t . f f ' .' to iDrt;gw the management of the war. The Duke of Nestle , ceatiioony tended to exculpate himself. . Notion bailiff i) given of an intended mo tion for the adoption of a decimal coinage, ud to unite in a Congress to establish a uniform decimal system throughout tie world. Some inior" had ' s?Tcited by a re port that an American squadron was about to make a demonstration against Cuba. It was not thought a war between Spain and the United States would especially add to the present complications of kuropeau po.i- I tic. : FftA.vor. It was. till reported that Kaput'con would take command of the allied army of the Crimea, but the report wan tot peiieraily credited. It Las been officially stated that the eoiifc:u:;latcd departure of tho Empe ror for the Ciiiuea bwl been postponed for a abort lime. General Forey bis been appointed to tbe command of Algeria. BrlLGU M. The new ministry have declared their in- tchliou to adhere to lac principle of free trade, n.iv ! Some advantages are granted to the fur- ' cin impost trade, and couijlar lurma are tu , it aiuipliiicd. j Italy. ; TV 2 . , i ti lhciiraintan Miuitrv hits rcsi'-neti. j he tu.Liiuiiiu.iiui iijiwsim hoi. cau.t is uukuoivn. Gcueral lurntlo has : been appointed ttftrtu a tew Ministry. j Ths Euf:!i.-h siiip C'rce-us, from Genoa for ; tho Climes, with Sardiuiau troop, was, kartie.l with loss of life. ! ear-.-. .aa ! DlHCOVKBT of New PSOPLB. A COrrei- ; poi'.Jotit of the New Ulieaus Picayune i statci th '.t during tbe late trip of the Unit- ' ed .Stntrs aluc p-of war Decatur, through the Straits of M tg-lUts, Dr. Hainbrid-e ami ; au.jtjer o.liocr outaitieu leave o! aL.M i.ee !,r a lew tiav, ditiing a ca'.r-i, and vcrelanu eJ at Terr dt:l Fnro. 'rliev tin n aiecn I I i a mount ai:i to tbe Lcight cf three thou- land and Svr hundred feet, hen they can. ! wpon a plain ! surpis"iug r:cL:ie.-s and beauty; krtilfc fields, the greatest var'i ty y frail tn-ositi full betrtn-. and mm of i-ilti-' vttieu and reuneuietit. 'J'beir appearaaec- a.--' tonMied. tbe.iuliubita.tts. who. bowever, did !,.. tettit ll.om tii.f,ioo(fl- Tl sin, . I i Tir. 'e fr-im 0 to tij fWt in beifht. Well , propoitioned, very athletic and strai-ht as an arrow. Tin wou.t were amou the most perfect anoieis of beau? v tver ' :i :nod, feragilag five feet biL, very p'.atnp, with Stra'.l tect ai,d bauds, with a jet Llacal eve. 1 hv writer adds ; The CCuCbers of religion Freaa: the Italian ianjuage, at:J iiave tracu;oits trom suret-s-site pt ie-ti thrj'jgh half a luiuared centu ries. They tt-U us that this ialatid was oniC attached to the main Intid ; and that about trine uu-u bun-ired rear mro.by their reeord. their couti'-y was vi-itod by a violent earth-qu-tk", which ocasione-i the ret.t t:j known s the Straits of Mac' Han ; that on the top af the nio.intain which iiltrd its head to the sun, wLo.-e ba-c ee.-ted when- the waters Boar flow, uteAjd their reat teu.pic which, xtccordiii ; t J their d.-crifri-sp. n- conipan-d to the one now existing we saw, nrj-t have been st- veiiteell lliou-iiinl two l.Uh in d fevt rquare, and e.er one tiinusantl, one Imndrei! Li t Lib, built cf the purot pantile mar He. The ofTeers T-cmained tr we;is with these strange people, and attained from itieui a fperimeai of paiuvins on porcelain, over three thousatr! years old. The men, women and children number about three thousand, aud when tbe cniltiren multiply too fast thv 1 are snerificed by the priest.-. They live in huts or cottages, each one by biiusc.f, avoid-in-; e .initially an I di.-i iutees, rtiip! : j in all tl.- ir i.ikt iu ouUuipiatioo aau tuclr rrli goiaa duties. Important Leual Decision. In New Yirk, Mr. Jarjes Uidway, leaving a widow an ! a lare f-tate, dUd witnot in ikin a will. Thtir marriage bid Lctu d'.-i nJ, in th Sj.ipcrior Curt ant Court of Appeai iiloui and void by roasou of Mr. 11. htin ti.coiaipet- tit, at tne time of the imnia.-c. iit- forintr wif- bavin? pot a dt-cie if iii vorce agait,-t hitu. ami t! at dt-creo ctati;i that h? was not at liberty to n.iiry agaiu c'tiriiag tbe iif'titae of Lis farmer wife, aud ti-: has be-'u deuiod aaj ri'.r. of doner. A child aud two grjQ'icblidieu of the former m .rrite elaintd '.he whole estate, a'tbou -h Mr.. K. Lud .lit thildreii. il l.e rect i.t.y .led a bill in the ."iipei lor Couit, ciaimiu large gtiutfor work an I labor d uri twenty-nix years Licit elupsi-d from the time of btr marriage to the decease of Mr. 11. lit- 1 niurrer wi-.-s put in, deny ing hr right to said claim. Ju l.'e l'ao-i;vc.t rendered a dtji aiou, on Ststturday. iu which Le ctu-iile-rs that MrJ. Kidgway is tntitled to the relief aftJ deiuiudud aui overruled tie d-.uiurr.i-. CHe-Fourth op thi Habboh of Ntw Y'irk I m the MAlihtT. We iiitderstand that a g'Ut!ti,liu from the .Stite. of Maine is oi;iwr iu ft e '. r about ct.e ta 1 a Li!f l.iici .f the water l;oiiia'.-e of tUe entite harbor of this ereat u.-.-tropoii-. La ti ' l y, c jlnin-L?-:tf at this vibaje of f'a un. i i';,a, opj o.ii'e the lJatt- ry, u'td raining Ja'.u the shore to and iitclu'iiug Kum Pjitit hniing by tbe hat of New Jersey the ri-bt to build uot .Jocks an 1 wharves, to far n .t to itti-Pi-lu liavi'Jtirn ; thus gi-.iriif aLont 000 acres of Jla's, as well as tbs upland, from which a u.c-t ii.tiptiileeiit Tie of this city uod Uruoki a, as wt,;l as toe whole harbor, la to l.e set-tj. We -.; no ruas) why it kb-jul'l uot be more visldabie tbaa )!roo.:ivu water frjatae, Licit tuilhiac of dg;;ars could bari'.r buy; es'pcciaby as '.tn tlie Jerty aids tLe natiiral depot of tl.e whole North, iSauth, a tri West, fjr coal, luu.h-r and ihe. prjJaeU of the soil, is to be found. We uiidt-r.-tii 1 this trnre proptity La-i-'-luained in tiie fsu ilvof tLe original pr- pri- ci")r$ fur more tUu ;iif- huridie ! and bitty We con -ratulate New Jew Jersey, as well as the owner, wb'ide urcs iiiiiiroremei'ts to remade, and who. n il c-t. wouu. 'Iip? oi a j-fi of it. V y V 'j u itu 4'jf 1 comif li tl, a liiici vJ-i'jei th-'J.J-J u!t , f it wiailrrt'&t-iri liii fiif. Tiii K-i.t puti-li- It is taU-i( nhjut m . vi r lit v ,st t,f t;.e " Ui'3t rt ctabie citU ts" tt: yi t j -1 j r r a t e in---. liitri puULU tt t uf w-ji.-Tii;- It up jtnr tSv rc -c4-i t lUiiu i-i rui f, t jk him (iri?"'Dt-r, tuf-fcLpd Lim out-i i t!! fijrj.oi sfiufi, tj iuti itr!tft-i hirn.oul wiiL ro l.ilr e; iaJ a njUiLri severe liiLfn W bis tilt btk, tii u ppIjitsX tiiick Mil of tr Lii IftiHrTS Ljl tron. )si L sE l-'-Si tj Li -rrla tJk ai L:. jyV. if " " T!., ... 