?uito llcatfmg. j j'uv.i thr Due Went Tiiisrnjx. LOVE TO GOP. I Ha iiig, in a f ni r communif .nion. made j eonu gt-iural remarks uroni Love tJ (.''oil, I l o j.i-oji.jse to tro:it a Ihrlc of the i.uturi: j cr r pfrtios of that love. It is po-"'f;-eii , of M-uif t'liararterUtics, by which it ''',' ')C :ccoj.MiiJ wherever it csi.-t. 'Jhc fust, t ban.tU-vtii.tie is tinrrtift. Tlu is a very j imp'.'tatit inroditiit in the aftVrtion which; lot-n have one tor another. It is impr- , tai l that n-Jthiiij: can f'Wb' r'':K'c- iiff. rr.re how Mroti" ai,l frequent are pro- j frs.-i.Ti of attui lnni nt on the part of a 1,1- !. w Kiiur; if we have reason to doubt his: tiutvrity, we canuct have tonlUom-e in l.iui; .mil wo cnniiet foi l willing to place oure$vcs : in ti.s j ower. I'M Winn wo mii- ie.i.em iu W'.u vo that such recessions of love ami at I'm 1 hi i.t arc cinccrc, tl.cu e at once have . c iii i; K u-i- in tiie reality of his triuiidsliip. So it is all important that our profosions of ( 1, vc un.l attacl.nii-nt to God Le aocmipan-; icd with evidence of Minority. There is a jrrrjt dial of I eai.ty in t lie appeal of Titer when the Saviour had to-rid to him the third t:ui.- : Snjoii. sou of Jou:i-, lovcstthou; n, . . . ! V tor ha'1, ou a late oeca-Moii denied his Lord and Ma-ter in surli a manner a- to pWe o ec:i.-ion to call in question the sireor-1 ay of hi love to the Saviour. He had tt'ricc denied that he knew him, and accom panied his lcni.il with oiitlis uud cures. And a he had repeated his denial to the tiiird time, our .Saviour saw proper to re-' ipirc hi lit to npi.-it his rrciVsiotis of love the fame liun.her of tin e;. It is easy to tee that I'd r fell himself reproved by the !io-ti n beinr thrice rq cntoel. We are tjid th:.t lVt. r was grieved, r.ee:r.e he t-ooi to him the third time, Luritt 'hou ;..' .'.i.J he said, "'Lord, thou kuuwcst all things, th oi ku iwe-t I love thee.'1 Here was evi dence M" sincerity that could not be doubted. Acain, thin h ' ;"" r. That K the live which the fi.il 1 of i "1 exi rei-.es to var.'.s him i? -i:j. i ri .-r to slat which he Las fr any c.tiur o'ject. V.'e may and e) ought to love our earthly friends and beue-f-.i-u-ri in the world. We may and we cul.t t) 1 -ve eir re 1 ulio:: in life. We may Mel iv, c i.i.t to love the gf.-i.l things, which h'iv.' hf. H 1 -I ..W-.1 ej e ii u t y a beiii.'iiai t I'ri lom-e--. V.ut -till tiiis love ii far inferi or to that which i- due to God, and which the child of f'ol b'pfw-- upon him Tl e P.-aluii.-? had s:.ut thine; like proper tVel'nj- on the ei, wlon he breaks out in that bea,i;l:'ul exclamation : W bom have 1 iti heaven but tlifc, and there Unonc in .o, , ar'h whim I de-ire beidc th e. Al though i,:y h. irt :.t.d fieh fail c.e, v t t'lod i- the strdv'th of ii, j heart and niy p ortion for. ver. It i. tbcii a supreme love, which the hi!d of tiod has f r l.im. .--i't; ; This k.vt i -:.!! it. It is n-t Lie r.a'jr? which fvtl.e5 and . It i- a e oi-tai t and abiding of aet:n. It is true that it uiav hv u.r pre I im :.n.i ? la r-. !e rv-t.t t o w - u' to ::,e circuiu-tatif.. s i,v wu:eu ue u t'j ::,e c :rcunj-;an .--.i r ouiide 1, and civin to the strength or e:ii.Ilev ot fa. til. '1 lie J.-Uil J o:.u ted is ii- that, '"We lyvf him because he Crt loved u .' And in rr'i irtivii M We have r a'.iz- 1: 1 OT UeC - ,i ve to u. i i:lii out t-w.iHs l.liu. '1 :,d"s L ve for a r aret.t U vm.i cur i.'v e The du;.:al Cvl.-tar:t Mid ji iii::" prii elj le ol aetivii, and yi t it ti.ay I.- i-i-i h i:o re c o:.-p'cu. u- s-u. tin.es than tUr-. J could " Tloueh he ,iay 1,;.: w Ii; I tr..-t in hiai." And Jast'y : Thi-1 jve admits of iicr-isc. I: is a j.T-jwir;, csj at4di;.. raoo. At fir-t . i: mi.l.t eeiu that the love cf tic: hi. i ,'. 'j i Was i f-IeU-, when he r-t find- L;m- ;:' hroo;!.: into a :tate of jalra- , 1 " : C'. - been hi c ;ir:i:i ttle refl. will ::( practl'-e. but a e u-. t!.-.t thu W. .;.l ir.pr.p ,.nas we jli.iiu s l-.ur-oharu r a:, i perl ei- tie !o I. i Le view j of the 'i i.t.s very in p- rKet, , lUt .-jV vsh.u e ill- k F.ic--ri. mu-t nc es-ariiv I t c o,i -rt arv ! ju.-Lt-jod, aith j-lgh i:e,..., . r.i !. ledge and in And ne aivi;i'.es m of God's coo Hip I.: iOve wi,i i'i.e n.oi" i cut '.;.), and the n.'r: he ex iuj lov i ,z kii.dii, -a ; nd t-.n- '.' r me rev. il.v u-jf: Li ove aLoun-U. J. W. F i:n tiif ('did s Yjirr, IloW Li THilll rot'N'D A Lil:I.L V . i re ii.-u.l r the str.rggle- of Mar::-, l.i'L- r'- 1, . in order tj get an oi u-a-t: .. V-. i'l. e. .x dilig'-nce be j rc-- cute-i J.' U le.-. and 1. i;i,prt.it.t Le. teit.twu wi.i.'. et.'ie io ' s-,i.g of Go' on tai in. St'l '.. : i - s l.i".' li ' v ar- too ta-y t.li.e ... t. i.-: x- ..- s , lt Lath. r ' J j pray well th La f ot -uJv." V.'ui;u i.e was t t:,e I'niv'.r-ity of Krf.irt, in I .- -j are m-ne nts h u-e i i vi.-i; tie Jooary a i. 1 hj .,:n 'h 1 . d:-, for book-, : ; , we-- .. -iro- i:. th , : d a -. - ; and . f-1. ' ec u I...-, a- he :ul-.' - d ,.',!, ' : '.f ri t',1 in ,:h. r, i,e li.'!. t, .; ,u trii .'. ii iu Lvln. 'uilel "'lie I' '," 1. 1-th-r turns ,,.tr, i'.d is s ; ; -ri 1 to it i.. j-.h ! igger '. ii. he su p d, f ,r !er I - ','..