' in " -t. 5c irqe io cioO, fo jjoixSr Gomjfhj, qqc) io ictJf -fluty." " OlSXXOlS, C, MARCH S3, 1SSS. I I m m m 1 1 I I il I ' i i i 1 i 4 THOMAS J. HOLTON, Koitdii Si ruoruiKTou. TKUM.St Tlie Ntirtli.Ciiroliiiii Wtiiy will In- ulVorilcd to iiiiM'til ri" t 'I'M ' l ll.f.AliS in iic'tniico, or TWO DOl-LAKtf M FIFTY CUNTS if pay. Iin-llt b- ililUyi'u I"!' il tin., ul.il 'I'm; MI', Ul,il.LAi(S ;it Ilit villi ul'lhc i..ir. Xn ii..r will be ilmriiiiliiiutil until all urrujr.igi urc -iiid, u. c. it it tile oituui of the lad iter.. ( ,tiltorlieiiioiit imcrteii at Una Dollar wr i uuru III lines or lens, tlim sized type) for the lir.il iiir.nr' ti-rii, anil 'J j cents tor ci'di continuance. Court Ml-rrtim-iin'iil" ShcrilV'n Sulc clmr)." il '15 per cat. Iu"h' T i ami il l ii 1 1 .11 of X)) per ft nt. will he maiic frmii the rn-rulur pricm, for mlvci ti. r liy tlie teur- Advrrtiioiiiciit-i in-terU-d iiitiiilldy ur quod rlv, ' tl V" ) u n rt; 1-r nt'li tinm. Semi. Hl,nt!ily'7."i c'iit-i prr it;u.irc' for r-.t li tun . J f All Ictlcri on liuiiuomi mimt I"1 dirtrlt d to ,l. KJitori". I.ftlrr inut lir post -paid or tiny dl not he. iittclid. ij to-. f l'ayui''t1i can ! made (neither, i I J' oitllli-itt'r Krti authururd to art u ue.-iitk. 1 oc.tr 5. Tiif Wurlil Wiitil 1 lir !1. tier fur it. If lien r-rcd Iph (ur wi.thli ui.d f.nc . And Im for I...IM.- f,i 1,1. m.il plory; I :, hi t ii. i. u in. i n In iri , a ilium . cii.'il bitu r lli.ui in .,1.' uinl t'-ry ; I !' no li, ion'.: .d ol i, or-ii. no. , Wuji., Ii urn to I...I. ii ..it., l l.ur it ; t I f .oort. r In d , I In lor t.i uii'i , i T;... Aorld w lulj b tov U-lUr for il. If nu ll dealt r in il.n t.i mid l iini-. And more in b-'ii!i rfi.'l iiiil- IraU m .1 ; If loc'ii Aorii li.nl more w if ii. Ii.-ncn 't o link IUi toot Id to toe U. in .1 ; I : nu n li.r d u j l.nvt ' oil Un: in. . Am. on I'l.iiMil liijin.n i.i.irf- h l..1 j.our il; I I V'.ur " .i ml " n. nit " Wou.'i i li ' Colol Ho , 1 Tik. tt. riu Mwuiu in l. L. Ixiiir for it. If morr h onld m t il.i d . v of , And IV iter ;oi il hi ri In' irn.ti ; It itigoUV AOUld ftl-4!l III kiufu ' I'd! itd Ihiaiiic loor.' uuiitri.il 1 :' i iui.ihi, (:rjv ttiin ... jjrown, Hju l..t. r t'iin.J no ii to ui.uk- it ; It,', i.l -I c In U ol h t..iit , 'I'ln. world wuuid !h' l .t U ttt r for it. l;".n.-ti t. ro i..p in lilt v lliihi;- A n't lnm It .n wll llo ir il. ...iuk ; If lirjrta li-ni itttt-r rtlntttl atrinjf. To lUMt.fite ti t-ir kintiljf ltL-litij;i ; ll mi ll, In n Wpi.ii. l -t dtmn Ihr liilit, WaulJ iri'.L- loi !ii r :,nd rei-l irt it ; If Kil.t It Mi-M I ii t fi y ficiit, T ir worl.l w oulti I). t..t Ulttr for i'. IHisccllaiuoiis. ' A MAUAZlNi: ETNA ; A THRILLING TALE. Anion" thr wondrous sights on th" earth, the volcano of .latua will ti ol 1 a ju-t prc t lullii iue. Ileiioriie4 by pa"t and pre.-t Lt L-t ory, Mibiiuii! by its leVn'ioii, it- lorm. iel the awful secrecy of ut.l.uittii terror wliieli lie c Hiceiiled within it- I -.an, 'he Median voicmo wi.l alw-j 1 . vie -..I w.ta t'jo detpt-t, the llli-t . Ai Hill aC. w.n with au'-Ii fee and w ith rurii thou.dit.i as th"", that I Lfr- in to n-i n 1 the v ileaiio on tho morning "f tin "'th "f May, WJ. I had left Ciit.il. in on the day h'i'.re, in order tJ visit this wonderf .l p-t. I did not wi h to (.'lam- : cart !t ,--ly up-oi it no ; for t mc there wn a 1 way - uii thin-r-'vircBtl, Riiiiu-tiiiii? almost tli.iiit , iiiiou-n-ction with this (.'rent nne of npln an I lava, which b d tin! to look earnestly at it, ru-.-ud -ide.s. 1 wi-hed to a-cetnl, to view hum it, Mimmit the l'.iire-t rivimi on earth ; to (.-lancp down, down into the unfathomable di jtliii where' tire, (ire in ull it-, teirur, lor Hi.r dwells, forever fi- ici ly strujles ! It WHS with (doty steps that I a-ct tided t.ie eonc, sfti-r tha iiali.-nt nnd h.irtlv tioiiie, hid bi en di.-mit -I. I had been an invalid, mid the fatigue cT c'iiiibiii- up the the -let p l"l locky ueelitity iiiinhl well hate daunt ii me. Hut alter many rcstiti I w is able I' attain tin sum in it. I he Mimmit! (iuod heavens! can 1 ever fur;, t tho delirium, the transport of joy, which tbo boundless pro-ptet thero wa kind within ine'T Can 1 ever for pet the philips which I lir.-t cauoht of all the (.-hi-r 's and nil the horrors of nature mill jj'cil ia -ueh fearful uni-ou ! I" ar nway on otic udo jirea l the f.-rtih-I'l'iii, Ihe crreti inea lows, and thu untie valh-yi ot Sicily. There were streams rjatic- , ami flashing in the nu'i as they wan '"red t, t,e sea, with tell thousand labv rii.thian ttirnin'i; lake wlio-ti jl.ts-y sui lcc -bowed not a rulile, not a ripple ; there w re terrace'- upon tho hitles of a huiitliml ''''li, wlicro vineyards were planted, nml ucr the trelli-ed vines p-seil nlniitr, all (.'rein, ail bloominv' ; there wero proves if "raiiL'e trees, amid tho dark (.'teen ltilinu'" of xluch the c;otlen oraii;' pet ped forth like 'I't Has lies of phosphorest'iiit lijtht in n mid ".ht sea ; there were lorn; aveuucl of cy presses, of acacia, of noble trees of many kin'ls, amid which kiii:!y asseinbln;!e ut tlaitu could his seen the- noble niinniit of '""lie stately palm, as it towered ou bih ""'vc the tubers. , And tho Hea thu widfl, the b"undles, ''''p-ld.i Metliiei nmeaii there il spread y, on the other side, as far as eye could '"'eh, spreinliiijr away an far as thoughts )uld run glorious as " The il.tuhiiiir, S,Uir.ll.ii.liiMU fur-i. of S.li.Silt ulor." Hut tmu aside and thero beucatli, lici a ai,y ik that of which Miltou has sung 111 'uhliintst inoilal strains. paused upoii;ho brink, nnd sliutlderini.', 1 paed down down 1 Thu thick and tiiii.real VoluincB of tortuou-ly-aseendiiij kiiioku cmnu act'thin' upward as from cauiuroti. It escape.