5VwH.!. 5 OUlj (1.11111(1 (L(!l 1)1(1. p ' w CHARLOTTE: Tli u rstla y, May 17, 185-5. I Superior ('curt. j The Sprinjf Term of Mccklcutuir; Supirinr , Court, commenced it session in thia place on Monday last. Judge M inly prtsi.iiiip;. To.dnv was tut aprt tor tne tn..l nf Junes jsiurp. for the r"',,i" brother. '"'' patient ii.vcati. ji.lion of the case, the Jury fuutnl him nuiliy of niatif'.uuiti.tcr. The same verdict, we uuticrsutiid. "M be rendered against Doctor Sharp. we iPffiill Tfnil. are requested lit Ule, for the benefit of ' ;., ,1., , c t t -i itni sses m Una count v, ttiat socta! I erm ot - - ' the Cabaroua Suptrit r Court, w ill be held in Concord on the 4th of June next. Dangfhia foillltrrfrit. w-c ,. ,-rom thr Kayetteville Observer that counterfeit bills of SOU. on e bank of Charlotte, k.ta been put in circulation. To put I lie people on ,,.;, gnard. we state that the c .nterteit ia i. ted otob.r 8, I -oX while the genuine ia dated July j, itC3. The counterfeit ia lighter than the eiuumt b,u,, and the aign turra srr-,r tc re -. t.' sh:i.i . Mr. traitf. Thia gtnth man cdtirtssec tlie peopV of tins "Miilv, on rtj-ttr-i-v. Whin we rtael.td the Court If'U-r, he t.id ton mei.ted sp-'.!.!, 'j'iie first pi.-t ef hit ncr!i :a liivtteij eiitirily lo P'"'' w l"" ? a" ,r,-,,u'': -i m ! aeeomp!i.;.ed to I m.-cr . t- -il r 1 1 CJ sa 1 1 fact ion nlsl'ir, wiiieit we :ia o n ind tlie Rul ila !,,rt h r.dorts to which we paid toe n-ot ..tent.on. wa h.sut. ik on the - Know, N- '-nne or Am- ti.'an P r-y,".M.i we gtvt. it as our opmn n th.it it is a rn: u ct l-.ir.;re, so much ao Ih .t it h rti y nnt! a r-v'y. If w !wl he aid ifins'. tl.eni lt.it! t'1:'- t (!' 1 1 c ji.-- '.lie oji:iii.n ':' j'y i;nn !.i .r:.i!L t. IV irj:ti t..uii, vc hij f nn t;i a,s re inn:, r.-i in our t'osition, armed too l..lc to gi I a seal. We v. re pre veiitcd from takr.tg any n.itt a ot' his rein-rVs, tec s'i'n therel'.rs i.niy ri 1 r to sui i; p-r'a of it as we l.i:tik ces-.rva n-t.ce, .-.ud :;o' in rtLr or.ier. A opp"sit'en lo foreigr.-ra is a p.rl of tne prineipivs acvoratid by the Aiiitr.c.in Party, .Mr. Crmge read oul the ni.tnes of ilir man- for' igtiers wiio cauie ivt r to thia country to ai3 u incur struggle ti.r indi pino'ence. j We are p..!!ii.e t-i t- i v -r a 1 1 !io or tt in--st nun, '.ul wt .:i: hut a -t.ticJ t...it liicy dte: rfd as mu h honor as i.aa btenp-iiJ to them, or tine General ( W.ishii gton wos wrung. In the first eatabtish. t ;iteot of liie Government, he 'w.acppoatd to l!ie apM.i:itinrnt of fureignera to ollice, l.l a letter to the Sicretary ol V..r on I'na su:i'Ct, he rc. ieark: " to mot tUntUdi irraA tut ice had rot a stiiif fvreiyner amun its, ejeept Oenerul jifl.'e," y t ihe Aiiitrieait I'orly :a to in; cried it. wn because they want our ou citiieiis lo rule eour-try Mr. Cr ug read what ir said to Ik- th' oblig t.on r w'.o joi-i the Aineric-in p..rty,aod lii'.'.n by lie.-r tii -1. : .:;. i.l lv.: gt;. ir. t tie ii. pner t-;y and dangT of a he --ai, We ;-,vc : ' You a fitcret (...litic il socit ty, and warned, , ti.t .,nlti'rn pe.-pie ot li . ir ual.ger. n cit.-ae. from ihe ttiiig!it;o!i : sill in nil tnings, fKi'itic-l or aocia!, so r.raa this Orcer is conci rued, coniplv witri t .e. will of tne 10 j"r:ly w hen evpresat d in a lawful iliaimer, th'Oi-ii itui-iv (otill et Wllh y-mr p-r-s....il pr' IV rele --, so loi.g .ia it di ss t.,.t conflict p-itiiti.e lir .ml, M t.1, or 11; se'lin t.r Cunslitij. li- ti-. ti e (.'iistitiilu.n of tl e l':;iteii St..t, a of Alio ric.-, '.r in.t of t:.e State in wmeh vtiu te. .N jte, wc put it lo ev, ry rt. to SaV wiie'.her ihis i! cortp.nr. l! is a ji-meipl. mm, U hig tr D ioo. not true Iteioocr-itic thl hus elways In-en advocated by . n.'s, and if a tunic lo act Ihat p.'-rty that a miju.itu $Kuuid no nib- r r I" t ie ..-iriy aie-uid pie. cifT.rentiy, he i read out of the nrtv Yrt, Mr. ( ra ge i- horror struck b- caue the American Parly should pre. nine " adopt such rtie of action. Mr. Crnt ah erred to wKt a Know ..N'othmj s-iid in Cor.:"'.ss that "Sim " knew whtl to -lo with Jmige a.,d J'lrus. 'J'lte -i 1hv e .! iri c i sit- a Ihu t no rm u is hound lo oo -jneil.irg liist " eimHtrt v:' tie tirurid. Stitt, or loom tiinate Ca.itlirut'.ost, tne t'fmntittttiun of the il,:ed Statft of Affteiirn. fir that of the State in u'iicA ocu ..ci." Can tl.-- iioott bitter e'lpon.-r.t of Ins in sr crgMiir. tion, t-e art ttrtng in tins to al .rm tour furs f Mr. Cr nge jlso nf-rred to 11. e result of the rltetior s at t e N. rl.-i, and atal.d llijt no one hut VVri-raor s-'i'ipr-et hsd fc'-n .'r. tebv Aao.'.tll I'.-lv l.i AoM-.l Ii .. .: -m tro', d'rv that prove t-.at trie S,ut:i :.s, ss y-t, any catis. lor al-irin ' .Not it ail. lor it is admit ted hy sool-ti'iii.a' ti.ems, I ,es, l.iat tl.equtalion of sl.iv-.ry i! i. ' t e.n'rjC'd aui'-r-g tiiosc for winch U.e priy w..s or.imrtd lo r-guiate. When we st. nl s-e the Aiiie-ntau P-rty at the North st'.og in b ol - full on that ones! ;..n, v t siul! e-.-c. ii n li r.a aa r- aoily aa M.. ( ra:g.- or any ilcnc !. n an v one i , but "i 1 b .ve no 1 tr, lor an .t WO or ii Will toige Ihe party o! a!. o .. T . ii. i.. ' -. I it if : i. 1-: r- i . I : -. e t-. U i,... Nidi. . i in '. -N. w J-r- y.yand f.' in a l, i. ii i:.r'-. o.. t:.' i-t'-.tio .," i.t.t oii-t,tijt on. Mr. I r..'ts C rm tl, ts I. oi ' n pu'-iisned hy a II-.s ion p-p-r, i pudnttd Ki.ov tSn.l.r ii- tiry '.t il.-or. had re. ,t '.. i, a .-:n t i not of ti:t isrlv Uii.g pro .1. r ) , i ii d ll t lie 'i d s.i.ci jiiiir.lt tt u 1 tCliU-ttt tu t i'u Mr ( r-t.ZK :t t.-t l.f . 'il y l-'.t l-.iov ..-,ti.ii.ii .e I'l.llaU .l ' 4r.L'Ii(,tIt. r. -0 Jrtifn tut iN-atiou-i, In ss'; t. ti j'Mi.i,t i, w 1. m-ii.c in ill Samutl of M Ait't, KU.jr : tl.trt; u.ut t a,I. , aiiU ti'A WtHl tj li .iaS'jIf, iilil.l.Ull' in. aiuiJ Uj '.eriidl ti4t bLji a tit 1. isLt iu atnc lij t i is in--. r tii-t iie haic t re-jj r. C r -tii-K f Itrrt t! lo r I 'a a Iu iJt ll.it in t.'ir st ty ' 11 1 Kuiiuri t Ti.'.littv l.tjt t i' rc aii J. j ,,' ') ,it 1 ,-.:. .-'i. ft , v, x,.t rt -1-(i-er 1 ,.'M.u'j'J ut i'lwi' siiti. A Is r Nwrtu ( jraiiii i-d In- Jvjtj'.ti ik C'siitrriivd, no f-r t,u I'.jI nr? i ;)irt lifiit.s-d, tc-ut uk.wI uf t' e Dili vfin i 'iiii: tu tin com.tr :'J !).-i .r- g r jirli'n ttn s.i'ivj.t i, ll -lii) tl H.t: ,taflh .iiifj rt:,' r "ii.i tin cc.iii.t .i ih- r -t. 