :'.r P.'IV : 1 1 - U .Ilia, V she pa, i or cip or rutin r in a cavity at the I .,:t jiii t!,, r,",l firmed cx,r,'.--iy at this end, a siioill lire i made, which ibeino fed witii air tiiroiij'i h.i.l a ,,y..-u onheio) at reu ii:l"i'' als siirr aiolinj it.) is lain., d into live ly :.itioti l.y ti.e rcvluti- n "f the cup, and ,"'' t),r ,-!, l-n'rrr ( rtHrlif a itiimt .'!tll'Z ' '. ti.e H'U t ' I c olltihllallv pouring in ai., v- it, il.i-i.iu' iil oi.t and run- 'I Ik- ll.ti I., t.. ti. si.y a t, ii'-r-it,,' will r-n'i ., I ai. l uiuntl.on as.-m... o anti . x- reise lie, an, nir o . to i.'O s , r. I., o s , t ti. t (,. ,; e, a-.,; it 1 y the '., t util e ',s v. d by tl, (', . ,,. t, ;. ;,. i the p w. r, ..i iliioul ,.u;l:,,r. Sit". It Is I,eli ill Kel.tlO'kv, llii I'll li,'! 'III- -!, I h city on a hit!.' Oil, claimed the -old -ur ir HAi N,i,h , . II in,.. . " 1 . round H.,i: mi!, t tt. n, II.. I, . . Hull, r, II. esw ii, Ilea I , TI. C-r ! :,r ., ,1 w i'h t!... ro, '...; o..l r 1 ' . l(.-..n,;v. Apj i in et ot tl;is e ,titri am-c i. .. p, thi pert", ct anrilj imation of f,,ti, , tin r pr, i l lii- met.ii ; w ith tho C,.r e, vedthat ll.irri l.-b'iro. W ill be s ! et, ! ,'is ( o the requisites for t !;er:;ls Scott and Wc h an iti-tit'jtion. h arrive Wiil . rHr.6u.j ir.-ni ti.e I f Si, I. pew. oi T,c r-,rre, Civ or tie. -o as l'.-. s liei.t Mr. W.h, mis ha'-it-. .,.,! i ' i i r. :y st a a: '.' I. ri-.;; i ,rs ol l'i ', s, lei t and . s a , r I i .i. a i.ai.ii ,.; na , : It. li. Iv A. I.m .... i; 'r.l .ll of t.e r-. :d ., I- r ' .-,.. a M-. I.i I II of li; II II t !-." oili - rs W ,i e.i "I'liiinv ami to fie t k w .li into opers vif Ju.,:. il 'te, mi t a ' :ii.s. K-n. I :.,;o.-r. h hns.nl si tli' Ol.t.ts V ,r. ft;,. Pile ' i' etc, Il ol si'., ten ;.j l i, it I:-.,. Ta tar 1st o.- in.,.. iru,' i . to I.. ,,' K .a r. 1: .In, on ti, .' : t:;. k- pi oi a l.-.ii.i patron, te. In l'i n. ut tr :v. !! il ..c tn I,..;, s on i i' v r l' i-. .:i. : .' i. ... . to , - i-is j . r t in,- , e ' '.r h.liiii'; a:, i. ads. Wc rn. t a :io re ; ! . i. k roo r on to st ,p in or.i ' - I tut.bl t, ! o i.i; . T.., t. w i li w .rti y , ! ;o,i z trf in t;.,s v., r t, l. la . , s oi a, i, sale of 'h. , oi, at u'.' uir- .. mud to. t s, ii . :';', I M.; . " .',',, u oi' tr..v. i :eiitier.ijn frav. .I,- in a Uii:' v, ' No, , f Nni : -ati .1 , n pi r in aS; I . li- i .ie. oi r. n,,,i ii. ii , pu I ; c e!s ot u.e t'nit u stt. s I; .ui, I :. .. Ami hslly t I J to .'-rs,.., V.r t,-e s was re :re,il iy ti,c v. l.o.e till .-oi ' i. . f i.e (.lot as l.i the "rary aioi t; rnu , i. 'J v j.e : lot . l;,c i.t :,.,' i.o, tr;,,, J . i-S- ii a f ,'. rahst ae epl. to u ol toe ti Im, I loi : oiii 1,, ro hoii I Mr. l',;.,,., ,, i. r to hin.-f ii arii.' s.. I.e. i on t,, ounlry s.nce too cct'i o: (on, r;.l T:v..r, c, ssi, ,!,,,( h i.;,; i.t tins liay i.cs.t. t.. ji.r a nt lo .roi.o..i.i.e i.oi, a ranr.. unimt..i ted. I Ja, s -e-i 's li-i!, r. r iism of toe p.rty. We ' feio ral J jef.