mat "Be ftuc to fj iiou. tlouniii-n.' 0 io Hour 3iifi." CHAR.LOTTB, IT. C, 3XTOVEMBBn 0, 13SS. IINTTTIrOIKSIFL 88. THOMAS J. HOLT0W, JiuiTow Si l'iioruitrnR. TKHMSJ; Ti .irlli.rioiiiin .Vhijf will bftiirTirileii tituh. , i 'AMI IJ01.1.AUS in mlv.n.ce; TWO li.I,I.MH AM) t' Ir TV Ct'M'S if inyii.cnl 1 4,1, nil lurllircc ! I Ho t "'id 'I I J If I : K l .l AKS ,1 in cml "I ' year. K pujuT will be tliwuii-luim-il "' '' ""vmc " '"il ixceiil st llie -r iffTnnnirrii r the whole face lit up with the expression of ! through my mind in the next five minutes. jreuun trust ami complete couliUence, cither in nil (round, or else iu her own indomita Llo determination i for Mary Sinclair bad i i . -. . i f j - f imn'i oi hit own, and a far-seeing ouc, was there a spark of life left! And how W ho was my companion on the alight spar ? What was tlio vessel I had sunk T Was I with the body of only a human being, or too. She was iii in leeu then. could I fau it to a flame I Would it not be From the louthcm Messenger uf 115. and through a gap of the mountain towards BATTLE OF KING'S MOUNTAIN. Vorkviilc, about fourteen miles. Then he After .he defeat of General Gate, nd "7 . ,. . ,i , u.ouutuui tothe right of the road, w here he inu aruiv u liner ills coiumaiiu, uu iuioiuit. .1 . , , . . ' . . c k . j .1. a r . .. remumcu until ue was attacKcil ol tiiu tn. turn ln.s lorees n oi AUKUH, I li. suu nil uumitv 'jcui I Sunipter, two days afterwards, near llocky mountain. As he would advance towards I Campbell, Sevier, Wiuston i:id llambrite,. hu wan pursued by, .Shelby, Melowc!!,l Williams and Cleveland. When he would liiist the hitter, the firmer ! hen the troops from the different coun- would press on iu pursut. Thus he strug-! Her father died in my house, and I attend- better to lot her sink thmi IWf off a It I, , ' fumpier, tui)i """""" -'"J ties , the head of the (.'atan tin river chol on makino ilr.n. ., 1 r, l,,.i cd the solemn precession that bore lid re 'thus alone to starve, to die of thirst and ag- j lou"t' . 1 arl,0" J ll ft0" 1 "s al' the commanding officers met, and finding 1 his left was rapidly "losing ground. ' His ...... UlVfti CI Ol'OliIUIICM l v J I. I.,. .. .ll,r-. I 1 I 1 I t i t t 1 r I f'M.-l mains over hill and valley to the old church ony. in wiiien his ancestors were luid. Oueo af- One Wt't-li liilrr limn IIiii.m; .1 fl.i f'.tlitiir. .... ti.r il.m I n ii. c, .!... (lii Ihm '' l"i thu ii'-J rye) lor thu Hr.i urn-. I avoided them. I cannot tell you hat was tun.iinu o mi fi cuiiiniujim. muriio. uic 1'iiu-c oi tuc aversion I lilt to entering .rUM.,,.ii. ...U h,.tr. ..!. rhurged 24 p-r ,lllt ll0,c or a proachi3 the influence of r..i,i hi 'l i r : una t eilm li'n il J.IJ r f lit. ill ,i . , . .'. . . . . .. C -.'.d"ir h. r-euUr f, , ..!lv,ri,...,. b, , ' ,ot -cl.lofS e,rl I believe that 1 tcarcd ...,r. iirt;rtifiii ntii inMrirrf iiii.utiiiv oi the maic ot her beauty, and was HUJrlc rlv, t $1 T ) iu rt; fur r ii li tiiim. Stmi. pii.JI tl y ft"1 vr lie mi curii lime. 3J'imitcM urv ftutliurui'it tu set us Bgi'iits. ed with my owu unworihiiicfis to )oc her or be loed by her. I knew her asoeintes unciv il, iv ii:t.Mi:iti 1 1 1: it i -e .i . i-.u ir. o .. . : l'"J " ul viiuai i;iiiue, auu uo , meu weru rniuuiy luiiinir o'lore I lie sKlliiiu 1111 1 li I'I'IM M III) IIOPI. UOllI umuum mm iiicii, n- 1 -I i i . i r i- ,. . . . chafed ucr bands, ber forehead, her! , , , . . , . ' peneral ollicer to command, it was UeciJed aim and unLendiu'' courage of the ln.". shoulders. In the dense darkness I could w Z UaU r;,' 1 , v .rV. . ' : '" Uol. Charles McDowell should go to liven after bein wounded, he fousht u it K not nee a feature of her face, nor te if she i . , .. M ', bead-quai ter, supposed to be Lctween i couracc. lie made every eflort that con d . , i i- , , , most of the militia of Mecklcuburc county m i u if . i. . iui i i . i .1.. ..... were old or young scarcely white or black. , assembled iu cousti ueuce of th -ilarui ,""lotle ",J Salisbury, to obtain General j be done by a brac and skillful oftcfr, I 1 he I mted Mates mini s-t.-a-vl Tbo silence on tlie sea was fearful. I Tl-.1"0 s,!l-t" Vn.. . . '' '' Sunipter and General iJavidsou to take the i cordiiii; to bis po.sitiou. At length Im w is ' mar n. tjaiitaiu lliu-'nis, ariivt n on So louz as 1 had been on the drck of my ' iv . , . t. '. . ... , . command. Iu the mcau time it was i;rccd shot dead, and bis whole command driven iiicirniuj from !rcii'?i, via Sou''. . 3 ' lliii.liorn. fthpri 1 1 I'll . t atps estlr u Lu ... . . ' . ... ' ' i I 111 In IV n. S omnl.A 1 Wl.r i.H t l.r. . .in n.l n ....inn nl c . w t-.. n ..,..1 , i . . U - I -! vidson. who i,au,. " . V . ' V, ft 'ti t . i . ; J' '. . ' ,, ' , . ev rei'inieiii, snouia tiiKe uie eoiniu aim uu- t ne jjnti.iu oiiicer, t apt. i'lipoi-ter, n no po, ami i:yii :isseui-er, ainonir w 0 JieL'ulars in : " . i .n:... ..l .i. l. - j 'j ' i . ' ,-. a . . T ' . ,. ,7-. ourld ; but now heard nothing but the oc- T .UU'1!. r miiiih. rliin l wtiii eoin-ri-iil firhii Wi re ot the noble, llie educated, the re lined, casional hparkliug of the spray, the dash of j and that I win of tl,e-e W hat thru a foam cap, or tho heavy sound of the wind 'could 1 (ipi-it but misery, if I jiibl.d to preseinj,' on my ears. Hie cliartm. ot U. at rxi'ii.ite I tauty or r. e At lenjih she moved her band feebly in "hicli I knew were in her soul ! mine. How my heart leaped at that slight A jear passed, and 1 war the very boy evidence that I was not alone on the wild in my continued thoughts of her. I per- ocean I redoubled my exertions. I pass- -undi d ii.jmH a llu'u-ai.d times that I did ed one of ber arms over my neck to keep not love, a thousand Iiiim-h determined it out of the w-.ter, n bile I chafed the oth- to jr. ve it ly ei. tiling her presi nee. At er hand with both miio. I f.