correspondence. YYAt.if, ti Mm v Art Ml land final consideration. The principal on ely prospective iujjts operation, and did j then, and rutored the cell just after them. ,,v.L...w,C. H..N. C,, 8. I-- tn: I have this ruorning read Utter! fro- the lion. U. C. Purycar, of this State,; fr, ahich i lcaru tb.l you are acting uirr or.lrrs tint to nppuit ay hitou - u-hoM vr kow to Mog to thr 0, tr , This being becase.sud I nut wi.hiug to hold what might be couriered !'J some a pn-j v.te ad, uuiage. l.y keeping ,.v principles j secret from the IK panme-.t, I take tins pub-J lie means of ma km,; known to you, that j , o-.W vet J" l"r,ri ' wW o oA (Wrr. I, therefore, think ' OU mV Wt about lOOKlM UF wrrn:,, ; Catholic to m t.oint, mill send mm ou . : fr our little place, I iu ! Pi" ,0 ,UJl j ' " ' " " rJr' "OT" ;frSi i Tuhj. January 29. . doly to hold the office until n.y successor ar rives, which I b'pe will m t be !(,nS- Hopn" " t'1 fture JI- 'or Onsow Court House, and aisbing ,uiJ he one mho h. been here long enough to be . rutursliited sud understood. 1 remain. Jo IT M10W. i. obedient serv a nt and post-! On S.liud. v h. had another Snow '" .loHN F. MUKlilLE. I f. ii to ihe .'i-i.tlif.f3nr 4 inches LU il-H I IlliRATlO KlVO, Eslj , .W M- tit feral our bcu nun CHARLOTTE : ""iralitvUwf the utlicr elating to Cential , things eating tt the tn of its ccnolus-im." , jiii j it chilled my hlood, and caused .' . . .... i ,i,.. i. . ! Senator Clavton tat4ht auch a oJiistrui!- tlirill of horror to pns ovr me. 'I here li'iV Amrriu. ... y fem..n . . , - ,;on of t10 .rliclc. cihe tre.t, . uovcr a beautiful itoiuaii upoutha Jloor. with a p ac t p eitkf duri.ig th proKro.S a i.le hl.i.kot thrown e.nWy over her, t'T1'". Bulwir 1 utA,,n ' " ' or at the couclunon.iffhe convention. Jr.- with her Worn and band and face .11 cov- aipl....... .nnrrour-r. .l.l.ou . .l ue, c. y I110St co.umi jmneiple. upon iicl er,d with Hood. The Doctor , ciauiin- Ua-lin ,0,'l,0''l;";i' ,ct .J tl. ryl, l,.M,,C of lif. ror. ins . wound in her brer, and ,t seemed or irr.tu.ion. hieh . ..trr . ur r,jlld icc(J 1 , ht in the grle,t I1?(,.)Jr. Her husband may blow into ft me. j ouli, fof ft n,m,,t H,,,po,c t,ut Jr, j 1 stahlcd her ill ti lit ol icalou.s.V, inflicting Th. Palmer-in Jlm-uj pi-d CUnoB couW e0,Jt ,0 fool au act as frijibtful wounds, arf then left her on lvc i the wronK an .1 n 'ule. to U. riiliaumm j -;.. .1 , ,!, .!.,;,.! L. U,l ;, . tl, !qli.,n. They .et out by regre, a faithful a dlii-rcncc ; idea,' no doubt, that ho had tken ber life, i. :...!., ....ini.d mnr i.eulralitv law. T .. .. ..... . , . i . . i tj the artille of tk treaty, vitliout Urt Uue ol tu slabs was in tno leu, aim hnving had a clear lidcrataiidiiig with llie . a, most probably aimod for bur heart, but ISritish authorities tit the tiovcrii.iieiit of. fortunately the knife hitting the nbalo boue Great Britain fbouldki thusequally bound ; in her dress, glanced, inflicting a wound on for it is of the xcry njure of a contract that j ly about one inch iu depth. A feni ful cut each of the coutraik.g parties must l.c e- was also louuu in her r.yl.t breast wuicn was ll..vini. unro.isit.uly i..ali our neutrality law ..d ...w to ul in a .lca Dr ju.liticalioii. ( l In y .Irny having vii.laUd any public I ana tend for the to enlist m the maimer m ; JJ- (ur daily folumbi. pap", f.ilrd n on Sat. urdaT last. which th. v .lid. Tl.i. eh,.nKr. ll.c a.m ... . . , i t. ti. ,.1t, a prineiple of niUrnoiioiiai iw. .. . i.l. uf iuktilii'atii.n i to lake llir ol In, then it is ii.ciimb. nt on our tiovernmeiil to in.'ift en reparation. And what le n p.ratioli lean be uflordid than the di.iiiif-s .1 'f !' "genU lul" the wrorc, il'lbey are not r. called f Propping for a tima their purpose! in tlw East, as revealed, riut absolutely but impli edly, in their journals, will turn to their tone toward ourselves. ' The supposed danger of a rtipturo be tween themselves and us, hat given rise to many a. high sounding article, from the lto view to tbe lhiily press, abounding in curi ous commentaries upon our ciiaruotur, pur poxes and internal circumstauccs. They kc1ii to have started on the assump tion that we, as a Republic, must of neces sity have great defects ; that we are incapa ble of controlling our citizens, that there was no certainty we would pursue au hon orable course, and that were wc disposed to do hat waa riijlit, we uaU Hot tl.o power ot eutorctng compliance to that intention, that we wauled that national ammut, dangerous aud need a paternal vigilance cxeict.-ea over us. Inch Saturday i.ight hid Foil THE N. C. W HIG rETKK S. SKY. Few men have dhtharped the arduous du , wbioh a rotten mouarcby as a centre would civc: :n 'qually bound to fl its condition': and . ii.temlcd to finish the work of death, hut alioit, that tliouph well, tolerably "' , bunco originated th horucly, but true say- i (hot also, from some cause or other, failed good youiij fellows, we are rather rash and ins; " it always tuls tno to make a bar- ot its Uesig.i. Ui:i ot her nngers waa also giiiu.1' " uearly cut off. Lord Clarendon to states that the pro- j Her long black hair lay in OUlicrellcd lectorate of the so-cad Mosquito kingdnm j masses over her beautiful white shoulder, was not cxtiuiuishciy tbe articles of the ! nil clotted with blood, and blood was spat treaty. Mr. Claytoilflirnis that it wis. f tered on tbe wall agaiut which thc had fal The whole course oflie proceeding in this j hu iu tiie ravings of pain aud despair. She 1 case shows tbej .'tivo spu it of her " ..Ma-I Iiad become quiet, uu.i lay with ber eyes Nlivr I8S0M TOIt'THB THISirBNTUl K' w rio. Tbe Ainericau Ctt,, !rUh IU uianist paper, 'published i