- s oi's ail n .in. I, .It'a liozei: h'.'oi, rsot t; e u 1. ,1. ; ri T to his p o'U h, uu r..l:-t.- a' ,; who t ti...t l.n.e t: e m.t oo .s f, 0, raii-t- to ry,.:'oio'..''t:os,. ..; ..;:t!r line hanan '.r-s i nee an o'w n and the obiet-t so rirenit.vi-lc or. ! la. i suiniiii r will theiibe f iitol. Il Hut,,!--btir.' Springs be nbf ted. in additional vvt; reiiiriroii. nr I. a! ibrity. boatitv, and ac t s',,';l ti the W-st coui'l surr a. s it. tn f oint of rd. . . r . 1 1 -- t. a t , io n, -" ! i e . r :.i; of ti.e . , i stitut, I. ,-r, the .':. o, . ii !.,: I.t tiiat it t. p- -.: :, n w ho h t . His eii!iveiioi ,n,i expati'leiJ (iui'.'ks,ver without siiblituii..' that metal, and causing ; it to pass off as vapor. !y this means it is oi i;ined that ti.e very last particle of gold is extracted fr.un the q l.irtz an 1 hold bv th i:i reury, eti-iirin .i r 1 u , -1 per ten of quartz three ,t f,iur t:iu-s as great in has iiiliierto been -coined ; o that tie' owners ol this innehiii" may in .ike no nev f.i-t.'r bv 1 wa iiiti'.- ti.e " taiiin.'s " or alr-adv 'dveriz ' ,"l and exii.iu. t. d quart, at at.v n jld.dig e'ins already worked, than can be ol t lined i bv other tiiiie'hiu.'s tV-.in rnli Tiartz not t.re- C ,r Chi, es, Adamantine, Taili.w , . n.i I.'G' n.j. t. .So tniif H Ur i lU. Ni, f,r t I'.G.r l Im ''' tn.t III- luf-r-iTy -l:ti'ii v. li riii.vv tive 1 . fi.'?. r t,c 1. 1 rt r w Lo I'liiif.'olle and JoRcliuro;h. A .l,--r J !.... .; , . 1 -'. 101 ur ii K'tV er emi,i -e '.v i U.P T n ...e a. l . c :c Cos.,.: r.itii,: t'-'Sts C!HJ',t J'or-, lis v. .i i W,,i r.. s ' f. :, In-y wi.l . c,.i: op' it. Wc si,. J, ,! ei ti, v. - r,i i - I, -' I I,,.. eoi.lr .et Ki .' r c.i..i 1 lois -o.e III i:,e ' - ii. vi ...,. t . i,i. iiiAur v 1 ' ': ., io ,, l-resei t. Mr. .ur i.i I , n ' n : l:a ss no li. is Hut : t.. I ii ciirfd at , orH' i.i' p of 11. time i i. I it i; ,t i .eto.-i , !: A; I.., J'Ol... I Ti., t.ir it:. t J M or. r it. fit l jiii ', ; head j ' , , fit o. H; 4 '.-...; t A It'j el. it.d ca . v A n o ill' tnal, . I 'I ay .,10 li ' r, si i , I. I'.',i " SO I i:.. T.islrai;, n. so'iaisu -it;i tr i to.r., an, I i y II;' imro ciii.jt '; t-irr.f !' i cm f t'.e iai.h.r oi' tl ' 11 er'.t , i rty o) :.: i..':!i ,n VI loi. Ji in .i t . I :,.: il .: . I!...- tr o II no., I.o-.v to t'..- . !. ,i , r .' on... J., ;. f.i J o , s- ., I ; j , r , i . i ' f' '. tlie ll mo, ratio, pirtv oi ti.e com, try. and to ' i ,,ll o;.h si,,.' (.' I .oti.ii,,'. ' - i" n -s M i -o r io l.' .'s. ; f '-.' ; - i tor , I' Mr. V.in Hi:. ' it- f.v r,. t. lorn in I' ( aloro t f ,,, lo w s-M ... M.n.r.l, r to Kn. Mr. I . .III! : II l. 11 r-e. 'I i to man, V V f-fl J' r ti. I'r, s nt ; I U: Jlu: h III.. I i.s'. .Mr. !.., -r.-. li. . i, i,i : ' il ol ., ' :t r . A it, on,, tie . I I: ,1 : ;.. A... -j t. e re. f t ill V ,.u r-l U;i '1 ot ,.'