'ic- uf r! t"-v 1 1 1't.tt ef'ii..n '-:-t in i- u r. Ami hv li'ai'i'' h l'' for-iin of thit nt-K' "ft ni'r trin ffi'-t tf t t, ti, Vr . ni iitisil rit ct:'n . n. r rranon j, wr tr- , tf- lii r.t.:fie f a fi rf tl e Prmdi nt ti bt tru-- that he had tu td' t r'.jltinn with JJ.ni' p II i!it f Ne 01 t 1 P.- Hint fajtJ o'r'a s, , IT,".' 01. h.s fl.'. - 'a t J- ii - ..'s -e LU - s '-'MH," it, in the histoiy of th'a .The K the Nor tli. Whin vn country, that a Itumun Catholic waa appointed lo a cabinet office. Never, and th.it office one that guvs liiin the control of onu of the moat powerful f.ieililiea for harm in. the country the V. S. Mtil, Due a tlir pcop'e know tlinl the Postmaster tit.n. cral ia a Human Cntholic f Tliia cannot be de mit) l.y any nite. In count i tit-n, we invite at. ti ntittti lo Ihe tolllt.winr; extract from O. A. , .li t i lirow.ist.n's Review, a Catholic work rcco tend. td we believe by every Calholie Bishcp in Ilic t. nitcd States and copy was acjit to Pope Pius IX. who wrote Inm a complimentary 'tU:f. Out to the titract : " - But would yon hive thin country come under the aulhnr.ly oi the Tripe ? W by not ? But the Pope wuuld take x.t our lice institutions .Nonacns.-. nut now uo y..u Know maw hai do you iti .'Or it ; A.ter all, do you not coin. nut a aliolit blunder Aie your Ir.o iii.tiluiiuna inf-llible 1 Are tliry founu.d on Divine rilit? Tins you tttny. la not tin: propir queatiun lur you to tliFcusa, then, not w lit tin r tlie T.ipaey be or he not conipaltlite Willi republican ifuvrrnini nt, but hillicr it be or be not fuuudtd ill Jirinr rtoAf ? If the I'apiry he louiiditliii divine riht, it ia jiuprcine over whateicr la founded only in lium.'n riifht, antl llien yovr iimtttutmut thmtld be wide lo l.ttitutiitiTf with tf, nor if u-tlh y'Ur iris'iii. tiont'.i The re il )uestion, then, ia, not I lie com. p.-.tihihtv ur incitint): tihil't v of the Catholic i Church with" rlrmneralic institute n, but, is Hie 'Citiiulic Church tin- Church offend?" ' 1 "Settle ttits question fust. But, in point of j fact, IVniocrncy ig a nii.-chh voua tireani, w lien ver j the C.ithoiic Cliurrh does not predominate, to in. 'spirt the people with reverence, and to leach and "' C1"""ln ,m i" ,0 obrdu nte lo nutAony. The nrsi eason tor an io learn.ine i.:si inai snouiu oc , lorirotleti, ia,TO oary. louean h..ve no govern nit nt nln re there ia no obt'tlii nee; and cbedit lice tu law, an it ia c illeti, will not Ions; hi-enforced whtT',,ihc fuii'r-t.iy oiV--k?i is rUuily set ii and fret Iv ailiiutteu ! ilitt it is the inieiitmn nf Ihe Pnfte t i possesa lilts ettuiitry. L'nitouhtrdly. 1 In thia intention, he is aidtd by Jesuits and all Catholic prelates and prieta.' Undoubtedly, if they arc faithful to their religion." But there ia one thing Mr. I'raije did not en. lighten the people on, and that is, how many foreigners arc now in office at H'aithingten. While he v.-.is stating th: t the Know. .Nothing patty waa St. rid at Wiisi.-lO'tnil i-1 v hy old l r. ken down poiitic.il hacks. trAy did lit not alio ttatr In Ihe priilr that there teat a tar-je uumLer of" forrigurrt in n-iVf, to the exclusion nf natives ? Oh ! no, that woulJ never do, it nnht open the eyrs of sonic hone, l-emocrar, to the danger o. torognrr. ! iv.U he could sic danger in the American organ,. lati.m nbolitiomsta ei.uld con e, and tt their seer, t met tings, in-.i--.ioiisly instil into the mind of ti.a young men of the South, opposition to her !i tuti IV 1 - , . 1 I i . f.. nam luitTin 'in enmnrjy , .i-. atraid nt our own citizens, nurtured and raised Ou.it t ti c tree of liherty, tli; n nl'the foreign host, r..sed under the pot, n '.a tea r.f Kun.pe. tiithout . . ....! .1 one rriiir i uie oi civu iiueriv iimnin. u miu nu m. Out ha bven tlirnicr jug h9 ..n lor yean past Democrats whst tio vu fay to tlijt ? Mr. Oui''- .No nt-ted ttut the lurty hd ik vrr i.-i.ce known their principles had nev.-r staled vtli'-ther tin y were in f.vor of a modification of lie T- r iT, Iutt mil Improvement .Vc, i. In reply to this ci a,rg , w e g ire the folio vv mg ix tract troi.i an artieh: m liie Richmond hig: Tl.c next oloe, tmn to tlie American Pcr'y, is tii it tl.iy hate no o!iey, and are likely to lieve no h.intionioiik t.i.ton "in relation lo the T. rirT, lnte mat in.pri.vt nii-nt by the (leio rjl govt-rnu.i nt, a h.nk ot'ii-e L'. St it,,' the Terr t-ro, ir." Is t.'iere any living man of sound mitid, who has any etjttet. tn.n or a prclienso-n, th. 1 the Ailirricau f r'.t wll rtlin-itt.i re-.iie " tl.. ol--nit ie vt, a" t-f a I'- S. II I.:. ' Tiie v. ry " bn-is!" liial l.ity iuv? ant. -bank nun in t'eirordir, txeluilts this tiL'g'sr.r, r.s t'.e iillegetl boast t:ul tin v have Irec suers an.'-n lli. ni, oivea promise that this m.rc fruit:ul aut.j-.ct of vehement diaaentiun ia not ainiit' tne tons oi nieir i.rei n i tiou . .vt to tue .,. tl- . , . . , I .ntl .mil I.it.rnal Iiuprovtuielils, when was ei. ther the basis r.f a national jrirty Have all whigs bet n T ritftntu? Or ail den. our., ts on the Btl.t-s siilt ? Mas any p.rty rvm a T..r if party ,t,,ir-.yr heen hariioriio,.. on these suhjeeisf II vc not the d.-inocr .ts of IVnne v Iv mia .nd ohm snd other Sl.itca been tit f.rur nf a bightr I T1'! than Ihe wh-gs of irgrnia and South Cur. o'ma were willing to give in to? Hast not the wci.incrai-i oi inc new s-i .les n aionsiv aev caicn inocrai-i oi inc ue-.v i.tes leaioosiv seY'tateo i .-.i.i larger aporonn iti-.ns from the tre.isury nro! mere . ext. 'mm . eoni. i ol s 1 1 erpu - i iiir-i ii.rioor. ii . . ,i t r ,i ,i ml I n, 'rev. mei Is, loan the wlnga of Ihe Allan, tic Stoes have hern w-lluig then with tl s nhl'-etlon to to to make ? A way new iiiirty tht it c u. not h: r in-r.ize on oho etion tir'-ht wdh these snh;iets. T p saint d hy q.:. t't.rre .e u-j tl.e den. tier tic n-.rtv sh.iu'd he li.sti.inii. d. Hot, to ti.e 1 .-fr. tones. Well, pray what of them ' II. .s le t ihe r. ct nt eg,.;stion of Congress s ttlt-il the ni n ooistioii, t'- wit: th d h.-lto si, very mav exist or not. us the constitution of the inci-m. log t.ie s!iail hat.- dt-e:ted ? Apart from let s ami etc ronsni-'r-tlH os in reply In t 'c insuiii .Ti-in th T lie- Ani'.r r.in P..rty has no policy nn li.t ne S0ti;eets. ;l 1., . -It ; h V the px-ls a 11.1 thr"Wll to I lie- ivin.s, t,y tiie t,,:lher r ;! y thnt the Aiiiti. cur. !'. My !..s t.ti..'t-cd its polity on all loese sul iert. A :':. r Mr. ' raige had cone! ueid J. A. Calu wr!l, hstj., of Lincoln annr-uncid himself aa a cantlt. date. He st.led thit he is net the K ..ow..Votli. i"? ran.: id..te but was a Whig of the old hoe, a Henry -Clay Wing, and tipectid to be supported tint party We hive spun this articie r-ut so much that we sre di.