M&tm tt VOIaUMB C3E3r3FLXJ0,ZI1iE3, 3XT. C, 35.5T SO, 1SSS. ( THOMAS J. HOLT ON, Editor & Proprietor. TERMS : TteXo.ili.f'.roms afforded to WH'i fills A O ' 'l r'l V CENTsTf'ii". ra ,:,t !.. I. Lved lor three months, nnd TIIUKK ImI.I.aRS at 1 1 iv end... the year. No paper will ., u,,c,.i,tiiiucU unui u arre.ir.iece arc paid, ii. i ' a 4i, uution of tbe Euitor. ?u.u'i"!l"i!o S'r AilV'TfCt'lllt'lltS 4ist mjn .ire U " line "r less, 11... ,,,., tve) fi s! insertion, unu -'j tt nlt tor each cm. nuance. art mil rliM iii" nta ami Mieritl ?.lr ilmrKid l r mil. ihi;iht ; aim a aitiuciiun ul h r co t. wul lie niudc lroin the reptilir pricta, ur 30 trlisir by the year. Advcrlifciiu-uts inrr. l.j in ntli!)' or qu.irtcrlv, t tl per quure tor f.u-li tune. SeniunontliJy 75 etiil jwr square 1', r c.icli ti no. iJ' I'a.-tm jU'r are aulliorm d to act os ogt nta. SI From the ftaltimore Amaicon. May-Matins in thr Oprn Air. bt ipo. t. iicvrN, Swerl M.iy, on ivins f t:!ai1nci born?, Silnli'M .tp.iiu the verd tnt erlh ; The first bright j;liinrc ot roiculc nir.rn. From orii-nt iiMtmuHm nncin for tit. It ils wrlcMinc to the bruiut qur n Through sunny-btJWerrd portal etn ; A'-d sntinda of .inirlhiul tin lody Open the year's grct jubdi-e. In drwy frehnrNitt hill and dle, KnfrHiicril, like fuiry bmriacj-prf lif, Aim inonlprM ot' rapturt s il, II vinniiiif, bent ;t tli tht azure ky ; 1 u i-1 n t d n litve nnd bituMr-dnrns, 'I neir h' jveuly hitihrtjjlit to coitfcit, t'nuuinb'red voices will the theme Of paradisic! blisa uprcnif. T'nr ctnnrcrt'd liour nnfu'd High Ireamini! banner, fir and near; And ureaina of ot tier f.rliti hi. Id At:fiiblira in conjunrtion, lit re TrotihiMit reclitMttg net hp of g'-e, H .rtlt'aTalluweii l'uuni ot' nunnlfti li. ttir:, in michty unison. Strains by eriphtc barpn btun. M'V riirniiti? ! wjvc thy glori bijjh, Tn it man in y b!e.g ihy hititte ot ' yy ; Whence bf:ah anew thy tiriHiat.'y A ptt-rli:!. b!iit .jf-in rutp'oy Thv rfiirmnir dpint'l dt-rp drawn Pprlli. 'I'm lourh vi t lit Ll. tht: wot it n; drlla. 'lue unziru iitrctma, and lnl'i that altare Tiic Ijj nquct of the vt rtul car. X w i.sTc y ur I'jnc iraa deny of glooin, V ,y i .r 'ra " f t'ie city' crowi : V t rr .'-pr mot iutioua bt uttea blotmt J if rr bu vour thanktul vmrci h.ud, Vt ch !tirn ( uiftasr and woe, 'it ! !el your l fl'd murmuring flow T'-yy in Xuture' lap ot pr-cc. Alt' bid y i-.ir plaint ut' aorrow a c.ae. Hut ; niit into the opfn air, itre rt'Vt-l tuturc'i h) imtiQjy throng.; Oijt : ctcli lue jnyou nioinrnU rnrr, M jiucnla of glory, li -e rid iH. V who now ngU in racimt hjir. whom a noipy world i nthr.tll t l; ;t'n awhile your haitnt ofctnlc, A:ii breathe lle iwect M-y.intiriiii'g life. 'tit ! iVvcrH crowHi thr inorninp beam. K . rtli nmilr, difftiaiiiff h-ippmfM, I r in htgi iiul'niif pn-ndrur atp'Oni- Oh, pow tia ttitrl ouf aphi-rr to biean, Y.-ru toAtn ini-lt'tli into pr.iiaf ; . Af rnd ! aci nd, ye m .tin lya, T. I v.r .1 chooa niork the dy Ktl to cmhrjce our Queen of May. Kftisccllancmis. IiWTO DO A LANDLORD (JUT or a ivi:i:k' n mo. We were told the following story, a day t-.vo tinee, by a gentleman, who, w pic i(i. was on tbe epot at or at. out the time with right good will. of the occurrence. Wc publi-h it for the After all thin? were sufficiently advnn l.eiiotit ot those gentlemen who-e pockets are rej to rr,.as,. Mr- T. from further super t.t tilled wilii " rock," generally and nio-t , vi.ion, she wmt into her chamber to ar I ai-licularlr, lor the uniuscmctjt of our wor-: rall.,H ier toilet to receive her husband's tr.y hosts of the A-tor Hou-e and City Hotel in New York. J he joke is too good to be kst. "J -dm:" " As, Sir." ' Carriage at tbe door." John ran to the dojr and ret'i'ned a large trunk; apparently not very heavy behind came a gentleman whose external appcaranca was decidedly m iltinmire. i . . . I 4, - I (no red In v name simply, .lr. Bucneriuan New York laying down his pen, he ew.d to the landlord '. I want the very bet accommodation your bouse will afford the very best for wn I should like a parlor and bed room on the same floor. " That you can . out wormy ; lost of tho a-'wr. .I.nii 1" " Ye?, Sir." " Take the gentleman', bajgaje to room Ko. ; ' Yes, Sir." '' I say, John, put every thing in perfect '.rder, and put 'that large rocking chair j,,i ,.'.. e o 1 t-is r iom. " Yes, Sir " Everything beinr; fairly arranged, our f'W'tli.uian. Mr. Buckermsii, was shown to bis room bv the servant John, which lie oc- 'spied utimolested for the space of ten days.j ordering every thiii2 which his fastidious j tvte desired; wines of the very !t-"t and 'J,e lady's fe lings can be better iina 0 Me. 1 brands were ordered and sent up te joined by the reader than described by the ' -un ; meal furnished in his aparlments ; ex-1 1 iter ; but the balance of tbe day passed tta K-rvants were at his call, Ac, Ac. At; off pleasantly, saving the Isdy a abashment tl.' expiration of ten days our gentleman resulting from not recognising the " Virgin-l-ai.de.i tbe servant. John, a fifty rent piece' ia .Men.Ler of Coheres.." f-'l I' sting hini to vrive it to the landlord ' . 