- lrom a myriad of I v. .-".- i" Hit ruchy, r..-i'0ii.iiou. .-iilo: it I poured forth from ehmd projections, nml united with the vn-t :IU.,S Wlllell CIIIHO SU I- i -..l i; i.. , . ., ruoi.un.ijr unniiiu itom llio Ulilatliutuubk' I - Uci i', tiji in tin; .nnl y, rorky eil'o, wlai'i! mil h ui , untl crunihK: I l.-iva, Bull' puiiiico M'Hic, wero all luinjlt l t''ttlicr to lunn a Urri.1 nuil, lare I at uinl lo.Ikt!il J own. l-'rom the ircwiie l.ioml, from that tr 1 1 iiiau of cailli, whirh nia Ui it .n-i-m like Li uvlii; from that vision of nil that wai mo.-t lovely nnJ nil tii ut was imt ovcrpowoiiiij; ; (o turn ami fja.a into a volcano's uwful ilcjitho n lial it change . i Iiiv.ilv.il in a t!iouat:J thoughts I sat' lUre, tliin!.in;; inyrclf 'iiw, wln'n a ni't- t ilt'B prating .-truri: my ar. I was st;ir- ' tU'i! xi ti'ilins;!y. aiiil tuimi aruun I. 'J in- 1 ri -.- wlifie I lia l Iici ii r-ititr w-.is a ,, i.in xular .'oji't:liwii of lliu villi' hI:;,1i f r : ij t pint of t li i iufi-rnal e!;a-m. I'p in t'oc tmr row (.trip of laiul nl.iL-h joiin-il ii t. tin: oth er c!iff upun tlic i-iiunas I ,.,iw a n.iiil- ' . 10 Jlilli ', liil'ld ic .i ajiproaeli ' tin'. lie vi as dn'sed , and in his hand Ii" 1,1 p ...II an black tlothv-, lih: -tick. 'I bi'L' your pardon, Sinor," -aid ' a p ilito manner, nml nil ere at o!tiii ol hi iur intiudiu' tone ; " I In .' our lny-c!f upon onr i.ju..aiiy. otleii I .-te any n-iii-r i-o fir l!nt il !., not ' My dear ir : I b cxeu-e,'' I icplii .I ; " I lli H i lit bclo ." ' Ah ! yt ., li- a -lo " ( i iori in . ' -a , I :ii ml v. in ma I vas ju-t a!;; I.' ii in.' in- M-nt r, a t.-ri. ' Trriihi.vjell, be -HI pi i -i d il l .- ', to tii.it I ut absolutely loit I t ! And a- he -p. .,'', a m beuuiy t lo--ed l.i- I. ;i t n r " 1 Mipp ' ii r t !.-! -th i-e ol many people, ,vi such leeiiiio-. Ii.it may are olft n Lere ' " U!i, Jl- I 1 lire h. re, V il..' li..- Mich iil ..ill i. ' a-K oa it 1.0 li.t I". I tn.i:irhl tint ! that hi- l;..lue tt .. no a nt me t i ui. ! i on the in. mat. .in re M! l.ll t 1. i ; ' 1 - li nil t .-.lli.lllit. In le :i!a,-." r-tar.d I., i g very maiiv i is ; " And "l sLoul " that y oil are oft. "lib: ven, I an , "Always! what a .-llair. : i'. has for j oj '. ' ' it l..n ! it In- !" said t'i.t . n .(il.! a f. .nil!,' i.i.d hi- t . c. rti an I !; !;-," -i t i ri'.o'j fa-vi!iaiL.i ! , I wa s .-:!t nt. " I vi'.l tell you,'' .-.aid !,., -iltii,.' l y my Mile an I turning hi, eve, tl.U It e ina I), w loiv t'.o-elv loll to- . w arui lin.ie. I do net Wi-h you t.j inform any one. l'i . n,i I had let li.! I in now that e that y hi will i. -t. lee I his e. s I , .i.-e, 1 ut Within tinir Jij.tit thele (.'leamed a utranr I promi-ed him ; iiii.-ter .huht. and at tin: .-.m.e 1 uie-a-ilv drew L.u k tarther tioi "Wt'n, then, i.'i,or," m: ! - I hiiej b. re! I n.'f ! V.'-," I nii-t. i.e l.i. tti.rd-, ami uti. mp " Vis ! I am bin ; 1: tin- I'!::." '.. , - . a ml t'Vi i tt !.. 'ai 1 '. i iii ed hrre I n ct it '.it i. .!. . . ..I., v ii.- : ! ' la'ti l.u:.' : to ,-i . In i t 1 at I h ll' u . I . , l.i- iii. e -ave a- a !" : W. !' 'ill O a- a 'ii : i il u r do .( ri 1 - tt hll" at on -I. t. ti -l.u i. di t p. i d ttildiv and b.n.idly ; ! olim l ill I.." cloud- " .-! II I! i 1 III see 11. i li, ' tii enrobed in th'iii It r uai'ii'-i nt -t e 1 I leajii.d up from the vound ; 1 L'.i2 d at l.liii. lie- threw off bis bi t-w ildiy, and it f 11 ih.Mli in tin' i-s. lie Uu.'ij; oil bis cm! and tiirew it aw ay. "Si.'iior," uii. I I, in hope? that a mild t n." i.i-'ht make him eaiin. ".-i n or, tin win I- "ht y y-)u. I,, t ir- " li') . ll' It 1, In I I- Hot thi- tn v I' '! " -' .' S my a i . ,-t iiant- I 'jii am my ::in -l 'Will yo.i ind -it ti'Mii and t. 11 me about your hoiei: .'" .-ai-t 1, -hud.i, i . i . . No! tin re ai. siii ls tiiat can n.-ver be sp.d.i n. ( an i i u'ni'-r.-taii I them .' V ho arc oti, a mortal, that you dale a-1. .' 1 walked sijoly towards the lias row pas Sii'.'f of land the I rid".". L it ht saw lu. , and -tood upon it. 1 could not ;o. "Can this be all pleu-antiy ! ' i!i..ii.'h! I. All i w lul thou.'ht p .1 t :i 1.1.1 h me, w hie'.i froze my hearts flood, I'b nanny 1 'I'lnie be stood, my will companion, hi-eye- Matin.'. i: I p.M in ly on me, hi.- hand., ch lit hid, hi- mouth loainii,'.', every sinew in his bo ly worked up. He st'")d sen iiiniii-', lau.'hiti.' t'llod! 1 wa, a'.oiie with a maniac! " Vou arc to L'O with me," liu e i " 1 . " S In re .'" "There. 1 hue come to carry you to in v home." lie pointed with a en. !, sunhy sniilt down the unlathoinahle a I y-- wlnine a-ecinled the teriilde eoluiiiu of inky in. I Kiiffoealinp smoke. t a;.etl at him, f ir there v'hs soino cle ment of fascination ill bis rja-sy stare, which forced me, Compelled me to raze. I hero was a cold smile upnii hi, lip-, which were all bloo lie.-,, and iii-cl"-eil, a, they patted, his miuth and ti-ht'.y -shut let th. " l h ere i- inv lioine tin re ; an ! I have come to take you with me. lin! I..i ! how happy y ou w ill be ! Com- 1 Mlll'l )iiiii-il J while l.