'j V? iii'.iii e.j..'on it . m . 't";i -i. !. . .. .. 1 : -.,-' -let-Pi ; ;:;;; 111 ';;- y if ' - I vy t;.'.'li i!h -!- a4 .' '!. v.! ; '' CHAR.3L.OTTE, INT. O., FE3BRUART 12, 3TUMBE3II1 Si. ' . ' ' : ' fd o . l ."v. 7 "7 r.', i .. , ... . j- ? t, i I j ' - J . -a; , ... f : -, . . , THOMAS J. HOLTOW, ' ti; '. EtilTOIl VKt'KlETnn.' ' ' ' ii --' r. ' .,T . i" TK if M.' , ' " 'Tlijfrtrfli-Tamhin Whig i!l 1 uflCrJi (I In uli. enlu rt".. TWO KOf.t.AKS in itdvniH; Two UUlXARi AMU KIKTY I KN'IS if pnymcnl b dliyud ftinriiinmih; lnd '1 H1(I:K IMiLI.AIIS I ttw hhI ' tl jmr. Ne iaHT w;i (e dUcun. tiiiU'-J on 1 1 1 oil rtift-jvit urc fill, at tlic pit!! tliw Kditur. - Aicrtiwnitul ihirrttdit Onf I'ullur m rojuaru pt ltiw a tUi nirO lyy.)ftjr Hie ilri ime.lyoniiff gfBtlfiunii of btf aeniianitoricc had I mi, 1 W. ci'iili (or funlicuiiliuiimicr. Court ail. I ,. , , , . . ,. I vtrtinifula. bJ Klurifl'. JS.il.i. . I.m;tw i , r ' calh.'cj upon her, presented his coinpliiiients, 1 .-, ul. Imjtivr nn.la iiiduutu.il of 33J p r ei nl. will In mudc Iruirt the rftulur priri , f. r mlvirtiiur Ly Ifik r. jkiiniMtnt rTewrti-ii Mion?ti1r "r iU .rl-'ilr, at tl pv qun- for i ;icli lime Semi uixii" 7i -iiU Mir fUiirn fic mcii luiic. J rl'alin.nli'ii r ullit.riiii! u i 1 1 nffnli. ' Trf p Iffbtly ftrr Tronblr. Tf't l.'i'I' 'v,r U"l't-, 'Trij fi-fM'y iVikt m f ; V ! y ,..tk iffirf t'out. lif irlill. t il ItHtc W by e.1. j ..' lunj o ttj;iit!T ; r 11. u.,, ia ifi ' Wlrv flinf t' ftifHi U 11 !(( t 1 1 T ? W hjf ti'! fk t-ni-4ia ? 'I'UiHtffli llnaii.iv it) c ilurli. 'r iun uuj itif I'-'tiorrow - An 4 if y fittf t r dik y Ar kkfyn ni Ut-iMrU'i). 1 i" ii i'pr U titsMii r t cJ , Itul I'Mik "i-r j.j imliMti. ' !' lightly odtK, SuttU Uut I - I '('' I u i Vv'r !;! tg rtiti i( g' iut O i !. ti.if ..! t -- I .u.: , Arti bit vnti I orhjl, lUisccIlanfcus. JU V W S ..All Vtl, " I fear that J shall never win her.' . ' Come, coiuj Ilarrj, ibiw will never dj; 4 faint heart aeTer woiifaif lady,'' jr. know.1' j w x'aa, that's an old adage tut what'a tii Uhi f philo-iO'thrzing with OD4 situated as I m' ; Twit little colloquy tovk place ictwean a Cs-u-'a of fnGJeuiKM "liLutua," wpou the aetaaionof Harry lilessuu'l timid rourtahip wi:h the i'l"I of bi heart the beloved of. llloornadale. Lacy Diy was a iVautiful little creature, With aofl blue ewiuiming eyes, fair, curling! hair, a chock alytd with rc bue, and lips like h eherry. Pylph like w her form j ativf iiidcpi!. In r w as not a mere superficial 1 Leauty f it b.r voiii; inii.d a tieasury ; . I,.! 1 ! isMoualely J011U , 1 of lha be aattful. .iiu w as f f readuiir -not of the light, trashy novels, ' ' . j with which our huppy country is flooded' ... . . . . , over but ol good souuu, ami essential- books. Her soul n as an uie orrupt fount -in, from whicli gu hed alanguaire that impart ed a feirrfit plasticity to joy it-elf. l'ure, s'( j" Title and confiding, she was in. Iced an ob- ! e Worthy to be loved. Harry Gleasou waa a yot;tig man ol Uir j proponioo and prepossessing n po irancc, ' and as bashful and timid as he was kind ; mid aff iblo iu Ji-po-itiou. He ws the only I fon of awceHhy f irmer of Blooms laic, who, pfrceiniiK lUul. ihe prop of his bouse wan poMes-seil to soiiiu extent of 1111 lit al ability, 'it l.'nil t j traverse the fields of seiencp. Harry aud Lucy had both been raised iu ; . c(il",rlst ,rtw,.rl, ,uc ; The Senate lias removed the injuuetion of the same viiUjc, went to the same almu .. . . . seerecv, and the b iter will be published. ' ' love which cernis with childhood and that -.' . . . ! "tatrr di.rinr the week davs of early rhild- ,., . h ., . . . ,1 , 1 he oHicial ad vices by the America do not , , ,.,' ,, i.' e,i which ripen with age. but to the inter- in aMV .yehaiiu'c our friendl y relations hi id and to tha same little churcli on Sal,- ' . J J . 1 rnpted colloquy. with England. Mr. buehanan writes that lath; and, spring or winter, whether going j ( ista lM .Ptl g0 J no real prospects of peace are entertained or reluruiug, llany and Lucy were vr . tbii,jt.,ulifa, Vnwi 0l,. , bv the Ministry, and England is Creparig found iU by .tide skippiiiR over the green ,. tho larirest flpet ever floated for operations fields, or -.lidiag upo., ihe icebound rivulet , l' ." f U'" . j 1' ,. . , . ' , t , ,, ' running over its contents, '.oaliamt tho ,n,u is siill anxious to extricate hitttsell front h:cb, when Janus rogncd, formed " u ,.rrt ,, IlluI1, 1 re-j the war, bavins ttain-d all the desired pies northern Loumlu.y of tho little village of rf,Hi,, (loll, ;,,, ..j,,,,, chip. . f,,v of the occasion. liUouidaU. '...rofCenesis. Colored I'a.-hion !' too " It was o wonder that thry loyed each , other, a thry actually lor a sweeter, fairer, more Edcn lik.; spot in all tliu expau- aivcuts of tbia wide, wide wotld, could not) louud than limolnsUale Wliose every I,-. ....I. I.. ..I -.11 fl..v. . , , , , , ... neavcn.y j;icu . ' never l uinling up Lowers oi nonejsui aiu and win roaea awc t-brie r and egianline It rep.