i ; i . 4 . 1 ti i f Fmm ihe Liverpool T tnes. BLACK AND W1IITF LUtOR. Tlie Lomlon Tim-a ennUins a very sig nificant communication, which is raised by the editor of that paper to the dignity of liia own leader type, and it hnss this im posing heailiti : ' I fee by the last ad vices Hint Sir Henry liaikly is about to re turn home for the sake of his health. If tlie (Jovernment could lie induced to replace Iiiin hy the Itev. (J. Hi miiiiii and if that reve rend gentlemen would enforce hi views of the respective d uties of employer and laborer I us vigorously nnionst the iicqrocs as lie lip-1 pears to he rloin' uinotii'-t hN own parishi- j filers, we venture to say that in a couple of. years Jamaica, would double her crop."! This .iivonry epistle is sijued, " Muscji a- 1 Jo," and it combines a happy iiu with a I liioiirnful fact, i The writer is evidently a shrewd fellow, j lid the reference to the deplorable want of I labor in Jamaica, and its superfluity in Knlatid, induces the introduction of tin! name of a clergyman who has lien promi nently before the public during the last few dy, for an act which cannot fail tJ pro duce a marked sensation in the West In dies. Two nun named Collin have been committed by thi clerical magistrate to. hard labor for fourteen day in the j til of j Chelmsford, because they bit tln-ir woik in I the fb'ld to witne. a military review in tiie j neighborhood. These men, agricultural la-j borers, had (riven notice previously. I Ju c thev intended to he present at this review, ' and on the day of its occurrence they were : at tlu ir vork an hour niiJ-slm'f before the uual time, in ordci to compensate for the loss in which their absence would put t lit i r . employer. This f o cC,ouy;l.i did hut save tbeiii. The considerate compl linant w ant - j ud to secure hi bay in the field ; he knew that in Knlnid the . 'einet't are fickle ; that ; & fail of rain, which would impair its vaiue, could not be averted in compliment to u grand military review, and the poor men pail the penalty fur their love of si-i,t-scc-ing by beini; sentenced to the treadmill for a couple of weeks. S -me lo. mane person, ! made a representation of the cii Tuui-tance to the Home I tflice ; but Sir lieotje tirey! vsry coolly rt p ie 1 that ' lie could sec no) utiilicient ground for interfering with the' prisoner-' i-enu nre.1' I This i t lie law in l'nland law admin istered by a minister of religion, and en domed by h. r in-i:y' S.-i-riti.rv of State for the II i:d 1 j .: :-tuvlit. If tlie i.ffnders, instead ol hav in.-: v h'tu skins, had the coed fortune t I'.- ' .... with ttirlv head- and fl.t no.-, the jia'pit of every conventicle in happy l.'an i. w anil have run.' with, denunciation of tlie base and brutal wronu : to which t!n y had been -u'jected A white laborer who act-in the vay we hr.ve de scribe 1 a Inr l wot kit i ind i a- K.i : li-hman, with a hit.'..- family and -inuli weans, who ri.-es early and retires to rest ', lal, who tiros indi.T rci.'iy, because he is indifferet.t'y pail, is thus tualel in one of, of the freest an ! tna-t c jn-it iti ipa' couti-, tries in the world, lint lj'k at his sable ri-, al iu the Isles of the West, handsomely remunerated for his ItSt, well cared for, a freeman, w lu cnu indulge with impunity in the hereditary lazier"- of his race; and the contrast must induce t':i- poor Kuro pean to cuco his hard fate that h was born with a white -kin, and a ro-etite compel-; ion. that he has the mi-fort me to be countryman of l'acoii, of Shak-pcare, of, We'iini-tnii aud other celeb j itie-, who have, .'arcely indu-iK-ed the ce-ttine- ot manhunt; that the Legislature w hich make- hi- law-, I acts iu this unfeeling manner toward- I. 'in, while be Vends the only commodity by ' which he lives the labor of his hands ; and that the l'rl,' a man aud a brudder," can leave his labor in the tropic- wlifii he likes. can refrain fir any b ntli of time, and at his pbasute from i;athritig the fruitf ct the earth. cau nun, in a wtini, the soil which he cucumber.-, and i privi leged f do all tiii- bteau-e he i po--es-i l of that feturdy kebc- of indej ei.denee and the immunitj" from puiii-hm. ut which m dcru reCneinent atid eiviliz-iti on havi- (. in ferred upou th- happy de-e- n latit- of I! itn. Certainly, the I'.ev tieorje 1! ma itij- i the tuan for the West Indie-, me! r Cort tiray ought, as .Mj-eovado .-u.e-t- tj award him promotion in that iil-i'.-tvd por tion of the JJriti-b po--.l-.-:-,:j;. (,. wo.!d be liii-t.T of the F:t;ati.rj. e!;.pli,i;. -,l'v the ri.'ht man in the rijht p'ac. pre-um'tij ' always ibat hn sternness tw:ird a wl.it Fkin was j:ot relaxed iu thvi prc-it.c-j of a black but. Cish paid for Hides. f JtHK in-ii.-.i pri.-.c .uii t'.ir IIII'K in f.!, M 3 Ht4jTh Sv-Jlh Ol lil f' tl'.l' ; a, M. 1IMWKLL. U-t. 3j, 1-5... t.'M I. O. C). r wiiir; ;kand i. u..k. i. u. o k. of n ,r,. Jl (' .rttii t.i, i...; u ,i -i,i,ui t -iuittauK i- tiit, lit i! tu i ti I i-ii, . . 1 ... it I . It.iif f i, .'t;.i .n N -uetii t r lit a I, b iii I : ( 'J'-' it r t , v muul::. t jNon.HI.. 1 li'MH tf l."t.tv. , !i U Ii 'i Jr. ii alt pi ct ,tt titit V. TllO- N tAi'.liNKH, C.n,..( -.. 't. s i, i-:..i. i4 1 i.aki.i: m:,:; Of Lmitl, Negroes, &c. HAVI.V'; qu.lifi.d . i. . .i-..r . li.- !.-t ill 'I i .(.i in- Ii! ni If K i,i, i,, , '.J , . ! M' rl. l.l. I 111 tcurl) . 1 tin! !. , . j- all.l i f.fcf'1.I.M' M. . ' . I, '-'li '.''I'l d iy ot i'.i.-iil. r m il. t .c !..i! n 3'r")" r' . z )):. Il ' k 1.1 llii-. ( nr., !u iV Mitt p, Ira 'nf. i: n.i iViii: i r, A l-af .',' ..1 : "J, M z-A l.'j-i-l Wo.. WJ, 1 Cc 1 J.'i'ii-i. j 'hi i,. iiiii ''', JItji ' ( hti'i'it r : a ui r , ii I .'i!y "I 'ttiltf(t Isilllttl fi'. 'w. iw'f JI",t .f Tunril iL' JnijJiii'iiti, 'J I 'ii.