13 iw4 It VOLUME 4. CHARLOTTE, 3XT. C, OOTOlBIESIFst SO, 185S. THOMAS J. HOLT ON, Kwruu &. ruoi'itiETon. T HUMS j 1' ... ',.rll..(.r,.lu..i VYI.iir mil la- ,. (V. .,.1-. I U,,I. ,cr,l..-r. -t TU W'l.MKS .n advance ; TWO J.Kl.l.AliS ANU MM Yll-.NJS ,1 my mini In- d,Jy.il"rinriM"i.lii.ii.u'l llUKi:U)M.AI(.S ,,, ',- ,..d of H,. y..r. A-u p-rr w.ll I tinned until M .rruuruge. are mi.I, except at ll.u I 0,t,., l the Editor. Adierunriuenia in.iru-.i ,,,,.. u..iiar r r .quarc (Iti i,n.-,..r lew. Hut anted lyy. ) for the flmt mar. i . ,U cent, for eaeh , J.l,L,u . , r. .d. ,fl,ti..-...nl and Nh.-r.ll". H.I.. rhargt-d 4 H-r ' ...... i .,i..i, .-tii .u ri'iil. Iii;lir miii u dedui tmn of prr ctut, wilt 1h; hi -id troiii the r.'tu!jf pricr, U:t ndvcrtiwri b Itte yi'ir. AHvirrtincmt'iiti iitvrrld inuiithly r fjii-irttrfly, h( $1 per mja.tre lur liine. hnui tiTdittfity 73 nt ptr u.ir f' cuch lime. j"ilMi-iittri are buthurixtd to act 'iiif . I Luvn Tin: i.adiks. 1 Invr the t1tt ii( e- r y nn TliB Ijtuliill rtp liruiir lt Ti"c dark r ) i tl ti.uriti n ol liic iuu, Willi Irraiurt ti-irlt n ft. W)it rapturr ih iht.r plnticr lf''wi Anl III htl' (!mii;ii t Li r t Vouii vmiitti !ura rtHf.-. I l-p lt trfy our Th hfrti r t0 and t'-'if Wtt MMtb n n)(f iiiul .irtomhilif , Anil bright und fililcn tuir ; II Mr lv y are thcif vltt lke frint Tir ul ilrf hiif, A m.I llittf blu'drv ('if iiinrr bButitu! J't.tn roK.buiiat bullie d in ii. w. I htr t!e ddir( rvcrjr 1 iif K.Vm t ('e rt.clul form Arr f'tffrd at ll.p ink that's Uftn A hundrrit Wmlef' nlorin Tl fttung, tlir M, the ott.ut, the tinn, Tli attitrt mm e I at IjII, Wirf'twa at..! wnr, nistruiii and m-ii.( t, yra, 1 ine tlicui ull. I -'o t.e Uifir rrrry nnr Nnr hut a r t-ll .U! fl'-nlVm Thu W'tfM woul-t tw a inrly pjce I f we wi rr Irl't at if limit in ; Cut 1f.'1ted hv a woHnn'i mule, A-f all ga i rfrtvrn, Ao4 Ilia mat Itumhlr Iimiio apjvara AlintMt little In tu n. 1 l"r t U(?ir. r'f mir Tbry're ail, 2rtd blraa Vin ! AnH what eaii rrraU-r ple-urr jirf Thin l ru;lurt and oarr rm 1 cH itiy w!f a triiiferirp man, Sn 'U drink tl.nf liralth in atr flifa'a to iiMtlirf, l all, And cr j tm.ther'a daughter. Histdlaiicous. ONLY A FFAV V()i:iS RV T. 8. A Kill t R. Word are little thinp, but they .trike hard. We wield th. m ensily, that we are sj.t lo forcet their IniiJei. power. 1 it!y fpokeil. ll.ey f:ill like the i.nshine, the dew and the lertiliiing rain but when uutitiy, like the frost, the ball, aud the desolating li-n.ni'.. . oiiie men apeak as they f.-el or think, without caleu'uting the force of what . ... t tl.ey nay j aud linn h'viii very mucu sur- pti''d if any one I hurt or offended. To tuii class belong Mr. Winkleman. His ;!e was a loving, sincere woman, tUirli 10 fecl. Wordi to her were indeed things, Thej never fell upon her cars a, idle sounds. How ofteu was her poor heart brui-ed by lui'Ul . Mil thin f ;r'ilar tiiorninj, Mrj. Winkle. m- r bo; health was feeble, found In r-elf in a wea't, nervou" state. It i only by an tffirt tl'.s-. sha could rise above thu iiioii.id irritnl.ility thai atllieted In'r. Karne-lly did sh -tiive to repreatlhe disturbed I. eat in iff her heart, but she Miove iu vain Aud it seemed to her, at it often does iu "ch ca-c, thatcvervtlun went wrong. The children were fretful, lliu cook dilatory aud tt.u, and Witikleman impatient, because aui.dry matters pertaining to his wardrobe Were not ju-d to hi." mind. " l't;ht o 'chick, and no breakfa-t vet," aid Mr. Wii.kb man, as he drew out his t.'U, on compl. tili)l hit own loiici. .urs. WinkleiuaD wa in the act of dre-iiig ihe la-tof five children, all of whom had pas- I under her baud 1. Each had been cap- liout. cro-, or unruly, aorely trying the motln r' patience. Twice had she been in the kitchen to ee hov brcakfa-t wts pro- crossing, ,,J to enjoin the careful prepara- tun for a favorite dish with which she had pr..p...ed to surprise her hu,ba..d. . " It will be ready in a few minutes, "said ., . . .-1. .'i rt. in kliii. .111. " i lie lire hasu t Purni fife'y t!,i.. luoiLing." "If it i. u ( 0110 thing, it is another." gr nvlt-d the husband. " I'm getting tired "t tbi irregulaiily. Thcrc'd soon be no breakfast l. get if I were alwaya bchiud time in buo ii." matlrrs." Mr. Wiukletnaii lent lower over the thil l ho wat lresing, to conceal the cx rr,,ii)ii of lur face. What ul. nip pains throbbed through her templet. Mr. Win k'ciiirin commenced walking the floor impa 'ieittly, littl,. imagining that every jarring footfall wa like a blow on the sriisitivo kr-nii of hi. wife. " ioo bad ! too bad !" be had just ejac ulated, when the bell raiifi. At Ii."t:'' ho muttered, and stroil. to ri. the lireakfast room. The children f,.ll....l . -i . ii i: .... ....I M-- '.oiiie-u in cousin cranio ui-vi.uei, ni. .