-tsed at the foot of a inajeli.) hill, up on whine brow the Junhcmin in envy would "c in to scorch the iiinoeeiit flowers and rob tbeui of thi-ir raiubow dye. Willow groves aud eloslera their blossoming and budding fruit tree ornamented the green field of lllooniidale, whilst larks with dripping dew upon tlnir glossy pinions, goldfinches, rob in, luany fairy meatuiea with throi-ts lull f musie sported along the margin of the pellucid rirulet on the north, or wheeled through the clear either in jocund festivity. " Wv, Harry let mc put you ou a plau," cii,lu.'.-l ki eon fide nt, with whom he was disooursini, related at the commence ineul of our story. ' " You aro aware that Luej i exceedingly foul of readiii-j, ud imlred, te but yesterday txprcssed a ninli,! and was consequently igrorant of an en wliiUt atIisn Moore' ru:n!iiuliug over Lcr ' gat'incut tbnt took plncu during Li'i t)'ciice. JIgniiiie8, that bU posseted (hut Leauti- ..." Harry," aid Charley, oftcr t!iy ful jfpni, tUo 'Jjidy'i 1'ook,' and '' ' : had ezvliangi d lnutuul Blututioiis, " what ' " Then it mll be a wish no longer r 1 do you think of ths Lndy' Jkok 'would it "Hut wait my boy, tt",t you bear me out. Iiot he a suitable jircc!it for A young lady V' And she added moreover, that en tLe liij;ht , 1-llcu ' Mporc tmileiT, and Lucy looked previous she had iliram ; and the sub-, wouders. , , , : . . Ft mice of the drtoui, wsh tlint a fine looking f . And what s your opinion of dri?am,' pnd rqueU'(l her to nccent, u it tokeu of , . ... . , , Ml.ll ll'l lltfr lllflA VIIJ7J IIH.IH., a yeur'ii subcrijition to the 1 Lady's JJouk." "then you liavo fcctrnyed confideuce, nlid " A nJ did fhe deliver this long fpcccli ' in-tnd of kerpinsr tny secret " in your preM-nce !'' j " Hu.-h, child ! why you.know vc women ' Nut exactly but Miss Myorc, Lo, you ' are aji ad at keeping a secret kei ping it will underhand, is a particular frieud of t.iii and brides, Charley what a par- mini!, related the toregoing, and added by ticulnr friend the way of appendix (all iu a secret tio . I l0,t nolhiug ly it, I S'ies," in u.iiid,) that J.uey said the very identical : ten-n p t"l Lucy. peru ho prc.n iited her ilh the 4 Jiook,' n pjut x, gained a jewel," added sub.fi.ir.(ly de.ired ber hand iu luarriaj-e, Harry. And the whole united in n general 'd " ' 1 au-li, although it was pretty much at Lu- " .V'juence ! non-enre ! and mora than 1 ,.,j,(.i,e j but hers vas not the dl-po.-i-would expect of 1 '0, Charley Jaeknou." iiuU 0 be rufllcd by a good joko and e-po- ' True as I lie lij;lit of day, Hurry; and Kuy oue that ternniialed fo happily, now if yoa t:ike my sdvica you i:i commit , ;,Wi Lucy," said Kllen, aft-T ilie nier yourself. ''Xothin:; ri-ked i.othing von,' rinnMit hud somewhat subsided. 'Charley rteolleet." managed t ;iin my C9iient in a .liuiilar Hurry Liljison' hope wa, now in the at- i,IU,i,0r, but 1 will tell y u ail about it at cdidiint fr in bis own mind be bus deter- ,0iiia future time. And now lh.it you and mind to carry out tin- j"ke if jdie it wn, Harry r etiajed, suppose tliat'we arrange whether it was proved to his advantage or j,ot, our UUptials for the same day." otherwise. And indued, ho had nothing to tUl fur d, purp0se wo leave them, kind fetr, nevertheless, many had oughttbe fair reaJ,.r( whilst we draw up the conclusion, hand of Lucy )sy, only to met with a rfe- s,-0tv T,-pnri todr'-mns, we place but riJcd Hrg'ttivc. His whole thought. Were i;m0 confidence in tln ir efficacy ; but where of darling. Lucy iu her was hi, all of hap- thej- may serve t unite two pure and lov-piui-i-s and should he lose At', he felt that hearts, as in lh ca of Harry and Lu nil "lioubl ! lo-t. cy, we would be aliuost induced to :h Mitch of our fel'city con-i t in daylight l,t "11 tru lovers (--p'H-iiiily bnhful ones) ilreains and joldeu hope of hours yd to mibt be blcscd with dreams, whether they cuuie ; we lore l dreuin of the cural grove be day -dreams or otherKijC aini . duubly t eneslli the preen l.iilowsj of the pearl blot with the object of their dreams, even ten'ples, nd the watcr-iyphiin with their ibrou.'h thtitit!u -lieeof th " L.tV-S !!iK.'' Ion-' daik rii.tits and weet tobel lyre?; L ' of the occiD mousters iu myriads who form ' mouul uiiioiis iolc around the liaunla of sea laylphs, and li-ten, as if enchanted, to '.he ! lueb.ilious war!. lings of lb i-e siren maiden's. 1 liut nut so with Harry. " How vury kind of you, Ilarry,"exclaiiu ed Lucy, as ho haudvd her the July num ber of the " Lady'i Book," and which was the commencement of a new v obi in p. " Is it not really beautiful ! And the reading too, ik 0 ttueli aaubstanUi and nuul-iu-'.ii -in nature! Io you know, Harry I was wisbiug the other d.sy that some kind friend would favor 11, e w;tU euch a present ' And 1 31a nu clac 1 that ijuu prutt 1 to be that ftieud." " Indeed, Lucy, il ia but a slight tiibute from your liuinble." i do not aay tlit-ht llarrv.l bp.' of li " . , . . , ! vou. for it is a ir it L'W, and coining tLiougla JU.I..V. . r iz oar bauds inahe. it mil mure laluai.g t' . " . ,' Xow althou -li their conversation seemed ; . ., , bind and affectionate, vet was there .1 scciu- ' . ling estrangement on tor p..not narry ; I which, as I have previously stated tliutlticy I loved each other, even from infancy upw nrd, rendered it tho most striking. Hut Marry s absence some years at college o un 1 only to bavo added to Lis exticiue ba-hfuliit ss, and iiecially when iu tho presence ol lit who of all others he luot lored. And Lu. cy loved him equally, nor did she endeavor to conceal her devotion, (she was not trifling roqietul) which only seemed to add to the discomfiture of her lover. i-i ..... 