1 ! n official or public act, question the validity of hi l.oy.l ordiunnce of ibe lat August, lor carrying luto cllect certain decrees of I he Pti-t, or any law or orJi- ! Dance promulgated by them, (diall be at' once liiiiis,-cd. The y.'tl of Ik rlin ays: j " We can conGrin tin.- new. that the nff.iir f the Hound dm i-to 1n submitted b"fore ' lor;; t- a Congres of the itateii i itt-roti-il in the (pie-tion, mul that Ivumark, in a despatch sent to these St.i-t .-, expresses a ' tiopeto fee itc-lepntes nsseinl Ii A in the sec ond fortnight of Nou-tnbcr." It appear-; from the monthly nt lrn of the ' Uatik i France th ot the nit ta , lie reserve his decreased, durum lat month, i-Ofif. iu 1'aris, .ill,-IL',-llilil. in the branch; Lank.. The ili-cout.t accii;niind:itioH his iiicn-cd in 1'nris (.V.':iii,i H"f, and in the tli putment 'JVl.l 1 4.1 !''!'. i'l c advance on public securities luvu im-rca-ed iu 1'aris 'J.ll'.'i.l i,Hf , a nd in thr dcpaituieiit iH,. .'OOf. Tin? note ir, circulation have de creased ,1 !,! Hit. in Pari-, and .1,1---7ol f. iu the d partnit-M. 'lhe Treasury account curret.t ha- cUcrea-el '.'!', 5T7, 1 !'t and those of private person- have incri as--d i;0,4v;H,l 4iit. iu run-, and 1 ,'.i:l',i'.T.'f. in the department. Spain. .V l.-tur from Madrid, daKd October f, ss : The rlifferri.t fa. lion into v.hich the Cortes are split have I, ten moving a gnrni deal lat"ly. A luTif portion of the l'ro-. pre-ita who are ii at .-iiti-fied with the Wan h of tie-j.jcm i,t n.iiii-try a- a w hoie, would gladly Me a pretty complete change vxitli the exccplim, of K-partero : and vari ous inci ting- liair been held, and plan- -hl'-(resti d tjr hriiiL'iuj thi- ahoilt. The avnW. ed democratic iliptilits would probably vote v itli t lie in in favor of any motions flut ing to produce .uc!:a result, and many 1 t o k for St-nor Oloxasa's an i alas likely to brini matter to acri-is; hut hitherto the l)ukc de la Victoria lr.s .-t- idi!y r.-fu-ed to eparate his cauxc from that of his col leagues. i.'.v lv. Tl.t- account-received at Koine from the M tr.-h. . cniiverniii j the eidetit canscil iu the country hy inundation and Horn.!', we i e trn;y ili-t:"--iti. .livers and torrent- ha e o'. e. flowed, and many bride" locn fit .-troyeii. The Mctauri. Ft-im, Val Isto and Foe'io hs rle-olat.-,i tie ur rouud in country, (Ic-troyed the crop, and nwept aay liou-t--. The ui-ntiicr. on the otlier hand, wa- lii.'lfnl'v bid ior two dav-, and iu mine phiee- !.",t of d, -irov-ed the ci -px, the l.i-t in p,' .it the f.riiii r. The ci.oiera i r, r Tttd to he on the de cline in Rome, as r,l a? in the proline--. A report was curr -nt at i.i. noa on t'i" 9th. after thn arrival of the Kreneli ln.ii! picket from Np:..., thtt a popular cuthreak had taken plaee in ."i-. ily, ut J'ahjrnio. An ngijrin" t with tim troop- was -puken of, in lnidi the h.ttir said to have been defeat d. Li ttrrs frrm Nnjoe, of the 4th Octo ber, an:nu ieed th.it matters were -till in the Jatnc nte. Changes in tlie un itary wre vaguely rumored. The L'overtinii nt vas ami .i to eucouraj the beliof that it ud it UiDicu.t to ilt-anu the I.atzaroni. t v-pri;fe t of police, h id a idri I the latter, recoiniin n linj; t! Mil to remain faithful l' the prvvi.t motein.li. l!n-iau jeuts ere, it is said, bu-iiy at work in S.,p!e. At'TRAl.iA A ?'h-m is now tcfi-re the Governor of N-r Soith for a lU-aoi pcLtit e.kuiin .iiiii'i t: on b-tr.n Pa ttamm and Tahiti, i:h hrain h steam lines lt In cm I'ai'iima and Sydney r.nd Mel boiirrie. Tuleti i- t be the (rre.it etitrfpot for tiie t.-nin -ervi'''.- in the 1'aeific, and the U'rniir.u- of the te:iier from A'l-trali aiid Panin.i. The teaaier w.Il rii! and the pa rt jer- l e trari-hi pud h- re. Aiif firetii c!a- of teaners i to ran intwen I'mani arid Tahiti funi tho-e r r' tiin he t.Tpen tl.f latt. r place and A'i-trV; The h.irt or of Tahiti i- a beautil.d l,a-:n. r r fectly protected ty reef,, ai,d -k- eo'i'd he farmed thi re for a -u.-ili u t ' n v . Ln or is abiiridinit and fleap tier.-. When the steamer i.l.ji Un Aje Due':, d at Tahiti to coal, I ,.('. tons of e ial i j.'.a. ed on board in s:xty five hours and :!,.. ;,.. n-r. of putting it on toard trn ot:!y 1-. -d. a tuti. it is cale jlnte l tint the voyage befw- n Australia and Tahiti could he made in thir teen day", and r- tween T-t.:,i and l'.mauii in eighteen day. Near V.jik nu!d hv thi f lie rue he brought aithin forty P. e davs of Aaitrlia, and Luolan 1 ithin liffy day. MI. M V N IN TKi.ri'I.K. ; Mr. S-n-.t-r U-h. ..j.-h No V3.1 tO lie ,e a o:tt urrii X a ' ' :'s ti ti. xt ir.t.-r. rhr b re-. Jj'in V. .Va-vti. l'tail' '. It ;:; j.. cf th-; viet ry of a 7'f hi ! in a a -ia the ca'h.-drH. the siji-i-c-s of tlo I ration wis atti t. -. Lis atteti1! an':" i- 0';r M I-., -r. r to '( ' " tint a-t ! - . -! I -,J to be :, Oi 1 1, at city , ill ho,v ",r - e-i ii ; u ; i -r. i'. ii J a. in-. 'I ! ci by.Il-.V'e.M-t-J to h-i'.e .-i .t vf, nc- to the adi l.'el. i- ui, !-r i;..s.;.-i : i. , Ma- Ii r,!i I r. laetor :'v t zj ' aioti. If so. t!, erj si!'y t :,:-t rat: j rt i.t :.-!,n, o i t , -viitj -itbi-.- n retort-d that J !, it'.!, io- cjii -!,: c ti.il ij--t 'oi tliit i a i-i,u,:-'r..t: in will U, Mr Mt t'.htiis ',f a ij. .t i !., h- i r il ho i- rafjtte. it i i. j I ..-in oj h't ttr.--l si-!.- Dt I' of it. t . lhe r. ;o yn.p.ill:i- a .. .-, au ot ti.t; al.i li -if! I Jr'oniv's, or tlo.. Kit.-!,- i r. e are e,.:-,iii;' t i a tour rt'pit-v-titati .. tave the i ot of t !;, i r jl.ns, hut even t'oir f ta Le t oi tr j. d i! ,t ' in on t he e ,;.l t.t i! ., i- ti il pt.jl.ahli.ty, O'J the -a; run i- ai : . I - tit r ii.. i'. - 1 ; , 1 :! I. , ,!- pr... r- ;roil It l.r.-v I.: "ii. i I' 1J t '.. ui u ! a! i'ii vi tjf , i t'i Ci A w .il iud. K.m k ii.ii I'.tJ w.u Mi; i'hami-tiv A 'Va-iiirietoii ).tt,r to tin- Nt Y--.0 'i'lllief. sa - : " I Imi .r J nt t tt OOll pel Lap- I ' III lio r ' 'l',,' tliiit -tea lio r 1,- ,, .,;:. vt-rv ('Oil, J iv j-;,ir,.i.e-; . n,-:o'i 1. 1, i ills C't V el tl i.-l,l Hi art- lion,, 1 w h ti,, I . ., Ion fi in. e ; is i. . i ! he w ill bt'coine tin 1 ii ,-tiiMi,:-r iiim J.er. Hi) t o . rriilu.'tit ill Ulnlet i-lo ,.i all Ih.' p i ni-il ooty acts; (. il that c it u 'tot t Itli the li. Cv s-it V of ' ir,:irt II ti t tie ' lit III l-t i. . e il,li - lO.t - I Tl (:,: if -1. the I'r.