-n-, W1...11 i.... i...:. .....I '..inn, aiier nrraiifiing ... i ini . Pwtliiik- on a morning cap. joined them at ll'e table. It took some moment, to restore order .n.oug the littie one.. more ylossy than aiiyth.ng I nave ever The dish that Mrs. Wi.ikleinan bad been ' tried. The starch should boil for five nuii t considerable pains to provide for her bus- ute.t, then strain it, and Id It become m a.ly Und, , net beside hi. plate. It was his' cold, and rub it ou the bosoms, wristbands frvoiito aiuoug many, and hit wife looked and collars with tho hand. After he shirts f" a pleased rreog;,i.i,, thereof, and a are perfectly dry tl.ey should bo well spr.nk .'I'titig up of his clouded brow. Hut he led, but never allowed to remain long" n -t seen, even to notice it. After sup- that, hrn hours before they arc ironed as P'j'hig tho children, Mr. Winklenn.i, helped they will blister, and l.ot be a" stiff n.t t.icy himself iu silence. Atlbc lirst mouthful he otherwise would. IMl'ir Jul"l"- threw down liis knife and fork, anil pushed bis plate from l,iiu. "What' the matter?'' "You didn't trust Uridgct to cook this. i nope, Vina t lie response. ia'i...:i . t m n- i , hat ails it!" Mr.. inklcnian aeves onu lears. "Oh, Us ot uo cons, quenrc, " answered! Mr. Wiuklui.ai. culdlv ' on vtl.it, uill .1 , for ,e ' a"iUl"& l" do , , ' .... ,. Jim I J here was a touc Ling sad-; l"" "-, ol Ii in wile, and a she uttered bis Dame . tear uh, d over her cheek. J,, V i .,k 1 1-1.. a n didn't I.ke tear, TU . ""'hitman umn i like lean. 1 hey alwaya anno-d !,,. At the present time I aarauce ou the hu.tin. " I lcrelol.re!" he uo mood to Uar w.tl, them. So, ! it MJ Ilt. La, been the ivi,ihle a.cb-aui- i OD the ,,,,puU of the moment he ro. from tator, never any h.re,ut wo. kin- the table, and .uk.g W hat Le Jell lbtJ,, wh,r(!i thtKtg h(! c)d,!s uf j .... ,. . . , I'i and littie villains, runner-, tide-waiter",' .Vlt ju-tilK'atioii wan tnd, tliou-;h not. i a,i ,.;,.. l ;t... .i i i .... :. i , -. . . , , a ha, be,n M-en with eomnl.-.e S ; Heealme grew the mmd ot M r. inkle- : jliki-i. i..tl.eiu'.rm,,)r. dr.n.a. Jly ... vcr,on of il.oupht, ot Uk aiuong men of : in' iriiiiieruiueui, ne uad ieen tm"ihU a Mill a . . I 1 vivm reaiizutiou ot Id" wile a MiJe of IJtt; ciue-.tiMii. J be coiist-miriice was. that . I V dintirr tim It a t'ood d'al a-liani- 1 1 e. of lm-elf,.nd grieved for the pan. he;tiin-ii, tl biyui of the times whirl, pro knew In, h,,-ly words had oeea-iom-d. !d..c, t ) be fatal to the .,..-,-,. of his l',, .- ; It vtim ,n th., better stat, of mind that ! cheri-h-d Aholitio.. Sel,e,t- a.,1 t, hi, o",, , Mr. ...klemau returned Lome. J he l,ou-e , 1,,04 (,f political prr motioti, and deemin - aeemed Mill as he entered. As he proeeed- : j, ll0 ll;.t.r saf(. or jt ,0 ti,;ri,," ed up -turi, he heard the children. VO.e.-, , ,, hi,- bi , aul l.ttle uliain-,- he cou-id-p.tehed to alow key in the nursery. Hej,r, it ,KI:t,ty t , ,,,, itfJ tllc r; , then l.-t-ned, but could n-t hear the tones ,j,11c;f. -J Wl. .,,.,, u ,i.Mll,i,..lllt si .,7 of j.li w lit N, he passed li.lo the eh.i.nUr Tlc re-o. anizat ion of the .i U i,i - , a, t V "7 1,1 .' l" .-e ... ... i. .e ivni. n p-rcriv- ; - .1 1. .. a i :. :r . ... i .1 . 1 1 n .,..c was n-ou.1.0 neu. jier eyes were cio-eo, mn ner tl.ll. lookea ; , so ple am id der.tli.lilc t i it Mr inkleiuau 1 f.-lt . cold -'w-' I. -.- creep tl.r.'ir'h hi lr t 'liniii t - t i (.1 "Ni-!c lie leaned ..ver ait. and lo.M.-d down tij d nil i w In tl - r i .-...d If. !t a i he mw tn a'. - re-piri.tion t " I -. rv ! ' l.c Ill-t.-llitlv lie ni her. At Iir-t wa- ;e ri j'I y .r-:i. Led nr not ; ' av w-il:t r. iin.v. 1 when; lust rose a.. I fell in I'.:- ble in a l-.w tender vuici' nii M iI ey. lids parted, and I Mrs. U iukl, maii r:aci up int., the hu-baud s j fjee in j.irtial bev. i..l. rmeiil. tt.. i.,.- tii,, moiiu-nt impulse, Mr. Win- j klemau bent d.,wn and left a ki-s upon ler j p.'f l.ps. A- moved by an eleetiie thrill I... u . I.. .1 . - - .1.1.1... m nm.- - mini te.e uuuij ...juiiu l.ie Hus band s neck. i " I am sorry to find you m ill," .aid Mr. U inkli In mi in w voice ot n mpalhy. " What is I he matter V ..." '" y ,u':,"l";"p. "'!'" ..... i , i , i it .- . i li li.klciuau. liut 1 tc c had a good sleep. I didu't know it was aud feci better uow niai, .... ddc.i, ner tue cLan'eil tli.i- ; .-, , jtviie-ed class," and artuc- that It. and a look of concern coming iuto her the tii-tei.ee of such a people under a l!e cunteuanc.'. "I m afraid your dinner is ! publicuu form of f.ncn.ii.c..t is fatal to its not ready," and she attempted to ri-e. li.it conuuuai.ee, and ti.at it oueht to he done her l.u-baiid bore be. gently back with Lis! away with, if we would preserve our ii.-ti-Land, aayiiitr. ! tut.uns and our iibe.l.es intact anJ ui.iiu- " Never iniiid aboutdinuer. It will coiin; j, aired. He says: in pood lime. If you fed better, lie per-! "Think it not Mfau-e or extravagant fectly quiet, (lave you suffered mu.-l. pain ! ' j tth,.u 1 SM that an Aristocracy ha- aiiculy "e.'' '1 he word did not pass her lip-i ri,.. l...r.. .,,.1 i. U I v. . l. r,. nadly, but came will, a softly wreathed mtia. Already the hue ot her cheeks a, !" I"c 10 "'' tint, ami tl,e .lull eyes bri'litiiii..'. What a healing j.ower wan It. his tender tones and con.-idtrate words. And that ki-, it had tbii'.led led lonir every nerve -it had been as nectar to the drooping spirit. " I f. el so much bel- .i.i i ,,. tii ur in a. I win pt up, sno auueu, now r..--; ing from her pillow. And Mrs. W inklenian was entirely free irom pain. , ,-i.a Mi pprd upon Hi" Car- pet, and moved across tt.u .oom, it w, with firm l rend. F.v. ry muscle was elastic. and the blood leaped along her veins with a licw and In r Mup.i.se. v iiil;!eu.i n s path nee iu in store f r I. no. In a 1! .'