Articles. PleATFOKM Of tht American Parly, mdopted at Philadelphia, Jane 1 5, 1 ba5. I The acknowledgment of tlial Alruiglity Bciiijr wbo rules over the univec preside ocr the councils of tuitions lio conducts tlie affairs of men, and l:o,iii ev ery step by which we have advanced to the character of an independent nation, has dis tinguished us bj some token of providential agency. II. The cultivation and development of a sentiment of profeuuHly intense Amcricau feeling; of passionate attachment toourcoun try, iu history and its institutions ; of ad mi ration for the purer uays of our notional ex ' istence; of veneration for the heroism that precipitated our revolution ; aud of emula tion, of the virtue, wisdom and patriotism that framed our constitution, Hud first suc cessfully applied its provisions. Ill The maintenance of the union of these United States as the paramount polit ical good ; or, to use the language of Wash ington, " the primary object of patriotic de tire." Audheuce: 1. Opposition to all attempts to weaken or subvert it. K. Uncompromising antagonism to every 'principle of policy that eudangers it. 3. The advocacy of an equitable adjust ment of all political differences which threat en its integrity or perpetuity. 4. The suppression of all tendencies to political uivi.-iou, f ounded on "geographical the several States, as expressed and reserv ed iu t lie constitution ; and a careful avoid anec, by the tieDcral tjvcrument, of ail in terlcrtuce witW their rights by legislative or executive action. IV. Obedience to the Constitution of these Uuited States, a? the. supreme law of the laud, sacredly obligatory upon all its parts aud members ; and steadfast resi-tancc to the spirit of innovation upon its principles, i. .o i . - ii i . i v t i . i thut iu all dout-tful or disputed points it way only be legally ascertained and ex pounded by the judicial jiovrer of the United States. And, as a corollary to the above: 1. A habit of reverential obedience to the laws, whether National, State, or Munici pal, until thev are either repealed or declar ed unconstitutional Ly the proper authority. 2. A tender and sacred regard for those acts of Ktatcsniarjshlp which are to be contra ditinzuibed fruru acts of ordinary legisla tion, by the fact of their being of the nature of compacts and agreements ; and so to be con sidered a fixed nod setiSsd national policy. V. A radical revi-ion and Modification f the laws regulation immigration, and the acttlemeutof iiuiui.'raiiU. Offeriui- to the ho nest immigrants who, from love of liberty or hatred of ovii ression, seeks an asvlum iu the Uuited Stales, a fiieudiy reception aud pro tecliou ; but unjuali6eJ!y condemning the transiuissiou to our shores of felons and pau pers. VI. The essential modification of the naturalization laws. The repeal by the Legislatures of the re spective States, of all State laws allowing Ijn iners not naiuralized to vol-. The repeal, without retro-active opera tion, of all acts of Congress makiug grants of l i uds to unnaturalized foreigners, aud al lowing them to vote iu the Territories. VII. Hostility to the corrupt means by which the leaders of party have hitherto forced upon us our rulers aud our political creeds. Implacable enmity against this prevalei t demoralising fystem of rewards for political hnbservieucy, and of punishments for poiit cal independence. Disgust for the wild hunt after office which characterizes the age. - These on the one hand. On the other: . Imitation of the practice of the p jrer days of the Ucpublic, and admiration of the max im that " office should seek the man, and not 'mjui the office ;'' anil of the rule, that lJ;? just t.'io Je of sse;nainiijr Hint -!, for of Jice is the ear ab ilitj, the fitthl jlness, and the honesty of the incumbent or candidate. VIII. liesi-tance to the aggressive poli- cy and corrupting tendencies of the Roman j Catholic Church in our countrv hv tie ad- ----- j j ancemeni 10 an political stanons ciecu-; tire, legislative, judicial or aipiomatic ot tbos ouly a ho do not hold e:i .1 all-.ance. airectiy or niuirectiy, w any ioreiuQ power . whether civil or ecclesiastical, and who are ; ... - i : l j ! .uiicricans oj oirtu, e'lucaiuu auu iratuin? thus f; uiiiliiii ' the maxim, " a.Ns O.VLV BlIA'.L OOVF.RH AMf.Iil'.'A. The protection of all c'tizens in the legal and nrop'r r.ercise of their civil and rcii- t'ious riht and privile"?s: the maintenance of the nqht of evry man to the full, unre- j IiscninitiVin, or on the belief that there , .J . , r. . , , . j . . -i. .i, , ., . r ; - i jit ' r: . .. . a ; ' I- n" Mates, in its relations- with for- r"s...e1 t"U hail mile within the state of is a real difference of interests and views, i . ' .... 1 ic..i..:. , ,, - ,. f ,i i' nn gowruments, is to exact justice Irom 1 e,,n'J a,"a- , ' l.utwrcu tin- various svotions of the lu on. , e ; , . J , , ti ii r,. tn tv ti r ii - r .i i,. r 'the strongest, and do lustice to the weak-1 i hese are all curious ficU, well worthy 5. lhe lull rccogmtiou of the rights of, ... .T, r ., . t.