i WHAT NEXT ! It hi hut fe days since, taya tbe New York Express, tbat ,vo were called up un to rtcnrJ :he fact, tbat a Romish Piioot in Jersey City bail fulminated there a threat of exconuiiuiiicatiou against a liiilit iry com pany, for iLc nciuous offence of jroi nj; upon a certain excursion, contrary to lbs recoin Jininl utiou of the reverend father tbat they ahould pr.tro'uii.e one of another description Tbe aTojrauce and presumption of the thins occasioned no little feeling uiuouu both Cuth oiict and Protestants, and hardly bis this begun to subside, when our ntteiition is call ed to another outrage, of still more agizra sated descrpii.-n, on the part of a IV-pi.-h IViest. at Hartford. Connecticut. Without further preface nc s ubmit the f 'Uowiu Weil- ! authenticated statement of facts : Saturday evening, Aiii:urt 1 1, 1", Pa- ! id Dalton and Mrs. Mary Kin;:, of tins! city, went before the loan ivcNter. dielarcd ; t 'it ir intentions of marrii,;e, and wore I y I him, as justice of the peace, July and leeui- ' 3v married. Sunday, Aa. 1-th, tbe vi ry IUv. IIu;he, pastor of the Catholic church, , informed Mr. and Mrs. Pa'ton tint they , were not uinrrird were uo bi tter than the beast of the field were litiui; a life of prostitution, but that be would marry them all right fjr t.n dollars, and they must pay that or 'ie would hi.n'.'ti t lit iu Mom 1 i a it - -ford, and that wherever tliey went be would hive them banished. unless they paid him the 510. Th man llilton, beini; a poor la- ; bnrinjr man, bad ml f 1 to .'pare, tut told Father llii.-brs he would jrallier than have ny trouble) pay him five or eren six dol lr, but tbat b- co'iii pay no uure. The rer. Hughes said "No, not a cor.t less tlnn and be then tok from IV-ilt on the marriage eerii.i catc be bad; and although ured and r. iliesled to return it, refused and turned Mrs. Dal ton out of the lf'U-e and said i!i- y abou'd not be allowed to live in Hartford. The above cm le su! s'.:mii t!cd Iv the atb of the paitie". Mr. Palf-vi tid Hughes ' that she would puKi-h l.im if bo did not return her marriage certificate. Hube , said, " I vi'l p-a-VIMi and haiii?'.! you iu Curt h next Send av." , Hero ! a hoouti:" V.'. in-y the HsitfrJ Courau:,-from .v'.kh the' fta:enn.::t i ccpirj, ask : Wh.it are we coming to? Is th: a coun try wh:rc a priest and a cVrpyiuaa arc no Litter aivJ tl.at other people " or, a ri ve Jiving in Spain or Itaiv, wl.crc :!e pr:- -t I'.ai legal powers and the laity are n;-re l.easu if luvdi ii for t L -Ir t.re:i.-y revc reuce's to strad.l'i ? I..t any American, wi'.'u the fee! Ins of a n.an, ra-1 the a'tiv? tteiunt of fact-, and if lis 1-1 od d -c a toil, we pitv liiii. 11 i- It cum; tj ihi-, th it tli- laws vt oar State a".' t be tra-i jc-d and do-pisfd by the I-i-n ptieft. t'ivu frun a pipi.ii M:i::nary t. at oar worn- n are to be iusui'e', and ii-.-.:r ni:H delicate and lrink:u;i wii.l-iiiiiii re tj t.'t: Tu;iiU-tMy p'ayei up:'i ly this urrccnary pj.vt-r Is ; il t be end iied tiiat tins tiedi i.f pr:-t, but iiltie aio:e tu.ui a toy in ye-rs.atd with aacb a head l.iat he may live to tn-i age of; Mcihu-iah aua never aciire the j'l Ig turot of a msn, khaii uii lcil ii.c t ) coerce luen and wou.cu of Cotiiiecticut to hold at Li' pleasure leg 1 documents be! jngini; n oihir people that this ley is t fancy be uh itittiM vititet. of our Slat; '. We upprcua-i l? is more ltoe'y to pet lar.Ui.ed bini-eh' we apprel.eud he wi'.l l.ate la be cautious Lo.v Ls u-.es lan rrnje applicable to tliree fourths of our eit rxcua, if ap licalie at ail, wLi-u ae intimites ilat ptrioiis of dij-rcnt si, c-ihubitiiv, but uol taa'iicd by theCathv.ic Ciiutch, are u v4 married, are n ttlt.T tiiau tie bea-ts cf tie fi-.l-l, are living a life of j.r jti:a:i )u. T say so, is tj bastardize ttore t'-.-.i; threc jiarter of our population is to h -ap t'jc B.9t dejridin epithtt oar lacz i'tt c,ri tain, ou ti e Lo'.jved uiotbera. h lore us and the fati.. rs w !. hired us. Tt.i is 3 ': ; rojiitry, Jit awhile no thar.V: li Pri -t Hughes a ui he to 1 it a'.t j.''-tlcr Ijo frre a country fr lini ta li ve in, .:" l- p-r-aists in such talk. TLe tatett.ei.t ej:i to u from a respin-illo so;n- if f':ie-t Ilurhes wants a hearii;.;. l.e shall lave it, provided ho keeps reavv:.aL'!y ujju Ij lie p jint. A PISt'iJKl'.V. Tint candid and tr j'.':i-lo ii,.-tl.f t. tli Si:.i. .arri of tb-.- --r'tl itt.-tant, ti.os 'i. it-tfll ;u ril.'.ija t i tu last u'.c:- 'The pr . '. I'lTr.oi rstic lns'.ri'y in this State i. c.n.j j-ed cf triad and true Ileuiocrate, ai.-i ct l.ii'li-t'.it.'Jeci, 1. si.-or-.'.le Henry C!y V.':.i.-,. Vi '..a. e i ,-t. i: - ir -j-, a lew who p :..;'. d j 1 Dvni-..;rti. . b'lt v bave tea ti- - c jinnht-.-d ;.r ty accessions frvi te " ov..r o! t;. 11 jK !'!. is it eli.te ojr cjt.teiupjrare hf.s t . juJ t!iat "ia ua.-, in Uii a 1 miuded, h !.v.r&b.e Ji.my Cay U h; . Vele iu'ji.'...s ag-.i, ii.'c it jw.z to tL' same .s'! 'iti i. ii!, tiic U L.:fc-s oi .N'.ilii i.ifo.i:.. were any I'.nig Int i,i.h-!:..u-ie'J a .id 1. ,-n-walle. J v were ail j'.jii.;- cf the i;.-t unequivocal ca-t a..i .s of :ii.o..!i.:iiu. traitura to the lau 1 ol ti.-.ir L..:.., u-.i t. i !i.ies to l!;ir ou i. a. tn .IjU.. a:ji sl-iss. Ti.v ir canuidate for the w.i-rr. ihi-fi ! i..n. j.i"j ai. I i.i, :. i , a:,i t!."V tlil sup'p.lt.-d 1..M. WLli; the 1 . I Ulljt,!. t! 't '- d, M. ijul-Oll, se-v e.. , 1,,' y ...tii ,:i I.S up -oi. the fa. e rA tl.e e eai'.ll. I lOill u,e aviea of their f' et to the cto'. ..f ti. ir heads they wtle i...ti.;i.i : i t .o..M,e. li .; ss. aud putt living oti; ai.d i. t :.c to...o .otuc in coi. tact with tii' -ii. :ti it in i a! cvutauiiuatiou. Lot the ."hi, i;n i !.:- got li lie,. v.t,i,i..e en il- j. ,r'i. 1 1 iijii. which the si.iu vies t-: u '. i, t y, Li'!.,"l Jitf after uii ! '1 li' e an- i. n.