r limn nuiwt. wJii ft Biummm ".jjatau.wvjti'.iii. .. S'JS AWLl I It. .JWisSI tb Towr, tb Traitor Gato, the scaffold tD& tha I eI1 tleJ know JV hare ( their livrf upon the enst, Aad "lu,t '"", " of tliu tli. By threats of violoneo they intimidated tbo couiiuoutler of tlie sloop, ami be pro ruin's tot 10 '"" itunips. Thvy ttitH tl,e vessel's bout and hoisting a inust and flag, lounl iv upon a cart and marcb in tri uiilph to VViliiiiugtoii. Upon their arrival the town is illuminated. Next d uy , willi t'oiontl Asbe at their bead, tlie people go in crowd to tbe Governor's bouse, and do uinod f !'u Jaiuca Houston, the Mump niater. I'poo bin refusal to deliver hi in up forthwith, they ftt uhout to luirn hi. ; Louse above liU head. Terrified, the Gov-1 rjiiducU'd to the Dinritt bouse, v. here, in i present' of tlie assembled people, lie is 1 ma'le to take the oleum oath never to exc-1 cute tlie duties of his oflico. Three tfiiid hurmlii ring through tbo old inniket bouse, tlie stamp act falls Mill horn in North. Caroliua. Cheers. And tl.i-i uus more tlmti li'O yearn before the IhxUnition of In- ton '' l'artjr. The debtruction of the tea w done in the night ly men in disguise, nil history blazons it and New England l,9its of it, and tbe fame of it is worid aUe. Hut t!ii other ait, more gallant und during tioue in open day by well-known men, mill arm in their bands, and under the Klii ( Ua who remembers or toll of it! Wut'n'wili history do justice to North Caro lina? Never, till some faithful aud loving tun of her own shall pird bis loins to the task wuh unwearied industry and unflinch ing devotion to tba honor of Lis dear old mother. American J!atihcatiii.n Mkltinu. The uieetiui: held lat nk'lit iu the Market ii ...:! r.i . . i. I liwuw v, i.oiuij uur vi lug iuui it-iiiuia- able political iucidents that wo have ever tcco in this place. It was remai kulle for tin" ery laro numhor prenel, and for th e nruetne and enthusiasm which maiked tiie proceeJinga ; but more than all for the i lo'oviatiqn, in one comiuon cause, of thon'i j u j. tima out of mind, have been political 1 nirnHa hdur lipn.i..lit t....ul 1... i L...n. . . . I . ,u. ... v.w. .,i,.w..i...t in iiuiiiiu- t before. In the language of a democrat, it wa tbe millennium. The majority of the Meeting was undoubtedly composed of ',Viii,', but thro wni a larc'c i r,iicrlio!i of .1 r i. i i...- . i ... i . uioe uo inn aiwaya an viuu tlie ileiu- ccrats uot uly yuitii and ar lent men, lit tho errs headed and coiiidf rati, the iciiie and influential men of that pirtv. When the ealimahlo citiien, Alfred A. Mo Ketban, K-q. took the chair, (here broke forth a fueling of exultation, that r-ueh a atauncli dfinocral aud public pinled citizen, ri-pecled by all parti. , t'iouli a-kiii uotli i:.f from any, aa to preaiJe over I he fjrtt ul iie uicting of the new party. 'J'liu v. rrpfated when Mai. Leonard, a aoldier of H and another leading democrat, took A lla neat aa A'iee I'resid. nl, and when Maj. p f'ijw and Mr. Rhodea, both democrats from j Harnett county, aUa took aeals on the talld !. as Vire I'ridn.. 'i In tbe slao j lauosp of the day, this is l!;' fir.t tima Ual t!i p-Llie of Kayr.te ille iin "en .Sain,'1 and tiuy cannot but bo ': tunrid to niFrk lintr lur .it Ii ia irAwn h .l of what materials fc. i, r imno.-rl Ob ' I'tV , Nogrti Oarlina Haii. RtiAti The at djs! iue-ting of the Hoc ktiolilers cf this I'.osd s 'l It hil t in tha town of (ireenshno' '.in !! iud Thursday, thr l'-'th due, of Jaly I'll. Y understand rt:at ttera will h. a E-eiin of (he I'irctore on the !'lh of July. We Kara that the .rk on tint, pieat en-tfpri-t U progressing ailb all l0lbl ile-ji-aieh. lu the eastern nJ, t!ic cars Jire ruitnii daily to Meliatiesville, 3- miles eat jfCireenshoro,' and Hid miles eit of liolds hira' 'Jm the wmtern end the ears, if rnt ', in a few days he runuiiii; to I.ex r.jlon, 3. miles est of Urecnshoro,' and ei miles east of f ha i lotto ; mrtkin-; 1 U'J niilei 'I the road How in use, eain'' some oil r. ilet ret to Stiisb ; and on a tiortiiti of that I it litlie to do, except to lay down the iron. Vie further learn that a suifie ienry of iron !j complete the whole road has I een p'ir ri,sd, md that there still 1. no delay in i'1 rieeptioo. Ksery thin,;, o far s e eau mm, give assuranee of speedy 'mpli Hon of tbe work, and the lealisatiou of the fotid-e-t tntieiptions of iu friends and the .'lory a( tbt Uid Nurth Sute. Ur, put. A M ITofsTOM A 1)1 r.!.l.vl Jud je .T. a laie a'jout Sum Hon ton isi.'i h is pood euouuh to priiil. ' I .ir i n !l,e mil 'as tli-.i repulted iu Sain'i lieatilii H irm lt fir She prs-idi.ney of tho K.-puhlii: of TeX i", some rather harsh terms having ias(d ictaren the parlies, Uurm tt took oee.i-ioii 'os.iid Houston a challenge J'reiionsto ti teeption, Pain pot information of iho i ttmn,n of his op.oiient ; and when lr. A-eiier, mho was sent by Mr. Uoriiett to a iivi r the challeii!e, was introd need into Mr II ,!iitons room, hn found timt peiitlo "iu in hed, groaning, and apparently uf firing with tlm ino,-t cxerueiaiin pain. It "as some time Lefore ihn di"tin'ui.-hed vis r r noticed l y tho inv-ili 1 ; hut finally, r:r li-t.oiin to the reading of the i Im. 1 Sam groaned out " Teil Is i lit I il t-'it hi in ! hen his turn conns. I esev- .tesu on in v list before him ! w hen they b.ve been disposed cf, this affair cf honor ' .' U f llk.t.' The Doelor took his r i'e, and was u-hered from the apurtinent l y a ileep grosu from the invalid. .Vet. f i '! wcins: woa.ns: 3 i' V .!" thi orn httve bt en t.irtt d ri lti It itl- -r-jitmf ititcatin il wi-f nut, flnd yrt Uc quris. I' fti ti a vried on inoiif nudic il uutimri li . 