ti.malc children, which ha hti given her and An the many hleaiiig, ol' providence and grace with tvlncli Im had crowned nor lilu. While .ha wa. liul u in darkne.a to 1r a. related to liiu beau ln of Ut nulurat world, the eye, c.f her under, -.tainting wore opened by the power ut Cod, o tin I ahu eoultl -- clearly the. beauties ut' the pirluul world, She tow with tlm tyce ut' her ' l.tith that being whu it i-bicf among tun tlniuaiiinl, ' and tbc one aline-atlicr lovely and fuund in him a -pr-antl help in lime til' trouble. I ll waa Hie writer, privilege to be intimately arqunntcd fur ei-ver-il yvara with tliia venerable uullivr I Israel. Often h iv. I t-oiivuraed with , hur m Multh and Ml .icku.a, about her paat ex. i, ririiii and bur future praaecla. In her mfir. wiucaand under liurutflioliona ahe wa, wonder- lolly auainiiied toy the power ul Ooti ami the ennau. . ..ti'iie uf religion, lShe h-id a hope which waa aa All ancllor v. mi' uiii auMi aim etc-auiaei en. Uro't ,h"1 w11'11!' tli" "il- a he wna nut on ly wiIIihk dcairuua tu depart and be with limit, which ahe fa it wmild be fur her far belter. May hur children and her grandchildren, whu are Uli fceliHid, and lux wh'iiii ahe felt a very deep c.ntecru, lot low ha examplu aa far aa ahu waa en. allied by the grace of Cud tu fallow the example of Christ, ao that they may ail lie prepared to meet where parting la unknown, nn unbroken Ijiuiiy in Heaven. V. V. P, Washing Made Easy. a MEW and -.-heap Washing Machine for wish. , m. in( clnlliea cull he hud al the .hop of J. M. S n ler. ll'any prelcr they can hy leaving thru Tnha with Mr. SiiidVrt have tliciu converted into u Washing Machine. I'all and rx iimnr the Miehine and ifyna duii't -irnnnutice l guud then I am no judge of Wa.li. lur, lliat'i all. I S. WIIISNANT. Jan. 15, 1tJ56. 4Ttf Dissolution. j fflFIK copartnership- beietoti.re rx.atmg under j I the niim oil '. 'I'. Kberh irilt A Co, dia- ,.lved tin the (at insl-nii. Persona imlehlt-d will 1 uI.jm .-Mil. l"n"l n ' ure uu.m.-t. v, luo linn mual ! wlth-d nr. C. T. EUEKHAHDT Si CO. ESC '. m--.?"eiB w-z Tim u'iribi" r'lurna hi I'lniilm to hia frinida ):.r the tnofloraerinrnt br.lnwed ufion lh linn ul r. T. F.t rlnr.lt A Co., and he tnki a Una o)K.r. ' ,,,n,iv of iaLiriiiitry them tht hi-1 now errniff ' (lie (iun'il on hia ''' n h.-.k " t Ihv ' i .i iifii!i oioa.ite to K-rr'a Hotel, eihrrc he pn perM te attend tu all orOcraui lua lint'. A'l Wirk warr-nlrd 0 T. EHERHAIiDT & CO. Aa IS, IH5S. 47lf TAYLOR. DICKSON. GRAV S 81 CO.. (.Vulowl (a Kllf, Tuylu If (' .) M muUelurer. alT.i Wl,.,li.ale Deal, ra in CliOTHIMCS-, Hu. 'Jiund t is.v vrui:i; r, NEW VOItK ' J.ost. fi HO M)Tf-S,oiia 1.1. J in" .M.ltin, with Tlm. ' I V Smith and J. G. M. Dus;..!-; .uiellea, I.M 10. du" l!M:i Jinoary, f5.i, .nd payable at 1 Han a of ff'ayetti ville N. C. and one 011 J. A 1, .-. e, with J.'A. Mi loell anil Null tiribain, 14 (. -, f..r II. "10 1, due V4li. J uiu-ry, 1 N.'5. The 1. tub arnte'il note made p.. y .tiie to .M' aara A .iut &. M-jrriaort, ul by th. 111 ill (Kpaited avilh ... !.. collectii.n and rie r.ril.lid lo VV. ti. B ...!t..t, t j.l.icr, l.-r that purj -. and were al .y.ly plwlt.te.i tor l'oi.(M tM. Ill, aod rrlliroeil l i.,-. ,11.1-e w no o Lloe tue aa.o li"W a and pro tlir bitn l"at or ll.i.Uld. Thia la to lor. a, la uii fKiaoli. Irion trartinf b r aaid not'.. , W. A. Ll'CAS, Cathtrr. J.a 8, 1 -.'.0, It 7 Notice. 1IIK l.enh..r will .fl At loa I ul Neat.ti.on Ih. ajd nay of J.n liar y . h-. i" Tie.djr of I'enil.ONK UT, Llf$ faring tit. Court llaae. en Ithlrli Rt,,,., .. a lure N i: It ST OK l. 'iVl''T- P " " 1 H "" i aU,nea high. The aaid ftore H g 11 in the ami buamtaa prl of M town. AIJX !" -inrr jia with a Dwelling llmiae uj.n one '..'i... 'I t i.ua maile kuo B th, illf .'(tilt. J. M. iso.ST. ;,,,,v t47 I . iilr. i,iHi ,.enii,! hand I'UNO HIHTK wi'l be It 1 a b'f un to an y one in want ot aueh an 1- r nqinre-at l'.i otl.ce. 3t Kiiroiirs-ire this Knocking. II K 1111-I1 ej U ti rt-lorit In t . 11 w a I.. tl." l"i fivor.-o bun lib a e. 1 11 I t., li.t.r ana he re. 1 tfu'ij nifi im . a ! t i.t he b'.a reuluvril t.. tba fl"ip lately 1 In Mr..r. 5 in.l A W hia.ialil aojoin- ( V. J. : jdi.ili'i rUfilig Mil. iir.. he I a r.l t" ex. rule all work in 1. 1 line, ; a cheap , ' .it e n b-- done in the Stale. Taming, Cutting Screw, Repairinj ! inn i. Kits -nd km;i n r.s 1 ' H ilvufrtptton, making od r'iiru i l ,ii!id!"s,Vc;:;l I'liiiurrs, lloiidis, ll'oaiuK "i jik , j and in IIOIISK-SIIOI .IXC.. Ar.. 'MS;- ur uit ;or pititr, rr mid da- I t rf. rntf ! J; common do $1; I tfc or htccl p(ir $i. j H Mr. W. IVurU It.- i.un ( I l,orkmith ' i-aijj at fhtt tio rfl'il itcluii i't. S J. l'KURV. '.f-:,6. 4f,if Hail Koad Stock. ran. SALE. i Mil llixiM lii 1'nl.l.e Kitf tin 1linril a e i.f J l.y ol 1....... ....I u.,..i.l Cor ...n . ui un , ollflllf Kllll r,- , . M"n ' ' ouip.tiy . Ter.-n. made known on Ihe a..y r i .... l . .1 g . i u ti ..i V,'. A LUCAS. 1 1!) l. I" Jl 2 LWD "IK . i.....k. . .il II T I. ...I4 ' ly ' u., ti,t ibe Sfith of Jtnii iry) ' ' I. .oil, m mile, from I Inrlolte, ''' "'ink ktiinj leading to Lined II lull, and 300 jfLcrcs, 1 i r. . fin (he itUte ia a fm.i. )r. 't! II uw, Ittluiicti ! other m ct --" V -nit uuu0iii;i, nuii in i II .! r -,MU Til tm iwiiie VMi arrn of hnJ turf, h t v y (utilicrcil. 'Mm ia a'ttltd l 1lm r.-ifiii of Corn '- r tlitfi; arr iHfH tirJu-alinna of a UOIJMIIIXI? pl"riH, r, C1( (tuut (Imil the l'L)l'M.',f lirtilietlt a. 1 W ill ull tx-ll Nlnril' "'"".ll a. i.M: . . f t,k ... ("rr J -ho M. Al. tandt-r. Said trait la all I 'Mni , ., ul i,, nir Un.,,1 the -, I? ""' "i1 tract, conkiiiiing in all J''l in r, . J'ei fc.mt.