''I There is :ry. not to fay of- tie nearest .,Trob to . ncy, form frn-ivciicM, .bout tliem, tb.t I cannot abiJo. u. that up to leail (the t.n.e Ml K. inloimt Tbev .re but ,be voltes of the iniud. I me b, alludes to.) the trWt immigration to bsse beard of men ' dreaming of thunder the I!. S , of .11 regions and no ro ig.on . 1...- .!..,. 1,4.1 n..t V.,...n n i-l.iml in a wci'k ! was Oil I V 530.000. How cull Nr. cot 6 or f.OHU.OOll culMn- iinuiipi .nits out of Mr. K. complains that lie has no paper ;n thn Sinto t iiid li i tn. If this were so, it would be. some evidence that Mr. K. is wrong. Though I concede that all the pa- pers way be wrong and Mr. K. right. 15ut 1 eive Mr. K. the comforting a.-suranee, . . . . V I 1 I. . ' that the Untlnnl is lor iiim, unu-s .ic means to sny, what be used to pay, that that is ju-t no paper at a,l. . . afe tllir(tie MeI,o- Mr. K seen, to re-ret that there no per- ,,,;,; ., T .on suora to support bun. Again 1 can . d mmi, pr q( ,lu,m. comfort him with the assurance that . I q ehwet b(lt ,,oos h.ve herd men swear they would tote for ,cro,..o..-Jatioi and value of l.itu who never voted for Imn Dctore. I ...,,,. m I10ilI.Cst rn- 'J'lie J,f3u.lj() of o. sorts 7 The true way therefore of scountiiig lor .Mr. ks j.wihi, 000 which lie thitiL- must have tinned pro-ter-tunts after tlu-v came bert, is. that they noser came at all. l I.' : - ...,V.....a .l,,l in T.mi. unless be . . , , ,. , - .... IMatitl me aiinmo are ui-i irHii-ivi ...... 50 years niro they were the vulij reliio'i- them. And when the election came off thpir candidates were elected, tbo old party leaders were iotonished, and the people American Platform, We havein'iertcd in thia week, the riatfnrm I. . ..a of principle, adopted by the American i..r.j.s wore delimited. Success pave confidence , Philadelphia on the mm t J"'"- " tlm Ainnricsn snillt was IIU. Aim the sen- nliicction i made to tlie firm aiuci.. a u ... X3"We have barely room to cull the attention of our reuilrr. to the l'ulluwin,r Letter from H. W Giiiim, Eq.lo the Editors ul'llie !bury Watch, limn. KNU il attciilivriy : Lincoln-tun, July 12th, 1S55. Mfttrt EJitwt . I'. nioluit.ii by me, yuu liuyc vmpiiiliii-rs of the American movement huh held at W. T. Alcjcuuder's, in the Mai- Inrd Creek neiphbo M,.i n It Mdiiini- ric-lire. Aud then they published their nccl.ary fornullv to declare their Mief in the ; ,plUuU, 1(,hiii in your .a,.rr a. u eaiuii.lnie li.r pr. J.S. Cocb candidates and their principles and esta- MiplCliee of . Su,reIe H.inB. W ....wrri. b, accret.ry. bli.shed their papers, until their remains no givmg , ruurm r il.c (..finuii Ami Aimc , ny (huuVt .,,, f Vlt, , i ,,, ..pprclnu. S. J. Lowrie, Km secrecy connected with the party, except , call Asllo(.ialili llc;lUl ,n KiiMni.ond, Va : ,IU. tit.it my irue Haiit" nmy bi- iiiisc..i,ivivtil I nf ,10 mectinjr, nn tinieiit spread over the country liko a prai- tion hu bcn kcd, by i ""y "u" ""' rr .vi.r4 lt k piii, k14'1" l) U'S " c"" . ,1. t .1 . .... I iL... k. !n til. ) -. - .. .. r.i-iil. !..!. I'.i FOR THE N. C. WIII0. MerKI.KNBURQ Co.. July 21, 1855. A lartie and eiilhusiastio mcclinj of bird Creek neighborhood, when, on motion, Mai. C. 15. McGinnis was called to the cnair, d Pr. J. S. Cocbaon requested to act as 2. The ililiuu i l .CUUICII L'Itiyi'li, w.i.n la uic lit... v. i' r... T ,1 ,,, .I,, t li vii i n and rash swear- r f J . " . proaeh to accuracy at my coiinnana. J lie imr," and that a ccrta.n Judge ought to be , , .(.P1,,1,1,110jaiioii: l'a- toid of it. , -tholies 3T.HO0, MelbotlUw 3o,i'0, UnptUs I make no reply to bis o rct,on. apamst : J . . ,Jlh. . ;.... .nlh.hAlin.l fLltrt. . ' ... PPCrUfc CiUVIfHi.B nuM . Masons are Mich, and Washington was Mj,in and a are Mr. K. aud myself. Every prejudice that he excites aamsl I applies aiim-v associations are proper S1.04.j.O(H. Moth. S-",001 1, h.iiit. 30,00il. ' Tfoni tl.i it seems the Catholics largely . .i predominate. Aud-suc'i is tlie irreiit'ious st tl,e Fa .t ... i... ..... I, w K. s applies acainst tlie .uasons. i oim- ... rv .,nr;1(i. t,.. .., r.0i. influence in tliat tate. that tin Sabbath H ion militarv-parat.e.-lii Hut if it be trua that the protest , . ...... I ( I, tl Q.......I eat assoiianons are pn-'"i. n, ic-day oath buna 5ocict.es are proper, . . Vu - ' re(olllilmU. it is ot because the ea . vnnt..,.Aj mra rmrpr. 11 fnittiuL tiu l at . wai yui.nHJ j1 - - i aecrct, oath bound political Societies are iranrmtrr. If all the purls are pood, the trhoe must be o. A ln lher a ociety is to Tim Unil my iUiiu loiniuniiid by tli.me lioe .md i ,;n(,r Df Concord, ho entertained ,. .1,. I.Mi.ii. 1 d.Mr,- ev.-f to r. t ..... 1 Imi: I.mvo I., re. j r. . I j fc ,f wtn ,., ,.,, U..t . .......c .....y In. wj.bdr... lr.m , Ibc audu ,ce I ' ,,,.,, IC. public mil ice j iir it lill rit.tneu i.y y.ni, u.ui. a ne.iui ..." ....... 6 -.6 . " .... . 1 the su-ns by winch they know one anoiner. . . , i;iv,rnl futtrni; ThU is the 'le.'iiiiiiiiu and the sum of Uio I .,.. . a- ., r, i,v i,e nenule. 3. American Party. I's name is the " AMK- ,Uv u( the rr.-.i.ieney. '- HICAN DMUN.'' They are their "Coun- , Senile.. 5. 1 be rtti,i..i i "c '..,'. '.... ....... '.d bv an li.Uti..uo., ut the no-1 l,ir nf the American Parly try's Hope." Their aim and end are their I 'i "''V' V.r!?r .7..r t.,' t h.. hi; e tl.e f..ii-ti- .it.M. I m.lly oct.ipv. . ., I ,.U.r which. jen. J. A. Younjr made Couutry's Safety." Very respectfully, K G. llKAPE. Messrs. II.m.e & Son. 0. Tlie riglit ill' lb'" K"!'1 tutiot, when they like 7. All Uw.u.l. lu i e .. ....uk . . - r- "Z", ,,r ,... such .I.K ir.l iih,..it until.'. A i i'iMrtui. 1. 1 ul ine ( lueii my pr.iL.ne ... Si" r- .-- - rrnrUoUV.V.upH.r,helr.,ee, .fn... a c ,,, .b.,,,,. n..,. eo,,., cini'itry nn eurnet exiiiinn..ln)ii, I nun my- A deprlui. lit liL-rution. A refuted teiin I'nr acquiring citiien. J Ul.ip. Abolition ol"M neutrality. Intervention in Jlorfij (C-arjolina So be pri.is'd or lilme.d, depends not upon its errrc or pulilitiK, but upon is pi iicijh'ts and ohjtc's. Mr. K. says that Washineton. in his "farewell address," censures fuch. The 'tatenicrit is remarkable: for there is not one word or sentence that even looks like it. Mr. K. likens the K. N's to the " Jaco bins." Kverv one who has read the history of France knows how i.i.jut this is. France was old and pjwertul inonarehy. She tbolies hae decreased, but because the pro- tcstaiits have moved in from the other States. 5J years a'O 1 --: o bought j Louisiana from France. We have no ac count of the population then. Jiut it could ! not have been more than some l.'i.OIH) or ! "JO, 000, for in 1-10, after our people had j been moving in for" years, her white pnpula- j tion was only 3 l,(HI0. And the census shows j that the catholics have church accomnio- d itions ni.nv for more than the u lme popu- j lation as late as 1-1 1). The catholics, there- . -a,ilatc of lite tmerlruii I'nrly in .