'h 'rtte (i4cl, huwtter, all ure luttirnnd, mid in -neh ull ire. Uic i'U intnr uf lliu inllueiice ' lpv ij. i t ,1H thilUren. At t Ilia riinii ot tin- yt ur, of wrrm lire nnft Irnjiirnt ur wvll as tn-t caiijfou,. We t,iku rat piriiir in di- J tw'lmj II, mtriition (' (wrenU In the Verimtuce 01 Ih M f.rine, It ik une of thti iiiut ( ilr'inrdiim- fJ iuc(Ji uir fvt-f introiim ed to the pnhlic, and j "nrtrr failiij ul'iucfcii wliru tried, :ra 'ill he esrelul lo ssk fur I lit. j Jl lAM;8fr.,r;!i(ATHI) V hltM I r It. II. n.l "r iiiint'i,Kl Ail utlii r crniilui's, iii eoriipiir. j ''n, ir woithh s, lr. M'l.ane's K iiuiiio Ver- j S'Miiji., ul. I,,. iviihr ilril I. iter I'llU. euii liu.v t o-h .I,) rraieeulilii Drug Stores in the I'llileil j I'tes und f.(nds. j J"'y Id, leii. 2v. iiiKiLHEAL. 'a this slum, on the rvenint.' nf the 3d int., hy V," H. Hew.ii, Mr. JOHN V. HU il I. Jl l.lA t . JMl.rt, d.iuahter, of lr. I J ''its. liUNDS fur Hie Delivery nf ojerty, ion sali; unit:. The .11 ark els. CHARLOTTE, JULY 10, 1855. BACON, Hams, . .lb. . 12) a 00 ! " Sidn, . .)b. . o a 11 " Hog round . lb. . 9j a 10 " Shoulders, .lb. . 0 a 10) Biifcing, Collon, .yd - G a 20 Heel', .... lb. . tf a 8 butter, . . .lb. . IS a 20 Uirswax, . . . lb. . ill) a tl5 Ucana, . . . buslicl . 90 a 10 Urundy, Apple, . . gal. . ?5 a 87J " Peach, . . gal. . $1 a tli niton, . . ;b. . . a It , Cotl'ei . . .b. . 12, a 14 Cundlca, Adamantine,, lb. . 28 a 45 Tallow,. .lb. . 18 a 25 C"rn, .... bushel . 85 a 90 Chkeiia, . . . each . Id a 15 Clolli Copperas, . yard . 10 a 15 " Liniisty, . . yard . 25 a 3D KeK" diijrn . li!J a 00 llour, . . .100 lbs. . 1 1 a 4) - bbl. 8 a (!.0 F'.allicr lb. . 37 a 40 Lan! b. . !(J a 10 j Mullen b. . at) Mackerel, . . . bid. . $10 a lb 1 Molasses, . . . (jul. . 40 a 50 Meal I.n.li.l . SO a 111) ' Mullet (Wilmington). . 00 a UO i .Nails, ... lb. 5 a (i al, . . ' . bushel . 45 a 50 T'-rk, . . . .lb. . a G I I'car, . ... bushel . In.) a 1 10 ; I'liMlt cs, Irish, . . IjukIii 1 . CO a 00 " 8eet, - - bushel . 00 a (HI Cite I.u.i,,. I . $5 a IM) riut'.ir. I.u.if, . . lb. . 10 a 11 " lirou n, - lb. . 5 a 9 Slone.Wiire, . . gi,l. . 10 a 00 Salt, . . . ck - SJj a 2) Tea, . . . .lb. . 75 a J ' Wheat, . . .bushel . 1125 a 1.50! Whiskey, Northern, . jj.il. . (,-' J a 70 " N. Carolina, gal. . 5U a 02 Wool (be.t tieor;id) washed, . 27 a 2H " ' unwarned . Ml a K.'t V mi, . . . bale till a b5 COM MM A MAKKKT. (ii.eBi, July 9, 1P.M. T!'e aalrn of (lie week endinff July 7, amount to i.nly a ho ut 'Jo bulen, and ne now iniote : Iiiliriiir 9 HI ; Ordinary nj a !tg ; .Mlddlni); j a !lj ; i.xi.l , Midulii.g 10 a JIIJ; Kir lug a 10 J ; and a Oiuire arliele nnglit cnniiuand a tr.iel.ou on r our liilx l llgun-s. i t ll.Vlil.KSlUN MAI!Ki:T. ! I'lnm l.i, Julv li. Ik'iH. ('' )'!"!'( .. The Ira'-.a.iC tionavct-itriJiiy if-elu d lltl.il. u I,, ii liie , i k I v Ilie AiiM-itea eanwi In hand, e-a a i c H l.ieh lirou : illi,j; li. cr n j i.iafin-t lu ai.nid. 1'ri. 1 ..I. ft m OI'i;Wi:i I, Iili.-lir H I vt 'I I.H'i;i!..Ni K '' '" on i!u hii'-. iiini.i i(t k v he pons fl) Im hi h J'ublie ( t- j ioiinn-f.cti i t j u'l k, ..i Truiitv t'hnreh, o! in h- i'ri'in v ri'iiiotii , i, t:w Ikulu. Ford rum, f All t'lf ii r Ii i ,Hiiit of tttH ccMii t y are invit ii I to aftrrni nnd yu Me pfcr A Dinner Willi be prip.rtd f'"r the ofifaMon, Tue lii v. Mi. r.cki tt antl ntliri genth iiien will tit liver ulcrrniH on trie ucviuu. Jttj I t, lr.,.i, t'J Jj'i'upir friendly to li inp'.iiii'r p'raaf eupy. rNotiee. A IA pcri 'in indebted to iue hy Account will pi ronie forward and DetiJe ty Cdsh or Note, iithtrwiBc I wilt c rontptlUd to hve ie 'urr tn l iw,tt 1 caiit.ot fontn.uc my butinr withi'iil fin.. 1!. Ii. DAVIDSO.V. Ju Ut, lt-jj. inf . I.iht ol l.tllci H l-MA!.NIN , the fo.l lliHc. at ( harlaie.i I, !-..'.. A K. f. Ah . oiiicr, Mis II. i.. Ai'u:. n'ler, T. A. Aliamo.-r, t . n.AiNnr., imiin Ailn ...n. li. A!, lnurr. XN . II. An-lin, J 11. Aloell, Al. f. Ati. ern iih). It. J. Arnold U, .Mrs. M. AUamiili r. II. N. ! A.iiaio.r, L. A' SLiidrt, J. A. Ailion, Miss M. .V. A: s iiotrr, .Miss 8. Alien, .Mrs. H. Alexanili r! ( u,o .) ). W . Aii niio!' r, W. il. Aiiu.suii, J. A- ! ii.?niil'r, .Mr. U. Ah a.iiuler. It ;. J. Ih.in, T. M. Illiek, 8 M. Drsh v, , Jul. Ilrxtl V "J, J. D. Ifc-yil, liohl, l:.liain, J. A. I It'. iv J. V. B. .1n-.-, Mrs. I-;. Bjrh.mi. Adw. Itow. i r-s. J. I .,!.. li. V. II..MHU Mh. J. V. Bj;Iuiii, i M . I.. Ilrowa l.i!J. II, uiiell, U. BuilliJ, Jjs.j llUkrly, ll.-lir b'l., fol J II nek, S. W. Hum.' sii.;t A. It.' If is.. I, S. f". M. Iliown, St,-,,. 1,.' I. w, J is. Itrnwii, J.ip(.t Hufk'Min, N. ii. liroeks,, J is. It. i Kn, J oub llr..v:l ' ii. .', J. W . t os, J. N.Calilwi-II, Mrs. J.I R. t'lii:.hire, Krrfiikiin t arn titer 3, Jos. t'tln y, Jmiiiv i '..infill. II, J hn t'-irrof, ,M. C'rpenti r, U. MM .hl, :i. J.,hii('brk, O.vi 1 1 li ons, ... Kunk. ( " ) . J , J K. C.lliiy, J. 11. I ..iini.n. M. .M. I iu li ( Ijiil .n, i . W. t ..i, !l, J. H. i'i,i r. S A. I-. ,. , Puirt On I.. II if, K. I'. t hr. ii, I'. t o. Iir.ll, f. t (...r.r V. (.:,., I)., I ".i rp.-n i r A- K'ncrr, J N.t ih.isdl. l-lli. II. II. I,- An,,.,, i,l, .Mrs Ii.mj-. ri, J. Dou'hirly ; 1 1 r i. ( i .: I I. 1 j uimn, I liirt.