-difl j of n B, pay. '"I or UII day.. The balance, note 1 "' uti-r i,,(r, with nil. real Iroin date, ' ' ' II ! J . S. ALEXANI'KR. ILFABI roi: The .TliirketH. CIIAKLOTTE, JANt'AttY 15. 1856. BACON, Hums, Ih. 12 00 1 a 121 " hiilea, . !Iug round " Shciuldura, Hiftlt'i'g. lttoii, . Ih. - lb. . Ih. . . :id. : . n. . ih. . buahct H"'- J. - lb.. I'i a 11 a IB a 4 a 15 a SJO a HO a M a tb'J a ;j a U a UH a 40 a IH a 45 a 1U a ID a i . laj Hi uu 7 UO J-i $1 till 75 fj 15 3.', 5G as 5(1 Ul) 15 30 Iluttur, Ih'eawux, buuna, Brandy, Apple, . " reach, . Cotton, new t'oHi-o, C'uudloe, Adumaiitine, lb. Ih. Ih. lb. buahel eauh yard yard 'iiif-en . 10(1 Ih. bbl. Ih. Ih. Ih. hhl. . gnl. buallul HjMriii., Tallow. Com, . Chickena, . Cloth, ( 'opiwrna, l.iudacy, F.yga, . 15 a (!!) r'lour. 3J 400 a 7 I'e.ithrre, . I. nr.!, Mutton, Muekvrel, . Moluaaca, . Mini, . Mullrta ( W il mi n ton) N'aila, Onta, . I'ork, . Teaa, - FututiH'a, Iriah, . " Sweft, Hire, . . bugar, f.ojif, Hrown, Stcme.Wari;, lt, . 'I'.a, . VVh.-.t. 37 U 5 110 50 50 J 5 40 14 a 16 a M a 00 a 1U a 6 a 40 a lij a no a 00 a 00 a 00 Ih. bimlit'l . Ih. bllahel hu.l.ul . buaiirl . huatlcl . lb. lb. gal. anck lb. bulil . gal. 37 a fi a 50 a 75 a tlO a (5 a 13 a 10 a 14 12 10 a 00 '.'10 (10 75 a 2 150 a 155 . 50 a 55 . artiniia. 5G Ul Ti B0 an 23 t5 UII W3ilieii . V.ini, . . bale COM M HI A 51 A I! K LT. I 01 1 mbia, J .11. 12, D56. (ilTTUN Alilmuah there waa no I.Ctllal chai.ge 111 the price of cotton yealirday, yet mi inue of lh iraiiaaci.i.iia of the day boyt-r. did i-hlain eoliie .light toiieeaaiona. 1'lie reeeipt ftcre Lght and untoip.irt.int, coiiai iilenlly tl.c Ir.i.kuelM'iia aire only tu a liimteo extent. tllAl(l,IToN .MAKKKT. C llakLL.TO, Jail. 11, I85C. t O ITO.v. Thrre vaa cuite a good deuiaiid for tin, aitiele lo. nay, tin i.li 1 having reached Uitania til 'i00 bale, at pncea ranging tronl lo 'Jf cent.. Dividend Notice. TliKASt K Ui S iHb U K i or ,iM hia, im-. ju, i-;,5. A 1'.MI ANM Al, IHIIKM) o: I Hkl K K I'r.li I l.Vr, umui Un m ck f tins ( oniii. n , wi.l Ur 4h1 nn tfif iir-it tiny of Jn ti-iry m tl. SU.ckitol.it im in If i'-itittiiti tliairu t ituy ii ik tit.tr jtw!i iiU ktt liitk rrf'in-. fjirnt-itj SttK'k l.tiltJir will bt- 4iti ut lltu Jjink m U tiiimUiro. Tiuh-i; iu ('! -t-1 oil VV ctt rn tk tl Ihe lijnk ol ( h4nit r. Tior in North rrnltiia kiiil Kattrrn V4tfli .t ti. Aj; ni' -rtk- al ( tin riot tc, ( tvurU. t-Mi Movkt.uldrra al tbc lt .uk uf tliLhulc nfSiutU t lult UK . C. liOl'KNItJUT, Tirat. ;. 24, I.. 5. im j- Not ice. fflll'l: .ul . ntera being cnxioua to cto up -at. the af:t-nunla tor le., ami '.15 r. aia-ct ully r,CUrnl a.i m raot.a indttiteil In .i llle Up at 01.1 e nr the aecounla a ill be put in the liainia ol .u tnlieer. TROTTEIl i Jtil'D. Jmn. (, 1 ill. t it . i.lht Ol l.ill UKMAlM.Ni; in H e l'.t 1 '..- at Inrlolte, for toe (tu titer rndtli' 31.1 lleetn.u.r, l..'.i. C. K. Al. x-niier, Ti.oui.a Alexander, M. L. Air e and. r, 51 i r tin Aiexainier, t m. A . Ah-xanuer, J A. Allia-t., Dr. Jao.ia Aheiuatliiy, Mi M. S. A riati.ii r '2, M.a M. A. Ait lane.r, J. t'. Alk-n, John A rerm ihmI, Jautt a Aiuiatrolig, Jea. ph AiiIimii, .Miaa I.. II. Aoiian, Ag'lit Meckhnberg G. M. t o. l!-ttulita llryam 'J, John Hitrr, Mia. J. Itiown 9. A. Harder, Mr. Hri.n, J. G. It. ..ii v 3, Nathan Hr.i), V , . Hum. 3, t . M. llarker.'T. a. T. . Uii.iu.'.'.C. lu-niou, K. p. M ... U, II G llUekwi.d 1, i ti l . liarron, D. II. Ilaiue, N. VV. litin Im, M N. A. Ilard, Frank ih att , II. II. liioa.lfi. l.i, J.'lni liiian, 1. i. Il ..e. W ...li. It- rr a lull, Mr.. Jji.c Ih aly, W nil. in II hi. A. II. Iir.no. C M. L. t al.lwi 1 1, I I. C. I ..li man, Joaeiih I'; fy, Lna.lN III t liapinah, Aire ld t .t nil..n 2, .Mir? 1 a roll ne t atin ar t. t.eor ge ( t me, C. J . C rr, Id u. r l.unla, John I lark. J II Crowley, Mim M. A. l arr. John Cpp-. jr., K. . t ok, S A t'. x, J. A. ( alnwell.C II I Ion!, D. t aluw, II, (laniard t in o. r, Allt-rt I I- oi'-nee, I', t'na lea. J. ( ouueil. D S. L. 1'ieii. John Dawaon, J. K. Divim- 3, l(, loui;i.,.., lluQ ll.ll, Kit. D. Ihliulle 4. Mi. Jan.- 1 1., via. 1 ! J.I'. Khrinj;h..u 3. F. I.. Kiwiii, W, Km in. 1 J. li. U l oi 'i. H..l M Fleiiiinii.g. Dr. J. W. Fore, ' t. r l eirt.t, Mi. .M .ty J. Franc r, J. W. (. I ...!.., n. I. Mr.. l. .l li i Crier. T. M.t.allowav. I'..tn k t..l.-.i.ie, J. II. I. nihil., T. 11 l.ri. r, Aiti'.or t.ilil, J. V . I.. .r ',,.., II an V I. a li I, J II. Gra) , G V liar- rrli, Juim GiHeipie, Win. t. t.r ; , VV oi t - r iy , G .a I. ig nl t '..nip iny . II Churl' a llama, Mrn. Cvuthia K. il iniilon, M M I., llama, W. A. or i. M. II. uu n, 111.. Heifer, T j. Hut. inton. U. T. Ila.r,., N. . II r. ria, F. Il.llvard, Win. Ilaney, J. M. Hcndr.x, tt . F. 1 1 .. t nr. J. N I Lima, Jatni al li mi. r-ou, John II. nl.',-, lr.,1. lii h, ' I . ILl'ilrix. li II. liar. n.n -J. II 1. li t km.. Join, i Hath , M. N. Hart , .Vh.. I.. A. Iloi t' r. II. 1 . H ler, .M Ar; n. . liar r., VCs C. Hetnt-in 3, II I r-!t.:ii m ;n . i o. J-M.-i. M. J -net, II.- . J , J.ptiii-n , M o J J eii in n j-m, Alt x . .ImHOMMI, VI f. JttIM Jl 111 It: Ml, Jtllllt K J .hna VV . I.. J irrrlt, K. v U'otil. Joi.m, John I,. Jllliiwn, M. N. J.'hll.uii, h M. K. ki-ller, Thoa. Kei.rna, 2 Jliehd. Keur-n.-y.S C. C. hin;, A. A. Kelb.gg, Jain a herr, Kenn.tly A Miila. L Win. I . I. Hilling, Win. I.. iiiinoiid, Mra. Ab. igil Lou , C. C l.util.-. M G -rg.i II. ,M. Dow. II, Jack ,M..rria n, W. M. Mummy, '2. F. A L. Mt ricii, S. t. McMillan, T. . W. ,V.,ii, 4 ll..lit. .M.i urtrly, Jairiea I.. ,M .rti... M M. K. M. IKm. iIiI, Mieli.,11 M M.ire, J J. S. .'