-, it uld Wt M, ', 9 likely egro35 r i..k1 ii of no ii, w "tot u mi,.; t : I 'jr- ; , htni yt,m ; tu thr C. ) ( ' W'Jll it'f . w hu h i f. ,.r it . r i.i,tin. ; ..U... 20 than . m th' .. tutu Wud ll. AUv, .t th iiiitt t ii.. i i . H pU i.I h W. i! t.i.l Wthmhti fittntufioH ii whivh 11 . K' mf . i ' , u v r. i i. ( 1 ,u. ii i; -U-tUl 45tf mn. n,.:f .r t. - itf ', , iMf Vi-ry a uilili J.u.ij .vfn.l ii IVwir Tun Vn rf 111 (f 'Km! fi lillf, A If", wt tl.t I . t it 1 i ijir ii!.:-; ji' - r i , in Hi y t H r .i rt icli v 1mi t Oiou . i , , ilf , . .. n i iii in j - ii i n, in in re ii-tw l.i ii 'i . . 1! it arlt.at), M'Otljj J1 Wilt tU JIM M'. AU i....,r m .iiiTi ti j iiii'iir the j f.i..j in .: ti tl.tt RU'iiu i 1m f or Mt -i in Km., v. t. itb, fv ok ut tlK' JsUtf HIlJ Will i' V Hi i f.iu;,i,i 0 -ir- .'. A-tl t i continue from tiav to rf-iy, unlit all d. J crtoa known mi ! i v of t,tlr. U. 11 K1NU. iUftttur. lt V3. tj8 VY..iV. t Vl llhiM Till Till II Tllllllll Illll I U I IU V-tll UWUtl UHllll. a CHARLOTTE: Tiii'mIii v, Or toller ol). IS.ii. T!iuiik2hiii2. Thiir-.J.iv It-t vjsvliMiu'ii very euirru'ly by .iur tit.i i. a us a d.iy ot J !i..l,k-eivil.i;. St1 Mr. Iliwtli'a m'vi rti-. n vnl. lie lisa some fill. Wiiik t'li hand nli.i ail tt I.h ttemre I'lPlip. ply tin loselvi a Willi ulll.Iin 111 lilh lll.c Cau i:-ll t.ll hull. Cnuid LiiMou cf the Sous cf Ti inprranff. 'I'mj. b..tiy iuiitimiktil i i.nim. l wtuit in tin j.lapt , mi "I ut miuy t-t lUPi; TI.e uU nJuix v tit' I !ti' t ttmtt a it l.Hiet nnx ih1 U rr, i u-. rai bt in kept auav y iii'tiopitifii, .imh-ii tl uuiitit f .if IV. I t in s , w liu t were ill tfl l' hi'.ir, as hm r.mit n tin abtv ol' ll.e c-.nfr uT irmjM r.uu-f li;tu lu..; u u ii r linn a rrwi oi" oi:iuir-,i. .Mr L'.ift-v wn ni..o tijncUii 1-ut ithl imt r.Mli lute. Ii .! n i tt-u tli.t he ttill .iy tiiis .-LtifHi i.j li.c St. tic u vi.-il fcliitrt !y. On UhIiumUij, : until ri.t-.iiJ, I tie li!ltiuiiij 0;Uctr wen ckt-kJ Ur titc iiiMiiHj; yt'iir, tz : r.-t-f. R. s rKlv'I,lN(, it' sr(cnlrt, W. I'. I ..!. U . 11- .Mt !;M.Ni S.MiU.ti. Id, . A. a. M c; K m ., -r H-h, s. r. U. M. .h iii.n.N, ol Ai-HM..i,rc, ... T. J. li. AUKV, of l avauiiu, t;. r. j. M .t i-h.-H. ttr, s. Uc.. I". J. tAKUAWAV, vN.f. iViitVrcncr) C. ('. At n;i'lil,tin i.r.ii"' pjvi-.'.n ii.irriml hi pro. CiMtdl, Iu t if M-.iiiilll t'iiUrcii, M lit Tt', lii'lif pr.tvt.r .ti u id ii 1 , lit-.- u uiiiL-iit't- wis iu!.lrvfrtj hy tin iJcv. .'. li. Vtf I, w hu pi mt oil.' ot his h ir.jtu c -, i ll' i t. 'm ' p-iii liit hutin inf i.i i. n; ti by J. is r umt n u ! '.l.- t-i wit m uuhk r. A.Vr .Mr. Ik kt t c--i;i . ,.u. ... U.t lit . T. J. t i r- iv, 1 1 , i i r .n J i .. ; ..tin, .ii,i,rt?Mti lii- .. U'-n-nct. Hi r ?", lil'hi.ti.;!. it .id n t .ilflinil i ili.rr Villi w it 4T hu mor, it :.M'i ht !-tu l.i i .ii it n-r in !n C'Uiti.o. h, t!i Ii, Jf . It Illit !y iUiiiii 1 .iHU Y.:ti Wilt Uit Thurfii y i'.iy. ( i J Ihvii-n liiift i rj .i, j r T' . : n .vi Yi l . . rJ . . 1 l";i,;rili, : i : ':'. Sttf.!! ; ii. I.v p . ri .it:. .:r- . A- il i : n tu U t j ut-iic w t- M..iil At i .i I i v. Mr. Vt hut rt-, of M-- Vfti'I. , i. H-jfa t iMm' t i I'.t' ..Ul.!.,bl't W-.l- ll'.tVll) It t ui-c: -.-, in n A. li'-rin-tj, driiiti Srrir'f ttfiCiiitij nut. I !.;. en, by i-.n uiiiy r-i:i..r?, risttT-ti the a u.jn n re t-t yovd lmnir. lit' n Imtirs t t-y V?g1 , V Vitne gt..i '.i.i.i'i, ;.(-.: tlu.t w.n, ..ft li.- y s i yt. ji g u n n.r( luv V--r .ti('jii ! lor C...li-U;t.ll (r Cl-'.i--, tti fcllJM.rt ;h.-t -ff."..t il, n' nun wroi.j;, 4itti In rtj"u in run liirir drnt- itt re jf ft r ti.rt.'ii li j ug iuiiiilL . Tlie ii.wx.iiz lit 1 nt.otm wi re nn ; nimoily adst'cij !y ilic Givr.i. lJ. :r-u u U jure il adciurri. tin tit : It$j?ri, Tint f'M. itmrVtii cf 0 f-.-int! I.) v;. i n .iff t limit r.' v uiji', ..nj an- ftert-i-v unnertu, ti f fi' . ii i i h..r I- r tin ir j; - i.t rut" in -p-' ' ' ' -It Mt rl o I'.c lii'-IMit r Ol (lie ft-:fu- ' hi S .ii,urii'ii will) ftit'in. Hi j, 'J':t l..4u'. i. of linn fir Divi. ion ar- ft ;h t liui ly ln-;tri(J tr( iiiv J'rustt tu nf Hit .M"i: .1-1 i lurch fr tin- ne nf ti t ,r ft ifjrt tor puts' it: mt tiitft ; to tin' M ".;: Jr.. I in 1 1 v if-r tm.- us, of ti.- if H .li ; tu ti.e C'iiarl..tt xl.t,ti. iJioU t tin i r it:ui!t il i ii l r t ;i ii. ni it t . jiwi in tSc - r' ;.t !i ...r'l.u t wf - r i-ii-- iij 1 h j.-rt-n- t,i . h ( i In- i ',r t.d i . iMi n a : i,. If r.. ttvrfi, '1 ,,;:t tin- Ililiililllt'Mifi tii.tfil-ti ct llilP Gri i ii.M:.n ! !ni.:irui J. A. .. r. Kj.t !'rti;ri' i-r i ' " .tt,!. t'a Ilr lrl," f:! ),i ;r ( r,', r. ! iifiM. j I ti.e liin.!er n(" tfi.n trIl'i L).v;hji on t'' tr f.rI nrriv.j u ( li. rh.itr. Jr'tir'l 'I it-it r. o! t tu- f A U t iotifc tt i ij r-M, r. ... '. tin- -ti , x ji .tj n.. u. i ii4rniir m1 i It f f f : . - ', fi ' Hrt- li - J it th. I?i 'ul of t'..s i' ik' Ji.- i-.fi .srt j ml ur-' i.- r N y It ii!;' r '.. ( 'rut in; I . t' t 'i( A - r ii-l ifi'-r tt Jt-r l.tt ir c-jij.-it iti" tl ntion tO U;- tjr-I.J I S U.'i!!. Tiif ti-x :ofi to It Ut I ':.. tttV.iJf oil isiQ !t li.ti... ni Iv. ij.i t r, j I.Lrtl.iry. V'"r in ! r-t.:r. i tli. l ti.f '! j; oi M;. I.. .Sj-rnit,'-,i tn!f iff, W . a .f t r. o;"ii infill, hy c-ii.e p- r"l or jH.r- ri m!' f,t uiwn fI u ; r, ho hm S t.'K ttJii'-i, 1:1 !y r-.,t ;it 0 IiO i:tin. t r; - it Ct i:ij'i;nl ti wt ti.,!-, M : r'-liiol (t.e M . . r u ttt :.: red, and !u- U -I.- ) t a:.d v. cjfriLiJ oil, in j.ca-j! nlii i. i ur r, ito;ii i ii lit. I ha yt?ltnrn iii.--L. 'I i.i- Si "P tiit--r ti i v jinni'if U a nj.itiA V.ii,f.lt IK Jt j-liklit tj t.iiui l ali Jii. 'I'.n; i ji-- v ,s i at..- li.c I'ur v. i,.- o w.i !';iiiit. -..ji i u I ' tu :un-, ,,,-( . . i i, ... (j !,; tj. j , i .1 tf Jj- l.'t i.til ti.-. ! (ji.t r.i.-' rt -J i . in'1 H J t ii j; iiit S' j - ii rt ," t.tj p.. i in 1. 1, ni i.t'l. I Ti.t :t f- l f. i'-r t fM-,1. ' !:. ;i . ; lit ! V aMItf ' V w-- r-' r ' ' .ii;;- t .ur..:,i... t, ;. - 1 n.,tj, ttn- ',: ti.i a--w a .,i j.i .1 1 i j .-1. pr .n ji- -i,1 1 1 1 , i l.-w -ty k i r f J ji - ij i . i ,iiid uin'A n it- r . Tv , ui.t,i. j is !. r --r i. t ii.-. r.-u n:t r:r tut- I intuuMj'.i , j jifi li ii - , : i. .'i , . J j!. i., t t . - . ;, , ;, j-. f i-iAfnn u. ...1. .. 