-IV li.'iilt thr ! l ed with sbiw but terrible' pulsations. lie ailvnneed one step toward inf. 1 looked all nr.. und, Th" spell was bro ken w bit h elichailicd my fine. 1 looked ail iir.niiid : at the blue sky above, the s. -relied caitli around, at the lion ible chaMii beneath. There was no hope. Oh ! could I but b ap the hpiieu which (epnrateil fiom the main cliff! Could I but do itbut I could not ! There was nr. hoin; ! I ... " What! do you not answer lie cried, suddenly lashed inta fury by my silence, and stamping hi foot in frenzy upon tin rock. "" l'o you not answer ? Then I must carry you with me !'' The'uianiae fprans toward mc ! With all in v dict'iiie, roused iuto fiautic oil, will, every im'W Irac-il, nml every tin tonlractiMl I phintrd my uot l.ack- in u ward L':un-t a small nii.'ulur ruck which ProU Clcd ulluCH Urn limn -mole -,11 ,,. ' . . tnur to lnuut the shqi-k, Willi n w i!d jeream, hieh ar,,-e th'i ii:inly into tho air, Ufvyr, all bloodhut, l.i.i mouth foaming, on ho came, lie ,lniel; n.e his arms hur- roumJed me i u f. arlal emhraec, his hot I reath tame bummy upon my cheek. 1 Hood lir;.i ; tor de.-pair, and all the bitter- ... o. ueam, nau piven no place to K-ar ana iiuii.uiy, but Had Le-toweU on me tho eooi.ii -s u. oiio in an oruinary Miuution. t th lew iny kit arm beneath hi-, my riht 1 pa-sed over bis tie t k and hac k, thus prtWug t pre-.' ' "It was a moment or 1. III"! I ll toll'...:.' could t ' ith a ii.ai.iiif ! To 1 ' .i !' a lul l;, v.hiie ihn e n,:! a!.;..-- ..f unt"! I l.orr.if-', h. art heir's more Ion il.lv around upon Ins him t j tie' en rth. I ror, -ir.-!l as i;o t 1: A .-:-.,.' : i a .-EO.i:l MliU..!'. th i r, l.'.e 111 V .li.k At ll i- !: Hell u3 i t: up hi the 1. arlul time. i hus w f tooil, blea-t to brea.-t, fare to face the madman nnd I he with hi.s urnix t-iicircliiitr me; I ceekin t -ave my.-eif. lie pie. ed me toward.- the cliff. I le pluiiL.' d his fnt deep into the (.'round; l.u laUKlicr uwckiiiirly, ami .-creamed a lu tried to de-i-f roy iii. liut ap.iiu-t that rock my bet wens h-.mlv blared ; and 1 held him ti'f.tiv. and 1 pu-hed him, and 1 .-oiii.t to huii i.iui . ... , lio:n in, : tni-l.t tl..j !'' v i'U'.'.h, 'not lo, i. J i v l.n'ir. L l:i: . ! :.t .11 p ;--ii . :.i whit.-, in. , :i- 1, litirl I. mi t;..in me a- i.!l ti'".r i.i' hnrieti lioin hi., -'that to in.' r I "! d . t-n, I n 1 iV 1 1 1 :i - 1 To 11 it.e t . : .;;! el. I t'.i- tin, : a ,i v. !'' II ' I ti 111 I II ! I I" und it eartul taee 111- til - i i-t . , a- upt u in d low a I Utt. d lu hi.- I.. u il-ii, llioek bin ilte r. " I le aven ! endure forever I 1 b irr .r ! t ai the ; wiih ini: , ai. tins i" ,i,y of ticri.-ivu w eai.er. he t-'iow ht,' tied cried I. in maniac hovt lei tiiat 1 was : r i my ft- l-lioUl.- Hot 1. w. tl.t ui: r TI, I ft- tt a- a In ."I 111 an; a lei . 1 . tt oul.l thoU ' r i.1-0 : A thou-and 'Il me. ii.i .a y tlie m It w a s m 1 1 i lac vc one ft .'ufo! iitb of a iai,t d in" fr'iiii my :UT:. th, -ti. lli"! h" -ei f. .t. 'I !,, ii : I wa- in" 11" . '. ::i ,..cK, w i.i v ar n. h. id lo-t :!i ii.to 1 i ti'c air, and my in u:.i -lin w iih th" a ol t ri .iae '- m . il .. 1 .: r .i-erie ' Io-.in ! il 'I . . t it ii . ,-- p t . To the i . i:.e i. .in.; ..; i.r ell 11".-- h our, of h" -i ri atii.-t! , a -th" . !.'. r.f ii..- i ; In-p.i'! by a - .llnl I -iii'-i n v.. 1 1 a c the i t-n bark, i t'.r held n r.'n: i li, I y i ai.i.ii '.- I I' po--. i :. .. i 11," -i.ni .r I I ia, IV t '. .- I'.l' nd i. i.l.t of tl i !. I 1 Jilt, 1 11 III tl .by- i r de I loin loi"! d. l'.,:!i... ,r at -nil i: .ht i,:, i up "II bill,. I ura-p, w hii jhllv ar.iin 1), lee it :,.s w t e w ii. iinl t, b i'- ii I mini in tii- ..p. n li , 'in,:-! In- f ir v .1 mine. I ft It bis . o. tii a- my eh"t k : ; h. aid tl.cni Ir , a',.: '!: o, ;!.t t'. 'ii y In- id i h nt'y n . oer ti tiilir .-t: -ii 1 Ihe id. wildly a - i nd tr .in 1 it, a omit a t from lu a-ei -tided I wa, hail' le. 1 ca.i-j-i,t li.' tlu-t, and t'j.eii mouth. aud inc. u- in SUo 1 W .I - St It'll u n I, ild ion I the till" ch i .. . . . : -. . It v i I, .1.1 'lllt- U jel k I" cit.uds ill tiu-l :.' y .'it r l.i- . Ll- i., -:,il- and rward in a. ,'iiy. ar i.itnl, I c -ulti i, i .nl. -.iid tlo.- t th we were. -; rai;..' ; i w as .-'in do" li tt i' II. I.. Id li," I y the l air i. all r, a:. I a !. a, li. I in I . , ho'.. iiii-.' to V le . ".-. All. ,lh. ore r Iflld lin I t. ii ii r - ll i'; . .. v. i,, 1 1 mi.i 1 :u 1 lii.li 'I' . I . In I.I '. l-i: .Mill KM t n:i I '!'! ni- i.-t 1 "101 c . 1. li. lin ' d,i , M. I) i lin t, lin 11,1. - f t l h net .-, j:.vc, so .im vt-rv in- Icl.lIHO to lh- It till II of ti ll l l -t I ii at e.mp at tin it comet wi. i.-e p-l io'lieal coi,i r i- 1 by tin ni j-t ed, hi ated oh-rrver .11 lid ltd , ,11's, I 'ur e el it; ill r, i . rd - show that it . a-oh , i". t d in ti.e yiar.s 10 1. !-.', ;.. .Uaiu iu 1 Uti I, an 1 ti.. next time ill l-'ioll always lit -. iii ctl as -hiiiin with the i.ni-t t x ir. i ordinary 1 I i.iiaacy. Most of the Fui .p.-aii a-ir.ii, iM-r- had. agreed iu a n noil lie i.i .' t he return id I l.i - loiiu I in 1 - 1 , !."- it ha- hitln It i failed to al l-ear. Ill fact It I, SO I il' t ho-e va-t r or eve! slllipl. leal p -h . , iil uhi ii mat! i i . i- : 1 " I,"t 1. -in!.. : er t e - -OliU' 'k !-". iiptite -uo.'r- li. i.d p. I.- ' tl .lay I the v Clllc. We ar., however, a ured by M llii in t tiiat up to llii- lin.iitt Id, I'd- beaiililul -tar " i - li viii.: mi its In i.. i. nd m ut it it 'i., -o i hat Sir .bdiu llti-ein 1 hni.-.-li wa- wr hi.' v.ht-n lie in -paired of it, if - :i peal ain't , ain't put crape on his lelr-copi-1 We are iiib'rincl that a celebrated and accurate computer . M. liomilii', of M itlti iebiir- with a patii lice iind dt vote-dues. truly (it-1 man, h is pun: mil' ail previous calculations, and made a pew c-liuiale of the separate ant! cnii.l iued in thin of all tin planets upon this i nu t, of 11.10 M ar-; and be has tli-eovcred that it is not lo.-t to ti-, bi.t. oi. !y retarded in it- motion. 