o "Je irqe fo God, fo Moiji 6ow)fhi, jd fo ,ufn.M $ :!- 'J CHARLOTTE, TO". O., 3HI23a3?E313i:EE33L S3, 1835. TTTJ3EDeE3R 82. T II 0 FI A S J. HOLTON, KUII'OR & I'-tOl'lllETOIl. Tin- X ctr t ti -C u rtil i n u Whig will bo i.f.'.rd-d to mill. .,,,,.,, ,.t TWO 1-.IU.AKS ,11 ad.i.ci-; TWO DJl.l.'VaS A.N 0 ti.TV CKN I'H if (.i.j..im.l l.u dJiyrJ lrliirrmonllii unu'l'IIHKK IHlLI.AKS (l tlic t nd of yenr. Nu (lajiir will be ilim-on. IniuuJ utilil nil arn uragc are pui.l, tecl t the t?,..n ui the Editor. i.lvtTlini'iiii'tiU inserted ol One Dollar per square n . .1 : .1 I -.1.. . lli Inn' "r i,,(hi -,-,u ly ' "r nu- nr-i ...r- (Vurtuil. j HIIU C-Nl w-.--- v . v ... , wfM-min .Slitnir. S..l. elmrgeJai ,. r ! ...,ii hirluri mil a dci ui'tmn nl per n til, will I ccin. K"1' 1 f t 1 1 k iii nlf I""" ri gular pricm, A r ;n!ii (mm by 1 L vu ir. A.lviru.cnu'iiU mm rlia in.niti.ly i.r , ouirlrrly. ol 91 per mjuuru mi citei. n.i.c. .Ttmi. Himillily T a eii.t" .r n)..re li.r cuuh tuiie. jj-('ttiiuU'r sre authoriinl to act as ngent.. Tlif Farinpr'i Sng. fi.trrpai tn the jolty olit fumcr, VV no n':B" t p5"W Tli1 iiiii 'fi't "rprjirife kti 1 lufi-fct, 'T. '' I" Gtnl tic iiiy Uw, lit- tit urtly a iortuntte tV-j (I. f iif t bfi Urt iiU ais! Ins ciitt at- ; Jin- t H i 1 (j ' lir t I!- n mn.n.rr. In wiittcr hi vc. iUm rrijfr fifwditrr brofctn. And ti" Pfiiui lo giddi'ii ani blff, ttiu titxka in tltr mraduw re ftrtin, An 1 titf rnhtn i biitldHig hrr t TNe lar.iirr forth tn b bcr. And m.uily nJ firtii m In tfffi, Jin i,e tr .Urr I"v f" ! h'V l, 1 h ti ) to n:ti-n t-rir lit,-d. bitik are &H rhnrtT-l by nMtir, 'J'hfif crnlU srf Miiplf fti'i nir, e;erk n r!oHi Willi 1r( tl, I'.iri.rd bj the cur of lite r. If,. kt ars U - bf.-l in tbr iF.tk I, lf; tyUtrrt arc ilir hitf-i ol tl' ; Tlirf bfinf bnbt (fi!(i to bi r. rt-m, A'd pUoturv and h.a)th to hi Urow. (4U t t)i cjiLLk' " t(Uf in t'c T'tJij, u. CIt ri'i. t the U-.m-M ud eiJ. A iraiti r to pru.f una uniiu duly h ctritn lo fu'l'i!, V' trriHH.t U ttlietiVir btn'r b'Mi( 'I o k't the wiif id j- f it til. lb trtjui i in Hiiii bo h it gtfcii 'I'i a,nf t?e iiinthtr n J rm, -,'t h (rffdUi-d " nd titn a tiff harfcat,' So iniiw a I he- rjrtli rniam , Ai'4 t'(M( hi uutii ht m.iitdtr, I,-l n by tttHiir t Mtt will, T1 - D'i Mir sti'I il flinfin, f?jitii, ( prtiTijf hCr fu'lowi bini fttiit. lisccilanfous. THE NEW CALICO, hi Ob' VLB Ol'IlC. I. " I cjnntt afford a new drrM," aiid Jane 0U, " but I w:.'t lo co to ihe ball." "One thing i certain, j"n rami t go nilLo.it one," r plied Mary Trevor, her fnrtid. " How fon'.ish it in to dress one' M-lf liko a d dl. hy can't we go to ball w i'h such ibfSsei as we Wear to church ?"' " IWesusc it U not the f ibion " " Hut we cjn make it the fashion We hur of calic.i b'.'u in the city, why lint l.n s them here !'' " it wou'iJ do very well for ri I. fo'1 they en atTjrd 1 1 b ind.- eiident. " Why would il not Jo 1 -r u, t, r have oight- it i " tin- mire uccl of it? ' ask i l r . d Jj f.;lv. ,it won't, that iaa!lt; o " I hive a great on-" e ,:now at 4 iln'-s as I hive. "II . f . .li-b! r iled .MSTV, W ii r that Dir.Til dii'iil. OU WOUIO ie!. t!'l bi-rage wou' toil . " I Will wo 1 in V ln w cane . . .- I'D. Aie ho to a ball hh you cray . o ij, t -lr" ,ny inJ.-pfTi'iiT-.ci", you i jw, ''added Jane, with an an h -mile. "htrou", I be ii.d. p. n-Vi,.-.- wilh a venge iu. ' Would not Sam V in. cut itow th.-n I" " I., t him crow," replied Jane, blushing " you will prove then, that what be said W.ti e .rreet tliut bewa reasonably ahnm tl to be seen lit public pi ice with joil." "I Hresn as well a I cat. afford. If I tb -fd niiy better, it w-.ubl deprive my ITo!d falhet and nmibur of 11111113- of Ihe cii,?.iru of life," pontinucd Jane. "Hit certainty you will not digraee J"nr u!U-' family and your frh nds by go ii':.' lo the ball iu a calico dress 1 ' " !hgr.ice them " " Ve, disgrace them, Jane." " I'n-1- often nays he should like to se.i little inore ind. pen !eiic- in the girls. I ufm to j;o, Mary, and go in my new calico del tii " You mu . . :e , l not ne ui'ii". ' hi' r,1, cut ' vou thcu." "Not at all." " And then, thiuk ton of tho intention of tii l.-i!!." " I'oii t care for that." " It is to be given in honor of the rich ''I illant Frank 1 1 uul 1 n."b m. and I sup- I'1 C4 l,..:n t. i ...:.i..:t i.,..,r...l f.v vour 3 J J ! I . "Vriu itin s.,v what vou like; I will ii ...... . u i.t t.iii like: i win ....... . .1 ! -i ir .ne r:i le.t "I limi t 1 c.lb.v vml will I 10U conn it Vou nl anyone logo with you iu such flight ' My Uln-lc." wou I. ' " 1 .'.Ml nre lie will. " liven if you get there no olio wiil dunce iii vou,'' "I can't help it. I cannot afford a bnl! ('T,," yours cost at least twenty dollars." " T eiity-f.Hir.'' ," much tho worse; 1 want to go to 1 .'1 very much." " liut it hj loo lad to go iu audi a plight -llit" " If my uncle consents I will go." Thin cotivcr.a.ii.-ti occured in one of our largo New England villages. Jane (Jakes was a beautiful irirl some .aid the Lund- sonicht in the place, if she would only dress better! tier father and mother were vtry What made the matter still more flgpra poor, and re.-ided . iu an adjoining town. I vating he neemed to enjoy her eoiiversurtion Jane, by the i xeici.