CvD H. (1 VJ ' :-f V '-. v- .. i . ' ' r- " "'.ii V pi "I, Ai II ul lean, Hit t'H l. i :;;;. wmm m 1 j 1 f in.: Ill II,,. 1 Mm. , 10l,, ' miel. mini. Id 1U1. l,.t i it 'I'd,. in.. 'II., t.tb r, rm II ;. 1 -I ,...4 1 It '11 THOMAS J. HOLTOXJ, Kill TDK & I'llOI'lllETOR. TKI.MSr t ih.r.iroliii Wl1ii'illtWi,rr.,riI,Ji..iil,. ,,ir. a TWO lHi.l..lts in TWO Jiill.l.AHs1 AND FIFTY tFNTS if .uyiniit tw , Jur llirr iniiniiis , una 1 iiitivb IAM.I.JIU1 ,,l 1'.. cnii l' tlic ycr,. -No NH.r will Ih. oicoii. i,:mi. u umiiI il jrruyiu. s are pid, ixe it al Uiu , ,,(, , l the Kctil.il1. . Vivt'rtis'HH'UtM insTtril nt (tir Dullnr H-r Munre 111 inn n nr li-, tin sued tyre) fur Uiu Drat iuwi. t un, suit Uii ccn I tor eiti li cuiilMiU'inee, t ufl nU. uili-ijiitt fiitf ami tStiL'iri' ' iSiili s rtiuigeii 'l i.r , . 1.1. ti.gln r ; iiiiJ a titdin-lii'ii uf .'t3J n-r ei-iit, will !.. in .i!i- iViiiii ihi. rrguUr iriii.s, l-r .nlvertini r bjr llii v .VWnrtieineiil ins'rtil itutntlily er MUJriirlv. n ! pr square for rncli lour. inmi. ; ,.,li.ljr ,i miiiU per mr, fm e.eli lime. , 1 Putio.Uri.rButlioiiitl to art u. agents. ' Pit KS 1 1) Fl M FS A (J K. ' itiluw cttiitni fit tie Senate and ol the IJviisr. ol III iiftsniluticrt : The Coustitutiori of thu Ciuted Males pro-' vi.i, - that Congress hll assemble annually , u llii hut Munday of l'eeember, and it has ;.n ii tiMial lor the 1'ie.ideiit lo uiuke no riMiiuiuuiraliou of a public character to thu - nt and Holme ot llrpresenlalive until .1.1.., I of tl.i-ir rciiiliness to reeuive it. I j-l , 1 - - ...... j,uie defurrei t this u-ge until the close .1 the Urt uioulU ot tue s. -mii, but u: V eou- v . , .11, of duty will ut permit me longer In p -nlpoue thit (Ihchargt: of the obligation riijoiiH'J i) tlx) Constitution upon the 1'iesi uni, " ti fiive to ti.e Congress iiilormatioii .if lu tol'ile vf the Union, and reuoumteud 1,, tuiir c nisi.lcl Jluili such measure a he rui judge ii(TC"ry and cxpeuienl. It is a mailer of (a hviratuiuti'ii tlm I tlie Ui-patuiv is lrainiiilly advaiietng lu acaieer if pioperily ami peaef. 1'llKKUK IlKLATt'J.NH . CkMRAI. AmKRU'A. liiist ti Ulii-in of limit y continue to i -l;t beteeu thn I'nit. d State ari l all loreil! jijwers, with soiui- of tU.-m grave Uii-lion re depf llOin, wiiteh Insy irquito liie Con-.-ideraiKin d u tk Of such uelioii, thu nin-t import ant is lint wbieh ha aii-ellout ot the iiefoll illon mlb Ureal Hrilain iu reference to Cmtial A in riea. ll 111 coneeiilion roneludi'il betweeu the to eovrruiimits on thii lUthof April. M.iO, hoih pari. ii etiut d, that " neither w ill .... , ... 1 . . . ev-r oeoup v, or loritiy , or e 01 0111 a-, "r un.e, er cxrrtsise anv dniniinon over, Ni- cji a;u. t' ft a Uiea. tiie i'-qi.ito coiit. or nv pait of Ui;utrl Aiiieiiea. It .is the ondoubtril unii' r.tsii.iinif of 1 1... I uitii.l Slates iu inakinir this treaty, thai ... . f.e.r 1..;- III IIIB pil'Klll iSHM-illl III" I'imci 11 f'li'i. of Central America, and tb entire territory of earn, would tbciirefullh enjoy eoiupli-le independence, and that both coniiaclioir par- ties enaired rquallv, and to th aamo ft- t'nl, tur 1 Ii preMil and for 4, f-iiur h if eiihur taeu hml any lauu of rt'ht in Ceii- . - 1 ..n t rul A llllTie. rUCU llllin, IIIU t uw i. j.i- j,i m;i-i"i.. tj iiu,ii.iivii iv hum .m- uir , i;.. j. y ..... . . . tiou or am homy under it, w.r uerescrved ly stipiilatnui of the treat b merely future! Such heimr the public right and the mu- !"nJ- f,.v r,sv!"'!'y be constiu.a as iinpiy uouor. . t f ........ ; ..; -II 1 ,1,. 1 . .;...! s! n I, ..;,,! in ' slcIi subuiLsiou. 1 he exacliou ot tnose .1 IHJ .1 -Iit'U VI lu Hljittiaiiuil ui iiic tuu : ...... .I.-. ...v m ili-r. f. VUUllUllil",""''',,u"" " " . a 1: . tiT i i f lirciWO or isniru in "J j'.i. , meriea b lir, at Biiiaiu or the I ,,,4 Mat,.. ' ' The i.rimieut eoneted to restrietion iu re-ard to a re-ioa of country, . herein in rc,im w . ,, wo had spett.e and peculiar upon. ieo.,vu turn Inst tl,. like, ... ;.. .v.. ....... ....... liti,'ator on lireat f in , u. ' . . - ...... , irlllin j lt fjr imd r't.i'. ling of thu J I hi- poternmeut, rerogniting the nbliga- thi Goveruuieut. Il w as matter loree J rthr ' tUr eonreiition, it would li 01 id li.e treaty, ha. of eour-e de-ired to of sur; 1 ise, thercl ile, to liuil, sub.equeiilly, unref liavn heeu eoiieludml by u. seeit rxeruted in good faith by b'.sh Jtartie, that the engagement of persons wu.iin liie Sj clear wa thi underslauding on the ' and 111 the di-cu--ion, therefore, has not look- United Stales U proceed to 1 1 alifax, iu the pan of the Uuited States, that, iu correa- cd lo right which we might aert, iude-: British proviucc of Nova Scotia, ami there poodeocit contemporaneous with the ratili- ' pendently of the treaty, iu consideration of enlist in the service of Great Biitain, was oatioB of the convention, il was distinctly our geographical position and ?f other cir- going 011 extensively, with litlie or no di i xpre.scd, that the mutual covenant of uou-' cuuisiaiice., which create for u. 1 ei ilious to guise. Ordiua. y legal steps were imiuedi oeenpalion were n"t intended to apply to , ihe Central Alnei icaii State, uiUei n,t from ately taken to uirest and puiii.ii p.nties the l'.i iti-b establishment at the llalize. 'l hi iho. of any government of Kurop. , concerned, and so put an end to acts intnng- iiujliheaiion 1 to bo ascriln d to he I act. i The llritisb Goveinmeiit, iu il last com- ing the municipal law and dcroga'oiy lo c . ......... H;.l. '... .. '. I. ..... .1. . 1 1 limit ii.., ti.. 1 ,.. u . ,,.,r ..