-rite of all tho Protestant intlueiicc that . CHARLOTTE : Tuesday, Jn I y 21. IS35. . .. i t -.... I' nu"i,inl ii ill It II U' i It 1 II If ll.trt lort:, tli.it my ii-hi-v m -y o ruitehititii, ly i cnu I'lirty, hi;hljn In eity nf riuhulolptiia, an iva hiiiiiLMintit(.M.i3- i if-- , on the 7 111 of flfrtiu last, a piat!oriu o priu unv hh , ,h,P. AiM.ini.moi v'7"":." f.v.:; i :...i. imv .... .r...iv c... m.i t.. .he i,,iy lavur ot every pcupio .kk""k Abi.liti.m ol'h. I'T tlie ubservai.ee ot Inu hub bntb : uUilili..!. of pravem in t'on(teHfc. ,. .: ,i,. ,rt,on.oir....u. M. flay by CUr,r.,..nl U.. ; I .lull ca.l my ol and t.crt v. ml little . expwitun of the views of ..id Abol.tiun nf Ibe ,,','".B '''i L"el u a iu .' I To . ,w mv -incerily in .d,.t,nK the Anteri. : p,r,y on the great question now in .p-ta-ud the ...Mducfun l lb. human 1mle,(,le,-l .ill Ukcnnly what 1 cu.id. r jonn 10 Vuhti Stlelt . therefore, be it ''So. of capita, puni-bntcnl." a -,Sle I,...,-., r ...c W . v., oMbe ,ub. , fcy Uiet..ig 11 A Warning to Amkiifca and Ame&i. cans. Miaa' Anna Ella Carroll,' ot Mr". land, has commenced the publication of j book in the New York Crusader, under t,e title of ' A Warning to Amtrica and Aincr. icans." Mis Carroll is connected with tl, old and honored Carroll of Maryland. ) introducing her book to the public, Mi, o rei-pettlully allude, to her Honiau Catholic ancestors, and given her reaaon for ctiu-rin upon the work of addres'mfcr tl,e j,,,, . behalf of her country and 'the lrotcit,t religion. She dedicates l.er book to tl peidellt of the American purty, t0 be raja : " You then can permit the delicate haml of woman 10 assist in the culture of the vine and the olive, which flourishes only in ta( soil of freedom ; and to resist the attempt now industriously being made tj ,uM,ial. Whereas, at a Convention of the Ameri- the laurel by the cypress, the sawalrat ai;,l hickory uy tue paint tree ana slnttim oJ, , . j .t. rt , explained mo uhjcch nnil introduced V. Kj. liar ... ii i i . .1.1.. a speecli uslt is well kuowu ue is uuie to do. , The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously auopteu Revolutionary Ask dote. A correj. pondeiit of the N. 11. Patriot furnhliei tl8 lollowing : When the Uritish were in Boston in 1R my father was in a barber's shop waiting ta New, il is licu.ist mere are such emu... .... b. luvi.ii; t.ml i:m new muiic, nuuia m i it. riit m tlie opitiii.n u nun ineriinf ine.e ei,avetl. A JrillsU omeer came in md llice. .bread in tl.e Und, (under the patron, jjc of ; M,n,cirlll !, il,e et.l.re JSoutli lu prouuec i prj,iple. are ueb .bmild be ri.lerliined ail j atltt. tote shaved, provided the barb-r J,crcc..n..K...,...attn;AB.eriaV 1' tuL, V ... i i "X'' - ! ' ch.ioset to trl from the foundation .tone of o ciety govtrmiitnU, and to announce it Iktir belief, tlmt tint it God "' iiiienr. that in tne year I7U0, the p j llie Nnrlliern Sti.ten ', Ami nl the Si.t.lh. rn Mulct., Tlie Nor III the South b. it-j then nearly tqu.il In Ibe viir 1 f-jil. the Nuitlietn M..tt puinimn ' i Ainer.cn pli.ll. rn, at.il pledge ourlve Ki our i lie uiu no it, no "uiiraimi ins aworu tnrouj 1 .Ht.tt.4A5 : cllU,,iry and to rai b oilier In ue our beat endeav. ,m. The barber was frijjblened, am dlre l.i.til.37Xl ...... ... ,., tl., tirmritili a of thu A till t icill . ...J I.. .1... A t:..l. 1 . , , --r ' 1101 unucna,t,c uiu . uutu UOV alt- . .. . n ! tin there hnoko UI. anJ said he ,l j. .'.. h MdltiMII. 1 hud iliere:.e.l to. Many perso. . pre tended to fit.tl Crc.t fault with ! And the Soulier,, c.ly to. the Know Nolliinj;s un account of its being a af . 3.!)4.',4,; cret order and llie oblieai'ona they take. For the It nppe.ira then, 'hat in ti e abort pace of nxiy benetitof auch we give Hit lullnwin( ouii((..iiuii )c,;r! 1 ..aid to be the oatli uf the 3d Degree ot the Nig 4 , 't'k. ......'... ;.. fVl IV Kl.iap iiiii.na it. li t ' -----, w - . i:i,3J9,l!4 0f t;t, un l.....e.l nnd i.bto d. fend.r of lh A. i It. He looked at the boy with 3tooih. !),I'J!I,7IS menrnn piineile, we will give l.iin our votea I njent, but the boy stripped off bis coal ii.J on the 2d duy of A.ig.i"! ni it. tojj l,im to take a sest. lie look off d. C. U. Mi filNXIS, ChiurmtM. 0iric,.r'a lean! without Jrawiug bloo-1 A ul-trippidj J 1. VtH IIK.t.N, rrc'e.fi'y. It ia rumored th.it n fie r the iiicetiitjj ailjourhed. could be brought to bear upon them, have was catholic Wlt'iai. History ms me lia bility became oppresive, and the church corrupt, aud the nation innlel. I lie Kin;, was beheaded." The poverninent was de stroyed. A new one had to le firmed. Diflcrent parties ar-e. One wanted a king and a c istit ition. Another wanted a cin Mituiioii with'uit a kin-:; and others wanted neither" a kini' and eon-tittution or a eon- ' ttitulioii without a kin?. Kicitetuent in creased. There was nothing to retrain them. Thev ui.aiiiniou-lv decreed that there was no (iod. that the Hible was a fable, and death only .1 perp.-t'ial -leep. And benoe 111 j ii wa only an ,",.;'" And as otic par ty would jjet the ascendancy over the oiImt, they wc.ii 1 butcher one another like ntii iuaU; 1.1. i at ll.i-the Jaeohins were r.iot rucees-ful. unt;l they were overcome in turn. -Now, I can weli understand that a man ; jni'ht . ((".; of a likeness between the Ja cobins and K N's, but no mortal ni3u iri-.'c mriii.r can trace it. jb Al'shi: we are likened to th.' I'. niicratic c'.ubs which eti'!cav.red M ovetthmw V ash iuton's a dmiu-tt a.iuti and involve us ia a vsar witli Kulaud and a'! the frantic scheme of tUe French r'-voi.itlm. So itr frrro this frciiii so. Oil 1 'object U tiL'iii-f' foreifixrs, and all communication? with t!i"iu. While theirs ii a ckhk li't'i '''. foreinci ?. This is reaily to f.. r fetched even fjr a drta in . Mr. K. ?sy we onncct polities with reli gion, and are nzain-t literty of con-cifttce. Tbis is simply absurd. I ur ' im '' say the contrary; our pni'h e shows llie contrary. We are far lihettv of conscience and liberty of" wvisiitj.. .- :r nrr Tn eounTCX whb the Catin.'iics. Fur the Pope ssya in bis Ki cyc'iea'. li tter, August l-iih. I 3A. "liberty of cc.ns'4'iice i a un-t pti'.ciitial emr a r.