.I- I.lwee, Win. Maxwell T. J. M. t'ord, J. K. M ichel!, S. K. MeNir.eh. Miaa M irtha F.. McCoy, Mra II. A. Martin, William Met ...nl., S. K. M.CIalilull, .Nathaniel itl olileelli , Miaa K. Mat.ell, J. B. MeDonnlil. Wall. l, M 1 1, i lu ll, I M DuH-v, lb rna 'I M .iron. ,SJ..liii Si 1...11, J II. Nuiiall. II iiiitou North, eren, Time. Iv Nurw. aide. Mra. Sarah L. Nnrlli ingt. n, .Mine J-:. A. M. Nolaod, .Mm L. M. Net. ti. Mult. (I II l..i... D D. Oir. li, Jainea ODonncIl, Tn i a C. Oakl l. I' II. II. peopl.-a, Dr. Augut Prtx2, J. K. P. u John Park, II. t . l ocl.-r, llciuy Ph. by, J. J. lni VI. I'n tin. VV . II Poller, John Purler. I,' A. II. li.'lnnoli. I'. W . IJoliiilni.il, ti. urge P. Koiilb, M. VV . Id.orl., Mia.tiarolllie Keld, lli.rriw.il ,V Kiehwilie. Ilaret t . Hie hi. John II. Ifoherin, W in. Ilei.il, J.... I'll IIiH.t. . .11. 'a Mary Kup. ll, S.itlilM I A. II. all. S II it-hard Sircey, J.ia. Stewart, Philip Seaglc, W illiHioa A. SS.tiir. I, Merry M.wii, l ..Imon li. Siniti, lleiij. Sullivan, A. 'P. Sum my A ('"., Peter S. i It, litorgc S"!iie.r, '2, ICdwar.l Smith, John S.. nth. All" 11 SI. lilmutc, A Co., , Seaglc, , fill Springs, II. Sidimr, A V. Sharp, J.iun Snnlil, J.i,. S, mra, Kirlnl. Shi lli.li, VV . f. Small,., Com. II. 1'. Stockton, 4. Saw I Stockton. I Dr. A C. 'I'nUi.li, 3, J. 'P. Tredwajr, Jos. pit Thoinpaou, J-'lill T'ldd, .Miaa Muni 'lye, .Minn D..ien.'1'otjtl, M. A. Taylor, Mr. Kngiio-er Turner, VI. a. Dorothy C. 'Pond, Th..s. K. 'Pale, J"hu T. T.eltl, VV in. D. Tajrlor, Robl. K. Ta) Inr. V A. Vugl.r. Mver Vint burgh. VV'Uaac Wilao'n. Joel Weal, Mina Mary I). Wil.on Mra. C. K. Wallace, Jnhu J. Wilson, 9, ll.ir.ii M tlliam.,A Co. Frankling Winter., Sam- 11,1 Wailnli, Joseph VV uldell. Thoa. K. Wilkinson, D.vid Weiiiii, A. Walker, VV . J. Willia, 3. K. . It'a Iai.it, J I.- Will linn., Janus A. 11 hilt sides, Ml-a K.'H. VVilliauia, Mm Anna C. Wil.on, J. N. D. W ilnott, Mra. A. h. Il'blle. Jacob VV ineeorl', V, W. IValsou. Mia. Jane IVilmoi, Id v. J. II. Hard, II, nry K. h'te. 'i ruin, ealling for any ol the bImivc letter, will -1 .. .v lli.-v .ra adv. rfini-H. e-- J - V. M. IIUS--, ' .1. LATEST NEWS 11V TIIK LAST NTIMIICII Vital Iterrlvttd u lrv I'nt'kiigfii of LADIES DRESS GOODS, among them may be found, COXGUESSWGAIT'RS, with In-, 1 und thick aoica, wurlh $3.00. u fcuju.riur ' article, AMSO I.adir. C'oii;,'reaa (iuitt r, thin aolca, i'i.50, i l.'idii B Onut nod Morocco llonli ca $l.'i5 to 1.75, i ( luldren'a (ioat and Mnrocro I.uce lliaili-ra, i Miaeca Guttera, aaort(d culuri., und fur ticuta. wen r, Wo hnve liooti'ca and (Altera of alt gradrg, and t'tiiiiony enough tu be found that they arc good and cheap. ICLB. AI.Sn T.ndica and Ui nta. OVKli SIIOKS and Bi:iiS. Do not delay in aending or calling ynuraelf, aa tl. ey are diaappearing by neorea every day, tS.ilea, CA.11. No deduction in nrire at UOOXE'S. Boat and Shoe Emporium: Jan. 8, 1P56. Rot liJl ."NolU-e. jr?!l njlT.I.IC NOTICE ia hereby given, that all M tlie Note, and Aceounl.ol SrK A I T A. AL. I ! I.ISON Sl'HAIT, DANIEL & Co.,tid Al.I.I- ' 1 NJN Sl DAM LI., ate traiiaferrcd to the uude. ( j aiuncd, lor the benefit of the cndilors of aaid j Ktrni teapectivl v, u:-,d thut llit-y are in the banda ! 1 . e 11 li vie" f .n I i" j. ji. f.i.ot.ii lor iinnieuiuic coiieciion. U-.-r.oi.ger induleence cannot be civen. aa the debt, rriuaf It paid. JOHN ALLISON. J. It. DANIEL. 4btf Dec. 31, 1655. Dissolution. f HVlE t OPARTNLIISHIP heretofore existing JM. under the name of J. 1)1 I. S i (1). waa dir. a., i rd on the 11 lii itintmt, by inu ton I connenl. danta In be an ' appear ut the next term of our aaid i The Notea and Account, due to aiid Finn, and court, to Im- held for naiu county , at thceourl-houac alao the Nolca and Accuuiila due lo the old Firm ( hariolte, on the -till Monday iu January next, of II. SKVKI(t A. Co., are in the li.inua of J. , tin n and there lo plead, anawer, or demur, or juilg DI. I.S, for collection. All peranna indebt.-d to ' menl pro confennn will be taken again-t tht m. toeiii are reaiH-cttuilv rtqucntcd lo c-ime forward : W itoean, W. K. Ueid, Clerk of nuraaid I ourt, hy January Cnurl, iB.ilj, and nuke pnyiiieut, lb "1 otliee in Churloite, on the 4th Mond-iy in Octo. len-'i r mil u!i-i net cannot be given. i her, lc.'.j, and in toe bOlh year ul AnierKjn lntlc. J. DLLS k CO. CUartuHt, Dee. 31, 1F55. N'. II. The bu.iueaa will licreafler he enrried nn al the well known ataiiii orroaiTE 7 01: Coi XT-llot nc, w in rc 1 w ill al all tilltea tie ready to accommo date any p.Taou who mty t ivor mc with a ci.ll. MV FUJI OllS, VV INKS. 4.C., Ac, are all of the hi-al quality, and I am determllitd to nell them low lor ca.h. II. SEVERS. 3l Charlotte, Dec. 31, 1' Yr St( St? VIA PKRSONS in nrrmrn with me, for their public and iSuu. TAXKS, are rcqucatcd to make inimfilial: puy intot. If my fnenoa will on- ly troahle llirnii" Iv. to look fer my rt-reipu up to ttic year Ib.tJ. if they don I bad tneui in lUt.u p.aeaaioi), perhp hy calling on me thry en get Hum. Alter licit April Court, thnre failing to p-y will find tlu ir nnniei in a prn-Ud list, with the iuiiii due for w hich they uiuat tiut bluiuc inc. T. N. ALKXANDKR, Furincr ShcrifT. Pec. 31. mj5. tlAp. STATK OF NOliTH-CAKOLlNA, M kr1 KLEN hLltii iOL.NTV, Court uf i'ieat ami iatttt r $tsionst () to tzi 'irrtt 1 wo5. t-cyrwf Suwait i.. ... i f" f tinjjt iiia. E At tach- The 4 .4ppa Milling Company. 