-, , ,.,10 ,l, ,,l,;.,Mnf traiiicI ana peaceful eujoytnctit of Lu own t wliicli'tia-l been cstabii-tii-'i t-y prev ioua ,,ur religioas opiuions and worship; and a jealous ! vcjors; "so that, after all," says Mr. Latrobe, resistance ." all atumpts by any sect, de-!" the ij;biirij alon,: poles an 1 the ru le chain noriiiuaf ion or chur;h to obtain an asCi'U'Jan-: r.ieasurcmenU of lTfil and would ey over any oth-r in the .State, by means ofi any special priviifpei or exemption, by any j political comhiuitiou of its nu mbers, or by j a divisiou of their civil allegiance with any i foreim power, potentate or ecclesiastic. J IX. The reformation of the character of j ur National Lci-islature, by elevatiug to that di,'niUed and re-poimible position men fcf higher q'la'.iocatiohs, purer morals, aud more utistlash patriutism. X The restriction of executive patron ageespecially in the matter of appoint ments to office far au it may be permit ted by ih constitution, and consistent with the pjlir tood. I XI. The eduratkn of the youth of our; country in Schools provided by the .State, i which schools shall be common to all, with- J out distinction of creed or partv, and free' from any inflm iit-e or direction of denoiu- . , . r i I iiid-uiuiu sviiiir.viaiiiij VI (ucvou-i r..Vo... c...j au iuc y ' ueci.ions o, tne moat etnim-ul au-( - . . . ' . , . , ' ; ,. . , , i -t.j.. r. . ... , aaoi j - .or h'jij IMDIG IB j at ouco the aourr-e of Chritiaiiity, and the! depository and fountain of all civil aiid re- Iijiou freedom, we oppoe every attempt , tj x'ljde it from the ei uools thus t-stab-. lished iu the Stat.-s. j XII. The American party, bav'iijr ris-1 rn upoti the ruin ,ud despite of the op;.o- , M'ioii of the whig; and dei'ioeratic parties,! C iiiii t be hi Id in tiny maimer responsible fir the ohii"xi'iun acts or vi-Iated pledges' oi i-iiuer, aim iuo mswuiain jcuoii-ju oi th slan ry quo-lion by those panic Laving1 0f uui,.'t courage, who crossed the Miona eievated srciioiial Lm-iility into a positive ' he'a with fifteen men, Lecau-e it was bis eleiueLt of puuiu al power, aud Lroujht our ; Juty to do ao, ti.oujh be would have institutions into peril, it has, therefore, be come the imperative duty of the Amori cau t"u'y to interpose for the purpose of giving pvaco to the country and perpetuity to the I'riiou, And as experience baa shown it impossible to reconcile opinions so ex treme as those which separate the dispu tants; and, as there can lc no dishonor in submitting to the law?, the -Titionnl Council has deemed it the best guarantee of com mon justice and of future pence to abide by oud uiaiutniu the existing laws up n the sub- j ject of slaveiy, as a Html and conclusive set tlement of that subjict in spirit and is sub stance. Aud regarding it the highest duty to TW their opinions, upon a subject so itn- poriaut, in uisunci auu unopiivocui utiiis, it is aerehy declared, as the sense of this National Council, that Congress possesses no power, under the constitution, to legislate upon the subject of (slavery in the Status where it does or may exist, or to exclude any State from admission into the Union, because its constitution does or dees not re cognize the institution of slavery as a part of , its sociul system, and expmsiy pretermit ting any expression ol opinion upon the pow er of Congress to cstabli.-h or prohibit slave ry in any Territory, it is the seiie of the National Council that Congress ought not to legislate upon the subject of slavery within the Territories of the I'uitid States, and that any interference by Congress with sla very as it exists in the lh'strirt of Columbia, would be a violation of the spirit ana iiiU-n tbn of the compact by which the State of i Maryland ceded the District to the United i States, and a breach of the national faith. ! governaiv nt, all its citizens iroiu mterter enee with tie internal concern of nations with whom we are at peace. XIV. Thi3 National Council declares that all the principles of the Order shall be hcnceforwaid every where openly avowed; and that each member shall Le at liberty to make known the existence of the Order, aud the fact that hi hinmtlf is a member, and it recommends that there be no conceal- iiit-nt of the i aces of uietling ot suLordi ., ' nate Councils. K. 15 liAIU LETT, of Kentucky, 'risii:f)it ot Xuliuiicil Vuncciiltoil. C. 1). I'Eshler, of New Jersey, t 'arm put.ii ng .Secretary. JaMKS M. StU'HKNS, of Maryland, Jiecuniiiig .Sccrttary. MASON AND DIXON S LINK. The National iLteiligenccr has an iuter cstin ' editorial iu relatiou to this celebrated but iuvisiblc line. After referring to the fact that there are thousand hi wbo.-e mouths it has bi'cu familiar fur years, who have Lut little conception of how it originated, or of its true mcaiiiiig,it proceeds to remark : For our attention Icing brought at this time to the geographical significances of this k.lC LIU;! ill'UllAI ILUI"l.aU'.C3 VI IIIIS is lite, we are indebted lothe're-!. be of Mr. John II. 15. Latrobe, uf Dal- e, a whose profound ac. utt. and literary last- has coutribu- famous liio, we are indebted to the' re- search limore quireu. ted much to enrich the common stock of' knowledge. The subjict was chosen by! him for au auJrcss bifore the Historical i c. ,.:... t . ....1 I sumc cut a very :imitea nuinoer 01 copies were printed tor tll.-trioutiotl, ne suali not. n.ieet niirselven to the eli-.rre nf parrv',n figs to Athen, if we 'piote a few passes from it for the benefit of our readers, t'peak of the purely geographical question, he says : " A co:i'C'iueL'-e .f this state of things ! has beet to perpetuate the memory of the old surveyor who established u a rare good fortuue as regards their fame ; for, while the engineers who located the road across the Simplou have l'.