I WAHHa lV.l .'aVM'l.' W IJiJli 1M8 rrrm ! i EVKltY MAN MUST SPREAD THE j ' GLAD TIDINGS." In pcrinon of Dr. Way land, entitled The Aret.-!ic Ministry," and published j by Sage & Krothcr, Rochester, he illustrates ; " - ' the duty of every man to tako part in ACTION Of DROUGHT 01' PL ANTS, preaching the po-pcl, spreading the glad tU ; There is much that is worthy of thought dings, evangelizing the world. ; foHoniiis; aittele,but the writer mi Jit " At the cloe of the last war with Great have added, that one of tbe reuous why Britain, I was iu the city of New York. Tbe well mauured soils are less troublfd with j ro-pects of the nation were shrouded in drought, if, that those fanners who tna- glootu. We had hern for two or three yearsat nuru their soils well, generally plow them war with tbw mightiest nation on the earth, more deeply than those who don't cultivate and as she had now concluded a peace with is to hiph a manner. the continent of Europe, we were obliged : Deeply plowed soils suffer less from to cope with ber single-handed. Our bar-I drought than those plowed thallow, while bors were blockaded. Communications coast- soil that are under-drained, and then wise betwteu our ports were cut off. Our thoroughly sub-soiled, seldom, if ever, suf- Lips were rotting in every creek and cove for from drought at all ; for the atmo-phere fcberc the? could find a place of """urity. pervading them will deposit it., moisture on Our immense aunual products were mould- the surfaces of the colder particles, thus ing in our warehouses. The sources of supplying a solvent for the soluble portion.', profitable labor were dried up. Our cur- cf the soil, necessary as manure, and tur- rericy was reduced to irredeemable paper, nialiing ammonia to btiniulate the plant: The citreme portions of our country were lVi; Fainter. lecotuing hostile to each other, aud differ.1 The specific action of drought on plants j enecs of political opinion were embittering is one of the problems not t entirely sol- tbe peace of every household. The credit vtd. AVluther it is the indirect wa-te of of the Government was exhausted. No one moisture on tho plants by evaporation, or could predict when the contest would tcr- the want of the due proportions of water riilnatr, or discover the means by which it necessary to build up the structure of plants, could be much loiijer protracted or whether it is some indirect action on the "It happened tLat ou a Saturday after- constituents cf the soil, is by no means a noun in february, a ship w as supposed to settled (juo.-tion. bs a cartel, bringing home our commission' : The present easco has afforded abutt ers at l heut. from their unsuccessful mis- d.vit jUutrntious of the effect of want of si in. The sun had set gloomily before any moisture on the several plants die farmer inteUipenee from the Teel had reached the has to cultivate; and what is more remarka eltv. Expectation lie awe painfully intense ble, the drought, thou.'h absolutely lies than as the hours of uarknes drew on. At it was last year, mx-iii to have had a great kligth a boat reached the w harf, .ninoiicc- er effect on the plants. The meadow s c-pe-in; the fact that a treaty of peace had been cially appear to have suffered. In all the s;gned, and was waiting for nothing but the northern counties particular', the gras action of our Government to become a law. crop is peculiarly aliccted. 'l tie tiucr and The mtn on whose ears these words first shoiter grasses are absolutely either wan f -II, rushed in I re at Me sa baste into the city, tin,:, or so thin that they show the meadows t) repeat thetu to their friend-, shouting as to be without bottom jrrass. '1 he coar-er they ran through the strfvts, ' IV ace '. Peace '. grasses arc absolutely titluT wauling, or -o I'eace ! ' Every one who heard the sound, thin that they show the meadows to be w Un repealed it. from house to house, from out bottom crass. '1 he coarser trra.-srs are Mrect to street, the news fpreau with elec tric rapidity. The whole city was in coin luution. Men h'.;iritij li.hted torches were ti'.h.g t aud fro. shouting '-ke tiiiiliiiin, I't;.. . '. I'eaee ! IVaee !' When tlic rup ture had partially yuhsided, one idea occu pied every uiitrl. Bit few tueu slept thit Lil.t. Ia proiiis t'acy were jjatln-red in tUe stretti aud ly the tireido, Wjruilio the hour- of miJiiiut ly rettiitiditij each that tU- a"t.y of w:ir s over, and that a worn-out and di-tracU'd country was alf.ut to t tter njain up-jn its wonted career cf pro-pei ity Thu-. tii-ry our :.c ..ii; a I. the toon reached every man, woman nod thill in the city, and in thU cn-e, the city irai t gfliZ'it. Allthiiyou see was rea- jiaiile atul prp'-r. 3at when Jihovuh Lis offered to our world a treaty of peace, when men doomed to h-il mav be rsied to saw at the rijl.t hand a similar tv 'ii-'ayed pood tiewi? Wuv are of "I 11 v is not in proeiaiHjin tL.e tiita peri-Lini: all afoutj u-, an no one h erer peronli? offered t j the-m saivatiDD through a crucifi- ed UeJi'i-Uit T ': ' , i VI.-' ION OF KTKRN'ITV. Time ia short, au.l eternity is Ion i ; ret in , t:.- hlirt t;ni I in ait priiara fjr a iiz tti-ni'.ty. i.iti. wL.it a uurstion H dr! ire iiiC ' hut what an iofat jatiori U within ni, that I !-huIJ miu-1 the triSinj thini of titue, and f ,r.'-t the intereit of c-t.