1 A ! "oralUs and excellent man as I regard Mr. llarringer to le ; my convictions ol tbe truth of Ibe accusation were o completely strengthened and confirmed, that I have never failed, when, advci'tintr, to tlits sub ject, either in private com ersjition or in public addresses before tny Ici!ow-citi2cns, to refer to this information communicated by Mr. Ikrriuger as testimony too clour to te diluted, ul' tin' truth of a charge of a previous bargaiu between tin- ilouiaii Catb ciio touts am) Mr. l'icrcc and his leading frie.urls tbat Campbell ws to go in tbe Cab inet. That Mr. ll. aaid so, I can iiot say. lbit a this conversation embraced all the Kuhjerts I have hinted tit my impression as at that lime, that all who ilc li.-tt n ing to tbe conversation, came to tbe same conclusion that did iu regard to the sub ject. . I tLink I board Mr. 15. speaking of tbe game subject again, at a dinner party at Ian very sincerely yours, ' JuS. li.VUEUliY. Hon. K. ILunkr, Kiiugh N.C. DH. NOTTS THKollY VY YELLOW IKVKlt. i Vie have, bt .mi fa'oreil by a valuable sub- : licribur to our journal iili the subjoined letter frcm J. C. N"TT, M. 1, a distiujuish- 1 ed pbyiciau of Mobile, comprehending a theory of the Yellow Fever which p )ses.es ! much interest at the present time : j MuHlI.E, August 10, t.ri". You i nelo-o me a scrap from a newpv ' per, in which allusion is made to ny prtiiie tious rcp.ctiiii the ye".lov iVv.-r which has 1 ecn tru elling alon.' the -cac ti -t 1 r svverai vear-, and ai-.o to mv i lev- : ii tio- tnii i.t. Vc. Now, sir, my nauie u is ., i, Ir-oj iei.tiy ucl iu tho ubiic prim- in tl.i- ei'rneeti u during ti e list two yen. m;d 1 rr.nt to f.ay, I have been ij i.ited f.r s-:i:e i; :i,:oi.s which I haC S.e.er uttered. As u jeeni tu feci nn ii.ti rest in my views on liii - sii! -ject. I will most checti'ally give yu a short outline of tbeiu, 1st. Its o7ori. V.'hi ther thU epidetnie wairca'.'y iiuportcd fro.n Africa, or u-t i a point which ca uii-.it 1 c si -tt!- ! fr.jiu :i!;v d.-it.-i yet made pubiie, an I I shall int o:?'er ;,oj any spf culaii j!:s r!i it. (tin- faet, boweier, is ecrtaiu : tbat this disi-a-e has travtli.-d Meadily n. since it- tirst appearance in llio Janeiro tire years n.'- alonr the Caribl cau (julf and Atlantic i -i . until it has at length rertcbed Norf iik. .No ui-ral of our dey i i iiO,.we I w:t:i the spirit of pr 'pb--cy ; but !t::! can often, fio-n the ii.hts of hi-tory and ob. rration, pr.- iict with tolcrablo eeit titity c. iuiri (in,:-; and it waa on sue;! data tint I e- n'.ir. d to fore-t.-ll tbat ye!; f. v. r w-ojld u- a- f .r as Norfolk, wb'cii is ah ut the b .u':-lary of tb- Velio fever iaiirj It. and aIo sj-;e-iet Uroi g p: oi- t'r i' tx tb.it it w .mi 1 si-it ou nortUern citi -s, vht it d-e occur at loni ititertraN. No.t. tiie -ro iiris uj oi !i I niado thfc-e predirti .tis ,.re a- follow. : lciiow fever t.as. at Ion; : nt.-r v ri : ly in the 3' :ii!u rrmienn alon-i tl.i and French eoa ts, bat in th-: l i.it (about fifty years a;'., i t i h ( n on t lin ciioract-r. Abo-it the tint- -i jeliow fever extended fr iu to Noifjik.and tln-ni i- to Wicei..-- not on- ! Uiisb -1 Mate-, t :. i - ' r ,i i 1 ' ' ' to, P"- -t-r. i-i the .- Y.rk.tit:! Iliv. r. v, I interior ; to 1'l.il nif Ipl.j ,, to v thence to Catsbili, on :h- ' to Hard ford and Midd.'ctow n. in MUesriu buil steaJilv r-ror.---, ! ( .-r rHi- e year-, fi jm llio to M i'.c and . u to K-'y We.-t ; and with ail these facta h-f-re mo, I did not hazard much in prc.'ietiijj ti..;t its proT-s was onward in the dirceiioa it had bad been traveliiris. 7yf ttt the il 'r. Few ini-ti iu the I'nited States) have si-cu more of yellow fe ver thun I have ; and I have no Lesitati-tj iu sayiiijr tbat this is subtaiitij'.i v the mil-: as the yellow fever w Lie a oeeurr.-d iu I'l.i lade'piiia in 17!l3, an 1 wbieh !n appeared from time to time since It i- toe f o t willi typhoid fever, cholera, plague, scarlet f.-vi r, SUiul! pox, ami all epeJemic dl-ea-'-s, that they appear in different prid ;i of ; ;ol.-ii?e at diffcroit tiuies, and ocea-ionallv have a greater t.u -let.cy to travel over a bire li tem of (u'J..: y. Tl.ii ha- been the case w:th tbe yeiio 1' v r in q ."-tion ; but its mods of att i-k. it-e Mir e of sympt ri. - i ik I j-i i n j; yeik'W skin ami Liaek votiut, uv,ra.'-: (bjration, Ac , -.le tae -ame a, ctu- r fever-, lin I thi -os'i it tiny Lav been s-jm?i.at more virni-nt, it i- stiii the same !:-. a---. '. i fir, n st. T'bi- is a ki. ,Uy pcit.t. and I hale not spa'e ti do UtjTc than X pie - my coiiclusions. rniitrtbo tirta ciu tagioD are iif OunJud two n: f.ti-.t tion-, viz: cotita.'io'j-ne-s pi ope r, or tl.o coitimunicrtioii uirer-tiy of yellow :.:vtr ir jiu one human 'ibjeet 10 aiioiier ; a:.-!, secv. I- y, the probability of the can VesseiS toiu one p -rt to ar.o" my mind leans at ; .! t . in ttit- eonta"i'oj-i,..-- i" t:.i la'u ii.stjuees, I sti.l do.' . liientis in s j-peti .-; bat .'.' ; f. r r. A! b ' I' portability by vts-el- i i citu and by railroads. I do not - 1 t j iv 1. Inan bi iii.J familiar wifii its t. . t donV', and I slion!J aJvi-e o-.r N Itiend- to quarantine ri i iy ag.-ii i t i 1.1. dt-ea-i bis "one to every pa'tit, with lu a ciittin oi-tanco of tne ulf, wbir-lj a qiieiiled y st-.ainboats and ra.ir ):. J cars and I beiii-ve oul i !.aie eiit-rni New York iu 1 "Coi, Lad il Ui.t :.e :n st .j ;,.:d at tl.e (jnarsntine. TrC'iti I'll. Tl.U i- tn- e . T a p (int. to to'it li in alet'er; but 1 mj-t er- red tli I i-rur wl.n-ii . j quote from tb- attiibii!' d to ne. v iz ; " b to.d our ; h v-i'.ians ,t to - tii--' in iit i':y a !iMja. tr it il ml n. ili.i-. J n, j mi- i.t I i i-ed w at. r ai- ni ly. " No, .-ir, Used by me, i t true that v. 11 every le ad rn I- tbe fiJUtb. i does u :t b'-ir i lj iT and :,ct v a --' aois lot? i -die a! n i.r more' J! . ' to s wor-e than u-en'--, j fitted by -ol Lyr.-i.'.o and i . ,'.t tiO.i ti taryili.' sy ti. j I u, ti-ri i . u.. 1 ' .molk s. i a 1 1 . . ., .. , a '. , ami a1.- , t o': J sp in juj in ti,.- i, ,t -ta. fcte viiy i-fii.-biuo aud pr at -. r , 1 ,.t n water b is i,o p. tiiie virtue in i '.ii'r-i.i. tlii- ill-, a e. It I- a r o n . . .. e : , af crone f thc.