'I he r. -ult of this severe lab --r frives the ar l ,v al -I' t hi- rare and rt n iw in 1 i-iter in Au-j;u-t, lw"i, with an uncertainty .if ttio years more or les-, so that betwi" n I -."ill ant! liio-e who lire then living may hope to see th" -rt ur luminary, which in I --"', fiu-etl Chailcn X. to abdieat.'. -I ti' - th .'.''- - ( ' take her ( I !'l A UAH Tl ..Ml'l K -tly of a cl'O-s, unhappy ili-p If a 1 1 1 1 1 r i i i i-ithill, will e and com! th- troublt 'to vva-h her fat hair, and nr.innye lu r tires.., it wi.l he al- t i . t .O .... . I most inipos.-mie to inuuit! in nu-cr iiuvn her hair mid dress become di-ari ni.'etl a- ain. It' u c.'titleiiiau is tr iulded in the riiiiic way, li t him ki-s his wife three times a day, nnd put on a clean shirt every iimru in;, Mid our word for it he v. ill be the hap piest mini in tho vvrld. actiou, w illi every J u , 1() ,.(,-nU'y te ' " Willllill". j ..... i,.lriIll ,, ..; p.,,a (nl.,.,,n- n . ' S'l-'rv 1 Ilr if fiiii tt'il tin ihr (li-i,rv,il A. . lit' it. Plf It'll hll tltf (Ifiirrul Aw. srmUu i iL, S ,,f Xn-tli I ;,,;,, ,;,.. u U Ut 'tth,, mailed iy tU utttt.w,,,, ,, ' ;., TlJilt for the purpose of t-flo.-th.fr ii railroad communication between filming. ,,,u a,j Cliar:c by ,vuy of Lumbeitoii, j:t.kiili:Uni. Wade.-borcuyb and Monroe. the formation of a corporate company, with ' a t.,,,i,al 0f t0 millions of dollars is h, r -,y authorize 1, to be called, " The V.'il- liiiiitiloii and 'har!ottc Itailroad ( cinr an y, and when foinitd in compliance with thu eoi.dititiis hereinafter pr talif.icd, to hold a t orpoi att; eii.-ti nee, -" i !') .p'diiic, lor the .-pact of niie. ty-nino year,. til' . 'That the .-aid company bo and the same i, hcrehv iiut LoriiCti to con.strutt a llailioaii from v'i! u.i nton ur Smithvi.le, oi'.soioe point on the V." iiiiiii!t't on and JIuu-ebe.-tei- Jiailioad in th county of Colum bus, or fi om some point on tho Wilmington and Jlaleib llailroad i i the county of New llanuvcr, as the btueL holders may deter liiiiie, I'm Luinbertoiij iioekiliham, Wadeu boroui.h and Monroe, to t lies to"w u of Chart iotte in tho county of Meckleiiburi.'. tl-: '. IJ. 'I hat for the pulpo.-c ol creating the capital .-lock of said company, tho fol Ljv. iujr per-oiis be and tbey are hcpfby ap lointed com in i -.-ionei's viz: icn. Abian. 'i..r Mcllae, of ','i!n,ii..t,jn ; Alfred Smith, -.-f W l.ite.-vi;!, ; 'Tho-. A. Normenl, of l.um; ieitoii; Jus. 1. Leak, of l!ocklnch.aiu ; Waiter !'. Leal;, of Wiideshorou.-h ; lfnid A. Couu.'toi:, o! .loaroe ; aud (,'harle.s-J . 1' oi, ol l 'i.urlotte. 'Jha! it shall be law fob lo opi n books ot -ur.ici'iplioii in the town of Wilmington, ini'ler the direction of ficorge u i?, '1'. C. Worth, A. II. V-n llokkeleii, John C. I.at t.i. Miles Co-tin, (no. 11. I'reiith, J. H. i-'ianiier, Kdward Kidder, .S. Wallace, A. J. He i:o-,ett, Jr., John A. Taylor, II. L. IIolu.es and Hol t. C. llowaii, or a major ity of tin in ; at White.-ville, uudt r the di rection of Cal.in Hayiies, 'J'. S. Memory, W.M. blald w in, 't'.'illiaui I'rink am! Thomas Smith, or a maj ulty of thti.i ; at Far. IJluli, in I'olum! u- county, tinder the uiiec-tio-.i of Alva Smith, Auj. Smith, Job.) Co lt y and N. L. Williamson, or a majority of them; ut Lam in. it under the direelioii of Joiui T. 1' pt . l. ittar ! Lewi-. l! d t. S. l'leiirh, Ko! oil K. 'I'r-iy, Filmutid McQueen, 11. F. l'.tiiiay and J. M. Carmii huel, or a 1 1 1 :i j . i i t y -it tin u, ; at F! jral Colli e, under :ne u:i cctioii ul ichlbald Smith. Malcolm i'uiteil, John lille-hrist, Jr., Dr. eiil Mc Mair and Willium Seller, eir uny three of them; at Lauienbuijr, in the C'Uiity of Kn iiiiiond, niitler the direction of Dr. John Mnil"v, .iutin l'oil!t), .loll n I .ilthl i.-t, Ji . , Dauid Meiiityre, I'iii. .McKeniion. John J,. 1 .iriey, M. V. MeN'air, Duncan McLauriu and llev. Tiioiini.- (.ii'usou, or any tiiree of tin in ; at lioekiii.;ham, under the direction ol V. alt. r F. L.a', Meal Wall, William U. Coif, it'll. Allied Deckcry, Stt phen t'ele, C. 1. J jl.u W. Co. ill-ton and 11. .-v. M"loti- ,i or auv tlr.ie of thein ; at W -U- ro in ijh, utiiii-r th- direction of 11. li. II; am- on!, 'i. oi.e W. Little, S. Vi. Clc. F I'.ev, I'. (o. Smith, Jos.-eh W hit"' S F. p !.::; I1.H, .leii', l'iiiiiet' llicbard.-f'U, ari'! il j-cph v. -r any three of tin ni ; at lili. i- bt -tl.l-.wii, uii.li r the direction ol' Jim. 11. Meli.. -aid, .hi .. J. McMillan, J no. A. Me Doti'.ai' i, i ho-. ('. Smith and Dn caii (.'ro iinii lie, or a : three cf thi in ; at M iii oe, Ulldrr tin' eiireetioll Of lltl"h lloU-t-'ii, S .l.i- U--1 Wall.up, l,:-;h Wilson, Mom--Cut 1,1 ,-rt, .-:. Jiio. .Midi nml 1. Stewart, or any three 1h-Tii ; at Charlotte, under the iliia cthin of 'iiiiia'ii Jobu-t on, John A. Youii. J n 5. Ir- in, l.tr-y .-priii";s aud John W alkt-r. or any three of them ; who-t; dutv it -hall I e to direct tho openin-f of books for si.b-erip- t.-li el at ---ch nun , an l.-, . r tl: or ri m-.j and the . t r t i ap i r ami ooclit ui them. d ii ct tioii of SUi .1 pel' . a- tl; pro; . rtty oi t In in , may ti. i l c.-iUiliii--.-ioiicrs sl.ali l;av.' K'ii.t a chairman of their i tlv, , ami all other ollicii s, atn! to sue .'e rover all turns oflm-m y that this act to bo ice j.'i ri .! Lv Si.". I. That all persons who are lit rein, cr may bo hereafter, appointtd to open boohs of subscription to the capital stock of sail company -hall open looks at any time a ft i r the i alilieation of thi-act ; twen ty days previous notice liawiiir been hen in one or more newspapers of this Slate ; and that w hen said hooks are opened, they shall I e kept opt!! I t the space t f thilty days, at b ast, and us l ino there-after a-tho commissioner.-, tir.