1 ,1 lb te matters stood a day or two ; our wor .lir nr fain ! mir ir.r. thy host of the Alitor think'tig this small P'lwni.ht might possibly be. a hint for him to present his Lill, accordingly ordered it mad.: up, and presented it iu person. On i.t'-nnj bis room, our host found ?e. hue i' rii.iiri seated in Li. chair, with bis fcot stii.g in a smaller one, Leside him was a tsbU with three bottles of wine LU favor it brand ; a few attars, Ac. j " Good morning .-0l llioruillg!" replied Mr. Suckruiaii,-vCry glad to ace you; uivii ciccnciii ly accoitimouuicu ; never net- ter in my whole lrt'e, first rate house tLtd ; ! ' L'ood table. io.nl kItk.s ..nml s..rv.ini- v..r ; sltelltivei tend" all my friends here; 8urtlyi rKuy, Mr, iicv.r was so well treated before for my mount have had every attention ; every luxury which heart could Wish : wants been tierf'cet v satisfied I Uur host cut off tflis adulation by present-'. iUg thi bi"- I i . . . - I "l inouglil said our host, " I woul.l hand I ID your till -hero it is; anount $-7 !J7 i-'J ct.i. " My bill, did you say? my bill! V'hy, sir, I have paid all I tigrii- l.'' "10 whom did you pay ! " 'ir, I paid your servant, Jolm ; I pave him fifty cents, and told him to band it to j you; let's see; yea it yias the dy kul'oro ) vesteraav. 1 Ins ns wrrv eiiit I 1.11 .i.V 1 1 had irien I came here. I told von I onlv wsnted the best accoinuiodations for my monrtj. I supposed all ft ou I was hav-! ( iug it. This bill, roaliv. air, I cannot paj sorry you expect it." j .Ai inii stae ot prvodin'. our host ot." uuiiktihk uiul mu lornima a i -sior uo-'an to at c hh position, ana cut , ilr. Jsuekennan by trliinp him that the joke ( Plv,' '"'low, i the true and penuine ritual i Tal,,0 0f your National I'liiou, t. your ool-; ",,""r eoiiider;itnri., do e. iu to n,e to re- ,;::j0.s ,,f foreign I'aj.ists and foreurn I u- ! put out of j ' was so well played off he would give hiiii!of ,hn llir' degree. Wo suUiit it to the I ,.rtivn and individual linptdnes'i. Voa fl'JirL'. '" tl,, ''" 'Prf -'-iou of my prin- j UJ, 1,, inuad.itin the country like a fl.jod of j tile to our his Lill and fifty ceuts, providing ho would ; People of the Smith, with the i..iiry should cherish a cardial, haLitual, and ini- p,I,!l',t " uh"Kl ' l"d ,it, i j locusts. ci openly organised into p.iliti- civilization, i call on Ins Itieiifl Jennings, ot the I ity llo- s friend Jennings, of the 1'ity If o- i day the same joke on him. , te . and t av the same ioLe on him. I Mv food sir." aaid Mr. Siii'L-i'rniiii 11 t 1 will d.i mil tl.inr fr vr,,, v..,. I.av ' ' so very kind; any thiiiif yon wisl .t reallv, sir ; I cannot ot do that; it would ,,i ' iiiiics V'li t: vir the Jilty to cumt here." ' ' be fair Mr. Jt unities tents titnl tul I me ! "John." j Ves, Sir." I "'lake tliis gentleman's Vsggage from j No. , and order a carriage and take hi:n j wherver he wishes to l'o l'ree !'' j i '1 he last we saw of Mr. Suekenuan, he j ' l ou his Way al Ilioadwny. MAKING IIIMSKI.F rSI.'Ff'L. Iuring the essinn of lT'J'i-'T, a wealthy uir.L-ua.n ... comormiiy wuu uie cu-wiii of the times eave a dinner nartv lo a ti dinner party to a tew e- ! gentlemen, among wnoui was a luiiiiler ot , Congress of that pi i iu-1. (.in the ar pointed day, however, the laily of the liou.-n was ! somewhat anr.iyed at an eHrly hour by the intrusion of an old man at the door, ll.ir i ing been met by a servant, he inifiired if jthe proprietor of the house whom we will call Mr. Tophani was at home. I pon ro iceiviug a n gativc reply, and being further more iiitormeu t!:..t lie woulil uot be at Louie for some three or four hours, the old joiin said : " Well, being as I am here, I 1 may as well remain until he comes." " I'leasc wait a moment," aid the servant, j" 1 will call Mr. Topliatii to the door, and I see what she will say." The servant then ran and called the merchant's if( ho j made her appearanee. Tbe old man thni ' repeated what he had said to the servant i that beinj at he w .n t''. re hi: Ir.il.t " 11 j remain until her hu-b-ind cam.:. " !!,'' i r plied Mrs. T. " If you will -tav. ju-.t walk through th alley and go back to the kitch en and take a seat." Nothing daunted, ti.-. o'.J man obeyd or ders aiid pascd ti.rouyh tha alley to the kitchen, wLire he louud Mrs. T. and the k.ri.nu ..rt.. Iiiisilt n,.iiifr.t III r, r. r, nt-i ii. .v "t-"r- r I fc J . . . L' . . . . " I I . . I. oiu'.ier. .UT'posnisr Dim some wiu man sett ing employment, Mis. T. was free in calling into refiuisinoii his services in hr wo:-k ot i preparing dinner, "nd ho was eijoaliy wiil ' ing and ready to render all aistani:o pos j sible. " (Md Man," said she " suppose you I take tlm bucket, go to the hydrant, and ; draw us some water. ' Ha at once and read ; ily complied with the riict. " Oi ! tiinn," j again she said, ' suppos.. yo-i a-i-t lis a little io preparinL' dinrer, as we L'ive a din , tier party to-day, and are very hurried in ; deed. .lust peei u tew potatoes if you please," No sooner was the reuuest uia'ie than the old man " got to work peeling potatoes ut.st,. t the proper hour her husband , came ; an.I th.