J(gY.,lRIA1D THE LOCOMOTIVE.- A tot, m "lotitlay Ui,- k I""' een chuned, took to tli truck of tticltmoud ud lo ,rliurg Uailroatl ft tti train etme wliis gloi along- Reynard courago up fjr noma tiiiw, I'Ut the cnginoor, to line r. little fuuf frd Ui tlirottlo valve and ri,Phcd after him with ii will. It wan " pull Iick, pult devil," for fomo luinutoi, but the ioiiioiivo gained on Mm, and poor Ilcy Brd wii LrmJxihj, tin sBovr ; off tlso cow catcher with d '"'i fortunately for liiin, a cow pit abddenly offered liini safety, mnd dto b dropped itiU ,t, aod reruaiuud tiilihatraiopawei over., - v.. . .,11 vii fun n pxfbitncft aavi .. little) child of our acfjuuintauce waaj reuJercd ili, lt we It', by cliig a band- j eoui enameled ball. tick, t, which its moth-. ..:.s.... I. tA v.1 air Ik i I h Kftf tliA hen . ' tt (Ii V""1" "f ' rSt f ibo lo do not know, we would tie that tltt cnaiuel oa lhee fnrJa ton tains aronie. '.. jy An old preacli'r onro took for liis 4 A 'law where out thou V and divided j-'. lubjort iuto throe pirtn.. 1st. All men sre kiiuuwLlto ' -J- Suine men are vtliere thej ou-jr,U uul 10 '""' 3' 'ru'CB '',ey ok care, they will loon find themselves valn-re they irould rather not be. I'oN.SUiNKKd I'KR RAIL ROAD 1RCIM Till. iMsTTO THE UtfTII OK Ja.MJI.KY. Wiihtfr A C.,' It. V. .Stocktou, J. 1'. Dar ker & C-o.,t.(ii!l'apie 4Co.,J.& 0. J.Cowlef , ;irnrt A II , Koiboro, C. A Co., II. Kiiua, j W j K. Tate, Sloe-ktoii & M , W. M. lloilHiid, J (' Jerkin-, vViilirrr-potin Si C, 0. R & J. L (iaiilier, .1. K. IMc, V. II. Mi.1,.,1. .!. J, iiiiwur it Co., J. A K. Jl loe, J. I'. Ilcu cerwll, T. J.Grirr, W. VV. II at t. A.wTilKKt ASK OK FKVF.lt AMI ACL K. I I'KKI). T A few U-is agi avert curded an a.liii.i.hiiig eiir.i.l' F ser nd Ague by thcussol lr. .M'Lanc's Ivtr f ".I las. We have nw another o mention, , iluiol Mr. James Jli ,rp of M loisi nhiitgh, p itUs liti.'. be Lad labored undi r a vi ry aeve.e atlv. of Aptu. twd Fe.er, st.d was sioo restored , . ths use of these 1'itls. Mr. S!iarMi slso ef . pr,,r. a.. Ofduiiv, fouBiitd on ohs ivalioli, that lm I.inr J'lUaare the best fur bilious complaints tf offered ia his setiuu id coontry. iilt-Migh ln.i known as i irovereign ri inrily for ry rtiinr c.s. f llipitic ik raligenif .. I , or diseases 4' toe I'lver. lbs pr.ipru torsul Hi. M'Kane's Pills sr-l presrsd r,r the fr.nent, but grat. lying f tfiic-s yf it. jcbk rl utility an-J curative capao- . .i . . i. : - : i .. I.'- i ... ... I. in I'll, rtiprsi, .. i.i.iu.m. i...iii... rseerdid ll.elf Bnsst Hn(llin cipec tn I Ions, audi mlosril them t Lope t. , it will lw .. Irodileed ..to.rrr, I. ...il, i tl. la.l.dS.al... . i If Pi.retwsers will he eseeful to ask fo lr. .ia ( ii iiunu l.ivia Pu i s, and t.-ke none .r. Th re rriitL. r I'iIIi, purierlirg tU I.iv.-r F i now be lore thepu'oic Ur. M l.ani l.iv.r P ,l.,.lso ha (alt Isratesl Vermifuge, fan now I bd Hall respsrUble Drug Stores in the I nilnl and tvo.d. MW.IWI. '-' li.irlollr A: Unit Itoad. CflllK llegnt.i Annual M.Hintof the St.wk. 2 I...I.U,. of the I harlntlr and South ('-. mini. .M-Mil eomrsf-sr wilt lake pUee, at Chesler, on r,llrlA V,tblitt of pelwnsry next. Sloek. u i, i. .ml I'seir rn..l.sss wilt lists tho pfitiiege giiaif so ts-iiiri.i.e rr. C. UO! KNl'JHT, Fee. and Tr-av -n n. t -,ii, tin T.niuerl rij , nT.! 77; 0 Mtilll-CAKULJXA, MW KLKNRl MU 4 il NT T. Cert of Fsiry9 ' Trrwi. le."i. rt I U ,liini unj hi wife r llrnry B. W IU t.iu, Ku4ii Mclty and J. H. I hut.. IT Bfm t b ititit-f inn nf n!'!, ihi J. H. attorn nr0 n( I v dfndiiitai m (hia taf At ml rMd w 1 1 lh limit of tin M-ilr, h m-iirHt, thn piifi-4tiort he iii' ii wrtk B tii' wr lit t r!ir. Whig, (..r lnm t" pj'rr t t sell srnt f ,H. f'atif t of K-7ily , ft b ftrM for 1 riU(alT tt Hrek rrbntg , at ttw nurl Iioum- in 4 b.rMta, !! lite IHIi .MfHitstT tfur tb 4'b M-rn. m tiitarf nrit, It in tt or Hrmur In awid bit!. jutiiurAft jifu rmt.fr art will b takvn agnnft Vt.nM., vA ft. 0anljp. Clerk ami .M ia W u. f i :iMr. ftir ih f'hiftotte, titia 2 t day f Jn- . Mff, iKfi. I I. K. DI NLAT, r. v. E. ! r-ial.ra f.-r IS STATU O F XO .' 77- Cl Ii Ol.l XA, , VI IXKLISHL Bii t.t;TV. I CtiH.tnf F.'l"it'J, i'n'l Ttihl, . ' i bsrii-t I irertnaii slid otlsris F.. H. Moss, W.I. ; i i ii Jiihnstos, TIm.s. W. Icir, Janus j lioue.n, AMkur Tii.l. her, r r.oeis S.U.res, I'. M. immcrnisii slid . O. X . Allen. f T .ppe.rtf.f to ths sal, .faction of Ihe eourl, ' tin. toe elefiii.Ui.l., J.s, J. Duncan sml A'--I .u- Tu.leh. I, U.d.ue: Ullih r H. ri e ill ol" J. J. liisiir.n, dc I v., and F. Seuire, D. inllliermsl. i ii. S. Allen, trailing umk-r the firm ol S litres, m-enaa Sl Aden, rc.nl. b. rnd ihe limits nf ti-..'l.L,, is order, sl. III. I piihhestion b Jmsde ..x s.T.a in tin Xoill. C.roiina Wing, tor aan! .'-ri1,.,!. In .pM-sr sl III real t. rm of th. t'nrt f K.mly, lo be li-ld fir Use county of N-e.' nhnrg, sl the court boa, in I harlot te, on , ' 1 1 tl. M inday alUr Ihe 411. Mondsy in Fehrn. .r t nrl, lo plead, an.w. t at dui'ir,or s judgment , r.r--, r,lllM mii ,,11 h inks-n .g.inst th-ni. ' W in, ,., iHsid R. DunLa Clcik and Masier in ' i teal ell, earn I'h.rlolli Ihis'JI.t day of Jan. i-. jr. isju. i I. R. DLNLAI', . m. r. rm.lers fe ill. I'. j VEsuvn's ! H HJ- JX SLak." CL2 n 2 1 Bllll.sl e,lr hnte.t property, situated on the A s.li.bury Road, about I H mil. lla-tol I.in. oJiil-ai, ii.. l-en rsei ntly put in a slnte t thorough r- se.it, o.l i.lNrrwiKr im prut .if, by lh unilcisigll- fir-,r.ri.