-t above named shall di rect ; that all Mibseritiotis of stock .shall be in sums of litty tloinir-, the subscribers p iyiii:.' at the l:nio of uiakili- Mich i-uh-erip-tiontoo and a hall i.oi.ai on each shaie they -ul -ciibcd to the p.-r-on or pcr-on- au t! "i ii;. ,1 lo rtcei.e such sub-ti ip'i.ui, and io case ul t.tiliiieti p iy raid sum, ail such M.b.-ci i t i - - s ; shall be von! and if n.tlitct. And upon elosin- tho books, all such sums as shall have been ihus received of rub-el ib-ei- oi. the lir-t t:i-h instaliiiont, shall lo paid oter to the general coiuinis-ijucrs named in the linrd section of this net by t he Jicl -on reee! n-r tbel and for failure t hei'i ijt Mich pi rs. b!e to said -eueri: oi oanizalion of ; is shall lu'l'-onallv be lia- eoiiiiiii.-sioiicrs before the ait! companv, and to the company it-elf after it- oroatiization, to be reeovertd in llo Superior Court of law of this State, in tjit county where uuch deiin tiuent resides, or if he reside in uny ether State, tin n iu any court in such State hav ing competent juti-dieti in. The said -eiie-ral c 'limiissioiit r- shall have power to call on and rciiu'ri- all persons empowered to receive subscriptions of -lock at any time, and lion, time to lime as a majority of t hem may think proper, to make a return of the -tick by I he in respectively received, and to 'make payment ot all sums of money made by the siibseribern. . - 'ril,lt jt ..j,.,; ,e ,C (u(v 0p general eoniiuis-it'iiers to direct and autho- . . - I 1 r . t v , mo in.) mm pin;' op' " i"'oits i.-i nie uo-. ,.rii. ,1 ... I' b ,,, th.. lo, no,..-- nl.t-n it... . , -i n'iiou u. r, ,--.... .... v. ... ... 1 set lbed , until the um oi rive iiuimre-ii tnou-1 1 sand dollars shall have hern nibreiibcd to t'ne capital stock of said company ; and as soon as the said sum ot five hundred thou tand dollar shall liafu been subscribed, mid the first instalment of two am, a hull do! hi is ! Pcr 1'h;irc in sM company h have L -n received l.y thu ytnoral commi.-.-ioi.ers, Hiid company shull be recanted as formed . ami I the uuid ':ommi?-si'fliry. or a in:t:r.rit v iif them, hhall sign and seal a duplicate deelu- ration to that il'Lct, wiih the iianies of the Huloovibcrs nppi inUil, und cnu.ie one of .-aid (lupliea'tcs to be dipo-iltd in tho ffici! i f the Secretary of Slate, and thi'in-i forth, : from the closing of thu books of sub-crip- . lior. .m llfol'..-!litl tint suit! -til. -.-,.!, i.ru to ! tior' a aforesaid, the .-aid -ub-tribers to stock shall form one body corporate and politic, in deed and ill law, for the purpo-e aloiesaid, fy tho name ami t-lyl ot the, Wilniiii'itou and CLarlotte Hail HouJ Com- pany. rfct.'i. i iiia vt nenevi r ttie sum o- .em, us tlie- ni'"iT,t- el Hie Company may hundred thousand dollars, shall be nubscri their opimioi .eoiiii'n : .'lu di :--i' inch ed in manner and ;onu mori'-aid, tho ,-uh- joiymeiit shall le j o1 !i-i,. d in uin- or ii. -.e scrihers, tin ir eieeutors, adiiiini-trati.ir.s and iiew.-papei's in the- Stat--, f r the .-; ai". of u.'.-i-ns, ali.i.i lie, and they are hereby, tic- one month bel jie the tile,' of pay no nt ; ami clarcti to be incorporated into a company on failure of any t-tockhoUcr to pay each by the uiiiiiu and idyie. nf tho Wil.iiine.toii iii-talini lit as r-ipiii cd, iiie i'na ctor.s may and Charlotte Hail Koad Company, and Ly t'.l at pahlic iiiictiou, on a previous in. -tire that tialuo hull be ciipaLlc iu law and t-ijul- of t n days, for cash, ail the .-lock .-ubserili- ty of pui'ehasii., buitlinp, sclliiv, lea-in .' ed fur in -aid company, by such slockhel l- ai.fl toiiveyiiiv: e-tate-, real, per-unal . and tr, ai.d convi y ihe same to the pureha -r mixed, and ol acijuii inL' thu same by fil't or'nt said salo ; and if the Mile ol stock do devise, uo far as shall be utCe.-.-ary loi' Hot produce a sum sulhciei.t to pay i !1 tin; the jitirposca ili.bri.te.1 will.in the scope, iueidental rxpi li-i-s cf tb" -in n , t.,, tl, r object and intjiit uf their Charter, and no w ith the ci.ti: e iiu.ooi.t ow in.-h -utl. -to. 1.- Ii.ither, and shall l,uu peipitual .suceci moii, and by their corjiorats name may sue and be sued, ami p! i.i ai.d im; leaded, in any com I of law and equity i:i liu Stale of North Carolina, I may h.ne ati.l n-e a coiiiuioii seal, which t .e iLu.il have iuw- -''' ,J m'A ter ai.. I it .:. li e c.t j !e ., alio .-ha.l hae ami t ; ,j v ail o'.ir.i' ,limi' lights a I.J oHi'lale buii-.j lllllUUI.itl. - V.hlL'.l oIlKl' li. uy and ol n'ul do ciei ei.-e, ai.i iiiav n.ako all .-ueh by-:a..s) rules and r- -i.i i tioiis a- they may deelu proper nnd rices rary to the it l'o eriiiuent and the intei e-t o." their eoiotoiliy, not meon-i-t -i,t with the Lon-1 :t utiou and law.i ol t..i llao ol the L'liiud Slates. Si. '. 7. '1 hat .lotite o." process upon tin principal a"cnt of said company, or th preside..! or any of the director ihti' ol, mi it 1 1 he ell finied and ta. u to he due am! law i ul notice of scniee of process uj on li oi.ip.iiiv, so as to ei'iu.r ll bt!;:e a:iv court in Ni-ilh Ca'u'.ina. . H '. That so .- i'iii a- the sum of live hundred thou.-i.L.l dollars .ha'.l l.u.i; btcii rubscribul in iiiaaiior and fo; in aio:c-ai 1, it sha'.l b- the duty of tl orLcl'..! ce.ll. till. l sionris appotnled in t.iini .-cciuu ol thi act to sippo.ut a tiinc for ths .tockholtler: to meet at i iidesboiou'ii, in the countv o Anson, which they shall cau-c to u previ our'.y Itub'.ishcti icuithe stiaeo of four week iu oi.e oriuo.e new -papers a., tm may det in pioju r, at Vibich l.i.u and place the said stoel. holders, in pcr.-on or by prose, .-hail proceed to ele-et the direct ir- ol the coin- pany, and to i naet such re'iiiatioii- and by. law.- a., may ho i.ecos.