'tip'- " " - . ; 'wi; THOMAS J. HOLT ON, FiJiroiie. PftOPRl ktub. TElt.MS: TlieNrtl..Cr.,li.uU'hiKillbe.(r..rd:dto..it.. ...... . . . . ribi-ri .it TWO Inn.LAKS m advance: TWO : JkHXAIIS AND FIKIT CENTS if .yii.rnt be j otMjea ar .nrvciiimiiiiii mi 1 nni.r. i.jui.a.-. vu . .... V' .- liniiiiil utilil li 1 1 11 rt :i rn rrs-a urn n;iti1 -Vfiif fit lint cjiiK.n l tlie EiliUjr. I 1 . : . . . Aaerii.mciiiiii.ercuaiuur w.,nrM-r.qu.ire ?r, !h'V'"-'':' I"'"":- I on, aim J u-it i'ir cuii cumiiigiiitr. t,wuti u iiinuU'J'i UI.1 HIJIll. UUOIieU flUOUlCr IJnUie. l.,..,,...- !,..r,iTV s.u- ruMr.witf4 nr,l...i .... '. V. i rni. higher j ui.d a it ilu liit of 33 ptr crtit. will Uo rn.nu troin tlu- r-fjuljr price, fur Htlvcrlmrri bjr the jejr. 4((vftrti'eiiir'ntii imcrtcd inoiilhly ir qtl-irlrrly, nt $ per squartf fur t-uch liiiiC. ISvini monthly 75 cents per pquure for rch tune. t.7TetuiaiUari r aulliorm-J to ict m opc-ntt. vv ....... 17,. ' i Mt.tr.tTkU tnn. TUB NOHTH CAROLINA WIllO. Tlurr is a Timr. Thrfi i a tiiiu, we know not wlim, A plicc, wo kn"W n't wltrre, T it m.tfK the duliiiy ol meu To bry or drtp.nr. Thrrr la a timr, by ua uncfn. That crnp.fB rvfy p..ih ; Thf liiddon LoufHtarv txlwran tiotl'a patience and hit wrath. 7'n pian thia limit in ! ilii i'o flu? aa if by lealih ; Il tUw tu-t fjuriitii tin hrniiiiiijr tyn t)r pate Ihd jhiW t IilUI. TH" con irnce ;niy br till at eaae 1 apirit lipitl nJ jy ; Th l which ii pirating may Uae And crj lw lliruft aw-jy. Jtnl on forrhm Gtid Ima t iuifiiiy a intrk, litrrn y hum, for man at yt, I b'ni'J, and in tlie dark- And yrt llt do'm'H man putli Iwlow, I, ike Eden, nay hvr LhmuiM ; H dtd ii'il, (iiM'i itnl, w ill nut knuw fir feel tht r 11 .'ooui'J. knna, hr f tt th-tt !! i Anti fvrr y ( r n riliuM ; II liars, htt din, Itc w iki-i in llt.ll Not only dooiu'd but datmt'J. O ! where in th:a inylcroua L- urn, Ity w inch our pih i croa'd ; IJriond which, j'd t.imtvlt' hth sworn, Thitt be whii goia ia lot, II"W far uny r on in iir T I!..w loiif will "d f.-r!;.r T Vhrrv dmi ti(te rnd ? ud v hera brgn The con linti ut di at4ir. An inwr frrtrti (h kiri a aent : Y th .t frtim fi'M d wrl! While it i r '.td In. nay u jw nt ! And harden uut your 1kM. 1 liscfllantflus. THE REFEREE CASE. AN OLD GENTLEM AN S STOKY. Tim outliiiM ol the follow inn sketch waa related to me by mi g'd and honored mem- bcr of a Urge f uniiy coiiiiecii-ui ; a loan mbn t,.i-n au klnio-t liiixusu-til fund of legendary lore, and whone mo-t interest ing anecdotes and most comic tales are but recollections of past scenes, of which he can My, iu thfl language of .l-lucas, ' quorum llif'i puis Jill." Many years ;o, saiil .lr. I: , 1 hupp'-tied to bo oue of the referees in a case wlneh eicile'l unusuii nn-r, -i in nor roores. from the singular nature of th"- claim, and the strange story which it disclosed. , "The plainti'li, who was a captain of a merchant ship wluen traiu-u puncipauy nu w In n l.urr re einereu, siui mmi "' --! take tbe painting. Ul course she reltise.l, the prosperity of these pursuits arc so unlis England and ihe West Indies, had tnariied j.Miit female leaning mi his arm. She was w,n . ii,cre.iscd bis bids gradually from .H.isably necessary to tie cxisteln e and sup- quite early in life, with every pro-pen oi lisrt'iie. His wifn wusstu.l to nave been extremely bcautilul, and no less lovely in character. " After livi-ig with her in the mo-t unin- terrupted liarmniiy for live year, iluiing wliieh llinii two dailghti rs were added to Ins IjiiiiIv, lie niddenly reoiB.i io resume hi. occupation, which he had rclinq u-be-l on his : larringe, and when hi- ynuiige.nl child was Uu. three weeks old, : uu once more ... f.ir ll.r. W..-I Iiiil'i ". " wile li was devotedly sttiched l him. sorrowed deei.lv at his uhn-iice, and found her onlv coiiif-iil iu the society of li.-r children aud tho hope of his return. liut month after mouth passed away, and he came not, nor did any letters, those insuffi cient but welcome- substitutes, arrive to chi-r lmr solitude. " Month lengthened into years, y el no tid injs were received of tb absent husband ; and after long hoping agninst hope, the un happy wife was compelled to believe that h had found a gravu beneath the welter ing ocean. " Ilrr Borrow was deep and heartfelt, but tun evils of poverty w sere now added to her affliction, and tho widow found hersell ot.lig answer at length wss fd to resort to some employment, in order j "(In the 1 Ith day nf May, IT ." to support her helpless children, ller lice-i "When she was ju-t three weeks old," die wu hero-.dy renouree, and for ten years 1 added llurr. " t ientluiuen," continued he, belabored early and late for the mi-era- ! turning to us, "I have brought this lady bio pillane.e whieh is i vi-r grudgingly be-j here us au important witness, and such, 1 titowrd on the humble seamstress. think, she is. The plaintiff's counsel has " A merchant in New-York, in moderate j pleaded eloquently iu behalf nf the bereay lut prospering cireuni-taiices, an idenlally 1 t,l hiisbainl, who escaped the perils of the became ac ununited with her, and pleased M.a. and returned only lo find his home with her gentle manners no loss than her ex- treme beauty, endeavored lo improve llicir acquaintance with friendship. - - ... " After some months he oflered her his land, aud was accepted. As the wife of a successful merchant, she ooti found herself in tho enjoyment of comfort-) aud luxuries, such as she hud never ln-1'nro possessed. Her children became his children, and ro-e.