-, y- 1. . r 1 of t',1- ! .-. i . 1. . to . this - the !ir-t til-,-. I:-.- e'.o r it II '' ll.aijV ho'S- !(!! eli- j.- ,-- O eo,l-r: .- I! ; :., "it and I - t , I- .J, nr. 1 ti.e p- e : !.: ; :.- 1 I , ..: the s!-,ry of lilt! ... ae! ; t.'.w hi- parent-. l--!,t i.lei t. the L ' j, and !. jv ti.e Lord s p ,k8 to Saii.u.-i t .i : o'e iii in a j roj Vet. Luther a- '. l.,;,-lvitli the at' -iui,t. "'li t'.at'ii v- u i ; o , e .:' s U' h a book," 'I ii the VO.II. .' i. .,' r a i ar. . lo- !,r-t m. I with t,i yea.' - Oi I i-i volume . i :e:- 'a -.-, , ' '. . -s - i . v, rv ehiil ie inn, - li; i .t . an 1 i.'.v! in i.-lj lo t;. r -li :, : : g ... o. I r ,ir L ri - ,-. , ', o n, - , v . . ' !co. .; .'. ! - .. .l.' S -t I r :.. . 1. ' ': I . ! a -1 :r ' . !, :.i-. v, . , w ! in a f- . ai, i suddenly t.ii- i 'lo i ,ii,, t. . I ! v-r v inueii, a.i he ". i.' " V.'i.st v.- 1 !' ,::i- of,,,., ;r i, .. . .. , ,'. ii, i..'', .1 a u a : n, '. A . 1 - o i ,i . v- rv -ole- iOi ij'i'"-l.on for us ,!,; I ,r w. t iv i. it ',, r t!.-- ! :y i. : : :, i, . .r .. , -, ,-i. si. . . t .. ii-. L it !.-r 1 -1 -,i , .... f ,- , .1 ; I.- --,t him "If a - o :.. . . ' I... i i. . love t . GoJ, o !,- w .- !.,.,' ..!.'- i .-.f hi. I. lo- i kept Wi .l.eig ho . o. i ''j s.j'i. ''oi,g ti ;'ain his f iver tne day v le n le- v . r- turr.ii.g' fr.-tn the I ... : If v f, in p.e, leg L - fat!., r a v i 't, a t - a 1 : e !-i ! i. n. on : r .1. 1 . . ,'. r. ,, o- Ve' Uv 1 I . . n : a heavy bolt fell nearly at his feet. Luther was terribly frightened. If o fell on his knees and made a vow, if his life was spared, to devote himself to the service of God; for he dared no longer live without his friend -pLip and favor j and to die without them seemed more dreadful still. The KumUh church tau-1 t that the hot way to live a holy life and please Gxl wa to quit the world and shut himself up in a convent, which is a religious house tor the purpose, but the true piety which the Tul le teaches, il.vs. not a-K us to ictti-arme irom tiie world, but to keep ourselves .. from it. Luther, in order to tuliil his vow, , determined to enter a convent. Hi.- friend were tilled with jrrii f when tin y heard oi it; , for they felt that his shining mind and .-pleu- , did scholarship fitted him for the hilie-t ' post of usefulness in active life. " It is an : idle, unfruitful life you will spend there," , said some who were begiunini: to perceive j a more excellent way. Hut Luther was in ' earnest; he wanted nothing so much as' case for his tioublcd eon-iiciiee ; and if peace ard pardon were sure to be lound in a convent, he would and he mu-t go. st0 one ni.dit he took leave of his studies, his bocks, his liieinis, and all the scenes once so dear to him, and went to a convent of .M. Augu.-tine, where he humbly knocked for admittance, and begged permission to live tin re. The monks were a-U.tii.-hod when they saw it was the elegant scholar, Marlui Lu ther, and they were n t s u ry of an oppor tunity of him.h'.uig him nil they could : 't'on'e, come," they said, "it is not by study ing, but by begging, that a monk renders , himself useful;" and they gave liim the bread-bags :u.d sc.t him begging; from (ioor to ii-. or. Martin did every tiling that was iu.po-ed upon him ; he fa-ted and did penance, and thought i.o sacrifice too great in order to Income a saint, and win a t.tle to heaven. Alas, alas, poor Luther soon found that by entering tiie convent he had ch a mred ois garment.-, but nt his heart lie found no pe ace there : "Oh," he said, 'what will deliver me from my sins and make me good and holy' How shall I be rieoiicilcd to G-:d ?" Aud he almo.-t pined away in sorrow of heart. Lyand bv a jrooA old man named St a up It, came to the convent, w ho soon observ ed how ill the young man looked ; and he a-ked, "Vi'hv are vou so sad, brother Martin.'" All.' said' Li.thcr. "I do not know what will ! evme of hit ; it is in ain I make promi-vs to God sin is ever the stivngt -t, ' (L, my friend," said rjtuupitz, remember ing his own experience, "in-tcad of tortur ing yourself on accour.t of your sin-, throw Yourself into the Redeemer's arms 0ok at the wound- of Josii.- (.'hiist, to the !'.! that he ha- shed for you God is le t angry with jo'i, it is you wiio are angry withdod. Li-teii to tie Son of tied; lo b-. came mini t ) give '.ou the premi-e of divine fiv-r. l!y his .-sLiii es yoi are le aled ; by h;s blood are vour sins wiped away. Love him who tir.-t 1'vi d 'ii ; an I in order that you may Le filled wi'th the b.ve cf what i- aM. i mu-t iir.-t 1 e Ciled with love f rl. i." V. hat good word- , what light and peace did tin y atfird. Luther li-teiio f jr his life, and do. sus Cliri.-t I egun t appear t) him as the one "altjgeth' r lovely. ' An uukm.wn joy began to steal into his soul. ' It is .Je-Us ( Lri-t u-. it is Je-ns n.ii-t," he thinks, "wiio -o wonderfully cous-oles inc. L'.ther : j ,, much more in-trueti n from Suupit of the tame natr.r . and wh n he left lie gave the y o mg man a Libia. ' Lt the study cf the Se::; t-rcs be your favorite O'.'Cujatiu.'t," said ho.