CI ' Lttltt CHARLiOTTE, 1ST. C, OCTOBER 1S5S. NUMBER 38. THOMAS J. H0LT01M, J KDITOU & PttOI'llIETOIl. TERMS: The "orll.('arnlinii Whig will lie afl'irded In auli. I-, ,il TWO i)l HJiAKS in advance; TWO nil LM AND Flr'TV CKNTS if In . .. i... tii n irn-ru ii I r?si i 4veiiw" i iilu ueui-je, in a nignieueu lone. , eu ior noiiic. Out tuu voyit'e I '. .. ..M.I .! tin vcur. No iwiu-r will he diaroii. ' u I , k ...... I... I i : 1 . .i .i . - . il arrearage, ure uuid. i xi'i i i ul the I '"" ' ""ge. pyeucs wiui- . criu mourns ; ami, alter reael i the fcdimr. I "u""":r 10 cpy you wlnle your grave j he was detained some days be t,lv.rli.emt.nt.ii..rrledHtOelMurp.r..u.-.r.' '!U I'nwl was away. Cheer up, Hoy ; j for America. He was there liilimfir 'e,thi yye) '-r ilu ilri nine.. """I be pom; only a tiliort time." happier party never met tha nnil'i rents for em Ii c.-iitiiiuniirr. I Viirl !. I'll, In-ore-P, I did not realize It tl 1 1 cveninc at Oak T.odnn. Mr. (rrliirilli'ii'i mi" -"viin a (S f (xiil liiplier ; "in" doiltirtmn f 3.')J ifr irmt. will iii'jile frum I110 P-culnr priri-n, fer silver tinTs by the rer. AiH-'rlt'cmtiitii inxrlnl mimlhly ur .u.rtirl.v, it $1 per nfU'irr liir raeli time. Semi. J,i,ltil"J ecet per niinre for each time. - PcntiiiaaUri tire a u tlior zed to iirl nji'iili. .i ut ir... U.I.... -i. ....... . OJ i fcSi--T. lSMt iia Tiii,v r.iss .nc at niivE ; I iVjr mii in t lit'me ? do tin f iiiih me ' ' Ttf-'tild IrfJ n ainniranrt' iiirtt d'-ur To diinw tint my nuin- t'uti tli it, At ll.nngii I had nei r hun thrir. T0 knr-w t lint the Inilnr nd Lindlunl, And Hi" bunk whirr my pM1" " l'u''. ,Kwt ho. I wSiftnl I lmr e-liriot t. l. b.liulu'd flxiilUilu finil) tlitir view. P . liter min niu i.t liimr ?!. Ihf y im me ? VViirn Ii" mrkt ft.r m-.i.f y n light, AiH .-o!rtr with hmli -ire .iiru in g Tiieii ilelilur by day iid by mglil. pi the fri'UiU wlit nnrr lium-d me J',lly Aud 111 'ilhi-r mlm Iniiitd mr n tfn. II.-. r tj;h il rrgfi-l aa tisry mi" lui-t And ih till y v iulif a. rj im- !,' m T P-i Ihey nnas me nt h.nn.- f d.i they nnt nif 1 Wiirn iiu lnn'-r I'm i.i a 0.'in ' ii .nt-, And tiiKie who wirr w.nit In j, a a i t tf.r .S.j "Ilia condui t'a u.fffiwliy alr iii;i. I IVi Ihr Sbyl'rt'W whe, ...lnrd Mie Ilia liM.llt y l'y benr me to rema tinkH..wn. Itk in rain fur oreaaii'ii t'. dun mr. And tali I sere at Iminr ! Hut I kio that mr mnnnrt iiegeia Arnuiul ti.e d'-sr jdjee I r.jiM, Ais.i alnl Tr- iny wits .n.l ii.v T.M".f( J'litf'll niiaa Me tin j II tit i: a ME 'I l.tllie ! Miscellaneous. I hibi U niry't I,4'ii' HhJ. r i.o it i-i c r. i) m k it s o .v, OK TIIK OI IIHV. HV VIRGINIA l'l KiUU.SsT. n. ...... I ...n k..r.i. hi into her co-in' Loudoi,,one morning Horence, llarry my ya re ' er. 'aged tjfieor-c Latigfui-l':" Well, cou-iu, if I were, have you any I o'. :etiou V , "Mlbjections ! Why, Iloy, ho is 01, , t,, j " Just tbinv-tiine, cu-iii" I ' Thirty nine, audi a widow with two ! flii'i lren. H it it is mistake nf Harry s ; ' - vi are not really gnin lo marry him, are ' J u " I "I rxneet o " ai l Florence i.-iietlv. : "Weil. I tftve yon up. im, leneii Kmersou, the belle of the. .eaon, ith a Urge for tune ; you the beauty and h ire -. Kith lovers, hf-ai'x, olb rs without .. 1 it ti'ist-r, to throe yourself away i-p a pvir widower with two children, ami tin fortune except in hi profes-ion. I b 1 I'lov, I thought you had more ane. What are you thinkiiig of 7" " Whv, J-ii, you are waging your el cqienre. lieorge LangforJ is handsome." ' lirar.le.I." ' Talented." " Granted, again " " He loves me," " S ) cl j fifty other s." "And, U-tly of all, my tronge-t argu-n-eni, 1 love hiiu.'1 " Will, I suppose you will marry him in pit of my diHuppruTal, so I wish you joy, and h -pu he ll never led-l up Mr- Lang ford first as a pattern for Mrs. I.angford tec -id." " If Mrs. Longford fir-t w as a model for nie, I wiil follow iu her font-ti ps. " Vi'ell, well, there's one comfort. Mil lie and Ldiih are vt ry pretty children, and too young to rebel at a new niatnina, I be lieve. How old are tin y rxaelly, Fhy ? ' " Willie i foci,-. F.dilh three. " " Keep you busy, the rare of two such lab i'ieiicueo Flinersou an! .lessi,. I.awsou Were cou-ins, aud hd, until Jeies liiar riage been almo-t like si-ters. Jessie, who Was two y,,ars ,e t. l,,r, w., a gay, lively. ,ond v am, and pretty. 11 re nee w as a tall, l attly beauty, wilh largo dmk ye, black hair, ami fratures like a lireek statute. S'l,. was u orphan, and, a Jessie said, an 1. ire.s. (iifii i u e j.ailL'lur-i was n - T ... -f t lawyer of some 'landing. Handsome, talented, but grave j aud quirt in bis manners ; devotedly at-, taehed lo 1'b, rente, but he was thirty -nine, ' and a widower. Jo-ie's s, nlimeiits wen-. C.unul by ail Flo re lice k cil'le of Irieiels ; wle n , r rngagemeiit was kn own. She so lieiuti ful, .-oil tig, ta It- lited , and wealll.y. SI e j al way t was different from nllnr gill-, lle-y aid. So, ofu r fow days, ihe matter ceas ed to he di-eu-eil, and s line new wonder of Mm; lashioiiahle world look its place. Fi'ilepee had been niariied jn-t livo years, "ben it became necessary for Mr. I.angford to go lo Paris; his stay was to be very diort, so be concluded nut to take ITon-n.