-rnity .' Truly, when I compare eternity with time, I am a-toLi-Led that eternity d je not swal low up time ia my concern and tuediuuous itb whit nijht ri i -a, dec-ptive fanta-ies, and Jeluiive dreams are we entertained t ere, in comparla-jn of that divine under rtairditi, intuitive knowled;.'?, noonday di-corie.-, ti;or and activity of -.oiji, we ah all l-e poswis.se J of when we awake to inmior ta'ity frjiu all th ilutbbcra of a tran-it. ey hf: '. And yet . i me,; am I rrjt nnrs ar.iiou to grow in earth than to grow for hcuveu' S" 1. 11 u ,.t the fear of temporal it time o.it-ba'iince the joy I should bare in relieving? While ji and g'.ory h a pii-in ni- d.t -ti . :i iu ny heart, hitve ijjt the vanities .,t tbe wori'J pernianetit mansion : L k l a wsrJ'T sorrow tas deeper root in my -o;il than 'pirituHl joy And were tny t!ivuLt counted one hv uw whie vanitiei reap th- whole barve-t, .j erc J th;nM h-r carce the tithe! Ii thi Ia . the L-; of a candidate f it tne practice of an eipeoiant of gl ' hi.; ust. U tOiUK' Ul't of i. hit ! ,e vei tijjiirnfji cou-vlu-i jns ! that I I ve J d lea.k, Sinee he i5 least in di thouzhti! JJ at let tiie ris; in c.. .t inn'.-iti.-u, and ee the srood- ly bo-t of rju-'iiucd nation-, dw iu tbe Il -O'iij; ..ii-p. V J:eajri.s 1. 1-- a t . i Ii i full a 1 heir evui are t-.. i sili-hii ti i ul I.ij giory, i the f jonta. n their unliiuitt r. -pleiii-hi-d . -ii, s i iitd u.-ii p.-.- 1 of thet I .l-.s.r. - h the in j-t ht and iub- 1 y. ii,atau au.'u-t as t Hit- of the better c jjot iiilly are a:ir- t inhai : in erjuij. tu: -. v. 4 liiil J'e, t'.j. iuus c. .i i,-. s. iv.tz pt I"-., re.r.ifj on in white, M lei in lL ir foiiccpttoa hn-iit, their w their tbuuiht- eievate.J their ' t ' ai r l, th. ir -p.rt ne Con!i! jv burn. ni an Lt.r j,w..-r. tLtran:-d :!:. 0!.it lir. H'U'E. of ti c ; ii e the h .-t w ii" !.'! i'V el II, !. W er? it t o! f d i ol tl.i K r L : O't-tiiiji: 'e it j l.ear. It 1- tl,i- ,n I'j i In j i i t i.' ii t 'lr ot ext-ileriei Kf e iiiiiir iu liii;.,'. IVv ii l.j-ee! on I -- ,f I ttii . '.'. v- i, j t j f . r , !,- r. weary A l,!e wt Ii ,;.!; h.- ajiii 'i i i t.-' :-. we b ; .. ti." - ti--reiu,e!: -. j- ,r ,t i Irjiu W" I- J - -'I t ) II.et tli' lil. Ti, ' er. w:i:, Iv-e.-iilit t-,1 a-. I ii , -- U". ! v ;!,e i of I.e.-,-: t!I ll t I. JIU- -M, i 1V;.. n i- I t!,- 1,'ij.t f-4 I 1-; . ; i l-f-.. 'i i- . r I ' Jin is.; a i-:i re of 3 Ii tiitlfu! t . .r.-- the- liu-a-Jii ; tie: Ii ; - of fi-'i I.! t a ri J man t j ti " llit' I Ul ie j il 1! i' V.ei'i. u-tjiti tbe neti'cr u-i I.e ; i of" o!a--ie Ivre j" the liuje f a. don, or f-rarie, s-i-tann ti,- I i, t lie -I --.i , t i.i.ll, at Lc t pallet of Htrw. or j ; t I I dniiji fl r JlittiiK "ir. it 1 tin- ii'ij.f of Ii'ip.-a ! T.ui I'j'ifi I- f rt thit in? htar- Li !u lii- n-iii'' fr mi tin' 'Xeau. tbe t..-M tta1, tisr- -'i e r 111 il- v ou 'll V , I . ll" ' .! t I.J : I'hut i li'r L i(.i wliieh PitetiJi bey ,i, j the i'bjoiijf f .ir:;,:, ,.(' the prate. All utb-r L pes are t ;il,Iy, an I , ni ala tlicy f away I li .j e enable us w bear the litter Jn i t jiuniCiits, carea, au l Hvrratt . lUi 1 dark world with fortitude ; ami liow truly j bested is ho who nossesses that elonom-i hope wliieU fadeth uot away, but tmiitotis through tteruity 1 (iviculfural. tall, tut thin aud ruuuin to eed, formin. lillcriug ?tii'.k. and few l-'.a in coiupari- i on to tho-e of former yes-!-. 1 he corn ii; the fcatue thin, stuiitvd, and ry in its' character. There ha.i been no li;icrin- , no thick, mattered surface. The driiU have ! been vi-ilde up to the pre-et t pciiod, and the steins are lat running to car hi t re half the usual hti.'ht i attained, h, i;i.' al-o hard at.dyt ilow in color, and a.-, diflciel.t a joi-; Mble from the .'.'racclul tioin Ma.i the! wlieat plant Usuaily cihilit- at thi-i period.! Now, in what "pecilic way I.a this d r-ju-iit . so acted ou the plants! In or iinurv vere table.-, 1HI per Cent, of their whi-te .-tructure 1 is siu.ply wat.-r. Hence it i- ea-v to cn-j ceivc ho larje a quantity of th it inateriai ! is nece-sary during their rath and di-vtl-l opmetit. 1) it there wa- no uch absolute de-1 liciet.cy this a-on. The -oil always eou--tained a comparatively lare amount of in ji-ture ; the Jews were often pk-ntiSui, a- m utitin to tiiv n, j..h mere a-i anv 'ii-i urnal devc-lopment of the flam couhl rt-i quire, and ail the table of rum fallen in ;iic s-priug of t'.N year, we have seen, -howel a larger qusuiity than in the corrc-ponJiiii- monias ul ta-c yesr. iienee it eeui', we. uiu-t look to the abstract ca of th-; inj iry i to somewhat beyoii't tlij lucre Ucli-iOm,' of the plant of water, a eoeh. ': t'liuk the theory of LU-bi fir better' estuhh-hed this seaon. 'J h" p.jnt, to tike: up its eleiiK-t.ti, must h ive them pre-ented 1 to it in a stuti of solutim. '1 he action of rain operates to di5- d ,c r. jul-trly and -rr, 1-: uully the mut'-rial r ouired ly the phint, both in the soil and in t Lie rock -i, from w hicu the .1 i c Jtiti u u 1 1 y fvnniii.'. ly di-in-tegraUng the ntuall particles cii-tin in the laud. These are bem' suppiied to the plant by tho rait. aa it r-'juire- them ; but u,;s year they have not been so wa-hed out and made r-.-aJy for it use Hot why did n ,t the ame caa-s ote-rat to -laiiv in trie -i-nn of 1--J-' beca-j-u the ir 't"j 1-e.ssaiit rains of tne autumn ami eariy inter wa-beJ out the soluble c Mi-t.tu.