New Yt'(k,-aayi that the coming Prciidei;inl ele'ct.on is to be a " struggle bctwoeu the frveu Sacra niciita and the acvanty thoutnml fuUo Idoaa which the fanatica disguise. wiiK the rmnn of libtrality." Upou whieh . tha Kiprau re mm ks i . .. For the first time in the' history of our be loved country, (Estho seven sacraiuuntag nre to be dragged into the political areua so thnt instead of slavery, and Kauas, and Missoari compromiars, aud Wihnot proti-.o.. the Hoiiianish platform is to be Ilnptism, ' Coufossion, " Confirmation, Communion, Kx!rem- l uetion, Holy lrdi rsand' , tl.e tn. ...oouier um ...f - - . m ,(0 r!1i a ,ti0ry luvie rrrrvd ty tu Fu" , ,jou 0f ,i,c (J0ve Jffiof the L la tod States, sianli.g a..J ,ia..;oB wilUly . rro. ting H'.t. i-V longest aji , iU fcoso nallie stand , tuthoritics t British tlovernuient as if in fear that her brutal de nlKf .fenld we.,tl..f that ha. been cxpf-r.-need . I .a. q ,rt!cle. ' Knnw the right,. J .V TP'ov. it to., was still in pursuit of her wil , a.rti..!i r..r the l..t 40 year.. . m: .era..c. u.e , 1..1,0WCJ wi,u u intellect of the first or- lVBtlelhn ,no WB11)f) 011(.t ii wrung pur.ue." kl.ifu uplifted, and thirsting f( 'cr' 1 v. South, cm iVerime over the lira.... M beeneultiT, wlth diligence ; fMovi pJiuttl ,xi0Uls eT1,brace , She looked beautiful as she Da;.I.I. UV 1'oltK AMI FWU AT 1 KsT. A letter ill the liostMi Travel dated Cinciouati, Jauaary r, say : lu T, ve hope a g.w.l crop tin. year i....y Tie " llo" eriD " is not Vet all in. Hogs re.ull from it- ,., scuson at'lhe unprcceden-! Ye.tnr.l..; ...aai.e warn., and a fr. n-r.s.-l. . r, ',....,t rT r. r cu t., line declined to j w,a drive all ihe .w awuy .... ,. - r , .iv at e.huU sate- were inaue uu -v r bnvirs ai-.iearril m lr.arkev eJrn,, ,, .1 .1... nrin'ciy'le rarl of tbe pork was pack- I ., , r. ,-on.n.. n.i.d aix . .tabU! n.rni. tn tl.e r.l or l.urebased by tlu iii. No v. ry large !.,.. ( , (o r. eeivr lier.i.e to rcthil lir.uor by amou'.ts have breu he-Id by parties here, , . tried the u.ariiets last .. ....... 1.-.H i " . ' ' case suowb .u i, i, t!,nFu w.s me co...c. " I lic4 0f instructor of joulh Hi our country . Uovarm-1 .,lJ" tl.e pacific rfiposi- i closed, and breathing heavily, occasionally tl.e t:.. iimineier nan. .g "-- . ' ho left a mtiiiory iuvie rorereu vj nw j'u , ,;., ,.f ,1- i;OVe S.iof the L uitcd Mates, sianlim .J rtai. ilUU ra..n,l .!, demon husband with the bloody for her life 11.;.... .i.l.rf.A , Mia lookotl l.oaii tifti I as snA lav with her in European schools, possessing atniud neb- jonoi ie policy which has i white deathlike complexion, with nothing lv stored with varied treu.-uies oi, . adbe ed t-y the (ioveriimei.t of but her breathing to tell that she lues. Her wuli. a disposition iue iuoh g. - ( t'niled Stales a Regard to our loreign i baud and arm was badly cut, as she had at l.landnesa of maimer bigliiy rennea, ue wa , p e . ,. Dtl,ion . elll.ln. ; tempted toward of tbe fearful knife. As esteemed wherever knowu as a, .llinnees with lie.'' "Millions for i soon as the Doctor bad ascertained that her I .... .1 T l'.n f . . -I" . .. K 1 IT We uml raiin.l u.e nr. v . ol sieru.ig u..m. .... lie was a companion to nn pup..s u..u ,.i on their cot.udciioe, opeiiiug iue Matrimony. Candidates for 'the Presidency, e mi; expect, now, to' be called upoii to say wbe. sncrameniii not :,.-ed over us. Hence the old gentle. ,Jf th' Muld t,,B " whether Ihev are in favor of a Li.-li tariff or alow tariff a distribution of .the public lands, internal improvement', ' Hank, a VsciGo railroad, or any oihfr of tbo ordinary political isins of the dar; Mexican acquisitions, while ha loses no op portunity of stretigtheiiinjr his own bands in the same quarter, extends his foothold in tbo Halire, colonizes the Hay of Islands, aud deepens his interest iu the breechless sove reign of tbe Mosquito Iudiaus, to say noth ing of his forays in other lands. Now, this ou neither side of the question, can be any justification of wrong-duing. Hod, have great uuues io penorm in iue interests onhe world and doubtless will perform tbeni, and the What KovanihtsSat or I'rotestaxts. The following parngratb, onpitttl from t late number of tha Freci.iau's Journal, the official organ f tbe Catholic Church iu the L ulled ftutes, is bold and poiuted deftuce; not a cut tribute." AJvoca- ill ttieaure. We are r.ot aurpriwi. at '. t.i-.U.H many uav inn. wib - f ,, nl.ii.;' nmn lima we expeciru. w 1,. .'..',. .. I, or. I.. I for the prewnt Board Tlieie has been great uelny m the move nt t -rw ;irl.-l L v riiiii o:ui, so j n.-e l -l Li eeuii'. r, ..- l.aiJh ii. Ni- .v Voikbv t';.itin.e: and mean- j i liirecllv meii!- o! 1 tu.t I'll K : t .nr-in- .... ll now ste what ihev have con. tl.e .i.rii.i.a of tl.e Te...r.i. r.furiii to .uccel d. wl.;ie t t.'i iLu lr. that tae crp ..' w i.o m t ijca l ic:.M-u to klu.-.V in ui .ii.;. ; No Uou.t ii elit.M taiucil U0W i t Ui;e. i our readers at prieta currei.t ni.i ic that flour t sold ln-ro at pleuty at that. i Cirri 11.M..11I the c". t t for sj'ea Tiik Ai.i.iKii A-.m-i r on Cu.iNST.u-T. ; Ti.c l'.im orrc -poii K i,t of the New oV; Erenin; Vt givc-s Mhiwin? aceoat t of- t'.at l.avt L-tcn l.::iif luf Thf Spfakrrsliip. r 11 .lel'cencr Iron. Valiii.gton t the lit. iiaril.nn ha wilorirown ir"in kcr ir. ( 'rr, tro.ii S. 1.1.1 f- o!,n. h.. b.-.n nominated I; Peni.H-r.tic t an rn. for that oflicc and the " An.iriea... " have in .iieated a v ii:;e;n.-.. I., withdraw Ful'rr. Tl.i. b. inc the csr tin re it n a- me hojf of a SK-ak-er bf:ng el. el.