-eii forciiteu iu the all-absorbius renown of the master .. i.--. .t , . j . l :i ,i .. .'. i KUUIU IULT acniTU , Wllllt.. i II1C UlMIISailUS ! , ., ..i l-ii 4 t u uii p.-i uic i.utiuuc, v. L'lie per-j njis snows wno u was mat erectca, ou a Crag in t lie u.:ast Ot the sea, the WOndrOUa ' li..l.tbo.i.A thut l.i. una i.-fiod i!, ....... : of a century; while oblivion ha bct-n the lot of other becef:ic'.ors of inatikind whose works, of every-day utility, should have 1'een their enduriu nicnuuieiiU, Charles Mason and Jeren.iau I'lion, who, sixty-six jears ai;o, ran a line through the forest un til the IudiaiiS fjrba le the farther pror;-s of chain and t'onipass, ana whose creatu.-t merit seems to have been that of accurate! I.,.. . . r,.r' """i - "--v ! t!.eir natuos as la-tiu as the history ot our ! country. It was in 17 ".3 that the proprietor ofi iVnnsjlrama and Maryland airbed with CLarlea Mason and Jeremiah Dix.on to sur- . . . . .. - Tcy the boundary between their respective grauts : and tuiot.- "lo u.ali mWeiaus or surveyors larioed iu r'intiia in .n jv-j -ember of the sjt.c )':', and entered at once upon the wvrk arc-H utnn. Accord-' inii to their own account their new line cl i! not varj an inch ea-tward or westward of that hive answered every pirpose, had the pro prietors only thought so.'' He gives a minute account of the rrogresj of this wort from time to tune aud thd. continues : , ,. iii whoe hi'tory lui that been " The Hum g'lven were dir. ctcd to be tiiarlieT in a par ticular manner, both by the agreement! of the parties aud the decree of Lord llird wirke ; and the surveyors accordingly plant ed, at the end of every fifth mile, a none graven with the arms nf the feting on the one fide and of the J'nhiniore family on the other, marking the interim Jiite luiies with smaller atones having a I' on oiij aide and I an M on the other, lhe M'.n--s with the arms were ail cent from Ktii'lind. 'Ibis waa r!orii on the paralb-1 of lati' idc a far an Sideling Hill ; but here all wheel trans- portation i-ea-ing in 1 T 7 i , the fjrtber mark- ! ing of the line was the vista of eiht yards' 'd", ith plies of stonos on the crests of at) tlie ffti rt, ol 'j i r, ,,i(.f.. t.laill er.rrA ' of the Alie. was marked f,et high, aa far aa the summit. li(.tW(?f(l ,Ljrlj H)p by po't", around which stones aii'l earth were thrown tlie bitter to preserve them Ail the efl irts of Mr Latrobe to di-cover some information in regard to th charac ters and personal nppcaranr'i) of theo two remarkable individuals, proved fruitle- 'Their b tteri," I. aay, "are the tuir - t bu'ines l'-llers; their j larnnl i the ni jst naked of reeords," aud he therefore im;J biine-lf by divining their eharaep-rs by t h -i r repcctive autoraj hs- from tie e he very ' ingeiiio'is'y dedu'-es that "Mason was a cool, dalil erate, puiiis-tnkin? man, never in a tiurrv ; , man, never in a nurrr : a man I VIII Tl. r,.,lW-r r.f tl.n mv rmiian t ,,f a member of the Legislature of Delaware. cm, resi.niuMg, i'j au tur j'yvr ut i tie i - - w " vl - " -" " w much preferred thrice the number at biH liecls." from inxon s signature lie inters " that ho was a younger man ; a niau of im patient spirit aud nervous temperament ; just such a one as worked best with a sober-sided colleague." "In a. note he tells 9 that Lalatulc, in his Uibliographio Astrouomiuge, says tht Dixon was born iu a coul mine He died at Durham, England, ia 1777, but Mason survived him ten years, and according to the Encyclopaedia America na, died in 1787. One of the stones that which marked the northeast corner of Maryland being undermined by a brook, in the course of time fell, and was removed to form part of a chimney to a neighboring farm house. Upon the stone being inisssd, Mr. Latrobe says "the Legislatures of Penn sylvania, Maryland and Delaware, took the matter in hand, aud a joint commission was appointed, which, obtaining the services of Lieut. Colonel Jsjncs 1. (jraham, a distin guished officer of the Topographical Eiigi--nocrs, of the United State-i, caused the work of Mason and Dixon to be reviewed as far as was necessary. Colonel Graham's work corroborated in all important particulars the works ot his predecessors. Some errors were discovered, however." ly the correctiou of oue of those errors the State of Mary laud gained an additiou to her territory of "ono acre and eighty-1 seven hundredths of an acre," but whethir th loss, fell upon 1'eunsylvatiia or Delaware docs not appear. Another of the errors corrected was of a rather singular nature. Col. Graham says iu his report : " Mr. V. Smith, a gentleman who has once served as any nistoncai society ; and t tie manner in which Mr. Latrobe executed his tak fhows the discriminating judgnent of the I'ennsyl- vania society in selecting an individual so ver con,I)eU!n t0 its "factory perform- President Yam L'lren at an Eahtii QUAKEr An American gentleman writes from Nice, Italy, that during the last season, while Mr. Vau Uurcn was iu that city, hear ing that earthquakes were formerly preva lent in that part of the country, but that no shock had been felt for a number of years, he told bis Italian host that, for the rarity aud novelty of it he would like to have a '"small shake" happen while he was there. Sure enough, iu a few weeks there after iu the dead of the uight, the whole city and mountains commenced rocking, and the inhabitants, in the greatest con sternation, fled iuto the streets. Amoug others ill the rark which is near the hotel , was Mr. Van Uurcn, iu primitive co-tume and in a bi-'b state of excitement. The ex- , President and the citizens passed the bal ance of flie night io the streets, and he was ; perfectly satisded with tho "rall , liake." 