1 it.ilo-pt lfu- a as sonic wu.l tinu if, rri ty , tni to"nstmie lli- Mner-'i-nfy !i . lit, A Iav.t. K uli Iniiti' Ai. tl cnrli Ih'!t V-) rprtl v or in(!innt! v. in ('.itr.-tl A itipr rn . u . , , ... j " Ves ! ' 1 In. Mr (iiidre rive thelll ill CVety . , , . j,,., a bis rieclletit ' liooli ; liesntcl a ol slaves iroin i;ie nonicr eouuiie oi lveu- i , . . .. . ,i, . .,.,.,ro tueky last niiibt. Tho whereabout of sev luablu receipts, dress patterns,, j k 1 eral ha ve ben discovered liere, and the of- k, crotchet, aud infacteveryt g nt Mon ,0.d(V VTweoM , ,.,,.,, nr. I lL"vtf ueeui.i-ui, ..v., j ,l,at would prove valuabb. to a lady It is jm,r),( ,), ,,,, plir,,rts." "And mu-ie too !- Tho,e happy days inj two or three spectators, but not severe. , . . ly. (hie slave woman, finding escape im- are o'er." Ol,, Hurry, does not your mind pn, JC of 0, of ,i(,'r rl,n. often recur to tho Kly-iaii days when you (ml) ymi, jt instantly, and indicted so and I sported so innocently together ? I yero wounds upon two others. Eight of Oh, the aeeiie. ..f my cliili'lmo.! I c.tinet fi.ri;ct, the slaves aiC said to have escaped, l.lke yiaiuiia id beauty lin y are liiiin.tuip mc yi I.' " V, ili wr bright and happy day Vi( A .U;LT nilKK,(Ky.AH thai- Lucy ; but time may bring days still jorlu,0 Creeley was coming from the Cnpi bappicr to niu to both I hope," exclaim- tol building this afternoon, ha was attaek- e i , i .i if ail . ) . ..c ..t . ed Harrv.in return. . . , ... 1111 :.. " A,'J J',,r 1 " ' faintly audible. Three months subsequent lo the period a. which our .lory comunmces. Harry Olea - " " 3 . . . ., . ton and Charley Jackson met at the rci- dence of MU Tloorc, in the delightful vib lage of Hlooiiisdale. And Luoy was there, too. Charley had bee u on a tour aoulb, Lucy! did tho persort whs presented you . , , , , , S r i l with the 'Book,' propose also for your liutid, and Lit I ha . . . , t , " Oh,' Kilcn eiclaimed Lucy b'.uihitig, 1I! 11 (sM V I KVV or TIIV. ('iiVTtsT I' OH THE octK Klisiit p. This obstinate contest is a 1 gu.id siu of the prosperous ton liimti ef the I'niied States, both in tin ir furriu and domestic relation.-. lid an em my stand at tlnir st, were a c iti.tnercial crisis itn pending, were a servile war raging iu the Southern Stales, the election of Speaker would not be spun out to nucha length. All the other considerations would be flung to l!,'. winds in order that Congress li.'Lt proceed without delay to Conceit n.ca -urcs tor avi.riiiir toe UaiiLi r. Jiut the 1 mted 1 St.ite l.avv peace wiiiilu their holders, and beyond t'aeiii. With an.ple cllow-rujui iu their extinsjve anu d t am 1 y l'top.ej Leni- lory, with an ample field of rein out. rati ve 1 1 inn lov rneiit tor a tuou-and times the eaiu- u ,,' iaiof ,.3I1 Comu.aiid. men iia.e no ti in t iti )ii tj civil broilaj and, iiulesa tlcy for.-p a -luairc'ioii r.Jinc foreign tia- lion, Mi l op'e or (iovrrnim nt bate any ... , , .. ' ,(!,, t-ie.un by attackin; tln.ni. Ihe nu- ai ,tiuwa of their lit rvc-c ntalii cs al e deenl ..1 In roilllua loisltin.. V. Hill In I r I I , 1 ,rr .- r . , 1 , ,,;,ii stand o.tr P.i aje.iruit.vo will. out seu- ouslv injurin- llieiu. Th.-y are the political , J 0 , ., .' ,K ., locust caters ol tne liiouern wenu: iiicy faJ .if,-,,ril ( ;uuse i leisure ami proeras- tiniti"ii. It.'u'i n Luna sua hunnt. 1 In nation el tne'iiu iv eii.l have tne woil constant!;, at the door, aud mu.-t dearly nlide any moment of precious time thej let slip. "" i'o' 1-t'iihi AVns, The President has communicated to the nate. in executive session. Lord John )ti,.,.r8 1, .'or of January Id, Wi , to. Mr. Crnmpion, and was then submitted to1 Mr. I'.ver.tt, Secret a ry of Mate. It de clares that ilie British (ioverninciit intends Mlriefle ti mrrr nut flu. f!iiil,n. Itula'i.r ClNClNXATf, January Stampkhk of Slav ks Aukksi ui some ! up tiikm Uoitnini.E Mi hiikii op a Cini n ! tiv a Motiikii X-i Tlier toi ii stfitniu-ili. 1 0f ,;1Vl.s fr0I1, t!,e border counties of Wen- tic, rs at noon to day proc rr5( ,pproaehin2 a bou-e where the ; slaves were secreted , tho latter fired, wound- y mo jiou. aiutr ivui, oi a, ..