V i : ,1 '1 :'i : i I: il Fiotn l!ti A me tiffin Mi Stfntr, The liiviiihy of ( hiist I do hot reinf ml cr to lime seen the jirool'i of tin' miiitiim jii') proper divinity of Christ I jell ineiili'iitully ceeur in tlic liistory ef Lis life, liroi:;lit toget!:er in cue view, though some of tliom are ciiioteJ a collateral texts. I Itni-nv- not liow it nitty strike otl.ors, l,ut tlic more I rend the g1 pch, tlio more I fiti.! nf these, ami tlicy up pmr t he more ttrikinj 1 c cause they arc in ciJental, nml so c! t !y woven into tin- hi twj of Chvirt'b iiii.-si.iti and life:, from he ir:'.::::::;; to fid, tint taking thrni out, or pivitig them .my lower intei pu Union, would make tlic fotir c-pels tr.ie-t i-n xplicaldi luvoks. 'J lie liu.iu of this ai tide will i.ot allow ii f to nii;ta a tvrl.it of tin? proof-texts aiiudtJ t. 1 pee it lew. " J.-.-n? saw N:it!i:it.n 1 paining to ltitn, and saiih of liiin, IVholJ an Israelite in deed, in whom is euiie ! Natiiitiinrl saitli unto him. Wheiiee linpwet thou me' Jesus n.-.m-rud m.d said unto him, liefore that 1'liilip called tlice, wlien tl:ou wat un der the lij-trer, I saw thee." This was nothing short of a elaim to cnnn'seieuce, and so Nuthauaul understand it. John I : ',7, 4S. ''Jc-.ias did rot e jtiimit himself unto tl.cm," the .li ws. 'l;raui- he knew nil lisen, atl'l l: led tvt that any ViuM tes tify of iiian, i-ithr ui.cir vil li --! in ili-iii." John a : 21. 'J"i. "Uehol l ceitiin of '.he setiios sniJ wi:!,- in theinselves, This 111 .n hla-f hctm And Jesus, kii'iii inf! llintii'iHs'iits. stud. h-re-fore think ye evil in var hi ait-? for wheth er is ea-ier to say, 'i Ly sins bo i .-.rgivcii thee, or to s:,y, Aii-. and Wilk !" wLiel; be did, atiii the paralytic rose at once and departed to bis liooe. Matt 0 : 3, etc. ''JcsJs saka ut.to l.v r," the wiinan oi Samaria, " Go, call thy huand, aud ctii e bitlicr. Tl.' woman tiuswered and a: 1. 1 have no nu-1 and. Jc-j sr.ith u:.;o her. 'I'liou ln-t well s-ii.l. I hue ft liu-batid. Thou ha-' bad five tu.-l a:i';, airl be wlnm th-tu in ha1-! is not thy bu-Vr'tid : in that s-iil-t t'l-i'i truly." Hove did 7:.i "-t host ' Ho could not. Lut know, for l:o " km w ail thi'i'j;." John 4 : 10-1". Vhor Ciirist was abojt to enter Jer i- i-le-m for tan last time. 1 1 sent t.v. di-c'.pb vith this remarkable viireeUon : "Go into the v'.ilag over against yea, and straight way yrl.x'.l CaJ an . tied, and a colt with her: IwOMt t2ein, a-jJ Irit.g tl.cm ui.to liie. At-d if rr man say sugl.t ui.! 1 y:u. ;e '.all -ay, M L'd d hath necl of them ; 91.4 srrr.;-'.t rr.j he will seti-1 t: the Ctr':t!cs wtit a', i iliJ a- 11. At. .;j Com leande-d tiii-ci. Jul hi ..;'ut the a-- Olid the Co't." M:V "-1 : ".-I ' Iu r.vakitr arra r. mt 1 X f-tr the In-ts jp f.r with i.w diseipk'S. ju't l-. f.re l.e vi a pnt to de.r . oi;r l.ord '-nt IVter aud John, saying, G Mid jr(,.irc us the pa.uover, t:.:.t w :iy eat. A.1'1 they said 11!. to hiro, 7." Iu re :'.t t'.i-'U that we pr. pnre? A:.d :',yit,;o tin in. llli'-! d, when ye are en wto '.he city, tl ere a n '.n ne' t 'in." erring a j'.tcher f water : f-sllow hi. 11 iM the 1: ')-' whrrt l. ci terdh Ar.d y thai! tr y iii.to the :ood man of the hou-t. Ma-'.cr saitli uuto thee, where is the -i't-cbaoi' cr. w'.m re I thai! oat the paw. over with i.i (iistiples ! And be sha,! fhow ycu 3 'argo lifp r room furm. bed : tbi re ini5 ready. And they weut atid f..!ind as be bad s-iid umo t) -m ; and they wade ready tl.- p v-.r. L.'.:- - : -l-'L This is cle vf the rnoa rcinai kal'c prvof of divine oniiii.ei nee. What weie the pro lulilitics that I'tter end Join would meet the man d'-:eiibtd, with a j iieher ui water, i'i the tlroiieed street, tf a i. at city ; f r it' tLeyi'ii. that l.e v .. u'.d tll-.w the.-n t' tV.Iow him i'-lo hi !.out ; or if he '.1 i, t:,a: t'.ev tvou'.d find sny such roin there a Jesus described Let jie they f-et out : or t'.ut, if there was sueh a larg "'per roon furuihed, tlif tua't'r of the Loue w-oul 1 usseut to the rr.:pjsal wit:. out one word ct hesitation or ii.ii itry ' And yet ti.f-y found evorv thing jnt as .le-us bad foretold. Such arc -m if th incidental pi oofs that Christ knew all things. And the i-ieileiitii! pr.ofs of his '. j 't-rrt are I't ie.-s -!'ir..i..', thau of his on.-j.i.-ei' nee. In on oeeision he :. : " -r t ".1 J -: ij' i hungry jn.r-OL- vith .-v.-t 1 ,ave- and a few ii.ij a.:,. t;. a.. Ci.e.i, !'.- iple- took op ;.. !.::!.' ts of fragtiiT'!. n 'i'jth-r. he f 1 "thousand ii.m, b'.- ; 1 Ie. VCISi II iile 1 au' aiei t v mid ti.e (::; i. 't.t- v'.l h v. re 1 r: i.i'- ' '" ' ' ' V. hut hut en ative povr could hive i. t Li - T i" h'' ''jr li j.i-r vho L-'oui'lit him, "Lord, if ti.;; ii:, 'h -i tai.-t tuaku mo i-hrnti ;" l.i Kii-iver. d . " f f i-7. Le ti. u il uti; aud iiim.i.(iiAi'..y Lis h -piusy J t 1 1 -t a fi om him." ':i one n e i -i iu t :. . ..i. 1 n n, f '1 . '.n J n v iny, '" Thou oti of 1 ' i v s , i . huve merev hi u-." and he " tvyeh- 1 tb'-ir ey-, inyii..-. Avi-udit.a 10 your ii:h be if m,ij jvi An 1 tie ii i; heijle-- inn! s v i re r.r i rjf a J o tlie t'Ooi :it tin- p ii. who ;;i'J heeli il: ti.nt e.