I' H "Sc iirqe io Got), fo )joi,r' Soiri, fo otjjr Si.." volume; yiJi.6.u,.M w mbbmi i mm 11 fan mi mil win iiiiiMMiMimii-wmiwrnMBii mn iiiiiii imniuiuMMMn 0111 TOf0ltltJft lOPiJMt HOLTOH k WILLIAM30N, ElMTOKH. T. .T. IIOLTON, I'koi'Rietoh. TP, DM 'PI... Nurth-('"rolin W hiy will l.e .iVor-lcd to I rit.ri it TWO lOI.I.Al!S in a.lv.ince, or rwu l.ol.I.Alt.s AM) HKTY CKNTS if pnv.l mrni k gn.j- 'C , I . . -..I--..1 IV. . tli.t.M n,...,l i uttA I 1 1 I.' I 11 a. ..I I A V. .1 111 'fill fkl 1I1B Vt.Br. .1 IJ II. Iter Will I t, iimoiilinuul until "II arrearajji -a arc panJ.n- ....I Ml tike uullull III Uir i.uiwil. t.lvi rtiiniciit inter! .4 t)np linllnr r inore j .iil tyi ) t'ir tin- tir.t iii.tr. I.; Im or leu, Una ii t,,i,tnda5ri'iit for meh coiuiniiane. f ourt id. rliwin. ut. :; "' - f , ..., Inlu r J Hud Ueiiurtionof 3:iJ t enit. will hi vie IK'"'"' rvguir iriri, n.r ju' cru. r u (I,,, vrjr. l i rlmriiiriitu iiirrtil muiiliily r qu-'rt'-rly. nt ! per winnre f..r -a.-h tim.-. Semi, niniitlily u, n'" qure fur each time. jrAII li tter on. Iiimiii" niut ! itiri-rUd to ll.r Liiil'iri. letter inu.t i ut.faiU or tlii-jr Kll! nut lit llcnuel t". ' T Pymnt c.in lie made to cillii-r. i i I'ontiiiasltri art nutliorued to tt a enti. rn. i'mm ( hamlet M'tffa mr. IUI1U MlillT. (Jinx! nijjl.t !" iii u oili a aiH, 'I'lli: Iii'liI'iUb iliili.l lur i lr ih iiif ailing Ti oiity n ti ii In ,l ! I .11 LLlf', (in wi'irn fijrowii wan nuirip. o lie ir in nitUdri.iiie mutr rull 'llic lal ' jcoa liij;ril" .Ion; ll.f mil. i;i.J niM " in lot" I -a' 1 ll iiwU uliini; tut tjuirlieiiinj; And t- nrli-F pilra ol im. mot)' r.ri,vi r vi -It il iit-r. Win ii .Ii!!' d tii' v..'. rrn-'i o 'J ;ut i.c ii uali t . I '."jil ii i-r die, li'iod niitil ' ll mi ll.-. lis l.i-t '.IK.' i. IK Irnol liK t'f1 Irni; miu' 1. uinl : 1'r-nii w in in c li" ri- io-w i no l.-i i. iv iiu i It eill f.i'iii out ll '' cr iumt, I In rv 'i'i". aroufiij ii vi, Limitl iiiiiii ! jiiJ nijit l '" toliii- arid b vt ! fJond fi-t.t " (I, ulirrr n rr fib iwr 'Die I (.'hi lii it bred in tun! Iii ur oru ' Why foiliitrt tin t g.KI i ii't t. i d..y, Ii y iirv Hal mil nr d 0, rillirr .iy, ('ut. i.f-iu. O'H r im r , i.tiud nif' t ? li y t ritivs of I. ul ii o': r !' " ( .iMid niftii t" nom- ioni lU rui i iff p, n,i Ii .rn Intl l.ol ii'' 1.1- li" r-iin, 1. .. il irjl.l. t Im! V. '.-!( ut and i!- p, The r .l Ihil l'i.l.i r " ' lb ,w .imula inch Uin.'a upfx-r la-lit, 1: mi 'a lon2 wy i'u no ' oi uigiil." iUiscclhintous. T il k m;wlv makkikd, A QOOD LESSON. HV MIW. KMILE P. IM.LMMlll. (h desr! this wettUer h oil rni'ijh fir Ncivmlier,' aid Mr. Aht n, '1 wi-li, w.fe.j.m would order a bre t be mnde. 1 canufit keep a limb of mv body tiil.' ' Well,' said the wife, ' I think that would b Mipeibly riilieul'iiis to have my grates i'i 'i afti r th'Y liad b.'eii rle.m-d so niech, anil my rmimrr biorrors up.' '"h, n itisenie ! wlmt are the grate in n lo f it b'll lo u-? If tln'V are ?o very nice, w hr cover tin in lip with these blovirr-' I tit the wife remained immovable and iu flexihle. 'Say, Iimily, may I ring the bell, and ofb r a lire V 'No, tin,' ipiiekh' inlerpn-ud bis wife, 1 1 have ju-t got in v room cleaned for the sninmi r, and I will nit have tlieni touched.' 'Cleaned fr the iimii!"r ! 1 wUh I coul.l live in a place where they would eon 'iJ' t it a crime to clean a houe more than one in twelve years.' 'Tlieu I ahoilld be Wore particular thnn I now am,' said Kmi'y, 'for fear I mijlit (" t poisoned before my time came. Men 'm not to have any perception of dirt. !t it fortunate that somebody has.' 'I duu't care, its unreasonable ti cl.vte up the Hre frames to toon,' multere l her h islmiid.' 'What! nt this sciasiiu of die year al m i.t tho middlo of June ! We ought to expect iinimer weather by thi- time.' 'Suppose we should have callers to-day V ' No on! will call to day, I should uot readily iuia-iiue. I think the clouds pre- diet a storm. Mu doors or out!' inquired her husband, r-'giislily. In t at this moment the door bell ran whicli P. tiikii.e'l soiiietliing niore tliaii an errand boy or pcdlcr. 1'resetilly a visitor ' a Ushered in. llocti ' Ah ! too l niorniiig, Mr. N'orris,' said Mr. ! ler troii!.!ts. and Mr-. Ashton ; ' w hen did you ariivc?" ' My dear child, ' said Mrs. ilson, siui ' About an hour ago,' replied the vi-itor. iiug 1 in ily, ' fu are young yetthat is all.' 'This it vmy niiigu'.ar weather for June,'; ' Well, dOur Mrs. Wilson, is there no hope, be e.iniy 1 , 'it's more liko November.' ! w hiio I am a young house keeper, t" make ' It is, indeed. I have been telling wife 1 my Imsl and happy T Still. 1 would like to thai vv,i ought lo have a good coal lire, j hav e even thing in perfect neatness, muvc Pmui, dear, don't yon think I had letter 'i in pel feel system, and Jit have t'ii. ttif-s lit.g the b.di, and order a (ire V lliiiily liownel, and ea-t nn impatient look at her butbaud. Mr. Nonin quickly rea l tiie an-wvr. '"h, I am not cold,' protested Mr. Nor rn, with shivering limbs; 'do nt have a hie built for inc. . I have called rather ear lv. 1 n in iilrrnHv nanri' hoiui vou uill ex cuse ine but an I had soma pailieuliu buti-jthat v-iiii .ill. -tauiuil, J. luimiil'ioi J'u tiiighl be at home at this liqnr.' ' 1 am glud to see you,' Baid Mr. Ashton. After a short, time, Mr. Norris took his leave. ' ' ' - 'Small favors received, acknowledged, and gratefully accepted, and larger ones n proportion," said liuiily, as soon us the i-itor had closed the door. 