-ived from him cory advantage that Wealth and affection could procure. " Fifteen years passed away i the daugh ters married and by their step father were furnished with every comfort requisite iu their new avocntion of housekeeper:). I5ut tliev had scarcely nuilt.eil his rni,( when their iiiothcr was (alien ill. fcdic died after a ,ew PKJess, and from that time " ' in-ii .pc, tue 1.1.1- nii'u I.aiI .....l...l .1 . il.,. ...1 .1 L "er uau rewueu nun me youngest uaugn-, ter. ! .ow comes ttio ti aiigest part ot tlie sto- ry. After an absence of thirty years, dur- " . ' ing which time do tidings had been received troiil hiin. the first llllsbftnd r.lirilill m 1 1 1 11. 1,1. .1 hal d;P" d- l'8 .Lad I uu pucij. nit) wuoio oi iiiai ioii penou 01 time on the ocean, with only transient visits on shore, while taking or discharging car go ; having been careful, also, never to come nearer home thau New Orleans. " Why ho had acted iu tl'is unpardonable manner towards his family no one could tell, and he obstinately refused all explanation. There were strange rumors of slave trading and piracy afl-zut, but they were only whis pers of conjecture rullur than truth. " Whatever might have I.icn his motive fur such conduct, lie was eriiaitily nny ttiinr but in ill lie lent to his family tonctins when he returned, lie i.'vd lilie i madman when informed rf V wile's m-cuiii' mairiage and sulj.ur ii'i i, u.'ih, vowing vengeance upo:; his isocessi.r, and terrify ing his daugh ters by tho most nwlil threatr, iu case they relied to aektiowledgv his claim. ' il'e had returned wealthy, and one of those meau reptiles of the law, who are si .) to be found crawling about the halls ol jui-lice, advisrd him to bring u suit againH the second hu-bund, assuring him thnt he could n covi-r heavy damages. The absurd ity of instituting a claim lor a wife, whom dt ath had already released from the juris diction of earthly laws was so manifest, that it was at length aj;ree ' by all parties ts leave the matter to be adjusted by red rein. " It was on a bright and beautiiul nl't'-r-nooii iu Spring that we tir-t met to hear this; sin gular case. The sunlight streamed through the dusty windows of the court room, and shed a halo around the long gray locks and broad forehead of the defendant; while the plaintifl s harsh fi-stures were thrown into atiil holder relict', by the same beam which softened the placid countenance of his ad versary. " 1 tie pt-iintiff's lawyer made a most el oipiinl appeal lor his client, and had we not been better informed about the matter, our b r aits would have beeu melted by his .touching description of the return of the j desolate linslaii,!, mid the agony with which be now heboid hi; househobi goods removed i to consecrate a siruuger a In-art h. j " The celebrated Aaron Uurr was councl ! i for the defendant, and we anticipated from him a splendid display of oratory. I had j never before seen liliu, und shall certainly i uever forget my surprise at his appearance. " Small iu person but remarkably well ; formed, with au eye as quick and brilliant as au ta-' s and a brow furrowed K u'"C fMro.ore than tune, he see- - ' very ditler eiit being from tl rt'1 traitor and mur derer 1 had been accustomed to consider him. His voice was one of tho finest 1 ever heard, and the skill with which he modula ted the variety of its tones, and t'iC melody ol its eauenci-K, weie mi must me. "liut there was one peculiarity ahout ' lam tliat rem Milled uu- ol tbe ilentbsol dark- i uess which lay beneath that lair surface. You will smile when I tell you that the 00 ly thiug I disliked was hi step. lie glided rather than walked; hi- toot h.u that quiet. M. althy movement which iuvoluntarily ake-i one thii.li of Ircuebery ; and in the couisc of a long life, 1 have never met Willi ; a trunk and honorable man to whom sucb a step was habitual. j "Contrary to our . pectatioii, however, , ISurr nude no attempt lo conlute bis opo- j n.iil s "I atory. lie nii-reiy opeueu uook of ital'itcs. and pointing with his fingers to nne of the pages de-iied the relerees tf ; rea l it, wnue ue leuieuior u iiieiiiiciu in bi in; iu the pi I fip'd vi'iirn. ! " Wc had scarcely finished the section i v hich fully decided the matter in our minds, attired in a .-ir.ip.e wn.ie ure.-s, wuu .1 wreath ot ivy (eaves encirc.ing ncr large fctraw bounet, ami lace v. pletely con- cealing her couiiteu.i me. liuir whi-pcrc n f, w words, apparently . n ui i.iti.: her to alvance; and ilun 'ac.-fii.iy rising her veil, dl-closcd t- is - aeeol moud, surpass t,,g tcuiy. I - v..-ci as wen a u it uu I,..;,- , j. M. idny, now simultaneously j tbe murmur of tdmiration burst from the ;p-o! all )re-i in. i uruiiig m me- piuim, i . 'I . .1 ... i IT l.uir .1 -keJ, l.i ?. l-.i.d, unlet I ,-l.e- l0 yuu kuow this lady V ; I do." " Will you swear to that . " I will ; to the best of my knowledge and belief, she is my daughter." " Can you swear 'o her identity?'' " I can." " What is lu-r age .'" " She was thirty years of age on the "Olb day of April." " When did you last sec her?'1 " At her own hou-e a fortnight since." " When did you last see her previous to that meeting V' The plaintiff hesitated a long pmise en sued the question was repealed, and the ! desolate. Hut who will picture to you the lonely wile ru lieiiiig over ncr uniiy iu, ut voiiiiL' her be.-t cars to the drudgery of .- i - ..... i .i . :i .. . :i A .. ... .. 