-. I.L.:, tlrtv ic-ht y-ar. he rniJ. 'L.-r, t ihe u'i t! v li 1 a;. ! v ail;. And ' ! !!; d."' ' 1 1 one o . i- ri, v-!. u if u-t-r --in,; th'- l-l '" :... v i'i. Lis ii,-'-i-j i "there iiro-e a r 1 ti n.j -t in t'.e h s. in.'itnueh ti.'it t .e ' ; i -,ir. i Vl"'h tie ft .Ve-i hut he Jj- :. Ai, 1 t - v HW' he l.'iii, 'yi: I.-.' 1 wi u (J, , h. 'J le i. he !' ' fend r ... - d tl. .id iini the m-4 ; ai.il there ir'ii a r-at i n m. An 1 tii'-y ex-l.iiini d with mii.n. i.. nt," e!l th-y lul 'Ad, " What tnanuer !6f man is this, that even the wiuds and tlio! Sheep to bo profitable require care, tut I Kea obey him !" Tt w.p a conclusive proof 't i kind of care that is neither laborious i , , . , , . 1 or expensive. Hut there is one preat ovil that he had power over the elements, to U (ll01w(ky)in regions wlicre plieep !llive j hush them at his pleasure. And Again, sec j not een ii0pt nml that U depredations hy I what Christ says of himself, in the, tenth1 dogs. That, evil can ho remedied by a law 'chapter of John : " 1 am the pood shop-J taxing dogs, mid making it legal to dcslroy I h,rd. and I lay down my life for the sheep. S e J"d ,nt llirSu 'l!'n L,s '"fr; II lay it down of myself: I have fnrvr o , OI,u 50 cents, any additional one to the name take i: tipiiii." "Destroy this temple," . person one dollar, if a bitch three dollars. said he oil another occasion to the Jews, ' And if the tax be not paid then, auy pcr- ho were ploti. g his death. " and in three ': 0 is 8t libcr,J ! ,kil' il in ny place, lie .... . . . ., , sides tho owner is held rtpisiule for any davs I wi.l raise it tip B"ain. Ue spoke , ,. , i T ., , - 1 r f , damage hit dog commits. Iu this way, and of the temple of his body, and he did raise a frco us(! Qf prison, dogs are not it up cn the third day after they had mnr- troublesome wit it us. Tin; tat is kept as a ' derd him. I inial.t go on multiplying such fund to pay for sheep which are killed by ., r" e (.i ... !,..' dons when the owner cauuot be fonud, or is , r the term in its highest and proper sense. I he earelul reauer ot tne gospels win iiihi tlie-e mtersperscit ait aloiiL' tluoiigii tnc ot no use, u title the expense of their sue four Kvan'eli-ts. Ciceian history telis us port is eiiual to that of ten sheep. Hut I of a te.i.nle into which the huilde'r had so ingeniously wrought his own nnine, that it could net be erased without destroying the magnificent edifice, liow much less eau the divinity of Christ be expunged from the goels, with reducing them to a mass , , . . , , . , ' it d.-jo.utcd and incoherent fragments. - i ( J CVnt'lCllllllVlll v - - - - - - - - - - lli iII.KD Fi M il) Ft )R CATTLK. The n;.)-t icouomieal method of feeding stock is a su' ject iu which every farmer, paid to the subject South and West, and Miould fed a deep interest. The irood qiiul- 1'" these regious most ultimately come the i'.ies of many kinds of food civen'to domes- ,? "' ot wool produced in the , I nion. tie animals, are sosecptiblo of improvement ; The gross rff e;ptjl of , floc. of sLl.cp n)ay in vaiiins ways, but perhaps the very best is be put down, if of the Merino blood, at uot that of steaming or boiling it. It is well far from three dollars, depending upon the ' known that hei))v' zreatW facilitates tho ' r!,,e "f tlie increase. Wi'h us now, a Meriu o , ' , " , ,. . sheep yields from 4 to 5 lbs. of washed wool, nieeliiHiieai dm-ious of ncanv every r.ir.d , , . ,1 1 ., J which is worth 5 cents per lb., and the ct lood, and that to this fact i attributable 1 nlll,s aro won;, from ji.y0 ,0 go.j,, clltU( i:s sujieriori'y over the raw material. Very for common male lambs that have been eas t::.i:.y e' the roots u-cd for feeding cattle, rate J. Say four pounds of wool at Hf cents 1 . . .1 .is equal to and allow only $1 .oil for are in tn. ir natural or raw stato at least , ' . , ' J, , . ... the lamb, and we get co.HO for the value ot partia..y inutgeMtLe, and coux .pieutiy less l!ie MiriU,tl pr0(Uc of the sheep per head, vaiiiai le than when boiled, as the minute I speak of the merino for my experieuee ' j art;vles of which they arc composed ore sati.-ties me that for wool growing it x- u- v paratcd 1 y the poc-s of boi.ing. and thus perior to any other breed. But I would by 1 lar.-er surface is i ii M-nt.-d to"tho acti'Mi "0 means ad v h-e any person to make a very , , . . , , , T , larL'e out lay upon that breed at first. 'J he of the juiets of the .-t?iii:uii. It is al.-o as- . ',.. 1 5 1 . . 1 .1 1 . r .1 J ue.-t way would Le to select the best ot tlic -erte l by the be-t authorities that the li'i- ectnmoii breed of the country, which were tilti.c powers of the vaiioua kinds of fjoJ acclimated, and use good merino rains. At are much augmented being sul i-ctcd to the same time procure from ten to twenty , ,. , , .7 . , . full blood uieiiuo ewes, so as to gradually suol. hi.h temperature, wLi.e lmn.eised in . , . . . , u 0 , J 1 ' crow into a pure, or l.igli gtaue nock. water, ll-sid.s this, loiled or 'teamed food w 'p;i.rc j4 I)0 fartIjPr ,ho will not liud his is generally better ri'.hdicu by cattle than' profits handsotuely increased by keeping that whicli is rot. v. l.loli a;e fieoueiitl Potatoes f.T in'tance lUeii'.i reiuauii IU lUeir raw or r i .1 n-itui al stnti', and are not in tin form eon- -i!t.red pitalle food, appear to acquire new rr .jerties when boiled, and arc eaten . , , ,. , 1,1,1 v.ith much re.i-h and decided advantage. The sau.e re.