-, who. with ni4 H"r, inniPieti tLvvrai i.iow - 1 I . i al 1 1 ...... I 1 I u(Joii the defenceless head of Greeley. W hen , Jtireeley waa approaching the National llo-j I tol, Kut again struck him over tho arm. ith a .dick. The assault is supposed to; ! Uv been caused by some .evere .tricturcaj iu tho Washington letter, which appeared: j Trilju,l0 m,w,plipcrt ou Mr. Kiisfsl j pr0pUhi,io i the llous. re.iiestiuf all thej j eaUdidatos for tho Spcakcrihip to withdrnw f.oui lb couUst. , - . , A young clerL'ica! pei.t'cnian relates the rollowihirsnfi-rloleofoiu; of hi, Diid li Lr,.il,. ren. 'J'lie old pareon was about commenc- ingone of hi "-piritunl exoreisey, wlirn, tu Ii is Lt-in a little near shted, was ndded the dim li"ht'nfn coiintrv ehureh: After clearing out his throat, he cave out tho' Hymn, prefacing it with tup rtpology: Til! bf lit ia timl, llltne Pv 'i,ll ditii, scarce Can see to ruod ci.-!i liyiuir t:kc by pyj in ! z; rp. , , ,. . ,. of tho couplet, finished iu tliu pueoding strain. I I IIC Ul'l 111 UU ill. I.IIIH HHJS'U WlOill. DIIU 1 .. ..i i .1 : . .. .. 1 .1 WIIX'-U Wl'olll. xclaiiued at thy top of his voice: J oiitk tl e 1I1 liii't. in jou ill! J)l vault iiu liyiini lu ir ul nil ! " " The clerk aurnosiinr it wis the first stanz i eminent on me to call your attention to tliu i of the byuin, struck up t :.ci,c of eommou """T'-'. ur-emiy to rccomnn-nu uie .. ew,u . .c.r,i..ri,u The old parson, taken somewhat abaek, 1 lil,i,J" s tue grave exigencies of the case op-, 0,,?;rtf had been hhl ifttlm Territory o'n . it,:. ,.. ,.f ....- ,i. . ' fear to n nuire. I -!itl ot November, ? I, and the d.-h.- A Lui kv Khca pk. The Mempbin Ap-rf riefbt fall withiu tli powers of tlm genc penl says a physician of that place paid a ral government ; and the other, that the in niorning visit, recently to oue of hi' patients habitants of any .such Territory considered in the upper end of the town, and on enter- as 11,1 inchoate State arc entitled, in the ex ing the room of the sick mail, the following crcise of self-government, to determine for dpilou'tie took l.laee. y,ii it 1 (iayi Ioetor, I ve got cheated this load of poles. , ou or f'n How y : grcss nnuer it, atm to tliu power ol tlic ex- Witii iit. llisirg on his elbows and look- '"'ing .Slates to decide according to the pro ing across iho room. Lok there, loctor, visions' and principles of the constitution, at that, feller lying there ; T pot him to take R'1Mt '""c the Territory shall be rooeir that pill you left mc, and it killed him in au C,J as a ,s i"to t,ie I'nion. Surli arc the hour. : j;rcat poljlical rights which are solemnly Exit Doctor, intitterin. ; declared and offii ined by that act. i lla-scd IIDOil this theorc. the net of 1nn- . in uie eariy parioi me ciguicenm pen- j . i-iuici was eouueiiiueu iu suuer uie extrenn; penalty of the law for cowstenling. 111s wile called to see una a lew days pre vious to his execution, to take a last fi: well, w hen she asked him : "My dear, Woulu you like the children to see vou exi-Piited !'' .), replied lie, what must they come tor! ' 1 That's just like you," snid the wife, you never wanted the children to have any erjormt-Tit. A western editor tbu-i apologizes for the inoi:i penranee of his paper at the usual tinm : "Owing ti the facts ths'. our paper-ma-k( r disappointed us, that the mails failed and deprived us of our es baneee, that a lutih pedler stole cur scissors, that tli rats ran off with our pite. and th 'devil wnsnt vent to the circus while tie editor b tue tendliifr babies, our piper is unaveid- n'.ly d. laved beyond the jr. per peri.nl of publication."' " Are sisters Sal v nin at,co rc-ourccs U hyno you a-li lltat e 1 heird bnoie John pa.'" " No, ui y son u'lestiou r"' liecau say, it you' would only bisLatid your re .. . . . bv ttcr than you do. Aud 1 thought il would : J fc n - s;w"- be a good idea, because ycu wouldn't have so many nan here for auiper every Suii d.iy ev ening ; that a all, pi.' I tones us, hy I lie provi-ioiis ot the act, were J nose 11 ecisn ns ot 1 110 returning oineers pci man-Oit seat ot government al Tiik ClU'P est Fi.hwf.R. I h ive spen to be appointed by the general jroveriiuient, : anil of the governor are final, except that, 1 any place in its discretion, of coar-e by the pr-rsnna who pntber for tie parlor their including the governors, were appointed and : I'y 'be parliamentary usage of the country same enactment it had tin; b ss and the in ehoieest (lowers, just ns tiny begin to open cuiiiiiii.ssioucd in duo season ; the law hav- ' applied tj tho organic law, it may be con- eluded power to lix it t onporarily. into full bloom and fra 1:111 nee, lest some ing been enacted on the 30th of May, I S."i4, ! ceded that each house of the assembly must j Nevertheless, the iillei'ition that the acts passer by should tear then from the bush and the cominissiou of tli5 uovcrnor of the i bave been competent to determine, in the . of the legislative asseuddv w.i. illc.