i poke of an "inexact" report of my re mit ks iu Washington, which you bad seen. You thea i;o on lo repeat what you bad said to me. You then mate what wore your iiu-fircisj-ions ' at tht time" llio Nuncio made ib communication, very tienrly indcntieally with what -you said in your letter lo Mr. Ki ln. You conclude by saying "if that sub ject i to bo referred to al ail again iu pub lic, although it was not so intended by we, it is but just to a!! the parties concerned, that it sbould be properly understood, and that this correction shojld bo tuude.'' It o happened that there was no corieetiou to make. 1 had spoken of the, matter, not aa inexact hj rrjwtof, but as you gave, the. statement to mo ; and after I received your l.ttcr, when alluding to it in my public apeecbe, I gencral'y read from tho letter itself. As to its being '"a casual eonversa tiou in social iiiiervur.e" you will recol lect that I told you ill I!.iili:iiorc, I had j spoken of it publicly, not colisideriiijr it at ; all voiieidcnli..!, and yoa said it was not so intended, j You w ill pleae al! me to call j our at- , .tcntioii to an editti..i in the "Semi-Week- j ly L'uiou '' of the --ih July iu which the tuilowiiiK laiigitnge is used in reference to voiirjt-U : ile'is at present at Saratoga I Spring in the State of New York, and be i has stated to a gi-i.tirinan in this city, of uucjuc-iio'.iable intelligence and integrity, : that the conversation with the Nuncioot the 1'ope, coin.'.-rtiiiij tii" Cabinet of President Pierce, wrl.ie'i lin l.eeu uiaJe the (omnia- j tion of .-o u. t f.i'.s i. i"d and calumniation, trail-pined MitiM-ipielit'y to the. 4th of Marsh, 1":1, and to the reception of the inteiii- , genee thereof, and of the names of Presi- , .dent Pierce s Cabinet at Madrid. Mr. liar ; ringer al.-o it.-ited that he had addressed , tffJ letters to .Mr. Kayin r, of North Caroli na, Mating the time of the conversation and ; it circumstances and purport, and asKing that geiitli-iiiau to do ail parties the justice I f . taw th- in tlu ease, but th.it Mr. '. ii. had s;ii -pre-ed U th Utters, and had wholly refu-ed to cirr-?ct the falseiujds in the p'remi -... Thi flat.-:. on firt ra 3 i ij jr if. I knew t be a I .. -.l.d isiali g iianl slander, li tva- not on y r.-.y un like you, but I khv'.v it was iMipji. !e y u j;ild have -aid t f.V one, f-. t 'his on Vers .tiou wi; o li.c N .iee: j ; a - - ;' - .j i i.t 1? t) the rec.ptioti t t ,- in . i.ui..:! 'i, and of the tanics of I'rc-i j- nt Pi -re-.- s t iniiiet fir at t L.j time I ha 1 vni: I i -. I'M:.'. t'.mt tte tima of ti. eonver-atioti jutt yiu h id a i v aut'ti. t.:;o at r.s of tie' finnaiju of t:;e Ca whi e it wis sti;l a ubj ct of to: the Court of Mtdr: 1." 1 ki-ear ro--ille vo j c; al ! hare !; i s.nv was ".!-! 1 urrtaiil i:nt, and jeetore at l was i ni-li- 1 "ha.! .. pjnay ' yoar two ! tt. i- ad had who!- , ii.ria ili the j had your '.. t s al i i .ice be ali d my re iiit in , as rt - U : . ' u e prt-ini-e. ti c: t jr ai that ti.ue I ler IU i t cen y in iris at : . -ju rW, -'Ibis :.r-' ; you a yj l T.i sayi .. i ery opp s i t:i.it l: ::t t n;.' ! il iV .1-1 ! . ' ,t tl 1 :n v. i- t u i.iy-ei!. i ' ,-i:n- one at rep jri. r." r.'.auder on represents aroja, the i what viu had said to me 1 eotil I have i eeu Io-j'u- Ill V aiir IrU'-f ii:g fir an a ithor.t .ti.'O deni by you of toe -linger :u tie l moti. IJ sny liotuitia of wiia: is due tj yojrself, I think it due i in-:. 1 have iwt seen or heard of any re traction of this .!-.. u '.. r, '. v the l'uiou. If n ii ... m mil i 1 li : nk o th' jer :u t ie I moti. I . tj eil.j.-ure i tirei arv He h my v ui-ii- v-iiu di'-ati-vti L-v. ever. faWnl. In pui.-li-lilii-j tliv extract Jjnr letter, I 1 bono III V o a . ' il flii-eli : 1 Oil bill!. r sir, vou will p-.r'Jou this lot!' and I feisr tir-Mii- and ':-:i-r. eai.j-b-'.tcT. Yon have voirvi-'.f i i ti'.i s pu-t, Li;a as-a.b -d, and had y our . nine- itll pur motive a--per-el. ou r-u i ;n i,:.; al loaDce then, for inv anxiety that t;,i- mil It may bo properly examined, and tj-i trutu eii-jit'.nl. Ia-k f-r nothitu but ju-tt.-e, sod am wiliai.; to leave the to th- raiijail intcrpretati on every fa'r-uii-rK-d UU :uu-t ; 1 . .- on the fjet- '. 1 Yojr uiiwiiliiii,.,-- ti. U y oa shoai I U tni-'in ter stojd to t:.2 injury of Mr. Pierce or the Pope's N ine: j. nil,, I am sure, . pel ate to pn vent y j jr all j-.vi:: yo jr irim-tj he used, or yojr opiJous perverieei, lo the ii.j ary of t:.e. P. 'Ue an-wr at yjr car'.i j-t couve ti;e.':e as I a n aoxi a- tun fh. iic tiou of iny ripinfj a even, Lah he v and cotii- pl.te. A'j.-i-t I'J, l'O.i. This ! -T-. r wis t- -I, in.-ij.-cj jivC daj S'nee, tut ow.ifi' ij ;n U-i j-.tivii fr the lat Ul.ys ! i, bvt i eetl COLCiU ied th aa . Yours rtrv irxy arjd rj.fctful!T, K. it A YMi!'.. S. Ar tin re nny d ata i vour r.oa- ii, ly . ......i yu can ie'ifi:y trie u-i:.- party given 1 y th-; Spar.i-k Mii.ist-r. i.t'l t!i- C0ne!atio!l tok plate, Lef- at h. . . t--.-. the; N'jUci. H u l.i M ;. a:.i vo.rieif. k. i; Kiti.'.oj.R, .ara:ob"i, N. Y. TilK T hi li- - , ! y. " 1. : pr e t of : i- ::. . r - i. h ! a co i . rntion m Urith'i l-.-t w, . . w.- oe- tier-talld. Mi" ' -j J . .. . . 1 . c , a i: : -i l: t .. t ;.- .... . ; - t'.ei i'-iere-t, d. We : : r. h i b'.t have hi : r '. ! : , . :h.- i '.-at-ol A r rain l.. a : :: . ... h- ,. ia in my -.v-. ti- , . . tt wh'eii it, : ,te j . r ir, ii-, n. i, 4ud at ?! i' On -) i, jr, r ! ce. o! V.'i.te rt ) t.. ("--,n.. b -,- i .. . i. i,r.,v ri. to be o:.e of the i - - -it i.e. e .. ... .! : Ali.ott Law ret , of li ti. , , ;aj a c.a'in, ha- t :.' S Jt ., . . , t,, . - gn and T. nr. if,:,, i, r.f ti,.; j ..- . think ( t"iigh ot the r pr j-p. . :- -p-i.d -in l: y in lt,? n,l. rj r - i e-i ; ai.-.i tU.it a . ti faiiii T v. i i..- .!.' h I , aii oil S . ,'nJO,.' p',i,U-i th'-y e.i, i -t, tl.e.f !MI1. i il.h-.-i It'jl IV.ef.lv h. . U'.i. 'l .- a i ; ! ..-ir lojTjl'V I. .- ihe d.-atk oi ' tie in i,. v , , u' pr-- 1 r.t. J ii, its hi-t'rfy I' ThkTi s , .. The r . ,. . . . ... Va ) Je't- 1 - .'I I'l -t l-s, til.' tl;- , 1-teir, wn t Ih je Ki i,o- 1U; . . j - t. jt I '')' f' -t , it is In f .! sil., an . 1 l,i. t high. The wlnne i- '.I r it-is ; tie; ',-.e t er ii I Hi,...