'I gav-o or ders Im tho servants, this tuoriiiug, to a.iy, if any ono came and inquircJ for u, that liesa u.t. AT- It...... I 1...1...I .., c ua.t rone ni'.o tba c gone auntry. 'Vor my part, I was glad to sco Norris,' 'Do not exact too niueli,' Baid Mr. Wil "9ii) Mr. Aahloii, ' us well us mortified ut ; son. ' Dou't you think, by your own short tiii! col reception which we gave liim. l'oor ( experience, that ' perfect obedience ' is the fellow! bo bad tho blue s bakes when bo most dillieult of liuimin virt ics V w;ut out. I mu.-t ask liim to tea to-ruor- 'Well, perhaps no,' said l-mily. 'Hut row. Say. shan't T. Kmilv V i ' elli 'ol why you lllUtT sup pose. Jlut Jiut what? Have you nor objection!'. if..- . . . ' . . -soming, only 1 have j ut tot my table ... - enier nicely cleaned and polished, and ; my table cloths all put nwav, with the ex-; f p''" of those wo have for our own use. ' Capital I' naid Mr. Ashton, Mow proud I hta fte (0 ,tTe thifipH so nice I I don't Uoubt, if .Mr. .orrW fakes tea hero, that he win ne a marrieq man in lei-s than a What do you thinl. Kniilv. t ii!' I i ! year. At this plea-a it turn of affairs, Kmily did not make much reply. Mr. lXorris wns in vited to tea; every tliinir, to till uppenranee, passed oil well; and Mr. Noirif conrlmled that if he could pit intiriifl , and get such a ife as Mr. A.-bton, it would not be cueh I a dreadful tiling ufu-r ail. iivcrv tiling looked bj hiei 'the ti a herviee and table cloths t"p ei.ill V. ' Kmily t'jok tliinjs hard. JOvery thing in j h iase-k'-rpiii" appnared burden-ome to lu r. . .-In' trusted n iliody ; she was eontiimnlly j ' lindin fault. Si rvaiits weie a continued j )' thoiii in the llech,'' 1J - a ;ouri of irti- I tali. Ul, moths were Imrribli', mid all tfie ' ! daily vexations of lu teinlnl l i make ti.i? j a world of tribulation and aniii-h. &bc bad bi en i"anii: I ai .iut two years, and waiisd to be emi.-i.'i red an xeilli-iit hou.-e-kn jii-r. .s'u .-he rti., ,o I'jr as neat- j liens an I piiiirluiniij wtiii eomei ucJ ; but,' in ben ii c emi-iilir . "nil 'it aoi b;.j pKii--, in ' aUiitin r pi. lut uf ic , ihe iiiii.vtd U oi i'i'i 1 ly. ht-u her hu-band came li.'ii e, lie, , uoulJ conillKliff ripi a.u: . iii detail nil i.i r iiitio tiiiis si.ih her d-.ii.t tiis dm iii ' tiic ! dsy, whii.li fi.e woji.l C'li'raiv coneliid v.iui tii.; s .!i-i fui ri li.cii on at ,! l,0u!d I not ii.e long, and be ini -.l.t iee whom ,e : jW-mid 't t-j ki (p tiling i iu as nice oidi-rl , as shj i. : J. ! V.,ii, .V duu't vou ui.-iiiiis them?' .Mr. Ar.ht.iii 4 ii , i i:i I ! l.llve ' What would I .; the use ol tint ? ' I can Hot do iLu wuik. I did not oet murriid t). make a slave of mstif, or lo put my hau ls ojl of shape by doing house vulk. There' is 'loin be came v;.h t. i-iuiiueiidations full a yard long ; and Su-un did the work for oi. e family thiiteeii years she, toj, c a Ii.e tj ill hi l.!y r. ' "luiui mled , au 1 m.-i-tie r thing, "In: will c :ue an 1 p j vihiii she. jiieaM'.-, in I s;,y what he pltaM-t.'' 'Shuts pun lual lo ii at , is .-he Hot!' in uiiid Mr .vsuiu. M'li, yii; .be i.ii'i'vs ' )ei ln-r noik ij i.i l.'y .ni'i In ally ; ! u' - be w i i! 1:-'t a li"'iV me lo gi.e ner iuey euou; 4.1. y iiune a L- " l. t lt-M h t llif li.'I soon tiUilIS I I V ( II i at if she were to follow my ui: ecliuli- 111 Cm ing, she would have nothing fit Ij put tit the table.' " 1 a in very sorry that o:i have si many tii iis, my dear. 1 have a g'eat many in my lu-ines', and l.'.ic seC'llv biped liiat ; i.i n.i -l.t be spare I tho-e ii't.e .ria's, that you iiii-iit feel like diiiiiiu i i i.i ! i :.i au ajieeal.l'' chit -ch'it "inu 1 r lain I. J i e weary and di-piiit. il.' " II n t y ' i -i.u .-.' " i re t -i.:.y ll'liled lilt, i V. lu ,, 1 hi'. g!a l . Mi ll lb ' ' one. I' a i ll -t, r C'lliVei-a I Mr. A,!.t t. auou. siid liiiii'v. 'I hey Lu.tii sat down iu siii bee, and ap peared t ) Im nrapptd deep iu their own thought Soon after tea the door bell ran, and vN it .ri wi re utiU'iuueed. I bo cviniu pii.o d oil in lively com. rat! :. 1 he hi-ur for letireliiLl.t e.'lllie. Loth W i lit to ll 1 with a resolution that nothing should occur to eiou l the sky over th.ir nialiiuioi.ial life. I'or many times our J .iing wife bad con trived to feel sad, and make hir bu-l and as gloomy as if fine real n.i 1 ..i tune weie hanging over tin in. 'Whit -ay yu, lin.'.Iy, to givit up hou-e -keeping and going out to bo m! .' stid M r. A.shte ii, alter unotlu r bapi' r i f the sei v u tits' do lit ii i.c ii s and slmrt coming-, and on rrmii i K as : to ' what was tl.eir place ah I what wa- not.' 'I should like to iry it, nt any iaie, coiitinued he. ' U hv, Mr. A -!.'..: : 1 t!t ii'ghl yn vvi-b. 1 to keep h'lLi.--', leeaii e you c .ul 1 have so much more bin rl) , and ' Well, liu i'y, so I !i 1 ; but it i more for your sake than my o'.vn that I would make ibmhai.g . l-ieyiur hoiiM-kei pi.ig is a soiiieo ol tofin. lit t) you. I' bi-- biiii nothing but one uuiulei riipted chain ol i-oiiiplaint- e'.er sii.ee vie were married. 