1 -J Ui,iu('....i ,i '.i-U. A r -'n ' , ii. our -iilit';'.i 'h , v. r i.' . ,i ... .i no; !. - r ii -l--'- -i. :t tj to in- J,-t v. ..i ;,, . .t it r t.y ir-1, r : t;nt w !. in . i,:) :..r.- t. lo Uup it.a-V. i. ' ot I-.- ;;:v..l oi... -r.tt ... tt . t . U-il our ' t of ii . , - ii. iy i - tun.. ' t ' A i !'-' O i ' 1, ' I. , ,Hr! II, .'! -t m L:ii li. . .j ; : - .'r t f -, , t . ; . ; . - t . f , I ; . r- , . . M., 1., . l.i' .-. r , . ... ! ' t If- ' I I . tt . y v. . . r i ' ,,i. :,;r ;f .i 5 1. ; i v f , '. !,,': t r U r, ..i.t v. .t ; .. : o 'v . t"- n. . ;.wf.v. . t,,, , , . .. i.-.n ;,. . r, (J.(. ' n i - ix :i .i ! ii .1 ii t lr . ! v r I In o-. I. .k ;r...- ! J o ii. - if .. y v. . y- i:. . - ,, t. . y 1 ii - ' m- I. - I a i i. t j.ot t ..i . ..- . i. t .f.-. I' i- ' i -. ti,.. l v ' ; " " - f . '' ' ' ' I I' f '.'! -I.d t . O i I..- t ;,.; L-.h! .h . t. v - ni I v r a ' ,1 ('it'..; i.t. !3u t it i - ' t. n o ;:.!. t : r i. .o.. to r . i . v j I ., : j I.. ism 1 1.. r it. '!;!,-.! - . l.. -:.. n J r,.., t, j;, , tiSli- til .'ISi'i'- I I ' I.,- , t ), ! - ft td XT U. . 1 l i iu i f , t u. 1 v .- Tin r,. i.l.y ,j, i ,. ,r (i;i,.' . "mil t,n iSrtjftt ' l if , 1 H. ..l.r. !l ,; ot , I-" ', i' ''f to. If. .. i f ,W 1. il. M' . ;.fl Hp'-y '!.! ' U-l 1 t J . n tt - I o. ! t , , .f t iM it i j tfi.,' tt .I'l li-(,i!,'i tto . "i . II V f i.jjlitiiiii,,:,, .i - r.i..ofi ol t i r t oi. lo t kl o, i-li I, k ifit.i-1 jt r f ii iii' ii '. ! y in t i . i i otjii. ir y A; . I 'n, i oo 'j Ht , p ut' fc'.r ne ,. u- o t- u , tiul ;t i ttnif tt f iPm ,ti tl.e ioi,!1, .i j,.; 1 f c j, ; iivi.' I Louoal lo aha;: I. r it. J ttr !..r,f iittle doul.' t-ut tb t! t,.,t i tnintit jus. --o .11' . A 5' . t. . .t a I . I.. :. i ,11 lias iroiesl'.i n Milt;, ws u.iu iwiuwi "''jt . . ,. , , lr:,o ,v bv . vcrv iei.rof steia ulrcudy l i l.i li, and revive Willi new intiii- ally llic uld aversion I iw..r; mrangera. , Eurillfilll TMiIp. i Tin-l ist nevva lYum Kiirw i far more i ntcr- istini; to u ik it licars upon cmniiicrce, tli.m aa it r, ni-iTii I lie nr. inner t cjt tlie vv;:r. The lj tt--r are iii l et, nt M all elmnee.l, unless perlmps in ti,. ,i,nii .i. ..f the tew who supposed i!..,t .m. vie r. er-r wuul.l lir. ..k the apirii .f the H uaaiana, ...r tliat a smjle aiice-s would a.,t,t'v the iiinhi. ii n tit" tlit .VI it 0. Wi- know ma that tiilur par- llii countrv. Tlit-rr ins uioti tin It uik of Kng l.niil and Krir.fc Invchud thr t tfrt l t'tfli.ikc pub lie run t,d t net iu tin nation il nee tin lit, und hre likflf t" intrrHc d;t!i' ii!tM') in tin- way of coil Irartinj m w lu.mi. Tiiun far, tltt-y niity tifiVtt indiri'ttlv iKe ift rat ion nf ihettur. Tlu y mil ol.n tt ml to forco Anorir.Mi tuctintu u;op the ui.irt.rl ;.t rtdin'td r-iti. (tut tin- wor.t ri pult' i tin' f ni rnl utiKt lthiit of t'onfitlunci. an unca- V M1 It'ro.w III U'tTIUl 111 IMi' lOIIKJH UI IMt'lI, , , . p: llir. Siii-Ii it !-! i up M t iKfi), at the last sccoiiutt., on llit- t vt t-f lirt jkuij; toflll III l rmcr. A t!i tivirn. (V, to the .. I uc tit at least tiity tin ns in dollir!, in .iiliniltcd in the yt-jr prftiiut of bniM.tutf. uc tit rir leu cy ic a ttt ml I. n,i..iit iii..ii mi .x.-,i,ii,iSiy irki t. Syiiiit..ms of ii. si.cra. it r i nytii I niuuey t'"Vt- lrio;y begun in l;ow th. in-i lvr? I' tnrildt- popuhr rnci and thro. . w..u-li ihe troihM -.t dt r-p.iiKtu i fl n iinjitiiriit to mipprcss. A nil miw we I vc Iho iiMjrancc that thr Krtnrh I ivcrillliellt ll.is dt ti-rniiiuti, cokt ttlui u IIK.T, tliat tl.e jm-ii'c shl:ll I i.i c I In .ip lire.ul. It is, we ilmil't ti. t, i wic d. ti riiiiii..li.in hut it snnjilv a. iikuuiils lo tills, that the n.tiiini sli.ill he t.etl, in eri'er tli..t tlie iii.ili- nuy tic IViJ. It will ...id an u'.i"T ;ui: a ii..y it-... li tin- ., i-mi.ul..tuiu uf lit i.t t'.i..i l-a ..t'.. i.ueij tl.e I'.iM. r li a .r. Tin t '-r. rs ol' h'r nc-c urc ctjlliv.itiiij; the liiirvr.t of i:i..t'i III the t'rniie.i. n. :.. lu!. ut, tin II of any .jilti-tn-ll nt' p. ace. It la ii-rl in t!i 1 Ihe pri.-ea nt tire...:i.:utra ami pro v i .:hi.s wiil l.i su.l.i ii eci u t a li.tr u.nee t li r -u i; li tins M' i.i.n, .. ji I , iiu il v ci i trt in tl.jt th. -.iv. re ne'ion i.;' tin- ll inli.i.l linl.'UliJ lilel I r.llilf, will te;i.J t i i.'i prf s. .ill ..'.her u.-t.ele of cuirillli rce, ex. ce( l M,t !i as ilii-eei.y aai'.!y the ln-et.aitu-a uf t..e K ,r. - -'.s-s.-aa - I ror.i uu," ( orrrvpuiulriiK Ch ;rle-tou, Oct. '-'1, 1 """..J. The pu t san; truly wb-n he slid " this is a world ot change;'' I don't invaii silver chsn.-e, for the in -iiey market is a little tul.t jut now, but the change of every thin,: chaiiable brio.-alh the Sun. I.avt wctk we wore shivi-riti with a most whoksome and biacipej autuuiti atmosphere. It drove a w ay the tnhiit and lasssitude of the sum mer solstice, and added elasticity to the limb4, and new lif and buoyancy lo the tlie treaty. 1 tie J.ilimii e nave reanv inane .great inn nuui'iiinervi ciievv, uui ii'iunui n ..-! v.. ...uu. e... , - ... . .11 i,-(l.ni I r.,,..,..i,. , and have ,l.-uarted'widel fru,n not indicate a fpecdv clo.-e of the war. The ! hie state of things. I exh.hit.on, but we , mw no .nbcl or t Mil. C.- Mtv. I . . - . ..... :.. nf v...t,.v- J,, nnr murk. ws limit, d I I In instead of C0III2 to their lueetlllg WCIlt W ACII1M.HY , AC, Jill VIUUI ..U. 3e ne,r,i,..,.H,e.. vu-un. ... Ku. - "-, . . - . ; -i ,: " ., J", Tf :,, ' Tl.renhinf mac lines and fi.u mills wero ex- SGlI . t ier roue. s-inns, mid Had Hum mrwnru in me u.ot.-, o. f ...... ... j ... . .- . - r .. t T i l,iriw nf Ieilderon : r ,;..,..,... is, ..... ... dis, .lie,,, with buyer., and ranging from to cents. ' vain that he was told that the Su tan was, h.b.ted by J. M. lJan.es ol II n.l , In ..- I....L . I.. ....... el i.,r ,1 lli.il all r.ii.ai.l. rl.- Ilierelu lo.H I one t.- eline,. nrnr lis ronlelit-.'. Cll tO tie t.reCK IlltrUrCtl as a SUinclelll; ..Hiieiiiou, men in,. ,e,,...l..u Ions .,r, t'.e end of w Inch i, to ; and can express mvself ltoCother plea-ed guaranty of the priv ileges of that church. Ox frd ; Pr. . U .11 . t, Jf Davi dsoi. ; nd he ,1,.