-i.-'j, bo:.- vrable Ileiy C.i.y vV..i i., .-;itb f.'arv l,i., and ojr coliten.p ,r:-ry m i, led tbe fact.' 'Il.el. 'he .""l,.i.o;,i'. o..,-i 1 lo u...e full atoii 'ioe ut 1 j!" it- i roi-, i.u-1 y, on. v eo!ite.s t : , fi t I!..t'? is h a t.,.;;' a. aii ti , :i oraioe V. ,i , i:i i l,t. : ;te, L - t, i.te t-.- . . at the ii.e. nu.', n an u . i. i.'i Lriu.l aud civ out, "-!. nijut a iiar 1 i.ik Leeui il. .A.iij,ii. If li,. n a,.-, t .i-'a!.- p'-a'i i.! ;v t tr and a ir -r n t to , ; oi t lop Kotnaa Cfc'i".i I r ,',u-- w:th jut I . tii md at- t.ii'kt-d by l'.rei.-i.cts ai.d Cath-..:. v. i ! L J.-s ily weapon-, tic fi.. 1 ::!!,:;, t:,. s!ri,:,,. a po--t ir evidence th-l t!.i- a-'oiia-i u was not foi iii-d ioon ei.-iili. l! A . , llt.ifUl bl-'-aU-- th-.-y lie li; of .,- Irt-e us 1 i i v !''.i', ax. lj le f',, i ,m, by fj-cij::.. :o ui. I ' r. i ' . I i r- -, ;l l.rU i U!.. lu;.t lort-ii,vl si. Uld t.f tan'lt t...,r la-i-t mid tio ir 'it. .. Ji' I oii -ti, i,i.i, 1 ( .,. will shoot in.d iiHitdir licaij-e ti.. ure aotrd .i;inf', it i" a iiiiseralle n i.v.u hy tl.i y iLowlJ be Voted jr LmnsnUr ?VY jf I Ca'l I Jlorft. (Unnum ttGlbtg. w ..,,3. I -.''r-' - .' i ' f I ' , t'j x EVJfir-Vrv?-J. -VfM-K"" cihri.otti;: Tiu'sda). Sc plniibiT 11. h.U The L in I of UoM We aro i n t-1 : tJ ihr atlnr tor a vulunif tin. ; tier tite ;.li"vc t-i!!. H-.- sjvi lltat ln n l.e fiit ' tti C.ih uf. 1.1 U--it Iri'Mnii' ' (Mrnt tt J trm linn a j prmm? to cotMiuuiiMMU- ! lliftn u t !i inUliituce j us wiiuKl c tat in a ui.-t;m t iiii'd of tin trullil'u!- ai.,1 rvpiiU-iJ v4nUf.1l:!) ' I'oiilt-n.iai. luuccur- u.tnee iin premise lie hi pi v.? a rt uur tor- n-st-iuifiicet a ltd iiinc li tin! ci-.rri'bptnJir.oe to h return lie hai given . !' 1 1 ( ....p tumtics t make ihe vniuniu iiitrrcliiif l:c :y : ; "A wejfv ami ratl.i-r unprofitable Mjnuni of, ti;rcL- Vi-.iri in uruiiii p..rtn ol (.i-morn nlTr. e ; aiiip.-- tiioc kiid I'f'i'itriuni! y to u ctinf too thtioHgt'; cuiivi r .itt ttitti itn ruttciintis ttnd it tut ru :ti -. it Mjualur -in i s iiii.Htrv. itt t r'.u.f and lis iiwii.e, its a ut I i U i'ru. iSinip'y a'-iJ ifutu'uiiy I i;-vt i. history o!' try itii i.cu to !r.i.c"t lit'Uti-, v. !c ii. i.-f my rt-iurti nuoi t-U U t i -1 pffitl in ! t in' Of 1 1 v t il tr tV.iif; liit'r tc l.i t ii" wttrlJ in iJirr.it. vt; It.rni, anj nryctf it it s.. trtniK US'V, tiut I iit it'tur'li "Cft'i't-u lu thi.tr vt i fin-., iju t lift w i th-ut in .i r-'ltut ncr, bt Hig u...ii:t t f'f ri -it.on tjt'a lutik trout one o ..j.:t' us 1 1 1 i 1 1 nt jTui!urui2 any tiling uiore il, U' tiiau uii -i r ins 1 it i! Ul is a rec.iii. D.t'i.i .t.i u to tiic ui jm. , nJ troiu a cur-ry rx Etiiiiii. ii "t" ir. t: wdili wc !.'. linn-mi t ti our rra cm ii r,Ui!c iii ml', rt wtiii publication nntj utl! v t.rt'.v f ,a (-; ru..!. Tiii wcrk.no i.'u!i, c-n Le ii-a -it I. v r v A. I!i:i:i-'. Thr Epiiltoif in Nurfflk snd Porlsmi'Ulh. 'I lu-ri: a:.t.: l- . i I.lllc M'jUnieiit of t;ic Y.V'w lvtr i.ta.r n. t: !a it V.-rtsrnouth, a;,: tr.e r. . 1 11 u t , n ot I ;n t a o ir. c- 9 i nlol ilr picT-;.!..-. ..ir,..K, c,'ciav cciiia lobe mere ntlctt. t o ti. - n t'.'rtM; ';:'!, iiini 1 iv .-. ( nt'piit rt i so an pfctl tui wail nijljna l!;3t rrsilni who arc well ii-ni!! v a t .iv c-l. T::t-re :i ;'C'-l but l.ttlr :.! o:" ti:-.' i .n-.ifr ui.t.l l:.c ir is uti f.ra t;v ii.l. Tin- u; ..: :i ex:'rcitid l!ut Him c:s i: . u:l ii,wi-..-ir. .NrtiwiJ h.r ivrai s s.uji:c t..-t in jin.lhvr yi-it It 'ltinior.-, Thil i, hi, i ai,j Ni-w yt, w:l! ik-xI b att .ek.d y l,o i ;'it. in.e. Il i!i he t!.e jurtol t'.ice i-.l.'h t i l..Rt- iv. rv ifLi-..nt. ji.rv lliuli to TcVi nt II rt-.t..i l i ., in, cr u !u ll r --.. ci. I l.ru. to l ; pre. p u.5 lo .ri v-t.t Um or.-au I'V luMhp r moved rvt-r v t:.:.n In t Wc iu( y :'r, in t lull I l.g 9-1 ' l." i 1 1 r 1.' Dr. Jn.i. M.-ti 'it It- tltl 'T Ann T'r:U the foi- rc!.tlv- In i hi jidciiiic: d returned ti titit c.tv yultr-isv ni'.rnr..' ir .i:, , u ii.llitr I.l i,,.a, h c n J tr i i Ms li t- etjnuition ut tiic a. v cr;. 1 i... 3f a. ji.-r.iblc in lii; t.vtri-;i:t. '1 J.. ;t art ;! t.e ty thun art i.e. c.it u r.t fi ijiirhf, w Snelt lu. An tnc pt.) aiirura of i!i ,T- ph . ti tr: lit . ! c-hkiir) , rut I '.ore ; a ; ?vm lutpi-as. .r lo uL l . i .t ciiv arc- ilUiifiH v to tlieir dubiih h, but ti.tre 19 ii .v 1,0 oiif? tii t.itcct utr-ir cf thc city cr ts ei.f'i.T'; rtatllt..!)" I' U alioli . Milt'-r oouis d td on S-n.uay l-t, i..cl 1 ft lie cty govern, sr. rtt si it uut a I ea ; t if re i no quorum of lU t'.: v fwuiic:!, r IJ tl --f Hejitii, iur : tb-re :.ny t -11-ui. t' any tmn, excrpt t ie Howard AKt.-iH..., i.:.- ui. Mii'.v of t:..t tot-y is :)- rfM:t, L.;f.trH.ii1i: i-nxi . t nu 'pui.. ln.n. 'i Jit gCi i. . H.'.i.ic't. iy lr. .M-"r.j, i.i.c in V'fft.J he v ri ir.vi.ii Tf !..!. 'i m r " Te nil rbstJ. Uv it.-t r ii- i li..ut tii si rtt ti, and out of o popu! tuh o' J i. ' , j .'. c urt- nihV ai ul f,1'1 'J .t-:l ot k ii n';:..ur I jrc - n.v II. ret liiou.-. :iii . -U-. Ir. M. I,:. led - I'.-ji.i.v oi, Sl-i: V Utt H :"oi;r.d il.e iv iig tr. a iit:rg C"::oit"'ii cr. ttm K'c, anc t tiuvi.nn w 1 1 n Ik ic k uiiiil on lie jr, s lit -i u! t ! r : lit o tl' l;i- :it, l. ur to u.ii;;D.. itr t; t :. c-ef.ry :n . t: . .;:.-(.. H-j injc; rri ttiurl t ;ir rtirt- a t; .i !.r :i?mu. b-ii .ju.J it't, -mu Wiito if if t'l ti.'-v wire h 'n '.:' f-t'init t;f r.f!.t i. t'-ifii lip. i. ut s ! .M-yr V0'oi I. it-re i.r s l j4 C.t:i'Tl Ul N'-rtt'ira Ul I. It t '. I ' C 1 . C t lf1 f.H f , t av I I i.: k .lie t'- l'C jl. 1 1 i ' I.S r-nias'i'-'j w .'.i S re t .... Lett: ..no ton. l.i.Ut t .e !,',. rt-, ;ry th..t l;.c Ofcplt lock t it ai.O t .in (f it .tii ft-jp.