-pos. d to n 'i-t. b -rely r-marking that the fiien.ianf II og n, tiuian, snd Yrung arc tal k ing ass. ul running ih.-m, and " S -in," we aeppose, in hi own g-eid lime, will have iiia cjriduiale in the fold. Mr. Craige aetuieii to be in the best hurpor in tl'- werl-i, and -.asr.gr t our iosiIioii was in rc. mote that we co-.iid not tin. y h.s witty renoirks aa some olhirs stemed t-. do; but if as doea n-.t liur.d his eye, " .Saot " w ill dis.if pi.ii.f hwiealcu. I : ...'.. . .--,.oic ti.e Li.ove was in t) pe, we hav-: ri e. -v. u in ceeount of the s;M-akinjt from "Sim," winch shall appear next w-etk. Ef.niital of J. F. Pulk. Esq. Tl" mitoia of J. V. I'miIi, h.ia.t from cirri, fhip in the Tf atury n- jr-rtmrrit, Haiyi the Amtr , tar Oriin of t lc i l i la nt, ia flu.! iiy ilijiiou ne ed in tlif L'nion of tKtt iiNri(ii:jr. It iuti : M'. Fif'k UHtt fi'wt apfje-Mii.'-d l.y fs'.iif r.tl J.trU t',n, in tl.t yrr;r !y'M,:!ri(i li . n ( n :y ed t uc roiirt. Office o! i y u ?'. o in (f ui inm.i' r -i lr.ii, lie , uii i ilw -iy ii.in be i ii a D'ttiorrnl. A n-ort wrlny fir .-:fi.'-i ni '.' rv. ii... rn t -rtjUAAy t il I U k nt ny op j r tn,' r. t ( liir K'tvi riiin nt niic; km r- g4ittx itidn. c iv i(,i,r' hi f h m: n fit lei rti i rjj iictrc ( hf let. tn, uud jn stct'Miijili d eei.l.e- rtic 'i. aU'jt, i; it 1 fir.ii rrd nn w ri up V,uU dtavt, jifi'l iiti il'-'y . nd ai.ly fjij.!'-)t rl Lis h ii iu i t p' i. trir iiaisHii .t,'ji, t!.- tti rt. diI tl.- corruutl 01 ut i:.f 4 It . r h of 1,'tiiii-. Il rt m, ;nd n'iitn 1; !' , it lui t.j'riift ! l: Ii. k U n r ntvt d fftrn lin ji t ;; n iiMiiir 1 tiori, tii r ) y hi rdijaf ii-.it writit-n bri'i h'k"ti in ! l-rn 'i ln- rli. ifit.ri o'' I. liiin r iiiid M' inihrfi, of !'- y I ' r m d ) r row, ol H y k nd W '. it fn Id, of hd w .rdi fc nd Iv4 iiji t, of U 1, 1 it- ui,. M-n.iMifi, uiid M r- ! F'r t IP f II ' ( 1 1 1 f ) tor 1 1 IH C:.U"! !rH', I, t J-.at. ti V. I '' i 1 '' I r 1 l t 1 r I . la t- n r mo -:U !r"in tT "j -. nd . f'ard, u LijfutttI li out an t'utitu.ir u j quitted in yi' .' .fH Mr. V't.k ai'i'r-' to b nttTn of th f h i t r t. Tlif Amrriran Parly tf V Jrrry. 1- Ainirie .u patty .11 Ihe State ol .. s J-racy s tonv'i.tion 111 Nivtsrit, a f. w d:.ys aeo, .iC p.iriosc of appoiiit.l. dei.j.l's t. U.e 1 in h lor (Jr.- nl rieil ft hit h asseli.hles in I'ini .dclplua June I is'-x l. c 11,11 k: the It. ltjwii.i ri :r.tr, fn. li-r-ir pri"v:tuiig Irom a h tur l. the A 1 f-sll'f ihj; " II. tn, thus aceoirtpli.hetl their reji.lar bu.i. ...tn, st..ier,inc,lp,o.;.-ce;.ap, a., tii.e,. . iit-mU-itn ii,'"n hc principal nU f! tlorm oi Jeisey h'l.ost 'totfir-'s snd th": Presice f.a.e, -aa . 1 rV f. t 's) j, JJ.'a were found In he lound and corner. Tlut on the in pro question, in favoi ol a eliin geni modi tica lion ur cradu.l u1m.1i lion of the n..l uraii? itiot. ?.-s, 5 l!:iT"Uj;li reform in tho whrle financial policy of (lie government, inclutliuK a modification nf thi tariff, 11 rc-orjniiiitutiiin nt ihe executive Jep;i rlmeii In ul Wuahingtnn, tape ciall,y tin old i'ogy navy .lepiirtnc nt, Ac. The dilif ales to Philadelphia, ihua pouted up, will c to llml Council fully prepared to tji-ct 1 lie M .sa. clum tin nereiics troin tne pari v, mm n com lur inc inion ; n V limit punt-rill, a Ll'ii II c-iimuiiir u '.trill. . , r - . . . , , w . in J ton, b g ulttl liltlr. lfdiMi io Pclrrsburg. We undcratand that the Democrat! about here were connoting tlicmat Ivea very much by the re ault of the municipal election in ltcrfiurr- Va.. i n the bth iiiMant. if the lntcllipi nct-r may be . . .u...o.... " In 1852 Gen Piirce received 214 majority, and Petersburg hua been alwaya Considered t lie hot bed of Democracy m Virginia, The lntelligin. ctr aaya : " Our election for city rflicera pasard otT yestcr day with enntiitlt-riible quiet. Sam, and itie old aerptnt, Juntoisin, locked horna litre lor the rtrid tittie, antl Sain ve the nit nult r a trenit ndotiit ahakinp that nearly knocked Inn bunt'Houl ol bit. akin. Ncvtr ki.i onti.Aioericanif in o triinen dnualy handled, to con c nil' alive, Thia cily was ila strong; and favoiilc Ibrtrras, and uhtn S m undertook tbe conflict, lua cliHtire t f iicttiry was considered hepiUs: by iiu.iiy of hia best riunds. ; Hut he hua bearded, the inonstir in his (It n ami , has nieftv near'v tmslieo In in. The fatal blow i will he given to hint on the 44th, w lien S.iin will j niet I nun again io nne,w ine sirui'Kie, . , . , - . u , . .., .t T he r eetion nl ( i it. Hanihitnt m tl t the qui a. i ti-u of Junto Supn i.iey in Ft lersburg hiid ia a forcshaiiowit g o I -trie' '"ont of Henry A. W ise. It 1 must be rceol4-cted thV ihe th inocrt. tic majority here at the Jtst election was 'ill. Ifthtre be s corresmuiiiag tit en use of the anti-Aiiientan vote in the natot' the M.i'e. H ic will 1m- Uaten by a 'majority o.' beta et u I5,0li0 and 20,1100. ! A New Tmion cf the History of "Sam.' J'lic lev. .Mr. Brooke delivered a lecture at Georgetown, D. C, recently, on the Ti mjs.ral I't.vi'ir of tne Pi c, iu nply to F-ii,tr linnuit. .M igu.rc. At the close, he aaid ; I lie did not know Sam," bul he thought he knew Ina history. "Sam," said he, was born in the feardtn of Ltieti : w hen 'the world wsa de. nged, lie rode out tlie flood Willi .Noah, in Hit . e pres. , . a, . .e ,u , . , ... . ' J", TJUZ ul Ul(. lMpir..u ,e i) a.nice ; lie blew the Inuoesi riiu'a horn liuiopel ln n lite walls til Jtrielio ft II i he clothed John the Baptist, and waa with III III on i no oa il ss ui int. ii.vi, nc i.tiu n'Ul on inn oanss oi inc. river ; up . o . i i. ... i. cii ns ni t ni is n en i r rejisi.iit'iioi r'l' ir.'i Ill'Ss ,,, ,,,,! ,..,,, ,,. ,.,a i f,,r- iur.,u i nd iiidt meiit lo coma bt fore Aerinpj. He hati h-.rd time Willi the Popt a of the Inquisition ; butilwa, he who (s.u.ud li.e young Lulh. r h. I iu Hist n..v. raa.f ft Kir nn lbt- tit l- rlt tJ ilu vt ol - . . . . " . . the old mt.iiaalt ry ; he brought that Bible with him acrosa the ttct-aii ia tlw M .y. flower; he hud the corner. stone of the first Prottatant Church in l'1 o-Jonn ; ami H wan he who o uttrrt-d up tl t u,..l l..u- in 1 I. r, ac.fi ln nnli. tln.t V. n tin mountain b-ys k'ntw iit "Sr.." w..s about. Navy Yard one night of every week for scv lle lo'.'i.ii iieeu P .trick Henry to the nation ill Ihe i rral wet ka in succession, and litened to the Virginia Id useut llnrgtssts, when he, with Ins soul overt!.. u g