-iv. ..i nut V M e :i 11 u h i I fcnltiihli' ten- llll. III VirlUit Ol aueeslr iic.nie. -in. : ,.f tk lireat liritaiu had obtaiaed a couersion of the right to cut mahogany or dye woods at in llalix, but with positiv cxelusi m of nil do- mmn or Bovcreignly i and thu it confirm I1- nniiiml ni. ti union and ut, Jerslood a in - port of thn treaty a to all the rest of Ihe tion of the treaty Constantly adhered to by it approval and sanction; but it also ap-ici-in to which tiie stipulation applied. jtlii Government, and resolved lo o.t peared that the public agents engaged in it lt.h iwevcr, bieauie appaient, at anearly ihe right of the United Slates, yit actuated had " stringent instruction " mt to violate Uy Hlturenterin U.ou the discharge of m y :!., hy the :ime desire, which is avowed the municipal law of the L nited State, present funeUons, lhat Great liritaiu Mill by the ltiiti-h Government, to remove all ! I i diiTn ult to understand how it should ..,...;,..l......,..i..ry.iiiintiot laree ' serious iiii-uudeislaiidiiig between ' bavu been supposed that troops could be . ... .it l..t! Aiiieriea i.. ti.i .1... M. ,..,, i,. .n-it nml oiii moil i v ain "i .in: . -, .... - - - ' ii , ,11- e - rov.riu" tho entire length of the State of : proper not to consider au amicable solution lakable object of the law w as to prevent ev NicarsiMia. and nart of Costa Uica : that she ' of the controversy hopele.-s. I cry such act, which, if pcrloiiucd, must be rr.r.I..rl th.. IS.n. . her absolute domain. and wa gradually extending it limit at the expense of the Stile of Honduras; and that she had formally eolouixed a consider- able insular preup knowu ai the Hay Island-, and In bulging, of i wht, to thai Stabi. Ail these act or prelcu-ioii of Great llritain, being contrary t') the right of tho States of Centr al America, and to the man- ile-t Iciior of b.-r stipulation, with the Uni- . . , . . I .. .1 : LU Matra, a unaersl-W't vj " e, . . i i . . i .1. .. ...v.:... r ...... meiit, niive neen maun to" -'je.. - - .. .t ... . .i. .i - M... -t.. in 1IHII 111 III roil gll III" lliei iu." -. .ii.-- ... American .Mini-ler in London. I transmit herewith the instruc tion to him ou the subject, and the crres poiidence between him and the ISrili-h Sec- ! rettiry for 'nreign All iirs, by which you l-r widely aud irreeoncileably a to the con- ne of the war iu which she i engaged with ( licet in all undertaking, which could only : stru-limi of the convention, and it clleet on l:,i.i.i induced her to make, to draw le-j l,t necompiisbed by defying our laws, throw-; their respective relations to Central America, ciuils from the United States. ing suspicion over our uttitude of neutrality, Great Britain so con-tru' the convention i It is the traditional and settled policy oUaud disregarding our territorial light, is. a to maintain unchanged all her previous the United Slates to maintain impartial ; conclusively proved by the evidence eliei-prcten-ion over the Mosquito eoa-t, and iu 1 neutrality during the w n which trom time j u-.l on the tn tl of such ol their agent a different i.uiU of Central America. These 1 to time occur among the great power oljhaie been apprehended and convicted.' pretension. Bs to the Mosquito coa-t, arc the wot Id. Performing all the duties ol ; S,o of the oliicers thu implicated are ot . founded oii'lhtt n-umptiou of political r-la- ! neutrality towards the re-pective belligerent , high official position, and many of them be-, tvveen Great Britain and th remnant Sl .tc, we may reasonably expect them not ' v,d our jun-dictioii, so that legal proceed- u ' i . t . ..t 1 1... I . .i er lime nis n i- ol a Hibe of Indian on that coast, entered into at a time when iue whole country win a colonial iioaesinn of Spam ...... ,,t nitioitiai pusaussinii ui .-...... - . I, , , . ... ... , .. oi me pioiioMiuii ii is i .mu iii i..i. ... Uoliai's. lulling ine saino peri. in, liie nay- be aurecsf,.lly Controverted, that, by the div idual right to continue all their ace is- tho cause of complain was not a mere c. s. uf , S.m,, , , ,llal! bo ,, 11Kl(!u j.f r,.l01M.,,i.u, ol' w pii,,1c public law of Kurope an 1 America, no pos-; tmued pursuits, by laud or by sc.., at l.o.n., llfl occurrence but a dehbe ate .Us g , n-1 ui(liiuiil with ,, ...ado subordinate to. a,,,,, ill..luli,.tr; interest aud premiuui, a sible act of such Judi or their predeoos- or abro.,,1, subject only I ) such restrictions , tered upon with lull k.nwlcdge of ou, law t,lu b,)am.e uf 'iU.d t0 uMl,m luar.J au, aora could confer on Great Britain any po - liiif-tl ri;:lit. Great Britain does not allege the cnt of Spain a ilia origin of her claim ou ihe Miwtpnto coast. She has', on tlm contrary, by rep ited and iiereive Ireiitics, rt noil ne ed and n liiKiuisbed all pretension of her own uud recogu'ued iho fait aud aoverclii i,... ? rigbta of Spain iu tlie most uiufjiitvocnl ', icnus. let tliese pretensions, no without; ;nolid foundation in the beiiininr, and thus ' I FlMlfllfllfll 1 nflllir.x) Hiirn uf n .A,.....! ......Ir..! ' revived by Great Britain against the Central American States, (lie legitimate ucecsor. to all the ancient jurisdiction of Spain in that region, limy were first applied only to u dttiiied pait of the coast of .Nicaragua, af- ter nrds to the wholu of its Atlautie coast, and lastly to a part of the coast of Costa Jiica; and they are now re-asserted to this extent, uuU ithslaudim; eugcuieuts to the United Slates. (u the eastern cojst of Nicaragua nuJ Cota Kica, the intei ference of tireat Brit- ain, though exerted ut one time iu the form ( military occupation of the port of San J.,un tlvl Norte, then iu the peaceful posses- j sion of the appropriato authorities ot the I Central American States, is now presented have been, and still continue to be, largely character, and value ot the po.cs,ory rights saii.