-t u.o-t to be dreaded in a State.'' We, '.hen, r.re or liberty of '.on seienee ; th Catliolics are ojpusnl to it., Mr. K. a' u-es il ind s jports tlie t'atho lici. Stlil h ays he is a I'l .jtc-t aut '. '. .Ail the wor-e! "We have an enemy in our . household. This mu-t be a prot. -tdtit or catholie country. They can no injre mix than' oil and water. The hi-tory of the , world -f bow it It rnav h: that it ou.'ht increased largely, not to say alarmingly , i in Louisiana. j Rut I said that if the Catholics increase as fast'as they have increa-ed, in a lew years; from this time they wiii be more numerous j than a'.i the oilier denominations combined.; FOU CONIiHESS, Col. SAMUEL N . STOWE, OF GASTON I elUNTY. i:ii lion I lie tfl (la)' f Anciist. Xichl", an order fonned by Ihe Foreign party. Now, ill all undnr we wulil k 11 inn oung 1. tint, is not as bad, if not worse, than the one la. ken by Know Nothing." OUia-ilion." You, n.J each of you, of your From our Corrrnpniiilrnt. I state, that thelorein itnnii- H is estimated .1 Wuril to tbf Amniran Parly. In tilmut ten r!ay yr n will be called upon to exercise the right of American Vreenien To proie t! trratiou is ."ii'O.Ot.10 a ve..i ... t... Nml Mltil irn l-ithr.iii. uliii'h iu 5 vears v,ill make 1 ,""..10.000, which ndd- '"f ""' '" b lltv,: ","'t our 1 ri! '" vd to' the number now here would equal if "rcd. Nrr iu the f..rm.t.... of prl.. or not exceed all the Other denominations com- j ice the fnundatinn of our IJovernu.enl, I... a billed. This calculation is made upon the ' P-rty sprung into existence that has been pre. suppo-iti.Mi that there will be no it. crease in i eminently ucer:'ul in so abort a lime. Not the iiiiiiiiralion over iat year. Rut as the much more than a year ago a small speck, about iimiiiii ntion has more than doulicil iu the : the iw of ."man' hand" was seen in the po. Jat five venrs, why t.i.l it not more than litiral hori.m anil il kept growing and grt.wmg double in the next live'; and then we h own tree iccord, in the presence 01 Aliiiigmj '. nnd these brethren, with your bane j.ni.id to. gelhcr, forming a circle in Uiken t.f tl.e ultntinn and oncm ot puraose wlnr.i Dine you ii.geiner tin solemnly neir (..r utiirm. it y.u pr. n r 11, , IMut you wnl never deerl this Or.icr, or betray hiiy ol its aecr.ts or su;n, ese. pt tn jn.isr whom vi, u know to be member. atVr s trial of t'" it. ; You iliut, as third degree iiii-inhcrs are to be appointed to gnmd the f(tU at flertivnt, lo see that our Ito. Mian I'allmlic br. ttiren and fnreigner are allowed j to vote, at allhmmdt. you will.'w lnn npinited on thai duty, t.ikcymir stand ll.. re with your Ibrilhren asweiated with y.-n, M:n wm, ami ' prepared lor llie worst, ki t ping il strictly 0 seerel 1 that vou are anything more limn an itlle speeti. , n r. Tuc sign lu be given lo the in. .utters ol Ihc ' firRt nnJ set nil degree, whi n our Irtemi ,re lie. ! no d jiiftire by tlie juilge of eleeiinn. in whi.-'i ! Ihi.i r,' well liistrueted. I ibe rwMtrig tflhniuht hate I.n, ',0i0 a y. ar, witit 0 H,'ll0 Ca tholics. And .-till Mr. K. says i. t them come! ! Lit them come and be converted to I'rotejtiiutUiu ! It i- in no s-.iiit cf intolerance, 1 it in a sl.irltof ch.'itity.lhat I warn the evuntryof the dai:'i r '. '1 j what purpi-e a-it tiiat our fa'.iiers fle.l fr.lu an evil, which is 1 3 folio and o.erwhehii tht ir children ! Eter nal viiUnee is tio lc.-s the price of re'L'i , ous than of civil libi.ty. hil.', th. refore, v. e will fecure to the Catholics nl.o arc among us a I.I. tloir itl'iiiT'. let us guard a.'aiu-t tl.e cwl of s'n'li an ii.crea.-e of tit -, r n'tiiil-crs as u.li c :. r uur sal. ty f.u i th. ir own. My dear Mr, we hive f.i"e'i nj'on j"'ril I ou times. I'll' ctiutitrv has bec.nnt bard to coveru. There is a retles, turbulent, iiiarauiini' spiiif in tho land, which mu-t .r,.. . -. 4, -t 1 irr mtt-ler , -. -1 It lt until it has civi red nearly tho whole political ex. ,;,, ;v ( ri,,A, ,anj Toe mdirat 1. rod will linaliy swiii ow , ,,r eoiimi, ncn.g noslililu s la u.e riruniie "i h encour.ieine fiua! .iMy and trying ue in rti.t we nana. lull also pto.o.se: eou kw-i .........y that you will not give thrar signs w ilho'it you see enough "f our liienda nt hand lo render an at- Itanse, find use .v uj all before it. Tion, with ui signs betore yon, can a true friend to the Anter.j 11.n1 1'artv st.v from the Polls. Y'ou are v. ting j 1 pr t. ct your", in s lrm the innufi:."e ni rr-, tack up..n toe enemy nn ..vsnui. , .1 1 1 : 1... .i, 1 To all Una yon ple.lge v-nir live ntliii.g than the prostration of every thing we h.-ld ue.,r our free institutions, our religion cm! ti e C.t'le. Then a'.nkc while there is an op. posing f'.e. trtyand y-ura-cred nenors. js-j anJ ktep you steadfast," yur pr. p. lie'p you . "'! "S r!k fr y-nr altart and ytnr firoe, sirike for liic ere, n gr.ivea of your sire I.-hJ and your native l-ntd.' H Dr. II. M. r.'.lch ird haa become a..cl.ili'd in I'm r..luiria! D partniinl "f fie WeHirii Pern, oriut. We txlciid In the Dictor liic right band ann tfcish hull pleaa,nt dreams in his new vocalion. not to be so. but If i S'i. They may endure one auotlicr while there is ucn a rl i-parity in numbers as that the dominant party does not fear the other. JJut j 'jst as soon as they approach each other in numi.ers and influ cuce, jast then they be;;iu to strive for thi-a-eeuJaney. And then co ne -uMi persecu tions fire and fa'ot as mal'C the blood chill to think of. J'he catholics are in'oln 1 atit by faith and j - .tie. It is th -ir creed. The pr jWsiaiils have been so sometimes from necessity. We fl'.d from the persecu tions of th-; oid world. e came to a wil derness and sjblutd it, and inavle a fair country wi'.'.i p -ace and plenty and liod s blessing. An I the ' i.--t!'jii i- fin pr.-s.-iit-ed to the American pi-opl-. whether we will preserve the pr .t' stat.l i; H jen -e and reli gion securing to the catholics who are with r and in the niin-nitij 7.ir, am. their tiu'i'i; or keep open our shores to the in ti j .f iiiinii rsi ir, th" tiuinbtr of 500,. Iliit) a yar, of whom I'.i'l.ooiJ .re eat!io'esi until they wi I have the . utire ae, udaney, 'T de spproaeli tia .so nnr ss to eau-e a terrible struggle fjr the a-ceii l -iin-y Will it not be betor f.r the catholics as w II as ourselves to guar'i agsitit the evil, while it is yet in the distunce. than to wait until it is near and imminent, and t!i"ti have lo ex terminate it by force! For this i- '.'.?, this mu't be either a protestatit or catholic country. Th-v will i.-v,.r ttleratc each fcth-r when t:.' y a; .roach so uur ai to year : year ; fe.r each o 'J'he iir. -I-. M'Javs'i'.ii rernaiti ef tii'.ii 's exi-t as to inn'tie it necs.nrv th? the p'Otetanta nho'i'd mot to prevent the di.al: which I h-tvo sllud-d Hie to Mr. K.V'stitlsti" ibly in aecir ate. A I thai Mr. K. I!.:'i-J,t t Stoiild not state w h:,t , Mr. K. say- th:tt irj i n't-P I i;t man need fear tint the l':itb-j!i w:ll ev-r be able t.- supplant the Protest a lit ri'li,-i n, "rt tbi ri'iii' trv. At the ri-k of f.iliii.j und.-r 'lie e n sure of wintin' in'el;ieiifi.. I hint... thtt they arc tl.e iii,j-t iijiii' TO'I" den'.n.ins r. ti in th-' II. s! , if imtiii rati jii i.j erease us it bs d jt,e, in a few wars tb-Y Will be iii i'i' 11 j 11, e roil-, tliali all the "the-r Jet. imiiiatioii- . .