--,.',-!,: y 'I in- jii .n-ii ijo to t , in- ii r, oi it-, '.( .Ml Irai o 1. 1 ii i I ii-.t .; !,... 1 1 t.tt .-r s t-ri-. nt- 1..- 1 1 p.-t'OII II i, i t i, , ti.J J i - ' t iiev-i ,,t ,11 s -p-ns- I- e . 1 iterii- . ; iv- !or n. 1-j.r ill . i.i 1. I i t.- r ttfiit 1..' re ; :i '. ' in !.i !Miw-ri! be 1 . 1 U 1 b.d UnL I it ji !- ui T.'l at Juin f Arc made tf ? tf din. iu-. Mud I KWML M UL i.aJJ.tlJJJIl Ml ! "y'if v-ftKiVi 1 IQl III VL- it I U Ulltl V-Vl OlAFvLOTTE: esda. November 6, Tu X i' N- xl r k In in;; I'onrl Wr. k w ft iuns n i'iltlnl l.i u t itlur tor t: c ri qurst -r, job' work or rtising tu c:ill upnii mo! si tllr we art- iut cs;iri! v con. jn lit 0 to ni-iku CuIU fli(iis. Tlir Thief l'r.. Ti e " g. i 'lt in ui t.f In-ure " w ho hrnVi- into Spring's Mill, mi lhe lnji.t til" the 'J!nli ull. h In rn ca 11 li I o n.i is now ill " illirauec vile " to 5ft ill utsertii. Drill Ii cf Ihr Ex-fin. L Ii Ihi.llrjr ",, rej,r, ( I , J :,nt ff ti.C W.illlMI;t..l Her. jld of the :t i 1 iiilim.., ,;.o, Ki-U'v. I".. I!. Du.ih y tiled ill lh.it p! cc on thr tvcimij nf the 30lh. His health hail Iteen t'.ilin fur sever. il year- p;.', his ti.-ntt, Tl.i retnrr w ; 11. .t unexpi e'eil. IM'lu.v. Iluu'i y thr ll. r.ild ni.tk. s the f...e.w ii,g reinnrkt : llnwtun II. Pi ni.tr bus filh d V2ri-iii 1 tVirt s 1.1 ..tftii'. t n .out tfi-i 111 tin- Se.te. ll..rn in 1 hi .ho, he ri pr. -. nil .( tii.it Olinty in lhe (o-ner-.l A-. 11. by. lit innt in tulins pl..ce, lie wen, tn tlie liui-e ut t'oieniuni. st v.r tl tun. s lie rej.. rot ir.jiive nl" llns t wn until r the utu .ir,.ueii rei-re-t i.t. ti..n. He w .it cllus. 11, 111 l-'J.i,u tltt III. Wr t C'. eres iVi.in thni ).-lr,t t to !.iee. t tl (iuv. Il-mee, we btiifte, ami tietlii.e.l a r. -eh el 1..11. uit-eyn. nllv. he w St ltf't. .1 hy lhe p. .,p c linv. nor oi t:.. . et. i! e v I t. le t- firl -- rim c ri .itt-rw n !. u.iiv r-i liy ? i' t . ' r Itin si t'Vrf is Ih C ill". ir. . Ik- I..LI p- pie. .' I 'fi' ii- f itiii ami i.eu I' .-. in. hv p., rl iM. lal.l.r i f it' ! v see c"' d II. ;..t .11 lil.tr. '.V rt oi S t, c:tue t,t , v-i.d t-1 v ol.,ii Int. mal .i IV t f.lh.'r th- W.l. I i i r- v. i ' h. - t I of UK SV Ik V.', O.ll.et , i-o I w. i tin. , ;n, he -.r.-'ig tiie firs' z n. . I,., in. it... i: ok If . I., th ' t ut.ti I'r. - It o: iio.y t e r, tl . fir. :. L. If I r-o. r t r l,,t. lo ot riff t !) r,' , lit nl tlie ; ( '.!;,, ,11 . , t.,r iii tl t '- nt ot -tt p i v.to w i, t-li r :V ""11. hs . r. i f,..t,l It tl-oi t.f vv h.eh . II-- w is "t rw .i r.is lnill'i.'toi. :!! .M in. , nn. I i.t the tunc nt his ri . ! i in erf l '..to tn n ,-. ch. -t- r Ii ilr .it 'L - .. I It 'S 10 t f.- ry 'hit l is v ht. of ' n-.- to innke the r,,,i me ).-' t 'i i.l of io I jInTS. US I.. p,y the Iri'.llt.- I.i h'S ':.e:t,,l. t'ie o, t,,..l ,1. We lenvc II i t., the e nit nciltlv srt; li. i oit' tl. W'v lilt Hill- " ' I t 11. t lie t. '"..or llit.st 0:s-U-. t'o I it z-'ll h s i, :t tee -ecnt: liuV. Ducll V was III tile C.'tll Vear of his .ige. Tiie iff of ihr h:p:i i.np ;frt .st. I i.tl from the l u in. r k i f foil.iif toiiflPj;! -Tf at '. 'I It respect to the late O'.V. IlLiii.J" The purrtnw of Mount Vcrncn. I.acip of V.r.vr.ia, th priir- wftny i Tim it'tl, i? nikmif an t tT--rl to p;i r )i-ife lhe Mount , Vrrnnn (pt.itc ami l'lf' t"1 nf V i r c i ti i ?t . o a to tu! it rn!:riy r.iir f t::e w wrr of nny ' nfie to u:tcrruit or ninUfit the rniti)a . (itn ( Wfcfiit f;t n. 'I' i.t y have nirr.-ri!n! :n rti"inp it ! nr.Ki.tUr tble mnnt tut I t-ll tlfT lT,- ai- ' g St of it. -ir i -l-ra o"ot! (r Str.t-., nnu to a mi m thi? finiH' c-r T h y unu rt k i r. g an intfrf-'trnp inffiit! c w hi IJ in I'l; j i tit ! i.;. t ori fTf-n irff of t'i- 'j.V h int. t't form ru' a ' M .nil t 't rrr:n A. socl.-t.' -n," f.r (!;. ; ')..(. of r itttj ; u ri i fr Tin h '11, wr undtrt-n.i ai niot ' i Ml 1'Of.r "f 1 ' iT lPllill. XI'" ti'"u!!y i ' i'!t Ami ri ! witi. pti.-i 1 t - tp . '!', r,f,r- U ft : ti IMS H L -'j- ::,'. Mir tin U' ' ,. -i ir-tofi :ifj..r tn d ' K --i I p! TN.rn.. Tiie pl.it:' rni M. i- v Ttrd ir.Lj i tw w . r of t v r-;r .! ar.i, ci nl' r ii-i .r p in i. tctj lir.i. r M"nnt '-r.'-'ti iii i t'(i u:"n it ir srif -a I -1- aMrt c?f-llir , it w i T'UUli' ui th fciih-tT'.''' v.. n.t.'.ii. :i C t'V lu ll til'- tll.ll l.f f'Tli t milif'Tiii ill iri. io'H-r ( t tjIiS Willi A T -y.l r..l. t.t i -. r,,: r. -i ..n t,:Tl . . . t, i v , '! I i Kit. it M.M-t, v?. . t i.-i. !-, pi - it ' i rc v.i .'i to i ii 'fi it in I. c .i)"-. ii, i I i piiii n ui ur tn ijlr.ility 1 lO tl.t I c l!.-,l. II- !,-. i h IT t , s It 1 l V . :.!,.,-.. , w of t.'.l t o 1. I: -t'-ftl (tni, r. nt e . ri r if. i. el ll. '. 'I I V 1 I cat.ent i-.- ot I l.e el I . ri.- . con-, i.t -A I i .1 o ... i -; t i in a ,. ,.' .v i.t . f to.- l.o. ii i o ' rt ti -t .t. Ol. ,. i!' ,'l I, It I 'I. , t J . ii i ' i. t. rr r..r v ; r.-r t .-l .1. , ...1,1 .1. 3 A i .i.t I w i.t cn. t; i.t to 4. .to I ii i I'll r E i .I If II I t Oi t . t. i ri'it ii i. l r i. in tu. i-i t. it. . M I. i t .I il- i -t I ' I. r t , : i i. : . li r'.,n-.i 1 t... I,. . JIM1 ' ti,' ;H .. .it. r . of tn' I ..Ilr I' U. Si ' I'.-.;,. t: e S. T! A 1 Ml I S'jr i,,t i,is I. ick t i II irt t w. i,.:., flt.li.sH -t 1.1 I !.. (I l"o" of. ,nl I., n. r'"l t:i ). i . i I I. " j a I.. ,. . II is ,t tiir ! t I" io.i i y l.v t... 1 ... i i. I, . i. .! I. ,. I, n, 1 1,, r Oel I.' I llilrn'l t'i ron'-T l,i. Wr tn;i.,.c ,e..J j,er.. is ccs. if tor a' it: i. . t! r j i j.,n .,f Uetl .Jl.p.V 'j t' .J,, Kl'll j.JS. -M. He V. r il i., tic liii- ri'.l m i bo f .. J f t'.c li.. f tt .1.;.. . li. t. !, ri . What arr vr to Do ! The Kdjcfield Ai!veriicr lim come out with on arliele iimler llic nlinrc enptien, rnllirr furor. it.fr tlie pnliry of S.iuth Ci.reiina. going into lhe leinocrlie t'onvi i.tion to 'e held ill t'inciiinati fur tie iMiriioe of rfiiinatinc a cai.il ii! .. le for Prriiidiiit and Vice Prcfiili nt. It nppenra that : fnt AnvrNTcms or II wji Pans, in Turkey, Per. Mr. Oir on tlie mie liantl i tor leatling Smith t'ur. in unil liiminii, ly J.miei Alorrn r. .,!,., into the raiika of the Nntional Driuoeracy, "To Unite ainui" n.eiit w ith inslruetii.n in to while mi I lie olhir Mr. Kcitt $ ngainet ui h a (;ive reli.