'Precious little eomfoit do I see." I These ri marks sank heav ily into the heart of tho oiiiig wife, and f lie could not retrain from weeping passionately over them wbeu -he was ul inc. I nc ,!' v W bile counitJ ' over the ji f life, she said : I ' I know what I 11 ii ); I II ,ii-t run over and sec mv good valued Iriend, Mr. il-on. .tl, went. .'Irs. vv ilsoti vva f, ;..., I fr,.ui inlaiiey : to her she uiiloo tl,,. ulud,. ni .t' r !c r whol.: heait at ail ami ease. 'In the (;rt place, the object of good "Sir: I have taken the liberty to intro-hou-ie keeping is eoin lort, a nd comfoi t ducis your augu-t and iiininrt.il name in a plies qu'nl and ea-e. Always try and have i )rt 'sell, ,,,.,. w,u-l, i.s to be found in the everything pleasant for your husband, ll ; p yvlll Vl)ll inv large iiequaiut yvtl have any ttial of a trivial natur", .,,., , nn,,,iig the mo-t valuable and exalted never' inciitinii them. With youth, health, , t,,' ,,.; ),,,( ou arc the only human in, and lust, though not least, a liu-baicl you dearly love, what right have petty In. . In tlil.iri'l lie lieTVVeeil ViU i.i. n " trials tn intervene between y.u an appi- nessT' ' (Hi, well, but I have the wor-t dome-tics Til the world ! They wiil .i(.t b t uie iiistiu. t them at all ; and nothing is done as I should do it.' I think that I heard you say, not long since, thaMWy were very neat and prompt,' siiid Mrs. Wilson,. ' Oh" yei -Ink they will f.ot let mo com mand them., a't ail." l"'"cnniiot cxcrcLe aojf digu'itj whutevir in my -'ivu h ou'e.' bow in it. that vou take everything to eauilv. I Mn. Wilson!' ' Hy keeping a general utiperiiitendciicc ; ' not interfering too much with my ser-! I r ' vinits, encouraging them when I have on opportunity, and y mputliizing with thciu in their trials : in short, by endeavoring to i use. j make every luinjj as pleasant as possible by "oi ouiy miu auve, uui nunoui a tear, jn proud .an even courso daily with my busbaud and ! deed, no little harm has he done, that I can M-nahts. Don't, let little dilKculli.eK Rr'ow nrto larger ones. Vou will iiud thtm much easier to cotKj'ier. line ui ii -t pass over much to ;;et through life happily. Kinily went home, lirinly lenuhed t put in practice tho g iod advice (riven hr. Mr. Ashton soon observed the change, and, with great delight, remarked that he did nnt envy a Linn bis 'hin'gle blessedness ' wbilu he had such a suro resource for vni-hed spirits a p'.ta.iaiit wife, and, in tbort, a happy home. A AVK.STKR.V WKDDINO VKV.. A minister, m tiled in one of our frontier Hestiru vi!jac'es, in wlucli the pnmitie maimers of a pioneer life ed an ! po'.i-died by refinement and cultiva tion, was bi'iitr J in bis study one day, en J'.avoiing to ari..nge t!ic beads of his to morrow's tii irse. w hen hit aU. iii.ioii was called by a luu 1 knock at tfie Ueor. 'i he visitor proved to be a tail, gawky shambling cuuntiyti.au, evidently arrajed in I.i - Sunday Mlit, and a stout gill, altired in a uu'.-j ul red eaneo, lueu, tryin ttie lieri ic-nt and complacent glances towards it I bv tti fair owner, was co.iiideied quite uia - ieeiit affair. "Wou't you walk iu !" a.-.ked hi minister politely. "Muih o!.!' c-r,!, s.juire, I don't kuow but we v ill. I .-.i , y a i e a iiiLLu r, ain't vou '." ' Yes.'' "I icekoi.ed fo. 15 My an 1 me that's ,-t-v. a tost rate sort o! a rill, and how " Uh, Jolbain,' simpered the ba.-hful Uct- " You an: '. den v it. ' boss, and vou needn't "O for "ets 1 adduced, and that of tho S. (.'. Con di. Dt-v "and me have eon- ' fercuce dclegt tes and then, not content to Jed to bitch tiiitn-, and wo waul you to lUl t,ltse aeinevemeiits, he goes to Confer-; it."' cuce, and assails 1 r. L. M. Jee, and grow- Vo l wi-!i to be uiurii-u." . "g bolder at each step, employed legal aid i ' Ve-, I believe tint's what they call it. '" attacking the written decision of the prc sav Ihou.h, Ik foievou beeitj, hi'a know ding Ui-diop of his own Conference ! 15ut 1 wha ng to be the dam; .-, "tis'iit Le.-t 1. I ill, I never set any price, r tie y jiivc me. I take what- " . 1 ii, mat is a,l uut ; i-t.r, if vou p!ea-e, we are go ahead, miu in a hun v, as Joe's i "t to liui.-h n platitiu' the pouter p..!' ii, af.ne l.i-l.t, and lk-tsy she's go't to loteii tiie butter. 1 bus adjured, the miuiister commenced the eer.'Ui .tiV, which occupied but a few 1.1 - uu nt -. "Ki-s n,e, llet-y,"' said the delighted ! ! !' ; O'Hu. "V'..u-;.ie my oid woman, now. A;i; t ;t 1.1 ee i i 11st rate, w as tiie satislactorv reply II. .1.1 on . i.-rL ' s.uil .1. tli.-mi'ii lu.'lnft his I lido abruptly, and daited out to the! li"t t0 retain. The Doctor having the, ate where the vva ojn had been left. lability to deny every thing, and insolence " What's vour hdsland .-one out far r, u-ktd the- miui-tcsr somewhat furpri-ed. " 1 expect its the tas.-aoos," was the con- ; fu-i d reply .' tii i, Jothaui made his appearance, ' clai.. o iu his hand a pail full ot the ' sas- : sag wl.ieh he liande I to t tie minister, with the grin of ope contemn a favor. " U'c hain't . 1. .nib money," said he, "and so v. f l ...:i . i.t m e gCs. M 'tie r lli.iii-' eoi. are g i.'-i . 1 1 thev ain t, i pay you 111 sa-a- an. I 1 reckon they ,1'a-t you send them bin - 1. 1 me more I't.-i tsi:ii llnt'sKHi'i ,i DrriF.s. val i. ty of eau-LS, nothiug is more than to Ii.e! Amelieaii women who -From coinini have n. the sligLtc.