-. In.rn n, J,!in 1 1 :, ; . n. I'm, t;?s I uiktr, I onily l iu m-n. I. J. M. l:.,rnh.,r(, ..I irv I. ch-, II. V. rilott, M .M M. Iin. M,. M i l !., n li t,J..i.. i:,ni). I' II roll irih-j, J ,lo iiiriniii 'J, M,K:ii.ij r 't, r-i- oi, II K'ol'i . J-,. ) r. j , Ju.iu. 1 rt. i. iti.i n, .Nji y i"ior. Mny K.n.t. -. 4,1V i. .,l..,ii ". 'I' n. Cumin . I'. Irr t.al's. ft .r, I.. M 'i l l ii . J l.r. li.iM, A. T. 1...rned :i Win. i.r , ,;-) Hi' ; u. i in,, r.. t;i:ir.in, Jj. ii. (iii... mi il s.i. il.-.., w, r, u, .n. j. n. n-1'..-i,,. s, n, v. li i!i.'-. v. t 1 1 w. i.. ii. .M. II, . IN. M M . A. Hull, Mr.. M. li. Hun. Ir, S. ('. II. niU r, M..S Arrcii,! 1 1 , leh i.on, ',,r. n-ii ll.-e.ix. t'..lwil II irry, .Mi, t'. Hriolir moi. Mi-. I'.. III. ii. inn, Ju. Il-inh r..oi, W.J. Hm. I. r. .'. I'. II . . S. S. II. ..,-.. J. IS. II iIIh n, lii iij. Ilu.-k", .M.iy ll..ue, t'. l.,lli.iii.in, .S. HuutiiM.ii, W. W. Il"iie,. J ll.l.lv J'.lie., f.iT.inl,) Ni n loli Ji.hln.ti. n, J. II. Join ..loh, J. II. J in.-. Mis. N. Join s, J. I.. J iiiii.oii, licv. K. II. Jones, Juhusiuii A: Ihivjrd, Sjit n.-er Join . K Mi.. I!. Ki'iin.ii, tt. M. Ki-rr, M.ss 11. Ken li.ilv , W in. J. Uii.j;. W m. C. ki iiy. I. M ia W . A. Iii'sm, J. r . I .ul .I, ii hi. l.i nil. J if.h I ... ii '. i it v I it. I ". I.t v- mi hoi pi , .1. S. I.,li,i ,nr,.. 'I'. W. t..., .. r 'J. l .o M. ! .. r. , VI is. M. M, n it iniii i) . W . II. .M .il I hi, A. II. M . S. H. .M .ti n. M..s A. K. M un, M.s M. K. .Mi I .... I.t -i, Ja. .MuiIil' hi. W. M. A .i.i.l.i y , .1. I.. .M 'lies. I . M I Hum. II 4, W in. M irlni. Mrs. J. Al .or, , K..M,i..re, I'. M 'tin. W .Mot will. li. .il. I . I., U:; I ii i n , lies. S. J. M.-.M .rri.. W m. II. Miller SI. J on: .Me. t r ic-Ken, ,M. ..rd. V t; i, u . . J-i.hi or 1'i-iiiiirki .M ih, la, M, ..n-, Mr., l.i. ii Al. 1 1 n j Ii ,!,i. Al r..l,' r!i , M'Mi. t..o. U.. .v....!, Al. I... .-. . M. t . v , I'.ui T. J. .M .rk, 1 h.iin.s M. ..rro.J.iii. M -I. , At Ml ,ir. I'. M .N. ei . ., I. I.i, V (tr.il .M . I'-. M .M. M i In n, S. II. .M .rt.n, : Al. hr, l(. A W . M l', i .M .rss, I'ioiIh. M. ut. n. A. R. Ni.Iiis, Win. . , !,'.;., James '. X. I.s Kn-J.!'. N.I Sir -'-en 1 1 , en.. J h. tlrr, M. S. H.liorii, Si. I.isl, r, I.'. W . ( Me. rnc .. M.r.i. II. Turk-. X. S. Peseml, W. rh v Tip. prii, J. I . I'i rry ,'t, t'. iN. I'epiien, .Neilh.ini I'.n e, J t'. rii.llil... N . J. I'I m r, li. v.. I. K. I', inn ,n II, lluld 11.. t.-r, Mrc It. l'are. II, II. II. I'railu r. W. I'n s. It, l.lenia IVf, I ...lie 1'ijott, Mrs. I'.. V. ee, Julio ruelii.it, t'liida l',it;e. O Mi. K. .M. yuerv. ..M,,. M. K. :.-a, M. It.hi t, II. ('. K i.l.V.m V inkle Ki. I. Mi.s M. 1. Keiii, .M.J. K. I'.'c. r. S K. 'I'. Siuii...n, Hi nry St.u ks, Mis. X. i.ir- rsn, Misa M. Sli. Ih y, Jen". Skinner, I.. II. Smith, lr. K. S.ll. J'.. I'- Slernes, I h. is. Slo.ui, M.ir. . .. w. 'I' it S...1..1. S. J. Sh.trn. Sniitli X llehl.-li, .Morris Sitkr, t ondy Selu vihan. Jus. II. I Snntli. It. J. Siiineisille. '- .,,hIiii.i Teeter, T. B. Tste, Je.eph Tre.ise 3. II. II. Turin r, J. T. Tueki-r. S. K. Turner, W in. Thoiims, Audi rson Tjilur, Mia. At. K. Tye. J,i. Thonip.i.n, Mrs. M. J. Tdd, Thomas Thoinersoii, X.inev II. I i.dii. -l-Csriiliiie Viek, f. f. Viclis. IV lliil.liiird luti.e. Miss Hily Wilson, Miss M. i:. Wilson, Mrs. M. M. Wall.iee, J. II. W.lkt-r. Mrs. II. Walker, Joseph II. Wsrren 3, Mi.s M. J. Woo l, .1. t'. Wilson, llev. S. Williiniisnn, A. W.ir uii.tli, J. II. Vnlker, Mr., t . W.irltek, M. K. W il. smi, Mr.Wilnur, Mr. W union, Airs. M. I.. Wilson, I I J II. Wvlie. W. W. Weed, J.i. II. Wiillnee, J,is. Willis, M. t'. Will lane, J. W itlieri, S. Al. W allace, II. M While, .M. C. Walker, 1 Vlartha J. York. Persons enllinrj f..r the above 1. Hers, ill plense sav they are ndrrttinrd. July Ie.".. '-"HI I'. 31. KUSS, '. .M. Davidson College. fHOIE Trustees of thin institution art; request. I .. ' td to meet at tha Cullege, an Turauuy, tin 7lh of A uk ui-t, at 1 1 o'clock, A. M. It beiiiK tha I Annual Alueting of the Board and much impor. lam btumeaa will come up for their conaiderulion a lull meeting in desired. J AS. Ii. HOUSTON, Sccntary. July 10, 1855. 2 1 tin icw BooksNew Books, A KARBand chnico aelectinn of UOOKSfor 10. sale at the Charlotlo Hook Store. Oratora and Stuti-amen, the moat eminent of An. citnl end Modern time, containing akctchea of Ihtir Llvea vM eimiiia of their ehiiueura and an eatiuiale of their ((eiiiua by I). A. Ilarrha. The Life of Washington, hy J. Sparks. '1 he Lite und Letters of Lord Byron, liy Tom. Maori-, E-q. I'yclopiedia of Engiitdi Liti ratnre, a hiatery, Critical and lliuraphieal, of Hn:ih A ulhors Irion liie eerlKst to Die present lime, hv U. (.'h iuiUers. 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 a 1 1 . t i r the I'tople, ly ii. Chambers. Thirly yeara in the Lulled Slates .Senate, hy T. 11. lieuu.n. The Modern Dritish Essayist, hy T. II. Mc. (.'auley. The Mijeelhinrous Works of the Ut. Hon. Sir James Macintosh. Conquest of Mexico, by Frescolt. Sinythe'a Leclun-a on Aloilrrn lliatory. Ilanerofl'a History of Ihp I'nited flairs. LOWIUH V ENNIS3.. JuUj 10, H5.i. si ray your 'l':ur ! FBII'l'' 'I'aa LUt for the Town ofChiirlotle in in A. my haiifis ready for inspection. All '1'ax payers are requeati'd In piy tbt ir tasea at tlie ear heat opportunity. am compelled Uiclose the Tax List by the 1st of Aut'iit-t. J. 1'. GILLKSIMK, Tax Collector. July 3, lHj.t. 2011 N. II. The above niu-t and ph II be nlli lided tn. f'rf.'ft, i'rmtilc Vollvge. THE Full 8esion of thi Tn-.titution vrill 1 COniliiencc on the last 'Yhttrsthiu ftlte ! Iftitli day) of July. It in very di ttirablu thut nil (Hi p tin h prri-iit n( I tie opining of the Sckbiom, ' n thf i'lf.Bfi urv then for met! and in w himli ' C'.iiiiiM iifcd. j ( 'at H.iL'iH'H will he font in nil peroim dfnirinp iiifuriihitioii in ii tirciiie to churi-N, course ol Hlutly, c. I T. M. JONE.S. Vrrtnlntt. Junt 2G, m A G'rciit Varictv of STOVES?! A T .M'MiftF. & IIYKRLY'S, who irediKooM. 