with the purcat p tri' tisin, anil his voice elnllied with I lie power of thunder, fjate utti ranee to those Hemo-t-.l words, still echoi. p in our tars : ' (.'in me Liierlyor ee mi death !' " Nnlirrs of Vw Bonkt. For Pale at Low ait Esniss' Book fToar. Sesnes in the I.i'e cf the S vionr, eor tsinirg nisnv g.nitf.l' art inn) ii.nini, i ! n si r.i tl e ol the s... vmur'a I. ife and P .iaion, Kuited by l(. l.rn sold. The Literary c- tile-i ts, coii.priaing sixty-four poems ore by Mi. ton ll.iaans. Moiitg rv, he. ; Lr ytttm Smourni V, 4c. i-c ttc. The volume line I c i i .. i l e..n e. . l... 1. - .. .la I s r I c 1 1 1 V inu oeauoiuiiv uouu , ui i :iuiii, v n . i ui. J - es, aidta and backs. , Nral'a Gxetie, aays this ia truly a splendid ,uume jn all Us externals w hi!a its roniei.ts srs worthy of the magnificent at)'cin which ' ' " ' they arc preaented. As illuatrations ol the l.ilt ad passion of the s.oour ol mankind, it will rm tn nppropri.te Muvemr for the aeason in coming u;n llit , . ..... i wllllll w3 eoiniiie iiei 1 1-; in e.n.u. , n-,,, American In cend Dv.k or C omplite Book ol The American IStceipt Bv k or C'oinpli It. lertnee, by A. . right. The coinpiltr his spir. d no exertion to make this work aa coroj.reh. esive and accurate aa pes. sihle, many receipts wil 1- found in it that h..ve never before appe a red in pr nit in this country -s. in. idea may be formid of is vi.luc iu thia litter rea. put when it is st-itid tk.t the compiler has been f,.r nuny yiara i.g g.i in colhtting rare ana valuable receiptt fr-m. numerous ln.guagta be- iiie the Knglish. C.re lot In en taken to avoid ss much as pt.s ihi d.tl'H u't t.eln.ical t. rma and so to aimplify the I ii g ti 1 1 that the rei.der shtmh. n.r be embarrassed by expressions unfamiliar. Pn-e ll.i'O. Ptlrrson fur May, Ta nn our table. Us aigli character fur being cue of tho best pern.t;a-.ls, ia fully austamed j Us Kssl,i. n Pi.te i "ot the th.og" for our j lady readers a new bonnet haa just made lis ap. ; ptarantc j mt , m i UR TttK Nf 'B T M tHQl.I4A Vk II Iti J L'Ural hrrrt, A lit IMBRAftTIC rOKH. Sn jrcat w'rf Scottn, service., renucrcd To inn country in tier nttd, 1 Wat nj;lt tiiul he thuijlu oe tcntltrvd Ssjinc ini'f ituntsUai in' t d ; iifl Ui numirouM lri'iidn,tii each Ptutf. H -1 mny rirtn . i!' .-r t- . I liM.hl lit- o-i. i i 1 I M .jMstr..:? Ot Hi in fifri,i-' A nn n ..ri 1 .on : In Mint 11 truly ; u 'A- tis.lioii( Tht y d.d hut iiii .t. uiiy h-ri t .tu.n Ai.wut In p rf.riiiiiit; Hie Lot."t of h i r.hnrg", 'I the H.jtiKlatctioii ul tiie p-'p4 att i- rg : Th n, bitiiouyit ! tir.itjfv it may ':rui An In': iliuwior. of llittii g urt-aaui. Inn. V. it n"l viry lung Until y-tiir Iricni.. iaj p.rli-l throng, M-ii: jo 11 tne 'itjjcfjl ol iii- r ri g : , I'u ruH It .a covi-rtd lnina-If ail svur, J Suid they, Willi in. ht. .ry fciiry, V Inf.. 1 toe govt.rnnif tl.. uir t-lory 1 Mtitt inopt c-L-.l iii.ly diatctuvt f. And itiil tniy uid Willi z:..l pr-ilr,i,p. In pr o-c nt yni, tut: fui'iiiv smui ; Ana K ho tin-11 n hihk u tne tr-i.n, Wlncii t tat: lud uti doriuunt l- i n ; Winlt; I; unx.r i.id the notes urucUun, 1 T o add 1.1 yiir her. ie lutnr. While t ..ur tr.i nds liU.lt d your cam pa iff n. T hest- .) n. s r 1. .i. h. ti :t vt - rt.- asseu ui v. in U h re w r the vi. t.-riei yi.u achieve. 1 1 Wiiere t'l'- illslrt -s et you ll-d rell' V. d ? W in re v. er-- tne h iMl- s you li-.d li.ughl? Aim l.eio tr. iiehmil Ihet-iuply air, W ith. ,ul h. .ii. tun., answered w hi r. ? .Vow it y-.u w.il alb.w me, worlny It r 1 a 1 ti 1 r , T'ospeai, Ut I . 11 J..11 a ltd the w-.il slid II.':, Il is ceft..in'y v. ry plain. .nd clear, 'I hit tiles': l!ui' ouj;lil not u lo IK. rn is. Clif.!S S lK.ilMA The V 'jrj M'-raM of the "7 tli . : rrcdericks " The wheat hi'.'..r...M in f'.f-..i,l .r.l Iv'ln.r :.f.r.f. IV.r twenty-five miles alo,.e, tl.tt Kdpp ihui.nock ,'( ,),.,. circumstances, my decapitation l't coi n meal could not be had for ,,, ! e do t,-.t find a letter or a sp.eeb from so is unusually promising. In many lie-Ids the w. Il0t l0 . ,,r,ided. It came to this : i than twu dollars, ami in sonic; instances even ! "e ':f ,no leaders r.f the Abolition lor . prowth is :,t-e hi?h,pronii-ina an early bar- : ,, ,,ist rem we mew lose Ihnr ulltn. more was (riven, per bushel, lint this is r0""' out their biller eiecrations up. ve-t. We had several refscshinjj hhow.-rs , Well, the deed is done, and w hat will it j owinr; ir, tbe pressing demand and small ; l,,ft Know-Nothings, and dei.ouneins tb" within the la t week, but nppearan-.-es iudi- ' ,proit t'Kn s yn,.y tI,ny stlaawksB lianda with quantity iu the mai ket. Our enerKctie n.e- "rt'r ,h 1""nmr of G reely, a ,' ''' ., cated that they weie only partial. Tbe joint ; ,,i tyrant's minions, and with them L-loat ! chnnics will soon have another mill iu one-1 cl,;I,ei" u,t " pro-slavery conH'i;ato worm (.riicra.iy uiancs ii appearance unntii : ir.i. t.C UtlirU OI1V IllUC Ol It lllllS far. One "i-iitleruiiii rilueked from a bunch ,,f h!,,..!. It et:il. nku'l. tvnt ttnrln..l t tliM . , 11 ,. . it fir.t jninl, and on opening it, discovered 4 , , lllillllrtc, into . , . t flies tbo Wiii ul the luacet Leiu; half- J J.' a.';-j . From the American Organ " Rcjoico not, O mine entniy, for though I fall l nhall r iae it; is in Wahiiimiton, I). C, April 30, 183.J. To the Ciiizrvs of the Ditrkt of Colum bia of the City of Washington in pur. titular, f My Feli.ow-(!itizen8 : The tie that lias for niiiny jfiirn bound me to the govern meiit, as an bumble ofllecr of the Treasury lVpnrtniont, litis thia day been fevered by the band of power. It is necessary, there lore, for me to do aoiiietliiiic uud that quitkly for .he support of those who, in the providence of God, are cast upon my fare ; and I now solicit most respectfully your kind pntrouage in such Lu-inoss as in a few days, I may find it necesjjry to an nounce uiy determination to pur.uc.' I have lived here a quarter of. a century, and every dollar I have received from the povermucnt has been spent among you not recklessly, fur every one who knows me cv ill testify that I never possessed a habit of dis sipation or extravagance j and yet, I bavo not a hou-e or a font of prnnnd to show for it. Neveribeless, it is toy desire to spend the residue of my dnyiu Washington. I am under prent obligations to the Cor poration of Wbinpton, for two appoint ments recently conferred on me, one, that of the Irustees of the Public Schools, the other, that nf one of the revisers of the code