-t hi'.'a M' hoi-ehold duty A wiiter alludes to this sulj-'ct : "In this iirghit of househol'l cares A mitieaii females statid aloiie. A German lady, ii" matter how I ig'u her r.ius, never lor-" Is liiat domestic labors corluce to the health if body and n.iud alike. Au Kn- a gi'in!,,. ii-li la l v, w hctlier -he l e only man's wife, ur a duke-, doc- i.ot u 'the bou-eh o,l ; a ml , e Veil though sh pi,.- . has h. r ! a b His. keeper, .lev ot. s a j ""' r time to this, her hiippie.-t sphere 1 rc-1 served lor our republican , . . l.uiies to be more choice than even their inonai ehieal i . ... . i-i u : . .. uiul .il slier lie s.-.ci-. i ue .c.-'i.i is ;i in,,, .in.. las.-itude ot mind oltcn as fatal to tbe In altli as iienl. et uf bodily xcreise. The wife who leaves her liousch. !J cares to the s. rvants, pajs the Jieiially which has been allixcd to idleness since tV' fouudatiu'.l of the wall 1. .Hid eiliier wilts away from ennui, or is driven to all sorts of fashi jnable follies to find employ met t for the mind.-' Gkn. Wasiii nuton anp Loitt Kiiskine A volume was presented to Gen. Wash in,. i. ... in 1 . lit. fi-oiii Thomas Lord lirskiue. , , . .t-ii , i . i en a blank page ol wlneli bo wrote tho lol- ' r . lowing note, e . t, taining, pel h ips, the happie.-t culogiuui on that wonderful man : H.,, ir lUiiu 1 ever felt any revcrrnee I sincerely pray 1 to rrratit a long and serene evening to a i e so i' ii ion- v ( evo- , , , i ted to the happiness i,f tho world. - InTI t;t.sTf(; Dk Ision. The Metropoli-J iu Hotel, New York, was recently sued by j a travei ..r .Wotruuk n broken oncn in1 ' . his room, and f 1 , .1 ll'l .1 ' ;) stolen. 1 be plea tnat i ' ' notii e was givcu'that nioiiey must be placed ; jon? ,Ucceedel in deceiving las Confer in th safe was not allowed by the Court, I euro, thoueli cor. plaints were frcqaeptly aul judmoLt' givca for 5ll0 c I aud coits. Communication. lOIl THE -NOHTH-CAIIOMXA Willi), Mtssrt. lid dor i : I see that Dr. Deems I has again been endeavoring to enlighten the ' '"v" and abuse me. No doubt the valiant Doctor intended his LJow to bo a very kill- , lng "c ; but fortunutely for me, the moral ) orce brought to bear in the elTort was no i greater tbnu the pliynical, and heuee, I am I hardly oi ;coU!jvvj- contempt I Mtcrtain i 'r Ins cbaracttr, so tar as to take the least .lot-ice of Liui. 1 have another rcaon for not replying to Dr. Deems' last card, lie lias eo dicided au advaiitiigo over me by.thu Uuency with which he denies every thing ooo cun say, adverse to bis interest, and the asturauee nitli which lie attacks the veracity of his opponents aflueuey aud assurance perhaps to toinu extent natural, but greatly improved by long and frequent habit that i utterly despair of Baying any thing that he will ad mit, unless I should my he is a gentleman an 1 a chri-tian, aud that my conscience will not allow. I my greatly improved by hab it: and so it has. His memory w ill doubt- , ,, , le-s remind him of a letter written and pub bad lieen "tuoolli- i- i, i t . , . - ll. Ill'll .-.U1IIU Vllt U"U, lUK UUIUU1SIIIP Ul which was toon after denied, and subse iueul!y admitted; more recently lie denied ever intending to agitate the rpestiou of boundaries hetu-.ni the North mid South Carolina Confcn nee.", then tho statements made by Hev. .). M. Dradly, ntid the state ments made by iny.-elf, that the delegates of the North Carolina Conference bad, for the last twelve or sixteen years, exerted theni- '''' t0 -'htain t!i disputed N. C. territory, ttiat the cliureb iu ilmingtori ban lost a number of her best members en account of the trausli-r, that the South Carolina dele gates presented "documentary evidence" to the Ueticral Conference of l-TiO, showing that the people of :ho coveted section nvrc eppo-ed to a change, and even the testimo ny of the deleuatc- tht niselvcs on the latter lact, were all disied. lie attacked Mr , ''''"'"y integrity, n,y own at the last Mono- ; ral Conference, and in bis cards th' wit- uunappy was me nour ne run attiwnrt tlie .sturdy iriuia doctor' It k nid flmt. while tho honest Virginian pointed his tin ker at the culprit, with indignation flashing Ironi his eyes, exposing in words of fire, the past life of the would-be North Caroliuian, I pouring upon bis bead ueh a flood of invec-, tive, and dealing right and left such telling blows, that poor, bruised and stunned Deems j could do nothing but by his trurs cry for j mercy i I'erhaps ir. Deems (I still call him Doctor for tiie Church's sake) now that, bis wounds have ceased to smart, and the' witnesses are at a distance, will deny that, i 1 say his wounds, I mean hi iioiimied self- j love; his tonutcnet I fear, bat long been incapable of pain. enough to assail any one, and I, possessin no sueti accomplishment, teel, auU lierct.y publicly confess myself, no match for this jfjisliii (i. e. slippery) gentleman. If the public wish to know certainly how long it has been since the delegatisof the N. C. Conference have engaged in the at tempt to get pm-sessioii of the di-pr.ted terri- j tory, I would advise them in lii language j of Llr lleeniM In rnii..ill tii.. .Imirieils nl'1 ,11L. (;,.m.ral Coufeieiice for the last twenty ! ' yf ar." It is trim I, as well as Dr. Deems, am aware these Journals are beyond the reach of foity-iiine cut of fifty of the people, but ! that is nothing to cither of us. ; I wi!l also state that should any gizA .! wn '- to ascertain the number and re--p. ctabiiity of those who sepai'ated from the church in Wilmington, they (.an V,e snti-fae- torily informed by addressing Kev. James T. .iunds, of that place. j The church at Lvrge, I presume, has been I iiifeir.u d of the nature ol the charge bro't i against Dr. Deems at the last ses.