-nts 1f hid; the' soil so ai to l--iive leis free material in t i- land by far th.ni in the pre h-nee tne ordinary droit dit us -sprin.'. ,-m l a-t lnuetl rral- -iT than il had .rt !Ittoii the tdaut-. this i last. The f ffett of water on planti, rejularl v supplied, is rno-t wonderful, 'i hu-e h j hive seen the (,'iip-tun water nif-arhjws, and t.ue sma,i auu r-iear Mream, wi,icn proiue-; Ir Jin thr -e t Q.-e crops of co a- f NlHilliii either depa-tured or in., an, or j art! v ti.e one an 1 partiy tbe other, luu-t he coti-.iiiCed that it is almost as tiueh ', jiit,- t. a pl-nti-tui supply of water in a dry rvm, a to anygre.it amount uf manure hehl iivthit small river in - luti.n, t'nt the j i f criss is r,io j..ce l. iv n ,, n . Mr Kennedy, of 'lyreiuill, ke .p, .-! ui-.ni h th- jaaiid Ilea ) of -tock on hii I'.a.iau rye r:i-i. In (jiiiin frvni five t i. . .- -h.-. can b. aore of land ; b it With the aid e-ly :.. , - of I'V -e:1.,,,.i ... t 'ill Oil.: .t a . ar- lii.ciai I j 0, ui, . t y t.ie a-.p.ir-n.4iiurt , in the s ..v.-r t-iiifi, K- e enn i, ... r, tl'i ! ii j n Ali 'it I iin. .Mr I' J'' ' r aer,. . if Cull we Oeiieve Ii.;. 4i ;r 0 4- ! i tne manure. J j u. is partly owin.', d-johtit" ; but it is by far inure oin.' t its l.e.i. U'Ktrt wii.j tiiat lu ii ii irrf vluhle -lite, atj i ii ht fir i iiiii,.- J-e Oi t . p.-!i It ho i, Ul i; i,t of I- o: Tne -a ater- i i i,l, tu m i.i h befure aliudi ij, i- an apt, lie iti ,11 .A tin: -.tine i riiieii'ie . aiiJ I jii l. e l b'.'ii -j! K, lie 'it- i.t- rjt tne , Hi a ir ' . i- J j o. iire-a-111 'if 'll-- . jcit-'ili. h tie- I) :t fil fact iu tie- : 'I '1 Ut ;l i tbe vi :tt ri 'itiier j r j - i.- i. Hi ii'y tie ca 1 -if t ir iu I , far t tt,at a .'!'.r. i by fur t', : m I i.e vary hi j'.!y e n. i tb; b'i t ii t'ii i'e ; yr, very !.-.-.:,- , j .. , v arii, fjr ii.-taiiiv, ai r I ill il: tu- j, t in. I i-t t. 'in tin; i! i .-, . t I 1, ,-, -it,- te O i I 4 1 j l , it ii Hi I" 1'. I 'll 1 ill I 'inii'ar m.turii l.-i.e I,. Ti" aiu t'iti., ' r-i:n briri. b ry i.I .it -4 Nuf let it ie f ,t i .i;.'. t!,at t di.vlltiie Iilli iii'jiiia, ttbe'i. ifi tb- ittiii j-pbe ic, wi-i fl at mi i t'i. IjU i a'i tl.ii !i,.ii.'. a' . . a- tbe ' . Idw, ij.l'i!'tj,e; ajr.itlg ir.j try. Ji jt what ''ai now b iliiie, w il'ij rij., an 1 ii-A .iiii- l,,,,!' i,r a cr .'pr a,tv, lr e , , r i ply Ie ol tli tin- t i I J i-t ir til .- -i ,1 II i.iiie, aij-1 tut in t.,e h'i!e -ji r. lii La1 r;,jnii-( ej.i,' ' bare. I it u; 'I b t ff.r.l ti,,., tu- riieu lyi " I' y ri iirv tue I i.t jret. arj'l a tin: clijiien ol ii.alo., wit It be eat-ii up ; an atitire new jrri tbeir ituiall jir-i-Juyt- i- i ..- ill ') aii'l let a ij it a iJre-iiu.r of two or tbree ml nf lie bet giauj Lt tbeu a jli: J tu tbeui, aaJ a beautiful new crop, and not very lnte, will j yet be socuretl. I he mowine? mnciiiiic aim hay maker will soon get it, even if it should clash with the harvest; but wo are clear that on all kiuds of land more produce, with the present crop given in, will be obtaiued by such a course, aud the present crop will be very ncreptable of itself. The foi;. or aftermath, has also every prospect of being better alter thus supplying the deficiency of the year. 3 Hoot s, Shoes, Hats, wiib-crih-r w ii:l re-pert 11 !v iniirm Ihr. . i z 'it ul ' tianiit.e Ri'l iiie .tirri.ui dii.K Irv ttitt lit t j'l-l fi'C Ivlnj -It Larrcstend mrst complete stock cf w . . i P liOOIS) OilOOS 'iX ' 1 ' Ii '. . .. 4- ... ........! tlii Vlai M l, ii ..lit- tl'r Pr km U- at VI KV I.hW fKirF.. 1 ( - S u.-k if tre?.h, tint it ir ff If mi iite limn ii' He ik i'j. it imiemi-' r' li.ind-, and r t- t- rv r in p m n- hiift, f"tii tht I ink-t I-k Kif H I aimm AITHH U Wf Ti A I'lastati K HhlUH. Ilr Will Marie ihi ui t ..iti.i. I bEm-hI pfiL-ta; ah hi', K- ih In. Q uk tM bhd fh rt iii'tii- M J 1 ht- prii'i'ty!- i. ii It'll i (l Ilr til P'M- n flillulICt li s hii-li.i", I jt iffm iAll K t AStl hi it I ca rt'tiW-r-, Dt nle's, and nit 4 e li.Vlitd " 1 fMk n) I miii .ii.d t.t ut- Kit t I U t't S ami MiOL an"'fi' un.iM, ai u- qu4-ty or ni- r, tin CLARENCE J0I1NST0X, Mgl. Hi Hit IS it l M, Ah ill iUc , tir!iit'e. ( tii'n lirltt'i'w iui i'lougltw. t'K f Xprn-lv for ll "1 Ii. IUWIX, IIUGGINS l CO. t ill i ;.jit ! nl lllf ttiti "I i ml !' . . J. . l. rl. A. K. M. t;n.l!i:i;T eotitnmc the Kt t'..rri ec iuihe?s t tee bi.ve t.iinl, N. . .i.) si.d 4 ', Wiiiiw rth alr.it, wiura t.;. y wi.i l.c .ici.sid l. tx;t;h.t t. tl 1 1 r fn eua H-. ( li-t .ii.. f-. 3 r i t t e et Veii.cle", c.Mi.pris riL l !.e?-e .'I l.u ir . wt. n, . i. uf ci urt , t-.eth. er w sin v,. ri. u et! i r st) I. i uu !iy I .unil u- ti.ia ni rii. I. '1 i.i i r J; n jtiju ii.t nie ft iUi tin m .r. i-r-t, -b in. nut. cturci urit iii .. ri will i-ri.bi tiKli. t ti"' r t I .,:ueeiin III t J pilfeh b..til in n' v! - . le! -.r .ei !I,:I t: 37 -nc ?e:;r. INew 1 inn. ... . . ii .i - r i.. I,! ! n...! !.' ,..ih ".4' iin rpbip .. t .0 - le I II. rii'tf. I r. (I t:.-i ii : a t.ilSli ic h i 'r V 'i. 'jit r.li It dl uir . l.lf e-l '. II. W. MOORK. D. ii. BYi:ni.v. hiv- i re- Hv.'- a ipi- s...,..,n i ,f iaumit: f onKivr; & Mini i ' ' I Wf -Ve-'l (I 31 r, ., rii').-i'i i us fuk i-5i. TH "1 GAriU I) YEVENI Q ICST ( M; M. 'ID AM'AYOr TALLST. rn t;i ,(iKS a t r in f V f rv wrfiJy m A u f IfJal, i V . n 1 -ii'-u XT''- mi Ii je"-.rl. t if -.1 r . II " He - i.e w 1 1 ; i ii i f ' e j i !: d in tne J , j -1 rv o!' , -tun . 