-! hae b. rll C-t i '' I f' et I the jM.rk in till- i t i ' ' i t a (,tl I !. lei n, .r, ' f fu u.t . t- I ,. ., . ii, i . t in- ..!..,, t-:.:, owifg to the cavil,.' I-i .! toe i :.if,, ai, i toe . rr- ,i: 'f water i t. , , ... r- ' ti. re s v r .! p,rt. . ,: t , . , ; i .- t1,, t'l'i. i I i - 1 , j, i. ,.;, !.,;,. Ji in tlie la-'t in-e.ih. 17 f. t h ive he. u ,- . ;., both tutili' I". U'. I :,. r-.- i- 1 o. Hi f, , i i ) wil"ll dayii.jla Hi I . . t'.roie.Ii tl,.- ; j .. Ksdje. The intern., ;, , r K hv- tu,. i.. ', i froejrvwii.j, t.; ,i a .-t'a.2;eU:i ;-jb. fioxib Caroliiiii 'a'clMd. HARL0TfE: T u v s (1 n y, S v p I c m !) c r 2- w PoU (Wire A new Tt tltVtcc Iti'S bren eitlilislted at t lit--limine nf Dr. S. X. Juhntiin, in Gaston county, I'y the name of I '-lsLinia tJroe, Wm. Hi II, Tost Mas ter. Rail FiOiiil Arriilrnl An siei.'eiit mcurred on the 19th instant, on the C. & S. l Rail hV.ud. It t-k phice near Kih li.in's Mols, and wns caused, at we understand a tsengi r loid it, by the .inplieeim.iil of one ut the bars of imn. Srvenl pusciigert were injur, cii, but we believe none seriously. Suii.f rtiitrgf in Hit Wenlf r. ' On WninM y lust, such s change took place iu Ine weather here, ns to render winter ilotliirg ami a fire qnito comfortable. Al Washington ci'v we ie.irn that the thriiioini tcr liil JJdegrns from 4 o'clock Tuesday evening until 9 o'clock Weenesii y mo. ning. Entile of Kin:, fountain. A cimni iiivit.iliou i given by tlie committer lo the people ol" this and the sdjnjiiini! counties to iitn-iiu the ci U hr it.r n of the Battle of Kind's "I-iuti t -in . .Hi he Jlli of l . lob. r next. The I.a e:i cr i. c i V.y arc invittd t.j attend. Tinush'mv; iiav. (.. v. Hr..;; lias jecc- u.-i-uuled Thursday, the '.i,i e.v .-f October m il, as a d -y for I'ublic '.;..!".. M-iv.n e. This is a month earlier tht a usual. L'liiili'inir nt Xnrfulk and I'urMiiuulh. We ! ..rn hi lit ace. mills from ",.rl'oik tlivt the Vi :i..w for is st II on ;l-,c decline in th.t pl-ici. K.-uu. r.(.'t.-:iii ut'.. the aceoui.ls re not so L vurablv. Senrur's Journal uf Finsnff. We have reci i veil the S. pteinber No. of the a. hove w-.r. It is pu: li'nt 4 uionii.ly, semi.nioi.lh. '.V -nd Ai el.lv. ano . ool 'il.s hesides V ililalde renl in; ne.Uir, tlie N.w York I'm-es Corrent snd a cornel l.-t .,( ai! the Iii:s in the I'm ted States. 1: is a valuable -.v.-rk snd should be iu the pvtsc. ..ou ef iV.. i y besiiuss nian. Tiu a Furtiriier!" Out if i nf li'.tie bovs on br.ngiiig our Kttirs from the I'ost Uihce the uther dsy, ..ropped one. An individual in town -oeind it u; snl brouglit to us. I'f course we tharntd hini for this fa. vor. As lo- went out, he observed, Mr. Hoilon, " I'm a l-'ureitfner 1" Tins k.i i. much ss to. - i- V .-i ii-jaers are Li'ilfcst." .Now should he permitted tu dictate tu or govern u-. Rfl.Jions Test. rD A'i t-ri'iii Part 5 it, o:ip trtions have "icc!i jn t.ic pl-tfrf.i of K-moU r.f t'ie Ptrty If. TVI -r(ii!i Ttt tint Tktnn.n Cathulics h U in,: (tt tiiirr.i'.itvl 8 meiiihcrs, or bt: vr.tcii UjT u iUr A.n. riCiii Vny, A tur .N'urtu Cafwi. jm i curi :t ric. vf Ik pt tn. l l h:" s,c rrtiii d Our ,'rv ..ij!;uiii;ry fci.s nb"!cj U':h a ttst aii'j ht-y x-fii lo h..ve kiinnti lucre ib'.ut tttc cianptf of R Mir.,; i'i'.utl.i s th;t we do. TUt y knew Hie -?-. ; linn 'i t .;rvc I lit " Fi;ji;u F titers " t.t r;yn. juli link and tlie tilt-, n-iuiiU of liif fi iU'. n-.ts io .v.ulii Crfj.in. snd ; it an v won. oer lit it luf-y :iu'j!a uiiK lutif t.'.m.i,tut.on n fr i fiiL-.J Vt ( j' iu .e lirf:n J r io 4-.lj.-e in t;i -Sljie. V e nrrce it:i Mr. Wem y, thdt inniitut.h '.Vhw. '8 4ft- rii t :.'Uf.a to " l.o!i fa.tii h i'w Lire i.rj I . -' v tilwji'i ;.ot b, retfivcti in zny cotitnij n.ly & ct z- ns, S- riif r.f i ur c:-p rrtt ny that tliii rItif.u teht si ;n tAj.itun t.f ilif. Cws.Bii: jlitjti uf t:te I'm ltd S'.-.tr-. W jmh th- ciaufe re;rrei ts Utiow : The S f. -f -ju.1 li ;r'K-T Li d U f re mrn. t.' SH'i tile; Il,-!,.f r8 ,, l(l' PVrfI J.J. usi.itta,:-. 3 1. 1' t zrctii, Vt: tsiti! ;it!;ci.il t ;,crr, if iti .it" t i" I r I t-tti-s t.) tnr rerai nutf;, i.ii Li- it- Ui, : ry o-ilt ur iiifHit;ui., to ti;f.'.ri Ihs. .'. iit ttjt.ut,. Hot i.' rt-l yiui !rt iiai -. er b r-sj'j.red a I. tit t,..n toaiiycire or W l'v '.:,, c.'ttjg r v, n' OrUin'y tl.s! ' " f; 4 r fc tliili ti'it Lr.y '. ivc. '' T'- - 2 tri qtaul.f;-.-,. ' o to si.y . ,) r Of jutL-. :c trut utH.;ef tiie C'ii: d St. t , not tmt fty in C..'iu-l.: ;.t!,,rii.s pror, nu.A'1 fiot mtc iit 1 t';in .;f.iiM:n of n iua v c 'j ! n ec'ion to ; ..f ..OMa.i. t'-tuc'-, iud a ioti f(H-,:i not l vote V k n i-- i.i i t r. f i t ft- m'j t c , ! 'uff i "f . s i. : r rote lor ny mun ' i Mt,' l- tt e U ( lU.O iC falll.. ' If - ' ih-'t . -A U, ;;f:eivtfti ?fi:li(Jt1 i J , itl (t! '. U:s iii rnyUllC-. to J i - i :'- : i ll .tt k. ! ;,l ; ti.ty .o t.n, , ' - , . i.' itrf ?-,:t i'.r a fi' n.au ( jli.o. j ,f -. u. ' v. ,i :t iii -i v fp tuB ytUuu ttt iciety. ; . ! Trjn-f r rf 'iial V) I7h:: ' .rt:a.- 1 v w oi !.,- ; y - j r. u K ir., ' t t I,.. , .,t I an! t fit rtj fr i ou y i,-. p . .. i. t U- lf li K.-.atMi ,it: I Tt.tf. i li: If.'- f I lm 11 M; t' ' F f f B-l . t:.e j.r p: ty of U u y j j.ij:.!i-ly i. ij i , i.i I.h (;f. . P , ,,r ':. (if A t,.mI4. 'J i.r A"t;: 'j, tijif:- ; r- pir i f T stif'i i m T I d u t ji-tJ i-fi..: j i.t ,'.;.-ii tit) ti -r " u tisttursl ,,tt-," . ; If,'..i; Snj is y h . Af.'j tn t Vo bt COftt U i t'; . ti ' O iei.i U- f . 'I i-'t . M li.r a ii t ti-ve tii.it or jiniiLii ty of t. . . ii I if t,ii. t... r ei !i '. v n i,ri..ii' Hi l r. "i- ns; e. ,, s. !. o 11 , i, ;, 1 t .... on, . i. i . i 'j 1 1 I ' 1 V s : . ' n :i O'.-i.; , em i, ,'' . . .i.g k. o;i. :,(-.,, & ,i je.ti t i i- - r .. i f f I. 1 i ot t pr i t. 'f... ' fi..s;liO . in 'i ..Ii fcoi.vfv... ! - n o! tii. ueveius erg.-. 1 1... t '. n.i ri., Si.i oln. I I"' ... I, b,,e,e.e le?t I. cl.nd. aiel l..ri,e.t a ;..ft .!' ' i' I i. ' i. M li . i ,'i,. r !-y .1,1, I .In u ftf e. J ' s .;r '. ! . is 3 f t. i -r ,J Hi; - Mi-if - . n..c, l y VI It I ,i. .,: , , ,,- ,, . i'ii"' -V I ' ' 'I '. ' ' ' . i !, ,s . r ll ,.s fie! 1 I. ', , ! i t, ., , 1 ... . ,,, , , lii.i .1-,; i'.iin nf I',' ,' w W '..ii, ..lid I .ii i ij. V, , i ,;. t .!, . ! t e r'.n .ii'. Ui-ao. i jf . ,s , t I w. : . s !,... ( . i. ,. , e.e. d l,i te r m r ei,i,iJit -.,1 l.y 4 .1.. re i g-. of men, " ' - ''I "i r, . .jr- igaih-, In. iirfi,si..,. nts of :ie I'll.'