-i,rstl ai,r is now in full blast, turning cT .ii (,nrB, of the hi sl nnulity of CASTiTiOX WAltK, '-'is.iiiif.plni.d in the Smith. The prnprt. I'.ra o"l lo le ahrit all tim.stn till all orders. Islh y ".li..l...lesd retail, upnn.uel. term, and s.h eu. il na wilt fflts full antisl'.ellon In all ".ii. who ui.y laii.r tin in with their patron.. A. V. liKEVARP, I K. .1. DKEVAIiD. ! Sili.lu, , H'.lpb.iun ami Concord tiatillecopy ''''' snd forward at.llt l this oilier. -'". 'i:. IO.-.C .lm I A AIKS 31. T-DM'.V. U-avt n aaHKvii.i.r, . -'.,) WITH k. m. n ii t; v r. c;o., i w toaTKnn k i v W'Moi uai r nri.raa i I:riiii anil lloiiicslic (lootls; ALSO, t. Vv. ti-sva. a vviini.r.s.i.a nxiirns in fit rv'firrTn tiLttutircu, m.if$ t.i'.t.t. aiii. stro Kt . 7,x,. aj i a,' a. I u'l f - a - ? ". 'tis t r xrs.ixi f roa "rua h. v. raanr. K0. 56 JOHN STREET. The Mar ..(. ClIARLOTI'i:, JANUARY 88, J656. BACON, llama. Ih. 11 00 Sides, . " . H'H round " ' Shoulders, . Bagging, la, I ton, I'lcf, . Uiitti r, HiTl, . . Ilcans, . Uraiicly, Applo, . " Punch, . Cottoll, lleW . Cntli-e, . lb. Ih. lb. d lb. . lb. lb. builivl gol. it: : ib. . ib. Ih, Ih. bushel . such yard yurd doxi'n . Hill Ihi. bhl. Ib. Ih. Ih. hbl. . gal. . huhvl 12 10 II 18J 4 15 ao uo 60 0(1 ) i 30 7 20 a:! 1 I'O 75 d 14 i 2H i 4(1 a 18 i .'.5 i 1-JJ , " i :;j i 1.1 i m 37 i U i S i III I 511 i t;i 40 i Ii i AO i 00 i $5 i m ' at i in 73 i 1 '.'.' . .Ml i it) I L'7 i ai i t-0 i 15 3.i Sft 25 6 15 20 :io oo 41)0 i 00 40 II b 10 65 1 70 oo 6 4 00 00 00 00 14 11 00 315 J t 1 50 55 i;-; j Canities, Adiuiiuiiliiic, Sperm., . Tallow, . (Vrn, . Chickeua, . ' Ymuecy', ' v.vt., ', , .' Flour, M Krlhrr, . I.nril, i . Mm ton, . I Murkrrt j, . . . ! MiloacT . 1 M til Mnlk'U (Wilmington). Ih. (Inl . to.li(-l . . lb. . . buxli I . . bunlii'l . buliil . - butfhvl . - lb. , Ib. - ' . Ib. bushel . I'ork, . . . . I'm, ... I'ouIim , Irish, . " hirtvt, . liiur, . rMiynr, frfihf, I Hruwn, . S..nr.Wr-, Hull, . 'IV When!, litnUry, Nnrtlitru, " S. :ri.ino. I (1m. I Hlgi l) Ltd. . llli'.ihi'il -. bale V am. COI.1 MWA M A I; l FT. oi l iai, Jn. i!6, ISIfi. I O'lTUN. The al.-s .,f Ihe w.i s tool up !)"0 .', s, and we now nuole : interior 71 to H : i.rdnn rr H to f'i ; midiiliiig '" i good iiintdling I., bj. Slid lair r I to 'J cents. HM.Lt-lSTiJA MAKKKT. i ifati.to, Jan. 'Jsi, lh."(j. U ITtN 'I'Iip tftBst-ticiiw t" J.y wrro luni t. (I l' hImmiI 7MI bjltd, t t xln ii" rn.jjiiiB fruin r t.l'ic The martvt t tiM-v tiiu It-ill ic'n i;ti niiiil. Iiatt .Mett trr cuUr -ml prict li-v cjitln.LO i Ufou nut (U.tnti.nn yeitti f rhiy . m house. COSCOUlh -V. c. lll-l Snlienl-er lake pleasure in annmnieing lo Lis I'm in In ami the Travelling puhl.e gen. 'I ersllv, tl-al iii. has re f-pii.O ninl t-.keu charge the old will know .. ot ( j. it. Ill III' il ij IXii.l in tins i.laee, uniler I'.e name of the "SMITH II' " "SR." and ha vug tin-roughly re f,;r,-l,e.! ami rep. .reel Ihe establishment, he is iw,w prepared to aeeiotiinoiut. lirgular and Transielil 11's.riiers. lis flalurs hiiiiself ih it every necessary sr. rangement haa inen made to promote Ihe eo-nloil of his guests. Ills rooms are enuilor table s rati w ell furnished, hi servants s!L-iitive and i.!edii 111 and hia lahle constantly supplu d w ill. the b, st of the season so that h Is fr 1. Oe. sba II W a lit III t h llig to l.ke their s-li U-n ptesanl sutl sgreshle. II, s r-TAHI.KS am lurnl.tied with the heat lli-stli r' and Ltl abundaucenf the b. st Provender. W.M. II. S.M'IH Csneord, N. C, Jan. S1. lejli. 4:ilf T 111 K tuhserilier will si i II no ll.e Hth of Fi'ru. sry ri xl, on the premises t.lil. bin i PLANTATION i cnntaimmr about 175 acres, lying S mm. aoutli I tvesl of I Ii. rlolle, on tlie Nation Ford Koad, and known as the Too. Spralt fliee, join.rg I s J,,hn and Cyrus VV illiaioson, ,V1 y. Hart I Oh II... nr,..r. is S s Anil t f)rlltrijf llouaef mid olhrronl buibiit.ja. 'llie IbiI ia wrl!.Hi red ml ami,, hit frr the eulliTtHuu of t uttitii or 4rntii. Al0 at lb. a me lime and pia-, 1 wiil w'l I) my oth er ciy( enaialiitg ff ft Iliii-iana, jilllr niift ll'S, iA'.Y, KU'DL.; 11 AY, Jr., Jr. AIMilT ()()() lbs. of HA CON, an.) lb- 5th nii-rat in a A t i: X T T 11 H A S 11 K a. Terms made known on the day of sh-. W.S.DANIELS. J.BHar, '."i, 156.' 1 50 Washinir jI:id Kasv. f- s, A N KVV 2nd ehe.p t.'nslnr.g Machine f.-r wnah. log eb.thrs call l- had ..t III hop of J. M. Sandir. If any prefer Ihev Can by lesving their Tut- w ilh Mi. Sind-rs ha tl.em toiinrted ii.lo a Washing Machine, jll soil ex ne the Machine and if you don't pronounce il good linn I am no judge of Wash, lug, that's all. P. S. WIIISN'ANT. 'an. 15, iM.'ili. 4. If TAYLOR. riCKSOM, GliAVt S It CO., (.Vcrrssoi tu Uvlrt, 7i.yoi A; Co .) XlanalJClurcrs alld W boh sale Deah rs in CLOTHING, ,s. iiimi 31 ii:v stki:i:t, NEW YOUK. JJ, .S -W- .r . , V II POll Taff' t 11 IS KlIOCKillffl IjIM OUll-sl Ulirt lillV't. lmn. II K Hllih slgntd bega leave lo return his I lis nl. a to llmse w ho fatured him w lib a call .lorniff the last year and he n siH-ctlully inlorms; Ihs puUlie that l.e pas reinoveu .o .ue r,,, ... ...j urei.pi.