of laws to be prepared for the District, in obedience to the act of the last session of Congress. Tbotiph not offices of pro6t, they are at least posts of honor, and the appoint ments manifest a confidence worthy of the return of my warmest gratitude, and w hich II can only testify by the mo-t earnest-en-j denvor.to petform with Cdelity and to their ; satisfaction, tbe incumbent duties. The time consumed by these places could 'net have been lLade a nrettxt for mv re J ntoval, because Iny tru-teeship did not take me n r re tlmn two hours in n month fre.iii my otlieial business, and the Hoard cf Re- vi-rs of ,lie uJe Bavu not Ja ,!ad ll"'ir Gr-t nicetine lint, " I have not shunned to declare to vounll the rounst l'' of the true Americans ! l!llt ,,is I have net ceaod to do openly, ! from the time of Mr. Van IJuret. adLis- trillion to the present time ; nor have I done ' nioro dunti'sthe present admiliistratiou than , j j ,rf,p v .i... a : iinrii tut: met 11.1 11 p.itij el . au.o 1 i here nearly twrnfv venrs ac'1. I was np- poinfed in public meetinf chairman of the ' j prepare the address of the ' I . ' "'"F"-- ' oin-s, .u.i i. n I w rilten by me. There was no secret in those prof feelings. Y, I ss not molested r (i n ... t ( qi. :n .l,rm 'aft.-r this I walked to the i r 1 1 it i vitiiperalioiis of the Iter. J. I against Protestarti-m and the Donelan iberty of e -.i i - t- l "...v. . ... , rf. ouutn, uaa ioo inucii respeci lor um-ii ioo Z m Z ,?Tr,ynrri eni v7,o I "' to,U'n "" '""J in regard for truth-and too much p.i, the next right returned and replied to him .f Lome cntin lv cut off or materialitv , . ., u'.. before the same audience. To this the Iter. Jas. Prown can testify; for, sfter a while, he enmeto rpv aid, and rendered most e fficient sen ije. I also published a work about the nn,f time in di-fi-irec of the Pro testant Hible as published by the Ptihl-i Societv. without note or comment. arainst a - -. . . .... moit virulent attack t y tlie ltev. lr. Jtitler, of (teorgetown '.ollt rc; yet the hcaU of the Tressury D- partment thin did uot con sidrr thrac things a cs.u-e fur tny removal from office. ? pnl lihod arlieles rofutinjr the prepos terous claim set up by the Jesuits to religi ous toleration in Maryland ; and a!o stric tures on Archbishop Hushes-. "Catholic chapter"in the Hi-tory of thf United States Ae'iin ; During- tbe ndinini-trrtirrns of Mr Tvb rand Mr. I'.dk.I published, at iny , , ...i . ovn xifti.se, and edited a mowthly niaga- ' . . . line, for a few years, in iLio-itwn loth tvrntiny of the Tlmrch of I'nme over the mini! of nisn, its increasinr irflm nee, and ; designs and eon"piraeie s neain'-t the lit erty, civil and religious, of the United Stiffs i yet they who were at the bt ad of the Trca- snry Dt partment, at that period, though ; repeatedly urged by the tools snd millions ! of the Jesuits did not rnnsidr-r this just, eaue for .ny ri ntovsl. None professing the ., , , . . , . T . 3 , , , ,' , i I There has he. n i: larger amount of ration IVinorratic ereerl ha'l as ret been found so , , ,. , . , , , , , , - brought to this p' rt dorin.' the pa-t week shameless nd SO recreant to the caiu-CiMi . . . ,. ... -tet 'ban any t rt-vt itn wec-k tin- s.-i- ni, th- to. Iemoerney a to fttt.-mpl to idt nt iv. the n-r-1 , - 1 , . t i -ei ., , , , . ,, it.l amoii't I. sti..' near .'.Icin bales. I ,e ty with the ( l urch of limn.-. Ihe luion, . ,. i .- J , ... , i ii Irtciipts in llou-tott linring tin- "amis lone newspaper of this citv had no! then become '.. . , , , , ' ' . . ... iare said tn tie lime h L.r'er. lieihari. tisui the advocate of an'i-Clui-l and of th,-,. I Cliurrh whose public circulars decry f cilom W roi'tfirvrr, stii.'iii:itir.iiig Jit as ' n rov. infi, " which advocate the nn'on of Church J-nd Stale, snd denounce all who oppose il, and which curse the liberty r.f the press, liberty of opinion. Hible Societies, tbe Ma- sonic Society, Odd-Fellows' .Society, Ac. None of my labors ever lutc-ncred with my public duties. Hut why should I be proscribed now, and by the present adniii.i-tration : havinjpsss ed unscathed through ail admlni drntions, from the early psrt of General Jackson's, pur-uin" the same course ? 1 As hinted at shove tin reason is this . 'I his idininisirstton i ti " 1 i never mane I t lore, in roniunetion with the . , ' three political or'at.s of the J-suits in this ' city, the (, tl.e A'fi'i and the little j fs'.'r, and a few papers and old political trick'ti-rs srul papistical tletnaoues ele I where, to unite and identify the Ih-moeratic -., . e . party with that orifanizatioii of a foreign ,. , ., 1 .1 11 c 1, prie.-tbood, sent here by the rope of Home, 1 ..11 .11- 1 . and snst '.r.etl I y other huropean despot', c ,, c t .1 11 . , for the purpose of undi rmil.inir the lii.ertf ! f ,i ' - 1 .- . ' of tins eo iiitry, aii-1 s il p etiii2 Ariierteatis I 1 . . : the nomination of that tyrant of tyrants.;' . r ' , i . . ..r lerttxr. nmi-a itwannl liiee n . rie.i t- .i,i..r.i.l They hsve been met in the field by the ! American paity. and are wajiin? a despe I rate warfare. They know thnt I have nev- er h"itated to denounce th"ir course as j treacherous and ssiieidal, and I hesitate not! I to rcilc rate that, no party can be sustained 1 lin this country which openly identifies it- j self with a reliio'is sect, which lin always: sour-Ll the destruction of all others, and I which denounces in its public and official 1 u 1 1 . .1 circulars, all who sre otnos.-d to the union J c 1 1 1 it. . 1 1 . c i of ( hureh and .State, and arc advocates of the liberty of the press and liberty of con science. This foreign organization of conspirators is under the direction of the Jesuits, who have pained sufficient influence with the adniini-lri'lien to u-e ei-rl.-tin of the !' part- ' . . . ..!. a. .... . 1. ... . j on.r t.ir ,,;, revenue iniaiininrt that .!, I, n has r,-.r:.l VJ.-.I r.ne or tl.i enen, 11 ,,r t,.;r friend ml t.n.il.er !.. w. M e.. Home while I esteem it an honor to be ,rit ken down I litifttT of u. in M"rj oi while defending the cauc of: t.ind. liberty of oninion. liberlv of the t.re-is. liberlv of eoriscicnre. and ths I p liii'.'