-1' i.l t n-ntern, .-r:0 look as a ti. - t ti. r .j. r .u ' e f r t.it ut.. I.. (.: a ilteiil r.f lure i V is b ti.ey fcre a!'. at il'. in t.r t t ti.i Oi-. t-. ti ,.,- v, i i, ii'.vji t. . 1 l?s i X . u t ti ium- h . v c t . ft i; .i v : 1. 1. e ' t ii (, r.c i : ut o t- yli y - a f ,. , T : .f c ! . g '-r: , t X ' i-t ! t .' ' ii V. ' i . i. l.-t f 1 -vi ,r - A-,. i :'.. :i ' -:... -t i-.y. i'r.M. Ft;-t tr. .ti..:;. ...r. 'i I... t J t .. p t. n i .mi ml'.-j art. ; n r -:. ' iic- it' y , n- Iu...a , e.,J !i:i.r ; Mr l i n. o.'' a :.!'. 1 1 u . . 'I ' t rv ert ( .1 ' '.c t' V- it ;n t..c sir1 et. tJf - pf t:i t-e . I I ' L . I 1 I: t-i'- u t L.-t.il., tilt . j i.ti ct i.I 'i t .ly h ' r J'.L ot w hici. L t r in are nsaur ! r iy.I'jiin: f tr- ,t !.dn an. i: v .',.t:st HMjft : .t f ye t; uin- : ' tjy , i the : rr Uk y . r ,i. v r. c. : r in - t 'J i ! Ilrbf .f r'Uut tA 4 1-' J f C - Ui ,K It. I. ii V fc.TIV :-.if;o.dt fc 1: i :,n Mil ! ,',l pro rn i,fr I, ,,, i ' ..:!. Ul. :., i n .i'J lo l';c f- II. v l.illir. ,.l '.uf ci'i ll .ri.o (. ', ut W . tt X; . -. -r ,,',,.; ! t t. 1 ' . , ' J'!' .: I f ' il; , . Al i.i lie i I..;... L ,Si r i.t. Ct.-. . sue i t he I. J.,- (e : i..l ! Ji M.I. . f I, !! lu . If i., lie V i lo ll arc I'llli ft. o 1 , I..' t t,,i : ii . A ...i : i. . i.. i , i kt t he if y rii ictr, ,y ij.c r . lit r It tall.i',' a 1. if p' I.l. ! v the ' al, lo...'.r Vi tut party in -SHjutil I I. i.ioi ,. I- !" tr. iii i ' I.t l.. ll itila t UP !l 0 'a t:,e riiptitition of tfy.i. ..I. F.Jm . If. it a mm l.u h . alwa v. ji u a s-'l, :j inat Mr. Pierce waa ucuro volea for Scott ID lecturing Ilia Demo- iH-opIc of the fv.ulh dcnunneinir in tlir j l m It rillB H pUIIMMI HI II IV III till in- , .. I.. C C.I.. ; liniti ly tupi'rmrtn limiaei: in coimlancy, nevniioii t llic South, anil the ii:lirili ol the connlry, The Anicncjn party my take frcnh ceurnge from the priecctlinj: nl' tins met ting m li in cii)rriiiitiis auult will l.ill harinleair at Ha lift, oim whil.'t . ii uf tl f u Mill he lu.. ami; lor the auuree of aall rivir in the lull of If.'ifi, ihe nllur may be liuntni(( lur Ihe lucality oi' rernamhucu u ithoiit a f pi t i.il permit. Cuming cventa caat their shadows tefuu'. TOE ISStE. " IF BaaL HE OOl), SF.RVK H1W ; Ct'T IF THE LOUD BE Gnu, THEN II E ft V E HIM. It srcinn to be a Uw of ftt, if not of nuturo, thjl tin re hai be in all povornincnt when free, tiomut'tiie prrgt and uffpt-cch ia tolerated, oppoe- pitlitic.il purlieu pnKxrsmng and prnmu!gjlih(( contrary jnd conflictit) pitlitic.il opinion, ucii has ever bvtn the caw, and prbjlly ever will be; nnd it is perh-ip rijjlit that it aliDuid be so. It is the great ct iitripelul pen t r tlui holds the tnachm- erp ot government together. Hut lor that, the tUr vf Empire would ahat madly from its orbit, nri utidrdty and eoiifufinn would uinverailly pre Vail. It is h1o a wise provision of nature tltut every tni? cl,II,g s "-' nmrcn ol nmr. ujd liniigt re p:iiiihg away, and ihc lliirsl of the n-'C ceniii to be fur Pouitiliing ne. And among other tilings, i new party, r order, h:ta arist n in our midst, and a new revolution in politics jcciti to have t;iketi pi. tee. The young American lion lua aroao from his l.i ir shaken the dew drops from hit maite. and roared m loud tint the nations bave heard, and stand auuzoj, and the timorous and doubting re Iretnbhng let l n.ay soon become king uf tbe fore I and phin. Old party lima ar? ft dying out, and Whig-gt-ry and Dvinocraicy bve not been able to fercp up tlic pirtilit.-n w aII that has heretofore d'.Mv'ed them. The puttie re tired of the t in ply and tneanles si'tinaing of party namrs, whicli have only served j a cioik to iitde the hypcney of sp t.Umcn and dfiiijogut. The American pi it form is broad enough tj h.Jid every truo oi of tlm soil every American who is wilting to rally beneath the (.iusU-tiiig constellation of his counuy'i fl i g , and IriLr f.ir It.? I.ilu t'l.tt irave l.llll bith. Tliia ur cin.iioh d.,ca not propose to or,e,nate a princi! p'u , Lui to einli'niy a.i.i t.i .bli;. ..ne tint hJt ex. kku mine the daya ol" the revolution. It ia a i.r...e.,..e ...voiv,.., me nr.t law i nature, mat of dekii'-e arid self preservation. It ric puntsne oiiilv in tiic lsuiti oftcry mm to claim and tie fend hn own, whtnuver anJ by whuinocvT that tacretj domain may be invjOcd. U litre tlie nun tliat docf not prefer hia own !,vurcttu',d to that of it Hlranjer, or who would not refL-rve linn 1 f tile ritrht of dtlcrinuun? utii thr! ofth deepest dye voted aja c.Mrjr. cratic people uf the South di cUin . of a atrai.gcr hu would propo.c to enter j OCTtt and the Spirit of the Age are reques ha Uu,iy circir, and diniand I l.e ril.l. and pnv- ! ted to publish till above. i-ept b uhicli were extended to lua owi. children ' n. tre epjtiLialiy if lit- had reanun to uptct that i perfon of" dtsiiiii-p lo exercise an tnflurncc dan. j frtrouif to the ;h.cc and welfare of hta lioute ? i The cafj it analnKUt. All the American party ; dritiaiidat, or ever has di.