.- -! : ' s ..... r ti ' jt. , ninji of the eaglet of Napulrqn, than the British I.iun. r . Tho Canadian are fearful, and pvrhapa juatly n, that England ha not the ability to austaiu them iifrninat a political invonion from a people and government wilh which they have many strong and almuit fraternal sympathies. They have a cfm feetingof a ditiichincnt Ton) al most evi iJBtic of affection, of faith and tr.nlition, with respckto Eiijihuid, ami dcpite tile good ill uf IhtiMnhmission, lh v are ever conscious tliot a force If secret iinpuli-ien may sonic clny throw them into the common destiny of the lini. led States. It pwnrs thut this transfer of Canada is to be the initi.il.iry slip to a kind of pulitical trnde, or richange of d pendencies ; fur thut, which France ; tukes t amtda, England is to have Guyana, and : other French poniicssmns in India. The Vnion ' newspaper at I'.iris even recommends an appeal j to Hie church to lend her influence fcr the pur ; jHe of forwarding o dt?iruble a negociution. cs. it is cooiy asaeu o. me cnurcn, wnicn never changes, though language, and all things else, may chang to brii.g Ihe controlling weight of . . .. wer lo bear upon present is. htr ecelesiaslic.il power lo bear upon prcse sues, and assist in bringing about a desired end in political questions between two of the most ' powerful nations of Europe. j This is what is proposed openly in Talis, and ' recommended by the French press j anil perhaps there is no greater evidence than this of the weak nu humiliating position which is occupied by I England in In r present connection w ith the cool, scheming Emperor of France, I.ouis Napoleon. I Iter position both in a'pnhlioal and military point 'of view, is any thing but enviable. She is ea. . Ii.toi.1ii. a her resources, and sacrificing men and toreicn war. which itionrv without stmt, on l.er, let it terminate in t w ill be a Insmg gatn ; any way it may. Rl'SSHS LOANS. Ti e great presure in the money market in Eu. ropo, snd the unprecedented drain upon the fintn. ces of Ihe old world alt indicated by the recent fail, ure of Russia to negotiate a loan on the t'onti. nn.t. And an a last resort, she is about sending her agents to the l ulled Slates for the purpose ot ri.n.r ..v..... . fo mnivirl ihp n- The idea that ' " " niiia win uiiempi io n-i-niu o. i".s" " I-ans iii the United Stiles, is not nt al1 unreason. from the presumed sympathies ol ourcountry with her in the present struggle. Hut as cither jour propens.ties or ncctssiti.s incline us more to j the habit of borrowing than lending, such a move 'on the part of Kussu may n.-t meet with the de 1 fired favor. ! 1 f there is sny surpliisnf ' mate rial ai J " sinang ; us, the sh.irii and calcultaling owners would ' scarcely consent to trust it beyond the ratine of ! its investment within the limits of the I'nited ! St..tss. But Russia has within herself the sinew s of war, suilieient to tint. mi her for a long time tu : come, even if she should be Ihrown back wholly upon h. r ow n resources. Her s ir material ot every kind is ahiiusl inexhaustible. She w il! . prove herself loo strong fur her enemies h-r the nut twelve iin ntl. s. It is now Ihe general re i ceived opinion that Sevastopol is impregnable to 'the pn sent force arrayed before it, or any rein. fut cement that may hcrcsfler be brought against it. Col. KrnDV an J Crrytow n. The Hi -o of the cch bra ted bombardment of th'u once thrivi g und populous tuwu liasive-ii to the pulilic euite i vo'ii mineus m.mifeslo, ter w hich it ' wouM st-m tint the tur history of thai brilliant r i , , dranees snd tn1.njr4ne.-t of the Xictragua Trtnsit t Company inUndcd to retire, if not entirely pn.': ' ' 1 ret his ricparturc, and proceeds to show the con- siueri.iioiis ov wnicn inev were 'ftnuenceii in tins conduct. lie is quite pointed and severe upon the conduct of Mr. Ji.s.ph I.. W hile, Ihe ajj.-nt of tl.e cmp-ny, and a Frenehiiian named Afarcoleta, I whom he avows was never any representative from the government of Nicaragua, and never as in thai country more than a fuitn etit in his lif. had never receiv.d s cent of money, and was. , Inert fore, ready to undertake the work which Mr. W lute proe ured linn to perform, as the read. . t iest inr-sris of turnings penny. He also contrasts with some force and opp.rrnt plausibility, the , pret. ruled regird of li.c C..ipai,y fr ihe secun. i ty and rights of ll, th public wilh iu schemu , for ine destruction of Grey town. He furthermore I insists t.ni this l ompiinv, under tho pui-c of a , niomed corporation, actually procured, i.i.'ed .iBd : j ahttied, the overthrow of s Repubhcjn t'cminu. , '' '' setting its Imutes on fire, snd turning Imn. j drceis ol its uin.lTeniiin? inhabitai.ts. ineiuon , women amj chihirrn, into the street.-, to ine. nm ter the f I, '( ure of one of t ie in..st in' lenient or tn.pieal seasons. In Coi.tirui itiori of the truth of this st-itemei.t. Hie C olonel produee, letter from Mr. U nile lo el.Ce.nsul Kancus, l,ieli n at fo!. low s : Orrirc or th New y.,r atsb CtLis-oaM i TraM"!tie fl-.r. vi. Sir t.K,- '. ' No lt..i i,( l.rcen. N. V.,r. June 111 I .U " U.'.r si.r : ' Ilotliii. haves lien- next M..ri. li.iy. i,u will s, e trom ins n.Mnn t;,.i, t f ,,. t ll.Utll Ciser.-tion it g.veri to you, ntii! it y, lK. iio,.. o i iu i u , 1 1 not be so es.rc.sed as to snow ' u.-rry to trie town tr m plt. "It the scr.uiidrtls are so.m.tly pni, .'',.-d we cn lake p-ssi noli, nriu build it upas a I sines? puce, ul ii 'iur o;icer timnlcr tut ;ariimcliM, and ytii inoir the r,.. - It is ti l.f imp. rtsnee that the ponl. . !' ihe town -u il he taught lo tear us. 1'urnsiiim nt Wul teaeil ti.eui, alt, r which you must i,gree will, tn.