1 , " ovc "id lle to Ins mfe, vihj ' 3 .LaP-aljder I,K un,br!'1 B,at" D ' Je 6' 11 UP Cau- he derives his suj.porl lro,u ,l,3 ram- d"r (re":dr ) .ti)oilS Vt Ilot.loU and ?Sai -,.?.i la row put up in the I.irz"t Sizi d and ia acknow eiigtd lo be tin- beat Sarsipaiilla maoe. ana certUitU by the perfuriiicd, trie couici ot i ufea it wlueh are tlie pr.iisr3iion cf t;ie proprirtur. Reineiiiber tin is the ony true and original article Serofula, Syphilid, M-rruria Coiitplaint. Can. cer. Gunrcnn, Uheuiiwtiam, and a v.iat v rnty of oilier c.arajrtia ure ajNrcuily iii.d perleetly curea by uie u-e oi tiiia ii.eoi-iiie Read the following Certificate. Tali, roan Co., Ala, J.m. 12. iej: iii.aa Ma : 1 .urn yu Una lu certify to you - ) our rujir:,ct (,i it i.w Uoea n.u s-aiaiui ril.a lm p-jrlofnif-u unc ot the m'mt woiiitt-ritil runs on me that haa ever been etietttd on liin. I t .. I u . . .. . 1 i.iiLica iur luriy year nun nup. t.,. on my l.ja ana Kit; in iMd they if.,1 "i mil i imu i goon crutfiii-s, and m i-jj I 'r iniutatU al,vt ttn'Luiv. In! a,Ur "iv other . v out in Uri-e eat.i: ur.J running aoiea truin uiy knee to my lool,..i'd uischargril a ret Ueal ol utii n.irc nm. tir. .My groin aiu broke out in lure bilea, ul.irli iiiel..itgi;u mucli c n-nmte miiltt r, and al time ii. y left hind out in firge run.iinj m.n- a m.iirj n niy I'llHim-. Tne misery ilut 1 him- aulT r'-'l fur tlie hint two yean 1 cannot dtaeriSt tn you. I o ,n aueli a;o,iy tint I mvtr .-. t. d or nirht In (k rjt my Kin brouglit me one ol your u..u. r.ipjT; 1 re.d it, ami tnuni! record ol . . - . .. . V" "y .!"' i"i i leiiow iock anu irmruriiij," I ai.i.l "d ;'"t two b..ttl' a of n, .,,,1 coinin.-nied t.-ikim. i l' in two weeKa, to ray wrenl aatnliiahmriil. mv orea all luMnie easy, anu I could t. j( u niL'l.t, a llimj 1 h id not untie tor two ye ir. W n n 1 had tiiaen an btt:i a, my aorea had nearly all ncalii.. .VI f ot(;a pot wt II aa ll It m:li.,nlo.i ul I tl.ive ho A' u il in al,, i-i.tit bottlcaof voiir " Ki. tr -( l j ow h a an. I .." i.i.,i I how hlV.-!t H' 1 I entreat nil of the afHicted lo try tliia mca. cini', ti.r r it w I eur- u ki.i.un i. ...... i. liie W"i!.t. L iy a.ide all pri . uilicu and in. I 1 Iry it, and prneUnti it great worth to aiifT-rinv ,Zi," t",r:"'1 10 lJRe ,ur " My case is wt I! known in a larrc portion ot South Caro'ina, tj -uria .Manama, .,, , iI(y aliould doubt 'iie above cure, 1 r-Tile tiirrn lo i .ill on mr, anil I will ahow tiiem the acra. I can be found in 'i'aiiapooaa Co., Alabama, one mile from .-t-t a F.rry. KK.NAJAII lltl,Ilt.s. 'i'h! V-llow Dock and Saraapjrilla ia wruliar. ly a.laplui lor ftmah aof dcI.caU' heiltli, re.u.ln. Ironi irn jjuiarity of nil n.lrilal dneh.-.rei , ami : olh r diaru-i peculiar to their arx. The propn. jclorlm in hia po:iofi c'eal nuinlier of ccr. tiiicatnof euri-l. rMrrnrrricrl t.i lli.j,lua.. .1 . .... tion. a..ure tin- a til i c led. th.t a boiil Iwoof iJr. Uuy.itt' Kllract of Vcllow li k ami SaraaparilU will at once regulatis Ihoac ditfir ul. tua and renew the natural tncriric. ly Put up in quart bottle. Price t pr bottle. Sold W holeaate and Ket. il by k('M IL k MKAIi, 1 I I I'burtrra St, N. (t. tiencral Aifenta fhr the Sauilherrl Slatea, lo whom all ordt-ra mint be addrraanl. Sld al.o by tii- priiii iu.,1 Jlruggial iu every vi'lajjf. ii It ATI.N . Jttil I'uhlislicil : A .Veic Jjiyjovery in Sllrtn trie ! A r'KW VriRf)H OV TIIK I'M H ) A I, l ltlJA I M .N T, xTi-VVV matorrhea uSXfe S,,,., ttpinta, I.a Ihoul .VI. iheine. ol iM-r. I.O...I Weak- u I)' I. i lly. Ixiaa mliliie, vV en 1- ttvun f the I.imba and f'aek, lruli.i. aitiou and frira imlv f.r St ;uv and l.alior. Ilullni of Aopn-. hen. i", ii, J of M inory,averiiii,p to S:m fy IhiVc of S.,iit,.ie, 'I'm, i,!ity, S I! Ihalru.t. I): II ne.a, Ili ad A'-he, fitvoiufitr v Jia' tario a, Paifn in lhe Sine, Atf eliou of the fivea. I'iniilea on the J-'ace, sw-xual au otiiei InhrniitMa in man. raoM tnr rarNeii ok na. a. or i.asy.v. The iiiipoftaet Ii et that llieae alrmin rom. (.lamia iniy ..aiijp m n moved wmioi t MriiM.isr.. n, ir Una amali tract, clearly il ; and tne entirety i,ew and highly and wlirrcaarul treat, mtiit,. anopteij by the Author, fu.'ly explained, oy mean, of w tm Ij -ar vi-r y one lafm.blerj to rear iiim.h.i a rrxtr:f":t.! , asp at Tnr i.rA.T jo.-iai.c eo t, aoniiu tlitreby all tiie advertisi d noatruui Ot the ijay. Sent to any iidraa, fratia and p't free in a scaled envelop-, by n iinMn. ( pnat (.aid; tarn noa. tage atampa to llR. fl. )K I.AMJV, .So. 17 I,,a. j turd .-' New Vora. i0tJ3 "-3 Wait for the Waggons ! 