-. And thus Luther I came a L'ille student a.: 1 a Lihie Christian; tl-u was God preparing him to hecmie the leader in the gi ri ous K f 'rma ti'iu which -hook i'.-pi.-h rit- s fr-jin the coii seicl.ces of the peo le, ana I r Light tin li to a knowledge of the pure word of G"d, as it U in the bie-.-td Ilibie. II. C. K. IT. L ACHING AND THK l'KKSS. The am Jin. t of go 1 iiecoiM.pli-hed i-y an evangelical i-..-jk or tract, printed and ois-tribut-d, as it oft- n i-. by the thoi-and or ten thousand, i- beyond all human cmpu tali -n. h- li a li . iug I reach, r deliver-, a go-pel -'nie -:, to thr, e e-r f -ur handi e-i i-1- iw-i:,en. he is u-lng ti,e .-icial nn.-itis ordain- d of (iod for their coir.ei'-ioti ; but when he ha- done this, Set hiiu commit th- tii'. 1.1- ght- an 1 arguments that '.od hi ed. t. j .!- .'.nets oj ttie r.rir.t- r. an-i rv a 'tis r: '.'. : !' tie- f r-he bef.,ii,e-- '.:.: the' pi .a, i,i r of a tiioi--.n '. ---rni:-ri-. jT, if y.'i joea-e;. the father of a thou-ui, 1 pr-scio-r-l n the driy of I'cl.t".--t t ' r - ticu-and cr;ils w-re a-bi-d tj the eh'in'l'i bv ! ter's preached rmon but v. 1 , -hali t' il u- the thou-andi ti.at have-b-.-ti 'iiigiy iii-n' f tte 1 by riioiing ri.r j,i a, t' I i ',.-" ut ihf'l hjut"t '.i'l iiw r'ti! ,, .' 11 ,,,n. ,. i',,i Ln i ",r-f. A fillet: on, d. -or:; :.' :tid le n.p'titi ,!,- fir ti. i.e-dfu! as e-oe... ,-; . t..,h i v.., t, !; a , -, le--.ii a- w, .1 a- 1- . t j. ; a;. 1 a man may -oil elm.t- l-aru a lu i' h 1." in 1 ing a night er day,:it!. d'j-p, a- from being f ry 'lays in the n. - .:.t 1 see Jonah : -i:.- '-it of a whal" c ir-d .f r-t iii'iti. I -ee )!'( go np into tie lie ;:.t with n.-ii,i --s. ;.-i c-i.e d ;!, in a tiuft ai d t r-ak tiie tio-s. Forth-r, i -w-thrie ;-,;-d ii-e;e;-. a-tei.il.-g lio ir loa--t- r i:,t tl.o M ,-unt iind '.ihing a-i-.p lie: re. I; i- W'li f I VOU tj be (1 tiled I,. ,-Si Kelotu v.hi:- voutarr-, in I ne w ieler,e-s. 1. ,''ii .'.. i; i "a:.J j:--'- ! : '.' .r i ll-av- u - -t-r'i .! ..-IN 1.- ' "ir- i-.j, and ..., A FLAYING .'!.' isLT I'1 iR i.'HILI.'LLN. I i.-r.- r. a ! of a f oh-r who -1, ef-d f ,r ' a -ii of hi- (l.iidi-n a ; ' f r- ' :, . v.l- 1-. ui.n ! !. ti.-y loigi.t 'liiy r- i'i ti. -: i : i '. or- . and ! i n' ooi ti,';i n-ans be!" .-- .-.!. I I- . ! wa- p'.-n t-d oof. oin-d t , . . . .; y I 1,-- i t i '1 v t w a- - i' ii v. 1" 'ill li-- i t... I . i,' a:i ei j . I, i'l'itt'! il , it',, Ti 1 11 SlJ'I'i:!'! V !' ''I :', !!' 'I'K. 'J - n." ' t j':-t "- ' a :.. io- o; v no-! -ii o.-i - th-- - '.do i.' . a" ni' !.', ',', 1 ,'' i i g of a ! i v iu': S a vio ir, ' li , hi- I , - t! - end of the law hr rig 0' , i-:. - -.ti e ..... rv '',, ti.nt 1 i-ii-e, th " li , !. th.-,-. I r-. j " ; i-t ' io 1 and a Savi o;r," "gra-i i'i- a ,o ri. ou-," " j io, i y th- j.j-ti.o-r," " 1 ... I t ,i and jU -1 to I '.'..'. u . our i..- '". S. I ; o! el-; h a'-i i ! ot it i, mo t gr.il. : J, ' i. -I. j ll- li.ol- W- pl-.-s -o,r -'J '. to - i.-, -- ..i.-r-.i Ooi . :. n'i tii oii-n- -r go t i I, ,0, ",. - ; 'I UO'i ' '!' si I ' ' -'!. t ' ' ,!. ' - v. . oi,- :t !'e ve ... 1 '. i 1 .11 v. ,-' ii W ie ,11 it is a , u , - 111 u-oll ti V wli.it .- . -.. : .'i V ..',: - ' T. s Sltiricultural. ., . ... . . . , 1 om the Fa, ma -S Journal. ! e i. - I', e .i l.'L' SMC 1 J V M I. Ill 1 h - I I r. i 'i i r.v i i.t nr. -v .s ,-uii i . GOMIIK AS SUM WAS 11VK i'EAUS AOO. The rapid improvements i.: the ngriculture of lldgeeoinbe diiriiig the la-t rive years is justly attracting a large share of public at tention and, presents a gratifying instance of a people, by a well-directed impulse, work iug a .piiek and happy change iu their des tine. From all iiuai'ters the voice of gen . , ' ....... .i . clous congratulations greet, us on ice um limit resiu.- of our cfl'oits, tilling our hearts with honest pride and gratifying emotions. Although we know that the Agriculture of the noble ' Laniicr County" is yet far be low the standard we would assign it that manv of its departments are still very much neglected, many worn out farms in her bor dirs, ami he r pincy lands present miles of uniiihal iti' 1 wilderness; yet there is a stri king ci-ntrast between Kdgeeouibe now, and l-lil tree ombe five years ago. Five years ago, her agriculture wascitinr under the old re rime or trying to e-eape from its shackles, l.ut under every pa-t svste iu, however im perfect, she always took high rank in the agriculture of the State, lle-r naturally fer tile soil, though much abused, yet enjoying uncommon security from vicissitudes ot droughts, storms, !., a climate hU'.y fa vorable tor varied production, and a people devoted to agriculture, naturally gave her this position. Hut the same destructive industry which i -iriv reduced to barrenness so large a sur face ef th- Atlantic States, also worked e!e- structtou here Cleaiing the foret--, is- hau-til.g the soil, and la pcatil g till. (li-as-! trous r-jicration, formed a prominent feature , in our agriculture cf the past. d ,wu t j with- , in the lust twenty years ; emigration vv as the I natural resuK, aii'l a wiMerne-s ot worn nut plantations, of which th'-re are still many in J. i U -nice. ii 1, II, i- n-M miii-- . ,i i i. I v (' tl, i ture IV.mvr is? at once the chief ami piltie s and humiliating ev i donees of our civ iluatiou j here. Thev are often but a few mile- from some bu-y mart or farm, urv of i rod in 1 1 iu and glow ing in the lux couifjit. A -hort s, soon makes you n le t: gh wild tl, triking eo:.?r::-t. Tie "id fields -n r view, bright, o will u J T'o-e Moll ti.e -im a t- r ii - rl o in t .lie ..f May ) and stn tehieg like listatie-. J be tieleis are worn out, lut -tii! t'.