-ml in. d. To 'ii, j.;. p ,-i:ir,,, Ir K vij s, that it is "a well af.-t-d f.iet," that bttwetn fi Slid s.-().)iii(iii ,.:,,-u 1,.1W. ii,,,ir:it.-d to rviir shores. And t'i it tie re :iri- h-re now eiilvabo.it 1 ,(,i i,in..i ,,, t ,, ,e as-k what has ... e me ,' tie. ,'li.r ."..itti),li.l ! Add be answer- tha'. ii, v l,:,..- b.-.-n '"con eri. 1 to protc-t ...ti -n. " 'I In- slat. in. i t is xtrv r iinary- For t!,.- i nt .nn iii.j i 1. 0 ,11, tri'tii 1 1 evert ' sir, I ! it pttt 1' a i' a oil en tlTl eii,'b-- t'l'tl pr"t-:s!;ii,H. :,t Low d"C" Mr K. "-t at his " M'.-il atl.'-t.-d f e t; " The cen-'is rta'i-'lies re tiic nrj-t r I i inf t iiiriti.iii to have. The nbstrnitof the ce-itsiss, .? Ill, wbi.li i coiiipii.ii from the IllO-t r. iilible j l.f' r II, St ietll ill ill'! CCIISU OtIi.ee, sdaI s U o.'.t to us by the govetuou ut selves, years a-o SI .'J.OVl.O.l') was thought to be too vudcb for the -xpe:i-os of the tj jv, nimei.t. It was el a h' a l for every man, woman and child iu the United .St .to. Now the ci-p.'ii-es are 7").UlKl.i!0.) ; JeJuetii.c ?7,0tm,. IKIO fr U.e Tex ts debt l-'ive- si -, Hl.ijlt 0 a year, about a befd for every mun, wo man and child in the I'uited State.-. I do not censure the administration or any man who voted for it. Ii it I complain that the state of tl.e country is such to rcj .'ir.- ;ich an ejtp-ri'l.turc m a tune "t j.cice a;l the w or i 1 . 11 ace;ui.t tor t:..j iar.'C outlay, Mr. K. -aid -it I'ittsi.orou-.'li, lir.i RlOiiit.ji.'.n f.,r !,,. (;,,;. tr-.-aty", wbi"h unoti examination I find to be a u.i-take of Mr. K.'s. We tlti'ik thrit tiineh of ;b.; Jla.-j uict of the country is attributable to '.lie .' iciru i:i fluence an.oti' ns. The census nhowa, T-ee ab-tra'f, pa-e 131.) that f;oiu IT'tO to -(H)l,e foreieii immigration to this country wits f,00:j a year; from I -1 0 to 1 - V it was Il.ollil a year; from 1-J0t3 1 -M'l it vv as 1 1,000 a trotn I-:so to I -nit vi as ...i.noii a and 1-10 t 1-oOit was l'i limn a year. 1 si it some thnT eau.e Iroin '..'itri ia. . From l-."0 to this time the entries at the ports are lefteeu 1 arid .0'',0O0; ai. 1 la-t year the e-ti.nat- is ."lOO.Ot.d. 'J'h.. white population of N. i.- rn!y a little over ..io imj! ..-j that eiiou-h came to S'.ttle a Strte as populous as .V a year. 'I I," cal c 'nation in th" eei. -us (; a'.a. p. 1.1 '.) ij t'nat, if it ir.i rea-e a- it has, in oTt y-ars from this tin.e iho p. pti!ti-in of thi .'oui.try will ex'.'.-cJ tij.it of Fran's-, Kiiginiid, Spain, I'urt unl, S wt.dt 11, ate! S it. r;,. n-1, nil .'ji,i I'Liml, And any ' tie w ho will make the cal culation will find that in 10 or 1 years the foreign will outotiuabcr the native popula tion. Tho 'in in'iiv of the immigration is there fore alaruiitig- J'Jt tlie 'juuliiij is still more so. The same rcr, 'i -'afi-tics, (-re page? 27 -'!.) show tl. it in l.V. there were I3l.l!'i such a state Vy'P" ' the I'tilted States fi-,Hii for- tig'n . rs at. i '.'...('"I natives. 1 lu re were 4,')'f convicts for eriiu. I l,oo 1 foreign ers and lo.OIKI t.ati'. "S. lJ.;sil"s this, they are bought up at fl Ctioi., :Mid control them, a-. make riot, bioo'l-h.-d and inur-d-.r. Fotiiierly the 1 !! r cia--came. The old Scotch riit.r'.'haiit an 1 Jl.itch f.'trn .-r w re clever. 'J hey came v. ilh th. ir soh-t-uoo., 1. t ori'y t j a'! ,t a coun'ry but to : l. i.uiid .1 up. Je.t they that come "if coine to fire upon tie; coui.try. 'J'o corr. ' t this great evil and to ave the l.'niori from factious a:,l il i -organize) i -. tlie oi jiitof the At.-e near, l'artj. I hiu aar.- that what of s.-ciicy there i. about it ii ma le a seire-crow cf I. oii,'i tia'ed iu this way ; You are aware that 1 it a ii.g tin.'; tie.-oil parti's got o--i'--ion .,( the country nearly .,ai..i,'-eu . aeh st.'iv. ing f T the a-'-eiricey. 'J Le f ,r,i rii vol" was the l aiiiiC'j 01 oa.-r 11 n h pai'v t ii. r.-f re e ted t!,e tjoi-ii, r-. ,y, 1 1. i t:.,.r (mi ty l.a- .... 1 1., ,.;t. ti..j L.-t mote eorr.-ct tin- ev .l. I 11 or ts'-ive . ais 1 an ellort was luaoe to g.-t up llie Am. rn lurly. l Jt v h 11 lie v ir mil. dale be was obii.-' d t , a Whig o O'T-.t, alii linn as tun' it wx. -.'11 ;.("., aiil b" wasij, (.-at in-t a i.'' t i. etc.! . ns in t l.e t a-(. in. Yi it ttie e ii 11,, tea-' J 11; llJU-t be rionc ; a r. i to atol! " i.urtv trick," lliey 11,. t in s. 1 a . JS . - J i his speech i-.sl wee. on the eotref loess of the and our informant can Rail Kuiul I'ninrnliuu at Aliri Hlr. A Rail lioad l onvetition was hc!d at Asl.ev.lle, on the I Ith inslai.t. In noticing it the A-hcvilIc j ectator r- marks : The pr'j" id Couvfntioti met in t'.is plo-e on Wednesday.- A Urge numh.r ol dil. g,.t. s were It. attendance .ro.111. Tennessee, fsolilh t'at. !h,j and our own St.u-. (.!. II. S. Gaitliir, of line kc countv, was made President. As th- pr.c e.niigs have not been furnished us for publication, and 1 1 . . r 1 are lo DC pruned rn painpntei lorm i,.r gi-ner-.i eir. Rr, f, rulalion, we can give nolning m in. issue tui a ,,,,,,. a IJ I I (11 HIS. V" ,.t iuii.lt ( , cs-t ll'll tig the Solll.. Nerllt. t re is 1.0 I., w t:.at ul " ctnse and 1 II cl, 1, the cues', tn' I'Crioi'ted to i t, S ntlorn e rau'.t!".', is riaine can be had if it 1 w.int"d. Our informant "till insists ! cnnsistirg nl lour le.m tacit 01 me suium oiiin Carohna and Itr.nessce, and Itireo tr, in ,.rtn I'arolina, who ref.r'.ed msny interesting fact to n, ton. erning the K iiiro.id 111 con. .orl. .st Mr. W .ring , tne iik question i... , ,,lt. t-nnveIllj s e hi ve ( oltoll 1 orii:n Nrvitt. Il lie ;,rr''t:i!of ti.,- sleamer Ar 'go. aeoi.iit tV'io France to tlie 4tii insl..nt. had d. clit.r.i ill l.ivcr;"Al. From ttie ?p.,t of war there was n.-tiiieg rew. I.or-I K-.g;-u wi.s oei'd aim i en. Snn;s.u wt.l succeed to til ' ei n ioani! uf the Fl.gl.h Mas. nuuil New from Wilmiiiilnn We fia.d the f;iwtn; notiie in the W.lmtnglon II- r .ei nf the ll.lh iust.l.t. Weil done Wilming ton! Her ciliiuris have voted to suhser.in: to Ihe W liii.it.y ton Charlotte and Itjttn rfird liail H.d Tl.ealliouut Wilmington will suhscribe, is, tJi)0.. ilnil. snd her cili in is eipectcd to subacr.tw 3 1 aVit'ti, which, with what will he suhserioed on lii" line, wilt, we ho? secure the ch rl.r : Tin: si list uif'Tiox s.f i:: Wr hii- toe er;ttif;c:itiMi of anttouu.-irig to tin; of toe Wi liotogtoo, ( narlolte and Kutli.-r- tempi ition. Tne r p'.rl emhod:. l,e!.iLls ton. netted with tier tu lninj of llie entire road ft, .in Islington lo ( i,sr. -t"t.. snd is an ahi and n.trr. esiu,g or.'e.ctnT, yn.g the most re.iahM.trid enter, log n.teiiig, :...e t , ai! loe In nds of Ine pi' j. ct. '1 lie most e'mpi.te harmony and go's) n.l.ng prevail, d liir. iigr...iit, and we Irusl mucii g.,.,,i waa done. Tl:e c,iiiniissiont r witlopin h.a.ks inimedl-.le-ly '-n Ihr w'.r.lt route, for su!ic:lpli..u to tl.e cap. I., .E..O, ainl alt preliminary art .t.ge loel.la arl'-..'