-l) u iii.u. inhnn nl. The in. n lnr it -p.. Mi v. The .4irrrlisrr throw out the following . ergiea are worn out w ith the dully alrucch-a in yntyi Btieii : j life, when he m-rn portr.iyril Ihr ptemer li.-ttl' ii nl' Suppote Mr. Keitt, and thn- who think with ! some other life, torui t the f .te Hint pr. us tun nyree In po iiitu tlie ..illnni.l I iriiincT..lic : I .ti.veiili.tn a ait . xp. riii.riii, w i.miie .iipu.aiioo v..l IO. p.ll. ... .III. "It l. tun 11 1. .".p; mm, t, or jTiniipl. are c.iniprtiiiiilte.l 10 the leiti.1 lur ttie pur.n.' ot Meuring lhe tl.eiion of any piven t-.tiieiii.-.t.', 1 ur dt-lt '..111 11 ith.ill iiislantly leave the hntlv! Su,"i"ie we linllfi'ly otler to Virgin ia, lit iirifin, ..ml lhe nth. r Sniilh. rn Sl..te, ut any oliu nf than, nlir f, llhflll 1 n..ier..tinll ill tll.n lilt, tun. tm, llpt'ii a like t pill lion to he ohm rvvd I'V t hen. w i t It like pri.nii'iitoile e.nil.l or could not nur Si ,t,, thus Ku.,re.-.t and lhu (..reunn. .1. p.. into . the fine innati nteelinir wilh.mt inlrinfiini: her i . t iii -tini v, or in reality low. ring her Innt ? The (.'h.trlefti.n .liricui y takia ground agiinst ihip prt.Mit.ition. Tiie Aiirn iter iceint to think that for the !a li lt huh! al.Hif from the 1'onv. ntiou 11 1 tin time would five 1t1V1.ee to her Suuthern niftcr, to whieli the Charleston .Vrirmy replit: To sustain our past policy, however, in the " pr. seiii jiinelure," tlie A.i. rti.-er considers Iikrlv lofiv.. .llVnee. I f lltrre V any .lo.tbl . to ht-r r.siti..n, ihrc miM be ome prtlt xt for tins. Hut w b 11 her urint iples re If rteetly w II mih u 'i I', the III er-tlic party, .mu I- th emit, try; wii.u the cjn.iili, u upon uli w.!l supi..,rt lis nniiiinutieu, are pritven a wh.-J, n li r reei rti.s niid U ti tlie hp'trtu nt rvrry true tn-'n in the N u t Ii lifn it m rt-tm itthrrnl tl.al all nl e i.t tirr 1. iit;ltiti n. I rit S tf. not ijfttlv r wuiiiy j rxiMMuniiti, hui h k rl f'.rll. ly n iliuint.i n) (itci.r. j atmim, e verv ntriiirtr p' the I'in inniiti Convt-n- i tit.n, win tht r irin tiie Ni-rttt, the South, the Kant tr )i-t- V(V., will kru-w what tin future courpe of ) S. ufi Crc'iim will he In lin r lie will reitctj tl.t- iM.n.iinthOtor .-.pprnve it. A nnn.tnrc worthy ' Jer of Shlliuel Frances C0imiM'lHH l on Tlf f- -f lite mim.'Tl and eonhth me nt the South, fht ' , . , , , , , -, II appro'-, ttny nthtr, .he w.ll surely reject; !a5' con.-umino two Jays and ended at 1 ..id In so doing, she will -el solely lor the com. , o clock on I riday, by the jury finding a in. n inter, tt, and common rit s'.iny of the w hole verdict of guilty, will a recommendation to South. I. there, run there Ih-, ny c.neciv.ble nlt,r0y. The Jury fiund much difficalty in edine ot i H1 nee III stiell a Course ? i . ,t . 4 . . c 1 a v.. 1 mak iiB up their verdict, belli.; coi fined to llut wh.,l i- I Lie .-..mproinise n'eotno-tniif n nv ' !.e Advertiser? li is i h.-1 Suth i r..l.na should ibeir nioti. for at ou 1 - hours. Attorney c" ii.tt tie Natiniii.l luiivtiiti.ii, with her own General Ilaync ttpp. fired for the St".tt.and .ith C 'tt's. aiiO llntse of " Virpn.iti, tieorttia, and the -.th-T S-tiiih. rn St ti s, or :,ny ot' tiiem," pl.-dg. til in-'tiiolv o leitve the b.tty upon uny e.tn.lro. ittis- i. t't tit print iples. "Thus r uitrdeti, ;.n: thus I. reinni il," .oir entempora ry It. in k s sic ctu ven. tore in lie li.,.s .hit, "Wltiu.ut ll.tV i l.t b. r ...fsiflenrv.' Wl v . her e.-nsi It ney i inlVing. d. Ir ilnpletl lip -n the Very ll.'tln.-rit thr t i,lers li e i ,.iiv. nlirn ! She ,kts ptrl in the ot -ehinery. , the crrupt I-t;r.,II:i w, li.c l.uviog unil si liing. 1 ai'.l to. .run ;.h. i.i'.-n- h. r w.tole ptory ft cum. phte in j,. n.U lie c. Sin- ht e(eorw ..r'l Ucoii.es .s p..-tion,a -o, nil . n.I instgnitici.nl p-olioit, t-t the rrcjt Ih-in.-fr-.'" pjrly. to he c-'joleo t-y p'e.lges .Hui pl.,t '. rn.s, t hi-n her aid is Itttd.d in tic cult, tt -t. -uii tu be h. trajvti and C.st ell" in lhe d-y of (..vv it. Shr his s'oo.l nl. t.f ,'r-,ni tb-'-ie pi-Iilic-il conven tich s. t-n groiiiins ..f the bieh.st orincii'l.- epooseti lo tltc whulc tit-sign ol the t'olt-'ltulion in toe ,'eetion "f I'rest.lel.t, si. b-1 1: n t , I. if a utotic lit o r c. inpr.-h. n- ed by ii . d. slruelivc of the .... ll.s I,,.!.! t,n of tor country . f..l etc,,.. e.r.ec, : n.I c.oninitiir -g it in lite' ki eyo g of en. prn eiplrd, t. If-trtkinv p.t iriann. If these res- n.,( rr evt-r p""'. urt-l v llit'y arc ulrof r now l.Mn t-rr, whrn thf iVioM-rjtic patty tt toe r.rc; Vhei. thf irrn.ory .4 tlir Cal.lor.ua ror.K till huriis attiiIKi UO t'i nur bonoiiifl ; whrn ro p-rty cm t' r Nn th that : n(t cfn!trnn te H 1 1 il Ab'.jltit ; -muI In n .irr;''eisi'n tirf at u ' h rvry udr.u.ui thi price ut l ienhh ip it dmlwM rr. fty wh it of 11 e (at or of lhe fiilur? d' our c.tt.inp"rr v iiiec, )n-n lu n-n no in rinnifiirv in Ihr couri? he cniiiMitndt ? Uut l!.rAHrrtt r t ft- b a tho-h hi flan i I p;i li V pr - t l!C 1 !r. Wi iniJuli;" fiO tH h I ntK. "I'ht Sjuih c-iiinot he united printing a I'reM'ien- lial cai.vaiiti. In Mhc nd hunt "Her i nir. m hil thr ti n.cn of upt.i.a ; ntifiuiii in thr f r r u i-l on nl irrei-oy aniiito,n iiictt u.r.r miiwii nu!!ins of p.itron.i( urn upon tit rmiotry, ir tri"ti-fit fcirep i!'h t ::nJ rrnt rd ; it hvP only ii. tt - hrarlM ol Ihf r.iti r.'d Irw, r, t it d n,r orth. il to iiKr " lltr li. u r J r''l y ho-t," III.' HUH rit Ihf o'ji- nf I t.f w ict-rf. He iriirr, thtTrf'-r, . ii r '! mn jT'-ti t st ir.t i ti V IH' nr, W MM'h, W II 1 i ir'i'r P-lt 2 t" Vr' f ve tn t .ii-ini i i y nl lie Milf, ah -n'i hi r l ine h.ior''-; pnin y. If -t n- a ri h-i tu w tih nfn n us. hr- inj with f--iiy h.-r p-i-l rn;ri f, uin.f r t o J..d of utriri! nun and trni,'- f.nr. tr'fi'. t-if tr.rhit(i of hr fl.tti.nifo, mc of m '( in h lYf pofic t I i ir loi'd lii'tn, i.i.t nt ii' r vf i . vi i( (i!-Mt ii r i he right . - mi t!( roth , a r 'or'; t;--f! if tiiii ii hi. a m no h sr-.r he kr-t w n lor hi r itiL'h iNvotinn t" pr :wiuu . C''0- r. (iihiii, an1 if' i ''ii-.'