itMKjjfc-B.'.i.imua.jLmui....jiLiii vium.jjfjiaia ;tag;nRjix.auiijeL33,'.au'itjL'ivJKiu.i "Be fhic fo Sot it jtoulr 6ou).ri, i0 .0 jioni Jqfii." VOLUMES -a. jSTTJJMLJHIFL 48. ninTia (Lamina rw mi .inn , THOJ1ASJ.IIOLT0N, J'UIIOH & PlKiJ'lllETOIt. TFl.'.N tr. v. . . . i ii-i. , .. . I Uf ..'ill,,-, .11 ilium , 11 1 j; iv III UC H Hi iru I'll In full. h. i. .1 I'M I) l.i.l.l.AliS i run Il )!.t. AND Hr'l'V ( i: IS if ,,,5 MM III IHJ 0i yi'il I"T llili'i- iti'iiiii.K ; inn. ni, M II. I. A I..S . N ..t bed,., l,: .1 .rre.rate. u-,. .1 u,o w,.t,.. t t!, KJ,l.,r. '.. . 1 . . ... . . . .!... A.iv.rn)iii,i.iiiiii:ri..iuniii,UollarHrqi,iiri! !!,; I, , I... tl.... y,.) f..r il,.' Dim t n.i -., .'. t lor u.,i . Cmirl id. , nuJ 8T,tr' S.I.- cli.r(.l v4 (Mr ici.i. l.itfer un iitiiu. in.,, ui jj) prr ci-i.t. will t,, , .ie it . Hie f Kul.. hic. , nr ndviiimr. l,y , tr,r. rt, J ., . q.,,r..r'y, -A l r..uv lor . ... I, t,,,.,. .v.m.ty, iii.Hitiily renti r miii. ire for earl, time. I . ily ,:, rri, l n-r mjh 3i'lVniu,.,t. r n aullinritfil tu act js ftfnli. ottrj). Vtm (Ar Mui.xle Tiihune, Tic D;iM Vf ar. ftV W. r. ( rKftl. A' t'ir' yr. "td kU it jni .mil car, ,( M, ttr- t tlfN H M(' nlJllIni,' w -tf ; I Ii - h i 11 tl Mii Mill In.' Hi Ii A "ij I'i'Miit it l t .t mt lily tin it u t n-. Tu- yra it.-r rtrrtit.ff .twjiin, n tlx v i'(U I, II i.yjhl )ti to irw , tiilU rm i-u lit lti t b! M ; ,M ti.riijr ly him rfdily n trr ..n, Au i UtU W iii to.tjg iiitJ iJd, .hU ingUt !" )l. A Ii inT' turn nl' 1'itiM rcvlviit; rin-l, A'.tt it ; t -tint .r ruw hi I fl iJ ; l luj,iM i hi li u t p im nl I ' n 1 1 1 'i r ttHHii y lf ml. I : ( tit . f..rin ii: im u '! f Hi i if ay. T' i i" i r i i St i i f t (i t' !! m it c -1. 1 J ! vi i; i 1 V i I tmtt'i r jniiy 1 1 i gi t tig I t , i Tii ii tik tur i l 1 1 1. 1 it I n. ( ii 1 loiiit. i Tnw iMtI,tr pliiiiir it 11 lif-, A 1 r n.t'U iu 1 f a.I 1) l r ,1 n 11 ill Lit mi 9 ; So 1 . I liffjM m 01 Lli I ). I till ullf lit tf't t 1 - ii j y T ni frttw flit, ttfcr ?.- mi jU r1" c i.n r-.i- ..f nifi t, 1 t eij( l Bi" a l 1 n I tu- ri tr.'i.f y Si.ft t.f thil turn It t II ntfii f'ntr, V i i -f i loi.j; 1 .1,1. U tun lu.i.ii r r . - . . 1 II' ttt.hj 1. 'it Hie tl, 1 , .e. n, . nl 1,1. 1 ii... ri.,. 1. . fii.r will. it. ",,:. npiMil). 1. W,ll ',.1. .nyh... A,.,.,... ..,,. .r fc. ai aiiihh.ii i.uiis. ,i i. h,, 10 11 ryr, 1. 1.1 ,',ii,t . iiiim i,,.:'!" ...... wr . by W VV,.,l. r, .,. ,t lufn. iihi il. , ,11 .. .,111 ri.iy .-j., ni( ,,.U ih I ll..ll.ij J . i ,.. .. t , 11 .. .1..,, -1. Il"!e.s ":'; -"r" I'e Y'. VK:'htMl."...TlVV..mV.'y.' ' T. ..r.. .U-e.U.. .il. n.r e.s.M.if,y. ... -....-,.... I ....... .1 . . .1... I. IW .1... Ii. 1 . I 1 j. M r ih m r r hi t'.l u,u.rr ,u ,1. gin. 1 ,r 1. 1 rl.ill i.l Wirinr'. t.y i, e. ., 4 o r tli-r brum of .tr, ).r...l,i.lir n',w. !', it rl"c of thi pi J' r. ,'n, e ....' 1 i.l- r 011 ,1. r., ; A.ei 1 m ,1,1 Iruil.. n "'ll'i'r crnf, .. . .. .1 l.l.Uu ,., "l 'r I.U1 I .. ' . ... 1 .1 ... ' . I t'l I,,,,, .Mi.r,l..r,.,. ...,,.,..,.. (I, I.,, I , I, I ' 1 : '' '' '"' 1 I . m - ...... ... I.l. I..Y. ti...'4ll, our Lit. i vil. 1,1 1 .,11,1'r rl snrf Ut. I,c-t ' .l"-,- 1, .11, If?? Jiff v '" e;, , ' . 1, ,. ,.e.., ,i ,i,e ...u-l, ..1 ,-tt. tliUMa-m- it h , . a,, , lt(,.i,,i 1 r 1,.,,,,!. SX;X;;"t..- ii- -ll care Ih.U- - "" ,-t; : T;. Cuitly Mr. Mjers bad net evu, . I ., , ,1 iiuieit with suel, hue such a l" l"uv' -iV. re lb. hr.rt lb I'.-U - ! f f. . . . :.. I 1. 1. . o,. r f. i, nd's 1 " You fi.i.l m greatly changed na ' ,.V, il. Ift 1 lir.1,1. .1 ,' II. .... "i I y,,ll, "HI "J " Will, s.i.r l,- 'IiHii,, i, 1 i 1 '. .. hue, I A. in. P. I It. t,.:eU I A ait c. u.v- 'Tu writ s,nl Una nl. Irirn hour, .,...lhl C',. re In. IU Willi i.m ul. as H V "V i Ant "k "I lh, ... whsl l' I'" '" T'i hi lu-t.l It.r.i. i' l-f ll" (' " ,fc- "I i. hr .Mi ll r..i, U, !' "e ''" 1. Uuu I.l II '"' -f '"'''' ,,! ' T' .1 l,nr ll,.- ...ul ,..v I"' ' ''"I" 'euli'. I I ..y. i,,t I.Imiiii Ih yulot ll." a.nlul ..ri". M. 1. ..,.. !,.,. . ,., I. r, t r this .iri'.ry of I.l, ,11... I,.., I .l.iw.. Ih ,lh "IMl- "li ' "''j0'' An,! I. ,.''. r.l c.l. l.intr and lir 1 " fcT '"'fc II'. r IV r-.iti Jnornry he I-" : Si. .1,., 1,1 ,,.. l cI..m ol (-' Arot !, ,.r .....thl. lil' l' I'"'" II ''"y "'V. Ar' .,, r ir I., .rl- I. . . .-, r. m .!, !"" y, H.-...Uo ii , nmre l y .. I.l to irror'a way. in. I!l.y nr. tl,: y. who, .... th reii.-av. I ..i Snd i.o irr..i. th ! r""" " " S M l r... I,,,..,,. Inel', ,1.-. .l"l .llwrolal""-" ,,ltli l,.wv hear la ll.ere I II. i lo. K ! '"" T,',re I,,,,,,, ll ,, I....; I-. Hi.' '- Or' lif.'-. Ir-f.i.y. e..n ereet .l fi"il " Ai,. hri sll.e. .r,ll I ',''," A U iK, I,, hud i, hli.alul ho..,.