.td, lie ( 'ohvrlilton ;if1j,.i,rnei, 1.11 T'.ursdi'V at 1 - -' t ' , e s , lo 11, e, t in M .rfi-t-..,, T, nn., nn the 1 ' !l . A u-t, and a Iso al (it.-i I.. i!!c, (S. C.j on ti.e gltl. ol the su.e monl!i. lit fr.. t'ord llai!ri,ad, f v, rt w! err. tie.t l.,e .r-.posir..,n autiioriz nif l!' 1 oifitonis cm rs to suh. 'r.l-, for the t,,wn, S4-ti0,-00 to loe e. pilal si.'k ot t;e- ah.,te T;,,aij, was t-.iten yesterday, and l!,at liie lo'iow ing is liic restiit : Sui.-cipliol , o!U No Sut.-. ript,(,n, J.'-l or more than five one! j two. thirds tote was m-.-!.. ry. Tha- i:as tVi'ttocj'ton again pr'-ved trn to h.-r- -eil ! Ar-d, while we re-;e.et the VI. ws of l,ose who Vf,t..'l 111 liie minority, not the h ast eitl ll of our r itifi'-.iti'.ri a I the r, suit pr,.t '. i!s from II, no .fi itiiit v f s.-otTo-rtit wliie-i lii,; uhovc Vole tit. hraita. S,s.ed on the li ulroad ! . I Nxtirfs of Vw Books Tom Sai.s t la wBir. J. Cssiss' Buoa SToat. W.tplilNOTo.s o rn K I.i:sisai.s of tlie A n.er ic-' n Revolution. '1 w.i volumes in one coitip'i te Willi finely-engraved Portrait from origin-.! pictures. Trie tJM) Header have hitherto been without sny work of authority through which they n ight lie mace acrti.ttnted with llie aclor in the Ameitcati liev. olution. Se .il. r d hmgrapliica of many of the leading aoh.'i' f- of llie time hve intli ed appeared, hut noetic ptocuctiori lh.il could acrve as a com. panion t ou iiiiulary annals, pr.-j.erly mtriM-u-eing the eromuis peitonir. In ttiee volooi n attempt has laen ioa,.'e to sup-ply this Want. Naroi.r.os ivti Tirr Miiuuu or the Tir.. Two volun.es complete iu one, with fn..!y ttigrav. cd I'ortraiis. In the l.ile of Nipohon, in this work the rr r y year of the en. ror, and ti.e circuitistai.e.-s ol Ins rise lo ditnn lion, are traced with particular minulcr.css betause III-- have lieen the sohj. cl of tliijtisl liii-r. prp.'iit-ition. Tin- Itali.-ili eompalglis of 17!.6 and 17L'7 and the campaigns nf France in Itlt, arc dt tailed with great fltlnes at h. ing, up on the wliol. , tlie most extraordinary eihibilion ot hi n.ilit. ry g.nlua and energy of c haraller. the Ni, Nh.ru Mates have i-r llie Southern in lire increase nl population ; inn -hI,..,. il,n ., i,, Ilia ,. tenia llie ot.Mv p,.. , "... - - i I . I cihuu, UfjM.itf.t.i.loiK-N U-iil vl.i. nnfitrf f il.r SA.M m-dc Im m ftnd lted Stjuth li..t- inrri'savril uiurv 1- rifely thsiii llie na- Atari u tins I tut -Sun. Una ul" liic .N- r tli. N In iicc com s Hup incrt iM! ' . nt tin- i.rlll VXVT Vw .iU f IIK' qutMi"l. IP I :iiitwirtd un paj': KJ ul ' n-fid r-rMtrtv bp fihw : ; " 'In la I nuii.biT of inuiiicriiiilt. int'J the I i'H. d j Stutiw, mine 17Jt. 1 1 v 1 tt f in itii ili'krtii- ilnnti i.t limiiiraiiU. -1 ,3t 1.1'tG." 1 1 ft- thru i lrii(it" (HiMtivt; a la liit t ui;- ul" tln int rraM ; -iiid liuw I'.t ltd ct-hst (pi-i.fi fc. to the Suutht rn Suit n. In tin- (.rut iV.pprr, tlu- Nuftli had 3j mnu. Ai d tin- Soutn It .U Tl re 'milk lU n tmly d :V rener uf 5 In I hi r prij-t I'll ' 'm i" nhr, h inilr tlt ct-nni- nf IS'iO Ii'-prt p"f ! 'Hit Nuitii I-.ii. J 14 n.finiH-r-, And tht S utti ui Iv 1'" S. it ii ' i r8 fiiirf 11.jfl.l1i- N nth lijs l"t VJ iitntijttrii in tht- II.ii-i ii U t t r.t.' 1 wn i.l.mr, n-.ynn; h..I iiij: uf tin- S- ii .. I nn h i tin n i eliurly i 1 1 r i t ii hie ti tt iiumigr.nt and ih ir ijitiif.ti.int, (iMiig in l sVi, bt.d it uii.t ml. d nt tut- t'i-nufl nturii t.r Ui-l y ut ; am! it lie ft hit iii!it ., (Ii.it tu lhrrr.ii.i- lln- lit i p tmli nf .my St-.tr, It 1 hot ri"' rn TV th. t t1-' lli.i..!.lUMfi tl-irifd flmuld Ir ti a t it r -"J r riM.rd t-. V"ir. Itut thai n Hit: voiitr-ry. i-II arc i mm r. te.l, w In Uur nit-ii, u.r ii ur thii-iun; and tliat . v-ri:t)z t'i Mtt ii tiiiinti r !i'n a1 m-, r- tin? iw m !f u i. rii'-ii'd I'lUtcn i e m .ir.il Main. X ', hl.i'U'i the ri"..iin uf m;ii...'r..tH n U ( r h.:!t'd lil! w, .ri r to l".t', l ut'ul ..s. IH I tttp r lr. Hi . I S t UW (r ti-t p r li' " hali li.iv psis-td jn.iv, tiie S-uth ul ii mr-t ut ct'-n .n'y M-airiUnr n imi'ihh m "i; .mv.iiU t!i N'Hth a nu.j-rtijr ul 1:1 the i'. ui -r br tin. s into llir uilift.l .itl.ludr i-t' ; rru trnr nr Nt-Mhrrii Mimr. 'I I more ctiit-mt tlioii t '-t 1 .nut il" nuin.i;r..tiuM, i r.tiii ut ll nuru t-. t 1!' w. . tl'O Arut r imii party pr'f In trnmrf the ciu ti pt .p l..c l r.i ut ti ii. in fcT.ttM ii, I I r rut', m.lI iy . (md f"xi! tit id mvrs,iii J jrntt lo ittV-ry rifi niMlJi no . Hut tip'iiTi. Hh. in ii. it- 1 n tn T in Cm- ist 1 A'ttrn.,.n ci-ftj.ii'r. t ...... ii.- - i pi i urn'. li , wlm-li f.M.iit.t br, rhrf i-uarlv r urrwiil tl-.-.i' r.. t if h l" li.r'-i'iu r Is,' Imiii i. .t y re j.;.. r ' . tii. And Hiii fi wi' c'dtMilrr Hit- ti r k' ' liiii n t.l lltid j-ift igr. -fiiift uf' -.nfi ty, t uiij litt : mirpn-s tj l tui'l in I. ''ir rt ;.r tn t t . 1 1 i , ft i li. lit i r i i K l .:. , rtirrn't' i'h tn' t..i r u H- T-'-i- in an art u-tui u ' dy cjiii 'nLi ,n our ( niun", 'I'l.tr tii.Iy r ut y t'.r Xh.s !' :.' , i tin r- it.t.v ,1 ft 1 1 ii iii li sue j in h i it Mif fit" tht- i.li'rf t fif t ii A m r.c i ti p .f 1 y . 1 1 M t n i r m ti b t- rt tin: u (iift ti .l tt c mihiIh r nt' !on i;i n (i'!,,.n uur i"Uiitry ir mii il 4.t (1 tiiMiiiltt-s-t.t lit nn .t' tin in lo a don f ui.-t tl.i ni, ; inl ttii n,i t ; -1-wiH ul'initi-i y Jj r tm fi. I .n; tifJt i.t c!' tht- b l" i A r i c un in. I .r if i. tii . t v? flr'.n" rt-..fc..im t tt .tr, ti.itt tin- I f . Hint y nf 1 1 I mini Mtltp 'il'.'y !" Ii (Mil up lu uui In- ., u' Imi-, nlid s li tu 1 1 if h ij; m t bid il'-r, ly li r (it in r.t cuiiiuttn: ivy I lie tW ifc n "t in Am rir.i ! 1 f.y nun f in? nt ut th t luiif, tnr tt t. nil r'itl altfiwn, llif fiir'it""'f. i,,t t tit-1 r J rcfiiit i.t in l--.V-i. U 'ii. jj i,T J", IP in rt: th in fudii it id tn run'trb-il .nc tin lt J-r.ii JKiMll.'lilll nt t!:C ft,lii.W Ifl' li I !' S;Ut' 9 II Sl.it .x . North 'u nd 'tin. ,,ulU i a rdi n, r-i , Ai it b . in', M t .( i !n, I .n tj i ;i , i !hnu i , A r lii.ip iuui li im, li i i ir rcK uf ili ir Kef r-ij H.pu'a tmn b nit: nl y t.' l'J.Cfl! (i u. ai it i r-. rl. m It 1 1, if U lid i.titjriij; tli- nltt; nnd Hi il m n l nf run: Shi I h rn sti it Kunrti-.i n r' nr ni-l.il mn i;bt t U injj ti-t S. ull.t-rti v" ! 'J .ii tn the mitn in bin .Miy r t, niid uer i.f-irwt.jj ruin, nn.y lii'p r If r ii nsii . I .jV tsi 11 S.ijihitinf ti. U fUV S fb r t-i lr 'ntU, tit rr V 'I-LT M" ('"r' ' I I ' ' Il tiui ntly S-.u! h. t rn, Why cjuit ttn ir nttn, ut if ii mi t r i(,'n yrnunil '1 he !n md tlirl b-r i!-.t m c l'i lt jt itt i in lint un tilif .!