117HAT FDR T v you. Well, we will U-l! .tre r H' M- . have uJ LttU J-Ji ' d " - 1 1 " in IVillianig, New Brick Ituiliiinp, Chnrlnttc, N. C, just opxaitc the Hunk of Charlotte, wlit-re tun be fuund the largest, clicupent and best stuck of evrr orJVred in North Carolina, all of whieli v ill be lold at the l.iwcut CASH Tricot. In addition to our tegular ssnoitiiient, we liuve i diH'erint aizea of the cilrhr.itrd h si w larn'm-m.-'ei aT: r -'B' h a ' with whieh wc challenge the vor'id to produce a better. We have also nil kinda ot Slmi-a auitable for L'l.ui.iies. Slnrcn, l.irlori, llcd-riMims, Ac., Ae. Now, we will ti ll you wliv we our udvertiai n.rnt " vail fnr the irozatint." l la B i aue we liavr thrro wfirn coiialanily llircnli tht -..nntrv witiiSlnvrai.ini w.ll.hln. r iIkiii Willi, in 5l milca ot Cliarh.lle. All Sti.vea auld l-y " w ill t" 'Ut t'r. e ul r!'rL'e un.i iti nM. il to ;i well ; and now, aa we have told you about Hit- Sli ia t w ill ay I i yen, that we he til kimia of MitiTTLi:) srovr. rin:s, .vr., coiu.t:iiit!y on har.d. UTAH ORDEKS aent to ua will be promptly attended to by ra.iaj iv ii . tJmitii aLalaWa. Sl iiv ii i:r, j For Coughs, Cnlila, Infiuenzn, Coetiveiif IfiU-a, AtTeCUniis of the Kuli'i v nid Itlailih r, (Jravi I, tloiiorrhosi, (ilcel, the Wliitea. VeaUma and other Ftinale o npliints. I'rice per buttle, 75 cciila and 1 2j. Gold Mine balsam, ot lvtw ptic Hitters r t Tincture Tunic N rvine. A ititt-r from J. R. fVllnni, Urugg it, .Miltun N. C, dat-d Aug, 1 1, I : Dr. J. K h ul Ih-uT Sir: Your medic int huvn given riitirc s-.tinUrtion in tin steti n t rt.iiit. iry. The Ai'vssinia Mixlf Piprt-i.t My is tiiyh ty approvtri of. It lm never f.uUti torurt m -iy cwt it plIii to f.jt. tint I luvtr lud tftt iih t.- i .i . j r . :ti .... i au.;.p.j llir .,. uii-n... , win F,- ..u . J. Ik. A l.ljt .'1. AflKNTS Win. V. S.inilcri, Wa.h' ; R. T.'C. Ro kiiirh:iii' ; Thifcr Si. York, f l c. rd ; T. J. Iloltnn and lr J. K. ; ilmi r, l.arh.ttr; Sill i Sill aud J. U. Luiiiaa, Si.liburj ; and K. I'er-1 ry, Lexintfut. i Drj hfc, Grxtrt Imkssvx li'-x Mi ' i. in-- i U yf. r, CARSIACF.S, FRU. i TREES, OB a T-l. (la( r If S I 'HI CITY OF NEW YORK, AT ! I'Ml IK'.T C'oMMIsSliiN. J'tVl la Hn. A lir .1.... O. t B.l-e. D. L. Pw.ln. J. M March's I P. Meudelina'l. J IV O.I.rD, N. W. WtfoUfin, vnd .'U.crt sw 1, la .Notice. II K mpartnf rh:p u ndi r lhe name of . Sf'. of OcImIkt, l'.'4, l yiu!tia. con;-nt. Ail 'i r Ifiis infk-iiU-d to fcani firm, and to II. f ini1' tiduilJjf, mrn e;iri t-t!y r fpicflt-d to fnkc p-i iiiriit by tlie let ot Jjtiu ry, r.r tluy find tlitiu in lhe iihr Ur colh r.iin. II. SKVKK.S k CJ. N. B. The 1 .W VCMAaS wi!! be carried mi t-v the un,,VraigiM d, (ul the old aland) onnne tlie ( ourt-llou.e, i-i re they wi!l be ready to teeonini'iilale, onu and all, wtio ih to part-nte of a pcai glasa of WISE, IlliASDY, S( H.MEDAM S It MAI'S, WHISKEY, DEER, I'Of, .jr., or to unoke a gnnd r H- . E3K -,' at any time, (Sundaya txcej.teH.) j . utJaS is i;u. ALSO, ALL KIMis Of 1 'Vine. Uq'loia il nt I.rtiiatn ) rii. will b aold by lhe gallon, at the Intent '"" tnr CASH. J. Ll'LoS k U :inf 31, iS. -M. IIOWKLL Saddle k IIarr.ess nahufacturer, THREE I'OOHS H'iL":iI OK 0 II01L. e n i:k r 1 1;, I V(M M) rempf-rtfuUy inform i ntizf-ni of ( harlotte oml i V tt.r fturroundififf cuuntrv. that I" 'JQT have now on hand an exu-mivv . anrliiiiTit of &wl(l!et, Jriffrxt IJarnrss, Vfid'l!rry third uctee, 1 1 1 Whins, liufhifo IMfS. Jone Hi a 11 lst athfh (7ot ,s Skirt- y"o,'"J( I Patent, Enamelled It Harness Leather, ..get tier iin en ry thiiic uniaiiy li in my mm of b.lNineaa. j Ij Saddlu and Mamma Makera furni lie it, with 1 every thing ni teasary tor curry nig uti tlit buailu mi, on the fnot renaonaldc Urtua. I 'All kinda uf Sad, ll.a and IKirm a made al thu '. b .r 1 1: I ii'iliep, j l l Itl'J'AIItl.NO; lirnlnjilly eTetllted: f. M. UUWKLL OriUer 2-1,1 -al. 3',tt J.M.Davitlsoii.M.J). rtZaau af 4'KltS hi. V.,leaairi! ie.-vitf. In liie nliZKii nf Chdrfotir aad I In- aurriuritiinf rtmrtiry. Ilia fMnr i in thff room iiiiiii' di iif! y ab Vte li. Y. r d- wardn' More, writ re he un always rt t-jtafitj vhrr. tot jiroft ai-ioiiailj artM'd- UKJ a. a. . I 1 Cm fOIJ ritlM IM; of all kinda w.ll be nei,;' and muidilioualy taemL o ,( U,e ;,i,rili.( . rulina Whu 'Jlliec. r x 1 S.H.RANSOM.UCC ALBANY. you. It i. bcc-atiae D S CrVJ lifle. D !a. ; opened JKNKI.NS TAYLOlt. 4lt' C AKOMN.V l-N.N. BY JEaNaMMlS 15. KEU i i Itarlutti , .. . F'l.rn.iy Hi. I--..3. . .In' CIIAIILOTTK Cnrriac c.r'.-- Manufactory, YO. a:i, Opiwsitt Iff Jail. T II E nuln"rib r h-ri-tiv ili''ri(i lm fru im:' tile put'llc, Itlat hi- llii.ll 11 1 irton t u! of l.i : 1 .-t nijtt-rtala, and ! v tlie b- l of w ur:tint 11, eery ; kind of , Am, ,.r ur , ;., 1U. urr.1: t rv rlii;le mail T pil)tlI it. Ilr tir. ; 1,,'t a ail his tilii, t. .tel. l 4iul meuii and fl.itt- rx hi him if tti.-st I r .n f.:i mfaetiult to a i i u iio n..y r.;. on b.:i tu ill truilr, rnt ral Silt. J. '1 KOT'I Kli. I uf 4 LI. niiitbteil ,i tl.l j; ami i'X A. I li.wvll, ., auy.are ricin.teil ton.-k fume of l ea tt Orr , r lo Ui V i !l iiiUiv nm m.Mt oi.'le p., viilinl. In loy ai'.eni - lue Ilooa.-'tiit II, c iiami. oi Air. J. i'. Sin. 1. 1, to aeltit tiic a-uiie. Ch.nwllr. .Vrr.'i 1 I. I -C I. ,'.( uUli'. M ill tM III I. authollMU C. J. ft iX. ill It. II llllI O, ( (MiuhMo ti8:i:i n.tvr, Corner of IUrh.if!fn unit ltu. tl .;;-,'i, CULL MlilA, 6. C. June G, al. ly A I'iiiltT iinlt'il. ," (.