-l.'.ts fallow iu the case of al- ... .... ii. t, t every otbtr 0! tb roots u-ua.ly lel to 1 attic, as noil at to various kinds of grain, 1 . 1 -,...1 ,f ,' , nay tic As coi uorative ol tuo conect- Less of these views, kt the farmer refer to his ow every day experience in the use of eooki i fooJ. ati'l he will find that any kind of well hoi'.e'l prnin, cuten Harm, gaics im- tiututive value over tue satin; .:-i-.atiT when cateO without this preparti- ' ti":i. 1. cr st. :ir;.;i.g t ffc-.t-s tle mo.-t import.int chaiwes hoth in the chemical and e luei hat.ical qualities ol food, reedertii many sul-.tat.ces palatahk' i.tid nutrition., wliel, when eaten raw are hotu iudijestihle and ijuv h .L-'ete. The aurant-es of thorough i:.a-t:cati";a are wc'.l ki.ov.u. It ii in'iu-pen-table to mpid and towplete digestion tuay r .. j.roj.-.-rly r.-jrarici as iLtr hi .-tock. the fai liivr 13 f'Jud It it W'-.I known tiiat ia the cae of colts thre i ' fre'j'i, t.tiy difficulty of detiti:io:i, C ."!-!. Li, Io.-i of 5J :. iC, Dti'l :iarrti'i-i. Vv l.eu sueh i the ea-e, and tii; "Hn of the aiiimcl I f'ne eitl.er inflamo'l , i ,,r u.e-ra.-., i.,a-.;c-..twr, 11 s. 11011,7 aud rulij-uly ii.ttrf.red uith, di.'eiti jii is of" C'jriP lut inijy?rfrct!y j.-erformed, and tho 'ii--: aVv.e Lamed are tl r-.'suU. li iiicd food t jul-i or.vij.t-j u..h tiiillcult v to n ( .-rv r.at (.xtcut. --.uni rca-Kj ; vi.l a j. f.ly uitii enukl coveiicy t all L'.t cp;(.'i;t;!y t tho-c cui-MoraUy advanc i - wlioe tf'.th Lavc fullered from natural tlfCiv or accidental caas. Tor, if th'j fvod " . t 'A v hv h an aimual j.aiUiteb thorou;i!v cii c-t-d, it i-i more roadilv a-itnilatcJ. aiid , , ..-;, i, r r a A ----.I- ;-ir-.. ' Ti. t i ? i l." it i.f!th :itid ior. Vw have the very le.-t aithoiity f.r as- r'it.ii' t;j;tt li; a 'ncrai t;i.n, I jji cuii'.ot p, eretite d to ttock iii any ir jut sj prolit- j . "j i .a-. J nia-'.i'."-.te'!, J-o re at .j ;ii.d e in.'.: i.utri'i i:i-, a- in i, .:y (.I---.-teai'!':-i ,r L ;'.' 1 . 'I i.'.- kuhj" et, thtr-fir". heroine .in' .(' i'ii mi' i- iiiipott-.tir, and the reflect rti.d fin---r-. ri :.t i'ari,.-r cannot fail to re aid it in '-'nit li,'tjt 'r-isrrsnf Farmer. WOOL lilloWINu Stjl'lil. !!i a Vi'tti: rw.-.u.!:. 'J here i" wj Lra.-,c'i of fannina whieli in j r r 1 7 : t " o i. - p iy- .- in il 3- usd grow i; '1' hr j r j.i.r i jeati'iti coi..-i- U of a dry L.i.y ccii.'.ry v.'.'re the ciin.nte i-i mode ra'..-, m.d t'l-r verdure deiity. tin I narrative, .-.'ji .i tin i.i- in n!-i o-t. sny eiiinnte ' 1'. -ra t'.e fj u'-r ft ti.'; p.le. li it that v-1. ' h l'-.-t .- j'.t.! tl.i.tn ii a ti ii... r ite one I n- y .! j te '. il j .rl 1, v ii on rh-li I -ttom or i .te r-. til i.-i :,!-, Lr a iiwi.,t or rii-h s 'il ii f.i- : t tl.vi!.. II ;. I md.', or even .y a w ,-i rm '-'jr.-.-.i.e t! t'e; ii."it pr'.i.tai.ie :; -l T, r.r in,:' i . . lately ii.-j jntaiiejili, in ar" hy''!id a!! d.,:jht; t it Ij, nil eali r."li-e. 1 l.e Uliter of tlii. h i- Lei li eoMi' i-ted with tin- hijiiie ,r ii. jf (L ai tiiiitv Vir, and n not vet h'-en vir wli- ti, li '(-, I i five n ,t enm a )" tter j refit on the r-i j.itn nivi-iti ii than any other ttoek upon tne l inn. A nil vi t we have t f rovi-i': winter feed fori it out M.-vrti tiujithfl oat 'A the twelve of em. ii yi.iir. ' utikuowu. It is a very great marvel why so many , nTC ,iqit j,, mitt instal)ci.s thcj. re '""i bJ e mdm of 150, that there has been a giiin of sheep in your State in ten veins of nearlv fiftv-seven thousand. The n,,,,, i 1 40 w ."ia,a79, while in 1S."0 it was o!ifi,"J4!). This is a good simi, for although the pain is not large it still shows u.ai inere is a pcrecp.au e ...c.vse. lt ,s ' si"iufie'iit fact, and will woithy of notice I , t,iul wl)i,c Lavc dl,crcasea j,, l)t,ary ' .,u 0f tic 0j Northern States to the n 11111-. I berof millions, they have iucreased in nearly 1 'every Southern State in quite preceptablej i number. The decrease in the North is ow- ' ing to the denscness of population, aud the , diverting of a greater breadth of laud to making butter and cheese, and growing of grain. The multiplication of railroads has made gram growing, and the dairy more profitable than wool growing, unless the growing of mutton be made superior to the wool. ut increased attention seems to be1 sheep, few or many according to his cireuiu- tatices. Ufcolf VrIIW.iM'k jlllil : fc:l':ip;trill:i. now out up in the F.ircrl Sized Bottle, a,, M .ekitowlnitrnd to be the lust S.irapjr,IU made, aU eerl.ned by the Wonderful Cure, it ii-ia ncrtonticd, li,e original coj.n; ot iin.h ure m p ,.,.klu 0( tlM ,,.p,ir, R.-umUr, ' ' tue only true and oriCiui.l a; tide. tfemiiil 1, .