-d by M. ssr.. hmii- A. Wliin..in ad - VI, J. ltu.ii. ill's Planing .Mills where he is prri,l,rti ex. cute all work in his line, a c lit an ld ,Hj CJ bu done in Ihe State. ,,.. r.,ln- CPTevu. RfnairinC a 111 IllUk, wuvv.n " " , s. Will. KUS " TMinl of all descriptions, making and repairing Mill SiiiiidlcsWoud Naincrs. I'lonshs. li'oiiins U iitfonn, and iu iioitsn-siioi in(..a-.. I I . ...... an one for nentnrss. wear and any one lor nentnrss, wear sou ,o.- 11. piteli: liileriiiing sum . , cast steel luce or stiel pistes '.'. N. B. Mr. W. Heard the tiun and Loeksnntli can be found al the aU.vt eslahlishinel.l. S. .1. PKHUi . Jan ft, IH.'ifi. 4litf Hail Hoad Stock. JVC ii S.ll.K. f W II. 1, eii-e to Public S .le, on Iliursdny ot ......i, ru. b..ii..ne n.i s. c k,.,i iiian.-". , i (load l ntop.tny. iviirp ""' "" - - j W. A. Ll'CA.-O'.' IjDissolution. fajHR copnrtnrnliip heretofore existing under JL tho imiiHiol'C. '1'. Eborhurdt SlCo, wan di. H I lulvi'd on th lit instunl. Pcriun indebted will plouvn come iorwurd and nettle aa ll.e buaineit ol ' the firm mutt bo settled up. ' C. T. EIJERHARDT & CO. nit m tfc . ! The auhncriber ruturna hia tluinka In hia friends I for llm encouragement bestowed upon the firm of V. I. I'.hurliiircll . Co., anil ho takes this oppor tunity of informing them thai lip is now carrying on the business on his "nwit hook ' at the old stand, nearly opposite to Kerr' Hotel, where he ia prepnred to attend to all orders in his line. ' All work warrunted. C. T. EBERIIARDT. Jan. 15, 1856. 47tf LATEST HNEWS BY THE isisT sriM3ii:in Jnl ICrrriifd ii l v li ki.,v f LADIES IH. ESS GOODS, anion; tlieui may be founJ, COXGBESSBGAirRS, with heels and thick soles, a superior article, worth 43.UD. AIJIO T.ailiea Congresa liaiter, thin soles, $i.50, l.aihialioat and .Mororen Ihiolei s $1.2f5 lo 1.75. Clnlilren'a tiui t and .Morocco I.aee Bailees, Misses 'jailers, ussoited colors, ?ud fur Oenls. Wi r. We have Bootees and i liters of nil gradi s, and testimony enough lo be found lb., t they arc good ! and cl a p. Also ! J..,,j and Cents. OVER PIIUKS and Il"B I HI'IKS. ,i not delay in sending or calling yourself, as tliey are disappearing l.y scores every diy. Males, CASH. Xudciluclii.i. in price nl 1S MINE'S, floor anil S'lioe ICrnpoi itim. Jan. , I !.:. 4htf Ha- liJil ,Aolir-. 'kit I 2 1 M.IC XOTICK is h. rehv given, thi-.l nil J the Notes ami Account ol SI'liATT & AI .Sil.PHA'IT, UA.MKL ii. Co., and A I.I.I. SDN A DAMKI.. are tranfirid tn the unnc. sii;iieil, ! -r ihe ben tit of the creiiMors of said 1'irnis lesjwrli vi I v, am) thai tin y are til Ihe ha mis ol J. K. DAM IX lor inuneiiiatc enilectu.ii. J t I.oi.gi r iniiutgenee cannot he gntii eelits must Itt rmid. aa ihe JOHN ALLISON. J. 11. DAN IKE. tee. 31, 155. 4tf jvTy3 Notice. VI. I- PKRSJS in ni'rcnrn with me, for their pultlic and iSuttf TAXK.S, am rcqucattd to nuke imnifliate pay iiitnt. H iny frienda will on. ly tmuiiic t'n-nmt l U lo-ik fr my rtcf-ijiti up lo Hit- y if JH.)3. il' thi y dut find li.nn iu tlieir iuuriiii'n, prbapa by clltoif iri me tbry ran ft liM-ni. After neil Aril Court, thoa failing to ay will find llu-ir iiMnirs in a iru led hat, will, tiie iuiim due fur wiiicli they muat not bbme T. N. tl Ap. LKXANDER, Former eSUcriff. V. STATE OF NOUTII-CAUOEINA, M . K .Y. HfRO f nL' T V, Cmot f I'cui unit Quarter Settiont, 0 to iler 1' trm, 1855. tieorgeSlewa.l orif;i n Attach. Thr ('jipa Mining ( t'liijitny. ' IT (i ttrinj tu tlie antinfuctmn f the Court, timl li,f dt lrndiut are nt inhiibitatita nf thia JMiir. bnt raidr bt jond the limit ot the atiiif, It it thttefr OidercH by the I outt, Th.it f .biirattnn lie ma.ift lm nx rrnt in ine innn i i,r,ii, VV hie i, i.fwapap-r print! in Ine town IH'v in 2 tbe nut ilttrnoaiita tn be f i. ,rntie. and ii-:r at the mxt Urin nf our a. id court, lo ) ,j f,,r thu roiiMfof M-rkl.M.bnrt;, tit the mui t li'Hiau in l itrtrli ttc, on tut 4th Al ritiJ.iy in J.ihury nxt, tln-n and there to plc.id, mswef or c!f inur, r jUiijjmtiit pro conf' ajo mil be 1-kt.n apnuil I ht in. ilnrra, Wm. K. K i!f chrk of our enurl, at ofl'iLi , top 4th Mono.iy in tVt.iUr, Ifj5, and in tlie- hOth year of Am nt-nn I ticfpin n-tt net . W. K. KKII), r. c. c. I'nnli r'a fee t4D STATE )F MM.T1I-CAUOLINA, Mi;. KLKMILUU t'hl'MV, Cbuit nf I'leus and Quarter e.sions, Orto Ur 'A ' in, 1 'oo. Kohcrt VI. (jurdan Original Attachment. ,iue. ET appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, tanl t I'.e delindal.ls i.i ttiisc.ise ri'snle beyond the Innils of Ihe Slute : ll il therefore ordrird bij the Conn, liiat puhNs-ation be made six weeks, ill the Norlh Carolina Whig, a newspaper published hi the town of Charlotte, notifying llie said llelen d suts to be snd sppenr nl the nut I. -rut of our said rnu! I, to he held lor snd county, nt tin- court-house in I h.rh tf, on the -lib Moiidsy in January next, then and there to plea. I, answ er, or demur, er judg. incut pro eoul, sso will be taken against tlieui. VV iitiess. VV. Iv. Iicil, clerk of our said court. -,l ..ll',.-e ii. 1 lo,rl..tli oi, the 4ih Aliil.dav in Oeto, i... i.-.-. i ... ii,.. wi.ii, ... v mm 1 ' r pi ndeliei . W. K. I1EID, r. i. c. Pr nlel's fee f fi. t-l'.i S TA TE OF NOKTH-C'AltOEINA. .MKt'KI.KMIl Ktl I OL .NTV, Court of I'h tts an Quarter Sr'lJ.t, Octo ber Term, 1 KV. Ji-reui.ah Skinner J Original Attachlucnt. h.nne. S r; npK' airmj; to the satisfaction of the court. thai the ueli nihilits nre Hot I II hit nil i II I s ol this Stale, bill reside beyond the Itimls ol the slum, 17 J thrrrjnre Vidrrtd hy tir l otnt, Th.t piihlic.iti.iu be made for an weess in Ihe vorth I I'nrolins Whig, a newspaper prmiid in the town of Charlotte, nnttyini the taid .l.