.' I lo. .' S V. ' ' w t:o ' 'ir' il ti I'r. fi;' li. ' H , i, ri tour 1 , , V ve V I .' . II l'i; : r ..ur '.! ti.e li .y m r oi 1 tr,,'m r-r-1 1 . rf-1 o J ,et,., powt r III tlie , ti.e ' ! , :;t; iii.la -r et I., vv , ', 'i . s , 1 1 , . n o! ro ; . , to,- ! ii eOM....h,oi v c nv, ,1 iV' t. V, ,! rat a i 0 rth t i.rohii (eneral ' Ami yet ti t ': pi'ty ot ! i on. i.i, it. 1 " th, y .1.1, ',.' aloi-in-i ! , vp' c...i.r v. In !;,, I.1..I o, tn, M,l,t,- ...nrv I I e li. e-.tii-, i,y ci'v. irit'ie i t i, f'oii i on, l.nro i.' ' rs. In the t' liii ,: ,r ,. ii : ' if :i,e t.i.ii- to con. in s , t t:ie 1'n oi, nt. I . I'-'l' i,.,-.-- in r. -.. rli, i. n- . t. l:::i:i'.at:;.,'. ur thk lpng u.ivn Pi;is.M'.i.s. Mr. J. naiidwicli In, coiiiinuhiciite i to t!,o N w York Tribune tl.t foliowing b.tti r Irom tin' American Minister in Sj aiu iniuoiincin.' the success which has a t, i.,b d his c.e rtioiis to obtain the relea-e I'r mi itiipri.-oiiineiit ol the unfortunate ai.d i .1 a , ! , !. ,..! 1 1 .i:i-.u ian wl.o took part in the Ic piz expedition a gaia.it Cuba : , " Si!'. : loU have p, -thaps !,.;,n,, , ,-re (hi that 1 l.ave at la.-t su c, ,."io,l in u.y elioits with tlie Spanish govii nniciu to procure the i ardou and release of,", ur brotl,, r i K. i.'ad wich) and all hi- uM,,rlunat 1 1 unitarian con.p.'iiiiotis, from the Spani-h jrcsiuio at (.'ei.ta, in Africa. I: ha- be, ;i a .- arc: o; real happiness t u.e t; have t ,-, ;i ln-C ii. liioht.d in restot inif ti.,e unf .minute men to liberty to their atliiete.l t:::m;ie- and fii, n,l. I suppo-i: tin y have sail- ,!, or v.i.l ...,ou do . j, from Gibraltar for iew Y,,ri;. i " I write you this n,; hi",s uvj the or, at ! aiiii, ti'ui you have siilfored on account ol tin- 1 I'll,. ,,t voin- l,i.,'i,r -,i ,! t!o. ..... ;. .. .11 ' II N.ll and thai ir-. in i n. .t ine could I, ,! . a- it w a-, te.t a ' ti ; l ilt ma v I i.i.od states. ' i. o 1 to ho t'i veil V1-. . 1 ,. ex La a-1, I .. iilis, 1 li-iis. I i, a r, I'l'jth, . I.rd, . Mothn, Mli'Mfl, - M-.1...S. ., . , ..i....:, . . .Nan.. lit., . Cork, . I'. a, . i TotalK., Irish, EXPLnSiuN jT n.XYiiKX G AS. A h Her dated at Munich, in Malaria, April II), contain.-the following: ' J.ii big was la-t night giving abcturc ti cb'-uii-try ;it tho palace, b, 1 Te Ouron M.uia, the ex-King Louis at.,1 hi- Qucei, I hi n -a, iifid the younger hr iii'die- "f t:,. royal family, wlon a bottb- ..f i..virin cas ! iiil' improperly bui.o. d to l.nu bv his a-- Si-till, t, wl an i x l"-i for aie and t ther b bottle ttle. tk'W 1"' of Whi late ot your brother, and t ring vou to hoar of Li- !r, ,"i. i, i.i- companion ami com j hii-t, i n took 1 i a t.oii-ai. 1 pi. ces. I'ortunati !v the i -si"ii oceuri' d in an inner ro-m.the door h was f I en, Sii.l soii.e Ira nl. of tin- glass pa d through the d ,,-r, and .-.igl.lly wont, led - ii. i:i the fr nt rank. ..!,, 'ii 'ihore-n was cot in tho chink, and the blood fiiwod in abuiidiniee. Prince Leopold wa- slightly wounded in the lore, heal. Count. -ss Lux' iirg in the chin, and Countess SnidiiH j,, th,. benj. .',,i,o tlie-o HOiiij.!, uj; jo; of in, y e, ,, -eq .le hec Ihe ,r,,!, s-.-r was sightlv itiiured. .- . . t, . I.'oe, . SlljMr, lauf, Ihown, Sl,,i,e. W are. Salt, - I- I, -Hh..;t, W In-key, Northern. " .N. ( irolins V..m, H KM lllvS, CllTTnN". S.ioe our last .