1 1. -1 . . . T sordid poverty, supporicu oniy uy uie uoyr of her husband's return! Who will paiul the slow progress of heal t-sickuess, the wast ing anguish of h-'pe del'ci red, and finally, the overwhelming agony which came upon her when her last hope was extingui-hed, and she was compelled to b li.-ve herself in deed a widow T Who cnu depict all this without awakening in your hearts the warm est sympathy for the deserted wife, and the bitterest scorn for the uicin, pitiful wretch, CHARLOTTE, 3NT. who could tLus trample on the Leart oflij whom lm ln,l tiiim tn !.. .l.i.rJtl. ri We ueed not inquire into hi motives for act- lug so base a part. Whether it was love i gain, 01 iiccir.iousncss, or seii-muiner !. w t . l ence. it matters not; he is too vile a thins to be judged by such laws as covem men. Ijct us a.tk the witness she who now etands -iiuess sue wuo now elands galldl, of 41)(i patriotic citizens, w hoso a mile of the house in w hich they were both P'1'''1"' ti" as appointed by rresidut tlie ri teailess brow ot aprecjjjiu alJd pi0filiblc uietliiigs and grce-; horn and brought up, and which' their futh-1 l'icr('e. liaving short time n-o 1 coiii. oman Jet us a-k her winch tings, In the two inner occasions, have ers still occupied as tenants unler the duke of , "-editor with (.'apt. C. C. 1 'anl- y, of tl. I been to tier a lather. , eelJt ee(.lric influence from centre to cir-! Sutherland, iMr. llobert IIorsborouL-h bein" 'lt' 1101 k Oazette, tho olde-t 1 temocrat before us with a true-heated woman rif tlifuA lun La l.nnr . 1 t0 !Le ,Iad ' a tone. BWeCllK'na WHS 111 HIT All COIlfrUSI With the . V. . . "P . " . HH0.luV was in strange contrast wilu tne .eeent that bad just charactcmed , lie besought Ler to relate briefly ection of licr early life. A sliL-lit .coriiiui t accent his words, he rrecollecti "laHsed pSw.Bhe n MWU 0y.UKr Prauu ueaumui 1 1. I It . ." I P ' I " My first lccollectious are of a small, ill-' furnished apartment, which my sister and . myself shared wah my mother. SIc used to carry out every Saturday evetiug tho work which had occupied her during the week, and bring bank employment for the following one. S'aving that wearisome visit to her employer, and her regular attendance at church, she never left the house. .She olten spoke of our father, and of his antici pated return, but at length she ceased to mention him, though I observed she used to weep more frequently than ever. I then thought she wept because we were so poor, for it sometimes hnppi-ned that our supper w as a bit of dry bread, and she was accus tomed to see by the light of the chips w hich she kindled to warm bur furnishing children, because bhe could not afford to purchase a candle without depriving us of our morning meal, t'ueh was our poverty when my mother contracted a second marriage, that the change to us was like a sudden entrance into Paradise. We found a home and a fa I'jir." Sin- paused. "Would you excite my own child against ; me ?" cried the plaintiff, as he impatiently ' nuTe-u ii'.s iiuuii iui ucr isj ue niiene. The eyes of the witness flashed fire as she spoke. " You are not my father,'' exclaimed she, vehemently. " The law may deem you fuch, but I disclaim you utterly. What! call you father ? you, who basely left your ' remember, it the We-t as well as in the the ground; and it was not till night that ha-tily, or without regret. Indeed, wc tc wife to toil, and your children to beggary ! Kast, that thh is a GKK.iT STATE 31 HAS- ' by the kindness of her poor neighbors, he si-ted it long, and Jvui obstinately ; for Never . never 1 Behold there my father," , LTIK. Then is nothing local or sectional and her children were deposited in au emp-! with us. the" ties of nartv a-s.-iatioi, poiuting to the agitated defendant, " there ls the man who watched over iny infancy who was the sharer of my childish sport-, .. j . l : .- .j i. 1 ami u.-geiaruiauoi my lurxnei irueeu y ouiu. 'I'l...... w I, a tilm b.i ii. u ... v & frolirtn n J shares my home; there is imj father. Vot yonder selfish wr.-tch, I know him not. The " , .-..- ...j best years of his life have been spei-',"1 la w- less freedom from social tics; ni occk elsewhere for the rW.: lude nor care tnou tiea of kindred from her y .""cUldreu." ; ihe drew her veil hastily around her as she spoke aud tivini' her hand to Uurr moved as if to withe' raw. "Gentlemen," said lJurr, "I have no more to say. The words of the law are ex pressed in the book before you ; the voice of truth you have just heard from woman's pure lips; it is for you to decide according rK, U3 ' V 1 need merely add that our decision was sueh as to overwhelm the plaintiff with weil niorited shame. A fe w months since, a lady in this city on her w. ddiug day received from a friend i( York, a very shabby looking picture, ,iie ;,(, tli at it might adorn her par- l.,r. It was so obscure that one could scarce- jj J, t, Pl tbe outnUes of the figures which jt r(.pri.l.nt,.J but on account of the giver, ; ,t was 'cut to be restored. While tlie-ie, au l.;;jl.ian paw it and oflered S "ill for it. w l,,t.l, oflt-r wa-t refused by the lady oil ac- COulit ot its being a gill. J tie J.iiglistiinaii urged his offer, and cal'.iug upon the iady, sajj ie kljou!d regard it as a favor if she woui,j allow him to present her SI Oil and f tni to 61 '(III, aud fiua'ly asked her to set ,r pnc). t, it was one ol six paiutings ,.. Mm-iilo two of which were destroyed by lire, and three f f winch were in r-umpe. So ceitain is he cf thi-, that he stands in i readiness to pay as high as 810,0,1(1 for the ' 1 painting ; quite a prcttv sum for a young ili i " . i m " ii. ...i . r ,tx An original .Murillo at the sale ot ,JC jnttf Marshal Soult's gallery brought up- j ar,lsof 3i Udll. llmton G'ui. I ... iv ,m.it ii, vs V ivei-si ) u r. . i i.as ii.i.