.l rijlia of uiuia. True, tbe act may subject me to incon venience, and the want of bread for iny family ; but, believing as 1 do in an over ruling Providence, and trusting iu his care, all the power of this administration, tho l'opo and tbe devil cannot cruth my i-pirit. I may be " troubled on every aide" yet I sti iti! not be distressed ; " perplexed but not in despair j persecuted, but not forsak en j cast down, but not destroyed, " An Anix'us, when thrown down by lierculfi, received new strength from his mothvr eai tli. fo, freed from a tyraut a f racp, al- . T fo. l llln r,A rinr frott, "Cnrl j tliilt,omtoit,tll tll0e lll!lt cast down. And henceforth I will " cry aloud and spare not, " I leave office after a lone; service, with the comfortable reflection tlint my integrity i d ICO, una never ucen auu titumn uo .ii.pi.c.ieu and thut I have never cringed to power . .iti- or bartered pru.e.ple or independence for P,nce- My fellow-citizeus, my case is before you. 1 T :i ........ J .1. . IT..: ... J .. :.t. j.ive uiuKiiy auu iuu uiuuu uuwu n uu all tyrants 1 1 Your obedient servant, J. F. POLK. THE CROPS INGK0RGI. Columbus was visited by copious: and re freshing showers on tbo alternoou and uight of Thursday last. We could not have ao- nounci-d ths arrival of a more welcome . .r iv . .i . t visuor, says iuo r,nquirer, as iuo long con- tinucd drought bad aeriously affected the opricultural interests of tho country, and grave apprehensions were entertained for tbe safety of tbe growing crop. Our Montgomery exchanges inentioo a heavy fall of rain as occurring iu that city on the tid in-tant. The Ilawkiusville Herald of Friday says the weather still remains dry and warm in I b;il si c-'o". The eivp-are trelierally rrt., H 1. .....n. .,., ..r.. ,1 though suftt-rin! for rain. Crops in Thomas, though somewhat back ward, are ne vei lhile-s in an apparently fj .-iu r hlii tip condition. I'atn is beiuniug to be very much peetled. The Altiiiy Patriot stiles that the crops of corn and cotton near the roid bit ween that place and P.aiiihridge.thouoh ihe weath er is unu'ual y drv, .it t i i-.r not to have suf- ! t , j d. Tin- stiti'l of e itt--ii "d c'nn ii 1, and the crops look (!', l'iou,'.h small for tlie i-oiti. Alter f.i ir wi-ks f,f dry weather, a .slight t-hower of rain fell at AlUiifsou Thursday. The sbouer was too light, however, to be of any luateri il benefit to the crops. There were copious and refreshing showers a few miles west of Atlanta on the same day. Wf learn from the Neman liannoroflhc 4th that the weather in lint section still eonllnues dry. Many wells have totally failed in that neighborhood, and the gen- , eral complaint from all directions i the mis' tts.fi, nFflisi start llirtnat S1...I e- - injured without rain soon. It is the opiuioii I of many that the sins are alarming. Ti; r. ("nt -I i:.u I'nt.l a few days past, the pro-peel for a crop of any descrip tion was gloomy in ths extreme. Oats, ii. i.. it. -it t wneai, rorn nn couon an languisncu, auu ; oi tairto ptoio an utrer lauure, in eonse- qucr.ee of which provisions went up and want among tu poorer claasS wan feared. Kilt God has graciously smiled upon our land, ml puuietl out ahundatit and refreshing rains. Ou Thursday and Friday, and Mon day last, rain fell u abundance all over thia district, and the farmer now reioieea in bone of a fair crop of whea- and corn and cot - ton. The oat crop, we fear, is aadly injur - ed, but every thing, els promises well. Il is our duty to praise 01 fdf bu llcs,iogs. Antlerton Cazctte LATF.lt FUOM TKXAS. Tbe Plae, steam-hip Perseverance, Captain j oouple of q iolations, one from the Tri from Indianola and Galveston, ar-' bune, and the other from a leadlnj abolitiea rived yesterday. Tbe Galveston News furtii.- bes the folios ; in" narai.rar.il! ; as much. te uinler-tithl the -treets ot ,, . ., i a -i. Motistou are constantly cfoW'led wnh teams. -., , , , The planters seem lo hsve given up the , . ... ,. - .uri ui iiuviuu iiiiitiiiin tins seat aim , , . , . , are therefore t.ikiinr advantage ol the ores. ad atitae ol the i.res- cut Erie roads to wa.'Oli their cotton to luar-1 ket. The merchants of Houston are eon-e- j rj'iently dom"; a hcavlar business than -was ever before done there at this or perhaps any other s.-aor of the year. I We understand that a rn'itract has been1 et.t. red into between Mr. J. II. Wells and j th.; (jalve-ton and lied Kiver I'ailroad (loin- pany, by which Mr. Wells o'.Iiates himself; with ample security lo complete !" miles of the ro:t. I ft 0111 II 'it .ti, a- I I. iv.- it in r.m- ............ n ..; ..1. . 1 . 0... 1 1..1. r 1 s I. .'la; OI t'l lit:, let too t-'.o ot .. .inu.i j Itesi, as reeiiireu by the charter. nc also learn that Mr. IJurkc has ent-red into a similar contract with the ( al ve-ton, llou-ton sud Henderson I'ai'road Company, to roii-ph te 'i miles of that road from Virginia 1'oint by the l.-t of February, and thus aave the t'l iuo l.-t in 1 1111 uji 1, nii'i iiiussasc tlir r . e t- " . . , i charter of this con.panv. e hear from a , . . , ',- c. , , peutleman just from ( ear ( ret k that there ,J , , , ' sre now al out fifty or sixty bands at work, 1 ,. , - , ,J. , ' i cr.idinu this road fro in the i.oint wh re the . . ,. . ,, , 1 r.ri.,1.1.1, ..rri.ti.i-s torn, in .l..i lh..l, t ...ui ; - I' 1 ' - -t J -.. - . 1 the iron for the aid 'Jo miles a pnrt of wlucli is now on ila way to tLn port. Such is the report. ' The Sequin Mercury aays. some of the farmers thereabouts have aaved considers- blc quantities of oats, which they represent are doin well but need rain. The M.-reury is inlornioif that an soci- : .. .1 . . 1 . r 1 . t 1 1 . . . . - - - ' w wu" P I county for the purpose of iiianufneturiit" - . ' , .,' ., , . " cumin L'leiu-, n.1.1 t u n t t uc inci'ity 11 trj ne , . . , .' ,. loeaien on me ,au .uarcos ri vt-r. .inc to leant YtrayiDir, DlSTRKsIM) TlMKS IN MoTJO.MKRY. Ow iiiir to the late conflagration in our citv, we have to record tin; 1, tut aid teiideiii-v of ! - Iw..ir- ..1 ..-,1 I I ration liirni.