-e of a great deal of en-1 and her merry, joyous smile. It was pro cr.y and perseverance, had obtained an ex-, voking to see them on such excellent terms, ... ... euueauon, aim was asi.siani leacu- v. 1.1 me viiiuu mgii cciuui, auu reeei.eu u iiin riu Kuiary. j.ui ino unai uevoiion ol the noble hearted Lrirl would not permit her tut, tivili. IK Ui l'v4 fo1 1 "UUHI Jit" I III II II l0 f,,t.,J L(jr M10nev in the vanities of dr i - .1 .1 i- win e her parents wanti d aiivl iiiiL' win ' J the could procure fur them. reis ich . lie was naturally gay. and lonu ol a niuemeiits, specially of dancing, when in dulged in at seasonable hour. The ap proaching ball " hs it sore tcnlo'ation to her but she row t J tuo iu. linnl.An to purchase a bull drits, and join iu the festivities, her consi i. nee would not permit her to do so. It would wrong her parents. Maiy Trevor, I. er friend, wasalsoa teach er and both of th. in hoarded at the houe of June's uncle, who was quite an influeu. tial person in the village, lie was a plain spoken, common sense man, and thoroughly detested the vanities which were year after year introduced into the place from the citv. lie had pres-ed Jane lo gu to the ball with such a tinss as she had. It was literally tme, however, that a common calico was the bc she had. Mai. .tie) Vincent, a young clerk in the village, who hud imbibed a ;reat many ex travagant city notion" had K.r some mouths i - m i " if i i , ieu hiiii J iii.i, Kiel i I ' I ' I .-. I i . ..i . il I i I. ' I,. .,,!..!,.... r. ... .1... it.,, .s. i.. . ,.... :i,i"..iiuii.nul,..i,iiji:i,s,.sjuitaivini:t:it.i ., . . , . , , , ,. 1 1" , . . i ., i Igailant partner to heed anvbody but In in, ttlore our story opens and the reason he . , ' . , . J .. , I I , i , i i .1 anil remained in Misful i-'tiui a nee of the ift-"l)el lit ll Ineliili hlnl I in reltKntl .... , "i i l i.i i ,: wl.uli was ruinured unouei. the place, and I brougl leh I was reael.i i.'ilueu .1 ane 'i e a r , :u I u a t 1 h. of r she ! rissed Uhalby: j .wbe was eonti iit to b t it go so. and one of h. r sound seu-e could not waste many I'ij'hs over sin It a lover. Jane r-iiisni, J ,, r uncle in regard to at 1 ti-niiing the bail in a calico dress. 'J 'he blunt spoken olil fellow was delighted wiih lie i j dea, and promised his co-ojuralion iu car i rv ing it out. i " " II. I Tin- 1 .tig expected day came at lasl, and 'be village was siirred lo its centre. It wa.s j !cp year, and the I . lios have hope from I Inoselli-h or aggi anuuiiig iii..iivw liad got I ; up this bad in b-oior n( a vouig nabob of. the village j ho bad j-t-t ret .lined limn a tour in Kuripe. J i ;, bei: young, and j bainlsomn ami rich. I.e. ,; - nniii i -ried. All i i the gil Is -lie 1 I ..n tor bis ban Jsoinc face j j atid swellMi.' es li' - 1 j-UJ him. .p.ie o! ii ! ili 'i ' i ' ',iii-f i that conspir- ! : ed t make I. mi n .' p and a ninr v, be was ! ju-t the rev Me, a good, sound, mbstan i tial, sensible fellow. (If course a t!.e your.g Udic bud set and we dont much In tber the ball as -ei.tra.st the attraction" their raps for bin b!me ihiiu either, riven to sbovy ,!i 1 V jot an aspiring tew, or to give all an c.jual j chance we slm.l not now di-cuss. liut Frank Huntingdon made up bis mind i o disappoint tl.e whole crowd. He regard ed the affair mm unnotigat. d "mantrap" aud he was fully rtlvtd not to " g1 1 bis io .( into it " I if course his vanity was iml a btlle tickled at the idea -'' being Ihe lion of Ihe occs.-f Ti, and " to the ball lul- j iv prepared to ,.- a g . .'1 tin. e and "roar"," ails 1 lor a n .1 r pi !l d. ini-rvh TL f-r int e's uncle bad in. r a de ,,to t,,. l a lorliinat n i r. v I h finding a young hi inli nee to man h . i . t .ec Hid. H.'ie ..f tie . a in 1 y tl no en s-, r.no mi ll, engaged lor ti e 1 rax itl was d uiy seali lir-t danee. ih s- Ii i niai 1 u i ry set Wltll t! t -..d t - low she ! ju-t l. r i. 1 1 w old li tine n.i-ti .-'C:'(.i n . i t of the Jane Ivul.ti i.i I i .1 iu the MUM- lioe ,. ihe m ning. She was 0.1...-! that be was. a glorious f. I id never urt bint b.l oe and :, ef wb..t a man ought to be. i . . : li I : . to mr kui ll a man. Mi nt r. s Araiiii:.la Iii In r ii lliell-on -IHhHtl'Ml lie 111 the as bi.s rart- . she was tin 11,,1-t ci.si l.ial-.ii the hi v iilage, I e- ; Sides being the beiie-s of lone. i 1 r friends had pi I, .In! iiilie f.T- lyed In r cards .r w on I he t hi. f rs ii wa- nior- fi hi. tl- , and she bad thus tli.-tu.ct: of ihe eveioi g. allv sure f captiv atiug h 1 r partner be! the ilntice w as liin-bed. She turned uj. b. r nose at the calico ilres-. rind eveu utt sonic disparaging remaik to Frank llinilingd..n. I like her ' n.J. pcudci.ee.' " r.pl'iv.d the I lio., t-i (he .elltlig. j " Mie is a .cry at surd rill, sneered Ar-, I annul... ; Put a v cry pr. tly one. " 1 . jou think -0 T" I d . indeed." And Sam Vino-nt was clove at hand too He hud m lei ted the most prodigious bcs nf nellicouts, miisbiis, and libhoiis in tin ,..e e nf eflV llainseN. nlld stutlt is jot ous ,, i in making fun of the noble gill 1.,.,. be boasted of having sac Red. - - - , , 1 - . ui.. iii.i ,1 n ended, and it became j lie in - 1 fiurstioti ot iiioineiii.ius iii..u....io sl,,,,,l.l be Frank's f.rcnd i.artn. r. The ,,- ,,.,;. voung ladies kindly pro- ,s..,l . introduce 'bi.n.biil the lion " play 1 . 1 of!.' f .. friei .l be ..niinlered 'I nking the into the drawing ro. ui, l,... ,.,.. .,!' Ibe ....I -Ie, and ladies were playing whist- j "Mr. 'a s-,.. ..... . . . - , li. s '' - ind I- rank. toutTiili.' J an. .