.on. ueio. 1 ti.e iaiiniy ; ace at llic l.iL.e so tr ni- No trial of Mr. a l..te dium r a few minute, the I aud he look hi- I i ill iu mn. -I, that be almost wondered at the (-halve in his leelins. Mow different ' i ho scene Irom that presented at the moi uuii nn i.l 1 And there was power in a few simple word, t; clbcl so great a cl.ati.'e as this; Ye-, in simple words, fragrant with the odors of klioliir-. A few eh am- of liht shone into the mind of Mr W inkle man, as he returned inu-ing lo hi other, and he saw that he wa, often .11 r .. 1 I . I . I .... . . , 10 nuii.c mr me ci .uu, u.ai ur.iheuca so ( aU(, 1 1, o us-.-i 1 1 .1 citizen- who avail llicin- often over the sky of home. L ives of this peculiar indulgence, and tlio-e " Mary is fooli.-b," he 'tid, iU l'-" ' ,,ro,,.ctl.d by the laws of the States, c-i.-ti- a.df ju-iilicatiin, "to take my words so Ii(o a j, r , vij,.. ..j ,,(.,,,. Thev tc-s much to heart. I speak often ll,,uut 1 theiii-elvrs to be such a cia-, when thev meaning half what 1 say. She ought lo ; j,.,;.,,,, the system of slavery as a pecu- know me Letter. And yd," he added, as ' 1ll:.t ution.'' hi, step became slower, for he wa" thinking; ,e 1((kt M,,.m!u ,w t, ,, .pirit more rlo-elv than 11-ual, " it may be ea-ier 1 of tjrt r,.vo0,iulllirj. w,is adverse to for me to choose my words carefully, and ;M(.h a j.vilegcd da-"," as he maintains reprc the unkindn,-, of tone that give- i iSjuliKr slaveholders are -that, at lie lln ui a dounie lore. , Mian lor ner 10 iie.jj feeling pniii at lln-ir utterance. Kig'it, "ii-. ' 'iiik'eman! That i" the Common ,-t.i-e of the vvliohi matter. It is ca.-iel not to stii!, ', than lo In lp feeling, or showing signs of uiii, uu I r the inllietioii of a nlovv. J...o well to your a.mls, all ye in. n.bi rs of r In ine circle. And espe cially 1" k we., ii your word", ye whose woi '-, Lave lie... weight, and tall, dealt in pu.-sion, Witii the hcavl-'-t force. S i ai-i niMi Sunns. I have be. n in the habit, for several years, of making and us- t .1 . .. 1. ....I ,lii.r.f.ir. i,.. m ..rent i.elll Ol si.ueu. i.ie. feel as if I imvlit to know somethin about ll.e best way of preparing it. For six iliuts I take four lublrspooiisl.il ot nour ii in b sutVieieiit uuaiiilty ot d water - , - ... nmL.. n smooth caste : then put 111 our - i , ii ' , f large spoonful of salt, and add one pint ol boiling water This makes the shirts much SEWARD ON THE STUMP. I Senator Seward somewhat against his! custom, baa takcu tlie Mump in No. York, i V I . i ..r .i.- i i i. i - i i- .- '" ' " u.acit ncpuDiican anil- i f -, j mo vein em. i.e inauc a two hours .beech at A!h., n LVi.U, W, .r.., i,r,,,tl,ed lml,: , i , " , 1 J "P"1' l"a.t breathed nothing but treason , to the Constitution and the Union, and the ; most fiendish hostility to the South and .Southern ,, ,ituii0,,s. As remarked ly the lleralii, " there must be something in I lie ;,irl , ,.,,,,, ,, I, . v. u -r i I i . . f , """V ' 1 f rd aLui.doiiS moment Li axorite poliey of he- cr u r nrt n ni.,1 i.r. ,iu- .....i ... i - "e- -T. hm: .Hi I .11. Ill I lie U- ble, l,is p.licy has been to keep o.it of hams Wily 15ut iru,OIjt u,,ltP,tmli ,( uu. abator take the field: hU ,t:,k,, a.e di ;rt;ctly iuVoved in thu cont,,tt and there i U, ..r .1.. - . . .1. f'ritic ui;UUL Ul 1 U II'MI L. 'J'lii.-i. we fcu- r.fi t I, t1 Inn. r,- .. I, I.,, 1..,. 1.. I ' .. . :. .1 - imjimii; uiiiv;ii jim t: 111 l ii' t-.ti kJiM 1 11 1 iA v,., 1- ..t n... . ,. 11... at the .oith upon a l.a.-i- of n.-.ti nui j 1 1 1. - cm,,.., and th.-ir -xi,r.-s-eJ .1 1 ' 1 IMIi it. .1. to .,.,.,,.,. seelionaii-m and f.-ini-,,. in all their form has r. tui bed the .'i.uaniiiiit y f the arch ait:itor, mid caused him to crawl out fr jin his hiding' jlaec, and make a deierate att-mpt to bol-ler up the fa!l- iii' fortunes of him -eif anil Lis cause. We H .;:it that tin- Vari-jiji n:..m l.ieiil.s of a Iri- lioi.al cLaraeter hieh have leci-titiy uiat.i- le.-ted themselves in several of the Northern Stales have animated the friends of the r. : , i .... ... . i . ,! r,i,. p,,,,.;,!,..,! i. iiion ai.u me uusiiiu.loli Willi le w Holies. e fear and depres Abolition fanatic" t.-er iitive ..en :.l main li. in Del or- ..jljn ; ,ie of tle and ii.ecndiarie". 'I 'he i ,1... V,,. i.... . ni.. . r KillJi4,. il,,..,,,,, properly, and tin ie-u. i; be suc, as vv ., ;(1;n j .... . . - ' t l.d will heartily rejoice over The speech of Senator is-win 1 i- .,nly a repetition and leh.-.-h of w but he La" lr" ijueiitiy disgusted the country wilh before, lie orT. rs unthiier uen- l.nt f..i.f..i.t Iiu.. self witl.reitcral.il.' hi, old threadbare no i Uious about the equality of all nieu and all races. He calls the slaveholders of the the II. tiubiie. Au Ari.-K.cr.iev could not ,v iu MIiy country, where iliere wa- no p, jx jj,.;,(.d cla-s and no si eeial f ..nidation special u hieh such a cla las., could pcniiat.i'iitly iand. t'ntlie Contrary, every state, how a-icicr Kei.uldicau its eoi.-M'itlun may be. is ,,.r,. e, ! ,in. ri.t..,-. i..-c ..r"r !... cr if u has a privilc .' d 1'l.is stall In." tit in- Jv nn end urmg special foun la'ion, and if 'that class is continually ;.... in.' .-tioi.eer trouer, and the unpri-il. Jc I el i--es i "row iiu' w eaker and weaker It is not at al! es.