-n, one by one, came tho.; J who were to di,i with him ou that day. In due time ail arrived but one M r. :. Mr. 1 Tophani then b .gan to express bis Murpriso . J on I-o promi-e and swear (or atnrm,) tniny aim lorry n.eaiuars t congress, se ! at the absence of the Virginia repres. nta-; that this, and all other obligations which leetiag those of eour-e w ho were known t i with ,;.. , 1., tl,..ii.,ht he wouid certainlv have , vou have previou-ly taken iu this order, entertain a vry exalted oi.iuion of then- j,ecn 0e 0f tie first, to make hi appear- know-ire that hi dinner at home was tQ oary OIICi - When about coming to the conclusion I tliat the Virsinim M. U. would fail to i.mka ! his appearance, Mrs. T.'a memory, which 1 After tbe candidates have hern in-truet- i tide with thein to the point of assignation, seemed to have proved treacherous, became ed iu the mysteries of this third decree of and see th sights. We unhesitatingly con effulgent and she acquainted her husband the order, the following charge is given by J sentrd, and we saw sights sure enough, liid- 1 with'tbe far t that there was an "old man" . the Pr..-ideiit : "! ing upon ibe designated so litre, we beheld ! in tho kitchen who had been waiting to eee hi(u fjf l)(e ,ast llir(1(J or fu1, Lourj Mr. T.iiuuicdiately repaired to the kitch - en to asscrtain the "old man's " wants, when Is and heboid! who should he liud bnt our M. C. himself! Astonished beyond measure and with confused utterance, he exclaimed. 'Why, how came you here ?" He aim ply r-plied 1,1, I.b vn.ir v 1 wus li.viieil to t ho kitchen by your wife and as I came much ', that gave us birlh ; to tho memories of our J J . . ., . ...... .. .. . ... . o . before your dinner hour, Imtc l-cit .-- iiiX mii'tf liful." Mr. T. at once invited and accompanied him into the parlor ami Introduced li Mil to bis wife and puc-t Hulh.-rfotd of Virginia.1' the Hon. Kobcrt . - c KvAitivn the Law. The city marshal of Portland reached the preini-e of a licjuor seller named Noonan on Tuesday, and found under the staircase a lead pipe,. lead ing into a cask of poor cherry brandy, en closed in the finishing work of the house. Ilefore the cask eonid be got. at, the li.pior bad nearly all b'.-en pumped out by the out .ider. through another pipe. Frmn tht Lynthliurg Virginian. NATIONALITY OP AMERICANISM- RITUAL OF TIIK THIRD DEGREE. Allusinn in frrauotitlv made in the roliti- P"I V, the obligations assumed l;y I'lemners of the American party, in takjh j lat is called " the third degree," and to I "e ""'ompatiBility of those obligations I wlttl a tiolitioiiism or fcctiounl 2ltatl0n 01 ""J character. J he anti-American press 1 f U'1'' Pullis,,i,,B P,,rf'or, I .1 ni . .. 4 ( lu "c u revcinuou 01 me aecroi rites anil pledges of the party, take pood care to j leave oui tnis imru Uepree, iU witiiin a few days past a fres-soil anti-American papej- of l'lttsburj, has ohtained acciden tal pnssnssijn of a copy of it, and has made il r;,!,lio 0 view f creating a prejudice "gainst tho American movement with the abolitiooi.u, di-uniouists ainl agitators of .'orui the story is that it was amon3 "'C contents vi 1 os 1 pochci oooR, which t,l.e h'"der placed in the linnds of the editor. y ",IOUI cominrnimg upon Uio propnciy ot its ori'al publication, under Mich circmu- aiin-s, wc neMre to wtate that we have i v 1 1,l,uur;' """"'i " ""''"iier iney kiiuw any otner party that is willing to tske upon itself, as a rule ot ; "; ""'J iiuw onv ouier pariy unu is willing to take upon itself, as a rule ot : netioil Ihrourhout the eouutrv. the eon-er- a t ivp, t r ana ii i lui tin- and natioiia! o'. tions here prescribed. vnd we s i! mil it '. .t i.i ... . lo them whether any party, Billing thus to 1 itself in the siht of C.d and iiimii, ; "l'"ld not brj su-t -lined hy nil who 1, -ii.; ! to s. cure the reace ot the country aii'l the i , perpetuity of the L'niou. litre ii the docu-' '"ent : , IUIL'AL OF TIIK TlllliP I1'J IlEK. TMIiil) IF(iRrr, i iifM It.. j The President administers to the eandi-i dates elect, the following filll.l'IATION You, and each of jou, of your own free I , will and presence uf Al - mi btv (iod and these wilne'sra, with Vour ' ..,., ..m . ... f,j , ' f .. " . . leelloli Winch should ever liind Inio-rlier th States of this I'nioti, forming a rini' in token of your determination that a Isr as your efforts caH avail, this I'ni n shail have no end, do solemnly and siiid rely swear, (or all. rin,) that you will not, under any circum-t.iiiccs, di-clo-e in any iiianiier, nor suffer it to be done by others, if iu your power to prevent it, the li iu.e, signs, p,. words, or other secrets of this degree, ex- ' rep ,o mo... to w noni you may prove on, trial to be brothers of the same decree, or in open council for tbe purpose of instrr.-. ...... ...... ,.,tla.e , M,r ...-,.,,. ,c t 11101. i .iicso .-,aies; in. t hi ti.u nisi Lmti ui vour ou.iia as Auiencan citizens, you will uphold, main tain, and defend 11; that you will dis emragc and di-eountenaiice any and every j ottcii.pt Cuini 11 from any and every q'lar- ler, w l.icu you beln ve to ho ilc.ij.-ricd or caleuiat.