1 1 1 i.iiHar nig to the aalmiijclioii ul the iourt. th l the deUndanl are not inha bit-iild tf Una St.. to, but reaide beyond the limit of the aiinr, ( i thtttjiit (hdtird hy the ( ourt, That public.il. on le uiade for il week in I lie North Carolina Whig, a i.LWepspir printed in the town of Charlotte, notifying tbc auid dtlttioaiiU to be and ppT r al the iii&t term of our iid court, to he lo nl for the county of Merkh'tiburr. ft the court h ''One tu ChMih.tle. on the 4th .M-nnliy in Jdtiu iry nnt, tin n and thrre to pie .d anam r tlrtiiiir, t r juiigincnl ro cuuicyso will bo tukan ayjiint tin in. VN lint a. Win. K. lit id, rh rk of our court, at ollice, to- 4th MomiHy in Ottobcr, lO.jj, and in the fUlii vtt of Ailieriean lint h nilente. W. K. KEID, f. c. c. Print, r'. fee fi. t-PI STATK Of .NOUTII-CAKOI.I.NA, MK' Kl KMIl KCi CHL NTV, C'i. I ' 1'tiiis und Quuitrr xntuis, Oilo I Ur Term, l3i. I ' hi rt .M. i. n an i rn. -Original A tlaelinie-lit. I S c. S f'P appinrnig to the aati.f..ctiuli of the Court, tiiat the dcfetidal.ta lit lluacaie reaide hryutid tne limit, uf the State : ( ia therefore trdered by tut i nuit, thai publication be maoe mx week., to tne Nortii Carolina Whig, a newnpuper puhliahed iu the tow n ul t'liarlolte, notil t ing ti.e natd ticfen danta to t.i and ippeur at the in xt term ol our and court, lo be helo for suo county , ut the CourL.iioUf.e in t t.ih tle, on the 4th .Mono-y in January neat, ttian nnd tht re to plead , uiiawer, or demur, or ju. la ment pro confe.itu w di he tu kt n iijjiniit tiiem. Witness, W, K. !eil, clerk of our said court, t t.r' in I hariolte, on the 4th .Monday in Octo. bt r, and in the tfUlh year of American Inoc. h liOt'iiee. W. K. ItEID, c. . c. Printer', fee G. tt'.l STATE OE NOKTIl-CAUOi.lN , MK' hl.k.MitRO toC.NTY, Coi'rt of ytiij and Quarter tensions, Octo. U r Ti l in t 1-oj. Jt r iniuh Miiinu r i ra. atne. ' Original Attauliincnt. I '' appearing to the Bdlinfaclton uf the court. tin. Slate, but ri sole heynnd the liiniin of (he ; Baltic, tt i thrretut Oi dertd I'y the Couit, 'Ph.it publication be made for six wiekatn the North i t aroiiuii VV big, a new. piper printed in tlie town of I h.irUilte, notifying the aaid defendanta to be and apienr at the next Icrm uf our aaid court, to he In-Ill l..r the county of M.-rkl. nburg, at the court. house in t hariolte, on tin Ith M,. inlay in Janu-iry next, then and liieru to plead, ttnawcr or demur, or itltigluci.l pro culilenao will be taken against tht to. Witneaa, Win. K. Ri id clerk of our Court, at nflic, the 1th Monday in Octnher, I ,-.).'), a n,i in tne htllli year of Aipciiciin Indi penitence. W.K. UEID, f.f.c. Prinlcr'a fie tC. I -IS STATU OE NOItTI l-( 'A KOL1N A, MKi'KLEMtL'RH COUXTV, Cum I uf J 'leas und Quarter insuins, Octo ber T' in, 1 -.V. J .ih n w ilkcn i i. . Ui it; ina i .Aitucoiiiei.i. T Hit. i l 1' appearing tu the satisfaction of the Court, t)i.t the ih fi ndanW are not inlialn t.u.ia ot I tins Slntt, hut temde hcymid the litoil. of the I same, l thrrrfoir (hdrtnf the ( vtut. Tin. I 1 pnldicititiii be niitiie for six wet k in Ihe North ) Carolina Whig a newspaper printed in the low 11 ut t hurlotte, notify mc the said defciidaiils lo he nnd app.-itr .t the next term ol onr .aid t ourt, to ho In Id fur the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court llouae in I hurlotte, on the 4th Monday in January next, then and there to pl nd, nnawer or demur, or judgment pro eetib-sso will be taken against III. in. Witneaa. W in. K. Ueid. llerk of our court, nt othce, the 4tli M.uiilny in October, iM'i, and in the KUlh year ul Ann rn-nii I iith pendi nee. W. K. KEID. r.''. t". Piint.-r's fee Sl!. - ; On. I iJ Uonds for talc tr ,u .An 'Wve.1 Cotldlc Vretk Acndi-inv. MR. D. C. Smith a Graduute of iLividmii Col. lege, will open a permanent School at the above named Academy, the InI of J.mui-ry, 165b. Thia Acadt uiy ia loculcd 5 niilca iiiMlof lavuloii tulli'gu, in a healthy rigion ol country, in the itiid.1 of a mural umJ rclijfii.u- comniuniiy. Good luiilhliiii nun lua liiiil f.,a Hi, (III iu-,a .,,...,11. boarding can be hud fur 8U.0U per month. Tcruia of tuition per acaaion ol five montlii, Elt'inentury Knjhah brunclui . . $1,110 Higher 1 . n I it- li trunclna . . fe.UO Claaaicul Lungucge, and AU'rhra . 1U-50 N. JOil.NSTOX. J. E. P1ILSSJA', C YltU3 l'LEMlXCi. Jhe. 31, lr55. 5vtr STATK OK AOJlTJI-CAliOLI.NA, MEC'KI.ENDUEO C'Ot'MV, Court nf J'lent mid Qiiiirtrr Scniunsl Orlu lirr 1'ciiu, 1-.G5. Iljiiii l Uhyiic 1 ra. J Original Allucli- The C'urlutlc upper tV Gold tnent. .Mining iiipany, J M T appearing to tiiu aatiafat-.tion of the Court, m. that the M'einlunta in thia cimc ri tiurhi yoiirt the linnta i f the Sliite : ( ia thtrr'-tti order rd l,y the Cduil, tliat puhliriilioli be made fix weeKa, in : V...II, i- ivi.;.. .. .............. ....I. I. -I. ...i in the town of churlott , uotifying tltc lit i. (it (tu. danta lo be und appear at ihe next term of our aaid court, to be held lor aaid county , at tin oourt.h..uae hi ohailoite.on the 4th iMonduy in J uitinry urxl, then and there to plead, anawer, or cl. inur. or ju.lg. in. nl pro confeaao will be taken iigain.l them. Wune.a, W. K. H.id, clerk of our aaid t-ouri. ,atot)ice in Charlotte, on the 4lh Monday in Oiln. i btr, lo55, and in the SOlli vcarof American Inue. ptndcncc. , W. K. UEI1), C. r. c. ! Printer, fee $6. t-llt .STATK OF NOKTII-CAllOLJNA, ME' KLKNIIUKU COUNTY, . r iti 1 . . ""-J ' ..ao.woa, eyeIw. Ur Term, lt.jj Peter Phifer r. f Original Attachment. h.. inc. J 1' upjieuring bi the aatiafactmit of the Court ; that the (ieicndauta in Una cuae rcanie beyond ' lite 1 1 tui tat of the Slate t It it thtrtfote ordertd l.y j ; l'ie Courl, that publication be made a.x week., tu t Inc. North Carolina Wing, a ncwpap r published ; in the low 11 of I harlolte, notifying tin aaid del. n- pcooii.ee. K.KEID, c.r. t-l'j i'rinter'a fee $fi. STATK OF NORTII-t'AROLINA, M E'.' K LhN UL HU I L-L N T V , C.uit of I'kus mill (Quarter intuits, Uclo Ur Tain, 1-55. J'jIiii (.una i Original Attiei....cnl. lilt'. 