-iaet only uetern.ineu, and the rcla iby her as the rightful exercise of a protec- 'employed by (.real Baitaiu and by l'rauee, of tho Hudson Bay Company and the li'iusol the to gov, mtnonts continue to be torsbip ou r the Mosiiuito tribe of Indi.uis-. But the establishment at the llalize. now rea(.lil;? l,-oi.U it treaty limits into : try operation", and iu bringing home theii the Slat!: of Honduras, and that of te Bay I "kit and ivouiidod soldier j but such use of i,.ll,,i appiTtaiiiiiig of right lo the saiiie,,u"" mercantile maiiue is not interdicted ,u,l,i gl P nl distinctly colonial government either by the international, or by our muni- t'oie o JaiuMa or Canada, and there- ;cipal law, and therefore does not couipro- for(J p,inirrj to the very letter as we H aslmi'our neutral relations with Russia. .1 ..1.1 . I... I 1 i Hut nur iiiunii' Im in si cnrdnneft 1IIL llllll Ul 1IIV IVIIWIIIIJU HUH llH' UllliVU ;t;lU.,i nt the time of ralilicatiou, ' ....,1 ..u, ; ,.,.,l..r.i.....U. il.i. i:i...r,,ii,..i.t 11... i,;,.i. ,1.., 1:, . 1 iiiiyii,i;iiiii.'ii niiiminv ..iiiiii fc ' i erumeut, iu assertion aud act, persist, ; 'I live relation uf ihe two l'ov rnmi ut- to Central A mum ie 1. To a renewed call by this government up . iti I : rent l'.ritain, to abide by, and carry in to 1 !l -et, the stipulation of the convention aei- inliii' to it- ubiimj import, by a :i- drawiir.' from the posses-ion or cnlonizition ol bjilijn- of t'i" t.Vntial Ameiiian Mates ol i bii'itii a, hi icaragua an J 1 'oU Uica, tl iiiitish liovt rinneiit ha at length replied, affirming that the operation ol the treaty is 1 -.-U...... t t.u 1 ...... ..iitir.l f n 1 ;in. L'ai!l.-t ., itl character W hilo it hold us to all State are at peace, or to increase the force tcieour-e Willi the Lniieu ciaies. as 111c oil- ; vy ' 'M"" " ' " oblivion, it in' a great measure release! of any foreign armed vessel intended for er British North American proy.ce. I ... securing the redress ol wrongs complain. Great Bi.tM,, Iron, those which constituted such hostilities against a friendly state. ' '1 he commission, which that-'.rea.y con- t-J ot by this government. Spa,., has not , . 1 tm,..,,,,,., ,.,ii 1 ,. f..!. I., iiuii.lated. for determiiuiiL' t'i nubia of ; ""'y disavowed ami disapproved the conduct I lie c Jlisi'li r.iltnll 01 1 ills (joveriiiin-ni lor en- 1 .........v. v-.v... ..-. n... -; 11 ...rin- into It is impossible, in cither of tl, belligerent power lest private fishery in fiver and mou.hs of vvers .... the I of n.e o nceis who egall seu. d and de- .". . 1 : ....! i. ;.. .1... ... ... r.f Tinted Mates and the British tamed the steamer Black Warrior at Hava-i lit v 1 i.l nnelit, lol tin: l-uileu .-Male-1 10 ac- umn, .1. -. , . 1 1 -i .1 , . ' r- , . .- . ., .; C i ;,. iL. ..,.!. Wiiih Aii...iieaii nrovu.ces. has Wen Olifan- ! "a. but lias also paid the sum claimed as lu- utescc III sueii a e juiructi'iu .'i in' iesu'-i-- - , v ... , , , prospective only, and did 1, I require Creatior ent'-r hiin-tlf, or hire or retain another Biiiaiu to absieioii or conti ai t any pj-se- pers"ii to enlist or enter himself, or to go 1 11 L.t :. 1' .... .1 v... .... 1 .1. .. 1:...:. 4:...: 1 1 ions lie 10 I'y ner 111 v iinin:,..i;a 111 iui- date of its conclusion. 1 j'y -ubstituti J a partial i-f.-, in the place ol the general one preseuteJ by that niied Mate. '1 lie. li iliih tjov 1 -ruuieut over the 'i'i'-ti hi of tho riihta ol I: .it.:..: 1 ., I '. i , ,.l ilia 11,1, em - i .. ... America, and assume, she had such ' lights at the date "'tin' triaty, and t hat thoe rights comprv bended liie pi . tect'irship of the Mo-qiiit 1 ludiiu., the exti nde 1 ju- ridiclion and limit of ti e B.ilix-.'anl the colony uf lim JJ iy'nd., aud thi te Jpon ..- 1.1. :.. ..1 ,; ... 1.. i,.ia. ii,i it 1 1,- int'll'Ti, nrm imikmi ni .'.ui loniiinn v- 1...M i) !...! 1 .n ,.r ( Vi.f ral Aim r- ijiamv'--'' " ' . - ,-- :.. ti . 1 a ,..t.;i ..!...,'., 1 u I .-. Itriiish i .1 1 lie I in i,; i -1, s - J ,,u... ......... v ..... . the inference or the premise. We steadily ; deny that, al the date of ihe ireaty, Ureal Britain had any possession there, other th in tho limited and iculiar etabli-hniei,t at . . ,. 1 .1 .the IS.lit-, ami inai, 1 sue uau any, tc, wvre aurremivreo ,y me convcu- Inn.. iiiuiih,iiiuii,.iini,;u-,..i,-.,.." ,.f il,.. l SiHtes. still tleelare that it see. no reason why a coucniatoiy spiiit may not enable the two Governments lo overroinc ill obtsel,. to a s .tislactory a!j astuu-iit Ot ihe subject. i Assure.) of the coricitnes. of the con-true- . t.vo nations associated bv so many ties of in- ll.Ti un. I Liiiilied. it has annealed to lne There Is. however, reason to nppreliel.n that, with Great Bri'aiu in the actual occu- pain, u or tho "disputed territories, and the tieaty therefore practically mill, so far a ; regards our rights, this intei national difhcul- ty cannot long remain uudetcrmiiied , with- out involving in serious danger the fricudly relations, which it is tiie interest as well u the duly of bulb countries to cherish and preserve. Il will afford me sincere gratili- ... :e .., . IT .. t. .1, r...,.!t ii. th.. ,.., .. . ...... n. ............ .ni. -it... I h. re ire with more - r- - , I,. I.. ...... i i ni the a. met ol t he case Her- iv.'"