-'l to oc-troy, or subvert it, or ts we.iM-n its bonus; ami 'hit you wi. uso yaur iiiflucnce, as far bs in your power, in endeavoring to procure an amicable and e'j'iitablo adjif-tmeiit of all political dis contents or differences, which may threaten its injury or overthrow 1 mi ila further promise and swear, (or ffirni.i that you will Hot vote for any one to fill any III CI! of h nor, or profit, or trust r, whom ve.11 know or of a political t bar ic! beiicvi! t) be in favor of a dissolution of tho union of these Statu, or whi is en- or sill is en- d. avoriug to produce that result ; that you wilt votetjr an. 1 support lor a:l political othces, 3J or I nion Degree members ot this order, in preference to a'l other- ; that if it m.iy be done con-i-tent 1 y with the Constitution -and laws of the land, you will when elected or iinp intid to any o I.i 1-1 I station, which may confer on you the power lo do so, remove frjin office or place, all persons whom you know or believe to be in favor of a dissolution f tint I nion, or who nie endeavoring to produce that result; and that in no ca-e you will appoint such per-ons to any political ette or place whatever. All this vou promise and awcar (r affirm,) upon your honor aa American citizens and Inends of the American I uion, to austain and abide by without any hesi- union or menta: reservan.in wnaccver. shall ever hek.pt sacred and inviolate, j To all thia you pledge your lives, your for- 1 tunes, and your sacred honors, so help you .;'"". ' " "' P r '"'""-'; ... I ''" ,IP sl,a11 ""swer " f do. Rii.n il EH.s : It is with creat pleasure that I congratulate yoa 11ponyouradvar.ee- 'mei.t to the third degree of our order. . Tho responsibilities yeu have now assumed J are more serious and weighty than tho-e I which preceded, and are committed to ' such only as have been tried and found worthy. Our obligations are intended as i solemn nvwan 01 our iiuit 10 the lanu j minus ; ami to uie Happiness unu wcjiare i '' ':r children. Consecrating to your ' country .spirit unselfish, an,l a fidelity like ul"ul. ,,,u 1'-'"" Revolution, you have pledged your aid in cementing the Loud, of a Union which we trust will endure forever. Vour deport ment siiice your initiation, lias attested your devotion to the principle wu desire to es tablish ; and has in-pired a confidence in your patriotism, of which we can give no higher proof than your reception here. The dangers which threaten American liberty, ari-o from foes without, and from enemies within. Tho first degree pointed out the aource and nature of our most im minent peril, and indicated the first mea sure of safety. The second degree defined the next means hy which, in coming time, such assaults may be rendered harmless. Tho third degree, which yon hare just re ceived, not only reiterate, the lessons of ttle other two, but it, is intended to araw and provide for ft more remote but no less I tt'rnblc! (junker Irani domestic; enemies to our free institution". S Our object is briefly this : To perfect an ,.r, ,.!; ; II,., I ft,.r it, r ),-I Constitution of the United Stages, arid co-i cxtensivo tha Confederacy ; its objects anJ principles in all matter of nuHoi.nl concern, to be uTiifvm and identical, whilst . in nil U.-.l nmli.n l nnn.r.onenl ,rl ... .... r. . shall remain independent and sovereign within their re.peetive limits. -J be prrat result to bo attained the only one which can secure a perfcot guarantee as to our future is union ; permanent, en-!" u "'""J siii.uar inwiaiioiis nave t maybe 0f les iinportaiiee to deter- tlietu. I'ulilic opinion is tho only itistru duriiiL', fraternal UMO.nI Allow we then ' sellt me, an 1 stdl contiime to be , n,i110 by "what means this t;eat spirit hi, merit ly which this jreat clninge can be ef- to impress upon your minds and memories, I "e"1; from various and widely-separated been housed and concentrated. Yet this , I'cctcd, That enlightened, the first step of the touching sentiments of the bather f portion! .-Mho Commonw. alth, signed in -w uot difficult. Manifestly whatever those Ike revolution is political ; tho second is his Coiintrv, in his farsjell address : " Tlfe 1 UMTV of governnif.'-,n hich constitutes you ono people, lu s i asnin-ton, ,jU5t!y dear to you, for it is the main pillar I ,11, me edifice ot jour real i.id jt.eiidenec, I tho suppert of your tranituilily at home, I of your pence abroad, ot your aafoty, your proMnritv. even that liberty you i-o justly prize. ; - - jt u or innmto liiomcnt that you -nouia nroporly estimate the iianifito i0v,le attaehni. yours, Ives to thiul movaliie attaeliinenl t' it i acrustoininj v.mrs. )ve i. te.ink mul ai.ak nf it as tl.i. r.nllnilinin nf eoi.r nnliih-al safety ami mr. i...,iiv v.-i.-',i , ir In i,rpi.r.n(ir.i. -lit,! ' ,, alo'us auxn tv.'riiscoutitensrieMi whatever iJ - ' ,ay sueft even a sn-pieion that it can ju ny event be abandnned. and indicant, j f v frowning upon the f r-t dawning of every . aUt, i t to alieuata anr aortion of our country from th. rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now bind together the various parts." .; Let the.-e words of paternal adviee and ' war"ln''. r01" ,1,e fti-.t man that evi'r livel, sink deep into jour hearts. Iieri-h them, and teach your children to reverence flvotil rf nli.ir:K flit .....111'. . ' 0f Wa-hmrt-.n him.'elf. .'I lie 'i - ,,;.. ;. .i,,.. .r.i o-..r. ... r 1:1 ... t..... . u . i : heart Without it, our greatness as a nv Itioli, would di.-..r.e.ir, and our bo.aed self- rovernment prove a signal failure. The very name of Liberty and Ike hopes of 'srr.iffL-lii.4f freedom throughout the world mu.t net i-h in the wfllrk of thi. 1'nionl li-vote yourselvm, th.-n, to its inaintenar.ee, ' . as our father, did to the ca of iuuep.-n-denee ; consecrating to ils sapporl, as you hnve iinrfl t rln vmir tirea ti.nr fiirtn ritas. mA n..r ,i L.,,.., broth, . R..C,H1 your minds the oUiir,tiM, ,lirh ?4u bf4r, several- ,f ukpn jn nJ j..,. , now pronounce you ctititvd to all the priUlltt of m..l,ee.btp In Ihi. rai.