-ion of tha I N. C. Confi reuee, aud for which he wassub- jcet d to a formal trial. Tiie charge was ; prcfcircd by President W. A. Smith, l. D., j oftho ll:ini!ol ll Macon Cullege. and sus tained by liiv. l.croy M. Lee, l. D., liditoi 1 .i'im.. K i. lii, 1.111.I I Mi i-i'sl inn Adi'iii'ii..! men : t ,. .. , . ... ... . ,, , .: 1 ... .. . '., .!.... 1 1 .1 1 .lillll'l LI. lil.i (i.e. i, uiu ai v. 11u.11, 1 ui.iicisi.iifu, 1 p , . 1 t . -i .v -i l ouee oecupicu uie iiiguesv civil uiuee in me State. The fiiets in the case were of "uch ! , , , ii-iiun. lliittlie u itiit'Sses could not umis- Uakeii: and in so '.! tol lable a mnuuer did ! . . , . , . ., ,, ,. , I the charge luakc i t - n ; pcaratice, that not-j I willi.-taiiuitig all the skill of au accomplish- icd legal geiillnn in. the bullying, tact, eva- ! sioii and a' m i'r. Deems, and the sym- , 'pathyof bis Ca.ii' reuee (or lour days, it was believed he eoubl not escape the pun-; i.-binent this disgu-ting crime so richly meri- j teJ. Yet he did i scape. The charge was! brought before a committee who heard the evidence, and the Conference voted on their i report I'ioiii .this it will bo seen the Con- i lercnce w as not responsible tor the escape , , ,, ., ... ,, I ol the accused, but the Committee. Hence, 'l)l0 oa,u ht.,n.js tUi- : l're.-idcnt Smith and It. Lee, I c.-id cuts ol another State, cotnpura- ! tive strangers, (and consequently unbiased.) and the other with cs.-cs for the prosecution, have borne false witness! and I)r. Deems is inuoceut, or the m.iiibers of tho ooiiiinittce, j under the iiiHueneJ of perhaps unconscious I partiality, growing out of a personal friend-! . . . - ', .i ... i I , slnp ot lung staini ng, nia.ie a report lo tne : ' ' i' '" i i. ...-..!...! : i ......i.. """'""nee w .n. i. .. -a..Uu, ,.,a ,.e. .c.,, I the perversion of j pigment, and Dr. Deems : . t . . ' i. 1 1 . teiri ni nie eni cmiiiee or i.utiiv'rei ee. in ; lid ..nil.. II. m is i l' ideiil 1 v a 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 :v 1 and the public arc at liberty to full au ei- t;u.r 10lll j nm satisfied; aud 1 will add that another celebrated character, whoonce h'.'urcd rxlen-ivelv Hi the N. ( - ' onteience, !.'.. I -i.i. lip Tlanma .1 .,sl ', t n 1 .1 nf I Ii it - 'UUU 1 11,111 1 Vlllll . " " ' ..........v v. - ' . , ' , x- . -t r tiTiiiiiv, nl i,.imr av n tive-I 'Orn . oi 111 v .iroiiiu- lodgeJ ;rai'.ut Liui. J-Venis has wore cralt -, why, then, may be not also succeed ! ' Lut though success has crowned Dr. Deems cflorU at this time, let bin. bo on his guard, for like the person ju.,t alluded to, bis mu A'lll HUM I. mi nnf " were met, tiiiii newouhlmeet wttli a Uecnicd repulse, and fearing the consequent expo- ..... ,, , f , ior.iuc proposcn nail tioal troin allllury tins work will prove highly detrimental, if It Ilia V till nslfl.l! li l)r IV .!., tlinul.l a .1.- ill ' l- I. i J . . . . .. r . n J ..." . .. ,u lllo xemeso Jt u,,IKes a nam. not ratal to tlic treat mterests of tbe state : deny eo.- iuu.udiii; to agitata tho question pLU t of o."i rm?es. . it n,ut result in the surrender of tho con- of boundaries! 1 he answer is ey. ilav, Of the four routes leadin-throu-l, Gups 1 trol of her trade and commerce to the n r discovered by the maimer Ins advances i tho IJluo riJ,-p. Mai. lUinn .t.t.. r,.. nowl,!,;,,.. Si.,..., i i,j..,... r ,.v. ' iv cu.r wiv.uiu me :or t ran road, l no Mirveys were tbere- church, denial bceamo necessary. Here; fore confined to tho Watauga Gap aud weniayseeliowoiiecvilactleailstoanotli-ltlieSwanauoaGiip routes. er.. IUaaytheo-wrrbc had no intention The Watauga (Jan route strikes the State t f agitating the boundary question in Char- lotto. I hare found no p roots to that ef-j feet, unless I accept his, at first evasive, and recently positive denial. Such pro,,J 1 j J.;ilPt Teiinesseo and Virginia railroad. Its tho impulse of honor, and of honorable regard an entirely msulheient. j length from Sali-hury is' l'-'l 77-KIH miles, competition with her sister States, the sa J he State at large appears, from the Doc-, The survevors met with so many and for- gaeious calculations of a wise and liberal tors testimony, under great obligations to n.idable difficulties that thev did not coin ' policy, the dictates of a rational self-inter-him for hiscllorts to advance her interests, plc-to the survey ot a small part of this lest, patriotism ti. State-pride, nil unite in and especially f0, as l.c has resisted eve. y , rotc ; but estimating for that section, the 'cjiliiug upon the State to embark iu this en effort to induce hmi to " transfer buns. If to cost, including &H.V. for equipments, is sta- terprize, and to move immediately in tho other States. ' I know not the extent of the ; ted at j?7.1.VJ,i:U. This route i- exceed- grand work of improvement. It must bo States indebtedness to Dr. Deems, but 1 ' ly unfavorable, abounding in abrupt curve-, evident .to cverv one, that this work, if am uicliutid to think many persons will con- stCep grades, heavy excavations and cm-!luilt at all, mu'-t be built mainly by tho elude his reasons for declining the invitation bankm. iits, and tunneling. ; Scte. It were a mockery for the State t coming from the Ceiitenary College, was not j T)C Swananoa roule is stnt-d to be far t," improvement, or any large subscrip tiie resu.t of his devotion to the interests ol , ,oro fa vorublS. Thoueh 1-ti 1 miles lu ': lreto ; she well knows that the wealth the State but an act of sound policy, prow- j u.,w. re,clit 10 Tennessee line at the l'"'lv particularly in the mountain region, mg out ot a couvietioi. that the Doard ol ; 1aint ,.0,.k tl)(. CIJ,ire e,tim;ltl, Cj.. ;a . 