-il the cla-p Instil I threw n-ell into the vortex of tighten. I bowed my heal towards hers. London society, and was lost iu the whirl- Mie drew me cl oo to her laid her cheek i "l- against miue. I let it rest there it ink' lit Die evening, at a crowded assembly, I warm hers, and so help to give her life, im stiuiilih m ar a window iu a reces-V Theu she nestled close to my bo-om and talking niili a lady, when I felt a strange 'whispered, "Thank you." Why did my tluill. I caniiut describe it, but its efleet train so wildly throb in my head at that wat visible to uiy companion, who inMatit- wbi-jcred sentence! She knew not where ly said, " t'ou are unwell, Mr. Stuart, are she was, that was clear, ll.-r mind was jou not ! Your (Vo became suddenly Hush- wandering. At that instant the end of the ed, and your band trembled so as to shake spur struck some heavy oiij' ct, snd we were the curtain.'' dashed by a huce wave over it, and to my It was iuexplieal !e to mvs. If; but I was joy we were lett on a floating deck. I cut startled at the aitiiimiic-iiicnt of Mr. and the lash from the spar, and fasti ned my Miss Sinclair. 1 turned and saw she was companion and myself to the new tun t of the entering on her I ft her s srin, more i.eau- i . ., " . . , . ... , - lliu.uoro, w liciu ijcu. uaucsi boat, the wind whistling through the rones . , . iv : . . , , . . , head quarters. " ui. L. Davi uu upu iiu ni.'iiia uuu iiiutic a coiliiiiuai . i . ri i i r i . ii li. r i t ... i.i .seiveu as iieui. -'.juei oi vuu jieuuiBrs in ,:i - .....:..i ..i ...... i .r L v .i - . ti i 111 ll,sr uiiimi oi h ueucim oiiicer, wuuitim the Northern army, was appointed, Bct .ccordi t0 fhe advice of the colo dier Genera ot the nii.itia m the Sahsbury ,j(ln C0InIlianf,t d lbat Mjor j h I).str,et,.n he place of (,.. Kutherford, . IcDjwcll ell0uldfc,akc the comn.a.i.l of the yio , ,.uc ,....., muUo, u,:,,,,,. 15m.kc ad Hutl)erford regiment, until the Col. Shelby demanded if they surrendered .-...v- - u..... v. ... ..,,, Muruo( colou,. McDowell. why they did not throw their downaruis. It MoA piu s creek, about t" miles below Char-1 t. , . , . J J , , 1 . .I r. .i Shortly after these measures were sdont- was instantly done. otte, and, in tho course ot two or three' j . . ., ,r , ' ,, . r . , ... ,' r i i . , ed, intclli''euce was received that Lol. l ergu- Jiut still firinj was continued, until weeks, was reinlorccd ly tjeii. Smni'ter, (a , i i i ,-. . , i . i i ei n i i i i- ' . . . i ' .' v son had lett (n liertstonn. noil U na ili rid. Mie hv nnd oeii" wpnf mair o i n. in... thcr ruiscd, and called out for quarter. continental officer) but having no regulars to coiiiinaud, he took command of the inili- ed that they would march after liim, by 'and ordered the men to cease. raltor wreck, I knew not which, and all the lifn! than ever. How I tscap. 1 I did net tune that arm was around my ueck, and know, J ut i .li ! so rigid as if iu death. 'Ihri.e al'erv an'- I w:, wari.od of her Now cuno the low, wild wail that pre- tn .u way, till 1 be- Cedes the breaking out of the .storm. The a is s jiimj in -ti rioii 'ink air seemed file I with viewless spirits of ir, known but powerful mournfully singing and sighing. I never . !.... t ..s ...i:... .i i.. . i :. - -i - .1 .". . i v..- -in., i'jiii.'i iu i" iifm iuuul'iu iier anv iniw eisu luau u iiuiiian i, , , ,t i i , . i, . n .i . . . " . . iv. nail ireimi'iiL v natu?a to co an inn It was that endeared ber to j rt -utic" in t . iit'cl tli:it . in - ! L t't ri t) I. . I a ) j cli ira I t 1 I. th ; c M 1 1 1 U u 1 1 . I i in -t t ui . j a tifiird uf ! c ; to Mr. V ! a; ' ri ;ilv love. Wl Ar liuiitf. ii with BUli n int II Ul lg III UMilllt t (if t 'if Bill! ! Lu . I.itf nul r f titr iky, ( nr ti!U'-l liulli tin' I'lur Ufce Up, J in m unlJin lMkiii)( ' n . It ir I'V uil.ul.l u ni., M y wll Tttt to ii..M..i rr An nnm''! mine protuni iJiar '1 Itdii iiiuftic ot' the ,riii. k f (W Iroin (urlittn..'e and I'inrrtil ff-tnl illtf Ulii'ij t la iittttirt: lf liyglliit Ifrnt, S iiif fryi'-lt 41 ini.mti. t't lift ; A"1 - loitBy (jtMVirti.y tr i:e 'l'htrin fXrlcri cUiru. Tin, Hu ii tiolr ; wl.ilr I lit r 7 ie vrfK ti of jii. iltf r, Tln l.jruiit oi tli n., i nd finite, My tir.' w .ii m tn muiint bow 'I ntf nin tii f l.miuii Uc, A'.U cirlh't pftrjiioua V.' t lit ! t1ifHiti u I f liiu tfC iilg I u' h.ckci ii tlml i.ll htriiM.ny ; i'j.i r luren Who v proviiie I' u nM lii rtttufr ; uml in H"-, ,wd It k the rdint iphnn, l'iite i;liontcri C"ffiik VlisctI(;uuous, A IlKALTirt L CTi'ItY. I was a lonely sort of a bcbelor, and ti i . i . ... ucer auo-n ...m ... -b brewm. an I having made all ready k new not, 1 cared not. if she were old audi u. r f,r it smoked on talirail til! imdiii-bt. and bacuar d or youn- and fair! naiy o. ma.