-e ora! ei. i ;,-;,,!.. ; :. , , to find a OiCtir wijoha- 1 -t aiiv ;. .- :. Mud y.-t ai. iweutv -r -.1 t . , talked have b-i u nam!,. !. .. .. ti,-- ij. a Fpid- iuie. ui- "n at n.' -ui- -. . ! i-t. t : tin; lu. ' ';. . an!i. -ton!, . -. -.. . .-.,!, ., r-me li !ipam-t th n.. ,t j r j tl - : till) UlO-t 4-pp'tslti ';!.-',!' tie. ,1, it tl ef eeltaje- of deiitn- i- ,nt i , a. .,4f t: fatoo at ail linn s and mi ai! nine-- '! ! di-OV'-ry of vaecin -tion ;l has I e. 1. era. bo) as a tlijiiqdi, and I lit s d i tUj-ui-iit. 1 p:iy-i'iu lu f-ur.-p. na. 10 t published a took to prova that vaccinatum ii treat cor, which leaves in its train e , ' e . consumption anu scrojum Very respectfully and truly your friend, J, U. M'll, J1. 1). '.Gvtli (Larolina Solbiir. -'.VJ V! SM& K L-$ l. BS'a&f&? XfSf v . si Jt. Otisi' CHARLOTTE : Tuesday, October 2. bo"). Tall Itirii. Wc Imvc :.t our ( tiii-c, ii frlv.lk of coin grown by 1 M. Ilurnt-li, t n 4 miL Crt ek, in a new rmiiid, tliut mtuMi'm li'j Hi t in lu-ipbt atid lu ft cl -inclics tu tar ibr vi r m a jjouu i-rgc cue. IVlirsun fur OrluLor, Wc have the Ot lobtr No. ut tliih jHriodic:.! he. tore u. It doc n-t f;ll bvhind m.y of tbe jirv-vi-'us liuiitUrs, la lookinj; uvt-r I be Ubic uf cuit-tt-iiti fiuu iii-ny iutcrthtn-g brtitU. Fire at Salisbury. ;rtt to lei rn ihui t.i. ThmstMv mcht last. We eur s-stt r t' w a S.,1 bv fir.. H one: .tiny not wilh 11 ..d aCLiutiit :n ttd in wh-.t is known us and was i.o doubt thr work Bt learn that win 11 lr. Sill R.r story as a Ibu tHnr.-, eks and money, sllir lit wa.s .no, t'euiid the erawer gone. " .ll..ihu u' ct-mt r a n al-ay, a n-d ti Ml i , t 1 1 1 a w a k t nt il Lint Ins Ih bv the ul n lu alt, cist .i lo s,nai pt r. . ll hut we r.i w no. Si x , . in- I.- t. e I , am: in com,. a r sevt n hi. uses was eon ii.iiii g t.ceupuii l j the m i.cc vie l.ad no ma,! en l'.-st l!lh Ki itiav. 1'issrs Rayncr . B.irriirr Last vvitk wc pnt lis ,1,: a '.. tt-r imhi ihe lion. K. It in r t.j the il n. 1 1. M. U .1 niifn tin. week wc e:vc Mr. Ilarringt r's r. p.'y. llama:, rs w.,1 recoil, ct that t! e eaiu'c t.f this . ...rn .-- ni:. ncc was the rc'. rt net M:. ii..yiur hatl 111 ..n to intoniidtion rect niii from Mr. llirringer, n h.t.vc to itiiu tae IN.pt "s Nuticio had commun.. ct. .l K. lain (Mr. li ; v 11, at M o.roi. .Mr. Il-vir rehr- to mc couti-rr-li'-n h isuu loo, ami Mr. Hirrin. r at Kaitth.as fo.iu's, to w '. :i w 1 ir v in t -ia i .! a 1 ti nt I- n : " A,a,'-v on la rail t- your rceollt ction, the r-tr. I u.:i-l ,l,li Uli.J-T It!) Itl tnls convirs .I.--II oe- cu.r-t Sk 1-a . . 1, y u and inc. I c.ila-d to sec- you jl V.,ri.or, I!.,. i .-en... tunc ..bout t bri-ttt.as, 1 to. n k. A:l. r t -Un-i; ..... v-e-n-us Biile. els, tl.e sun. n'.t uf the .taseirfln in. v , ,111 nt w. i.itrm.ucet., 1 t-r-t t w In t .tf f V0.1 or in V st If. I pl.O. d n Von 1 lac uf. '-iuss anil i ) m' v of t-'.t i"i:ian (. .il:i' Lc Li.un h tti oitif y. Vou r- plitd libit t ur u i-lv In-rt-1 1 . t ! ; 1 1 ut tlie Kumun i'.". i!h; c eiiureii, its . r ,,j in.sf.id ttn nctjuti in fcfi..u, it :,j 1 iuii j.ovVi-r. Yuii tn -i went on t'i l: r s-ii'- -t nn; :ii'.'itCf, w meh w.i stiil i.t S.oii'' f iul h rt r t i f n iftiv..!i tr 1 iii uu yrt;r, v'-ii i.;td ij:it-o s.-in Utzi f l uij prt,iiiiitiil j l.i ten b He AtulrHi, C'.nti :iuog a ryn -if t.tfiii" of t4 i T -, ;it !i ,r-. j tiii ii it 1 ( f-u :; bi ii.r il.' C.!iHilff'l! 111 Mtl w Miilg Ut lit r 'xi.ll, ! ff- c-. '- et y 'U itM rito'i-eu the H'iti uf reiL-ast Iruin the 0:.: : i t,t-n ul' ; n u- t to be .(( ' tj by pay mjr n rt.nii ftit.t, d.t:., i . At thi I itch!tLl 1 ex 11 y surfs i ft an.. in1, tli.it biclv as I C'.tiU 'M 'i li.v lU'Mi. Vl tl J.'l i, I tin! lit-tt 1-UPiH.t.v tl!i ,.jI ' i is tu!..". vif-s pr s-,li- uu by th t churcii .i.y v.ktrt- iu this .:; Vhj repiif On ' i L if st iii ki pt u p isp -.d m " fu In 11 h 1- at mi 1. .K of Itn. ill-Hal uy ihe Sjj.ji.isn (Vnvcrn. Hi- r I "i !s t; rf'-t i.l' .it-rffil ijuri.,) Uj .toy Prtr.-l-.ti.t "-ii nti'i.l die in i.tin t)i.it fiu r .ifeiciis r- rr 1 ;t . .w t o to in? h-d it ;t huri i kil.-t no in ' r t ti.. .n tf.r-c f rvni -rc ;ii,'ted to iitHiui ia- trtiv !'lr. Frj',"' ti.it ti,tv vttrc ix' t i .tt t ti t't t.ir.t: t!tr Hi..!y to t'e Lruve in iiy v( -v,-.: 'ie lu'.tf r-. f,x t .till: t .!!1 -I toiniso.Ti C t rt t l.tt t'n-y B'.r' r-u.'i 'l tti ..ke ti.fc r.-ocy out uf li;e r(ty aUt y Mii c lib-Lure dj -iti'f t.tjry it nt tv? tsv ': -t.o tlt.t H-at .-i tiii tM..iit.-s oi' l'r. tt-t.3-t.1i.it. ii.u huri'.ti, Vt rt- m;q.-,M ti to im- i.rit t, rr' d l t., it.ito;iii-!fi, - tj ui. nti ii' ri fjine nitji4' ' -f I'ru!) r i,lsw nf hih (siH-tui itttoii, tuit hatl iijf.-u in -Spuin, w hoi(f bi -. .s h-i'l !oU 1 n u k I , m.H u isose ;'fi'-i C'O j r-jt I f t ; ! r v. lif .'s fssitiud bv th r JfH I.Jsj. 1 it-ktli otj, how ft P.' Lid (i.tVt; h. n III t ntif-' i', il V d ll .il L'!' '! V. !d II tht f . V.iO I., i lb-I V or arr gcrise ts pffivid ,r 0' y w i- I t.' I ml u St, i. . t lie ll. f .- 1 -.i f :l w lo -i: ilil'ill- Uf: I lit; .... V,u Ki fl..i,ii, ,-. I.. . i ' t in ti J ' r I f- ' i; w Hr. M . .-Ii In r , ti.i lit (t. j.r.v:,. J." - i'.S . . . , . t t,., l; ,. !. r-ati. 11. r;i l. l-i la 10 .; i, In t ;.', cr in 11 .1 yi. ti I'r s..:. iiti..i a if n , inSi ii tl. en.iiij il ll,i I, VI r l'-r , ,,.,!, ' -.11 i-aw .1 , (, in I' . V." " U I ' t m In t .1 tl.i .ii.al. I . i t . :i i t: ...t to 'at the I.' i . M .If, hi rl.fi A 1 Ui "l.Vr- M ...r.d- N i ; ..1 i 1 ii II Mj. O TU (1 Hi u 'J i . ! pli'f! e ii' Mr. M.. J v. h.-.L the ( I; rt I, ;, ; 11 l-f. I if -Mr. I: .. r-.j. r, st , .li'.... a i- ,. n. . - i Mo II, M-. I. -"I I hi. in. ', le r o.i lo .Mr . i: , M. i n. . , I in- t VI.. II, i Baliininro, and In the cnutso of converts lion "'I. ni.. I mentioned tbe fact thai I had taker I occasion to suck publicly ot t ut he hud said to me about lite Pupu Nuncio, n Madrid, having Utcd to him, iKtui-ti he (Mr. B.) imd heard, una before thtf news of the hniuc hud reached M .id rid. of the formation ol' Mr. Fierce cabinet, tliut be j(tho id Nunci.,) culd itll l.im one mn tl.r, ; would Ik- in llio aliinrl, I.) wil : .nr. I anipwii, 01 'rtiiiify!v.inu, u member ui' the Roman falhulic .fliurch. Ibis as I bud rt reived llio jtutement from : Mr. Itarringer in the firat iii.tan. . , and il w;.. thus Ili a I hud apokeu nl'il. 1 aki it Mr. Hirrin. ci r, il I hiul n pre,ctiteU bun enrreelly, b.r Ibat 1 I evidence of the lully of atu niptinj; In nip.n """" " "l l"-"' . .I,.mld ,.rub.bly .peak of it ..g un, ami 1 Vi.li. d ; , ,U,e lrade ,., lwet. Alncu and tbe Wand ..f I every aide. In tbe rear ol Mj. . 