-,-. Siis was fond of h-iine, hud won the love of loth children, ami in return loved ihein folidly, and with iheir society, her home duties, and a promised visit to Jessie, thought the time of her husband absence might he Tide to puss pleasantly. Hut when the hour of dejiarturo came, when his trunk flood suiting in the hall, and lie came tot say farewell, t Ijo whole aspect of things; seemed changed. Florence felt that lier ' dearest treasure was leaving lier ; nil look- , ed dark, and a vague; Iresu utiinent of evil , nni'fi hit moiii. " Why, Flnrf-iicc, you are as white as a now. What p;h I do without you !" "iou will visit Jessie, take Willie and Eaiili into tlie country, and and oh, you had s whole list of pleasures arranged. The carriage is here, tioodby, Florenec." Florence tried to .-peak, hut the words died on her lii. Siie ert)ed bin' hand ami liil.j hir -yi'S filled with tears let biui (jo. I All her ileaures were fortrottcn as she ! watehed I hr en triage rolling from the dur, 'cured to do the work, that the lady inirht j auJ -he only rt-ineiii bored how lonely fho , havo an opportunity to recover her health ! mould be wiiliout him ; sin; looked back up- 1 and spirits. on two year of nueh perfect linpini'hH that! Alter i-iting an intcllitreiicc office fur it lieemi-il less like reality than a pleasant two or three mornings, a tine buxom l.-i.s dream. Long hhe stuoil at the window w ateh-' of about twenty years of age, but .-ix uiouths ns if -lie rxpi'ited him to return, but from eweet Ireland, was selected and iu the Tnirri of tlie children routed her, and structed a. to the duties that would be ex- (Im ulilleJ her own j;ri f, and went to amuse aii-J emu foil tlir.ii. Willie thone'i: pnna was " real unkind " not to take tln-m ; while Iviilii clung i lo-i; to I'luretiee, and hoped that papa Mould be r-afc on the " deep wa ' let s." i Jesie L.iwson nii'l I'loretice I.angford were eat-d in (ho pi izi of the pleasant country house they had hir.-.l fur t he ea-on, r'lnvei -iug JO ai it ii and V iliie were romp ili "ilh ! r on the gia-s, while e'er and ainMi th ir ch ar, joyous laughter would make (h .? Indie b turn and smile. " I l'o---ivo you uow, Fivy, for marryintr tirorge' aid .Ji-.sie, fondly. " I think that, if lie had a-kct me, nud 1 could have look ed into the future, 1 should have done ju-t as you did." At instani, Je-.sle fi It a hand laid on her sijouiil. r anil, looSing lip, saw her : bu-halid ; hi t dei manlier heti ki ii had tMul.led i.iin i "Jessl, ," 1.. : into I lie J-iire.r . , " He is j.-:. J -. . . Florence a sin- i in all iiioiii il .- ii "fla-e Ii..- .i.j was very (jrave, aud bis that auiuetliirig heriolls ;i 1 'I a l?w lone, " come '' peak with you." 1 J... to r i ilenry, : " I do not i : 1 have to say j t break it geut- i w hen lli.-y wi-b l i now. I' ly v , "V.nv, d I iuii iiarrt, what is the matter (.corte ! " Ym, ' The Kacl the vessel he failed ' w e-caped a vessel in, wis rrei'k-l, an -1 few e gome '.o ('.ilcutta took a fe j;ers, but the rest were lost w of the pa.ssen (ieorge Lang , ford'i na me i among the missing '.' 1 Harry had forgotten the open window, and was startled to see Florence-now -talid-iriiT in front of" it. She was rold and pale as inaiK li-, lier hand were tightly clenched, her teeth m-I, and lur whole frame rigid and motionless.. Harry sprang to h.-r side, nd look Ii or liniil to lend her in. The of it. She was rold and pale ' ''. r tightly clenched, herteetli net, and lu r whole frame rigid ; '""I B,",omW' arrJ fPrn 1,1 '"r nd look r imi l to lend her in. 1 1" , t"uch broke h-r stupor, and w ith a single 1 shudder, she 1. 11 fainting lo the ground. f or "'S Fi iretico Litigford lay be-' t ween li fe n-l deal h ; fever and delirium i icia-cd i-d In-r death like trance, and h- r ! lf d -ired ot. A str -rig contitu- ' tion, Imwei-er. triiiint l-.od, ati-l "he recover- : '' '' . :i.-rej ! The pale, thin i-r a o win and s.-id few would have n-cog-' nilei! t!.e once liiioiiiiug Florence, i Her .-.ii,' r.-in!ort re-w. seemed to be in , the einl-l reti, ft child ren. She w-uibl hard ly allow lie in not 'f her sight, and her I hele time w as spent in iii-trueting ahd a ! in ii-ni I hem . Finn-lice I.TThird Ind Iteeti a widow ju-t ; one ye ir. It wna, bright summers day, ' and she in (he same tilth- parlor where ! -die b id lir't heard of h-T hu-band s lo-s S iliie and bMuh were sealed nn th" floor ! he-id,- i -at watehilig . sllll Me. lie oil i-d pi i-inahe I imil-lits Ui-aj- wing s.snp tmbi iei. Florence their ililiie.-l:t d. -light as the the pri tty globes, and reflect color in tln'ui, and then her bark over tin- la-t three years sadder and sa Ider L-rMf tlie pale face, until j Wiilio i.olire.l it and leaving his play, went solily t) lier side; l.ditli knelt In-snle linn, j ' with her fact; laid e aresi ugly against Flor- j t-lice hand. j "Tell us about papa," wlii-pered Willie, j " When is pi :i coin ing blU'k ?" asked Kditll. I " lb- -I ays -" huig." " II.-sii,i:.!ith," -.aid Willie. " Papa can tiever .-nine l;iek : lie is dead." I 1'nt l.ililli shook lu r hea l. She had al- , bright day ot their prosperity and happi ways iiiaiiituined thai, as papa went away ; ne.