-vpbili, Jl rcurial Cmi plaint, ( an- ' r.,, , , r, ', ,. ei r it-mreii", hliemiilisni.ai.d a v..st v an ly of oilier diaejsca are tpeeiliiy and pcrb 't v -.ureJ by li,e usc '"i":-' Bead the lollowintj certificate. Tall roj.-. C'u., Au.f J.m. U. leji. rii. Sia : I fcviiii veil tins tu eertitv tu von lli.t v mr K.lr.itl ui' Vi-il- -.lii.uk mill n..,a. rilu " "' u'UHi T' v' ctir'in inc tlut .& tiT iH-tn ttKeltG on limn 1 b-- u utiiicti-a fur forty )fr wtiii .rup. I.""'" " !" KK "A k, t m "" l" f"' til l.iat 1 ii. .a t.i gu on crutciit. aim ui 1-1J I l.aii m Ii; ain,uut- iJ abuv tue ki.tt. In au.nt ,;",,,! '";""""? broke out , Ur.-e i in' it iiiiil r ii ii inn a inri-a Irtirti in v L tw- lit t- i.Hj(, "lid iiiaclt.iri a a gr:it deal ol otRr.si.t in.il-l- r. My yr-.m ;t.u hro.vC out in larv luU-n, u dicl. i.i"'ii.irnJ inu:li otf-riMite malt r, nl at lut s um liriiv ii. y Ic't InnJ itto'rii- out in jr; running vif'n 1 1 j r f v to iny f lbnv. 'J :.- ii.iv rv tli.it I ii'ive futT-rfd fur tit- l.iM two jur, 1 ij iruniL cincribe to you. I in ui;ii ."-'1') t r t t I iicv.r routed o.iy or iiiht, Iri t)vtfjirt.r iJ8tiovon bruui'itt me uhfut vnur U.llii; vr 'p; r ; 1 rt-d it, aud li tin t rt cord ot 'j Wiiiuerliil ( iirt.i prl(riiitd by your ' i'.x t tf Yellow t'iCK ami .irsjrriti4. I M;iit "'"I h" I I o ool t n - ff )1 , lid chijiNm net c taking i. iii i'.vv w i k io n.y tr'iil f at'T!.'.1,ri,' nt, iov nt nil lift .iii.t cif v, :ni'i I rou'J !i"M a i! li Ii I. tf"n I h id r.i.t cv.'.- fur tw y -.m, W i.tu 1 l-'td t i.iid ix (Hitt.ts, in v fcorfti lud nearly ail ,ieJ. My M Kt il ifby i.ciint.et. I lve no 11-J 111 ail, eight tK.t::ct yi.ut " V.x- iri'l veii'.w i;,i(K ;in.l .ir:i!uni:,i. ui 1 now coriftidrr myatit wtrl 1 rntr-at tjfl of the j rfl ; r ted to try tltia nmui. cmr, lir I h'.iit vr it wtJ cure any known titnem ,n Lit; wurlu.-Ity iMiit uil jip-j uui' ; und ju-t tiy it, and (ifici iini its trr-'11 worf.n t mill rm? ni.mkitid ai.u entreat tiit-m tu take it, lor it will cur! ttiern, .My Cane is well known in a I;irj'! porti'.n of S'vulh Carol tiirt, ( "'ur ijia anri Ahtla tint, and if u ny ahovjld doubt tht a bits t cure, 1 11-vile th-fii Uj vail " 1 Wl11 "iw ll,t:" ctra. 1 cn Ik- t'iund in T ili.ijK'h;t i o.( Alnbama, one mil" frorn ilrta irry. fii.NAJAiJ HK.ilf.s. Trie Y-II" Iv.k and SafidpaniJi ia peculiar. 'y U.iptiU lur ffiiiai'-nof dfiiraU; hcaitli, rt-aultiiitf tfiiu uri'if ularity of ni'ii.-tr'jiii d(cnar jcn, aiiu 'tm-r Ut't-tit-'-a i:mrir to thtir ax. 'I tie pf'pn. ' ft nuii.Ur ot ..er- t..n. We unhurt t'nr atil iNd, tuat a i Hie ar twnol' Ilr. Cuyniti' Ijxlrai t nt" tll.jw 1)., k anu S.irH.ip'fllU B.lllit l.e'r ritll..te ttl".c iMIieul. 5 . ' . -iri-1 rei.'-w ttf- ritter.l enefijie. I " l'.itiii in 'iurt li'-Uli-. 1'r.ei. 1 ir lejltle. .S,iu V I, .jt.aal and id-tut !,r SCOVIL k MKAIl, 1 1 1 ("nartre. St. .N . O. '. peril Ar;ent fir tlic Suuilnrii St-.t'-.. n wl:',m 'ill HTi'i r iiiijut tie aijilrenrit. SilrJuUo by lie nrine.fil lrej,'it ii. every viiinee. CiltA'I'I.S! J tt I'ttt'fi.st"? : A Sfmw Jjisi 'tvery in s.Y- a H.w worn IS OVTHK ' IiA'1 I' N A f I Ul.A't M'NT, rlv. t w.tlt yut .M'.dK ui , l ;ir. - "- rriKtrr ! a r f,...-. I W fak. L$ jb JTZ-z'L f-fa .N'r'ui I bi'.ty. I.oaa - - " ' - i. S;nnli, KHttii uif( V rni( ricai "f tii I. unfa ai.d H:V , Iudi-(f.ai!iti Jiid Ir.ra ji.'-iiy f"r .ttidv and !,aljr. liufliiifa ! Aj'nr lt ftm-.n. '.f "! rfiftr v , t vi rsion to S-.r ty 1,'tvt: fii' Sd it inii-. 'rtn,i: it v. Sc(. I risirnM, I i x 7 1 n , If :nl A'-i.t , Invo'itrit rv Putch-if;" I'aitih in the ."1 Ali'.ctii'ii of tiif l.y . I'iiiijd' on th'r Facr. ni'il nn r.l' rr lut) n;i.li- in if 1 n . 'I"- f i.itf' l ii't tart li.at tin p ajariMtiff min I'l iiii'" nmy i-ani y br rciit'.r d withoi't Mhik-ink, ii. hi I'mb amtll trafi, f:!-rirly di-ni'iiiblr.. t'd ; ;md t f i'if ly rt'-w :hmJ highly and n 'catu! trat. fnrilti. ;j.ojiTi d l-y tn; Autttor, (uliy rxpUnud, ! ty 11 - i'i',! w 1 if I i ' v'f y ''fi' iiitld(d to iifir. ll.'.I'.Mr I'tKltriH, A-h AT THK I.VAAT JOWXIIilT ' '-t, a,lti:i. lfiTi-oy all tttK iidvt rti'd nottruma Ot t!i: fSa v . .s tit t any a fi r-na, g r a tia and poM frc in a a ali d t iiu-in-i-, ly rt iniituiff fptl p.i cl two fna. t-if "i.pa Vi ia. Ii. IK LAKV, N... 17 Lit. pi nard HlrtM't. w V'01 k . .r0UJ3 i JiLAK ATTACHMENTS for taJe ht.n. Wait for the Waggons ! "WT HAT FOI! ? y ynu. Well, wr will tell WvWV in William' New llriek Hm!ilinr, C hnrlnt'te, N. lc found the largest, clicupcit anil hrst stock of ever offered in Nnrth.Corolina, oil f wliicli will le olH at tlie Inwrtt CASH Trier, our regular atsoitmeut, we have nix tiiiriri lit izr of the celebrated with which we challenge Ike irorW to proiiuce a better. We hive also all kiuil ol Stovra iiiit.iblc fur Churches. Storeii, Tarlnrs, lleit-rootns, c, Ac. Now, we will tell vu why vvc heud our urlverlistir.ent " trait far the xraggont." It i li raue we have three wn;i;n:i eonslanily run nine ihrmitli the count ry w itli Moves 11 nil will 1I1 liver tin 111 nil. in 50 mile uf ("harli.tle. Ail Sloven mM by us will I put up free of charge anil w irr nit. d tn 01 well ; and now, as we have told you about the Stuvea c w ill ny to you, that we huve all kiiitin of Si-IifcTq, Iqpiw, III kci Jro) W&HE, nii.iss Air'M.v, srovi: rni:, -., cniiHtunlly on baud. 0.T All (IRI)KRS sent to u will 1 promptly attended to by Cliarltiltr, March T, 1S."4. 