- ... It, an I'- V.n.,1 P, l, rl,' M'HJ.MS. Maraan t NobiU'n Slralasrin Oil, a. wew .VvS tWS, itv t W. PKV, KKS. Pretty Margaret Nesbilt bad two unex ce.tioi.abl.) lovers, nud -adly piirxled n ho to choose between them at least so !,.. ,,r as aheirravclv debated their ' ' - " ' . . respective ineiits. with her coumii ami con Cda.,t Pt,eli l'bdd. Cuttaiuly if alio UJ ,, .. I'l ,.m to " I V ' tie1 pari sue- I, 10 i. - j ,s in ., , v ... -i , ' .. . .. , ... ... t.l...,;.,,.f iu inUMi J nation for bed, and o (he fiiends par- 11!t. shockvl-l thm.-ht I had prpaud ,IC paU-U froai lit eye in a Have I paid my Mil . ::;:::;:::-,v..'-- ;,yfor,hc.,,g.,t. t of;r T"2 :i "'y "-s (h, the morrow .Uargiret w,Ke win, - 11,1 v" leiii Mr beaulilul hair was retea-r- ..on..,.-- .....j , 0 . . ... id .l'r, I ..;..; h.r bead, a rain iu! "No jes 1 ilou I km , ' ; ' ' I f.,1,1,.,1 c rit.l lier i Jc -antly , " Will. I'm coin? ,'u-t 1k Ot..Tmr! whit ,l 1 : IV .,i..,i Ire-.i! sir,.gB .., .v.. ' Mvcr o much ciifu-cl that he Hid h"l v I , . , . 1 1,1 ,1, v,. ,i...l .rsl-,.l T'.. t .-,m l-v ti..,-h.r face, ,.) a M.lT mek ; ,t was cu-Uf,-')"," 1 formed head. A wh.torolc r,T:.ced the .lo J o- uiiders.and . , it.. ...l. ................. i..i.i...,d.-.i. . . .....1. ..know whiit be was sajin. i,- , . , , i.,., 1,,,,,, ,1 1 " 1 e. T...,,,.; ,: ,, ,.,... el. lu "'U 1 ; ;,,pJ ; ,. lei,.g futively t the gor-, wr..lVir , . - - , , ,yu ,aml,or(, hy (llis , it ,t i.f, I en I'lioi',,. i"',.i - in! I', r, (he nieht belore. . . t,,,,! ; l.a-liiy 14 "":111 c'J"'r "J . ex.iicl, and Mr. liainloipl, il ,l..o (r.-,Hd .,..1 loi.-.l i'h ti--y.i.j y-r, ti.o',,.,1, f, . ;.,- very u.i-eral le, she roe,"" l" ' . . . ...,. were J et sparkling i her char li in n eves, , ,.. landlord's surprise, in aiiu H - ,,.. av. .v,i-,p I ...I efo.e ),r ot, r. r!.,. servant came to loiuire ! 1 !.. ii. 11 ni t , mic k pi ncr secret wi ll guarded. I A tall, hutidsome girl ni Margaret; wclT .ruined ai,.l Kraecful. Pull of mischief and i 'mirit ,l..n..i ....i :.. .. I 1 tiiiit'i in it 1 1 u I ill fir it ,,,.r - J I Bmc nine were who, jud. nig her mere, v ill HI nf .... 1 C .1. . 1 . w I'-i'l tec, tn.-ap-d, h.dd hor to be but a tbou - lillrs, !.l V.., r- . thoughtless, yiddy i,l. t.t the friends Ul.. I.... I...., j:... ii 'j vi llt IUUM aui H I I' I . in uv,, mavvu'icu oinealii Iier .rry humor a fuud of plain, cool wine. 1 , ,. .. , fc : nn ,ruo fl'('l'"g, wlncll wou lier both res-1 ju et nH.I love. iri.', ,."..:.. r,. I ' I ' ' " "e v.r 1 where him bad met both a.M.irahts for - i in-. ,ur, .aiarev sni tiioiiiiituliy liy the I i.rani me au interview in once, i oc hre in her dressing room, her little tdipper- i61'1 )ou- vtr "10st fai'hlully yours, I cd feet rating on the fernU r, and lor the ' I hundredth time d, baled the merits of her rutltli time billed tliu hierits of litr two 1 vt r wiiii cousin I'lubo. ' ou pof, riitieo," flic continued, ravc ly, ktiitlin Ijcr Irow with au si i r of gnat riil(-x:ty, ' t acli hat hit ad vat.Uo. ll.iin-1 iltoii My In lias -o inuirli taiLUl is r?o liiinil- ome-of fuel, a pood withal lli.tteis lee o cliariiiiiiply, that 1 lliel him u ry agreeable; on the other hand, though U inthrop North talks K much ler, and lets me faiily pirn: and pout for a compli ment, there is tomethin M open, jrei.ial, ,.d ialy about bin,, that I think I like bim alu.o-t, or .(.jile as well as Mr. .Mjer-." " .Mr. Mit r, ., Ijr t he .ai.d,o,u..-l.v tJid ' ' cousin l-,.l,e. ' I don't Li.ow about il.,.i " r.-tnme.-l V,f ' nr.t, ouid-'v-" Mr. North, ha, the most manly and expressive faee, and I never did So far ,l;lt lhe toi!(l proCceded, when l'ho--N'"' ',0'1 hf",0Jtt ,atC ,0"C care tor r-pulr feature.. Yet, as you my, . .,.,:., ,,!. .1.1 I Margaret soeht to con Mr. Mcts would be thought the band-om- c-t, aiid he certainly doei make biiusclf ve ry agr. iai:,-. Aft, r talkiog him half au hour, I Ltfiti to f t I ntv old no:iou that I am pr, t.y mail, like ether people, is ,1 1 n,isikc. 11c .-.ems so aurc,l ol iy ! 1. i"'" J ili'., in bringing n.e ,0 .he .ame a,rccab!e con- usion , i , , ' I do I rm.ld ,1,-. ' ""e"""' luowiaiii couiu ue- j j "T!..i, ).,u are i.ut li, love will, cither,-, JUl" 1 "' "l;,c "' '"".a .. ... . . . .. UUlU,lllIIV IllUtl I.'I'IU. " Net bit, roiisiii and w hat is more, I ' ' 'mi to e p inycl h. int-w ho!e, ut least , . . 11.1 1 a'ceitaiu w tu. I. ol iy auuiiien lo 1,1 ') auu.i.enioie, (h.'.y and siueerely. 1 wish I 1 . ' . ., v4 ,n "; hi.' I. Oi Pl'll,.' l'1' "11' ,r,l-,'.' I 1.. . .f ... . 1 nearu 01 a cae a ien year ago, jber the treii;,lh of a busband' alieclioii and her ho was st.ll paw aevercly t,ie.!,"-,d 1'l.ebe. My friend , l.or,,.r,vi.ion, and her face yc W'y ... v i , , ,, , durm ''.ft 'iirfd bv the fwelliu? wl.i.b bad not ' 1 J ... in? herslf to bt fii;l,lfuliy di-li 'urU,k. a wtiec left of I..