1" lul.-y 8 pie Ui be sure, tliut I might give the utah imnt cor. , , , , . , . . . - turvMiue residence, l a tirecliiico so abrupt rretly. Mr. II. replied that I li tt r '"orrieliy, mid llien wtnt on : " "d nuiili ilia of tin. reini i !'"'" x " A it v u..vs inee, I rrcrirrd d Pt.ileil the mat. 10 ri to 1 1" ine oeca. ... , i i. n. r& to bun bV tile A ft w u.ivs sinee, I rrceifed a K-ttir from. Mr. i llarrintir, d.tcd 'Niagara KnlU, July lith, lj.i,' in Inch, a!'li r nlluiling to llio lin t that be had laUly t en pnbiifebed a yllopsis of mv speech in W.ij.iiiiigitiii, in ulneli I nan reported as bavlitj; hneriiio'itd the in itler ill termn Miiiu-what variant ; Ironi those in Inch lie stati d it to me, and tlu-n lie t 1 r. li irnny.T) gw n on to rtiti rate wlial be , had twite bt ti re sl..ted to me. ' Ml will iiuole to von, verba lim, the lanenape useii l.v hi,,,, in au extract iVow this letter, just reci-ivtu, (lu wit ;) ' .a Ib.f...., 1 ...... ..!..:- .. - 1 a. of tliL' ittriitahi.il cl lht 1 .iliint t. a mi u lnic it wim htiil a Mit jtTi ut cot.fi cturu nt the IV.urt of Al.td. rid, be (tbt. Pol c Nuncm) told ine that Judge L ainj't't il, ot I t tintt) Iv-iniu w.is ;i pumtt d, ;i ml 'tut be -A.is a l':.t!it.Iit' : u hirh lit.- tiivl itil'tiriiu.. tm 1 hadciliiir.of In. itppomtim nt or hi. rcli- tieii.' This is tlir t.ttrint-nt, . 1 had given it, when umii.g i .1 in public; nlt'.-.t.ueli it uuglil linve been slightly varied iu tiie newspaper repoits," Mr. Rurringt-r also writes to Mr. KOis, and fieiii his ttt-r, dated July 23d, .Mr. Klbs givea ' the following extract : ou art- inislaHcii ss to tlie purpr-rt of the re mark m.a-lt- by me by the Teprcseiil.itive of Ihe I'o; at .Ma. :nd. It was not that he knew In lioe. ha, itl thut .Mr. Campbell wain!.! be a ppmnli d, and as a mi n::,i r ot lee l ath -lie t linn ii, or that be knew any tlnpg about it, be.'brc the iippon'tinc'iit was ai-timll)- loiiiie. "list I I me said, ami what 1 repe.il is, tln.t before I had any news ol lilt- for main. 1, of tin- I'ahim t, and while ils eoii-t,tiiiioii w-.s sliil in lioiiht, nml the Mihjt-i I ot eolijci-ltirc iii tin- public 11. mil nt Mailiid, i.c I.. Id me that Mr. I ampin li was ainintt li, anil thai he was a t'atno hr, which was the tirst iiili.ruiatit.i, I had of villi. it fact." Now, wind is a little reui-rkakle, ulthoiiah Mr. Ilarrii.grr mu.-t have set n, bv the spe. cb liclivered by .Mr. Kayner in Washington on the 21 st of J uoe. and l-y .Mr. LI'n," Uratn n on the -lib t.t July, ihul both wire using the "Nuncio's Stat, mini " to prove that an understanding had bttuniadc be. , twceii Ihc- lead, rs ot' the Puree party and Iiisliop lliu-his, for the t'atiioiic vote, anil liiat the ap. piontiui-nl c-f Ir. 'amphcll, as rostinaster lit ncr al was given iti accordance with that utnitT-t..nd. mg, y t not a word is dripped that il was ustd unfairly, or that he (Mr. II j did not btlitve in the exist--ncc- of a bargain, or that their inferences were wren;. It is true, Mr. Ilarrincr in the let. t r in to.iiay's papers says it vvb proper fur him to st: le I. is t-w n intcrcaccs," yd the extract published by Mr. liayncr from .Mr, It irrn-igi r tt r nidlvc tu uit utmn of mtcti inlVn in t-s, but .Mr. IJaymr -y tliat what wap pubiihj;i in Mr. lltr r;r ."'.r5 U tier ot July, 6, est..bi...t.s tin cbdrj Ajd Mr. ftayttf.r to sustain bi'nsi if pijb!itie btti rs ffuin (icvtriil gfi.tif.mrn wh hturd tio.j con. vi r i 1 1 and tiirtt of whoni formed the s.une C'iH'lutiion that Mr. Rjyncr c:d, lh.it it was eon. firin.tt.ry of an untlt rt.itid-ii liul Mr. I'uree was to gtt tliu C tl. m vote and a Cabinet ollioe Ws-S t- b- given to K'.iitan I Jtb-die. If Mr. Uirr-oger tiol not ht iitve tbe- ei.nre bruut'bl t',tih.,t tit ii. J';ercc' fritm. why tiid he tcl! it in conin ttou w tth th.it nuoject. '1 htr truth ist'ul. B-rrn.er utight iui r tti tiav: reterreti lo tbfuubjict be cii.i nnit be U-litvt-.i ti.e char-c. tnir loom m, inii woen .Mr. warring r I lu Mr. Haynrr what the Vi- Nuncio had cn.mu. tiiC.il ti lu linn, iie cKj'ttttti l reiouin in Aujth Carol, h:i, bill vubrrpjt nt CircuniKtnren mny n r b tjis have cinr-j-t d this expi et.ilKti, nnd inl n-ling to bicuine a c ltzt.n of I) t ti,jr-- be tioe tsol wish to go to that rtfy wiia the C ttho!i.; ii.fiurnct .Igiillht In in Danish Sfiuriti Du. To uniivrstiiitl tins i.'1'.jtTt currc-rt! v, it inu?t be feCuh, cted llut tbff Datiihh S uud -j. n.irrow strait between the inland ff Z'-tb'nd, I-n : i t: to I!k bull", tun! the Ai t.'fh eoiht, -ind iv-.s t a troncf to tne III ick S.-:i. Ti.? fur r - s of ( 'nrn bury "ast:e C'liilii5ndi the pjsi;i-, and exacts 3 p ynii tit ironi aU vent-U iili-riii the JI Itif ; tht t-i.ips of Ih nruark Im rself b jvin tu p i v, ,ts w t '! as fi.r :jn tuninjjtf. Tbt orim of thi t-&tet.oh it, tl... t in ;.iic.eht tiun s I)niiifh Ufid-rt--U to t xi'.'i .ind sustain et rt.i iu hht Iioum' uh..t: tne. f"ft fur w iin !i V.,e H . iut.hu na artred tu p-v a I.t. In the year 1 -J6 fur fivermiienl tnt r' d ihiu a lr ity with iKninark. whicii rucoriised ll.c o! th it tj".vtrniii..'.t to ex 11 t a duly nn ev r v icjIi c i r jo cnl'-rti lite IJ .lI.c. 'I In.- tr. a'v,, vi r, i'ro.,...s la .t its slipulaln ns m.y nc . . .! l-y cither i.rty, iiim.ii gvn, twiv- Am ll.W, Iu' llt! tern; 1 1 ' tins ar' "j.Mte in. I.t. .lo c. In A j.nl i .. s L .. ur .,t c rnnicn t de tail fair 'ononerec l.a.j w'i!?ii!le.t to f . ii - to-ii :..ii' . to n-h. :,i.,i tl .