-iiih... .'. ii . .1 t 1, . e-rMiij; engi iiei'i , ey - n-"-. Koss. residing iu Montreal, has addressed a i ......... .i... i ,.i- it.,.. il,.. k.iIi. . e .' r ... i; tect of a recent invention uf an extraordi- lull ell. mini. m. v.. . - - - j I, It- .. ii, in iinen.! " v . "... ... vered a new motive power wlncli w ill wasi u Mm ncrnss ilw Ai anticin three days; .....i .... .i.... !.:.. k,...l ;.. 'il,.. Ullll, lUlllll 1, 11 Itwiu l-vic i.w.v- i -e 1 ii ii . . .,.! hotlom, the vessel would float with equal ,. ,, i i. .i,-t. .,.. safety and freedom. In order to complete, a working model, which is wholly indepen dent of steam, he finks the assistance of fif teen hundred dollars from son gentleman's pocket. No progress, says Mr. Koss, has been made in that direction (the sen) to keep pace with the movement over rai roadsonthe land, but this desideratum will certainly be accomplished and demonstrated iu his great discovery. A lli;s;s,iAN Gift. Ward, tho jeweller, has, t-ubjeet to the inspection of the curious, two of the most magnificent rings we have .... t . . 3 V .. .1 . ever teen. J he rings were prc-emcu oy me j Emperor aud Empress of Russia to Col. Sam- ucl Colt, of Hub city. I'ue ol the rings con tains diamonds worth S3,O00 ; each contains the cyphers of the imperial personages, Al exander and wife, set with very minute dia monds in enamel. The bhauk of one of the rings glitters w ilh numerous petite diamonds, and ilia whole affair makes a gift worthy of cne emperor to another chip of the same block. Hartford Cuurant. The city councils of Louisville have pass ed resolutions declaring that the foreign population provoked tin recent riots. O-, SEPTEMBER 18, 1855. i ! niaJt rr raiiii niiriwrwnmni r'vA (he Xorlh Carrdiria Arator. STAli FAIR. The time for lioldijig the State Fair, (we would remind our rtaders,) is rapidly ap proaching. We trust jtLe number of persons .1.1 I I ' I . .1. 1 wuo nave aireauy nmuu up ineir minus 10 attend in more than double that of the thou-jniid eeut an c ectric inHu lice Irom centre to cir- c,ferec of the W which will never I cua!i0 tQ cxert ul0t eulutary influence up- 0 ,ier anil highest interest; and t,mt tbou,a1(U morffe, yet undecided, will at ,. ,.Ki,. ,i r. ,..!. ,i !,. . I. ' I , fl cca.c to exert A wot fculutary influence up- once resolve to do themselves and the cause ' V of illipr0enicut theV',rvion to bo present, and. il Dossilile. to V.wUi: witli tliciu somu- thin.- to contributu to the exhibition. There U not a moment t lose iu making the nc- cessary preparation. Jjft every one com mence, forthwith to make his arrangements, and so dispose iis business before hand, as to Le ready toevet n week to this highly interesting a'd ii.sti uetivu assemblage ot the friends of impioiLiucnt. All limy thus make it to tlem-eives the most profitable, as well as delghtful, week of the year. We address not only those who reside in the ueighboriig counties, at what is called convenient di-tunees, but the people of the whole .'jtatt in the most remote countiis, at the mot iil'Ollvenielit distances. They are all touallr and deetdv interested, nnd ..il. lie- uii.pij lei.aiu 101 u.iy .ni-i an ji uie patriotic saciilces they may make to partic- ipate iu this giat and important movement. .. :il 1 ....... t 1 (. - . . .1 .. n . r . 1 . Jut'try f.ijiiHtisliould If rrpi rr.t( u'fil vttli .pet tmeis mil suntjuis oj tittii, ond o duetto f s-iU uu li tlustry. 'J'heir del egntes shoud bo here in great numbers, with appropiato emblems and banners, rea- flu l ,,L'd eir in tU man'l urn, l. .y ....... ...... ... .... .m,. . v.. onward math and ultimate triumph of the pleasurable and peaceful pursuits of indus- : try anu civnzai.on. i.e mcreiore, can up- ; on leading nen in every county, who stand before our uind's eye, whom we know to be jiublic spiritd, intelligent and influential, 1 to see to it, that their respiclive cr.unties .1.-11 ... .J ... .1,. T . . .1 nmii i.c irjiiiaciiicu un.ce.iu. ji.ii.ni in it. If anytjing, the weaker aud more re- niotc sections ire more deeply interested in its -success thas any others. We could ea- .:r n..n,n...ir i.: i .ui, suu .i i. e..- CUtllstaliri'S f.lln.eed Ka -Iv-lllld e-!li I niirs.-l f of this ocea-iou to do bo; will convince tho inteliig -, . ... ... but a n flection Clit III, II.. Ol Its truth, and indicate to th patriot!'.- his du- y. ilie tact, tliat id tins matter, all is to )'PlJ.'j; "oluiitary action of cases, depends upon tlie zeal and activity of a few leading spirits, makes it imperative uPon t'K4t iuw t0 CJ,"e '"',rwurtl ""J exert themselves in tue cnut, uu u oi an out- ers, of a secular uutuR, is dearest to the masses, until the peopfc all over the State stun, aim cuiiii'uio nun iuu ni.i.c eei iiic'aiii cabers were thrown in all direction-); shall be fully aroused. There are leaders It is not many months since the ladic of party ; and, in conformity with that seuti- mn inh,Uls, ignoring all rcli -ion, who in every county, who, lie Roderick Ihu, iu England appealed to their sisters in Atneri- meiit, gave up the latter, and adhered to with their iinli religious aud agrarian or a political campaign, luve only to give one ca on be half of the poor blacks, imploring the former. ' ganiz itious, are beginning, already, to en- sound of tln ir w Instic, and the lace ol tlie cartu is ininieuiattiy aiae not wuu piai- earth is immediately alve not with " plai- ded wariors anii-.d lor if rife " but with ex- cited partisans rushing to ' ' iikiss tnrc- ... ii-.i 1- I . . .. J .. : d cited partisans rushing lo ' mu.. turc- ting !" If the rcmaik of I'ean Swilt "thathe who makes twqblades ef grass grow where but one grew btforc, deserves more of bis country and bcer merits the grati- tude of li.ankind than tie w hole race of pol ituians put together "-s-bc true, would not these chiefs be employed in a iioi Lr work, l,y ..outidiiig their wb'Mle in the cause of improveme nt, and summoning tin i-' follow- crs l0 tl1L. State Agricultural' lair: That ,ativ of litem are ciitfigeil in agricultural mti-siiils is iio excuse fc.r a in , u el ol tins duty. It is well knotvii that proi'.