-vered with ve rdure e.f s-'ine s.-rt. The hro.mi-straw waving in the wind, tiie whit" Vri'T, the wiid rose, tiie criih ap- tde, and a tiijiisiind hmnhle, shrnh- and ti -.vers have thrown the muntle of charity over iKik-otiic-s ; and pru(i.- of ditl -rent va rieties are craspin evervtliing !iieh prom- j i-es siu j-ort. A t:i tu .il life is not w anting in t'no fei.tjre, sheep, and c-ow are grazing, there, hut their rTeSe-i.ee docs not relieve the 1 on- iiiM-ss nf ine scene. Here was the , dd hone-.-leiid ; the trees cf the little prove ; lev" hccndciii-d wlili the ae, an 1 th-ir skeleton arms are stretched out towards heaven, as d. ii ri:,g tie- rcckl' s-i:: -s of man. i Th - ro-.f tr. e i- g, ne.hut there is the h-irtli-s! iti", there .-lands tie: hl ickeiieei eiiimney, a s jiltary.and glo.-nii and on its t r th-- n moiiiniient 01 the past ; icking L:i i enrols his lay as no rrilv the 1. 1 1 1 ; I r n tie- l.oiii,:- st'-ad still applaud- 1 his heautif while in tno-irnfal cmitr ,-t the mi'.nterv. wild e - W i in ii : lit ir i -Oil.' if th 'I'l'ge ot many hir-l und tiie d am ti f the t! iiii-r. A I the peon w ho liv d an 1 labored h. -re, wh.-r . are the foil,-, 1 a gra and fres,er 1 y ' Ah 1 they have h..g -li.ee e nr a f irfime in some newer ;ind. "W hat ran-.- t! e-.. fre- ipieiif;, i t ii rr-s ot e tj.it ill o.i.er .""tat-s t ar-- s laws of j ro ,i i. nt violation of t i jlatioii. not only n.-re, It i- ignorance of na- ( eti -n, and cur ou-c-1 in ; tr mi this cause our l'i-t in i'i-trv was ne i-.s-.iii ily d.strjctive. 1 he harder we wrk'-d and .i.-datl'.n f li ! the tioori-r we got. o-.Ved -eir f -' t-ie . a.- n tt- iociists of logy t t -a inly - !i ve Veal-, -eir ag t found the h"tt on, ittlon 'in li r tiie- etf ii - of sr.ini. r:-; ,i m'-n who f -r lif. i-n u u ! marl more or le-,-itt'l -'tie r manures t i eou- ura,:y as it Ol 1 t!i luring the: 1,,-t rlc.lture -ank tii! i ;---g on t ' r . ' -::i.-i -:' o-ir t.-:---t .-iit-rp years or m--re ha . w ', ;i tl. y had it. -iii. 1 ah!" extent. 'I ; mav sal o y a- er,! . to t.'i'it l!dii,un-l Un! ki, o lede ha. i cur" i '-r d rti it iiiio pra.lle. t- '.v -; o ir ii.-,-iv eeiti.ln ti.- 1 -'f I! ig'e ui.he :reat ! eii-f-K '.'.r of i.is roe, ii. J!jt lii.t..'. 1 r tin on tic heeri ae piire-1, sceim-d eith. r l!:T, at. -I the t.l-k of J , '. t o ij- re-.li an, ij.-i ;.t f r a en. rg- tie i.e n, and it i- o-,. -t :) yeoir- that the i'.rii ,-r-have i o'lu-.d any ju-1 eonee p. ' i'.lls I I'll ot tl p., - a' it pr ,'Ju- tioii or ei the true ; .,,ty. "t hen an effort w is I t i gi v gre.it'-r aeti ity to J i W ' t ,.o-. -e,; a...i to ae- - f-. t ' 'i- d i gre- I,- ail;' Ii kr.o,'. d iu tie- i 1- t v. W ! ! -t-il,!'.sh- li 1 , . .-, ' i -o Jl - h.'.'I iin.iMHi.t V t i :i h.' Ui!- cliinruifi til: - Ot the an i ti.e ! 1 i.-r p i : -eil, d- of s. -rn out pii is atio'hi '-r- to it- a hi l.-i- out o-t -a :i- I'- .o-'- l.' e i of tr t a l'i- -I , o W- 1,0. I l-oui a v. I.- 1- it fi'dd of. 1 t!, 1 1- in ! , t '1 ll. Win 1 ti o ; nn-i ' : it .11 to the; k'-t I.'.'" ; ite .'; s a T-r -11 i owner ! act.-, tin r hlV.' s I- I '-. Il-l , 'II, .-...llllf t . V, e ,,. f'oir li'it. t v.'li tie ,-1 i.l l,r l,:i' o an i t-..r, I" f ' II ir,.., " " ' oil.-', t ' Vott 01 i 10 ei- ' .s t . e.v 1,1,-1 . V- t v'.ij, ;r ot or iitue- ti.ui t I. t , tin :- ot v.l,. I, ,ve r-.i :.io -t j -1 i , . I I. lite! . 't it ot ". ) 0 li w it t J li t , -i h i o -. !,.., Oil 11 I r-,r -ii!,.-,- - i' , r Line- i . r. j'i v te y i- io-. . ,i I, in ii Itt -i. A:.'l tt.- !,.,r I ti,. i I ll' rt iV ii'ifl I ot etl!,- I i.ij ,i. if too I, I.e- ol'!, 0, ,y I ri , . Ii r '.-. ,. ,.v '""'i' ;.-: L -r- f f t.lll it ' .1,1 Orudgery, although more is accomplished. Instead of nn arena for the exertion of mere ibruto strength, it has become a new and in- v'uing field, full of interest and excitement f'"'" ; " w! oi- t.i'eliciitl ami otiev its laws. . ( ur farmers .seem determined to seek their .i . i ,:r..l own happiness, in restoring me oeuuuuu plains ot l',itgecoinle to more man meir pris tine fertility instead of sucking up her life blood, aud theu abandoning her for fresher realms. We have but just entered on this new path, and already it is strewn with Jmits as well a-i flowers. From little more than three thousaud bales of cotton, and other clops rronoi tionnte. we soon ro-c to six thousand, , then eight thousand, anil HOW ten thousand I will hardlv tell our number. Not 1-ss than a halt million ot dollars will, we think, be. required to pay for our aggregate exports this year, while ipany tinn s as much niust remain a fixture i the soil to gen-rate fu-i ture wealth in rnplel progression. So stands1 Hdgecoiube in lVifl. How will she stand five years hence!'1 The answer depends on themselves, i ALPHA. GROUXn AND UNHROFNU FOOD. In a commuiiicitioii from the society ot Shakcts at Lebanon. N. Y., in th l'atenti'r (.Mliec Ue poit, we iind the follow ing : The expel ie nee of more than thirty years leads us to estimate ground corn at one-third higher than utiground as cattle food, and es pecially for fattening pork; hence it has been the practice ot our society for more than a ipiarter of a Century to eiiml all our provender. The same expcriiu-nt in lue-s us to put a highe r value upon rooked than up-ui rawj meal; and for lattening animal-, sv. me jar-l ticularly, we consider three of cookcei equal! to four bushels of rav meal. J i'...:i ...:.!,:.. t i.. .i i'...