- n. t.C tl O e,,.,, lu J.,,,).,, j,,,,,ni. '1 Ad, iititi.it.v !"p taken in this ntfiif hv ht I'trrition i sitr.ii.'t.ii' a (fod Ced tti iitten- lion :n Kuru, It ik stMHd by n X'tx. eorr--. C 'to' '.tft! iii, N W Vol ri '1 1 i'itmrt to-, t Iojjjt , h.iS pruiin d J)-rtfjar K .iil-Iaii ( ( in 7,, w tit I a ttt. .l'. Miii(-1 1. upi-n abuti 'ur, thi S-,oi. u 1 'til t. '1 i i- prt'li.-:' , iiO W V r, i ti ll), iri M!rf?!f U ji. on tic 1 ofn it mil uf I, rt nt 1 rk j.iiriin? th: Wt. tr m A.n.-i.ce H4,niL Kuia. A ..oI ).iki.!i Com- iii-j.uii' r 1 lu . I Fp,!, LUUIUilt'ioiM jirtt-tJ to hi daily ti -Ivr of t ic i 11 AiT-. n.-y tif b 'jl'n..i.l;i:,o!b oi 1 ft I'-ifl-., ,.s it It- it HI r Jnoti t d wi'h ti t ifiiJvvv'r, TiHe '1 Is 1! il'- t and b.tii are e Kr- neii M.n- t'TililVf, tff.llNt ll O-ai-i ti.e otu -11 liit one har.d, un- titc ( listed Ma leu oil e projKjMiiun, tiie at to s'-fid in f tefcn n o r. if 'H- ac'-rpt li if th" I OiUd States ft ti.e SiUiii Ufi tsffil, i- .ib a t iU" uf W-ir, : inroti; 1 I b: tre.tt.td ly th Y f.in k and I-oj. 1 . ri J W II at i,ii e finpioy thr no o.ice oi ho.it. i.t. I- on to rejiiii, and ui-iinUuii the J-:n lion m it pre-fit Mjte. fit Inn Affiiir. .Matters 11, this I-I,ii .ij would in: r.uh. r I. .in. of ii.ci.i. 1,1 mi-! al tl.i. tun 1 , wen- , not l.-r lite pri s. .1,0 el 1... -s. fie Hl-bi,. n. the in p... .1 iiot tl ir ol M'ltico. If. and Ii 1 n blood, d pi.ii.-trv are hl.ii I .g'r.i.g in a rlileef !.c utmost imp., rt . nee at .N.iiV.ti.-, anil ickiloi every ill rt lo if. t -iwoiy. He ..pi.!;. ! lo ll.c lir.li-ii -..li-.il at II .1 hi In .11 -ii I to. J.,e:i:.i. mail -I- ai'i. r l)tx"-,ni lo c .11 lor on it w.iy to .St. It i.c! lli-lirilijee :. nl regard ' r li in-.- It,-: " .V p., ..le. i. e r - ij ut .t. i i.r... r lo.- bi . aji'reeii i, tin 'I hom.i-, bill i y if-il.tr lit of la .ru e in.e IWIile ..li oh la'. Vt very iiilho.bi .1 in tl II .vara p. i .al ch..r ai -e .nilil-irv Old. r-. !. I. .it.: I..-I- '..f r I'flai !- fei Vol!'! I e re. ,11. of " V 1 1 1 -i I lnei m Si iiemr! oi th. -.(.aiiiiili a '.I hor : t y , iH.b ! pel n in y reeiii .t j. I:., in iii bold I In m-i !v. s in rt arimi i.h b.r an r co.t-l ui. nt w he,,, i, I it sloili 1. .li.ni.d in sraiy by Ine j.rof r ant -c-rili. s. Tins iliij;r i nt is pec I of atl' irs, .lb It pro-js ct of . ppoinl llieir hoj 1 1 disc ; ' ool 1 1 ic , no 'balibt li their p triottatn and weaken llieir attachment to Hie BXinting Cuveriiincnt, ' ' . ' . There.are various snd vngne report in eircula. tion, of the landing on the Island somewhere' in the vicinity of Trinidad, of aimthrr large ren nf.li...... Th .l.nlo cei,,.eo.!lt c . .1" A I r i. : will ... ,..,.,,. ,., ,, .,. ., , "j - - - ........... . bougbt with gll. nd lliee inunuctilalu nflieinU can be Llinded I,, viol,li..i, .,f ll.u !:,. bv Ihe , ,, , i "IT':"-"'" - ""-""" '" "rgin. 1 f tlie r. M.rl he tiuc.it is unly another ..wo t.iiu t.tufii. i o , .'. .... . ........ t ..... i. i.e, uuu ,i i , i i . .- . no other l.iltnr call be Billlllutt-u lor lL a l..el ti which all ure ful'y aware. llicilll'tlly Tool. Wc have rerc-i.ily sei n in i-xtrart from a speirh delivered in Wi-iern Texas by u i;, rniaii named Wippretuhts. 'l ac eiiiinu of Morton were the highly favored r.i ipiuiis of the original draft f this Jlussic and finished production! ll was dr. ; livereel iu Augii-t, 1H.KI, und we only allude to , it now to show the cinpli ximi of the ini.tt rn.l we i..ivi' to deal, mid to atii-.lv the ; doubliu and lin..Ut f Ui ituttahity of the A ici u uioveinent. The principal hnrcien of this speech w as an t lament ami overbearing liri.de against tl.e u... , live .Americans in I hatsi-'-tiuii of country. He not on'y ingult ntly liirimit, Lut eiuiiavortd to ctub. tlle r,.,.. jlS 0 ltai 0i-ri. r,.:,au,,r. ,! s. phisltcal dccl.tratioii, that the N,.livc Aiuerieaus bad no right to'J. iku any prettn.-iens in Wcsleii, 'I'uxas. That tin y were stju.. tiers and intiudirs upon a soil to which tin y h.,, no claim, and I.c was in favor of ixiliwai g them i.t once, nml plac ing tbe ticrnians, the righllul owners, iu posses sion. He cuitUltileil lli,,l cslcui 'i'cxas had bet 11 first scllh'd by tin- ti. ri:i tis, ml thai r qucnt. ly Ihey hail llio tii-l amt strongest claim up . 11 il. These ure not only the scutum nts ol this wi st. em orator, but of a large snijonly ol bis I.r. Uu. 1: in tbis country, hut tin y r w isc 1 iiolis;h to know that it would liul he prudent to speak nut so plain, ly upon the nibjtct at this criy sti.ge of the pro. rtedii'.g. The in. 11 in our aiiust is vet chauto anil fang less, a nd the ml. fills of rchgooi and lib. crly require that he shall rinnun so. It is lac du'y as well as the avewtxi tde-et uf II. c Aimri. can lianicl to l.,ck Ins j..ks, ami ci.nliue bun I.. his tieu, snd our oniy skly dt pentis upon his suenss. dm nrntcr 101 !in:ts his r..,iip.i,l anti Amrrieaii speed, ,11 the Allow mg words. "Now bttis maliiully and firmly oppose the arr-.g nt as-uinptions aim overbca ring s of these nat.ve, ; I. I us oppose the further extension of tins i.I.,veho.:. Illg popuatloll III Westell, Tu .s, (of wc have fill tivalcd and rtlicd tins country .round us bcfuic the natives lie jo h t of doing so." Foreign .V ws- 'I'liP di t.i lis f L.urtp(.-,:ii n v by tlir R itic i ,'t- raVhvf of a ti. jcc,i.tmou9 thirutlt r, Lut sit t:. name time Kj(tfti-t9 tn iny njii.tH of ifiti r st. The J ittut iitle)it:e m c frtiin the rinica inH 'e? u prtattit t.tte ul atTiirs a ttiore f.ivur.i :ii: t the liuMtf. Tie a Hit. stem iinbearl iini, a tut each sut:ceetiit retrt oi' their vietones gruw piiiaher by d n in, ar.ti n t ut; I'uliy b mi, v t-1 i the rejH-.rtiti eth. mated kt-lt of Ku.i.tii stipj-l.t is not MilHtu nt to keep tip their spmli. 'j In v stem afruitl tltat, at U--lu1, the newsia lo g utl tu be true. Pel j kmc r 3tlw.owlVfjpft that, in the bstttk "f" 'rcbern..yfl1 lie lot TUtllu-em kilb.iJ mid wmimi. td, with a iro'inrtionate nuiijbtr of" rm n, whiel. could nut tie rt i mated at b ss tb.ni j.i'OO, Tt-r Kr-nrh have a!. nuff- nd cr.-!y, Li in in k and wotin.Ud, !ueb will be rt; ffom their mnM rxposed poitiun : y pcrcuv. il ami tl.e T.i..r snd imi tuonty ith wl.icb tin y l'ou;'.t. The number of Ilu.-ini pri-on" rs tak-nen tl.e li. id, w as at fin' reia.