'lor want of an outlet, such as is now pro-Jiu.-tres of hat e.stahushnicnt would most ., y p-w., 53J mo, than the Wntam-a route ' l"'1 i- not to be found -in stocks, nor certainly withdraw their invitation on learn-! of j- 5 ,ui,P!!. lts ,,lde, aro , Lcill great pecuniary aggregates. It consists in ing that be wl.0,,1 they inteiided for their only such as are unuallv overcome : its ut" , " labor, .liff.ised through 1 res.detit had he,-,, formally tried on a . ju.ltioM ess, of c,lul;, re,UirilIff cs, euI. : thousands of feel'.! veins, none of which charge ot falsehood, coining Iron, so honor- U,lkmeflt nml cxcav()(ion . u t,n ,,. can part with much without embarrassment, ed a source. Jt w as also ..mi- politic for ,,,i; rr iJU ti. (;..,. : .1 Z- .1 . The slender suirdiis. in manv in-t,,.,. tl... ll,.,.... ... ..!l,.,l.. 1- .1 " ..;.,.. i..' had made for the public good, it would have a tendency to excite sympathy for him. lie doubtless hoped the people would ery "what a martyr !"'.' the victim of So" CurnUiiu nuiruf, and the prey at" So" f. tirnnn'l nltcitt.x ie calls .ake us This " minister of the Go-pel," as li himself, appears farther anxious to ma all beiieve he is a true native-born liuiaii. Hear him -peal; of "uif Vli" inlf,'' aud "the soil of nuj nnt ire Stntr,'' and we cannot re-ist this conviction. I can hardly believe lie will iloiif that he owes hi nativi ty to some other State, yet he mav do so. I have been informed by thoso .who s-houbl know, that he is from beyond Mason & 1 .1 ' II 1 1 II T01.' ' - 1 " ' Ul cth hnu. With bis usual inaccumni. he iuforms us this controversy had been ''ungenerously thrust upon him." This is not only an at tempt to beg the question, but well known, evi. i.y ' i.iu.-uii. to hr conto'v ,o fact-it was commenced in private anu public by him. I know he dritrs it. but that H ot little moment. Jiut. Messrs. li.litors, as I informed you in the begiuning, I am no match for Dr. Deems, and as tiiis contest is so exceedingly unequal, 1 hope he will in pity cease to use bis advantage. I would call his attention t.l llr W A Sili.ol. ....n -!.. I. u Ann 1.:.,. :.'.(!,. ..,-.. V..... 1 .ki 1 unit 1 nun 1 ill v mini; ilium iiiuu L uvei uiu. aud as being, in intellectual ability at least, a"foeman worthy of his steel.'' liy-the-bye, Mesrs. Piuitors, is it not a little sin gular that lr. iV'eiiis should take no notice of those irginia geiitieinen, but so perse veriugly continue to pour out his bile upon mc, w ho am nothing but a South Carolinian '. This is a suggestive circumstance. Our church in Charlotte appears to be placed in a peculiar and painful condition. We are not to be permitted to engage qui etly in the service of God, nor choose the source from w hieh wo shall draw our own 11. i iii -ti.r- iiiiil ..ill. ..1. will, ...if .-. tl. -.,, ,.p I,, 1, j .,. 1 -Hi... Ul A'l. J.-II-I.I.--, .Ill' l ..l.ll Uli-M, uill say to tiis t-ontiiviieo "wo are your ser vants,'' or be forced to defend ourselves against efforts made to " scatter, tear and slay." Nor can a stranger from our mid.-t cross the Conference boundary, but be is assailed immediately by the question, "What is the state of public opinion in the church in Charlotte and speak of us as " our Charlotte.'1 Thus we are placed under a svstcin of rij-id esnioua".'. under the eoiitr.il 1 V v .1 ! ' r . ut Ari rt i I. aro n:i t o itei'eiine iiin'ii-itoi-s. I trust that Dr. l'eilns will allow mo to remain in the undisturbed discharge of tho-e duties by which I make my bread. I nev er have wished to take any notice of him, farther than to advise the oCi' ial brethren lure to write the letter wlneli it. 1 veins re ceived la-t April, and which has been pub lished, reipi' sting him not to agitate tho church here on the subject of boundaries. And now, Messrs. M.iiters, 1 again take leave of you and Dr. I'enns by remarking, you cannot c.tpeet me to notice him any far ther, aud thanking y mi for your patience. Jiespeetfullv, T. M. I'AUPidW. TllK I'.MTKI S TAILS IN P.isSLSSIn.N OF i ii, .,-.i-oii.i..i inn i i.v.m ,, ,, , , , - , - Port I'lilniorestates that on the lt!i of No- -..i- Utv.ni i Viii' I..11..1. f,...i.. . ..... ).. , i .r.'.i i: .. -ii,.l io... 1 i.r Governor Mcrrivvcther and Lieutenant Miles at the head of about one buiulre i ilragoons, two companies of the Third Infantry, two niecesof artillery, and the band of . the ' ' Ti.ir.l Infantry, arrived at M.v-.-illi. The American Hag was hoi-ted and saluted, and Governor Mcrrivvcther Hindu au appropriate spdehto the person- prc-eiit. Tho order of lieu. rul Garland, pro'.'aiiniiig that the laws of the Cnitcd St:,te- were ( xtemlcd ovii tlic valley w;is piiute.l in liiiglish and Spatii-h, and cxtin.-ivtiy circulated. In it be says: l or the .utormiitioi. of a,l concerned, it pf hor- ti.U.,4t.