- joni.rr c.u n, J ' ... vou bl ,.,.. , ,-, , , nl!,r e " , r,.,nil.1.,l ,,,,,,,1,1 that sirsne thrii! through my voins, a- I and forwarding, under suitable guards, the ;reat number of prisoims he had taken, to the city uf Charleston, and regulating tho civil L'ovemuieiit he as cslablishini; in .xoine w ho all out, "jjivo thiii uard was placed over enynpemetit with them. On the evening of ! the prisoners, nud all remained on the lit li of October, the colonels, in council, mountain during the nibt. unanimously resolved that thry would se- I The party which led the left wiiiir, u:nler lect all the men and horses fit for service, : Col. Ilambrite, suffered very much, bavin..' and immediately pursue rerijiisoii until they should overtake bur:, leaving such us annriton. full ear- hom ar took the command, ordered a white flag to , Haron Van tJerott, 1'rii'sian .Minister, ami be raised, iu token of surrender, and the 1 1 hevalier lxsrh pencer, Uelian Minister, bearer was shot down. He soon had nno-.The llermanu's news is hot so late as tUj Africa's. 'The Ariel. Capt. Lefevre, belonqinj; ta the Vaiidcrbilt line of steamships, arrived .Saturday afternoon, via Cowe. She nlso hail severe weather, brings a full freirrhtiist of valuable French and KnlisU gcods, and 1 (in passengers. The Ariel sailed from Il:ivre the morn ing of the 13th, and (..'owes at 1 a. m., of the 1 lib. Vc have by ber tle second edi tion of the Times of the l.'lth, and are lliu.s placed in possession of nearly one's day lat er nens from Kuiopc. than was received by were not able to go, to come after as fast as ' it...,. M ti... 0i ; .1... i...;.s .Soulb Caroliaa, and euminiii!' the state of ... .. i ' . i um ., f r ' . . . was mriile. a n HlUnien. inrlin ' nllieprs. the pc .is occupied by lis troops on the Con garee, Ninety-sis and -iu'U-ta. J!y the 1st f0i(1 fiepttiiuocr .e iiau nia arrangements maiie, and detached Col. Tir'nison over the Wa- were marched before, leaving the others to lo colon auu, uu i.jur 'Ji i nu iiji.i- ,i . , . , , , M . ii . ' . ,, .... . .. that place, and oa their way received evi- kept it hi would c: liatiomthc couuties of Ouillord, Laswell, j 1 ,. ', . . . . J , , i. c . 1 .. ' nence that it was his desi to evade an leaufoi t s play." A; ( if.itiir.i X-n ... . J r After (iate's defeat, tlie attention of Lord Cornw allis was ebiefly occupied with bury ing the dead, taking of tho wounded, to pass very difficult ground to rraeh their 'the Afiira place of destination, and within eighty j The money market on Saturday, I?th, is yards of the encinj's mni kiucii. Col thus n ported : (,'oi.sols for money hi I to ilambrite w as wounded and Major Chroni- I " g ; lor account, '-'ill November, :' I I tie was killed. Col. Williams, of .South Ca-j'-T j. rolin.i, a brave aud efficient officer, was alsoi A desp-itrb from Pantzip, dated October w. i Killer! . the loss ot the n UIl'S was not as-I repot the weather in the la;tic storoiv. They came to the Cowpon", where Fcrgu- ! ceitained, but believed to be I I killed and j and the gunboats leaving for England. inn I,,.'. 1 ..Mi..rl r.n 1 1 .. i , I 1 ,,( 1 1 , a III. Ifel .m, ,,!.,,! TI,., t,n.l ..I,..,. I !, I I 'I ' I. ., I 'I I 1, 1 1 . 1. .. u , l. lll teree with only IU" re;u!ars, under the com- ad there inet Col. Williamf South Caro- j killed aud the rest taken prisoners. 'in- from its I'aris 'correspondence in it maud ot tapt .il. Dupster and about the ,j wUb 4lj0 and about 5 from 0D the morninc of the th. a court-mar- second edition : Lincoln county, who had joined them on j tial was held, aud several of the prisoners! News of iW doings- of the expedition, their march, under Col. llaiubiite and Ma- I who were found guilty of murder and other , ,vi ;cf, arliv,.d before ( l(!i... nn the Pth is jor Chronicle. After drawing rations of j crimes were sentenced to be hanged. About anxiously eipe. ted. lll,tul() French sol bcef, the whole proceeded on, a lilllo before -0 were executed. " Idiersareon board the squadron, and tho suii-e., taking Fergusou's trail towards At the forks of the branch where M ijor .ncral belief is that Kinbiirn and Oeia Dcer's Ferry on liroad river. Night com- ! Chronicle and Capt. Mattneks werP huried, : jff- !iro ici ,c fia points attacked nig on, auu ocing very uars, lueir pnoi goi a momuiueni. was ereciea. iu tue east out of the right way, aud for some time 1 side is the following inscription : they were lost; but, before dajlight, the utne number of torus, but with nn ample supply ot anns and otler military stores. movements were at fr.-t rapid, endeavoriug to intercept the re'r.atof a party of nioou laiu men, who were barrasing the upper settlement of Tuiie' in South Carolina. Fui.iiii! in ibis, be allarwards moved slow f .. :.l ... 1 . :.. . si-i.ifc s.juii iiiiiua niiuuui ueiue. 11 vi as inai eiuieareu utr vo me. I ii i . i- u 1 1 1 nn..u Iim Aniil.l n. r.-ieit 1 m In linn k m. llo I wound my arm round her, and drew her in i . 1 i r . .1,. 1. . r ,. ,i.., 1 : 1 , ', . .. '. . , Ipas.sed liroad river, and before the last of .li. iu ui.. nun ..a llune lo III y Ul'aib, alio L'One'J 111 V liea'i over . , i .1 . '1 1 ivtiuu ,1. . . - - .t'Tiii. in 1 ii.r fiieii ill lit. 11 h 1. .1 11 :iei, rn I'll .11 . ..... .... moment 1 ' .,. r . e , ot the oHiccrs, the pilot led them to tho the 11, , 1 .. ,, .n uilliif. a . iftr- ili.t-msii i.f u liprn .. ..... 1 m ni whom I knew well, ber, and in the wilduess of the reached near to the ferry, and by direction do h 'iinr as w orthy of her pressed my lips to hers in loin', passion 1 . . -,i. ...i r 1. 