-i ..:i'.l to a privilege .1 e'lt-s that it rest on feudal tciurcs, or ou inillt-.i v ..iniiiai.d or on eceiesia-tical authority, or that its rights be hei- ilit ary , or cx utli it !t be ili-tinui.-h-ed by tit e- uf I. )uo:'. It may be even the ii. ore itiiii:tous and the more d meroii" fir lacking all these tl.iliL's, be-au-e it will be Je-s obnoxious lo popular hostility. "A privileged class has cxi-t I in this country lion, an early period of its sittle ni. nt. Slav, holders constitute that cla-". I In y have a special fotiinlati in on which to stand, namely, personal doiiiiiiion over slaves. Conscience and poiijy turbid all men alike troin hoLl nt.' slave-, but sunn- cit izi us disregard the nouin-tion Some .. f the States enforce the inhibit ati.oi ; other St-ttes :g''et or rcf.i-e to eiifurce it. In each of the Slate", there are ti.iec hundred pi riod of the revolution both America and Europe were firmly and earnestly engaged prosecuting what was expected to be a speedy, complete, aud universal a', ilttionof African slavery that, attliat lime, S uith ern slave-holdci s theui-rlves admitted that slavery, as a permanent sy stein, w as inde fensible, and favored it, removal an I that then they only asked for some securities against a sudden, rash, aud violent removal of the evil, lie then points to il.e prov iions of the Constitution, which cont 11:1 guaran ties of the slave property of the South, and says such concessions would nevtr have been made by Northern men at that tin , '''ut ,l,r '''c conviction among theni ihatthe Sout hern Mates themselves would soon, without federal interference take prompt steps to abolish slavery from their mid-t. All this, and much more, he says, which ho has heretofore repeated a I lions', n ' times, liut even Iho wicked and wily intellect of William H. Seward is unequal lo the task, we trust, of organizing a great scclioual party who.-e sole object is the prostration of the South and the destruction of the I iiion. We know tho lilack Republican movement is formidable both iu the iiuml er of its ad herents and advocate, and their quality. Ucrkless from principle, unscrupulous iu their tactic", and indomitable in their per atverauec, they have it iu thtir power to ac- coinplish much lniscbief by aowinp the seeds I of discord and alienation between the North and the South, and keeping up that system of perpetual irritation, wLich destroy the peace of the country, retards legislation, mid ; constantly 0iens before us that fearful abjss of I)isunioii, from which patiiuts and good men of nil sections shrink with unuitei able fear and trru.hlit.fr. liut not wiih-taiidiug all this, we have luith that the ' sober se cond thought'' of a inajorily of evtu the Northern picple will yet rally to the rescue of the ( 'on-titut: on aud the Union, and save them from the late to which Abolitionism, iu its madness ..ud iN fury, wouitl con-i);ii theni. There i , we b ;l:v,. .-'imugh cuu-seieni-e, enoiih .' ot i ,;lS7ii'.',- t-uc.h-of the spirit of genuine nationuiily and love of liUeity periadiiif; the masse, of the North ern people to constitute an all-sullicient bul wark against the frantie a-sault-i which Abolitionism and S'jUardi.Mii are inukine upon our institutions and our rights. If ii. this we are ii.i.sUken, luen the sad story i. soontold. The Union becomes n thiii!.' nt the past; and its separate fragments' like kindred estranged, will be to each other ir reconcilable and warring enemies. In conclusion, there is one feature of Mr. Seward's speech, which we commend t . the special attention of Southern 1 einocrnt". It is that w herein i.e denounces the American 1'arty with eitranrdinary zest and vim calling it " prescriptive and opposed to the pi iin ipl.'S of universal eijoality.'' When it U recollected that Sout hern 1 luoerats have uiii'oimly alleged that the Auoliciohi-U of (lie N'ottli were th- special friends and al lies of the American party, it will sound a lillle singular t j hear the great and anoint ed leader of the Abolition ho-ts denouncing said party. j!ut so it i-', we call particular attention to the significant fact. hi:uuuid ti ". l'rrmt the y.'i inmi il ( Ya,) l)isntih. l'I iil.visu Tin: l':-t . H is funny to hear the coinpLecnt and dogmatic manner iu which sundry politicians of tiie North and South talk of dissolving the Union. They speak of the matter, a- if it were one of the easiest things iu the world, aud as if f' coi. Id do .t. 'ILcy imagine that tiny hold the destinies of this vast Kt public iu the hollow of their hand. They have but to open their mouth in a nullifying Congres sional harangue or an elaborate revolution ary newspaper article, and, presto, the Uni on is blown into a thousand li agmeiits ! Tin y take no account of any other moral forces and elements iu this great country than those of au omnibus load of Catiline-:, wi, , even if each had a power for ruiu as strung us hi, will, would not be able to dis place il.e smallest none ID t!.e vast temple of tim Aineiicau Confederacy. Out-ide of this knot of dL-coiitei.tcd aud aspir ing nun lb'S an immense body of the An.tiican people, as unmoved and indiffer ent to the I'.iu.ie w hirlwiuda w hu ll rage in t!u contracted miuda of a few uulii.'ier.