'I ... y Ii v' vi-; ' e--- i-i'' .r t .- 1 ,li !r l'-jl u.': lit tn r lily p.'Mb t.iy uim'. r.c n n w :i tvr I i F.r tif(.ijt'.rn t'tt i urtllt nl ..tt- uf . nl i. . -' iii'i : r iS- $o"ti : o 'Ii Km in i so." JfiJrtt ul i. lstiS'tlt (jiiiC ( 1 1 tthU vsi tt at t until ! 'ii n , I -i Il.v fr-t , r - - r J.i..ry n.-st, 'e e''in ue'i re r: ri O' . : i . ' N .vt ! .t, A r. 1 1, n . Xj'Tv SR.y etir i a. 'lUlli , t i.t. ti' il Tin: r.iaiii: of : n.ni.itsr.ss, l:i tM iIK.'.S'i Ul. i.. hi", ii ..,. '.f ' I li'-i,' t lini Mi, I..II,.,' ' 7", 1'inctd wai: I N-i-Jt, ly t .- i-,,.ul r iiihor Tl.ra -'.-'. 1 . ii -1 . ' ii-sierj -i.il ,a ui'Z l.y ..ri'-itui r e-ie d Tin: at:,- lii Mil-. MAil i ll "in i ic. u. ,4, : .-t I ie pr'i.ii' ; . JfC. iM "I Kl fi, irmtirxl. ll tWil li..' -lll.Oftt i'ii-1 -in! I.i j t,wu f.., .ll- E.vl I.- - --ill ti I t -ll I i.,r t. 1...1 . r -M re st I. -y 'illl .1 'Ki;i AM, TilK A K.VGKR, f j lit: I ut it off " u... . I. i f,,!, ' J,f Jttt iUlr. -? .-: t i wt ,i .y , lj, r i rtii'-ifi.jiiifi- e'. r it a- H f l.'r. '11 A LU' ;,';. oi- Sh. "CI HIS, I: 1 t V t Kit 1 I t ii I.i it . I.i. t.. i '.im.i. A ,''.. . ill, i,. I , r.e i. i, I ,. .IT', i - ai re H i . I.I t... IT., iil. ' p.Ha. . v . it , ..,.. i K i r j , I ' ei i o e "I l-n .ii t it r t t. : I Jr. 10 i ly ji; : M- -. )e.-r. I rni.-i- r i,nii'i 4 m-" , . tin I'on re Two l)illira ..iii-. A:i 1 i i; I Jiell, r 1,1.,1'i . , -,, t. Hi r u,,.,i t . , i ' i u,i ,.1 t n i : , iw J i InU I In ie . t J.'lj I )' li'- ' t i,tir r,'t. i.r i il Mt.,.j . , i,i p,, 1Jf, win' ii li,uy- lir tj, ,. ri, i, i . aA, li,e ci tin- aiuin I.f I)i-:.:on a J'kikh N . Cii. ..ilii 'I n r.. Mi-. I, ', I, 2 -'. It. Any f. rt'iu iti niri.tii. (if r.ey "I' t' k l',.n, a ,i iii,il , e ii I , Itu fcy wutiij trig tne jiuLJieLicra bjr Ut'.i-r, (,n.t jmii, j F.llllU KV Platform Lonff known Sfverely (raffa1 .41". tcayt right Tht Ackxoaltdgtd bitundard. C '. II ii I mail, il.iy, Co.. I, und Farmers' M Al.r., set in uuy purl ul tne country, at abort notice. AGENTS. Oqo. C. Ewing, SI Clurlta Slrret Bullimuie. FuirbttnUi Sl lo., eS iV-U-r St., N. Y. 24,000 1 Yns. ft ALiru, all ir. he ad- tf, 11. iHJ Ufa? IKW1N, IIUGGINS & CO., 1V1 I b,.ln,l tin i iinlt il Itlil 'li- j t V, COLORKD or WHITE MIXERS, for winch IiIht.iI und punctu-l w.'er will be p.iiti. TlmfO ccut"ined to working in mine of coumc prctVrreit. Apply t once to uny of the following (rriitli mtn Ht the oitlerent mint-, or lo the nui.srriiM-r i -ua uitiro 111 t hrlotte; In Mr., James Eiwd ut the Metimn i,d c..pp' Hill inioe ; To A. t MilU r at the Ah x.tndrr ntini-; T-John C. Dic.in.oii Lt the II. wie unit L.w.on miiicff, in I'ltion ' tuntr, or lo .M. Suvt-m t.t the W nhinylon inine, Bdjoinine the I wion and iiunea. Fur furtlir nnrtirn) rm pplr to JOHN E. PENMAN, Miniue areiit and SuH'rintcnJint lor the C'lur- elrT nturi". Charlultt, Oct. 4. 3Stf Fashionable Tailoring. 'tu Mir h'd 't' i'lNirnt i us ,rt' ptth'ir anil ' h- r ol'mnnkunt," that 'ht-v h: v Cniiiniiifd iJie alMjfi' bni ne l il'hnr'i.1 f.nt Stinnjt" new I" i k hml iii(, n iMi No. 4. where thy nl b hai j o trc- if cU l mii feiti inwhui'i- tJcoimii ol h-i g I'n-if rtti r s inatl" i- l r I lHU ...t ..ih iik - -lik mtiit"f."t wi'h t r n i rGuttt ii ili Wi a'tn a u !e In i n in iic or I hern I 'it I- , Ttil k in hfge t ilia hiine- fit d thr 'ariUtifM iht-v ikt ni rtC ivma mi nrU n i'irt nf atl i Ii. i-h-inA nf Si vie a-il F .hi , ar rnr;t n HlMrf ihall 11- CH Hi a"l iKnit dm n -'rii- q ni in rv'y r in ti. -e mad'' in iSt'W VrW a i. a FtnU ' '.' i K. M. ROniN'SON. NKIL WILKINSON. Srm-iu'vr fi. 3. i 'I lia I a ! . I LO 1 II ! t LOTH h. I C I C It TIOBSKON .1 REA. i i o v . n. P M I Nf ( p Mh'ij iffti nf .N.'iii m, Branlif r m Sc "O'-'a P-iitta, i am ,r p.rMi (. m rim'i a . v O'1 r i i4i nnv H de r d itir 1 ln pfvt,t it-d f o- l f.n Kriinf P:iHa, v-! Sr mttt hf- h.rn tniiufa- uri & ir a timr uf atri fif lliQ i flfp, l.,.vc .-( t-rtfitii ff.hl , un l I -ud ffiinne !il a t p r in d iirmt ul'iiiiUnt. a ri ni., d and tira e na( rntitit l. tiI up on n e 1 w ill t-xt'liii I' ndvniii ge 't ihN m rumt,tw ovt-r rati ra 'I li i-U f imi mi niit dof i o! f qi r tUfittip an tiiin ti ni h r't-Mio ie iiia-r ijt ii't-y iwn! i r iliaw u(i a! r im ud fur 3 ir 4 yrm'9 Irrttia mude?!. i ah twjitre jiuft hatH g ori th aufa- r-b"f J. II. ENNISS, Ae-nl f ir ,Vvai I'M., . ij'l ,V C To I he t iti.u f 91 -! in burtf ami ;i wiiiiii t'oiiit lira. fjll.l. p- ipp Lavtuj; VJ i(,-f 4 tn" nut amd 'Hi fl Ufir i--.d. !f J-rv u d ake I hr 1'i.ubif r i $ i t? 1 h t' J liii V.. iVitifiati itjice lit t h)f I-.'ir. Ii .Mt d ia ! ti r if. 1 1 1 mi imi-k in ; a- rj ll vhn'tn. jF'i ttii!ii.n ift lad . jt.tl hilfj m ""it fi u 'It' ti , ii n tut .1 fij Chli-rtb Kl 1 khl tt Klf ' fit 'tf ( p ,i nM ir- In I ll) 1'iVfl t. M 'II if I. ij . I W It 111 i 'n ii d -r tn r fi 111- Vhttif. f ! I- m f .i 1 ii' W '-ni tN-' U Aft: a . n. - i.y r the B -I-. i; , H 1 1-.3. r i if- Notice. I.I, p-rmin md. iilmt to m ff nl F B'M.k IC'i i'l. b r- t,iirt d lu cit'ii forward and p v.na my rr g (n"iii ill not 1 l indu) in a Kill '.a- it,i,i,d i tn rrier. tfnari nipi". 