-tid ,i be 5,1(00, hut sine.., s u.i'ic c.irct'ul c .ii. ulati.n h.,s i c J li..- liju..; very in. tie above loll, 'I .c r. duelioii ol St b .-top.jl jiei n,i. no more likely l,tkc place tio.n il did iw.'ic inoiiths ai;.., nor e fict ijuitc as n.ueh so. '1 he itu-.-ians lie sinl to I.c n,.,s;n pr. p.-, ra tions tor i. not In r i.r.lll.if.t smif, wliiihis L-'Ur nl.ned and mere- iiren-ly .iij-pornd ih.n IJ.c I. o k upon Tchc naya, and m wmch tiny tA t-ring tu bear up"i 10c pes-tioii ol" the aiiica lot lull loree of loii.i iU e ti.. i t.ve mm, llic r. snltn which will pro!, i L, y till ii,n ll.c l'..t. ol' lit- ciin pain. Krom ll.cl'i-t si.nl .b!c anlli rity, !:o rc Can be no douht tit in.it tne coining .tiije'i li,r w hich all pirti. i ire n-w pr. paring, w i.l d I. r- inine tl.e issue- 1,1 the war Im tore S 1.1 it -po!, for the winter st lea-'., Sla.ultl victory not I'.ivt.r l"c tf .tejtr's arms t;ty ftiil yTtA. y lie forced lowait III in..ctiv,ly tlif'.uei ai.uli... r wilit.-r, S.nce the- abo-.' ticlt w as w n't it, wc bate r-.-. ctlVcd ii.torin-l.. II ol the tail ol S-cbah!..pol. c lori .'n bead. I r -m mi urn -pDitdi his. HECOLLEC I loN.S UK A IIT To WILKE.-li'.KO', N. C. To a lowlan ' T 1 vi-it to Wiik.'-boro' and iti vicinity, daiiag tho inoiiths of Augu-t and .-'ej fern!., r, i- in ioratiiig ai.-t re-fri.'-biiig, that lie - i ti.s to himself t'j gain new life and ii r r-a-i-ig ela-tiei'v. W liiie be is ou hi-j mi ih y, hi- pro gr.'-s t- ever op ward. Any one win ha- never vi-i i ! tl.i delightfo! region of eonn try, will v".y nat urally suppo-c tl.it il ii d:!TieuIt of i.oei - oti account of tr." road- being rugt'.'d n r.-i stc-ep ; and y, ::t :i 1- not t! for tl'ie roads have all been laid out and ma le at tiie la-i"- of l.i"s and mouiitai'i-, and alon.. ti,.? uiaroMis- if brooks; o that it. is a gen eral remark of tr.ncili.r-, that the roads of V iikes are m i' h more b vel than tli. ol tlie adjoining counties ea-t of it, wbo.-e i ui face is eomp.-ratircly more level. The low lander as be advances inhales, nt every stiigi of bi-journey, a purer air; and nn each side of tbe road, . cu gushing from the ba-es of the bills and mountain.-, water as char a- crystul, hli'l j ure a the fthli'd ili-w-d rop- that bung ii- ii 1'iana s tempi. a perfect Contrast to ti,.; unhealthy, bracki.-li water of 'he low land. r-. hilt: li.e mocking lord, and other ch-ri-tors of tin; f.,ri--t greet him with their merry song", lit; beholds, in tbe distance, lovely ccttaes lie-tied ..n lln.- side, of tbe tno iniaii,-, iiln-trat.iig the beauty of the lilies of the poet : "Tee r i.T. t..w like so'v. r ; rile bi'iu tin y S.IIf o sw. I i I 'I in re is i lilllc ci.lt- fe ; Anil soon t -. , r . o ii, it to e.il." And if the wholesome water and pure iiir shall bave -h.'irpeijKil his appetite, he wiii lind that tie re i- more nf truth than of poet ry in the q iotalioii ; for be wni bo kindly invited by the bo-piJahb; ho-t nn I bo-te--, to parlale of fel wiiich Would gratify the palate of Hp -.ii . - biin-ilf, if In; v.i.u; on e.'irth, and .-l,...ii.i bi coinc its favorod p.ir tieq ant. A. be progri --e .-till farile-r : " fl,l:s p a p f l,i;i,, n nil AipM ,,', , A p. i,roa ." U bi n be aiii. es w itbin nine miles of ii k..--boro', on lli a road leading from Haii-bury, a splendid ampiiii h.-atre of mount aim ii -nd- il !y pre-' iitcd bi fore bis admiring Tbe eene i- tru.y subiiine, resembling tbo (,,,!,.. ,;, .! : I, .1 . , i . -. imaginary Jictuu- wbn b tbe poet b, ,vt u I us, in Ms fictitious narrative of the war of the giants, w here lie describes the hioristers piling " JVHoti upon Osi-n, and Oi-Sit Upou '.hady Olympup,'' and burling thctu ot each I other lie is tbon enlin ly kui rounded by bl-lllltifnl sI'iMli'rf 11 ll t VI WUllOCjt H II V DrelllO ' )!i tun. tbe liMniNome villtico of WUUsbovo' ( , c .... i stMlJeuly buifts upon Ills view, M It rising f'nni tbo liiidst ol B (onst. J'liO situation , t,f Wilkesloro' U liinblv romantic. tiC-iliv lo cated on a plain which is imbedded iiuiong that the absetit uiiuded peduUrian may uu- , t . . , . , r V tu lit! a bit n uroiouiiu, aim Miiiueiiiy i ... . J . J. i ti nil himself in the midst of tbe clear, eool I waters of (ho Y'udkiii, which (lows with a i swift, but still current nt. its base, parallel, with the village. Directly opposite to the : centre of the precipice, the boisterous Waters ot lloaring liiver iliscliinge t liouiselves into the Y'udkiii ; and so perpendicular is the line formed by the channel of this river to the f pHinlU 1 line formed by the channel of the a atl 1;iii, that a mathematician miglil there demonstrate on n largo .scale, mid to his icon t's full satisfaction, the truth of the fol lowing proposition: "If a perpendicular 1 meet a parallel line, the adjacent angles will lie riebt tingles." 'The citizens of Wilkes it 010' are ili-tinguisbed for their urbanity land hospitality. Tbe prospect of a speedy contii ction with our southern comuureial cities, has already made Wilkc-boio' one of tbe important- villages in western North Car olina ; for, whenever this connection ahull ' Lave bet 11 formed, the owners of her fertile 1 1 alleys now teeming with corn, rye, wheat, oats, barley e. ; and her orchards aboiim! ing ill delicious fruits will fiud an amply re munerative market. 1 ALLISON. TIIE EASTEHN C.-1'ESTION. Newtun, S-pt. -t, l5"i. r:.a ...,1 r. .-..i ,.1 .t 1 i.-t, ...... luuiu'.-i 01 .! s. nun ui-inui narnor iiiueen a iioiuen uurn, a tin mo 10 scan tuner lie cut or material of foic the woil 1 is ibe war in the Ea-t. : l:.it capita!, as formerly, once again, the dress Hoops and whalebones are CDwln" The parties engaged in the struggle, the . Queen l ily of tha East. : rather modestly into vogue, to tbe gre't vu-t i tbjits which have bi en made, and tbe Jt js nn wonder that tho Hussian from bis ; annoyance of omnibus drivers ubo cau 00 gaiiant Ii at w Lirh have been pi r formed are ! cool nortln-ni home looks with longing eye ly stow tiway four ladies, a nurse, a lap do cmm. b to li.v the attention of the world. . upon the city, whose name in bis own tongue and a baud box in one of their most spacioul Hut when we eon-itlcr the policy which has ,ignili,s tbe'" City of tbe C.ar." The w lle vehicles, which formerly would actomi'im lead to it and tlm probable cotiM-ipi.