(Mil) IK)li: FALS I 1.K, lm la a ir-i:!e t-t.ilt ill d aa a tine tililahcr, Can obtain lUilliettlati- altU ieriliaflelil einplov nit ii t by iiifjutriiit; of ilia uh.i.iihrr at t lia.-ii'tle, .V (.. W. K A INKY. I hit Juue C, 1 ? WARDLAV;, WALKER k EURNS1LE. COTTON l AC'lOKS AM' CUMMI.s.siiK M HllCl LISTS, NOKTIl ATLAM'H: WHARF, cif.MiLK.sroN, s. r. 37 i 'ornin i.-iol ti r a i!n t jtl eta oer B-l sr,1. -j:, j -.:. j ut riaVi-:K -t.M) an i:. i I) ii. i iAVAiio isi.F.u hi io .-si A.iri:ui; ; .MIX II I.I tor lm liver und Aeui.t ha. i (;l'i Kever, J I v .je ji-ia and all Ililn.tia A lh 1 liona. 'I ti I'lnpm l"I nl It. I All e Hi ne Hill i,t Il , illi. I .ill ..In, ll or I. ..I ol l.oi,"l', Il,.,l SI A Ml 1.1)1. MIX 1 1 1,1. ha, enriit ii.oi. ncM.ii. ,.-, ,1 I.... ... . n ml. . tn . i ry oln. i in iit U-v i-r tut ..I..,.. i.i-t i.-i h.'!.i.iiM it'll r .l liK ;..f tj tii" Hi; r .Ik I-tit in : It r, .ltd liij'iily i-'irnu. 'Int-j ir 't mii'iicy , i'i r-tiii v. ui , :it t'- -l!' i It ti !) t , ..rt.f U tllj i i.e i n. t bi. ! i . ! r ur n Hi I;.- 1 1 lieu il I i t i m i.f i'i 'nm until. 1 i' W iHit j .11, ,1 ... lil ''Ltl- t lid ll.' 1 1 !' ii W ii' ii ail il. J'! j !. t" In Hi ait . t ! . -, I :H C( li c A-uf y; v-ni, Hiii t.i !i I., ,,,t -itif, tat lm- jr.Ii- i.t I ll 'l iM-li-. ij 1.4 UlitU r tl itu;' 1.1, .ill-; I..t ) Ut-.y I-.; . --r;;tiifi . 'I -i l'i-. nt .j n.ii.t! mi dJIids tj!' CMlil"i ..t In, Ul tl.i, -i ttjjt i t-.biut) , fiut (-rttiit. (..ijiitj i,, t out' hjti!e ..iitl y-iii Milt li- vt tin- nil. i i yourw if. I- uil din i tion 1- r n um lm:M Utti'-, ir-Uft.tJ t.l a t't'-L( t th.U- i'-L i.- i tv. m H l.tjy nit.- ir fii in J ' ijh.pany ( irtifir-iti c.i ri lf n ut the oil. , -!.. ii1(( win-re Ii in tin n,c (. . t t.ri.l l.,iiull utl.i httve fvtilid. Yu? liyy -ia uml ult (lit r li iiouw ( Mfiijilmti t, hi re in nut tit r Mi iliririt; in tv muiKi t. 11 " n t ut' n wan li.t- aKtriMnli. lu ,M:f,,',,,, --vtf..i i.f KhiruintiM,, n.i tw ii-c a if.i y. UfiUc if (Inn M (iirjnt (Ty otun lua thr ' ; " 11 ' (- ' ' ' . , 7 , ' " ,,M- ' UM 1 l"l,'n M.att ft nd t uiiinjin. All whi.ii 'i,nii7i niii-t . In ."1 I;a I i i - i 1 1 . . . ' V " 1 '-"i - milNTn. V. V. PK.(.TI. Italei..!,. M.MUN I! I. I T .V (JO., ClinTl. ston. Srj.l, ,!,,! ., I.-.',.). y Kight iSide Up. c iiiAifU.s t. i;m.i:iiAiiij .V CO. arc alill J carrying nn I!,h B BCXJk B. lgjliaaji - - "' - - - . . 'W. i tn. ir i!'i iit ted, twii i!ia,f 1 iniM.ii'a ti.ri', where atl w can c utitailieil. w r.rk- If. Mi it Hitld III tilt If ItlK j JAII r.n . nf lll.vnv Ai 1 1 1 ; Willi I, j hand and fnr Ala-., au n.,r lijl. 111. At 'h'. I !.';. I.y I In- wlinlcnale ami e.., n, mulaelurLd by I'. 'I . I.l rlial l. fl'-AII iirniia indebtiil fnr l.i.l yar are rr. iMe.e. lueuiiie and 1 1 le ( 1 1 1 i r a.e'iiinla. Wi ll,ut have limn. V. r. T.;i) .v co. iil.iuurij S, I .VI. -Ji( Merchants' -Hotel, king-st., Charleston, s. t, BY JA.III'S .11 III HST, ONE DuLLAll AM) m'TY CENTS TUB. DAY. ClKCHLlll FOR t ii,iitLi:vr., s. c. "W 7 K beg to inform our frienda and buyera of V I'rv tinoila nieruiiv, iniii we nuve niaue EXTENSIVE I'Rhl'ABATioNS for our ill VI V 7.1 fl We ahull be prepared tn ahnw one of the LAR GEST AM llrT PEI.EtTKD STOCKS we have vet offered, (elected, aa usual, by ouraelvea in all the leading Eurepeuit Mmkett. I Our est ililmhineiit and biiaineee i now ao well , known aa beinir one of the host aTrNiva in thia , cvuulry, tiiul it ia hardly neeeaaury tn repeot whut we have olt.11 aaid In fore, via: That we are prepared to otlVr one uf the Largest and dost Extensive Slock of ForeJsn and Domestic 10 he found in thit Country, embtmcing all that it AVir, A'icA and Detiiallt in Dren limit 0 erero eoi ty, Cloths, Cas'imeres, Linen Goods Hosiery, I Domestic (Jood, of all styles, i Carpet', Moor Cloths, lltif:, Pruggets, Curtain Materials, House Keepiiig(joods,o;c. I 1V( Alio t'FFtit I 00 cases Negio Plains and Kerseys, j of the bi.-l niakee and etylee. e.3 h.U ruillt il iiml IMiflil Hi ..Mtrrs. We pay preat a Hen I ion w tlirav giMnia, anu are prepared to auipty lhe trade 011 the heal terma. It ia nor di it-ruiinalioii, aa it ia oer tree inn r- i-M. to makr our pnere o n 1.1 v isiroaa 00 low, -i to arcurc pbpuiarily, ae larll aa lo aulc our llnua,-, bot'i 111 ita ori.imilion and eatenl, Hortby tlit- llaile of lh South uxd South Welt. UANCHt'rT, UKTTS & MARSHALL. Am. suy 4 iill Anif Sir,t. July i, l?:t. l I'ibliiiaiable Tailoring. r Hit: s r n w imm: A. tn-iH'iin rt U tut pub. lie if it rail)', tlut t ii rtutr rrriiiin i lrg at. eortmttit 1)1 lit w Clulhs, I'iijsimcrcs i.yas, f,it ll!rmrFi'i viiri- ...t.i t'f CAfl al (.tii4U pr,t, f mailc lo iiiitf t lhe Lull kl;ri. p mil 111) I .V, t.. Ii. I). L. i:i:.. Cha,i.4te Srj. '.'fi, Ib.'.t. 33lf )iai:i;lk x). I ii r AV!(i or entire in(rct tm l T.le V rd l.rti. V,.T,tl..'t Sl ii-roii.iiit rid liirm our Irirt ri. stuwi: & i ixatAM. F't'inhri 5ti, T-l 'I'll K subscribers having bou-cht out t!ie iu ! 1 terest of Mea-r. it'jwe A Pep rani n the ' t hab itc Mo.-blc Vard, re. tlully lender Id ir arr- fie, a r. lm pe'jiie ol" Charlolte and lia Country j generally tn Una line ol buvinraa. lie ia fully j pn pareii lu ftirmall i Lilt; liiii il H iS, GiinVESiuniLS, I . Maiblc Steps, Table Slabs, i n rial u(h r iiltf-rn4 cut fioyi mrt-, arvordnif lo ' the lli'lf n 'pf iiTi fl faii-lt (iU mty It , ltd ULlllti Mioft n iM.iiii- liiif ttrnn iter ollrfrti n In utiH rn rtiui.trj. Tin; utti is iUatrdin li NuithWiatl firr(f oi Hit i iiaarinlli- I ixit X tiK i w j, re I s Llj'Cf U n, f-f Uiaj i.eiiii, in. y ni j ! WM. TIlLY A pi ix. j .V.i.mei .'I., 1-54. 