(', tli.ui ti.e JnVe nf Ui !, thiit r i li 'i- t !' . (i-n;t;ou tin if t.i V tiinii ; iiii'i n ' v ..re o Ir i uy ti i urn i si.f -i 1 1 y i : t st i. in) ' i -trit M ilh tt Ii nlu (! tli.il I v ii : k I" I 1 .; p mis i : nf ti f u r i tin t r tn wn p:id a iMiitwa lor ui trouble. I he of. fioer ihrh mVcd liitu how l.o viMitureil tada vra j it, hn lie !inl brrti to eviTy hartjer I nlp ju j town, ami no one dared to do it. The b-j i rq.i il, I thought I Miould srti tin lilood an soon as ynu woul.l, miJ if I liu.l I ,,:. Imve cut jour tlirost lo tb la. k bons in , , momi'iit. lliS Jwilisb olhcrr bun; r.i.i.rr. July 1. 1?--:.. L ,ie3,i alJ Uh ,miJ ljou of Tlie t sc.lt mi nt and ill ( rln.j caused l.jr llie , j-or t((, 0 I..U- t-anvass st trin lo Ui lull. .1 into con.parativr rr. ' ' p. -sc. A l. w tii. ti... 1. i.lt.l spirit rtj itidulj;iiiir in , . sp I. tul aim Uui, r i. i.unii.iinr, and spitinu n.rir l.-rnilt'sa m in ... ar. u.iO lb.-ln. '1'liv i'allt.'l.t: .Vts. reitatiy, a s. ur rili.tis and aliusisi; fwittii o-rt I'K1 . lis .Ik. I ,uhi ii.li, .1 in tins i,l v, collla.nf.l all sr. licit- last wnk Iciin U.e u ... ita lit vert nd !') l.,lit,,r, VI im li rj. a. rt a a r.it.apir.uUs pU.:t. in tlie lillllli;Ff;.ili: ralan.ltr. lirli v.rasnts aa l...ar m ill in t, r t tt' rt i,y tl....r 1 ut tut Ut.ti uct.oti of t:, .t vt :o u-c II,.-..,, an, i nisi, atl .tt injuring, vt.ll I. . i:,t- mi. i a., I' aiidm; lni".1r..ia Li I'te rnks , II, r Aii.tr raii pal'y. It'll Uo't't and lie! sv.npa. IfllM rs It., . 1 1 .- j;l,ri'-us pr . : I. pe of all d. Katrd p , r I.. . ; tn : Ll.at .if ; ruinl'i il, and e i.uid by no inral s ..ttrli.pl tu l:t j nvt li.. 111 ol tt. A Irii-n.l lirtin'f.l inr o I .lt-rday a "t!)T oT ihn li, st. .ii i.'il. a rj.1 iJ, jtsottir.l, aiiti-Amt-ricii I'.ilriisl, irt.iiiiuct. d an i nary Inr. li s t,t !;!. p llnli. s, Mlllclt tut.laintu a 1. I'tr tr.Mii a I liarl. sl.'ii r,.rr.'i.H,itdt i.t, giving an annul, t of till: r..'c..t t it t t.on, and Ct'lalllioj; a it. ..-I timiMtise and di-p r-icr I ul att-tca, UfM.ti I ol. J..I.H t ii.iiuiipi.-tni, 11. itor of the Kvu.iiig ,'L I. Tht I'll I'.t' ti II N'l of liic lri-1, t ali, o!.. s iiff. , .in! tit. I, II, r ill I.', dout.l 1st- c'-ucsUd t, r t v I Iir p..w ,i, I c ;iiit-.r rs an. th. tt trl;il.:a. U t.l ll., v nlr srli'n.-' lo itnli.le in Ibnr ini.se r- v : iijs in l',i- r li- rt'a i- i.l. ill, k. il i. all ill. y tan tio, f-,r II." r ll.tlnrnrr has ttanrd in t la,rl.s. toii neicr l.bt- jtm.d tut y have Ullt-n l.kr l.u nf. r, tin .r cr.-al p'. to'ypr. I. t.e t'f ini.'r, '1'i.rtr dt iri.1 is filial, and I'.ty as t 1 pi..(N.I,lf ntvt-r io4e i. o. ilii r org. i. iu d t ff..f If gain Inr a.ctntl .nty in li, iiirtr,.s..s nf tl.e 1'alii.t tlo .'"I te. We l.sve '.'' U An, tne. n ti.'.s !..' it' rr !"! U.r n I,, U.e linsgr nf ll al.st.i1 l.o, kncvsinj llitir , - u. f. . ,. ii. nit ,,n t :il .11. I na. "M ti. . I.. .. -..I siM-t, llif n.srl.-.i- n ?v "I. -at tlmr .".n.ily rraid. nrr, al AV o- ini, .V.rra.y. tl.r ..rg.n ol Ur dl.lino.n anr1 r'nl..tinn. M c . irnbul g lc,,N I. on U.e 4lh .1..'.-H, M ary 1 ail r in Ur M t, haa I k. il Ofci.1. d at r.. tLlZA K A 1. 1 X A MlKli . s;-d ' t r I. , ta) i,,.-.. it,. An,, i.e... p. ly. nd is fa...f of U.r nr. U. 1 40.. Mr. J I. Ml K M Ai.tX AM'l K T ,.r.d in, me ol liit,i(a u.tlu.nre in I tvr enitn. i"- Srara. II. tstre ctiliortn ul tlw I.W I tils ot Hi.- lounlrj-. Il is n. s Iitrr.lly filled srttn M W. Alri.n.i.i. n-. l ung but nl i.aturrd I. , I . ngs snd p. r i.h rnt-i I'l.us tsitl.iii Irll day. viae aistrr and U t .t ...us .g. ii,. I tli,. i. t,,- . rg .nil Into. li-l .1 r..nsinr.l to Il.r lon.tt. 'l l.r vi.e II id liul rt.ii t . jp'-. t to pan.. . ilii. r f.,r ii. If nr Ute cntintre, ron.pl. i.u h. r i. ut ai.on -. I cotii, a ... i... m i.y eut.lt c tir.r is n, tt Ulan I tan dtsine. lie t' I" home t g : c rt n. loi I lu be I n. I .1, t. tnsl ol jei I" ns I,. Ihr riv .eemre) la he band in..rl j. y an. i gia.ii,. a. In h.-r (-.in. i ty I" ,;p. l it. airii ..loin tlli Uie slK.litionisla nf he ch... rlul, amiable antl atf.tlionalr .North, lul Slice it. citor.e fr.-ii. the unlio! a!-' n ilise.ae ni.ik-d I . r ss a virt n, m-: nt 1. in., .1. in-l.gii.!. ..ml eindictietn.ss s. Tnt to' Its. d.lli tore hit In.tn Ihr emhr.ee ..I . r .si I, tr l',.rra..,l . . I. f.ihl. Il ma fl..unli for I' no. Mi still aril ff.iftn .i.llr l,.fi asti.ilr, hill Die day of r.rkoi.i. g wilj c in.-, anti .st. f.l.J lo U.e tsanls ol her soil, m.( : it mil trl Im- - ilr.l 1" ju.tgin. nt. and r. quired tt, and ...... nl mis tl.e . it -t k , .. nd st. i c I,., g...- I" li. r r.-asoii '!,.i. it ytl has du.tc l -r tlx. gfess ol h.r disc.se, ll.sl she ta.a bntne . is.es I , i '. I In. 1 it a r.to.-.. I. a. i lur lai.i.iy e-.ul.. pr. p r. tit. n,stv. a l.-t I -. sru - ul,l.,. r Ion ll.n d,('t. of Un grand I ul r. . I.l j ' t r spir ,t mt.ru .la li I t I t ' ' M l ,i, in f. -, , ug i, .1 tl.i- i,ppr. ssrd p.l Ss it ul l.er It, o. . n,' r h.l U.ry sit re If !.;,! .r tfc I: ...... n ... ii.. II,) V or ,fl ; i,.,r st t-U (J t e ts , ! I, h,.j,l Iron, t1 , in t'i'- l-.t, ri'ij- ao.i pr t.t-ti'-.' -l.J,s ol LIVER COfliri. VINT. j JJj" Tne only rcihcuy tr ctr rvu V the pul:.e ttit h-ia iivvtf llitctl In rurv. Urn trt-ctn.i.i r ; foil i-d, if M Lauc-'s T.tstr 1'ili. I' l a Kui trl ytr l. fort tlie piiUlir, -ui h. t.. t: , dm t J in u!l cltuim if liic Inn.!. V .fir ,i i , fni ri ui-t 'I, il .,4 hid tho timal irun j-luM sc ' cr, and hat UwHy il riven out uf i'i tikr : intttictafii. 1 1 irtn tiud utuWr a!l t:. ii ff, ; t nt phBf uf ll ltn, inii hstft Wert imiml iuim ' Tif.rn n in 11. 3 I'urtl.ar will rw rrrfu! to V It Df. .Uimd by the li-rrcv. : M'l.A.N'h'S KI f UK ATM) I.IV1"!! I'll I. ni ' ukc lionc i lc. Tluro uro oibrr I'. i'.i, fiu-p-rUEf to l.irr 1MU, nuw bvA.rr the put I r. lit (rant l.ntr IMU, nl lii frit It!' d Wimi'nj-. e cm now tc nad at jII rcrwt.tjblf Ifuj 'tsS tht- t ititrtf Mite mid C-u-ut. July ai. ICJeSj. -i Msrr.rd, it, Iredell rnuntr.e ll,e Kilt inti.t', hy Inr lire .-l pot n 1 mills, .Mr J AM 1-1 W k'LKK to .Miss Jll.lA i. .Mr.MIM.V. t i r t i rn nt i t ht n t r y t-tifur, 1 l-t y ms y buiM t;.t " rr-if'" lit luii j i fi Miu r!..ipt t'n ;r v M fTj' 1,11 i! i.nik'l.i y , flr.:S Ur f.uli m i r tlntu r b tin ni. In let nt b w iKi ni r t ry ri i'r ""f i luri'-u mt s !'.? mint ni I n .1 r i it t' , i - tli t '.