-io-.ial linn have- much scientific, agii.ultui.il and mechanical knowledge, and wlu-n tin y turu their energies to it, make the best tai uie-rs ; and, inure-over, that tliir iutcre-t is so in terwoven with manual labor l ui.-uits, and pprt of civ il govcrnmcit and society, it be co,cs the duty of gn! citizen- ot pro- fusions to take an active p ut iu all uicas- urc- iiit.-iided fe r ther;,'niv anc iiient. I l fore we i-l-ec, a t ir-l to ti e citizens of Haleigh aud Wake tbunty. They have a peculiar part to perftrm in the great work J , i j . before Us. Olid TUB STATE t.XCK is Til EM T0 no TltKlil MTV. , They not only labor uu-ler heaw rcsiioiibilities. but have a 'deep interest in the su-ef-ss i-f ... tbe i.'i.S '"'( vmiiaiinil it, 'iun (' tin' J'nir .- . . .. , n . (iiuiaiiti ut the sent, ul ( ,ovrm'irnt, J.et all, therefore, set abtut to do their l est to inn lake the Fair attractive nnd agreeable. 1 irst. let a prepare something to carry to ; ,; . r ' '" 1 i" "' nf il,.. Si:,t.. S.i.-i, tv : .-ii-.,!. thirdly, et a be' i . 1 . . r , .!,;,;,, f Let the terest in this groat .Sfo:.' cnt. rpris . . , . , . . . . citizens ol Iv.llelgU IlialtC It kllOWl: L'llolO- , , . , . hand, tbr.t their cousins, friends and aciiuaiii- ' ,, ,, , ', .. . itmieos from the country -v ill all bo welcome their latch will be cvr outside the door, and the latch rrady to iy up at the call of visiting strangers Irom vhatevcr quarter. . I Let the people of all Wake County open their doors, and invito the whole Slate. The hospitality will be ippreeiated and re ciprocated. .Vo;ng viil U liKtm inli . ;.,..v. ...;i. I.. ... . nf happiness and pleasure tt least. IEATII Sl'ltlNG. A late California pa-' per nicutietis the discovry of a spring in Eldorado county, in that State, whose wa ters flow from a bed uf irsetiie. The mine ral depo-ite is thirty fc- t thick, and ci . out of the surface of tin- earth. Veins in it abound with gold, and siecinictis f this au riferous ore have been shown t the editor ' of the Plaeerv ilia Auietican. The name of '' lcath Spiing"ban been given to the stream. The existence )f it is supposed to account for the mortality among the goo! miners at the early period of the California epede niic. Some sorts of cbirity will swallow the egg and give away the shell. SIIiX-KIXt; Mil TAI.1TY oN THE IU KI: i KX-SENATOU BO II LAX I OX Till; L 11-1 foreign population and encouragement of OK Sl'TIIKIJLA.ND'S EsTATKS. j MOCIiATIc AND AMUR li AX I'.A KTIES. their growing importance, until llicy are The Xeilhnn 7;fi (Scotch paper) has 'J'hn Won. Solon Borland, all hii life a' Mlkill 1 'T''1 ri,-t'" hath morally nnd p--the following: ! mocrat of the stronge-l (see,, who wn. ,ltlci,ll towards an influence w hick cannot T . .....!! I :.. a...v. m 1 lnna a .Snlmlnr in l',,,r..UJ !,. Arl,ii.n v Otherwise thai) UIIW ho'iisOOie arid dinner- j.i nuiuii uemse 111 j uueg i?Kerrny, iu the parish of Tongue, lived a Hi ighlander jnrter 0f hid wife, within less than .Sutherland. iMr llobert IIor-t orouL-h l.ein.f factor hLoVtlv bofor. .1.1 S w i C our contemporary relates, William M Knv's ' wife was confined of her fourth child, and was still in bed, and unfit to be removed r ...... .., ., i our coiiten.tmrarv re hh. William M'Knv'i from it. liut ou the Utith of June, a neich bor informed M Kay that a party of law of ficers were coiag to turn Inmrclf and fam ily out. The husband hastuiied to the house to inform his wife ; and of course console her. In an iustaut the inessetiger-at-arms, with his party, were at the door; their 'leaking was heard by the poor woman, mid sLe began to tremble ; cold perspiration, covered her body all over ; the officers came iu, and soou cleared the house of every ar ticle of furniture ; and, lastly, tbe wife, and . , . 11 . , 1 her ncwly-bon. babe, must be turned out j too. he uiid-wife remonstrated, but IU va.u. ine lawomcersMiu n.ey wouiu oe requ.r- ed to execute their commission. in iinr,.A ivvi 1 woman w as, in : I ite of every leinonstrance, j doomed to be removed. 'J he executioners of justice had. thov said, their instructions I but, may It not t'O sal t, Wal.teU tbe tell- Jdcriiess which would suggest to them the delicacy aud danger of iiiterf.-riiur with n' , ' . T . . . . . wouiau in such a state ? They surrounded I her in the corner iu wliieh she lay, laid hold I of tbe sheet or covering which was under .r) carried her out of the house, and p!ac- : Lj l.r c, (,e ground at a distance, and ' 1 1 . .. i. . . . 1 . 