-ii' r, hut if to !h- p'A'it lo t w !i l;f r-'.nM '-I ii.. tinn I jurt ti i n h t I hp ij. c.l in- flnn i.;itiiy, iM.h.'y. 1.-1 iii r.t hi.- to ur - nits tt r d' iUMii thfit ail m W-ti, hrftitsit- fl r 1 1 v f, ii t.it over thn uniMi'ii ly art, r i li; it t r uut i li 'u'lM in t'-r j liKi ii frmn '' U Ii n i'V '.nn. .?.. iow Cuiiipriinne. Jr'iir renn War and rulilirv Tie jtc hiu s t.f Kur. pc, as tlu ..eil si.tj in ri w nc . C h v I: e pr ' I.t tt ir in Ilk I r.iov, i. s-!l II.. inr net ami v .rvo j; i.h.is' , st.o irit'.-Cii.ti.e rt ? u- too t ,tl a ii. 1 ii, on. n l us u.l- rt tt. The nc n- I ..II l-.l.llt . rl.t." a. 0. I a .- it I iv. r . , t i, 1.1 - I ,.i i t,f th- V I', t 11 C. lit I- It !,.i II tl .li...ri;i.i,, r.- of I ..- o i;t: Itt Hi. h.ivi; .rji ri out nf th- if-. .z.iiff iV in ,( in- rout!. 1. 1 Ii-itrtj; p. r.- of the t-Id :. t uii ti i r or ijo' t c. t m jn ti ti.-- h.n.o a no pr- ( rUon 4 itt, :.t to r -ij ir.ii;ioi ot", aui , t- t. y to tin: p- l.l.t i! tit toi nl B t. irii I't'l it.il I'. Ii. Jn It iv, Spam ao-l .rti; iif r i rc int ii . I lr-if l-'i . in h will In ! r'-ot; itt to ii -tr U".it tli iri'i ri .tl "i ttttv or tin; fli.'r cl tfii- f-ri rt Im Ili'i r ot . r I . ' .. t: nrti", 'to'J lo ir aoii'r'i'i imd fynijri tt. -im ti.r t'. '' 'JlT'-iii u' ) ino T :y ;.n; lit !'.! . tu, nI.ii ii Hit jr tit tt .tf tit- JT HiV;i , r-t ui.d llttirohiji; ,'uf tl'f C.ItiiO( i'T'ifcUi :u f-1 i r ; t.-t.''n A : i tj 1 1 oi am; l.r-.l to- lu .i t tiri'. 1. 1 i tiu tt . It uiiw ti. rt :t( rfisxi rn r 'if i v i.t n ij t e ni t.f . ji i l n i,i, t Ii -. t.. t it r ol t .t m ir Ii iV l ff' i . ! I. ft til' Ot ly tfiti C:. IJ: l j IfOOs. I i o It ttjr-F a iW-'H. It w m h't'Uii i' ro j.u . r li i ' i v t i.i n ! i;u i ft . itli.J tf, il. 'i r. v r-' to ii :il - ! o.- ll'tt I is . r in C..I, tt t Is ..u.l l;drt.(ic . ' en li u. rtti.'jilt in '- b.i uitt ,1 tn; t.v I' .....tl I). .1 lot rije . n t c- 1 1 ';. o-t t nt I). i..m. r:i tic .triu ttar for ! otl of jt. rt.es noil p isi rs. Tilt: i - t r i . n.t-i. t v. i, i. i. l.rf s U in tloi. it. If ti r, .ry sort 11 .ly, anil Ph. o...l. itiii ri-'- tn ill- tur.Oi .; til llie t'.r it i I , t,,. . .i . jn. it , l ti lo. in vt ill ,i..i" li t. ii.til II. tin ftitlii It. tne tt.t l ii- to 1." 'Ml . r A!. loi'e is fclre-.rjy sii.,rtj t.. r i . -1 .-. nt' .1 n 'n.U 1 1 fur-ti ot J....V. - It it...,'.f col s.: m i f, 1 v tii.l ,int iili.il in,,ir.ii:y fy A'l-tria anil ,. !o y .l l.-,;..rit) i.n.l rrtnet- in i.tl' tltcns lt:U-t Like Its celt r fr'.lli t sti r. Sunt. ma is sri -.Hy, mot s mo i its f. r politic ft.inioi, oi liu. ! It -ii 1 l,o h n.utt p'-i-u Le .r. sent. .1 ..i.ti . ... anti lloit -r..t.'i in ttiil ".t'Ttor. nl I' tt ii'J ft-'.l to those it ; t i i'.'s it Lu ll crt- ri'-w in a wt-.ie o.f 1 r t.l. 1 I.' I':u" l . S- the i if i h. t o ai I!,,r, i,.- ,i. .-. c ..f . .I t ml Ir -,itiii..i,. Sjr.O.ot is now in li Si ' ' r nil,, r I- yoci il. So.r I ;,' .lf "I r, v.,1 j ' i..ft, t,r:t t .n.ls rc brli'g. l thr IV t" 'ei.d I . v.n. H-r I, ,-,. I I.,, It lf., Ill' lit ii'iW 'li .t of e.ii-r.iti-iit-i tti t.. nt le f ifi thf ), 1....1 ' ition the Allie cannot he otherwise than indi. rcctly pledged. To abandon her now would Le the baaett ingratitude. Entire f Ilnoks Fo Saii at l.nwaiK &. Knniss' I!ook Store. heuvily on Iiih cwn h nr li lid par .ly xe Mb Klretipte; c pn,.a , f 1P .,rr, v cirrle in w liieli It ii- eetfhood j hnur'v I'on nr! ; li it f.. milieu ure qnirlt. icned and relrtKheil i" Inteiiing to i.purkliiii: wit ; the hi.ct chun: witlun bin hre.mt arc ulirnd by the breath of the peit'n in-p1r.1li.11." ; IIom Inki ri ver. A T ile for mother ami d nyh. ter, by Grace Aquil ir. I The titlo above we are le.nl lo hi li. ve will Mlf. firtrntu .iin-.tat,. ,. chnr..rler of Iho work with. . . nut farther r.iinrlis, mid therefore very few will lie mifficieul. Sriittttirut is the vehiele or Thitinjf.t. and nought the 01 1" in of ,tr(iN. t'hiltlu'll l.lid ynttllihave very n lduin the power lo evinee 1I1.1 ractr by actiuii, and scire, ly if ever un.imt .nd the mystrry of thought; nifd therefore tin ir un rotraiortl conn r.iiiun may olttn greatly inii pi. rents atal teirbers in iietiuirinir a eorreel ioea of I ; (h( jr ,,nra ,i,,,n,(,n, nn.1 in giving hints for , ,. . , , " '"- ''' t." "eh n.sy deoia.i.l. I be mnral of the t'iry is addressed to in. tl.rrs only, r ,.M, u n.ntlt ,.!' the rf"insiboitv of Hfine Ioflueueo d. vuhes. t)ti them, mere th.tn nn ny otbrr, di pt nds the well.. hong and hppi nets, or the error art. I grit tit, not of eh.lehnod a lone but of the far ni.ne .I.iiijmti.u period of yOutlt. j From our furrrsrAiulriih. (.liatloton, .Nov. ii, 100. The trial of 1'sttitk McNeil for the ti.ur- for the defence. J!esrs. Northrop and Al- ft . i . , . . . lemon;. 1 lie trial treated much intere-t the Court room was crowded thron-honl the trial. McNeil is -i Iri-hman, rnl Fran cois w as a Frenchm i. The murder a' committed last A njnit, in a proci ry store at the corner of Market and State streets. The campaign for the Mavor's election increa-t in interest atol excitement a- it approaches a clo-e. The leader on each ride have mar. hailed itjeir ho-t, and coun ted th. ir number with a degree of certain ty Vi.iiroly Satisfactory to thcm'elve The strength of the ttfo oppo-in; candi dates, l!ienirdon aio? Miles, seem to be so nearly balanced that it is hard for outsider to gues the probable result with anv de gree of certainty; tiough the popular n ,:mf,,lt P'P'" "f ardson, the Amenefin candidate. Toon-i r is not counted in tli? contet, and will nrob. ally le xcry litrle in tlie wny of fitW of the cxlf-T rantViduU. In tnv n zf I sh ill l)Ic JO result, ns tbo fi"c tinn CO.IteS eff Oil W It WeJlH?aa V, the 7th in.-t Th trail nf King utrrot rif rfpiv.-i1 quite au inj pta rrrrtitly l? tin rxntf liiPlit ooraMOhfo) , th pale of f.vrr:il t''ou !an.. k"j? 6f liitf leaH at tli tinparih lMd low price of J and H cont- pr pound, h y John ronimirn nt hi strrp, 7 4, K inc trct Nothing of thi rpalitv hai ever vfr-re. l-er n sold in tin market for e- than I'l I, .... i,r , l.,w aL. v..,.. t, H if tr'pn tt, to t-- superior to nny thint' of the kind now in u-e. Jlr. t oiiiinin lias t.een cpl.inn; on an av.