- ri' r nt n n ul' ruhi u, and Jf : r t t't 't Wr !l b.H!r .H Wr tffUd t'f the pr v n( tnr u.r a, lnl !iif illra uf onr rrliin. , - I'.i ft, it Ilfu w n In , nt" tl.r K li"l vtilp Aijf trttlti nv, thfjf caii rn! rn the .A in rri ft umininia hr in-. -P. Inr nfir f f!ni ttihraul' tin' A it-1 n:-li Kt gr, Im! llwv rifn tirrsr di i r. Wt-onljr tti'trmnH ttu ry lulur am.' r ita"iitlc privurjr i.f rulmy uiirnt ,vi , 'I li it. Aim i iran uil, n,. we y tt inu t nnil ' II Im r uVd hy A :t- .rn (n, a mi it I tu. hf lr im n, umkr tin- in. nit if it. It i ti tn- tl.at A lii fit" i li.id hrrnrrif .1 it l t ban r j t rtf t W ,n'tl ! ifi It ml tt rt loiMtl U-(m iidrnciP, nd im pfc. , m p t! t- t mk in r -i It in a n t U rnpt ti at slid 'unr, witli ti e prtv.lir aiimn H ol tf,JUll ,lrr 'ultra ihnltad n( iiiip'.rtif) Uit in i ll W tt lill." ttr l"" I Ull" truth. In. I r .I t ! loik 1 rt rttUr U u I U. Y 1 J ASHLEY. It ti p,,. . , i A tut rn I i-i.lir. n liii-ii tin- t t . ol tl.t !; I'. rtv .1. .11 t i ul oii all lor, I tv. II l' r-.-.,l . I It, 'II HI 1 II., p. p, "1 !;.' I tig r)' 'ifi-r ul tti't t t wlii'h I ' At:'! this L i i rt ' s . w! i'-b are rcrnark J. t I a n v cry sure .-in rfcirat. , fvr ii tlH not Iti-li.-ve. A Runawiiy. On tl.r fir. I int., a iitgiu hoy beloriginw In Dr. S. i. fJ.hni r, nf Cabarrus county , rn a y . 'In trio l:,'t i, he recited h tt' r iroui Ins b'.y st in irktd " Souiii Ii.ion, Va.," and aign. d " K. II. , j.ifW, I'.M" in th,, i. u.r the i-.y i,, Anolbef let olntionnrj Twlimonj to the JnU- i.4t rn - d ,ir in New Yurk, ami r. Vi -hU l.u i Br l)f OUf PriOrj pll . n.-ihlf r tu nte in him ami ciip-tl lna h 1 1 r t' tii.it ; In un or n tion i! liv rtd. at tlin rt 'jiunt uf f "mi. Luruj :y. Tiii mutt be tn abaulutt; f..I:h&ud. f 1 yrc a, by I 't iit,r,il flecry Ie.on tlij cleat h nl ( 'mi. srt- in 'ii-d to th ojmii'-n that the ty nmy ht vc . t-ml a ai.iu tun, It tumlH-r 2tjt 1 1'.f,J, I hut K.. pii-ft-d btiii' !f 'iT si a a IVtc-tsoy , a lie ci n wnle . In limitary jut, ml uacd the tuiiuw ui eloquent yri- ( f,( t I'll- I it I till M.;ttH V,4 iMirfy ti.Uf lniilHi in I h.;ij tl.trt -md fiV- li.l.j. tn twti In iti, I ii it not ! t r n-'l f n 1 1 y ) 1 h ifith pnj'iihili ii, Ly a hsWe r n i ! f i.uTt ic - t' i i. i 'in: b KitUf . if miilicfia i in, tup An, fl r.i i -.ii, At tin I .ili"li t.l in, mu. 'ty linl- . I- Ainrf. , iuupI t f If m fl. t' II r a J' iti I to In- a 1 ilt : .Mr. Jv-. 1 thttv' tin rry t nnI ijni- and 14 nt'i..riM ti.ijrt ; nr if tltr r .itm:t'l' r fjvnra a hi itiornam he my have got the buy tn nl? tliiii I- tUr tu hia niitaU-r i a i!t ruy, b 't be ' t in 8f pr' prt. te his ';r is tn hm o ii uc. S ill K' .t lit in Virgir ia tunf' r a f-iv-r mi the Potter !) Cd.'.ii.z utttrtf inn tn li.n Cin. unn-tnii c-. Df niocralie Mrrtiu?. Tlie l rnut ratic .Me: ting adverlivd two Wt( ki tj'i, cann: i.tr, tifi tSttiiflay ivning I.t h t. V e v. t; nut ( t iit( hut uiM.i-r stdtd lh.it tin rt: wt:r; H ls-,ut l'i -rt Ht-iil U't nl' v tiurn wt.re K now Nu thing a. SjMi; of" tht; ynui'jjf ( h . rr nuns nf I "iiit;ra y Uli litftonk tn l:ltiibt n the in, et but th'-y C.itd in u iiir" Wa y h.id (jnii- fir und rolb d iinnn tlie ,'A K:,H'! liursr-," tt ill fiiof-rary, ('rijit. Jim, ijlst r tn rrrt- to tin ir -ni. 'J in- (-;it.uii luuk th- f ifi! ;i;.ij stjiii s i t h, ( t;r.i ky. W hiit Iu':k. ii f.f nl"'ii hut thf t.wi-nt J'T'y .ul il, wtn i,iV 1 1 r i it L' -nd a p! . V d ik f, X" tn.. J ki ti till t it tl ihi ri- w re m t Ii I twt r -X- ut the tn- linjf, hi in -.ii.f jn-tiftt.d In m f if and b ft. On lit. Hi'.i 'Cl 1.k , .; kt liit mt Mil. j wlili-ii l h; ii b-ih.e : t ;. jt Wu ikt r 'a injf iiinii rn iitj t'i In: c ( ? lain tn ai t tint .ill Mti' 0 mt y i.( tin. U ltnli if r.y urn: d mn.-d t'J f'.ili': J (jll'f Willi 1!m r'-.'iif fcimt; jH.jl) .f. in !'-.,', I'.I I', 1 1 7, Ii n-t lit f i ht: tltiri) iii 1 1 ' i ' ii --i nnii tn r .'M p r t i.t r-. t- r thun tn jr - nt iit.r- .f iil.itii,t t.f thr I ntt.-tj St.. It n. Tin" Si.it. ..(ni niihin; hiidn in a b w vt :ir- til h' aiifiif n i.ti v (i itk' ii i t.nr ov. n "tj.nl ilmii, it In -ut it. v i ' 1 1 . i' , jir t iiij & in! ii ' t j 1 : v liivilii' ? t, t .V t- tip n-r ith,i' v. r ti-. ii, t r-. lfi.nl l'Miiu i- li.u l'i t-n- ifjt ii mi am errflirjr j;. ni isilmi n, uini prtivnitnt ri r -1 I ttlM-.y liuvt un ry. tu tin: '.nnitirt, r--j-t t y ei.d bipnimmi r ntT-nrn j;. I ttt.s-l lii..t in liiiit ffftiC'D1"'! fl t j t ' 1 1 1 f .t ( f -1 1 stji'b- br-un n nf tin: j tir-at inn , I hiivc is.m! t innj'h arc hi sngUBt irr.-ner, and benr Uj.utt , fy ,,,y II in ntht . t h Ihut ...riy , lur I, AUthinka f'llhn ir'-'ii kLi.crttbic hiia tn.he tit t ii aink ii ir 'if'j : " i . pi ( muuu nf Afi.tfHM, I iiin. i.lii tm r p pHT-iUun ! fin on arid "o brm I.y y-ur ii' in tne frnita nf uur joint rouneil, juinl t-rt'-M, urn) c nn. tii nn tiu ri; ra ! Kucniitt rt. lig inn, i'i Hum: V in.H J t''f turouh'iul ytir Jjinl, In.ri Hi' artv ami am i,stsj. I.-t litt rty und nnit-r he m- t. 1 araiilt cutn(i'i iji'n.ii, t'ontrnl pjiiy npint, tin b.ii'- nf free jguvrrfmn n'f. Olai-ri guotj bnlh It, n j cti'liviili- ".,ii; widi, all nitnti. iVAwr itfrrny arrnur tn Jnmgn mjlutnre ; rnntrut;! r illnr 1'i.iir . xlt mi iisi ti'xi.i i toiiiii xmiii ; t'li; on ynumrtrev oit'y. , fir. A m m i' A ! Tiioi cut, wuho tsd ih:i t. 'J Ii it will i'iu v imiiM Is.lMy In tltstt ( iun wt.itli i a the ciitt.i:it object nf n,y t rrrnlri-l t.i!firn ; 1 1 ii at will you pr - a f vi? oinlifi urln tl In iLe ..ti t( piiptcnt y ti i- ( In 1'y nf a p-nplc t' nn- iim nt t.e.ir ; , a tn' iii ni will you i-(iply (it my h.i tpiin t- h im iit.vv a 11 tn the nn!y -f.iin y in lite ruuitd nf pUM. h'ia Jhjj it lt;h II Of UiW a.' ' VjB l.Mn i-H. Am n -'Kt . "u h wr- 1 lie tf-ntiin-nta hi' h '.M i nf 'ir!tiio), ulirii.utt-d to tiie . tin r of i try. m. d v hit h p- rft r tly r-uiiirii.i d with f.t I Le-. IN t OIJIJ. tlno If ;.h . n pn-.i tn'!H nt y 'ue uii:in rn I rt)' .inl Hit-j vii w I hi. v (ihii nf tt is t'nly Si 'tit In rn, wrlmut 1 tin pul. lit-. To pr. tint the turttnf buinili.itn.n , uf II.'" S.,nth, l,t n!tl It- th- nut wish, the unil'.i mu 'f rv-ry S-.tilln-rin t ; t-nd Low lar rm wt ;i 'i I tin- imp-ml in jj v 1 1 , but by a tunrt 1 1 1 nd i ' in i't lit; iitH' ti ii:iitiiift ' urn ;i tn r n.nv j tlie r. ire .t jil our own sr.d eouiitr) ilU 7 '. Tin: mill ihi i intrnniu tmii nf f-n i i' i.t r a fri.ru tK tJ i-nrrurt iind b ti in(( I'urnjM-, enn mh rtny i.r . rm h i mil, '' hull' i"ir am. sni.nifEii ,i nf ntln r ; r.i. u I i in f in 1 1 n n, u ml tr.iln".i .t-tmjf t-, nur IojihJ, ! pdiitiiHin nt..i ptjv(;iiiiiyt I'lni.ilry tiiid intlthhlv, wiln t In ir tt jj iii i. it t: t mii;! it inn h, i M o rt 1 a ' (J It h I a Lit: pn'u y , t n.it r.tn r- . I .f the (''- -h.. lion of rm vir'U'inp ihiinln. V re t )m nIiijm thtt t-oihi lr i'l t. d Willi nn It iliPti'rni-m nnly mi i I- d of in lit; l.li.ti-il Willi fenirtU pnx, ' b'ibr.i nr nthrr ) - P I V I -nf' 1mi.. how r-:i'hly nnd xt'.y trtii. aim teat 'i it. i nt i in- Is v. in t itt.rr t d sii'-nri-t I'tom th? (totna Inh IU genre r KAIL K')AI M KKTIN'i. Tlif StorkliuI'!r of the weff rti Ptvl the- liinititnti. riinrloth Kutl.t:rfor.I lUii I.ojkI. Irt(n portion of thfjii) at Shri-' hy on the I lilt .July. When, on motion of II W. ( " uiot). Kfjr. A. K, folliim. of ('Niivi-li'iti'l a appoifitrd krr4itlnt. H. JuhiiHoii. of Linroln, lt V 1., Ir. W.i mitt, A' (iat'tj, ilnd '. I., ijuti'I. IsOfrfin,t !. Wing. A. J. Cut.,. .wt'frt t:iri4. j A comniiit e ron-i-tlni' of W. J. T. Mil-" Ur, J. Stowe, , V. Ciiiiilur ! V. Lonn, vw-re AppoititHfl to n.HffrtJiiii th miiiiuht rt'rfeiitJ. Who rporU'tl hi fol-l'jw-: J I'r'itn Unthrrforrl Co., in ppron If 0 11 I'i oiii Lincoln CnM in cron7-.i hart'.' hy roxy i J'J'i ih;irfM, 'J'oiril Hiif ' ! Total ifd " From ( Inavi lnn-1 Co tin pf rvii irJ7 " i hy proxy, lOshaii'H, Total l:i7 " ! I'rorti (f.ittii County, no rvturn. l-rf Ci U t- ' the t'w It iff r,t" Urna i. su lui.i iu rm u.n nt r U'Uiv i ni., A blaati l.er U sutu a w nti tu n v -r- ' T ie otb r, in rstrly ytutb, bU b- it l ."t N tie I n ol u t-.tlur, tibitat im mu r v! i ff l-mi!y. Hi- m I nine feI'?d the r -nn - hi jh.a. t nn, nd ununnil Ihr UUlni im it !