." - I - i iiiit me now to entertain. liKi Kl'lTMKM'. (hie other object of discussion between (he Tinted Stales and Great luilaiii has i -.. u n oil I Ol l ne iiiieii,,i, ., hi, i ...v . ... .. ti inleilere Willi our law mi eiijoynieui it bcnclit. MrtWliiisiaii.iiiig Mie . .s.v ,.f ..... . ,,,.n in..,, our eilizeiis iciaiu liie in- jin thi relation at the laws of war, the usage of nation, or special treaties, may impose ; and it is our sovereign right that our terri tory aud jurisdiction shall not be invaded bv either of tho lu lligeieiit parties, lor the transit of their armies, the operations ol ' their licet. Iho levy of troop tr their ser vino tin. tllliuj out of erui-eri by or a,; ai us, i CStAIULiOTTE, either, or any other act or incident of war. And these undeniable i individual and iiHtionul Ul i I I llmlul l,, ..llfilm.! a le rights of neutrality, dial, the Uuited States ' stances surrender. I In pursuance of this policy, the bus of in pursuance of ibis policy, the lam of thu Lniled States do uot forbid their citi- zetis to ell to either of the belligerent pow- els arlielea contraband of war, or to UWe munitions of war or aoldieru ou board their private bhips for li ansportalion ; and al- though, in so loin, the iinliviJual citizen expose his properly or person t some of thu hazard of war, hi acts do not involve (any breach of national neutrality, nor of I theuiseKe. implicate the Govcruuieiit. Thu, Iduring the progress of the present war iu huropo, our citizens have, without national ot delay on the part ot tuo t iveril- . s'nee ine aujouruiuem, 01 me nisi v.ongres8, retpousibility therefor, sold gunpowder and luents to act iu tlm "'.""-i liil-'UUM itie the nucstiou, then existing between this go arms i all buyer, rvgardle. of the de-i- daturor and diflicultiea of the controversy. ; vernmenUiud Iliat ol J'l ance, respecting the i..t;,m r.f ..;..!... (l,,r imUtii..,,.! M is.u udcrstahd iii'' existi as t;iu extent ! rcneh Consul at. tan I ranci-eo, hns been ,in ti aiisporliu troops, provisions, ami uiu- nitions of war, to the principal seat of inili- '' 'he law of natious, peteinptonly for- ----- bids, not onlv loreiiriiers. but our own eili- xen. to lit out. withiu the limits of tho Uni- ted States, a vessel to commit hostilities a- any state witu wlncli tlie Lniieu tins country to ueprcuaic 011 me proper- 1 - ... 1 .1 ty of the other, all such fears have proved to be utterly giouudle-s. Our citizeus have been v it hheld I'roui any such act or purpo-e by god faith, and by respect for ihe law. mm :i . .1 . !.... . f .1 ... 1 .i... 11 uni Mil lun- ui nil; 1 iiiiiii mi: inn- ici ' empt uy in tlnir ut iiiiiii:ii'iii 01 11c eoain- ' 1 I in-lit or armatuent of 1 .. 1 ...ri.t .nii.r. belligerent trmsers in our ports, tU-y provide not less absolute- ly that noticrsoii bail, witliiu the territory or jui isdictiou of the United State, enlist oe v oii 1 or 11. una 11 r jui isoieietu 01 1 in: 1 niied Stated with inteut to be culi.-ted or i.nteie'l, iu the service cf any foreign stale, either a a solnn r, or m ill fu bo'ird nf any a a marine or sea-i..-.,. i.f ii- ir b.lti -r ol maro'ie, dr privateer. And tbc.e enact- .1... i i,i. n..f,.rl..iv itk tl, ...v ........... v ....... j .. - law of nation, which declare that no tale j bas the right lo I aue troops for latid or sea ! sen iee iu another slate without its consent, ,and that, whither forbidden by the uiMiiiei- pal law or not, the very attempt to do it, . vv uti nit such consent. Is nu attack un the ...... .,,..! ......I,...,;.... .. .iuiiiian uiiiii. v-mii-vi L1,.n, llunni'v : uu t. :u!iitrt wim t'litPrtflinnd v t un Uov- v.,.,,.-.,., -...v.., - j... ' , Parliament p..ed au act to provide for the eniislment of foreigners in the military ser- 1 vice of Great Britain. Nothing on the face of the ad. or in its public history, indicated ., . ... I.-.- 1 . .. 1 turn. iua iiru,-u uo.ernuie. i F.oj.... w. ( nriruuu.em iu u,e y i.ieu , : Dor did it ever give ilitimatl )U ol such 111 r.J- ----- - - - reseutatiou on thu subject were addressed t. 1 1... Ilriti.l, i:r,w,r..i.,..iit Thereupon it became known, by the ad- tion,, who-e ships Irequented the .-leaner- el political inemiship ami ol goon ncigli mission of the British Government it-elf, taueali. lo the last demand of such pay- borhood, obstacle to this have arisen in that the attempt to draw recruit, fro... thi ''""Ju h l'". l"1 ;1 oi ll1', "V ,,r0, "'.''ir " uflci.:iit country originated with it or at lca-t had r ... raised here by Great liiitaiu, without vio- , latioii of the municipal law. Tl UllllllS- eillier iu vioiauou ol itie law, or iu siumeu evasion of it; and. iu either alternative, ,11ns act done would be aliko injurious to ; the sovereignty of the United Stales, j I the meantime, the matter acquired ad- ! ditionai impel lance, by the recruitments in tho United States not beiug ui-eontinued, and the disclosure of the fact that they ; K, ie prosecuted upon a systematic plan do- , ki,(.d by official authority ; that recruiting I.., 1....I l.... ..........1 ; nri ..;. i,.,.,.. ...., ,.., .-,. I ,.,i ,.u an.l il..n.it4 fr I hi ri.ii.i,tiin nf ! r ' r ; rs.-rnit. mi nur trniiiier : an! tlie ..... . . . . whole business conducted under Ihe super- vision and by tho regular co operation of ; British oliicers, civil and military, some iu North Ainencau provinces, uud some in the , V' uiu u u t,... ni..,? v., wigs coum uo. rvaeu mu ui ...e , c ... . , J III se coiisiuerauous, lion uie fact that and national police, and conducted by res ponsiblo public I'uiielionaric, imp. lied me t-v present the ease to tho llritisb. Govern ment, in order to secure not only a ce.a tlon of the wrong, but its reparation. The nbjcct is still under discussion, the result of which will be communicated to you in duu tiiuo. INT. O., jTOTTIO'Sr IS, 1858. waamn aarat I repeat the recommendation unbuiilted I to thu lust Congress, that provision he made for the iippointiuent of a eoruuiisriouer, iu j coiuicxiou with Grout Britain, to survey and ' establish tin: boundary line wlncu divides' establish the boundary line whiea divides' the J erritory of nshmgtou from the eon- liguous British posscs-dous. By reason of: ttio extent anil iinpoitaneo ot tin; country in dispute, thcru bus been tiuitii o--ut danger of collision between the aubji cts of Great Britain and the citizens of the Unitf-d States, I including their respective authorities in that qiarter. The prospect of aspetdv arrange- nient has contributed hitherto to ;ndnee ou both side forbearance to asseiiby forcei what each claims as a right. C ;nui;nce properly ot tlie 1 ugci s oouuu uuh ji u. Company, reserved in our treaty with lirtal Bnlaiu relative to the i errilory ot I liegoii. I have reason to believe that a ccs-ioii ol the rights uf both companies to the United States, which would be the real iest Uieau- of terminating ali iiueolion., can I e obtained ou reasonable terms; and, with a view to this end. I IiresCIlt the subject t'- the utteU- tion 1 of Congress. , t J he corony ot Newfoundland, having cu- acted the laws renuired by the tii-.uty of the - nth ol June, l?o l, is uow pli ccd on the same louiing, 111 le-pvev 10 ton jm 1. 