7b i d to mlII on the most uccouiniodatin j U-rin. 'J'lieir fcuuply ctmti ot' ooitnt.. iici.ot? a ornci: STOVSS of di tfrrtit k indf. Cn '1 and exn mine their nuppfy. Thty Ihj have on hund an abourtment ut' 7'tif. Japan and Hritanuia wlneli Ihey would like tn diJlose of fi r I t uniitry 1'imlucc. 'i i,.... :,u.. ,m. ii,.. ..i,i; f. ...To II. I )... . ... 3 .... r fc J .... J sri- How prrnsri-rl to i-ki-irnte sll J.ih Work in tlieir line. All tHkPl.KS, thrictoie, lor Uodfiii';, -itif Iri ing r Slmc I'li'i;. will he punetually atti nded to and on the shortest i.otiec. MOOKK .t 15YKr.LV. July 3, 1 .!.. i!Dif IV porWin-e nf a 1 Vrre f t!.t Snprrtiu' C'nnrt, I will tx.w lo Pii hi it: S ih-, r t ( utiu rturtttm , un Sit ji-iu , tiie l.h d y ut At'ii.-t nil, lhcc r.i'.r.f It i. the Wulhter r Lilt r Mines. 'liny lie Kullnrf..ri'tiiii, and unl.nn iiliout OtlO t-. II tiiiih, ml ami mill Nur ih i,f A x J... Hi v.irii.n. Irnels i sens. .f I.iimI, nil s ,! ! ii.. hie i.s I'.ruiin I.iiih!. Smie vj. uuble vein, have l. en worked lo ndv in. t..ee on ti.ei.c .M:u.. '1'neri. nr.: t-.vo lutitiLri.t sin 1 1 s i d I u n lieu wloill h"OIM s, Ve., II (t li lil'-lll. I ri eoi.l.iLUeii istlh lilt. Atllies tlure I.s v.i!uu. 3IILE, w tli I n nt li llmr Mi.m, tiotil tT.v, lina!asn n 7v, and t-(hrr m.ichint rv, htsnii ! tdnt iC H for ro ist. 1 1 1 15 or A '., Ac. J'hr M il! rr w it hm 2 mi I en ol tnr Afinih,iiinl on a fine fill of' Jnd HfttJ Ki. rr, uilit f'Huj dttn hiul a never liiihny f(rrtiii. Tin- MhU una AMI tr.irt will iu- koij t-p.r.iU-ly tV"in the m.. Tin Mill tract Inn mute fine t..t'"iu I .a i tii Mi.d in u valuable truet fur a firm sWi'i iUN L-MUlt.rt.tiiit hu ; iiJllllJH. No more v.tlu.itih rfperty hai hern ollrred in ui.trki t in ihi count v i'-r many year. , A I. Si - 1 A t tlie ;,inr time, will he oflVred for s;ilf , under a Ih rrte il the Court of, Kqntty for KuthTlord cmmi Valuable r A k . i . s iiljriiiiin the nlxive. the property of the l..le S. W . I'.niir, Kv... It :ll he i.il'ne.l tor suit hy the ( '(iiiinii.si.,ii r nppoiiited hy intol t'ouil. l.re.illy niere-.sed value will be jriven to lto?.e I. ami. hv the eiiutriii turn ot the K-ul It i. ul In iu W ,!iinneii,n t. Uiitheriornti.n. Tin y .ire with in A miles of the pron.eU t'-rmiiiiis ot I'te ro-.d, it ii ii iiiu ea.i.y Hei'es.il.le, Ivin Upon a etxul puti. he ro.id. Terms io.o;e i.i.i.wn on the d.iy ef sale. JOHN (J. HVM'M, Ln tu.ssioicr. July 3, l.Vi. rrinter'n fee $7. V2'J 3 V Aoln vi'lr Sp.-cl ttor will iii-otI I wri k. Notice. i I the rt 1 istinz I MIK CO TAinNKKSUiI' lieietof.ro ox- lietween tin; sulisei il.er.s, tniJer t!ie linn of l:l..M"l .V .IDII.NSUN, i. tins d.iv disole. id hy ii.iiUi.I eoiisriit. ( I.AKI'.Xt I-; .li'lll NS. . 1 iiloue v. ill siu tlie name ut' the ti-m in liipmia lion. (s.-or..) W. W. KLNS. I ( haitnton, June 11, lb'ij. 'riiKs('i.s('itn;i;uiieoiitinuetiieCM- 1 MISSION AND roKWAllDINijI Dl'- MM' "" l" re' ti're, on his own net onnt. All pincoilN Hull ItH il I-1 Hie il Dtive It. in W ill pi care make p ny tin in in oto e. C. JOHNSON. fVoiWrtui, June II, lv-.M. I TAKI. prrttt ple.nuirr, on rr tiring1 from the firm of KI.MS A. J(UIS(N,in reeomintiid. i ii ir my luie piirincr, .11 r. 1 . .j . u 1 , 10 111c 1.1 vorahle notice unit putruunu of my fr 1 c ml nnd the eoutmiinit v. is,,;.t) W.W. KLMS. Clmllrstoli, J in' 11, 1Kj5. June Jli, IS'ij. I-'- 0 VJa. ' as. tl uiXiu 1 iXt uOs 1 m ill riMNT riN(i of all kind will Iv nfitly und rxpeditionnly f ircutrd ut the N-rth t'i- To Builders. QEALED Propnasls will be received by the an- lCV dereigncd until Saturday, Hi Vlst day ol Ju ly Celt, (or tlio erection of Davenport Female College, AT LKXOIK. Pltns and Speeitications, drawn by s competent nrehitcct, may be. seon by calling upon either of the Committee in Lenoir. JAS. C. HARPER,") Or. C C. C. JONES, It. IJ. 150(1 LE, E. W. JONES, S. P. DULA June 2C, 1 855. i 6 fj3Notiee rnillE subscriber informs the public generally JL thai he w ill i.tund to the making of ThreBhing fllachiues, Gearing for Cot ton Gins and Siw Hills, and Cotton Presses. Terms reasonable. (IliliERS forwardid eilher to I harlotte or I'm. ville, N. C., punctually al'ended to, if within "25 miles of either phice W. II. NICHOLSON Junt 21), 185.". t . SCHOOL. THE NEXT TEBH OF New Institute School, will begin on the 4th Wednesday iu July, ('.'.VJi of July.) H JREPAI'AT10.'S have been made f.-r the JL Hehool, on a scale eommensurati; wilh liie ftiMiniiMls of Western Carolina. Sp.iei. us halls and I n mi'le njiuri s arc pronueu lor a very l-re,e nniii. oer Ol siooen la. Ituiirding i'm ililipn are I'nlnriiijj continutill v, bo that none innl ff.t r luck of iiccoiitiiiudiitiiin I 'J In J'niKipil t ike pl:iisiirt in niirMMiin in to Iwh fri'-inU und u.tlrn und the imhfic ut I i rtr.