7" f cn- iteral ; 1 1 i i count: y. . 1.e l.wl-o.l about us anil m, !.) ' Whrre are ire lo 0 attiswer wo have looked in vain to our oU ' antagonist,'.! oMWhg pu.t,n far, iron. !bu, cvi-a while they bad an eiust.-lico aud an or",i it. we diiteied widely; and now, as (Im v th,-m -elves admit, they have bo longer " a heal habitation or u tiara.J." V.-. ., i i I ' Tina emjniry is siu-wered. hy.tlj.fi American Party, which ... 6ml. i' i :.'!! i-i itill-g-'.vvyn, like Mi- nt-rva, wheti the leaped into lilo lroui tl brain of Jove, Yet young, fresh from the j people, vigorous and untainted with corrup-i lion; and, better than the rest, with a pud- tit a! creed, having cut of view all the old i ir-sues which, haviiii formerly divided pre- ccdiug parties, were chlo v 1 ug nettled or : are effete, and pro.-i Ming a platform ofj j., ,,. ,.,:., ; .ii which every patriot may j f-sii. n 1 fed that, in laboring for their j establish m lit, 1.. is, at the same liiiie,la- hcring for the moral, social, and political welfare of hi country. Cpou this plat- . t.jrui we Imc taken our stand v. tt.U is intended .i.':-. as toe get atiuouiiceiiieiii of cur poMti , in respect ilo t. .Urea! ol Til,' t'. n 0 with the 1.-1 !i V J have :.iv.n it, of mere outline of the coii-idcrations which have induced us to assume that position; and this article has already litemled to it much greater leurth than we intended for it, we .-hall not go "into dita-i here as to what wehoid to he excellent leaturt-s and Mull iuerits.of the American orgamritioii, which Lave wen our conscientious ;, pi o ami ill com tu and our undivided support. Loti-te-iitwitli remaining, for the present, that while, f-r the win ie Cniou, its pi iueiples in n-eifcl to ail fraotit-al i-,ucs new the euiii.trv, whalicr moral, sooi t.e.,1, are 'letter Until any wim found ( !- here ; tiiev al e, in le the great and vital ('iestion I . e." U, lie ( .'. ". I.liil lt'-n- i,- Hie S'nitH tuau aiiv oilier panv, nal in itsei--nniatio:i r wi.i j. Miles, it the only orsai mir opinion, now elvisls i on vtliich it i pioiiahle. or fun pnu to cfl'-H-t t liut uiiijn for the sjifi ty of t pcniihle ; V.ut Vfiieve it may. ar ,!-- am 1 HI' ! 3 We V llie C CHARLOTTE: day, Sf'j-teiii bcr IS, boo. ;ive reum ek In -aft.r. e Aim! 13 uuiiet A I'iur ipplo. ir prraintiil ti e I'lher l'V with ! Mr. James Kerr, of tl.ia cul.ty. , fim ll 11 and the wheel, mid wanted tltnm in Iho glumny ' lui1(jeoiiB? 'IT.i ha been tlio work of C:atholu rtirsoim and their tools in Hie Inquisition and eluc where fr ceulurius, Riul mi they a-'k who ia lu blame fur the riot .it Lnaisvilte 1 Jo.l o if the training vl.ieli their foreign eutijects receive -ouW nut iieee!ari1y lead to such iccnc of riot and liioiidslu ii, Tlie saive liaper ask Who was guilty, 20 year, alio, uf kiirckinc the hats oil" the liemis of num ber cit Pniteftaiit gentlemen in ttie strceii in t in. I cimmlti ? We give tl.a f.illi ing estrucU to how j I lie inti.li ruble auducity of (.".itlmlies uuil foreign ers just dO years ago when Know Nutliingimu a net ihoiiehl of. Here wni the beginning of a riot and " who as in the fault ?" roi'Ktf ii. t iM'isNSTTI." "The editor of the C'iiieii ii atu Journal, under date of J-n. II, give the lii'liovu'g narrative. " V leniuetahle eitiieii has called to mention the iiimilii .g treatnitMit lo ll he had reeeiveit Irom l.-aiuni! im iiilier of the Catholic eniiimuiii ni at the ,ie e"i,i..eiatnoi of the Catholic Cathedral, in t'tltii Slrrvl, t'liietmmtti. " I hc gt-ntl. man, with wifij and children, w.,s renin org fu'lii die Third rrsbytenun Church, ,0 wliieli he is a member.) Inn, attracted by the tunic ..f m irtial unit e, be p.i ned a on in m on the .rPMfiiJ.ui't as the Jiishi.u Ac, were leaving the ,. n who knew the ,..-in.r h.t.U of J my pocket, .lid it would take f hi, rol,iicalredik-etio., that ,t would n h mat. fa,,, k.i.oht t r.anta, and a cool 50 000 0 , .ID. for muen 8urri.C if., tOmed Catholic n,. J" a silica for which he in many n-F", iuo.un . e e " , peculiarly fitted by nature. But the ideii of W. j oouS Ud fal upon he fj d uming Mormon.ahd .uddenlyembraeing the fi.r. I eon tented Soul, weard lJ for , . i.i . r Steuben c.uld ni.itie. ol lustpid and hcattlH- utssipation. 4 uey no ideal sunimersel that Slr.Mipn.tis i'.uiu iimiri. .,,.. e ,,,st or the nluas- Salt Lake, mid .erl..i- the ...oner, the better, ( Uts 01 an nj vu J I.Ct SulliC , "- J.l, ... i j stent an occasion." n j i" . , . , i e i I niiiiU ttie dcatctiinsr, anil eternal um oi uiuys, carnaoes ana oitiuinuscs uu both for Itim i.nd his eouftilueiitii, .hould bo disnobtd to lieiiht the t'aet, we give another column an estraet from a h tier r.eenlly received from Ihc Mb (Mr. S.le.h.i.S) C. .igr.s. sional district, and pu'ubshcd in the Georgia L it. (11R TABLE. t r V te.vn received the Se pt. inber No. uf the Ar- take a tour of observation on lvitig ureci between five and six o'clock it the after noon, to look at the fashions, and enjoy a olitupse of those creatures that look mora Tike truant angels, liesh from their high home anions' the stars, than Uuuiveiis of this has impelled them at largo daily loas, and , against tho wishes of many, to continue the communication by Jhe boats, by wli-cU with out cost, most of the .ueoosaaru.a of lilo Injvo been aupplied to the aesmute aim uuuuiir of Norfolk and Portsmouth. rouTsMOUTH.-'i'he accounts from I orta mouth are r heart-rending aa those from Norfolk. There weru thirty death, on Mon day reported and doubtless many uot re ported. - - , David D. Fisko, Mayor of Portsmouth, aud editor of tho transcript, died yesterday morning, at oeloek. Ho had Lct-u sick eight dnys. The death of Capt. Allon, of the Seaboard and Houuoko lluiliond, i eoufinued. Ilo died Monday, at 1 o'clock. P. C. Gouch, of Uiclitnontl, wan remov- Dr. do 1 men i n i ami U;e III. to r . hii was heLi jil ineafures t(r N.irlolk and 1'oris. tctor or poa ( ill he ; retice to : of slavery, iiier. iove. Hie .v-'.