- po.-,sie. of rosl. , ;,v Kra nee, ! ith it, I am now reading .1 Jlti,t of On the -1st he left Coii-t intinople protest- J. M. J ovvles, of J.a cigl,. I lie mo-t ol and of a c. r..,i M ml of lt,n..a.i hv'lli,, ' t hy John Proueham, which I can re- ing. that if that firu.au was found to inval- these had harrows nl.o ol various kinds but ,..ercc..,..v.. ci.ts in i.nl Jcoin. -n.iuvl.d to lovers of sarcasm, wit and h- idate any of the priv ile,es ol the orthodox Clod Hoi crs, by low S K g f r I, n i ed,, e !y n.tere.t for The chapters entitled. " evenings at religion, it would be considered au act ol Corn aud seed dnlls, I.) K. Muela.r, ol spirits. l.ut this week we seem aaiti to that by tradition un j by treaty he had a be thrown Inch info t.o mid-t of .1 ''ays, ; special riht tj d- so, a. tlie natural defcti ... i V,. iy,x ..I.. J r trt Un-ih : H. r of i Ioj fj-jli, mid if We arc 1 1 belie w- Lis au almost tropical Sun. 'I he heat, bonrv- oft repeated word, he felt it his duty so s.--cr. was somewbat moderated yesterday hy cure and eitt-nd its priiileps. a libt ah -w.-r, the first we have had f.ji a- J While the Fret '"li w. r- pressing upon the bout six weeks. j I'otte, ihe affair of the Holy I'i iee., the The business jcjon ha now fully open- : Ciar rvflVtvca to ti e Suit in his assistance iu ed, with mo-t aispieiois indication of unu- ; rep-llinj the incr-ice o! the French, soul activity iu the fall and winter trade. ; The orii-vatie of the Uo nian chri-tains 'J be entire exemption of our city from dis-'were redressed ly the l'ort.-. and n niol-ea-c of every kind, and the increased facil- crate course was j iir-jr toward" tbe M in ities of :ieee.s both by land and water, will tele rt in. Still tl.e ( z irwas not cati-fifd. throw it to tlie lap of 0'ir populous and 1 lie si tit Prince .M.-ncbikolf, atf. nde l bv a throwing Metropolis au iiumen-e amount of ion;: train of -eie nils and admirals lo t'on trade and travel from all parts of the coun- Mantinnple bo n-ade known bi t:ii-ion on try. I have oft-n b! -re, took oeca-ioti to the -'-'nd of March. l-."i.'t, bv Hernnndin.' te-tice, in favorable terms this commercial a Senate or con v. t.iion which .-IkmiM pin moveun iits of our city, and lo cat! attention, antei; the privib-.s and iinmui ities of t!. '.t 0, lent perlo-i-. to t!o.-pro-peft ipei.iiii; belore our ii.eicanlilu c nt ; rr.i ise bv our ero in.-coi.tii ttiotis ith the broad and fi.-r- tile vali.ysof tiie West. Our v-t of Coiiiin tji.i-. -a'l&ti may be eonsi i,. ere-1 as l.ut III (liel.- t.I -t stages of pro re-u t -, in actual arid am russ, and yet the i-ntic figures af- lord thr bt-t or-jir.ents in favor of all meas ures iii-ce-s.ary to kei r. tin and extend thu CohlH-ctlOIis praiii and Iu tl.e iri.p ortat.t art'u-li flour, t!,. re hns 1 o n, not i:iere:i -c lor s. tilii", but en) : r a lsr'e and im W l.'.i II il.'lic'lt-.-s the Ino-t of only a cr-.-iwinj v iilii'i the pre.-pu'-ive advance r.voraV.lc results a i.d v l.ii.h airea-lv had the i i'-.-et of t-tabli-l.ii ti. -w line, and marts for own ex pir's. lo-l, for.;. n ;,nd eo-i-tsvi-e. The n. ost -'-t.-:i.cii!2 and pratifyinj illustra-ion of the iiiovi.tio t.'s to i,ie, J refer, may I f fi'Jtid in 'be follow in brh f tttrm.-t.t wliicb I have ol-t-iiui-d fr a "Tirce altoet'u'.r n hal lo iiml tru-t-w orthy. i fis r ah . i t vi: .rnivr-fT ()f CntfftH. r.'o.it und I'lniir ifrtir.fi ut ( l. ri 'rnlon l.y l.'.r Simlh I tiT'ilinn lint Iti.uil. Ir-rin t;i 1 t nf Ju.ij lu l..r -.i.A ut tlrt..i..T, Is.'.:, lst.il an. I .i.i. l-.".:t. I-', I. l li'i''-'t- - - i '.:.;i 7 '.i-i r- Ili.ni . i.r on. . . :.':i-7 i 1 'eel I'l.'.nt liiffiia 1 h.iir, . . l',:ij :J-,-?i7 'Ihe 'o'iit r-f t.'oiiiiir n Plea, and (i.-ne-rr.i S.---ion . for ( 'l.srh-.toi, i.trict.-ominen-led ii- l.i term on Moii iay la-t, iii llon- r J-idfi.- '.lover pr-sidin, who i. on l.i l;r-t tour of d.jty ; nnd our new h rilf J. 1'.. Carew, who al-o om-'iate f-.r tl.e tir-t liui It. I! I e for. -tr. - in the r.iurt of S.-.-ion. The S.-s-i ,!, iti t is liKi i to he a l.'-:i v v otie, -t- tiier IiO Ie-. i ban tl,i, . toindi r ca-i s to -o be the i.r.-ind Jury, le.-ides iiunn rvn ca of ii. .-i! iii.-anor ;i,ce tl.e ii. -part,. re of I he CSmpb. U Mill-i-. we Lai.- (.no very l.tilf in the way of mini I" il.i nts except lie- 'I hentre, which is crowd. -d ei.-y in.'lit. by tho-e who l ive to -i e i, ti.irr-r hi-l-i op to nature, an I bf" in :- ' ,t- hai.u.jr j ',ii-e. . proiiue. il ii'.oti the M-.s F-ii.i.j Morant i- th" -tar in c hi ci v. nd ( i raitau I 'a w - -on in tr.-. z iy.- 'I h. al is lid l!,e id -sc..;,.- t. i i I ra w ,1 ii.oicati-oi.. tl,.,, Itt-ihie and far, bftii ii i in la .-i a - ,n !,- II ol a pr I' Cr S I' .-tor of Trinity en. , a set moil ,,,:-!.. II..- Il Mr. on Si.nd-.y l-.-i in i a !. ! V. or noijl pn ai.il orphans of tho w oil:, a t.d : t tl.e -1 I' i lion i' a. tak i-ii op do.ltr-. I'. -a, t p.-eae .If of raiiiiuao-d lo r., nnd ihe w i Io-as e who have d ie 1 i n the -: of the -i-r-, ice a coi w l.ii I. amount,-'! to I o ,e n,o-t t i i rb.i and seat ii- cha roy w a. pi. ae,e I to rn.oii I ever Ie aid, and . i ci aw !i d ehiii ' li in the Honors mo-t eloquent and li py vein. collecting forei a in li,-sar:ibia ami at debus He i. -iv. n up to be the best n r . .jinZ'-r of tophi in at tieip.it ion of a rupture, any denoirinatioti that we have in Charles- j I t.te i;.id-t of ail thee thin, th- aeti .-, ton, or perhaps I u.i-ht s.y, in the St ate, ' of tin; Tur'.i-h -. .-riiui. nl w is dini!i -d mi l or in the South. ; manly. After the fir-t r-j-ctio of Me, !,i i n... I ..II II... ' : i.. r.. v'Vi lenvvu auuic 1 u I i lie. I eve mi hi . o ov The fall of S.-bn.