-lii sa to the ofig.n-.t.oii ,.f a rew gun teuiei.t ar.'i l..r rf,eil, f tt jV, r, tiling n,,w ues nns on you and llollms. Ti. Uti.r i all rht. lie ful. iy understands the niilr.igr, sue! will not littiUtr -n .ntorieing reparation, " I hopt t l.tar from you that all is right. " Voyrs, eVc, " ;ig-ier;) J, I WlllTK. " J. W. Fain-Ill, Ksq." Weil Dour Triat! Aft, , Ihe American I'arty has not done so) b.i! as wa at first supposed IO Tt Late ac. eu,,.. state tnst we have succeeded electing the 1 I... nt. s..vt,ro', s Men.!., r of Congress and the . t-on.i.iirsii.r., r ot 1'uulie liiiils. i ! I'fllTV I' K B I f 'f we tt tee ..ro-' Tl I s We called atlentii-n list ti,. i liirm t. r ol 'o. .inti A- e p, uii.t an. I, in. si:. ,l.i. I, is. i lr,er,,-n psrly slel li,e p, st:i prei.iiy. s,.seie li en I.av p- tfy c-.se Hi.ieu et'urr,,! in e,! I l.ir.ott, , 4 snort lui.e d l I I'ef..' .,., 6,1s llp,U 'A ,.s . iiit, e, i L- bi en ml, ,ur l,e gi.. .riin.d of s ii, .t- ,.,. lu.i I . ,,u.i,s J r. i Ine liou-esrr ieri m It nu f- r 1 . t. ; i,'l ir t.'..,t an rdii ,n ii, i ' h is h. ill y ol Ulrfr' .f hot ' V..t. (J.lf . i iiis.li " ,1 li i "AI ul, nl ;u; tnifusl'-.t t nu, nrre.l I - hti lfMiiHjy.it- y Hu tUKTt r, TilN ws-iil lnr(h. .No 'm.r j d tii in (U-nr f c v.i v k j 1 tj i w ft,t t.itit,tr,v ij. '.Wit ' niiiii w -j ills.; ny.i BrniM :-y b iliifis vtlti. .lt!, tl is it itli'u V , li ft i I tv f,' Oi'it w c-sfi fi i t i S i A Wf,f i : H), U 'h.. f iUt . y cJia Uar t every lrut in . uf. .mi nt is ve i. iso, r, ,! :ii.iinst O ! ii lit i- ii ty , nor v. as his t d glee, iinji, sell. d. a ye, tii.it" the t oes. sept Ihe key ol I.i. , sl.gi.ti ir reiiiov' , hsedbse lit Mi t.i.n owl, I '.uug w .s .11, willing lo alio I'i, ree F rn- v .ill'1 J-.hl. Hugh, , through the,r agents, tieoei iti u, i,nn what s.-nliin, nts he should en. I. rl-.in. He was a native Ai,i, risn 1, s b,rlli ai d ii,. sv-a Hi, 1 hen, I Ii'i 'asit f lil offending ." H'e learn he-did not even vote at the election j but the very idea that a man holding tile high position of " Walclinmn," (yu giKla ! and little fishes, what a mark,) in the V. tS. Uranrh Mint, at Charlotte, should hve lliu independi nee and audacity to think that " Amirici.ua slmulil rulo Anienca," could nut bo bionkcd by the Tierce dyunsty. Wbiit right had he to think at all, links be would think witli Tierce und 1'ope Tins Hie ninth ! What! allow a " Waythmun " to think! the idea is ridiculous no. such ubMird privilege it permitted by theresriittyr&niiical administration. A Wutchnnin tlunk irilueu ! Aa well talk of a Uussian serf enjoying vitUi a privilege. Bat seriously, if tliiT i not a perlect burlt uque upon proscriplien andtlie counterfeit presentment of the exercise ol powi"ve tn not know wlmt is. It reminds one of flouting a sparrow with a Puxhuiii gun or " Ocean into tcasafrt lost, To waft a f..itlier r drown a fly." But the oppettunity smull and the materiul roitrce in tins stute, to' ealiibiting the power ol the iidminislratiMii ant elucidating ill cartjiiutl principles, to the vetors belong the shiiIs," " no Irceiiom of thougU hi goveriuoeiil ntli'ii.iU " .1 I. .U..VU. I. .1.1 lo 1.1. .1...... II... , W1)y of rfcBl.riul,0, tt warning to the relracto. rv : aunie victim had U be saenriced; and .iione could be luund Mil wn wattiiinan. rlllellcc i was tiasseii ; am! tnc ;avciniiiciil olttcials, as vai. . ' ' . . , .,,.,,., , ... motis me use, " jKaineei upon him. Thank Heaviii ! E.ucu.ive patruuage is small in North Carolina. We copv the above tielc from the Concord (!n trltt of the 15tbinst.it. It may surprise some (hut ire did net mithy this riioov.il tirt. We heard of it and wotild'nive noticed the cireuiit. stance, bothe.irii lha. sjte a different reason wt given ttmu the one K 4eabuvc by the Gaxtttc. If wlh'.t the G.iwtte lPs is true, the due reason ' was his being in fain of the A ,n,ericaii I'arty. American 1'arty There is one thing Ci.nin,if the 1 eels Ihe coiilrul of tb.rovemm. nt they can play j ! the same ga , ami ll.e is a,e indivmual, if we ! I . . . . ' are correctly iiiloriuei, ho is more lo blame in j tins esse, even than tlj SuperiMendenl he w.ll certainly be maee to wlk the plank. t rem oiiriorrfs)oiiiit'iit. IVlcstoii, Sept. 20, lf55. I must be allowed (n tu allude to the weath r. that ever Iruitilll leine id luwshss .-Oitofs j and liardupcorrcspoi.eiis. rer the la.-t lew nays i ll" llicriiiouii ler miiogcoai aim me mi his been perfectly ujuelutug We lu.i, I j eompar alively a u.ild U coiiiiur alivel y a imlu fu ii'i...nl suinnnr, a the present is the hotMlsjitll we hive h-d had promised oursehda visit Irom promised ourse-Udi. visit lr.nn those w. i come iier.ilus of iiulun in the ih.ipe of t.r..tii.y ''ih.w' le.'.'r ! rv. t.d am; I iabl have i hre i'ies, w hie-li hrtiies lie sere and y .md ad.is vie'.r :ind el..(l 'iv lo tli,- cnerv suinmer-tiiiillt 11 fr ..1 ne, e st.jli iirobjl'ly h 1 northeast blow in l course ul a tew el..)-, w hen we nniy exneel ileiismil und p. rinnn. 1.1 change, altlmuj,'li we Iv cs)icl oec.ision.it het elavs until Ihe inoiillil.1.1. toher, tilll tlte liiyhti, and nioriiinvs wiii be sAsoiit. We have lw.il no ram tor two weeks, bi,tie eily re mums cieeee!. iii'!v healthy an. lei tnreessive Cu.l und heat.l j Tlie. weekly revert ol I jill ot niertal.ty, puh- ' li.ln d mis ni. riiiiig shosfir.ly si e. ii white itiaihs. ONE "lTF. At one precinct in Randolph I There is a e,".(l deal ot.Uresl ln.nifei.ti.1 he re, county, ( litll soil's) out of sixtv Intel and in tl,, api,re.ae.,miceleht,o,, ath neO!.iui.u.ri.:l -,i3 tbe Aineri. au rarlv Jot but one. .One of our liniilury q.piims (11. u 1 ..linetl.. j , 1 , . 1 ...u.ru.) are uiaking t,f..t tos.... ad .nl-,' l, ur throutili, lor t.oten.or, ( ot.-re-s and e..t. s troin most if not! the ut'w r ctu....nit t . Keprest-iitativc, thii mail stood tip solitary 1 will contend lor a plsctn the pa lure. Iran utnl iiIjIic, and Voted for the A nit-1 it-11 11 tiek- ;ill 1,0 iii.ui.t be-an 111. nsc cn.w.i aim loci , habll.ituitis will no dull be at s pre in i lUli . I:n- I ,. a,e.,. t Y...kv.il. ; ;inc ncaiesi place tus!or4acliinK the nmueiaii.) i to entertain the million, lei.rn Horn a ntjei.ian I . Ii-in York, tent n e,ntl dinner will I. C i- to the corps ol the State ine rahiiello ll.tel, tv , l- . . i i -ri ..ii . . . "i I he Letitois ot Ine .n)i.r. 1 Ins will no ....iii.l i l.e tt crdiid aftair, and t pUnly nu Id J bet ttiere to grtt my olj fnft Bl"- j"in " -'' ,." r-n untl H i . W (,f ksI ilh tilt f 1 1 1 I f n 11 S , K .,,,,,, , ,i u,. Muriel ball in honor o! t!ic occasion i. to be funded on the rticht ol the 5th. by Wm. K. Hose e.1 H Palmetto Hotel. The I). me 'Mi slid tv-eli- l.i.te niailt- their ' he old '..