-, fion, and take pleasure in informing you that you are now member, ef the Order. CONGUKSSIONA I. MO It A LITY. ; We were infiaitely amused three or four weeks atjo by a practical joke in fTashiiiK- ton ( .ty upon a number ef tbe aire men of ( oi.irre.s. it was too good to te left un- publl-hd. A couple ef merry fellow., mi. of them a distme-unhed member of Con- gress from a .suulh.rn State, and the other a distingaisherl ox e.lir from Kentucky, concocted a letter purporting to be ails ms- ed by a young lady to a very fine looking gentleman. It was gel up in first rate sty 'e. The pretended y-xing lady et forth there- iu that sh had several timas seen the gr n- llemaii sue was auoressine, mai suo was tlcmati she was addressing, that she was captivated by Ins Iibo face and nian'y f Tm, mai ner nearv was uepij Knicnt i bv an sue saw and heard at him. that hs n.u-t maie hi aequaii.tsnse befjie his Jepart'irc fr'-m the city, thai she hpd an I prayed be wjnl d fjri'ive her f. einin.' t!Jns-i, as it was ihe first insprudent ael et her life, last she had al ways waved and waa still moving in tho highest circles in the Capital, that she would be upon a certain souare of a certain street at precisely I o clock on th. folloaing flay, in a dr.s which she described with great psriieaiarity, and that she hoped and trut- ed be would meet her and thus affard her opportunity of a brief personal inter- course wit'a the idol of her heart. The t ro wags had between thirty and .oriy copies of this letter written by a fewa! friend of n.e,rs, ..... i,.rj s,, copies o i.n.rrn awn personal fascitntions , Kr. ry thing being thus arrsnged the two jakers called uport us and another young 1 gentleman, expiain'-a what t lie t had .tone,1 !and invited us to get jntj their earriafje, 1 "bole of the thirty members, Northern i'""' 'V"1 oiitn-rn men. wing.. L'.moerats, I ". IV"0W -Nothings, wa,kinp to and trn all K'nR eatursuy in u,r.r,,,, -t fmie figure to discover th. object bf . e,r "'' 'er,hi: U e eei.cluded that it a few more eep.es the letter bad been ...it to the members , would havo had to adjourn for want f quorum. J Aims ri!!r Juuruol. Si.avkr CArTt nici) in Tttr. (it i.F Py the steamer St. Lawrence, which arrived here on Thursday last from Key West, we have received a letter from our correspon dent, containing some important news. He states that on the il-'d inst the pilot hoat Champion, while cruising for es.-nls, fell iu with the fcrigantine Horatio, abandoned, and stripped of her sails, anchors, Ac, and towed here safely into the Key West port. L'pon aa examination ef the vessel, they fnii.t.l that ah had bees Plirrn.rctl in thn le..l. an.) n.i.U..I,l. ...I . .,,.,. '.' rl,i, 1'sm.i II. vi,, further use for h.r, she was set on fire and abandoned. She had all the internal ar rangement for ventilation, water, Ac, usu ally found iu a slaver, p'roni a paper pick ed up in the cabin they learned her name. She will be condemned and sold by tlie pra piK authorilcs. 'in"';' Vtniuuiir Fimii the Fiaiitifurt Vummnnttrnllh. Tlir A iiK'i lrM ii (jnt l ion." LHTTF.R HIOM KI1V. tl. Illilli KINKIIXiD. Dan vm.I.e, Kv , April l;1, 1 '"'". Mv 1,KAK SlK : Vo ' "' ,llilt 1 llve received two communications, both of tllcm !"K"eJ I'unibrr ut the most re- "pectable eitixens ot your town, amongst i. uc.il iceox.sc iii.u.y uiu pel sonui i I IV no s, urging in e to address the people at the capital of the State, upon that j;ivt Ame- tinelly manliest. I,et the country i-xccnle out of tho hands of those who have be man question which so derf ly ei,fea?es the M10h u work in such a spirit; nud she will traved thtsc vust interests, and must X atteatiou of the whole coimnunity. I may ,0 luched anew upon her hi h career. i put into the hands of those w ho will chei ish lue Eg"-gate t y a very larpe number ol riorsAna Ami ll IC net fl.iiil.t Liimj.i In 1 -s , .,n,. . you that,, within this uiorttb, I,aas ?"' u,"lcr peculiar rireuinstanccs, in b'Jtu ulisr rireumstances, in both "" ' ri" J" " s,.,(J. a ,u .j - al"1 l'Cinftoti. The t of UiI" c""nH'niioH i-( in im r.ii piaru, 10 iMJ in P,,l,lic mn"T. that it dot imt nppr 10 nW v .my uuiy u acctpi uj-c j appear to me t tnvitatiiTis ; iiiel, in the t.-e ia I r.Uco. to I perform the duty which ty. and in:itiy'0f (!. J'puhiio Was it noll.in-, that " '""J - '-'j .,Pia-it,, ranou li aay, mat 1 Hail ley y.-ril 1 the projf slie. t. of un article writl en by in f'-r I'l'iod.ia!, i.ut..isird in .nuttier Mate ."'i''1' i,n ''" I.e.. . :r l . d ; and to a ' ' . tl,,,nf 1 S11pr"j the Mnaile.-t j "ubt of the i-'ue i.f this coi.te,t in K n - ( ur? or t,iat U,J ""' 'r romparabie j in vaine to tlie estimate tut on tliem I v partial fiit&ds, F should j ir-ii'' a verT dif fereiil course from the one 1 hatu n m adopted. Politics have a-siini'd a h"w, nnd to the old mauaets of pirties arid elections, a most gnejpeeteri phase. .V.ur. thirds have con-pired to pro.luee this rcuit ; and n.en will, n donlit, give this r that expl.mi tioii of the movement we are w itne-siti according to the point of view from which they consider it. M..i.y tfb ct may be pro duced by the movement H -rlf, and men will appreciate those cm-els, ami enoVavnr t- , r prevent th.m, a -eordmu to their , r""' l'"" wir mien-sn oi "1r',J, ami of the proper tl.