-al bv and destroy them. loes mt liod somrtiines gather into heaven young nod innocent chil dren for the same reason lest some rude hand may despoil tbeui of their beauty T flooiJ AT (J tl-.s-siMi. "Well Pat, which the w ay to Uurlinetoi) !' " How did you know 111 v Maine wasl'at!'" " (I, I euessed it." " Thin, be the towers, if ve aro so "ood at guessing, yc d better cucss the way to Lurhugton. A Sp K Law v Ml. A lawyer, being sick, made his last will and testament, and cave all hi estate to fools nnd madmen ! l.i incr aked thereupon for so doinr. he said. ' l-'roni kiii Ii I rnt it and to siieh 1 return it nraiu.' if l ' .;.) ;..,l..o i . 1.1., .,( nt.1 i i .i. ' .. I.- .1 - i iv. iiiiilir niiii n ii ei ii i ne: si .1 tiei . j'oion. know what we sit here for?' Yes, verily 1 1 do,' said the Quaker 'three of you for: four dollars each a day, and the fat one in the middle for four thousand a year" A bttcr was recently received at tue1 Post Itffiee in Cleveland, Obi ;, d'rected : " To the 1 ig bull her, at Cleveland, wi'Ji a big wai t 011 his nose." The cleiks iu the of-: tiee knew the man, but were afraid to pre SClit it. I ' Wall, Sambo, what's yer at now-a-d ay s !' ' Oh, 1'so a carp'iiter and jiner.' 'Hi! I gess yeu is y. What department do yer perforin Sambo .' ' What department? I does n ork.' What's dat V ' Why, I turns dc grindstone de , lar A youii'i blood from Suekerdoni wis!, ing to cet 11 chance to tell a voung lady what , . 1 . 1 1 i . 1. 1 1 . .1. lie tnougiii 01 ncr, uoiineu in ur, 100.S, and addressed li'.r 111 tins wise, .nss, can I have the exquisite pleasure of rolling the whe.lof conversation arouud the. axletrec of your understanding 11 few minutes this evening?" The.' lady fainted. An Ii iohmau, on I cing told to grease the waggon, returned in about an hour after wards, and said : " I've graii'd every part . , -i 1 .... 1 . ov the waj-on iiisiuu ano uui, yci m-uui, but I can't cct at the stick the wheels hang on, sure.'1 fcPECIAL MKSSAGF f'l'dM THE riiH- ' le utijoiuea mestajre from the l'resi- I the Lulled hliiies, waa transuiitted i ta 1".,U houses of (Jongicss, in relatiou to ; tl,a a"1-1 que-itiou : To tit $mate uvd i Ihnir. of Hrnfrsrvtiitirm : (.'ircumstnin-es have occurred to disturb ; the course of governmental organization i;i t tic 1 erntory of Kansas, and produce there acnnrtition ot tilings which renders it in- A brief exposition of the eireunit jiiops s .0 tie tun u,iers,adig 0. ,i,0 rc. 'eoiiiiiiindations which it is propo.-ed to sub- rcicrrea rr. ana 01 un'ir otiu"". wi bu ut- nut. Th net to ori'iuiize the Territarii-s of Nebraska and Kansas was a manifestation .f .1... 1 1 p gi t uit? icii uie umi;h)ii 01 on're?.s oil i two great points of constitutional eon-truc-i t ion ; diic, that the dcsiiintion of the bound aries ot a new Trrritory, and provi.-ion for ; its political organization ji re nivMaiircs which ; themselves hut shall be their own domes tie iii-'mitions, subject only to the cou-ti- - . I . i ii . i .. ! tuiion ud the laws duly enacted by O 1 . ' V ' - Igress defined for each Territory the outlines of republican government, distributing pub- im aut Imnty anion-.' la'.vtiil ly created agents urciitive, judicial and lej;ilative 1 0 be appointed eit her by the general poverntueut or ly the Territory. The legislative func tions were intrusted to a CTiiicil ntid a (louse of llepresentalivcs duly elected and empowered to enact all the local laws which they mi l'Ii t deem essential to their Ttrnstieritv. latililiii'ss and "ood I'ov'crnment. ! 1 - 11 - Aciin- iu the same spsrit, Congress also de- fined the persons who were in the fir-t itist.inep to he1 ponidered as the pi -onle of each Teriitorv j enactintr that every free white male inhabitant of the same above the ngo of twenty-one years, be i 111 an ac tnal resident thereof, and possessintr the qnalilieatons hereafter described, should be entitle.! to vote at tho (irt election, ami be ' eligible; to any office within the Territory, but that the qualilicntions of voters and , bohlit -p office at all subsequent elections "-honld bo prescribed by the leeilative a- seniblv : Provided, however, that the rb-lit sullrage and of lioldiii; olliet shoulJ be t Pxcrcised on'y by citizens of the United Stiles, nud those who should have declared ; I on oath their intention to become such, mid j iirt.u iubui nil uuiu iu suiiori ilie U'JIlslIIU tionof ti1(i rited States and the provisions o( lle a(;t . Al)(, ,Iuj furlll0r that ;.. .,u:. . .1 . have taken an oath to support the constita- ! onver, soldier, seaman, or murine, or other iiriniina 111 111c n in I ul iinvvoi ilie i i. i- I.A ........ A. ' I.:. -.1 Vf.iri nr nll.ii.lu.il v tr.,itd ID their should be allowed to vote or bold , ollice in either Territory by reason of be- j i ing on service thcirin. - ! S'icli of the public officers of too Tjiri- . 1 . . . lervitorvof Nebraska beiu dated on the i!d day of Auiijt, Is'il.aiid of the Terri tory of Kausus ou the -i'th day of June, ls.'i4. Among the duties imposed by the act on the ;ov ernoi a was that of dirtetin.' and su- p. niiteiiding the poiilieal or-ranualion of uie respective J erritories. ihu governor of Kansas was required to cause a census of enumeration of the inhabitants and qual ified VOtt-rs f-f I Ii s cs vo.r ! 