-.:. nnrt! V. tv ay for the exercise of his peculiar as a preceptor, to impart instruction and knowledge to the expanding mind ; implan tina therewith a regard for his memory which in the matured man excites among them t-oniethius of a fraternal regard. Prompted by a proper regard for his mr its aud services, and relying upon the gen crous impulses of bis pupils, a proposition is here made to manifest our appreciation of Lis worth by erecting to his memory a suit able monument to be placed at h'w grave iu (1 Creek Church lard, l.ownn loutity, interests of the world demand that they "Our countrymen have torn thn mask should not misjudge tuch other. from tbe midnight trampxr, (tba American Ihe English have a feverish displeasure I party,) have gmed upon bis countenaucs in our want of enthusiasm in their cause, l and read in bis distorted features tba f..'i but they must remember that thev entered tvurno- of tho ansa.;., SI...II wounds were uot mortal, a carriage was or- into tbe contest in alliance with a not. male ! armnrl th- . .l.l,i.r ...l ul....l .1 ting such principes, these, tbo people of . dercd, and she was sent to the hospital I whom we look upon with suspicion, and they 1 for bis parraeidal purpose, crape tl, ret the United States harassed triumphantly . Her cruel husband that disgraces the form htve courted the alliHtiee of Austria, whom ribulijii whieh w.iw ou medilaied eriii.e' uirougu iYo mi. : a..u j - ' , - - j -j -- v". jM.-..,,it- ruru.auy ui.siikp, fsiisii i-roicsiaiilisiii skulk iroin the ivn ,.f have arrived at sticljhcight of prosperity j it is to be hoped that the fulles extent of; ami in tin.' instead of serving the iu foiled villainy, and shift the r..liui of aud renown as to e.iii.e envy 01 me ouier 1 " "l "" '" ' "e curse cause 01 me masses, mey nave acted iu tbe : cuilt on its detecU'd Never invr be Earl of thatham or tve on tain for the munltr of bis broth- j interest of tbo despotisms. Undoubtedly . Eet it be recorded in iu r.' h.Moii ; " Three mil- I er would be too good for this demon in human their exasperation from this eause. was o ' ). il... kl..l. I,. .1... 1 -.' lions of people, aim 11 tha holy cause of i shape. " May ail the curses of life Le on great, that whin they sent their fleet to the uiiued a deadly blow not at (-nr l.iit y any lorce Wl.icti ., a m u.s .gomes i,..u lonn in.o . v est imnc, 11 tticy dared they would at the rights of Ai.iericau eitilen. .,d l -aiust them." The ; the w.lderness, like us from Eden till his have dealt us a sturdy blow. , perm,D,.uct of this drew it, hot ...... Kcvoiution verified children do by him as he did by his wile, j 1 hey seem anxious to discover nou.o rca- tiferous breath ait bin the, cbambrred con I May the swords and wings of fi..ry cheru- son a by, as they suppose, we have a strong fines of th IWatant rft it I ud force us to seek 1 hims pursue him hy day and night snakes ! nat.oi.a, dislike to the.", for the late fr.o.l .... .1.. ...l.t ..t .1 .... ' fcees by a direct ap- ' spring up iu his path earth's fruits be ash- ' effusion of the Timet and JV' n s, are pall- is bistorv." dennnria. nc mJ. libeitv, are invint.U their enemies cau te events of the Anuri' bis assertion. If tireat liritaiu a redress for our gi mrii.ri't'i..ii...v.. au.v, j . t i, 1. 1.1.. n. n hur niu. pi 11 I . mn I .. ..... ... nv.. nn . i i- i r. v ... .11. ... .... ii.a i....... V C. To do so it is proposed that his old ,.t f , , .e,j ,0 sven,a ,tle.Kd will, tion l, th- A ....l -i.--1 ...... : A Fre,er " mal.erous r..mila raise the funds necessary by cotitri- ... , ,, ,. a.,, nf ,1,. ..,. ' Mav his dreama l.a of his vietimhl. wak. i .!..t,.rir:.t... i 1 1... , .1 ' tlon n "i-torled mendacity t.utions among themselves IV. ;'u,in9 A ' '..Ti.r. he arn.ri V-H. 1... qua.rel j,..t '; ' a continual dread of death. May the ' th- conqu.-t of America, by wan of the' """" 'C'- I a ilw.'i . OI l.ineninioii, 11. ...... .-..- .....u- km n ,k., I.l -h locked un in lr e ear rivers turn tn I, n li s liose i-.iieiruce w. . t.-riu-tt J A 'i:'ti In Kansas. , ,..! -as H-reive.; aflrr -l'.T papT Wis p"t tue Mvparattus the as.ajt on Ciou-Ui U: 1 the for-nMal-lc prep srn.rns fr tKis; ... P.. last we.k that a filt had te- p.acc . rxT.-d'tin E" '.atH wil. provide tl.e ms.o-, n..i-n. Uiw.-cu a c wT ul- ,,,1. forth.- Mfk. wliiie !',a.,r- will far-,... r .,pt. Hro. .. and the Kir h. poo ,h- n',,v. which viil consist of tftv N0,u.-r. .re be k.l'.ed and wom.d.d en ttiousand m'-..'. u wi':! be n.etea.ed to -ixty , .,,.. Ti e .listurbanee was .ni-posed lo lit ..!- ! h llw adJitioi. of t 11 thousand , ,,B riK,Mej ,t an ehcl.011 that !. place -n Sjrdi nati-." It is s.-!.eiar:y tV'ngbt that tUj ,.-,t)u j, r,, iurn out ti"t the rrport of tlie l.'en. lanr--rt will -c placed st tin- L sd ( s,ul(. w, ,ut., , , .rgrate.1 n - w;tc killed of tl c inva '.'i:j fore's. I an, ..! a few l.el.t.y wonnrrc. ' 1 il- V l-lli- ball- h crsirTi. w a .1--. at t Lean, of lvcatics l'or-1, .Mr U. r . cimotiion 01 fMatesville, and (u-n. Jno. A Young of Char lotte, N.C. aillr ceive the funds a hit h may thus be contributed until the first of July next, w hen they will report through the pub lie press the amount collected and superin tend its appropriation as proposed. Some who have received the advantages .... . .. 1 ... .1 1.. -r war 1- 01 uis . v...- . r-- -r , tendency, the w.i and gone icrtu 10 icac-u 1.. ... . sh , How can Great 1 America now. if dur the forees which sh. If tl.e present su war for our rights. will r-'ir. late '!i-tahce i-f one tiirl a r n. i'i!. - f the gun boat. ,t tlse l a.!' "f ' cmy. ui.-h, striking r.-peat"iiy 111 t!.C piac, roduee ii.rr.-l, n sl-ht -cra:e... 1-u 1 evert-d a wv of n.akitig i.a'.t l.-ai.'-. I is aN pr...t az' thfv i. r sll t ,.- w I u! ' itt - ry j! ; !.;-. I iil.-.s'r.! 0. has r.rrv r-r arv-T (te ten- t) on a I.J ...