-t inol seems not toha.v had ; Iiterarv eirrlea liv the aioiearance ot 11 work 'entitled Kosr Mil,,,,, written bv a Charles- ! Ionian, and propo-. s to represent the statu !0f Chailestou soei.ty among the upper ten, ' s010 twenty venrs 'since. It sketches tlie ; character, talents and personal appearance 1 .f umo.. .1... t ... ..... ..f . I, ... day, such as llii 'h Legare, Kobt. V. : tlayno, James Hamilton and others. A crit- ie who is thorou.'hly versed in literature says that the hook po-se-ses rare merit, both as . ' . . : a bwtoncal ntid httTary prohu-rion. Umve our club, ana " Utxnanoo and licalttv nro !..,.,.). l. . : ,- ;,,!.,,....',.., Tt ratl.cr au uncouili'Ca"nd uriinvitin'.r ,, " ll ik. t of f.iir, lmt still it i 11 lti .iI book for tin idle hour. It i innile up of 01KI ami e mis of every tiling, and is written in j a pity lively, -tvlc that run never tin. j'a.akiii.'t rm'.$ me that 1 heiii'J 'a few iloyssinee Irotu a vonli.lrtitial fiiiml, tbat our fellow town-uinn, novelet, hitori- ; a 11 w' ! an aud pot, . (ji.iiioiv tiiiM ireinir- for the pre.- a work eonipt Uin the hi lory of Charleston from its i.iili.it Ketth--I ineiit, up to the pri".piit time, illu-trati- l ith eut.-of all the piihlii; Luil lilies. S-uch RKoik j from .ueh a pen, van not fit; to tnei-t the sue- cess t but its mem wi.l deserve. r;inins li , w,jtt01l a ?,x.at (leal of t wa.l.llo, a Cn at ileal !0f i.bbut amidst the rubbish may be , f0 J some j.m'Uis of tin.' lir.t w:itor. ur t.-,t v j.(l y protul of Umf and Vi-II rlv I'.'iV j be, ftr hu U Iho only author l-v pru!'usiti. th:it we cat! loat ; ho has Won his Iruf. Is, t wi'll, and iii v ho weur t!uin loin: i the wih Ot one who has read his works with t kasnre aud pro.it. unil'V TI1K FAST FUN Ql'FSTI' iN. Ntwi'iN Oct. 1!), Wio We have ha-ti!y traced the relation be tween I!u-aia and Turkey up to the com-uiehCt-iiielit ot t!'e iiliieuilies wliieli j.'ae rise to the present war. Smuc on-r Mo years ao a rtiflieuity aro-e at Jeru-alein, between the lireek ami Uouii-h chureln-s in reirivd to the custody of certain of thu Holy l'iue--. The two paun-s were supported iu t'.n ir (jiarrel by 1 1 u i :i ale! France a- protectors. In fact it was more a matter of di-pute be tween those two pow. rs and one in wi..i i. Turkey was interested only us bein tlie sovi ri ij;ii power of the country . These rittr.culti.-4 wi re tlloiiiy settled by the l'orb- iu a maimer ucko owiude l by both pojers tj be satisfai lory. At the sati.e time certain wrote.'. I s i beenrlo-.-- the Creek el l iin- in li'-ni.i, and th.- Turks were at war wiiii the M m tenegrii.. who also profe-s the :i o;e ti;th. These circumstances ju titied the t'zir. in his ow n opinion, in deuiau iin of the Turk ish '0vei mi. -ut formal guarantee, ot the rights of tin- reek church. lie claimed lireek Church. lie demand was r. pe'i'.-d on the '.".Hb cf Ahi i -I il -.'a in oil the .") h the as-crtioti that, a of May, coupled with lon.-r flilay than tn days upon him piiint ii obii -h Ii-.-ls OUHl llhposfl At the same time he had con i o 1 1- I ir. aa in-ultiii.' m in ner towards tie- Turkish officer of state, which caused that f jim t: uiary to r--in. On the I'lth of May, t he I'm ki-h r;ov. crniiicr.t, tempt t nr. ly . it brtnly refu'. d to enter into this cmciitiou, ascrtiii it wil- Unfiles to mak" any ri-a-onable coiiec-ioiis in regard to the l.'-oy I'lac;-. since that a. t would not in pair its sovereignty, that it al ways coir-idere'l it a duty to t-oii nt iin the n.-hts of its (,'hristaui subject-; lmt that it could not enter itoany cii.'jiiiiiii with at y power wbic'i wo-il I impair its sovereign rights, meh as a Kn.-ian pioteetorale over tie; lireek chri.-t iin- w uld be. it was the same as it lrai.ee sh vu! 1 deiinn l a proti c toratf: over the I 'atholii s in 1 1 i - country, an act entirely fuhver.-ivc of national sovc reiu'if y. In the mean time timbas.ai or of Ii:i 'and and Frati' - arrived nt Con-taiitinople. Their four" so m- at fir-t to have b -en un certain, ami le t altogether trie from c-n-siirc. JtiJii-d tl.e r w hole ciur-e ins like that of p.tilaiit ifiiardi jus. Two .arues ra'cl in the fipit.il, on-coin. ri-in.' tii" lar ger part of the Turki-ii p-op!,.- in l'.uo of war, w bii.li t l.v I'i .-in-ii mil iji-nee i-iiconi a ; ii; another wiii.-h tiie Kn.-ii-h tnii.i-t r iiill i i-ncr .1, were in f nor of peace even at a ..-.-rili'-e. That iib-a hati.'s lik- a of tie ba'anc- of tioai-r, w flow over Kuroj .., and un ! r ho-.- bllln fi oi 1 1 . 11 nree I.ol ii jii-l:e: a r. .1 ' -n to i t.rt -ti s-'icrifi. e I, v- as tl.e ri-ht. have guiditi' j-o was ni t I'i a f 'ii t i e-i of the W. .' a- a liati tin r, that tern p i. r. It ii, bu- '1 uih'i'V as was the ob'vet of their s'o.;-;r ;.e T o ru i rve t he r f aci of Kurope, or in OUT of U--lioti-m, other won- the statu they were w'.iliu to con-tra'n ill! Talks t i make c i.e. .-ion- beyond tli-: bound- of ri - I.t. 1 i,i-y an I th-' world have, be.-ti t,, , apt to e .- i !, r ll,.- Turk- inc-.p ib! of ,n ilnetit,.' t;,..;i t!ip;.iii.icy or d I- tt in. their territories. 'I heir i-bie nnd m.m.y St ile papers o'l tl i- s.jl j.-ct. and tin ir ea.lanf leiice of :h- I'luuoe ale a s .11;, -11- T. n f it -tion of the i !, ir.o-. In th" im antinic a confidential e- --u . :t -ti on was -j ,hj on between Nicholas and Sir ('. II. Seyii..-ir iu winch the loruier wa- eti deavoiin u -ound the tisr n- t) the pob icy of Fii.o.-ind provided tliH'-sicl; tna,, ' Tin key . lid dm on their band", mid i n dcavorui to come to -oui" oi.d.r-t.iii Iin 'n in rnicr. .vi me siiu.e time he wa - ,.n" . . .......iinnn.)! hAIn IHJ 1 ...... . 1... il.i ,lvs. 'Iho Turkish iihoouv v. - . " " . mini ters smieht ,iu interv iew with the Pi nice eplll I Hl'il I t 1 1 1 1 1 II HIHI WW'll'l aa-w Munt of the death of his mother. ' seen, on ace ! lie remained there three hours at the end of whith the Sultan gave him n brief audi- nice to inform him that his ministers Were aciiiaintcd with his intentions, In eonscijuvjueo of thu ofl'elisiv e proceed- ni.-u t lie liiiiit-ters r.isiiriied. I tn t he I f ll . or May their .Miecc-sors requested of the 1 Prince a delay of live days, but he on the I Mh gave !.!- reasons for considering his ini-.