-, as the Ocean i" to a teutop. Kefoie one solitary link can be broken iu the chain which unites our glorious baud of Kcpubhcau States, the American l'Kid'tE must be cou-ulte 1 the mighty millions of farmer-, mechanics, and tradesmen, the laboring at.l producing cl .-.-es, the men who have inter . t- i be af fccti'd by a charge of Government, and who have not the most rcu.ot. intention of permitting those interests to ie tampered with without iioii knowledge au-1 roii.-ent. WiieiiiVer the I niou is di-so! ; ol ly Con files'1. The lVop'.e will unmake as tie y made the (io.emmt.iit. It w.t.- thtir wo;k ; tl.ey hi.iit it up; it is eousecruied by their bio 1 : all their e.ini.ly tr-.-a-ar. s are di pos ited in it. 1' pel. I e.p -it: it, they have autho ri.ed no in, n, ot tet f men, t idier in Con-gre-s or oot of it, uin-cly or i .directly, to puH dow n that structure. 1 !. ,1 U a wo.k thev reserve for thcmielves. IIki. ns cf a Fit em m I'm sate. The selmotier Pirector, of Seituale, i" now dis charging al Long wharf sonic eighteen or twiiity old iron guns w hieh were taken from the sunken wreck of the Fntuli frigate liien F iisant " or (i j 1 wi.l sunk in 17A-, at tl.c time of the attack of the Eng lish upon the Fiei.ch at Loui-1 urg. to pre vent her falling into the hands f the Eng lish. The gin.", which varied iti weight from one aud-a-haif t j four and a li all' tons, were taken up by the submarine armor of Mes-rs. I-Mwin Otis A Co., of Srituate. Mass. Among other things raised w js ,1 piece of one of the floor timber-, which sided I"1 by oli inel.es. The lbrector will r.turn lo the .-pot where the wreck lies to secure more of the remains. Jlmltm J'ott. Thc New Yoi k Times state- that the lion. MN, Muriay, Maid of lUniorti tv n . n Vie loi ia. who has be en travo King in tl.i- country for son.c two ye n.-, will publish a book on this country in whi.lt she will take decided ground iu favor d' the institutions of the South and that ;l ivi.y is a blessing I i the ne.r i. It li.is be the i ;.-e, vv- have only to av that Miss M nii.y , e; n.ioi.s eoii.ii.le with in.'.ii v other ti. inking, dispassionate per sons who have recently given the subject a con-idci ation. The belief that the po-itio:: of the t.egro ut the South is a natural and a proper one is gaining ground every day. and it i" only by u gross i x.iggi raliou d its a-bu-'.t that any public sentiment has ever been create J against it. A". .j'uy L. ... Ukavy Snow S roitv. We w. rs yesterday i shown a lctt. r, dated Cherry Valley, I'.'lh ! instant, in which i' was stated, that tin" e- j veiling previous (Thin-day) tin y were vis- ited by a severe snow storm wiiich broke ! down trees and fences, and resulted in doing i other damage. Trees laden with fruit suf- j fered the most. The snow that fell was wet j and heavy, an I the storm extended for acv era! miles. M'ati;t .b : s. Laiuie Caiuio f Wheat ami Fi.vh u. N'kvv Yoiik, (Ictober I I, The clipper ship Adelaide, f.oiu Sail Francisco, arrived here to day willi a cargo of 40,000 bushel, of Wheat and lJ.ir.cy, and 1 ,000 LLls. of Flour. A HOnillliLK Al'T'AIU. V., ; he was enticed by one of these a',..li- In Kichmond, Va., on Tuesday night cf " whogut as far as Viiginia last week, two negro men di.-appearud from' ul,tl t,l, ,l! ""hi the negro making of)' bun their owners, and were supposed to have vl(- J '"''") dissatistied, started run away. Iu Triday night, one of them j k ''"' uU,il Uaroiina, w as arrested and le-appi'iired l.elr.re his ma-iter in reat agi tation, and informed him that they hud been enticed awny by a Northern while man named Francis Aubouriue, who had arrived in I'ichinoiid three or four weeks ago, and who persuaded them, against their will, to let In u. carry them off to the North iu his brothers vessel, then lying at Kich mond. For this they were to pay 75 rich. He taok thcni ou Tucday liijiht, to a house which he had rented, iu the -ii story of .. i.:..i. I...' i,. ... r. .!.. I...1. ...iicu e nejii .ue.u f.i.eiuoy lotlvei. cd pa -s a i.'e 8C TOSS Ill 1 1 ll Sou II I . J I.l" par- stayiug with them himself at night, and cur- i ,v w as U!JI(.r ,l0 ,.onim, ( Mr. Jirooks, rying them their lood. Ou Thursday night, j tjrst &fi)Ct.r ot' t)P expedition. He was :.e Carter, one of the negroes, (who had p.-itd j Compaiii.;d by Mr. U il-ou and other vol his 8;.. ol "passage money 'liayli.-, the! unt(.rs. l,urig their travel thev found ..tber negro, havniL' paid but a few dollars,) t!,0 itl, t0It,let,.lv impcuetr.ibl.., ' and a1 complained r.t sickness, and requested the MI0.lV (lilt at la,t swept wildly over the w hue man to procure him some medicine. 1 flwi .,,! i t. Iui,,t a j,,. fl 01 I He went out and hi ought a mixture which t1(J otth, the tlicrmwueter, to their .lis he administered to Carter, who iu a few mo- m.,y , unk ,0 fiity-M-veii degrees below zero, incuts commenced having spasms, and very Human nature could not support the lerri- ' ,0011 died. 'Ihe man directed liayH.