-I foi liter Iu a,,,, faring -A ...... r.l -..1. ,1 1 1., I.:,.' !i .. ".tini ni"";" , bis feelil toward It .. . ,,. 1 Char.'-e. l.ul I I- , .. I ,.r than ever. .. ,. . !,U;uh.d to her ever, j4 RjiiijHIuf ,.y a thousand 1,1 1 if Cans lid ftli'l sei . 1 . . . IV t, how inn - .... i" , .. I. .. .,,nde her II, "11- to ll I HI. ; ' i'ears ro-e iu Maigri I "-'l'J" , 1 .1 , in t 1 M-l Ulllt I M il llllll'l 1 .... .. ,1 ' ." 111 rui- r ir , - di range hair she w as .hocked at the image presented lo her. Tho di-propor-tionate swelling of one check bad entinly l-strov-d the fair oval of ber face; lier :,l of ber face ; her . - 1 I ..1,1 .... in , 1 1 . 1 ... . 1 ,. I .. .. 1 on ... .1 I ... u., ,!in I, .!,. Iron. , wn v in e vol, t in Ve IUIL' . I . . I I .... i. f it I'Sid 1 I III ll I'J llll. Ll"' " " i iiiiii t.M'ifiiii tv.v- n ..... .I., dull and languid, and tho Color:""" ' . Z. 1 Z " f, r cheeks to find a lodging . i :.. 1..,. ..,-.. iv lule sno w as mi,, ri. , . . . :11 i, ..feu ... - 1 ... ... in i inp nt herself III collstei naiioii, i ,iv vuis. , d the room. Margaret drew her attention to her own ruciu.1 lace in inn mi. mi, iv.. " Hid vou ever see sin ll a fright ! bur.-t out laughing, and auswered cniphatieallj i ,,i. f,rv if our lovers could i " ,pirr ; , ..... ... - j ... . . - ..r. in. luts.ejo,. now ,.,.i a os il... s.relitl, o their niieeuou . (lie siren ,,i She spoke in he in the ment jest,,,e, i .., I.,v. Ink. ii hold 01 .'laic d of Margaret s St'.'II.Cl ,i"- A .ild t reiect hud entered her IIMtlM. ' I - P....I, which she was .ic.eru,,,.... t . I nn rrv . Coumi, I'hebe was easily persiiaucu to " . , , , ; r r cur i..t. be. plan, ' l"'f a"Ur and abettor therein. argarefs cold, iCconlined her 1-hebe oeca- is !... ,vn weeks .-.tarBarri a which was a very severe one to ber room : during tins tune . m ... n- Mon.lly saw and replied in peso,, to .ho i..-,..irii:s of the lo anxious lovers who, on Lr.riB, of Mi- Niif. .i - -y ; cdtO ascertain tho state of l.ealin. I ,,, orry to say that Phebe. with wa, .ton cruelty, and U.tlc regard to the tru co , two physicians gavo confirmation to her atatemeiit.s. In course of time, liowcvcr, Mh-s N'esbilt . . .... it itrtiiion .,,,. o ,..,iii .-.-,., o ..iiii .iiAri - - ,- v. heard the rood tidings with event a Mia rout .... . . . . .I..I . .!. I . 1 .. JT II . .. : . .1 . .. M .. II.. u H.UIJI , ill. 'J I, lily lUUUW I nil u .1 . .Ml . .'I 1 Crs t-uiru-icJ to lVbc". care the follow',,.. - li"'UL!' CJrC l'"J,"" note to be conveyed to her couiii l,o ' vu,ti!,r tor nil anmuT. (tmi Miss iVsA "'""" fertd uii.-penkiible anxiety n lull may I hope to see patent to l.i -V r l you 1,,,,- hovered on lu lip-. DtfaicH Mar.-a- ret "tu!, vou not dninv it' ' 1 . . Hamilton n tits. MS1 rvnei for a,Her the Ml,. in hurried line) " I will i:e you thi-i evening at h iif pint (fihi o'clock hut rii r e vour.-oll' to tiui luu uiuch dialled by my i t io ' It was already hite when theso worjj were written, nnd hut an hour was allowed , ouf ,,croil,e pr,pare h,.r ,oi.,.t to re- ceivehtr lover. It w as commenced at once, and il n u-t be confessed was rather a (lin gular on . In the Gr.-t place, she withdrew all her lu ll, dark batr irmii her face, nnd hul it U.UKUtl a fi,,;,,,. caI. ,UU, as loiiie- times ,li.-n;;ures ladies he.iMM.,c ii.-f, - . , .. , or 1 1 ess. coi ine s 1 .1:111 10 irive ine uair Shaved frulll the head. Next a Wc wrap - ' . , , . , , tier oi unuecouiiu" nyie, anu oi a niiihC .,- , , , .1 r. ..." .... , r , , , , "s""- "w,v e"k- '""6 tnerrtiy. .. y0(1 fri..llt: V01I cJu,a (be cried, you are tnouli to cnre awny the crow.-, a a!uno rtlr Jover ! Ncwr fear but your : lr;ck iuct.,.cj;' . . I have not yet ,.oue cried ,'largaret, her fiiend. I'rav - - - .,., , hc a riw ut.c.t root from the kileheii I havu my saihou luavt-n hire. T,ia u.,,, Ma, ,0o .,rollutcd, and Mar ,... ,,.occr ()0l nllli, of ,iu.,t.r fltKt f- 1 . . both her-adf and eou-in, to dye the tuJ e,r . , , , , ,. 1 :,,:. her noc a dark rcJ with lhe bvri juice aliJ fcuhl L(.f pp)l,y ecll yulow ,y f , f slic 1 , .. ... , -" .produce, I a bir.a,l preen U.-" i,e J,a, j 1 . - ',,,y,i-in,," , I . . V It f JUf'Oll 1 I I u,i,!ortui coi ' " " . ... .. , , ,.,, ,11c 1,0 . dilTiculiy in rcimug thai she u U look as l'i''be said, iike a perfnt flight. lh-fore this unioue nilet ' cntinly at l!,e do r announced the ar maile, a 1 111; "k " "" I .. ir.,.. 11. 1. Mutant di i.iy d 10 have one more he:ir-aii-h with ber C"U-in, nr..l then proceed- ... ,, . 1 1 .T 1 .v.,,, si:, lis ,s si.e rpened " j .1 1r Mr. Mv- rs sprang f irv ai d I II . I' l . , v. . J I . , ,, n.nlo.e rf t ,er. I e i!'.iin, i' u'uuu. 1 find me greatly changed, '' fai 1 in a I 111.' ot cone rn, (-he was of an actress, an I fully fpial to I , . i n :. . ll,;Jhr sl',,.,ieri,u. r.l I J lilill. lie , ,..,.. r something anouv ...a , !....' !....... w .Oil f. 1,1 took leave. .,, . .ii . " 1 in,-t von will net go till ou hne , - , j communicate, 1 ,arg aic, ; - i. out nil ,.s r.ireai to ine ,j, .