(. m sre eir..)eet on U- ln 'j 'F, , a U,"'" Umb ' """"'nd ',' I w t ic Iriills of Hie Amrrinn i... ......... . 'Jlu ' i ,.,i .,..,.. .i . 1.1 .1 , ' Nun - ...... ..1., .iin,. .-1 m r, V a.V . , p....... ...i,f ,i.u in iniii.rt mniiuii,,!. ' i . i, , i V.ii.ng A.neri,', ha. g.M-i, a,, ,1(,elu. to uC ,K'V' ''"'- au,, American trunk, wlnrh trill be fe!t for sueeredii.t; jeneratiom. Tin-'"' w r" 'dfertiscd ill the Kngii-h pa is a progrrssivt age, m,4 he w lio riprt. lo fii-ure iJt.. A lot of C'olitiectieut clock-, aa Kli- in tlu tiirht. nnd be in al Ihe deal!,, mu.i , 01,iv s. ep up wiiii me moving mass ol mutter and nnnii, but he must make a pu.h tor the lead-mount Ih. front wave of h-irtian j.r cress snd ride s-idlw a.i vietoriousty int.i port. j - The opl. have beenme tired of the etern.il Vss .ssN ATI. ehaiiget whi. ii ..re ini.j perfceiiv ur.n Ihe van. t e ' ' , . , ou. puty .,.. wleil. liil the tsas'l.tte-,! voenbun,. I ,ro,u ","'a"a. 'l'-t- IJ.WANA A letter ry. 'I'bey I an bei iei n stne under li e tigi, I.'t eienng the ll-tqurwiiber 1 -t, says : rnn of the wait and wilrb pnrtifans tic hr;,. ve I I ing Ua I. house, Cmniii.iil.eKt' c t'au .,. rK.liticai pr..d.-.t.r.a!,n..nu fall into the l..l,kty i.h"aiid S, ani-l, MiX!.d Court of"." I'.rit ot I ope, that .attvirw, is rinhl, snd it i not in , , , t j . , , . the power of man In ii lp it. TbeN f public '"""""-"J "' treaty l et w.-.-n theV s ntiineiilc:.r.-. 1 hedannei! up with il i bulrushes P01'' 't r auppr-ion of the 'l ive trad-', of , any l.ngtr, mr its spreading w aters he J w as killed by asains at his residence ehiincr. to tie.I....i...r diverted f,. , the,, ,c 1 near the "(Vrro " or I! lenos Aires, in the freshing and , no course. he w.,r'd ,. I,. . ,ubur!JH of ,,; ' , be sulJuid, i nd toe inglo S.non WHtihwi.rd il,. i . -'" ' ii'fio. s ti.i, rtil onu-nrd. A!ri-.d tlwe, ins .f gateway of i" h, ! ''OU.s Hi I I , M , fr..ln the rear, proha- n ihe pe.-r.ful shses of tin- ttorml-st '.irifn,! g and holdt lier rt-veii qua tlie ice. bound lakes o'"' the North. Sep(-il,er 21, is.,,',. This it t v tain ti.jl de. th W hen I sriei lit-a th Ihe sei-ri last night l. i et hange, and riothin,; s e, r. sea n,l liie ftuutf of tht muli'l. i yi .terihiy wt were m lling be- t ing ra s oi an al most tropica I N.. n : Mieb-il's I!, It changed i's hours, U g'4 l, a n'.rtheust stamjHilr. an. we are Imi.st shivering in Ihe t.ra. f a NiM H. la r ti iiifi r.it.n, . Soi l, it the es allier are not corisiei r, ii ft. h i, hil we set in eeterutit.id to he ' --i.fi si spite of all untoward -r, I li.irnlh.'t many ot t'ne more t.,e. ii -Ve st.iriied themselves lo the ,.; and the eii.ui. i! thit morrniig cing bree-. s . sudden pe.i k s -vr.rahle to I..- , he illl.y this r il insla lices. i.i a nil nervous flu, ira n orii. r, t,ii,j rthe apfirei.. nsion of e siekiy season. End hieing l.n informed th.il uutirri jii not suhj, rt to s,arigr'f fever. We mlnnre their1 taste, as we'l us cuiiiiiend their nrufhnee. ! I!y the latest r,e from Nor'olk.'l learn that i the Ji lli.S f.-v.-r n o. Ihe ,n,;re.ise. Tin y are st.'l dying st ta oer ,hev. I'ortsrnou th fan a v.-ry ill'' ' . l.-lt, r, and li.e or,! y 1,, f j-mg the p, btii, nee , nose, min tij be ti ejhaiistn.g the mat, ri 1 wliieh, at pr- .,-i.t met, itt not rtt,,i,re msry more weeks t', do. ),ir e tiZ'-na nr.- till eontril.. ' , ul,..H I.berelly to Ui, I,, f uf Ihe s.llT. r. r. 111 phjT. 1 i riri.ns. mi's, s and'.r.i y. Iif. linger,., young ' 1 lll'ttl of mij, tl ifoiTHsl, l,:t Vest'-M v ti r I lie ,r, t., I of sufCerih". M' mr I l.i ee son A llf iek ni.ii., dr l,g. j gista of this ety apfVopr.steil f I 0 "..Ki. a s the pro. ; 1 Ceeds of Ih, ir Soda !t uritain f.yf yeslerd .V lo the ! j relief of the afflict. eiliet. The .'.I .sons, I ,!,! , ; fellow and Sons of Tempf ranee h ive h1s ri.in, : I up nohly I.. t e orl sf eharilv. Charl. sbn can. I I not feel too iiiunkll! that she has ti-i n ss,.,r,.l. I while thnas.-itid. all around her are filling he!,, re! P"'1'1""! that t.'ll.-th in darkness, and the drrur:;"" .T-"'. "'-"'r- , , ! I he Ioii trie Hit,. , ,ot .l on lust ..fund', y, and. the summer n .id, n.. nf li.r l-!..,,d sre r- turi..f.e U. thetity. The iliu.it - hie ,M , j. r is ag.ni mia. ilg pleai,nl ft lltchen (ihvsic to- I. is oet . ro.i s si . rn- i l iiriesttf II. -1,1, J !,e letona House, oniler Ihe d.r, etionnf Mr. Hevs.-tson, late proj.ri. ; etor ot the M.iiis.enlleilse al roliin.hia ,s doi. g a 1 g,uui busin.ss. It i si I tint, ,i a I one r,f l:ir im.l ,.igi,t H, er,v- r.ant yoinla , i, King tre. t, and ' se.n.s io be ll,i lavsnii es l,i hi i . li n r, t ot liers.UiS from tl e up count v. The whole building h.i b-. n r, fill, d and rrt'-vafed, end is now in ail re sp. , t eqaii I to any Hotel ir, liie city. 1 Among the nereiants who dear r ve .,. eon rs ge. ni.i.t. and who h,, sup plied lh,in-tlvs s,lha large nt.,. ll -Mhe " 11 trade , roil. , t n f . t ,-r V ,r:t v- in fl.elr l.re, sr, M' srs '.,n. S.,r.t,,ri A. Hsroe, 2'll. Iv'ir ir str-el. Their stunk .if leys, llosi, ry. an 1 l'r,-r-,Ii and Germai. f.,i,ey g, is per la pa so p, - ir t'.. fi v hfiit. lo this ,i t y . 'It I.rn.s fi,. reasonni.e, of ll e f,.-t u. lite. tin ir jjtj'.-fi in vein i I ee ,V-,r,i. ,,r I is morion? aritiiitineea anoth. er It el n.oid i tie fih'( in t:,e k.'i-om ,.f s e, r Tiiln'r, hit. of Si,,,,,- niin.i.My ,,,, ; tun lir A. N H e ,-rrk, a an uo'r 5" n i , n I eindiil ile for M. , y or . Mis b. -t tin ml" do fe.t IhinL tin re Is r v ,1 of hi sifee-s and .oul the only e'T, , t i(s rit,,. ri ng . 1 Lvr, will he lo lake a f, w v .. rii, Mr. M'hs, the Iimi.e r ., lie. for, ,g n t ,i,,li,i.,t, , Willi h will he a rr,a, r of l.llt llOl, regr, t 1,, th, uatirt,, I w.uid Mli.-r ll.. re hadlen I ut nl.- s f,.r liie rare- s I wi.l, fur t. -1 f th, strength of il,e fwa firli.