1 i ) ARYHM.M.-t ,ni. ii:iti , A3Vtlntti of ttie Kttiiif vs biui ltl-id(itr, liraTtl, Ctnorrhu)at (il-et. tlm lnli -i, Wtdkium aixi uthir F in. 1 It ompUinU. Trier tr butlk, 70 Cthl und l -."i. Cold .Mine Balsam. ff Pyftjn ptic Uiltt-rscr Tincturt Tonic Nt rvinr. A Ivttt r t..m J. Ii. rt.IIum, L)iuj;i.it, .Milton N. CM .nrj Auj. 14, iMT : Pr. J. KS.ul Itr Sort Ynur nu-tlifinr lia! given ciilirr; n;itiitar tiftii in tin f ti' n nt' rotin- j iry. 'ln A!ytina .Mixlurt en - i-i lly i )hi;1i. 1 ty n jipr'tvt t' ot. I I':'c nt it fijiU-tJ t'M iirt: in - u j cane -it ili" so ! ?t, liml I n r It id iutij;; ti vui'i'ty th- ii'-mumt. Yu will plra- ft ml inc a j Iarg tij;y ot it ai noun V"U get li'm-r. j" n. calli:m. AGENTS. Wm. W. Saiuu -m, U ; U. T. I" !:, llnck iii'Mam ; Iht It r St- York, r rcr'l ; T. J. Muiit ii iirni Or. J. V. Liilint-r, liarli tt ; Sill V iS i 1 nnJ J. II. Lnin, Sahnbury ; aiid E. Vcr ry, lAriingtoii. Buif nnrt Fnrli1 tin hf K't T'rm. e..-." r I.,. ', r. M' -i ai. lsrht.ute,r. CARRIAGES, FRL'i. TREES, CITY OF NEW YORK, AT ;v, . p, ( F.VT COMVIl-itON MflfcH 0 W A ljr. nm, li E lrr. . I. wln, J. M. Mnr, I . .I.C P. Mrndtnli. II. J O-b-.rn, ft. IV". VV'oojr.D, v.d iOir.. )t, HE oopartn hip under thr nnnic rT . VfT. VEILS Y fO..n (iiMohttl lii tf. 21th of Ortf-l-r, 1 4, hy rm. tua I ton nt. All x t- -ona indt'bti d In n:j;d firm, iind to II. Si v indi- j vidunllT re nrnr(! v r'f;uitt ? to ni.tlt py- 1 nifiit by tlir. 1 r t of J.iiiuirv, or iny ii , find tlitm iii tlie iianiis ( otV r fr roll t nii. j ii.j?kvei;s tt CO. will Ij carrfd on y (! n.ieTipi d, tin- old Aland) opposite ti'' Court ll'.u', I m- ttiey will be re.idy to hciommoiiatc, one and ull, wlio wih to partake of a ci .i ii.sa uf HAf:, r.K si) si iisu:iAM s aj'.v. or to moke a ""d voi E S HA QCo at anv tinif, ''Sundays eirr'tt??.) .. iu;ls a. co. AI'i, AM. KI.MiS OP Wlno. Lirpior 11 lid l.fiiioii yrnp. mi! lr .old liy the g,i!i,n, nt tho Imrest jtrirt tiir CASH. J. UL'LS fi CO. .itf Octulier 31, IS.V1. S, M HOWELL Saddle & Harness KanufTturer, TtllirSi I'O'.m Bl'UTII OF KALiLKKM lll'IKI. 11 1:1.0 1 -1 1:, .v . WOI'T.I) rpa.rrtf,l'v inf.rr a. tb: nti7-na ot t I.iif'b ir: nod tut: aurroiitoii;! ri.tr, Vy, 1 1 -. t I iia v? now 011 im nil an 1 2 tt i.auc ua- ortmtnt of Uttf, 7yf JJttJttfo 1 '. limit Ijlunkrts Sitfitiir Cittttts funt iftg9 llo-sktnxt Patent. Enamelled & Harness Leather, lafo lb r w :tb every Ihu.i; usually k'-ptln iny J.i.e Ot bllM.fXIiP. j tl (' Saddle .Mid Marn:aH M tkfra fun. 1 b d, Willi j rv ry llun o 1 mu ry ur can yiitj; on liic bunnitaa, i on In n.osl ri.tiHoii.ibi; t'-rioa. 3 All k infia nt ,-.idfib a and liar mm made at tlie ' abort ft notif, il i.KrAllil.Nf prornpily fx-Mitrd: j tf. M. iiOWMLL Ortvbrr 24,11. 3. II J.M. Davidson, 31. 1). TX'j " I'l'' eilii.ri. ill t lmrl'illr a,,i It,' ,rl .'.rraiin.ling ronntrv. Hi. Ilfri.-. i. m a.ata- f IHiil'dill b V'i it. V. f d. ; rtfCn "lorrj, w'i:: b :a aiwaya be fuilinl t tK.it I not professional) ftigvti. ? 0 KJJ an nd xprditinnal v cxixuUd at tin . rtb . rolniii V'h;jj MR re. ! piitii ALBANY you. It i bcc.iune .BP i3 IHk. H .Ta P fcv C, iml oppoBitr tlit Rank of t'lmrloUe, wln re emi u adililion to JKNKINS i. -tn" TAYLOR. ( VB()I.1 A INN. 15 Y JENNINGS C KEKR, It m l olt . .y. 1 . ',' r rtiy 1 h 1 - A ! CIIAKLOTTK Carriage Manufactory, "O. Opposite ihv Jail f 9 TI K suhnrrilnT Itrrrhv in f-rni M f'-'tt hk! H the public, tttat ho marul n turf t ut of ti.' tx-Ht in.itcriulii, and bv tlie lx ut wo'titnm, ru r . ! h Mill of j And Ite (urtiii niuffe w irrat l crr ttrtirk mutir ' i hy linn, tu Ur jiibI i iil lie r- (t- itt it. II velrti ail i time, t.ilenti nd uiei to 1 1 in U i.l. ami lliitt'-fi Iiifit-lf thit hf rati pivr p ni-ral -.t uttictiun tu alt who may tu on dnii. j. tkutti:ii. Ihermhrr C. I -3. 4 111 A1 L?. liic-t inut btrd to U firniirtf Kti A. rr Btlt fi Si I'l'luWl'!!. of til lttrvfil IllUIVUill- iy, are nquvHkd ti iii.ikr imiiK-tii-i Ir ptynifiil. In my uWnif tn- Hk.tiuil A ciuiit v it b in tin- h--im i'i Mr. J. V. iNuitfi, wlio ia uttmrituil tu a t:!c tht- sjna. ('. J. MiX. CUrhUr, M,lllh U. 1V.4. ill It. II VI1IYI OK, i ofim..io' mm ha. at, ( orner of HiehartUan and Jsiturl Stirt$t COLOILIA.S. ('. Junt G, 'ii. 1 y A Taiuter l;iilf. C.fioU IHU r.MNTKi; i aiiiti mn.iiiiti tMii C'liHt- ffi I'liio ' i!; ji d at a tine fiititlitT, rail obtain irmi' di.it c and ('i-niuiif nt i n 1 pi. y tot nt hy ihfjuirni of tl, nuLm r iln r .it K liui .otie, . t . June 6. o I. J. W UAINKV. ibtf WARI'LAW, WALKER St BUIiSli.E, ( wito.n ritrrons AM coMMissms .ri:u ii.i. ts, NORTH ATI.ANTH.' VVII.VKF, CII MU.K.STO.N, C. ..7'Cfilnm : n J' t tr.i.i. ( Uul. r tt ;er I .Vcrf. 'J", l.-.'.'i. J III I JAI R ,N!)A(il I!. ii. i:iiw.iii) ki.ki:' hi.i. s I "A.MI'l.l'K 1 A - il' , I Im. . Kev r, IM l 11.111 11 mi ml IIiIi'imk At!