-,.',,1 ,.'e, ,-!'! at M-,. r.iiijn.j from C j to iij. ..Uu r no ( ii..ni'e to notice. i.otti:, mav ii, i-.'..i. Ih. . ID ft -M la. . l-'i t,o' Ih. . !l t !ll vd - II a .i m. 4 .i la. - I'JJ a 11 Ih. . i-'li a g". Lijsin I . 4.1 a .",0 - -CI a .,11 li.l. . ?7j a l j la. . t.j . :i!; H. - II ft ii.' Ih. JU a .'Il Ih. . N ft I IJ hu.hil . 4.1 a ;,n e ictl . 1 1) ft J O varl - l'-'J a U ynl . o.'j a ,'), ,1,'ini - a liu lOIji,,,. . ft g( If. - Uj a 30 Ii. . oJ 11 mi H. - .'. a li hnl. . fill a Iti . id a .',U ho-ii. I . 4U a l.i in. . i lin-hrl . .j a Jit Ih. . f.J a 7 hush, I . 11,1 ft .VI hu-lo I . .',11 ( no hu.h, 1 . -,o a im loiiii I . f 1 a no Ih. . 11 . gjj I',. . II J . !i j 2-1. - 10 a lo ca I; 11 li, Ih. . I.i a CI hii-iiii . i.-.'j a :: gal. I a ..!. - :i7J a l'i j h-.h- - ".I a 0,1 j 2& fe, - SPRI3.6S & M'LIOI, llnv I'ivcry Varlclf mid Mil,. . vihsi ins t,w,s, run 1 Kn jv, ()V,., (IIMIIIAMS, UAI.IUUKS. IUUK Ti-st.'Ks. miam.y.i, n ,,) " SWISS I'l.AII), I'.am ami Hinlirod.r.d' TA ill. Hi'! IN MDSt.lN. all culut. ' KniliioiiliTfil SWISS KUIlhS, ' r'tincy cnliired liUHKS, llULs. sill It si .....1, n 1 .(...J, ...III - (,-.ltl, . M , h ., 11 d, and sniped, Chaiijiiiithl. l';4 u, u I'laida; "'"., (i'tftat. .Mir, e'line A Floreneei S 1 1. K S KnilironliTcd, skirts, CplUra shev.-s Cor. ri t I... i'..,.. leu. ' ' " "1 - " -', l.ic. Kdinai ; .laciMnitle a..(l Suias Fa'ginjj. and lninrhn -.t laeuulitte, Swiss and J,anu Miiuueuigi ; ' Kilih ois mid liress Tr iiinntigi ; IIO.VNKI S-M isbs I'hi's, and rhinoc'i lr.,pe'y Musllll, l'npr llnijings ; ' rt4iisp9reni Hliuils. and I- ire soTi-en; lllark, co IM Ktunch t 1,(1 I II ui d I A-.-l'ilPilt's. Col'd I lutln, Fancy I Isiiiurres, llr il, ((, ' Clshlliarrlls. Kliey I. men iliOla j, r... tnir, rianta.OT. iin.e,, iimii , ''' A Urgo ....oroo-nl nl 1 1 A N 1 W II F S11,, , ,. UY. t IIUCKKKY, :.,. T,',. ' lllft, k nn.l rol'd Kiinimled ,Ka IllCii " ' t alullt l.e.illirt I 'lot li. ; " ' tin. hiii u i lllitl'l'.i an. l()Ks , . . Ilia' rtu. I.- 1,1 II A I s H.ii Ai's, u 1 , ' ; Caipei..inilCafp-i ! .; t'lnhrrl ,,, p,r llooki and -uiiiin. ry ; liran, sr,u,ri j,;i llWe l.i.on i ami I nil mi M.n,- , 1. j slnio l,inen; gou,) n.orl rnori t ol .,.,' " I ilJCouulry ileo-ihuiK aro fiiu, aiml lu',. '. leHMioia ur aloik of Good., U lore ,.0, . ' I h. rn ' "' I FIMU.VJS & M. I.IK ip f hiila'it, V-v 1 1, lnJ3 A.iji:TiiuSK&cu, jfc.vi:(i iiiikvs, I f J I 1,1) rpn 1'iiily in urtn tlt-ir ir ;, WW t'.r jui',hC lf-nrr.ll), th U Itif-y ,', ,K of I kni'iB .iiU--e for the rati", which Nl'KIX; AM) SlMMlIt oM lo f,t ch, or nn i ctrihl ol iiin.-.y .Tf I finbri'a th o((7f ttini'y nl rr ( - . iii.-ir .nijt,k lo Utptr pitrot.i fur luo Irxfi. ,., H.rif l.-yn rccen-d, ( hurtle. .V-iy II, IC.3, 15 1" IS (IIAKLOTTi:, fl j...n'rii by Ui ',iur( .-1 it. of I imuln (out 1 T. (" li.tnli-i t- -hll f-lirH C, III f liKrT l.i f 1 r., ii-- at ii ry in ur ion o t i-,i , tin (' u't.II .ii.t . ft. M m.iaj, the 13 h i.f J ,1 9 vi S'- ( I' d hjt in t (j ,,c .