-." tOiblecold. Four ol the paitv, ineludin" Mr. help him cairy the body tithe cellar. '1 his i JJrUoks and Mr. Wil-on, were pio'rat,d accoinplishcd, the murderer took a knife. ;,(, frKei. feet, and with great dillicultv and cut and gashed the body in a horrible ,1,,.. f tR.ir oompanioii, after encounter- , manner, telling l!ayh,s he had been a pity- jIljr ,,re.lt suffering reached the ship and Mtian, uud wished to observe the effect of nmJullCe,l t,u tonditiou of their comrade.,. the drug upon the system. The next ntorii- ! Their ehautvs of being rescued seemed ex- 1 ing, the white man told Kayli-s that he tieinely small. would go out and procure a shovel and j Ul.rL. j t1L. Ul,t 0f a wilderness bury the body in the cellar that he had 0f snow, incapable of itn.lion, protected oti rchted the premises for live years, and no y ,y a caVil..., tent, mid with no hind one would discover it. lie went accordim:- ; ,;iI iis by which their po.,ition could be ly, end liayliss- was subsequently made to Ki.ovvn. Even to drag the.-e maimed men act as grave digger and the burial was soon ould have been, under ordinary ciretim completed. The.se circumstances very liat- dances, a work of difficult v. but to the uraily alarmed Jh.yliss, who expected his 4,., j,,,, t y left a t t lie ship it seemed t0 turn would come next, lie asked the man ,u inqn.ibie. Ir. Kane, with the bold why he killed Carter, and he replied that !in(j courage which justified the warm he didu't like him much; but as for hint attachment fell toward, "him by ail under (llayii.s) he would stick by him and send his command, iu less than one hour organ- ! him to the North, where he would have a jlM a rescuing party, h aviuii on board on lucrative situation, liayliss, however, was y t10.0 wuo wore ,'.,.. .diy to receive the not satislicd ; and 011 Fiiday night, (his .. nllj started off iu the teeth of a tcr whiteiicquaiiitaiice happening to leave the ritic gale, steeling by Compass, to r.-cue key in the door,) he slipped out ; went from the .-Lflei. rs. After rnit-te. 11 hours' con- : the third to the second story, opened a win- btatlt travel, during which two of the pa.'- , dow and jumped out. ! ty fainted, npd others r. q-iire.1. to be k. t. At the ei.t.caiy of lliivliss, his ma-ter 'rolll el,'ej. by force, ihuy struck the lr.'-ll and a number of policeman wti.t to the . 0f ,,c l.,t party , anl hnully, staggerin; house, where they found the body of Carter, UIJJcr their burden", one by one p ichec: horribly gashed. Setting a watch about ; ,K, u.it( which was almost hiddcu by the the premises, they sa-.v Aubouriue enter at 4110W. . a late Lour of the ui--ht. They followed,! The scene as Ir. Kane entered the tent. and fouud that he had taken the alarm and VM aflecting beyond de-criptioii. 'i he par secreted himself in a coal house iu an ad- ty hur,t out into tears. A blubber fire was joining lot. hen they came upon hiui, he attempted to repel theni wilh a revolver anl a knife; but was safely secured. At this moment be blew a ifiautit y ol powder from his mouth into the face of one of the officer, from which that officer felt a disa creoalle sensation. On his way to prison he admitted that he killed Carter, and said pl;u., d ou "sludge" and dragged along by he had done a very fooli-h thing. He also , their companions, Ir. Kane w alked in ad apologized for blowing the powder ioto the ; vauee, and picking the track. Cold of the officer's face, and tjld him to dun!; utmost severity again overtook them. Kon- '.',"'.Cr' wllitU W""1J prevent any injury, sail and Melton, and (vcuthe Esquimaux This advice the officer Very prudently de-. boy Hence, sunk upon the suow with sleep, cllned. i t, w-i" only by force that thev were aroused Shortly after arriving at the cage, the pri-oncr was seized with the most horrible spa-Ill: wl. leu succee led other with fearful l.iptoity, and before any medical' a-sistauce could be procured, he was dead I lie had, u ul reared, swallowed a large I 1 dj-e of f 1 if It 1. 1 n , and it wa the dea lly poi-on that he had the watch in all's face, lliu.- ti, a portion of pull. into ' '-'r by his own act. and with all hi. sius upon him, went to meet his helpless victim iu ah - other world. ling party. Two of the number died of ''The murder of ('inter (says th Ilieh-1 their injuries, and two ether- un.L r.v. lit 11. oud Whig, from whose detailed account au. put .tiou, who are now le.-t. red to per we have coiniciised the above particulars.) fed hcahii. The Coleiition of the-e wl... was an unprovoked, cold-blooded act, ud dragged tho sick, was most lain, ntalde. the geueral belief is that he wo Id nave Their memory for a time was ciitir-.:.' gone. ma'ie way with liayli.sjin the same manner, had uot his escape frustrated the plan. The public must form their owu opinion of hi ulterior design. That he contemplated aid ing the escape of the negroes is controvert ed Ly the murder of one of them ; and the .d.iv", but afterwards they entirely recovci -only conclusion we can arrive at is that he ed, aud the party under l'r. Kane started merely wished to secure their uioury, and three weeks alterwards and resumed their then get rid of them by the shortest pos.-i- labors in the held. ble method. No one seems to know any Intrepidity like thi-, ha" ucver been sur thing of the murderer'., previous history, '' passed. It is spoken of w ith emotion, even although a woman testified at the inquest now by the stoutest hearts iu ti.e cxpuli thal he came to her hou-e and stated that lion. he was from New York; that he had rc-1 ceiitly clandestinely married a lady in the: , :.: 1 1, . 