-ii. .-' . ! ..ne'e on the shmiu ..i.i on I he shm.iii. j He looked up. " 1 nm sol ry to s. t my ben', t upon ni. ee of your.- next " li lt, P.- ,! ' ' or) but u rn,. - " l:-tui b il ,i n. in, y oil, but I have w nil that swet t ! - 1 tif thing li. .1 !he old geu iie most profound ll 'll'l. n, bin id I v, ' . a-sl.itii-biii'Td. Fi unl. iiii'l'T -lo d him, though he did not ex n . ly what In- meant I adinii e her in li prudence. ' Vml an- a sensible b li Frank was duly intr nli I oinc along and the en- wtio duly a.stonishcd by tin night of the lion of the evening dancing with the calico dress. Mis Araininta was iu a rage, and de- chircd that the lion ought to he ashamed of himself. ana hall the ladies in the hall began to ; inuiK it, wouiu tie a good lUea to L'O home and put on a calico. 1 he dauce ended, and Frank conducted .er to a Heat : but instead of leaviinr her. as he had done Misa Araininta, he contin ued by her side laughing and chatting with her till the call tor the next dance " You have no nartner. M;ss ( lakes, neilh-1 r . - erhnvel. May I have the pleasure of your ''" ?" ' Jane wanted to decline, but Frank insist- ed, ami lie led her to the floor. An inti mute friend ventured to suggest that he ourht not to have dancfid a hecoud time with the same lady, " ou't care ;" replied Frank, and drop ping his voice in a whisper, added " It's a confounded snobbish affair a regular i man-trap . j " But thi-)' are doing you honor, and you I ought not to slight them." j " The d,Vil ti.e) are ! I'll bet fifty deb . . ... . i inrs against two cents there is not a girl here, except the 'calico,' who did not come for the purpose of catching somebod v." The dance went on, and scores of envi ous eyes were cast at .lane. Seers and ill natured, not to say malicious, remarks, e , . , , , , , were irectv inuuigeu : nut .Jane was too (deeply engaged by the attentions of In r sensation she had produced , , .'. had ev- en forgot ten 'he calico dress wore Again she was seated, and the chained to her sid. a very ion seem tl actable and obedient lion. ibis tune s,e wuu.d uot permit him to forget his partner for the next dance; but he insisted on procuring one for her first, for he fully understood her position and the hnobl ishiii.ss of the party. A personal friend of his from the South was. " to,, btippy " to d.mee with Jane next time, nml Frank led off Miss Soj hi.i Iluttcr phly the kecond maideti in " infiuence at court. After lb:, there was no la"!; of partners for the "calico." Jane had inrre appli cants f r her hand than he could attend to, and alr.'1'ly h-r curd indieat.-d engage ments for the m xt six dances so much for the lion's patronage 1 Frank cii.:n again at the juncture, and Gliding that her card was rapidlv b'ling up, declared that the managing mammas had bribed all the p.-titleiiit-u in the hall to pre vent him from dancing with her. " lint, Mi-s (lakes, wiil you permit tne to write on your card V said he. " t't rtaii.lv," r. idled she, with a sweet nu e and a I us i, tar there was snnietiiiii; .. i.-i .i - to in bis earnest e ance that stirred ip a t . . . . . , j 1 ,1 -i i , , ,. , .1- lern.g onu a i-imniMi'ii iu ne. i.euii. .utin AVhcn he returned the card, every he had written his name aji'tne. fourth dance through the pn her too, nor And he danced th. ..ice wih which bis heeded the rage ifdcd. In violation of aiteniions m i. aiiL'f incuts bii h Mi-r Ar- i the order-ioiison's friends had m ttb d, he amiiil to supper. I And worse than all. when the ball was 1 1 , . . I . . :M (pjovrr, be conducted Her home, ami mih .i -1, wuise, though evervbodvdid net know It, bll.rs to-, , , ' r ... .. ...4 ; f,.. lie ash: U pel Illissnoi .... luii ai.u ii.ijunv her health the liert day. Of curse it was gi.msid, and of course be Wl l.t. Jan.- biil.-beii III his j r. sem e, and had neaily fainted whin, a he took bis, have, she v.ry disilnitiy bit .pule, a generous pressure lion, the bund that hi Id hers. To make a long and lomantlc story short and praciiciil, be came evvry evening altir that said sw.it thing-- pi. -.-id h.r bal d jojp-'d the qumiiuli ki.--' d bi r blush ing ll.. . k wai ted the day nam. J. The day was rained, aid the village was I i.-entiiieiaiy astonished by tne speci i.cii; I it ih rieb b-in.Uome. and railant l ral.k Huntingdon hading the oor, I lit heautilu! and no! b bi.irted, iioi. pi niielt J ane O:. kes to the altar of I Imi.ci, j .-I. d I'.rtl,.- Hi... I cing at th-. head id" the I road aifie in tl.o village .Lurch. Sam ii.ci id's nn 1 rs (Hun t aw unt. to any thing, and Frank bad cceasii. n to 1. 11 him, ju-t before his marriage, that he was mil only a such, but 1.11 out and out toady. M.irv Trevor was ene of the biTdeMnrnii. 1 and dee.ares io mis iav 111.11 nu.i ' gleat deal of virtue in calico. I I We need scarcely add that Jane's rorr J father and mother are now in the enjoy 1 merit of every comfort mid luxury which I wealth can procure; and though blessings ! innuincra 'can but . noble, ' preutcst j lor Ihe JfsT ibis city, says the Host oil x belle' of "the North s! :ial wl.il. s belle of the North shopping no day ;. The t do. i last wc.k, called for some green m 1 ..; ...... !,.