1 .it 1 , . .. - , , '1 I me iiirivinir village 01 Jhuvuerioruioiji uuw 11 m leii.'iii 1 sun. as i s.ii.iius. uie kiss ill nii.'ns. inif mill -I'.iitii- , i.nv,. " li - - r ' . ' -s f. ! stands. His forces Lad increase! to upwan's of one cruits as were without tletn. The greater . ... . C .1 1 I 'fl.. V... , . . . ,f pan 01 iiieui nau iiiic, iiu. 10 u paiv 01 t 'b'id twice and his arm erne in fits of it; tut ha hs always seoinrd to love me all lu letter, be iling to me now very iiiui u o Hire. of the snuic clou c!in.' toj. ili- fr ah.ii drifting at sea. We are tli pule unnor of a thousand wreck", and of the t .nip mi. , th it sailed ith us two )i ars ag ., m other 0110 is b ft afloat. I bad been a sailor frnin my Vnvhood, and l,. n I was family -five, 1 may safely say no man was a.. re lit to e oiiimaii'l a ve-sel among the Runners of Finland. And at this time uiy oiirle died and left me his fortune. I bad cpur se.11 him, and bardlv knew of bis ex- .t'Mice; but I had now speaking evidence of the I jot that be f listed no Finger. I .ts very young and strong 111 limb, and I .is puSses-i d of the r.'tital of smiie tinni miiI per annum. What bar was thcr." to C J enjoy uieut of the goods ol lite ! No bar IUJ....1, hut I felt sorely the lack of means A fijojiueiit. 1 w a- sailor ill every en-e. M)i dueation was tolerable, and I had some I. "li', but Iny li-les were nautical, and I H"l r li nhiiie. V. 11 en-l,, uiid. r-land, lUn, why 1 built a yacht and d. I spend t'.Jcl. of uiy time on li r. Sue was a fine "jft, and united ti my taste in every res. I' vt and 1 ri iiieinl er Willi a sih n the 'ppy day I bsvn spent iu the " Foam."' I u.d to rea l con-idef ably in my r il in, r,( occasionally, indeed weekly, invit. d ptitieaof gi-iitleiiien tocrui-e with me. H it -'i fo ut a ladv had never been Oil the bcii of my boat, aud I began to have an ; ed satisfactory evidence of the rumor, I left it back, iiiuriiiurin.,' noiiie name of endear 1 1 ....1 .....1 ti.. c... 1 1 1. IJUll'ivn, mi'i tiiiiii u'.ll-J..:. IllCPilim llieill, TAOIlllfl uuiu aims iuuiiu iny uieix,' 1 . j, i- . . .- 1 ' . ..... J ' 1 tl101is.1t.1l nif-ti. fin Ills iiiflrcn ti) I .is 1,1. ire rumor followed me 111 niv letters, and yet I aud Isyinj; ber bead ou my shuilder wiln i . . , .. . , , . 1 i-1 1 , . 1 " r t c- 1 - 1 .11 . 1 1 , n ' he bad lurm.-ued arms to such ot his new re - s ina'i eieniL'ii 10 ureaii. ui .-nil .--iiu-iair, uer loreueau presseii a-'ain-t mv enees. K-il r . . ' I . . ... 1 emits as were w until inuiitli- alter I awoke to the sen-e ol into a calm 1 he kiss burns on my ( what a fool I hud L-.-n. Convinced of this, lips this hour. Half a centurv of the world ! 1 went aboard my yael.t about iiiid suiuiner, have not sufficed to chi',1 its influence. It and for four weeks never set my foot on thrills ine now as then ! - j shore. J It was madness; w ith idol worship, of the ! One sultry day, when pitch was frying on form Uod gave iu the image of himself, deck, iu the lo t sun, we rolled heavily on which 1 adored in that hour as eveu (!od '. the Uiy of lli-esy, and I pas-ed 'bo after-' I feel the unearthly joy to-day, as I re- 11. ... 11 uii'Ki . ,,,, ,,i, uniuaiu nieiiiucr ine Clasp 01 inose unknown aims, 1. , .. . . , . e . , , , ,,. , if - 1 . , ,. ,. . , . , , itane the (ictachnic nt ot mountain Uieii ul- deck. lowanls pveiiiii;? 1 fancied a storm aud the soft ripsure of that forehead. 1 I. . , . , . , . , ., ... ... ... . . 111. 'ii to. nn tonic an 01 11 em nnsoners. who had become separated from their com rades. Iu a day or two hu paroled them, and enjoined them to inform the cflo rs ou the we-tern waters, that if they did not de sist from their opposition to the liriti-h arm, 1 ...1.. j... 1.:. ... .1 ...i i. , ,, , . . 1 1 . ,11 .' 1 , , , 1 . , 1 tin., i.': uiuiiuiuu uunvi 111.1 rui.ioi'i, cJ sudd, lily to the man at the wl I, ' 1 ort and phantasies that can never be described. 1 11 1 i- .1 - . , , -, ,111 m 1.1 1 l 1 .. would hiareh his army over the mountains, 1 " ' " " - - "" t-'-'.'i .'s .. - .1 .. . . ' ' ' l- 1 . 1. 1 ... .1 .1 1 t 11 an Bl'-a-iy so. lieui suoweu hip m ui ivio eiouo Hooie iii i ... i J . s- r- . waste nth tin unit Nirnril 1 w.n 011 deck in an in-t int and saw tint head it was welcomed with a shudder. I I ... 11 c r t. . . 1 ui. ii .is. .'ii i'wiicii, ui iiuine e "ill. ii. rokeefold, about a mile and a Ip'f below, as it was not known but the euemy might be in possession of the eastern bank of the river. It was 011 the morning of the 7th, before suuri-e when they ei isaed the river, and marched about ',' miles, to the place where Fergusouhad encamped on the night 1 nie Majesty, was defeated ami killed in this 1 The Semaphore of Marseilles says: I . W.l liti.lrstnnrt llml llm Knltm, na n " Sacred to the memory of Major Wil- uf aekiiowledgment for the cjccllent ham Chronicle aud Capt. John Matto. U, arrang. nn uts made in this port for sending William Fiabb, aud John Boy d, who were 0ff Hoops to the Fa-t, has conferred tho killed at this place, on the Tib October, decoration of tho order of Mcdjidie on Gen lb7', fightinT in defence of Ameiiea." ! or.,i du U0.