-....:.";. ' , , door. " It is not ate-pr;.y return u,i me the confidence you octroi ;1." i M. M...r. looked rcullv a'ariiieu. j 1 ou, , ' .' ' ' ' . .. v. . I, i not to niehl." he exclaim-, K , ed, huniedly trjingto ctlcct .an exit, am. finding his attempts were .ru-rra..-,. 7 Mar-aret's mana-iivrcs. ' It was a mere til will . mi-take anv other time . . .. ...aa.u ' ! no. " ' " j.Io." And nt insl gaming ... -t ,l,.trous iiioveniet.t, be fairly fled t, be fairly fled; l ,,,,. i - , i , .... M.,,1 ,,. u ho sill; Per . l.naeiousiy u. gc i-. - i . , ,.,., As tho ball door clocJ on him, .in, ,iU,r i,10II.,,lt ,.r , ., ... ,., .,,,,.,,.,.,.,,,, cousin to If" M"c, u,.o mi - - MVy tvUcnt for Pbebc's amuse- ,,!.. Wbilo the liierimenl of the giddy me,,.. While the o. u.e ' prU was at its be gb, 1 M irgarc was 'jut sliowi, how Mr Myers tned to doibgo . . . I . ...trt non.lillieed all- . nl)nJUIR.(.d an , u r m ... o H r i 1Mlt,,. J . j j , ,j;,.J awRV . J -f g. P T.hrr .,. . . ... . 1 v 1 ,11.11 iu jiii-i)i. i's ...lie,, - to decide by tlio sound of Ins footsteps, that it was indeed 31 r. North. I'luJ-.o followed !.er. t . . . ... , ,.. . ., I ii:iiii .11 irfrrci niitii n I oruu I o , 1 n, ei I in ... . ....-... - - - ..... continuance cf her late merry hnnor I'l' . .. 1 1 . . HI 11 III H II I I'll 1 1 :. IllO 11 I' 1 1 :i I 1 1 1 11 TPl 1 II U'1 even to u,,n;rti, oi.u iron, mc iav. i e.if, vmj: nil-., ol receiving Msvi-n. ana prepare 1,1111 lor a ....... i i change iu her l'hebo noon returned from her errand, and -hen Margaret, gather!,,? ,p her for.i- ta,io ,11111 composite, ue-e 'ii'iei me Mans Notrt ith-taiidin? the aiiiUTiicnt . ..1 de-rived from Mr. M)er'is prt-L-iptute retreat, its lesson had not been loi-l upi,; she Iremb'ed for the remit of 1, 1 r i i I 1 Mrala j;eui, for tl.cuh uiicoi.fc.-sed tool!, even to bt-rstlf, the secret of her heart low revealed it"elf to her, by the t Dmu'.t w htb agitated her bosom v. ben i-lic thought o- bow ii.ueh lle had Makud ot. tha' venture In reaching the pa, h.r 000, she paused : Willi her liai, oil u,e si- w i.micu lor . . . . '0"0 ,"0"K",t f,:'"" ihfaUnf ,' ; her l,"a K, b ut w bile hbe v , 1 r-e red , t ho ' , , , , , , , 1 lo-k turned bemaih her han-l, a d mthrop ce.,1 her disfigured countenance 1 her ban Js( M, V....1. ,.,1 I! UHl '"liU 3 t'"J Ul. j I . ' 1 11 mi ,-li 11 mi, With a tetiil.Tiii;, such n- h had iicur Vi't iniinih-stod townrd lur l.o iitw hcriuni within bis and kd her lo a sofa-teiling of the ahxii t v he bad felt dui in her i!iue . and of bis t hdiiLfu ne.-.s and i; 111 Ler re . . .. "',r llU nM U"" . Uercr linport, Cut .Marsnr, I sdee umter- , 1 ' fetood -c;irce darod listen tothfiu ; bl.e uas .-ny i r, to her..f our aieoier again " lie has hot yet seen iuc K will change v feelings entered into the .-:.',:"!; -lie had assume'', tlii.thhe acMa.'.'v i'.rpot th:.i she . ! C piaying a rait. tJ - j b,c.,ed eds sli0 1 - as hers ner ,eiSf.ui,.-- , " .-looked .,, j-tcaCy el, an.1 j 1 uy Tl J t.itw ,, - wor-t. J, ; ,r,ie. tlmt hU'icrts, from 1 motive of j,y V,'i;,t broi. bao rclra.rie . f on. lo jli- - ltr 1.1 .! 31"n. 11 s .n.e, . .'.. ..I. ...... I r,s, ,i:t I. O W (uiia I U -g fj, upon bcr,s.-jing iii Lis cirdi il, manly way ' Margaret, there is no v:ors"i, where you are eoiicerne-l. Ctiange- .titer as y ', i.i..v, ou w i.i ever bo u me rW ilca.v.-t. I', l ot vc, . mv ioie -o.r b,c.-, J-i.v 't wa p'easat.t to look npyti, del act nun my al'ivciioi.s ; tin y eie won L) ..oiai'.:.",-.' bit- VM1. polee, generous nature which is ;.'. ,,.. nnd of w i.ich 10 im-h 1 tune call - j--' - .. .1, d.piive you. lX-ar .Mrgret, te4 uu no 11 11.0 ,iiiii 111 vain. . ....... ... , -c . , , . ... uPrrti,.S IMit-bc, that the nation .'-, " J u" '""". 1 ' , ..... .if 'l"jl'Hj-teei,redbeii,.'caii-htai,deUt- -llc wns uow 1,bout 10 t'1, "ns 10 Iier a f"r 1 , I .van o-reS " .::.r ..... t i-i-. i. .-....,! " ' : ' ) I 1,'ivo ,,r. ouui,i iu uivert ncr irieim iron, tier in. i,- .... .:. , r , . ,1m l I v..... .1. . .. ., r l i..,'..i ... 1. i . si . . .. i,-.m . i i. I ...v.., ihj I .airnins j - ,, . V ' ie . i-l- inn?, to ao any 11,11,.. eon, tei,t i, their on your account, tcut.on. Bat Margaret as rnuued to touclltf(J IUU ion assumed by ,h government relative to i own diqnitv and Mronect to ! ase,"ra sffi :r it,:?': .;vi,r f-.r ;''" ' w,.1iUil.9BitlI 0II h,r w. r: .7 .iv";: "cf", tr:. auJ. ! i iuotodcfea't , ,ol oe, ... ,o, iiieoiue.