(. ht i.f , ,: rlfr gitif thr Ii.h.iI i nt ihft litlc , ' , I'rrr. 'l e-nii, 1 'J rnuiclj' tfec'it, J.-n.d !,-.( , W. WILLIAMu (:: . Valuable Properly a S3 c . . e liirn liavr 'urn We I0.1. com Mi;i m w:m:t. Com u, Mr l'i. I ( I'lTON I V . loiiriet I!,. Iiaitih.to, , not.ee 11 li.r pr o e of i I, in ur IliltL, t 1,'ii.i . ' i, umlua- (jiiile t any, mill the eurr, nt ritm of ,,n ,,,. .,...,. .,., oani;' d hands, ,t ore, ral il;j In III 7 lo I'll . e-eii; "1 v,i linv li hi. oi't ,, inir ieic loj " 1 no eertilieiito yo 1 - lool iti Id- lu'lia:!' I,, r tificiito of (iloil n.-il .-:-. ' f service to Iiini in lie " I tliorofoici ei.flo-e it t your hrotlicroti his uriiva! ,n Now Vorl, I inn, sir, your oLcdiei.t -erwint, -I'. M. i;ai;K!M,i:i;. I'r. J. KlMiTII'll. .V,. 1 I , or.oo .(,, , y 1 1 A li I.F.S'I I IN M :mx 'inn I st, iv. Mat ! t t'TTn.V. lie tr.nn.ietiom, i,,.,h.y re.., (nil a. nt Toll h,ir, 1,1 I III. no , ra l.eil.e' tr. i,. f i I.. out o.M ,, h hu h hr. ui.ht II'! e -- pr i'.ii r !y r. ..it. it. ml , are i iifciiiiF r o'd, crintmi ... a'Moii ltlO ii'iiilen for hr.'inrioiir., ,f.'iiotv . rl wei ianuwH. ii till evfif iniiinitnii -iii i ; -i orl mat tan h? d.ifd; ta a ii-aiM,n l..r pf t,ln hii-ine- a. a p,iinii inr l.wur. i n t i rl Houar win i-i a Ii h-uri jouno-v. ; -i irr 1 ht 'enl ad vi ri, c. i,- t,iit rf,-,-. li m"l 1 1 'ieel ihifarlef a l-rc ll.. :t ll'iil.ff J i XI Ml 'e. Urr. (no ofu J i j e .roiao o.,i House, pel iairneg I'le eio. . .1 f mil cuinmocioMia Colton (iin Hoiisp. a Slnrrllno. A s A A l u i: 11 I X.B m n II- vol . i I a;l llunae liailil Tlir. inline', n il a joriiiti nl hin l.lllliir). I OH nl U', l a of 1 he most ,ier lor u Ui r ol uu -IV I. r,d ha been well a;.. I l.vifj i no l-riier i",rtv in 'he Sii''' Ih i i a!-n aol lor t a-h, Ina yiluaii'e -i.e ui fs SI "V T B'Z ito tvi:.tvom; i .m-.mi;kk I al-oii t th; s rue (.1 !h ft (( J f i .mi wi "- p ni' y out.g ; on wit I-t 1 II llii (tloi K Ol 1. r- sir It i: I,' p.-.' I. i 'C ill 1 .li to ! oirli ol toe p, States, the el ol t 'I- i . J M l 1) ol t , I.I., I or I - i: ; ! - Ih It. Al.il. I Oil ri:; oilier 'iinerjls m our I iri ii i I y. i ,, , , i..t y io t on II ., i r .,, r i -Or ol l. "''' s Ji,,., t. nil. , ui lo . i-t t. NAKUOW Lsv.U'i;. A Ii.riii Ly l!.e hiii o of I'i.n-;, , .Il.h-,.i:, v.:i.- sotno ti,,,,. -J,.,., tried ih Monin ,utl, coun ty, N. J., lor muni' r, and to,; jury .roii;.-,t in u verdict of guilty, I. i.t lulled to jTonount . tho i1. -oho. ,,(' ouot S- i'i ,v li ;,ir. a!'t..r. the I'oui t Ij'-eoiiiii r; a urtr of the error, tic j iry v, re rceall.ol. p.nd proiioiineiol it m ir-L-r ih tl.t fir-t 'J, "'re' j-tinisl.n.i i.t, dentli 'II. i ' 'in. -oi f'.r tin- j,i i.-oio r tool; exe. ti,,i, . to tiii- j.rocee.ii. ', and a-l.ed tor a io.w t;i :d, vi liii li wa- ti li.tod. Afh r a loo t tl; ,r- '."Ji'li tl la-t.i,.' t- n I ay-, in v. !.:o, t Tofound loo.'ii ai ;!ity was di-i I r,. . -IOO-, illill an in ,,. ellure If to iliil'L' In il', ry ret ur nod laels of tie; OhVA tmtnl or of Tree Ne forty left ti.i- .