-s, and in the gloomy night of their misery in a ea rn:igi. and :ud he would cnnie back, ! and wretchedness. Many a tale equally and bring them pr lty tiys from Paris, lie ' melancholy with the above, might be fold could tint lie dead. ' of poor people in our city, who have for Flort-nee 1 row K then t browing her ith upon her lap and j arm around it In-, the ihne talked about papa for an hour ; how tu ucla longer liny would have remained in ! lottery tickets, in the vain hpu of some that pi-iliiin 1 1 ntuiv't tell. Jessie interrupt-1 day drawing a prize, of which there is less i-d lln in : lu r wh ile face beaming w ith joy. I probability than that they will be struck by " I'l -v !" she wliisprr-d, kneeling on the j liglitning. Take our advice we give it gra-sto-d nt her e iii-iii's feet, and untying her ! tit and don't purchase lottery tickets. cap, lake lliiselt mr a minute : " W by, -I i-s-ie ?" a-ked Florence, suffer ing b--r to I'-more it. " l eaii-i- it is "tiff and unbecoming," said .lei", oh- "r and twi-iin it - euils. " Y-iii nni-t " ie, i' inseliuig I- loy S tl air. in-gerf into . ,. 7 i' again. id ain a v s we a ' " I 1 1 I - gain, dv :ir : I,.., ,..--, ".I ii. , v von ' : : it on a- '.f ' . ., tap is necd- iud '.' ., nee, starting up, and -1 y into bei cou-in's face, while she t rein led violently, " what do you mean . " Can yei-i bear the b.-t of news, I'loy7' said .le-sit? softly, "(ieorge" Jessie iii answer threw open the door, am said, envl v. " Ce'liie ill, and iu another iii.iiii, id. Florence was in her hiisbmii anus, and the tw- children were looking in a kind ol j 'y 1 ul a -touishincut at their father. All was soon explained. George Lang ford had been among the nassemrers taken to Calcutta, aud had from some mistake of the reporters been put in the li,-t of mi-sing. Cold and exposure had broinht on an at- tack of hraii. fever, mid he had hoou vPru ' ill. As soon as he was able, he had otart- Hid been sev-! i. . . l 111)1 r.lli'lami. i . s a fore martini I . fc !- at. 1 nn.l n n the the one that wsons couu- Lawson try beat. USING A WIIOLK K00. A friend told us a story, a few days since, ' illu-traiiug the free, geueroii- character of the Iri-h, which, we ceu-ider too "ood to be lo-t, and therefore give it to .ur leader, Our friend wiie btiuir iu deheiiie I.c'ihh it was resolved that a girl fihould hu pro pected of her Now, then," s-avs the lady, " pour the ground coffee into the pot, tln-n pour in hot w ater, anil after a few minutes boiling put iu one half of an egg So : aud the lady illustrated each description by demonstra tion. " You understand, dou t you?'' hays the lady. " Indade I do mum, was the response, " bile the coffee, grind in the walher, dhrop ; muriiention. vimittiag ail eommetn on tlie sions to observe, as I did to yoursclt on this wliat was really said, and that you are evt in the half of an egg. ha t that what you j tone and spirit of yrur letter, I shall reler subject, and in this very connection, that th-iitly mistaken, without intending to be nay ii.usii 1 to its material parts with every disposition the leading members of that church are as j so, iu several matters. I allude t it al-o " Ail rijiht now," replied the lady, " Now to do the niost ar.iple justice, consistent j familiar, or more so perhaps, with the chit- I for the of -bowing how ca-y it is then, to-morrow mornin.' we'll See how well : with truth, remarking only that, in my opiu-j t actcr of our institutions and people our 1 to make inadvertent mistakes, in attempt- you remember it." To-morrow morning came and the coffee was a-i good as could be expected. 1 he I third iiiorning came, and to the astoni-h- ! ment of our friend and his wife, the coffee was undriukable, and nau-e iting ; even the odor of it w as sickening. Uridget was cal- led, and questioned, as follows " P.ridget, did vou first put the ground coff-e in tb pot! " Indade I did mum." " I'id yiu then pour in the hot rater ' " Sure I Hid.' " How long did you let it boil ?'' " l ive minutes, mum.'' " What did you do then ?" " 1 put iu the egg, mum," " Ju-l as L allowed vou tlie other morn- ! ' Well, to tell the truth mum," aays ; 1'ridgM, giving In-r garuiinits a hitch with ''""''y hands "to tell ye the truth, - wu!d mt put in the half of an egg, as ye told me, but the egg was a bad one, aud I 1 thought ye wouldti t mind about kaping the half of it, and so I dhropped in the critter as it w as , L0TTKI1Y TICKKTS. xiie following sad circumstances in re- gr tlc j,,ltl.rv mania, occurred iu our own city. A poor but industrious mechanic had lei-n laboring for seven years to ac f ,!.,,. . h,,flieient money to purchase a boniest, a l for hiin-lf and family. Oil re- home, each Saturday night, he would place hi- weekly salary in the bauds of hi w ife, and learning that a piece of pro - p.