-at.ny of our grr.-ia .:a-ifitr.r. tl. . . . I . l: .i - k lie iiiii ut ana perinoniL; piwi-r II i.. movement itself iin no Unger be a inattir of djubt. And to tk calm observer, va rious elements Ire manifest wn:ch render its future progress a!to- tl-r inevitable. Amongst these deci-ive eh-iue,,., ,;, be, aiiici in- augm.iu. il lores 01 in. move- tiic ut itsi If, e -pnred by iti own prciitu triiimj.bs ; and the gie.it hoinogcnt iuiies of lh s.irit .f it, to the J.ortions of that country r'-nianiiiij to be subdued, than t ) the portions alr.-ady 9-111.1 .1.-rt-! . It nl encounter no difhculty npuil to the ir.ti -n! (jinnrraey nf New Hampshire, Iiiin us, Peuuvl ania. and Miehi'an 1 ti.e wnle. ' spread' t.olitiral inirr.oralit v of New Votk. tt, Deiujcraey of irgima, and the ... tiled , anti-slavt ry si ntim.-iit of M as( imsi its ; the her. Iitaiy Whigi-m of Ken'nck v. Yet a; f ,he-e ar- mastered ly the grander ,pjr;t 0f ths new tuoveitii t.t. What bar- rier remains to arrest its im .i-liblc career' I t absurd for the opponents of this at inoveuo-rit of the human mind, p, mtrihutc it t) unworthv or in.inificaiit e,u-a. t is utterly nil. ui.eis tor its :fi; nds to imagine that it can eihau-t itself up.,,, tubiccti that arc I eb! and indistinct. u ,nay !, Kt i,,,t wru,,,. , , h-t s It unattainable ; but it rsnmt avoid aiming at ,,t -r.-at and pc run nmt any mors t'isii jt could b.e be.-n produrr. y nnuhiiig tiat was f. cble. indirect, or base. A prest ! p, opie does not receive m h shocks fr.m 1 ,lr, ra.e,; u.,r heii ruieived ,o thev terminate without iimiieii-e leni'.f. hat we behold is a va-t and aj-pirrnt-ly spontaneous uprising of the sp.iit rf American nationality. Itnie-iih that tc behold the rtoratia.i of that primeval spirit of Protestant civ iluatioti, in whi-ih tha country ile,f was originally crratsd. And still beneath that w. behold the ro Incwal of that profiuud sense of the over Iwhelming necesjity f our N iti. 01 al I'nin i - 1 .1 .,1,.,. v.,rl v, -t ,.r s ;,.,otjn. 'if,,..,. the lile 1 nil ,ltarl gn(J if rigaut e lnov - ment. Au.erie in Nationality, Protv-tant I ivilu itioti, .National I nion. I he country believes all three of tfien are in danger. Men may say the country is deluded. Pit that does not alter th" case so ,.ng as tlm 1 country thinks oil icrwie. The country is resolved that all danger to r,l oT them shall be thoroughly removed. Men may aay the country is misled; but what of that, so long as the country is resolved to be N- : i i ..... .... 1 1'. :. 1 s noon!, 1 . "L'-si.ti.i, arji. 1 lii.eii . ill. country is ihorournlv convinced ; that it cannot tru-t. the perp. ioation of its uut i -t. n.1 1 1 v , its Prote-tant civnuation. and 1 1 l ion as one j-eople any longer, to the keeping of exi-ting p.u ties, in their ordinal y action ; and so the country hat, for the time at l.-at, set aside all parties. Men may say this is lucre fuiati. i-m ; but what does the country care for the saying, of men whom it rejects m unworthy of bciui; trusted with its destiny in so great a etisis ? Tlm country resolves to peipetjate the union of these Stales. They who urn faith ful to the l'niou had better take up the .saint, great parable: they who are not, ought in the judgment of the country to be indi.-eriminati iv crushed. 'I h country de- J profound pin pose; they who conspire It dosdoy that Protestant civilization, or who !-, r sell themselves to those who ilo n tnu-t abide the political overthrow which so justly and pcriiiaiier"'J awaiu them. The country cherish. its glorious t.ationallty, and bclinving it to be endangered, it has risen up in its majesty to a-sert, to vin dicate, and tn develops still more powerful ly the nationality w ithout which the coun try itself has uo destiny notni.sionou the teriuiiies that its Protestant civilization is and prelates of l-.m-ipe" W as rmm-i-l ' i t" ' ai 1. 1 is again making the reta ils original, its most precious, and its mo-t asked of th. m by foreign papi-t-. an I ieli-; ''n of tho earth visible to the eye, and vital inheritance; an J, believing it to have j dels, when, throughout I he w hole land, they j '' an apparatus that exhibits the phe been betrayed, it purposes to am round it conspired with the full as.-r nt of demagogues u on. -non more palpably to the ordinary ob with ade.i"ttc safeguards. They who par- to overthrow the Piotc-lniit civilization ,.f! server than did bis famous pendulum ex ticipate in thes.i opinions will applaud this the country? Wore, the secrets of the ' P'rime nf, tw years ago. The connivance face of the earth. They who are so bt to every exulted instinct, as to be insensi- ble to the grandeur of such hopes as jod has ti-l before us, may aiso dcpisu all tho cll'ovts by which thus hopes are to be ulizeil. evrrtlic!.v, tl-tf country will piard and assure its nationality in spite of its recreant children, as weil as its open foes. This is my version of this prand movement ; one point of view from which its li.e. ils m.vmh.s nml ill siiiiiti nm tl i s- 1 Uicun wei e, they must have worked lonfc' nos 11 to 1 aliJ (vor!:ed dfTeply. 's it nothing that j 'ion, and the triumph of a puny eommeu prevailed. j ail'fj' ts-cf .tin rriiry, and f-r , years 1 suratc with the country, the Americaii par I 1 1 ! 