-!. u 1 twenty ' ! .r I on d. as w. Ii s lleft Hi- in-'-aii' of ,.. ' kc r.rn.t.ji.U -f il... Ei -land r.-.i. . iiroii i. --jo;,i;.j I jrii-t. ot bv rr.i;.-.- j ; f.u p'., te ti-'- work, an I ;..! u,.i be ready M Inauli n;on .'-t. Peters. 1 I u'tf- I Li-, iuuei'd, i- Uieri-lv tbr eijee. rarfiiil Ntw. Tl.e t'.rn .r Afi.ea armcu t New York f.n il..- 2M .t.i: !'. B. Hie 00 lb. 4tii H) tbr arrival. e feve i.. a lat. r from C oll.... had d-r,ne.l 1 tu 1 d. Sales of the W.W 4 4 M ( b.l. s. I'. -ei pro.pel. are unaltered. n.tii.;. iiiuut foundation." Tur. Ti ars 1, , r -fi.i.d K-ii sii'.otir.: a they Lave pcopio fr-,; to ce th.e T:l t. 'l.Ti K vt:v. .. It, ti n I lei., ri ti..- Tvtob.-se. 1'nl.ajlj t'.. re w.nvi. riot ever, th. far- I... MXi.. ft il. -i.a'J" E the ).:-Tays or fr-ti at vL.cij !1 f irts ..f the c-o.jiitry attend t. J bv...uin at '..-iioa. v. ;:!'rr at WasailiEton- i..s . ,rt-....- l-ijc . Inc c. imt.j in r..ll;rr sn a.k-w.-rl r.utarraPa:ii, ai.dwhirh w.ll so.... lw v rv n.u.-h ;-ra .1. rl nd i.-iercatd an. t.-.s t:." Ihn.e .I'ouM nrjamj:-, aud tlw the n -ri.iii. ry .f fi. ...rniii. nl lo work regularly and i'i"U. ut I am uoutj'Mu au.i that ii i. not , . . , . . . , . r i.u ni.u riru ii.'ir a. V'-r. !;nij, r.nd to th. ir r'nii.. ai d ci'linqw-nt repreaf nta. l.ixa in a toite of ihuu'lrr, bi.iu.M" ll.'tn do Unit t.iii ,mi.c I 1 -. r .-al anu r. tin. 'i Ik v hurr tami-red sit!, uur tight, long tnnngh, and 11 -m.-i. i jh n.urn ;oi -r, v r r ai-riou. cuii. .aiiflin-flotlif .-,.. try at l.r,.eiiiy lx- the .-.suit. M-.r li 1. . ; lr.-a.iy Im.h said and a rrt'.rn a;.i.ct tilt c.iipil !.- i no ruib.rr delay iu e!c tu.g a .: jk. r, and I'rLin v.-ry nirtic-ton, mucii ink and br-nlh wiil be wasted b fore mult-Mare mprose-i. There nine i 111 porta t.t a. ct of t :. "tion whirl, sec in. alt.-getiier lu I. ve etap-..i Hit atrei.ii. n o." l! pubi.e. mdal.ii Ii d. -n.ii.,i 111.111. iri .l.- tuv(tt'gati', bud trwt is ur tore ' indebt.-til.l'.. Ti;e r . trs I.J ..r t!..-..r'v ii.Lic.l.- 11.-t ti.c conn... it.aj j....t uf vaa, 1. . Ial..r.eeii. And .1 woul.i be preaUy to the adtaii. : l-tfc of country ii it wouiu aiwriy. remain fo. : It i. grn.-r..i:y known (hat th' L...l.d Statu r. c. , Kuf.fK; a l.irre uf iii.....-y, aoiountin ..rt ! nearly, if t qnti, t ilif-e hundred luiliion. of dollar., which our tre.'it-.ra have n. r.llv con. n.i-r.-d asfi!- Iriij a. they ire in li, r-gul-.r rt cipt of Ihe .In i.l. i,d. CipiU,' .t in r.nri-ur rui.'.'y tuk the bond, of he l-nit d, nH of the n.i,, Slatr., prnviibd the ii.M. b.i: i. ...nnotrt-.l (e. L'ut in n. w of the pr. sei t r.,i, ,i si rl .-, . r . ,. ,f ,,f at IVaalni.f '...n, the r n.ay lnomt alarn.e.1, l'.'y 'ry r-aa..iiab'y unit .rnd ba.k In a. It - h .n:!, ol li.t Li.ileu Su '.. nn.l of li,e in. t.v,.r.i, Sl.te. to U w,! !, Ilnre'y a Ii. n-i.'-al w n.eli aonl.r ... I. r-.r:.. tl. e er.,l,t ..i .- .ii.irr. rn Treasury, the alic and I.' iu of lit. t I) .hort linn the earth to respect our government s upon tbe sea, and defend its honor upon th land, and others arc scattered over thj lace of our broad country engaged in their ' various peaceful pursuits, consequently the . duty of paying this last tribute of respect to , one whom we all loved will devolve upoD . those of us who yet linger among the scenes of our boyhood. It is therefore hoped that all will contribute with a spirit of liberality, feeling that tbo' our old preceptor was " a . stronger in a strange land " we f?.jarj,n? , cherished by many friends, and are at the ! Jarne time rearinj a monument around which ' the memories of our youth may cluster, and j the mutual cord of sy n.pathy lor e. b other be slierigtheiitJ. A I'L'I'IL. ! The papers of Salisbury, Coueord, Char-' bjlte and Lincoln will oblige many readers' ly iuertii,g this comiuubicatioti. that America does n bai " No tower, alosc Her home i in 'he toons dowu Iri.-h, who have 111 a ireat measure .ubdued to stain them with his raging lip. May eve- j the V ankce race, and are gradually making ; MlslMPTOAX A KRov att. M. (Jodird ry clement shun him or change to him it confirm lolho principles and practices of son of tbe eel, brawl aeronaut, who is o.iw' hy ha live in the ijanes tbut olLers die its f'eltie master., i, beiin. aven,..-. I i.o,-,e. . " " " i.. il... I'..;....l ... i millions of Amerca-re invmcihle t y all with, and death itself wax something worse 1 hey seem inclined to settle dowu to th. balloon asccm jn near Pari. th. ni... A.. I .e.t.l i.i . l.n. .1 M . .. .v. :.i t . i . . . . . ' ' ......-.,,,,,..,.. tuauu.a.u. . i a . iue i . " i" . ii'j.u ins inner rouc.u-ion, anil to appralieiid a (ill-- course of policy on . I"1 el the woods deny him shelter eatth a ' blistering descent upon Ireland. At th. the part of Ei.?'aiiuld force us into a ' home the dust n crave the suu bis light, ' same tiuie it is not a little curious that thev ' . . I . 1 1 . . ... I Tl... u l . .... , ... a i iiac wouiu an ne nroimse to modify tbe a laoc. w th I ........ n expect to conquer he Involution, t hree ucb U its inevitable nd heaven her God. gain coiivii.ced, as ice convinced in the two unsuccessful wje waged agiiot us ! partner of bis life too good tor the that would butruer in so that they may ac.jui.-o possession of l'.us- coin Moon i lie wne ot bis bosom the lair si.iu America, lest the crave, p;" ot llsr bnrr. I ASHLEY. j Nf.WTOX, Jan. 1 ( During the past year, I have lad access ',.., the shore, arjie Pacific walera ..te, . ' l,e editorials of the leading English j jur- , nals upon tbe war. and continental and A merica3 affairs Hij her sacred hu.. p To tl.e Atlantic' h i. Il-I fertile, wit dujlu an v. Il.,i of wclrp ally. From the Norik-rnf to Mixie At lou besiu."i.t rl J, A;.no will brrtirl nrinly go Uo 'e elorio'is' 'he fro. I 'ten in me lr.fc-f the flgti I lie l.'id ol u.. l 'I'ht.