-r;y w is f ,r ale in the npperp rtion of the city, which would be an advantageous inve-t- iiient, he Called upon the owin-r, and it w as -i i, u ai i.i-; j 't u ai eis ;ooi fortune, he hast, tied w i.e. .....I - .... s l,. ll.rt rtl...l ,..rj ,,! inn oi.i... i. mi ""--"" aski ; Hut the d for the money lo close the ala-! th- re was no joyful re purchase, j p i -110 111 I counlenaiic of bis -tter haif; but bursting into tears, -h- wept mo-t bitterly, and refused 1 1 be c-mifnrted. he iu-bau-1 was astsnis -d, and aski d for an --x; 1 ina-a-id v e i tit t ibs, s'.e visile tnn. t Hh head averted. rupted hy be..rt broken m1 known ti lur h js'jan 1 '.be which felllikea thun'.c:buit al n.ii.g fiet--ii nil!', i ru-h- ing his brain, and causing reason tot itur ind reel from its throne thai she ml -.isteii all bi hard earnings in the purchase nf Ha vana lottery ticket I The vacant stare trim the eves o. the hu-band which met this as tonishing disclosure, plainly showed that he was no longer capable of appreciating his loa, but with a maniac laugh, ho left his home, his wife, and little ones, never nirre to return, A few days more p issed, and hist holy was taken from the river; and a verdict of " suicide '' informed t'n- public bow tie hal died ; but why lie died remain ed a secret. We had thi sad narrative from , , , , - .. , , , , i one who knew the family we.l, both in the years been pending the means they have learned, by the sweat ol their nr. vws ana ue- frauding their families by tl purchase tu , A Pki.p-ate Operation. Pr. Mercier effveted a triumph in the surgical art yes terday in the case of a negro who was suf fering from enlargement of the jaw bone. Many distinguished members of the profes sion were present and expressed their de light at the masterly manner in which the operation was eoiisumated. The flesh was removed, flapwi-t-, upward and downward ; the tongit" disengaged from the lower jaw, aud then thfl saw brought into requisition, (ireat care was necessary to avoid the incis ion of some important artery, hut at last the i made ; and much more had tuere been diseased portion was removed and there is 1 any reason to believe that he was cogni every likelihood cf the patient's speedy re-zant of any political bargain cr intrigue to eovei-y. This is one of the rare operations j ihat effect, as there certainly would have which requires the nicest skill, the steadiest j been if he had informed me before he re build and the coolest head to effect the ob- , ceived information of the appoint incut be jeet without injury io tne ? unercr. i tn- suc cess of Pr. Mercier was complete. A. ijfitu, i :uu. . i . - ... i . . -ei . - flessrs- Rayner and Earringtr. Rai.EI;ii, .September 2, -U.'), Wm. W. llni.iif.N, Kmi. : You will here with receive (through the hands of my tnend, . H. Harrison,) a letter received b7 tll,! '"'lil of yesterday evening,) from j "on' Harringcr. I tender to you this j L.tlnr f..r r. 1 1 1. 11 ;il i..n i n t lit. Si mill nrd . I ' . .. t . i .t -ii. . . t. ... . 1 1 LL1 P, r eiiy wnmigiu m- .1....: r r..;, ..;,jn.i 'CT tO UK! 1--C1.HU.1 u -iiimim u i an(- unprejudiced man, on duo reflection, ; a''r rL'a,''"g nly letter to Mr. IJarringer : niiil Ins IiHr.r in nTl? to me. Ana i. tliere-: . " ,w - J 'J - ' i ore, reipie-i, ui juu w iiiiih. i ei; icitei 10 -ir. i. wiin nis icuer uer. iiii !em. j o say nothing of the reasonable! sss of tins re- quest the publication of my letter is in- dispensable to the proper uu h rstjiiJing of uis iciiei in tepiy. I If you will publish my 1. 't.;i to Mr. 1!. I wiil procure the publication of Mr. l' r riug' r'i 1. Iter in th-' par. rs here friendly to the American j arty the llegi-ter aiid Star. ll'-in ctfu'ly, K. RAYNKIl. Pharos S'p!'.Ir;., X. Y., Aug. 1 so"i. I JiEAli .v'm: I have (his day received j your letter dated "ta int., but postmarked I Italeigh Ulth inst , and al.-o postmarked, j Saratoga i!7th, whence it ha- been forward- ea ro me ai mis piaec, wnere i nave uecn i aeavored to serve the interests ol my coun since the ll'tli ol this month,, I refer to try, without reference to party distinctions these dates and facts for the purpose of 'of any kind whatsoever, accounting for any seeming delay in an- Hut I have mentioned this conversation swering your letter a delay which I re-j for the purpose of showing the interest tak gret as much as yjursclf. I now hasten j en in our country by the higher order of to reply to it as briefly a possible, cotisid-jthe Catholic Clergy in Europe ; and as nn ering uie naiure auu leugiu oi your uuin- : ion, your letter wat nut needed for your j ow n vindication. I As to the pi inc pal ukjeet of your let- ter the substance cf the coiner-ation ! with me by the P ipe's Nuncio at Madiid, in reference to the appointment of Mr. Campbell as a member of the Cabinet, I livc nothing to vary, add to or detract from the contents of try letter to you of the (nil- J ul v, or of thai .Mr. j-.iiis oi tne -oru ' been published. It I July, which let! i i - -is true that tlie was tie first person who told me of t..- i jiutiient, and that I took place befoie ii.- organization of the ; Cabinet was enrni.'.'if known at Madrid. i Hut it is not true that the conversation oc- 1 curred before the 4th of March, or heiori 'the Cabinet was forn.ed, or before iutelli- j pence of this fact had bcci received at ' Madrid. Informatiou of the formation of .the Cabin-l had been received at Madrid on that very day, but it had not yet reach- ed the public mind, nor had it then reached me, until informed by the Nuncio. oi i a-k, in your letter, how is this possible ? 'The answer is plain, and may solve the I doubts which you seem to have, and remov 1.1... :..e-. u l.:.-.!. ... .:. tr... lion. : lilt. OlUf Hiej ..lllli JU .,' , uu.u.t....... j Hy fallen on the subject. There is a tele- graph from Paris to Madrid, and from the conversation used as a proof of this charge, French and Spanish frontier, which is some I hastened to correct the erroneous impre "oil miles from Madrid.' This telegraph .