1. . C .1 1 : .: I ' rju.u uiieK -o i;ie iiuik ni iiemoiiuoii ; uivois the hatchet cut down j a very short time tl, th-i couple-tree, and ilC roof ol till! but llis. 1 appeared, and so did its destroyers. J licy had more work of a kindred nature toper- form that day. In an agony of feeling, the husband ran off a distance of five miles to procure medical aid. w bile his wife, with her I r . , ... . new-tjorii, iniaiii, lay on a nine straw upon ty barn. Wc canuot, except in some of our Kiiglisli poor law cruelties, recall such a circumstance which has occasioned us deep- , .- ., . , er llHiigliimon Ilian tut lliciuents ol tun pall. r..l . . : . 1. A A ... t.r investigation. Iu the former, we have, IUI iiu.u i.e, uVi "i.iei. ... m.,.e..3 s.ne.- indeed, had CrueltV ill :U Worst Possible fonu as far aa the acts themselves a-.e con- t.,.rnt.,. ye cat understand. Xb,p (tfWWi1 , lllr'Halarj. ,,e aliJ cgcr to re- coiiunen l bi,u.-e!f to hi.-employers by nn eco- nomizing u-e of his functions, cominitting acts of inhumanity at which oue feels hor- , nueil. JJut that sueli things can take place . under the eyes of the l'ukc of Sutherland fill, us with as much astonishment as pain.' thuu to exert their iiiuuence to put au end ; to tlio ueploratdc and kiiock, tig system oi to tho deploruhle and fchocking system of slavery ; and the first name which the sig- ' IUUres to that appeal bore, w as the name of , . , p.,, , i leu .t .... natures to that appeal bore, was tlie name ol tlit Iluehess of Sutherland. Will that wo- man look lit home and think of poor Wil-, li;,m M Kay's wife, carried in a sheet out cll tlj o ground, with he-r new born infant in Inr anus: v ill she spcaK one cioqucix word of remonstrance iu favor of the poor whites who hav e ibe ini-fortunc, at this mo-1 tnent, to have their luilings on band's c-tate ? ,,,, . Invkntion- .-.I he following announcement has a pcared iu the newspapers within h'w days: M. M. Mauley, a large marble dealer - of Vt-rinont, offers ? 111,000 preiinuni to any one who will produce a machine that will at the same time saw ou a taper both sides of a block of marble, as for an obelisk ; it luu.-t of cour-e work cheaper and quicker than a single saw. The thing is hard to contrive, but it can be done. Let our me- ch.-uiics think of it." Nosooncr said than done. Our friend, Mr. .loliu Taggart, of whose prolific genius we have often had to speak, on reading the above paragraph, went immediately to work to nroduce the desired machine ; "and we think be has done so. He has shown us the plnn of a saw which will a. coinplish surely and lnpidlythe desired object. It will saw two sid.es of a triangle, or mi obe lisk of any taper or length, with perfect ac curacy, and will work hoi'ujut.iily or verti cally. liottoi 7' te.'i r. r, . -I- .1: .1..., lri'iii.i.M , . ers in the State of New orK, on be ing con- victed and fined under the liquor law, by tie local courts, appealed to tue .-vipi vine Court of the Second .Judicial lhstrict, which reversed the decis-ious given by the courts hcleiw. Judge lirown maintaining " tint iu- tivi.M.iin.r li.ninm nre iiroiu-rt v in the fullest . ' , , , , . , - t sense; and that the Legislature cannot al- ter their nature, and cannot, therclore, tor bid their sale." He said, the Legislature Ciilitiot declare liquors to le a nuisance. The right to import conveys the right to sell." If other appellate courts take the same vu w oi uu-suuieci .. . .- . i l :. .. the New oi k pro- j AlU,r law will e-ca.-c to have any ffect. Woum in thf. Ukaht. Mr. F. Kell, of Talbot county, 0 a, wi iting to the Spartan Press, savs that a f-tvorite dog of bis died suddenly, recently, and su-pecting that he was poi-oncd , he made a po.-t mortem ex amiliatiou. To bis a.-toi.i-hmei.t he found concealed in his heait a worm lne.-ir.ing forty inches, and as thick as a man's little linger. There was twelve inches of the worm out of the heart, while the other part of it was in the heart, tied in four rr five hard knots. The part of the worm that was out oi' the heart extended down to the liver. which appeared to be very much catch. If you wish to gain friends, le courteous to all persons. ' au ver' recently Mini-ter Plenipotentiary to Central America, to which icspoii-iidc ' J',ltle Uo' k 'gazette, tho o eie-t J 'einoeratic i paper in the .tut, h'us made the follow!,,, vigorous ,-ti uncinate Am, lie,,, cause, with t of l,is l'-"ocratic eo-pn n.Lm ,l .i;..-.. ; .1 .., i i- i vicoroua Vi'mtitncinwculo in lavor oi tl, the full concurrence partner in the propri ctorship and editorial conduct of the pai,r. .Xas.ltle Baimt,-. s J,'r. " ' 'f , , ' , , l our government. rroin the Luile ltockla.iietteinHUenincr.it. I '1I .1 1 . . r i-.-r , 1 .0 tli- se iloeti ins, as part of our politi Out 1 osiTloN. l.orn and reared m thet;ii cr,.trii W1. rolll(l WYvr afl.llt. ,, . Democratic faith, and experienced in llie;eutj not v,,.i,m(f lo aI1Y ,,ai.y hi.-U d duties ,t enjoins, we have abandoned none i,,ira the m. Hut they a're admitted and ol its pnuapf S, but firmly adhere to tb-m j earm-M) insisted upon, by the, so-called all. And that we have been laithtu! 111 the Id-n.ocratic parly, no one can question, who strvice wu have rendered 111 support of j rtrtad its reco-ruued organs withhi the last those principles, we confidently appeal to , t',.w montiis, or observed the course of its all ot whatever party, who have know 11 j t, i -1,1- olheial leaders. Indeed, not only us, from our first connection with public af-i.i,. i!, , . i- .1.... ... ... fairs, alike 11, individual, official, ami edito - rial capacities ; as we are fully conscious ol Having been actuated, mall wo have I , ' J I nam alio uuiif. li it nr nsti cj i n i n 1 v . I .1 t . i ..!) J I nd a seiitiiuent of devotion to the wcilai. of our country. lint w bib nr,l.