-ion terminated. On the I'Jtli they re- ... .. . .. .1 . . i PH- 'l, rrloi nn; to (No linuini ncniuy vrd'' On rlo' 'tiih n nofi' rinl:in:ilorv of the Mtuatioti of the I'otto was wnt to tl.e four powi im wlio l,a.l been parties to tlie treaty urtsi i F v til i.iiki-i wuniuiwui of l".t,flirmitiir Ihit th.y wouU maintain; HmtsKS. J he number ot tiotses wan not nil the privileges hitherto raiitcJ to Chrii-' no great as mil.t be wi.he.l ; but waacom tains, iiii.l that as thev ha l uo asMiranee that pensated for, iu aouie measure, by those cx- .... ' . - ... . I -i I :ir iiiii i not to o . he K rti leatloiis Ue- vii l t'ie liilkan wouKl Lu cxaiuiiicd uinl strenjtlieiiii'. On the Hist f outit Ness.lrotle wrote to Il.M.liii! I'li.-ha that in a few .lays the Kus si ;i n I riini.s wniil it rei-.-i vi' onli-rs lo enter the Priiu-iralitii-., " m t to make war upon a sov- iri ii'ii. who Ins nlasbeeti eon-tilereil a faithful ni mt to seelire uiat. ria! guaran- time, wbeu the t.lttomaii pov- ti.'s iinlil l). eriniuiil, animated by more t'(Uit;ible senti- im-iils shall ivc to Ku'sia ' moral tureties " which she had soujl.t in vain. On the 4th of J ine the Allied fleet, re- eeived orders to approieh tlie llardaiiclles nml soon after nnehore.l in lh sika Hay. On the I full ll.-ehid Fa-ha replied to .Vessel- role moderately yet tirni! v, reluiluliii llus- sia that her threatened invasion w is at v i- I... i- .,,..... C. 1 ..r, .f... :.,.. a ...1 . " . . . that tlie military i.reiiarati ins of the Suit an Were purely ilel. n-ive. On the ll:h of .1 uiii- a circular was n t I y eoui.t N' -elro !e to tin- l'm-si iu Minis lets :m 1 a'. hts, ii.iiifviii them of their in-t-ntion to iiivinle tin- I'riucin ilities. follow - . ed t v another on the '.'tith of July, reaf. finning the il.-i.-n nnd allei-ini: as t'he im- tiie.liafe eau-e the pr.-viH-e" of tl.e Allied Heel, at Ile-iha 11. v. .-1 limi.i.' that thev had thus t i k ti t'i tun i.tive and forced tl III to that st. p. I 'u tli- tub of JuW Nich d is issued a man ife t ,o n:s peiple, doc! 'inhibit lo- was .a kin.: tin -e sli ps, not for the sake of arrpiir in.' .vi'-it iry but lo secure, the Orthodox faith. Thi-ie the active infrf-retiec of the Al lied P.. i leave tin cr cotniiK"! :ed and here we w ill M.tJ.'Cl this Wll k. S 7 '.-. 1! . '''.i 'l SliUi'hinl. srAii; l Aii:. Tlie third iiniiiial Fair of the Airricuitn ri! Society of North Carolina, comuieticed in tins City, on Tuesday la.-t, and will close to-day, Fiiday. The number cf persons in attendance t.i cou iderably "renter than heretofore ; and In some departments ot tl.e eilul ilion, ly done. Very liand-nme knit counterpane, Mm. Iv I. I'avior, l!ab-ii.'li. Knit countei pane very fine by Mrs. Iv I 'ut ii h.-rt. Newb-rn. Iland-ome knit COiiiiti rpan-, Mrs. Henry Clark, Pill Co. Sample of j-ni and e i.-inieri from the tiictory of Carson, Youu'A (iricr,Cbar lot... V i' 'I ..i. ...ti... - L , .-- " .iifi.n s .1 11' " (11. I .1 creilit iirion the -sill of li e manufacturer. lit Up' the exhibitions ot prev i ii. yea r have be.-n surpas-ed. We prc-i nt below a li-t of some of the articles on cx hil ition. Fl.liRAI. II AT I.. I i.UTr." tj pes and anil ron p.-1 by M r. II i tens of 111 r-ll, -iiri.-h vi ry lit.- like nnd hsud-onio. Some fine dajuerri ot f -l ly J. I) Nott, of Favette- ill... Leather w ork frame an I I ird e.i'e, Mr. J C. Partri-lf, Ilal-ih. Al-o, 1 y the same la !v, tioe fin rir r t. an I muff-. AKo. sev eral piece, crotchet w -,rk. A'-., a'! rx-l!i-nt. Knit coiiiiterpiiii', l.y Mr Iv Munlay, Person. Fine coverlid, bv Mi-s Ann Man- day, Per Per-.o. Fell b. bam Co. K ni". c ' arrcn. .ii , nl icby Maltha Munday, d blanket, W. I. AnJretr, Chat- ititerpane, by Mis. Soutber'and, ' P.ed tiui'its by Mrs. Sadler. Ktl-: evil Mi-s Steef, Al-iiiiam-p Mis lloif,1 Johi'-ton Mrs. .),,,.., Irariklin Mr..' lirn.-wei!, Put, a 'piilt, the " Not th Ca ro , Una I'to-e Vine" end a eountcrp inc. ;iie' " K i-e of tiie Ptio ! ramie,1' by Mr, t iol b tr. New! . ,. I cry bants..,), curtain., knit by Mrs. Kre'l,. Ita. o-b. Also, bureau cover, by! Mr Kreth. ('ountrrp.ine, by Mrs. Harris, Franklin. lVd 'piilt, Mi-s M. A Ibavis, l.enoir ; nic hed spread, Mr. Will'miiu, Martin Two con i.t tpatie., Miss M. Johnson, Wayne. j ne Leautil'ul chair, -ilk nnd . civet patch work, by Mr.. William II!!!, Halifax. tine ea-e of tine jiiprr-irmt l,r work ho, -, iuiit basket-, wiring de-ks, .Vc.ex hii, t.d by H-t.ry I . Turner. U ah ih, and a varietj of otlu r uitit.-lcs we have not time to in i t: ,ii. t ry haii'l-ome 'ilk bed rpiilt, by Mrs. I, ;..... W. Mor.l-eai, llal-icli. r M.dicine che-i, by A O. Pradlev, Wil.' miii"toi llnr ci... of mineral teeth, I)r. I id, nt, F-iy.-ttevil!..-. I ii f iuii and c ut cae, by (' II.TIionip soii. I : i. I -i -h. AI-o, a ra.itf rich and t-l.-C'int mi r ware ru. I jew.-lry. I lo- ' ihihitor. of Iriils, will, id ie PX"ep- tion of th, Mi -r- .J Mr S W Mr T W. siii.nl samples uo 'titiotietl, were ,V O Lin.ll.y of New liarden We-thro , k-' of duildfor I ; and Aiken, of Ki tern New Vork Mr I itidifv i-xliihiied about seventv live V 11 I I ,l,,l t c.ot i-pple-, ii nd M' r. U'e-lhrook. Allien leoiil, a- many. All the-e fruit. pl'le-, p, ar- in I . line. ,-ri. superior, l,uti ii belle' f i-l. -I t' , the l.e.t tl Mt: -lAMi' . Il ll l, -Two c Hon oi. ' re . l l.it.-d, on- by .1. . t '. ni-1.-. .,f l.iii.-'...'. l.ainl one by Win. Mil.-., of N'urth a in pi on, I h. t" were three (im. carriaocs on.