-nces i weight of his nation and his race pravitate date twelve, aud not be quite full then spiinoing from it, it Incomes a matter of ; i,, t bt direction, ami in spite of the Preent Maik belts monkey jackets and colm,,.i dei p iiilere.-t, earnestly demanding tne ai teiitiou uf every lover of bi- kind. Iu my j recent letter, as the b-i of oth ers, I pr.-pu-e lo point cnt s.-me of tlmse lireiim-taines of a geographical nature, which have an important bearimr upon the pr-'-eiit war and it- ultimate results. Let us take a bird's eye view of the sent of the contending iiations. Let Us -up.po.-e nur-ilvi s eb r-it.- l above the continent, standing fir in-tanre upon the summit of Mount Wane, with vi.-ioii so e.vi- lidcd ii- to swr-ep fr.irii tin' ..a rids of Alrie.i, and tliu w.-t.-ru nrean, aroun 1 by th.- dozen sea, and castnanlly to the slope . of the 1 1 i tu in :il iy is. Southward lies tlie M.-diten atioati in it br.'ad La-in, stretebing into tlie n-ry lo-nit of the Ea-ti rn Cnl.titietit. l'cep into it-bo-oin cxf.'td the i "iiin-ulas of I j recce. Italy iii, l Sp.-iii , lair icgioUs of n.outitaitis anil values, famous in siory ami siitu, From the :ii'f nf (ieiioi t.j tint of 'enict', in a grand semicircle the Alps -tut-b their kin-.-ly beirl.t. They form the centra! p.itii! ol Eoii je Ir ani wi.itli ou m ri .-id-', ibr lalid.-ci.pi' fails away until ar-vimi lb- C:.s idiin, it meits the klti'-r chain- of A-is Easterly from the cer-tr ii Alps tbe llilkan mountains ( St. nd to the lilack S a, forming the south' ril boundary of tbe oreat valley ot tlie liatiube Slid tbe l.iml tarrier ot t on ol the wonderful ae of ptogres-ive deiiioe stantino; le a-ain-l her noitlii-rn f oi . North- racy islbe upp. aratii e ot two letters simul-ea-terly the Styrian A i j stretch up to be taiicously, tlie one frum Oen. Lewis Cass of I'atiul e ju-t in ,.aw iciiiia, t-t initiating at the great gateway through which iu oi l t.ii.e tl... astern In rdes in tin ir way fo overturn sbieh itl tint lbimati world and thr ou-h lattr centuries t1 e Turks came r ml si i. t'l.w ii fare . lelilia, an 1 bcK again tt.io'.t, abii'h, lieninnir.! to return, they ted before the ln-roi'j Sobieski. Jii-yond tl.i.- Ibiijijt o tin- Carp'-itbi-iiis PjIiiiik lie- and s.r.-lcb in grand simiciirb- around the gn lit phiiti 'if limitary until tiny again .-ti ike I he I 'an aim on ti.e c 'lili lie- of i'ur ke y N'.i in ward aud ,-.-ter'y lie the highlands of I iertna :.y , tbe momitains of the lilack i'orc-t, and the vine i-Iad I. ill- of I'ratii-e. Eartber still iie-lho va-t basin lllb-d by the (it man oc..au and the lialtic ,Vs, be .nd v, hi,: ii rise, tin; b'.i.bts ol I Iti url in I aul the tool mount iii; ol Norway. lint -tl.i tlie greatest natara! ft ntur'- has cm aped us. 1 roin the. ,-liores of the Ilav of l.'i-eav a great j lain str-ti h-'s al .i,g tl.e En. n str-ti bos al ' r tl.e Low tn-ii Cbaniel. 0'.' ,!I!, I SW-I rts tbr j-igli inn tlii ru t rmanv, unt pu aroiiml C at natiuaiii it slrcteln s lor l-'Kl mile-., an utibroki n cjp.ti-e fr nn the llal.llle tO lb- If) S. -.--a Ill it- 1 ,We-t lle I I' li lie ti.e hallie, tin- lilack, tl.e A ...!" iit.l tin- I' ; in .-.il-, tin- two lo rn.-r ii main dial,;.. ,s to the o'lfward r! I 'li.r iiigb it, gr.-at intvig.-,' i,- livtrs fli v uf I n I :ng o .-ry ! icili' 1 ir 1 otu in. r ". Lor q-'i thi-. pre- nts u 'ewgrat if ; ! outlines ; the great ct-ntr-il n tlie A p-, ii :'! wi.it li nearly a.l tin! li.out.l.iiiis radiate, as l-r.iucb.-s, iii plains cf li 1 in and i'oland, and th, i.ii-iii- of the Mciiit. nan. an and tin: I an . a- i of oib.r v.i-t treat. i illii:. : i- to U'l th, t! .-iipr-iiiaey a, ,.jr "' ,;'- P"' - be Iii ll.B ll uleli Ol 'great ea.-ii i n plain - ol llio-e n- of we., t political his war is or ot tin- n iln.n t- r n Eur -tl in. to t o Ine gre: 0: coining year-, 'I pi obi. 'Ill, of lb': ( but one of a Ion, Natural leatui -i i n s uf -trugf s do veiv miicl i lu giving form to tlie charact. r and dc-iiny of 3 p.-. pic. L nili r tin: pe-, iit ,,nii of the states now occupying tin.' Ea.-I, geographical ne i. --iti. bav a very powertul ii.Hu.-iic!. 1 ills i- i j i i i.illy the u-i: wilh llu-Mii. It liii- been oi,,- t, M-cret spring-, of that policy which .-In: ha pur-nod witb fcb cariiesltie.s and unity of purp i-e, throub -i- vet ai geiie.'iatoiii-. t.-i.ce in ti,.! iiiid-t of riiiging into inn-tiin-i; great plains -trugt'iing iu her liiliney again-t ituiiit oe .: . i j -l-i- , -li.. lias l.een com i ii u a; iy stl . v.ng I i ;'uin ace,... lot!,., world. Heroin ward march has been marked by many (i.nk -tains which it pains ,,. bi-torian t.i record, for which hi r only pb a can be the loiil tf.il one of ricct --ily. (in one -j,),; iia- wie-teil Ironi Sweden the pr inni-ic. a roiind tin! JJaliie S. a. (In tlie south she has oained a footliold upon tbe IlUok Sea i " ' 1 has bi in ad van -ing with steail y step iii.oli lae Ii-i'ioti . I lie l a-piai, 1. ner in contact. n;tb 'er-i.i and wall, lo lo r the gale- of the Hot. And far away in tin-I.i-l ou tin- Amour, a i iv or scarcely known to the World, flowing through the temperate regions of A-ia into tin- inmi-lm ki-d Sea of Iii iiol - k , ill thn i in in eii late vicinity of ( 'i,i in, a ltd J a an; li (great province has f.,i,. i 1 to her po e-sion. Thus s,(- li,-. re-ting on ; live L'li'Hi .-e:t-, ine I, inie. I lie II liite. the ' Id o k, ine l .,-piau and I.,.- I Ihbot-k. j .. .. ' i 'Ibe IJ.iItic is controlled by I'. umark and ! . , i ., , : Swcd. t, under tbu vc ry eyes of her capital. " The atormv North blockade the White Sea. ll.d At,.it Vt.i.td' nSM fin fl-Aiii iliA u.