-tolan, commander of the (Uh Inscribed ou the western side of ui 1 luof. - military division, on the Marquis de Crcve ument, facing the battle ground : cicur, Prefect of the liouehes-du-libodc, "Col. IWu-on. an officer 01 his Ilritau-' a,lJ ou M' de Ca,1,,'i. tWu,ry inteudaut." t tie 111 be had iiieui to fix a large knife they usually carried, made email cuough at tue butt end for two inches or more of thu han dle to slip into the muzzle of the rirte, so that it miht occasionally be used as a bay onet. Although Col. I'ersuson failed to ovcr- tliat she was human, mortal, o! my owu kin I lay in my hammock, and awoke with it tif- . by the great Father of our race. teen si eonds 1 i iuie the wati h on deck call- i It was a ni.'lit of thoughts aud emotions, There they baited a short time, and took fucli breakfast as their wallets and saddle bans could afTord. The day was showery, and they were obliged to use their blankets and grcaceoats to protect their arms from wet. '1 hey passed ou a dozcu of mile with o. '. seeing any person ; at length thoy met a luJ iu au old field, by the name of I'oude rin, t.bout twelve or fourteen years of age, who had a brother aud other relations in Fer guson's camp, and who was directly from it, within less tbau three miles. A halt was ordered, and the colonels met in coiisulta- place, ou thelth of October, 11 -U. Thu correspondent of the 5eiiinphore of Marseilles, under date of Constantinople, 1st , gives the following details as to the definitive result of thu liashi-liazouks : " (iciirral Ueatson arrived to-day from the Ihirdaiielles. 1 have several times spo ken of the conduct of tin" Ua.shi-Uazouks, placed under his command. A few days since the Governor of the Ihirdauelies, af ter consulting with the French and Fng li.l. ,.,.., .U ,.',.,1 M !.., sL...-..i..f. f il... V.Yii.uii nit" nf nri-..wl u' . . i.n,..l f.r ........ . . - , . , ' i t i n-i . i ii -. Knglish J'.inl.a.-sv, marched against these aeleiioaiit, and .jonn n n l-ione aim it n TO St'IlKTIKa ON 1.A11. Ill iNtS In the Supreme Court ye-terday, mi im portant question was decided by Judge (jhoIsf."j, upon uu application for the exten sion of the time to a security to surrender a defendant iu a suit ut law. James l'.iely brought au action against a party named tion. Several persons knew the ground well !J:'g--'t- : JU'lgment to on which the enemy were encamped, agree- ! tMW? h aS!i"'i Sc ably to the information given hv the bovof;''.nu '-ue J -' liam 1'iice became the bail of Nooiian, that he would surrender himself to answer the liftiicut. A iudnient for f","Ml wa ob- oonaii, nn cxeeu- itilf bn-' ze w as blowing, and a small ' hated light. 1 wanted to float over the I k li toner, .!;r.nii; no lights, bad crossed hoaiine ocean w ith that form elinini to me ' our fore foot within a pistol shot, atid was and my arms around it, and mv lips ever' now b. arin up t' the north-west. The and ainni pi iscd to the passionless lips of ' sky was cloody and dark, but the breeze j the heavy sleeper. 1 askod uo liht. It was j was very steady, and I wert below again, ; an intruder of my domain, and would drive ' and after endeavoring vainly to account for her from my embrace. I was mad. 1 lint as 1 saw the face of my companion 1 l .. i . ... 1.. i.s il. r,.,..i; ;, ,.- I ... Ln.f i-.sUea no. louuem. their leaders and lay their country . f .,;.;,, The tdan of ba'itle wttahu- ! No Vrvt Tas MrA. urn! Noonaii, 1 mediately settled, that the force should be liav."' tllC J'"'dietio, suit was broaj-l.t eiiually 'divided, and one half should take ! n,?",""t "''uod.:,te ly on to ih.. ril.t. cross over nnd occupy the I "J? of the writ sent to Mai viand, somli...' side of the moo ,, 1 1, i . at. .1 that I bought Noonan back, and tiered to snr- on lli approach of Ferguson with so larje the emotion I bad f It w av, 1 ut leli-tli fell a in' of n. y v.-s.l, as she flew w in. I, inoek in any reaonanie i ep, ,:d the roek- before th" ivh ju t inoti ui enough to my ham to lull in" iu a s. um I ! umber. 1 tut I ill. . mi. d a.l i.i,hl "t Mary Sim-lair. 1 dreamed of lor, but tiny uii l.-a-ant dreams 1 f.iw her stai, ling mi the deck of the " l'o-mi," and as I would to ward her the f. nn of W'cil.-r wojld it.t.i- po-e. gradually revealed in the dav. ;.in' light, a- 1 in e . v-es lie ,n n to in :ik is oi.t iiCf in' nt r 'hr f.-atures, and at length the terrible truth came slowly btirnini; in my brain, I mourn cd aloud ii mv a"otiv. " !! of heaven, she . .. , i is d. ad ! "' and it was M iry Sinclair. Ibit ; she was not dead. We floated nil day alonj ! on llie sea. ami at iiiioingi.i or rue iiext i i iis.ti in -t en iu hailed a ship and they took in olt. r.very ,, , i . i . f 1 1 e y nl limes i b he r, and he r I ii in it my arms was resting ' ,t;. ! I u a lijein-iur ptide in the lai t 1 . t 1 con hs to jou a secret longing lor fouie soit f ttb-etiuu dillcient from any I had here tif.iie known, and a resiics-nest when men tiUvd of beautiful wouieli ill my pre-eliee. "lie siiininer evening I was nt the old lH in which my uncle died and was tn fc"'')' alone. lonanls sunset I was surprised while F.-il I w.uld was Bl ovile llglllll t in V ' mut.i'i -if .-r, that a eii to a p i-t, kiss htm ; an ini! on mv lips. The morning found me; wi le aw.ik.', reiisoiiiug li.y.-eii out oi my i nieies. liy noon I had enough to do. The ocean was roils, d. A tempe-t was out on the sea, and lb" " Foam " went before it. Ni'bl came down glooiuilv. The Very . man from the " Foam '' and the other ves sel was saved, with one exception. The oth er vessel was the " Fairy ' a schooner yacht then 1 V the strange: i,.,i,.,:,.,t ,n fr;,.,,. f Mi,s Sim lair.' with in-, it was li.'t I, but Wei-1 i.,,,,, .1," ,J her brother, and a nrtv of boMing-hs r. and I was chain-' j.,,);, and g-.-l.ticmeii, had .