-. .retemiisii to be 1 ver Ins rut foithor ev aid to Nnnrtuu ami r W , ,: i . r. i u 1. 1 I.ifi, a me ihe i a .'ll- o tl-is place to aU.i ie-- l!ie atljeted CitifS oi A emu In i oe v. ir, .ipp.iinu e ui me it . t i.u ; tin r in. the Tiovu A uli. ...-.l.i ; jo,al. S kill iiuvi: ki n r osea by ptiv,.te iibcriilo-ii. fuilh.r . f: 'rt was mule yestenltv. We nsrit In hear tii.it feme per lis refund lo eivo any liueg. They .!e.. rvo a niche will. tiWe citi.uc' Norfolk who riieirie. It-ft their h..use. Ii.,i unproii.i.d for, and alt, r getting out of hr.rm's w:.v, wrote b.o.k to tiie II,, ward A -.curia. Ii ll to t ike e; re of tin 111. i.ai -t aeeeiihts trmn II, e iit:t:rt il cilos !i !k the Pn suit nt of the llewnrd ii-.uri(l a ei elieiiiaii lh.it tiie fe- , I, uli the Ciere.se that no peisll ,...,!. l l Piotsm.'elli, as for as we en at,. tenant oi tl.e iliseafe. ( lur s usual, he ll l.i Inn hat oil. A lea. cuig Catiiiilic e.iine up to him and eselaimed," I'u II eil "vour hat. Bir !' ' W hy ' si.id the geiitlemaii. ' llii, the liisi,p ia ciiruinj;,' was the reply, ' And h.il !' that !' ald the g.-ti ticttian, 'Tiie H'shop is uolv ii man.' Pull otV your hal, cried ilicL'-lh-,iie, in a rge. ' No saiii Hie g. iitleman, ' Uu is a ti'ee country.' t oon H'i toe Catholic atteiep. ted to knmk ef tiie hal. The eiillcniall. percciv. mg u crowd gatlit ring, and unwilling to be even lb innocent i.cc .sion of t".'luut..i.ty puilad uti' Ion hi,t iH'fure Hie minion i foreleg mer, Imi bi ri eiiblieiiu feeling were lie. ply uutraeeri. Wo slate toe.-e fuel Irom the lipn of tiie gentle, man btins. lf. We luiike no comments, nnly to i ask our I'rot.staiit lellow.eitueuii where liicse mailers will enti ? i AsOTUFIt C..SK. i Mr. Hjhisfrii In ciftuiK in v eye oyer your ' pilar of tin- Will iilst., I wai peculiarly struck 1 itii an article over which was Ihc caption, ' In. . mi t to Cm.f N or CiseisMTTi ' Tiie ease ! there iii'io'rihi d was by im niiaiis a solitary one , K,r on ti at .. y. and at the a.,me place a number of ills! sui'tl airrossinns Commit ted eti several in I ui.ieijals. Jell nneer my own observation. And i in , ir. if the liiik veieg slot, limit will, in your app'ehi loooli, fiub-.rle the ml.rt sli of tilltll. or : teed tu wsUe up I tic nliiitis of Cineinii Ki, to the eliof l;y ij.i(i r 'imi of the Unman Catholic eiiureh i il is at your disposal. ! i tiiK'Hiij- tiie iposliilie injunction 1 to prove nil j li.iea.,' I attended f r Ihe piirpojeol" v. i'.i -n-sing ! roe cefeieeiiies of li'e eooseera tioii of toe Hoiit .n . iti.oiie Chapel, on Fifth slreit. II .vine snneli. finl li e interior of Ihe l-uililm; the pruees-ioii cit lesiaips, priests, mid ' osriii n uf for Hie Inly' (?) ru in ist r v , !"ol!y t i)iiii peil, not 'with the whole . arm.ir of lioil," Lei t ith m i Ires, erueifiS'. s. c, users, ; beic wiit r, A e., per ' ran d the amc ceri n-ony a. r,.ui,a its i xt' ra,r. llar'nrr t is eerrioriny I stood (reet. I ohsereefl, fowevir, tlial i proeessain en w near-, many in toe surre.un limltitu.Je . .. , (tT their le ts, and fnqu i.llv r -s. a to insi lv, witii great apparent dev, -Hon. alv pity was melted fur the viellies of Jliell u- -llln n. US collid Of ,01111 ttiese exultiitiolis eoiu wersi'ip. .N,,w llie proet ssn.ai wan passing hi fen- li e : but my at'eiil en w.. turned from the i,t hv a rusMitii noise In-hind uie, ami I iiad e ire. ly tu-neil rnysi It in the ilireetion (rem win-nee it -im ie .1 1 1 li y hat was tdreibly t,,ri, freru rnv (.- a.:, I,v a a. iiliemr,-!, nhall I Call I -,.i ' No I I i'u I by a i a ! , wln.se whole appear. I. . iiiaee It quite di'lihlliit, win ti er Ills devotion to li . ! ho-, i r ins zeal for Hie p,-j wij-e p-edom-ttilht. T -is 11,11,1 sixlll to a'uord seme exeusc sniss of li e ii.s-i t. Hal l I it tie re. it : that be was only imitating the a Ii ae.ii-2 Ca'halie ' hu was guii yen Ihe IOC- i,o ,i-ili uf the s..lne f utrage. Iiihs.rveii io rs w i'o wa re suusiarl v tieaied ; but 1 sh II ave tin in io p. aH fur theiiiselves. In view of ii-i, I'., th pv t 1 1 iey of your ml" rroa .tory. rlien aeOiieii to, must te oh- ASHLEY. ..... tv. e,..-.. ;,i.i. in iiiteieslini' arlicle from , .,.,., nll in stained earth, t-ucll oe;ht!- it relative to the Stale r'air, to winch we invite ; am0t convert me to the Mormon latlh, ami Ihe attention of our readers. It would ceitainly ,,, w ish to tak a trip Uh Stephens . . . .. .....,.i v.;. i. .-.1 i s.e.i. t ..i... be a so-aree of plcanuri io u " .. ..o ( l0 t au auu cun uaa- but until the North firolina liail Kood n eom pletcd we shall ie eompdlid to for. go Hint gr-ti-liciition. ' We have also received the September No. of the Carolina Cultivator. THE CONDITION OP NORPOLK. In eotisequeiice of the absence of the coun irv tiooiile from the market, the tic heat as nth these periodicals are interesting and till. d : - r,,irst citizen are wholly uV- nilli matter instructive tnd entertaining to the j oeut on (lC 0H.a!-,l Association for their agriculturist, and they should hulib.rally n- fo0,J The whole population tnust couriipcd. We will order eitbcr ol uiem lor any i t1rfore ce tut:iin;U at the tiublia one wishing to sub.-erik'. X . The DfstsXfd Wife We learu that new volume under the above t.i.. i... Mr. V n V. Soul hviirl i. a dislineuiaii f ,T ';: cV-a; f t. : S k 'ff I Oltl li;,N MAvis. Jj," I'ii(rfi;iAcd ! tht SurA (Viiiiiii,(1. Ari'ivul f llm Afri', , '-Halifax, Sept. n. The steamer Africa haj arrived, sitU LU verpool dates of September 1. 'i here is nothing in the form of nowabe. yond tho official reports of the reei-nt but. tie on tho Cheriiaya, which ia ahoivi, t0 hae resulted iu tho entire success of the l lies. Another attack of tho Itiwsiam : expected near the cemetery. i ( limir I'asha hits definitely ssmiuwol ..... - . , - j . '.