1 W (,(Ihhiii, n Urotcy, in t.f fi'at riii aMjfa r nt ti ar iio n,e n i r ihh l tip .iwl, A. C. STEKLE. J,,, M I "53. v-i Nii;fi of the lig Hoot. CHILES T, ECCRHARD & 0. S fPKi TM I.I.V i..f..tm iiiB. il a. M ft !jtin tii.i v icii.ii r. tnat iha aiill . iia'.H'inr irrjr .m I na H() r VM) ' l.ilt fctdi d d ""a (!o t tid I'rtrk'aa c. 5td M-a!y Oii."'pii K'ir' f I ('!. hr, t i'V Art- jtr-.;ir-d i c rlcnin a wnra Mi tjit-if Iin iti 'ht ht-.lrl 4 11(1 ,ii"l ill"!' ll)l-nvf I hfV ! w i I WdTiti! 1 !' of ti t't m.ade ul lit be! hi i ri df jnd fi) r r ft -lt mm rfny ii Hi rium i g tH mi'rr in g ud irmfM and a n t ai it.i o'litMll""!"!)1! ti'ni. m Hfr'-iiiFttt thav ar- ile'Hf .thii d I.t it er I n A- tn t! i i-- fj-iti Will f'i North imr ir 4 y r. tfiri'-;y ;tj puri h t-a I en; (j f. t rjr iwaya iiiii-i d t'i i.rfVM lii if! ti'ii eaii tta IhhimI at th ih. ai.d ihry ii- r ink an oui.i ry W I' ail! l. a 1,1 any u t.a Im aril r .nd ; ctinn hop III I h ; of iVr. I M K VI I I HI I.. Uelv or air k nd h.nd ul r Pi l y VI tnk 33 I W II K a .S'-pl B w .ye - H.ii MllAx irttll n U e g- liUII.S, Ml OK 1M:S. V AIM'S. Ot.S, DYE A 77 ''. i (771, 7.OW, .SOAIA .Wi7I. I M.S. I A I h.M Ml. Ill Sl.s,t .H. LML It V, h A 7 1 1 7 .I A ii tOXOAA'. 'i.r-lii. r wiih a I w 'ge -,i,i I v fan. H". Ie, I ,,,,i , ft ' a I . - a 1 ' rpr a.r -, ! ,. I i,I i r.i. n-i r'i'"'r- .iirrr iii , 'i'nir. d i - v ,r ! y nl inner r i. I, - ,r , "" ! 'i".i--e I I.t, I, f . flie-gell Ml i'M-lli.k I 1"! HI 11.0 .till, il!.! .la'i'l. i' -A'.li ll ,iirl iii,.ii i. i" i,if. ii ii i o ' Ii i"i-lii, kiekilig nlimg 4fil ll - e- Ii t d -ir, i,.i," -it mi. I' . tt -1 e i . . fl II vt i l.iii.ii... it ii.. vi ti 1 1 -aii r -ii. unit .- d 'i e .a i' , ii ii.'.ii i h'. .'- ilir pi i t ..I llir i,li iain.'i.f ' ( l.a .lu'l.- J .uri'i i." i ha hi .iti - rma 'n C'ltwd 'i,il iii-Ml- f pit iitinv lt-rl. iin i r- if eik t ee-. .' !.i li It- Mfi l I W -l ',' I'l' I. 11' -.lir rll ' e, ... i ... .1 .. i, .. ,; .. , j .1 ii. s'.rj n l r,i. in i:. . . tut j i - h . I...- .., I., e,".. ..-.. , I - '-" "' ' -" I " t .ill' a., i U.iy,.,. n . - in .,.. in ni,. i. ii a inn I -- a, d r:.,-i.,rM. I i m 1-....6-J n . ! t i . , l n ,,. i t.,., , b i,.i i o -, . i. t we g L1...I1 , 1 Of ' ,r,d i ' n'l II a nd nii'i I i' I "i. ,r iirflt . M.,l.. I. .ml oi ai I y .-(ie a: iin i- ' j 11 , . , V in ii iili Mu if. IUi 17. Ua4BM JSP" licmoval. Tf-r .. piiTih d troin Brum . Johntnn ilinr Stork nl Ul 'lS and removi d m their iafKn Siu.e, hi ii H ' mt "rk nl ll Ui, d- i.l OHS K U9m in We i. in N'lh I'jiiino. VV aimlii rtH. o fully dl il l' nur icilt t lor wllii'f Unodt ire such that we dtey eompeiMi' n- IRWIN, IIUGGINS & CO., e,.t mhri 15, IH53. 33 r Now Goods. il k INU r urioil iri.oi iNti d'd i'"ek n'- Y -ik ith ihe trt nhitiitr' Hi Ihis mi k"-l v off ' ' loihlir on flip moat litu-riil rum ui:ol CI..OTII KS uide t,opd(.r i,e but woriicon 111 Hid rt.vs.nnU r. ranted 10 fit. Cm viil,r,'llitfc.ni I vlnlrrlilrC4, RUBESON k REA. pifniV 1 13, 183. N B Mr, Alm'brm.k if Hi our cul y 11 nl Gold Mine for Sale, r.-un. FBI Tfjol in Lj.id. ail wu a. Slav GOLD MINE, c .1 .ii 360acit.ailulin l.aneaoler lliatricl, a'iniii 7 mile- tat Laneai. ril " t ITmed (or ale. l',Hin hr aama ia a valuablr (o!d Mina with .laie vein. hu h li bun w.iiked n a amall f l'enl i. f I lie lal I.S tear., j ii Ulna l.lr a;an. To a ni.p la.ia' wlm iiiiI4 rrec unl.bla inaehiar, it i ih lined a lu'l u a ina bt; rralna l. Tlw gulrt i in. ii!itar tn be isnnif amt mav ba funt'd Uiuii aaa mal arna nl" ilia am. Teini" ilwrai and arcum nuditing r'-r Tur h.r iiiiufnialiun, addre.a tltc I uiideraiyiied at Lancatar I' VM. STEVKXS. Augu.l 30, 1853. 144 (lt Tll-C AKOLI A Mutual J.ife lnccranct Company. UfflfH, KALtH.II, a c. ' f II IS ( 'itnipany ffni'Mue- in u.aur tha lit f m all hrtnh) W lni ParaonM and avra. Tl r gt rati si 1 1 k Ukm un a ngl tim $j 000. $ vr- iiurtd ior taint ol one lu ftva )tra fur Jd- . frlrlf valur. Ir Charlr K. JmI.iim ii. Praiden. WithaiM II. lUywmtt, Vie Pifudcnt, Jiimi-k F. J'tMah, St-rretarj , WiIiUph t J mm, Traurer, P'irin Biihrr, Alt-'TfifV. Ir Win. H. M K-. l'iaminiD Phyaieias. J Heeilimi, (rl,Bfll A l' till. H I tte a id i.hin 90 dayi ar aaiiafae. i uift rm d. B i.k- and famphia, iinntnj tha plan nf ope. f it ti. ,.i ilr CoinMiiiv. ma? lf had in ai'p!iralit- ,1 titt i rli'' Mf ihv it thu Afoiicira. AlHiHin oa hlMi' ft u 1 In fltlr rd l JOIfcH F.JOIiDAN. $trtmty July sS-lr A. C. WaXLiAHSOS, Ul M.prt'iir m thia and th adjMi,tng eoin ta and will in nd ' a I prtt Mmml hu1 ntnrmm iiirua''d tii(!-fi. UtTica on I rjon ara ' o H-.vd o d I rn J.II. Davidson, 31. D. Or KKKS tu- Pfulp.Pi tii rirr to 'he nitzsMn ni C'hirK?" aiid th? (xirraiMidinir iitii(r. Hit Off, i m m hr i? rtmr Mm-t'ii f, nrar tb fridcncr ii Vim J ,Ktt n, . ;ie he can twaja Kt loiiid (alien mil f.ruieHftt !!) enggrd. DRUG STOHS. II ! aiihf-ribra rea orrifiillv ionoiiMT lo -I f i' f ipnd s'd l' ri I a lit ui II Ci If Ilfl'a T CaUha' ij (taith,y hv nn''il a dij rewncdlcal.Dr'jrlfr'.? 6 Chemical m HL . stuui; in i hf lull., ni-ll d -or l . Ie Ktl"ii. It t'o ' 1 ItMn. nii "loir, whrijil.i'jr wet t pie ..'il 10 c-nnp'-unii .nil d'aimea a-ieh .".ily l'rpai-riiuona and ttatj. i.-in-. a. in- in ile ird 4iho.ijfii piiiirw air.n. g- ra hi iina fiC'i.i y iii.f iruai ttv . .ra and uira in. il d Mit'-nlion rn UMiiif-na. i.i uir-rtt Ilia runli'iane. ami 4lrnni! nf a porl on at Una in.iiiinuiiil f 4 i-finip;'p .Mtiinitiaiil nl Mrrf aril la ill Ih-ir lir.a will t lt-pi mi hut tng"..r m iiIi a ifiiaral Bin. k ol Fund Aftirlft, I'rrumrri, llnir lii uslitll Flesh Jlrushr, Flah Cloves, Congress n ater, fjanlen ee,!s, tt-. ., Hum ing FIukI, Cui,ip'iinel tj-c. Pl.Tairi.i.a. Planlfia .nd Farmer. nd a i! in want I c'n m llti-ir Iin. will do w!l t i upon iitd ..'