-rare of about ton a day f .r the la-t three week1, and the supply is not y. t equal to the denial, !. J-honM any of yonr fair reader i-h to kr otr til, ere they can ol tain the latest -tile of bonnets lol .'rc-s p itt.-rn", I would refer them to Mr- MeK'ileran', at b.-r larpe and popular establishment. No 2H0, Kin -tr. i t. where they can certainly be accommodated to any thitio '.l.-y i-h in her litie. and on the most r.-a-' liable term. Her st are i rrodcd from morning till tii'bt by tho-e ho a-pire to be the leader of thp fa-hion. She doe an itniiien-e country traI, and i daily in trc. ipt ..f order from lhe n , i . ! . 1 1 -and upper di-lrict- of ihi- f-tate, and al-o from North Carolina and !eor jia I see it Btiiioiitict 1 that the rfTieer of thi Greenville av! Columbia IJrilroatl have pa. ed a rewoletion i v t n ir to p'anler the privi lepe of pis-ii on t ho road fur one fare, lo n romp to any inark.-t for the ptirpo-1 of el Wii'' cctton. 'Ihi- may le fiven as a nlvo to the outraged public fc -iiij ttbieh ha- re cently been arou-cd aiain.-t the manaL'' in. rit of that road. 'I h- rat.- of frei.-bt and fire have r'cet.tly be. n raised lo a height tthi'-h amount alun-f to a proliiltjtiori. 'I he inc-r-ehatit at Arider-on hae re-nlv d to ship their food- to Haiiil ur, and wa-'on th.-ui from l In. re o form. rly. The entln r -till comitiues dry and tiarin ' for the sen-oti. The ei-tern are rapi'Hv fail in; and w -hall or.ri be short of tt nt.-r nn- ; lc spetdiiy ri lieved by a timely ruin. In ' -onit- of the ui per di-lri.-ts lhe dronobt pre. vails to such an ext'tit that the - f . rt li nil'- i,. and rrc ks h ue all failed, and ino-t of the '-' mill- hat e -lopped for want of tiiit-r. The t - dry eat her scorn to pre vail to a fearful i x- ,i t tent throughout r,.. Slate. , , 1 lie Litest news Ironi (in. t union tiv i n-siiran'-o of a sf.elj- t.-riiiinutioii .f i ar. 'I !,e Ci-.ar say- that the Allies n.iebt J . take S. l a-tot ol, but they would find it a ,i pile of r litis ; and that en ry other pi ice in ci the r.ii ire wouid be a Well d..-f.-iidet a . that hud lien; and that own if he evacua ted tin- Crimea, where lhe Aiiio- had tin benefit ,f their Navy, he w a- prt p.ir.-d for the iiio-r i f), dual reti-tani " at every slip toward- tho interior. 'Ill" eict.t ha-ji-li-fit-d the-; remark, ami show al-o, if t ik. n together. ith the txi"tiii' a-p.-ct of the ar, that the t. rmiiiatiori of the sit -jo- r.f .'"'el a topol it ill be but the beiriniiin.' in-lead of the end of the w ar.. A'lii.r.v. ! Till: KASTKI1N QI'KS fl iN. i .NtivTuv Oct. 2(1, l-oo. The rhariie from nhiniio reuion-tr.niee ayain-t American want of sympathy for the Aiiie on the part of the Fn'li li pr..--. while tl,..- i-sue I.. f.riSi h.a-op ,j hun in doubt, to almost in-u.'tiii anoaio-e since ii fid', prompt u to examine ctitictlly j their own po-'iioti in the ea-e. In th'- fir-t place we mut remember that nearly nl! our tic -paper ii.lelii.'eiice from I'iuror.c conn to us throU'di French mid e'lin'li-h (haniiel and is modified nccor.ljn: , t to their prejudici . In this case, c-pot-iull y, e are unavoidably r xposcd to the ti. e .-.i. y of h' ariii- almost ...1- ide tli '--1 tli. Thi war we have. : n t !,.. tin suit of n demand for pcrpetunl guarnntica of the ri; hts of the Greek Clmrcli and a re- ' fu.-al on the part ol the Turku. I V Imiw shown w hv the Hussiatis must be deeply i.niccitied iu any change of uf- fairs in Turkey, and how important lo them is the po.-set.Moli of the Stiails of tho Bos- phoius. If we can juilfr nnyihitiL' of the purpose ol the iiUSMau nu.neror, uoin in eoiiiuieu- 1 1 it 1 conversation with it li. II n eyniour, lilnl his vuiiotis public deelaiiitiotlf, his reil- vot.itjjr 11 mi his intention was thn-: ihnt 1 .1:. . .1. .t m ,1 ....... f.. eenevinu tii.tt ,t n.-ie.n euwei o an m.-i. ,..,i i. ,1 1 .1 ,..i,,.,; ,f 1 ti -r 111 Kurope, throuuli the intioiliielton ot ' 1 . . .1 .i.... 1 western milliners and customs, atnl the until- , . i- .1 m 1 i ual tran-ler of power Ironi the Jl.lein to . , ., . , 1 ... . the r.utoiican races of the eniture. and that . 1 ..t.,n It a j;it..t v. inline .1.- tti'vui n' uiiu: became iiee.s-aiy for the Car to con-ult his own interestrt. rnriieo was menacing lhe l'orte for a seltlement of her demand nn J obtained by menace in opposition to the litter of treaties the ndinis-ion of a ship of the line iulo the Dardanelles, and I'reni h diplomacy w as actively employed at Constantinople. The ("asar looked upon it as his sacred duty to maintain the piivi lesis of the Orthodox l.reek Church, and those privileges were in danger of being violated. Tlie Karl of Clarendon acknowl edged the superior claims of Hussia, both as respected the treaty obligations of Tur key and the lo.-s of moral influence that lhe Emperor would sustain throtlglinnt his dominions should he be forced to yield to the Latin ( bun h any privileges before en joyed. Ilu-sia demanded formal guaran tied. Tut key siu pl y pledged its woi d. Ev erything was calculated to create di-lrut on the paitof Hussia, her demand were rejected and war was the inevitable result. If there wa- any ju-tiee in tln-e deniandi .v - . - t . tn i t l i the presence ol tne Allied Ambassador, ... ... . recalled especially to their ito-ls to watch ami counteract his movement, the intrigues with the members of the Turki-h govern ment ami the threatened advance of the Allied He. ts to Con-tatititiople, sll deman ded the prompt action of the fiar. The Allies were warned by l!u-.-i Imt to en gage iu the di-pute and by thus doing to introduce new complication, and it was el .iuied that the active interference of the 1 Allied Ambassador ami the approach of . ' ' their fleets was taking the mttiatire, and r. tole ret! the advance of the llu-sian troop imperatively nece--ary . 