-nik- ,.. r! nnd linn. . J ly iii.-.intain these prmripUi,, facts have forced upon us the tori.ictiou'lh-it the old 3,ili orzmnzuthti. called Hi in.;uf which was oiic-iiial'v formed for their s in. purt, and for which, alone, we belong, il to it. has so fur rliaiu-ed li- eli:u iir iei- utterly iucapable of auswei in.' that purpos... to maintain the constitutional rights of i ... . . tne several Miiti s, nml tliei'tl y f le-erve tbe l-ederal L n on : indeed, has not on v 1 Income thus incapable of trood, but. hv the1 .ibrilidoiniiiTit (if Toifeielc lie I'l.i.n, in iu ranks, and corruption in its practices, is fast d..-gein oatinc into an rn-jine of evil which unless its career be speedily arrested, niu-t in the subversion ot tin. constituti-m, and the ruin of the country .... Webave not vieleled to this ronvictinn w hich h.d bound us for life time, w-.n- il strong as they could le with any on.-, r.ud were civen un with i ainful reluctant--' .. . .fc .. ' 1 JJut tbe sigus ol t he tunes were pa-sing ds I- I . I t . I e . . . . , .. t'd ur-on our observation, whoso existence ,y uciore U-, niiu lacts were coiisianiiy n.rc- eonld Tint be i, ii -ti,nii.il mnl MirlnitiiiN .! .. nitieancc could not be uisre-arded. Tlie a!Cirt:tae-Tr-uTftiiV and -or'tranatVon of , ra,N, which had once been sound in p,in- eiple, national in its scope, and erlieient l'--r good, but was so longer, on the nn.; hand and our duty to our run utnj, on the- otlu r. L nhke a certain ould-be p j,::ieiun nnd at present this State, we 1 lh mt:,titic office huldcr, in love our unuitiil m ore tha tl . This is intended, not as argument or il- lustration; but merely as an announcement 0f our position, iu respect to the political parties now before the country. Uut, us .... . . .-. ,-ii .- lustration; but merely as an announcement parties now belorc the country, but, us we alludeel to the acts which have torccel Us into this position, it may not be inappru- priatc, even here, to mention some one or two of them, which cannot be considered otherwise tliau ol leading sigiiiucation an i importance. Among these is the fact that, since the pa- her liu-- sageof tin-Kaii-as aud Nebraska bill, in all the Northern States, especially ia those call ed Drmif i:tic where elections have been held, or legislation had, the tttitiumility of iiii"i ' . - -' ' J , . ..... j litxfa,k party, is abandoned, and the sectional, abolition element i- now in t'.ic ascendant. For pro'if of this, look througb . ;t.w Enclatid, (incluiiing ev en i' I'iercc's own Ai lb ",) w here, m 1 -")'.', there was but lao anU-l)cnnr:it:ti-states. What is their po-ilioti Lrmo ra tic still t.) yes ! Yet a'u'ition to the core, aud led on by Henry Wilson, Charles Sum ner, and John P. Hale 1 Then look to W i-cu-siu, I iwa, aud even to Mr. Iioilglas' ovv n .i imis ' n longing to the bemo i atic pu t it still 0 yes, aud I boa-ting of it; yet tho- roughly abolition-rod, and headed by suc'ti men as L'uikcc, Ilarland, an 1 Iruuilaii! .1.7 Lcnt-rirts .' ' Again, it is a fact, that the Dcn;Knit'.c partit, iu its State organization.-, iu the North, so far as it has rue I in Con. e nil mi, announced its ri.-ls.iti.in nnd put i-an,ii,l;i in tho field, has abandoned it; nationality, repudiated its obi e. institutional pi inpl. s. and incorporated 'Jytli: out as an eh men! in its creed. For a proof of Cis, look to Ohio aud Pennsylvania, !;er toi'ore regarded as the oiude-fof the J.Ji-m-ji-rii-1, in the- North, where, in their recent Dti.t-rfittc fUtc Con r:,. 1 1 n;t, tl.c fs-rmt-r expressly and em phatically ad.'j ted an 1 incorporated ' -..,',.(( ' .i- an indi-pi ii-able fletne-ot of t.'.e p ., .' ,' en i-.l. and toe latter, w hich imi'ely rceogtdxt d tho.-e State right-, without which the' Southern Mates could li--t eil-t, 1U tl.e I moil, filled ti.cin- iluirit, a.niosl uiuini- IKu-s this samo 1-e inherit t : gar.'zaf, ?n in the ether States, north ot .Ha-on s ,-hi-i 1 futon's line, hold out. any better piomi.-e, or vticourage any V e tie r In pe 7 li so. we have beeu'iinai'le to cJise-.mr it. For, even iu New Yoik, where one cxi-tcd the ele ments and seemingly tho d i-pj-it ion. lcr haruioni--ii- reoi ganiati m ot tho party , upon national principles, ecrt .in malign ui Huemes, sal 1 t . have emanated fi-nu Wa.-U-in-t -:i. have .-o liolm n into frag in.-nt-, and array. 1 it into l,.-ii.e Lot. on-, .-0 as to des troy Y.l 1. s "'' l- l!e-i.!e-interp-'ia: ' . -Slier i h in l ' - have I e li into t d i tl-e s.. -i-a.i ,i n ,-t .-..'.y i ,, ; . , w no ii i ng to it. but i, liicon-isti nt originally bei to its i l int i 1. an- r. J Willi Its n a le tl mate purpo-cs acd ,ige roits to t! c We fare ot our community. iei.mc-e if cut part t are recognizee ,1 and proelaiiut"! a .1 ('..:. 1, v ib.-in.. who ooelirv t o' t o - occupy tl iuu uu. mnl, ..uw. i . i 1.,.,,1.,1-a ill flint MTtV orosi ;a!Oll nun ui i. i"o ......... - s- i-i,., l;.,,.;.,,t,l.. el. incuts we allude are f .-.' the advocacy of an iucrca-e 81. cms, even if it should not become actually paramount in our country, unless finally re sisted ; nnd, S'fiiHii that the members of h (Sliitn h esaciitially jtoiticiit in its organi sation, and owing cteil ulli giuticrlu tijiu rixi 'iitt:c, should be entitled to equal rights and privileges, ami should receive equil favor ami encouragement, in all the relations, public as well as private, with our own native horn citizens, whose reli'-ion is ! b,;tlu'l'u ll"'ir a"'1 themselves, and wl,q't' tlv'1 allegiance is given, undivided to ...j.. 11 ,,,, ni."