.k .il- h ex amtn.i looa aa will h. i.a ev.-irt in lmw Mia -rt t .aa ar of ilia ba! quaiit .ml al .w p. tera. H-lll- It Sl lir.l.NRTxll. Ck irlaltt Jiinuury 5 I S .'. 3 50lf SADDLER5' AO COACH DI AKER8' IIAIU)WAI.i:ifc. THOMAS MACKENZIE k SONS, jo i'll Baltimore street, Baltimore 1 Pi I..TKK A it a He. r a i.. II . !.., .d.Ht Ire ., K ,('i i ll-td- a.d Ht (iirth , ii mo. Iltuir n- l.. Sr. Kieine-a, Atie. ! i,t a11 it i- a i- ,aei, i... ,. h,:n r rn.i.ows, tut. ! n- k . -'r iitfe and I lie IJ .ia. Palrnl I anva.a, I eriieiina-, ei.d rva'y r t ir-iay euutircird with eiiher ' brain It ul ilie Im. ilia. , vtltn h hv atv ura,.arad lo Ifm t pun- u.l ?u i"ii,-.. on a. gm.d lerina aa any 1 i. t er fi.ni r m tin I,' .i'rd S-a'... -n.la I. r lie -ile u P,,'. 8elT Adj.iaHnf P IW , d K .imi'. I.li; TKi.KS. I'll'" I. rrl i... tlilri'r.a THOMAS MACKK.NZIK k SONS, .N -Ui ... .M'.e'. tIAl.TUoHK. rinlirr IS Ini'i t',- V HGUBS & SIGN p cT?pr.;T?.-r an- ' ill he ellended 1. W. H , 1 r. Y . no I 1 Jj&i$ r i.r.v4x vrfifr, . . -' V'.-N; '. vXj -.'-: Lfi.'eW5&&-?t?s jCfl Cf'V"'ri V' a '" Vj 'aTa;' ' ! AaWMaaaaVw4. StJ4itu.f j ilii job ppjhtiitg. 4'H P r.ft.r ! th S-.fih rr-.lni Whi- UUUUd i. ua v e4 ' ,-' l,fd ifiuin a iti' JA -o. i h .r. nr. i:. ! tr?z k Ar-daVwr: PAIR of Nrrrn nd Bed BLANK Q f 9 HTf. hniif hi hrfnta tho dvtnre. IRWIN, IIUGGINS & CO. Stoves ! Stoves ! rMl'IK Snbacriber ia now recriinc and will ton. JL 1 1 11 lie In rocf ira hrinifhnul the aeaaon, tha laiifeitand moat cuniplcta alock nf t'eokl, Joqir qfti Sox ri'l brought to thia inaik.t. Tlm-a lhii.K to pur. eha-a will do wall to a;iaa ma a rail, ai I am dsiar inincd tu nII I.'iWKK than they havaeaer bean of arrd in ihia placa be for a. Alio, a genaral aaaort- ment nf ri,.i ai jipaed lwya on hand and Ibr aale, f itli. f li.il.la nr ra. Ui .a. In' a- ran he ho' I hi tint e Mioii ol eoun rj. JilRWOItK aurhaa KaaatfiHC, CnlH-r iMf , ! Vr Plp, Ac. rii-f'tMtd ai ihr .hurte.t imitca. IT I(IKKS ior eitl.ar .iii, Tin wara, or Jul Wn.k ounclually Mf' in. SAM L. T. W'RiaTOX. Saatamaar ,lni3. Sail NEW FIU3I. E would ra.pa.tfully announca lo tha public, f T that m liaaa tnir da iBlnnd a copartaarahip uiulat ll.a nama and aijla of OVER 31 AN A: M IIO-, for tho purpoao of manufacturing f'iM' 3L' i i unt in n a rJ9.W JS. CAHR1AGES of ar dp.cr.pl ion. VVa promua laithful work, in a arocc nana in Ih 2outh ahall .urpaaa ua. SU"AlXWtKk WARRA.NTr:D. IXHr.r AlKI M. dona al tha aliortoal notiea, and on lha inuat tnod.rat tarma J7"Nhop en I'rvaa and Churcb Auaola, naarla oppoaita to Kari'a Holal. C.OVKRMAN. C. WILJUM. CkirUtie. Ju S. BV1. Sill CharUiton and Florida Steam Packu. tullttl tlala-a .tliall I.I nr. SEMI WK.EKI.Y. Cannactiaf wttA laa A'av ;k Uramtr rack aaaa. THE CAKOI.INA, t. M. Coiatlfr ninalcr, will lea.a j2 ef t Satara'ay Aflrtnan, at 3 o clock, tnurhing at Jack. anntille, Pirolata aad Fifitita, on tlia St. Jnhn'a Idvrr; returning, will arnse m ( haiUatua on M tdnt $iay. 'I'll a ri.OltltlA, Chariea Wil!r maatar, will leava to 7WaJay fttr.jon nf rmcU wrek,ataama hour, and, in addition to Ilia above paKta, will atop al tllark ( rrck; n turning, will arrive on Solar, eiay .Marai.f. Uu notira will alwara ba given wncn tne C-arolina makee att eitra trio to tit. An. g uatine. It ia onlv conaidrred nccaaaarj tn ear tliiit Itiaaa btiata have barn built vepeeially for llua traue, and are commanded by tb moat eijwricticad navtp.iora. Kjft to JarkeiiBViilr. . lire to filatka. . . . 110 Kor Frright or Paeaage, apply on Board, al Sou thern wharf, or to JOHN W. C ALDWELL, 89 Ea.t Bar. February 16, IU3. 3U em aa -aa a I liarluite nud Mitli-Carliuu lt.llKOAD 'pilE PAHKMUEK TRAIN ia now runniaf daiia, iSoiidaja (tceted) from Colwwbi lo Charloii. W. II El) (.I.E. I.r.r. f'nliimbia, 7 OA a.m. Le.ve Cher lode 1 Mt wt Knirraav. P SO Morrowa, IU W iMn-b.no', 9 40 Vrfirr.vil'a.lll " Hieckaor k. 1H.35 - K.rrt Willa, UM Ebarfier, r.4 " ("Iteetervill, 10 31 Bl.rkeWk, 1 I fri " rhe-iarvill.,11 45 " Etienrier, l2a&L.m. I..M Mitla, IJi Morrowa', 9 '40 Y"l.(.vilr.l gll Winnebovo' 13 It) p.wt Kiilrr.tr, ISM rri.l'harloiia, J U Arr. tin:ahia. I 34 " Tbe HiEIMIT TH 'INK run dail, leaf Ing Co. untrue and tiharloila at T.lo a. nt. Tbe'fl ie a dailff lint af 4 horaa rTACiE8 ffon ( ha lmlr to iankury, cnnnaeiinf with ilia name 1'roin Qiaatcrvi.ia lio of al.fe rue ie, eon nrrin wiih iha care no Mmid.f. Wedaaadav, and rriday, to Ciottattt, Ulann tturinfa, and Hpar Dhurf . V. BOl KMl.MT. i4.iw. ,V..,m. 3. 1843. 41 if JOHN HARTY'S MAV a M MK SuhaniVr ie now h.pny tn nftirin tha eili A a n. ol C'liarlutia and iha .urrnttndinf mno. re. thai lie ba. moved into hia New Hh ip, on C.I I.f. etrert, immr-diaialy back of Meddlera llolel wlierr ha ie now ready to attend tnell hu.ineae in bia line. Ha baa rot lha beat of Wo-amen, and ia there lure determined to do th baef, and rrvnU faahiona- b'a work, e'er pul up in thia lown and al moder a la prtcee. 