-ary Jor the oovtf:. liieiit of the lji poration and the transaction of bu-iuc.-s. T ho pt-rsOli, elected at. this meeting, shall serve such period, not ex ctetliiii; one year, as tho stockhobk-rs may tiirett, and at this ineetin:; the stockholder-.diall fix upon the day and place or plate., where the subseijui lit t lection of di lcctor, shall be held; and such election si, all ihtl.crforth lie iininiully luade, but if the day of tleclion shall pa-s off Vtithout any election, it shall be lawful to ho'.tl an clectioti on any other day iu such manicr a., shall be pre.-iiiled by the by-lays of the coi t'oration. .-K '. '.I. That tin affairs c shall bo iiialia.' ! and tliite ral boiild, to cou-i-t of Iiiiie tlectetl bythe Stockholders, liual met tii..', anil at sub? f tin.' eo i d by a ii nai'.y nt n - uir-ctors, tu 1 e it their first aii tj it nt aiiiiiial I.,, t tin;.'- I each st.iel.li 'i-'. r siiah ha .f a.- ma liy voles a.-he has sharer iu the slock e-i' the c-m. pany, and ihe c lectia shall be bv bal let : the pir.-.i:is hiiviuo a itiuioriiv of lh" V-le ca-t shall be t;-i'!t ret! duly t lei t. ,1. 1, St--, in. That t pany shall bo clc I eetoi's from aim he I'l'e-iilcnt ot the com- v eted by lue l-oard ul tli n' their number 'iu such manner as tne .-Lull prescihe Sue. II. Th in; of the sto. the .-bait's sub gul.it ::,.- ol tuc coiiip- at at the first uetirral liif' - t - a I. on. i i .-, a eiibed sha! i majority uf al! he represented in person or L.y proxy, Lielore the mcium. shall proceed with business; and if a suffi cient number do not attend, iho-e who do attend may adjourn from time to time until a majority shall be represented. At thi., li.eetaijl, t lu stockholders may 'h t mi i lie v.hat auij'.mt of stock shall thereafter be lice ssary to con.tiiuie a tpiorum lor the transaction of busiuc iu the re oi ar or 'oc casional inn lin.'-cf the stockholder, or dj rectors. Sr..:. I'd. That at all elections .v."! upon all voles taken in any -ciieral nn eiiiiL the stockholder-, each .-hare of stock shall bo entitled to one veto, ami any stockholder may vote by proxy, the pia.xy '.'t-iu f a stock!, obit r, and pi oiies shiili io teiifn-l ill Midi maiiiii r as tht by-laws of th-e-ipo-ratioti may pre-ci ibc. Ml-. IU. That toe j.t in ra! coun-i ii.t r shiill make their iituin if lie shares t,I stock subscribed for at the lir.-t -ciiern! Uicctiili." ''f the storkho'.dt Is, an 1 '.iy uvir to tin ilirectofs cbct 'd at said nui-tiii.', or their authorized aent, all sums of no'iicy rcciiveil li't'in sub.-elii el's, ami for faiiir e thereof shall be pi-r.-.tiiuiiy liable to said cm, pany, to be itc-trid at the suit of said company in the Supnior Court of Im' in the county where such dt'lii ipicut or de-limpiciit- ri -iil t", or iu ea-e of death, hoin hi- or their executor.- t i adnimi -trat -i's. Sn. . 1 I. 'I but the Hoard of Directors may till all vacancies which may occur in it diiriiiir the period for which it may have lien elected ; nml iu the absence of the President, may elect a President pro tern, from anion.' thtir number. Si; -. In. That all t out l ilt is or aereetii 'tlt. authorized by tho President and Secretary uf the Hoard of Directors, shall bo bindim; ou the company vtithout a seal, or such mode of authentication may be u-ed as the by laws of the company may prescribe. Sh,-. 10. That the company shall have power nnd may proceed to construct as speedily as possible a railroad with one or more tracks, to be u-ed with steam or other power, which, shall cxtml from Wilmiug ton, or from some poiut oc the Wilmiugtou ami M ,.iiLlic.ti r Kail llon.l, in Columi.us countv. by w ay of J.iniiLti f-n. Koi-kiii-hatii and W'uiie.-.t.oro', taking in all ca-c the imusI niK-imi .i T,.nn rmit,. t.W! ..rl.ti.. ioil. a county of Mcckh i.liui '-, titid tin'y may iir-i; any Miction of .-aid road hclnro the whole ,-li;ill lnue 1 n lompu tod. Skc. 17. 'l'iiut the -aid rouijuny .-hall have the e.vlu-i rijht of c.mw uniu or transportation of perron-, lli... ..nil t.,..ttin,, r.tt ...I.I , loin-' ii?. and pt oduce on y.i'nl railroad, ! be 1 them constructed at such chare a as may be lixed upon by the Foard of fTireetois. SH'--. 1 hat tile V-.ar .1 ofj l.ia cti rs nniy si.l -.-rib-eh r.i-iaf call for the nav-ient of the mi ''.s s'c'; in -id, I eoie;-:ii.y in holders V) the company f'-r s S t k sul.-i , ed, then, an 1 in tli.-.t e.-:isc, tin! whj'.e such b ilioic.i shall Le he'd all 1 taken t.Ur ..I oiite t" .-'I'd con. ii a ii y, am! may ib. I'i'eo. t'i ( '! - t Mlcil si clio i', ii'ln.ioi '.ra'"!' ui: of said eoliii'i'.n '. He i , I'M i r 1 or hi- .:.' ct the liininir v l-i .i'.ia in ai: v co'irt of soi I ;.i: i- liftioli lit III l'r- ill".-, t'.ii;.- to said in tL.; louiity wlicr !!i ; ; 1 1 . . t e.i a trillions noliic of t i Mil.' erii'ir, or ly the acto-n m' :ilv court of competent j'ilisil -uinp-i! in ion, or r-v v a i l--i it hefirc :. diirtice ..f the I'cace. win li the rUIIl 'lots Lot til -ltd t'l.C ll ll-!ill'e'! dol lars, nml in all casts of iis.-es-tut-iit before the Ole l.lOilllt has 1 i in paid to the coin). ar.v, ll t il.. l")i!i n for n be o"i".Mi ijiuiit a- MllllS no eU !'.,' ,-CI 1 liel' ii ll'i I ll lir-.t or m.! -Ll.ev.- sha'.l be !ial.l the same inav be it riUd. to the compiiiiy, am. 1 a- a hove d - covert. SK. '. IU. That the tied t of stockholder due the coinji.iny for -lock therein, tiiln-r ns to 'i-itia! j rojii ietor or as li. -t or suL-e-l'ieiit ii."-iiu', shall be con-1 ,b n-d a- ft' ( pial dii..i:ty wiih judi.ni-ii.1 in ti-e d.i-tri-bulloli of :.--, t.- of a ilceca .d M ockhol b r I i.i- lejal 1'cpre.M-iilat ii t . Sr.- . yi. Thj .