-lciidanls to lie and appear in tuc nesi mm vi Mil mm., i M fr th county of Mecklenburg, st the I ur( () e jn (ha rlolle, on the 4th Monday in J.,,,,,.,!) next, then and there to plead, answer or ,i, mur, or judjiiiii nt pro con ft sso ii! bu taken t,Iln, Hit in Witness, Wm. Iv. Kind clerk nf our (ourt. at nflici , the 4lh .Monday in October, ISj.i, ami iu the t-'lllh year of American Independence. W. K. KEID, cr. c. Printer', fee JC. OS STATE OF M )in'll-l'AlU)Ll.NA, MKi KLKMU'llU COUNTY, Court of I'leas and tuailcr Sessions, Oeto. tier Trrrn, l"oo. John VV ilket ra. Same, V 'rigiiial Attachment. IT appearing lo the satisfaction of the Court, Unit the defendants are net inhabitants ol (Ins State, but reside beyond the limits of the same, ( is Aerriirr Oidned hy the ( unit. That publication he made for aix weeks in the North Cnrolina Whi a newapujur printed in the town , ol t Imrlntte, notifynp the anid defendanta to be j ned appear nt the next term nf our a.nd Court, to, be held lor tne conniy 01 .urraii-nnurK, w Court. IIouh in i ni.rioue.on ine im . nus. J.tnuiirv next, then and there to pleitd, unawer demur, or judgment pro confeaao will be takcn rga.ttsl in... 11. W itness, Win. K. lieid, clerk of our court, at office, tho .Ith Monday in October, 1S55, and in the ""tul. year ol American Independence. VV. K. KEID, t'.c c. Ti inter's fee $h O'1 liLANK DEEDS For t,ale here. - - Cod dte Crcrfc Academy. (W M V ' " """""" " Z 11 U. kgc, will oiwn a permanent School at Ihe aoovc named Academy tho 1st of January, 1856. College in a healthy regmn of eounlry, ,n ll.e, miu.i o. smors. auu rcgMiu. comn,..My. looo boarding eun be had for tb.00 per month. Terms of tuition per session of fine months, Klenientnry Knylish brmiches Higher Kllglih I'n.nehes 81.00 B.0O t'lussicul Lunguuges and AlKebrn! 12 50 N. JOMNi-p'N. J. E. lT.hfeSLY, CYIIL'S l'IKMING. Die. 31, lej'i. 5 w r STATE OF NOIITII-CAIOLINA, MM KI.KMif Kfl rOUN'lfc-, Court of J'teus anil Quarter Sikiont, Octo- I tier irrm 1 f5. U mi. I lihyno i r. rir isl Attach. Uil-I.l. i Tl.o Cinrlnlle upper Ac Oold 1 - Mlninr tiinnliv. 1 IT iippeann; to tiiu satisfaction if the Court, j that the ilelenilants in this eus.enie liey c.iU , the limits of the State: It it ther-jtrr ordrrrd thf Corift, Ihat pulilietitirin be moo.4.ix weeks, the .North I arnlina Whip, a news in the town of charlotte, notifying daiits to be unit appear at the next t er piilili.-.lied r sal. fiLtelt. n ot our said court, to be In Id lor said County, ut tl court. house i in fcharlnlte, on the 4th .tlonduy in f nuary next, j then and there to plead, answer, or d4nur, or jinig u4nur. or Jung, laiisl tin in. menl pro ennlesso w ill he taken aga i Witness, W. K. Keid, clerk ol o-. su -1 eouri. atnfliee in Charloile.on the 4tliI. ol eto. b. r, 1H55, ami in the oOlli year oi "is."iicun Inde peiidencc. I W. K. RE II c. c. c. Triiilcr'a fee C. j i l'J STATE OF NOKTH-CAIhJJNA, MK'KI.EMIUHIi COf.NT, Court of 1'lcus and Quarter Hnfons, Octv Ur Term, IsOJ. i Peter Phifer j rt. -Original A tlaclifnt. Same. J I' ' appealing to ll.e sa tis faction If the Court ill it tlit ii ft ml a ii tt in tttm c irstisiiic bvyuuti Ine limits of Hie State : It is thrnit otdtrrd Oy J tne I ttttit, thai publication be u.ari lix w.cks, in the .N'urtn f ar, .Ijii.i Whig, a news r pnhlislied ' in tlie town oft hiirlolle, noltlying I..- said delVn- ! danls to be and appear at the m-xt t-l. ol our said , i:ourt, lo le hi hi for said county, a I t coin t.houc j in I harh.tte, on the ltli .Wanda in Inuary next, ' tin n ami I here lo pie ui, n us w er,or 1(1 ur, or jhiijr. ' llieot pro ci-rifi sii will be 1al.cn sglist tin in. ! Witness, . K. Itei.1, t Ii rk ol r said t ourt, ul otliee in Charlotte, on the 4tb M ilay in Octo ber, 1855, and in tl, UOtli year of Aerie ,n Indc- pendchce. U . K. r. r. r. I'rinler's fee till I'ATKOF M)!rni-rA01.1.NAf Court of ' '.m and tyua- trr St iunf Q' to- U r Jcrit P.j.. J'ljllt tfUIIr. i rt. Original AttnCi.mf. S.niit?. j IT apinarinp to llie aatievfuctton, thr Tciurt, tin. I the ni'fend.tnU are nut libit mln of Una Sl.ilt. bul naufi b'vi.nd tlx fits iff the iwiine, Ut theirfott Ortiri td Ly tht)uit Tlmt r-uolir jtton hi in.tdc fwr u vtf kn tin: North C.irolm.i Whip, a npaKr prinlfti llie towu of l'bir?ottc, iiotifyinp 1h; a.iid it Vr!..nla to he nnd npp-r at the pi-si trrrn nf onr ii ( uuit, to be hold fur the county of .Mrclilrirp, at the i oiirt.llouae )ii harlotte, on the -IMwiiday in Janu-try in xt, ll.cn and th rc to t. uiiKWrr or drmur, r jutiguu nt pro cunlchao 1 be t.iktn apiint tlicm. V;linai, Win. K. ilrid.rhxk ofr rouft, lit r flice, the 4th Mndiiy in cti.Ur j. and in llie HOth year of Aii't-ri-".'in I iidrfM mrr. W. K. UEI r. r. c. Printer's f.