1 . ... .1 mm j log0thcr, and upon the mo-t opposite pre texts, m m-soiution ol the I inon was con , f,t;tut'..y threatened: Was it nothing that politieal eon uptinn, lto u riat.lic in thr land Ii.iJ shucked all hmiest men ? Wn Jt uotKii.. that a stroa.n of i'.iri-ia-ii p-uippr j r,..,,,, (1. ...! ..ln'.w.l.. tl... k.-,.,,... pa,Pr, tliiretuJ aaamst the iiUrt ,,c Teliirinn, and tlm natioualitv of the r o- j,,-! Was it n jthin-, th.it political pat ties i i o I. V t"!i -lit aiel id tin- sni i ort "f the-' ', I e M r ! ii I p e.s, conn jcting always for such j.ayinpi.t- 4tii nl.ing. , in leturu, as were the uio-t hu and the most fatal ? Was it that the voieo f,f patriot", the put er ol the pri-s- the iinpni tunities ol the j ii' it er directed, each in its own sf here i t for vt-ais t-iL-'ther. ;iL'ai:i-t 'his tri.-l.t- lal otni eiiorn:oiis wickedness T Was it ii -'hin,', that lit length, luen could I. either vote. iir speak, or preieli, r.or pr iy, nor teach, without leing li.i'.i.j to insult and violence uiilcs they would Ho all in such a manner as mit'd the ta.-tcs of foreign ino! s, coiapsi-d of for. in Infidels and I'spi.-ts ? Yea, Veiily, tiny were deep eau-c, and t.'iey work" I long, which wr j.u ht the Am. ricau people to that cam- : .'el fervid, but . t calm and settled en- nusiasiii, w hich p. rv ades the nation. ; 3 douht rn wide-pread . x. i ion is an eleniei.t of this meiit. Uut it is not the 11.lv ment, nor, with all men. the chief K.tlier -f the otiii r e!em.-iit, bv itself t r this one by it-elf- ought to have Veen snif.c'eat to hav- saved tiu country frcn. the p, ill which now demands the I owcr of nil three to aveit it lletau-e it is an cVinent at all, they over , , l3ai jpt j ilela v 1 rl p t. i i ut.ou is in ; penning, iscieam at the bare Hu i tioti of it, as the demoniacs did when they saw Cbri.t ap proach tb 'it . It is a perse, ntnn f..r c. n eiviiee sake, in their view, that we hesitate to surrender our country, oi r li'oertv, and our r. hglon to ih.- t'liil -in. e of corrupt men 'banded wiih focigecrs; and what masts it a pcre( uti. M, is, that these f.reigners ( happen t? I e P.ipi-tsand Infidt's. It they had hu j pe to d to be IT.iiiese, or Mahonie. , dai.s, the 11 :i t i-at would have revolted much ..oiii.tr. And yet without t"ii-oii; for we an I our f-.thers have r.11 nn-ettlid in .. -unit with Popery, many ceiitnri. s ...J. At lirst it vsa- the j .11 1 1 r. r and the I'oie w hot rid lis Mil: tho dll-t. I'lieli t wa Hishops, who bin ned ."inf at the -take, an.l drove the rt out of .ail lands into this w i' J.'riif --. Now it is prie-ts ar. l mobs and ileinag leo. s, v iio ha v e f .wed 11s irto our place of refuge r.sv, our hi -t place of rifug! to rem tr here the combi !' e.n- t-irie-, in a f. r.u at once more degrading aa l .b t. s ublv. and more likely 1 1 be fatal ts u than in i-ith.r of its pr. ceding f.nns. Saail wc be driven into the P.-u-iho '' Shall we sncciiiib ! (r shull we turn upon our relentless p'nuei s ' fev have f!ir.ed tbe li .n to his last don, and brought him lo I :y ! Did tiny expect him to die like a sing in his lair' 1 hr revolt of the country was wholly un- evpf.t.d by tiio-o w hd nit pos d they hail a.rea !v secuinl its filial sill Hication ; and 1 like every other great retiibutioti, it takes those it falls on, by surprise It is ait, th. r.f ie. to be wonder, d , .'at thev .xt erate with eculiar horr-..r the pfria! rt.eans of mecess agaii.st them which lb. ir tin p.-rti iy and f.-r , ny had rendered absolute ly ii..ii-it.i: -able. The eonntrv organiies itself f. r the jji-eat cr uflict, w hich, t . tin. ho first hi. barked in it. 1 Wesl -h desperate, in .ilet.ee and w it n nit ot.scrva- li .ui. I h.il 1. the w.i v or movement occur; v. n tlie liiigi!..iii t Heaven does in.t come will, observation. Hot the ilciiiageg i.-s, the priest-, the nubs, the lorciiMi papists and infidels, are shocked boy oi.d induianee, beeau-e the handful of I devoted men who lirst combined to save the I .1' l...l n ..... 1 It.!.. g' n.i .u.ii;ei je.--,,M. , iii.1 not call the whole ol them into council ! For what? In order to ho murdered ; or, if not murdered, traduced, and the very end fir which tiny weu: willing to be traduced, ami, if neco-sary, murdered utterly dc-f.-iiled Were Ih'y called into council when their enemies bought and sold th.ni T Were.''V 11 tili.nl , w huh Corrupt bargains were stiuck, in which tbe hbcrti.s of the people were put up at an irifiiiunis price ? W ei thi i consulted when thu atrocious sclicm-a to break up the l'niou of thes.t States were concocted ? Were they advertised when the over throw of our nationality, of our institutions I nnd of eur religion together, was rate ly undertaken liy the I'oii-li d.-l. de.-pst - . . . ' 1 confessional made know n t 1 them ? Werej I the sect, t oaths binding every papal code-' si.