-aid t'oiiipiiny .-ha'.l i.-.-m ceriilieatt of stock to lis member.. ; and said rtck inoy be trail -IV rrrd in such ma'i ner and form as may be uire'.tp.l by the bv-i'ios ot t lie company, S. '. -1. 'The b,.i 1 I'niiip.tny tn.'iy at any time increase it-capital to a .uin uthi-ieiit to complete sni-J roa.l, not eve. edin three millions of dollar-, either by opening book- lor im.- stuck, or l y -cllin.' -ucii m- w .-tjek. or by borrowing motuy on the credit of the company, and on the niol tjia-.'O of it.-charter and works; aud the manner in width tho -aiiit' -hall he done iu eitU-r ea,e si, all Lo prescribed by the rtoeklul dors at a e.i tral meetiii.'. SK'-. Uu. T'hat the 1! mnl ff Direcl .rs shall, at least once iu t'Vi : year, make a full report on the sti.t" of the company and its affairs, to a "ciicra! in i t i !'' of the stockholder-, ami tiltt'lier if it .'aired by tha by laws, and -ha'i have power to call a "o nt lal meitiui; of the stock holders when the Hoard may tlci in il exp-uit nt ; a.,.i tiie c ui.p my limy provide in tin ir I -ia for i-eca-ioi.ai Ineetios ltin' i'a'.l- !, 1 pl't -,-cribti the Hi . "It: thereof. Sk . UH. 'That tlie said con.. uny tuny p-rclni-e, h a '. e and h ii 1 iu tie, or torn term of year., any land, tt iiem-iit - : I., -Ivd'uiit tits which may he liecc--.u y for said load er the inpuriciiaiicrs thereof, "r 1-r tile t l-'i'ti 11 ol lle'jO-it.l If, -tol'o-il Ol-'-, o-esf .r the office!'-, st rvai.t. or a ;t nt of the coin; any, m- for ork-ie o. Ij uii ii i y to Le Used lor .-aid oenpany, or lo.' room ing st "in: or otl.tr u.alt nai- n. ot -..i-rv to the cou.-t'.-.u lion ul sanl road, or i or Hot til,, t! aii-poi tati . ii thoi con. and lor I. , oii.t r ..i is. ., whatever. M-; -. "J i. That the con puny -ha'.l have the n.-u', w hen iiccitarv, to conduct ti.e said r '.id acio-s or ahui- any puh.ic rjad ur water coiir-e : '.r:,!til, '11, at the sal ! con. any .-hail net ed. -tract any pui'.io t-a-i, without ce'ii.-trurtin ; an-sther t j inily sm-j 1 ant c-jn.i-iiieiit. nor w iti.-.itt ia..s.;ii' a draw in any brhl.'t ol'sabl r md wlii-.-ii may e-ro--a Hit', i able .-1 1 . am - utht it l.t h i the pit-.-ao of s i.cii t-.--iis :i- l...v i". ate .-i.c'u siitaiu which draw shall be opt Let! by the com; a nv I r :he .ire p...-.a -t: ut ,-ut i. .is-cl.- a., i.av :.;at.' s,.t ii stream. Si. . Uo' 'That whin any la:.'..- r rirht oi w ,y i.. v bt tit n. a n it'-l t y -ai! ctiiipaoy f-r the ui-pose of c .Ui-ti tilling tln '.i' r.-a i, iii.i. for ;l,e . a;,', u! a ri 1 1 im id a - f, li.c in! uo thereof, er from :u:y eif, r can-' , th-si.i.ie- tii": t be uic!ii-i.i fi-iti '.:.'- .oWi.i' or o.iiii r-, tiie.-.in.c nniy be lai t il at a val uation tole lii.a.le by li e coiiiinis-i .o,.-r-. or u lii.'ijoiity i f lhi.li:, t) be appointcl by any court if refotd hnimr C'liini.'n jaii diction in the county v. here some part of the lain! or i i.l.t of way i- i xtri.th-tl. Iu Miak- ii... if, aid v ablation, the -aid eo'iiiii! --i 'ii 1 lake io! a cm. -idc ration tho 1 or whit b may acciiie to 'he o.vuer -r id e-i:. i ''n nee -I" :ht' lain', or i: -ht bcimr Mirrcildel'eil. Mi ! tie' betn ti: ai.l.',;.'. he, rh . f t in y may i t cei .e ti.lliiHL' OW Ucl s rtf way and nd t'rom the eieutiou road or vt oi k , i. r e-lal'ii-ha.ciit .; the r..u--bnl! -t ate p ir' it-ti.ariy the of l acii i ain! tin' l ces e om r l he i't in'li: and ad ainoiin ami v ot lo-.. am i-i .' vai.ta je. - hall f o n, the lie. i-un "f a 1 . i . , 1 1 ... . . of said bind tr ri-ht of way: pcii...'. nevertheless, that il" any person or pt r s !.-mo r w h. '--' Inn! siid io.,,i may pa--, -hotil'l be ti i-t-.iti-!iid witlt the vuluat" il of said toiiiiiii.-.-ii. r, ti.eli, arid iu ti.at ca-e, tho r-r-oii or pei-oii- ! t.i-satis-tit-d may have all appeal to tin Sune lior Court ill tlie eotinty where the said val tii t i on Im s been made, .'fin cither coun tv in which the laud lies, when i; may lie j in more than one county, under the sain rule', regulations and rt -. trillion-, a peals from Judcuiet.L ot Justices in n p ot thu Peace. T he proeeedinjs tif raid commissioners, aceompauied wiih a full Jcsciiptiou of said Land orri-htcf way, shall be rt turned un-- ib-r the haiitbs and sea! of the Commission ers to tho court from which the commission issued, there to remain a matter of record. And t hi: lands or lihfVjf w ay, so valued Ly the -aid commissioner-,, .-hall vest ill the said company so 1 titer tho same, shall be u.-ed !"!' '.ho purpo-i., ed, aid railroad, so soon as ilic valuation may bo paid, nri ben' l. l'u-id, may have bi--i tendered : YioVti- '1 baton npp'iiuatioit for th'appoiiituiulit ot coii.liiia.-ioiitrs uieier thi, n ctiuli, it shall be mitde to appear lo the sati.luetioii of the court, that nt Jea-t ten days previous notice ha- been Jlivell bj ll;3 app.ieaiit to the ow lie or r, i, el- of '.and so pit ;o-i ti to be eon. It l.i li ed, or if ih" owner ur own. r, be it d'.iBl-'r li '.' !', J IS IU -ii I..-, til-n IO the jiatnt.: e-f li.,,- own-r or i;w i.i i-, if siicli iar.:i:tn rim ! t f ,uiel V ; i.ii' th" c oil t; , ai.d if he c iii:,ot ' e I '. ; , t 1 :. ucl. ii ; "iiitim l.t -liull l.ot hr i.inur, im! :. -;i t- ol ii..- a plication s hii i have 1 :. o - !. - 'o -1 .d .. a -1 oi.e n.oiiLii In il j.r. ct 1 i ii. , in : o - in tt - pa ; , r i l-i 0 d a.- i t i. eiii. lit as iio.y b lo he ( jt.it iloti.a of the e-iuii'y. air! si.. i.l 1. -n - i...cii o-!' d at lh. door of the Cou.t !Iou-e oil lin li 1 -fc day, a! iea-t, ol the t rui of I he Court to which a plication is made : I' . rtu'e..ji -!''', 'I hut the valuation provided for in tl.i n sh-iil'bt u.ii'. : e .'ti oath by'tiio com is i- - i -in i s aforesaid, tt hiehoiith a l.y J us-ti."