1 ' IT atifirurilliT In 11. c.-tiair -tinit ,f tlir t'.itiri tlal tt uelViuiaitta are not mli;. u t.ui tu of liiifc M.ite, Lut roaide bcy.md Uic I111..U of tlie .nine, ( 1$ thtrtfote Videird the i'ont, Tuat puolicotitm Iw made Vr ux wi-cki in -l.e North! 1 oroluia Whig, a ni wop per ormted in the U wn of ('htrlntte, imtifvinjr tlie a;.!!) dclVnd.iita to In ! auu appear al the next term ot our .ato I ouit, Iu be hel.l for the county ol Mecklenhii'g, at the t uurt llouae- in ( horlotte, on the 4tii Aomin y to January in xt, then and th. re lo plead, imwi r or demur, or judgiiiiiil pro eonfeano will be taken agaiuat them. ' tV itru-sa, Wni. K. Reid, clerk of onr court, tt ( t flier, the 4lh Monduy iu Octola-r, 5i, auj in : tl.c bUlh year ol American Iuuepemitiice. j W. K. UEID, u c. c. I Printer', fee fd UU ' rfTATK OK NOUTH-CAI.'OLIXA, .Mft'K I. K II L It (J COL" N X V , Coutt of J'Uut uhU QuaiUr Sinuous, Octo- j Adjin SturiKa 1 j rn. -Original AttacLluciit. Same. j tT appfdring to tin saiii-f.ctionof the Court thut tlie d;t inJ Jtita in this cuac reaiuc be mtd lie linula of tne iSt-.te : It tt thtrrore oidr rd by the CoKtt that publication be I nude aix weeka, in the . Nurtli Carolina U lug, a newspaper pubihtd in the town of 1 hariolte, notifying the said dtfen dinti to be and appear at tiit nt xt Urrn of our said Court, to be held for aatd county , at the cou.t liounc in I hdih'tle, on tin- 4t!i .Vluiidiiy in Jn jary ih xt, the ii and tiierc to plead, aituwcr, or deinnr, vr judg. ', un nt pro coii.eM, -tvill be ti-kcn aaintt tU in. ! W iliu an, W. K. lii id, clirk ot our aaif court, at oilier in ( li.irii I'c. on Iho 4th Monday in Octo. Ur, if.M, and in 1:il t Jtli y eur of Aincneun hidc jienoeiice, , W. K. ItEID, c. r. c. Print- a fee l. 14.1 i : STATE OF NOl.'l'II. CAROLINA, j MKi KI.Evm ilH t Ol .NTV, Court ut I'kiis atnl Quarter Sessions, Octo , Ler 'lerin, 1?o5. Martin Stevtita l I ... f. ra. . OrtmaI AUacluncnt. S:imc. IT appottrui to the aatinfaetinn of the Ct urt, nut the to iVndantu ard not inhabitun t ot' th: Stse, hit rcMtic beyond the limits of Hit aauif, It x therefoie Otdered by the Court, 'Hut puohcatton br made for six weeks in tlie N-rtli Carolina Whig, a ncwapaper printed in the town J of Charlotte, notif voir: the aaid defendanta to be and appettr at the next term of our said Court, to j he held for the County of Mecklenburg, at t k ! Courl-lluuse in Charlotte, on the 1th Monday in January next, then nnd there tu plead, anawtr or i demur, or judgnuntpro eoiifisau will be t-i.vu J at'Miifti tliLio. W 'lines-, Wm. K. Reid, clerk of our Court, nt uft.ee, the 4lii Mm tlnv in October, ."., and iu , the bOth yeai of Amcne-in I ndepeniteoee. W. K. KEID, c.c. c. Printer's fee SC.. 1-49 1 STATK OK .OHTII-CAi;oLlNA, I ME-'KLESBL Kti COUNTY, , Comt oj riias ami Que (rr t$stonst Octo i Ur Term, li53. K. II. Hrdw h y rn. M.riginal Attaelitmnt. li. II. Voung. J IT appiaru. t li.e i.itisf.M tion ef tlie ('nurt, that tlie defttMliinttt are not miiabitauls of Um -a Sl.it. , l ot restilc In v 1 1 1 1 l!i lumts of the same. It lit fflf iroff Urtirira l.y the I umii, 1 lut publication be made :or six weeks hi the North Carolina W hi-;, a paper printed in tlie tow u of Chariotlt , notifying the said def. udaiiu tt bt and appear ut the m xt tt r m ol our s.iio court, to be hetil lor tlie county ol Mc!lt nbiiry, at tlo court In. life in Ch irlolte, on the 4th .M .o.uy in Janu arv m xt, then and thi rc lo pitad, answer or dt Niur, or jutiuieitt pr cnuleaso will be taken a. g i not t them. Witness, Vm. K. Keid, eh rk of rur court, at office, the 4lU M-nolay in O. toU r, 1 and in the tei'lli year of An. ero. in lii.upt toicnet . AY. K. UKIl,c. c. c. l'mitcr'a fee s?G. i I'J statk ok noi;th.cai;olia, MKiM.ENUlH'l COUNTY, Court of Vctis and Qrartrr Session st (h to ll r 'lenity loo. C. 1 verninu &. i-.Wtlo.i loriDinalAichnunt. rn. Sauti-. J IT iippeariog ti the satiNtaction of the Court, l!ial the th ft iidiiut in this cst resitie tH-youd the ltmita cf the State : is therefore ottlnrd hy the Covrt. that uuhlteatioii be made atx weeks, in ,,c North Carol ma Whig, a new aim per puhliahed in i j ,lc ,wn f lliarlolle, notifying the aaul tlefcii. I I j,,,, t(, . n,j appear al the next term of onr said ; Cllllr, to be held for said county, a I the cnurl bouse . i(, Charlotte, on the 4th .VI. .inlay in Jinu.iry next, I it.,. ...1 ilirri to ii end answer r r dpioiir. or un i. m,.lt pro confess., will be Liken nvamst them. i VV'tiness, W, K Uei.l, clerk ot our aiid Court, B liee in Charlotte, on the -1th M-md i v in O. to. ber. Ip5.i. ami in Ihe i-uth vear of Ann rican lude. ' penuSnetj. .... W K. I'. EI I', i . ' . i'. . , ; .j.i 5 Dollars Reward. IUST or tiolcn uboutjtlic lHUi until lit, a lure A rtd Muruccu Pocket Itook.ouiituiiiiii ajium bef of n CfMptH und tdc futliwin(r NotCH undjud muii tt. One Note on Win, fr. I'tntiT. tor $rt5, la- ted in K' lTU'ir y, ItfjUjouc on C. U. .MlC-iihh, , ,lir rju diltwd uJ iu AuBUit. IHM i oi.b on ; .. M.ircua Kfrria, lor $3.i, duteil in Aui-UKt, ltf54 uiic un Snml. I'. lUrria, for $d, dnted lSU1, moiitli I tint reccllccted ; one un J.ia. A. I'ortrr, for $4, da. I led H:I'J; one note on IVlcr lirumh-v, for $30, ' dnled aonii'liiue in I e? 4 W ; one on Charlea Taylor, ; fen., fur $l5,dmt'd aonittinir iu 1M4H. Ouejudg ; incut on Haul 1) Kurr, for about $.'