-ion, in my letter to you of the (ith of July (which is lint th etric, but. of signals, or t Niagara Falls. And when I saw that I w as then.) is owned by and under the direc-; tan emoted as authority for a statement in a tion of the Spani-h government s well as ! the " Coriro, ,- or mail expre-s, from Ha- yon nc to Madrid, in this ay the ga-vtrnmeut ' often, aud in fact euera!lj, obtaius iulor- j ation ol iiiiporiaut evems one, two, or , even several days before iuteilij euce is re-1 ciived iu the usualtand regular mode of; conveyance, by the mail. 1 remember a : st liking instance that the death ot lien . k. m-taiiee that t h death ol lien. a s ,jr w;iS maje known to the eovernmetit ' ' . . ..... . f t,e t. .or:ir i ami tint tie then iliiiister oi - ireign Allaira, iu an unofficial note, com-j municateJ the melancholy event to me the j,, t!ie letters on his subject, my own in day preceding its public auiiouii'-emt-iit hy 1 Terence from the reformation communicat-tin- press of Madrid, and several day be- ' ed tome. It was essential to tne whole fore u was finally confirmed by the regular1 truth ; for without it, erroneous impressions I arrival ol American papers ni.o at: r- al ! ihe legn;ioj. So in the case of c ,. r:.!i u i r.'Vrie-l io with the ., ', iu, fivr;. I in e tit had doubles' rctei.ed ::i.or": :t:,a of , the !' .i .nation f tbe at Washii;? I ton, either by ti or express in ad- vanee i.f the inteiligeiiee mad public by the ordinary means, aud some one connect, d with the government or with that depart- leigh, that it would ho u-ed tor any pur ulent of it, having control f f the despatches poe, publicly. For although the conver aud mail, believing that it would be agree- ! sations with vou were not confidential, but able to the Nuncio to have this information, . ... .:..o.. . . v-i,.v..'.i:.. .. , especially ns a meuiL-er m lue v ai-iiiea was, i cotliu not suppose i woiini ne qnoieu a- .state, as a law yer, ami was one of the mo-t reported to be a Catholic, mentioned it to authority on such a subject and for such a promiuent Whia niemhers of the Seiiate in him; and it so happened that I saw him purpose, in public ddr(st, without writ- I ,.,e Leaislature. tlen. Sinah-tarv of Pitt soon afterwards, when be tin ntioned the ten pel mission and .stafement from inc. In ! Co., is also a lawyer, ami was a prominent fact to me, before it was known to the pub- . reply to your inquiry whether I intend to say r(,,,ir 0f Iinocratie party iu the Com lie generally, who were still in doubt as to ju my letter that my opinion mv is. that m(iw 0f the last Legislature. lr. Crudup the matter. Whether the news was actual- il, no um-li mnUrstaiwlin.- ns that. re. i .i... -r v i.i:..v : ." .1. . . . u: . , . , , lv rcccivc,l by tdegraph or by written dea- patches to the government, ns w as ofu n tin- case, and theti made known to the Nuncio by some person hating knowledge ef the fact, as 1 have stated, I cannot now pre- lend to say. 1 am sure . tl,rrc n, no iinuropricty in the mode in i wbieh he was informed, and (hat there was no surprise on my mind about it, nor, I pre - siniie. with any other p- rson familiar Willi the facts. Whether other names rf the Cabinet were mentioned or not, or whether Mr. Campbell was tin ntioned by him as having charge of the 1 ot Office P- part ment, I cannot now certainly remember, though my belief is that he did s- state. All however, was m ule known to mo very soon thereafter, - I think the next or sue ceding dav w:. known to the pub- lie generally. - : '. ui-tanee oi tune, I do not remeiub - i exact day. There was nothing extra-- -.unary at all iu the whole atiair, as extraordinary us it certain ly would have been if the Nuncio had men tioned the circumstances to me in such a way ami under such circumstances as to induce me to believe be had a previous knowledge that the appointment would be ing actuady made. J he w hole amount m . say that L would scorn to a. low it to intim itis simply thi : That be happened to rn- , ncj me. It is hardly necessary to say to ocive this information as to the formation you and others to whom f am at all known. of the Cabinet a short timo before I did,! and before it was generally known at Madrid who constituted its menibers. j 'mlriitiuU. J!ut in the one and in the The reason why i remember the circuin- ; other, I have endeavored to cxercie a -.pi-stance at all is, that he expressed his pleas- ; rit of toleration, as mo.-t congenial with ure at the appointment of a Catholic to of- truth and sincerity in both. And if while lice, and his admiration of that feature of in active political life, thoii'h now lor some our republican government which excludes .... ...... ir. .... . f 1 ' : lJU um.m, .lueumnoi ins reiti- . . . , ... , oiw opinions, ne am not, as you misumler- i... i . . sioou me to sav. aecoriiiii! to vour letter, " express gral ho strong and itiHeatiou that Ins ehiireh was iliH'iential in the I "nili-il States! in r.l.t..i,. ....1. n,. l...,.nP " 1... i .... ... ... w. .tuv. .. an iivii;i , Ulll IllWlUt' uian once on suoserpient OCe.uinii- allilueu to the pr.ueipie ol religious tolerat on as one , of the fundamental bases of our political institutions. There are other lui-appreheu- I sions, reitninly