-utic wilu unlimited allegiance to a for-ign temporal prince, submitted to their scruti ny? The safety of the State is the su pieme law. And surely it is the first tie -essity of a State that is endangered, and they who would save it, must consult, must combine. If tho perfidy nnd ferocity of their enemies, compel them to observe unu .ual caution it ouly prove, the greatness of their danger. In point of morality, it Mauds precisely on the same footing as vote by bullot. The object of it determines its lawfulness; and it is its success, BOt its nature, which makes it so hateful, If tho nationality of America is to be sustained, if her Protestant civilization i o be pupelualed, if the Federal Union is to be preserved, there is but one possible method of dealing with the subject. Th oiL'anized noucr of society must bo takcu ' l''gal. I he first step involves the organiza- ry ; ana that involves tiie overthrow ot every paity that resists its ultiwite ob- jvrf, ur isiN the necary means of ob t.iihiny tlio.se oljriU. Indeed, if thw step wfro iiiliy achieved, it muld be ' of lesa coiiM 'iiitiice to take a second one : einco i the laws, though had. are end iir.ihl : and ' -ocitly is afe; as -soon us ii has tinally ower all men and pnitics, hos- nationaluy , to tmr .J rotestanl ami to our l eueral Linou; out of power, with an overthrow incapable of ; being repaire d. . And this is tho reason why this great n'oienii ,t excites such exerueiatine bitter- iies of hale, is its political aspect, ou tho part of nil against whom it is directed, lis Mieccs, is sc n to be a finality and a fatali- -' ty to tin in. I'oi nations do uot immediate ly incur the same peril twice, nor do pro- i l"iind iintimial movement speedily exbau-t their force. The Democratic tiartv has sur vived the .storms of a hundred yuars. Tho Amcneaii party, strong enough to swallow iii not only Democracy it.-elf, fcot cveiy other ice bier rxcitemeiit, w ill live forever, 'I he legal l e v nl lit ion, t iieref ore, W hieh w ill consummate the political, will be only by htecearily the outhirlh of rt3 spirit. As saults upon the I " ti ion of these States, whether lioui the North or the South, must :ceac. t oiispiracies against the Protestant .civilization of the country, betvvecu dema- I yoguc-s on or., side sud papal and infidel 1 neigm-rs 011 the. other. mu,t terminate, i Attacks upon our nationality, by -treaties. maile bitweeii lorfign de-pots and prelates mider the Mineti.-n ef thu court of Rome, and xeetiti'd t y ruiinoiis of foreign papist and iiiliocis en-'t into our hos-mi, u.u.st be brought te an end. Foreigners must bo e oiitent to enjoy hero tha blessings of free dom denied to them everywhere else; tbe bent fits of a 1 ivili.alion more exalted tU.irs any they can enjoy elsewhere; tbe same civil and leiiioiis tights which we ourselves enj'.y. I'l'V hi ii ?ttsr t,) u!t AlllC 11' 'ins w:i.t rule .iuirri'n. 1 cannot be insensible that many virtu ous, eiilighic-Tcd, and patriotic men, view this suhj.ct iu a light widely dirf'cretit from thst in which it Mrikis u.e I have no al lusion to H.em in anything I huve uttered. I u 0 not forget the blinding tnftueaee of party spirit and party ties. I admit also that 1. jI a lev of those who are personally dear to me are found arrayed against what I believe to be th very highest interests of the country. That may make my duty Nor could I beip being fully aware of tho utptcity with bich the public press somctiiues assail 'bose from w hom, it is supposed, no per- '"'h 'l cnl is to be apprehended. Uut I have tilt long ago the whole force of Pa- I'' Inii'lcl bitterness, and have sur- vi.c.iail that their co-laborers could pcr- -""ii'ly attempt. For anything mora it would be strango indeed, if I should look indifivrence upon a strug;lo, at tho "n!l" ''t "f its impend'ng triumph, after w.itehoJ its progress lo.iger and l::r'r'' eagerly, nnd vindicated 'the most de- u u ' P' meiplcs on w hich it proceeds more ( tenaciously tiian one in ten thousand of my ointi vmcii. Ad I ask is, that when that triumph comes, it may be used as wisely and us generously as it was heroically wou. oiir fii.'iid and servant, HO. J. !U KHUN RIDGE. Col. A. G. lluinu.s, Frankfort. lltio.iKs .wu IIi giif..-'. lu the reply to the card of Archbishop Hughes, asking a su-pcn-iou of public opiuion for ten days, wl."n be will be prepared with the proof of Sinatoi lirooks' falsify ing, the Senator gives his as-enl iu the following paragraphs at the clo-e of his L iter : " H it, as tl roe weeks have Tint nfforded t'lne enough to prove ' Senator p.rooks is a man el falsehood,' the Archbishop bow, iu ' a card to the public,' deiires ' the citizens of New Ymk and of tho l.'nited Stales 'to su-pend their judgment for ' ten days ortvvo weeks long, r,' liy all means. As many days or weeks as you please. Confined to my room nnd bed for some days past by an illness contracted iu Albany, 1 shall Le better able ,'to meet you then thau low, though, if tiod give me strength, I am ready now to meet y 511, step by step, mid day by day, as long as you please. " I have two or three letters more in pre-pm-sti'iii as your property, and practices iu regard to it, in and cut of the city, which, as . convenience may suit, I may or way not pub ; lish iu advance of your promised concentrat ed labor of ten days ot two weeks' against me." S I fs , . now used, resembles iu its main features, the beam Ami wheel so often cxadai.ied, tbe wheel beinj made to rotate rapidly, sets in motion a Second wheel moving slowly in a different plane, (iraduiilly, as the move ment continues, the axis of the latter places itself precisely in a line with the true meridian of the pls.ee where the expe riment is tried, as is clearly seen by the spectator looking through u tcfesco'po fixed ut a short distance off ou the same floor.

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