-tailed but three at them, and she would : ,i t,reviou-!v for a week's cruise. I nk-ain the ki-s would be bum j . ,.. , t 1 7-1 1 vou bow I explained that 1 stange thrill as the schooner crossed otir ' bow the tii"ht before tin collision, and j what 1 felt ruMiiu nt the m -.incut of the I era-h, nor what interpretation I gave to the ' wild tumult of emotions all that long night. I married Mary Sinclair, and 1 buried ! blackness ol up i Kiic-s wa on roe w aver a- hf,r tJ,,rty years Klierwards, ami I some. we flew -before 'be terrible bla-t. I w as on ( times have 'the same evidene of h-r pre deck, lashed to fhe wheel, by whi.h I stood, S1.1,CI, ow ,1,.,, u.,,lto havewh" u she wi'lt a knife. We had not a lag of sail ou.ijvcd 01l ti10 sanic t.alt, Hith ,ne. her, and she moved through the water more force, had gone over the mountains to ob tain assistance, uml was in consultation with Col. S'-v ier mid Col. I-anc Shelby a- to w hat plan should be, pursued, when the two pa roled men spoken of arrived, an-' delivered their nie.s.:te from Col. Ferguson. It was decided that each of fliun should use his test eliorts to raise ail the men that could hi ri. listed, and that their lorees, when collected, should meet on the Watau ga, on the -olh oi Siptcmber. It was also agreed that Col. Shelby should giie intel ligence of their movements to Col. Wil liam Caiiipbeil of the :ii!joiiiing co'inty of ireiniu, with the hope isc what forcu l.o could lOn I like a bird than a boat from wave to wave over my l.ool.s, l,y the entrance ol .,,,iin, nll, Hgimi a blue wave went over u-. , Kw . . i.'KK vouim Gorman L'iil (.-till. man hastily unnoiiiiecd, and gi-mg l,t she came up like a duck and shook oil . r,lu;,tud on a charge of larceny yes-l-b.-aH.iii of no litile rxeileiiif nt. , ,l0 wat. r and dashed on. Now she stag- ,,,, ,).,.. j t)P (!0urt of Quarter Sessions. "lour paidou, sir, lor my uncereinuiii- pend, as a bl-.w that might have stove a (-., ,,,, vrrdiet of nefpiittal being render ' " tntranee. My huisea haie tun wJ ' man of war -iruck 1. -. 1-t she kept gallant-1 tl, juryt h, wa,,if,.st,.d h.-r joy and "h my carriage, and da-hed it to pieces . v ; a, now -'.."-.ili. d In avily and slow- i h(.r p,.,,,!,. M a manner which very much "r your park gule. My lather was bad- jv .,,t ,,ew r hc' the swiit flight towaid I , j m,,. cu,,.,. tl,(, eourt and the j "ij ircii, mni my i.s,.r is now watuniig 1 have taken the libirty to n-k your t-rii.i.,i,, to bring tb.-iu lo jour residence " "f csim.,. mv r, en nt as in-1 a nil v eiven. , - j . and eo-opi rate with them. Th.-v met ou the Watauga tho day ap pointed, and passed the mountuin on the MOtli of September, where they wer" ioinud hv Col. I r.j mil i n Clcavt-land an 1 M.ij...r Joseph Wiuslon, from Wilkes and Surry counties). On their examining their forces lin y were found to number, as follows: From Washington county, Vir ginia, under (.'ol. W. t 'ntiit bef . i From Sullivan county, North Ciro- linn, under Col. Isaac Shelby, i From Washington, North Carolina, i under Col. .1 dm Sevier, . . . . From I'.uikeand llulhcrford coun ties. .V.i t'i 1 aroliua, uiiiler t. ol. Charles MelKiweli From W ilkes and Surry counties, North Cnrulitin, under Colonel )!eu. Cleaveland and Major Jo seph Winston, 10 the other should advance to the north-west side, and that each division would move for ward until they formed a junction, when all should face to the front, and press upon lha eiieinv up the sides uf the mountain. Or ders weru given to prepare for battle, by luving aside every iiicumbraueo, examine well t lu ir arms aud guarding again-t alarm. The orders were speedily obeyed, and they moved forward over King's crock, and up a branch and ravine and between two rocky knobs, which when they had passed, the top of the mountain and the enemy's camp up on it were iu full view, about one hundred poles iu frut. Here they baited and tied their horses, leaving the necessary guard with them. It was now three o'clock in the afternoon, the cuemv's .'amp was) to the rii'ht of the i.eid, scvi.tity er ii'" poles iu leiig.'i, and ou the summit of the moun tain, which nt this place runs nearly north east and southwest : ' the shadow of the tim ber at half-past one 1'. M. ranges with it ) Tim troops were led 0:1 in the following or der: To the light. Major Winston, Col. Se vier, Col. C pbeil. Col. Shelby, ami Major Mi Powell ; to the left. Col. llainbrite, t ol. I render djnng vacation. 1 he prc-eiit ino- I tion was made to cxtcv.d the time for tlio su.reudcr. The plainCd' contended it must be male bef ire the return day of the summon-, tibout four d 11 ys before the act 11:. 1 lini" ' of the oiler to surrender. After revi"wi,i.r the dceisi ins under tn': New Yolk and Kn glish practice. Judge Glio'soi! remarked that bo was satisfied, after a full inve-tiga- . tion. of the power of tile Court to extend the time for the surrender of the bail. The Court was asked to go into an examination of the original action, and to ilett rmitie ; whether it was founded 011 a just or unjust I claim. This would not be proper. The I object of the statute was that they should look to the circumstances of the surr. ndt-r, , aud to limit their impiiry to what was don.