- ca u.e of t Ti.a.r honor to He will ate rl ilt.m Of tlira!.).,ui ftln ; 'I'ne rude .in rthall cease. And li..r'ranch of peace P.. V'-rriure sinn r.umf, Aud in fre.ii ,fc and beauty Mount, Ketivt d at h . ind. ALLISON. D.UtfhfV Vai.k'e. I al.m.t.l t. I.... it .1.-,- .1- I t ...t - - uirj um jjoiiiaiana, while Franc- may tako aud colonixe the great island cf Lat.gbalien on the borders' of Japan and I'.ii-.iaD Asia. It is bejot.d all doubt thai the mass of the people of England aould aarueatly dep which cine near bfinj tho lat cf In. earth ly Sights. The balloou bad If in fully in flated, was cut loose from iu moorings and M. tiodard was ci'C.ilio'' a serir. of dan grrwus pig. on wings," iu tha air, wlu-n, all at once, the aerial u.acl.iiw exploded, and the ballooui.t coiiimeuced tumbling at a more rapid rate than ha hid bargained fc. lie had just time to spread Li. parachute to slop, partially, Lis fearful dearent, and thus saved hi. III-;. As it wi. be eam down upoa the froaeii ground wikb a Wri. I auatain o fight l".r right, Takit.s iuto consideration i'c I'" one knows what blunders an old fatrv .. . . . " . ... i :.. i i . . - - bj their influence upon t tie popular mind in re- eoneene-. cai.iuc-i may eoiuiint. ' gird to these things and considering then. The Engli-b preas aud the hum of tbe i at indices of the popular feeling and kuowl- , English people do not understand America , ed,;, they form a cm ioub ( and the Americans, yet a comnion language John iluil has a decided ctiaraetr, ar; .' mni hop,.., Ur;ngi,t) )eo,'0clr. iiliosyncracy which separates biin in evirj " ''d nerrer together, aud .id will be the ; respect decidedly from every other type of day abcu their friendship j. i,a8 now. i man. There is a blunt, gruff, conceited car-! S. ne.toess about him, an exclusive insular - . pride, an excessive opinion of bis on mer its and bis ow n rights. ' may rccate any confii. t with the United fc'taUs, Co thump, but fortunately brokt bo lone. He ti", however. i a nre brut-sed. M Godard, Jr., has ended his ballowu'mg f..r the .r.r.ebt. Mr ('..Am k. . i i ..i.i bis own rights. However wi inz be r,..i . i - . 9 , Y ,, , , i , , ?. , , oad agent at this place, Mr. John Ho i has be to grant that otbsr men may rice l ., . , !. ,. ' ... .. . f teeo a p.i.ut'd to h.l th. vacancy. Mr. ( has. Tim I.AnoriT Mii.i. the Woat.n The and most cou.pre (Viislrc ml. I ... the world ia lh Pacilic, at I.aarenco. Maw. The floor .nrfaer of tin. immense structura i. HI acres. The largest mill in Kuglaml is 1 1 J acre.. There are now ia eperai ian, 4U.0ui cotton sp.ndlct and pl.liln. aor.'r-l spindlo.; and lheo are to b forrcased to 1. ...... ..1 .... .S..k .' , , ei.ijL.n. aim .",i.. rssp'Clivelv. 1 Uere in anything there is alw.v. a menta reaer- a . ..... . u. ,.c.,.ey. , r. v oaa. rJ-. ' v.tion about it. that be'.'n do better. There 1 " Conductor ,o plac. of Mr. Helt, , re lrJ loom. .,, or,.t,n, to be mere... IDiatorrrspcndrnlj. CijsTos, Jan. 21, !-.(. The Grand Ju the case of Lake-man, lro u which t!. oiarl-vn n fire, as erect..-. 1 a! an cxn l-o cf ?!,(' , and at Iuspruek I an E;i.'li!i!ii3a fire -;;th bis own rifle, and b cz'.'.ti l.injsiif s gw--l biaik'Uian, at S'Ml yards di-t.i.ce, ar. l the third tin..- he out 1 1 Lit tl.e targ.t. Dot!y ev ery ti'i.e 3 Sni-i- t.r -i!, plamp w. , t t-,e La)! ";;:.) the Mack c-irci' g.i the cot re of tinr target At Ir.-pra.k, I tb'.'ir.'l(t i oi.sorte.l f-ren greater skiil. After t!,- practice of tnwilti" is over, Ih rest of tl I; I -'I!" - r s a en c ii.-.i.e now . fe of trade, in n now very marly Felt TIIK N. C. WillG. i The Message of the President and our 'Diplomatic correspondence indicate, that' cur rVfh'rto pfaeeful r-lations with England ; are rapidly assuming a serious, if not bcl-1 Inrervi.t a.-.M... II.... e .1- . T I.e. .r e,::, ..J, . . .V . S "af,;Giraudaud Adn.acre.worn.aud bad in V f X I V v i , C0U"E-. tbe case deii.e them by tbe Court, on uain'C ol the t.rrtlsh I , nti.ri,s. . . .... . I J I tl,.. M .w . i . ' uccujy luesday mornilr ihe purpose of exam ..,, 1 'f '. - P"' '"'g ue witmliud trying tbe question Let -rat.r ol .!.. mirto in rhroo r - r . . ..J .J... c .... 1 .k ; i. ..- ' . .I-.W.1 ot a " true h .... -..iiium imuuseu i.y me convention of v.tion about it, that heean do better. There is a determiued purpose about him which is the best element of success, a power of ro- I resigned. .s'r. H'auhmam ed to 5,400. Thr'. with S.HOfl r.rci,. produce .'1. 111,00(1 pieces r.f cloth pr antiuin e ba.I de iainra. Ihe weekly eoinun.p- aistance which can overcome ail obstacles, j Ms N.C. R A U. A OThe Lire.-t-' U 7, V ?r , W It.s best type ,s a rough, rugged, old gen j ' ' on ," ltln . " " " O.M) pounds rr s.inu.,,. ...d AMO.UOU pound, tlcman of sixty or upward., hale and hear- Herald says t ie. Western cxtnon has be- of ,0u, Oof, , m()tb lU 1L.,uj ty yet, but verging toward, the sere and hxed Tact, Messrs. ftbarer lad per,on, aasemhle at the ckier's effic. . I ' - 1 S I I . I' Viaili.'tia l.aviriff a rat x. ... a .1 . at.. yenow ieai-, cioggeu in u.s opinions; in- : .on ou me. mhfra h - out c-ilM,0 t() fof ppropriattng to aiuount she has earned. ... , , ., ; . i .1..!....- .l. .1 ii i. i cniicu io looa asiiance at ail tull.uaiasiii ami ' ' "u'y r,,v . w .'lonuav iasi, .. ,,.,.,:,:,. . , The y aii'l it i. ec-it-l rated with jiroctaewns, tau- Jitr, niu-ir. I , !ane-, ke. V.'i Tf WtU I.MH1 Hi Hums We ba.t h ;i,al many p.-r-r n- w..3r India rabbt-r V4irsL..-s, in t-..d, dry wtather, to keep llitir feet warm. 1 Li. ij kn iJJU. ru'i- an ievi! pra'ti-e. Ii.dia iur aho'-s ar.