-Lr,ii'i;i -'i rn Ul mill l t , 1 proelnim these ductrines, but it i.iiht be j Ultimately interred, from the teen.; eon- teB,s pf ,K.ir .-oliimns. vhev thou ..hi from . . . ' - M II'" lUH'MtJI H'll Ml t ,.. .1 wn to flic present day, tin virtue, pli iolism, intelligence, list-fu! Dens 88 citizen-, and piety s Christians, iu our country, had belonged exclusively, to for. iiuiit, and limtnLii Ciilhuliii. 'J Inn w hat is more notorious mere the subject of every day observation and experience, than that to ignore those doctrines, is so gravu a ri.iiileiiieanor iu the, federal office, that instant dismissal is the uneoiulitiuiiul pun-i-1 uu-nt ! We liavr no Tir-'iudice ngiiust foreigners. ort' il le- -certainly not to the rx'ent of d"in' tin in any injustice. We would n-it exclude lither from our country we would not deprive- any who are already lure of any o the righti or pi h ileg.s i ,.y have :ie.uired under our eon.-l itut io:i and laws, we we ul i! not withhold from tho-e-, of go-d eiiaraeti r, w ho may liMeaftcr tonic, any pn ti etioii, er any privilege, which may be ne cessary, for their sure inte rest ami welfare, and at the same limn compatible with the safety of our institutions. Jlut while wc admit that tin.- time was when our coun try needed, ainl was benefited by the coining in of foich-n population, wo believe that lime has i.a-sed, and we need bo more. r.-i.eciallv do we believe that llisteld of a ' ' - ' ' ben. til. will prove nn injury to our country, if we continue to receive and admit to tho lights of citizen.-hip the hordes of half a lnil-li-ni a year, a large pr. portioii of hich are come tin. settled policy of several .-etimries .'f Europe to pour out their prisons and poor houses. We believe this, as eitiz- us of the United States at large, wheu wc regard such a pop ulation in the two fold asi eet nf its. cliaiac- t,.i- i;io(and 'o;Ve,,. Iu its 'oiv a 1,,.,-t u lien we heboid the musses oi lier. C' inb. r the social system, disturb the qui- tt and threaten the safety of many lamo tt, and threaten the safety of many lam communities. In its puiticul aspect--, whe we tjJ that, before many of theiu hav . '. eu we find that, before many of them have learned our lunguage, studied our const i- tution and laws or become experienced iu the working of our institutions, they aro Lauded t-. -ether, elaniourou-lv deinaiidin changes radical changes iu our form of government, whii h if ever attempted, would de-troy the harmony and beucticeucc of its operations, aud throw what is how the pal ladium of our liberties and happiness iuto liope-lc.-s anarchy and ruin. IJit not only ltu itii- .nn ui me e .1- ij.iiiuii.ii cll,z. It is a- citizens of tbe South-as do we dike tins view of tlie ease, as national. tt,ti t that this immense i.umiir.i ti,, 0f f.reigiicrs into the United States, or matter hom what countries tue-yiuay come, nor what may be their religious belief, appear- to us niu-t objectionable, and as threa tening the mo-t immediate and imminent d.iuer. We know that, as a rule, this pjp ulatiou doos not come into the iSjulhern Stales. '1 he bulk of it perhaps ill tie proportion of t--n to one settles, in some in-t.mces actually colonizes the new North western territory, as fast, almost, as it can be brought into market. 'J ake this well known f ie-t in connection with the open and held avowals id' the leading aboi iiimsls, that iu thi; foreign immigration, which llu-y z-alou-ly encourage, lies the miiiii hope cf unti -.lnv.i y, to perpetuate and increase the ,i y j: r--r o-er the s'li'i- States, and its hideous fe-i-tures ol danger to the South, ore at onco ili-closed. Who shall disregard them? In view of the foregoing objectionable! things, which we find in the picse tit creed of the f-i-cailcJ I'ein. -emtio party as now organized, anl which have been interpolate e among its original doctrines, we cur. nn longer c. i.-ei.t to be a member of it, nnd do not he-it it-- t-1 -ay -o. Dut besides th "se grounds of positive ob . ."- .i. .v. ... -i H CtlOll 10 II, as a p:u I V, l.ieie nie . en. i vej. e. lions of -v n-g-otv li-irfimt.-r, !:" ry,- in the absence e-t positive ones, would in ! our opiiii-'H. leave it no longer i.e-ccs.-ary, iu leeO, absolutely worthies t-r the attain ment ot in- t'lie.d end.- of ;i public nature. V.. bold it to be thus itlctc. for the rca-on th.lt w I'.llo its I I il.ciples. ; as the foundation of a.i good, arc iiiiqne-tionably sound, and wid cv.r leiniin vjiuuble. all the j' met tea I i .'.. of legi-lniiou, or ef Executive ad-mini.-ti ation, w hich, since its origin, have Ueu in ccidrovi-rsy between it and tlie only fiber rartv. it- great antagonist, the old party, it- great antagonist, hi of, a partv.have been settled and di-poscd no i-.-n.-.r before the country. As a ii-. '.'il poiittc.il organization, therefore, it b.i answered alilio-goul purposes it vv as c-- a I le e-t :t- pr -f . r teis.-ioii ctiileil; aid lm a,l other tuings whieh have fully per formed tln ir t'.ine-tloiis, and lived out their o.-iv.-.t will be continued only t cumber i',i- around, or le pervcited to in i-ci.ic v ous - . en - t ' in: Is, Ami that It Is thus V ry rapt-ily la.U r a 1'iev to pel version, wo l ive air. ady 1 - ! -llHle'l. nt iv imiieated our l i n t. In the lungu ige ot lmo. I N el-t. r, t lit-ii, . , . ,. to when he touuu In- ...d party IS-.', nite'tl of' be no longer a '1' .-ory I-'1''--- l'! IU

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