.' ; one judg. ' in. ut on Win, Carti-r, for $7, il itril uli.iut l-lrt, ; All pemoua arc lore jrncd trading for any of the uhnve Nolca or Jiiflnicnla and t lie mukt-ra are no. . liliid not to nay tlti-nl to any one hut luyaelf. A j reuurd ot rive llollara will lie who will deliver tl.c aaid Nolo l to me. paid to any one, uu juugllienia I S. A. STEWART. I Vtr. "U, 1655. 3w 1 STATK (W .NORTH-CAROLINA, i LINCOLN COTXTY. Superior Cum I of Lute, Full Term, I?.j5. I'rai.cca 1'. t uurlncy Petition for Divope Ili'hrv '. 'iiurtui v. N thia c;ib:-, it apiie-.irinfr to the autii.f.iction of Ihe i-niit t thut ttte il.-h-iul:. lit ri'Miil. h hi',- 1 (,c limits ol Una State : Il in r.ri. fie thdtrtd l,y rourt That publication he made for three ,,,01,11, a, in the Ninth Carolina hig t. nd tlu- Weaiern l), iii..criil," two newapnpera puhliahed i ,,c t,m of Cburlotlc, giving imtiee lo the aaid n,',,rV I. Curtm-v thai he t ! und om;,r i.rrc tl(. j,,,),,. , our Sunerior Court of Law. at thf next com t to le lit Id lor uid count v, tit the court-houo in l.incidiilnn, on the Hlh Monday ul'tcr the 4th Moii'iny 111 Fcbru try im xi, Hm 11 und tlicru t-i pltiid, or d niiir In humI ;titioo, other. mim;, jut'uieiit pro conli.8o nil! be reiickrcd a. jrainut linn, und aderrec made accordinj'ly . WitncHS, Kob' rl V.JI,.h!immi, Clerk nf our aaid court, ut office, tin.- Hth Monday ufter Hih 4th Mnii d.iy 111 Augunt, A. I. 18.ij, i. od in thu btli ycir of OUT Illdl-Uelitli ie'. ltOliT. WILLIAMSON. Clerk. I'rinter'a fee $10. til S. W. WKSTItKOOKS, l'ropi iftur of the (iiUjort! I'omoogicul (jtifdeiis i, ml Xnrsrrirs, VUl I1) p-cr If "u 1 1 y -itS "'u nu,'r,tu"1 itjMW of our Southern citirena to ajX,, bin aelccl colh ctinn of let. live nnd acclimated v.u ictir-n of rr.ilTrecn, brar:ing noine 41.000 tree, of t lie follow ing vat ic. tic a, viz: Apple, pear, I'c.eli, Plum, Apricot, Cherry, Necluruie, Aimond, ulao a choice uaaort. m-nl of Grapcvinen, liaagibirrien, Str.twht-rriia, CtC, etc. Al! orders, nccoiiipiiiiied with tin- cash, will re. ceive prompt attention m.ri the 'Preen liclitlv pack td at.rt tiirncted to any portion of the country. P. S. Pcriuiia w tailing Oriiwineiital Treea can be nujiphcd. let. II. 3in News from the Crimea ! T VIK nubneribcr deairi a to iufnrin the citizen. iat he haa uUu received a new aupply uf FALL.& VVLXTEB (i w l.ich he will fcct on an neruiiiinidiitiiig It rim as hut neitrlibor. Hot Stock la new hihi frreli ai d ia coinpriaed in part of the following articles, vtz : V,vX mi i 'aa. u-a. aV wan .... a iU Ilfirtlirttrr, 4 titlcry, froci ricti, ll:il, l apx, Itool, AOfl, lieady-Miidf Clothing, kc. He haa u!o for the l,.idiea a fine Vhaortmeiit of Cloaks, Talmas, Mantillas, ISlianis, ami a great variety of choice .Silki, Suliup, und iitiiiiv other aitieha thai will be certain to please . All in wanU m a call, and he Ui Is certain of cf Ilc lin a bale B. W. DAVIDSON. A..r 13,1-55. 3!Hf Cosiiiopdilan Art Association. ; second yeak: RUANGMMKNTS for the Seeond Annual Colit-ctu n ol tills nt w anu 1'opnUr lurTitu tion fr tlie t itlui-ion of ritprattire and Art, have ' hern in.uh on tne most exit nivc scale. j Annmg the worka already eiigngou, is the far. , fallicd " I j It 2 J A C d f t i J: A i , w hirh orientally cost Tt n 'I'lniusaud Oollar... I 1 ii forming t lit Ni w t 'oi lection, i ne d illusion of work of amlkica Art, ai;d the encoura-.ement ; ni American genius huvo net ta'eii overlooked, Coinimsaii.tis have been iasutd b. nmny of the , ino-at ti-tuiHiihid .-Vuitrieaii .Artists, who w ill ; ci'ittribute oini; nf I heir finest productioiiH. .. ninii-: them are three .Marble tiitei, e xernted hy tiie greaivft acuiutor, 1UKA.U 1U til?. i . r- -r- r-1 T e - e The lather of hitt Country. The VlaloMj'her. VV A 3, Tne JSttitefimuit. A jP' ci'ii agent ha visited t.urnpe ami made Carrful Slid jlliiieious acltlto UK cf foreign WorKS ; of Art, ht.tii in Bruiize und Marble; St..iuary and ' Choice raiiitin-s- ; The whole tornting' a 1 are ami mina hie col. leeto'ii of Pan tinj;s nd Statuary, to he dutribn- i till I'U V.V. a uiuiiij the luiuibirsol the Aasocutun , for ti.C SiCulid Year. u;r.ms or n:.wni:itMin. The payment nf Three Uuil.irs com-lituti e any : one a intiultcr ol Huh A-oot i. ti"ii, and cut. tie him to either one of the Magazines f'r one vcar, a nl u Uo a lo kt t iu I iu tiifiri hut it'll ui tiit Sl . tu. ary and Paititmga. The Literature issued to suhncriln-ra consists of the Mlowinc .Moiitli.'y Marames : Harper's, I'litntim, K uickcrhnckf r, Itlaek wimil h. t ra. ham's, HtiUftt. bold W oru, a no Cue v L.mI ' Uook. lirstns t iki"-,' five memht r-hipi are entitled to nnv five of the .Mauziin-s (or onr je.ir, and to MX TiCM.it in the nmtribut'on. The liett pro Ceei's dt.iived from the sale of tut iiiherf.ii ips, arc devoted to the porchi se of werks uf Art ft-r the eniiii'C e r l 11C ADVANTAUI S M OKK.H bv Im c iiiiiig a niernl'cr of thia A-soet i tioii, :ire Int. All pt rHoim rtetive tiir full wWiie of their noL)M'r-'Ut'M al tht .-(..it, in the aii.tji of sterling M i I in- Literature. 'Jtic, Kach iiiemher is coiiirihuling toward purcha-H'g i hoiee ierkid Ar', which nrc to b d uti ihiitt u a utouc, tht ii iite h es, and are at U.e same tii.ie eneciir.iytttp the Art!ts of the country, ill. borMo-; tiii.ii! it id of dolliin through it,- .ienev. I. r-oit iti rem it ting londi. lor iiiefiitN-rship, Will pit ate nive tht ir foT oiril K AOIUiEsS in rci.i., acting I-" month C y w ih tne M ...,iH' to eommeitet . n ml l.;:e t!.e h tti r reb red at lht Vtx Otliee to prt vent h's ; ui its rt ci ipt u cer lifu'jte of iiu iiiIm -rnh'-p, to Iher w ith the Matja. line desirt'i will be lui warded to nny part of the country. Tliont- who purelint.' M'-.'aiine nt hw.k tores, will ohM r' tli.it by joining this .Woeiatioii, they rceive the M igaiine ntnl free ticket in the annual distribution on alt at the same price they liow pay for the .Magiiziiie alone. Kor Mem! er-hip.. athfresi, C. I-. !KltHY, Acttmrtt . J. A. At eiiht r of ihfpniietjtal t:..c- ' l uu ki r - !.n . muti oltici , .m- i.i.t.owu 4ev i oik , or " est- j rn (lfi.