--.vuii. ed to the Naval llo-pital ; at an curly Injur ;mau, ; sj , Thero wa nothing iu,por, on Siiiiduy 11101111110, aud yesterday morn- it;ijt (tt)m j.ir3 or tlu gt;tt ing, when the iraiu left, he was cou.-idcictl lil.f.p,l((.ill,si 0f SjilUpiori aU(j vory ill. j state tliit the Uussian attack on the r,t,j ih re were four physicians taken to tho was lml,i0 by 55,000 men aud 100 piecC8 0f Naval Hospital, on Monday, with the fever. miier( J tmi the object was to break R. Mclljiinhl, printer, at the Transcript ; up ,,lc -p1M U f011,lt ejllieo, was down with the fever. the grentc.-l bravery, but were thrice repul, Ualltmbre :.;!. SrjHcmrr 4. (. French lost 17 officers killed, 50 . . 1 wounded, and 1 ,5;H men killed and wound. 1 OLl I It A la l.l.Mi.t..ia.JAcr.e. Tle ait8BCrcj,reijatingtocroai.U.oTcliw. We have been cpuite iiitercateil in pi ru- l(BV., sing the published report of a speech re- j ,,0,, telegraphs that the boiubatd. cenlly delivered by the lion. II. S. P'oote of ; 0f Sebaslopol couimeiieed on the 17th Oaliloruia, lute a iH iuoeratie member of tlie j nib a3 llut.u tffi;ct S8 anticipated. Princ United States Senate. The honorable Sena- . Uyr-bakull' telegraphs, on the 17th, (but tor iudulges in. political reu.iuisceiices ol one jjre bf ti,a gldi-g wns oie-o,,alv VPr of the most critical periods in the country a Bl,olll, 'J ,B Swgarborg batterica were not at Th whu!cA is infected to fcu oree that the noxious effluvia, throwV"otiby it may ca.-ilv be scented at a cousidorabl distance beyond the city limits. bistorywe ullude to the trying scenes ol a; juju.J All the resident plivsieiana, with twooriijy auj mying a clear btalciueut of) that era iiq whicii ; LlVKttl'ilOl., Sept. i. i .it............ .1., a, I i . t t . 1, .. t no i , r. u Ha i i t t .1 . .-. ir t . . ...t Aoorieanuulhoress is now.n pre. and will be j '"'- , , ., . "", """tt - -- , vouoii u u. ...-. u. . , uk uw uigiicr. ... nn .heooj ilipti;u; Price i.25 in1 ibe scenes daily witnesseu venr -1 ,e ,ore a Uistingutslica part,; ne nas u.e ig.,, of ,,e wccj, 8l,0UM bales to rpeeu!,,. air Or- to any purl of the Vnitfd Stales. - nous to . very nhs. rvi r of the siens of tlie iim.. j j 0J ,j e suffeUU and dc.stilutiou W rep- ; -At a lo.ure t.. I may com,,, ,.h ,.te 1 1'"' ' rtacntcd ' as actually appalling. Houses; I'u u irua-iv revoituig to lee rcoub'oun nud i "U1"-" " ,r, .if . , ;i;. i Z $.tL. .ivvieeemievi-.V.. l,!!! If thin i m the gru n tree, what mi l.t tu ca-1 trengtli are said tt crawl out upon the aide 1 pe-iled iii tiie orv. 1 wu'.ks in Lope oi airacung aiieimoo to tucir forlorn and dc-titute condition Affairs in Spain. It is new- -,.! ie et tui voiii. a doubt that S;i r, itseiilud to join the A!'i s agaihit Russia, and tii.il pr' pa rations are already being iit.de for minims large levies cf tr-mi s to .the ne- I of w-,.r. r-oin-i -iccounis pay tint xJ.j.liUO lin n arc the num. iitur ij. ti rmiiit d Ui.aiii.hut that can nc .,n!v a vatru. conjeeiure. Our opiniori is, ttiat the pre-s.iil con. (Jttion of Spurn will not perinit her lo say .1, fintt. !y wi a s:,e will, cr mil not do, Bui if she has ai,y men or means to spare we Biml; suiseiii t at she send them to ruha to ke, p toe Fi'lir ui- ; -t l. tii.i! in o: illOli Wiii. O IO . VI r VV-,S so UU ti be ioutoi up- : w : . i,e n li neal. , ,.i. I,'!,, tin rt Oi i'u- -o' - i ll :a!,.--. " - - i"' souiii. t--n is nui-j Aiitetliir JinisitT riilltu. ' . aS - We , I io o..ve to stale teat tee K- v. J. W, d eel ic.up,.. U,i,!,m!i-;j n f. , ( ; r , . . s. t . .. r. ...e aid !,! . : ' 1: ' , r on I Charkltc fir, int. di.d in this in the -ei portions ol the No, U, to save , nr country iiein the ,ia!;2r wnu-h are, ; ; s, pre,,r.-.i u, cut, r .. theo.y i.enenilnij overtt irom t..-. v.,., la 1-m -a! ' ' 1 " - ' , M , , : ... U e - ' a-.-. - i,-.- 11 he-: ' '". ., ... 'he p - ' , , i ., , iah e lie tu li.e L. I elilvn Lie u.ai 1I..S , utile I uijC-rais or leii,oerats t 1-sCoii.t- ' - r - J t .til A leellli Wliidl 11. 1 nan .. ,lS,.iJi-stana and : 1 v... ' 1; -t tho t;p-i ' p .'Vi'.'w .'.'-" . eal fill -i,t ll'-t to t,d vaitu 'i-J. in "Ui ' I . .. - ., !l i.t i , 1 ,-. v. n a -- - ' " ' 1. .;. . 1 J ... .1 . . ... tie, .l.s. 'a'a i -eainiypig Jr 1 p, ,t ',- i )M I !.- '1CK IThi'CK. , , !; , ,, i, , .e.v o our f J- , an nr. The -'i. ie I', e .r !.r ! - the- , t.e in M -i. t : . !-'s . . t the 1. ,r.w i.. t: ' . t : a 1 t. l.-v- . -- . . . .... - I. ; !. 1 r - ..- he r- - o -It r o. . i 'Oh 1 nice, .,, -, m . iVin ; S1,.( .t.;.;. ;,, J, ... , ajViniug Stales : . x . v , ur r, jo n t-i ; it an in i live 11 le;t I S :iJ tbi re were -uoi,,. .i ia r 'LiiiVs: ,n rus -rv :. ,. : , r p tiy. - hi It ,-r- --r-e a."- ' :t - i- 'hal :ti thi- i at , . ., :.,! , who has always . . t. land of SVee : jtji of sp-r-i-h, a loini-tar a . - : cu wlh liie ll( t pir'y. we t: ink it ought .. . ,..-;. anv : a . i 1 ' ' .. . , is it, t oov I'-1 tetng niati; t:.2 sisi j,-e; u ni,i..i.. -''-:,r-, wi,;eo. net love his party mure man ins of i- t. - tao ; a- il' t,.s 1 - !, a 1- ' r.,ulrl.Jit ... -t we 1 .-, -. io. 1' no t. tu frieiics , i-sei, puee-i biiu bryand ' : - ,.,.1 c., f. r h, r i,g. : XjiOW.,', ,"r,-;ltrv..i-14W,j,j. Srt ! L BOU) ,J.u,,j ,,. ' ! often ftauci U, p'itiea! tssu-. s n-arly in; j ,-;.,i luc v., , U.t! loo: i hy (f lii: ! :',e. I: . . ! .a .ii'.iifr bm-.cr I de.crti.1 to tb mi-; .lcrs Latatr 8&U imu:(T. i 1 trills .-.:.. tau i0a.li.01i ! 1 le j V. ..... . . X :,--i t e! .i.L li.o,. 11.11, til ! rcbuk-.-d, bat eheti I o' V espr..--.- n;y vi- s R. hlt r , i,,t ii l. M. Batringer ami ln te cs the mor?', l.e; to- t :i - -. at; j -.- , . . '1 .- M. i.uiiiu' . w .ii H - A- ou irli-.t 1 bv.iVve tu be the evil a. -.-in-;. at .... p.,ty r.iKr ?ui.!i..U Mr. liarriii-im re. Wuik I il. u t oeiuer t) nil (.-:- : ' 1 : : . v ' . aesw i r, sve shall pnhasa n just as soon . , ! cf s.iT eoar.it ry. ' 1 I an: 1 y a - ' ' f ,. , c,,, .... - . i -.