- l iil.i liljlil iiic .i- Illlt'ti oi ioui e.ii.s ur society fattened aiiiiuaiiy for thirtv y ears' I from 4.',i)0i to .1(1,01111 pounds of pork, ex-, clu-ive of lard and ofTil fat ; and it is the . , , . , eon-taiit praeti'-c to cooli the ineal, for w Ii i ' giy or seven liofasli 'ktltli.s fi re' Use,! . ... ...... t .. The Shakers are a close oiiSe rv ing. calcu lating people, and go in far the practical re alities of life, and then f ire, iu the economy iof food, in i-t he j resutu d to he iuJg I i ' d in Ihe , n-i!e of! r.XTK.U"! TNU TAIL This uh -tanee, so extensively n Soiiilieru f-tates for srreti.-ing the .-j er Unary farm Vehicles may he r. proved hy coating the lijhtood wit of '.-it ton s.ed, tin ee or f'.-ur inch," ti , unlaw.-r , pre- vl '": ' '"Vl'r:,lB 11,0 K:l11 v 1,11 ''artn i lie oil ol '.lie ee t'.On se-ii nci-tilieil withSi.etar, and it makes a fompo-.tiou which ! -es not ' pitch " up the L ib cr nave, and i- --- niiig the ft- i t,, j- r. ferahlj tj pur. tar, -r any inixtur e f aiiinin! grea f ir con, n.. n wood en s; indie-. We have -tried it, and have practical knowledge of the fact that it will ail much to the run" atli.vt one-third" more to every kiln. &jithirii A.rt n'tir- S'lAL'-si'i'a ron im:. -I. Dow ning, lat editor . f the Horti- A. - ul t u ri -t vs; "I Im-t fn-.-n the lsat.ella :ra; iiroduee '! UUD tine ilu-li r of Weil ri- truit in a se.'.s.iii v t. e lih i ral i..-e . : w ee kly w ash. loan u re and -. oip-udn 1 r-.m (I. I ne ill et "t si-ap-suds on other p. ant- i s in-, thing surpr.-iiv A e pr -- vine, wli'u h had re it, .lined station;! ry for a fortnight. In-u ah . it t,vo inch-is high, inini. d iati iy (.ru tin 1 1 e e 1 grewino after a god watering witii .-oap-siid -, and gre w a'.out six inches the fir-t lii.ulu;,. " - --- Charleblon and Florida Steam Packets. I Iiil. tl Alalia Tl.iil l.inr. osK.M t WLI.kl.Y. l '',,jn.rring ril' iLe i'o ir .,ik .'ieimrr eifh vny. Ti IK AI.OI.INA, L. M. I', r iit.i- ti r, win I' j --s-iojo.y ntt ii'iftn, ,it , t, oi' It j ft ir fat J.ie-k ..IMI. nn lie- "St . J.ii.n'a ri . v e in ( ij or ti stun un li-, I iiini I', r 'iiriiin", will H.niilDV, . I V fitlillf - tl'"' i u ,,t . ric.st.-r, will eeit , a I .ili.e rts, v. ol .1, i ii-,or. ami, e .. li: ie I r, lu ,M "i--.e ... ii l... I . gii-tiiii. It nml, I ii'li to k ; r t inoi )1- ICO niill.1 llWivf ' I- i.i.ly i" uiiO- on s.,j.'n . i.i .,.:. ,y I..- j. w n fr i trin to St. A il - .1 i.re, tiiry m n.,y ..'--m ei.i ie. t',-r tl.,-1 tl.i most Xt re i.e, U .1 t 0,-.,ts o.. i.. ire OijinijiMij.il - .t.rs i tf .F i(jk-iMiv,!ii . I r. lo I'.hUj. F .r I r .gi.t or P..is i;o , nje-iv en bo I li rd, at Sou- ,i i a i,.i 1 1. or to JuliN W. ( A! I 1. 1. 1., r'J Ii-t Jjiy I ...-ii.ry Ih, I-.'..'!. iiJ Harness and Saddlery. 17 j 1 T" 11. 1,1 ti .1. 1-i.t tjtia u 9 tf A I N t n-1 FP," . v 'i )ii rile; if atri "i" I S . K.-t'- II ,. nr,.; ni .r v n .,..-!. II n tr, 1 !') h tjifi dm tie, H--nr't;i'ni ui nirl It f 1 -f -ip-ll, rkntpii "'Vri to tu. 1 : ry fo.iirji, a ., ll ildVillj I.IJ tlill-i ft jd'Q lot t'o.e i 1 iiniuhis and .irumifiii", I ie nli i' in '"imi'trte aiili Mir Ijai almfi in (! a' feu'-.''! iTieei.- k iif- ol Olllllry I'rnillK'1 '..k'-n in .11". lor , .,o ft (hl ll i'' r t ,jj-l-f J.flrfH. t,ie A ,!,, -i I, I Ill' Mil. A ft ik injicr i(i(ikj jijcj. r.i. ui.tari'r will Hft ai '(-nil '! J. H. I;aI y. II'. I If ' I A'. - tr rt of t hp N'."H ' ,r.. rn Wl,. ri, in (lie w i; v . -r.i: i) II r-H ,'-. !1Z HOTEL rrMlRi n and commodioiii hueiso in t.incolntmi, fiivnnilily known in former lino-" Moii'f llnl.'l, ten r-T.-nlly boon refiiU'il iul put in coin, (uri.iblo unlor by llm ubscnber lur tiie ncroinmuila. lion tf tha TIlAVKLMX'i rUHLir, nn.l nu h "I hi nuinrriiin Irii-inli ss limy lavnr liim Willi hhH. Il ,li-clg'-i U Hint Ihe lilniost ilili ti'i.e-n in h if li" iiHss, ii ml a'tnnnim lo Ion cuanmi ni, nun i-tt. et lo oneii n nnrrni iirsi i , . i, k.ini oi ti c uul.lir. (iiv hnn but a iri l mid i.o w ill provo all lie In r awarta. 1 11 roup. y-sif Tlilliiit-ry nml l:nitii:un:l.iii f ltll'. iiiKlcrfigned wnulil re. iL s' ft In 1 1 v iiit-rin Hie public y- ; I lb.it she liim I'lH-ned a Miiiini ry V"S ""' .iliniii.Mii.'iiin'i i'P oi me Town of Silisl.ury, w lure she will nr ii'i-iiw l lo t xreutH work 1. 1 hi-r line aei-uniinL' to the Iu t- I est i. 0,1 iniisl aiiprnvi cl p.illi rim. Tin- Tans nut Northern fashions reeeiv cil iniiiitli. Iv. All work sent from a liislnme will be l.oili- fu!!y done, end puni tu.illv reiuittid uceoriiin to - ' r. IVie. a rt-.iM.ini 1.1.