-it y, on Xiitoik, with tini i,,i"",o-e of, loheiiil. 'lio- llllll-i., . -. tl.. . i- to convey tl ton Load-, "in, iiiiiiil.er of j,n lliitiinor,'. Ti ti.e f.-ifn r- of tliat ci in , : , L iii con 1 1 ; ,' . , 1 1 .roe-, t.i anv "li.e-dii;, , fo'r lnloild.li,;' f r e- el W Li. ll If Ih,- Im.t.a. ,.f Ii,v,U,r, Cohe.r ,i ,, ; P'L7y ' '-' 1 "v J '-. (-ih; ii .-o..r I ru-1, I Hi loo. ,il in ,. I ., k, A. l , t ei. ei . I', ,..,, , I --3V-- t. i. -is at J.r.-i i,t in I lain -Iom on , i.'ird iiirend , a I', ii i cinhai'ked ir In eiiiioriii.t,-, wo learn from .', all !i J cured fj l,e : an 1 tie r. are anion" I lo :h. I Ion ol Co 1 1 n'teeem'' V .ii II, I-.', I V,, ..-r.i lleoio-rat. r ;,r.,,, Stvndird ii.l Kay . i-B'.-r wet ti b.p root. a a . in .lirma'tc in that iriItli.f k... 'ti lfi; li j.i ij i tin ictlid. IIiirxt N, r.ill.r, slu i ji.Ar. llll;rol'll I. until! k V h III vi ral iin i, of ion, I, fiomi e. !,. it ii ' i! ,'t. d. will hin!..' dei id, oily u-elul m,t. i,ers ,,f s,.j, y j 1 1 1 1 of their n ii j. t ion . '1 lie l!.iii-!i.o ciiri, . out a coii-idernlde 'ua:.tity of fr, :; !,(, mainly on account of the .'cvi'i al .M i--ioioirv Societies. Aniii,T:iiv. T',b Al.loni VI. em,,. ,,i I,, M-.i -In, i.ii.j ('.!,, ' -H,l S"",''y."iii'ieili lhe A'm.t'c,,, li,!,',. s.H o 'v, w l l I'll looil on -a .haih, Ilie ZJ h linliio. , I'cbpeuiM I riuirn at I ha. luce, al ll.o hour o 3 o'el, rl.., in w. aheriij.il,. In I. it tie, Irooi 1iK,k A. o, Mtiona, and Ihr Irie.ols of in,. t. ran., g. nera y, ar rc(H-., Ilully ,,,. Hi to aiii.nU. CVLL'S JOHNSTON, I'rrs t. Mjy '.I, I - oil. Tic in , .o'iiiii t ;lo j n -:i, rt t lil t of oo' ;-,i '!.: . I'll,' :i ..'iitli.-r, I; in ili'.-l Il lo.il, I i I J i - - , do, I.!. 1,,". wi t .i at aii.e a i to io niTiM; i p nn: m:ad. I ill oivn.o lie- Iri. -iidloss dead to the for 'I,--' ctioti loi- pa-ed the A-. i"ii All any. It i, .-uj.,o cd tltat it iil oii-v. ;-o ho anna, nil who do hot t into the hand, ,,f . ,! ,ct,,r., to jVotict;, j,i 'lie amioo provision for .-at- Imiial. Jiut i-'l ' '"It '.I the ,assao,; of a cut I .li:. "IuiiO I. til ry 1 1 1 ; J I ; tiii.I !',' j: K ih llii;- ll '- f" r" ' . ff-j,,jiil i e K .utt d , i'..:.'Oi ;i. , ,V. fei- r:. .V -.-l'i v,,., I I.t HO. II i.'o.n 1 '. ' ' '.. i r. nr.., - ..I I..., ,!, 11. -I '"if! .(...'., , ... ;. .... . I ' a I ' . " '':'' "' - ' !' to, l ll I'.II, .t.-r ' I t,,e ,...i,t ol I r 1. 1 J, li, . hop. oat itil oor uii. v ,.,,, i, a 1st . S l.l.lij t... r :ro,i;,,i to. s. 'Oiii m 'V j , . in., ti l iov . ' o; M .- .1 , le v.ir iM, , t.j A. I.. 11 .o; . . ii oi t'.. , to I I .-, i.i. I :l pre 111 1,1 V Y . and 1.., i-d o p ol lor o,i,.i ,.. iiy-a' a, ,1. .1 to .1, toe L" nt 11, fl - ti,e ' l':o Ol lo lo I Ut Up 0 III t.. . I Ho i,., nt ' nl a , I.!,. r it I : v - , r . - I.. I , ,i t r M .i.i n . t. Ollti- t y ly M . . iuiiIv a ..I o. t -, I t.U.n (",, .", t,;. r. v.. o nt of , . n.nitii' a rn non. a in ! I .. t . ,. p rim, nt t Cisoos. 