33 if I- uiorrat and t ..nrord t.axettr w.ll C''P A. C "WILUAHSOiY, 1 ii. 1 1: i. o t i v. I I.I. hraelire :n (tua anil I h' adjoinier rnnn tiea and wtfi all nd lo ad nrulraainuai fau men. en' riiaieil to h ia ( hnn.,tle. Jiiavart ill, Ill fj!t21f iTj t :A,.ll,4 I .''f.L, rv riiLM. In I puldic. t uparlnraliip : tlml r 1 ravr t i 4 lorui'-d , uniier 1 1 1 naina aid aitl- nf , OVi:Et.1l.t. iV VII.M)., 1 fur thfi piirpnio cl iiiaituficiuriM CAUKI.Uil 1 (if I rT lea. -rip! uiri. 1 Vv e iriiinii.e work, in a wold nuna in tin : m,j, Ph.ill .i.fiMM u., j 1 TAl.t. vviiitk WARIIANTin. ni Kl' I It I M . dun al lhe ahuilcal notice, and fin Ilia lliuat iiiiiili-rale lenna I ll "s.i(ii nn 1'ryini and Church .Nireola, nrarly ) 'i;i(.ijailii tu Kair'a Hnlei, CIVI KM AN. VA I l.MIA. Vhntlotlr. July li. Ifl.'i'i. t)it i n-t i i;ti.i Kutual Life Insurance Company. Oi l ICE, UAEEJt.ll, A. c. I """ I 'I11'! r"'"l'nv mntmaea in in.tirn Ibe livca ul B a'.i hi allh) V hue t'er.iiti. ami 'av. a. The great. .! n.k I., ki n 1111 a liie l.'j.llt'll. S ave. -e ni.uietl lur a It 1 111 ul una lu five itn. I.,i 511. Iheii vaiua. tirrit-caa. I'r ( li.rli. V.. J hn. 11. I're.iilrnl. Will, f,. i. lla v tvia.ti, Vit I, eaitlrlil, J,,hii ti. VV libatna, sieeretary, VVil iain J iut-a, Tree.uitr, II W. II11. lid, Att.iinty, I'r Win ll. VI, Km, Kiiniin.iig rby.tuian. J. Ilr'ainati, Itenurnl Ai'ent. An In.... m e 111 1,1.1 ao day aficr aaltalt lac '(irv jiriml ia pre. e. i.f q. B anka and I'ainphleia, tl nwin, tlie plan of op. Hmn nl lhe (.'nil, i n r , rn.y he had 1,11 . .l ir. ! .,n it llielMi,. t. .,, any ol the Ar'nure. AllltKa.a on h.iatne.a alinuld be adHre..,H I., , , J- WII.IJAMS. ternary. Jv!y 3. IK.-.5. ,:,.r y Mum- ll.ikt i s W.-uifctl A T IHIOXK'S It.,,,! A s,., f:..,,.,,u, If B 1 aa.ra- -rmt. a aa Eibruury 13, e.',i. Vim lotle, A', f. J- 8IIARP, HJIAUC1I cSIIAIM .4 1 ci i o v t; it x c : o n n i m COLUMBIA,8.c, WILL attend to the mle or all kii!, uf chnmliau, I'riMluce, &c. Also, l!m . , I'eraojiul Property. Or purchuae and aill Sk & c.,oii t'oiiiimaaion. t Sale Rooms: 120 Blchardf on Street And iinniediiitely onpoaite the I'nittil 8tai,.. n ', fetiniiry 7, ISi4. 4Hf K DOCT. JOI1NSTOX HAl.TIMOhK l.l it K IIO.-1'IUi ' TW"l':,IK b" ob""""1 io.i, x7 u.eaaanl and rrluvlual remedy i,i lh j for all SECRET DISEASES. Uonnrrlioiu Rle t, Sinciurra, Kuminal tv liraa, I'allia ill Ilia Lo lis. ( . inl n ,, ,una 1 Inipotencv. Wank. a.ol' Ilia lin k anil . ,, I.'1 fa, iiona of Ilia Kidnna Ha uiiaiion 01 i,g lr Uyppepaia, Meivone Irrilaliinty, Iilci,,,, t('t'1' Ili ad 'I liroul N"a or t'kiii J and an n,,,, and ma am l o v di otiirra anting In,,,, u,e j,,,' live huliil of VoiHh hu ll di.lroy hoih hd, mi d lima aecrtii and aotHnry praeiit, lll0 1 lo lhir Vicliim lhan Ilia annfa of Ilia syta,,, tl)'( inurinora ot UlynM-i. b liiinc ilinnm, t,,,!,,,' Impira or auucipaliuna, rehiliring inarriac 4.' iinpunaiblo. ' ' VOt'NG MrN KaafciaMv. who have brcoina Mm v.ciin of Sjjf, ry Vict, ilial dreailfi l and diaiineiive hahii ai,lr. ini Iu an unliiney (tae lliou.m,,', r (oi" men of ttm inoal raallril laii nia ami bni i,i m, ei-.i, who initlit uifnrttiax linvo anliam.u ,,1M, Sauali'i Willi Urn lliuiolrra ot a 1 qmnre. ur 10 a. alary lhe Jiving lyre. Oiay ca.l ,tli u; cm's duni-o on linn. MAKItf(;r: .Vni'J Vrioia, or hoae rontrniptain.f ln.j. av, Irli.K aai i pSyaira Mhi.m t...,jij lialiluU y COII U.I III J lid bo II alulrd I,, i., b j lid III lit n p liiniaeif uni)-r Hie cif .if h, Juiu.alon may rl'tfionty rorti'lv in lot a,Hit! man, and (.oi:llui?lil y luly lron liu tk .t t phy lll-Ht'K. No 7. SofTH f iFl.tmrK Tl,r, 1 tooaa ratiM iai.timob !Mat nr. ( m,) tp tH( ei't ra LJ lla raaTiecLaa in uiia-rvitg n,r a4as,nj 1 t Nara, er taw h.ii mirwit the finer ao j 1 I l( t. M Ittl) liainua M f'llARtil-; MtitbTlf tr iitna ft YAK P. 1 li t, R aJuMfcrn-fi liliieoiily iv'timr' j Kduiinj p i(. i i.rmti o lu ativertpf hit r ry iumi hn!tEr j and hit U- ond--iful I utt MilTi. gmi a aic- to lit i fll-rl.d 7 ra truh tu j tity ffi JFftU'ffy fuicj thuuld Miiiiijcy, ctiia utn iMi iMrorr hd Uii y lumJiti, , tj and ii'iy lu If J'litarti.i I'K Ji'HNSTnv, Vf nhff t'f lha Hoy l oMrpn of rt(a.i !.MtJ-r. tit ultiala f'utn in. uf I tie ih il rniHtfut t t . g ( sj liie I'tiHfd Ml i and lt. yrfB'tr pnit ul ; tH ;f, hnt tMi - Jifnt lit III lliiopiia f of . taitnit.1. fatt, t'rii adM tn and rletthiia Iimb rirfLtJ iti iii'jl aitnti tit. itif rutrt that mrt efrt M anjr In.cihlt d K h f'r ir in I vn t t t4 alifii aar;t, g ri bv r o n , Wji f m tnt4 tl titj J, ti t m i oil and bjliu lra ar ult tit h tti tr r alirt.ift. J si iiir i nn f( iili Uci ai'cii.tut 14! uai. rra cur d iimnrtlFate y. A I Kk TAIN ll.KAFK. W h"fi tl a maguid'd and imj-nnViit T-t-tef ptraivtira Hi (J l.a Ita tiiibfl rd the a 1 thu j.. n III' t0, it li,- Oflfll lt( (-lta 'Itit gti t ' i 'i iii h of piiama or dr4d 1 t d'aottry 1 4 from M'r'y"'C 1(1 tl.txwt ha. (ruin rdtr "mA 1 44p: !' 