- by Ihhhl" Co, of Kiii-t.,11, nil.; l.y A. Me K than of Fayettt-viile, and on,; ,y ,,,t. man, Spaiks .V Co, of ii .i li-ilt . A hue two hoi ,e hu o-y, by Nel-on I'au J.try, of (irei-nv iih-, N. C. One hoi, t- huet a, very fine ones, by Potts Phelps, 0 VVIele Hall, and by Oil,, bii: A Co. We aw several other buioies. but eo ild find no ,tbi on iheiu except,' oil," and we kj t off. Hands i. tj . ' U.ii A ftii.i1tnr vmrpt.A. C AK.VIE.U B J ALU. i miiv ivwi I bleu of every description , 1 i i I ; l'Hio Irish pota.oeH, t y ol. Allen, of i a - Uooch, of (iranvillej J.M. lowles, of 1UI ideh: aud li. Sinclair, of liallimoro. A wheat fan, by J. Montgomery, !i Iho. A small cngiue, by S. Uurns & Co., 1UI eigh. Horse jvowtr for propelling nil kinds of machinery, hy J. II. Oooch, of (jrauville, , aud Juo. tiuipsoii, ol Mlanla t,ii. Smut machines by Hev. J A. NcManncii, of Orange. . . . r . Plows of various ktmls riy. J. II t.ooch, - I I' u d niiilt.i U 1( Ul IflllK A' It nf i , . , ' r Straw cuttcr, by J . U'otnhle. of Hnloih ; StafforJ, C'lnrk & lixon, of l'airinouiit j , H'eir, oi j.iuiiiiurc. , nu iie. I Live Stotk. A very scanty aupply of live stock was painfully apparent. Nor can much be aiil iu praise of the little pre sented. Cattle. Tho ttoek of cattle ilo i meagre, but incluiled some Cue upeciinens. l'llLLTUV. A tolerably L'Ood supply of poultry was Oil liilid, lucluUiiijl, however, few p-eiuiriis of our native stock- .... . : u- Pin. in 1 liern veie o'Ler Until toes OU , iiwttimi .'i Alt u .'ine ar.w. 'r,i. ui a.iJ0.,...ca .. ,c i i cmin, .C ,B,i horses wore enteied for thii match j vii : j ., r.iy ri m. .1) . r tb r.-d (,., il.i inmLU,,, 'SJ horse "Jim.' u. iiaruru , gr jy horse, " Ohj Hull," J.Ivcs; oorrel hor-e, " Hen," K. II. Khules ; sornl horse, " Oeorgo," W. C. Williams, and sorn l boo Jolm, Gorman Al-tou. I lus was a well John." Norman Al-tou. l'his was a well rouie-ieu race mm ..- .-i.-.ri.y i . 1 I I .. I W .. . ' I i 1 1 1 I ' . 1 1 " iMrat.-ni iieais. uy i. o. ie oi ....n. The celebrated nater " Jerry " ho car ried off tho tvt: la-t year, came upon the .. . . i track now, and made his time, for the Lvu efit ol the audience. P.triMl Mat. II Mile lie it. II. I. ::s.il, of Kow.m, entertd hi. jltev horse, " Sir.-py I)avid," and Junius U. vl'l.il iker, of tJoels- toro.hn bay Imisc .jyy.: l he .'la- , jor" won two Mrai.-ht heats w ithout an cf i fort. TimeeachheatM.il). It was evident that the " Mi jor "can "do ''hia mile iu ,1", 1 H'llhuut a "plank." i Hahvkss 1Iiisi:s. A ttinl of the rela- i live qualities ot trained lior-. sn., .i.ocu. , The entries were as billows : . Monr'oc (biv.T.of Ca.w.-ll, pair of greys, fi years old ; P. Hudson, uf I'. indolpli, pair of greys, 4 an 1 o years old ; H . 1 1 . 1 1 old er ne. s, of C iswell, I air of bays, ." years old : J. II. Varborough, ot Franklin, pair of biys. ) and i years obi; J. 1. Uiiiiii, ot llalilax, pair of clay banks, 3 years old; J. K Mar riott, of Il.ileirh, pair dark chestnut', 3 years old; II Lis.ll, of 'I unu, pur of cr ivs,7 an i " y. sr. n,.. '! iit -udu'es award was in favor of W. II. 'jh. 'uessn horns Tin; trial of the trai ion. ' .'tties of hoi -ea on this day was hi -hly sa . 'uctory to the spectators, auJ very creditable to the Mate. I In closing this report, it ia due to ourself 1 tt Mate, tlii.1 it y Iliac. aio tfa.!, the , are due to the great want of facilities af forded to the press. It ia somewhat strange ' that the managers cf this Fair rhould be o I blind to the importance of the press a one i of the chief ingredient of success. The j pitiable business of charging the reporter. ' cents every time liny passed in, is bad 1 enough. Uut the most j;!arin ovcr.i-.-hl, is I the total want of fieililics when on the1 , We sbo tld not h:ie been aid? to' present to our readers even the slight sketch of the r.rrfortiiancea of th- bor.ea. but for our fri.-nd, Jas.lv Tavior, K-uj , tbrouirh i who-e exertiotn we wer eeabled lo occupv a place on the stand, aft r having tnadei i.viriil futile attempts t i et there. '1 h--i judges are ex-inpled from all censure, as j tin J certainly did all in t'.eir power to aid u. Chief Marshal tieti. I.ittl.join, is entt- , tied to the thatik. of the public cr nerally. as we'll as our own. The press may j -i v 1 1 j complain of not merely a want of facility on tiiis oeca-ion, but alo an amount of ills- re-peet. It may afford, as it certainly does, t.-t t.. .f..rm ik U... n.......... ,.f ...t;.i.... 1. bor( but M(1B' ,ff.rj , ,,,. ,M Bl.lf. respect l'.EI 1'ISI l.tl. ; S, M IIOWKLL . .V' JT' r " - ".a-aV Saddle k Harness PlanufHCturer, TIIKKK Mtnlt.S hiifTII i KAIU.I.K'S IIOl T.I., ll Altl.ori i;, y.i . OIK pnlia.rilxr thankful for li e my nUnl ,.,l,..ui,!-e lit t5'e tiesiiiw .-ti ii.i.n i. im nitnic lite Ml TCi.r, hit a l.'.w lito'r m, i 1 It ti.il e .r.'t. tratlotl for tee lultire .Ittn.itii f,, .,ik li. Ina In. , let wilt to,.1. ..vor lu Itirtii-h all In.. I ni,y . w ml S ,fi,,li . i,,,tj H , ro with a an s ii,. r - tin ie 1 nt li,.- ..h .-al ...ii.li-1 rn -. Ill l. ia a, i w on limit a vera .,r-e a. a., rtio.nl nt' Sitihllis, ttriilliH, ilaiiifhn, ;iilll i v ll.-o lt jh ', j Vhlps, Buffalo Robes, Saddle CI0II13, j Skirlinz, M.itis, j Patent, Enamelled k Harness Lea'hcr, '.;. in. r wtlli ev.-ry thu,,; usually k.j lu. my ,r Of ttll-inea., 1 I All kilnla .1 1" -.!!, I sliort.t untie.... i a anil II irn. nin.lr at tin il j'lil.l'Allil.Nt; ,roiit.lly . -orut. ,1: S. M. HOWKI.L. ihl.J.n .111,1?.-,.-,. . iilt r ci A D.vu l.i ('rrtlil.ii'a,. Wa "I I Hill l'..r S .1 f 1.. ml to l.lil.lt. II. I), mall .tinl f j, sil. it, l ,r).,ll, el al. I .11 I y ! ht.. a. .... it itt.ii. ii,,i,(, it no. ne n r.t.na nisi the ra i '., i. re Iii re. tit, ol l. l. th t . .1 III II II III ll I in, line tore fne It Hi. n in-ileum. l -,.r i t,r I , , ,,l .(,. .,, ., I I. Mil. 1. 1 ,.(. K. V i ' I ...tl M . iiiirit.,irl. ll,, li..,.,. (l. "( 7 , , , iiimrtm 1 sliifp .t:ti,, . j riiio: 1 M);i(sk;.m;i, ,Vu . ,,.,y fniM.i j . 1 n itirln. i,l,i, 1,1 n(,.,M(ai I il K Lit Y AMI I'HOVISI. , y Kfs , 1 11 i.i.wi 1 1., t . lh ,. .,. M t-. l.,,,,!,,., i li. I romiiiel,.,! toi.li'r lit. 1 . , i iuvskda m.WAinis.,,,,, .i.,,hc .,,:, , alyluof 1.1)WAI!IW i 111: A f-t I hr,. JUIIN HKAItK " , , F. KinVAUPS (auradiffl, Or. IC, IK.',.',. (,,. 3,, j 3y no mtx mt9mmiajaM hbwih .nun .f11m SuiciwK In file Dnut.tr. CiiAtnEB. Mi.- Clara Ilaskins was found d..