-nie .ove is , ., ,,;.j , leuutir,,! than he n,,. u 7, 7 B. , , ,S"1 ""!""'"n" o! Uanks or anv otler lilaek lie- : worthier tli.t will not bear in, ft" .SI,: ,, ... , , r '-'"' to the roMruetion ot that treaty. I publican. To this , nd ihey have refented 1 desired Thebe, however, , op, down an. ' ' , . , , ,v S W'.,,,,M.'1 V'' ' l-i -1 ! -e Mr. N'ortl, inform l,i of Ler i,te,,i ,a ' J"1 '"""fi!e'' PUK,d. " i "' , "l? 'M-.-itions ,0 confer toother, and - , . 1 in- 1.1.1, wiocu, ou uei.ig p.eseiiieo M .rgar. t was un:,bl to sp-al;, so v.- : T,,e ,.,lllllorti, still anxious to liuve ei.t'v was she we. pi.i-. 1. -ir , L'i-f.,1 some conversion with bin., began as fol - ,' " ' ,, .,11 'ol tears they were, uji n,c cum riv .... .... ' . . 1 . I ... I ... I,.. .rl., 1' from the :,p:u tiet,l to regain her c-mpi.-ure. Ou reaching le r own room, bovevi r. s lost not a moment iu tlincing ton b, r the ,li,.-,ii-es which ili-ligured her! The red s mm. i...n, ' i w:. .1 .. V.i f U':is i:.,!!l r lin arid down l ii iiieiii " -r . I , .... w lfn f. tMllc.r(.,i . S1C approach- ' 1 1 ...... 1. t.l n .i.l I-, , i .1,. P.!- 1, :,lld e,l nun uiipinei.., .s - 1 on his arm, lvOKi up in in- ijcl'. .1 Uinthrop turfd and g,,ed at ber ,:, as- , N r lu.l she looked so per , f.eilv Vars am . , ., , f,...,i,. Uvely. Var and mhiics tcn-ior. d. ' , . ..,:.. . , ,vr(1 t!M1.,,;1 f,, - .. . ..... 111,11., m, T ,v,,r. s.iii . tiii "ess m o , . . , . u,a-tery in ber bight faee. "I'orgivo me,,, intliiop." she said, in a low. swt eet voice.full of Iciidcrneso " for- . a j,n00 m-rious, perhaps but . " . ov.r WTC, ,incc it yeve,;,.,! - ; ' ,ti , 10 '"" 'l0VV "'""'y nt' generous ,tne. i of , i n truly noble heait. It j.v el id 1 km not to : p.,,,,. wrls at breakfast ; there was a va by a, ' ... , , n :.. . ... , . 5:lf. .:Gcc 4,u ... ,.! i.i .,,-i-eiit k saen ice iu allow- ; , ,. .. .. . . 1 - ... "' " ' , f .. 1 - cd yourself so capaldesf m.i,.iiig si i cd yourscii so en i.ii. .- . urn ....... - 1 v J .1 .. j hest, 1 am no. wo. ...y ,e,. ;o,e -- As Mr. Noith's circnm'ances A re sueh as lo justify bis immediate Kan ia;, and as , .:. i .. .. :.i. ' there w as no reason ior e' nun our heroine being kept a feerr, it as soon very generally known' and as ...ride the tonic of niu'h conversii Usual, ii .for a , cr(tiiiiong the otlt rs, was h the nioriiin icr the 1 Hiding engagement can, ..e - miing ... ' II., wiili a group ot J.'"g "- - '' ' the street, and hl just said, .. ... t iK'orrt. of Id. iLi,..;,, , . r fin oecularrlen.o.i-nion toner....... ........ . - '; that the late fy '" ' " P- , i "' I'";, . .... n..rleet '? mere wreiK. 1 " ,8,..r: ' .iukof the coeano I iiva.!.' j hid for I was nearly caught, I assure you. ! Never saw any body so much changed by ," ,."C'T '" V' Ul! " "! lia ljst !:-r t--et!i, n-i-l her, ami o:..s eve ; !i. r . .. jjo-c i as an old toner's -md her "V'. ,..'',' " ' ,'" I. .'III In. r ,ir ,.F .. .1.,,.. I.i:,... I... I ...I. ..I. , . . - . . to 11 Kn a cji'ie.itiiie 0 one of t he W t.t.. in "i" a crie.iiiie oi one ot tin; Hitches in i .SjJ'jrhid M ver Vo'ol 1 v r.r e 1.1 ......... ..1 i . . . . . 1 . 1 1 ....... iiciuii; 10 npiy as ne can 10 the m- , Hi,;Ilnt of hu cot ,jiol! , t ,iu of ,.. r,;pro!ICIlllliom ,,c l;, Wn . Ilukin ,, (o ,as I,,; is able, for li a iii lo:-t the le inm, n f I "... ' 0 v- ol'taiinii" thn sin., ., m.,1 r....... 1 ..:.i :.. ' the eily f.,r a if,. we tak or le, " f 'as well as our h.e , . L "J " uc wR - r,; w I 0 so nobly 5t ood the love-tet. 1 r A TlIMv 1If.A,K1.-Uls1AM. A pieus oi l lady, who was too ,ii,,. 1 !,:.Hti , , -,.,..,., ,, ,,,. 1 , , ., . . , . , ' ' ,n uuu oui ine text t ie M.-I;;cted as ,he foundation of bis .i-eourse. J he poor dunce h as rar.-lv for. t n, ,t .0,01,.. I. 1 , , ."'' "unh to . member the words of I no text, or even the chapter and verse I m-ii: tney eouhi he lout.,1 ; but. one .Sab- iii.tli he ran lionn' u, hot haMe. ami with a M.iirk of H'lf-satisfactiou on his fa. race, in. lormeil l.iis w fe that 1. .0,,, 1.1 , , ,,v ei-ri -ord ttdtl.0,,1 ...U. II....... V, ," were as fo lows : . , v .-. u worun An Illicit rtimi' r.'inril t'rmn ...... .. J t,,.,l; ,. ,:uj ,rohl e uwi Well, 1, I us have (hj text." rei.iirkr, T1 ""' S00'1 woniiui. "Know cverv word " r-, V, 1 ,1 1 ba nd tL .. 1 .,. , ,1 . ,. nm aux.ou-to bear it, continued tl vi!V 41 lhey arc n.e.. words." ol.serreil iU hush ' I am glad your memory is improving ; t don t keep mo iu .suspense, mv .t,.r " 0,1 1 ""' ' Ju-t g, t jour big llible, and 1 will say word-, lor I know them by heart. Why, - ' i llciu a nuiiUieJ tunes oil iny way llOIIO'. hi. t!iro:,i. New II... ,, and j.'iued .i, in-.'eii came down lroin . nml t )( n live colt by the tail him out of the halter.'' Ju iv I'apoi.;'ii t)uT:iiNE. Of the .. , many amu-irig anccuutes 01 mis cccenn ,c man of I'oanoke, wc do hot believe the fob 1 j .ung w as ever 111 punt : lie was travelling through a part of A ir- 1 . tir - .1... eiiii.i iu which he was uiiaeiiuan.ted ; 111 I......II .,,111. I... . ,ll,,.i I l,l' , III, Tl .1 ,1 .'ll "Ju'i w.JU"J UIU S Oil I I S .illlil,ft li-n-n I J mc wIlVlVI1 1 WIIIIL COIIIil In i at. inn near (he fork of the road. The inn- ,i he de..u..e.