1 h thing re.j iire e-perial attention, since they show tint the Czar was not en t i t fly wrong nor the lie entirely right. Every step taken by the latter only com plicated the tpiestion more and more. It became more iinpisible for H'ii to treat with Turkey after a -hort time; now. Tur key is forgotten and England and France claim the right r.f dictating peace. A- to 1 nrkey her-clf her course was ve ry plain. She could not yield lo the de mands i.' lln--ia without coinprouii-ing her sovereign right, and so f ir as -he her-elf wa concerned her coure was dignified and bonuralle Vet she w as unfortunate in her frit-lids. They were coveretl by the shadow : of the La! Ire sufforod which wnuM en.lanirt-r th.it or ili-turh the nuit t of th ilrotim. l.'l.. r i ' . ii tt 1 1 r ior ttu'tr purT't tint a tot hie r:.ee shot.ld hold Con-t.n.ino,,!.. and they hare !.-o-t told ns thai Hie would r-f suff.-r it to fail into the hand of no power ful -int.'. I he sup.-r.mtis.led slatesnien of Kurope Tt- hent on iiepotirttion snd so pr"ject f.d- iowcJ proit t until it wa too lute. Ilo-v t . ...... . i.ejran to cm. plain tnat tlie l'orte waa O.) tin ate, and una ilSm? to nefoliate. emc'l to be their purpose to cxpoie the .-uitaii ar;ni. to feat and o to f ,rce l.itu to make peace, but the sturdy old 1 1. tm r I a-ha would not be beaten and man- f ii y held hi own though they took e-t.e-c'.il pain" to prevent hi foll.jwin tip bit -ui e s-es. Turkey t.an'inj fjr li.rriehtt was every w iy t-iti i;-.l to mr sunpiilhi. . biitlurk-v i- t o to ai! iiil.-nt no moro. i r pre-tie ha- d. parted forever. Ilu-sia coultl n..t w. ll bale iJoh.. her a pre-a'cr wron than the Aiiie- m i it have don.'. S).. will eoinc out of the war tin ir creature e-.cii if -he come entire. 'I hat even i- d.Mi'tful, f.r anoihr r K i n ir iloiii, Hi.'h another I..o(,.,!. .r Otho at it head, U t-.iked of fir the i'l iniihtan -tate r . i-.t -I tiir-y can he r. -eii' d from the cra-p of Au-tii.i. The war i- n -t jl'' i! tiow f ir the i i t--jr -rity of the Turki-h Kuipiri-, but to cri ph the Car Hit'l mail. tain 1 1 - a--, tnlancv of the Alii.. oii-r the -tit i-f Kur.tptr. It is tin- btiiinm of a trii,i'!o which is to oe eiry the fi.iur.., that of ll.o West aoaiti-t tin- 1-i.i-t, the Teuton aaiu-t tlo- .""clave. Vt it ii the A Hit-- w hilt- -u poitin the cau-e of 1 urkey when iu danger from without i o ir t iriit t - in.pithy, but v. ilh th. tu p.i in. I t-yond tiiut toirj o-e it cannot follow. In I l.e tir-t pine.- Tin key did tiot mniiife-t any in ability to in a in tu in In r o li eau-e, a nd it -he -'iff. r-d any i u -o 1 1 v .-ii i . u . -1- it a- that to loch the action of tin- Aiiie expo-.-d her. t a in in h better army than she ha, had in mod. rn lime, with able officers, -ti-f iii. lim- .f defence, an cnthu-ia-tic and i;liti' '". j.lt-. ru bin.' forward unai.iiiiou-t- , ly t -ii t i:tt tin; Suit jii cau-e, ihe was in . no (.n at d ati.'. r. In-lcad of peniiittin tin" Turki-h nrti.it to iii'-'-t the r.u.,iuii9 on the J'rutli, tin: Al ,i. - held th. m hack til. ..li lhe limn), i. t.r... v-nl.-d tin- Turk- from d.-.-l in in., war iinti irth'T in ,i .i .-) th. d l 1 a y won I be a mockery, coo'cd tt lined and di-or- of I lie pe J, ir finances. aiid allowed th,. !,.. ii- t i hi t eon pl. t,. po-.e-i.,II'iof the I'lin- -. n d wh.-n at l i-t t In-v "li l actuallv eir'.i'o- in the war. It ia- jii fiich a way aa to tl-reat.-u the int t-r victory or d.-l '1 hi ir ft-.le c.ur-e ority of Turkey w h.-th-at i.ttends their aims, ha- been a s. rie-; of hlun- d. r-, sad and tt rril li: blunder from begin tiii:L' to eii l. II id Turkey ! . en ailou e 1 to enter lit one. -i ti bale!, il ii.to the war, th'-rei- every rt a on to bcliem .-he would haw come Out with hi'ti'.r. 'I l e i fl .rt would bale ili..vrI.,pe.l the eiiil and tnilitary re-our. .-. nf h-r people, ad var.e- e. I,. r iinimi;. 'In- tii.lioii-, t' liiii d h.-r the re-sp.-ct r.f the woi Id, and done more to mak" lor a hulwaik to Knrope than atiilhin el-e whiih could hate h i n doi.e. Kveii if -he had lo t the I'i in ipalitie. firevir, the ef fort would ban: doiie In r j.o,., . 1M( ' ! I .it-iiHty i- io-t forever Shewiil exi-t In ie.ift.-r only as an a.t.i-ii.la" to the Al. hid tut'O s. TIIHHVMiIXiF M Ul l CA l! I.I.. 'I hi vein r i! I body steeor.'in. lo app iinf . ii -nt met in thi- place ,,M W. ilne.tlay Oit .'ll-t, and alter an able, ii t.-lli. l and' ii.!. r. -tin.' s. ruiori by tin l!. v II. fi, ,r Ms Lean, from the wo-.l. ' ih.e ...1. r..l ' . J " " " I. , T your soul-, t ,ey tuat mu -Inn. fr"" ' ' '" xm ehap.er, 17 vcr-e, it wa otan z- 1 by el.-eting the lU-v. F. il.iit- tl,..i i : . ,, J ... . v ;..! tstaimi, . W. Cnruthcrs Moderator, and Ru. Jan. P. MclMiernon and Klder S. Nctll temporary j clerks. There arc we uadcrstand a very large number in attendance, otid thn prospect is very Hnttorinj: for an interesting sessiou. (.! trciisburouk l'uttitd. , TK Arrll,KNT 0N TK r haiii.ottb n.II.- j KOAD IlKPi'UT OV TIIK t'OM.M ITTEK OK INVKSTUJATION. The Committee appointed at the late nice tin.' of the Hoard of directors of tho ('liar- , .. ,, .. . bite and bouth Carolina Kuilr.ad Compa- . . nv. to exaininu into the late accnleiit upon , , .11. l ' road, the eauses thereof, whether any ' . . . . of the ngeiitu or employees of the rond nave ; "-. ... be en negligent ol ineir iiuty, ana it any, who beg; leave to report thai the immedi ate rau-e of the accident to the extra train Q,f the Cilh of Oitoler, was the removal of a portion of the track near Killian' Mill, by the track rai.-ers, immediately after the j passage of the piis.-enger train of that day, in consequence of which the engine and a : poniou ol lhe train was throwu off tho .rack. After a careful investigation of the facts, of the en-e, your committee are of the opin ion that the Superintendent of (he road, Mr. Niiu, is exempt from th:' charge of a neg lect of duty : because, by reference lo his schedule of the running time of the passen ger train, and uf the extra train for lhe (ith of October, (lhe day of the accident,) pub lished along the line of the road the day previously by the conductor of the pas-en-go r train, it appeurs thst at all of the points of the road where the time of the t.vo trains dill'tred, the track rai-ers were duly notifi ed of the fact, and at the point where the accident occurred, the lime of the pas-en- . . . -. i . r ,i... i..:. ger ira n, nim ui ine extra itaiu Having e ' - ei.n.o loo. -liter, nt- tieeanif one thn too same. . " ' .. . , it was mini ct'-sar y to notify tho-e t r rt r k -r i i ers, bt cau-t) it was th.