1 TRf P t IrtlNd dnna neatly arid in a durable rnamiar, by calhuf al lhaahopof. JOHN IURTV. D'ttmk'T. ll, 41 tf iTy?fnf? i rtn4y (tmfkt, Ct4s, Ctrrh Omp, N ktttpwj F'iata t iyp'$, Anit Nkmt iMi (A Mmrf titr mf mil Ohttrmetrd atmaf fumfml M,nt-W4tftirt njttmmntxm 4 fmtm tn U 4tt, ttvm rf a4 J 4tttti I'liiw ran tjrnnrrd itatt nf tk )s(nm- aiHf f rtifft tht 4lrta and 4 fftttmg ft 0m ttt tng I mm hnrttf fmm tn wmI 4yptft kttkttt. WlRftiUTZD TO BI FUEKLT TKOZTABIK Tha Pi1! wrt M fen f rrturiinl. nnt. ktwl fHwimi, ftml am tia-aiiriarta in tiptnb th "f th eVrWiM cniorli tt.ntiirm. in tt (rm iif IKlpaUtrftntJi, Kfrtift. Bliim aiwi irwpnii.li uf ih prtMil ilnjr, btnf vhat 'tt pMbhc hnv hrtit ivajli1, rni put itiufh Uiw (.rir that ftll will mm bl tn trfilAin Uim. ini bn (if thmm pills, whlr eiKto but 'ii hU, P" fff UiIMM th pet wear ief cunitf tfe 4iww for whHh thT turn tc.mmftttwti, th&n ihn kifH rufe., mh 4i4lw b-Kll vn- of tha ai (Mctaf mum, ip. Ielnm, tap aviwiMrtliM iK.w biffiir tha puMir mn6 m fur trtftl rf than will 4h-.dc mmf dm uf tit UutJl rrf thia UUmMfit. The-y mmi aa pntpMrtiaa prnliarlj; adapt, to rvlora tb iMliira and vital ikkhh bt a health; ilAia. Thv totiaaa) and tliaiharffa all tlia iupl4 aur r-ttM.ua, amiat ffrtotti tha iprarruin, and rmtter th luntn trm Uum that SWta maiuw whkh cliaracutriuta all thorn diawaam ; and tha profirtatof ftl auihifii to tUla, trim parMinal ubw TalitHt, tuA wiiMwaiiHt the aaVrfiialitiMl "ft-cUi f ihettw pttla 'H a mu.titiHlH .f aH, thai ihra la sot anothnr rArtmly ta lha a b.?f Maltria Mr-dira oapaUla f impaninf ntrD Wftiirtif firjprtrUt tu Um lungs autl vltat orga-M M thM pllla. fuA iMtmiu W pilh.tTriti IS tlt. try Ha avWul t Htqufr Air Ir. Itioii'i faeloral whutnaefa f tlia. Thmj ara fat ml im - Charlotte, by J F, GILMKR. nl IMUTCIIARD A, CALDWELL, and in Concord, by J,IL UODGENS & 00. lit WARRANTED TO BB PURELY VBOBTahi U.llfU I- I . . . .... Di-0. Bad iwrannii avarjr day who aim. thu mixi cun.im 10 lhlr ortthiarv buriinoaa purauiu, yal iwali u " """ la far m.ira Imporunl tu Umm, tkrir Wij ir ,! valimlito Pllla wnra kupl on hand by every rim. lv ITU '"" aurlisl lu on Ihr ttrat ymptoln. ol dm aae'ihny ,;J! Batiy a valiiahln Ufa. ncr.llnxl oy d.-lny. Tlt. v moat auperlor Modlolna in the cum ,rf .n ?' trnivai.H, Ck,Ut aad ftra i,,,fu,,.. ,,'', """ .t.- t vi..a(, ,ca H,.cZ, IcH'Y" tj AfrtU, nd all l.ftr,, drt,. r,-""i Leu Thaf- vitrlfr he hloo.l, aquallia lha n. cul.llow, aeatwra lha LW.r, Kldnay. I1'", other H.er.lorr Oiaaa. lo , h,,i'&l' a4 action t and from ilwir Ionic vittu, ntiH, .? Itmeral pnwlratletl and db,llly ,h m,,7kW ' ' Ultra Dial la aii olh o lha oonanHonnoa .if a fr,' S Z Eumallve ut'i,iiw. Ilmoa a. a t'.mnla MmhcinlVi ave no rq.ial, and wban Ink acc.ir.liii u ihr dim-n U.oy never tall tu ciirr the vty ,,r.i ca, , p., ' Ill iHhor rentmliea fail. Ttioy . In co.i, Ul ', ' ltd aaalal her in her eaTuru to oremimo rtlwnaa" u aus llierafore, eiert an uitiuwio, l i,,.r(ll ,' " aervtini and maturing the atmiirn hralih. Tim, , uaed IB every irm uf illww, and In varbmeliniau their eaonllenee ioved, in cawe wlwre rmshci ! Biany bueaied miirslloa hail railed hi atenl r,.i( i, eara thai wwrn-d lh tn.iat oppntite in ilitiir iui,lr, i Vtotdod with eiiuid facility to iheir um. khI cur...' u,l bmo effi Oed In WM Uial wenml bvymt h ,p, K ' 11 .Iran, thai anch .noultl be ihe cum, (, u I disJL: b,.wever dlfferenlly name.1, .lijrganle the mcruiiun iT Impair lb" vitality of the blond. -",iui A rnedlctn, Uierr.ire, that la purely vrairtahl. and anla nature to rut ire thtwn iniporwit tunmi,,,, u, ' brallhy auto, ttaual pnve of wtrvico In all f.im ul a,w EE. ITXORO'I COMPOCND 8AHATIVE Tills pnawaa theae rare vlrtnea, and are Uinrvdira not a mare puraatire meillcin, but a gdhcrid reinuVHT nf itiw-Kk. purifier uf the blood, and a trinrltiiii..r or ihe lysiem ' Tbee who have ..nee tried UtM Pill, rmri-r iVrea-n. fcet Wlllltuf lo ba Willi.. ul Uiem, wlncli la aulBuotil uiuur Of their amid qM.lllli " lUcl. boa e-imatna -IS pllla. Price 9.1 certla. I W" He careful to Inquire fir lir. Stmgi Cewm. IcawiiH f-tiit. They era fur aale tn j Cbsrlotto by J . K. 0 1 1.M Kll and l'KITCHABD i CALUWKLL. and in Concord liy J. II. HOIKIKNS & f(. 'I UK UKKAT KKXTl'CKY SOUTHERN KEMEDY DR. JOHN Bt'LIS SARS APARILLA. IT Is piit up (b full inart hnrta,an4 errtim.h Mrtif- rf ; TiM a snirh Bur tl'tIunw )rMrti a tc, f Miliar i ft'f'ijn tn itarira Iric?, dm -io.HJ p4 tmit f biiU (, aa Jellara tt ta Nnb tali 'ajiiiKh4 fat, for Taart f ttvu 4taj-trti4, aiUatfi fur anl pf"trij vrari , lta trua naMt fr ftll li . .ri".Mallfi ISan, u Im rur (( nf atm hiiioj, tii ut nf manurf, Un 1 -.: nii, pul hNit to imi'h hrrwrin, vfp ti b 1 M'rt. that JCillS m(.i. s ri tii KTKTOr Cr.. PtttlM.l U th a.pparvfc tft tlia fuh jr 'ha t rej eV.4 rn flffellf ri fTllr .a , tl .rf dn, m H-iiU Tii ( .-'. Mi la f4 parfltaaa-1 itb's.t i ( BPk a l ff foun t htt"t batnf nrl M iul.t : Ih fttrta-ta-1 rhtirai '! wtJ tJ nu.baHi ivf tiii tl U Tw btff u I tial.'s iWanrriiaa alan twntaiaa tha vtra f r'.m hi"IV- I T', feigaftjaf LmB;Bf Uia Ht aiurca-, anl j r'-taK-rng tt Ortaiaat Cur. tir Ag-tnt la th kooa Viim 4ki, vLtn u4 acrit.ig to IumUim, tu t c ai. wntirttt t ftp-?al Km a Kill, t'irjr, Tmii'", f iiia Skin, Krtvi, lirr.'iM W rm ? K.04 aw op 7 ', Vai4 M-al, RhaifaM, Outfit Ht tha trfUM anfi J.4n(, e4 '.4 l if.11 RwaritNif of lha 6tbd, rf.;j-5a, PaJt Khanai, af ih ft kJ , Lpm f t'kat I'ij.ii n aula tea b th um f Mw r. - tf. ii.aai lMiritara, GaaamJ iMtHitt lr a, f amhaefn, JauftiW. f oatt-afeaaa. fera Thraat, tf4-biiM, iwfhi, ( el4i, H .. rf (tkat'hajat. Falataa rt A4mmtfm, a4 aii tmt iMaaw ta-litg to frtlue t f.