- td ii n bun. Ilia ft tuarkablr pruin life .ut. iim nt iii ilirt ehi p the iinrijr iti' frata ol' H e ( y, iiii It.uir jo.nl ratsiti , iiniu y evrrf ih t or '1 In In m I in rt-N r t - nd ti It f in e uut I - turt- I.l i(l ii f 4 n in I lllti f ating Umi . H m ii. ,r fmu iij In rat II n lu etl Ik.hi Im- : 4 r.rta hit U t ntt ti ntt-rw h lunii. i-r.c 'f dutllul Bi n Ml far i l t t tt lltni Itf f . in: ; - Ir iduir nl a r-i l lul In rt to bi r t: b ' ' ' ?r? tilul rn tinur .nr t I, is pron.it I" I'k 631 iittJ UM-rrlrp.. (In hmltnra am. fb r r- t it Ii i tia a furdian ml Cf-unr .lbr, 4t.J c t rbttrfiil nnil anrttir.n.sl nlKtln liri- t b Hl" tion, w bird n mji n tl tht ir f.miljr no It tHm' Inl rtt'i.l IV ir Id, aiw onw r 1 jtimtr-ln n f nd afK t li.-ii it a nr) niti.'' " ! t:b: of In una. j Tj bia iiuni'rnua arqujint .riff M?. A 'i,E j wsi t mit'MrrU by all tunat iiigr-"ii nl ('"' "lfB . -il comt-m!y n lit cU U Imui Ihr ml- i V"'1 of ll.r ( liic heart .md the uublc aoul, mih I' f eil v. ho dd i.nt rtirtl htin, and n'm dn: not tovc bun. In U nr. ie of lrn.i at nee nl jy inrpirttl rlirt rlu im M'ld tnnvt i sitmn were eter nli.mp-u tut nif.r.. I Iniir. Ssi bii'h si tor i" i.tlMll .U".. S' :inl. V. V., ftii'l II .-r, worn arr.'.int. il ill lo I. In i llil it Is If. lll..ar.,g.- aj.thu llir I., wot no i!i! ' nits w.'ulil have 1h.ii n...ri J. j ly la. in nl, il, i,r riranicl a. a n s. i Mii u iy. A .1,1 1. 1 Ut .- rri' . Ii'ii i' I'.ss, sr mg ti ..atiro Ins i.ihii. it ii we inuii'U' Willi flu r I. a.s ..ur aa tli. Ii al i.ltriuig wr i' t.l. tiling tie, te , i.f - . uri't'-i ira-s 1 .1', r.i,.) In . - I IU" . w r mi.it r i:nsU.i nml las.irnl 'OIIK is II..- firs! lime in inr I"'1"1'1 ( I lory tl... I I I. nt a.s-'.r as" a ""'lw"'"1, l.i iry Iri.i..: sn.l (.uti'ins. 11. I"1''1'. f siilnslanrn l.avc li liU. rrd suirll ' On ll.r II. m.i . " ' ', I .i n part ii.Tt-saar J : Attirr "fvrrnl W. J nn nretl, l . In tbaryr apenrhr, hy H. V. Iu!ot, iim nl, r fM.rt 'lt-.tt hi r. Is.kii.ir "li-f hillillltiiiit-ouaty il" ,",, owsui.ilr.1 U"P i.o li.fSira tl" I' ' ' T. Mill, r, .1. fiovtr, II. Cuslcr, tnl "' t",t' J"'"' ' i Llhiryc w.i.il.l iliiitrly Iran.', r . ,A;(7v, 'Hint this tiiPi'tinz elj ourn to md it dil.l n.a I r""'" " ,ti ".i t, n tliis Iil.K'p, on futurja. thfl .lili : "' I'1 P"t f laar.nis is siift'st" '. 'a, i . 1 ... . i i.. I.....I. ei.it. orrr.'1' ' 111 ll li.il.l "r""J . ...,', iff '' " A U'T'.-t n.-xr.. A-j.l tliaL nil tliu St.ss-k-! """,M 'l",'" ts, in l.iiii olii, liaslut), liutlirrf'ir.) nml , I .. ..,.J,i. h., t i'.'."" r, (1 1 11... ...I . , I. . ,1.. ris.l. "' . II.. II, , li ,1 r .!:, Irs ll...- ii ll'i rif.i. ssi.1 titlin g his 1:1.'. Mu. Ii ar. ll,i- ,r,i,. s.i.ii.t w.ii.:h Ihi; a.tmil.istru lion of l ii.ni In. r.rc... anr tl..: IioIl- lor in p irlyhrc w i; i .. Lf war, ar,,J f.r lie SS.....I of .lil..li tlu jiro..:ril,c .'tr.ul.c An-,, ficaiis. ,,. Illll In -.I' 1 ,l, ijl lll'itill piittn ii i ia! in in. ir . ti., rn. I. r n,; . ,,i, i,,,. J' i" v . I",n" il ii. i., our i , v. .1 tsiii, r . ' . 1 1 1 1 -. ..I v . It s. iii i,i i; ..I n i, ..li.... ..iii,.,-,-,' f.tt. i J..I-I i,, ,jlll.,ty a,,J 1,., Id, ,4, y ,, - S' l,t,. i I,, 1. V , j ,,, ; I I. ii,li.-,,lt w ,,i tin ralr I Oia. orii ,r, n,.,.:ri.ii, r ,n , 11:1. r- .i-.-,.s in It,, ir rta nl r. in. i I,!,- ill .'i-'.ll, r.r hy proxy. ..i''i'., Jlmt -Jim noliprs of il,ffl 8,J. j'ltirm il ), stri. kfn r,fl, antl (3i.-triLut.fi itiii..i,i."l. tli four ('(iiiniii's. .,, h ri.. ""' ,,. , ..... in Hi.- intriril. ol l'riiriss..r.l.l'l.""" ;, ll , al I" S I'' i 1 1 ! t ? d lli. ir ran'li.Htf, ti,d i,!i rl ,...i tli.-ui -si'lv"., tiiU'ii'' ' I t'j it.'ii.. s, to iipDort I no liors. ll.r y ii. list i.i..l I, in on yi.. i" j fxir o il lru iii Jotui M 'i.l. '-tii, tii.l'a it, I ir. t ml t- I, ring down ii, y " ilimiilt Uiiitllfti wnfiiiii' loiii' il w.tii Know ,Nm!,.iib lo tote for Moh-'. Tin -.us rl a or! i.i . lit ainu in. nt. to tnti!K.roMJi;M. S. veral arti. lr and coii.muiii.-ati.,iis ire soidl.ly rrowdt.-d out. A'lv.-i ln.;;u r.ts, A e., In.isl bli lial,l.-, in f .-very M'....!sy liioinilir. to tuur.a atl.iil.r u. tr it .!! hi l.t.lll.'l'l . is r. rt. inly (in sin I. .irrupt ii .-nitiir.., ami i-, i ta wortli lir. -. i Vny Id i" cll'iiily, T'.lir ill-, at i,h if it en, wlii.tii.-r sucii a I . i.l', ..ln, Mill ll I'll Ol I ..t .ill j III. 'I. .. . r . . .-.,1. trial "" ' J. "l "r " " ,n "" ., Illll nrielllalr, or SI' I..'""'; , ,.. ' , T,. .......1 n...t. r r"'"""", An'ii'.i, Unit Iim prorTclinL's of tliia ' il ri.rru- I.sunlilf i"' '' j t ' in.', lii... be liiiLi;-l,. .l iii tl.t, C.rr.lina I. , Mm ral ..tr..i.ut'.' wl.i.l. " ' 'J,,,: -'! l,. I l i .... ,.. w t I . . t. ii r it. i ln.ve eil. mil. I I.t II. . . lasr ,, I -11 1 ..-r,c. r, t I, ill', It.- U hlL' Still litliarril . ... ., iif s,l"' II II 01 IO.V. i.SMlic l.ii-n -s nn. I i -li in Kn.-I,. A K. Cnl.I.INH, i'r,,i l,nt. ). S. Ji.M.NSI.V, -t V. P., W. Sl.f.AN, 'Jlil' X. P., H. w. i.i.oAv, ;ini v. p. i. r WAttrMi. j ,av fll, lull, I li. H.i . I la' ' ' .1. r li i..t..riiniiir ii..-".. sua iii I'""", j tli. vol session of inr sch.s.l " lh tl I I .".th of Aut'tisl, anrl ll. '"' ki,w 1 ,,,, on U.e first Morn'ty ('' . p ' !..'..',. Il lilt al ll.Kil .l.olll'. ,r . ,, ,rt A. J. (jANnl s yn rrtut in. oiillHtiol ami faiti.iui " ' ... ,, "' ll.. ri t.ir.'i ili siui I" . in y t liai((c ar.i most r. ai" , liully r.q."" r.t: "i' r ti ii 'i . .. ... ei.lll.MI" ' ",r" . ., irf I Tin' Kmi-ns Li 'inliit ijr I,, 'is mil nml or-(r.-iiiiz. l. htiin,. Allots is ."'ii. njiert.f tin ilouae. Tho l'opr, ImHjiivt fiven Itis porisprit to' tic rrriliuii of it Hotk t . licntje tt IWognn,' "T'.i-.iS. ItoUT. j. A''1''"; Ju'y 21. I Mi. , . ... "lit)MS or Ihr Jlriinri ! r'V" -' run SaVLii "JK';j:- j i i