-. The iil.si-rihi r i-m be uiwaya B.und nt her atiop in .Mrs. Weal'a huililmif, n'ioillt8 to .Mr. h)Ie store, or the Ituvvuli ll-.u-e. 1 UliN lol.IA A. AShhW f',iua.'v 2 "is ts:,3. 1:1 tt J-, io 1 (eif f it ft! l fi 1.I'I11UI t IBCI'IIMII'M"H Nev Medical, Dru Chemical STOUK in b 'flit". npxt d.mr t h ii'hn- I o rio'h- inj Morp-, w iipffl li'f V i-i (" -''l 'o c M ii iit'i ft mi tj M-i - mcii tj'i'iy frffi'-ftpt lull aiu.' M.-il. I'-in s a ni.iv be (tn-iT'd Aliini.ijf'i riiliut i'r;li ".rs in ihn viCitu v i!'V trimi by t jth tn uuro II, I ' I ' ( H' t- III lOfl til IIHUlr- IimI .ttrMt ttf it.M o-t " ee rit llie ro, h Vnctj t' l!i, ..iiniiiuiiiiy A r e ir ' i ie in l li ir il p w ill tie k'-lii ell h HI C leg 'Oi'-r M I'll If It Altl 'I'S, l'l'.'"' lUush.-s, Ft,.-i, i (i.,V'i Car-'m ' i Ii a g. '..-ni i fcio. k ot ''', Jl II JlliMtfS, ( ore's, ( hrrnws o'.n, ,( i-., Unt il iij hliif, ij e'. l.g i'l'el,, (' . i PliV"ieiiin, I'Utitio" ioui h.o ,-f it eh-a in I In-, r 'lie-, v. ol i tio-m and Hoik. pii-Ii i-1 .1 ni o. . i-,rv le. -how ihr arti o i, ,ir .mil .it Uiw pri. ts. Klll I- It t'hirlnlt .u'.wi.v I -I f. rid all in wt.il W ' II t- -l lip.JO no" m will it. ee ot the- lM't quality ui.iNRrs.il. .'lOH' .1. II IS I l .V .' .S a BE E3 V K just n(',-i (-il oi W i!l,nia' Lai'i lei-toiid -r p. rl ol" lll'dilig, I II. I). .St Lniinu nnu uniriMnu in w '.t' h pv.-rv p- it-l v t r .et v of ca a!- tl ' n k t? im i .t (inn : ff in i tu i l u r ai of ar t iti iti li-Un art it jit atitl luf it() on ihc iimmL m. tit fa to Iff c '1 ; l haV Jl ,o , . u , v I i;itJ(K, ti. i hrtriii; Tobacco, ant! in h-i-d pvarv thoilt fif ill ty liail quititv Ibat im rver lr i-.jji.l in Hot innrii'-i. 1 r roue- and u ',il yuii an!! te lfetleil g n li'-eialil-, and ,'i urt coot, t . J IIIIMN fi CO. l,rmh'T i'l. I".VJ. 4 J t J'. "s . W'e io .nil v.sah!f lo do f.i'1 itm.jii. m ti, i-t'-il.h- lieu in, ill allur llle lil day o' J.inil'rv 1 1. mix r At i ciiy. J. II A. CO. To )1 I iiriiitr l'iitroii. d ,wti i( I (iir nil" -ii I tiii h" j'"r, !!( j h i vm rr in vd-B iril v ' j w t ! i f " I -i 1 .. fit t ,IiiiQ ..VOf ) i i ' TOM if", f f! 'itn ol pri , tiii.'j. Itr my in 4 it V Ineni)- ,r rn nn I f t-. r t tu I ' i m ir li ! I ni' I til r-t tl r M T J lu t !i-m my r, r ffe , in iti kit fii pf i let u I k-o i .ii;rt' l'-r t f ni . n v ji 1 1 1 ) f ' j it u d voi it hn ti 1 I a h ..-fcinffi.-B ri"-! v i! uf tlit ir lnttfiJ- I'itiii t mi, li.ttn, tf-ufi inv 'Ii I luiji-. wittmr I havH i n.p.iMft yt t-r id" ,iu r i-.tH of n ig i t' J lii't y, t tj t nrn 'n V'.'i ruy iih.' gr-iiftiil a. a -I'j-n-'iii inr p-i 1 Warm, iinif ttj i inrm lit ni)' " 1 y 'ir l-t Uif- !! Hf(ti ti ip;.n -. J IK.S A. SAM.fr It. ( hutivtfr, I'frrmbtr 1 , I'-.V. j ' ----- ..... y ESxpress ! " 1 f W..,fil I- ' w ft , tl.y 't'P 'fl. j C'lmI. t.tr ( .N h j r it ! 'IU l " I' vhn iii.'f-n viit'i r 1 1 V 'i '' whiptp"rJ H nf f n' ; ur pif-(i- iih rn'-M Hn ! Iihm f.T iiojM-; h Iim ; I f it , p.. iU MTt-rnt ' I 'if p'r-'C ! R Of I 'I' h ; OT I 'i I 1 111- l fi fPH ' "I j t. n.i a i I I.'? nu.ji iv !-v tut ' 'u ' i fiiorr,, ntf..t,d ifi.t '..(mi.. .,f K I'frt Shi.' hi-I S.t(jl-r i,r1 lldrnn. ikr tn tiie lo'i leir'o'l" II B iUitl' cont.Mt (,f U.o lolioif. va l-ll, n. lo Wl ; Nnrlh Curooi.-i S Dlkl.l.S. K m,iif, k- v I -irfi iiii-ia " Ij.ia'or ' ll, a'', h m 1 v-ir,i.'v of in-Oi'eii neolo i inrrrvly ,r tra'"-l!'i'ff ?.-'.' 'I'-' w .r'.n'i il in wn '.! Ill- Il'-S 3 I 111.'- . hlnr ilietil Ol 1 .(j'Ml-N. 1o- l! .ii.f1, ll ttiim U:i l,,, U-ifity li. li'iv t a nil ..' i,"'i li'.r ili nil n. i n rn-r 01 I ll':r M llti ll il S.kIiIIi ry tl:iriSu .11 , l.p jll i-i on t Ii- rnokt iii'i'l.-r itii ti-niia. mlhr liy tie- vuliule a.il" nr n ot I. J f'f.ill utfil m:c. Si,n;i uun ili,,r Kill ejf I., .--1 1 r 1 r n a M., re, li .-IUW. ( l,.h,ttr. Sntrmhfr 10. -t.'ll SADDLERS' AND COACH-MAKERS' I IIAKDWAItlOtiVr. THOMAS MACKLZIE : SONS, A'j l'i Hull iiitnrr St i 1 1 Holt i nun r l'i lll'J I.II V .,i il lie i o in II i .--iii, Smlil'i- -J I re-s. I'ijli-ll M.oi'l' ami llr-iim, litrili H . ., S,.rii-ii. ll.ii.tn. Hi l. -t ... Sn'iiii!., Ailr. i .l all k rn a. I jjjel, I. nee. IlilN I I I I. i.l) W S, lll,, i ji-.k. ' ' ir ' iti.'" '.'el iiii' U .I I'aii-iii I iiita-r, : ' -ii j,e, i . i a , '.d v.. y ai lr .,un en-ii will, ei i lu r le in. Ii i.l llie leinni-.', wheli i i,i v am leei arroi . , ' tu JUfl'- ill! f ti-li.nii-ra mi n gimtl lefin bh any ' hpr lnu if. Uiu r.u'pd Sta' pi. A fni it ti r Im. tuk- nt I rr- S:!f Ai'j'intinj IMIlSat-d SjK-nitr- (iVi KKKS. J f Orrtfa (rfittnntlv aMnilpd In. Addrva TII' 01 AS MACKKXZII-: A SONS, jNli. U'-ii lia-ilui',' .S'l'tai. l en.,, r 1 '.--..' I', . I V in II.M.Pritchard,3I.l).;A War with England. OKHCK rLMVS BltlCK BUILDING. mm "S fiH t'luiilollr ami fMdilh-t'aroliiiJi ItAlt-KVU). flllK rASSK.NtiKIl TRAIN ia now running r d:;y, iSundiiya cxve,lfl) frum t'olunibii lo Clurlutio. sdiir.Di'i.r;. Leave ruluniliia, 7 IMI a.m. Leave (.'harlotle 7 HO a m. Kiifg.'v. " Vninhi..', !' 