1 i.iinri.i. mill iliv. ui(.(s of ,1k, Ttnitorv tJ Ll, tllUu,by ucli I pc.rs011!4 allj ;u ,., ,ll0,i,. a i10 n,i;,lt I siginite and appoint ; lo.nppoint and direct the tinio ami place of Lobli nr (lie first elections aud the returns thereof: to dto elate the number of the members of (lie Council and lloue of Hoinesciitatives fur each pntnitv or dis.tii.-t -. to deelarn w hit t m rsons mb'tit appear to be duly elected . i nnd to in n lint iIih lime nnd i, Lienor ih first iueetiu' of the Icei-l itivc assem dv. lu substance, tliat same duties were devolved - - - Oil tll COVerllor 01 iNelir.lSKIl. While, bv this act. the miuciide of eon- t fstitiitiou for each of the Territories was one j I1". a!'!-,r few day, the assembly re m.il il... s ou., mid il,,. .1,.1-iils nt' ni-rmtiii i solved to iilioiirnto another place in the legislation regarding; both were as nearly as could be identical, and the Territory of ".W tira.-Ka was trampiuiy ami success tuny organ iicd iu the due course of law, and its first le- ; gislaivo assembly melon the loth of .l.in.'j 1 o"), t be organization of Kan-as was long j delayer!, and has been attended willi Serb ' 011s ililTieulties and embarrassments, partly ; the consequence of local inal-aduiiuistra. ; tion, and partly the unjustifiable interfer ence of the inhabitants of some of the States foreign by residence, interests and lights ef the 'Punitory. The trove 1 nor of the Territory of Kar.xas, commissioned, as before stated, on the .! th of .luiie, did not reach tho designat-! ud Mat of hi government until the Ttb of, the ensuing ( letober ; and even then failed to , make the first step iu its legal orgatiiration ; that ot orilernnj; tli census or enanie ra- tion of its inhabitants until so late a elnv j .." tji;it ,ie ctioti of members of the legis lative assembly did not take place until the HHtli of March, !."). nor its meeting until the second of July, I ".). So that, for a year after the Teriitorv was constituted by the not of Congress, and the officers to b appointed by llnT Federal Executive had been commissioned, it was without a com plcte governnieiit, without any legislative uthorirv, without local law, and of eourse, without tho ordinary guarantees of peace, and public ordur lu other r. spcet. Die Governor, instead of csercMiiig constant valance and putting forth all L,s enemies to prev. nt or counter- act the tcnuW.es to ulegality, which are prone to exitt iu all nnperUetly organized I U nt I ? T r "'TV"'"1'?- , Ills Bttr lit ion til lie (lleiri.-il frnm I. is ,llwil obligation by other objects, and himself set ... . , r .: . an txniiif.le ot the violation of tho law in : ,ae pclorrmaiiCe of acts which rendered 1 'J ury. iu me acquel, to remove iiim ! " OI cuici executive magistrate i ul ",0 J'"iiory. ls:tore the rrquixite preparation wa ac- Pa,e '"'nt 111 H-iu-c of llepre- ; " - -jui vnnirir--. u nn ;mj .. I? ti,:V t,,e ol-?tion ot members ot the le- . . ;.. 11 1. 1...1.1 :.. .1. ..... 1 , . J1 " eral prceircts ul the tame time as lor d. le i gale to Uonare, any iieatiou appt-rtainin; .to the (U :ilitieation cf the persons voiiii" a :peopUot ih'! territnry, would have passed I necessarily and at oik-c under the Mipcrii ision of Congress, the j idee of the ali.li ity of the return ul the ili lc-t"i and wo ,M i have been d ct -r inin.. J I i fore ennllictin.' p is sioiis huJ boeoine inflamed bv time, mid before opportunity could have been alford ,ed for systematic interference of the pi "pic i of individ ual States. This interfereticc, in so far as concerns. j !t" primary caa-es and its bin Im.tii.iitik.. l . t u. j ..in. ci !m in. ...i "dints; com mencement, was oue ol the incidents of that j pernicious agitation on the subject of the i condition of I ho eoloied peixms held to service in 80010 of tho Slates, w hich has so long di-turbed the repose of our country, and excited individuals, otherwise patihxic 1 and law abiding, to toil wiili mi-sii i rc ted ' zeal in the attempt to propagate their social I theories by the perversion and abuse of the , i tl'i , . , V""l; ' ' oL re,., a tie persn,,, aim tue ir""" 1 ""J 01 ,nc " .ori;.' - ;, il.-T,...:, ,.:.,. .f.i 1 .1 i. 1 1.1 iu- 1 iiooii-.-sui ..ut'iisi.ti aiiu isiinaas, thwaited in the endeavor to impose, through the agency of (.'miie-s, tin ir particular views of s.-ieial organ!, it i -n 011 the people of the lutnr" new .Slates, now perceiving that the policy of leaving tii inhabitants of each State to judge for liicri.-c Ives in this res pect wns iner.idicably rooted iu toe convic tions of the I'nion, then had recourse, iu : . .... 