- . ,i n e. . . - . , : ; we jf luirai i ,-'. i t, a native Auivrican. I ..- , , fLti;, .. . . 1 . . I- ry tu show Lot bo n:. - Li...- i-o. I ! a - : o- ,t , .. , , , , j; 1S ,,oft m.i.og to ...:t.-.ii down or iieved tli.it- scLa;; c; :.. !:e door o! iiu- k ". t. , ;-, , t . ,- ,. -. t eht.ii to Mr. li.iymr. u,ira;ioii 1 1 ni Jo. au i w jtiid Lt, i it a: s a- j. , , t (.. , , ., .. , .. r. li .i n. r's kn. r. lately n ? --a-y to . i np a little, sr i 1 (. (u ; ,, ,. ,,,,, ....... Lul we am sorry i t see ti. t 1 uiat,y ! ; . .,.., , WJ,t ,r , I! .-r a,.-.-, r- p-y. . . ... - . 1' ... . .i T ..... aa .; a u,-,.,.. j ... a.., ....... -..,,,,. , ; r. , u,.s ! a g a.,: Lerti r, o: lue ier, io, t.s,,,, (.,. I. Uui ii she Hashes to lie.d the hat.d God H in i. at.u that t n e v,ttK., , r W;B ; b, , , n.e a s,eliia.:.r ,i, the eap.1,,1 f., of glory priLCipl will prevail; .! not, lain, and ai-. w h,ri, ,s to aeerne fro.,, the t..ki.,K of S-'aa,! pel. a -, vs will 1 - -at.-:, i wau w .. : ' t .- , , ,, , , . , - e ,, i ,. .. she hao belltr hasten on Li (ore Ihc .t.Vieelu! is i, ,1 .A nal s may . :, . -. f r il . Tiir ( lll'lolir qilrSuliil. U that pele, hosC Ijjl i- U,e J-rl. ; pa:-no V e. ' r. .,, t e -nut i. 1-.t onee pro-pc-u. U- 1 i I - - -1- toe I't) r... ,.....!. ,, , now ,a! to be , lee - ! , o ,,i i :., ,. -e i :,: s or Lu- n ,rt v w is oi-t-os; t ion , ... ! ' i - . hl-iast '.- .--( I.HIiei-t ii.it'. Ofianiiti, TUB Ui-iT JimK OK THE r-HiisiN. I ' 1 ' 1 ' 1,1 '- 1 I'-.h.. wis '"' '' lr, Jn u,,er ,nc, in)elei,e y of llie g . ,, .. ,.- . i : r . o.i 1 . :: fuKowiisjaceoutit of auoecurrcn-."! iu iir.ju 1 . - . , ain-ii,. l...-kd iiiti.iiumi.g uncu : fo. Teiiu., from t'ae L,l. .0 :. ii .all. .' .. v ....... In. .,-i-oiry lao-n-... t,.,t, . long a. Ho ' 1 ;' i '" -'" "' ' " " - ' " '' ""' -. - - i". . r, la I I i I -. ,; f.y li.; iOeonii. actually cou-e ufj", aa Uere.n .-: 1 : ; ll r,;lt, ,; t , ,-, . ; - ,r . e. . , a :. - r o'-1-. -. , lU, ., itt ji , , oi n,c i er.- ! '".4 liLM J ItATi 1!'!- K." ,,; li., II .; ,- - . ei had ne;i,;i,g to ie-.r ere l. I . -.1 . . e o hi..j the t,,,,, i n.or. i.aniy .... , , ' 1 11 l" . - ' , , i. It .1, it.l - Si In. eoverii 111- 111 ilia s lie I ilo 1 titi li-t raiuraav, our Irieti i i-o ei, j'o- n ,,i l;.,!,., t at ...rat v ..m- . . , n.-innuch , . " ,. ,, u It i. ..a. a. .. ,...,, . s- I, .!'. .- I -o. e-l lo !! la iimriPi; llillii , l,er, had nn a; p :;.!'; - t at 1.. .- .v.jic in c . r N.,r.fj.. i,-,i - ' W ,iu of ( . . ; , , ., ,;.. uk roUll)ry w iih ; ( eM all V , to Hi a a ? a s,a,,e,j iti i . -,-i,:-. , f , is;. 1 -jr 1 : oi i ale- ' s r list ti in this works r., t ; ,-r lb ,11 w , ri, the sl. It it' a li si, 1 V Will let: ol tl e Ah. : . I ; "ut ulll v ri: t a.i,,,! that ll. re would 1 " 1 ' " - 1 '.- ro.etp.a,; ,-,! . . , f . I . , , '. , . ,. ' . " . . . .'. ' ' a .,. prole, 01 V he lata! Oj ui.tii," instil u. Ineii.l j. its. at wl.o e rt-jn: tt.e to !,a!,i,, ., , .. ,. y r i , r . n. li.e ( t 1 - wasiiiaiif, i- i I at . i i at. a i . a;; - . ... (j.,- r,u, ..: -. . -., man say. liiat tiie Jt Vl, rlr,,i that the Accident I ( Wll'ii-Lf for :,.!!.' I to li i v a t .- t. .. I t J 1(. e,( k. :, ,.: i. . Cinircb are serli. had f.ii-jesrut from Sjain a Imily of treopii for; I,;,,...,' f,. t .' se'O r I ; hi- . i- ,-, lite ( riieei. What was I at ri do ill i led Is no hie eer . - .IlliiS,,. lie e -.a,... . - , . .,, lf.r ,,.t .i. (o..t e! , n : .t. I, -: ,,( ,,. ft lend Suil.oe-, aVr hi. l -.-!. ! I'an'h. . , o,,, , ,. , ,.,jiif , ., Vl',r , , ' " " " l"r 1 - t oonea , who ai-0 a warn, ceo; a-rat. t . , (. v. ,(j unr ,,,i Ve .,.,; : :., ti,e pr , ,, ! Ie . ., aud re-fly la Ln.i. I no - r i- a t , ;,t . .. . , , ( ) , ... , ,,- ,., s(.-ee years, an..-, f - to lae I ii,e .,. .e-..:. of In. - j i.i:,:- t,,.iii mid .1 !.ie- -; i... r. n-- ' ' ' n- - .- -. ,t - ..I . ,! '. t. " -.ij.! of -- " a- i at il. - - : 1 : J'::' 3 ,: ' ' :",aes. ;,.e - b .1 uie! n is r-j.--.ti. .- i -f to gain ly ' te j J- 1 " 1 .' .' ' t 1 -, . ' -'. I.. I I a '.' its t a, a an I. a. 7 U , I Is it Or yi !.!:.:, on, e lo . fin,; was iip.-ItJj -1' 1 1 ' "' ' , t ; . (.. , t Ije I ii o.iii :' sje rli, on b pun ly nel,i ry r.t eii.lou ai;e i,!.o Will .oh laaai.e a -J eeOf.. Ja-a.,. ifn TS CO ,. Hie I '.11101. as Siios, Of taliiy Us ,.t..:. . ,.,... e.. . -T,, .eit: ,- -- -- - -e r 1., I J a r, ,i tip 11 te o.op. r., tor. ? .. , 1 . ,. , ..,.! rr I't 1 .... ,. 1 . . I .1..,, trie ..; a 1 a a n t iftv I. si.,, 11 I '. 11 .' ti l.'r, 1 , . . ' .... , jjft,! aus s - eeli i ram . o .Hoi - r-. i i t . 1 -1 a -l . it is el no ioipof I ,iti-e to ,t Irie gover-.m ol Ins 1- -i, ... f r I ..- .ri. ' .- 1 tie, 1 . ' I ' '.,! r. ll.al see, t 1, e.ert; w . no in. flv, t, ,,, ,t t ,. , ,, ,:Ui,, -j:, 1 I, ru ; j j,,;.tl alii - I'lit hl,is wa- li,e leiia - -1 1 i.li- :.,. . 1. i i , ' r . . : t r .' ' " -- ' 1 I ! f I ... . -.in. mi lo he seen,; h o. .-, .v.r s;,.e. H- -- . i . . v - .. - I ; , r p,n. " ---; lieeonril lr,i sr,.ie penury- , . . ! v ..i. . i-piiii-ii d.gnit-,-wail m,l permit t;ii t.e was Jre a l, v o ,t of lr ,'i. ' : ' h "H. - . rv o;.i- re,.. .,,- r I - .-. - 1 " 1; , t , , , tr a,,,. ,,. , in Ihe p.y of a ny bo.y but i r 1 ; tiki i t ... , if. cra-,j 1 . .. ' ' j.' ''- .; !' ieor lo l; e t I- : h rsel; ; t .! t . i,r- roi j- eiii,e,ry riViinri'i lor i f i-t;.p i .- . 1 1 j i i .:, ; ., 1 1 if ti.- Ij . . ; I - , I tin i...i. : . . :.. iu i--- n, n I. ' ii. or.ilt ,. t . li . i i l l i,.. t lia v t I . C: :.,-.ii... arel ',1 tie- '.. , . ,V t -o I; - - -a f - .-. 1, ;r, i , ; , t -. r. ' " ! u-"!'" '"' l a'1 ' ' herseh ; ,, . . ..." . H II ,1 eiji kl, t.li, I,, ill it ,,, levnil III .iar.pp 1 . V...:. l.e H'laWa ' ' ! ' ' 1 -e- - ' . a; i . . - .... i r ,, , ., , tt. .... ,. .. , ..; : ., i t : nn- 1 1 1 o a i !. " i . u " N ay, . . t - . r j. e I- ui i. 1 . .. i. , t : I,.,. .... si.