4n " Ymiiri'.ville.in -'il ' llliiika'ni k, in.Mj l'heieinlle,l I 4.i " Kheneer, 1J iS .111 I'nrl Mill-, I 3,i Morruws. Si v;tl M.irniwi', 7 4: " Knrl Mill", H tl.'. ' V .bi n. If r, I-.4S " ( heaierviPe, 10. -Ji " HUt-kai.H k. II I1"" " Y.mEinviiU-.ll 211 " V iiin.ru, ro' lki IU p.m. Itidi.eway, IU.SU " Arri. t harlnile, ii 411 " Arr. l.olumbia, I JJ The I'RKHIIIT THAIN r.m daily, leaving Co- imliia and ttharlotlc at 7.l,' u. in. ThH-e it a Hailv line of 4 In.rne STACKS from riiailntte lo Snii-bii'y, conni i-iind will, 'he trains. I'mm ( hmcrvillii line of li-ges run" in on- nrrlinn wiih Ihr earn on Mi'lidnv. VVriliit-ad.lv, and Kmloy, lo L ninnvnlo, Glenn Spring", and Sjiai tant'Ori;. C, IlOfKMGIIT. Agenl. Rvetmhrt 3, Ifa2. 41if JOHKT KAF.TY'S ft 1 J.. H II K Sutmn iSr m mi M'ppv lo inform Die tilt. JL, i 'fu oi Karlniie and iti n r rtm mj i rnun. Irv, thai h tm tTi"i d into N p. i-n ! i ge irret, uniii' (ln'o!y )n( k nt riillrr H'til. tit'fe he in now rnndv lo aitpnil tu nil huntp" in ht line lit' h is rf'it lh: trt ni n K!n n, ntul i Ihere ti.re (.Vtt'M.in.t-tl In ti i Ihe t t-t, imj uin-t iMnhn'ru. b e n'i'l evrr put up m .hi ton ami at nr-iltf. 1 rlMI UrM(; Here imU nd in a c-audlf iii'iiihcr, hy i jtlii.i i ih ih..j JOHN II V Ii T V . Col I ego, l. IIIV II. II. SMITH, l'i MtOiain ,lli- - . f,.l S. iniri-, II I en l.i I 'P- f-ol.-iit, anil I'r,i:Vi",r i iiil VI ulefii La' if,iaia. r--r ol .MwiiiM, iul Alura , A..-. . triftuf l'hnii:rv , M.neral y v . ft N i' ijr I'lii ''(.hv. !, V1l Tt " tn M .)..!(! i .I. A . L IITum. ... Larut-t-i Course of Instruction, And Tcrnm ; T Stfnfi u Tint Wtflt : I Vn-n ('i.tir-e, 1 I 4n I! ptrniory "J. fi&m ",00 ;o iUtn) I M N r hi ji t Htm 0 .iiif if nn 1 . ts fin im o V. I niiiAry un. Um 5.1)0 tJ dftniin, h'rrni h. SianH. nn lulnn. itrs,eirp- t,i t !.. m Ihe f u i' I 'ot ? 1 1 l-tt. ("ontMti'ei't fft if vrtmif with ( irruunt'arfr, htr tjfrnJit'f $,irftt In tn pid in ailvnitrt. IttHirttti., fij'-in, fuel, etc., (rum ft .'-i.i tu 11,0 per '1 Uf tu -rt' ith hn h tfi I- n! ituti'n hit l hu !.tr unt ha iridiif-rd th- I fintfi l cri'arf M d'ur-fl of 'uiy, to inrlu.ln !I t-'i( n mwiri. t t it in tiir ni't ll.u'fuijh ! lining ( Coiltife in lllCHon It) II- cuur.tfv, r. .J In y a yi"w n nt iii,.,.n hi r.i t In tut iijf' .pl gra'ii am '.iii( itir ! i iiji(..ii ! I .rat mi g in i he irvui.ern tir - I t. f ri.f' i, i-i enn 'in e, 'o ' &(fe to li,i Un- ta runt P;..h (i-hiii, ny turn of knu h liter: y frtt.r. l und ijni ' fr a i"ii. r Yitr. VViiitir Stiiii if I " j 3 A iii (ummrnc j ri 'e ti'"t .M' ih1.iv in J wntary, order t the r'utfct. J il l liirt mill), rr.iionl. lira Smr StTft-ta-v. N i" .ill. Ciuwlii CnU'li J , N- (" Ni.VUIil.rf 3 I-.jJ 41 tT No (ice (o frravc?IIr.s. UAIlaV MlltVK'i:. TLrouli 'I'ickt-t from CL.irl-jtto To I 'Irtibnre, - l Aii'l in oiu tnor.ih frr-iu , t i m - a through Tii-k'-t will !-i- given To IS.iIliiiMir , lor - 9 J1 l'i; r-''', Coirhps fr vt, a'l nut 1 ,1-11. ii Ml I lif ' j'' id in llin a-' imt'fi. tinl f - ' 1 1 jit at ri.'l"ii will b uud 10 id a--imt'iK ij itiuri ! ihfl I rv J itiuri ihfl 'I ..f t . iih n !i ri-nniiiiin'v nnv f T t - t. nil r'l J -t!(il'T. iT A 'prtn;ni, U I I a f iifltn. a" 'i!'v ai!h-.ii"Ml In rprt'ivt trp tn C' t-rsi.urjf a1 ilin b'tfivr: f ii'f, aVi ia 1 1 1 ! ' intntfl tnfl th ir r iitj'L'iHt-iil r m i.t in fi K'W, rontra.-lfira i.n 1.1. . DIKI't t mm: to tiii: oii ni 111 t 1 1 u;i. :dc lircally Hnlncrd ' ThfiUfh from (ii re n h'ui,u l' ,, tiichmmtd or l'rttrsLu'gt Ti' bOLl.AUS. f II! - im-.-.r K-Mir H-ifce 8 V 11 t t on c h (, (runt &tffxt :::;:;;.:;:,:,;..Nu.:; V 14 C'UII'Hif! 1 mill IVit'iwi.iir . ) ti.j tu t.ll tpfr.ti i"it, rtintnti m , i;i,.,ftcf r,t ,(h . h h: iifh'i and I 'jfiviui- KdiJ j l(. i'l. ami rnnh nlr Hml Hnnl frmii Vt-rturtf I I a- i v. rr- B'riiro' t Pf 1 tjfUf , I Im V "H i ! ii urt y, at ! A W , A 1 r i -. hi J h Imi'Miit 1.1 '. j ! iff iiiri; f.iii'l l iy th-r nfipr, nt Mini- I r 11411 eve !np jr t 'nr 'irih. j l,'a- li n- n.MijH or Vfl-t''triZ y Turil iy, ; I liiir-; -.v -t n il .-ii n il.i v si 7 K. M afitu in t r ti j ri-.rV shcuimI d.i y tlinitfal'lf r. tn tune fr tin- ..lilui y I ill! I III f. 10 ,j li r i roiiiiieota at Da ii v .1 U-, ilti till! Sta. J llnl.DKIMIV .V ( o. r r i. am; a JiiivSi I-.'.-1. 27'f MAY IM 1131. K wfiul'l rrji'i tliiUv iinniMtnro lo llin put. lie, iii si t !,.iv- M I- fl iy furiiH-d a t M;i.,rtiii:ri(it ijniifir liir iiiiiiih 4 ml h. y l nt OVI'JMI V. V WILSO.V, f ir the pii r ul tii:iiuirii:tiiring a v. , . a-a1 ? - ' I 1 II. I I li I, '.A of Pi-i-ry iI.-mc: r i if i ' n . We jf fnri.Mi, i.nilifiil work, in a. won! none in thp N'Ull ll rlei II -ur ii o , ii h. i i i-'am. wmiik w niuNTrn. j J I III-TAIKIMi il, hi" n. llm aiiurlct nolirr, anil I or. i in. iiint.1 iiioili-r tin ti riiiK I 'I i'.-"hiii nn I'rvin ami Cliiirch Mtrenl", nearly oi.imia iu herr'a H il.,-1. C. 'IV loll MAN. i: WIIXIN. I hmloln. July C. li.Vi. M.'.lf rr( iimi ih i ou ?,M,r unur -fl.iM T VRFRn.nn t njt KSFKCTFI'I.LY inform ihecitiimanfci,,. M lolln and Yicoiily, that lliny at ill carry un (l ' at Iht-ir old aland, two donra bi'low I n v id lT Store, and n.