-.aslrl lit. present. the pie and tbe 1 urk, 1 bus llussia lies tike a glimt in the toils. It wilj require but a our- sory glance at any map to show n that the natural outlet of Hussia, as indeed of nil Eastern Kurope, is through tbe straits of Coustantiuople, Into the lilack Sea as if into a great reservoir, nearly nil the great rivers of Europe flow. Tbe Danube, the Dnieper, tha Dniester and the Don, while the Volga, though it pours its waters into the Caspian, must pour its commerce iuto the Black Sea. The rivers drain the larger part of Ku- ropean llussin and nearly the whole of it productive territory. It becomes thus easy to see that tbe control of the straits of Con- stantiiiople is till important lo Russia, and that if by some bold push she could transfer her capital thither, she would become tbe mistress of the eastern woild. And what- ever power holds the command of tbe Dlack sea if hostile to her, can tlfeetunlly cripple her. Thence her anxiety to possess herself of Turkey. With one or two illustrations of this we must close this article. The first Alexander and the Crst Napo- leon, open allies, once met in council, Alex- under urged Napoleon by every argument to allow bint to seize upou Turkey. " Con- stauiinopi-c is the key of my house " he said, '' Constantinople is ibe empire of the world " answered Nnpolenn and refused the request bouoli by so doing lie mi-'ht have secured his throne. Tbee Jwe laconic expressions contain iu a nutshell the whole diplouiucy of t li 0 Eastern question Tbo importance of Constantinople cannot be i vcrr iled. Oecuiiviiis; a very beautiful I ami easily iiei. ii-iiiie pcsiuon, u lias ny na- I -I lt -. ... a i ture tbe wealth of halt a continent pourins ' . . I it..,. 1 t , ... . ...... . , All that is wanted is an intelli- gelie people to make ber beau- i i ,-ii ii i.t , into us nip 1 gent ami eiierir .- 1 1 . 1 . , , . , , , 1 . 1 , the Oaspmo must be tributary to perate attempt upon ber own jfe- gc Ulaek, aud 011 IU outlet lies Uoustuntino- : piled, with tcara in her toft blue -.. . league of tiiiti.ms agaiu-t hi in it is iiot too gaitcr ure also riceiving ibe ratrouai of mueb to say tbat the time is doul tkss not , tha tun, will, now and then a alight dlspn. very fir distant, when bi race seated upon siliuii to discard tbe bonnet t-ntirrly aii.j the tbr. uie of the Mo-lem, would sway the substitute iu its uleatl a niii.il resit'." sttavli sceptre of the East. It mav not be ruled cd lo tbu back of tbe bead. y ltu-.-uiis, I. ut it certainly will ne ly clans. At some other time if it be pleas tig we will pur.-.uc this subject farther. S. Ch.li lesion, S. pi. '-, s.'i. U c have iiut '' a llourbun among us," uu-b- be is tiaielliiig incog, but we ba.e a so tb-ayer, a tuna Ji-'e witch of Eudar, and l!iOu-b -she has tiol been able to colijuie up -pints from the valy deep, yet she finds oopes ciiough wlio are willing to pay ber a i ne It wii I,. I raw ing tb- lni-t y cur lain that mi's " unburn events," and makes the duu; distant luture of tlnir lues ti-ible to the; naked cm-. My fjritlue, up I i the present date, ii made, and the luture will perhaps dc.cU p it-cif a. fa-t as I shall be ready tor it. m ) ju see a co il philosopher like liiyelf, bis i.-j use lor fortune filers. Il Madame A i i I l and lo r . ' baif -b- u' l bar n d lo r ; .' baif .-!.- u' l bap t' lake a 1. p ;!,k!e tit, and trawl n . nb aid, In.- cuntc'is of L'bsilolte lliov .-t be lavored witb a elauce of jodj-inj I at tbem-clvcs, lbj next most a-toiiisbini; def c I of m cuts at Michigan, and the otb'-r from no Michigan, and the olb'-r from no less a di tin 'ui-bed persona: e than tieu l'aul Ouat- tlebutii of outli larolina, tainst tbe rn- tivc Ann -lieaii dottiines. I do uot i r.teml t say tliHt this strange coimidi-uee iva t he re-uil ot ilc-ign, but two such pieces of heavy .rdii.iticc exploding together will tcrtaiuly Have some ellect s jinr here, but I am imt v. t jr. pared t cato tbe d image, but it Will ceit iiiilv take . lat e soincw lit re belweea Lake Miihigau and Sandy lion, 'Ibe Mercury i down bke an avalanche upon tin- Kings Mountain C inmit'e,. of In. vil iti. n l ..r inv iting 1! iiierolt the Ma-acbu- setts Ili-tori in, a id b av ing out lr. Ham- si v, the author of a history i f Trnuese. ina a;.;r involves a mere d ri': retire of o pini. ii. iu whicii the Committee are apt to be right as th" Mercury ,aud are decided- . ly in .i - entKleil to an ext-rci-e of tb. ir jo'lg- ; in cut iu tlio mait'-r. It is tiue ib.-u Mr.1 Ilaneiolt has the ini-fortutie i'jto be borne on the i, or lli side of Mi-oi A Iii.,n's line, yet that i a mailer for which it would hard ly be lair to bold him pet -on ally rc-poii-i-i le And I i-i.l .-, I i,m opi tu (.ting ing Si ctl Hi.il li .lilies lo Lear upon ail tin is unp. a-ant i noiig 1, hi us by Unavailable relation- of i.!i wh. ii it i fore, ei i c lin-tanci -, i. e ry ari'-i -. -n, . . n ai ,utid tin. j'i.lie,!. In pa--ilig up able hoi.r, Dii y .. It d uj. Willi . it hi ting it ap on and i ng it in 1 1 i In e Loji d ol a I. King nit. t i.t th" f i-bioti- -tenia v aiti rtioon, 1 saw a large carl lat.elleil " -oil soap. 1 he dii- ver'.if said ealt bad rings in bis cars, and a pipe in In- iiiouth, wbieh clearly indicate, I that hi, native dialect was the " lit b Li-h lr .gin-." Ibe ...jft soap " I learned was an as-orled cargo whicii had be. n n.-nl to tiie older of the anti-American parly t be .i-i"l on their Iri-h and Gorman l.mhirn bi lwucu tins and the November elei'tion, and 1 have no doubt but that tlie application will have tin: di -ired t ffecl, . -pi-eiany if it be aceompanieil nub a little ot tiie " material ai l.'' i he immortal ttinr Im n,l,r,l t(,a. Vl). led nt the l i.t elec tion will again be brouobt to tiie I. ol bv those iii.tniliiie I f, ir the imr pom and peril, 'i omew hat inerea- . i llieir iPiiulo r may be s their papers Can be ,l,,p,li,. without iinmhebaiice of di t.:ctiou e have an occasional incident nf hm.. romance nun reainy, wnici, serves lo f. npieo s Ihc dull events of the day, and break the monotony of trade, travel and polities. Nei ther can it be wondered ilt) when it is re meinbcre.! (b it we are the legitiinnte cbil-ilr-ii of the Soft Sunny South, whose blood, and heart nnd affections are all warmer. ... .1 i :. i . . an i oeai Willi a mucker Ulnl strollL'er tin - iliou tb n ii lho-c who live amid the ice ami snows of Ihe North. England's most gifted ,.t ,.,, ,ru j , .11 men usaweei.y sung . The cob! it, rluni-aie r.ihf m bloiMi, Tinor b.ve c ,li n a,-. i, al rl,.. lt. i: ; lb, I mi, it: , l.!,e Ih, a i t3 ,, I .1 I..,. I. tu I.t ;r, ,.l ,. illii''. incident to ll' Il I aiiil'll: H L'lVen on oiit-ide ividi iiee, nnd is said to have be, t, an uii-uixcs-fiil attempt to commit suicidu by a young lady of this ciiy. She took laud annul, hoping to end thereby the cnr,-s and Ills ol hie iu the shadow v tale of for tful- tie, out It lalll'll ot it! I esl I c, . P....I I 'he quiet but fearful slumbers of li,,. r,v - - i ..on ! was denied her. When she I,., I L ... Wil denied ber. , - "' en it-, Mored to conscousiKss, and her family auJ friendi stood tveeriin-T unimJ v" t :.aHlfi.H kl. I.n. n..tla ... J. her gentle bosom heaving like tbe aw .n the sea, that her affianced lover, on prf with her ou tho night before hnd kissed h"" on the cheek instead otv the lips, as was custom, aud hence she inferred that h l jf changed. She aaid he bad Dover trn 1 j her so cruelly before, and from that uioi" life became a burden to her. Tho Campbell Minstrels are in Oolui 1 ' ' and have advertised to perforin here tj!' week. Kvury thing indicates tbe annr .'l j of the gay season, and many a yomni b - j bents high with the anticipation of the"'''' and brilliant rounds of the season, and ii' bright eyes, killing smiles and rosey chccl'8 that will meet his enraptured gnxe iu 11 giddy dance, at the crowded saloons of f i'.C ionnble mirth and festivity. ",ive you live " is tbo popular motto of i,e j and improve the few bright sputa thntd' the dreary pathway of life. Look upou m bright aide of life's variegated picture . smile ou all, that you may awako au 'swering gleam from the face of the fleeti" thousands that compose the troubled sr-a. f j life, as each wave rolls restlessly by. I br fuss to belong to tho laughing rather th : the weeping school of philosophers. j"? , myself half disposed to be pleased stju ,1 I world, and the people in it, as fur us lb" had au opportunity of cultivating their0 ; quaintance. And 1 ouly regret that ii live and die without seeing half the hri .'t and generous faces that inhabit tbis mjj ' abused ami slandered orb of ours. liU must curb my way ward fancy and ga!lijiin pen, and remember that I am writim news letter, and not m moral eesy. ! I bad intended to trivc vou a lom-h r.i ,li.- .1 .... lau lasiiions as uiey are i-slubited 011 Kl street fioin 5 to 7 0 clock iu the afternon,' 1 .... it . OUOIl, . . ... nn- sitertioon but my eyes are generally ao busy wifjj t face and figure tbat I have but little ti.' -.i'.i . lime . -. 1' . 1 ASHLEY. inn ti v v i u u '- m Itlifttykti fat tht Sulk rrWlsMS. Itls-r lr itl linropf. trrltnl if lln- ali-anier AnieriiH. FALL OF b'EHASToroL! Halifax, Sept. 07. The sW-atner America has irrivyd, aitli Liverpool date of September 15. Siic brings tbe important new tbat So I aslopol was taken by the Allies, 00 tbe -tii, alter three days' VornbarUinent ar. J sis uiiueecful assaults. Ibe bus of tbe allien was AO.OOU men I be Ere nra iot five generals, includlug lkcquct. The Kussiansrvaeuafed ibr to after blowing up the defence1;, sinking th? ships ami turning tbe bousi-a. i albino Wi sinouldeiiiig ruins were left. '1 be allies were m .rebin.g along tbe rovsi to cut oti tbe retreat of tbi Hussian srniy Cotton was easier, owing to an adv. i.t iu the li.nik rates of interest. Sales of lh week li,t)IM) bales. lireadstulls dull and utn bangsd Cjo ols UU. utom) iic.-tatcu. f the sales of cotton duriii" tb ws.k. s"'rulat.ir look rl.OOit. 1 b advance iu ti e rate of tntwt i tw 1 per etn, aud another adcatate was rt peeled. Advieca frum MauebtsU-r were Ivus fi- vorslde. Wheat bad id vsiirrd IJ. TbP wslLir was favfiribic, and the crops n.-ondduj Frui-lois were dull and unchanged iy pric.-. Sugar had advanced l. .'I.vmy was m.,re siringont. 'I be steamer I'aeifio arrived out on tin I-"tli. 'Ike Iw in the slormin of Sebj--lop.il wa l.'i,(l(iO nu t, nu the side of the All-', and l.i.OtlO on that of the Ku--iain Tim is tbe stateimiit of the French and F.ugH-b J.nirnaisl Itoiu w boiu ibese reports at J rind. Immense material of war fell into ibe hau ls c f the Allies. ilfiK , ll is stat.-l Hint tlie Allied Ocncni liV4 itioii.il ric iied order t ib insnd ihe iiiicoiidiii"ii al suriemler of all Russian tr.wris sluies snd licfi nees, iin ludiiii' Uile-a. intelligence of ihe fall of Seba-topol w rec ived at Loudon with extravagsnt di'iuoii.lratioiis of joy, 1 (, fm.t oui- ciaiy announcid in the t heiitre and all f -ah- 'lc 'la'' S. I ha-topo! was attacked on the morning "f ,1,e ' four different points, 'lin ' '''" ' under Hosquct assailed the Maia- off, the English as.ailed tbe Hi dan, and a combiiicd force nf Engli-b, Erencb and Sar- diuiaus asaultud the Central lli-lious. Ad these attacks were made simuitaHfO'i-ly, '''' Krt'' energy and spirit, supported by a tcrnlii! caniioiiade, but the assailants nev rrthelsa were six linn s thrown back with terriolo slaughter. Finally, however, tlie divisions of llo.quit and McMabon sut ceeded in ( flcctiiig a lodgment iu tbe Msla- koSf, and tbe llessiaiis lindiiig all efloits to 'drive th. in c:f fruitless, evacuated tin south aide of .sebastonol. dc-tinv itig every thing, and leaving iiolbing but ruins be hind. They crossed the harbor to ti north aide, destroy im tbu bridges behind them. After the capture of tlie Muiakoff, I. tti. l't! Sales attciniilud twice to lake the ' " iitiul Ifaslion, but was driven back by tli-.: Husriaus with (rightful loss. sen IJo-q ict, to whom the honors oi i"' day are principally due, perished in the fi lial assault. Tbe losses of the allies Were enormous. The following are the despateLci relating to this gn at event 'icii. Simpson telegraph on the I'th llitil tbo south aidu of Sebastnpoi was iu j'' hands of tin! allies; the iiii-sians bnviuj evacuated the tdnci) on tbe preceding even iug, after exploding their magazine, setting l: . .1 . ... . ... I I :.... ..,1 .t.,,ii mI.111- ine iu inn sown. anil nummi; an iie .I.rer, sl..,.i..r7. Tim bridge ..". ,t i . i. ,1,- coiiiiiiniiieai 11 w tn in noriii siuu .- HrojA by the retiring Russians. I f TT