-iiattiia. Uar fdmfmi,t, Fawala I rrwg'111 r1uaa am ta a'aU an-J harfamia ii rv laarh, Ma Mjn ttw)aia) Ftptmut or la.pruJvMw (a tr ttrt a f t ii'ni't,aj Dtaw-anf 1 ; bj la a itlng ai.J unaar ItTiKB, i4 Ua&fl ff it f.raa, a 'WnHa atvd f luaaant Purja- tta, far ii f (a Biua Ltek fr t aiagfaa. ar, iaiia, at Bl4aut f4at a? aa pataiaa 1 i 1 1 1 1 i FEAD! READ!! READ!!: rwlj wrr, Jrful ml rfrlia rwm t.at aaa n l'' oar tin m oh.FU't, ht "f iit aipiF-1 r iha) fft"p Byii aa a aKt a., a" 'f---' Hu rttal r.trsa af iaaarlMa M U taut .;.. Habwi'M f vatal ia as'iv'a Ut, t (' - f aRittr 11 at f fl'w-a t aiii nu'aM !h tHxiif lua at in r .', 4i mitiM C- ita ( : Hb ur aa!itw.f irf th ' oatiaf, that law !'JS I- a frat u.m,u. an I lit tWpw.aar a bi, -r and a ar ftil. ( ftn tia.l (fiat tha D4lr hM i-r--).ft ta Mi cra-a a far w n htttiu'H bitt -hun riiii.i .H wtib it.rn Uu4 Waaoas-I a-t ha f r ir f. e i-!etjf fi4 ul ' '". ' IWa a--J t "w-a-pari; a tilf -ftiuta a4 its-r I haiK.a al pii thtr df ilaf f" a aa! rf ' prj i' 'a ail! ! m uiraiafit , anil mm Ma ta 1 tt L? fcli, I, tht .(wi afr haarii't iha itl'he. J-r ac-j fii.l'i it thmit f hfi frot tan t 'pt a-.!ara. th. i.t tt patT- prH ilaar ff ifeaaasM Out ja't'.a tt i" Hiii t't cUfMiaarUe, aa- a.r (1 m ieti. .-); 1 kMni to ta aa4 tt iif oi1!! ii thm f''ifl. tha. oa tft ' u-U'g I'. U tju4.l ( nutting Unm fop-)!". taa""! lanathan - tut, . p ilrnkmi W a r ui.t jawH l'- Ci t . 11 ir "p itfrnBT Ht Tha al-" f rTe.itiMwi.tarf iHf--a from tha adt'aM f tha i f tifipf, .t t fvv.rarfi, aara h'l.r4 f 'i I rruMtc. , lha tif ttif uli4 rilur ajaubtM'a JiMimaK In ih fMmmirg fla'tartnf a hr la t.P .tiM in tha wrM af tha r-'nM af fwi.af H'lii, art anliawa hl aaraafn fcf tha Biftat a (e-nftffr jilnMnt fa thaPltr haaap'u'i tfi pearaapanMa , ati-l adal t a tral lt bHr, 'tta ajtl..ri p.lan4 I', tt. It la ha 11.; a trwnUut 1 us PathpJ Jyi,a hat fri iw 'r-ri( f ht' tt.w-JftP. httitt a (fr C nii in I ,iMaiii(.iiia. aatan 'rta itiju, ftd I r l'ii!. If Iw rhut a. ft a.ry -aon huM'I "a ta"a aa high aa that It ta. Ht ara ti4. aarj dsftait r hi a ,). thr trh Our atrvta at aii, aa, ha fi"" htim r rratrf, nt mtmtw a'P h aat-fiii ina -Jl n.anf f mitm Umwm irkfol-'l fpnt frH liatat UI"B thaiF f4-t.f ai.'l in hi hlai h r thw '-,lrla' rfpaiM-r i h,t!i Tha tmer.r, at'h all ar.Jir.arf n.rl, im p(r iii'Htal at.-l railrtiitl , ?!- 'TH lhat il j-'jni eitupa will tit jtiait-" to thinafM iUin twf-yUm !n tha ijtrh.iitha. mau ha Iia i aa ajMirt-iiti a rant 4 ii;ii aMiiaf .uuiao aUaaaati aa tia atu itift'la aaiual tha Mili-sa, NOTICE TO FEMALES. Jhn ItwH'a rr-arii,a li Mia tha (Ff-at k3litie- rt'.a In aii-rehr r thuwa ntiitrt- r- mhmrw lha pt.(Mttn-n 1 tht!italat lha opiu a arwekri.'t, attfii tha rff'tpia uf na'ura ara t.riimt r ar pmf.iaa t,i trwp4ruglil. hm lha a t Mia an -I ri.tii,a 'rnj'i IwIiIp iU i tlri'lf t ij HU triiti'.l'! iu I da "wa-1! , t'a hth hnka-n. u aliraris, ai.-l, f wiuaTitl jr . Ota haffiitia -Jaasrcja'' liiira ftar-apartMa ia ft at.mi rvaa4r i ' tiatura tn lha rffrin-nra i,f har 'lu'r, hf-wa If'a "tt' r-naa ir.nauaniif ill nafurai ar.ficrt. rai- " ftimr.'-li'iiii rhfihi riiPMbwf, frrataa purr al h'-ai"1!' faf(raiif , fi m4pi tha ua nt llila ia'llil, auin-l tm.t rPM aitrti-fti.-, 4i.a rtt ut,h(jii'M, aMii( ""ai, lhlT nr. a-it-t hfailh a..tii. taka tha ptara ff J'" ttut rrT Mir iii' nf .H tlia rl"'l tta anlla InatvaJ of taur, mn4 (-arhapa a li'f,f lifa. tiiafra l ..f mim rut li'ipt hf or ta4a ft, Pf-, Mi.m ,,&...(,,. tiil ajrha A? J pr'o'l -alfa. iha ''turn of Ufa " ahlrli la ",,r lth f ttiiK-h iartflar Hull a iMr-a faawllla la tVumi Utfrt Muflrlil faJlwt All lailwa aj.pr"Khii'( tl,W7lll,i ah.ii.l ha a t,t.ria.l of I b'- fart, and ftfftil thaa.ifM ol taiaaWlt an-Jtema. A BEAUTIFUL CLEAR KI5. Itm .11 ..tR.ira a rl..r, tweiillfol, etilie in ' rn.1 ri,le. rhk line of-ea 4 "e perwiet " P"', Mftia tin. dri'lfraiuni. ' hi d.vt'Otlir to ti. li"l, rvri-rnee to "ai.i'uf., Inioo., e.!i., tj.lni. .i' "l"iir.i i.r.ri.i., lo r.inr. ili.ni lo a rrtl.ii. ef "'i1 H iu .liiiiloil ih-at of, i.. lliat t.,n vniti ' n.J1"' tli. ikin lloll-l Danuiparilla I. th. l- m . ll l iillfir. I lir 'til, I., r.1.1. .ii fr Brtli I. m'"''" aiel 41-vaiv.l iimiirr fremiti liifiod. to.kti.a " pur. lir-IH1'! an.l rieeri'ii. iit.iiit arllti'V tm rrr annul. ri-l rli.t gii, llir jfSii.e ami .lurk enBinrii.iir. tf Hi. bi.-' and fmbneM ul teoih U lo-i, .l,.ndim ih. V"" ' anil miiiurr. and Bull . aan..rill. itwnnij ' remrdv " A wnrd 10 lii. .at ta .," aaJ " " aarieab fr.r ttie ladlea. Wr earriMilr Invite all p.ri who are anlwHni elta am ' III. 111. tli.t ltr.h I. h.ir to," to "ll J" '" Hull . .!. .nil f.t niuv .if Mwlla laaillf J"""'i aaH. , n,l fur tli. aake of auro.ilv, a lm 'J1 J -ri.Kl li,.l,..nl alii iiol I,, fiiiiiid, un.lllli.i I " BU" ' r.r,rlll. ratti.. after rradlti, .od iveellmli.. .i,,i iin.., il,ai n n iti.ii..il,l. ..r th. Iian f , the irtttk in nf ill. number ef i-ertlflralee nf eHiuii.iin nirv. Br-rf..nt,l ht Ul. ri.rii.rllla l b. ainimnl l llntmir v.li.M',flfj el.oe.red i Pr Hall ""'"' tr-mi e.ll n.,.u and dUilnaotra indltnlu., aete i aolif ai..l private Hie, I.e. Im o aerlrrilj eveli.iaii ,. C- lir jiiIib bull a I'tlnnpel ntlr. Meat uM " tr.-. t. firM deer In-law Mala, laiatille, a Por aala in Cbar'nue. hr PRITCIIARri A C AMHVnKI J f. CII.MHR. Anfoat .10 IMI. '