-.l bv rcr,do rhi!-.n:hr ,-1 111 other words, th-v ar.. entirely out ot tbs k..per wa. a Hu, gentleman, and no doubt ..j .V-, but would m:et Cordial response from , "". mloe contest for speaker, and are ae o,,c o! the hist families iu the old dominion.!' - fril.nd of l.hertv and lover of the ! countable -lor none ot (ho con-ei,u, noes th,t KtiOuiu? who his ilistitiguislied pue-t was, eiiiieai oreit iiurin? t tie cvciiing 10 uaw into conversation, but tailed lit atl 11.' .t . M. . . . , - .1 t,. wioeii. on pein? r.rescmeu was .Ul.' . .. u l - 1. ...... ... 1...... .11:,, At. , ,, ,. ..v ...e r ..a,,,..,, H'!'... T'' "Sir!" said Mr. Ilaiulolph, with a look ot 1 -plea -ure. i - 1) : l t. n 1 it .!,: I. . sKC,., s..,;. ,c ,.i.,...o.u, n ..i. more. re I pleafc- ime pot somewhat rove on. l.ul a lew minutes, lor his master which of the forks of (ho ronil to take. Mr. llaii lolph not being out of bearing ,li.r .. I,,, sniike at lhe Ion of his voice. ' . . . ,. , , i 1 . . .... ...... , ,,r. pu, vou u on i owe me one ecu, , . , .'.. ; ju.-t (ukc w iiicii roau j ou piease. Mv Ci!t rMSIANOEN r.L'T NOT lf . , .. i votB. lucre was a ry o.u leuow. ! it was the anm-emct of the re-i,le.,ts ol , , ir . .. ... .:, tlieseiuu ni ,J uersou counn . in: n.,s -,i- ;,;. 01. Jay in the village store; a gentle- j B i,0 eauie iu thought he lecogi.ized a ( , -j,.,,,! .,n, sai-l: " liow do jou do, Mr. I'udci hill I" Tho oil man said, -Sir,, ' Sir, you . have tles.l.c.! my creuin-rances. uui not my I e. 1 tie same omi leuow ca.ieu d one me in ber of Congress elect: lue. .1 a on ,'i e.n. seat, nut tl.e O'.-i man was imiinj, ... ;;..,, ,., l.u invited to the table. The fol- . . - . ,,.i in eoiivera io took p ace ; How do , ol, ,,,,, Ml, : hat is the news : S.:id lhe o 1 man, "Nothing much, but one f ,y H i-hbors gav its child a queer What was it?' " ( ouie and tat. 'I he name STinded so peculiar that it was . repeated. " Wlml, rume twtf ''' 1 es, his eltoits. j.ut 111 tin: mormntr. wuen .-ii.'auil JSulwcr treaty, mi'I it i.eeii tie, 11 the va ,.,.., t0 Mart, be called for ?ovcrnme,'t could not beheld to that nil.,., '., - i . ..... ,'l T ,.,,-, care j,- j ,"" a,l drew up to the table." liomr Hi, ., 1 in. r .i ' ' .... ........ . I rut tin I. Am: roTK of Pit. Ivt.t;.s. This famous Ki-t.ui minster oecasionall v met more than , A uif wl in i, ,J .f canted .insiiceessfulty main- ! ,.,) a penth inaii by the mine' of Quiuev. ' So. madam.'' said tho unsuccessful suitor, Jo., meeting her a Iterw nrrts. it app-ars jou ,. a Ouinev to Dvles.' ' Yes, for if i , ... ' u... ,, i. c.i. j e . , ., . Ul would L,o xClieu d Job w.tb theui. " T11K CLAYTOX.lilJLWKIt TKUATY. Washington, Dee. 31, I.').",. Immediately afier the Senate came togc- .1 .1 1. . 5 ,,"'r. rrcidet.t8 annual lue-sago wa rpp.-i i-,.l 1. . 1 ... 1. .. .1 . 1 . . J 01 ins prnate secie- .... tar Mr' JlJrJut7 ter, and wa, read. Alt t the rr.,,l!n M, ri , i , 'Ir- t-1:liton "''"'e mi remarks relative to the trea, of 'tlltli 15(1 ii I I . i '" .n"" lu- lh'uihi- ii po.iey always purvued by (ireat Uriiain. Mr. .S ward inquired whether the groun.l taken by the Uriii.,1, povcrtnnent re-ardin-lie toi,-,lriietiou of that treaty namely that it was merely prospective in its oper'a Uon, and ha,) no reference to the actual oc cupation by that country of territory in IT'l !"'""'ing of the gov- " ' ' . 1 T' .. ft- ''- - . oi.i'ie, .nr. 1 li toll then be 11.' r. t iry of State. Mr. Ciayton replied it w; as an entire v new construction. R.,n,..,l,;r... ,.,' ,i.:.., 1" had never before heard. , 1 r , 6 """eii ue ire i. , e , " o,e.,.u,'., 01 pucii a construction bciii" given Clion beiii" civeii 10 ine language ot the treaty. J)u(.s al,v nii.n Mippo-e, a.-iiJ Mr. Clayton, lhat I, iu the tlO-i.S. "...lull rt' . ir . ... ( - , . r-,-11.1.''.. i-nter.-j .ion .1 treaty with (frost Iiritain to allow hr-r o r. main in insscssion of inns, merely beeau-e the had 1, eon in pos- , i.U then signed a treaty to prohibit my own countrymen from taking r -s,o, leaving tier ft remaiu uudUturb- ' U trit motive could an American Svnato ! we ,iaV(f- know tl.n are manv ndinin vo hud in voting lor it? I if I it rution nifinln-r ........ " . i- 1 mini e.i.i I., I-r..-.. ,'..- . . " . '""iir,u il II V .: -."-'"o"ie".suei a was 111 contemplation bv t ... 1,. tions.w hen it was agreed. neither Will oeen ! r, V n,-.',..,r.. f .... ! .' . . ... i j , ,o,i114 or exercise .Dm-iin i ceiitral .Ameriea. Occupy means, ljr.t, lo take possession, and secondly t keep po sesMou. Creat lhitaiu agreed to do ther, agreeing that they uud not exercise do.tia.u there. Mr. Uayton concluded by offering a reso- lutinn that (bo usual rnii.,l,sr nf 1 printer! for the uo of tl.e. S...,i., 1,. ,i. 1 . . . , ...... 