-, nee. that would l Another, aiiolhcr, and Jet another wa : brum. U forth bv t ie siilcsman nui f no , avail ; none Iherc the i.uiplc. pne that suited the fastidious lady s taste. " A deep, very deep and dark green is what I wish," said the fair customer. The shelves w. rc' then again ransacked by the itl. ..live alt.iida.il dr.p. r and deep, r, till glowed the erceli, until it emerged into a dalk sea tint r lot n-ne yet had hi. n di-pl;.y. d suii ing the lady's fancy. At length, fairly out of"piilieiii-e" with his cu.-toiiicr, the initatcd ..ales-man exclaimed" Madam, I do d . dare and v ei ily b. II. ve that you do not know what shade of green you want your self." " I do, sir, ri it well," returned the fair, '...-( iii iius and witty one: " scb-ct a pattern just one shade i-mio '' tl nu your sflf, and I'll fake it at once." ble are showered upon tlicm. Ib.y ;V" -""is .- '" : ; , , ; ... .. . , ,.,i ,.. Uard to our country ; and the Pope's Nun- 1 edge ot au intention to appoint .Mr. Lau.p- realue that a good daugh.cr-a tariff ol prices, at w l.icli iniuigcuccs wouiu ne 1 .'laiin ., .... ''": ! . , . . . eio had -iv..,. vou this information, about bill to office "-bcLre the authentic account ,-lf.sacrilicing girl like Jane-is .he gran.,-. Pt the cou,m,-,on 0, sis-au,o,,g . mi ir v ! j ' Va i Campbell being in the Cabinet, bef-re you ' reached Madrid: I should not a-k you for blessing of ail-or-i. leas, on earth, other things, 1 .ceolbct y ou mentioned the he w as u ( io.k, w as the frst C , ,skll0wn in Madrid, your yf. ht views on these points, but for u.NE MIAt'K nitn.Mii v ..... it m -""l" -. V, , , ,y. , " ."" . . , - , , ..' M, i.-.. ! ,.e..tion. or renlv. made bv one to the other, tor the moment, wl.en lue eonitnumcariou PTessrs. Baynei and Bairinger. To lite Jlililor of thi American Or gun Hai.kkhi, X.C., Aug. 81-t, l ..,.. You will please publish the following let- HT ironi niy-eii 10 jion. u. u. rnnger. . in ...-uu .. ,-.. .... uinn?cr. tier was forwarded to Nr. JJ. at .Sa- nineteen dayf ago, with a request The let ratoga nineteen d4 ago, will, a request to the lo-t master at feat place to forward it t0 Mr. !. in case he had left there. I have ... . i - . waited till this time il hope that I miyl.t be II . 1 .1 I' . .1 I 1 1 J . . able tc have Mr. lislctter publihed at the same time w ith my ijter to him. liut in- vch as there seius to be some doubt ' whether my letter tohim, and his iu reply, lna v not havu iLiscanTed and inasmuch :n there is a systcmaticst'empt bein made to nervert nml niisrc-l. t thia u Iml.. nn.f. f ------( - .... - u J ter, I fee! thawu ji: ) niyeii .indo tli-: cause of truth, loo. .t to withhold my: b'tter longer iroin puljcation. My letter' will probably rca:h M. liarringrr tlirougli the pre.s-., sooner thimhrouch 'he mail. Ji is to be hoped ?Ir. Ii:ri tijer will reply, as he can ami probably tiil, ihroiivh the pub lic press. JJ.s aiiswe will be as anxiously .vailed for liy me, ns iwill be looked for by lLo.-e who fi ei any inrrent iu this matter. I, at the time, intenJd to have made a pub lication over my own nine, reviewing a!l the lact and rieliable jlerences grow it:ir out of this nllair. I c.aylo ho hereafter. For the jiref.eiit, on this Icier I rest the vindica tion of my ojiimnn, am expressed in jmlj. lie, that there wan a understanding be tween the Komvn CaiJilie Hierarchy in the country, and son.eolMr. I'iercc'a leading In. nds, that the liO i Htholie voteshould be given to Mr. II eft! on c.n.liiioii that j some member of tlntibuicb scat in bis (.ahiucti There has becnnnde an unworthy at- ; tempt on the parUi a portion of the an- tempt on tne part, a portion ot the an ti-Auicrican pressin4 the ami Americai advocates to cvat . ho force and i-flee I of M r. liarringer ill alemelit, iu his latter. to Mr. Kliis andpiT-elf ; by prrtcntli ti. AuK rican present the ami American ct rs to di-cover au ; ot veracity between ,y'',lon witn rou that it was at a party ! aiysclf and some o!'lSiv('." ,J' 0UP f the members of the Cabi- I Mr. Larringer a ll.eiu have been b an ! mendacious enough to prilf hU that I i been exposed in presentation. A the public fttteliti .is is designed to div tin at issue. It is lo lei ii Irom public indig- . to the bargain, ly try. nanoii, the parti ing to get up a has read all that fubject, believes ground for imp.: there is the color tween Mr. Urrrit no .ioubt, try to l.-ave to the sell! V' issue. jSo one w ho been published on the I there is the slightest ' g my veraeitv, or that mi i-suc of veracity be- , am! myself. Some will ; uu i i-pone ot itpnt.nciy in a speech i i.-ler s party, and you uul not why then . being naturally a cause of much interest and eve ii but all meh I in Kichmond. On my return from Phila-J on meeting at the same party, an hour or ; satisfaction to the church ot that faith, es duMiatioimf their own ' "e'phia in June, I saw you in llaltiinore, at ! so afterwards, be might be i.efore you in pceial pains had been taken in some quarter consciences, for ort'i.jn with their lips the couv ietiou opv V'lx. KA1 NhTi ..noil, N. C, Aug. 7, 1S.M. 11 Silt: I have just reached Hal M.i.r au absence ot more than two ' ci, and ou my return 1 lin.l your letter . .l.,lv .lltli. In tbia letter vou leuuest me I v , . . , ,. i,...,,, nf the bih J u v Had publish your letter oi tut viu .iuij. ji.iu . vot.r lst letter arrived been hcie wnen your iisiinur a. i u m J 1IHLIII uoii. i" , i ....., .,. ,i, i.linl I . irst ns reiiuesiea but sinee the atiii-arante ot vour entire letter to Mr. Kliis. 