- ry c-.j'i,: -rta'.ie ai.d valual 1 .r .-ov-.ruijr, the f-et d-i-in.: n t, si-.j py weather, bsit they bo:ild 1 r worn r-n ar.7 o l.- r oea,! ,u tl.. ir sole o; should b to . p Out water They sliooM, therefore, be pat ofi aiietievr the wearc-r entfrs a hoii". and be worn a htrl h r,,.jj,. .enu. .j,T . are air ti-lit. ari l i..itii r. taiu a i.d r-st. -iin ti," f ei-piraii ,b of ti;o feel. Th" air e,t,t Le ixilu-ied Ir m tuem, or from ariv other, p .niijn c-t i.e i ciiy l . r at.y l. t.ih of t,i,. ' w.lii iiit M-n.-iIvy tft eiintf li,.; health. Jt i. .ur pn. .ii ti, it no ,i,l,,i ta.i.da more to food Letl, than clean t m.d cii ,l,y - . n l" auua a.! ire., lersr .ra- cxtKlll;t,- s. tttfilir J ' ne fol!-)wing synopsis explains ' entrr:! Aiiitncati Q ie.t...u " Mr. Monroe, when I'residf tn tf the United S'tatc-s, had,' ill 1"", announced iu a public ijks to Congress, that tho American cont.Deiil were not henceforth to be considered sub jeet to colonizntin by European powers.'' "Great Jiritain, prior to April, I-.j.l, was i,, po-sf i,iou of the ahole coast of Cen tral America, fioui the Eio Hondo to tbe pert aud harbor of .San Juan de Nicaragua, exe pt that portion of it between the Par toon and f'apo Honduras, together with the adjaeei.t Honduras I-land of lluatan.'' The fiuc-'tion therefor.. ;.. un,ir -v.. line uiu ureal Uritain fast rrosress as deeidcdlv vounr? : and line. Wlt'' force of 100 hands. lured with the fear that if aflairs fall into younger bauds than his, everything will go aud bavf. not v,i to a decision. 1 mad. ! ,0 ru,-tue constitution will teeome a wreck. ai . .1. statement of hs a.t we-lt aa that nl . l,,u luB fc more the murder of A verea of iI.p .l,ir. 1 "ere is, too, a slight appearance ll"no bill." They have now been in thlom for thirty six hours Nkw PAfKB. We have received the first' Aor ii.i.m osi tiik Wii.min.itov m Wh . re 'I tninrber of the Cleavelaiid Times, a emr j Df.x JUlL Uoah. hi a,t Friday night, .e it. eratie paper, published inSbelbv. N. C. bv wi.iL) Mr Wm (. . ....... . ,i ...- .w, a o,. ti . .i ..m t a.ic ui . il k'V ' . rfj ' j . . .. .... m... . tJU Ariel, in, for which the three - Lun 1"s duU?e muttering in i f0 '". i'ar itoc-ay .loUnt, ws .s- persons above ed stand charged. If ""T' im uai umunguirrmionioine ri,Mil, . - ...rtv... .... i-. uumi nam. rr, aim n true bills are fobainst all of them, and . "JLe "'terpreU it, a belief that the pre lit , J'.Aimiy UAKg.-Tho f boek of an earth-! , c . ' x"tlriK''1 '"-""0'i they are tried itily it will resume at : ?'ivT of ""."K1 " !,)e U'A- knd woulJ quake was experienced in the vicinitv of- " . , . '-U de-'pali-bc-a from (ioid.bor.i least three wet-U'be tiial of Ecclea re-1 ?e ,od meoosideratc to try to improve t.'Laii.bersbure. ITa.. about davbVht on ; " V""-B "e u.iul train, wa. d.uover- quired two wednd only settled two of, !' .'"'""f dn..r,i-tral.ot, of his affair. . the ,Hh u,ilallt, T be commotion" k iCbani ! Mfhmg very near. The negroes the cases out of J.Judge Gilchrist is very ' cripplet by useless snd oosolete incum-! borsburjr, saya the Valley sp.rit. wis o se- i V ', "V"8 " 0a ' infirm, and U sdy abbs to sit four hours h"''ces,old and worn out custon.s-tbc re- rio)1, ,., 0 flu, Ulliny !ce ,iirir! J1"'1 "". "' - knocked off by tha each dav. f f nets sacredly (preserved of hundreds of years ; jj, lofoinnine, ai.ri, wc legr.l to leant, i e'ucii lor inst ince are the I liancer v and oth-1 amen itisiantly, l.ia skull Uaviug bcru er Courts, against wbioh Dickens has level. I 1 ken. Mr. Gay w very n.ucli ruspccled ly 1 he Mayor's still continues to cxeitc ar. unuual degriiiterest, and the Mayor ' is going ahead, ibold and fearle-is man- . ner, quite indsfirit of both friends and bavin 2 a'd foes, frcfinen! 1 . I.ii... t l.o m f i :n i ayhvr, and kavjis wounded in th rear. 1 Lose official Lai- on who followed him led so ardently and keenly the shafts of Lis S"ME J'IM.. Mr. II A. Tutf, of Burks, thoao who knew hiiu. II V. Jour mil. genius, old lutnberbou-es stored with a!l , toi""J'. k,ll,;l lcnty five hogs a short time il... :.. 1 !... I loss tl.n tff LMlietli. H...l.rt.t nf . . t.' t. Of liic A 'Hri ir, in. bei t : m tl.e tt' i nt firi.-ni i.-r at "be ..r' iie,it i.ur,j nuire l.ol j 1- y off ll.r . uhiic a. 1,1, ,,j put . i J in qiinrl.r. JJut couNl the b . pr. ii, j. l.y ris;,r,i!, and show i for the loaves rELe. have been sadly disappointed. ll s been bold enough to consult the goodie city rather than the ' rrthiess, preserved:-";- Sr"f "'."K" A Wivmam..-A young man named icquiscsced in b- ; N"! pounds. 1 h heaviest of them Weighed , . ' "nd a. wst. '. aud as Mr SVa. 6l"' ''-. "ffen of them averages! ail lbs, "jy'h now engaged a. wat. ,. uu as .ur. ii- ' . ... , ,' niaii at ihe Ketaluekr l.oroiii..tive Woras, .rrak down I )tr. s no nine .1 J 1 ILs., each or, t akin p ths w hols . ... , . , . .. , ,r, aK a .q jroc- i b has recently had eft him. conditioiin ly, by v.ry louei, f, .lf itlt y Ms.l' r.AI; a- ii Com I.- ;. Viiii-roi.k. ye-t.-rday i,t the New the cfl.-.-t of injun. -ti-t It sf re a; a that flay. ,e W4. al a par 'J l-i l.r.'riw :. L afreet yc-inj man imi. ed Col t h' p hrm mount a eh ... a..:.. a t 1 eh, ,.t 1 w I'h bni I l.e fall iiy du sh.x-.J, and l.roii. ht wi.K-L liia-d Li deal! Ka t . t. Ac II N T a on ') tiaii, died Vort II i-q itaj, from lee..;.-, on (,e .'), t ti ( v. nine; f,f l.t y iii tii' L"oe No. r-t.-l while th-re a eguoo-l, in os.i-iing ''ir. ! toe purpose rf ni fa1' and a.o fell illed tl." IK-. V of 1 1; "Ii a sjutial iSectljIi, cry I 11. Cite. 11 ... . lean '...; ,.. e sheet ? U cuuic noi. j :..