1 ' ..1 1 l - .........I .1 -.1... . In iumi au us i uunu. nvtu ... j.., . ,u pktt wlneti tln r! are ueeueu luriuer ap- propi iatious for the service wf aujther tea- sou. fiuLMi id: t:s. 1 11 imr-uanee of the uuthori: v, conferred .. the L uited ...... w-. .1 ..... 1... 'i.l ,.1 l ..,.... ....... Olaies Jil-V'l ml nil: en Ul .'i.miii i.i.., nv 1 ....... ., , .., ., " fc'" " 1 i .ipm,oi ubi.. i....... iu.-.. lO aval; lL..eil Ol lll miuiiijuuu ui iiib suo- si-ling convention of fiieiidh'p, commerce and navigation between that 1'ingdoiu and the United States, hereby l itlu r party uii"ht. after teu veal s, tcriiiiie to the sainu ut the expirati.-it of one year It 1 111 the date of notice lor that purpose. The con.-idel atioiis which Kd me to call the altention ot V oiigt css 1 ) mai couvi ,111011, and ludu-'d the ftenate to ad, ,t the lesuiu I " I tiou reicrred to, still continue in uii ioiee. The l iitiou contain 1.11 alt.e'.e. vv hich. although it does not directly ej.gagu ihe U- hope of concluding with Spain some general nited Sinus U submit to the Vnpo-itioiis of Prrniignieiit, w hi-h. if it do not wholly pre tolls on the vessels and cargoes of Ameii- vent the recurrence of difficulties iu t'uba. I'an r.uiu into or from Baltic ea, during the contiuuuuce of tt : treaty, yet . t .;,,', l""' ,,ut '"V- j lV I "v l le ol . . tt t . . 1 lulcrnational law, it became the ;ht and . , , , t1 ': .. , 1 '-' "uty 01 the L naeu . lai, 10 n..ieve tbemselve from implication of engage- mtrUt 8lll'Jett M .u 10 I"-rlctt!y trt to act in the premises iu such w ay as their nubile interests and honor bhalldeiuaud. r that the Uuited . of the Sound Dues, not so much because of .... . . . . . . ... . tbeir amount, which i a secondary matter, but beeausc il is in effect the recognition of the right of Ifcniuaik to treat one of thu great inaraume highways of nations a a close sea, and the navigation of it as a pri vilege for which tribute may be imposed up on those who have oceasiou to use it. Tl.!. government, ou a form, r occasion not unlike the present, syu'ized its determina tion lo maintain '.he fieedom of the sea, and of the great natural channels (,f navigation. .... ., i . 11 f 1 ue u:u"," ' . '.. on g tune, coerced the pavmel.ioi irmuie n in an na- i.i ti . "ougli sun. ring less vy lueir u. p nuaueus .1 il.... .u,,.r....,l th ..T. III il II ill. I II, Ulliei liniluil.-, .tun iiv.i ii - , ul, . ,,,, u i,. , v. tiii. .u ,, . in.,., plicit answer, that we preferred war to tri- Stales. Thus it is that the distracted ii.ti r bute, and thus opened the way to the relief nal condition of the State of Nicaragua has pf the commerce of the world from an igno- made it incumbent on mo to nppcal to tug uiiuious tax, so long submtlt d to by the good faith of our citizens to abstain from more powerful nations of Kur pc. j unhwful int:rvcutiou in it affairs, and to If the manner of payment of tiie Sound adopt preventive tii. asures to the same cud, Dues differs from that of the tribute former- which, ou a similar occasion, had the best ly conceded to ihe Barbary State, still their . results iu reassuring the pence of the Mexi ixaction by Denmark has no bitter fouuda- eau State of Sonora and Loner California, tion iu right. Kacb was, in its origin, uoth-; TKKATIKS. iug but a tax oil a common natural light,! Since the last session of Congress a treaty extorted by tho.-e w ho were at the time able of amity, commerce, and navigation, and to obstruct the fiee mid secure enjoyment for the surrender of fugitive criminals with of it, but who no longer posses lhat power. 1 the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies ; a treaty Denmark, w bile resisting our assertion of of friendship, commerce, and navigation, the freedom ol the Baltic Sounds and Belt, with Nicaragua ; and a convention if corn has indicated a readiness to make some new reciprocity will, the ll.iwaian King arrangement on the subject, and h is invited doui, have been negotiated. The latter the governments interested, including the Kingdom and the Slate of Nicaragua have United Slates, to be represented iu aeonviu- tion to assemble for the purno-c of nceiv ing I.I . j coll,i( ,.,.; , B ..ropo.-niou, w huh she in , v ' I I . '.. tends to submit, lor toe capitalization ot the Sound Due, aud the iliutiou ot the sum to be paid a commutation among tho gov- eminent, according to tho respective pro- rtions ol their uiai atnuc commerce to :.n I from the Baltic. 1 have declined i:i beh.ilt of the United States to accept hi invitation, . for the most cogent reason.. One i-, that Denmark does not offer to .submit lo the con vention tlie quesiioii oi ner rigm io icvv Sound Due. A second is, that if the con veiitiou were ailowe ,1 to Um cognizance ot that particular question. Mill it would not be thousand niuu hundred and thirty dollars ; competent to ileal with tlie great interna-; al,i t,.lt tlie public expenditure., for the tional principle involved which a!?, et ho;falllt. p,i iod, exclu-i ve oi pay uu Ms on ae right iu other casts of navigation and com- Cl,uht ,," tiiu public debt, amounted to lifty- the Baltic. Above 1, by the express tei ins is contemplated, thai ol the proposition it power among the g,.ven.tuen'.s ol huropo. jo,ty four thousand live hundred aud twen- Vi'hile, however, reject iug this proposition, ty-eight dollar, and insisting on the right of free transit into! The balance in the Truasury at the be iiml from the Baltic, I have expressed to ! ginning ol the present ti-cal year, July 1, Denmark a willingn (u the part ot t he lihcralh- with othci liiitid Stale-, to share liberull,- with other I powers in mnii..atin her for any advaii- tagea w liicL commerce shall hereafter derive from expenditures made ly her for tho im- j provcinciit and safety of lie pa igi.tiuii of, the Sounds and Belts. I lay before you, herewith sundry dueu-! iiionle on the subject, m which my t. lews are "'ore luily disclosed. Should no sati.