1 tan hardly suppose you ! desire the publication if your ei.uie letter It' vou do. btirevrr. vou li v in hnd ! a (1 py f it, which du con have 1 abii.-hvd 1 if vou c'-.-.re its publication. 1 "l must confess 1 fed turpritcd t.t the turn this matter has taken. And you ii 'i-t par-! don u.e, for my review of all the la. ts and , was j.forL. th,; of March, lo3, or after ' pleaso try and recollect, whether you cu inciJenis connii ted vi-.h it, and K.r ivy ing ' .. , .- True ihe imrressieu left upon ' quired of him, who were the other mem- to neali the same to your rccclli eti 011. j Tin Hue, there is to issue bet w , 1 r, us, in; regard to tiny maitcrof ." f. V- ur s-talc- j inert to both Mr. Klli-aud myself (nhrms ! in v nccocnt given of the convt i:::icn be- t twn 11 us ci. the sul je t alluded to. liut iu regard I 1 the infeiiT.ie to be de.l'ii.i'i iroin our st:it 1 11 1 nt, 1 l.c iupressiidi made nu v our n.ii.d ly the ccniUiUBcatiiTi of the Pope's Nuncio, tt lite time ai stated iu your letter to Mr. l.lli-, is ii, tin k (liffcr.i.t tiem what mine is .'' and ijtirely lliffvn bt fi-'iu what I understood j ..lis to io, at the tune of the eoi.vei.-atiou bavieiil us. A'i w n e to call tofour rei-ollcct'-T the ell ci. install i' vs -,-.!. ii. r v, ,icb tliis conversation i. ecuirid 1 etw e. n y ou and me. 1 called to see on at Voibnro'a litel scni.tiii.e about t I in-tn. as, 1 ibli.l;. 4fter ta.kiiv n v'm- r.l.s sut iects, the fubjict of the .l.i ii. i'vrni. nt was ii.tio Jui' .1,1 forget whether bv vou iv 1113 m If. Isliited t" you that I r. afiy f. H alatu.ed at tit progress and gr i.-p-ing j In v . f the liomat Catholic iluiih iu this country. Vou rrujic.l that our people here knew notions of ic llom-in Catholic church, as yon did, wh ( bad wili.es.-cd it- inti. ti iu ."-pain, where, it had full power. , Vou linn went on to ipeak of the sale of indiil-n-uics which wf still pratticid in I II (111 i III is iMiii 11 n.n .-1111 piiiuiiiM i". S,,aiir-.h.-.t on certain festivals of saints- days in the year, vou l.id often seen large ! placards put' up a't puuiumt places ahmg j thought id tl, boiiiish church. 1 tad bi t siippo-e that sale of indulgences was prac tieed by that ch ircb atn Vou replied, " ( 111 yi s, i w here in tins age. is still kept tip in Spaiu.' Vou tl.nweiit 'ii to speak ot the denial bv the Spanb h sovt rnuit nt cf li e right of decent burial to any Protestant w bo might die iu Spain that no religious service was allow td to br bad at his burial that not more than ibre persons were al lowed to attend hi body to the grave that they were not allow. . d to take the body to the grave in any vfliiel. more respectable than a common cart tial ilu y were re quired to take the body out of the city along some or.sf.ire w ay ind bury it in the nVlds and that nio-t o:he bodies of Pro testants .bus huih d, we:c supposed to be disinterred bv the anatonists. Vou mention ed some instances of Cioiestants of high ....... ......ii .ii t I'll I'.-iM I .Li. in .-.nun cii.isis . . .i.i i i - . .-.. - . : .. i . bodies had thus bc.-u di-(oscd of, and whose ..raves could not be afirwards fouud by 1 . . . '"" I . . . . :.. .1.- ...l i: :...! ... .roll .-,. ...il llie ehiir-e b ill Kliri'Di' Was 111 re- theirfriends. I asked you, how it would have j Mr. Kliis, my personal friend, requires thai been with yourself, if you had died when , I should appeal to vou, to your sense of jus there, Vou stated that you had your ar-, tice as well as of ge,ero,itv, to caln.lv re rangeiucuts provided, that in ease of vour view with me tin. oi. ,..,si,....... ih.. l. "s-uth, your body would be embalmed and -...uco. emics. j ou - ..... juui Prde further of I he intolerance of the , Komi-h ur'-" tpin that there was """ ' cpnin tbat there was !lot ""'"S18 1 rotestant plice of wor.-hip al-: 1 1 a!. ... I t f 1 . lonca iu the w hole Kingdom. Here I a-ain exl,r,'S!"?d '"J" aurpri.se, and asked you If it nn.yll L I1.,., il.. 1.'.. .1! I. P'f."'l '";,t 11,0 J''gli-h t.ovcrnment, wl,u known inlluence in Mpain, did not eX!";t fro, the Spanish (jovernment, the prvl'ege ot a l'rotestant chapel connected 'he Knglish embassv in Madrid. Vou .replied no, it was not allowed even to Krir- land, although the ljiitish (ioveriiineiit lci'? !,'!e" ciidiivori. to obtain the pri - .i - i Ott p..k.- rtiny olner ...!., au'1 oppreMlotiM of the iou.i.-h church. Ir ini; L'iuifli;ui iiiu eollvnr.sariOU. I Haul I hut . sv... -:,,.. ,i- ...oiii-n religion to ue ut- nie new s cmld not hav te en traiiiuiltei! terly incompatible with the cxist-nce of a iu that way. It could not h ive been lir-t !ne t'Oi-eruii... nt that tiiir assumption? off carried bv'a sailing v s. 1, f,,r tl,. steim power in this country beuari to be alarmin- ers far su'tpa.,- th m in .p.V.I. Tliere are that as you were not in the country at the no si, am, is plying acio,s' ihu Atlantic, but last I'residential c!e"lio:i, yeU wrc pr a (tne re ulnr 'e.m i.iai: ste uners ther-- bly not well tie,,,. aii.ted with ttic inllueiiccn j fre, tne news must have been ciriuuhy which pievaiieu iu dteiiiing it but that some one of them. It is reasonable to sup there was very little doubt, but the liomau po.se, that after the formation of the eabi Catholic vote in the North w.n given to Mr m-t, the first steamer that left the countrv i lerce. Ill t)Ur,iURnce of nu nrrnnn-umxnt l with Archbishop Hughe' to thatetl'ect. Vou replied, " Vou have no idea how well post ed they are in Europe in regard to wbut is going ou in this country." " Whv, sir," i . .1 .. . t- C- ..,., I V a,u J"ui me i ope a : uncio at .uauna ' f0'1' I,iC of Campbell, of Fennsylvania, be- ' ijould liuveaj"'H "-. ue. oi iu vaninei lore t nail ever heard of it, and before it was known in Madrid.. I remarked, that was proof i there had been a bargain, that the Koman I Catholic vote should be given to Mr. Pierce, 1 anu tbut church should have a seat in the j Cabinet, Ac. Vou then went on to state the j incidents connected with the Nuncio's eon-I 11 -''aunu mat tne . uncio eatue up to , i mi-.