- -. t to ihe : . , a- l .-......' i , . , , 1 , ... . i liiiar Ih I ftt,f p-- i a! n.ilri -a . a kir,d ol ; t -at -a. .Iirr ;-i la f,a ,t - ,t m;. tia i: a-r jr. , ;. . A a. r . : ! -. to,; vers wouhi . , ' ' .'" t f la .ii ,,vt aril y ii la -, J ' I lot , f . 1 ; ' . ':! : . ' : : -us' : . - ;i ii est ; ' i-. t - . - -, i .- i. .. ..,., , .... liiOJ pi isua itfl ll,e ta . a t . ' , : " i : ... . t :: - : I'.rly li l.e t. ry . ! !' i. I -. i itiiil 11 1- .i, ,. Ii(,,jr t -ii ; - I WRIlt : ... - , . . I-.;. . i., . V, nu.l i.i. 11,1,, I ti f st a . e i io io i , 4 oi , , 4 c, pi i r, et-i la i 1 1 ses t a re i ti be- i at I .-a i io ! . fa.th . 1 a. -. .-i :'. . .. . iti.e.rtai ey t th-, r of tic regular an., y. and w.ll ,, , ' ... : . - ' - " - a ii '-si vaii, , lee I r t. 1 n.va.,on or ttm" t,-i tie aiifte.j ,j: !,.e .-; i . ; . . . : . t i. wai- Of I', --.o.- I. IO i I .-, V I. t!.' 11 1 ,-.-, , e ,-, I i at r . -, f H tl of I .- p...- ...ro. 1 i rc. I l.i- ist, at n. 1 a st li.e -i .ol- ' I '.::. s r ' . II' m-on t f i . A le-ii-l, mul the 1 I'll, lad K,li- or. j. - ,-: - iiiv f il to an ' " ' ' '''!'; -mo--., n !y neat; - r t,- , ,.,..1- ,f a -.; i-'. - i-iJa the ei.li, ' " ' ' ' " ' ' - - ' - - - 1 ; -. -- t, , at ol w hat ;,e!d he done w ; '1 1, '.tin r J' .. -i r ' I - 1 ' 'J : """" ' ' ' '" '' ' ' r '"' "' i ... , ... ;, ,, ,.,,. , ,, . . ;. ,,!,,, ,ts ' (I l U.j .;, , -t ii, g'---. I. ; ' ' .' ' 1- I - ' ' ' '" ' ' :' I ,. . r- .:- o.r, . I . .... 1. , "i. ..1 .. I ihotl- rlr.a tj that ti e - 1 ' ' V. ... it I r- .. II . ' i- : . ' - . -.- - v. .. .-,. . ,.i t.. : ,. ; , :. whole' aEair " as adamed i.iL- trick I ' t l".r. , U'l .,,.,. ' ' ' '" " ) V" ' r iaek ol ; " ! or.-. I!., -, -r . i r o I I ... I "' " , ' ' Ir.ce pr,,y.,j, and I - i - . I, i e. i.. .1. , -. l it. " (ulnar ;.s, '- i ,;, let , -. la et.o... oi Krrjt'ieky I a- ! ,,, f,.r tl,e i.. .-v .N : '. 1 )'-' " - - - " ing.. - . '-....-., u, -.- , -i - - : - - i i , i -. , ,i . . . . Mqifi'in rurrieil (iniii!ii, far the ll' ii. ll h' a. - IS ; , I -. . - j v. ., ' - 1 ' i - t. , , t I . i I -wis ,1 hf.t t,ul , .i ,w an . ' . '. -I,. a lilta Wl,i ;-oi ) '-., !,,... , ,n I t. I Mi.,,, ne w , ,. il -- . i- ' ' t ' I , ' i ' 1 1 e 1 1 A . 1 1 . r t , -pi, , 1 1 . f I ,,f ,. , i Nut so J ! -. - . t at an A -. i.- n '- ' ' -i u . - -- - . " ' - :" g . i - M ro oi,. b beSoi.as 10 lia .- ..- 1,0 - , . i.altV ' - " ' ' ' '' " ' ' ' . I ,- ... ! '- WO-.! C , t j o V t a i T fi rl t -. ji.. i r. . si.tii ' II-- I'- t i. i I. i I ' i Hud. ,- r .1 . u,i .1 , i i-ei. s Im,. . . lial,t . I ;'e n 1 , l. ii. 1 I . - : .-, - - . t;,' - 1 1 - i,u l a ,-r a .1 ,nts ij.-oi iim hi n lin y would leave the Jarinm arks ' I it" a! , -t v is a 1 .iti" - i. of ' I . ' - ia- I i - t- 'J Hi,; ( tie r io w oncer ,ri (or bitjtjeii ., , tht. U I., i, I tjiPiitsi , Ll.d wi.l i I a ! : ; j : - '. : .1 I .1 At -.11 i a!r. .- n , , tlr.l aijowtd !,. I, ii. r mformed In. nt V to -M -ta n-i -If his-any eau d.a. i a l . , . . , i isul lot jiiorrniei.i to hn eii Ifoui ir inufiriierr, nt .oalt see jieuMl wili( Lis s tg COUlosei ill 1, uui , -. : ,-. .- -; :,: . t .- n li e i.e. ith fori g; err Si.d aiholieii, it remarked by )lf(lifal Special ii. We have received the first Co. uf the above work. It is to be published at cw York llie 1st of every m-nth l SI h r year.) Il will ulso a mniiic the liiaeuscu ol the brcasf i ...4 I....... .,n oi.rall, 1 t,iiii.( the i . . m I,,. ilipn . .... . .s . , 1 SCIiltllV.il. HIM! ll. v. tv t j 1.1 liir llii ill oil. V ta IlliUCI lu-iiss " ; f ,,"- mill p X ntll..! 11, . . . at.. tn su e. nr 11 2 .11 U 1 ... 1 ' . .. .. .... i f- - . yuiui.it ii.aiiy v. of chtttce ' pl;,gtie of Athens, as describe.! by 1 liucy- political foca. We pa over what is not -', 0tati.ii of cotton are t"'i"' " ; dides. or ttie tilacue oi iioreucc, ms ueaci.u-i ,,,u...r,a ,,, our nreseut purpose, mw coiiiu 1.,, - , , . i,.i,i ,., n 7-10.1 . 1-,,;, i-.. cd ly Roceacio. j dowu to tho close of the Taylor adiiiiuistri- ;.Mj, 0J ,; Mi-Mliiikf. OTJ. Stock uf Aaio. A gentleman relate, that lie had h-H'n j tion, at which time Mr. Footer slatt-s, that ri(,,U) jj, prt 3l7,00O bales. Tlie talci unable to visit the house of lib ucig.Mior, j geaator Seward had managed to secure 1 yt,ny y,rr Iti.OiiO bales uiaiket closed Mrs. Whittle for two or three days. When j arfll. a hhare of the confidence of that pa ;,tl Wheat dull and declining, (,ii,T he called at the cxpiratii of that time, he uiotiC 0-J maUi ss to be allowed to wield ' , 0 tle faVori.blo weather. While wheal li' found that Mis. Whittle had beeti dead three I tl)B - ,lcral patronage in tin! free State of ,os gj . rtj jUa o culn 3 days, ami her remains still lying uiicoflinuu ,i North, iu fur'.lieranee of bis ow n politi- , In another room were lynig j Cll purposes. Ibis ciieoiiiagi-iiiciit Iroiu , j;acon firm. I rom our lorrrspuJcnt. iu uie on an CI,,les.,.H.pt. 13, IKS. ! care for them, lie procured a wagon, We have recently had abuidauee of rain, i nd mattresses to remove then, to the lb,, succeeded bv a still of met delightfully ; 1 ital. Rofore he could place them it. he cool and pleasant weather ; Vul of eour-c 1 wagon tin. i,.,.trcsscs were stolen, airl the we could not expect that the Hinnucr had ; joun lady and hi -companions suffer ,g closed, and let us off so easily. It is alrca- , wcr compelled to be on the bo lorn of the j ..,.;,.,....l.i.10. ih. summer teiinorature a- : wagon, aud when they reaehcd.thc Hospital ,iile wiif be ant to have few weeks 1 to be placed on the floor agam more of hot days, but tbe the bare floor three young persons, ma e j Washington city, was adding &treiitb to the 1 ...ly. 'pgr h, d female, ill with the fever, ami no one abolition factiou of the nation, while- the pa- (jfl,.fl st.iVo nd I.ard fifls. a 'tit. I(;ca . Turpentine .''sj. a uiichaiiL'ed, trmtic potiiou of the old party whicU adhered U.vnd.stull were dull and unchanrfi. to Clay, W.