-mandt'dt ts tlie exceeding ly riuiuiubic' privilege of being Id alone, and 1 lowed to nunage tl;ir own alTtra in their o n way, free from the arrogant and oft'iciou inter, mefiliftg of stranger and forrip u:r ho care very little atwiut u or our government or intti lu'iorif any further than they in-y ancr their own uuhi'Iy and aelH'h end. otict of Buokj Kor Sale t Lowric & Esxiaa' ftooa Stoai- BicTiosxar or I'uM'Laa u C'lassicil Ucot. tio.ss. Tlie utility of lie ;h-.c beok brn fully tested, by thc publication if aevcral etitioiu of it. To each uf thifc ,uccis:ve edition. , trie eciwr m s eJ ccp.uua addition.; beaidea crrerting and aiterii.r, in many iiut;.r.ec, the trnalatiuns, in orer rive most clearly and obviously lite mean- irg tnt bearine f ti quu. I pre. ..:.ru,c tnieJ.t..,n :"ur thc prr, crc h.n been ta. t.. ... t t, , ., ' r -m st.ti lo ir.Krl iit.i,y aociticiii! quotdtioisf Miwr.F, -nd Law Tern.. Uw Thr Rnl Ron. I Uridrnt. We tile :i K...d. Lid w tl-V ! ! i; t vc ii on tin ''lit, le a aliort hottc of a1 'iifeiit on thc C-nidrn and AJbny rrc.im t!i:it p-riKjft were kiihti It ii.ijfd. '1'Lrj'jry of iti'iect Ccciart a that wcrr ciiK.d ty runiurg liit lr:tiii back. Lt.d t h j t tin. iiwi.icci'e c.iuif, was iJif in contact w.t'i & pjir ui" Iiutbp. envm Ii itKh.tr., wttit. contJuct cenure J bp atfid rtcaien. Timt tiic e g;nccr cjiii not tiic ru'v r.f tnc 'i.:n? ir y, rt-Lit'Tc tolinw- y Ur. ti.e wr i..t'e(.n appro. !or C.-fcin.iiKS. 1 be I'.l.lt . J-.l.t ralei li.e e, l. C t. . r of L.l thc Liattie. ai d . ,'v ( Mat I c n il n . t r.ir :n aeCor .'-i.i c v. it!i tfct.1.:.., i-c ru ,,f tl.e ceinjjiny. It tiicUres t ..1 lU'll .1 conijj-.i y ahwuM ari.pt in., more nricir.i prvci.t fie rtiurrei.ee of luel. .:r .unia. u;o.l,i.K that t!,e a.f.ly of ps. criers it ut! imp,, rlii, Ice t.i.in the a.v.ri of two: niuiri ii, ore i: li.ii.ultii time Halifax. Aur 31. LfftS (P THE .w Cls MA It IMC Ca III, K. A despatch j i .1 received in this city from Syd t.cy, sta'es thst, owin t some mi-manajre-ineiit in t!.,- laying of the submarine cable between New I'oundland and Cipe lireton, wh.-n forty n.iles out from the New f ound -laud cos-t, the cable was lost. The vessels bad been ciijfaed two days in laying the chin when ihe accident happened. The: despatch .Joe not inform us iu w hat mariner ' the loss was occasioned, and it is also silent ' . . .i . i i i-. c i as to the probability of recovering tl.e ca- j lie. 'Ihe company are understood to Lave; hud i n insurance on the cable to the extent j of JTU,MJO. I ' jit' A'l'l, August 1. 1 i-.OM Kansas. Chief Ju-tice Lecompte, f n e a i.ntr at M,:iv. ik.c vii-Mvii on the to the K.nisn J.is!ature, for tht honor done him in oeatinir the canital at tht t-. m ore a Jr 1 - 1 ft a. itr him. Jud-e Kj. J resent, ai,, was toasted ehihusi- lie annovjiiccl his il.tt ruiiuation tj r.,l-t 'rts.d.-i.t I'lere.-a ii...r...ti..n nfl.K.t ti,,. r.t th. i,....l.,.r. t.f il,u 1... PJ' ' - KAILK'.AIi I'.K' fclPTs AND TllAVF.I.K. V.'e . am that the 114: rebate receipt of the . 'I'll nr.'i V .. Hon 11:.: . , . .-. r! fro... I tn. 'to h.r last to July ii.cl'isiw, aiiijjrjted to ! A Af.t AIH.K MlM.HAL. It is said that' . Z'.'J't )',". j a peculiar specie. of coal has lately been U e learn th .t the number of passenger : discovered in Kentucky. It i valuable as I'LCKV KiItii-i (fur sister con ir oil ,' N' 1 tl. this month, over the iiiiuiiij.toii ! fuel, and in addition furni-hed an oil of temporary, Mrs. I'rcwett, who since the and U'el Ion liuilroi d, is creator than any 1 ereat excellence for liict ibatin machinery. ,,'"t" '"'r husband, has edited the Y.oo pr.-eedin' month, notwithstanding the pro- vs.ei.ee or yellow lever in rsailo.U and PjrUmouth. Jivitti Ciu-jltni'tH. (Jl.'lll. NaT! KAL. A bachelor advertised I . ... .. . .i . . . . . . . .. inr a - uciptiiate, one w no woul'l prove " a couipan.ori lor his hecrt, liia Land, and his lot. A lair one replyiur., aked ftry ear-M Bet',!y, " how b'g la your lot V ' , TEMPERANCE MEETING. Charlotte, Sept. 8, 1855. In pursuaocf to notice by the Couutj Di visions of the Sons of Temperance, 'he com mittee of each Division beir.g preeeiit. organ ized by calling Col. 1. W. Alexander, of Hopewell Division to the Chuir, nnil reqnua ting James G. Wilkinson, of Mci-klcubuig DivUiou to tut as Secretary. The Chairuiau was called upon to explain the object of the meeting, which he did iu some happy remarks. The following preamble and ruaolutiou were presented to the meeting for conside ration : Whereas, We, the Sons of Temperance of Mecklenburg county, have heard with great ploaauie that the Grand DiviMou of tbe Sous of Temperance of North-Carolina will mei t here on ihe 4th Thursday iu Octo ber ncit, nud desiring the advancement of the teniperancti reformation, would urge up ou the Grand J'ivisiou to accept our most cordial thauks for the manifestation they have tendered towards old Mecklenburg iu Hl..elin tl.i r.taw. f..r holdin.. its next an- 1 ".:.. ' ... , .... l e&olvcd. rrrf, i . That an Invitation be citen- Gen. Car, of Ohio and Hon. J. B. ded to O Neal . of SK'. to be with ua during the meetine of the Grand Division in October next, and that a committee of four, one from ... , r, ... c each Divi.-iou be appointed a touiuuttee of . . . ' Invitation. 3. That Mecklenburg Division bo consti- tuted a Lonimitue of Arrangement and to , - , nient to cntcrtam members of 0. 1). during , ,r.i 'i r., , o i r x t J. That the Clatlotte fcaxborn Land be mvited to play on lhursday, the -ath Octo- Wu no t T 4. l hatall Sons of Temperance are re - -i?,e . - 'vV Jr . ?'n v 1 ',0CeSSl0D n - I.. i 5. Every body respectfully ...titcd to come and hear the great discuss.on on .cm- perance ou 1 hursday the -ioth October next. r After these resolutions were read and dis- cus6t;d lbey wcre ea UP acparately and I unanimously adopted. i The following Committee according to the i si resolution consiaw oi o. u. tmu, li i TV .; 1 p r-. .TkAll r . ire IU V. lit o i'iniuu. A' i VI I v. in I' I't 1 1 ut . rioanant Hill Division and, Jan, (Jr. iuiu sou of Mecklenburg Division. On uiution the chairman was added to thc Committee. Ou motion the N. C. Whig, Western Pern- On motii'.' the merlin; adjourned. Ii. W. ALEXANDER. Chairman. J. G. VlLKIb0S, Secretary. AGRICULTURAL SOCIKTY. At a nieetini; of the Mecklenburg county 8 ' Agricultural