iuaurertu.', in vour letter, to winch 1 do not here deem it miDOi tatit eeio it important I to a'lude. I have relei re i to this ronvcr- I have relet red to this convcr- J satioti wnh the Nutieio, when iu social inter. ! the pi ictiivs i'i J worsh-jj cf the Uomi-li course with ollicr.s as well as yo irseir, surely i church iu .""'p i'm, and -.specially ns tb" not for the purpose of proving n political bar- ' statement that many, or that any Protest gain with Archbishop Hughes, or with any ,'atifs, me denied tlie right of Christian bo other Catholic persons in the last Presidential i rial, I cing given the " ttnifiiists " an 1 election of the I'. States, for as i ju proper-I as to the " sur of iucirirrs. " if you ly remark, " I had been for years out ol the : country, and was not thoroughly conversant ! with the charges and undercurrents of the j Presidential election." I had nothing to do j with it, but as a representative abroad, en- ' illustration ot w nat 1 nave had several occa- i resources our geography our general his-1 tory and progress than many of the wisest i statesmen of Knrop. I repeat, I have j ; never .onnected it iu my own mind or other- . ! wi,e, for the purpose of proving the charge ! 0f political corruption to which you refer ' hut for a totally differuot object, as ju-t ..stated. And herein lies your great mistaka I ,ut one into which, with our views on tho j subject ol that charge -and without the knowledge of the facts conuected with the i 'conversation, which I possess, you might naturally fall. I mentioned it for one pur pose. you employ it for another, without-as I thiuk, any just ground for doing so. Vou are inis'aken in supposing that I ever men- ti oued it to you at nuy time a confirmatory of the political charge to which you refer, I could not have done so for I never believed so. J0 n.-,t now believe so. It would have bceu absurd iu me to believe so, un- jess 1 bad imagined, as you seem to think, ,nt which the facts do not sustain, that the Nuncio had previous knowledge that the appointment was to be made, and before it really was made. The first time I saw. in what I regarded as an imperfect report of j .u . v. i. :...-.... ...i i: i....i ... j iIU sH-ei;!! ;, ,1 lsjj-ioU,MllUsuUU III Kl. ! Raleigh Register the circumstances of this 4th of July Oration at Washington, for say- j in2 pot only that the Pope's Nuncio al I 1 ndrid, gave me tSis information but that : it was given even before the Cabinet of (he I 1'resideut was kuown to tne puidie hero in the I inted States -and that it was used to ; establish, in part, this charge of political corruption. I wrote to the author, Mr, ljl-' to corn et the statement, in i letter which j bas been v - ' published. j It was entirely pro, er and not ' out of! record that I should state as I have done i 1 were biiiiu made, uevi r ii.ietiJd by ine and, facts in my oj inioti. not jn tided hy When this matter v. as referred tc the us in leiltiinore in June 'ast, when I mi't y-"i put a short time. 1 h-l not at all sup- p-ise Siiar it bad been, or that it wai to h useu in connection with this charge, nor I suppose, in our first conversation at lid la- ; in the freedom of casual social intercourse, t ii . r .111. ..... ... - - f..rred to in regard to the Roman Catholic j VO(C being tu Mr. Pierce, or irhrtbei j your opinion on- is that the Pope's Nuncio b:,d nn previous knowledge of an intention to appoint Mr. Campbell, " I answer, unhe- . sitaliugly. tint mv oiunion has not rhang- ' e,l. and that 1 certainly think the eommiiui- eiiio,, mad, to inc. bt the Pone's Nuncio al- i canon ! fords ?n .nn nt sncli. n chiuse ot on- ilei staiuhiia. Whether (here be otltt-r alle gations and facts circunistaiiti il or direc!, which may be presented to sustain this charge or not, I am not aware. And, as an honest man, I am hound (o presume in nocent until guilt is shown, in all cases, and especially as a uiatt:r affecting o deeply the honor of the country as well as the hlh ('allies iiiuuediatc'.T implicated. Y'ou peed Hot fear, my dear sir, that any unwi niigne ss on my part tint I should 1 to the injury of Mr Pe ini-r . present,- Pierce .r the Po e's Nu'iieis, could opcrat - to be used or perverted t.-i allow mv nam to your injury. 1 wish f s do justice to all , and the cause of truth. Your integrity or veracity is not in question. Y'ou state what believe to be correct. Y'ou only draw an ii'frirti'-e and form an ipimoii from a fact , which vou think is legitimate but which I, with necessarily a bitter knowledge of the . circumstances, feel confident, is erroneous , ami iil-fouuvled. As to any supposed bias, ; political or otherwise, contrary to truth as ! I understand it. it is scarcely peccssarv to that while I have always been a consi.-tc! 1 ! Whig polities, and in religious faith a time past out of its voitex, I have eudeav- : I . . . :. ... . . t . ' . ... i uicueiiiMii-uut: loierauou lowaros uiv or- . . . ... ' poneuls, i eei tainly will not now al.aiulou a ... . ...... .ritiiit s,i cs-euii.i to reimti tre.Mtom. aicl e-peeialU' at a period III our atiair-, I- the iimhd elbirts of nh.'ti tlie nation nee but he morei"' her co.i i vativp, pi.tnotie and trulv n.i I I lioiiul luuti, 01 every p ity and section, t.j avert iiiipeiidiiiv dainr whieli threat Ii lour goverr.mi.iit oeople, and, in an es peeiai ii.a.mer, our owu region of the cuuu rrv. As to several nrti-:uiari k. ic.ivoii As to Severn; particulars ;)n.t of oi..