1 1 . . . .1 I I""-"' o. taeir general onjeet, to tne ex- ; traor.lmary tnpnsure ot propagan-ii-t colo- mnanoiioi uie icrnioryoi 1 ausss, 10 pre vent me ireeauo natural action ot its mini- j t,e 0,.ahil. ,,,.,.. U,,VuM 10 do im bitants 111 it, lutcrnal or-rau.xation, a ud : plj,- w ha t it ha, done exp, es-i v- . hat is, thus to anticipate or to foiee the determina-, ,0 forlij to Ue 1 jaari.u uHuy ,l,0 tion of that ipiostmn in this .nehoate State. f,OH.t.r-10 (.lo0.c a, v U ,;,;,, , a. With tsuch views, associations were or- the temporary somi of it deliberation. ganized 111 some ot the States, and their purposes were proclaimed through the press ' lauguagre extremely irritating and otien- sivo to thoo of whom the colonists were to become tiie neighbors, nets hud I Lao necessary 1 J nose designs anil consequences to awn- ken emotiuns of intense indignation iu States "car to tho Territory of Kuias, and espe- cially iu the adjoining Slate of Missouri, whose domeatio pieace was thus the nio.,tdi- 1 v.".j . 'justifyi : ter 11101 I I'..,!, redly endangered ; but they are tar troin ying tiie illegal and reprelieiisilde couu- niovenieiits which eu.,ued. 1 uuer lueae luau-pieioua circumstances ,' i K. hrnn..rii o!....li..n. i.,r , l...rU tl... ..... ,.,.u.. , n- i.ii.a ivi ... i a v nib legislative assembly were held 111 most, it nd all, ot the precincts at t tie tunc and the place, aud by the persons designated and appointed by the Governor according to !' in . . . s .1 . . last resort, the iiualitications and the dec- liou of its members. The subject was, by its uature, one appertaining txclu-ivoly to the iu-i.se ietion of the local authorilies of the Territory. Whatever irreulariti tll'V have oenrred in the el rctioiis, it seems too - ' now to raise tliat qie.,tion. -t all events, it i. a question as to win. , in 11 l.er now, nor at any prev ious time, has the Ica-t possible legal authority been possessed by the President of the l uited States. l'or all present purposes the legi-lative body thus constituted aud elected, was the legiti mate assembly of the Teriitory. Accordingly, 'he governor, by nroelama lion, eonveued the ii.semhly thus elected to I meet at a t c called Pawnee city : the two j bouses met and were du'y organied in si ' ordiuary parliamentary lonii each sent t ! allJ received from, the r jovei nor the olln i..l on such occasions ; ; ! communications usual an elaborate message opening the session j I was ConilliUtllCatPd ly tlie overnor : and 1 . Vl '1 i'1"1-" e-iiaianuu n.a eu- I tered upon by k-tri-laiive assembly. Territory. A law was accord iuiriv passed. , against the cou.nt of tho gov. n.or, but in duo I niu otherwise, to remo.-e the s. at of government temporarily to the" Shawnee Mauuul Labor School," or .Mission, nnd thither the assembly proceeded. Afterthi, receiving a bill for the establishment of a ferry at the town of Ivckapo v, the eovcrn or refused loaijti it, am! by special tues a.c assigned for reason of refusal, nor any tliin- o! ;i-tio!. able in t lie bill itself, not anv pretence ot' ihe illegality or incompetency application of persons acting agim.t auth o .if the assembly as such, but only the f..et t rities duly coiit:tuii d by act ef Conri s . that the assembly had by it. act transfer- j lu every case it is the people of the Terri red the -cat of novel nine t,t teinporaiily fioiu 1 t-.rv, not a party aiievnu ihem, w ho have 1 1,. 1'ii.viiee city to tbc Sh iw nee Mission, l'o the sniiiei rea-on, he coiitiuue 1 to relu'e to sien estiior bills, 11 i.t i 1 . in the course of a few ebiys, he, by official message, communicated to the assembly the fact that h.' had re ceived notification of the termination of his functions 11 governor, and that the dutie cd' the olfice were legally devolved on the secretary of the Teriitory ; thus to the last rec ij-niing the body as a duly elected and constituted legislative assembly. It will be perceived that, if anv constitu- tional defect attached to the legislative acts Ol toe assenioiy, 11. 1 uel incvem.cu iu euu- sist ill irregularity of election, or want of -qualification cf the members, but in the chance of its place of session. However trivial this objection may seem to be, it re ijuil'cs to be cousideicd, because iimiii it is fom,juj H t!l:lt .uperstruclure of arts, plainly against lair. w bid, now threatens the pMl.,., onl of fUl! Territory of Kansas, but of the I'nton S"cl' !l" 0,'icrti"' ' proceeding of .i . , . . . ' . '. me iciri-iaiivc a.'sciirj ti,j,,ul,f v was ot excci'tion- le ori-in. for the reason that bv tint express terms of the organic law, the seat of government of the Territory v.a ' locat ed temporarily nt lYrt Leavenworth," and yet tho governor himself remained there le.-s than two months, and of his di-cretion transferred to the Shawnee Mission, where it in fact wti- tit the time the assembly were jc.iiieu i'ici ai 1 awnet- cif e, Jrfliet'ov .(ninr fi.i.l any such right to change tempo- iiiiiiv uie seni 01 L'overnmi'iit. all mum i-lalivi: assembly. The ubieeti. n t '( exeiq'ti. uiable origin, for the further rea son that thejilaee indicated by the g..vern r. uitti.i.if lini,. . .,... ...1, , '1..:... ' . r ..... .. prelrr.