Society, August Uib l'j.jo. j Of the lo su-pected crimina'.a, Giraud be Present, A. Springs, President, C. T. Alex-! longs to l'oughkecpsie, N. V., aud Ander- .viJer 15 W Meiindcr D Parks i II ' ' ' W.Uor .MnW.'br A T Oa.i.lann II ut'''ng"m, ut. j. . r.osa, n. r. i-a- ,he HcU far ad m!ldc j.uown( ,itil lU ridson, C. Overman, Robt. Henderson, J. L. exception of the stories of the boys tbern Springs, E. C. Grior, Win. Johnston, Dr. J. selves, do not bave the least teudeuey to M Davidson, V. J. Lowrie, Dr J. M. Strong j criminate them. Tho verdict of the Jury , r. . , ' of Inquest, which wiil be publishco to mor- and M. D. Johnston. , ' -ml- . n .i t . ! row morning, will bring out all the facts, There btiag a quorum present the Prcsi- ', probably designate the guilty parties, dent took Ii i scat aud called thc inccting with tome more degree of certainty i'cur to oruer. . . 1 The Secretary bei.,s absent. P. J. Lowrie was appointed in his stead pro lent. m n r.... t. !..- conaiaung oi . r ar, w. Jinnsioo auu joun vv a.aer, were appointeu to revise the the By-Laws of this Society by i . ooj .r v. ... , , tu, u o, .so.em.er ..eaL avciiiDCr -.-ia. i-J). was lUO aaT Cl?J ! upon as the day for holding the Annual Fair '. deal of feeling in our community. It w.il I of thia society. The following Committee ooa u'"!';r W investigation in the U. ; . , j , 5. Court, when ull the fa.-U will be brought were appointed to exam.ue and award pte.'0(Jt , ,e,ve thi, ;lU(.r 0 UIltl! UVC iniums lor OaHureU articles : On Litt St k JuLn Walker. C. Over- UiSU J II iaVls f Gram, ami Y'ntlJ,t of rvrry he- scriptioM. Dr. .1. V. Koss,tJ. T. Aleiaudur, and Kobt. Henderson. Oh 6'mki iJomntic Manufacture. Gen. J. A. Youn-, Thomas N. Alexauder, I jd 15. II. Davidson. On April iillmal lmj.tcmcn't, Vclii. Us, J-c. Dr. J. M. Davidson, Col. h. W. Alex- auder, aud J. L "priiis. h. . i .i . .i ! . was moved and er.rriid, that the hit of premium 0!?.. red by thi socity be pub- iished three times in the papers of this town, , Tirri.iv.fn-. e, r.i. :"! .i. r,,,.A nr.. on as the price of admittance to the fair , eround on tbe day of eiuibitioa. b J i I. J. 1 wwiie was appointed to aelect . and procure suitable badges for the officers and members to wear on days of exhibition, j J. A. Youiil' was at,rjointcd Marshal of' the day, ('JVid Nov.) ' 1'. J. J.owrie was appointed to confer with the Chariotie Sax horn liaud, and in vile them to play for the society on that day. Ua motion, the society adjourned to meet oa the 2ii November next, at IU o'clock, . . . . . A. .'1., at Kcir Jlotcl. , fcrl'KINGS, l'rcs't. I'. J. LoWMK, f- ec y. pro Itin. The Washington Cnion, of .Sunday, .iys : It ia wilh no ordinary f.- lilies of rcerct that we announce this morning the deaih of the Tcin-rihle and universally esteemed Judge f'r. m-li, for so many year connee- : VH and idenlilieJ with the Judiciary of thi I t- at -i a . 7 j District. lie expired at hi re.ideiice in , this city, at an early hour last evening. 1'y rclcrrun' to our local column it mil be seen . .1... ..!,.!.. .r . i....i.,.r. t.r 1 1 , u i... . . . . - and oflicrrs of the circuit and criminal courts 1 is called for Monday niornin next lo adopt 1 .nil l.lo t,i,.-, .11 ruw r.i ti .r.,...t f,.r l!. m, ' ry of the deceased.'' ' 1VIII CC j Candles can be made ftouiit; and such is 'itni-omr.acti.es i ,i I)ny be converted mto kuile hand.es, ink fcl.mda. buttons, c, I I'lllLAfiKU'lUA, .wept!lnbcr 3. ! V.. u TV'.. ....... t .... . "I'I r , auw t nr.r i.ia er lut jury in me ,t . ( tne I lieeier i bave found only ffailard and urll guilty oi aa assault upou t. douel bl " uccltr. From oar Correspondent. ( Ui'.es'nit, Rpl. ft, 1855. Ihe feelings of the comniuuity were 0"- siderably shocked by tbu arrival iu cur P" on Monda which a few duys before the commander of Oeucrnl) and tktit he wtis a Cutholic," be tho vessel, Ciintuin Ayr had been murder- , , , authentic ,! of the el. It appeals th.it the Ariel sailed from Now York in the latter part of July la-l lor Jihangliai. There were only two or three passenger aboard, with I lianils uml lour)ho ; ufl al ork Uore the last l'ie,i- tllictrs. Ihe murder vtm tirst discovered ou the uioruini: of the 17 th ult., when the Captain was found in bis bed, at about half past 7 o clock, quite dead. 1 he body now ever which was w rapped in a great coat, was till warm. Ou examination, it was found that his death had been caused by sundry deadly wounds, one of which was upou the : 0tlioli vote The last four pages are 611- i waJ (u,",. ad ll,e Uu.-""" continue l0 0(i left side of the head, apparently given with ,eJ wj,h froni Cmu,o papers, and 0UI'J llltir fo' mcr P0"110" "long the Cher- a hatchet, while there were several stabs m; guow the .. ,,e Cutholic fnmet." It was w , , the left breast near tho heart; the Hiro.t) d , of tli, rnlpt)t.-t was : 1 ht' of ltl,e " m Hie bombard, was also cut apparently with a shu-p knife, i , ,0 tuhhtr of th' j!o,lou Pilot, ",t',l,t.0 &"'"or ttf" 0UJ ,0 L oul, 40 Henry K. Giiaud, one the apprentices, a Catholic oreau. These eitraets were from aml lb. ;""lU"d- A P0""3" ol tbt bout 17 years ol ge, was the first of the,,. . t .,,:.. (v. Uie Truth fo'l'?' " . been destroyed, but tlla crew which waa arrested, and his arrest wus in uotirit-nuonco ot Ivbtimony given a- i a , a 1 ' .1 ' ' "" " . " ; apprentice ot about the same age. n is that the accusations of tlicau two vouna Men i ,. ... , ,. . 