-facto- iy urriineineni ne soon conuuueii, I tliall . again cull your aiteiitieu to the fcubjeet, with ; recommendation of fueh measure a as may appear to be leipiired in order to assert and secure the right of the I'nited States, to lar , " they aie alleeted by the pretensions of iJenuiurk. IliAMK. I aur.ouiico with much gratification, that, of the nio.-t 1'iieiidly n.itur CltKKi K. A quo-lion, also, which has been pending for several years bitvvceti the United Status and the Kingdom of (j recce, growing out of the sequestration, by the public authorities of that country, of property belonging to the present American Consul ut Athens, mid which had beeu the subject of very 1 artiest discussion heretofore, has lecently been set tied lo the satisfaction of the parly ii.ti res ted uud both ioveniiiirlits. M'.W.V. Spain, peaceful relations ore still With deiimity lur the loss thereby inflicted 011 cit izen ol the United Stale. lu eotiM-queiicc of a destructive hurricane, which visited I'uba, iu ll 11, the supreme authority of that i-land issued a decree, per mitting the impoi tulimi, for the period of six mouths, of certain buildin ' iiiatiiials and ri. 1 ii-.i 1 1 rr.i I r-ee nt ii nt 1 I. lit ri en it vi hi. 11 . .'I 1 ,..u- ,.,.r:...i ,...1.. l...i .1 1 " .'. ""'. .,"7,"' ,w - j , - V, V V . - - . j..- . --. ...... v. that decree. 1 he .panish Goveruuieut re- fused i.ideluiiitieatioii to ihe parlies aggiiev- cd until 1 eceiitly, when it w as assented to, payment being promised to be made so soou as ti e amount due can le aveertaiiied. Sati.fnetion claimed for the arre-t and search of the steamer Kl Iorinlo h is not yet beeu accorded, but there is reason t j believe that it will be, and that case, with other, continues to be ured on the attention of the .Niauisii (..ntruiuciit. I do not abandon the will render them less trequent, and whene ver they shall oucur facilitate their more ppoody settlement. Mt.XK 11. The inter'.o-ifiou of government bas been invoked by many of its citizens, 011 ac count of injuries done to their person and property, for which tie; Mexican Bcpublie i rt".pouibl. The unhappy situation of that country, for some time pa-t, has not allowed its government to give due cousid- elation to claims of private reparation, and , , t, tor a,, justify some r...i :.. l .1... . . r forbearance in such matter on the part of .1.: . .. ! .. Ii -l . . t...: this government. But, if the revolutionary tuovemeut which have lately occurred ill that liepublie, end in the organization of a stable government, urgent appeals to its jus tice will then be made, and it may be hoped, with success, tor tiie redress of all com plaints of our citizen. rKVniAI. AMEtlll'A. In regard to the American republics, which, from their proximity and other con siderations, have peculiar relations to this Government, while it has been my constant inn strictly to observe all the obligations power o encca lawless irruption wn cn ill II..,.t tl.rr.11c TI....F r, t t ... I -. . L- mi t I . .. I ,-. ,l..,1 also acieO'led to a declaration, recognizing as international rights the principle con tained iu the convention between the United States and llussia of the JJd of July, 1 "o 1. These treaties and convention will be laid before the Sctiaio for ratilicaliou. TKF.Ast' KV. The .-taleinciit. iiiiuli, ill my lat animal message, respecting the anticipated receipts and expenditure-! of the Treasury, have been substantially Verified. Il appear from the report of the Seere- ,.ir. oi ,,u. i r, asiny, that Ihe receipts dur j,,,, the last fiscal vear ending dune :U l-,,).i j,,,,,, ali souices. weie sixtv live mil, ion three thousand three bundled and ninety-three ,lli,lr-. During the same period, the nay i I -o.t, wa etgnrei i; million nine nuuureu I and tl.iitv-one tlinuand nine buudrrd and J .-vwiity-aix duliHra j tuo receipts for the lira. jtinrter, ami the estimated receipts for the 1 cd in both. With this view, it was recom remaining three-quarter., amount, together, j mended 011 a formur oeeasioii that the du-toMxty-feven million nine hundred aud ties of thu staff should be mainly perlorniod llnrty four dollars; thus affording iu all, as ,y tiv Ut.-til from the line ; and, with con the available lcsouices ot the current fiscal , uution of the advantages which would re year, the sum of eighty-sis miliiou eight suit from such a 1 hange, it is again pre.,ent nundred and fifty-six thousand seveu huu- ed for tli'u.consideratioii of Congress, died aud ten dollars. j navy. If. to the actual expenditure of the first The reportof the Secretary ef the Navv, ,.,. ... - .1... ........... IIj.-.I I... .l I .1 , . , " T ... ' .,,..., , imiiii. iisiki ten, ue mine. 1 iiurewitti suhuiittud, exhibits 111 t all the 11a- the probable expenditures lor the remain-. vul operations of the pa.t year, tuuetber , tng three quavters, as estimated by the Sec the present condition i.f the service, retary of the Treasury, the sum total will llUd it makes suggestions of lurlher legisla ;be Kovontyoiie million two hundred n1 . tioii, to vv liicU e...r attention is invited, twenty-six thousand eight hundred and for- The eoustruetiou of the steam frigates, for ty-six dollar, thereby leaving an estimated ; whiuli appropriations were made by the la.