- j J'0" -t-'tf-'-l to you the fact of Mr. Camp- jv,.nibel!, a Catholic, being a member of Mr. stiori ; 1 lrrce Cabinet, and expressed his grutiti- '"-h u.. uoieu was so strong and iu- nuelitial in the I'nited Slatca, as to obtain j 11 Honor- 1 lliJ vM consider this conversation be-1 -twecu you and me as confidential, or as j -"'-vouuueuudi. i spoke ot it oiten in ,ne course ol conversation with iniiiiy per- , j.arnu.ti s now. I tuen said to you that 1 ; l.avm the. j!i'jru;Ui,li. . -AuJ a is on this to communicate Ihe eailic.-t intelligence of SmWolt''tr, (ippointmeut bl ( that night and w as u known the. rr'J-"rm Ti,ni,fc' ,,-. u.j,g ineinbers of the Mr. Campbell in Mr. Pierce's Cabinet as , the next morning ? aud no longer. " in doubt. ' Tererrcs. ysthood," If r,at...iral that I did not consider it at all private or eonli- ' and the pubjeet of conjecture ?" P.ut ngaiu Hut here, you will pica.-) ahnwTrrU n l'?'flHV dentitil. i'ou replied certainly it was not. ! did the Nuncio mention to you the names of you again, to try and refresh your uiem ,,,l I tt,n went nn to state the terms in ! of anv other members of the Cabin, t ! I or v. Of course you must have been cur- u - l,.. h r l.n.l related it : and said to von 1 1 A 0 ltf corrcct atout it ts should i.u. i. f :, : v-,, ..:A T if i i i , a had "lvctt it correctly and then repeated 1 , . - . l .i ,j)e circUnstances .under w Inch the couver- neieunn michi. ui i. lejniu. i yu .-.,i I sat ion with the Nuncio occurred and what had said to vou, viz: that before you , , ':,,. i,.iv,,, .,;., i r..rd to I fr Pierce's Cabinet before it was known . M... -i t J.kt n.l c( i). ( (ure ,R, .,.ie j-ouC:0, stated to vou .-,. ('.uui.bell of Pennsvlvania, a Catholic, Kn 1 member of it. You said nothing of ,1,,. nr ,t,u (.nnivrti.Mi whether it mv mind, by the conversation with you, J was that it was before the -4th of March; I but I never so stated in any public speech 1 prove-, that from the manner, c'reuiiitau 1 have made for 1 did Dot then, nor do ' ces, and incidents, you did not regard him 1 ..nvc tl.ii.L- that makes anv sort of differ- at the time, as speaking from authentic in- encc ' Whether before or alter the 4th cf March mattered not with tne ; for the point ..... , 11 . j- . . . that the PopJs Nuncio It ing put iu posses-; ..;.. ct il., i.,rri....ii,,ii. before the United w ie 1 1 h wavs mane u a iiuuing io 11 was States Minister had heard of it, aud before . the public iu Madrid had received the news, was a humiliating reflection to every ' patriotic American ; and afforded proot that ll.t- baigain had been agreed on before t iu .. ... nun .iml 1 .at tne naivain naa uecn . , , ' -i 1 . . fultillei. In cur b ttcr to vou coiilii iu the stab tin nt as I bad eiveii it. In vour b Iter to inc ol July ! Ui y Ju say . . .- , , . ... 1 ..." 1 .. "tietoii- I f.au ItllV HJUlt 11:11 aiei eeii.-inii .,. ics ,,f the formation of the Cabinet, and win the told ir ws st',11 a subject of eoni 'cture at: court ot .Madrid, he (the 1 ope s .nuucio; nt- that Judge Campbt 11, of Pennsyl- 1, was appointed, and that be wai v . . . . - Cuibolic, whicii was the tirst liilorniaiioti t had . iiiier of bis ai.Boiiitmcut or his reli- aii j v j vou sav " before I had any certain news of theVormatiou of the Cabinet, and while ils constitution .was still iu doubt aud the in vour tterto Mr. Kliis of July -Ilrd,! ington : to which report 1 presume .Mr. Id- us ictcrre when alluding to It in Ins 4th el 3 . ... . July orati ll. V( the several public ml - .,s I delivered at the North I never ii re si.tv tl.,. r. iii.rter a notes ol one, betore go in., to the press and thev were so badly ri ported (as I ni,,n.is must iiicessaiiiV be the case, in the contusion attending tnese ...siir.isi.m Htrendimr these! mass meetings and the hurry of getting thein to press) that I soon cease g'mug my self any concern about tho in . Inasmuch as the Anti-American press has endeavored to evade the force of this .statement of mine fully confirmed and sus tained by you) by a contemptible .(nibble, as to whether the Nuncio's communication to vou wasbef'-.eor after the 4th of March and inasmu.h ss you differ with Mr. Kl iis and myself, in regard to the impression vou had, ii' the time of the Nuncio's ooru- I ... imnriiljin vr have ni ll ' uc.t linn. pu'. si- .. i wok. the duty I owe myself, as well as the duty T owo the Aiuencau ca.uo and ta ; of this matter to request of you that vou ! hi rcires.i your memory in regard to the - .h iuicti jour memory hi regard to the j minute details ,,d lei us fee, if we can- j not by a process of fair logical deduction.! not by a process of far louictl deduction. arrive at a conclusion a little .1 i tT.r.r.t (mm . ... that which in tin uiiw i!!in-'!H' (f vour , kind nature, to jiid-c harh . . C y in any quar- . ter, you may have arrived, tit lite 'lane of I your conversation with the Nuncio. In (ue Or.