-e 6 Oil STA'J'F. OF .NOin'll-CA)LINA, MEi'KLEM'.l HO ( lil'M Court of l ira und Quarter HrviX, OlIo her Tt rm, I S55. Adam Slarnes i 0,!"iiinl Altitrknir j i ''f1' ! l T upnt-finnc to the a..liHj'.iclionof the vt, that ' the rit'ft iiitrtnU in t cum: rrtid 'tiiil toe liiiuta ot the M;.li: : i thrrrjore orf by ttie Couit, thut publication be mdc aix wijin the Nrlb I'aro.ina Whip, a ntwpapr puht d in tue Unn of t. bairlullct. noLifiiig tbt, defn. (junta to be and nppt r ut the ih xt . riu nr h-tid cotirl, U he hi hi tor a id count v, a I the cUlu-UHt in t biitloltr, on the 4th Momi.ty iu J.ii jf n tt, then and lh rt In plead, a n wrr, or flcin t ju.i- j iiieot pm ct,ntrMt h ill he t ikn i'gainin. j W tinea. . K. Keid, clerk ol our t court. at oil i up in i ban on the 4th Munil ,i I let... b. r. lo , ai.d in tin ?0tii year of Amen June- pt licence. W. K. REII), . r. 1'rint' ' fi e $C. - , -I .STATE OF .Oin iI.OAUNA, ! ML. KI.EMtt'RO COl" .MY, Court of I'leas and tuaitt r Sesii, Orto In r 'Jiiut, li5.". Martin Stevens i r. -Original Attaclimr Same. 5 T T hpp. nrmg to the salisfactii n of llV.nri, si that tiie dcfendanls ore not inhihts of tins Stale, but reside beyond ihe linit" ihe i same. It it the retort Oi dried hy the t mi t I pllhlieatinn be made for aix weeks in. I! erth ! Carolina Whip, a newspaper printed It town of I harlotte, iiotiiymg the said dcfcnJanii be I and appear st the next term of our sod I , ( j he held fur the County of Merklcnl.urj, the Court. House in Charlotte, on the 4lli ot jn j Janunrv next. III. u and there to plead, ansur i ilemiir, or juilguit nt pro confesso will tic n! against tin-in. W iincs- olT'Ce, till- lue tOth V Wm. k". Reid, clerk nf onr foi:,( Ith Mo i day in Oeteher, 1,-5.1, i. al uf American Indenen.'elie.. V . K. l.EIP, C. C. j Printer's fee fli. tll ' ...... 1 STATE OF NOirni-CAUOEIN MKi KI.KM'.l'UO CIH'NTV, Couit 'tf J luts awl Qtteiter teutons t ( l.er 'J'e m, 1 ". Ii. II. Ilrawliyl I, . 1 1 . i ,i iing. J I1 T i, i. nenrii, i' to the satisfaction of the l ou.r inni ine inn ooiio.s sr.- tin. S.nte, but reside beyond .he limit, ol tl,ni uusthoM Wurds, and Cody's Lad l'a aame, Il it thtreimt Oi dr, ed i..i the f,-i; t . I h Ullk ' 1 ' - ,.,,i,i,..i,nn s. o.-iite 'or sit weeks nt" I he Nort , ' . e- - c i .- .- , ' puiilicniion ne m.utt .or six itss in .or j,( rjr,, taking five Inemherships arc cnlit ed ,,.i,. ! . ;,o. r lonii. i n the town t- .1. n . . ..' . ,. Ch.irh.tli-, not, fving tl.e said defen.lant, lo he a.i appear st the n. xl term of oHr said curl, to b..f lr, tUv ,- l,.,1.ri,,ipi !ir,. i held f.,r the county ol Mecklenburg, at the court ,,,,, , ,,,,, ,,UPiiascof work, of Art li.r the i house ii. I hiirlolle, on mo -.to .nolo j . ao.i- ni ynt xi, tin n ond tin rc to plead, nnswi r or .nur.or udgincnt pr.. conlesso will be lukcn gainst thilll. , Witness, Win h. Rc.J. ' erk of our cour oflice, the 4th Monday in Oc obcr, IfcU.. and lilt' r.Hil YLdI Ul .1 llll " T " " " W. K. KKII), c. c. c Prinler'a fee . on STATE OF NOKTil.CAKOElNA, MEt Kl.K.M'.l ltd COL' NT V, Court ofVlctix and Qrurter Sefons, thtn Ur 'Irrm, lso'i. C. Overman : 1 C. Wilson I ,;..,.; Aslachmret. e. I S.iini!. J TT aoneiirioff to the an tihf.ictinn of the Court, E that the deft ndnnt in thia c tw reside U-y .Uvt'. i.Hnnl in this Ciw reside nevond mijt,, uf tiC Si:tv i It therefore pule red fottrt, that publication be inadn atx weeks, ivwrl,'(..r(,inB Whijr, a newspaper puhhahrd . . of I harlotte. nnlitytniT the aaiU HtKn. ... jit tu fa m appear l Hie next termor our auid or i ' . , , tl(r B1d county, al he emirt-boiiae jM t nari1,tte, on the 4th .Monday in Jinuary next, I then aim mere n. pica... om m ... ....... j"",- 1 nient oro confess., will be taken against Ihetn. Witness, W, H. lit id, clerk of onr said Court, at oin.-e in Charlotte, 011 the 4ih Monday in Oeto. ber, Ip55, ami in the until yrarol American ludc. petith lieu. ' W. K. KEID, r. .'. t . Printer's fee ii. t43 5 Dollars Reward. 1 IT OST "r "boutlth. loll, instant, a i.rSe , M , , ....... i, . ,. ... , of tecc- onH fM,lV' N1(J, rt ,d jn fVkruil ,kJU . t; B- MMiHn, , rr ,o0 ,. , hl Au., w .. ono . Marcus Ferris, tor Ij.'l.'i, dnied in August, 1851: one on Siiml. (:, Harris, for (8, dated It- l!l, month not reeolleelrd ; ono on Jus. A. Porter, for 4, dn. ' til IMf); one note on Peler Hrnoiley, for KU), ! ; dated aonirtiine in lH4!i uncon Charles Taylor,, I sen., fur li,d :te.l someliine in 1 f I ft. line jiailg- i . u.ciit on i'uul 'J. i urr, for nlmut v!5 i one jixlg. ! .nu..a ......... r. 1 .I......I ... . iua ! All persons lire forewarned trading for any ol Ihe i ....... on . . in. iii.vr, lor vi, uuicu nnoin i ct., shove Notes or Juii.rieuta und tlie .tinkers nrc nr. - , tifi. d not lo pny them lo any one hut myself. A , rcu&rfl ot rive Dullurs will ne pant to uuy of 'who will deliver the taid Notes, and Juilgmci V to me. S. A. STKtVART. I )r. S-l, IMS. 3w STATE OF NOIiTll-CAl.OLINA, LINCOLN IOTNTV. Superior Court o Jmic, lull Trim, IMf). Ffiincus 'J'. tMirlnt' v ri' tit ion fur I)ivorcc. Henry P. ( Vmrtuey A X this case, it apponring to the satisfaction of Ja the court that the delemlnnt reside, h- yond , the Ii in its of this State : It is Aci rforr Qidrrtd liy l tlie court. That pnhliention be limde for three i months, in tho " Not Ih Carolina W hiiz " and the " Western Dcinoerut," two newspapers published in the tntvn ot ( hnrlotte, giving uotice to Ihe said Henry P. Courtney, that he must lie and upcar ociorn mo j uoife ol our fnpcriur c ourt ol law ot tlie next couit to he held for said ii.l county, at the1 court. house in I.incotulon, on II,. sih U In v after Ihe 4th Monday in February next, then cud mere ut plead, or demur to said petit , other. judgment pro conleaso will be rendered gainst him, and ndeerec made ncordiiiglv. Witness, linbert Williamson, Clerk ..f our said curt, ktulKce, the Hth Monday after tin- 4lh Jinn. ; day in August, A. 1). 