7 " n pi". u lniu,u:l"y criminate each other, though thej,le tl DVT1 T, CATII0MCB ,0 plice ' u' , I """. ,w a - ' , ... ..' ? .. .. . ti..... i uays in me cxaminuiion Ol wiiueaava. j uii , ' , , , , ,.. . v... i bave thus tar connected no other persou oc- (sides themselves w ilb the transaction, tho' i , , ., ,. ... ., . , , . e ., ... l , , - . , . . ,. i ,..;.' . uoiiucu null uiu ttuuuuo ill iud e..u o one of thc ,ppreniiCe, Uc! has not been ! arrested. i AM ,o Mcbor off onr b on . t(wt wheru bhe WM tpoke0 ! the steamer Aid, Captain Paine, who was ; th(re w a Tbe first 11lt now tie captaiu of the Ariel, expressed a wi.-h to taut, r.iiiie to coim up to the oil v in tht AiJ (he 2J o(fwr cf(,w "refused (o kt ou ;Mj . , . c ,, ., ,, u . port, spoke th L. S. l.eieuuc Cutler vv in. n an(j ,Jvicd Ca nt. Co-te of the state of ; affairs on boarc the Ariel, when tie cutler ! preceded immediately ta board her, and Ibroueht her to the eitv. when the vounc men, Giraud and Anderson, were lodged in! or,, , ,. . .. " va iivu'c iu ea. n a inv a' i v . i a v iiiiiiitnhin un.iiiiiiinn j It is said that the Ariel has a largo a-I to "duty of Catiiolica," beeuune be (Gi-n. ' mount of sp.-cie on board, and it is suspi-c- I V ) has jKely and unrttrrtKt'.hj u h ocutf i ted that the boys were advised of the faet, ; Tlir.lt rights. ;aud from desire t possess it, tl.iy wriel These orders bavinz pone forth from la.'b led to the commission of the crime of which quarters in Roman Catholic authority, (it is : Ithey stand charged. We omitted to in. u- -:i knonn what inilu. tire audi authority I ;liou in the proper place, th.it the body of ; exerriae over the i of thr Catholics in ; iCapt. Aytea had beru carefully preserved ' the United States) it wa, of course, expect- i in brine, and is now iu a sufficient stavcofed, as it really occurred, that tbal tote; ; preservation to enable the Jury to examine would be cat for Geu I'ier.-e. And ' the rtounds with certainty and aatisfaction, it altogether without a coatderatiou ! Ia it! j although decomposition had comnienced,and - the body is quite ofTeiiiive. It was removed frAm (I.. V. t.x .l.p .,..1 ll.d A , ,i i n 4 f ... t ... . ! , ' , of witnesses continued ou boanl. son is lioiu ew 1 oi k c ty. 1 be former has i . t . r t . -i ! . . J . e ... nceu to aea nciore, nm mis is ni.ursou a urs. voyage. It ia a fact worthy of note, tbat i . t y .! .i rnrl.,n(infi.t.l vt.llArl tl.u t.i.v. ... ...i.ni. Ititf " ... f . u,Sm- ",m ?" "". 'lo'" ,r ; at.ee, that they could Dot be, at least, adepts in crime, i ue. opiuion or a.i no nave seen . i. . .. toeni, are lavorau.e W lUftr muoceacc, U.0 , i 1 kaveleeo thus minute in the relation .of the circumstances of this most shocking 1 affair, a-. U is a case of rare and extraordi - orv nrr-nrr-n ttf.d .n rriiUf irrit iiarw orrurrrnr a ereat o'clock to morrow mo--nitiLr? at whiuli Lour Uie u,ai1 J'-P'iij? to fret the principal p'iiibn ill tii tciunt J i ttiu uui j ui iiiitr.i( "houid pcrchauce adjourn before that, '' I lt"t- - '1 he verdict of the Jury of In. , Tlcst as made knowu at uite a late hour j I8 "'g'". '' 1 hasten thi, ti.uriiii, to ap- , pend it to this coin niunicaiion. 'Ihe te-ti-, , mony, a publishej in the StawLir l, is quite , voiun.inons, occupying about 4 columns. It ! be seen that l.aiteinan, the first male,; has bien imr lienled a the rrineipil in the! 1 , , 1 , 1 , i trai.saetion, instigated by l desire to nave I ,,ie so!e t,;l,tro of tijl! Te.s,.. The two i boys, (Jiraud and Ai.di rson, were probably : 1 on! v luado tl.e in-' run,, !.t l.v LaLeinan. of rrvii.g out his wicked and cruel d.-,?... It appeared in testimony that Lakcnian said ,i . ii i .t i i . .f i i -. tuat it would be tho heil.t of Ins ambinon fo coimnand u vessel. 'J ha following is the verdict of the Jury, after a tedious and pro- tracttd scion of two duyl. i Pocth.' imum, ( h.i r.nr. Dijtsi. t An In. .uisi,on llioriiO d, t., . . .-I ,.r Ill the .r. sin, in tlie I'1 1 1 . the 4lli ai.d .'.Hi ltd) . .,1 S ,1. ii,l., r. A I - j'l, !.-. I', re J. I', fj.' V - a u 1 , I ,r .i,r r. u,i. v- w ..( 1 ,e I' -(ly ol Wit.. (. nry IOjyr. n.iii.iiJer ..f .,J linti, li.en rtiirt lliere le if.u .1 iff, hv tin: .mil. .,f I.. . S;r-. ll, Ki.r.-iiijii T'lernii. Ih il.y, Pr. A. It. L.i.e W . It . Ifichni.!, W. IV Flciv. V. N. fho.n.-.i ii. VV. p. lUt-ii. t, s. II. D.,,r. I., t . tJhif r.i. V. II. I, ...... i, . I)r II. i. Kraxr, M. II..im, V. It. I ,r. lisle, an. I 'I'. I . 'I'r.iil. I., ir.j. a l.i lu! Jury of In. quel, who be... . r n .1 .nU nw,.rn to eit.jtiirc for the S' ttt ol ssc. nil. f 'aroilu-i, w here. Jiol hy wi.at ii.ean.. the .ilk Willi., hi II I!., y re., ( ..fiiiii.iiij. r afore. -,ir, came to lo. doth, efnni Ihcir ...th. i!o . that en ihe I Till il.y .f Aiil"iI. A. If. I b. te n the li. Ml r t.f IJ.i'el.rf k i.t inglil, .11(1 h .if. pa. I 7 in the morning f ihe ..nU I 7 ih r y of An. jn.i. Ihe no id si ... I then I,, in g !, hililuiie .'I'.l ftyil. Ihe .dill .1, f .j.,-tl In. n rxu.i. f lo. H...II, In, M,g nr,, i, ,, ,,, (., t,y . i,.,,, i ,y ,av'. '"g throat ruiwnii souie th.ru intiruiiirnt. '' Ih '"if hi.. ,1 m tin rifhi l,r..t ni u,i,i "' """'P 1 i.tai u,,i , 'niti w , t . ut inrtfti it j ir r m 1 n , Uxn ,.r oti ai..r....,.l, .1., fri. r .y, th..i N.choi.,. W he.t ,11 Lake 11, tn. lir.t mate .f ihe .hip, ihrl "" ' """' "e, or concur m, it.e r.tirin,ii ,f it. .,,rfe.-..i r ... .1 .. II..... I .., - 1.-... - ..,,.,.,, t e .nil rlecl. itol II...I II, i,ri t.irau.l te..r.l the a.n.1 vctl. were .1... ,,,,! , tl, perp. trstion of Ihe ...lii eii',1 ; and vn the . H.I ju- it r. af.,rea.inf. upon their t.ath. .r..ai,l !o .,iv. I IIm! th. a.l'l Nltil.ilj. Vli..,l,,n t.:.l,,,. ... . - - - .., iiriti . ..ir.ufi miiii i,e.,ri.f- v,,n rre.n, are yin. ,.,.i-,i,.. . ,- ,i.. .. .? ..