-r cities, in the extension f is hereby made know,,, t.iut our National hcr hf- coul.n,rc j,, . im.rL.uu f flag w.llgive protection to all persons who ,u.r a.,ricllltul.al ,., ,;,.,,,, r.lll,ti..s properly se.k it ; crinuiiaN aud other evil- conso,11UM t , ,, ..bcapne-s of transp,,, -disposed persons who seek to attain their tnlt,m 10 tUv of ,,,,, ,,ti(t,, a;l i ends, by violent means and violattot. ol tlr)i , ,;,,0 llf ,;.,.! ,',, t!u. our known laws, will hud neither shelter Wl.,tr- .,, ,,,, ,.,.,.,', t;lt,., im ,,, nor prot.-ct,ot. under its ainp.e b.lds. ! ,,. Wut;M ,, ,',.rllie, lut s..:.rse!y s t- i tied mountain region-, an I !i!i;u; thciu with Good 1'fsilIN.i (j HOI" nils. The waters i towns and cities, an ! a busy au-l thriving; of the I'pper Sacrainchto are terming with1 the finest salmon, w Inch are caught ami cur ried to Sar Vtancifeja ivhere they are sold at three cents" pcVJypd. So plenty are they, that m;cysp.c;l ami are thrown away before tTusaaJ.. mr, iU'.siui. 1 1..A S H . i We are ii.dcbtcd to members of the 1... Mature for copies of the elaborate Report of Maj. Gwynn, of the Survey of the Routes i . i i i. ..... a .... SOns why two of them, the Reedy I'atch uu,l Linville Gap routes, are impracticable j i,,e in the valicy of Watauga river, about 10 miles frcr: .ionesborough, Tcnn., at nn ! eligible point foni.iurr a connection with the , ... . BOIIlL fol'liitu a roniH C'tiiin uit'i tln -: . """'iu,, ui me, road, from the Paint Hock to l-'lat Creek, "it--' to but little more than the taxes "- miles, is c.-tiniated to cost :ii),!fjtl. ''!'''' pa-"1 '"to the eoffers of the State. Tho -M, aero. .. the liluo Ridge, Jd.tl-' miles, 'i!l sbe, therefore, withhold the aid imces wiil require seven tunnels, 0f 7,!);li (Vet, !'ar.v "f lft raP'J progress and speedy -.itltl feet, l.MOU feet, Mill feet, ti.lll feet, completion of a work, in vvhieh her honor, aoO feet, mid "JU!) feet. ( f course the en.t llrr rank in the l.'nion. and the prosr.eiity of this section will be enormous, say ?d, - 07i,ai.-, or about. fl.j(i,Ot (l per mile. Xhe 3J section, from the mouth of Ward s branch, di milc, wi'l co.-t $"!, 149. The Uh, from Wards branch to Salisbury,"! mile', will co.-t cl,d-J -,',':p 1. The co-t of the vth.de road, I11'! miles, liieluilitig Fi li,HMi lor eiiniptneiits, is .7, 1 (;:.' "Startling (sues M1.iC1wn.1i as this aggregate may seem to persons 1111- accustomed to coiitemplatiiig enterprises of "Ui-h magnitude, neverthek-ss, it is certain i.i... -:.t.ei.... ' ..: 1 11 1... ,1,1, r.n,.a 1.-.- ..r, i.l,..r., I....... ............ ,cJ j,y a railroad at so small au expetidi- ture. " The above estimate embraces every item venili,,,,. ,h,r U . liberal scale, believing it to be better lor the interest of the Stale that I should over- estimate thau under estimate the work. vu,i..w wui- i.i ii i... uii.in vii mi: 1111.-.1 The present high prices nf labor and pro visions is assumed as .the basis.. The tun nels are estimated at twenty per cent, more than the 1110-t difficult tunnels in the couti- try have cost the superstructure of the - . . ... ... road at ?.Vl(l per r.i'l.', and eight per cent, added for turnouts ; for engineering expeiis- es and general superintendence, 1 haveal- lo.te.1 810SKI per mile, 5 1 .,(H)0 for land an 1 Carona, ami ilisciauu any such ttotup. lie dania-e-., for vvarcliD.i-es, overseers' house, then proceeded further, to defeud Know water" station, o3! ) per mile, and f?I ."!.- Nothtugism ; and, as to secrc.-y, said the :, in addition, for machine shops and wareiiousei at tho termini of the road ; t the estimate for excavation, einbavikmciit and masonry, I have added twenty per cent. to cover a possible under etini ite of the amount of rock excavation and unforeseen tiithculties in obtaining foundation. And I lind from a report published since I pre pare. I 111 v estimate tor enuipments or o!l- 7 ,. .. . ,11 11 . 1 C lit 1.. .--.-.I 1. , in. 11 1 11,11c i.ii.a.ieti 1 11 11 iiju'j- liioti.'es, 4 passing. T coaches, l"il) frieht cars and 100 gravel cars, over and above what is estimated for on one of the most important roads iu Virginia, n drawing fast to completion on which receipts to the amount of 51 .-'Jo,(i.')7 are anticipated. "The line is, (iie. adds) practicable both as regards curves and grades, which in the e oi tin., iimo i.i, ige h a matti-r ot paramount consideration, I . ... The cot, whilst it is an important desideratum, yet regarding the object to be attained, may be viewed a secondary. INicu ut least lias been th iew taken in other portions of the country, judging from the enormous amount, ( great ly exceeding our estimate.) which have been expended iu surmounting the li'.ue Hi.lge, to accomplish objects uot greater than those wLieh ivc expect to achieve heie.'' The Ii"port concludes with the following allusions to the great rn-ulu to (low f.oiu. the speedy completion of this wui k : " I do not feel myself called upon to esti mate the income of the road. The sources of its income must of coujso depend upon the amount of the trail portation of freight and tho number of passengers. Neither f tho-e call be accurately ascertained at this time, v.. :r i. i. . :!:... I : l uui ii vi e i'j.j ai. iiu: iciiiuiv ,in vuiiivi r .i . i' i .i i resources of the country which the r a I p:is-c- and to its xtcu-dou to the Ka 4 ntic.--, e and Virginia Kaiiroid w'.ii. !i com municate- Willi the .Mis.