-s. Aud be.utes, , u iki in. thr a l i tor- Mayor, fi I n-r Hi I ,t lit the intention of tho Americans to physic the j city most thoroughly about the ides of November. ".T1" i'"" T" ""7 rm '"'lot cotton in Ureut JJrilntii, this year, Irom by giving In in the post ol surgeon in their army, ' v , ' ,.., i I havi no doubt some of tl.u wounded will be 'j the 1st ol January to tho dUt of August, w Iclt behind contrary to the tuetict oi'Gen. Taylor. Ir419,fl80 bales ogainat 1,2911,200 for the The rjeetmnit of Dr. Gibbet from the councils 8aul0 period in 1834, show ing the largo in chaniber of folun.l i.i hns Ken noted here as an j cnafa 0( 160,7-0 bales. The stock ill Liv Hem nf interest. I have been among the city .a. i . .... , r- ,m ther. taken note." recently, but the worst I j erpool Oil the dl ult.. Was -'".OOO I,a u, h.ivaffiit was some black looks. If a writ of eject. W bicll is 10!),Hd0 less thnn Oil the dlst Ail ment should ovirt.die me, and 1 should be driven io ine necessity oi .nsin o,e. ... ruj, e .... svuipiithi..e with th llf.et.tr no. phVm lll uIlo' oi.i ui.ilio!i toothers. And if that body of grave mid aohle seniors hould beciime fuuu.us, they c:. iui.,1 lay the fiult at my deor, ASHLEY. Washington, September 1 4. The ro-1 turing towns of Stockton, Trenton and Uurn port of the Naval Uoard is the KCimrnl theino J !''. ' ur0 expi'cted to follow the ex- of conversation, and causes great excite- me lit. Nothing ofl'idal is known as to who are tho olheers set abide, but it is generally agreed that the three Captains dropped, are .antniiger, Levy and llaiiiscy. Among the jeuienaiits uroppeu is oaniue. v.uase -r- ney. 1 hose directly mteneatod have been "utlhod through the post. Ykhv I.lliEBAI.. Mr. Asa Holt, of Mo- bile, advertised a few days ago, that he those quarters. The tiocturtial fights, the would give all the receipts of bis splendid thrown into the camp by thu Russian, bar, for one day, to the Yiiginia yellow fever exposure, hard duly, and eit.-ualties of every sufferers. The receipts were over f.'t.'W. k'tiiel, occasion a dreadful waste of life, cost W'f are a practical teetotaler, but we should in,., in killed, wounded mid sick, nil average be tempted to drink iu such it cause! Some ' of six hundred men daily, of the neighbors contributed tho means for j a lunch, to increase the reeeint. Mr. Con. I ninghain, of Dauphin street, .on. Cue j )aH8) wic1 W.rt, prrpart.d by Johnston p , i. ),rnli,r, i 'llttl.r,.l . . i l,.,ind r,n the tr:iek or off) cor.trihu- , j 0ie rounds of fine st.ieed beef. The . hole affair was n decided hit. Jlotttgom- mj (Au.) ,Vui7. " Organ says: Sunday last was observed iu ! i i I ' . ll-ii.oo.iu . t iri-iu a. lis u . ill . ihukm'ii ' - , ' c . , .J . . f ing lor toe preservation oi its cmzoiis trout tii" scourge of yellow fever. The lloinau I Catholic lli-hop, Mctiiil, avaiki 1 biiuself of he m to insinuate that the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth were desid-ited by , ; the yellow feveras a jud ineiit of Alinijh Ity fun!, to puiii.-h their inii.it iiards lor vot- the American ticket .-1-r i ri In- fortunate ly for the lii.-hop's " argnt the Mayor of Norfolk, wheu the fever out, teas a Catholic, and was one of ll iiinetit, broke is one of the vic tims of the fever, liesides, how happens it' that liiehinond, Frede-rieksbure;. and Alex- am ler, all of w hich gave the A merican tick et, large majorities, have Uot been visited y j,r veliuw fecr. " " ; tt fucb man, lio ftand up ' ci . .1 . e- .confident iii the correetii.-s uf t nine; aij.l is nt itiioii, oi.swayfj ly thutiute force of numbers, ui.terrihed hy threat, atid unmoved by per Mii,,i,.t. pUeh a In tin is the sutie.t of our , , , i i i- euri .est aiiiniratiJii. 1 I in !ew Iiko him lucre . u'e in lun leui p-jij.. ej. . unite. It we can ever liiiit out who lie is, we w ill scud him our paper free gratia for nothing for a year, that is supposing he would like to have it. Aluron (.4i.) lirjuttJicun. American wares are f.if getting into re pute in Kiigl.ind, are sold in almost all the cities and large towns. American wooden ware excited some astonishment bv its light- , faftdvertis, ment states, has, "decorated bourKniirror iu front, and denote the less tharVhant cathedral tunes, and all for , I'ly for the purpose of t.lund ! Mr. H n kliou-e ami a Mr. Tl.ouia f'aj. laeftian, who had been inning w,t 1, while they were seated at the tilde tv . .1. . 1 . . SI .. I l . 3 .on, , i,ui ji ,.ir. i.n Kiiou re-i-ti i!, even alter I c nip overcome was faia'iy stab- rn .-'J, ami du ll m a short tune. A ri-rvat.t ill the trout part of the house, h-arinkr the noi-e in the dining-room, rushed oil t al arm the frdice.and mil r.-lurnc.J will, aid in time to tecure one of the vijhui,, SH he was getting over the fence at the hack pint of the yard or court. Mr. 15. wm to have left l y the next st. .mn-r for New York to meet wife a,,,l family, to arrive there from Kii.'land, Mr. Th-Tin. lirigg-, of U al)ir,gtr,n, who fe'.l a victim to eli.w fer in Norfolk, ha 1 served in the army if th,.. 1,'nited Slates lis seri-ant in C'.'ipt.iiii Ki 1 1. v ' companr of the art: Icry liuiiiiir l!i- I'i ,ri l,i uar. ami s.,1- I''' 1 ' y in ti- N ,nh. i t h.. it. :.irv uoii.nu-sion ureier Mi, r l,t..haiii. II,. :,'. t.-ivvai.i, lojow.-d hi- h-i-n,-, .that of n t-.iljr) ill Wasl.ingt,..,. M.n the de.a.dat mg fever broke, out he was the first iu that tity he tolunteered his vices as a nurse, ' lilld giving uti his hu-llii -si,. nr,.e... ili.il I.. Nortoik, anil alter ri-iiuviiuv imp., riant ser vices ti the sink, died a luaitvr to snlTerin,, huuiiitjity. lli. J'lijiris. a - t liollsw AMi IIoiiM Pull Sul.TII ('ARfit.I N' A corresponde-nt of the H'iniishoro' .Vgi.r-, in a letter dated Septetnher 7, at Alexander's on the French Uioud, says: White, in Kas.t Teniir'siiic we saw several droves of h',r-i and ho-s going; i,,to South Carolina. I lores were selling at live cents gr-,', and horses were rxtravanntly high. Hiding; horses ranood from 1 'ill to i'i'm ; single draft hor-cs that nUo r'.ad well, were rated fr..m P-ind to Sinn. A gentleman from Newberry passed " T,t. Siati.it, " wiili a pair of horse which he had puri haed in Kentucky f.,r his carriage, and he had pur chased (.m separately, paying fr ,. 1 r.'il.l, and .,r the oth.-r cHHO. Neither of them appeared a, pi-rf.-cl as " I'as-.-iiger," i.oi as ll ct a Fashion. Mule wa re also very high; common two v-ir olds from --Phi to !..