-t balance in the treasury on July, M-OH, of (Angles.., has proceeded iu the most satis . fifteen million six hundred and twei.ty-thr. 0 , factory manner, uud with such expedition, a thousand r.gM hunrtreU and slx-y-tlireo d.l , H ill r;ila Uie el.el that ih,-y will be ready lar and foity-one eents. fur crvi(.(! i( lU colniii' . ( lu- In the above equated oxpenditun s of ,luI(all, il3 t!lj., ..J,, itJ.Jif l0 ur naval force the present (heal year are included threi million dollar to meet the last instalment of the leu inilloiH ptovided for in tin' late treaty with Mi-xieo, and seven million seven hundred and fifty thoussiid dollars appro priated 011 account of the debt due to Texas, which two tutu male? mi ngurc"ate amount ,.f 1 ;n;.., 1 1 1 1 ... c. ... mi v nun i..ij ii.ou-an.i uoiiars, ami re.iuec the exp. u- dituivs, actual or estimated, for ordinnrv objects of the venr. to the sum nf sixtvmil- lioii four hundred and seventy-six thousand oiiar. The amount of the public debt at the cnmnienc.m. nt ol the present li-eal year was forty million five hundred and ti-hty- three thousand six hundred and thirtv-oi.e dollar, and deduetiotl beinc inade uf ul.. sequent payment.., the whole public debt of thu Federal Government regaining at this tunc is less than forty million dollars. 4 11c 1 em 11 u 111 01 re 1 i a i:i ul uer 1 10 v ei nine 111. stoeKs, uinouuliiiL' lo tiro hundred and lor- ty-three thousand dollar., icb rred to in my last message as outstanding, has since been T"'''- I am fully putsuaded that it wouM b- difficult to !ei.-e a sy-t.-m superior to thai by which the fiscal busiues. of the gov.rn- liietit is now conducted. Notwithstnuiling the greale uuiuher of public agents of col lection and (li.-biir-cinciit, it is believed that the cheek and guard provided, including the requirement of monthly return.-, render it scarcely possible for any considerable fraud ou the pail of those aent.,or neglect involving hazard of serious public lo-s, to 'escape detection. 1 renew, however, liie recommendation heretofore made bv me of tue enactment ot a law declaring it le.ony ou the part of public oliicers to insert lalse entries in tin ii boons ol record or account, ..object deR rve the consideration of Con or to make false return ; and also requiring g-ress. ; them, ou the termination of their service, Tntkkii K. j to deliver to their successor, all books, re-1 The report of the Secretary of the Inte- coids, and other objects of a public nature ' , tor will engage your intention, a well for iu their eu-tody. useful suggestion, it contains, as fr the in- Derived as oe-public revenue is, iu chief wrest and importance of ihe suljuet.lo part, from duties ou import.., it magnitude ' which thev refer. , afford gratifying ci idcuce of the prosperity. ! The aggregate amount of public land ! not only ot our ci uimcrce, but of the other , sold during the last ti-eal vear, located w iilt great iutoietts upou which lhat depends. military scrip or laud warrants, tak-u up I The principle that all moneys not requir- under grant for load, and seb-eu d as 'cd for the current expense i' the government j swamp laud by State, i twenty-four iail 'lemaiu lor active employment in the hand - )i01, ive hundred and tiltv-eveii ihon.nn.l of the people, and the cou.picuous fact that i four hundred and nine acre; of which the the annual reveuue from ail sources exceed, portion sold wa fifteen million seven hun by many million of dollars, the ii mount ; dred and tweiitv-uine thoii:,nd five hundred j for a prudent and economical inluniiistra- ( tiou of public affair., cannot fail to suggest i the propriety of an early revision and re ductiou of the tariff of duties on import. ( It is now so gcnerally'conceded that the pur- iiose of revenue alone can iustifv thu initio- I ' . SI." . I l . suion oi uuiies on imports, mat, in re.iujusi- . mg the import tables and schedules which : unquestionably require essential modifica tions, a departure Iroui the principles ol the present tanti is Hot anticipated. A 11 MY. The nrmy. during the pa-t vear, has been ai'tivelv engaged iu defending the Indian 1 frontier, the state of the service permitting : but few and small garrison iu our perma ' uent fortitications. The additional regiments authorized al the last session of Congress . have been recruited and organized, and a j large portion of the troop have already been sent to thu li dd. All the duties which ' devolve on the military c.tabli-hiueiit, have been sati.-lactoi ially performed, uud the , dangeio iiid 'riv ationt incident to t!: . char acter of the service required of our troops, have furni.-hed additional evidence of their courage, meal and capacity to meet any re quisition, which their country miy make of , them. For the detail of the military ope ! ration, the distribution of Ihe troops, and ! additional provisions required for the mili tary service, i refer to th- report of the Secretary of War, anJ tho accompanying documents'. ! Kxperience, gathered from events which have transpired since my last annual nn--Isage, ha but served to confirm the opinion then ex'pie-sed in the propriety of making provision, by a letired list, for disabled id ticers, and for increased compensation to ing officers retained on the lit lor active duty. All the reason which existed, when these measures were recommended mi form er occasions, continue without modification, except so far as circuiustniic have given to suiuc ot them additional force. The recoiiiuieud ations hereioi.ire mule lor a partial re-orgaiiiii ilion ul the unity, : re also renewed. I he thorough elementa ry education