155, end in the sjotl. year i ot our Imlcnemlehee. ROUT. WILLIAMSON, CW.- Printer's lee ld. i2 S. W. WESTIJHOOKS, J'r'ijiriitor of the Guilford 'onioogiatl UttrrfciiS ii ltd Xttrseriis, rt Xk Vl , n respectfully ?PSJa. I ifea. W V call the alleiit.on CVjSrg I seiT of our Southern citizens to CS-SfissV" j aaaa.w his si-h-ei eolleclion of na. M S live unci aceliimit.il varieties of Fruit Trees, cm. i bracing some 411,000 trees of llie following varie. ' I lies, viz: Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Apricot,! .Cherry, Xeeinrine, Aimond, also a choice assort. ! mint of Crapeviuer, Itaspherries, Strawberries, etc.. etc. . I All orders, nccou.piiiiid with the cash, will re. reive prompt attention and the Trees lleatlv pack. Jed nr.d directed tn any portion of the enuntrv, i P. S. Persons wishing Ornamental Trees can he supplied. 1 Pec. 1 1. 18"), 3m ! from Ihe Crimea ! r Bin i" Mil eriber desires tn inform the citizens rlolle and the "rest of mankind." JL that lie has also received a new supply of FALL& WINTER which he will sfll on at accommodating terms aa his neighbors. His Slock is new and fresh and is comprised in part of the following articles, vie: -SS d 1 4. d -Si" -V Js., ' V.j, j Handcart; if ;, t,rocrries, Hal", t':i!i, EtoiitK, ;!:ors, ' Ready-Made Clcliin?, &c. ; He haa also for the Ladies a fine assortilic.it of Cloaks, Talmas, Mantillns. liawls. ' u A ,.! nr un:n.. e:n. o...r... j . m i. j i cuui'ic nimB, ol 1 1 li, O lin nmnv other aititiia tiiit will be rrrtnin tn nlr.ia.t. All he wanU ia a culi. und tie fttU certain ol -f tictuii? a (j!p. 13. W. DAVIDSON. Cosmopolitan Art Association.' SECOND YE All ! ' rond Annu:il ' A UP NGK.MI..TS for the - oi.tetun ol 1 1, is m w and I'., polar Inslnu :,wn t,,r ,lte f I.iter ih re und Art, have ' bet n ittatrfc on the in st i xUnsivt aealc. j Among the worka ulreaey engaged, ia tb fur- 1 fumed IrHHOi. CSauCISIS,' vcliieh orlgin-illv c'l 'Pen Thousand Dollars. In forming tiie New Collection, the ditliiMon of work, of American abt, and the encuiirageiiient ol Aim ri(?an genius have iiot bet u overlorknl Ciiiimiiiiion bnve be n issued tn niiiny of tlie nmt diittijiuisbed Ani'-riran Artmls, who will contribute ome nf their HiicnI pmtluetioni. A lunng tliem are Ihree Murble Jiuats, execut. d by the n-iilesl Sculptor. II1RAM IHlWEliS. . t I e . ' (, ; V W ' : J l $ f LS-i 'w' jJ . VV . L JU, t V' L Olll The Vathrr nf Ait Country, ri r,t'1(i 7 -i ''7"f.T vi i m .vi r -r.a The Ihiiunjihri'. " TV frN rT I The Statt&man, V sttreia n-o nt has visit, .1 1'ilrn.w. nitrl l,,n,l. cjr, u UIllj j.jU,eius silsctions of foreign works of An, hoiii'in llronze and M.ti bh ; Statuary and U'hoiee Paintings. The whole forming a large ami valuable col. lection of Paintings and Statuary, to lie distr bu. led I'll KK aiiiong the rnnnbi rs ol the As.ueia lieu for the Sceotid Year. ti:kms m Mi viiti itsinr. Tl.c. payiiicnt t.f Three Doih.rs coiistilutes npy e-uc a number of this As-soeiiition, and intitles Itim lo either one of the M igarines lor one vear. I and also n tn ki t in llie distribution of the Sl ilu Original Aitachnii ul. lrv ,. I'rtll,ii,,,. J ,c Literature issued lo stlliterihers consists ,i ,.,ii..-n, M....n.i.- i...u. . n. ........ uiuam's, 1 n lekerhocker. Hint kwoot! s. lira., t'ic k i.ts in the .ii.tributi The n.'tt ma. onr. vi-.,r de. a. TIIK ADVANTACI S M'( I Ttl II , .Vcii.iog a Inelober of litis Association, nre , at , A , . ... cr,HllI', , . . tt, i lhc sh..pe of .teri.ng ! I .....,.- u.ne I.itt future. I, l.ueh m-t ulier ia contributing ton ar! ifcMi g choice Worka-nf Art, wbieli art to lie : Itld nmonj; themaeUea, nnd are nt the an me iie..iir.-.(rni ihe ArliMs of the country, di.. 1 ' I hi .i... nils nf ilol l.t r th ri.oi. h it. 1,1. ,11- v 1 . h - - .- , una in reuniting l inula lor titcmUrmnp, w ace jjive tin ir ro-T ot-Fier ApnaFa. in n i l., ' 1,1 the HMintil they Wn.li the M ipazim? to re,and have the letter rcgiaU rrd a t llie' ' i e to p revent bm a ; on ila receipt a cer nieuiberhip, toother wilh the M C'' "'led will be forwarded to any part ol t!ie cm i 'W no purenaae .MitMi'iiri at inwhsinrrH. iy . w,lfcrvc ihat by jnininn Una AHMoci.it. on, i in ' llltve the M.ij;iiiiiie nnd free ticket in the I iu ! Qr,llMrihntmu on till at the aumc price they ! ; """ir mt ,mij;i.jiiie umiic. rvji crships. athlri-ss. E. DEK1JY, Arttian, . A. At eif tbepriiiri)ial Otti,:es " Knieker-Mag. nine r. 31N Hrodwnv INew York: or West- j ern O mi. Water street, S,.idiisi,y, Ohio. , " " " " " 1 Y'O for the J'r'irt of Vftjierti, full SALE 11 EKE. ICl'i i',;i; f'lT t-.'e r.t ti$ OrT-r. I Notice. A 'f persons ha ring claims against Ripley, Springs &. f'n.urc reoucftcd to present them properly uullu nlicaled oceor. iilig to law to me, or this nntiee will K- plead in har of their rreorry. john m. sria.vus.yir""'. VictmUr II, IP55. 