-nrly opioii Kiirr'a Hold, v,IPr' they are prupared lo macule all work in iheit i,,,," in Ihe nealrkl and iiioat taaiuonuble iiiaiiimar I, .' will warrmit tbrir work tu be lii iilo of lim ,.t leriula und lo " "ll ny in Hut t-i-non T If (rood innif rialo. good worlinion and aain.-i'j lenl on toall Ordt'la will ei.'uieantuuiaBiiitm,!' are ileteriimirt to merit it. ' A onn of I'm linn will go Nnrlh, onre or ta;rt a year, i.iiriioiwly lo iiirehue I. pallor, u ry ,,!,, iniei'd lo lime the tii-rt lint can be buuni.t n ,,J N'o, h, and Ihi-y will be al.lu lo tell iMt,.r ehi-aper Work man ny oilier hgp in llm (,..,.. of country. ILTUIVK Til KM A THlU OT A aupplyof all kind, of KKAUY.MALE Wi'KK alttnvaoii luiol. Srpt 8, IV.ri. 33if I$iiirir Jron. 1 0 are inula rcrri,,, , i. ,i- . . " A fr M s - - " - ii.iii of fwg... .u.iiii.iv ti," ripiion. Clack "i.iU, ii,d t-un.iura tall and ciiiuoiib our Honk. aio. (tir atoi k of Sugar t ollVn, Vu,.i4H c Jit WIN A. IH'l.t.lNy No. 3, lirnne Ku Vrtrmhrr IS. 47. if ,1 :3u .ll alH;liE.S, CharlaJtc Drug Store. O .V V A I. I) X II . M fIM'') axil a Iu I'ox V Oi l', fi) US (' J. HX A. P C C-I.iW I i.r. ,-o. .li"" eltff" Co ailr to Urg'-sl "t.d ie., a"..,ftinrnl nl" Vki,icink. I'al-Ta O I i N.irra r.inioir, I'out Miiiiiimi, A-.A-die . -vr .,tl- ti, .11 II. is tonrkel ; all el w 1-1,0 , tn- -ed lo i In' i-rtn't, ur on lone to lull. 1 ,n i rr. l-.an . v.ir Wum urf f.-d I hrv i-ejii. i , to. -l,t a 'n i, hi .,,-h in i .(.--,, ie Is lo I'll , oi,:,- ( i. intf Vr, l n tn rruri . i1f I" if.i H' 1 1 mi 1 1 1 t I o n stn: ( (Hjnt f v t4l nj aUt-ittiun tu cf juiitrna ti U4i f-.; ii 'ir .t Mrrt.j,, in (''u,.rrly vlmii b iiln.g. pffti. A I order from t!i country pun tji. i ti tm il. d to t n ! " rio )ifrtn!a i': ht-rt tnr Wt-: . f rr. ' ' ! ill our i IH. tO if -..m lit l .O tl.lr-'liif. '1. - t! tr- Wf'l r.'M( )-..(, M! Mnrc-, ami , pr- jm'.-i !' hf v v t nw nffV r la I fil i ounity (iit'ri-fiMii' erury ir iritt tu at .,., f fn i"f th -n cv.-r t.M.'fiJ m ti bm k t'oun'i, iurtrk t niirf. i ftt-th anl 4 ' r i . inil. O ! 'Ji h adihlmna ! Im Mti1'-r til I "H 1 1 1 e'itaul iha country unit .: Wat. ii 200 ihm;s i.r rs din rK.s r. . f. fi x a .''J refila. imall -'n, '2j .fi.!.. B I .I N ( on;i iii t li r, i , .1'. - It.l'l'.. Wll .iff j Siixli rppins'a and j' Ttiuiiiiiiiil'i ru i 1 illu ; 1 . Iluuai4( Tonic til it I tire, Jtl-l racciTvfl ai- f"f a t li. Irt X A. t Al.l) I I t si i.iMi.v 1 r. or ii;iMM.. 100 I.n 1 J I.Ks i. n'i i y 1 i.x .v cti.! --t i i ;. rm-Nus ttiini; 1 1 w. n liAtl.D.NS LI.NSKKU ii' M x, 1 2. l'i J-nX A I U.I W I ! I, .1. r. Ciilincr, ih-tiZmil 11 '"I . I put In cm 11. B iftw 1 r t w in jf a ud uH .i.i.( a 1 n .ti ; X . j1 .i p'r i.f Trugs. PTedlcInes, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Ftitty, Thoinpsonian PUukinti 1'dtent riediclnoi, reitumery, Li tracts and Colognes, ' ife! l.i r I'll a larpr opili 1,1 1'inni R-.i-.1 ei. T 1 II 11-', 1. 1 i.'i 4 I iljfO- .Tfiifliortil of Ale". " e I n,r'i r - mill l'i im-r-, Nur g .ei I nl r un -i 1. A . 4 i d 141 vr icy ul o h t a r,.e u. . v , - -; ui I, It, mi-, a. Ildiui; l.rrn rn'iJiii in till i n. ',-r 'one, al lt,r uailirt u,,l -tuliil, It n'i il f "' a 1 il in,.!" ' v 1,1 iive ,,ieiiy "i : 1,11 it oi ' to Vi. j ,f.o g and It'r'n o w ll, 'I' ! i) ir'rull,," I. it 11, IruiifS M.--f- H ( ' l-e f'.rniif ,-iif- , I t ttlil i i t iht 1. f": ' Hi- J u fin : ha I in ta " r ti Btiy i r.ifi. 't ' i' i jj l I mil! M 2 ' l'-l'f,!tM i,' lit 1 . 1 In UmiII, I t t.l!f I! IfiliLlll- g.'l 1. 0,1-Mi 1 t iiuM in t hi If tu' i"ti- and r-jin I -- thui'. c h- lint l.tt fi 1 1 rt r o hl urnlerlahiriji'. i an fil,- f ll p.In" yrar I re'urn my F''' ! iltcM ii(r nttf C ' ' ! I Ut-ii CiM,firi. jf ihut it f r" ai f! ruti,n -iif nifv-inl.ttf'' ai d Uilrre- I am i-tt l f-" 1 m v p nt. il in ( f -til.iUr, i-n Miiii-oi'if J ,'l. Ht rt'n Ihi -rl, and litaily ujihi li M ' h . ih ' uiMit.g. Miy l-,h,Vl I""' A. f Vv ILUAK OS. ijHo'i;ci) jiJ ( Ll.Utl.tl I Tl., ' ll.l.,.ra-n.- in Ihi.-mt Uif 'M "'"f w tfa and will aM, ml I't a I jn. t.t""1 ' 1 atnn Piilr'inl'ii t' liiaeri. Ullici"'. lrl-', i.i'low llnyi. a uif) I'livi-rn ClintU.lt,, .l.inniiy IH. IS.'.'J. 11 .1. M. Davidson, 31. 1 1 9 .1..-. .ei.-.. ,. jf'J j ni ra'ii.iliiiir i-i'iiiiliy. " jgJ llm i: rner lluiiilii , ' "" ' Jnhnl'tfi, V ij., wiimr iip M Tiiitiy ti'ji'-'i' itid Im ij hut cr- ft I Miinii-niiiii.n ! nutual LIlo lnsurar.ee iiM' vi i n r.. k At.t it-it- '111 IS (oi.i,i.liv .-..ntiniiK' " irnii'f l1'' B all lirall li) W line I'urM.iia el . The grea'.i l r i-k I iki n '"' '" ' ,e Siavi'B a' tniiu.ill lor a lull. "I '" 1111 jila llirir valur. nrrirra". J)r l liarl- I'.. J.,1.11-1,1. rn-iil-ril. William J. I l..y Vi I'-"" Jt"1' Ja.ii.ia I-'. J,.r 'mi. S.-r r.-lar) , Wiln.nu II J 'M. . Tr.a-uri:r, r. rrin ll.i-l.i-". AU.irnrv, jn I If. Will. II. ,l. kee, I,...MIl'i: ' "7" J. Ilitrainan, li. neml A;" rali11 All l'-.- ar paiil nliii. '.ID d.iy fr tur, ,,.,-,11. (.r...'l,i.d. h,nf"l' II , nil. and ra.n,.lili-t, !... If ,,,.o, i ral.'.n tllu i:u.llHl.y , n y Im l"'l u". ' ,,,, 0" nt Ih'- lllliir. or any el llie At'tneii . " J II 1.. I . J-.-I. .( , J'i'y 'I, I '' ' Ij I f. . i

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