'l lo ,n 1 1 eon, i.i, ii,. , t ' " , 'A ill ti.e f.,1. i roii.Z, , w e i.p s, rue . ' ,. ii, .v, i. M;i ai i.. t ,.t It, 1 , lo t 'i ll- 'S , s.oio'i.1. Th. io II . i I I.. M. .. n ! arrive.) :.l. t h.'O !. (.toll l)..'.i:iior.- rocvj i.ni'LiT. Wt v.i ro shown, oil Too-day 1 ;. -r , one of the ti.o t coii.j.i, t,: c jui ' t!, it- that ,rot,a hly n,r w a, y,i i,..i. It i ' a ti n dollar I. ill on ti.,- Siiii-hury Jo ai. eh if the IJank of, ,i; e I ati . It coi re-j.oij.! i i xa. tly in m,. ' w i'.ii ti.e poioid.,. I,., to .,1 that dei.oiniiiation, an ) the i iieru'. ino is ailiniraidy doiie and ; ' in n.y Lo ui-Cnui I hy a r-i osi. con pari-o i-ijfiii-'itr' s are hot yr '.V n this j.ait ,,f t,(. t j '.' ' . i . ,-. teat lone out of t I.e in, o-ci .oon hy little treasy mid i 1 i a 1 1 f u TliQl.AKi;. lhe j-h'.ik ol an eiii'lhijiiai,e was f.t in this city ah out !ij o clock. A.M., y-terilav. V of iiti. ii.aii w i.o u as at the tune in a -coond story room of ti. I'iedinont In tituto j,, rty. Lod.'oi-l I ',, , inloiiiis ns that tl,,- shock was so ecu re, that i Ui many of tin; student- ho i-Uft, d in alarm from tin: room. 'Jim oscillation was North and Ninth, and : la-t, d - or 10 s eoiids. I.ijhi Id, 11 , Via. 1 ,11111111 '.ill lii;l'Uil., j This t hoi l: w a a!.-o felt nt O'reei, t,oroii"l. ' in thin .State, Lu did not extend t,, Char- ' lotte. or :!.-! vie should have had -omo sen- 1 'ihie demoiistrat-on of its vi.,il. j IIIIlK, oh,: cool ma thi.t hill t!,, ,i:i- the pra-,, he J.h hty of ,'i-cula.ia:, , '!"lli:illd s tho he, ii io! so j . ii 1 1 :i cvr did pliy-i.i.in, in lie an- foljelnsi 1 1.' re I- a p;r, at 'leal l humhu ahoul tl ai',- oui n to medical s. leiiee hy cuttino n p 00 iiuiii.in sy-t .,1 no no in co.. it. ,,r f,,,. rd- :ii,v more, a , ther,. w ill ti for ciittiii-e no I. v tho - r j el' niter. liny ;iy sciclici: a-.a of of (hi- hill, ycf it may lv i i, doubted lo ther di.s-ee- aiiy more 100, 1 than to aid in;vin' at iibs.nl, and crro- 11 - in tin' treiitment of di-ease. ic a! m ieiiee by cuttino t 'in. Is t.l.M. rlao ri.iloed Iii elo-r toy ., 1111 etion wilh i 1 h Ti.lorini? II i-irie.. in ( harlot le lor Ihr pri . sell., I Kill sell ilia Stock of (00l)S, no on hand, ai lie: iSl,.r nt A. lie Ionic. V Co., a M:V 1 OKI. ( OST. .ny (.in i-h .. in pngaiia 111 lhe Merchant I .11, .no, lluina ,i,,'d el'i well to eiaiinus i.iir -I,,, k and l.ca allun. W: l ave a- large run ul tua l.ipti anv ennhli.liilii'lil III IheSialr. Tl,e ,N.ilc4 and At coillila flue Ilie firm up to'llle 1st nl Jmonry, K,",.'(, arn now 111 lhe hand, ol S. ,M V S.J l.nwrir lor . oleetiori. Any errur iicar in. in any ol lln , n. will l,r nullified b me at llm Voienr-ui ,,ir. 1 1 a in A taken charga nl thai linn,! I have rot lime to at I o n.t l roilictin. ami .. omit, arroiintN we ned niouey and hope thai an llnwe indeliled to ua will nut put ua under lhe pain lul neers.i y of ea.itnj thtni to pay coal the bu silifaM ul A. lluihillie V lu. must he chi-e.l. 111 callle arp of ll tirei) al Hon h I uctom a (id Iriillh e. .,-,l '" q-lan.i'y of ("OILY, .,, a, ll.njniid IIt t ( tV-:t lhe ba!fi e of lhe "lock nt GOODS, bf-Im.ir f int; Ijte fifin ol V ii.ie V K, r f . n ' ' HinM Ut) Vnt,.''