43tf "g" J. Itcmotal. TAKK pluasiiro in informing my fiiemla and ine piiiine gei.erolly, Unit I am reniimuig In.m . my present Store, ml jniiiing the C nurl House to No. I M f It i r.. . i ...... ... . .a, oi.unu: tiuw, rieiweeu i riienaril A. t .now ' Urtig Store and Messrs. Trotter's Jewelry Ksiab. liahment, nnposite Sadler's lintel and fornicrlr nc copied l.y Ilrueker A Summers, where I will b pleased to se all those who may favor nia will, a call. 1'. V. A II REN'S. Vrttmltr 4, 115.). .Jif tAotiee. A I.I- (Iimnliat. wlio hate not rtir'd tlxir Im.dJii within (' Lt tlifri yt'iir, rc hue. by lKiliHi-d lo do to ut tin J.mii'iry t 'oiirl, fr iiuti. ci-a will be insued at'cortlinLr t lw. K. 11KID, r.c.r. Ihcrmher 11, 155. t-17 Exactly So! fMVlK subscriber respeetiully informs the cili. Jl tens ol Charlotte ond the public gem rally, that he ia still carrying on the 'Tl V VI VP UITCl V IX'C - I HA HI ) A i1. opposite Kerr's Hotel, where can be found nl all times a full assortment of IMiAIX & .JAPAX'D: '11. V 1 IT I Ik II I 1 il vrhie.li will he sold low, cither by the w liolesale or retail. 1 have aihle.l to my STOCK OF WAIIK, I'tttiislird Tea ond Cojf.e J'ejts, Tea Trovt, j iWf unit I hi iint!it jt,irH Set.i, Spire Jlnjrrs, Xurrc's Jinipx, Ten timl L'iilte (.'mi ulsters, t.'-wk a Ltiilles, Gluss Ijttute, i us, J,trrl Lumps, and a grout ninny other articles in that I. inc. have also a few eels of Jinns Atid li oi s, tl 'irrl nnd Tnojss, Sud or Smithing L ous, ij-c, dr., nil which will be sold nt low as they can he boil --lit in tint place. I have hImi on hand, a lew COOK PAKIaiOIt wiiicli will he sold unusually low for ('ASH. O JOB WOliK, sucil as Roofing Guttering, Stove ripes, &c , executed nt sbnrt notiee and at moderate prices. U3 Thankful for past favors I would solicit a coi,ti.iu,iiice of the same. ' SAM E. T. AVItLSTON. A'nr. 13, 1855. 311 if Aolii-e In C l diloi '.. ee A: I),tvin Wall r. I lizaheth Partial! and -usnn pnrnsll, et al. J Dill f. r Sale of Land pay debts. Kli Su A I.i. p. -raous huvinrr dt-minda or.iinnt the en t.itr of Klijah l. J ijinuill, dc-tsia H, arc hi-re. by notified toprfew-nt and eittahlmli Ihrir detnundit before inc. on or b-(Hr Ih1 firf day of .1 nnp n-)U. J. E. MILLElt.'C. E.Y.D. VnririWe, Oct. 1C, 1855. (O. 30) 37-3in S, Jl. HOWELL Saddle & Harness Manufacturer. TURKS DOCKS SOUTH OK SADI.r'.K'fc HOTEL, ii ut lot ri:. i. t . T II n itubhrrlbrr thankful f r the very IiIm ral u;itriii.ie Lj KT -viiv Dmowcu upon mm ourii'i: im pui TrIli year, ha now made. inoreXL iim c t .i prrpn r.t f ii'ii for the future dt inami for w ork iu ' Jin. and will end-ivtir to itirnisli nil thut in;- want Sadules mid Harness, with a superior artie'e at the Inn-rut p'aible prin n He has now on h ind a very large assortment of StultUrs, KriiHcs, Harm su. S;tltllvr 1 1 :i I u .no. Whins. Bnffuln Hnbps. SnHrllB ninths. VI-"." . r . .,- M.irilHfr . MiOg ..I.V, Patent, Enamelled & Harness Leather, tocellu-r v, ,th every thii, usuaily sept in my line of business, AH kinds of Sadules and Ilaruess maiie ri the shurtest notice. 3 A KKPAIIiING promptly executed: M. HOWELL. Orioler .30.1855. 37tf ;i7) Ei -yrrn (I l ft V -it , v -Ja.V ; If so, then call t J. P. Henderson's Stoic, w here you w ill ri nd Illlli UmVMlkMl 1 I'IMILI kkii i:ii i:s : Issued under Ih-: Seal, Sanction and Authority of THE UXIYEttSlTY UF Free Medicine AMI porrL.vn KMIU'LEDGT. Chartered by tiie Sta't- of IVniisvlvaiiin, Aj ril 2$, l-v'j.'l. With a Capital of $100,000. Uiil ilir ll. ., nCrr,.!,,,. ri, '. nrVs.. tii jmse of arr tut$ the tt r ., , . ' now ana worth! f$H .ytulimwt ; . , ,. ,, T' ','.'"!T'y'C n.n...n..y w rc. We Kc.ue.lli-. wlierever alompctc.it I hyslclan Chiinot or w' ill not be cmploved. This Institution i , . .- .....vivi. has iiurchas, d Iron. Dr. JOHN K. KOWANO, hia Cclehraled IKIWAXD'STOXIC a ,sa. Tvak.'.ixaT' ajr h a Known lor upwards..! twrnlv.five rears as ll.e oil 1 v aure and a;ife cure tor ri.vi:i: .uni Aia i:. and hi inpntimab'e Rruiei!y fur ttowr.i. i o.vii'i,.ii.vr , ROW A MVS C'O.MTOTM) v , . " I I i n m. im i hilili O I IUl DLabiVDLjllll I IlUUl t t. t. 1. 1 .. .a 1 1.. IJ : : 11 leu n 1 e it I y spnroveu an 11 in 0, 111 a 1 ivenn inrs. toeelher Willi llie diversity. Keinei'v for COMPLAINTS o! ihe I.I .Nl.s : ' i The Cniveisiiv's Ueuiedv tur DYSI'lll'SlA or , INDll.KSTlo.N j I lhe 1'iiiv.rsitv'a Remedy for COSTIVi:. ! ItoWF.LSi ' ' I Also, the I'NIVF.RSITY'S ALMANAC n.ay ; be had, at the itratteh Dismiissrv, or store of 1 JAMKS 1. IIKNDEI5SON, j lavidt.on Collt'-'o N. C. Citrate ol 3Iapicsia, on a v f.u i r.xi li: 3iox a d i:. tFRI'SH CASE of this delightful ami rcfr. sit ing sptruut jusl opened at SCAliK .V CO S. xVcrr. S1VRF. Aituchmentt fo, !xXlt at tktt (MVf nu I i.i 1.1 I! 1IJIJ - rTN Dividend JN'ofice. TREA SIR KITS OFFICE, coi.i mhia, Dw-. 