-' ti'.lm. I lie rnii'ri.-l'.ri'l lei. .vi. ilirni.- mil r..li , ,lh. nil In ntl-..n .,r I'.... it" ",nt. .... 11 le 11, tl,.! 11, r .N 71 MI1.DI. MIS I t lit: Int. 1 l.r.-.l 11,", ,. 1,. le-ri it hrf 1. t. 1. 111 Irn'liiri '1 , lie, n in,y il lu r li" 'ii- M. II r..li , ,11: III Hhf (.if liit d Umv 1; lartidri, J It IK II i "'I u Kit join to 1 1 tu r A 1 - mc nor if 1 ihii; 1 rt 1 1- C"ini"i t inn, , u nt tin; inri Om nta nrr uf a (! 'tiy injitity! Cit.ir iK ti.r.ii mi tnjj liiy tmiu I.i tint; .1 nil 1 , i'- r .. luijj .11 liuiii ItlMl' lii y. J'trrnOiiH wiiil. limlij l0l lilt'OI- :i ue will not t-e ft f:li d by xji'.nuru n. wtrr or a J 1 nip ii'imippfii r lifi iimri- t..ni w l n in ti t if uf ti.. 1 J'l .1' r t in tw i ti'vii t 1 I In :iu ifl r v ln rr 1 H. Alm.c or Viiil. w;ll do w li lo udnnl lb,), on ii. A t.C pTf Vii .-, a tin- p. 1 tl-ltt ia IK'f oiilt-il tn J..y by Wlmr lit, i),J '.lit V 111 V b .i--tlfiij ul 4 r tr(.vt(,i. c 1 dy run-. "I'm i'ro-rn l-r i.mi ill ml . m u 1 l.imj. uiit.ri i! f rli fii -i ti n i r tu tl-ntc .l ; b . - i,( y i m ft butty, but pr fi ra a., vine to ti f it k d 1.1 n-.ii.t ...... . 'i i .11 iu'. tfic im,,! ,1c iii.fii voura It. '.. '1 tHlIll J-'uii (liri.ctioi.a f'-jf ita like utcn.pj u j ' i-r ti ii f ( 1 ii le ( : rjl l!.i: l urcij oit.-i o 11. V utn. r j w: :- t ii it., o. 1.1 or in i b..;f r.tikd. ' J,l,f I""'1 F' ! ,;1 11- ; lo. 1 1 np!i tot-, ill. i"1- i- llur M' i.u 1 o- in I II ui "o in t n t-jk"i. . .a 1 n-'K m v r.. 1 1 , .,, , tiiiiil ; tor tiH.v roiiipimi.la l ike 1. 11. t-t .iti, in-ill t un... hum ml 1 1 ui' npuuli Iu tu.r. .1 d:.v. tin- Ji- it a .f tb. .M t;i' itif v ry off n I-ir i Kff. M. 'f:. $ p f U.It.i . t iit aisle iy I Jrugiath iu ail p. 1 1 a o I In lut tiic 1: Lnitcd M-il' a lino 1 .iratUa. A I whnk..b nrnt ia n.tml add r 11 tn ICA I A l;I.i,l,( Kl.ii, m.W I'ropr.. tola, 'jn JJrojdwa .N t v V ur k . AO! T". r. r. I'K.scri), 1: :.u 1-1,. MM ON KLir A. CO., Cl.nrl.-t'iii. firiirmi-ei 4, Ir.', I. 30-1 V Kilil Sido 17 p. lllAlil.M T. KIIKIIllAltll A t l,. ,,: J r.irrymi,' on tin; . a a O) ' !sM,J :it their n!d vt.ilid 1111111 Mot'-, w It two dnor I-' low J re n Work w .. nli irk- A llofi b ( d in tb' ir line 1 cn tw obtain ri. I All L,i,iM of imiadv mam: wok-k n,, Aiao, sup-nor lI( j.A K ul: inid r tdil, imui ulnrtur d I b nd end for . IM., by the wb-df by . T. KU-rhord. il j A II p r-ona indf-bl d fur liat yrnr arc r qinnti '1 to rniiii; and ai ltlc t h i r un onnU. muni hstfe nionry. C. T. EliMUIIAIil) CO. leUruury Ut, Itol, 3tf Merchants' Hotel, KISG-ST-U'IUllLKSrOX, S. C.t ItY J A.1IKS ,11. Ill ItST, ONK Pdl.I-AlV AND FIH V I E.NT8 PER DAY. cu.titi.i:i)., . c. m"i: lii x ti inforiii our fiii iii nml l.uven ( f rv inl L" iifr.,llv, tliat nu havu made EXTKNSlVK l'KI TAKAT'Ki.NS fur our V 1 'i d '.l 7 'I fl We ahull lie prepared tn ht nu! of tho I.AU (5KST AND HKsT M".l.i: Ti:i) STtK KS we I have vet oth reit, m leeteil, im nm il, by ourHtlve ill ull the i-mliii!i l.iiroprttn tiihrl. Our entalilinliiiiiiit n ml buaine is now mi well known ui- beinir one of the most kxtkxkivb in ttu cuuntry, that it is hanlly lo ci ss.ry to repent what we hive ulli 11 n.iiil In lore, vn: 'Mint we are prepared to otli-r nm of the Largest and Host Extensive Stock of Foreign and Domestic ..... 'W . ... to le faunJ in thin Cmnitiv, iml'ttinnc nil thnt it Afir, Rich anil Visit nl!r in Iii rut tiwiis uf ereiy ruiitt. Cloths, Casimrrcs, Linen (ioods, Ilo-'nry, Itometic (ioods, of all -tiles, Carpets, Floor Cloths, Hugs, Druggets, Curtain Materials, House Keeping (joods,i&c. We ALSO OFt'FIt 800 cases Itfegro FUins and Kerseys, of the best inaae and ly!ea. ."( h.ilv Twillnl :iii1 IliiClil m,Mvi;i n. Wr py grrt wltt-ntirn to tltmr goof, nil are 1 f)r-tait i! t Pti't!y ttii' Irdf ou tliv UvhX trim. It ti nur df ii-rmio.i I inn, up il n nr tr ot tu't-r-est, to in.: k.- our prtr n nt fin.f i iruK n ami o low, .tn ti t ( -lift' h juiJri') , .i Il Im in., nur l'ii( , b' tti in ild t-ri;-ini 'it"Ti nut! itfiiit, worthy ti.- tr of t!r Soutfi nd nwfi 11 t . 1 .NnUUn liKTTS A MARSHALL. " X. U'CJ $ Jl 1 All' 'frt. j J 4, I-?:. 4. V! Fasliidiinblo Tnilorinir. .Tr'simrrcJ r t i 1. 1 1 in n mr. ri.t ,11 Ik- .Miii l,,r ( AMI ut n .in ill p-"l!T. cr II..I r tn Llrl alyivi. Slinii nrll vt i.i r i .f i: i t-e I- t 0r I 1) nitii JL AilihMi. H. L. i:K.. 3311 (Inn lull r Sept. if,, i K.", 4 . lAiiiii.i: va i: i. I fl W I ' i diiM.-fi i.f cur intir ii.t. r l II l i. M -riiU V rd f M MM.'Vm. 'Iii.!y mii, we r r .fi,nit'iii! fhrm tn i.ur it ir (? sTinvr: a i i;(;kam. Srplrmlrr '.'', l"i 1. 'I'll K niih-rril.tr-I 1 tere-t of Mes- h-ivin r oti'.dit "nt the in rs HlMe A, 1'ivratii in the ' I Jri.il I.rMe VatiI, n i i I' ully ti Mirr llfir r ; V H . t iht JW"pie ol (hr.i.lli mill ll'C cmlntiy I L Her i i! V 111 llli. illHMit Luvllirna. He tuiiy : .r pared tu iuriu.ii iKuril'MLriTS, Giin VEoiuHLS, ! .Maililc rU ps Table Slab? ) it p A -mf ! 1 tf the ii(.t fij-t'T' lll.nt BPr ii.t;,' S.iut'rn r 111, ,.,lli W.t r w l.rc ti t au' fc t"und. m Ut 11. 1.'. II f I f t-r' t d I , r. f rc' -tg ty and lllhift 111? .