(iU t'IM4. Al ir t r i" ff n .l it pnvto wV, ar i ' to-ti p'fvqifly wilt b)Vfrfd puh.tc'r fti M f'J th. l i)Hf of Juiip fn-x', tut co ititiuo 'r th -t .tn v ii rt ( it all m in'd. TiTint ni.) knwii dm ol ne. Si ItO.M. 1. i.fli nrnrMirl w t fY mi f..f ' ' ' j fff U bmgnin, if i-i v b(; 1 lircrli'd. 'I " ' ' " J .N . It All m r-oM H-.!- tin d i'i mi. or l- tie ! ' , t.i in of Vh ilr At Kcir, mu4 ho.m! pi i loriliw i'.h. John il 1 1 1 : i: isi.;. Iriti'f f'otil. t.iitciin cnuny, ,Y. I . May ') Ir.'o'l, 'If. ii' lllfdl, IViKlk tll'.Nt KS III' CI P SII vU!' f IF IP lo' -Inch Ihci Imhe.i p"" "' be palu 111 t ,l.s. TIM). Tl! iTTKK SON. J-WllilM, AO. j, f.',U',l" ll. M.y I. IK;3. .rule- - veiite, n years old, was bit- 1 "'' : "ll the left insteli. , fhitrlnlU. Mny II, I8:,3. A. IiLTIK.Ni: l.'.n Il'.Ill the I'e,uill': Lrv .1, 'lhe Ciiii.i; in and. tRT ice I'le-idert Kii.rr, it said well xcetil, d. Lut owned an -tat" of '..Mmo acri s of rich lund .or. i. mj calculated I in Ihii'as coui.lv Alal.aina, wiih oil da- to' vis. h i- nl-, s.t,.,) that he has left tl. 'lhe aj.tr look" I bulk of bi rropeity to the poor. :-t of his 'l l -.1. .: .t ... .... ,rii 611 are oiiiiorta'jy ,rovi- t Iim note was relate tic, th, '.h i'i jiii A. !.,; tu4JT, -lid it i.' 'led lor eirl, ten l y a rattle I wo hours and a half afterwards-, pr. 'J'. A-Atehiu-on, who deserihes the case in tin; Southern Medical Journal, vidtcl her, und I0111.U l.er f.ij.-lilicK.s, v it la Ik r face .wolh-n I 4 or 5 yean old, alar 10 her fa, e, and a atel mind wanderiiio-. J J0 jdaced her in a hot salt bath, and ndmininlcred ithinkcy and carbonate of ammonia, ,H1til Kl,0 ),,) taken three j.inti of the fir-t. and vtuhty prains of the latter j no ihto.-cntion follow- '."1. and .-be 1 cured. I P"l"c tc' allJoh Work in Ih ttttHgH-'H .1 ot irr. r AS "le"d "n thii Hangei'a llx.k nr Meek. If lentiui. rounljr, on llm 7lh lnian', hy Ji. 1. 11 I.. I'hlihp-. hunj ahoul ID inil.-a eaai ol Chnr- .lie. ner Iht Cahanua line, Light llay HI.I.V, ppraiaad al J .,. ,trn-AVwifly trtlrtl - A'Wi' " ' 11,1 A.knaulrdgrJ A',ar,.rJT l(,le". '" Cual, and .anuria' SCALLS, all III ny p""' country, at rlmrt no'icn. ALliNlf, ;.:o C. liwin., 21 So. I harlra St.. fljl'""""' Fa.rhanka A, lu, f'J Water Ht-t iN Vo May I "i.i. II1" 1 J5. T. .. IIOLTON, Uavger. in JWyaj 1 I, I8.',3 it '-Mj I i'.il ) i ll i'It. . it II L' D . . . sj .... a-j.-,.... ..iri.ra ui tun i.irui ar.tlin. Whig IZoitt ii i'ottmf. . ....I'l l N the -fi;h In. lain, aamall ainilnt"f " ' 1 found near Clrarlutie. winch d"! " can have, by paying or Una adv. ni'iuitnl an' V ring lhe nitfi.ey tu b tua. V-t q-t re i.t T.C. KIKKr.VTRlfK. Afiiil S7. IMS. i4" To .11, lif t s and .WiW"' 'S7'"' f 1IIK Running Work of a gmd (Jri-l M'1 X ..le. Apply WIIiUAMS0. .16,13. 1 -i tl g' f! B 5, 1 1,. I'll. I " 1 1 Vi: ..caiaal ftiarmer.