-.ii. .. . .,' ,. " 'J " V, ...V "IU '.III. II. ... I..HRII, liavmir recti ved an offensive note, " If tho biped that sent us the anon- ! :J 'J mousicucr irom Jackson, signed " Cburu- jouseo, win tome lo I azoo city, and call j t uie .viiiij omceiRo noble littm boys, ! o.ic eieni auu me oiuer six year old, shall ; . , , , , a - tie a leather medal nri.nt.l I,;. ,...t .. . i tie du. bill for . fl r 1 i - " ll,rJ "we uini paya- i. ... i - ., .oi ;m. ueuee, wuu compouml ' interest." GENERAL PIERCE AND THE CATIIO LICS HWOREIIIS ELECTION. Iu addition to tho declaration of the pope'g Nuncio to Mr. Uuiriugcr, our uiio- lister to Madrid, tbat " JuJiie GimpMl, of I ,onnalion 0f tie VMxrl, and while it was J .jj, g tlll,j.t Df l 0lljiri,,r ut the Court at . m.,,,.;,, - lll(,ru iti a Hulliei.-ncy of pro..f, of deiitial election, of the strong game that a nlaved to obtain the Uoiuuu Catholic vote for General Pierce t ,o-n ! ,i -i ii.. airuuier .-iiiumiu am arrived In 1 832, precedinj tho election, lucre'.. ... ... '-. .,P.T .i...-.- .1-.. ii. ' Liverpool dates ot August SSili. i uriuveu ni iiib vu. w. v , T York, the Irish American. theCa.holio Mirror, and the Freeman s Journal, and Catholic Ga2.-tto all Uouian .Cutholic journals, to iho that Geu. Piereo ...... - .. " -..4 .1.... :. ... General Pierce l his Irm jmitton. We give tbe extracta from the Celt, d.t- i ea Ju ne I'Jtn, liu.", siiorny aiier utu. Pierce a nouiiualioD Hero it ta : "What, then, U the duty of Catholics who know that Geu. Tierce has freely and un- reservedly advocated tiieib riirhts. fclia , , poul'ON, by sprcadtnj; broadcast the Iruikt " 3 7 , . i ' 1 " "i; ! labor in lkr UhulJ has b.-eu done, permit , h" VU? "J IUi,l,fe ,,ln,,? ' . let it be said lib truth that ta- tholics are gro ejyl where ... honest Pur- 18 exl.tHtetl in ll.e.r neiia.i. t-uinoiic,, .nun siiu uomcu Sra;,-f,, i,r can (hey well t.lT .rd to be-- their enemies are numerous and oi'r watch- ; 1'ul for their disc-.n.uiuic ; while their true ft iendi out-ide of lho church, are btldcm, i indeed too si l lomto be found. Let u see ! lo ."". ''" "' ,' ! ""c ''5'. u " ire sbl 10 d" 10 Here, it will be seen, is no appeal to pa- tri,,,;.,,, , ,K di.tat... of tie moment in - - - j , i reirara U tno roiiev ut me eoumry, dui i any wonder, then, that we see the important : pot of I'. M. General, and a host of officea itiiin the gift of the administration, in the bands of the Roman Catholics after thia bid- dins? liut we niut gii one more ritraet On page 1 i ot tliat psmphiet is a rerlifjcaio oat- ' .l u rv. V II i:.- I.u.... k... . e.., vw.. ......... a. , A 1 .. . ,.' . August l-th, I9VJ," and by 3H, " Catholic .a""" I . . i .il.. ettixens cf Concord, stating among other thing, that the "Catholics of N. H , and of all .Vru- entertain the high- e.t r,.potforGep. Pierce a a roLlTIC iam aud a man. To tins cernuc:U ia appended the following eignificaut dccumc.it : " I, the under-ined, CulUiJic t'ttilor, of vVorcestcr an ! Co"Cor'.', .V II , rcr'Hy that ... , gtjovo a'ti.e.f c nlli iiien are cicti-ns of ; Coneord, a.,4 kno j tU04ing , 0,,f,Mt' ; and moreover, mem te Ol U't'l'l i ,, ,-nnrur iil.il....ii.rin ni. ;J J -.....-. ........ I tD in ,ht.ir ntmrnt of fuels, relaliv jthe-oirteor ltf f ,erre (Signed) WILLIAM Mc DOS A LD, j Cutholic Vastor.1' 1 i j ne riinrLia mf n D'lua, axumcri i 'peaks for us. If." Truly it doe,. Ai.d we ' '-h our readers would pay aouie attention 10 'peaaing. is th. ir no .videue. of ail that ha. been chart'cu as to the connection ot iieneral I'ieice'a election wilh the Catholic vote! Is there no evidence of a " I ..irain, ' in li.e f.ice of tlie pniiiplilet alluded to, Us circula tion, the fhiicale appo.iitiiielils of lloiiian t'itholies to iuip'xtai.t ofTn-es since l""'r.', the dee laration of tie I'cpe's Nuncio, be sides otlier evidei.res which Kave 1 ven ad duced T C'-iievc it who may action speak louder than word., I'rofe.si ina r.re nothing when our acta contradicts th .n.. AtitrrtcuH A(i r ule. Give ut American politic and A merit', in reiiiou K'lintHi jiijiiri . We din t knnwof ar.y American re'i"in, except Moriiioiiimn, Sliakerism and Miller-i-m. T!i. s.. nr V.tiv. Amvncau religions J rrrt. Il.iutr .hiuriml. In all the Sac-Nielit paper we find syi- temaiie and perlii.acious cfl iils to dip:ira). the C. St-it-a. Kierv opnort'jnitv is "ucl.t to place our own country in mif.ivora! tr.i-t with foreign countries, lit. ry thins. An . lie in is Hc rei-iat'-d, and every I .u f reiy'ii i-e".lled. The Terre H ai.:. or'ii: says that M .1 moi.i -:.i, Sh 1 ker.'iii an I Mil leli.siii aro tl.e only religions of Ami 1 lean growth, .''hakeri-ni is not of native erowih 11 onti.ate.'i in l.nUii l, where the " r. in.ile Christ " of the Shakers mad their ap pearanrc and preached her doctrines. A. for Mi!lcri-iii, 11 in not new trillion at aii; Miller bclievrd and Lined I that the end of the world was at hand, j i.t as thousands and thousand of foreigners have taught nt dillereiit times during the la-t eighteen ei-u-turies but be preached the est.ibli,h'd doctrine of Christianity. Morinoni'iii is undoubtedly of American ;rotii, and the grasshoppers that aru kicking t h-m out of the world are an American institution. muihiIc Juiirnitl. ( 1 " ! I'f.It ..( Ciinvk is) AuaIN. In a lsfe i.. r,f :,,, ,.,.,- ,!.,., a pnriirrntih evi- .1 ... . 1 1 1 e . 1 . '""'" ' " me .lllHTIcan mar- I CotiV.ystO Us the ililellietiee that a society has been est nh!i.lu.,l i.t I lrn, 1.. V .. . - . . . hi .sorway, t" supply line rated cnnvicls wild j , the mean of iininlrati lininlration from their un- j-ratelul country to this land of liberty. Al- ready, we are told, this so- iely has .,-iit out thirty t persona wlio nr.- doin-j well, al thou in what branch of th..ir t,r..r...wl.... they have crivaefil, we arc '.ruble to Mate. - - .'