-. that the Srlmul i rt-H,l v to receive vxtrimrv ii.it 1 r on ope, rmd he uniild he littppy to have the direc- J 1ii.n ui the tductum oi' the children and wards of hi fiii-iuln. The lurifff hu.ldinji Pr the .School will, in pirt. ; br rt;idy ut ih'j itjiciiinf; term, and the whole will he nuiiph tcd Try nm n llt-rwurdn. j The lulhiwiiij urc the Fct per h.ilf Term, (or 5 iii'ijjtl-k,) 10 iidviiio' : Klemeutjry Hraniln's. . . fco hi) A ri i ' i me 1 1 I'luijli.1! I ir.oniiuir, sihI (ii-. jfn.phy, . . ti 00 Aijjehra, tiroiiR'trv, Nnluri.l IMiilos- uiiliy.Ae., . . . I3 00 'l.isi.ieai I'oui.c, . $lo HO I in I, .... SO lio.ird in private futilities, ezclu.ivu of lnjl.ls, . . . e.lti 00 EX Til A S: .Music on the I'inno, . . - . . 00 ' tiuil.ir Mil HO (No ehurie for use of instruments.) French and Ilulun, eneh, ... S.I Oft lira n it p :ind I'liintini in Wuter Colors, cue h. i Of) ' till!,' in Oil O.lors $111 00 II -t .ru- - .'! Otl 1 ro h.snns a week in Voe.il .Music fue of eh-ire. 15. CLKfiG, Yiincijiol. Arte liml'ilulr, Itilrtl I v., C'., Junt '., lCi.'i. j t-Ji Tax Notice. IIIAVKrerrived iht-Tux Lisli for the vrar l.r)4, ind luhl thrill rrudy hr iiiajk ction. and re q .il initirnmtiuii ot' sity luilurrs by ptrKunn n t n.Jknif their rtunm m-roruing to law. And, ulso, to rrcrive the IAKS du on paid Lift, tor which puruM: I will atti nd lit ihe UttU.il Musii f 4nunii. 1 tunnhtlv pqiif-st ail iruicht'-d tr ''uxey, to meet me ;it the pUwn iibove eUiUd, pre. (tared to puy their rrRcln"e due. My rcsponM li or bill ty t j;re.it, ant mn only be relieved by t lirou :t psvintnt of nil the 'I'iixoo dor. E. C.tiltlER. S!itriff of Mtckltnbuifi I ounry. line 12, lr.r.5. 1711' 'J i-i iiiaii'sj Anli-M-oi litilic 'I'oojSi WASH. F atiprriur prep-'iriitioii hn lonp bten ujrd J3L and rrconniiemJt'd hy many Ucntisiv. ft prr. ucTvea the tui'th from dvcuy and removed nil inliuiu. j 1'iaituiii and aonncnii 1'roin the guma and iinp.rta a 1 httlihy nnd tViirunl odour to the drrutli. Vor a.ilu by ffCARH k CO.. ; VIIK.VISTS. ! ongrt h (Jailers lor I.atlit'. ,1 1S T KceeivcJ at nt)oxK's Ilot Shoe. Fniporiuni. 1 oil' .l t'0t.'ll'lll(l'lli4. FR1I"C re-pietive fnns of Spra't 4 AIi;-nn, .B. iratt, lnuela te t'n.,ami Allison l. n. in., .f Hie low ii of I'hiirh.ite, N. Care llu. u.iy dissolved hy unit in I e.uoieiit. Sl'KAl i .V ALLISU.N, Sl'KATT, DANIELS & Co. ALLISON & L AN ILLS. Apiil IS, iKu. f.'T (icorge V. Williams & Co., WHOLKSALE tiUOEUS, no. i it VY.Ni: mtui:kt, CHAIiLLiTU,S.C, A Tl K now reeeiviny U 1,'iiKI lugs Kin, J ia. nnd I.acunyra t'OMXl:. 4UU hhns. N. t)., Torto liieo and A'uscevari.i Sni;,ir. .'dill htu..t Ijrifnd, Crnshi.l and r.mdireddo. J00 hliii. new erop C'ula AloUsst s. "IMI khls. X. O. Mol.iases. Iillt) liiln II, ivy (.uiiiiv t'hith. lilldt) pieeis Ileal y lunt,ee Ilurjj'injr. 411' 'I eoils II ile Hope, iiiinll kegs Nails assorted1. 4UII h.ixe. Sperm and Adamantine Candles. jlJII hhls. new No. 3 At lekerel, l1. wiler. SI...I, I e.i.l, Soap, ele., ele., sll of hieli iv 1 1 1 lie sold ut ..mall profits lor cash or prompt pay . May lo, lX.ij. dice. MAVIVt. htinht oit tlie entire intrrrni rf U ,n. I-:. .M.t i.i th" firm of DAV1 ISt N tV .WOS, I will coodnii- the biiMiucss ut thr "hi ntiiud, untJ Hiti ik'tcrnniud to t.tVt r ;reat induce, im ill to all whu wil! fiVt-r me with a rail, ami enp eiallv to ttin(f who huy tor CASH. 'l,c Notes ;iml Arrountn of the h'te firm are in my bunds, 11 n. i will he hi'tTh-d hv in' iilone. 15. 11. DAVIDSON. .Vv H. I 'M' AM Xi nv i;i)( i;ivit; un n I ol bc:;uiiful assort. (a:.Ti.i:n: ami ladh;s IliliWi,!!! f.-r lonmii' r wi iir, which 1 ill sell very low for C.l.v or to prompt cuMnim rs. All p roiiM wituii greiit hurgaitis will do Wtll to give me 1 ci.ll. 1!. II. DAVIDSON. iV.ii H, 1 ?... tf Watches! Walchos! Watches! yro fHl'H'a mihsrrihtra urt now receiving ti J. hirc htocH of WATCH I.M from I ft-is tlie moit cclebrutud inukcm I ulno a rich ' mock of Fashionable Jewelry, ( hniiis, kc , jtll of whit h will ho hold low for cash or on short time to punctual Ornh r. THUS. TROTTER S Maif,M. 11 tf A LAUGH 8PPPLV OF Const nblo Warrants run SALE HERE. Davidson College. tfp"K llev. J. J. SAIYTII. of Greens n.ro.N.C, h& will deliver the m-xl Annual Oration li luiv the Two l.ili rary Societies of Datidaoii College, on the Bill of August m xt. j . A.N. McCLELLAN, ) J. II. EMEKSON, Comnti'tcc. ! J.K.N EAGLE, ) Jimt an, lb.is. irf i To the i'libiic. , ; fj lll E au'iacriber having pent aevi nil year's srr- 1 , vieo amour the principal Cotton tiin Kaeln. : neh of the Niuliiern Srati-s, now oilei's hia aervi- j . ces to 1 ho citizens of Cabarrus and adjoin teg eonn. j i lies fur nil iobs of ri p drinji M ichiiuiy in this line. a f All ORK warranted to jive salislacliou or ; the money refunded. I j ij rrompt atniilion ill he i;ien In all calls; made either personally rr by mail, at llarrii.' Ie. i put, N. ('. i .1. A. JJOIlTtlA I in i is' IJ'rial, June III, lb.'i.i. 122 li.H'lollc V S. V. Kail Be;tf . 1 (-4 j-j-- a ; tfTSTi 'Tr JsMit.fef.jF..4J i ( ()I.L'MI;I., JtM. II, I ?;-... rpilllE Hoard of Itireeiors of lie.' Charlotte and JS. Soul Ii Carolina Kail Unnd ( .oinpauy Iniviog ih'.rlared a Herni. annual dividend ofTIIKKK DHL. I-AliS I'KU SUA UK, the- it ,in if wit! Ie luml un !n:Ur the lirft l v ul' July n xt. Slm khoIiitTH in 1 .itrticlu will be puii ut tht Hank in i n n loft. ' Thfmv in (.'lut-ti-r und WvK.fru V.rk at tin Hani, j Vurk at the Itruncli Hmk ol" the Si..l nU'lmr loltc, i N. C All tillu r Slockiioli't PH mny rertive their j iiivi.lt mis at the Cumituv'f Oflicf in '- luiuhid. 