-iiing corn meal, Ac., to the peo- llC OI IIIA SIITroUnU 1 11 1 rountrv s , ... ri denendent unou our eil for I.., tl...:. - . j ss socit coiu. All of the water mills in Autaiiira that can turn a wheel are crowded, and tbe steam sliill At Mount Meigs some thirteen miles east from the city cannot supply its bwttfjtmn.M'n'gcmcrif Jjurttal. ' From the Xrw Ortans Ciest-ait HKCKLICSS M ISUEP HESEN T ATIO.V Tho Wellington Union, aud it lias8um ioutberu echoes and ituitutors, we are ' ry to say, conlinuca tho work of charm ' upon thegreot American party thati- m.,siS tug si . ,i iii p ii a tiny our Xllu lUlliI, IrotlJ oil- extremity to the other, abolition inleiiiioriJ aflinilies aud proclivites ! A more wretci,.' perierter of facts than that same Union ' have never read. A more ui.scrupuou0 and shameless, ehect was never publicj' Its nietidncity is only equalled by iu ini ' eility. and its impudence by the uuhlu;,,! effrontery with which it flies in the fiaee of truth, history aud patent, well kuowa tK. orda. It certainly requires a vast Mock of is i sura"cc ,0 -,t'al'l n editor to tit dom, ,, i ' .lulihwrtit.ilv arihi nnrl n Iu, ..I . . i ,. , j l,erat.. v wr ,u. .0A lterwr.). ....it: i ,i... .i... . ..' . . j puoi ; nisi "uo Jiuieutau Hint cmcill. Is hot on'. till,,ured willi blU Ant jt had its or,.i0V abolitionism. The .lock of tbo fuion'h.,,. "ever, neems inexhaustible. For uion'thi a 1 ... . . ' , rjas Deen carping on tins string ; and t;( more severe the rebuffs it receives, the mors j pcrseveringly it returns to the charge, , i, J the mere mortifying the exposure of it. ba(j and untruthful practices, tho preatt-r the I shamclcssuess, utter and unmitigated, ssr it ta j which it rrpents it dirty work, j It is strange passing strange thnt a jourual claiming respeetubilily and po.ii;Q claiming to be tlia orgMi ol the AdiniuU. tralion, should so degrade itself, no uiatt,r . ' . " , i10w mtense its partisan-hip, as to slt -itu. I ,ile lue ucw parly ub aboliUom.-iii, S,ell ! t,B fact j., knowu lo every intelligent , ti,at tbo entire abolition p irly stud ubolitic,a j pr,., vlthout errcrj.iiot, are the bititr,., mo-t deti-ru.iued and inveterate infmie, -,,' ri.CPrit organixulion has yet encountered, ur probably will have to encounter ! Tl.t rc i . ,je. , tbe literal truth of these i,rob,. fiti0a. Tbey are evidenced in the hi.i,,-. .- .1 . ..... J ot the ps-t, aii'l iiiJtiiniaiit liicoiilroicrt.!, - , proofs can be fojr.d ou every band. Tha New York Tribune is th-; Icadim ! abolition jourbt I of the L'nited States. A.I cf the aatelites that revolve around it, p,. 'seas not a tithe of its influence and por. It hates the South, Slid the people of j Soulb. with a virukuee and intt-n-iiv uetir (exceeded in the worst a,ses of the wiril. - Had il the power to euforee its uj,ju sl.ivea, we doubt not it would bring iu ri ti i-lt'on the torture of iiiqubiuon, reti.n tti'j i. iirors oi at. isoniingo, an i cover iu wIm.c Soulheru country with ruiu and oe gradatioti, in a vain utteu.pt to improve u ou the evident attempt of Oiiinip jteticc iu a futile endeavor to elevate to a suml.tr I of iqiality a race that has borue for a. I lime a brand of mental and physical ii.ft riority uot a whit less iurffucahle than tint which was seared uu tha brow of tit- lir.-t murderer. Hot the Tribune, bad as it is in its abo'i- tiou ferocity, and deadly as its hatred Ui tl - C L 1.... . -1 . ir . "I J'Ui-uj UJStuaai vvtliiiiVU IIUIIl'll, lo cbar-e the Americsri nartv with rut. V- taiiiiu;? abolition proclivities'. On the con- rary.it denounces, and has denounced fum the cotiinii'iict'iiipiit, that parly as the nio-t formi iable foe the abuiiuou orgauiiaiioa al the North has to contend ag.iinsl, daily an-i weekly has it labored in tbo work of denun ciation ; daily add weekly have tlie pr. u which agn-e with it echoed and re cchxl those very same denunciations from one (I treme so the other ! And when Mr. II S ward was re-electe! to the Senate of tL United Stales, the Tribuim openly proclaim ed that he wasehost-n dvpiu-tba oppo i:ica of the " Know-Nothing," which wasstea.lv. 1 '"p"c---! nJ determined inm. fa-si ,., i.,.t , 1 Ule tlle,e 'ro,,h thon-atid aver, ' ''"". ni1 -hould welsh accordingly ,'i i Ptt,,,l,s- W ,h il'inSing (id u '. nig portion of the public, tli- y cannot fid i to exercise the iuQueuce which truth a!uu I wields. ! While upon this point we will sul-iain i putter in .ew llamp-lnre. speaking ot iriii ni a elections, etc., tho Tribune aavs : "Tbe Kuow-Noti.ing leaders of ibis Stat some time ago took occsmod iu letters ad dressed to their Virginia brethren, to uV flare tlieir itiiiocciiee of all sytnpatht ailll ttui .'.nti Slavery fet-ling of the North, it- I" en iiy as exhibited in the .re-election ol tiator Seward. In this they only ai I -J.ii.il -sits i ijtui eiu-i tl tit? . nut! til.-, it. .nil. , , , , - , - . , ... have id-l.-il, with cqiisl verneitjf, that lliff , , , . , 1 . . , ,, . e i were resolved to devote their luiiuhle snot- . , , , , . ties t putt.ng ths order thrau"hout t lie . .. tt i.n i ..- ' citintrv on the same Pro .Slavery platloriu - J 1 as tln rincltns. " In other words (referring to a speech made by Ciov. iNiiilh, of Virginia.) the Know Nothing movements ia the be-t de fence which the liinek i'ower can desire, for it will arre-t the growth of the North, an! make Freedom as weak as isUwry. ('aa a ulave-tl river desire auy Letter rea'on hit regarding the new party with approhntien . It turns back the industrious thousands " with in-t;nets aain-t Slavery, "wlioaonll t tin rtvie come to iiicrca-a,' ill.- p ip-ilatt or. ( the free Slates aud render the e-rn'ra-t be tween their prosperity and the decay of tin siave Stales Mill mure stlatin. Such, ac cofdinir lo Gov, Smith, is the necirr tendcBcy of the Order, while th id eti a of its magnates for the patriarchal itisttn tiou, with it blood-huuuds, harems, anl women whinpine; should enli-t under their every slave-driver and every deiuajroue of the South." II. r.. is what the New Hampshire I)cm crnt rabid aud influential abolition pa per anys in reference to the mysterious i iii. iiit 1 in. nr.ru.it a 1. 1 inn - 1 ' 0 15 " Wo would not disguise nor deny la 1 fact that there is danger the Kn iw Nuthiii.'. ' or American organization will be pervetb'l into an alliance sitb Southern Slavery. 1' 1 will require tbe cffoits of nil the true n"9 belotigin to it to save it fro:n I he f'lc i . 1 - 1 1 . .. . . t .. n-i II. m. ' - "taiicn tne -.. - 1 ocralio parties, 1 ' In addition, we quote from lliB Alexan dria (D.C.) Gazette. It eoines aptly aul to the point : " Kvideneea of Abolition hostility ' (''4 Know-Nothing movement accumulate upon 111 from every quarter 111 the Noun. Wo aifh i-CUt CC OM'h S HI II L J I' rt ;-Oll f .1 1T 1 AH of these statements are strictly true I..I ll.eo en, ,1,1 I.A ...i.l.l.ilieil a. tllOU-aO'1 r 1.1 . .. t.. .t . i i r: .;,i;ntt and , ioiu Tiliu tlllly lue lauur i ns. ft',;'" . f- wrilinj;. et tha Wi n u I.t t .a I tililla BIH4 1 I filiated S, a-a.w sjaSial 1 ,.. nirttnlltl of II'" tan II I II" iJII s.i-'s-. ! touth, have the tt.-cklessiiesa to come before I the public, not only once but time and KM" Uud aileiro tUftU Au.irkau U tiothn'i i ""j i

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