- of ihe Peart, or clerk of the County C o i t of tic county in which tho laud or any pi.'t then f li.-, is le-rtly empoweretl to i... ti r ; Vi i i no , i - ', I hut the lii-l.i i l i ..-:. .it ! -i.at'.-'ii in rtin jlr.Il not au thor!;:. t! " iil c-ffi pai.y to i.. titde the dwelliu'r lioii-e, jai.l, (.a.-ui ii t.r hurt al -round of any iudivit'ual without l.i.-'cou--t nt. Si. . '.'fi. That the ri.:ht of mid c onpariy to c. in It in ii 1 a ml- in tiie maimer decrihed ii, ihe Uoih S'cliou ol this act, shall t i.telid to CO, i.O.il, .- . f .0 1 , 1 la i led ft ft oil ea.r !t riile t.l tlie m . in true'., of lin. ro.ni, m-as.ir itV' I'.-iii the C' liiio ot' th" sin.., a';1 -- in Cl.-C l'i lit I i cute. Iilni liliiie.", V l.i- tl s.tld .. "liipiitiy .hall have the ri.ht to t- -, ii tun s) li. ui !. io iiii lilniu th, let i a., sha, I be iieocS rary i r the coii-triicth.u of said load : And the e .i,r.i:i- -ha'.! al. have pow er to con li.n.ii a: ,! apyu.-j ii.it.- lands in like manner i- r the e.'ii-r riieii . ami huiMiii"; of drpnts, id op-, wan ho-.i-i -, haibiic,. s I n' st rvints, n i t- iiiol p. r-"iis employed on sr. id road, iiot t xcecii:ii" two iicic,i:i any lot or sta-ti-ii'. Sfl . UT. That i;i th" ahst.net: of any con tract or coi. tract, in relation to land through which said road, or any of its branches; may pass, si-mod lv the owner thereof, or his a.'t'iit.or any claimant or person in pos-ss,-i,.n tlicieof, v. iiich may to ctiiiii mod by the o a in-i' I lo-rc. f. it ,-liali bt resumed that the bind over whi -ii said lo.nl or iiliy e-f it- br-.uches may b;- e-jiiatructed, tOL't'thrr w ith a -pace of our hi, ml red feet on each side of th- centre of said roiid, ha.- been ir r;i n t . . t to the said c.tiiiimi.v hv the ot!i;r tu unlit r. theiftjl ; and tne raid coiapaii'' shall havu doiI liuhtaiid titie theiito, and .shall have, hold itiiileloov ihe -ame so loi'.'.' a- the Millie shaii be u,cd lor the purwo-es of said load, an i n j kic.-r. iiiiles.- tbo per.-.ti or person., ow i.in-.' tin' land lit the time that part of the ail 1 war ti l.i.- ii - ed, or th"-!- eiaimiii '.ii.'Ur biio, her or them, shall apply lor all a-i-i-siiie'iit of the value of said land, as heretofore liii t-cieti, w ii bin two y ca rs in'M a fier In at part of said road which may be on the said land wa, tini-hed ; ai.d in cii-e the sai l owner or owmr.-, or tliote claimin.' under him, her ur t iit-m, sir.li apply i r a.-', as-es-meiit ol sai i l:i;.d- a- hert tod-re direetetl, within two year, next alt. r the ,-iii put wft, iluished, bt . sh- or ti, v shai, t'-.r.-v er 1" barred from recover lli.1; rai.i inn i, or hav i,i' any assess; incht or c jiiije--i.-a ti .-ll liii-i'wl-.r, lV(f'.-t, Tiiat tijthiii iii'ieiu coiitiiint'd shall affect lie: li.ut- o: ' .' ' ..i-t , or i - i'o. until lit o ,-,ir, ali.-i' tho icn.JVulof I't-pectivu tii -a .ol : i !-.. Si. . U-. Th it a:l Ian !- not heret .f-.to -jraiitrti t.i any per,-ni. t.or appropriatcl by law I i tii-; u-r .f l. io .-t ils', tV.toiii oi.o hun dred feet ot the c -i.ti'i of sail load which may be eon-l. uctcd i-y - ,u i 0"in pany , r ha 1 1 vest in ti," snd c :o pa ny, - j ... oi ..- ihe lino -1 the i'-.'.i-i is d. I. ol. ii i e-i ...a '.i.roaU it ; au i anv -rant oi .-as i :a.. i t ..n -alter sha.l be -aid.' " M. . -' i. i o .' - ' '. That if any person ur - i - n-; .....i ioii'itde upon the suid i j i.i by i'iii in inn: r ef u-e thereof, or l'i li.c I i li '. - a " i p 1 . 11 . -;. r t'o ii lit t : , d t here -wiih, itilii -.i: lac p. i !ni--i 'ii, or e.'i.trary to lh. win of tie s i; 1 c lii.ti.iiy, he, she or they may he in i:ct .1 for ini-tii ui'-aii"r, and u(. oi ceo. i io; i ,'ii, hied and iiiipri-ou-.-d. by any eo .rt of competent Jur.siiic'.i jii. St. . :t'.i. ! i' ' "i-, : , That it auv t fiMi ... ill wi....y and ina.ici.nisly dt -ii-.y. r in any ui,,..i.. r hurt, or 'li'iiia.;', or eb-ti u -t, or sha,! ni.l.i.ly and malioi ji.s iv ea-.ise, or aid or assist. r e "in-el and a ivi-f i.i.y other ti-ou or persons t i ile-t.-..y, or in any muaiii'i' halt or .1 auia .;o, or oh.-ti oet or injur-? said ri.ilr a !, or any bri'l-e or vehicle u-ed i t r in tii'.' traus o'.lali.ui therein any wal r tr.:.!,.-. tiari-bju-c, or any oiiu r .; " -jM y ' ' said c on pany, s n-li p. rsoii er p . ... t d. aJ in -ioil! le ii.ii.i-ti .1 t..t it i i,:;:.d.'i c-n-vitli .ia shaii be iu. t . i.-.i." i n, t i tore tu.ati twtltt nor ie-s than one m :.'!., ami pay :t ill." in I i s- il. i, iw, ;.y a t i.i-.re ti.an livo U',!v; 1 ilallal-. l.i t.. t.i-CI. tioll of lilt co,:- l.i, f-re wlicii sa, 1 c.l,viitioU shall t i..c ' .ace ; ai. pit a i. t y l.-c I ' -i. l.i le I l-C V lurii; -r ; "i. in tlie sa ne ; an 1 i t I r any cr-ou s. -li '-I. tiiij a .al , -t no- p:.ni-i ni. of thi. el a a-c I i it Ii nd l.i ni -i It by pic io! :n or 'l -in"; in cvi'lt i.e. that tic w a. the ow tier, a. -ut or s.-rv.-itit ol tue o ttinr ol lie.' land, w ht tl -a. ii ti. striH-iuli, n.niia.t , u. ury or -'b-true-tioii w i.-itie. al llo' '.'.;. ,e tht ran. o w as Julio or eiiil-i d I ) be noil". :-f. IU. -' it f 'in - '.'.f.--'i.', That every o'l.-!r ictiou to tin -,! and tree pa,-. Mi-eel' v i-hie.... on -..i.i l'i! r it-branches, I sh l.i 10 tit", la, d a I Hi ...0 inli ill"-:, illd Inav be abated a- r.i. .. iy any oil, eel', aei.t .servant of sai 1 con ;. 'liy, a:nl the p. r-.'i. 'eau-i:i -iich o'e-li u-. n -m may Le in iet. d .and piiiiish.tl lor ii'tciiii a Jr.! oc t.u.- aue-'. Sil'. :'-. I't' it ' l' ' 'lit-1' r:ULl, Th it t i said c-'Uip.-my shall bale the riht to uk