(, and fit,,, largo No I mules n,-re licld fi .iu c.)'Mi SJ.'it). gt'm c ar n.igc horses veerc t"iii-idere. "ordi il nary s t oc K . , ' I in too I.oeky IU iiieiuiiatli. Two white deer, caugl Moiiiitains, have ariived where they have beiu ohl for S,tiUi, and ir" be r trhthiied. i ENGLISH CONaUSIPTIO.- OF COTTON. ! JSotwi tlistli U3i Dg1 the wur, the consumption 'gust, 1854. The imports iu Liverpool for , (,, ,110tM t,cn en,,n2 nro 1 .OCMA'-"' . . . bales, beiiii: 71,1 !)- bale? less than lust year The pro-puet of a citisideraL'e reduction in the price of cereals lends to n irenernl con viction in l'Jnlaud thut there will bo shortly a revival in the home trade. Tho mnnufao- I mnple ol lilnekburu in working tho mills ou ( short time, have failed to do so. i WAT n Vo .Tho Ynneh, it is said, j baye uo morc oft fiv0 tllou.saI bn. I Q lnJ thu , .if 30veilt(.,n t10UMI1J f - b(.fon( ..b,,,,,.!. This, however, j do(,s Dijl jit.lllll(! be guI.risolls nt Kau.iesch j and Constantinople, or the army of reserve, rl0r tho sick, wounded, mid eonviilcscetit in . VlrisaiTfliES. Rev. Dr. Cone, the dis &.lingulshed Mptis4 elwyyiuatt w ho recently .1. 'die d ill New V'ork, was formerly a theatre netor, Slid bis Inst nppraraticc on the stage i was ou ' terrible night of the destruction . ..r .1. .. i r ..i i.i u i i ... l .1... , l" "'c,lm""" ineniic in it i, nueu me dovcruor of Virginia and a great many oth- cr pcrniiiicnt mucus pen-heil in the lluiiics. lie was afterwards editor of a daily paper at lialtitnorc, Md , then a Depariincntal Clerk, , , v.- ' ', ' i..!.t .. i .,' ashington, and iu ls.'J becaun a l'p- , list r.sstor in "New York. I L'n-ut. Maury snppises that he has f.junJ proof of lii. theory, that the I'loiida pa is the coininerii.il mouth I oth of the AmuZ and Mi--i-,-ipi lieers, and tlmt (he wnters nf the- foiiner, lifter Icnin its iin tith, pn-s to the northward through tiie ( i ulf of Mi ji io, atid iniii'line; Willi lhoe of the Mi-.-is-sippi, finally wend their way to the ocean tlirou.'h the channel of the Gulf t-treaui, 'he evidence the Anim-in, lies in a hot'le thiown into which found in war lo the beach ef tialetou Island, 'lexas. A Marseilles letter of Aujust '.'tith aayi: (iflivial returns show that up to this day "0,(,(KI officer, nun comtiii-sioned efhecrs. and privates, with I",!!!!!) horse-., have been ; tiuiiiirkcd here and al 'I'cuIijIi for the earl, since the coiiiuicneeiiiciii of the war. Tin rc I are at present collected iu the artillery 1 ti.und near the Juliette alove ."iil,lMltl homt Thcv arc fe.rm. d into heaps, a,,d i each pyramid contains till shells. l'atigue paities fi nil the r gimci.ts in the g.n risnli, with a n.uhtittide of cait, ani h.'.scs, are; employed from d-iylight to .-unset daily in. conveying these missile tj the traujiurts ; iu the harbor. I'.vejs rn r.r. NoTtD I'rotn the time that , Millard Kiilmure became l'reidetit of tlie I United States to the day that his Admiui--tratiou cio.-ed, be never a poitited a single abolitiouial, freesoiler, or se'cevmiii.t to ol- ' lice. Ihe C'Jli-cqjenee as, ailutur, cea ed and at the Hid of ihe year l -.")'.' e heard i iu talk of di--oii.ii n or ii-Sei ft re nee with the riht- of ti'i- S-iulhem States. I'i a lik iin I ierce came into fi ce on the 1th ef Mat .ti !"-"i.i, and cuii. nu net J dealing out Ids at lonitge to abohliolii-ts and ecaioi.it. ami thu .'Outitry imine liatcly became agitated from centre to circumference I uers and moral, of mankind. It is an iu Jcrsey Rail feos ! Law referred ; -titulion wbich ari cs out of cu ihzat on, The New to a f-w ilavs it aiprar., is a rea. ty, and llie I r.-nton Stale fjuZelU gives Us prov i-tioi.s ... i, ; " It speci'je. .lat wijet:ever the death of a person sbi! be ea.p, j,, a mann -r wliieh . 1 - . l .. ...r. (Uili'l ritnier ene y- . or cotparatliu the pers.., !,im; it "-'i'i- t-r - .u,..,- . ,!,,, -r.o u I... I . .ir!..e lmurics eU-lall.t " J ' . f i by the n roiik n an action n.ay i.e o -hi Ccaed. the atiioui.7'r.V .re-etltativi ot lilti l lie distrit.ui' -. .,. st nt Lin. eu among tl... wi iosr nun according lo certain diu-cti, ti. u the-e cases :ho j4ry can award such damage as th"y ,!,.,., l t ,) u.,t ,,irrrnit ln I W jnunuiri l j r irsuti,,-; f,.n t, ), 'l'-iti tu ihr i, tie und w it. L i'i i f smh (A-- Cfiisrd j t, ion The N' V. .V, rrnr iV, : p pf , sonie week, ago that Santa Ana I.., ,,,. el a-e't real c-tate tin t ut, I.,.,... . . .l I,.,. . , - - in this city, with au eve ti a future re.. dencc anion.? u. h i t'.jw stated hy more than one per-nti ' under the I io . ern'iUei,t," that the Kii Iietat ,r is ut pre.. ,t ,,. ti,,, eimty of .New York, and that . ,,, ovcriures f.-r the pur,-ha.e of Mr K Iwm Korre-fj mari-hm, knovta a F nt Hill, tie;,r Yonk-rs, and that Mr. F. ha, l;,,)H ,, prie f the- place at C I 'J i,tuin st , , t,, if H S H the ie, r;.l and Mi, t.,t ,r Citne t., hi, t.-iri,,, it t-oulj Li. inade a bar- j.ai!i Iti-ai isai i i, ,i his si-ren I.e. (,. ,,r m, in i. iii,jIj, ci High- 'II negotl- st, ig -t. li.r .tin a Let liie conquered hero CO lne i;,iii ..Avv.r.sViPKtiK,,,- st.Avi.s The Lees. nurg ( v irginta.) .Hirror says; Ue Ju,t whether any county in t, State sir,.rs more serir,,! ,j from ahseoi,,) ing i egroes than Loudoun. Within the .ist twelve month. tlie loss in tl "cies of pf-'Ii'-rtv has I . immense we have l.ven within tt.e Iri-t fortnight heard of no le than fi ft ...... vae.iiy negroes who have made good their escape I MTU H IN KANSAS A crisis si.nrr,n.... ing in Kan. as. 'Ihe regular correspondent ol tin- St. Loui Repuhli,-,,,, wnles thus: caiivas from tin tun.' until c, day wi,l be exciting. AIm,-i,t pv. ry oi tion i j. , pet-t n fight, and many are preparing for it I he Free Soilers are talking; loudly, and the 1'ro Slavery men aie working silently. Si tisrv Sitlril OS iiAll.ltdAliS Sid lie v Smith said of railroads "l!ef.,ie this in. Volition luin net. ei te ...i u.,1. ..ll.. .r mind a ,1 1U v. -A , 1,.,., :.: ........ . , .. - . .. , nijinijiii i; ,,, r i ii . . ,, . , ..t s. oe.is4 uiiii te,.! lour it, tie an t i -i . . , i . , , .. . the same tune, Hie be.