- .oi.vei tali m i:i K ileiirli. pn.t of oi..- .oi.vei tali m i:i mean the sale of in lulgcuecs as practiced in. and before the time of. the Reformation. and not the worship of the Virgin and the Cross, constantly found in public ofliees and streets, with inscriptions and placards fttt:tehi'd. tiroiiiiNihi. ind u! rence for .sins on condition of prayer and payment of certain Mv I'eaii Put : Your note of the 2?!tU monies, with which every traveller, iu .Spain ' ultimo. L found in the Po-t Orlice on my and some other parts of tin- continent is 'return from the Springs, and iu answer to f imiliar and as t ) some other less impor-' ymr imjuiry, I make the following state taut particulars to which ou refer in this uiciit. part of your letter, I can only remark' that there are several discrepancies Irom ing to report a casual conversation had in a cursory maiinur and in the frankness of sicial and friendly intercourse. . eming this portion of your letter irn-velant to the main subject, and that my reply may not be to long, I omit any further observation upon it. As to that poitiin of you,- b tter whieii refer- to the piibliea!i"n nf mine to you of the ith of July, I have to say. that my desire and expectation was that if the sub- Meet was alluded to again in public, the cor rection should be nuM" by publishing all and not merely a part of the letter the tvircnrrs made hy me as well a- the facts stated for I think that both were necessary to tho correction requested acd a ju-t nn- dcrstanding of the matter. As, however, a similar statement was ma le in my letter to Mr. LTlis. of July. which has be a Published. I do not now deem the publication ef tho one to ynu import int. The copy of it, which you supposed you had for warded to me was not the same, but a copy of mv letter to you of the -Oth July, re questing the publication of that cf the tith as soou as possible ; of which letter, how i I - ...1 VVCl, 1 Ul'l It'ldlilLU ai'iJJ ie.-ii uuueil As to the statement of tho I'nion of Ju- lv a-th, charging vou with suppressing my ( hctly sure that my understanding ol tho letters, Ac. fic. I "freely admit there" was ' matter (and I believe it does not differ ma no cause of complaint. And as soon as I terially from what I uu ler-tood yours to bo saw a notice of it iu another paper, (for p as I see publi-hed in the newspapers) was did not see the L'uion itself.) I sent a note, dated July 30th, to the Editors of that pa- ! per, of which I enclose a copy. Whether it has appeared or not in that paper, I do not know but presume not, from your let- ter and, therefore, twill again, at once,: forward a copy wilh request that it be pub- j lisho l, or that the offensive portion of the statement be corrected. I remain, very truly and respectfully yours, f. M. HARlUNli Mil. Hon. Kknnkth Ravnku, i Raieigh, N. C. RaI.L'H.U, Set t. I. 1--V. To TilF. KlMTolt OF TIIK MAU: You wiii plea, e pub.ish the following letters. Mv o. jeet i.i wis.i,.g th-m pu'-li.-hed i- no; to as.-ail others, h-t to deienu my,,.!:', i rt-i.-n to si o.v that it i iiu.-uiiaer.'t. id Bjrrin.'er, ntl i: rs ims'ind .I'stool .ii i in r-olla.'l nee fr sa-ne w ay that tuere is ti-uhtnj , i,e j my- having drawn the inft bis remarks which I did, since other drew the samo. To those at a distance w ho may not identify, by the signatures, those whose names are signed by the a-.'ompunyitig notes, t wiil say that .nr. Ilaughtou is a 1 ,-antleman of well known reputation in the . . I , ,,,,(. u, l i u I! Itoiii ! I- i tie ncs in i in, lent ! .PO,;.i... f lt,t.,;l, ,i ,:.,., j xx oinpany, and M r Cherry i- also w, II lj.10,,n a a gentleman of reputation nn-1 a ! ,,roininent number of the Senate in the last ' JJ( eilature. 1 forbeir any comment, let nn impartial ..i-: .i eeivle. lie-peettullv, K. RAYNKR. Cl'li'llAiir,, 'J Ith Aug., I--." '. Hon. K. Raysk-i J hi -if if In reply- to vjur letter asking me if I beard Ihe Hon. l. M. Barring, r lat w inter, w bile at Haleigh, speak of a com muuicati-m ma-ie to him at Madrid hy the P-ipe's Nain-io I state that 1 did, aud the following is the substance uf what Mr, Rarring-.-r said : lb- ienriv,;e,l that bele-rc i: was , M.i-hil, !, ' wire the no ii.ii. r Plerce's Cabin, t, the N'li-iii sai l lioivtl !U uf Mr to hi,:,, OV win'. of one r of th; that ho (the Ndueii) iil n.-r kin Were members of '.k I' lliu t, i ii thing he felt certain, to it a iner.:!-et Itomali Catholic Chinch had, er u,v,i 1 1 aui not c-rlain whilii sseatio :h lave Cal i- net. I have no recollectli-T t!l;itMr. R.irrin er mentioned the name oi Mr. Cat the person spoken of or referred t Pb,;i t j Nunei ; but my impri . s-ion is, i bat Mr. I! himself mentioned the fact of Mr. Camp bcil app uiilincnt, as cvi-.lcree ot a ; M- : ous understanoing between tne Pel icr itic party and the Riman Catholics, by which their vo'es had been secured tor Mr. Pierce, Tho susjeet of conversation was 1 the alleged bargain, and I understood Mr. i ISarringer as reteriin.' to the stalement of the lopes Jiepreseiitatne us evidence ot Its truth Absence from home at Court has delay ed this statement. Vour ob't servant and friend, J. 11. II ALU III ON. ItAI.KHill, .Sept 2, IS.Vl. Hon. K. Kav.KK Jjfur AiV; Tha statement made to me by Mr. Karriiiger was in a c ;i-ii .i I conversation, with which I did n il charge my memory, and I am not ahl to recall it Imly. It agreed substantially '.ith t i iu stateim iit he now makes. I uu dei'.stood him as iuteiioi: g lo cniivey tho ilea, that it was a su -pieious circumstance i:i conn "tina with the charge against tho i're-ideii or h' J any, ol a hirg'iu for tim '.'irnolie vote; a;. I 1 remarked, ''.