0. 150U KNIGHT, .Stac'onjond Tnrrr, June 9 18").". U!l i. in r..t copy i wcvu. WHEAT KARKH.T, J Spring mills. r WISH to purilinne ij i.r IOO MU hushils ofi J. iood un reli.iiil..hh- Wlll-JA'1 l"r wilieh ! H ill reiy Hie hii;he.t CASH priee. rliiii,iti',froin lis h.eilltn s n Ir.inspnrt .lion, is one of the host inland murki-ls in tlie Southern Si. ills. 1 h.ive err. t.il l.irjje Mi ri.hiiit .Mills euii. j tir.iu.us lo Hie Itutl lioid, u.ip.ihle of Krlli.lili; 300 1 birrels of I'lour pur d.iy, and to kn p lliein rilu. ; mn I must have Whet. So hrm it ulone, if I you n-iint the highest figure for it. 1 sui prepitied lo rru.o lor ion. ii ynii wiim 1' lour i lios,; hrand will he sutheietit lo.t ll il in a'.y market in ihc world, litre is tin: pl.ice to have it iiiiinuh.etureil. '1'hrsc mills licve already made a reputiition not inferior to any in the country. Junt x ib:ri. t:w a kci:i v r.n this day. Gents t Aiil'Ll M.1I 1'l.li (ti'iiri d.) I. allies Carpet SI I pp.TS, w It II riiMllts. I.ailies col. tiirureiJ Velvet SlipK:rs. I.uiiii a while tii"lish Kid.V. S.. tin Slipje.' Child's ii jrli t uiloriil liuOts. A i BOONL'S D t and Shoe lCinairutn Junr 3, 1 P.V. Ifuf s:iT'I.00K lIKIli-! K, the ntifhrf iiitrd, have purchased the 9 l.trjje and ".xti ithivr Stuck ot 4ri44l'if htloi.in to the firm ot' Klin & Srutl, at which pliire we vviJI he ft. mid at all linit, ready iind will lit to wait oil ull tttff-e wlio m:iy fa v i.r ii n with t U-ir p.ilmri te. Ity kei ptng on imnd a full Fill' piy of Family (irore i i , we will Ik prepnretl tn fi'l ordrra pnnrtutilly. th:t nmy hi iutrut.d trrare, iltu motto i "tiit k ah-K and mn ill profit" for casli or b irit'r. The highest ca?h pricta will be piiid for pro duer. ELMS k OATE.-i. June 5, 1835. ltiit 1 IRICSII I.FMONS run slwiivs he found tit the t'onleelicjiiarv under the W'hi.r tMh"- fPIIF" utihcriljcr hmhonjrlit the iMitlro iiitr. B vht of Jt'iialhiin A. Mt l.iwtr, L-q. in tim l.:ttt Mid Ml lit tin Tron, klloWn Hal I'trlflS .TMI. t nulr from Cli-irlottr. Tin: unm signed h.ivii.g h en reu tt-d, hot li t iicort-lir.i Uy und pr;icti mil!inr Ihimiios, und huvtii hem rn huMiiitf over thirty vears, h ft 1b :ir!v ri;u"t. liy, in the Hrd in linn oiilitient iu j x,v,,,E' entire satu,t.tt tmn to all w.io mny pitri ii. ( I7C hiin. j He wiil in a few weeks nnkr evrry nddition i neccFNiirv in liie w.iy of inarhinery, on thf .itr.t und niohi spj ruvtd plan, tiive me a trial, is all 1 , uslt. ! DAVID LIN I -SKY. Moi o?, i -.-io. nut ; ( oil l.i Oil. : f R'lIK virtues of this .Medicinal Ai;etit in eases I of ineipielil t 'nils utitptlnn l.ild in vuri'ilis filatidtllar Arl'eetion., have heeome .o ei:ll aiilheii. liealeil auto he pl.ieid heyond a dntiht. A pure and e;-nuuie I hi just rcei.ivi.d from the l.aburato. rv hv scam: x co., I'lUdl.hTS. i lai:i:mm iuoa u n:ai, VirMIM;TON,N.l. rnME CI.AIvKMXlV IUt)N WOUKSan-now H pn p'irtd to receive orders for IUmdi, Vcrli. chI. IIorizoiit.il or t ).! I iuti 1. y Sum 111 liiiiiitu, II h or how rrersun , ;iiul ati.iptiii t ail pnrpoMH ; Circular, Vertie;il aiul J'ort;ille S.iw .MilU. coin ph'te ; Tump, Aiming Machinery , liritl nnd Klmir .Miilt, eoiDph te; 1'urKer, Turbine und nltitr W.i. ter WherU, Kquippiuj; of Sle;iint rs, I ar Wln t ls and A. h ; Horse Cow rr ol variom; p- t tern k ; I.' ire IH. hi t'uiiips riiid Knn.eK ; line 'I'lir-i m 1 1 e 1 n ; Shin- gle .Mjelniit f, Mmitmg, huiiits, ilsilivrs, t.trur, und all other Mill Work. CASTlMiS. Iron ;ind Itr-mt l,itinn of ail dtf rripIi'Tr, in. 'cludinc ( h n.i nn otl I Iron li.ii!tti, Vir'r, HrKie 1 t. ssiilin n, tie., Ac. The Ccinp; ;.n woiimI rcfcrl- ! fully invite Hlteotion to their ht y k a .1 11J pu t tt rr ul liailinj;, which mny be sctn al liu'ir orVtrc. DOlLKUS. j Tubular, line nod (. y lindi 1 .il Hoilcria, W.iter , Tinkn, t itiiniieys, and all other kinds ot Iioiiir , Work. i; KIWI U.S. A tp;trnte drp;, rtn, 1 nt and force ill hv !.it f.tr n pitirh, whtic work will be done thoroughly , un1 ith tirp,tlf ii, i il iViiij h.re f.icililit-, thr iiheve wi.rk will he ; done on an rr4ou..tdc ti rnii a eUe Iu rr, Noith or South, .mil m a prompt mitt r-i tif,it ttu y in. tout r. ( t'oiiuitutioii hy It iter or t i u n , in r ril to pl.um sii d di m'Iib fur n.iilft or tin n I111 m 1 ur , mi ' titr 111 1 r luiu r qr 1 vta y , wiihr y ! y o iw 1 ri . All orotrK or eoiiiiijuuic.) t:on. 10 be d.::rcMU to tin iiiiicrbi,'iiru. HENRY M. MtANK. Axt. 1 .V.irr.. J.I, l.r. ti mu. f H VI K pul'lir rt' hi n hy inthrii::d that the f.rm -B. ol lri in V Tliompvoii is Ihi(ii.iy tiis!vtd hv II! II IU-! I i UD-Vllt. AH JM mOHM IllCtlrtld t0 5.lti linn f.re rj 1 n hUd to conn lurw.trdami ft it It their nerniitils either by No'r or t ;i it i. iitersit.i rv to li..e tiie buMiHMi of the linn clofctd vt . v Lii IAN & TIIu.M !'.-().". lA.VIF.S IIUIA.N res,H-.-tfi:y a,m.'nn. re to hn old IritiiUc, ami the pnh.- . in.r.illy, thut lie will continue to cendnel the Iiiihiium ut the km tm r firm niu) r h own oiune r.ioi on lu own rt fpons-ibility, nnd rt.ll rn linosilf witn ttie hi.pr that a hhrnl niito'.int ol' puhilv p.tron;ic ill he enlriidi d to him. JAMES HUT AN. Jnnnari l, Is".".. 4".