-b-t-r and l-'iiluiorf , was day Is. -pp,, caii,,.!- yVl- favorable. Coin had d. eliutil Is .bu; according to some eiicuUni u aciive at advancing tales. t'ousols clo-ed at Ul. The latest Liverpool circular tay tint liiglt- and mor-1 tt i.. I I... n,ii.,ittulai : UlllgS Will I B JJICa--i.il.. "V. - -a . , are giving us a parting sercuale, and pre- , seotiiig their bills, prcparaton to going to; winter" ipuaiters. The) are twice as nume rous and annoying now aa thiy was iu the -heat of summer. We have past ihe time wUn the yellow : fever usually makes its appeaouee, and we uow bate strong reason to hope that we will escape it ciiiiely this Cctiun. Our bills of mortality are j-maili and the tit y was never knows to be more healthy at this season, for which we have great rca-on to be thankful. Tho epidemic still rages st I have been buried in Mniiv ot the ueai the alleys of the city tenfold the danger of infection. Tbe conduct of Col. Wright, of the army, . commanding at Foiticss Monro.', is severely i ensured. A few days ago Lieut. Sinclair, United States Navy, procured a row-boat,1 and embarked with three ladies, the family of a friend, for the fort. The distance is sixteen miles, Win n the boat reached the ".overtime bt wharf, it was prohibited from 'landing- by the soldier on guard, by order of Col. Wright. Lieut Sinclair then rctpie. ted a message to be delivered to Col. Wright, with bis card, to the following purport, that . . . 1 ..I... I .s. I ,i nolo iinl rn w tl ri I; V Rtill Norfolk and Torvsiiioutb, yahout any auaio- - ne ..s..-. . v--.- - a ... ..,, 'nuurali 10 trie lusl uegree, miu lun- uc use. day diminishing, both in numbers and cour age, ami were openly complaining uf being made the victims of a ui jt relent less per secution on account of their national affini ties, it being deemed li. i oess.iry to pl.t an end to this great and growing vit. ou con ference with other Senators, Mr. Kuote rose of r-ourse increasing , -, ns j,.sl.e 0!Se Jay, and declared for him- owinr to ttie lavoraDK wcaiucr, waeai a,i dec. tiied lid., flour '.. fid , and ecru I4. Tbe luarkit clewed fUadiiy. ! tucnt, but acems 10 be rather ou the increase i ;- i.;,.n l-'iftir and siitv arc dvinsE dai 1. aU.iOtl'ii, - the word "cowardly'' in it- ' ton has ac ted Charles-; notiy in lurtiisning pnvsi-, u-ual signid- cauee. Sinclair, then, with bis pi-eciou charge, r.,,.,1 back again to Norfolk. A orrcEto-tt,ttt gf tbe Baltimore Sun "3- tluo of the horrible lu,. . , 1 . - that some times cnnraeterild vi-it tU .ns a-i , . which has fallen upon this city was revW.' td this morning. A corpse that h id lain cians, nurses ami money. I'tiier eiucs i """ 'b"' ""J" 1 both North and Soith, have beard the wail-1 rounded by the sick and dying. It may irns of the plague .tricken thousands, and ; seem strange that such an event could hap hiive opened their bearU aud bands, aud 1", butitn.no ut.freq lent occurrence to cuiitiibuted lilerall-. pce whole laimliea down, and not a soul near lu New Orleans rlie fever is still making ' them to give a glass- of water or even extend -ad havoc, aithougi it is sid to be some- , wora jf comfort or nympathy Tenon-, what abatiug. It Hi also made its appear- ; are often found dead, not a soul having wu iitce at Mobile, and four ease had occured. ; ncssed their illnesa or la-t agony. Savanah is Mill free from it, and wa earnest-! The plications f.r ecflirjs 1., the Howard v hope it may iiimin so, as thai wouiu be; 1''l--11 -"o"". '"r " "u rather too near for Charleston to fed alto- j i;;r-u.t ami pressing as the solicitations lor ff It -etiis t,j be travcllllig North, ' mce Bl a .u ni-n r s j- pariuieni in i asi,- self and the other Seiiatfirs will, wlunii be 1 bad connnitcd, that they lia.l resolved t tear up the evil alluded to by the roots, by refusing iu ail cases to confirm nominations to oifiee. which could be trace to tbe agen cy of Seward. " I had not 1 nig taken luy eat, wo now finite .'Ir. r ooles language, "before Mr. IS idgcr of North Carolina, one of the purest and 111 '. patriotic men that ever occupied a place in the national conn- ; ctl, came to me ami stated that . ice I'rosj. dent Fillmore, then presiding officer in the Senate, had reiriested him to make known to me. that he ncrfecily eoneirid in the views which I h.i 1 iust 1 XC he would be pleased to have an intrvit. Mutt. A preleretice li given to r.a.-t lD.ii with rue en the subject, in hi official ro mi over Anierieai) rice, aad n n t .-,. -I wnl b in tho eapitol, at the hour of miifl o'clock made lo .supersede the American earrtme next morning. 1 promiseu iiwou ujoui .. v jt ., .-, d. I uid I 1 Atilvnl ol Hits .trn't. Ntw VuBK, Sept. n.her 1 1. The steamer ArBgo has atrived. Her news is not so late a by tho Africa. Pclesier telegraphs, on the .' till, tLat I'm Frei eh bad taken tho au.buoiie iu froct of the Mslakoff, and that in o attempt to retake theio the I'.ii'-iain lo.-t aitftaieo. " N t.w York, S pi 13. I.MI'itRTAST rHOM HaVAHA. 1 lie Hi-.-sM ha sdvices from Havana utating that an tnfl will shortly go into operation tliefe, (). and that lit rind icial If) the interests of the Lnnri at prcseni, it is -ned , by UN -ther 1 applicants art as t!i"y e-iii,. . and next vear the n.av expect it at Haiti- mgton. I tie iiaim s more i.d'l'hiiadtLli'u." aud the mxtyear P"t down in regul ar at New York. uinl so served, i he eagrrii. si iili wbicti The late shockinj and atrociout murder 'he applicants pres., their claims is Imrrih y f C.,,1 Avers, on ioard the shin Ariel is ludicrous and yet not to bo wondered at, I a attracting ins runne him at the tunc and place spcib. so. Without goino fully into puticu.r ifliei.'iit lor ttie t . ay, that , direction of Mr. liiimore, from the n 8, arcr,.,l ne,l friend f,f hi, a list of tion.iiircs, j.