given to tho-e officers, who commence tin ir service with the grade of to m-tci nunc tiuir own domestic instttu ' cadet, ipialities tiiein. to a considerable cx-' tiou-, aie eiiiitb d, while di polling thcui i lent, to perforin the tlinie ot evviy arm of 1 selves, peacelul'y to t he I He exercise of that : the service ; but to give the highest effici- right, uud nu-t be prott eted iu the enjoy ; eiicy to artillery n quires the pr ictice and , melit of if, w it limit i !' i eiiee ou the pal I 1 ol' nma vi lis : and il i not. of the citizen of anv of tho State. peela therefore, believed to be ad tain, in time of peace, a that arm than can be usually duties appertaining lo the lo main larger force of employed in the service f field and siege aitlliery. The tiutie of thei-tsll iu all it various branch! .. belong to the movements of troop, and the efficiency of . au army in the field would materially tle- peiid upon the ability wiih whii h those du I tics are discharged. It i not, a iu the e.t.-e j of the artillery, a speciality but requires, also, an intimate liiiowicd.o of lite duties of ail oflicer ot thu line, and it i not doubted that, to complete the education of an officer for either the line or the cetieral cUfj, 11 U dc.-.rable that uo shall have scl v- is, it still iuniain.1 inadequate to the contin gent exigencies ot tiie plot-elion ol the ex teusive sea coast and vast commercial inte rests ol the United States. In view of this laet, and of the acknowledged wisdom of the policy of a gradual and systematic in- clt'lL.-i; ut lllH 11:11V. fin uni. ruin it.ti. in t. ; . ' "ir 1 collui-cuilcd lor tin coiistrueliou of six at,-;,,,, s',001 ,-ol-war. lu regard t i tlie steps taken 111 execution of the act of fotigr.'ss to pluinote the elli ci. ney ol the navy, it 1 r-i-ai 1 .,r lne 1 1 sriv ii.nri. tl.tii. (.1 i.r.r..k ..nli.. ........... rcn.e in the observations mi that subitet presented b v the S.-i clary in his repoi 1. j.flr (,Ft-ifc, It will be perceived by the report of tlifl ro-tinaster iei.ei al, that ihe gross txprndi tare of the department for the last li-cnl year, was nine million, nine hundred and stxty-i ipiit thousand three bund red aud for- 1 t v ,j lloila I aii'i tiie gross receipts, seven nii!';,,n tin... million, three humlied and toitv-two thou- sand one hundred ami ihiity six dollars, making an excess of expenditure over re- ccipts of two inilliotis six huuiiri.d ai.d twt th-iisand two hundred and six dollar-; and that the co-t of mail ti.-in... t., nation duiin.' tint ear wa., sis,l and sevi iity-li ur thou-and. nine bundled and lifty two dollars greater than the pre vious year. M ich of the heavy expendi tures, to which the Treasury i thus sub jected, is to be a.-eiibed to the larce quan tity of printed matter conveyed Ly tho mail, cither franked, or liable t no post age by law, or to very low rate of postage computed with that charged on letter..; una 10 :iie L'teai cost 01 mail service ou railroads n:,d !r"itioi"; of tin ocean steamers. The sug-I'o-tma.ter General on tho , and twenty-four acres, yielding in receipt the Mini "of eleven million four lnuHivd and eighty-live thousand three hundred 'and eighty dollars. In ihe same period of time, eight million seven hundred and twen- iv ihren ih,,,i.iii,,l ..i,rl,t l,n,,,lr,l ,.! mvv. .. . . J tour acres have In acres have been surveyed : but, in consideration of the quantity already subject to entry, ii' additional tracts 11 ive been brought ii'tj maiket. The peculiar relation of the general gov ernment to the I i -t rii-t of I ''ilumUa render it proper to commend to your care not on ly il. material, but also its moi al interest, iucludidg education, more especially in tlnv.0 part of the district outside of the cities of Washington aud Georgetown. Tho coiniuis.-ionoi appointed to revise and codify the law of the Di-tric: have made such progress in tin performance oi1 their task a. to insure its cmputi ,1) in the time prescribed by the act of Cong re-.. Inforiiialion ha recently locti received, that the peace of the settlement iu toe T. r litoes of Oregon and Washin-tou, is dis turbed by ho-tilities on tho part of tho In dian, with indications of extensive combi nations of a ho-file character aiii'mg the tribe in that inrtcr, tliL- more serious in their possible e fleet by rea-on of the uirk r liii tied foreign interests existing in those Tci i -itoi ies, to which y Jur v.ti'iitiou ha al ready been especially invited. Kllicient measures have been t iken, which it is be lieved, w ii! restore quiet, and affoul ;r.bc tiou to our citizens. In the Ten it ry of been act pi ejudici al t Kan.-, is, there have good order, but i.s et none L i . e occ urr under circ'iuistauc.s. t. justify the interpo-ition of the federal Kxecutivc. That eou: I oii'v be ill case of ob-lructiou to teilerai law, or of organized rcsi-tance to territori-l law , assuming the character of in-uri i ctiou, w hich, if it slould occur, it would be l.iv dutv Mouil'tiv to oveicouie and suppre-. I cl.i ri-b t he I I hvweur, tlist i l.i- eecurii i.i f anv suvh III, to ,l a I .1 event will be picvcntcfl ly tho sound si n-c of the p, ople ,.f ihe Territory, who, by it organic .'X, the light 'I'he uortlieiii boaiidaiy of the Territory ha never beeu irveycd and e-labM-hi J. '1 ho rapidly extcuding settlement in that reni 'li, and Ihe fn-t lhat the main im.te between I iilepeinlencc. in the State cf Mi, souri, a nd New Mexico, i contiguous to thi line, suggest the probal i ity that cmbsrra.-s- lug quesiioii, el jnn-ii ijiieiitly arise. l-n- t h, -er.- tii n. 1 cotot! i t t ly attention. i ti.rm ni s v ;. rt ii in ity rouse- d other Co!l-iu- , et 1 1 mu ea r- 't Tnt i.nv- I have thu passed in stab' of the I 'iit"U, in..- 1 , 1 ilV he gem-ial g such paitieu- ,ar eoii'icrus oi toe i.u.iai -.v ,'niu.v ut