-tl' lllt K Cf' VtF ATS and I ATS on fons irnment 3-1 at at 111 ION i;'S Hoot ami Shoe Linis.r J.Ntwry 1, liv-o loif THE VICTORIA HOUSE, (t'ORMEBLV THE TICTOIA HOTSL IIAil been taken by B. U. HLW ETSOX, late as ul the .H union Jl.uae, t-o. luuihta, a lid will la under the itnui linemen! und care ot Mia.aiut Miss HI.U KTSON. his wile and daa;ih. ter. 1 Is local ion, in ur the bend ol king-strict, renders it unusually convenient and itri c.i!.h to prroii who inli ml rrnniinini; lor a short tiim in tlie city. F.iery care and nlteulinn will be e ' vi ii In ensure the roiiilertol Bo, nli rs. ( 'hm Irst m. hnr 1 .1, 1 -55. t ! I t'harlullc .Mutual Insurance C01I PAX Y. TF HIS Compiiny in now nr;iiiicil ncfrtlrif tn ; j SL lit- in-t of I iiijrM'V..tintt, mi jirt pfi-i.,rt-tl j J Ifi rii')u iiilii:;t'UiiH und I sin' fxtlirit m n-i ihl ' limn liy WW n nil kimln of trcijH rly and un rcltatia ill.'. j It. 1'. 1'arm. Pit mi lull x V. I'rtfitrnt, f Jfiiit, Aitrnry, j J. K. iH iN, are. V Trta. j M. Is. riht , AxrHt. lUirct'irs. K. ('jirM'ii, Julin Irwit:, .I. hn A.1 ) Yoiiiijr, J"pli II- Wliili, J.ime H. Opr'ti, hr. M. Ii. Tuylor, W. V. liliith. Win. .)..imki, Iathv u l'... l t. I I..- i'ls.,. f? i li. iHsiwiry. j T lirt i:t all C(jininnn""l tn Ihf ccrrl!irr. JOHN K 1KUIN. Ar"y, .Itllir fl, IPa).. Ilitf ;iutu-I IS. Walktip T Prnr,iro ,n,r in thr ""nt''" of Mick. V ltniir l ni.n. and Anson, and will give utrirt nttiiitimi tncol'rt'unc j Pension Claims & War Bounty Land, ! Kvrv fitthiirr wlm si rv.! ;m miirh hh funrlri n rjii s in iiny war hi nre 1 700 in (.nulled to Hi Hrrra iif llnnty I.jmd. Ni chiirfrc will bv inNtlt- unh s I he lamm in tliliee al Monroe N, 1'. .Ihi ifu, Itv.i. ,1m ir iilldl!! A M a plentvnf tin ni. WHOLESALE and Bl KET.UL, LOWLK THAN KVEH.at iili.im a :nii:, An. Ctanitr Rmr. Apiil "!. If.i.'i. iiltf WM.A.iiWVKI!. (;i:.i:it u. ai.l.t. ruKw.ilwi.a ao t'liMMIsshlN vii.:uxt, 5. v. ! i KRAM.Ii.M K.NTS h;:viitjr h-rn co;npltU-d hftwi-rii the Wilmington mid ,M.i iirJiflrr hull U :.d y, timi tlie Smith Card ma I! ni i It )"d t mm j:i t, y fiir the tr ti .sport iti' ii of I'lrjylit rxpudit inii!y from A i!niinj.'titn to ti c W .i vin l'h;rlotti, 1 oflVr tnv frrvirtn t. the MERVIIA .V'A und VHUDVLl.RS nf Went'-rn ('urottna. ii(Hidn will he promptly forwarded to the intrrior, ;tiid rrndure of i-vrry deiteriplinn rrrrivrd, and sold or nhipprt! to other nuirkrlii. My lonjf rxpt mure in the bnineaf, tortln r wifh nmpl ttcihtif-ft f-r it- HiitTi fsful iroH( emioii (un :h .ninple jjiiirniifrin of ii. v n In hi y to bitvl in corn "p-nnit-tits f liti'lul Iv. Wetstirn produce will he ui-ptwtd of, for a t'tinmiKNinii of l per eent on proM M:r. r(i:ini;ie will hf torwurdcfi f'r a coniu.isi' ii of per rent on t Uhu rnnif-n t. I rt fer to the 'rt 8 iUtula of ull the Ihuilta in Wilmington. V. A. GUT Eli. April .1, 1M5. Ttf WILKINSON'S j Jlapfrrtinn (titllrni. 'J'lIK sulsciil.cr litivinir prrinanrntly loea- 1 teJ in Clinrlotte, risjH'etfiilly invites tlio attention of Ladies aud t .en Ih inen to ins ntipiiu,r and wotild rcjajwrtf'illy ny thnt h "is now taliin? IiCuerrcotyp' F upon an improved plan, which will tiol un I y orlo to t or iicaulv si nd Elegance of the Pic'urr, but will Midir it hu fable nnd b'rilliiiiit for Ascs. II-.: would :ilso refpprtfi:!!y invite rtr;inrr-i , ini; li:irlotte to cull nnd examine hin s-jiee.nieiif, it he in lit t'Tuiini tl tio-y hIihII f:ior.thiy compare with nny th.it an Ih? taken North or Sniiih. J j Uouni, third Fit t t-J y 4vr I'r.tit r A ruutr hunfc, niimrdi- ii .lew Irv Store. J i I iistnirt'oiifi, I hen i u i; !i ann pr.icliei, f.V'-n in tl.ih bmutilul art nnil utl inntrriiii fiinui-htd. NKAL WILKINSON. Chir!ittrt Jirn:iiiyU'.l, lf.".. -ilitf .' y Artich'M lor t'erj IIoiisi-- 1 NT. r. :j:lp Tripoli, lor pohhiog Gobi, .Silver, ( "rpper. Steel, Tin mid nil other nirtaU, also tor c.mnn.t; Wim.owii, Al irrr mm (ii.mwiiie. ALSO l.iiitinl ;ill 4f f. iuoii l or rtiiovinc Irn .Moulds, Stairs, Vu. from l iiK 11. I ur B.Wc at scarr i co., LATE FISIILH .V HJ.lMTsll. .TJ m;iii .Tlns.t.-oij; l.iniinriil, A N inv.ihr.bli: cxlc rniil iippltfaltnn fur Itlieumn 'Wl tUiri, Spr;i i 11 rt. I'ri'li . . tut i f -. H.irn. r-r.iM.. Swi'liiii.. Ai.it curt l.r Sir;iins,t..t!ls,l hiit't-, llruiM A lui. 1'i.r 1 , lit li c lit mi ur iuuk.t!t st.ihtis uimv.il- SCAHK A CO.'? Vina 6 IV8E. a. nKTiiuxi:. r.B7 .ra. a. n, .h. i . A, -siirinys' Itow, t root:s i:ast ok tim: 1 iiAni.oxi 1: hank 01 tittui tc, r. Tfir ssiy 21, l-j.i. l-tf Splendid Viiriclv of Ladies' haitcr (H)TS. UV. K!V!:I il-is- ii - v r..iis.l-ii(. nf . i.jh.1 i!i.i.-a s.'a .i.iii 1. 1. a 1 rrnr. 1IJJM..1.J ' T. :i " .I'm. .ti " Trials " "..l. Si'k Tin MismV l'l .rk imi ;.l. -,1k fiAITKK.-a, a! lit tt NIC S i-IKiK ? It ) HI'.. I.iwilfs, r.ill .n.l s--t- t.i in. ,'lliiri ;, 1V..I. 3tl s-10 JU'waed. A.N AW AY from the MihsmH?'- on " .a 1 toe I'illi ol Hi .pii-'uorr. lfc."t, a ne- Imv n. .nur', . l.. ,t,v js a , ' f briclil ii.nl..t!o, ii li'ik under B ft ft high. pjSit rnimd In- I'n i . a little 'ri-Uieil, Ktil.ti ,i- tilleo, on' ..I Ills tlmiiili.. ilishi-uri d. I, . t not t!al, like rnot nr rot . II.1 m.i v lt I .jrki nf f .i:!te--.v hi re in R.m.l.ilph er luil;'rit, or I." ith.v he eioii-.i'-.r irii t" make his way lo the .n ll.. tvl. I w.ii i give a ri iv.iril f 1 1" tor hi. apnrt in nM..n an.! eon. 1 linemi nt, if tafc.rt out ol the Man-, aiirt S'.'.'i if t.i. 1 k. ii w ithm the rotate, so thai 1 Jfel linn. Any in. j foririntion eonceniiu said boy mil lie thankfully ri'itivnl. 