1 y, ran aftn. tv-irirnd him, tW Ui rona 1'wt nnl at niMutna ot 1 lna 1 01 id D litis- Ihrtr a;jf if nirr, iiieli fult9 tmrti n-i-, ft'tifti ni iiiif.uitia p.i ir iff ' hf h tj inf 1 , fjinm aa 'f g'll il-a'urtaa hnfl a tt. llir r id arma bouh-a on il ld. fare and intBi. t ri prirrkai ou ith lr)lillul tatitit in it tii I fiiUlr ot fi mouth or l cm 1 ol ih RwtiM in. atd tiriicn ol tMa fut r ' lrttftn knrritl thj-r nf rpntm a rattion ill d"ltt p. rit'd to f t atrtii -i.ljf rirfi !y arndttf fe nt h " OmI btinrii Iron l n ro travrl rr ritifrt 1 o W' fi, Ir J. Hin n pgr h m f ftrrarfva tt tnfat int.ijla'"irrr ar ; d Itf-mi. iiri iit p'at i-1 in i fir.i If tn't in I im ai .1 j 11.1 ca, t ran n i.fiilri.i y :armm6J t mti arid rrdv rurt to Hi m l iui i"i m ?f ilni I orr d iliaa n a u. v'y ua l H tliM'ta-ii d lail !i itii't li ttti dr-.4liu! titi in 1 Iha nntkiilii ittn of ipM(fiil prf ritlr 1 f by iIip OaM9 it iiii d y put nn iitrruryt tw6 f runatiiution tid ot'lu f hil iha un.rt uuii t- tt ' rr tn an uitinn y , vr mi mk ihw tn ' ol li'a niiapajii a. ! TAfcK P A Nl I tl.Aft Oir Yr Vr J addrraM-a atl IhnM vho itifrd i1. 1 - t.f prvl aitd 111 pfO(-r indnlfTt,, r ; "I lirf) ari DfHfi o' ih pi'. a id ii,elnchci!f t ' prod'i' rd f r y hMia of Jf-uth l , U ?kni 01 ll. a Hit k at.d I.oim, V 11. a in iti I rad, tht,,- ol h fhi. I m nl Ukuii ar 'nr Pn'i-rij Ilia I rri Tpia N r r vo'a I rr tuti. ni ll f Ilia) l'f ttv K'tM I'l'lta, OrnaiaJ liei -i J, I vn-ptoi.a uf l nntni p it-'H A a. tomtmi y I tt- triirlu- tlcia nn iha, nti-d hmjv' 'st Hff-tt t' ; l.i aa nf Vlfiinf v , t tn'nti 9 s( I tra I 'ar i la'itiu uf i(.irMf I tit t ur- ditsj -' .ii'h 'il Of'it-lf, f f lliaitlt l.nvc O .u m y , ' 'I HiudilT A f., arr amt ul I fir ei prniufk4 ' mm -4 ii r 'oii of i)i-a tin i -f a hut ia Mia 1 itia . iiir-r Hr!Miiti t ,,i!h. I, j Ihffir V'tf, hrroiiDMj e.i plr aiiil nnapialrtl hrt a airau ar itfiiara S,,ui tl. vytf, cau(b t'J a.M'piuiia ft t ntuiTi't'ti, j M'ntim Miif-i,o lii-'Ht' rnntan'p' jtif g mnrf ' ''if itifi ut p vira i rli lira, nu d fiiffitj' ! a't iy r-i ! t I'i J M ftt.- mliirfti . .rirtM n th. Mi. JiHiHiVj S K.I'M A I IMi KrWt lV hi Mi ujii, ..M, U r AhSr . j (If III a g ir arirt m pur t a tit r'n.nh a oakiM ill- ni f -11 a ia ii ill y 1 ur d mil I ml ?tj('r trH-tii. "I lt u.Jt-tia o! Ii a iin-t voti at.d flMi.'ta m. ' di K nJn it a iMi ,an li-al al i o r l Wa ti en nm AtC, i aie.y rictad. A'l iinariintnia W I 4VH1UI.4I.K. V- S -. rtl rt Mrnfa P. i S fi. u i ri. $rt U I 1 l.ihiH' 'I f itikin .tm a ini t a h t.r ft "i tl,t 11 wat It an 1. i It ird, pr i.!) t tn id ! 1 r - J Y'l ii n-an a h a bsv it j-in d I hrinn Ivei Ml ci Hmn i'iliie indii'.iil in mI.ti. i i-M'i if-i1 Iri qiiuilly I'-areid ffnei rTil rnn,i.i in-, fl v! .ei nut, 1: a . An i ul nhteh am r'lf'.1 v fi h- li.n aeln J :t nut rnirit, l. title i in. iw !,i."il,!i , ai cl tlp-t.n . hn h .. a. d bi-r H I at a pin Hi.' a J an g n ... 'In I I ' I run. Ir t. llir barber ril h I a rt n... h eft j .nan l. d from all p-i'.j . la at.d r j .y.i.i t. a( " f 1 1 y ibe nn .i oi. n. i a nl d Ttatit'i; irmn rf,p i 4 61 ' l.alillf, ai d lCllli..r ir re.ta.l. ir.'l "n!!" ' Sai b I'lfMiiiti, beiere r-mil a . f t .i 1 1. j M Mi It I ' V., Mn.t.ld l. Hi Cl llnl a anuiid nund and h.,l, arr 'k j ii. re I nieiia.ry rrrtn-ilra Iri irmni.t ria,.iii I I'l.taa.. Inrtrtlj. thiilll lhi-r, the jl I'I.ei I Jl u-rrh lite brrmtira a weary iiilriinitf. i 'I'. I? " t c hourly ita. Urn. lu Ibe via It.a . .11" bir-.n e. -M' ' d.r.l with Oi air and fil.i d with I'ic w'" ' ' 1 r. Hut Hun lli.l lh liai jilnaaa ul nm Ul bawiat. b it h . d with nnr f. n, ItHILfcNO 7 Mil' I II I III IH HI hsltllti. II. l.i ' ai L a i' ariir.i. cria armaa pi a 1 '. n N. ll. 11 lluncaC) ireT.nt vie., but !y iiiiiiituiai. lv 1 11 lit 1 iwi f.t.b ur I.y let-er. t fciM lii.x.r.i rn 1,11 1 I 1 aau. Itl slllAiNOKK.H. t Tlr nat y thi.uHttmt cuittl ul 'bta iiisiituimn 111 tin la.iirn yiaia. ana li e iimiier. ." '"' taut hur(;i-al t(.ci all. na pr rhmm d by I'i' m t rued bt II. a In nh 11 . .. ilia piit, ai d mi1 i.lber nar.uiia. i,iftni-l nl whn b have aepiaittl .'d ,in brtiirc lhe iul,l e, i. a .i.lbei'nl fn' "'" lhal the all.n.nd will find a aailiul and li .'" I .hfeli,ian. I TA K K NH It'll. I I' ia ia, ill. the -m.iii.1 1. In. lame lhal I ' J 'H N- 1 a, 'I i .M j ... . I., i.... Iha LiuMId , tt.t r.. "F ia i "iu "i i i"" .... di en,n,K H lil,iii.le.M,rj Itir a (iby.n " !l..t , bill 1.1. If . he did ao. the all li le.l. I'I"'11' j ..n(iii., i-i. la 1(1 mil lail In tali liilntbe liat ti ,h" in .nrli nl b allt ( iiiip.uli r., H.iliTiitual.iVatiiii'a- I l kl.nwh ilin, r.alne anil (harai.i r, .flia"t bi a.a i kei,riiir bnir.,4r.,ailvnliiir 'bell ar'lr-" f"' i'1' iai..j i'iiu;i i qua. k. aril fi'il y, f jteltfe 6ieu t rl Irvui I"1'" ' , I bf d.of iii.i.ii nllillM iJimf "a i lbs VVuri,,!, a,.d lW(tadrd. ami mai jt " Mi.f and I'liiiirmpiible ariii i-a lo ea'ivt 'I' ' ': i ed.t.iflu (j uivimli ilirr an ib,nr a. In. f atpa."- ' and in ilf. pair k-avr ynu H llll rill. vd n. al a, .. . . nver ynyl mu I -. j -pr dt-eiphht OK'Ul. I la (lit. met" lhal I'li.'urr. Vr Jl Inaitiirtire fm he iWre a' ,.a. lull,, ae una. j'..'n rd .'ll 'a "I '"'" '' Of ma il iiix:taiy io .av ilial tna i nd.nna'J ur lit ; k.rna. r.1 a v lian in bia t i1i'-r. VA f A K .N KSS ll 'I IIK Ht:N Wimdle!- )y rif.rn ami inlt vt nrre.ii.d I J r Ml I Klltts UMKIVKP '',f". lUs r l'AII and e.mlsina H AVP IK" THOS. II. MABCH. ' i I i

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