-r. lore, lu urr. nl ,'ur : ii. r .nan It a I-rn. a nt. r..jr loreieu rei:it.,r, it aould l.e a. tin;' tii. part of n iniom :, pr.i.t. nee ,-,( tai l-j .how i:.t Wild at one, tl W(. ir, ,1,11 . O.Vid.d ,o;,... by ,-,.,1J?r, ,t jrfrl,c, He ot and ;. t ,-, w,.rk. f ,. .'h u e. -u'e, arc not a.0,,,i, d an.i .h.,t pr.ii. er-. -.,.- ahffe..! ..,y i. ?. , ,i ,.lk 1-u.t O e j.r . t f ,-m i. ttoul to di ..(,. .,, ,J( tj . .I- .r,a..:ief,t. 3,.,j ,, ,, j,,,,, '.o..,.. ;,.., .r rr ,,.,, ,,,,,, . , " " ' 1 '- ' IUt.'ll 1. .. fe, I .t ti. Co...-, ,, !,, Lut ,, ,. ? . . .o.e ii ,. o,,r ;rrt j lu , !S in ., to t t. hat is cumbersome and worthless, preserved : """"'i y interested hands ami acuuiscsred in be- : h"0;l P f ause toorsootu tuey cxr-t a low a-serls. " wheu vou br tor's t'ommons you break down the country." !ot t-'irether, they averaged a fraction over i , . . t . i ' lbs. al J' I uc .s.'iecV.iy'. Such, too, is that svtein of routine, whieh ' enprieious whinnjs friends who bow that places at the bead of her armies and navies, 1 thrifty may follolwning. The interests m.-n either .superannuated, or without expc-. Ksrv'tj Tiikouy or isToRwii ExrKLLKNT ' beribrd lJ45,OiiO from his father, which be of our cil v are n ic,rA bands : crime is rurnr-'j or capacitv. wbi e real merit lie un. Si i.hkstio SwiLin. of the i I... .. I .n. nt fnr il... )...... tw nf 1. 1. .....If .n.1 man. Ilis prudent old uncle . . ... ... . .. v ., ,i i... -mi; i uc ... ' .lllivi .JUU. , . .. , . . . ....illfl... 1. ..1.1.. .! . ..I -I . ...s.'frtl.l. u.e gicai.r part ot these possessions in 17-ii resume tnc-iu subsequently ,"' 1), Jjnti.h Govtrrrriiiit has not jet shown even a color of title, snd the fio,t to establish a claim woold proie it-e!f to be utterly vain and useless. "Tl.e United States Government -oes not know pr. ci-ely at what p.-riod the l.roleet'.ruli. l.r...., 1'.:...:.. . ' -"'-' """in over .iio-oiiito ol our are nl ,... LlistiCd ; the brat iiititn;it-..n r.. 'on ,1. J,. I.e. :.. ., h... U, I ..,! . v.. -11 1 r . r ...... ...... ., " .. i i i . -" J,t .eoT.j.-. ii.r iinpioieiiieii. oi - wo -o m .--i . .c..i.ilii 1 1 oil. 101 . - e 1 e au.jw Bioriti.s me .vw loeir iierui.i - a.nii in eensra. . a deceased uncle in England, '.'00 Mill. Mr. jtirey, is said to he a vory clever fellow only lit ars of aire alrcndr bavin- in- was re- . ! ..I- . . . '... '"'"'- .'I .'vmeruran airent the cilv. and its fl-ial (iiinecrin are n iile Lies, wrcal as thev are. he ia a Lii.hU r... malea ...... ;,.,. l.;..l. .;n i . ' UnnliK I.L. r.. I..I.:.. i.. .n.l inll' lllilt .t I' I 1 a e--'---, .. ..p.- .,.ic,"M'"',-rt.1.-. ... ... m . .. , . -t'oriVi. i .,J "'C ' ",d "ter;profper'.us. j . P' ctable old geutleman, and though he is in- i heeded by those to whom it is addrwed j not knowing hi. iudostrious habit, now, in- "ntr . " "PT r'Prc,T"ted the Mos- , The lal.-t u.-wpn Europe ar' of the cimod to look with suspicion upou our youth- j These storms were fully developed io sleet i serted, at a condition of tl.e inheritance, and tow. rf s' tX ,'" '5 " ""' riv,!r . "'t vital iu.r,,v S;.aii. has made a ful pranks, stil! we owe him much esteem j and rain in ti. Carolina sareeteen or eight-! tb if the said lletry waa in de-ht at tbe Iafer tl "J? , " "c Nicaragua, wLicb treaty with th. ,t4rn powora, in which and shouid pardon bis senile foibles. , eeu hour, before they were developed' ati age of 30 five hundred dollars be should i.iurl, i.,? ' f1"" " fO'-'idered a plac of hc engages to fi.rKaventy thousand men Hut w-. :.tarU;d upon tbe English pres., bo North, and tho Herald suggests that I forfeit the inheritance. is a stronger ucii piiishf-.-, and Ley tu t, Amer- for the Crimea he ri. in return f .r w l.ieh and fell In n... ...... .,,.n.. tl. when . .),..... l...l... ie. .1.. .1.. r..,1 ns,ii.. t. l.. .I...J ,r .l.n il..n me i ours. ti r it. I Can ".''pain in virtue of th.- treaty of l?fi Lad a right to obj.-ct to Great Jiritain es-' ta,.n-., h,.r., If &I1 tl. Mos.juito coast; fir Great Entail, Lad, by her tr.-r.ty with -Mexico, recognized that former colonies &f .diu sioou in the same position with res-. er ne iu bau peel to the othf r ,-tates as Old S' paiu ind ii.herited the advantages of tl, allies are to proLe interests of Spain ; ahadoiscd forth. The articles l:.ui tin: En- should be immediately telegraphed to San-1 we have cvcr.eeii before J I jut i r i llr Vein Cubi. This pled interference in Cu- gli.-h press, upon the war and continental : dy Hook, and from that point storm signals! .lairs will notlooked upon at a fa- , allairs, from the poiidc-rou (Juartorly to the ! he raised all along (ho coast. Iu this way I !e orooo f ,r f !t In ti . .,e ..r.,..!,... 1I..I.I ....I .1 v. ... ..r t ........1 ,.. I.. ... I . r .. . l ' m. o..c.. u. .'I'jiiui. VI Ulieu, ail ( -s.-..... ,.i..j u. Clin erjllll.lg uau j breathe the same tone, an obstinate deter-1 g r and have time either lo make, a harbor, j initiation to enforce their ideas and secure or I'"' ut to sea, aud thus guard against; their own iiitcrcats. There is an inflated I being driven a.Loro ( conhdence in success and an ill-concealed ble relations betweeliglatid and the Utii td .States, abicli iitn now ou tbe evo of a serious dutuj bat.from other and more kerioos cauis. 'Ibtereilof all parlies would be subserved; peace between Eu- irritnlion at its failure. I j. vieiit Ueaiicsol ii,e mother country. The rcpe and the Ut,iS.atcs ; and France; Sebastopol has been taken confidently al- .. W,,AT Y",;N" Mex a IK), i iii'e.l Mates (.oven ii,.. ot I....'... i . 1 r .. tt...;n,... ...i. . A Vrhl'-A LtARSKU We may leutr, n...-e u. u ,j!le ,s,Uiitie ic.