3fl, way 1 PFMI ANM AI. UIVIDKNU of TiiJtKE rt.lt t i;.NT, upon ili Slock of tliis Conips. . ny, will or paid on He nrsl any of January ncil. J Stoekliolilers in Uiehlauil riislriet muy reeette lln ir ill, ill. nils nl tl.i r,n;.. I-' , 1 r fi ,.1,1 Sl.,. k. i holders will he paid t (lie Hank in Viinslor. ! TIhim. in ( hetter nnd Western York at the Hank of Cluster. Those in North Csrolma and Kastrrn Vurk nl the Agent's office at Clmrlotte. Charles ton Moekliolders ut the Bank ol tin. Mule of Sou 111 Carolina. llOrKMUUT, Sec. & Treas. Die. S4, If 55. lm S'I'ATF. OF .NOirni-CAI.'OLI.VA, MKi'KI.KsnL'RU f'OI'STV, Court of' I'lcus a nit (Jitarfer Sessions, Cteto- Ur Term, 1,).5, Samuel J.urctt J rs. Drieinal Atlaehmctil. :. W. J;irretl. B ' "I'l'aring to the satisfaction of tiie Conrf, , Jl Unit l!,r rjeti iidanl in this ease is not an inhahl. lant of this Stale, hut reside beyond the limits of I Ihe same, It is thrirjort Oidritd , Wr Cswil, Thai j publication he made for six weeks in the Xorfl. ; arolino VV big, a newspaper printed in the town 1 of Charlotte, notifying Ihe said defendant lo bs and appear ut the next term of our said Court, lo i Im- held for Ihe county ot Meekhnourg, at the Couri. House in I hnrh.iii , en the 4th .Monday in Jauosrr next, then and there to uleait, answer or I demur, or judgment pro confea.o will bo taken I against im. W iliH'pn, ni. K. Hi id, e.rrk of our Court, ft oilier, tlto 4tli Moiifliiy in Octobrr. ifcj.'i, and in tbt' Hdtli vrar uf Ainrrii n I imm h tuir ne . W. K. 11 KID, c. r. c. Printer's fee Uli. UK Wilmington, Chailotte & Rutherfordton KAIL-IiOAII. til IISl'AXT loan order of the Board nf Pi rectors nf H i Wiiimiiiloii. (iinrl'iltc and Knthcrferiitnii I . i J R,,r,i; i omp in y, ho iks arc a. gain open ibr suhs.-riptioiia lo Ihe Capital Slock of j eu i.i Id.ail.nl the lioeK Island Stun , ami the r fliees 'of Win. Join stun, C. J. Fox and S. W. Davis. Ail w ho fi el inli rested in the honor and prosperity of j the old North Sialc, ore solicited to come forward iihd aid in this gr. ,.t work, the only real public enti rpi iM- that has i vi r sprung uprn our piople. CII AULKS .1. FOX, ! S.W.DAVIS, I WM. JOHNSTON, JN'o. A. YoUNi;, JOHN' V ALKEli. ! LF.liOY Sl'KINC.S, 1!. II. DAVIDSON, ( omint.smiierp. f)rf. 30. I -."."".. 37ir" 1 ISHliudl yjj CIIKtTKli. JS. C.t B J. It. MCUOLSOX. rB,,ir fcU'atrihir re? pcctltiliy in- - .a:.IP. Mir. M t nun eIU HIC MlJUilC curriiii), ihi, t hm houfci. known aa be M U-iiiroHi: Jf.t i." iiiiiwili tl.e neaiet W imi, i ttill open f.-r 1 ree n(o.ii of reir- itl.ir find ir.insu nl bo.inlcrh i.mi ihe tnaeiJing put. j Li i c ; u nd t h.it b ia inuk in c eiy vr ri ion to cv m rve nnd Miurr a etJittuiiiiii.ee of tin tsind ai d liher.il i.itrniiii,ue n hieti haa Intln rlo been ext -nded-t'i bun. lit tiutit r-. luihc.c!i Uiat Lery ueiue-i ar riii2iii nt ha bun u.ai e to promote tbt cmfnrt f nil who ti.p rfli 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; hia mon.a Hie airy und wrll-luriiiheo, h'a i rt inu nr nl!- ntive utui ibe til, nnd hi tvihio coiibi.tnl'v Mtpplird with tho bei-t nf lue eJion, ao ttml l.ia fruttua will not ! wnnt any nt?. nlnoi n resf-ary to niiike tbt ir ao-.j'-nrn pie:is.int nnd t prpeiibb'. Ilia ifiblea aro turniflied with j;oo.i hurtter and ii n bbimdonce of pmvi inter, ..ml lie is pr. purd ut a nioinentM notice tn upily hi riu-! im ra uitii piitate con. veyiinecptnl i vi ry i.i.rt, lo any prt of the surround. mil' country. lb- deire to r luru 'us arKimwIer'enirutp to the uhtic ..r pnt f ivorn. und nolieiir. lor tho Iu lure in e(tiullv iihcr:tl Mid r- of po I rtiidjre. John It. NICHOLSON. Crf. , n55. yMf aoar.aT .mm ton i. . cithlw-ood. HA.lllI.TO V IIVTIILM UOD, Auction and Commission Merchants, ron Tin: s. 1 1: ok HI. A I. KSTATK, MMROKS, CCTTOX, J Lot Ii, (; HA IS, AVh . iimnih r i'f I'rinliirr and yii'ichmiiVizr, 204 EXCHANGE ROW, EK'IIAIIDSON ST., COLl'Mr.IA.S. C. Fii.roi.Mi Sc. nhiiui-, Allen i- i o., Witi-e &, GiWwin. Charleston; John A. t'riwforu. Kriwin J Scott. Kiehnr'i AiuiiT.sf-n. Kiehr.I I fNeail. Coiuinbia ; J-nii-.s I!. Aiken. VV tunslioro' ; Jumcs Pagan & Co., I h, ter C. II. ; S. N. Stow- .V Co., Ynrkville : W". VV . Kims, ( h.,rjotte, N.C.; Lr. l'.uward Sili.Salis. bury, N. I', j li. I . I'ooke, Concord, X. C. ; Dr. W. Ii. II, .It, la'xinj-ton, N. C. O.I. II, 1j-.',5 31-1 m .Notice. 4 I.I. persons mil hti-d to tlie Ii rm nflrw in. II tig x gins A Co.. will fmdj. F. Irwin or T. D. f;"l Irsple always ready lo s, llie. Aci-oillits and notes not si tt!i d l y January Court will be found in tho hands of an officer for collection. J. F. I P. WIN. T. D. (ilLLKSPIE. Oct. 23. l (;.-,. sctf Notice. A I.I. rernn in.Jebied tu hip br open Account 'm. w ho tio nut come frw.ird 1 V Ju:tuetry t'uurt i.ikI itt!o by ur .Nole, n.iiv txpeel lo etile ith uu ollictf. 15. Ii PAVIPSOX. ,w. 13, 3D if f BIIK public arc'iiereby inturmrd thct the fir?n JS, of Jitorce At biii:jnt w;.s dfoirtd by mutual coirnt on Ihe l.'lth nti;uit. Ail persona iinJehitd tu itl ti.iii .ire r j'n ted to ce-me Ior wurd nnd Mttle tbt ir .iT"iii.M, c;"b r bv Nule or t"ith ; und all liavinj accouni avuint tuc snid firm wilt plcafc brin forward the same turaeltic tociit. One or both t,f the fn in will Lc at the aliop for that purpose. GEOr.t.E .1 WlilSN'ANT. Ort. Id, 1?.",5. .fjlf WILLI A 31 31. TIWMO. r.lt Toic .v co. fi.rii.sxio.Y )ii:i;ciiat. rmt ri.oKiiiA ( (iitov. AciA t'ttinmei t'inl Wharf, t'hut 'eetatt, S. C, wi rt. a eittM h, 07 n ) -l. t it liiia h. 4i;. lti, IS.'5. 35-lli6 Ort. J U C t O II 0 ! I I 1 1 C tStOHO A I.Al.'.F supply just r.ceivtd al sc. mji; eo.'s, ;.T; sNoAf., 1 11AR1.0TT1:. C. JOiLXSOX, FORVARDINO AND CCMKHSSIlirJ SOt'TII A TL ANTIC win li V. ('II AHLES'l'UN, s. c. All XICA.V Mnstaiii; Liiiitncut, f;.NHlVAI.LF.D ..s L.niiii.itt. fcr Itr.nsea. Strains, Spi . ins, A c., 11. llt.rs s. Mill, s, or aur cattle, sc.r.u . co s ithitrSToiu:. i I a t- IC Trr. 31, lf.",l.

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