-ct lo tb obji c lioti of being violent giutor.. of the tj . lion of slavery. This whole calaiojj.j of worthies was disposed of in the Senate ; in other words, they were sacrificed to tlie peace of the country, avn onn or two, i whose nntninatioiia reniaii.."! to be ar-teii iip.jli tht lint night of that e-ioii of I'mi grt ss 'i het went di-poseil of I y Mr l i ' uoite htiiisilf, on that natiie night ; for, j j-l 1 ' 11; the Si iiat.; struck twelve. ttiU jrcn tleniiii, being then I'resiilcni, cnt in a a special messj.p, wit h'lra i ng til' the cfi'-II- liRtwrssos.' ox tuc Patent , iki ass Dr. lit ijwnsuii, in bis rev ie lor 1 ? li. tsv 1'rn Lyterimis " are not ('linstiain,' Ffvl r,. us are completely out ol tin- pi I of t'l.r.t is.idtnii "they have tnichril in nili d tl.-.-ni-. 1 t u ts (shcrtiiii' 1 In- 1 u v and it v of t ' nt li , s ImplHiii,' Ae .Ae We Iru-t n.ir liieii.lt f the rre.b)letin f-iitii wi.l be able t-i -ar-iv this terrible r xti'ituiiiunit-atiou .-l. gusltt Chan. j- tiiUnl. RiillT. U. ALL! Si V The ti'k-.'rajhic cabl Mi miin! a. , -tlJ, a f,.ciitig ot tuu-ual iiitere ovCriiii,ii.i ' v a week has been tnnsuiiied b i and United States Comtiti , ati(! ex tt. Near- the Coroin r iouer in the cx- aiuination of witti s-es, but nothing vet has bee.-! elicited to tixany thiug like th.; cer tainty of guilt neat any one. 1 he purtiei are still iu the cu-tly of the sheriff, and if the case is marie ott on the part of the U nited States, they will be tried at the regu lar sitttno of tiie Ciuit in November next when we take into consideration th and the broth.-r of "vc lately fai fact that many have friends and relati .ru lying dead at home, who have bee... ( on their beds tu inlays or more, awaiting .1 box or rolTiu to be buried in 1 W e i-r? j I to luarn that nearly all were duly served, owing to tlie kindness of the Con urn, la' t of ihe Navy Vaid, who yesterday set all hands to work making riHiii, and sent over this morning forty ready for use. Among the ji-t of prominent citizi-rn win ivi.i tioiniii'itioiis, and lia ir liai ) . A ti,l u an as-t-rli in to niake, w liie) man, eiiher In re or I - President I i 1 1 more, after Presidi ntlal office, nev. r. his official term, 'Jj"" Ill' eiiie-i.r .ir,,l..e of -,'iU ' y 1 was a fiee soi'er of the N ,tin ul, -lit I have nu I .lull h. ;r,l. e --'lilag up lo th ottit Hi i I -i tan! ii.'f any d.-ny into the fl .. of .t.r ., y (,'-1 ? l (ft If w betlii r he ith or a ces- rrc tna n a a-'-ng uld be taken of Win Henry (iarin It, i ouicer ot the ilnvar-J A- - ,11 1U.11, his time day and t.ijht t 'i he father of Ai.de:on (liraud arrived in tlis city from Near York ; lice sh last week and iiiii.ietiatclv retained tour ci a zcaious the ablest lawyers in ihe city, before whoin, ! who devoted his time day and night and the L". S. Coiniiissioiit-r and Ihstriet searching out and rciuoving dc-titute sick Attorney, ti.e furihe- examination of wit- patients to the J ili ppi H'-pit il, and who ntmen is now being ranltl on in private, never flagged a id faltered in bis Samaritan p. cttilor-, reporters and all having Leeii e aurse, until arrc.-ti d and retnJered p,,,sri r turned out. 'Ihe ow-,er of the ship, Mr., less by the invi-ible dct-oyer. No man (jri-wold, of New Ytrk, tent on another passi'.-.scd a warmer heart than William Ileii Captain and ctew, and the Ariel nailed to ry (iaruelt no man evinced a greater syin day for Shanghai, the port of her destina-: patliy for the sufferings of the poor around tion when the unfortunate occurrence took him, or di-played greater exertions in re- iec. ; iieviiig their wants ami no 010: l.us laliei. i he Ariitrican partyhavc liomiri'iteJ tin ir more true to the lint wf his duty, or more candidate for M ayor, and have gone earn-, faithful to the end . esiiy to work with ii'gh hopes, and every - In taking a walk this morning on Rule ft , pro-ticet of Mjet . s-i. 1 he utiti's Uav yet made their nomination, but they a ill run their most ututlihle man. and pit rare i.iiiist of tilt! eunty which ministration ; slavery r' 1 ' pair in offiee -, tl tl-. Souih, 11 pc.. the b p si., in-irked his 1 ;.r-. veiirs a-1- on; lo in f the r-uppn ..-ioii of all ru 11. m In ari ev il liour fir the ot llie ratton, this pure iiiiiiiletj and lie chief m agi-trato was sui-cef tied in by tiie unf irtunate i 1 ilo-if it,1., tit' tf ht'S fj pti'-h'. !n liif i t . t nt ruif, and well nigh embroiled u already in tbe liorroraofci-.il war." The, fidelity ef this eitr.i-t is cori-Vrned by oilier cvidelice than the liotioralle' Kx- aiiiiiiosity with wliieli abuli. Ii'. pur. p,o.,f, p. ace e, it i ai.J, b u t been " lo-t, oliiy " inislnii!, atiil armt.t ineiitj wiii V rude at once t, tveuter it. J he wire.il would appear, hail bei n ;od out to the distance of souie lorty Im-i by soioo untowarJ neeidciit, the liat irc uf v. ., - !, Lnve ytt to learn, llm cootifttins on li raid the neam. r broke, und iLe im snapped and dropped into the es, Torr. cover tin: wire, and go on with the turn, thus temporal iiy interrupted, tt Will he n cenry to begin bsl.ii.g it Up, at tie r .1 !. end, and follow thy hue to its other c iireti 1! V. oia. : Mr A, In il tj a I I http t till j. , I F. :vnntor. ihc l-oiii-ts have, ever sin - e th- -f ev. in- I Mr, I'll'iuori', is eori-iriorutive and it wo.ibl have been well for the an, be, 1 'I u reta o t of the co inrry, ha 1 this pi iiii'd in the n.ali..i slnti-iii iahlied t) fill - IIV i;,,,M. iiriot b is lot we beard the most agonising and heart reud. ing scrianis iwutug Irom a dwelling our the way that we ever h-tciicd to. It seem ed to rise like the last de -pait in.' shrielr of a drowning wretch, utterly bereft of hope, taking htsiinai plunge under the overwhelm ii.g waters; Ou inquiring, we found that a in n ti lay thjge ill with the fever, delirious and raving, and that it was found tiecesa- ry to confine him by force to bis bed