-ir duty to have h vl the track in ino.ier rondition at the regu lar time for the iia-eii 't-r train, ainf such beiiit; the litcl, it the extra tr.iin hud k. J.l it time, (which was the same ilh that of the tia-.-etier train,) it :.lso troind have ia rd safely over that portion of the ronl. Hut in t-on-t .( lence of the bumper to a h r-e cur attached to the extra train hatitijr be come broken j'l-t hoi iw Winn-'.oro,' the comluetor of the train it a eon p -llftl to run it back i" that p i'it to detach hi- broken car. In con-i t'ietic of thi the train lo-t it- re.-ul.ir time, and, in Inimical i.in-uai;e, Loei.tiit an irreouliir Irttt at.tl sol-iort to .i.i i i , r t . i tlie rulra and reulntion- of audi Irani. i i - i i t ti ii! oi.e ot hi..-h i- that they shad ruu sioaly i and ith inure than ordinary care, keeping! a iitrict look out all lhe lime. From the ; rumiiiif! time of the train, as kept in th" conductor a book, it would ecm that thej tit.it. u-i'. vct'-i.t'ir" tiinit inuitii'.- ui tuu'i iiin;' from Hood pump lo lhe point of the i act -idt-nt, a di-tsuee of six n.ilis, mhieh was! -iiffieioiitly slow. i Hut it a l-o appear in evidence that the' track-raier, as so .n a they heard the p- I proiieh of the tr iiti, airl before it w in i'ht, (although there wa a straight reat h! of three qiirrtt-r of a m le t'i the point of; accident.) one of tin tn advanced r.ne bun-! dr.'i yard from vthcre th''y ere at work,; m- train wa at least tmy y.,nl. c I" 1 ,r"'" ".' " ,mJ OM cr, n hn h wa licit heeded until the -i.-ti il hearer as pard, and it became too Utei to obviate the acei.lt-nt Your conimitl.-e, ! Ihetefore, are eon-tmint d t.. believe that thf i t . t i . .i i- ' ace.detit a attributable to the uehnce ; (.1 ti e tnir.e untsr, at.,1 l.e na arcortlm-j ly been removed from the service of tbej company. i Allot" which fact are rp'-ctf.il! r nub- niiittd, i;i)W.vi:im; i-almki:, J AS S IP i.t'l U KIltllT, ! Al.KX.K TAYI.itl!, (.'onmiittee. ' N"HKiil K iTrvt. We ropy the following fr-'in the Norfiik Ar.'itt of the '.'!th: No n. w ease ofTn-ullr reportt-i Satur day. It was rumored tl.it there had been tw.i nm c.t-.- duriiie; t),.- day. I'jj t. Hay lord's child coiivai.--. tit 'I lo r.- had I cell another fro-t Fii lav l.il,t It was se.-n plainly eno i.-h on the hou-e lo,.' The trees no bejiu t ht the eii'ieiicc of fro-ly we.it h.-r, and ilia h-.in s of the n.ulleriy aie ihiiklv stu-wn up ui tl.e 'i .ui, I. 'I ,e wind, I,,,,, vi r, ci. in;-. I i -t. rd.iy to S. W , and tie re w. r--indication- of winter weather. lhe -harp iiol -brill n o,., of thr; tiu an I C") p- r work, r hammer w at heard arnt .'i Sa' ir lay at an t-xteti-ite ntai.uf u t jrv ori U i le-wal. r street The uneip, , t. .1 'Hind was i (i. t -r i r i ami . r i r it 1 1 1 p'or Inariy w.-. ks the e-l.il.li4iin. i.t hit f, , n , -il. nl a-the el l e;r:ivi', wi'hiii wh,c nar row liiu t- -leip two of its t :iterpri-ing proprietor-, victims of the f. t r. 'I In- i "i in 1 .. r of earl an I wa.'-in at mark et on S al ird iy was lar-er than any day iiicetl,, rao of the f- v.-r re.iehiiur a f ir up Main street as the City I l'M---l, or tiie ll i- il.il. ."N I :t 1 1 y country penple wi re in j the city, and some of th... retail stores Were crowded with rii-toiucr. ! I'll' )M WASIUMiTiiN. Waiiiinctiin, Ocl.d.fr 'J.l. lien I'i, rec say liovernor II I.t wa f-lcfte.l by a " mob." It is a fixed fact that the entire Cabinet w iil opp.,-e I!. cd. r s t h t ti.,n and adnii-ion a the d. I. U'ate for ( 'onor. . .leffer-iii (Litis, swear-thai it shaij n.-ver be d .nc ; fiutliiie and Ci.hin. rrv .tnen to th.it ; li .l.bin kay- lutie, and Marey looks orum, but back it up. Th.-y. however, don't wish to have all thi- kuown before the November clecliot.. Il.'liable ad-.iee received by tho A f r i -at -late that Mr Kichanan would ere this bine 1. ft London for Pari, and thut he will probably vi-il Italy i..-f.,r.. r. ltiriiiiiL home, 'I he President has enliiely recoil-red from :he chillt an I f.-nr with which h,; was af fect.d. A . ireular letter from (l, ,,mark relative to a -. It!, int i.t or the ,u..-!i, i, f s.,,,,,,,1 'lues h.i- 1 it n iu d hy lie- ion rii'u. nt. Iu the Court of Claims to day the te-tj. ni'.iiy taki n in lhe ea-e of Isaac Swain wa, admitted, thus d.-cidin that lioverniiicnt stores are not sul jeet to impo-t duties, and that l.ovcrtiinotit is liable fr injury sus. tained by citizens iu con-, .pi. nee of the in,, proper Conduct of it aeents. lhe argument ui thn Florida continued. cases w as i I'hiv k Mkn. iiik'.i,' Ti hlii Muvk The i'aris I'attie stales that llua-ian fam ily now i I-,i, have r.f. iv.ol a l.-tter fro,,, a Inch official person iu M-cow, i which It 1 aiiiiounee.l that Criiice Meri.chikfl ,a, I become n monk iu one of the i,,oa-le,ic I III the old capital of I'm- in 'I'l,,. . . I IlKl'le Will ereul Co., II ,1 ... ... -.1 . . ' ' " '.tieilicill i .l.rl .1... :. .. . .. .- ' 1 " " i ft it i ad- i ". i.ini u nit we n , ur whieli aecni ! to overhang hi, country that induced th. i-l'mt ,1hasador of ,I)C r,nr lti , t Hiltau to take tLi. step ' " t. - i . . , ft overuaiix In counti v I ,.,i ...I , ..... I r CONSIGNEES PER HAIL HQ AD. IJ ruoM tiik ; hi ok oct. to tiie 3tii orxov J. & E. 15. Stotfc, J. A. ltamaour W li Wethers tt Co., Wither & C, A. K. J,'ck on..T. II. McHorie, Stockton A, M t v" Jetton, Harper, J. fc Co., Hoal oro, C. & C ' Uoodson & S., A. Iloyle & Co., J. Hrp).r' Moss & K., K. Giiither, J. J. nkii,,, jj' Fronehi)rj;er,& Co ,U. Mostelh r.J K l'uM L. ptincs (1). College,) ,on , & U. ' WORMS! WOIt.vS!! ir There is no dis. arc noire common ,,, chihlrei d yet none which, to ft jU, ,,ty j? tie the skill of the physician, lit wnrio., T( ' are highly .:. tiinit nli.l tu the foiist.tuli,,,, . Ihcir preseiici .liould he i relully t utir.i, d Ufu't, by piirt nl. On the first nianileili.liun of ,,, touts, every imuns should be used lo(i,. , ( promptly ui.d tlion.ui lily. M'I.uiii ', y, Iulu ,f is well cstublislnil u Hi most cut:. in ,j(-e sM-e.ly renirdy i ttr elf. red lor this tr.,u,' t, and d.iiieerous iitaludv : iin.l all ui,.. ' "i n.j. nageiiirnl of children should kirp ilo, in,aUj.,e inenieui.