-c, llio, V att r street, S m.i Ufhy , thn. rv T . T f ji it. i i l'R PI! I N II NO "f nil kinds v ill he neitly, I .1 .ad ..nfftiiiu.if t xtcul.ti at the North-Ca. ' i ...i.... u h- 1 1. ' i 00 Notice A I.I. p-rao aving rl.i,,'. ag.in.t Ripley, : MprniK. k Co. are rtqucaled to pre.enl Ihe.u prHTly until, nlit iiU-u uccuniin Ut U w to inc. or tint iioticu w in be paint in hnr thnr rrcuvcry. JOHN M. fci'ltlXUS.r. Vfcemtjer II, ltjai. 4.Ut" HcmotaL ITAhK plcunurc ill ioformiog my fiiondnnnd the- public generally, that 1 am removing from niy prcacul Store, adjoining the Court Iloiiat-to Nn. 4. (ininite l!n, hetween rritchard ,V 4'iiNlwoll'a Drug Store and Mi-nan. 'I'roltui'a Jewelry Kmb. liahuH'ht, nppoailt- S.ulli r'a llntt-l and formerly oc. copied by llrurker Siinuncra, where 1 will be (dcand to ace all thoee who may favor inu illi call. 1'. . AMIENS. Dtrmhrr 4, IS.",;,. 40 if (t Notice. A I.I. iti;irdi mp wlio hve in.t rnt'Wt'd tlii-ir Jm. Ih.iiJk witliiu the three yvar, r; hvtv.. hy tmtitird to do so t tlir Jannnry i'ourt, or nuli era TAtll bv itmucd uicur.'iiu' to law. W. K. ltEIH, c.c.r. Jhrembr II, lrS.1. 1 17 Elxactly So! fW tM I-. nubacriher reapeetiully ioh.rnia the eitt. JL u na of Charlotte and the public generally, that he ia .till carrying on Ihe 'I'l ' I V 1 lilTi'IX'I'i'iii ll.a.MiU 1)1 tM.M'ai., ! oppo, itf Kcrr'H llnt.I, where can be found at till , tinurfi n full iihaortiin nt of IMiAIN &; .lAIMN'I) in il' i nn whteh will he mi. I low, either by the wholtaaleur retail. 1 h. ve uddid tu my STtH'h OF WARK, J'lniiUhid Tin anil Ciiffir I'uti, Tia Trtiit, Ttitile iiinl 7ta .jinuits, Toiiill ScU, S-'jiuc Jlurrs, .nise s Lorn is, Tea uml C'ofie Citiriiistcis, CWi IaiiIIi, (jiis.s IjuiIi i ns, J. a nl .atHs, ami a tn at innn v other arlielea in thut Line. 1 ... ... ..-., .i, Units Ami-hoi. .v, Lortl uml Tonys S', nr S'o,,.,;,.o ,-,! .(- ,t-,- a ii w nn-ii u in ue m.iu a a tow at tut y can oe uoug in iu hub place, i iiiiic atan on iia.nu, a Jew COOK &; PA If I A) 11 ' CASH, whith will be noli! uuunually low In Jj JOB WORK, Mich aa Roofing Guttering, Stove Tipef, Ike cvtcutc'i nt nliort notii.-e and 1. 1 itioilt rule price., II j'Tlmiikfiil fir pant f..vora I would aulicit a colituiualice ol the name. SAM E. T. WRISTON. :i:nf Nor. 13, ln55. i.li tt lit ('i t lilo-. Wallace A Davis 1 r. I Rill for Sale of I-ind to Fliz .bah Daruall und j p;,y debln. Sunnn D.irnitll, el al. J A U. pernoua bavilif deluiilttlB ngainnt the ra tile of Klijah t'. D-iriiftll, deeeaa. d, are lure by notified lo print nt and caltiulinti tlit-ir demauda be lore me, on ur be fore Ihe ftrai day of June next. J. L. MILLEK.'C. E.Y.D. Yiirkrttle.Urt. 16, 1855. ((). 30) 37-3m S. M HOWELL. Saddle & Harness Manufacturer, TlIHtl lOOR8 BOUTII OK tiAOLKR S HOTEL, ciiArai.oTTai:, x.v. ( MlK suhhcrilxr thankful fur thr very liberal pa!rnn;:re heitow ed upon him during the pant yeiir, han now made tnorcexleinove prt ptrnti oi for tiie future dt in..nd tor work in his line, and wiil endeavor to lurnii-h all that may want Saddle and Hamcst, with a superior article at the low eft pond hie prici-K. lie has now on hand a very large uasorlntent of Saddles, Kritllrs Karnes, S;titiiw llartluair, Whips. Buffalo Foles, Saddle Cloths, SLirfhiZ, Hog AA us, : Patent, Enamelled & Harness Leather, i twfffll" -th every thing uuully ki pt in in) line 0' bumness. UTAH kinds of Svidulet and Hi rue m- made at the ,,h0(tr'ht uot.ee. ij'KKPAlRlNl' promptlv rxeented: S. M. HOWELL. Otiole. 3il,IH55. 37tf '.1 m you If r . then alt i.1 J. V. Henderson) vou w ill rind ft lore, win re Iliti UWlVLIlLJlll O I'AMILI . liDll'DIKS: Issued under the Seal, Sanction and Authority of THE UxNTVKIiSITY Free Medicine rori L.vu k.vowiiEixiE. t'bartered by tne Stale of Peiinsvlvaiiia, Anril -11, IS53. With a Capital of $100,000 Mi)t!y for the put fume of arrest inn 'he ettig of Sjtu. nom and u 01 tit ten .oit urns ; AUo, for su;pl vint the. CouiiuUuily with relia. i hie Kemcdiett wiierevi r n t "ouipeteot Pin siei.ni e;: n not or w ill not be einplovcd. Tin.- Inst itutinii t has purchased from lU. JOJI . l;oW.M, his i'clebriitrtl KO W AMI'S TOXIC j Known fur upwards of t wei.ty live e..r as ihe only Mire and .safe cure for ri;vi:i: a.ui ai.i i:, .v.., ' ii ti hitt me inahie Hi hhnv for j r;oir; o.ki'm..u.yts, ItOWAXirS COMI'Ol XD Vl tttt - tM fit K t"if!tif,t rn n 1 1 LJIIIUI - DLflUKDlLllIU IlUUl, VV hicli highly approved together Willi 'Ihe 1 liner. tlv'n Kilnr uf Hie l.t .MI.-; 'l 'ie I in vt rmt v 'n Keiut IM)l.f:.PlilN"; 'Ihe Ctnvernitv's 1,11 and popular Kcmeuies, iv lor COMPLAINTS y for !, SPCPSIA or itei'v f..r ItlS'MVi:. IUVV P.I.S ; Also, the I'NIV I'RSITV'S A I.M AN AC m.t 1 had, at the llraiiell IlLpcn-nrv. or store of J AMES 1. HENDEItSON, Daviilnou Collfoe N. C. Citrate of 31 amnesia, I'K A I'Klll KN'I LK3IOX A 111!. A IKKSII CASK nf thin delightful and rcl'reah. Ilig apt runt J tint oi-eneil al SCARK A roS, VKL'U STOKE. Ji.an, AcUickmcnU Jot alc at tftts Ogue. - -UU4.ti.1ni' .rra.