-i-sippi river, and ;e ,--.i:. Alabama, mid Tcnnes-ee P.ail- roads, all mut admit that a very large and travel may be calculated upon; 1 .11 1 . aim a- ;i nieie mailer oi ..ouais auii eeuis, the road niii-t be high'y productive to the o.vners of the stuck. " lint ill tin hen. .fits of this work, tho Statu wiil be the chief participator, p.r regarding the improvenient apart from the q'le-ti 'li of prolit t tiie eoHipany, who em doubt that, if eat licit to completion, it will reimburse its eo-t iiianv tinns over, in the activity and vigor it would give to the trad. population Whoever would go into a calculation of the amount which would le saved to th, public, the business and industrious ela--c-of the community, by the construction o: this road, would be astonished at the rc.-uit. utu ........ e u 0.... .-.i . eituen I say it with pride,) is prudent aud deliberative, but U t her not deliberate too lung. Farther dela in the execution of I . . .... ... ! the whole system of internal improvements I and cannot but prove highly injurious to existing improvements, and place the State 1 in a condition of dependence, from which t,he can never recover. A wise aud just 1 regard of her own iror,e. itv. a o,,,.. , . . 1 J r r- w - ' scntin "'''i fi-tun pcnt.meiit of public and cxpauj ve utiljC. Ler hi n.anuiJfturt'S ami commerce- her tt'tmc nrcnt nml r.f.riiinm.nt r.fAunni-t . !ot uer -'itiz,,ns are so deeply involved :"' , , w ., A very animate. 1 debate on Knon-Xotli-iugistu occurred in the Mouse of Represen tatives on Thursday, pending the considera tion of the bill to relieve purchasers aud locators of rwii inn and overflowed lauds. ""ers, iu tin course of bis rep'y to lr- K, l,f 01 ,:,llt'' Carolina, sapl ; As .vi r. Uarry atpl Mr. Kiett had told tho House what the Knovv-Notbiugs wiil do, he Unlll.l I..'.! u -I, ., t ll.o,. ,.,,M '..... ' . 'I'l will uot dissolve the Cniou, but will uphold it as t tie sheet anchor ol republican safety. Another thing they will not say tin appro- ,a vdirour'itree fcK uZ . 0 . constitutional when passing through only ono- ('-.'"'s'lter.) They do not intend to T'lil hie about the inteiprctatioti of the con- etmiiion line a pruue, anu violate it ilka a prostitute. Mr. Keitt. 1 have a single question to ask. Mr.Sollers. Mr. Keit,t. I expected to be interrupted. Do you mean to be per.toual. (fien-ation.) Mr. Sollers. I was talking about South democrats ought uot to complain, as they ,!,st "'J-'1" 'l1'''1 a..ugus, or secret meettug, tj regulate the great tariff question, Mr.MJid.Ungs understood M' Pollers to say the. Know-Nothiittrs will leave slayery where they found it. Will .tjaiy restore trceiloin to Iansaf Mr. Sollers. I will never take the con- strui-tioii of the g.'titb'ihui from .Ohio '00 coti-tittiti.HiaJ Jaw. Lauglifer.j Mr. Giddiugs. Then you back oul.'. -Mr. Sollers. I do u5t, but I most cheer- . fully retire from such a contest. Laughter!" I should as soon think of cntcriug into a content, God forgive me, with a pregnant woman, tl. tiewed Laughter. There is a party pledr.nl to preserve the Uuion, and will do it at ail hazards. .'lr. ijpiiiings said tie was sincere in au- ing the question ef the gentleman from Maryland, but the gentleman showed the wiiite leaner ami lacked out. lie was deserving of tlr- name of Know Nothing or sav nothing. ( Laughter. 1 1 lie people ot the l nited ?tates have tho t to know the principles of tho partv. Publicity is for tiie express purpose of pro venting people from being deceived aud mi-led. lie, (Mr. (lidding-,) however, was a friend of the Kiiow-Nothings. He had courted their friendship, are! liked them an long as they acted with him. Laughter Mr. Stuart, of .Michigan. D. l tho gen tleman honor Michigan with a visit in oth er words, did not a delegate do so! Had tin! Kuow Nothings in that State a single man on their ticket who was not voted for by the abolitionists ? Mr. Stuart. Was not evcrv candidate on , . . , . . . the Mate and ( iingres-ional ticket put iu . . . . , nomination by the vv bigs and abolitionists, notonou-ly kuow ii in Miehtgau as Know Nothings! Mr. tiiddings. I did address an intelli gent audience iu Mieoigaii on the principles t profess, but never heard any intimation thi'.i my hearers were Kiioiv-Notbings. I want all parties, here or elsewhere, to avow and proclaim their sctitimeuts, without de ccpti ail and fraud. Mr. Ki.-lt. ailudiit' to Mr. Sollers' re marks ul. out secession and abo!itioni-tn,aiH, a- to iiuliitieation, it. had been illustrated and expounded by the great intellects of his own State Cadhoun, McD.if.io. llavue, Preston, and ail other great men who -wept in a convolution of splendor ovr tin. sky of South Carolina. We, he ai I, fought the battle openly. The iiuliitieation party ..f ISI-J sought no subterranean hole to t'.jiiietit in, and no Cat iline was there to fo-tcr midnight conspiracy, and when de nounced, oii 'iing hiui-cit as a Kuow-.NotU-ing in tho Senate. We of! red to lijit the GoTernmcni, on principle i;i open day th." (.iove rnmc'it i.r.'.i-ut out its -tars and -tripes; but tho .-.nit ct t' i "liu i- were under tiieir l'al..Ktt Hag in defence of their friends, an I ready to prii.-b f'.'r the right. 1 was a member of the scees-iou party of l-'ciJ. The sons of that t;alc arc ready ta give tl.i bl.ol ..A,.:; '. a . iwii"':i 'm'WiiufazzrjmkZi,