to pre to compicr or die ia :he last ditch of foreign influence, anarchy and misrule, lint victo ry knows its long eAieii-bcd home beneath tli(i protecting ! of the Annfi' itit flag, and it cannot be wo-i-d a-ay now by .strange devices, or tinny aiiitig attempts lu engraft the foreign shamrock upon the mitivr pat mi tto, f have jult received intelligence that the Kn'iw S'i,'Jtin Candidate for In tciidant of (j rein ile ha. b-cu cl.cti.d over s oppom i t by a tote of 1 H to Well done thou worthy Wins of noble sires '. The sun leer ult1 ntccs are rt turning in crowd-, adding; lief life and activity to our already crowded and thriving tlioroiighlarcs. '1 lie fur I ird. of jtisage ale muc h 111. prov ed from tlo ir short sojourn at the fashiona ble watering places of the North. The ro-e of health and Li aiity glows upon tlm once pale and wan chock, and the blandishment of fashion h is adijd the graceful toiiel. o! its delicate ( in I to the general rontour. Saratoga, Nahatit and Cape May have all been crowd--d, and " 1y flirtatiiitis " have eeneariietj on, and killing n. inile -. from rosev lips, and arrowy glances from briabt ejus, ave been dean thick and fast, till the Se- a-topol o! proud, stern mail' aff. ction was ' of no terms of pi ai- (ttomied by the allied powers of beaut y and ej,ores our estrinati vent bis leaping from the wisdow. The poor fellow died itt a few hours iiCer, tor lured to death by the eonsuu.iijg fever and furiously f rantic to the last ! Tin.- .-tateuii nt of the deplorable st.ito of thiiiaM at Norfolk is truly heart nickeiiiiig. HAO NiCHT CATKCIHSM. lturing the licvuliltiuliary war, who were tilt' anti-Anieriealis ? Til Ii TOlllL.S. Who traitor...iisly favored tin- f,arei"iiers ' TIIL Tt MUKS. Who Were opp-jscd to ,1 (loin) nttrig Am, , I',, 1 TIIK HM1IHS, Who afforded "ail and e-.-i.t rt " to a foreign enemy ! TH K TUlUIiS. Who preferred foreigners 1 j native Anier ienns? TH F, I t MUHS. Who opposed the native Ami ricaim in their struggle for Iii lepcntlenee ? THF TOIUKiS. Ami Who docj the some now ! Mint? The American are now tril jgling for INDKPIINHKNCK .,f I'tillKHiS 1SI LI TU IHiNH TVitM,I Mult Mi -N 1 V.'i, '1 II. Stlcpb. iis titst conitneiifetl laO I-ou tie auvocacy ot inn tl i trii,. s nnj en- t'lins of the Ciitliuiic Church, nome one ri' UiaiLeil that he noiilil not be jmpii-cd W bear tbat Mr S. ha-l tunied Ca'hoi.c I'l -t a position, for which he was in some tri plets, peculiarly fitu if by nature' liul wfiat liiUsl that man nu thiuk when be lu-ar. tint Mr. Stephens httii taken tho opposite tiu.. and s now a-Uuca ting tlie i o h oi- of t -' Mom, oris' Rut such is the fat t, as wi,l ap pear from the foliiiwini; f xtract lirnii ul t - ler recently received from the Hh t h-ti let : " M r Si. . lens litis Hint. ,il M o i -tt. i I sfatsd the oilier tlay iu tlm prr-ei tiiree renrieeikihln o.,itlifa.i.ieti. two of i - n were ii,iiii-ters of the tio-pe in this county, that if Rrybaltt Young was s uu 1 u; a the slavery fpii ssion, he would vole for Inai for I'rc-lieiit with his thiity wive- that there was (iiithing io the Riblc Licit pr vented a man from having a many tn' as he wanted "that " there was no mu in Polyenniy tlm the " Rible dots not " ' bil.il Polygnmy " " il was . n'y a ti ;;' ,J uf Imriiati laws ; that he " would ot.- I"f it I.dI l.--ni-t or any one c!e who f.-,-,'.-l t-s-the oath to support the Ciinstitiitiou, ' (ur coireipondeiit avsthat celt. tol l proving thftt Mr. A. II. Slept'.. Us ' uvl il,,, .1. Iu.,.,,.. .11! shr.nlv he r.itl Ii-h- -e of la..rn W hat think v..u nf this doctrine, re a I Mr. So p ltd-; o. ( limn. cd er! Had voni not better allow ens lu emigrate to I'tah, where he can car ry out tliesu new LmgleiJ ilocti ims, lo tw ti.n uf l is bel t U nibiiik so. ih (,rui , number of deaths oceurniig daily lW ; KNOK and of FltliEPiN Si I'KllM A'V ' the money. i woulil l were a iioyag.nii, l would go to the Spring", with my heart in t few days, had ranged fioni filly to siity, 'J ho number lor tho moiitii of Au gust, has reached the, alarming sum of oilll. I hue are now hftccii or twenty di a l bod ies which there are no moans for interring which, fioni their contact with the air, adding to the infection. This .statement is a ti'unipet-tougiied cull upon the buninm: every where lo render a--i itance. There is no f irm in wl,i h it could he rendered which would li'jt COl.tt ihlite ly the relief of t Llj well ti well as to the -ick. ililiiiiiore ha, don.; well, and is still doing nul.ly, and wu kiio.y tl. it will ilciiatiiy of the seif sacrifieinr oppose and again we ask uu who: Will any one give an answer! them? th.' At a rail road crossing in Iicrtiatdston, Mass, on Saturday week, the Licuiuotiie kiiockeil a caniage tu piece and killed the horse, while Mian, Martha Hutruw the only occupant of the carriage, w as taken off by the i-ugiue and seated ou the railing in front of the i-moke stack, where ,sl,n was found un harmed when the tram was .stopped, VERMONT FLECTION IlCRMMiTtlN. N. II.. Sept il Ho I".,,;.,,, .,,,,! ;,!.,,,, f... t;,n.rioir an'l whole Fusion tirket is etc. ted by h"'1" is.jliie luiij ility. Tlm Fusion, eolisi-tilig ol Know Nothing and Republican parin g, h1'" a majority iu the Logi.-Iatuio, The op tion w as spirited and the yotc caat was bi.-'"- nmli, ell lillt Copper ore, containing coii-ido rnliln Oiiring the whole of tli I).-;.,ihn ibeeri n,iiillis cmlin.' June l ".,,V the iiimorU from Canada at the netg !,. .!, fniled States. IHH' t .-o',. 'H.ll.i-.'. Only about SI jO.oW f i aggreg tie cou.-ited of dutiable mcrehalidi'. fi-eal year, I"--. ro-ity t,f tl,.. Pi- abitf. and Hircclors ; Ver, hua lately been Jisc overcd in lleuder-! the imports froiiiCaiiada were 87, Uli" .'"i11 of the Norfolk Steamboat Company, which sou county, N, C I , hieh the duties paid wcre6l,'-'M""' . (

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