(Jl. says the New York Time. What have the U. ..I poaerfu'. flts the wrld x eti ft. -led upon li.e Ha'tie' N'olhir.g at all. I uo'er the mot u tert ,, Lnoirn iu li.e li-itish navy, th.-y ba'v l, .t at u in t -1 a real st'aek upon any f f,,,,,. I.ej hs. hora of Kaas.a. Nj Here eonvii.e. log argument of the pr--f,,.;J(, arT..r.ied . ;u.liciou-ly p' mined, w. II tm .., ui, ,' p.iwerfuliv uriorj fort i'atioin t,e. ).,. wuvht than tLis, it i. L .ped, will have ,t i..r rUcct upon tuott- who pravid. ii a. li.t del. Be. ,u c state of I'or Ilifrii'ii .in. I...,.,,.. f-' l llillllS. of t;i. -.ii th. ... .a wi ... if ...II I ..I- M . I'.r- -. I o,. ,,r,i, II it ,1 ( one. i "IO. ii, er I isl. r. ! l ,l o ..I.,,, !,, . ' r tot .1 .1,. .1 re . not I. I. Ir.e I ...1 'oil. r. :. I ' for the p.aeilir our yreat Lr.r , if te uril -. I . l .e t I .r-l, r - i.t ' ... I it . i or. a. t- kre. ol, - t'..r bin ti, ' fJ e oj.l.. t , . U .fiif.r'.r.M ,.3, c 1-ci.M .( I0 to til o- I .., ' rt. rh rl . ri tl, . rn o :- ,r .. '.li.t lir.l. , of . I. 1.. 1 II. at Ultl, an- fr u, ii,e I; ij,, lll.loli i. .uce hi u , ' i! .ii mre ',1 ' '"-ne.l. ,., ,i;,fuV Wta , oi.t.e. ru,..i, 1,. U .,il,.;.uj to ti, I . , 1 .41... , u U 111. i:i (i ,1, I.l l.-.l. .1 ;.. 1 . ...... 1 1 .. vi". .i.liein-a. Hlirilh.. .-v,.o,. t :oi, of that portion ol the a. lament of th which si I ii a t- d L.tween tl.e IS.O Honooand Iho S.Lr.i, ; itklir.-Hs r.-i-ted li e rr.rl.t of (Jr.-ut llntalt, to c'-t il,ii., a I rotectomte ou r the .Mos.pito, end learm d wi'h gn at tuifiti-c- and regret that th. lintish force- iu 1-1", xp. ,l. d the Vie. i rag.ia authoriti.-s, . ,cb held tl,.- po, t and to... of J,lad,. Nicaragua n, virtue of old Spam, h riohts. and hoisted tliereup. 01, the fl,...,f the Mi-qnito..' 'J ,P tx,rJu 'looted above d.lii,.. the position of the 'soverni.i.-it of the l.'nit.-d Atatc with re gard to tliis vex.-d iUeation. Indt f. i,ee of the t,o,it ion ...,! k.-l.. Erit.d, ',.,v. r.ri.n-iit, Lord Clarendon .tale, that her .M ,j...ty ' Goverrs,,t Bd.rf. , opinto,, ii,ai ,ve nnifmly ilH,A As A pan EaiiI.I Jtsfg Christ Ir. E.ijiliail, the will known Jewish Hah hi in New York saya : I a. a Jew do say that it appear t) n9 that Jesus Christ became tl.e victim of fs- I , . 1: 1 :.i. :...i .. ....I tn.l Alexauler- .vis,.., .m.iiiiicu nun j.-aio.isy ..... . - was only twenty years of aire when . .. . . T .. ' . .. i w - w C3 I I il k ul ami lii.An.a I ... I m I .p nu think of a rupture another power even the cat, and when the southern strongholds I h,e w" TP'-'"" L.e uten.nt Colonel in ... . ' ,,;,.;., ni' ariny 01 inc revolution, ana Aid-da-camp i , ; ' , ... , , , ..... ...... 1 ' it'll t.i.1., .ml l.i.t ..r saver in he a a, a m.i.-i ' . ...... , ,,, ongress: at 3. ho 1 , '""""",-" was one of the ablest member, of tho Con-, f'" ' !? rrVr". 1 V, ' ways co.i- : and England too ( of war just now to most as many time, as lives are assigned to Hamilton 1 he more potent than tile which tli.-y are now at Inst yielded to French skill and valor, the ; army or the revolution, i fruitlessly exhau-tiiln ir ctn-ri.-.s and re-! whole nation, from the highest to tho lowest, -to ""hington. After soor-e, uj.oii. j ' seem to Lave given tbeii,.-Kl:s ur to a dav I 'pr "f t'"' ' '"tinetital Con 1 ; i i- 1 , . . ... i , . . . . ' - I ... o,... ,.f .1.. .1 I ... til lllkllli' aild flOI-V mil ill. ... .mesa 11. . Ill To their excifrd i, , aginations the en.-u.y . t,uvi tho Constitution of tba 1 s 1 ""h "'"m V , i L. of .s pouring in full retreat from the Cr ! ''" i t 3', l.e was Secret.ry of 4 , t,,a P"J"K m'7i "bar so u tion was stalking over Ihe on- . y V "' Treasury, and organised that branch of, -Mth. w. are far fron,, hi.ebar c weati'i-r lafti Ircfzuiele ,, d f,.r of dnnkim' and tim.- v nut lb. t. - . j - - . III"! ,st week. CO d da n it has been known in Gliarlekbjn for t y y cars. Water freet- ' was -s readily jn c;pil ticuatioi.a and the stn-i ti are froze iilih'y look while. ICvi 11 in Havana, tha Wruir ha., been colder than it wasever knou t ,ih th' can nud stf-am-boats ar.; htopp-t! Ith-i North by ice, and mow, snd travciil kinds is nlnitvt en tirely su ipirbded. j I wi. called te 4" a most bcartrciid-' nig and revolting t this inoriii.ig at tlm Mayor's Gourt. Is- tbe Captain of il,.. tiuard take a Ho. t t,d p.s hutri. d'y into one of tbe prisoner '.fls. I ii.,eco I tnie' connlrv anJ their vietori.u.a ho..- r. .....h. ihe Goverju.eiit upon Po complete Blid com-1 wr u,-rlu", I'" " I" mg on fruii. aueeesa to sueecss. I u.lead of i Pr, '"'"sive a Inn, that no great change or i " " that the Ilu-siau General cooly and tuccess. '"T"reniiiiit has since been made upon it.! A (umr iC,AN A ? ,, from filly dr .ws off bis force, fru, his ruined j Philadelphia, wbilo walking on the lUadinr delcni es, and ou the other sido of the bar-! v. ( t J near PolUK.wn. saw a train om- ' " ' .a, .l,i: .JUilllttlJ "I , , , t..ULe con,utjou of April ,1. Oril bor, new and astonishing products of engi tieentig skill arise to dely ih victors; a fnec holds the interior of thn conn try and aero, the wintry sea a year's pro-vi-ions are po-ire.l. Hut it is not of tbe Eat 1 propose to write, but of the oyrit t eiiiii" of the luilish press. forfeited stfsuk was sold b the Te...,..., . in-' towards him. and stopped on the other few days do, nt sh average of Si's per .! ire! tra('' w,e" he was knocked down by aiiota- c , tr train whieh had coino tip, and the whol" ' I' passed over him. The only injury ho Tiik Cnl.D. Tint Yadkin Piver is froien! received was a few brain's f.r.m the aah-p"" entirely aero,., which has not been the ease of the loeomolivo, wbi. li is about ei-ht iuc'i before iu twenty years. . ,,, ffom ,,rcU,,d '. .

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