-t ninsijiiito bar We know of j a pretty wile. No intellien!, muvipiito would utt, mi, t to hore into tl... i,t,n, I s , ate. iai:.' . oi a man, vvl.en soil i In . k and v-.ife close al nigsido.. y hp' " IOIII.K.N MiWS. Telrgruphtd far tht South Carothvin. Olio Vv k l.iilt r from IJiii4iM, trilvnl of Hit- Kliiin... U.lLfic DKt'LIME IN COTTON, New Youk, September S2U. Tbe ttex. tner lbtltto arrived at a lale hour last nii,. At Sebaatopol, the allies had mde u tut ther progress. Thu Russians had receiv ed reiuforeeineiitii, and th.-? tuned an iatncu on several points. The ltuian, we're ac lively engaged bridging tiu hurhon, ail(j throwing up immense lorlilieutioDs ou tlm North side. At Liverpool, cotton had declined M(M a fd on boino prades. fcfaleg 0( t. ' Mt miii I...I..O I.'l .. Lt' o,e-e.i, n.it,, i ieVUI 1I OJ HtlUcr torU Ui,J i advanced la. LlVtKPduI, t-epteuiher sJ.Cottoo , .1..11 ... . .1 ...it e . i . , 'loses. uuu ue u ui-cinic ui nitia a f fine y ju uplauds. Tho sales of tli week are 5(i UOij hales, including 7,0UL) to "peculators, 'auj rj.fnlii lo eiportern. The tjuotution, aro l'air Orleans 7jd ; Middling (i 7-Kij . p rplalid 6 ; Middling d. De,,i'auo quotes Middling Urleaiw Gd ; Fai,- Upuljs Ufd. tstock of Auicticau iu port 343 Uu() balea. ' Trade at Manebaster was dull. Hre.Jrtulla M,m ie8df and though the weather wat tuvorahlc, uul J crops promising. Wheat had advanced lj a 'Jd, and corn Is. The quotations aTV Q.t, ual h'our 1 a ills Cd. l,io 1 1 a io,. li icon was active, at Is advance. li,-a steady. Naval tt. lies active). Jtosiu la oj a its. The Hank of Knglaud bad raised the rate of interest to 4 percent. Ameiicau stuck steady. The general news is not exciting. Keth Himp-oii and l'eli-icr t l.gruphs on the Hi thut aflain at Jeha-tc.ped cre uuchntiered! The aii.e-iwire on tint a It; 1 1 , i n itin.' an attack either on lialahlata or tlie Tccher. nsj a Sea. tea. '1 he re is uolbing from the ii.atk I'ihiii the Aluhumn llu'j A Lttttr to an Abolition Edilar. J'l'ta w, Ala , Aug. j, ';,;. 7'u llir i i'oj nf the Siiliir. Joy l.ftuttif: Iutt f'tiilu.itjlu i; I have to lupus! ou that ecu ii rij longer tend your paper to the addres of "Mrs. Ann M. Wumack.-' I'pm an ciaii.i. nation of the uuinLer of your psper, if August the 1 1th, 1 tind several oljciioin. hie articles, and I am advi-ed ly other., ihat il has for soti.e time been tecrcilv iu- "i'" ""imon .eiiiiii,. nu. .... Ihe fact that JourijarM '" mini: this character had scat ,"JZ uit'.'. the r.a-tu that I bad iiut ptr.-A-Ci. ' ' graph iu its columns lor months. I o.,k,.. upjii it as a li. ill and water concern; lih.J with ridd.es aud con itidruius, and honey and bcet-aax tales -aud li-jt worll. Id price of the p-jst-ige. What ritht have the people of the ti.i l die and Northern .''lates to complain of a!avry which cxi-ls a thousand ndies fto.u tie, tn i hat injury does it do thrui ' Has but a'avery ni-t.d since thosroiU wit cre ated Las it i.e t been sanctioned ly the j.i if. lie and wiideiiu of agu, an t has not tjul Luusi i1' eoiidemed the African race to th.t con tihou! i.ien. ix, '.'j.-'Jtj. Are yoii fit ter ti.au your fathers ire you bttur ti.sa M -e ud the I'ro hi t are you brtt.-r than ur Saviour himself? None of tl."t cen. plained cf flavcrj, wbil-l it was ti.nr peculiar prcniiice to rnnark upon th-: muo- and the organisation of r-Cncl and r i i-L- ed mttity, and il is destined, lU auiue fjrru. to exist l-ircver. l.i 1st ti r. at l'ritaln ha, at to r. r- ti" cf several n i'iionso! dollars per ai.ltuiii, hxu man taiuiu a s.juadrou on the toa-t A Afiiea. to prevent th,. isve trade, tw. n..i iioiiS of her In.-b subjei Is have dil at home i f hunger atid lamint- and lih-l he Ab..iili..i.is, ,,f ih Ni.-rthhv -ji i. I , iijisan.ls of il.iiiafs in travel. inr to af.ta I mg If. jt tio'i, all 1 Hi p u I-1 I inu tins iiir;i.'.. :il, I'liiuents, many poor wei as aim bell IS t. orp-. have perished from c ' i and g'T, i u iheir u.ielst. And alter i.i, 'i . id re La been ictiievcii ; u r. if t s ,. .. . . . , ... i , . , , or makeus-taheastrj"1 , " r " jdothew uks of ihe A rr,',.a"1 f" -e t.l top the w f i'biy : 10wUr;- , "m pr n -ii Ill lie V . , . . i .,!, i! l ho liger fr .1 . i . 'iririr ine i ,.i eci ..... . .. . .s ,,.- WK iron Voiiring the " g. i.tie co.,,, , . ,i,i,i id -die r !' " -"-i ,i on, ( 1.4 1 III III - V iff , f J i , i i i , iamtig Id. a. toe sijuu rel, au 1 tii.. ti.h. , o. ;," j,., , Iroiu pr.-yiuir on, aud cay an I i:i!) . ton mi.-; each ot her ? I'i v oi pr.po.e to rriiiaize the tV.ffer. nt "peei, of mankiii 1 ' ' von ihit k . ' '!" iit. iii the sain" level, the, gil.i eiitig, r'e'- ing n.'irr.. on I'i,. fiiii-t of (iuit.e.i, ve il i I' tint th.- faculty of speech, nor two id iit ove a brute, with iii w.i.i'.ly iieal, m i fiat li hs, ini ,x ang'e-, snd i... c f atid olfeiisite od-r, and the white man aim I.i llias.iv,, hratll, hi trtii... i.-ei,iis, hl1 luiOly .'r .iit, and hi godo'i.e form ' ."-i. I lie he pined on a .und of t-ii i ,..'y vi'li a franklin win drew the i.ht'i fr- he i,-a I ton In invented I Lngine a Moisc who invented t Kh trio Telegraph a Wa-hinptoii who Inlped lo give libit ly and law to a cotitihei.t Sttis : We d not set doin tho I'i:' man and the m gro.as be lotiging ir the -.nt -pejies. I'hi 1, l.i:.. ophi rs ami ph .iol-gi-t i'1 in the unity i.t the l.mfsa race '1 l,e re may bn some iiegro i-n'i soul at the North nlio pretend to l''i.re that Adam and Five wne bla,, ve -lol'v-headed negroes we In, Id no un h oiuiioui iu the South. ' he white man and tin' '" j;ro d i ll.-ra a lunch ill their 'V en , '' majestic, fl, ( t and ii.i ttle-i.i.ie liorsf, '' the slupi.l. slow moving;, plodding; a-. " wa nsea-y for the Almighty to crt ale -l i ferent species of nu n as tldlen-nt sp1 '"'' " c' bea t, bird-, fi b. -,, Ac. Nor is lime sdj thitij; in H ily wril to contraditt ihi' " "' ion. Have you studied natural l.i-t iry M. physiology? Have you tint ci tl the ci"-f renenihlanefl of the negro on the ca-t "! the I I.itteiit'.t, who live niter I.." . same liishioii aiil lias luaiiliers very urn',' ll ! ll ,- Iiko hini ? Have nt lintlecd the rrr'ii'sr gradutioiis Irom the iifro to the I lultvii- the Ilotfentiit to tho thirsiig (lltan (iiirati - Hutaiiei, to the A pi from tlm to tin; Baboon from the Kahnon to th! Mould , mid so on to thu miialle-t. a uimals that walk or crawl upon the earth " Can the Kihiopitm change hi the Leopard ihnnije hi spot, ' skin. "r a i t