-, and ascertain wh.tiicr tin-re was reasonable diligence, and a I'umi .V, honest attempt on the part of the bail to bring iu the prin cipal. If there was if they acted in good faith, and proceeded to take steps to pro cure the iitteinlance ot the lent, ami were prevented hv the shortness ..f the lime be tween the service of the summons an 1 the return, from briugiug the bail within th jii- diction, and, especially, if they failed -101 Kill I within sufScieut time to surrender. : bail iu ease came in withiu two -Ciiviiiuiiti Gun tit, Oit. The d 1 v s "1 IIIV own mrriii.'ii ilesiuitehed til till" I'"ll gale. " Mr. Sinclair was a petitleinnii uf fortune, 'r-r.iiw about forty miles from ine, and bis 'itln.r nti invalid, fifty years or more of age, .n on. hii way, in company will) bis son, '"is son'g houe, Ihetu to die and be bu H"l. T licy were strangeis l llie, but I " sdu th, i, fceleoiiiH lo iny house, as if it " their owu, and insisted on their u-ing it. Mi-s Sim-lair Was the Gr-t woman who 1J'l croM.,.,1 my doorstonn siuce had been ri-s,.,,,)r 0f tlu. ,.li ul,j wt. lnilt "sve In en loved by better men than I. She 1 very sinfiH ii nd very beautiful of the Uc Venus, which alt men worship as the Mf. clioii of beauty, but having; 1 soli blue p.v". shaded by jet black brows, her luce Pr"" tit,, tiin C0hlrnst of purity of white j"',s in tho compleeiion, set off by her raven ". ami yet that hair hangiii'i In cluster . 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 IhC sli in'. It " IS llil llilglll Wlien llie "111 wa- higl.e t ) wasdeinoni i al. align i't UioCRin 1 l,ar. With tears of iovlul liaiuuuess loirs. howling of the cordage 1 t;n(? from 1(,r pparklittej eyes, she embraced w a scream now a shriek,1 jl(r cf,us,.l a, impi iutitig upon his plow- i't......i.,.,.t o,,,! ci wi'ii.Mi.s nf s....tii r rolin.i ""' " " "i"-'---.-'- .0- Facl, division moved off steadily to the , Cju,rt ' ' "''' !'Jt w',at place assigned them iu the order of battle. 1 f"'-v eons.dcred a . fi'lr honest at- .mc tlio ro'Miiu iita suilrroa much innli-r "'t;' t ' . v . , ,( tin tiro of tho eiu'ii.y ItMoro they I ,. (I fl.Telh,,!! .-v nfns'liT.l III 111.) flf.fllltl I Some comidaints begun to be utterc that it ' ftcr the expiration ol toe time, and it wmi.d '., ,,,-ivr ,00.vW witl,oulretur.iin2ibt' , Vt'r-V h:irs1' tt";1 u"J- "'l, w,'u'11 :,r'''1 the fire. (VI. Shelby replied, " pi ess on lo W0'Jl(, "cludo th. m from r, lief I. tune ' vr nl.iees. and then vour tire will not be for the suiroruk r vva- accordingly extended. :!!,,io-t." iiitelli-1 The men led by Slulby and Melbwel! lini, car- were soon closely encaged, and the contest Total Col. Ferguson baling accural, "eliee of the foiee eol'eetmg against . ,. . .... w- :y on tlio 4tii ot -toner, or.iereo ins men Ironi tlie Iirsi was very severe. v imams - yor- ,-i:rrcr. refer: :ug to an ar'.e to uiarcli ainl reinaine.t liail an Hour after and t. levclanu were soon ill tneir places, , ,.lchati"e which ci inmeiided I W'OVKN IN K.ITIN" SaT.o-.vs The New in .an ics to madness. no" a w ail r O.i, on w llci.. 1 oi ked iij , 1. v' turned quito nroutid the In. .:-oii, but could see 110 sky, 110 sea, no cloud, all was blackness. At that moment I felt again the strange thrill, and at the instant fain icd a denser blackness ahead ; mi l the 111 it, with a cra-li and plunge, the "Foam" was clear gone ! lbiwnwcnt my gallant boat, and with her another vessel, nils.. ell 111 the black night. The wheel lo , 1 - .i-i 1 1 . 1 . .. .1. lug clieeK a Kiss which resummon iiirougu the court room like the melody of sweet mu sic. Her counsel, a young gentleman of tine personal appearance, t surprise, received this tender iiektiowledj incut of his valuable services from his f-iir client as a legal tender. The girl left the scene of her trial aud her triumph uncon scious of the ga.c aud the smiles of a crowd ed court room, and only grateful to her 10 i use 1 for her deliverance from a charge which I had been lashed, bad broken loose. w,jc, ,;,d thealened but a moment before, and gone over with me before she sank. It, jjj.,, a cloud, to burst upon her bead was heavy, aud 1 cut it away, and it went nni darken her future life with the perpct ilown in llie deep sea above my boat. And 1 u , hlackness of despair and degradation. seeing; a spur I Mixed, H, ami a tnriii oi j lult,llfjitn Idrr oj il i,lnt,tui. agony shot through mo as 1 rccogniieu me delicate figure of a woman, I drew her lo me, ami lashed her to tho spar by my side, nud so iu the blin k night, we floated away over the stormy ocean. Me roiiinnni'll was scliselos for ought thoy had started, writing a dcs-piitcli to Lord 1 and with the utmost cuergy ergagjed the ; lurow 0ff their " shyness, " and pan.-oii-e t ornwallis, no uoiHi miorming mm 01 ins toe. fergusou, nuuiug in.ii me run 01 uis t public houses got 1111 ou the hurop.-nu . .- 1 . . .- -...1 .1 I' ..-.11.:.. '. .. ' . .... situation, ami soliciting am. 1110 ieiier 1110 was giving v, onien-.i imnaiu uu The was comniifti'd to the care of the Noted hough taken by -." v v ... ,..... .... ,. - - . . . - nt-.. 1 um .mi. inr nersoti riv 111.1 linni.. ui "'.'W , . ...... . , .. (iiin, with instructions to deliver it as noon as iiossilde. They set out and nttempted 110 was giving way, ortierc.i 101 a ru 1119 al, 8.1v: . Icautitul i n .1.1-4...:... " . . .- regulars ami rim 111.-11, ami insoe a iu: ions ; t3sh:.