1,1c . Printer to tip Si,.,l., I .1 ,. 1 .... , ... iji ..- lii-t i.onress, t rates not exceeding those established by la"'; Mr. I tnr..,.l 1 :- . . . . . .. ins em, re concur- r.-nce witu what had fallen from the lips of 1 lajtoii, aim his gratification at the eyvxiree - nio'iiuuiit," 10 ue 100,10 ui an iTnit:ir;i 1 c wit i t ie course or dre;u in-' 1 . ., i , i. t.'iin roirardin the conti tion of tlit' ('1 iv- ton and Hulwer treaty and Central Amen- : an afl'ain. Mr. We'iler CMnuiended the iuesa?e. He 1 . 1 .1 ;. ,, I .,1 l., ! 7""'.;"" v ,r'' .. " . , l... i,.i nc,,,..,i r. i., Central America-however the people 0f the United States wcrcdivided o uuestions s , .- r t .of dome-tic palicv. H believer war menae - 1 1 .1 . .1 ' .. -T.1.1 ... . 1 , f ..1 1 i.i' it. 1 tie v HUM,', un.l uu ijiiiai aon," ,11 ............. m.rl ,,, ,i,,il ,- in ,i,,,..-,on coititutiuii nnd of the I'nioti. jr. ."sewarii autiouncea (bat he was pre- , r,arjd 10 .stand up utid fcuppct the Cltou t" . . . . ... 1 .... .-- . ... , treaty, tie was reauv to tro lurincr. jiewns: . ,, . . . , ,.- I ready for the assertionand practice , ,aiu-1 ,1,tt c,n"'1 ol Jj0,'n ''. '"j'" "' e , , ! ,e;inc, of the Monroe doctrine. J ij-iestiou arose as to tie: legitimacy ot ch.l- . idieii of a marriage where the tathcrwas treat v. lie was read v to iro turt icr. lie was s . nt 1 .T - ..--'., .1 .... .. .'ir. 1. 1 avion s resoiuiuu 10 1,1 mi ..110 nies- 1 . Sase w agreeu to. , .,. , - ,, -ri . ... , V iies Attn Bank Sorfcs " at Pah ! A i .. i... i .. ...i-I ...i,. . i c ,uil as liiu-.y i-e,..e . .e.,c u. K . e-.-,.., at llai risburg. in w neb the JSank ol l liam- , r i . i . c i bersburg was sued lor the amount of the ; penalty imposed by lue Lib section ot the general cankin? law, which reouires - . . .i . . u that the banks east of the inounta.ns shall keep their notes at par in 1 hiladelphia I tl,.j--o west oi ine uioiniTaiiis in iuc cny oi ; I Pittsburgh. If anv bank fails to comply, I a penalty is imposed, during such length of i tune as its notes may he muter par, at the ' rale of two mills per annum on every Uol- i I.,,' of the average amount ol its circulation for the precedin? year. The suit was de- c-ided against the Commonwealth, becau-e of some infirniulity in bringing it about it; I ' but tho following point, made by Judge I T. . J'earson, as to the meaning of the words j What T.tK I-kknt.. T.NK.-T!,e Par.s ' at par," is of importance, if it is adopted ; correspondent ot the Providence Journal as a general principle: "The notes of a'savs: bank nf jKti', within the meaning of this act, I ., art;clc appeared in the Muuitei'r ,,, ,..., tJ l?olj and sii.i " . . i . . ' . T ., J vvr for oi-ilt'Uiiu viinxists. I he phrase at ' par' does not mean that the paper must! tl0U,r, our actual force en the war footing bereciivcd at the eu-toiu-bouse, at the city j was rSI11.lij , tie- great elements of banks, or by lhe broker. If the notes are; Il;iva .tn-ngth in our vast commerce, in the eipiivaletit to go'td and silver for ordiuary i t.,.ira,.(er id our naval architecture and nav biisiness transaction-, they are at par with-! ;.,,;,, an,l j,, the nuniher of -seamen that iu the true intent and meaning of the aet.'j t.01,i t.ouim,ind. The tone of this arti- . I tide iu cjntra-t with the flippant style of A PtiKSKMiMKST of Death and its Ft i. l il.Miivr. About two or three years ago a young lady, a resident of this village, who i,tthe time was iu (ho enjoyment of good health, was visited one night at her bed side (as she nfiirined at the time) by an ap parition, who in solemn accent iulormed her hat at the :i"C of eighteen, she would be ii.hulti.aitt of another ami a better word, She made the incident known lo her mother. ; who vainlv endeavored lo erase lhe circuni- , stance from the mind of lier daughter by j treating it us the hallucination of dream. ! The daughter, however, aierred that she' was in lhe possession o, nrr i.temni-., u, wide awake at the time of receiving the spi ritual visitor; and such was the effect it had upon her mind, that from a girl full ol life and glee, alio became thoughtful and re served, and gradually sank under its de-pres.-ing influence, until during the past year she beceine a tenant of our village graveyard at the ae'e of IS I KindnUMk ;, i ... Hok TTIK SPliAKEK-SlIIP. The attempt of the admistration press to fasten tlm responsibility of the delay in or- 1 """"" ' 1 '"use 01 Jicprctenlalives upoo - : the thirty odd national A,,ri. 5.. IW t it cn.ri 1. ... ... , .,'.. ..1 . . , 1 1 ' c" ""''i ",um ami ikiiouious ! imnn N fn m . 