-t.,t.n(f tt', nr i.tTi r"d in t!,c try. T'!' Y r r i ifi iilti, ti 4 ' n ti.e llifTOl t'' t liaf'ctlr T'cpt't YrH( ' i i' r, ir I.i h m fn t iny ! u va MM . 1. TIIDV A Mix. :i:uf (;., Mr .ii ci. litor C WILUASflSGl', unoi'i t si.iiii.iri t a , I Kl, 'f aft ifr tl lilil i"n !n lif-a a oil 1 1 , !( n ,t a ; Itij.t'l.ii g rrtsi, . '..U.il.'l.ii i,u f4 - '-""?. O AiV';j f JJ? r- fjf '"V-f Vt2 ' " I fci-'j.: V vl'. ' m:h firm. 'il fOBpr! ! 1 1 tint v f i mtf t t'v nnrmnnra In (S putdie, 1 iv tor Mid a inartn-rbii iiooiT 1 b nn in" and a. y of OVi:iMIA. V VII.MI.. .,r im" j"ii""t'i ul 1 ii.iiiif.il (uri'n; 1 . 1 11 11 1 .1 ' i..; if f.'cr? fa'ripihin W i' pronitaa niiMul wirk. in a mm! mini tn Hp Hlli f,ili -llrfj II", 1 r LI. W. ikK WUI u wt r I rM ,V I K I N ( 1 'Hi'' ni ! 1 r 1 1 1 r ' 1 t nuti-'f, Btii .hi lb- Mini! ni H'erntt- i m I ritf j -in I 'in Mn opjiiifit-'- to lli ti n linlitl, ( ' iii mr) 1 rr-ota, n- (IV Y 'I Vt V N . W II. -UN. J.'.lt Charlotte, lull, C I" OK I ll-l Itlll l Plutual Life Insurance Ccrnpany. OH It I.. HM.ln.lt. ,N r;. 1 T III IS t ' ii . oi ii v c fi'n in id uiMirr ilbrii f I hf a 1 1 b) V b ita I'tThufi iiiid ' tt n. 'I'll grsdteai iikh Ukin on a nii- lift- 4',IM0. S nve arfi !i.ii(tO lor a Iti in ol oik to hvt a o if'ln I lit If Villi . J)r Char a K. Juimn n I'rf xiilrn I . U iHmm May win'fl. Vut I'lfciujint, J ii ih hp t , Jntiitit, ff f fM f , W(Siaf(i H J im , Tn auri r, I'i t p JO It'- he-. AtlujOi'V. )r- Wm. JI. .b Kut, J ,x ,i m intnjf frty i:ift . J. H?fni;iii, (Mit-riil .. m All bie orf. prtid wi'lun LiU dayi tfieragi iti'af! tin v proof ip trfriiii 0. li ankaind I'aniphbrti, il.ua inp tb plan nf i-pe 'a'n.n ol the ("ornnaov. -oa b bnd on ipliitn o ii itieiifti or any ol ilia A pro it-. Alilcllir Of, buainrtia tliooid ha nrtrlrrawd JA.M V. JdKIIAN.rrffiry July 3. IH.Vi. 5;y Mm' 1l.il.rr. A .in O il T IU KN I. S Itocl i Slioc Ki,iiriuin, 0";il7r, ,V. I fgMii: M'i:st .zyw i P ZJ J n,,w 4-1 ,Vl1 ''-rkL' liigJ 'T t rfr n t of ti w , urn iFh uoihx, i i t it I Ml ( tftriilir J'Ht'i tt On::: Fihruaty l.'l, l?.r,5 Tllf)8. W. MABrn.- '''? jv m s; rn-- , AIAKCUt&SliliHir. r. rOf.VM.IiIAK(. J-ILL ultnid to the alc vl'.ull kiuu. un. 1 li.i 11 ill rrnilm e, An, Aim, j;,.,) ' mil rniprrty. Dr nurclmiic uinl i! I'erMMiiil Property &c..,iiii CoiiiinlHKiun, ... wit Sale Rocms: 120 P.JchardEpr.ftrftf Ami iiiiiiii iiiiiti lv ''piiiti- tin- I'hjtcii Ptft,., ii , , JHrumy 7, )tS.4. . ' 51 , 0 1 DOCT. J()HNST()v DAl.'l I iKK I in K IIO I'M ai ' w 1 I I I. II L' I I . . 1 . . ' OW ' ' ""lomeo im n.(1t peasant and ifTuetiinl rmiirity for a.l ori Xbi-KkT in ai: AS I .v. Conorrhmo O'loi'ta, Irimiirpa, heminul ncah. Pain in itis Io na t - on . ti ( l(()uj ' Impuibiiry. W ink-raa ol Hu l . k n i d .i ' (h liooa of tlie Kidnia Vj t.H,ilon 0i j Pvfp.paia, Nrrvona JrnUl.i.ily, ijM f flf' Ittad lltrnut use or fciti ; mid n i uMiMr r ' and iiih an. ( o v dt oidiTa nriMn Irotn ijte iB live liatnl- of Vmnh lnuli d iroy l-tdhh.j mi d tiioso Hrrrnt and MilHnry M'ih'i i, n Ih0 8 ( J . lo t(iir vit'tim than tin ann of 1I10 ut $ t ,t niurinvra ul I'lyawm hiliiii ff ili-ir muai .( ( ' linitfa or anticipstiniia, rtnO. riiij luaime 4C iinpor-silnu. ' Y'TNf VKV l'Vpria!ly, who lma lroniff I lit nnin-n n vf ;,f IkMfot tu an mil 1 11m y ir uvr lliinu.iidfi meii ot Uim niont I'Snlii d an'aaiii tn n (,t n,irj e i, w tit mi. hi oi b 1 ! ha vu ai 1 iicj ( Siiti it h id ihutidtjia ot acqiii.tMn nr 'J to -'aui y liM living lyr. may o.. with tuil llVIUM OU tllUI im a K ithi; 1:. j Mitntetl 'rrnflni, r Ium innii tup'siirp n,ttu J a. I ring arf o pyara it a , !,., ln I n.rdiitlA ) 1 ull U I I'I J. . 11(1 (m. nn,t( hK,,, Uf tli- aIio p nrt-m hiinpp.r undr 'ha rirf of I)f Jthnatoii 11. iy rr-l.yi.'uiil t roofntd .n ri.tl m.t,, , K"i.t j it.tiii, and ioiitid-nl y loi. upon ktki .,( jilt NH'MII UFt U'K. No 7 Puvrn fkprajirK TttT 7 n .(.us Mow Pai.TtwoaK ai kt f r ai n u- ,r 1!l8 8' n- 1 I Mr Marim a in I'lnrvicrfii,,. nti,ril,j at Mat a, f t,i v ti n,irit the f vet , k I IO. I n I II UK M) i lUkbii. Au .t;-frify c f m'' ii ( T ih'K Mil I K ) JiMirroi i tin ftti'y rcnlt'y -aifj pi,f a.rt n Im iv-tiiM htm Tfi ry i'rii". ff uoo ii nioy VV t)i,(l inl nn i m it -oll tn i.i (,. "if- t"i!ii- tlj.- t'fl 'IJ.fr uk" ar A io 4. ,.," y Jctu tty rurtj .'... kmsiiu uv a t lain im. irfTi! a do on y ru ti hi u t ti k ittd apptv io a J itiKaT'i i'ii JWil.NK I ON, l'filfH r if 1 ). I. tj il 1 o l u r t. vr t ( .1.'. a?- I tint r 1, ' i.l I . iir ai ciii 1 1 , itt o . , f llf I 1 iU-ii :-ln r nml ( (f'rtiifi p ifi f, .( tin f,! , pri.i mi ih lo a a ill I imki n f(t I' m ad- plum and f I? here Uut i i.t -, h. f inr tin! a-'.n.i h jf ru'n tnai e rir kt t 4ny ir. u si d t 1' h ruifii'ii in f ru. in: , li 11 a rr i, fr at tit-i noiif, U t -n t n.fi.Jf 11 tH il rtd tihtii !- M M l in fpi ft rt ii 4iu nd d uiiir!:nn a, Hit dnranrtf efit ot aiU, Hi H iUfttJ 1i;IMmIl4' V a 1 Hi r IN iikak fi-0 t! 111 j.'O'd.