-t place, you sny ihe coninmni- cation wa, made to you by the Pope s Nun - : ) uau any ceri news ot nu- ...rmarion or tne .atinie', and while its . .. .. ....i. . u u waul., u in. . iii! pi.o- i jjeet of e,.,,j. eture , the n,blic mind ati j Madrid.' U-t ,1 be reeo.!e,ed ,,en, is no teleg.-nph.c conj.-..oi.ieti f -,.iwee,i the coiiMiiuiion was stiu m doubt, and U.e pub - t lllteil SMiiIlu ni..l l...r.... . ..!.. -hiiiilil uave carried but olio newspaper, containing so important piece of news as this and this one letter or newspaper should hare been -ent to the I'one's Nun- eio alone ? I sunr . . . '.' no sane man would conrenn lor such an explanation as this. We lirst take il for granted then, that the news of the construction of Mr. Pierces ('abinet was first carried to Kurope, by one of the regular Ocean mail Steamers and ' that the steamer that carried out the news i took the information in divers letters and newspaper, and to divers persons, your. self (the minister representing our conn- try) among others. In the nature of tl,in. tuen, in the name of reason I ask you how could the Pope's Nuncio have stated it as a tact, w hen as you admit, " pt w as still doubt and the subject of conjecture iu the I public mind :" unless the knowledge had J been communicated to him before the'Cabi- n-t was lormcl : 1 here is but or.e possible state of facts, ly wbi. h such conclusion i may be avoided. If the mails containing the news happened t ., r.-acli Madrid on the;" ihe infer' nee I male, was, (referring, of very evening the Nuncio made the comma- ; course, to the time the communication" wa-t mention to you ami he happened to open I his mail and read, before going to tho min- 1 take it for granted, yon enquired of him, .ui'DOsed he was sneaking from authentic iulorinatiou. If he didnot.it proves that collect, whether you enquired of him for tho he knew nothing of the names of the other source of his information, and what was bis members; for if his object was simply to reply whether there was then any tele give you apiece of information iu regard graphic communication to Madrid, from to our own countrv, which he had the good fortune to ret hold' of before vou. ho would certainly, as au net of social com -te-y, have iven the names of all the ( abuit-t. It he did not know who they were, then it proves that he did not get hi-information by the channel that carried the information to others, but must have gotten it brforthan,!. Put bcrs of the Cabinet. If you did not (anxious as you have been to ie:-rn tins newsj u omy formation transmitted alter the formation of the Cabinet; but on private data bas-d '...,,... ii,. .,.., ;,.r.-r.,iail,i.. It, it did the Pope's Nuncio tell you that Mr. Campbell was" a member of the Cabinet" 1 -u.ne -unci sui.iv- s,. ................. . or did he say he was appointed osi .u ts tn (inici,ii? If he bad .said lie was appoint ed Po-t Master lieneral, that even would have been no evi.iitico that bis informa- tion was based on the rfbcnl atir.ounie- ... .. . ,e ......:.,. ..II. .... ...msfri. ineui, ui ii.u v ..mi.- n... 1 ss,.. .... n Hon , was made public lor 1. mere was a nai Mr. Kliis and myself, ' tfain, it may have been f-r this very pl.ico .that he bargained. J-ut bis nut liai;..ug the pisit'jn iii the Cabinet which Can, pi. ell he! 1, and merely stating tnal he was up ! pointed," iu the ( iiietthows that his iu- tor Illation was ba-cu on conjecture resur mg trom prior snowicuge. Now, my dear .sir, you wul plea-e all ruo to advert to the circumstances of our 1 .. . .. . '. . ... '. . . i' ..1. :..!. nri '.uinci.-nuun u.. ...1- uej. c ... ihe connexion of words the supietu-e of i ideas. I was speaking of the grasping pal- -1 I . 1 icy ot the Hotnisii church in our country - . ! 1 . 1 1 I its interference 1.1 politics and controlling j inflm nee 10 the last I rc.-idcu.ial cuclion. It was ... reply to this, you remarked, how gc-uon, oi u-p.y 1 must nave some uii hu.hu i e . . . t ..'!.:. i v i. .. ,. er in it lite purpoi i oi uiei. eai. ee i-i -i uudcrs stood bv reference to the context, the assoeiatiou of thought or word iu tv inch . is used the prtcedin idea to w hit h is a iiegati. ely. . rcsnoiise. elluer Li! mat. v. V or Vou wiil rccoiicet, 1 was speaKiiig t the daii -er Irom the Koinisli eliurcli, iu tins country Us inti rtcreuec in our politics, us; having decided I l.c Presidential electi -u.Xo Vour remark iu reply was by way ot af firmation, as I iiiiileisto ui it, l : tiiat tuat ; cliuicii was Will posted as to our t I is this countrv that the Pope's Nuncio at! Madrid gave ye i the first information yr.i had of Mr Campbell's being a member of Mr. Pierce's Cabinet; before yoa had re ceived the news, aud while the construction of the Cabinet was in doubt, ard a subject of conjecture in the public mind there, - - 1 -.I...... . s .I'sui -nt. . o.slr iST v in 1 OU Will JJICS IU ai.wn wi. I s. .. a . j - -, what was your ohiect in niautt g niai re- mark to me in immediate response to my suggestion, that the election h;d been car ried by the Roman Catholic vote, in pursu ai.ee ol' an understanding that that church should be rewarded in return if it was not ...1 .:. . . 