1 1 i ' n,,a';V. u a,'" ".tl,y of ' I , f - " H a ,r,ltl' d,,li' attl-t- ! ed both by their ileelaralions and their ac- .1.... .i. ., . K'-"ul'neu vouitj; lor r ulkr nie wii in" aiui iirn-o t.n..ti ,v... i... i :.. lone iu tha wav nf set. tlin? down upon 11 eaudidale for pker upon terms fair and final to both Ameri cans and Denmevats. lint (he latter have re jeetod and spurned every hiil-Ii proposal, many of them even so as to declare that they would m iliar Consult u-r c voperatn wun ai.nnw tl,ii,a as to any thim-' nf ' cour?, under,. cireumMances, th,' oa- ! '0t" -.L M , otner alternative hut to adhere ui.'l c . 1 . . Miauen const; am-y tj their own candidate. th,,r e-n-luet stands at. now.! in iI.a l.ri -....I . .. .,, , ; ; -j . .., it i j ri-1,1 thinlililL'-, - . lust una nan intu- 1,1.01 .!,,..,.! . .1 .. .... j'ii-ju. i'iJUj. I " ' 1 tvi'- i he truth ,s, m ,, rv lnr,c i.un.l,. , a, ,1.. The truth is. I l,',m..cratir members "of Congress, and t-ianv i II, ,' 1 1 . . J 1 '"i oniress, Miieerelv 1 i r tain to allow her to re- ' ""' 'i n f a I Hack Uepublicati" Speak the whole of the l.-th-: l'r- J '"'7 t:,ink they .-c some nartvad. ' the some naitv ad. vandn'e in it, ain lor that thev are willinr. 'lough to haz.n d t he 1 ights of the South ; I"-'aee of the Tnion, and the general in- leu'? country. W e speak not . ! II U 1 I . I I I V V I ""'it'im I'll V n'l :n I !,. tl.,i . ; , ( w. v viiii;.-,', CU'll IrO.ll ;... .. 1 11 - - - - r."""'" "J'"'.; neartiiv over the e.eeiion ot J.uiiis. A,,,l n... I ,. . we know (lio-o verv in.-n unuld i,,..!,.,, t .. .I..:.... 1 . . . 1 r nrsi 10 eunrge hi election upon the "s'-"'thern Americans. Thev are a slick unscrupulous set of fellows, I,,,, wouj j;..' ' "','le nt nothins. v.'hicli would promote ' " cir 01,11 0I' "eir party's iirt. re-ts And we make the further prediction, a 1 nu '""'"J yesterday, that Hanks, i tl; course of n v. re ,t.. ...:n 1 . . under the r.'uralite .,,1., ,i,..,..i 1 .. .1 - , .............. iv Ulfj : l'lgnrl ,u ..I...,,... .1.1 I, 1 1 .-"k ""-i '"-i; u. me juenarnsoii j '( I11- oe' 'at- ( of tl.e seienfy four Uarelav, of I'enn-rylvai.ia has ulivadv voted fir i I -.1 !! . . . , . " 'm hihts nni iiiiiov his pxam Vla " d"e time. Wc under-tand that Gen- ; l'r;" V"1 : . . 1 .1 . . a.i i J - v . iii'fitNiirv iti r rrv it. hi ti liiiis. iiiroufit us ' aUoI,IIO,1 '-'t'ure iuo luniiirniaie election oi ,'" ' "is, a ,0, inrougr. eiec- of the iuiiuaeiilate sevent y-lotir. Tin: thirty o ld national Americans will Mand firuilv bv I'ulier. votin ueillicr for -1- ( lia.iUs directly, nor for hi.,, indirectly, by I voll".-fr the plurality ru.c. 1 heir po-ition is 1 ou,: 01 neuira.iiv, uerui iiateu c,u.n- i , u, ' , ' . , 1 , i !v bv both faelioii-', and uuder no 1 aimer of I ,,. j obligation to iutei fere in behalf of either. ;niav rvsuit. I pot, the seventy-tour ho all the glory and ail the odium. Hick. Whig. Can a Ci.Eit'iYMAN Mahuv IIimsem-?- A curious case has just been decided by ; i.,. , !l 1 " ', yinan and he married himself. Rev. S. S. lieiin.isli was duly ordain- T Jed aekrgvu'Hi of the United Churches of 1.' ...1 1 "...1 i ...1 1 .. ! ;. 1 .1,.,, ii ig a,,'. .1110 in-iiiiiu, uii i it i.,,ti.M .u,.u T, . v ,.. ,...1 .1 on the 27th of November, 131, being then . . . , , . . f . . J . , ,. ,, , . , Lvons, in the eitv ot Cork, and there per- (.,r,;,nv cf luarriag. between j ,.,,,, ... f,. Tie M-eeial ; . .. . , , f . , 1 venue,,,, ,u- ,,,.,, ,vn w, w,- , cmliz;itiull wa, (lut ?ct ,lt ; the lli)ok of I Cjiimn ,,r!1V(.r of tl(1 l lli;ed churches of England and Ireland, Mr. H amUli then de- daring that he took tl.e said Isabella Fras- er to be his wedded wife, she taking him to I be h, r wedded husband. Tho wedding . . . . i . i .. . nr.? was then p.aeeu upon ncr uiigcr ami the blessing pronounced, .ludge Crauiptou delivered judgment iu favor of the marri- . . .' , , .eT '.', "'. " .V .7 j ,, i-;,, Slates, and showin.' that lil- the I'rt lu ll government disapproved ot the en, broil:,, et,t which the Knlish press was enioinagipg.'' Juan Pkas A New Article We saw exhibited on 'Change this morning a sample of peas which were rai-cd ol, the plantation of Then,:.- M.-islin, Moon-field, i I he- seed was drought hy the .la- pai. expeditiou, and car, fully euliiuned by the above named gentleman. They are a v.-ry beautiful article in uppearaiue, of a straw color, round, full, and smooth, being about the uo of a large buck-hot said to be exceeding. J proline, tuu npiy nig m great abundance, and of delicious (a-te. Messrs. Klder and Co. have them fr sale and ex hibition. Btdtiimi e Why should merchant tailors firm them selves into n regiment of heavy dragoouiT I tec ause they are splendid fellow for charging. , --- -- .

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