1 .1 . . l:i. ... .1 .! iMiusii i lovniees, ami mat. w nne on me i tl,j to Ca'it. 1'. N. li. graham, l A. in way to New York they were overtaken and , ew yor;;' rrcrlitly, as a te-tim snial of re the lady was rallied Lack. The w ltue-s sped and appreciation of bi conduct ill the . I . . 1.1 . , I . a- . 1 e . .. j. ... . ' 1 . . . - . ai-o i a leu niai .v unoui ine oiieicn uei -ami, : i- i... ...... i . . .!... t. :.; i. i..s. :. 11 she woUid gfl to tne j.iltl.-l. 110vll.ee aud induce the lady to toine hither; and that she saw ill hi, p. is-c.-.-ion two 'l;"s which be said contained .-trvchl.ine, will which he said he would end 1.,- life, if he wa" convinced that he would never again sic her upon whom his athctijns were ceil-' trcd." ! This horrible affair produced the n o-t intense cxeilciiu Id iu lltchiiiot.d and crowd" of persons lloei.id lo see the dead bodies Aubouriue' was a carver and designer ly tla ie, and had worked a short time at his Irade iu Kicliiiiond. lie had hired the house for the purpose of establishing a res- ' laiiraiit, a., he said. He told the negroes that the plan was a safe one; that tl.ey woul.l be lae-i I en hi- broil, i ;',. v.-s-el co I'h'gr-Jay ri -hi, aud would be in no dan ger, a, sail Vessels were lie er searched. j The Petersburg Express says: There can be l.itle doubt that the luui'der. r w.-i-the agent of a Northern society, sent to the South for the luirrose of sediicim? no-jro . . . in vc s to rsciire from servitude. from servitude, and that ilo. b, in... i. oiled hv him. under the nr. text ot being designed lor a restaurant, was ic ally to serve as a rendezvous for runaways where they might be secreted, until an op portunity for e-eapc was presented.'' And the Fxpress cites the case of II! o -vius now iu the irgiuia peuitentiarv, con victed under similar circumstances as the agent of a society cf wouieu at orceMcr, ,.,,, : Another case in pomt negro belong- ing to Dr. Crawford, of Lancaster C. IU, S C , is now in jail at King & Queen C. 11. put III jail. IVotu thf A. )'. J'nUtm of Cot ntti'': Till: KANT-: 1 -M'KI't 1 1 N TIJK1LL-: INu AD KNTlT'.i:. , Some of the cpi.-oi'i:. eneoin.tered during I'r. Kane's search, have wild interest At one time it became iieei s.s.iry to scud a fa- tigue puny with piovi-ioii.s, to a,si-t ti e In:. ill tinctv lllkder 1).'. Ivs.u. in 1111 nlleiiitl. 1 J . . .. ' 1 ty imtnediately built, peiiimicau cooked, and the party ate for the fir.-t time alter leav ing the vessel. Ice was also incited, tin v , ),.,; t 10 t.it., lime without- drink. Worn out a.- they were, but four hours were illovved tor the halt. J he maimed ot the f, ,.zeii i.artv were sowed tin in IsufTalo robes and made to proceed, as tne com scciiicii to have destroyed all conception of danger. large bear met on their way, was forta- natch' scared oil' by l'r. Kane, ly the s pie waving of his hand. Tin v reached the 1 aft. r a w all; of .ing tin ir cotu- jxty-lwo hour-, still drag p.llllO I iV hi thelll, but inset..- lr. Hayes, ti.e intelligent .surgeon of the ship. frou 0111 whom we obtain tl.c paitit-u.aM ci . t,is fearful adventure, received the return- and the ship, in the n.id-t of ...utteii ? dc- liriuin, reseiiiblec a hospital. The surgeon and one remaining, attendant were in s He charge of the ship. Ill this state of .-eiui- maitiii the sick remained for two or tine. 05?" v l,;itidsot..e coll nodal w-.n 1. resell- . . . i,.,v 0 Sm VI mv. on the ocea-l.di ot the rescue .. J .... . ... . , , . ot Kosta. I lie lace ol tlie medal wnieii was massive and richly chased, represents a boat bearing figures from the quays ot a seaport. the American vessel in the tort-ground and the Austrian ships in the distance. The (iodde.-s of l.ibeitv occupied the centre im mediately above this scene. Sui rounding both was the in-cii; tion, ' lo you ehn.n the protection of the United State- ': Then ou shall have it !" lleiovv the sei l.ie irnpr. --ion was the legi ml, " Civ i! a:id lieligio i, Lih iitv," and " Ii.gt;ili..iii Sn.yivi. July l-o.")." (-n the ivnT-e side of tin- model was it design in lilicf, n presei.ting .1 half globe su. mounted by the Ainerieau ca.Ie, rajpid with rays of light, and be low t... li.e Word-. "Ma-s i i"!i''g if '.i" Ui.i.. I Pel.. Hi. oies Ol NfvV York to Caj t. lul.c.n. N. IngraLam, S, pt -' -'. -V,." Ci t. Iiigr.iliain's n ply upon t' e rer, p tioo of los. l.i.dal wa- !:i. f a.id hiodtst. Pu t t.t vi'.n IK." cf Glass It is cunous .. ... ... .1 .: ... Met n. science mar gia .. s.-e- u.e amen of all arid- except the fluoric ; it loses li .th in ' irr weight fv Use or age ; ii i more ble than ail other substances of reciiving the highest degree of polish ; jf un ited sev eral times over and propi rly cooled in the, furnace, receiving a poii-h which ahiio-t li- ; vals the diamond iu brilliancy. It is capa ble of receiving the richc-t color, produced . Irom gold or oilier liieiaiiic coloring, anu will retain the original bniliuiicv of hue for . . . .u- i i ages. Medals, too, imbedded in g.a.-s, cau be made to retain forever their original pu rity and appcarauce. &A.'yjl-Jt roiti k; m hs. 'J , Itgriijihftt for On Sunlit Cardihian. One. -i-K li.ler I'oin ll.uoix; AUKIVAI. Of i: .'It: St Al'RI. Halifax, Oct. 01. The -learner Africa has arrived, with Li verpool dates of October 1 H. 1 lie allies were active on ihe Danube. .Scbast'ipol w a" quiet. 