-at I 'lid not Ciii.k it a'.iounte ! to a,,y ; roof of sucli a thing. l'p-n v hieh ho repli 'U promptly, that he did not mean to make any such ciiaigi but merely iii-.'iitioned it, and it might pa-s for what it was worth. I think he also disclaimed any belief ill the charge that had been ma le. This is the sub-lance of what was said. Very rc-peetfuliy, G. 1;. .SLVGLK i'ARY. ! J i AI.KI'i II. .Sept. d, 1?0.'). In the month of January la-t, during the ses-ioii ot the Legislature, we held a callea scs-ion of the ' North Carolina Slate Agri cultural S 'ciety," which met at night, for several nights, in the Hall of Representa tives, by -pi perinissiuu of the " House." At one of the-e met lings, Mr. Harringer, you and my ' other, to t he If occupied seats near each ft ot the Speaker's seat. lie- fore the meeting wa- called to order by the President of the Society, we entered iblo conversation on the .subject of the " Amer ican Drier" and Koinaiii-m, when Mr. Harringer staled that while he was ill tho City of Madiid, ami before he knew who coin o I the Cabinet of the new J 'resident of the I". S. or w ho would likely do so, ihu Pope's Nuncio told him. at a party, with exultant pride, that a Catholic would be put iu tho Cabinet; and he (Harringer) therefore referred to Mr. Campbell's position as " Po-t Ma-ter lieiieral " as proof that the Nuncio spoke a lHeuly, knowingly in the matter. ' I under.-tood Mr. R.irringer in making the statement as doing so, iu confirmation of the charge made against Mr. Pierce and his friend-, of ' bargain and contract for the Catholic vnt- ; and iu remarks w hich I frequently made in t 'ouueil-of the Auieri cau Order, I invariably made use of this statement of Mr. Harringer, wilh the samu impre-ioii which I have since learned you never sjioke nd I heard u-e'l, tnoiigli u up i my-uii of it together alter the night. 'no one else speak ot it, so that I am per- obtained -trietly from Mr. hurnngcr s state- nient in the Hall of Representative-) be- .fore alluded t". v ith ;h rog'trd, 1 remain Dear Sir, Y our obed t Serv't. 10. A. CRL'Dl.T. Tnr. Oaks, Rertie co., Aug. gi), lsj.". My IKAll Mil : I have just received your letter of the ";ith ultimo, asking me to give you " my recollection of a conversa tion, which I had with the Hon. l M. liar imger, in regard to a communication to him by the P.-pe - Nuncio, touching the appoiut inei.t ol Campbell iu the Cabinet." la reply to your letter, I wiil say, that I did l.r ii Mr. li i-rii ger iu conversation on s ibjoer of Mr. i. auipoeH's ap; oiuluieiit I.i ll e I aoiiiet of l'1'es..h ..t Pieic Mj re ; f,,'le. iii.ii of to iiiauer is rh,-. I do n -i r-spieiiil v.r that tt-! couvv-rsailou in -.thigh I bean Mr. Rirriiigcr engaged was. address ed to me particularly. 1 think the conver sation originated in this manner. The Ro man Catholic church was the subject of conversation; the interests the controlling men of that church tool: iu the political af fairs of this country, how clo-eiy they w atched the movements of political parlies, with a view to iheir own advantage; aud how well informed t li--y were on those subjects. As an evidence of the truth of these things !Mr. Harringer said that the first informa tion be received of the appointment of Mr, Campbell to the Cabinet ol Pre-ideut Pierce, was through the Nuncio of the Pope of Rome, the Nui.cio informing him at the time, that he (Mr. C.) was a member of the Ro mish Church. I think Mr. Harringer said, that at this time, he did not know Mr. Camp bell, nor did he know that be belonged to the Romi-li Checrh. The appointment to the cabinet of President Pierce, his mem bership iu the Roman Catholic Church, tho tact ma' the appointment had been made, were all communicated ll Mr. 1, by thu Nuncio, in advance, of any other informa tion he had received lioiu home ou the sub ject. Now in re'Tiin w b.-t her or i;-t I un. as speaking of this of a eh urge which I the leaders nf the !1 I'OUlIllicl.t to th" to your other inquiry lerstood Mr. Harringer matter in confirmation bad been made against Pierce party, that this Cabinet was made in niu before the Pre-ideii-1 say in reply , that I do pursuance oi a ba Hal election, 1 i li t renicn.l heard Mr. ! cr, in so many words, to have !, ;iv, that there was a bargain 11: -e : dent w ere le't : the i wit i th the lath ibes to vote for I'resi-q-tetice oi" which tbey q ointment in the Cabi v ou the impression that Pierce in eon to h n e tin Yd 1 w ill gi re n cr- itiou made upon my mind,!-' ' .e ',,,--, and which has been confirmed by s.jb. l ,-i.t r, t'et-tion. Hdieving msl,,f from such ir..r-?ri!iation is was satisfactory to me, that such an un derstanding between tie- leading politicians of the Pierce party, an 1 the C ithoiie Church, did exi-t before the Presidential diction, and bearing this conversation ft cm so hou-