. " - 'I'M IV . n .1 .. . , . , , , iv u cull the iittcntieii of the, Msvor and thn iiiicntieii ol IIm .Msyor and I in . ... . Lo nrn ss oners imt. ninletl In h.oU ,.fi... "PI" iniiiil- grunts to this statement, which is und unooiibl- ledly the record of a fact. The authorized a-tnts of the United Stale K'vernnietit in Norway ouclit to know somethin about tho matter, and it aroins sinulur , . n,.,inl iii,n a ftoeieiy, 1 . ....I. . .: i . , ... , it i been 0 ions ill succesh lul nm-raf i'Hl wilhout fact licim. . ' j any official a n notinccinent of the 'received in tLii city. .V. Y, IU Herald. i J' SX ,A - r tin I-.H..T a r.i k. Telrgraphtd fur tht Houlh Caiolinian. One !(. later from t:irop, AltHIVAI. Ol' ItTfJA.-fieil AT LACTIC. Nkw Yokk, Sept 0 wiib ...... ?' ,M Lai ,""du. .no. !"' 1 ar. """ oa th. " "-? 'V had bred upou Hi. .6"' l . " " iu asia, i&uuiis fuuiiuim bh Dilate Ik siege of Kara had made no further proL'rjs At Liverpool cottou was ea.iiur but not lower. Sales of the week 4.",ilUU balei and exporter the same number. ' h q,10.' tations are fair Orleans 7JJ, miildiiujj 8 7-lOd, fair upland (Jd, middliii (1 Flour had advanced "j. Corn tjj. aa(j wheal 2d a !ld. Consols cloned at Dlj. Canal flour was quol. d at 4.1 a 41i,0hi - - 4a. While corn 'l Is a 4.)s, yellaw 8;. j . ullclSngej. UictJ ,si. N,ta, ateaOy. American atorea dull and uuchan... cd. TUc bullion in the ll.nk of K,,,!, had decreased illth-,000. The atea.e?Ari. friv(, , e ,b(J .,.Jd ,nJ lho w tJ , ... Jh. v jj, ;t,.,h j,, tt,e e of At,ff had blon un the annken Jluiau x ..... i,. ;UM,Un si,;, iu lVrdial.sk Hav had a!0K... burned. '1 here w iiotlitu audiPiiiic in regard to a renewal ol the pfaot- confer, la-t. It wus ruiiiornl lliat i i-pl.t hii otcuir iu the Austrian Cabinet. Immi ILATlOf J.FTIOS The?! Louis Advocate ays that the following ia a trut copy of a document found ia tbat eity, sbick bad probably been dropped by soma mem. Itr of tbe Roman Catholic Church ; A. M. 1). C. it li. V. M. II. roHll Cr RK' ITINO Tll C IIAI'LKT or 7 MX. 1 M .M At'tLAiC L u X (' E P T 1 0 .N. Iu thc name of the Father, Le. I thank thee, Ktcrnal I'ather, for hiving by thy Almighty power, preserved Mrt) Most Holy, thy lt-iuLler, Irom orijiibnl im j Our Julhrr, Ac four Ifoti Muryt After each JLi! M.irty HIe.sed be the b. tT, most pur. aud immaculate- Conoeptwi 1 ' .i ,. e ii .. II. I thank te, Eternal Son, for having by t(,y UHoni. preserved Mar;, Mo.1 linj, , tt,j Mother, troni original siu. i Qur ulA,r i(!.t aboM! i I( , lbai)k ,u,y Ch(jat Eereil hj having ly thy Io, preserved Mary, Jlja Holy, thy spouse, from original mu. Our lj)tr ic. Al the end, one Cory Ir lo lUt Ac, in honor of the purity cf St. Jji.ji, i-pouae of tbe Mary Moi II oiy. IM-L L'st.M IS. One hundrpd dova fir tich rcitatl-ni. A plenarv iud ularv nee cue a tvontb oa U. ,:n) fi :3i:(5itluua. , Thp V. Provincial of M j nuthorn.-fl to bleat t ;., tots tllt in,u! I(Ce Provincial of Missouri S J I, r! J- (t. this little ( : nces. I'n 1 1 A I' l ph I A . August no. The M'h! f r slate rescue ca-r n coi.tinued tuia Bjsf oii, in the Court of tjuarler fte.iwietis. A nioiij; l h.i wiii.esses i Ian, in, - I w J.sa .If.liiistoii, the .iave "ium ot Co', herler. Iler fppe .irai.ee taused . eiteMitt. Her tesiiii, ,r,y was nuich the aau e a L.r aQidavit. .I.o had de.ired In r It 0"a, ai d nude nirh arrange tneiits before !' inj hoii.e a Ij cap. c t h. r lriends to ref J her on rea.-hiii New York. Aft, r ber .-tatriiieiil was concluded tl.e I'niled Mtfl oiT.ci r attrn.pted lo arre-t h.-r, but tba court iusirii'Ud the com I oliicers iht h -beir j; a witm ss was to be dt fended w.ta their lives, ."-in! was then taken out of tn court bet wee ti two Inn file of po'ic, f. ic ed in a r i ri lace and diivcn o!f. lci." bad been prepared and were In waiting. he was oon .e ni'l the resc'i 1 1 nr t,u A cn al ncit, riei.t prcv ai. td about : ait house for eou.e tiiue. e.T the W All a'fenptsto biirif alf.il ('? ti-t iei n tuu It ird and fs.ilu ol N'-w " hs.e faded. Wo dj not see how tl.i-c a i weil be otherwise. 'I In-ir very til.'e tafroi.i lie. The Administration had e.l with the ,wia ial tlilownine official pntronae in tl.ir favor- had .yi-l-ii.atieaily aiid inev. ry way ( 11 l.'a . 01 1' J ' " ciu-h o.l" the Hauls, and it wasto Lif been expected that these ir.juiies wou.d t-t r.'ii.en.i ered, and that lho p rs. eut.'d aff lion of tin! party would hc-iialu l'l"r aei'r, iu to a r coiiciiiatioii. Ilihc ''e SUipii-ed lit the course the H ard.. tlJo",-ut proper to pursue, for under thc t-ir, 'Hi"''11 c s it was the only piopi-rone ft r thtiuta adopt that la I 1 !, . 1. heil Ll liresi . their ii.ili peiidenee, ami cirn Hi t1'' a distiip,,:l poliiieal oriatiiialieli. C4 .11 !!: so ihi. 1 1,.,.,,, r:.l le tinrlv In lii'l'.''s J vide il in VoiL nr. 1 thc .Slain is e it.e from tin ir pofs. s.inu. 'J his i a nyh.li' circiim-triiiee, anil bt nriiiif on I'i will have an nip." -.-idi Html ratus-s, Will no, n be upon us. Tl, uf this roiinir " le conimon fein.oi; .;l. f i.o,l t.nlintion and nurseries ii. or ul bell. f ,,vi.:,i l(il)i,lf ) TJJ Are tht V? You have a q.icr taste, .Mr. ' . , r . ,. Ill iil'IB' -,' . 1 I . ' ,' .. .i . ...... r ri l,li.-lif .Miiericiiii inner ii""' . ion. in utu.; oi mc cirn.s - ... . . t. ..it. i. i,idiban' i-pitc .. . i i i .. u . I t- i. llU' ii.'s, a tieu ny ,-scwui u v . r ' J , 1,V S,.W!llif .V 1 , ' ' and h.lrnv . rin.llirin fcl 1 1 Oi ll J ,.f I his coiiu- - . 1 ... i 1 rii. try,'' they will ne misiiuiieu, i tinut! to educate the children of a ln-e happy people. lWicnV Amct f c i... Ml.., best profC''"' BCa'uist th rirrota of winler I liiati'"' . Very likely, but what is the best prut' .7"lll.e i.ini Hi. p... ., -- . y aaiu3t the tigora of uiatumn.'-

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