- V I STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. I , , K L KN I! tl RG COUNTlf, , Lo"rt V l e Qwtrter Sessions, OctO- OCr iCtul 1700. ;OJiimti Jarrctt ra. Original Attachment. W. Jirrett. I T appearing to the aatiafaction of the Court, ! Hint the ilri'endiinl in ihia caae la not an inhabi. t int of thia St. tc, but reaide beyond the limitaof the nunc, ( i Hrreftrt Ordertd hy tht Court, That publication be made fur an weeka in the fiurlh ! Carolina Whig, a ncwapaper printed in the town ! uf Charlotte, notifying the aaid defendant to b. ! and apwnr at the next term nf our aaid Court, to J be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the . Court llou.e in Charlotte, on the 4th Munday in j January next, then mid there to plead, nnawer or demur, or juJgiiient pro cell llano will be taken ! sgainat htm. Witneaa, Wm. K. Reid, clerk of our Court, at I ofliee, the 4th .Monday in October, lt-i.), and in I the fOlh year of Allienean Iildepeodcnce. ! W. K. KEIl), c. c. c. Printer', fee $tl. t-13 Wilmington, Chailotte & Rutherfoidton itAtiajroAii. ttriiSCANT loan order of the Board of Di. rector, of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ut, tlierli.rilt.nl Rail Road Company, honkn are a. ! gam open !r auhneription. to the Capital Stock of .1.1 I!. e.iil. ut the Rock Isl.tiid Store.and the olTieea ', of in. Johoaton. C. J. Fox and S. W. Dnvia. All who I.f I int. rest, , I in the honor and pronp.nly of j Ihe old North Stale, are aolicited to come forward i and aid in linn greiit work, the only real public ' ,l,eriric that haa ever apruitg upon our people. CHARLES J. FOX, S. U DAVIS, WM. JOHNSTON, JXO. A. VOl n;, JOHN WALK EK, LEROV M'lilNtiS, 15. 11. DAVIDSON, Currim.antoner,. 37 If Oft. 30. 1855. CHESTER, S. C, It) .1. U. .NICHOLSON. JwrV. fftllK MiliBiriber reapeetiully in. uiii J.L loriu. Inn trteuda iind the public Centrally, thai lua hi.t.ae, known a. the "Kai road Until." 01.1....1I.. il. ; t m-nur Depot, i. still opi-u lor Ihe reception ul reg. ,ii..i ir.innii'iii noiirtiern alio tlie truvelling .Ub. 1 '''"' ; tl,ul '"' l iiakinir ' very exertion Iu tie. ,1'rve und nunc a tiiiu uice of the kind and liberal piilrniii.gi- w Inch bar liilherlo b.cn extended in in in. il.- uatii ra iiiiom-i t mat every nc cc.ru &r iingi tin-lit ban b'-en inaiie to promote the comfort f all w ho .top w Hit him : bin rnonia arc airy and wc-ll-lurniaheu, lua aerviiuta are ullentivc and obe. dicltt, and lua table counl..lit I v (ttpplled with the beat of the aeii.oii, ao that hia friend, will not w.-uit anv otiintiun iiiceaaary to make their au. j'.urn plena. ml .nil ..greeoble. Hia .tardea are I luriiifhi il with guild lio.llirn and an abundance ot jirovi-iuler, ami he ia prepiircd nl a nmnient'e noli.-.- to Mini'lv In. euntotiif rn Willi imijte eon. v. y.-tneen of i , ry norl, lo an v part of theaurround. , "'I-' i"ul,ry. lie de hires t'i nturn hia acknwledncnicnts to the public for pant favort and solicit tor the fu ture tli Ctjtiallv lilHTal Jhnrn of p.itronne, ! ' JOHN K. NICHOLSON. I Ort. 8, 1655. 33 if ' Ro.ERT HtMILTO.N XI. W. & 1 HKIVOOO- 1 II A II 1 1. TON ,v iivriituoon, ; Auction and CommiEEion MerchiTits, . FOR THR BALK Of. j REAL ESTATE. XECKOES, CVTTOS, 1 F LOUR, GRAIN, . ANU . 17 maimer i-j l'rudmx and Merchantlise., 204 EXCHANGE ROW, I lUCHAllDSON ST., COLUMBIA, S. 0. m;.RFt r. Stenhniine, Alien it l o., Willie A. Goodwin. Cliarle-nlon ; John A. Crawford, Ldwin J Scoll, I! it Ii. th Aiiderxn, Richard O'Neall. Columbia ;' J.iint-e K. Aiken, W'innnboro' ; Jnmen Pagan A. Co., ' Cheater C.1I. ; S. N. Stowe A t o., Yorkiille : W. I W. Lima, Charlotte, N.C.; Dr. Edward Sill, Salin Iniry, N. C. ; K. C. Cooke, (oneord, N. V. ; Dr. W. li. Holt. Ui'iigton, N. C. , Vet. 9, te55. 34-lm iNoticc. I A LL pi rnoita ntlebted tv th. firm of Irwin, Hug. aa ginn & Co., will find J. F. Irwin or T. I). Oil. H-apii- alwara ready to u tile. Aeeount. and nutca not ai tried by January Court will be fuund in ll.a banda ol an officer for collection. J. F. IRWIN. T. D. GILLESPIE. Oct. 23, ltv5. 36lf Notice. VLI. Persons indebted to me by open Account who do not come forward by January Court ami si tile by Cuaii or Note, may expect lo settle with an othttr. D. II. DAVIDSON. .W. 13, lf.'.j. ayti" Kli- I)itoIilliotl. jajj r"lli; public are'lii-.-hy iiifiirmed that the firm JL of t'enrgc A. VVInsnant wu, dissolved hy niiilual conn nt on Ihe Kith instant. All per.una tiiih bled to .aid firm are requested to come for ward and nettle their accounts, either by Note or "si fill ; and all having nccounls against the said linn will pleaac bring forward the same for settle ment. One ur both of the firm will be ul the ehop for that purpune. CEOlICE A WU I SNA NT. OfMG, If..".. 35tf WILLIA 31 31. TLX AO, M.lCTOi: .V 4 0,11. Ht.SSKKY MI!(JIIA.T. FOIt I'LOKIOA COTTOX. A oi A i'owmrirwl 'harf, Chaiie$ton, S. C, W ITH A flRAV H, 97 II.il.. ittamiaii. Ciii. it. mi JHue StoiicIHluc IStone I.AIlt-I-' supply ju-.t received at m'aiu; ,t CO.'S. Uni t. XTUKE, CHARLOTTE. FORWARDING AKD CCEMISSION iUaUiX'JJAiTJij SOl'TlI A TlaAXTIC WIIAKF, CIIAIJLESTON, S. C. Hanger's Notice. I OSHPlI A. VVOKSIIA.M living three mile. Aenl ot Diividi.t'11 t t.llioe mar the Be a lie. Kurd mail, enured on the Stray Bi-ok of Mecklen. u o.nlieTtl, ..,.t.,nt;..tn.T M..rc.Mul.. of a Mac, color, Ij hands hjh, tbout I ? years old, .ine in Ihe left forelejf, nt.ti.trk-. windhrokeu, and was appraifcu to tin value oi v.'i. T. J. I10LT0N, .mSer. V,e. II. IH55. 3w. 31 1. XI I' AX Mustang LiniiiKMit, TNRIVAI.I.KIt a. a l.inini"t, for lrui-f.. Strains, Sprains, At-c, iu lloraes. Mule., or SCAlin A CO.'S PKUUSTOJtE. nv cattle. A LAUC.K SL I'l'LV OF Constnhle Warrants For. sakl here. DONl'S for tht Drliitry ut' Yrojcrtyt R)U -SALE 1IEKE. ill!

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