'J ho 1! -is-iaiis 011 tho norih side are continuing their work" of de fence, and throwing a stray .-hot occasion ally at ihe south side. Kars slill holds out. A slight ntl'iir had occurred Hear Ktl toch, terminating in famr of the allies. The allies were thrciitcuing 1'eri kop, ami the boiiibarduicut of Idcssa by the fleet W as expected. The allied fleet was before Ode""a. Tho paper- say that the I'm Litis had withdrawn from the north side of Scbastopol toward, the lleibeck, leaving only a few to defend the folt. The Czar was at Nicolaeff attending a Council of War. The French were conecnti ating men and munitions of war at Silistria. Au Au.-triau ciicular says that though l'russia is aj lib city to act as mediator, the present is not the proper time, and ihatthe Western Pow ers inti-t I-llovv up their advantage and uot treat with Kussia till she i., expelled from tin- rin.c.-i. The J!u iau had defeated the Turks in Asia, with a loss of -lUd killed. Ali l'a.-ha was taken prisoner. The garrison at Kara was reduced to the last extremity. Omar i'a-ha was ad v aiicing to raise the siege. In tin.- 1'iallic, nineteen Kussiau merchant men hud been captured. lli iiiiiark had invited a Congress of ail the Powers, ili' luililig the United States, to settle the question of lite Sound dues. The Cc-ck Mini-try had resigucd, aud a new one was to be focned. Cotton Las declined 4 a I cent, chiefly on fair uplands and lower grades. Sale, of the yi.Oot) bales, including ."i.OUO to specu lators and exporters. Fair Oileaus tid , middling 5js'd. ; fair Mobile 'Ud., middling 5 7 Kid.; fair uplands (id., middling 5gd. Flour ha., advanced Is , aud wheat 3d. Corn active and ut. changed. Caual flour -lis. Ohio Us. (id. White corn 4'is. ; yel lw Id. (,,1. While wheat K's. ?d. ; red 1 ''.. l'rovi-ioiis lit m. Money tighter. Consuls 'J 1. l.'.n 11 .11.0 lMoj.1. J SI V tllUl t.t':,ll A panic- had tikcn place in the cotton market. There were more sellers than buyers, and dim'. The mark, t, however, dosed steady, as the bank rate of interest had uot been increased. VEI1Y IMPORTANT FROM JAPAN. The schooner C. F. Foote, Capt. Worth, arrived at San Francisco on the 17th ultimo, from Japan, by the way of the Ludrone Island-. She left Ilakodadi, Japan, ou tho "7th of June. Among the pa,.-engrrs was II. II. 1'oty, E-q., who was bearer of des patches from Admiral Pontiatiue to the Rus sian Coii-ui there, and to whom we ar iu debted for the following information. La-t May, the Russian fleet, consisting of the liigate Aurora, a corvette, the Drtina "armed transport," a baik ana a brig, were discovered by tin- English iu the 1'riy of Ca.-'re, which we presume is .somewhere on th'- eoa-t of the 1-lauJ of Jeo The l!i :ti-h sti.'amer liaracouta imiiieiHeti'ly sail ed tor ll .ko.ladi to couimuiiieute with tim English Admiral, while two frigates were left to bloi kade the fort until they should be reinforced by ti.e remainder of the fleet of the East India or Chinese station. Shortly afterwards the English fleet made its ap pearance off Ca.-tre. A thick fog set ill at this time, which completely enveloped the harbor and coast. The fog cleared off, a , learner was s, nt iu towards the Lay to re connoitie, but the bird had flown. During the fog, the Ku--iiin vessels managed to es cape unseen. Enteiiug the harbor, the English captured a quantity of stores, a da gucrp.ty pc, a lady s bracelet and a ward robe, winch had been left by the RussiaUS , -i 1 11 on I heir nun led departure. news i late, and of considerable im- poit.ii.ee to ll.ose who have occu calculating o.i a large trade with Japan. The Imperial liovtii.or of Simola has issued a proclama tion, wiiich denies the right of Americans to live iu Japan, except in cases cf ship wieck or ili-iic.-s. None of the passenger of the. Foot., were permitted to laud and 'live on -bore ut II ikodaui. The m ws is important iu three other p.-ints of v lew : I. The French were negotiating a treaty with the J opane-e, at N.mg'isaki. J. The Eug!i-h treaty had not been ratifi ed, though it wa.- In po-sessioii of Admiral Stirling, who intended to exchange it, after having tii.i.-bed the little wolk be hud ou hand at tin' nm th. .'(. Admiral l'onliatine. Mini-tcr Plenipo tentiary on the part ol llussia, has just cou cliiliei a treaty with Japan. The Unite 1 State'- surveying squadron VinccLi.is Feioni'irc ','oe er and steamer Hancock vveie at iu.cd:i and Ilakodadi in June, ahd -ailed t -r H, I. ring's Straits. I i.e P. o p .i-e has in t been heard from. 1 l.c United States ship Vunduiia, w as tit Guam, La, Irene Islands, and sailcu for Hongkong July '.''.'; ail wcl'. '1 l.c uio.-a.ity among children at ti e La lii 'iie l-biiids Lad. been very greal during tin months of April to .l-.lv, inclii-ivc. About lour hundred have 1 ie:i carried off hv the vv hooping eoi.g h. Tho w haleships rep o t unusual urcc. The United Slate- Con.-ul at (iua.n is still awaiting for hi, cX' quitter. He is not per initted lo Lui-t Lis flag until it is received. The London News has a genealogical sketch, proving that Louis Napoleon u cou-iu of Queeu X'ietoiia. V L jr

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