1 1 may be that said b..y ban proeured i 'nv KIH:, hul "ir ,", l"un,u- ;lv P"' J iitlicc i ?.inny . rt r K . linnen pn coinu v, .... .l).Mi IUIjIUI.. Iu;i3.'i.i tma'i, Mini l, ISja. on REMOVAL 1 fl E subscriber rrspec ll'ally iaforma Ms frirfldt JL and the public genenilly, that lie has r niev. ed his Coiiicet onnry i lid B.ikery imo hie us building, next door to W. W. Elms's Gram KtnfS and opposite the l'reshy ti rum hsreh, Srhere be is pnii.i.eil lo uceoimiiMhitc i.H a lio may fee l d'a posi d tn eneouiMge him. i'ersons wirl hud ol his Hlnrc, I'iikt'S X. I. Frullis aud PrfSciTcs, t: wvn s. i r, &. IVedflins ; nil I'artn s fnrnisfnd 1 the snrffit Rotire, tinri ell orders IhansiTrlly rrrerti d, f aoeti ally atli tided to, and packed with ti e ii'ii ost ears. J. MEAD. Chn'ottr, Mnrrh 0, 155. Stf New l'onf(fliin i:i:d Dnkrrj. 'i "'i -," ' r o .'j Us tii-J. itLj4.lji.l t S A K K plf.surr in anBuMiirinij t Iht ir freiiidi m uiim iht- pnhlic thut they inavr juat nprned m tho HuMiir on M i in rtrc t, U dKra r..-l ol fht 4 mh rMinfi Hotel,! iliktiy and Ch1 cliuHury t-t-jl'!ihhniiMit. II ivn i; Ki rirrrd the 9r9trt9 of on expr f irflPriH It.iktr innl tlinruuh wnrkHi- Hs they tire prrport-rl Ut fariiihh BreiiclcCnlioa and ttrry thiiiff in their line cif tin- in-tsl Hitpt-rior de nrripfinn, Thrj hn jumt o;in'd un fxtfiitn'c vuntty of i:sv isdia wf vf asp all a'a'jv Ol ( A A A., 11 1 Kv, FA .V(. Y AH Tli 'LK8 And inU t,d rti ry thing uau;l!y tuond in iHcit linr. It'a dmirr to pl:i-, mid rcr-annahlc Itii, will iimnre p-itrt'iuijjt: tin v art tit ternmnri tn Imve it. J. k K. LONKllGANs I'rl.ntnryQX Itf.ii. Uf , . U. I Imvo ,tiri in v ifh. reef in fhe Grocrrj' to J. I. mn ri;. in. All p ri"fta !uihtd to tbe firm pi'llCtJ Llltlltlt hi' givt li. K. LOXfTHOAX. F'l.marv !22. 1 r."..i WANTKi), I US. fun N A. LINEN KAliS .--ri'eil. Apply l" WILLIAMS, MXON X Cu Fthunil 32, f.".a. l-tf : New Millinery ! Dressmaking l. CHAIU.OTTi:. llt'Nuhacrihrr would inform the 1111 u s ol' (.'harlot tc :ind ii r round iti' conn try, tha t alo S t. inif opt ntd u Pimii uppos'.te th I'mhI UtYiri', tnr the ncronrmiidiK'; tmn ot' tiinsc w hu desire iiiiyihing ill thf uhnrt' line. Kept Ttl Ull V , Mrs. S .1. FHAZIKIl. Mirrli I I, 18j.i. l-fini N. II. The f.ali .t Fashions received nmlithlv "lid II e A. H.C. mr tlmd of nutting u.ed. r. .1. F. SADDLES & HARNESS. rjjVH'. tMihucribn h have entered it.lo tfpoili.cr JL -hip und opened n m w 31 . N I; FA CT01! Y, AT It. MIOV'S AMI ST4.VO, Li Spiit' lh 'uk Comer Uiiitting, wlirrr ll.iy li.in' ooiift iii liy un linnd a large a:id spltniiiil u.Horlir.i-iil nf s.iddlks. !rAti;:ss nniDT.Es; c,,'. ( Al I.IIY VLSI Ft IT 7O.V, nrcnnlinjj tn I In: nmsl ..r..vcil sljlr anil fusliioa ul tin- il.ij. Tin y nru jIm, .n p.. n-ii lo mi.i.ufi.cluro a ti j-1 i t i r i jl i tl'i'ir line in tin. mrst suhsluntinl snd . "'. .' .......... ..i.u inn, r l. ..ill llir HUM, ! W.! ri'S.n -elfiilly invili. in. public locall amlrx annl!p fur I licmsrlvtsi l;. .iiri'iy (invc al aliort notice ami with neat, niss line! uifjiutili. ?UAW k PALMEK. fV'.rfiorySi, lrj.i. tf l)r, lo Mi Xonnrr.t ! KSPKf TKIM.Y ci'lrrs Wis proli-asinpal ser. ' MA vici s to i lie rim. us uf 'hnrlut'i' cud sur. r. iimlini! i ,l, r. II.- Uufet hy ilivnlni!; Ins en. tiru atliiiliiiii In ll.i- il'ili.Mut hia prntisf.iun.tn In.'ril pnlrnii .)(.. He n.uy lie li.nnd :.l all liuurs, rl hi. iirii.-i- .iiM.iMii.. thf Ainerie.n Until, wlicn i.'.t (ir'.f. s...nyv .-ngngi d. Trhinnv l.'l, ik'..".."' J2tf iVotice. fWU.L all. nil :it Clinrlotte nh .Mondnys snd Tn.-.lsys ul' Culitts and oilier 1'ul.llr Dsj s, l..r tlie puri-.ie of siliinf? 'irnperly of fvt-ry d. n-ri.liui, iii.il els.uli.rc lu ii i-ullt-d on, snd al.o in l'uiii:.rU nnil S.lisl.nrv. ' j.Mi:a SLOAN. HAIililSOaV "lI0TEL," -i r- i l. TllOMi'Sfl.N SI.'.!S, Trnprietor. ' II. I. 1JAKDY, Xniniintrmknl. Tin. II. Hi. 1 i i li(;il.ly lui iitrilon llic corner of Ifich. ur ir.u nn.l Laurel S'.ncts, Coliiinbia, f. C. ! 1' ilrnns nf thin r-t.-ihlislimen t will be convrred to and Ir'.m tlie Hail !'oad l'iiot ;; or t iJ.mci . Hrrtnl-r 1 1, IMI. 43tf Al El k LE A IU HG HOUSE, BY i . Tsas "JJ 1J AYI NCJ purcliused the buil'li'.p ' 4 E al on the ei rner, a fi w d ja.rs N. j Ri 1 1 15 V. of Kerr's lintel, and n pain d ami ' tliSfiSStS ''"'' ll T'n t-'t rd. .t.vlf , I would repl'll!Ui ! v iiit'.irin the Trmel !' rp Plj hi ir, tlia t it is ' n.'W oK-n lr-r the rrei (.lion ol' KtuUr and Trsn. 'sunt llo.iri!er. I'rovrrswill find ample aeconi. iiinih.tions at l:iv lioi:.i , i Vmiuour I'i. IK'S. 4Blf j Alattresscs for Sale. . fB Vl Sub.enlx rs rtspteiliilly inTorni the cili. j .fi. 'ens of I'll. ;rh ti and its MCllllty that tiny I in,! ke.r nrl hand at 'I'. M. Tarrow's, a well sc. . kn, ,i,-k cf .! I I 1 ltlM, stl.ich they h.'I s. 'I t ..rn-... lo .ml Ihe hjnl limes. i JJ'AII PKl'BltK promptly ..u.Tif.l to. .1. II. SMITH A CO. Ja'ium ' I, 1 H 46-ly JTjsfaa. i JPI'"(;S l' l,vc '"smctfelly to -..J " 'i M 1 announce to Ihe Ladles ot .-i;? 'f'a' h.nlolte and its ncinily, that sWiJfMl ffijK !' orsned a large ussor. V "iZ''iiieiit ..f new r.' j '" frriich Mi'liiirry, H j cofs'sliii"; of Un) latest styles of IHIIS.MtRt;, IMINNtTS, t.tl'S AMI in: i;-niti.i s snil a e!! .fliittd stuck cf Prt'!s Tiinjinius and Paacrn.', iiiid f. r's a s.iired she can .'lie saiisl'icli"fi in both hranrlie. o p.iins u .ll he p.ireif In please. i ri'U!KKS proiiiptlv attendt d lo. (V(ii.ri 17, 16.-.4. ' -6tf Cns'i Jl'inif nr f.i'c fit this ejirr. UU'tli Dreu's jor tale at this OjUe. rolma W hij; UIIkl 0. "4