-'l aliil tlliprtti.i t vr.tf f-d 'I.BiMf hi il- ft hi ltlttl'0d ' l tC t ' ft if hi i ihpi', il ton Ollrli tiipp-tit 'tttttn ll.Lr ft Ml ft'iama vf dfrad 1 I II KOVfO li'n liH 1 1 oil) Pi'l) " t ' " t M W lt trnii I tin l;.it-i.ti j i 1 n a'i i f t- f h mi I. .hi, tit t ' y ltl rt.ni I'Ut I'M' avtt'p'oni nt t. Kn-f tf r'(f mi kr 1 b-r ipp"r(it . avfli as it 0 ttd . 0.14, (I pih1i, h' Infill p4 HI III lll It d ft'l ctino a? ti! a a di iuraa iioii u .iii ai d nif t gt 1 In nn t ha he d. at 1 r - t.f ttf rr on rtn tr btin' rapidity 1 i n t e pa' c( I ! ntmiih 01 !( I.tii n Oi a '4 in , i.d 1 MM riri m m 1 h a tul d . l"wii birii 1 1 j--1 1 ut miiniia-rliuii t"1 il' -tli u n n d f i.i pa n 'o . 1 tf f ir f fim. ; i 1 1 h 1 1 t.i! pi,. f .tin a l H r IioIdmim li' ,''i 1 o pt. i, itrrnrm lr J"H,rT" p.-f f, - p ' f 10 1 ii.- ni"t in I - iii-- ace it a 1 a 4 lu.n t x l p .1 1 1- in '1,. f, rl I'.j,-.!! 1 f K m ami r4n r a. l a -ti f t ft li-ni 'r !. ' 4 1 ft stidj inilr tiMI IO ltf unto tftt t 't a i oif it ilia It 19 ni.tian-l-c'", ti't Id-, a M.tl l:. VI, lii t 1 1 l il; rm a U -. ir t ti f iifia 1 (u in ol ij 1 if diii iH"ifis'' , t y h tiiu- nt ttil d an y poi i n ninmo. r, ciitiar.lfjllnn anrl rii iirr rtid Ih1 a f. rtu )- ' - rr tuiu hi lima y jia", ur a luaaa tn ia if ,!tj iniK it iv T vki; 'ah 1 1 I I. All .V"1 1 r, Pr J .'t.ir. f.t. .1' lli,.. w h" ha. Ifij-.w 'tT. te trm l,r ft- r il, m-il ln.,m. li,.!ilr't"'-. 'I le. wr ...iiie ,l I li- vc arit nrt.i'U' e t Vl C i ..'i, -i-.i r ar ) I ll,i - vt y ' ui l Ml VV ..iiwh u' tie h. Ii .(-i; 1 ui , I' 11 . i, lit I ..u 1 1 r n' r .((ii'. I Vu... r r r I r t' lit I .-.rt lt.. pi. N' l.-r l '!l' v l'." fit. I i flf tilt Il-IIV I ll'.cl I"".. I.IMill 1'ci.i f vn.'lyll ul" 1 oii.iiimu' tvu A. ,,riim n.,,,- i, 1., 1! I I- 1 1. p . r i' it l . l....,eey A . "I Oa !rf l.j fl" 1 ia tr. t ta n 1 ( i'i r,U A ; .. n Vrii Mr . I cn 1 1 4 ! itt !frta i! f uf- "f 1' ; 1 1 if UBrnl l.-nt ij .-nit- ot Iff ri a pfi-ti i ui I" Ml I II lit IO j ', (I h . .t i" i rm-r t It a r ifo' tnii'tf bail!'. L - f Mif T nr Ur('it:; f k p b i it d ri t- )l . ft ' "t irign r ipprrira rr atioul lb r) ri. cn;f o-puMi a d t'i.oinpi ion, l.tlfiV MJi ,, If Hi M: f'OI'Vll p't''g " '(' f f i .1 ' i n Hi HtJll.nn, B'l i' ' t ru 'i 'i J mill ''i1 r r at(f4 1 (f Ill Jim . J I un, A I I IV H'K t'l.C M V K A h M . !v II f f'i-4 a tot t.po)ai f t r -fit. a ' i ng4in ,i (ih di , ui ii d t t fr I, urn,' mi t r titol V O' a a ' d I ' si -if ' ' 6 t ' . ib. 4 w i.i . i ii t a I I o, a i .to jti latin- f -((! A'I tn'i' '.i'M ni lo Fi.vnifir M..,u- 1 q .tfi. -i-.n. NV U o-ui ) I rt ii. 1. 1 ii.i alio i y k i a, or r ' Hit n Oil It af .i.l k i oil, pi il.) f;rtii (7 i'oJ p li Y Mnj 11 rn bo biv- it j-nrd 1 b-t" f K' 1 -I'ail p'iltr llllo -d Hi ajl'i: l'rti-1 ifi fuiM.liy I'armd Iroio a v i ruiii-fit'ii". 81 i.utl. n n 1 fl i. t a hf t aio'iiiff -' V U.U In 11 ni ( , a 1 tl 1 1 ii'il rn rail, 11 1 ct." li.-' ' ((, if. if ( in j) ftP. t(,v Ik 1 h rot id a of) t; U bat a niU tbti a Mire n-an, 'r f" ' pl 1 tun !M. ami ib i!ar hi .. In p' II I i fj I full, b'l p' tit! I I at d rt J V t;t i' n '' f' y t-e mi t iii.mki d. ' f -iti n f n ; r- f 4 ' i' . H hi 1. f in -j if a r ;,!! n f S i b prf nn. bt: f rn-t'i i' i'i"' M O i l CI . i . ii d f fii ct tbal a aiifiU imnl ' i- '..Mi " r V f I Jl - ill In l ' ' " 1 " 1-11 i I !. d, t bowl lb? 1, r ,' hia b.'-n,(B m wr.tr pdjv: f'"i ff ; i-rtr!yafkifi I'i itif t' " 'nt'1 tf w as vu oli tli if air and bl- u nab I1' 1 r (! ('ion ibt ii.a ,( j,i ru ni ai f .. h if ,'. inf . a i., r I Met-. Ml 7 Mil' I tl I 1(1 Ir IM K Ital.H f A. t m low !. on a rniM r u N II l.i f hi r r.r 'iff i vi ' 1 p y lint in. K Ml r trfn l v ' I'1 ir' i HIT lkK4hM I ' lltV I in i i. a I-1 ... Vi. .. in' i- mar y thi ts$ninf$ run t ' I in i ii Im in V'ara, aiot l a pinnrrrii ....I I.-. J ,,, i, ti fit Siirf'ti llnui ni p itoiHiid !.! It H.r Ktp.rirrt'l tbr (jtf. ; I i ' i.rr .(ii. i.ti i t ol b i' li b f" f il f !' I Hi I ,' Ilia (to' r, t a ib.il 'If a.l ii ud w.ll hi d .ImIii,! ihI n "" j I.l it inn. J- i itb t bp pip .hi i f i ' 'i 1 i ! n ' !,.,i I'- J',,;v 'l ( .N m in n- hi-' r-ifii to ai p'"f ll 'r i! ru in? M it op i oli-tonal b-r a pb " ,n ii.. Iml i. .(..- b.- iini a.i. i Im a-' l(H:'':" t 1 1 i-i . v uiit fin' 'ail lo I.i 1 1 ml' l" pi rit'ii I . nlu-fi iii-p'-fvit r'.n i' I. rw fi rif ,i-i no- ftnri ili.iri'" ' , .1,1 I. i''a .h.i k. 'it. lull !iril',Ar ,.lVflo'lif i""' nt hii ; ii-nn. it. i ijiim k". iA Jf"y 'ft" ' filitvf ti.tut W-n.ii'lu tool r.ii.nni bf O.iii rt or iit.iHlltid I"' I f .!,.- Wortbba. mil li L" f. "'""V"Lr,,ii IT and i. -nli ii.pubir ar'ibt r lo ' 1 ' ' fif.t' - flu f n.oi.ib all r nn iitli,r )"! T '"' nml in rtr -p'it !' n- ynu it h fnioi d In -o ' ovrr voor joillu'p dt.ipioi;itiTi'nt 1 ' f ihi ni'Mi-r lr J inaivt rli " r 1',''',, LUU. 'I'uilll..' HUB' l"Hl l " 1,1 .on n"" lll-HII. Il I'tlr.l .'ury 1,1 ,1 It'll I"" ,,r,i, mi.'-""1" l.iiitH. .Wi,.. Iin'ip in in i irie-' v i;aKM:ss i tiik t'K; ..S i -in"1"1' I. ettirfi flt.l1 Hill vi nf rr.'""'' I'Vll''"- ' ar m i.kti Mis li ri ! , in i l"l l I A III ai.H ri.i.i .n" ' v' ru .,, ijkh.y. nh.MEHif tN'i" ,iY MA IJ

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