-id in her bridal chamber near Natchel, Mississippi, on g '2nd instant. After being dressed by hPr brides maids, aim requested them to rclim for a short time, and wheit they returned they found her lying lifeless upon her couch with nil empty vial which bad contained prussifl acid still cliisped in her hand. Shn had ndopted the desperate alternative of Melf-destriielion rnlher than marry a n,M she could not love iu obedience to paicntol authority. Tito Mexican Houndary Survey secures to the United States Loth the niouiituiu, passes to the Pucitio. ' coN8iGM'.i:.s ri;u kail iioad. 1HOM THE TO TIIB 3bTlt 111' OTTCIIKR. tlooilsoii fi J. M Craton, A. IIolo1 t Springs (1. College,) C.C. fi j. I,. Jone' J II. fteveiis, J. K. I'otts, V. II. Jliehil, Lon k U., .1. 1. llemlersoii, V. It. liankiii, u. .Mosleller, ValtM, T. A Co., J no. JWn-n, Jaa.' 1 1 ii i ir r, J . A. Cul! vi ll, lliekersou A 0. Jtos to'o, ('. A Co., J. B. (I'lnlun, V. Murphe A. C. MdntoMi, Withera ft Co., V. J5. Wnh'. era fi Co., II F. .Shuford, J. A. Iacliinil, I't.j,. Mer k V., Flow & C, II. H. Smith, S. W Craig fi Co., J. A K. li. Stowe, Jim .0r J li, Co., I,avidon College. WORinS! WOIUS!! B.rThire la in. dia.a mure rnniinnn among cli i l.l rr ii. ami yet muir m In. li au fn qui nil , Ilia tlifi art. all ol till pliyaici. B, ut ....run. 'lu y arc lujhlj i!i:triin. iiIjI l.i Hit eoiialilutii.n ; anil lliMf pr. .tni-r .ln.ulil In- fi lully g ujru.d .igaiLat l.y urrnla. tliilltc firat lii.'ilnlrat. tina i,' HiB. In i r) in. aua .noiil.l i.a uan, u rip. I il., w j promptly '! tlmn uglily. M'l.o. 'a VtimnB, 4j ,s, ruua ,i...iy j lh.i ut KUu bit tl . a,.,i,i-i,i ..I cl.il.lr.ii ah.,ul,l k.-.. tl.ia,in .U4bl ,r.UllW i h ,n,t. 1.. ailmiion t. il n-rtt- i ! t,, ,,,, f..,, i ,.!.. Hie l.airH iir.ct. j I'uri lua- ra w ill lw rjrelnl t.iaak fur ). M'. .,.:'( 1 1 1 aa.rio Vt. mn .ic.and I Ur nunc !at. All lln-r rniiliii'i 0. iu rumuari..!,. arc wi.rih le.s. lf. M'l... m 'a .iiiiini Vtriiuiur, jLo li,a I '. h brn li .1 l.iver Pilla, van now be had at all f, a. perl lil.- 1i nj Stotn in tin 1'. Sl.ilea and t'ai.av. O. I. 30, I-. t M.irri l, al Mount M.iiirne, Irri1. II r.iuiilv.rt, f. e JtU. n .l. 1. 1, I v tl !.'. Si. .lt. -i. f r. mi.,' t Kt H J. Hflli, ui M, Usui, niJ. tu Mot SAliAU I.. l.r.lO, li.iiiil.l. f vl tl.r Ulc M 3. Kt. lua Jj.iil. In Ihia pl.rr.on the 221 ii.at.ttt, illrr a aluirt llll-raa, ,M . . J A M I st I At. AN, Uliu.t b Ir-.l.-, a i.sliv-.- ol ttry, Ir. Unit, agt-d ab..ut G u.-. Wilmington, Chtilotta & Rutherfordton UAIK-ItOAl). III'ItM'ANT to an ....ii r nf the lloud uf III. rrrlora uf II Wj'-niiittill, tlisllotlr auil Ituliirrlui.ltuli K.il liiud I .iiupni. y , bonka are i. gain open lor tiili.. fiili..na t.. tin-1 apilj! hi. . k ..f a i i Uu-.it. tl the 11. l.iai.i. 'torr, nil H.r . Si . .1 l.i. J..Iiii.Ii,ii, I . J -j ai.o !...'. lima. A.I win. h . I i o ti r.-.ti .1 in the In. nor and p,.---iiir .-f th- .North ft-tr, are lmt. d l come . rnl -imI aid in :io rr-at work, the r.n I v real puti.ic I '"li'ipfiae llil li r ai'iimj upon nur (hui. I'll AHLKS J. F'JX, S W. DAVIS, WM. JollNSTtJN, JN'o. A. VolNtl, JOIIX WALK Kit. I.KKtA' SPUINtJS, U. 11. .MUI'SoN, I 'rimmi.s..ri a. Ort 3'. I',.'.. a; Il I'ulilic Sale. S I i rol... nl K u.tnili t j.iipl.. M. e.r'.;., I i wilt a. II st imhtir .i uruon, h v ...ie !d r , V -l N l'r"r "Ti 'i u.titr i.tal. ti.e Iwleia ui4' .1 qu.i uiiiy uf ' ( '.), Whful ninl ( ntet II il ami Muni , limits, n mutttrr VtUtf f'';,. I Wtfj'tM tntd 1 Jhtpxy tiwi lltrmM Jfnh Ittdti ami h i hrn I 'tit tttfuirt .tiid t ifirtjr of oili. r r!irlt tx4mu lo iirffi- llOII. N. II. l" jr-nrif li-Tiiijr ( mii . ;inl mtJti lilt s r r '(Uif l lo prt wnt Uirui I fjtf jr j iiiitriito t 4l tl 4i cor tin to L , uf tin iii-t.t til b fM ii im bir id' liinr f ri. r j ; t nji ft rtii ro! ht rl to Sri ni nhli itrr t fjiji tied Ui cc Ui Jf'i to tt ir mini m.se onlt. WM. II. CAMPFKLF, f t. at), ll-.ii. il l Properly Sale ! ..iI..V. lit. I .'til ol s,,.lt it, r pre I M II will at II at li!i, ii Au.Ih d i t.,,.r. llijr Plan tat ion nnd 3Iil? s. Th, tr-. I r,.iitin 10- an,. One h ..if c .ah w.ll l,i t.tt,r i! ..r tlir I. .It.', anil the run ll'- ' in 11 ni.ti.1 ull.-r d.i.. At the aaine tilna ai..l (!. ..-, 1 will Bill my .s' . ,.t mci.iis, Ar.). uj ca rri.i:, in- !'. if "!'' ( Ull ., 4lt.r,i.r ,fk 1IOCS, hirriul tltniituntt jiiK"l if I Ol.'h. Iltl.l, nt I (tl .V, Kill In. SHI..T, : Imsl.tl, of ihrlinl OAT, AI.MI IVii; 'His ClIllS, llll "Ill' if 7l,ofgt trsi I thl mull. on Tun a made kiinwii nn ilit-r ol' aal.'. CIIAFItFS W. IIAlllH-"-rt,i. 2c, i;,s. In Jajuid for Sale. E Wll, I. a, II ii, t ..i,,,,,.!, ., Tit.-a.-.y-1'tl ' I.t Hoi ( ..ii,l ll ,, ., t),e I llh .Sua, Mils ') " '' 1 i.t i. .inii i i.t ('...l.ii.. , lil iiniriK I f.U am ., Iv ii C . (l r W"1" t'fi.-k, iii t al.urn.B i.'.iiniv.' ii"'" u,'', ,.l I i,i-,,r,l, Joiioi.e Ihe .,i.,.a ol t Imrlea J. J I-rri. J.ih.t t . Id.aa .mil ..III, ra. 'I heir la belli .'."' "I of ii 1, ml, r wh.rlt ia In all. Tl"- I-'"" wi I! w I, red Hi ll ai nrr.il b.allli'1.1 a. Ira ll.r I nil"- in t;, I'i r. rn a ti. .noiia nl put.loi.ii f c' " '',nl me ll lir tin Hi. i I.t. (h-Iiiic Ihe d'V "I II. W. Al.lK-oN, jmi. Ort. ir,, i.-:.:,. tin liiol.iii IC it i-r I. n.l for ' B ' IIK an' .ml l.rT, 1 a 1; e il 1.1. nl"'" 1,11 tl.t V ...I k 1 n Ktirr.ail all.t it I,-ll l"" from K.l.,...n. It li. li.t hi le-v I' t,,.l Hl.,1 Will. ,1, l,.,ll' Ie of Ihe llnlttoio' Sw- Hon 1111 the N.t'. It..llrieil. 1)11 ll ! f""1 I'"1 lli III, 11 a. , itlel N.tru II ul . lltVi-.-Mlit Im"1"' iiiothiti. II) or .11) M,gi,Ha. 'I'l.c Tr..el c.n,l iUi" if wliii h iiiin liiindrril ami aisly er a. ..nl' " ..... . ... 1 .. . ... m i ...'.... 1 ... I11.111!'"' in", r-iii' iiiiiii,,i. liters .ir tti... - Hid filiy i.r st veiity lir 111 ri a nf .n.li"i" iiiuil nl lerlilitv Ihv l.niil ia iiii.V i ,""' '", ,.''' V...H. ' ... 1.... I.-....I ...'.l ,.-i.,,lt V is tl.e 1st Weill,, .till f ill Dl'H IMNr ti v.'. it. ' II be old In the loe In.. I In, hie( a 1 'f 1; iri iiiii ' ti.- "y- ,,-v CII A (!'. If, l.oiM'."1' ,u" Orl.'Jl, P'J.'i. 3l,ll

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