-nee in ii-df was a proposed Mwti ite onl . which he and others were attempt lento uiil.int'ullv u noli land, within t o 'l a military reservation, .ir participation in which illeL';d net tin., eoinmandant of tiic po.t a supciior ollieer of tliu iirinv h.ia heen dismissed by sentence of court mar tial. Nor is it ca-y to see why the lejisi iti v . assembly tiiilu iio. with piopru-tv, pass the territorial act traiisleriin it sittm-js 10 the ."shawnee Missiur!. If it could lejt, that iiuusi beou account of some prohibitory or j incompatible pt iviM, 111 of net of Con-ires. Hut no sueli provi.-ion exi-ts. The or.-anie let, 11s already Rioted, says the " seat of L'ovcriiincnt is heiehy Incited temporarily al l-'ott L aveiirtoith." ami it then pro vide that cei tain id the pui iie buildings there " may be occupied and u-ed uii'ler the dirietion of tlm govern. r and lcisla tive asseinb'y." '1 hesR expressions lnirht possibly be eoiist.-ued to imply that when 11 a previous section of the act it was enacted 1 that" the tirst l.-jji-l-.tive assmbly sl.a.l u....t ; at such place on such day as the enveruo- all appoint,'' the word " idace ' mentis ace at bort Leavenworth, not place any wueruiii tne Jerritory. It so Jerritory. it so, Hie pjvem- or would have been the first to err iu this matter, nut- only in himself h ivin.' removed the scat of government to the Shaw nee Mi. Moll, but iu ii";:.iii niuoviiig it to 1'uwiiee cily. ll there was any departure fi 0111 the lett;r of ihe law, therefore, it w.i hia iu both instances. but, however this may be. it is most uu- reasonat.l to hill,,.!.,. fi,.,t i.w ii... i..t-i..u r.e l'hat is proved by ihe si-nilieai.t bmuaee (of one of the jo.,ciueut acts of Congress on the ubj-ct thai of March 3, lijj 'which, in mani'mr appropriations for public buildings ol the 1 erntory, enacU that ll.e 1 same mi. ill not be expended " until tiio Le- ; gi.-latuie of said Teiiilory shalj have fixed i by law the permanent seat of government, Congress, in these expression., dues, uot pro- less to be grauiiu.' thv power to lix the per- mauent seat of .overi.iueiit, but n eogniios Ihe power as one aiieady iranied. Jh.t how 1 I'ndoubtedtv by the comprehensive provision ot tin; organic act n- vv loen ,l...l..,. l I ... I I...T. . . t .'. m 1 1 i .. i a 1 11 i i. 1 11'- i.-' is i .1 i i ii 1 11 1 - r o i I e teHitotv ill extend 10 ail iihtta! sul jecis n consist, nt with tiu con-ti;'i-"nite l Slate and the provision If. iu view of this aet, tho ;-se;.l!y had (be Jar,.; p..w. r 11 ot U u't-lati tion of the of this art : h-'lsbifive .. , . reason of this removal of it place of session. was brought forward to justify the fir-t un-it mov cine nl iu di.i e jard of law w it bin the Ter liti iv. One of the acts of the legislative ! sciublv rov ivied for the election of a dele gate to the pic-en Congress, aud a delegate was elect, d und'-r that law. I'ut, sii! c iptently to thi-. a pinion of the eople of the Teriitory yr. cerJcd, without authuilty of law, to elect another delegate. pollowing ti'On this mov. i..ent was auoih er and more iiop rtant one of the same gen eral character. Person coiifcs.-d!v not constituting the I ody politic, or all the in hiii'ants, tut merely a party of the in habitants, nn 1 without law, have underta ken 1) suniim n a ceuvciiti-.n for the ( ur p 0-0 cf f -r. :i -f-11 11 1 n r the Territory into a State, and have ft allied a eoi.ituti m, adop ted it, and under it elected a 'ioveriior and clV'cci-s and a llepr-sciitaiivfl in Congress. In extenuation of thru illegal nets, il is alleged that the States id' California. Mich igan and others, were selforganied, and, ij. ! a such, were aainitteil imo tlie I mon i.uh- out a previous uab',iti act of Couuress. It is tni", tli it, while in a majority cf cases a previous act of Congr.s.s ha been pa.-cd to aath 'iie the Territory to ; re-et t it-eif a a State, and that this is tle-cmed the iu ).-t regular co:ir-e, yet -in h an net hi. not been beid to be iiniis en-ablc, ami, in some cases, the Territory h is proetcb-a without it, and has nev erth. le-s : admit ted into the Cniou as a Stntj. It lies wito Congress to authorize beforehand or u ccoi fir'ii after.. :u ds, in its discretion ; but iu no in-taueo has a Stat. n, i.tt. upon t he power to I01 m a constitution and ask tor ad mission a a State. No priuc'j 'e of j.iblio i.nv, no p ractice or precedent under 'he Con stitution of the United States, no rulo of rea 01, right, or co 111 tu ou sehso eo:; 1'ers any such power as that new claimed ly a mere party in the Pel ritory, iu f act, w hat hir- bnen done is of revolutionary ch iracter. It is avow edly so in motive and in aim as r-'spoet. the local law of the Tenitory. It will heeetmi treasonable insurrection if It reach tin" l.-u'h of or-fatiized i'psiiatice by force to the fun daiuenta! ir 1111V other (eder-,1 law nnd to the aulhoiity of ihe lien -rai (ioverriiue it. lu such au event, the path of duty for tho Kxi euti ve is plain. The constitution r. .jour ing him to take care that the laws of the C nited States be iaiiiilully exieineo, if they be Ti' osed iu tiit rrntorv le

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