1 i-orruboraling my suggestion, and confirm- ing me in in impression ' Why have men. Honed it at all. if your view of the matter ! Honed it at all. it vour vi,.w ot rl, ,,.,., t wax ll n...nn .r.r ,i. ;.. ... ronvt-r-ntion) tliat rhe Nunoio Iinrl n-r. .ivrl , ill." " ' ' "ir vtf I j his information through the ordinary elian- ; n.- of the mail ' n.,,1 tl,.n ,i.. ,.K. ... Hie could have arm ed at it Tn the abv nee of previous knowledge) unle-s we resort to 1 the still im.re strained supposition, that an eapros w as lorw anled to bim, alter til nr- rival of the .steamer at home V, urnpean port, ; iu advance of the mail. iu w u -.. uce ei i ne man. I assure xo-. my dear . I am h m means disposed ' tn c, it,eise y0,ir letter t, Mr Kllis, as a n.i.tte? of cho,ce. 'Vour re no to ply to l.iiii as well as to me, fully confium u y v. Tsi.m cf y.ur conversation. l!ut. inns nuch as you have gone out of the record (you wiil plcae pardon me for saying so) to controw rt ami t,ttoy the force of the infrrrtft dnwu by both of us (hat this communication to you by the Nuncio wasi i 'iih. matory of tlic charge of previous bur gain which had bci n made you cannot, nope, find fault with my attempt, in self vin dication, to .-how that, our inference now U correct, and your inference tl.e.t was ioeoi rect. ou say in your letter to Mr. Kliis, you " til' not at i.li suppose that he (thn I'ope's Nuncio) had any previous knowledga of an intention to appoiu this gentleman lo office, or that he knew, or had any reason to believe it was done in pursuance of anv bargain or intrigue to this effect on the nart of any persons w hatever." This I ean well ! understand and this remark. I iloimimn. ceivc, involves any issue between us, in re gnrd to iiinninn even. Vou say you " did " not suppose so ; meaning, of course, at the U)iie the I'upe's Nuncio gave you the infor mation. It i reasonable you might not have attributed his prior knowledge, to the con summation of "any bargain or intrigue to this effect." At vou had been for vears out of the countrv, and were not thoroughly conversant with all the cha rges. issues, and undercurrents involved in the Presidential election it is not probable that you should have suspected foul play. In the next seu- tenee of vour letter i,. Mr fc'HU vm. first made to you bv the Nuncio) that the uppointnient of a Catholic lo this high office, prised having heard nothing of it yourself and will you be so good as to try arid re- Havre or tans wneincr me mans rjy mo steamer had arrived at Madrid on that eve uing. And hi case there was no telegraphic communicaticu, and the ir.iuls baa not ar- rived that evening will you suggest what other jm.Ht.ie means there, could nave teen by which especial pains to coininunieato the earnest intt-Hlgence ol tuat tact, could h ave uule; secured its transmission to inadrid i we suppose an express in advance of the mails, had been despatched to Madrid, immediately on the arrival of the steamer. Vou wiil pardon mo for re.uesiing you to be as explicit as possible, for this reason : 'Ihe presses aud advocates of the Anli- American paity are attempting to deduce a .trained inference Irom your letter. I bey are irvm' to Dervert vour language into tea- - . . - r timony iu their behalf They are trying to u-e you, to combat and disprove the reason- able mtereiice "Oir to be drawn, from tbo communication of the Nuncio to you. They are endeavoring to represent you assaying, that you nuiv i-utertaiu the impressiouH whieh you say you had tit that tinie, as the only way ol accounting for the Nuncio's get ting the intJiiuntioii before yoa or the pub lic in Ma hid rtcivei it. Some of the more malic. .-us and -ianoerou- of the Anti-American res-.es ami partisans "J":' to rely or. your letter as impugning uiv ver .c ty , even. II-ping aud believing that you arc uot wil- bug that yo.ir name or yr-tir kwt suooiu be prrvel ted 10 any Slleh eU'ls, I thiuk I may appeal to vour,;. ifiif as well as to your gen erosi.y to speak out, and forbid any such unfair u-c to be made of what you have writ ten. May 1 ask of you do you intend iu your letter to say, unit ',-' ojnttvm that there w as no such umler-taudiiig as that referred to, in regard to the Uotiian Catholiu vote bi-cig given to Mr 1 icrce . lj you intend to say, '""' opinion ;oii- is, that be Pope's Nuncio had " not previous knol- was fust made t) you. . l ou will observe the eau-e of truth, and be doing au act of ju-lice to tho-e who arc attempted to bo wroiiisid ly speaking out plainly aud uuo .uivoealiy on these puiuts. In the concluding sentence of your letter to Mr. llilis, vou .-ay, in allusion to an "imper fect report of my speech iu Washington " v,,u wrote me a note for the purpose of correcting, the erroneous impressions which nii-'ht so readily '" made on. the public mind ho-.vever n uiUnt lou.tl ly fioin such a refer ence to a r i-ii.ii coiiter-ati-'ii iu social inter e i irse withjut a written statetnent of the I facts." Fal-e deductions have been drawn Mr.un thi- part of your letter. The impre-- : . . . . J . . I . I . .1 . sioil Is atteinpic-i n ce uiat.e, mar, you re oil-, sted u.e to pub h the entire letter, and iliat t nao nev ei uiiii-ii ...'y'ic....iit an out one sentence of it. Vou will bear mo wii ncss, you made no vecpicst of n.e, iu your '. .i i .. .. -.i ...... ... .... ; .oi i lirst Utter to publish tuc same, rou nisv vloua iiiaidi ns