- i.i hand. In addition to it. pc,.,,, fee ly, ii n n r I'.ils to produce th dr.ir.-.i , f,,,, HTurcliasrr will be caretul t u., f,,r j, , I-am'sI h tsstiro Vt.aiiirt'R,tnrf likcn.n....i All ...i.... V. ;.. " "i'..ri.O'.,rt . less. l)r. M Lane's genuine Vi ruiiiUjc, ,, Cell -bra led l.ivcr Pills, ran m.w la- ,d , pert tbh. Il.llg Stun IU lhe IMSljl.-, ,,lld f,M-lJ " on. 3d, if.S5 ,-H In this county, on Ihr S.l nitt.int ZPNis it KXA.M.i.u. ,ui..,,t ... of . a. m';,. Ufci tl I.i 11.1,1,11,.. ' "" liisil ICtrritrtl, I V '" s.ih.erib. r, ut ll.c l ltitbtiif ,,. E UK V.M.IIS, lu.n. ., ,'., W.., j Fruits. A so, tie.lt CAkKS of ., ',. , "" Moulii; i M(io,Y. ' 25,000 PAIR or ' lWjO'lV V H 11 HIV i 1 ' ' ' V 1 i) il 1 I ' t' I IU J., AT Boot & Shoe i: Mr oi! i Hi, roi: in i: imioimj:, riiNM.sTlM. IN TAUT f t.i-i.is. I tf .ttl Kip w-tcr r.tof IJ-kjI iitnl-i ., .. r ' I, iiifrtniiii (() - m. ,,-. ,( t,H.u (,, t M , rJ 4 It . j lh-,1 ..I H.r y iirs.ripin.il ,ul $ j i t-ij ""'' " " tl ,.!,' .'I' s lv . p l.n.r ns, prime srtielr, si tl 1, " l.u.t-t' nii Ihoiori Hr. jens si tl to tlj, ttetit. I'tl I t 'tti.frrss tisilrrs. fl.ratl.tp , ... nor -it.i lc, f .l. It. t,u Pst. l-j. it.,. vti..us twn.irt fr. in Cj tf t ll,,y 's sort V.ill lii's lf ...tt K ii III. j;,, h. tjC i0 j l.sd.et ( t...gt. st (Jj.lrrs st t.'j, " Shi. I. sent i oli-rs from tl j 1., f..'t " l.uil Slul .M.T.K-rn Ho,. lets, tint k solts, K,l It mil Hl.ilr kill Sli,,ru, Sh.(...t mid W siting tihue. of tnn 4 srrt.li..it , ,M.-s surf rhiltJrru'i ttsitrr and llt.trrs, tt ri'tits st v It , Negro llr.irsns, nf try umn msnufsriq,. itst. 1.. j, y N'.theiu iiist.u t. rltirr ) b t i ... H. ,ij lt.tt.hl, S..d slid .S.ili d Hr. j .1.. tl i;, W,i,rte . t u, , H'ty't tint V"utt.' llro-ans. al 5V l. a! l..i.:.e. tntl (.n.u. Ilull'tlu ti?hus, t.1 ncrj it. seri.it.,n. ,'',,r H"uhr" ;'"" R r tl I. , T'" M ""f" '"' I', ftiment .. , ."., M t-ntsril ,, -jl trti't i t iwritiitt. trttl all mat ,.,,. . fll'ur ,y IrHtllik tirrtit.d .1 ll.o .In .U. - A !.' s irlinrnt ..I Truest. I snl ft.ri. t'i. it.r, i-e,-.i i-iiciri.. .--I...V -M-i a, ..I ,t-ft tt. rtit,li,H., I'lriilt t h.H.p. f mi..,. Sk,. (I.,, nrss l.'. ti.rr, llriiil.M-11 .nd ltlli...r (IjIi Sni, l-li.. t, i rt ... a i rk K.Irs, sr.iJ a suftf-r r inj,e of lrf.il.tr l'rt rt.ntr 't.r U..ti .m Simtt. S ll tin .ritc un't I't-rre I AMI. J. 11 F. IM'Ot'K. J I'l fs r.ti.1 f. r l.-frn tr l.y llli.. 1 IIKI'I.HS a,(h u,. , ,r. ctsl 4tltiti.,rt. I h.iilulle, ,Vr. I., IH.'iS, 3-s f New Uddk New Hooks Hill .SAI H at i in; iiAi.nniK 111", it s 1 1 "iu:. I ije.in" t.rl's ofi,.it- 'ri,..ii.,ro ; 1. tr 't r r tr- prat.n.rai Dirtinn ill nl Itir Vt ...I.i. c r t , i ot m itol.tii Mrtil Itir M..tuiit isltt.ii n t'i n-ii.- nil,- ry . or I iimlrrr; tli.ussr.il t..t. it', tit in tt f.c. nl ..ml uiillniiir iiif..fi.is(e.i. r. e"l'cj '!.. I f I.I.,,,!., ,t.-rs, Hl.lUlllS, i ,ti... I'..", Ac., i t r r v ii .rn r 1.1 il.e fi(.;s-. In S'.ietl, I. tn t.siA nf it twy l .t tuts f ' I yrii" tin nl :,(!.., I.tl. r Iw : t ' i-l .ry. t f.li. I . toi l,iej,T. ft' . -I. '.I ll il,.ii Aa-tln-rs, tr m le. ttrl.lt I., tl.r int". .1 lin t I ii.i.tisr.' In l'.,r.nsli.t.i f..i tlx I'".c . s r ; I I .r l.i.i i . i.....i i. .-oiiyt!.'. I. ,lrrs,.n M .,l.rn II ..I'r r. fr.n- n irru..tm ot li. .. rn, .in .Vstiitiii i.t I i tiftc .f tl.t- A ui, r ir . n lli t . Iti I-1. 1.. t l-rk's, II. ii-y's s.i.l S.i.ll ' t'mi.n. i.lt'r U" II... I.. A I re- .assert. nt i l t.f M, se II. i.. ' ui !! i & t .e hnj, tt slt . ..f tatiom iff, ftifitr itanzins etc., Ac, cv r lifi.iif.til t.t Wi-sti rn I srelliia. f. r s '.- ht Liiwiuk .t, i;nni-s A'.r f,, I - i'i!isi'i-.i;irs of ihi; Hni! IJoad Tiniosj AS IMifcl'KMil.aT Jul hAI., lltrnlnlm ,V.it-, I, ,l,i mil i,ii.ris'i.' Wuli, .Itoif t.utr, Minufitrlltrt mml I'lmmfli'. V. iauir t . t tl.r inter, st "t t1" I. . i ur ft e .1. ... .i, tu. Ii pii" r. t"' i" " me II'.. t . nr Ir. c lr..iii tin-1. . I, tie . I sit i'i .tn'"!" -' rrls nl i, r tl-. I , tl. t. I. d 1-. tu- Il I'' ' Will fc 1 ki....' lo. jr .1. .t-f, we c.iih.; i.lr ' I' t i'i"" tt, fiirist will lie.- Ssiursfiee nl n..r.lici: ,i iitt-Iift Ihi ir i, i,j.r.,l..ileii. unil tiiii".rt I'ur. j" t is ii, u. .kr tin- Ton. tlir nnro.r .,1 tl" M .' in Wliicli sll . hi nc tll.se Hue int. r. sis l.tl'l "P itri'l t ti, i,nr.ii'rii. tsifnsti. ltn-.rrvirsTs. T" t'o i tf ct lit .1. t..r i.a ...in h ii icr ss lull rt t li ' I'l nl tin v irit.tis .ipersti.u. will r.i.ir. ; t-.r a" ..rk til nn . rot tt ant alio , stt 0t ' inter. ol tlo M. le. Kim. iriot 1 1 is a a-.iirreof rec'el I ' all nl ' I licit III lilt C'llClliOi .1 mlrj. sli.l . ur .-'"I. ' In. ib not ') II. ..I ..ur ( rs nrr so n '' h " "'" t" I'.lly (s lill. s, Ac., Unit litis frtat r.'lr '" Ifii t.(.i..iieh ii, ,., . I, .1 : we .r.. -, n.. n tit tr.tlr Itt llns itl'leel. pertmll i nl c ' " VV. II I ..I. r sii.l c.f. fully utile II" s't'""1" I ..I K. ii. ..t.. ii, i.. t c.i.l r in .oir l"i'l ' M'W'1'' Nt Sit" III ..IU t ....ill.'.l. riell' ' Is. sj Altai. 1 1 ri at , lti rn ai si . ' '. .i . . . . . . . ,.,,'u.e il" ' .. is st .. .. . nur i.it',f t, .i, , It I ,.l 1. 1 1 ..n. .1 .41 Ir il 1.(1 II. v l""'( tcit- .rl.sl 'I I.. ...... . .1... f..L..is ml I ee rt 1 I il' r.-n..', hip .' . r. ----- - ,, it Willi can-, ami ..II He. iis, .,! iiM.il tl.r. nt mi t. tier i.t tin..- ins. i..t rHl.l. limine , try, will h. c.r. lolly (li nn.il r.it.l ms'-rl", ,1 cti'f It I llllliccrssiiry In snr mef 'I " I.... .1.. t. . . .1. ... .1.. I. ........ !! " "II i .1 in'"' id, H--I ml lite I hi cruiir news II." Ill tl"' " '" "''.. ii. lo . I..se I', run I us, l.ew. rcr. !' " Hist the first llli.i.l.. r ul thr 'J ill'" "' 'ic ir.llit e ale. lit lilt; lone llie curs rt"1 ' !' ''"l'"' Ir tlir Ki.sl. , . , Traws. Tin. Tin.. will he I"1"""''."" ,r. fir.. r slier' U.'!', N . I ., " new m aieri.'!. "'"' 'ton as lllll.l. r. stllll" In .. I rer a ui' j i i tale, lot ti.lHI Iter siiiii.iii. Ill """"I'.'pv- K. it 1 " ' .. .. .,.if .1. W. ALlilWi-i" (,'frcntrri.fi,' .V. C, Air. C, l.""''.- M m m I I r f

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