-)-, -hie n-tauraut, Wl'li a glass ol In an- dv and water in her hand, on the llui o- ehar.'c upon Slielhy and MclMwell, charg ing down the mountain some two hundred yards. A united aud destructive tire noon peen plan,' w e should, regard, in 'ir 1111- nhistieated village of New i ui U a-ar itli i oinpelied him to order bis party hack to ; ,lL.i:t.ilU. exhibition. We have long since to pass the diru t road toy liarlotte, hut hav- j tlie top ol ttio mountain. I o warn 0:1 ine ; 0t the b. y n!u-i."i th-.t woiucti an ing to pass through some Whig n ttlen.eiits, deadly attack from Col. Williams, Ferguson i m;,,lc vlf t.tlu r aud can 'ive on 1 oi', but we they were suspected nud pill: sued, and be-1 again charged with fury d owu the llioun-I 1.1 u s;.n,eii,:i,g ,. a rcpugiiaiice ir.g compi lied to see re I e themselves by day tain. When Shelby's men saw this, they 1 st seeing thein in eating; sab.ions, up to their and travel bv night, they did not reach raised the cry come on men, the enemy ii ! cves xu heef aud beer." Charlotte until the morning of the 7th Or- retreating.' They rallied by tlio tunc rer- ! Cctober, he crossed liroad river, at what is A barrister observed to a lenrncd broth- ' now called Peer's Ferry, sixteen miles. On cr iu Court, that the wearing of whiskers the Olh he niareluu up the Uidge road, was unprofessional. " Right," responded between the waters of King's aud l$uf bis friend, a lawyer cannot be loo ' falo creeks, until lm came to the fork, ends ,,l oii-el by comb .it filh t, ud I knew dead. A .houaiid emotions passed Jmt.." turning .0 ho ryllt, aer-s r.r-s crcik, tobcr, (tho day of the battle ) Col. Fergu- guson returned from the charge against. . . t sou encamped the first night at Ilia noted the South Carolinians, and renewed their j The statistics ol cm places called the Cowpcus, about twenty firfl with great resolution. Fc.gtison again i for the last five uionthv miles from Gilbertslow 11. On the 4th of charged upon Shelby, but not so far as be- astounding ics.i.t. II crime in l'hila-h-lj bin, how t he lot .ow 111 men with a body of regular troops which had arrived from Constantinople. Ou be ing sutiimciied to their duty and to obey the laws, the l!a-bi liazouks at once submitted, and de'-laiid that they would never revolt again-t the legitimate authority of the Sul tan their Sovereign. "fleneral Smith has been sent by the Knglish Ambassador to take the command of tiieiii, in the room of Gen. Lleatson. It is said tiiat they are about to bo sent to the Criin. a, but other accounts state that they are to be disbanded, which would be tlu Lest course to pursue as a great number "f them have ulready desert. -d, and those that remain would never be of any u-e. K ven those at liiyukdcre, aii'ujugli under v. ry severj di-eipline, arc constantly com mittii.g disturb a nces." ''e read in the Cons;itiMioniiel : " It ap pears that Kus-ia intends turning to ac count the diplomatic movement which she has just made by recognizing the establish ed order of things in Sw iUorland." 'The following private ttlegraphic da fpatehes have been received : M-Uutlli, 10th. The insurgents of Cata lonia have bee!) defeated near Mogutfa. The Cahi ciilas Poful and Ferrer have been killed, and Kongos and I.eridos taken pris oners. Twenty-six of the band have beer? shot. Commandant Forges has dispersed the Hand of Thi-tany J but it is not known ill what direction that leader has tied." " M.unuii, 1 1th. It is not true that tbe Cortes are to suspend their sittings on ac count of the small attendance of members. The Customs tariff j uita proposes to iu crease 'be duty on limber and to reduce that ou crystal. Cholera is on the de crease. The sitting of the Cortes offered uo interest. Cai MAUI, 1 lUb. Tbe laving down of tho submarine cable between this place and tho c ast of Afiica has been interrupted iu con si iUt lice of the rupture of the cable. Tho Knglish vessel, the Kesult, w hich was engag ed in the I'p'.-ralion, is about to return lo En gland with the cable, w hich cannot probably be now lu,d dowu until tbe weather becotof more favorable.'1 M. l-'.nlau lately published a work, enti tled ' .U:,su it inii' c: or, J 'n 'ifc of the lit h pious i.V. i nt: ic tn s " the .l" 'Tho author having violenllr attacked the Cath olic religion was tiied last mouth by the Court ot Correctional I'oiiee, and only sen tenced to eight days, impi i-oniuent and 1UO trancs tine. The printer was fined 40 francs, int.! the editor 100 francs. T be Attorney lieu. nil having appealed il intiiihia against ti e si-ntcneCs, M. Ki iian appeared yesterday hi I'.. n- the linp.riiil Court, a id was eon .'..lulled lo ..nie years iiupl i-oilin tit. H.utn) francs fine, :m.l co.-ls. T be court, inoiiOv.T ordered lite ocstrneliou of the copies of the work si-iieil, as will as those luat may be seiied hereafter. A letter ft om Ik rliri, of ihe i'lh, states tlio result of ISO elections were known i.p to fore, out, men. Col. William's men, in turn called tho enemy i retreating, come ou At this stacre of the action, llainbrite and Winston bad met, and S brisk Cro was poured upon Ferguson's men all sreund tht. r . . . . ' 1 ,. . The whole number ot tliat ilate, ami that at.oiit tno-tliirus ! lie in s.. lUnn, il,;. neiiod is I ,Y. r. f If; were Miu-.-tensI ; so ti at t!ie cnetKot tun these, ten Ciousaud five huudrc.l and Iwel vo were foreigners. These facts speak with a trumpet voice to the common sense tbe patriotism, and the sense of self-preser ration of every American. Go crnment at Iv-iliu was amply compen sated for. by its sin ce in the Tho King of II mover, by a decree of the s-tli, decl-iros that any public function al y, magistrate, 01 vlergym .11 who way, by