Indeed, we Cud the opinion uuanimout1 amove th Denianritttr memnrrt Jiiime of tli House to organise it to pni' a great ' cant' Jnr their cause in 'lit up jiroiiciitg r resident iul r'extion. They are evidently pieptrwg to make the mal of it before lilt people " This article of the Star bfta not been publicly rebuked, as ) have Mfn, by nny laeniber of lite Administration pail'. W Lut, tu-u, ire we to auppos-c? Are we to ton elude () it the A '1 n. ii.i rrn ( ion party do not wa it iu organiiaiiou. Are they pereitiy t it tueil with the existing Mate of tilings. Place the article of the Star side It woe wiili the various articles of the I'nion lau datory of the stand taken by the immor tal 74, ami vit-w all, tvretber with the cau cus resolution and llio speeches wliich have 'teen marie in Congress by (he members of the Administration, and will not the people of the country have the right to conclude that the A hnintstntiion party i:KS oi M ini nit oisninzutiim." What says the hiuoral.le jj 1 1 eni.iB from 1 emisv Ivaiim, (Mr. Cadwaia Jer ) III answer to a few re- mark of my own, in which I deprecated the at! of time consequent upon the pro- ' traolcd tlisorjanilalion of the House, that gemieman aaid : " I be? le to rli,.et from the con- rliiion of the j. ni rr.nn, Jlr. Smith, of A!jham,) mho hasju't taken hi oat, th.t thf Hotiae are 11 "it : !to,'f.h(r was'jng the j public time in their fcff)'ts to elect a Speak- er, or flint tlierr hut not lrr prnjit noil 'Ac dtV:opntrts nltrinhnl "po the !' lai.s nnil crWinvt rf-ffii wltirs 1iich have Stofkl in ' the Vifj 0 Hi Oi nuizutifin ,"' Aaiu, lie 1VS: J ' I kh nit svm, that thru (the National ' Arnetiean p n r t v ) ere vile to throtr into the t'f tiioi tut Ilrinmiatf jtiftn,us thry t'u, th it n e l,av ntt rotn i.'m'rr nun in.' iml ronciix ilrtu ii ihrm. li V o mil row'tliiUe trttli them ,nrt' ire i-i,' n r i.n'tn'rr Ouisrlies ti nn-j '-rtwpt imiif i I'h t-'iCttl. Ve tio not ask their t otes.' That honorable gentleman (Mr. C.) t ; farther in his plaiu and frank way, to tLe . i! Americans : "An Abolit'.oni-t or tiie Democratic can didate (Mr liieli.'ir Json must sooner or lat er be elected Speaker of this lluu$ by a majority or by a plurality of its votes. If you deem the choice ot tlie lh-moerarie can dtriate a iessevil than tiiat of an Abolitionist, Tote, if you sou proper, for t;:e iH-moeratic candidate. If ton do o. you can rsjxrt tiaikiHC ' i out from titrpuriu uutih ie tri.., ti liitu ci.r, n prrnm. we 1.0 mx aii litis o! vuu. We can offer Dotl.iii in retU'L far it." This sounds as if ! came from the party, " rt c itlf-trn .' What are we the Nation. a a .peric'itjs i to irom tl.l . . ve ha-- Hi our view the propOi:i? cf nieaa- Ores dear t- us as Btn...t. au 1 xitalto Us ; asarnr-v Vi'n eann-.i move in onr tira if I hi. e r. mm st f ki. n e L f-A a.-.ini.l ! Hive we i.ot 3 rirl.t at least r exiieet, a fair divi-i-n of iwer on ths committee.1 I Jj be'i..-ve ti it there is a member of the Nat'ona! Amr-rtcan psrtv in Corgre.s who wcj'J i,-i jrn ti a.k for any lar p'see on sr.v paseiii-te cjtntni'.te; hut a a party they hate a r.-Lt to t ipeet aj-nr-eh-jiice in lie Jiuioii i f pow.r power to ' re rrnfeif bv the Speaker, let the eti tleman from PeBnjiii-n (Mr I's.wals- C-rj ars. m altauee, " lou . c m tl pe t ti'i'hirs frmn him, or from t 1 i.e a 'i rt v which he w.ll n-Ltespiit. VoU will r'it fail Ulaure .folio e.itsa-ns. tfrl the A.ltu'.iiiatratioa party in Con-resi have' 1 een prarl urn is;' t'r. ..' rijui'j hail re to us tn a-rr ixc their caueu, an.l then1 in the-r piiL':-hed 'peecrw , all coins; to re nfv the uesciv ve policy wUieh is regi-trred in tue decrees of the Adminis tration at the White House. But L must bring this letu-r to a close. T have been shaking as a member of the National American party. You ail know tnat in the ias.t canvass I proclaimed and defended the principles of that party ; that I was rc-e!eeteJ ui-jne upon the issues aris ing Oat of toe policy ol that part? ; that I do !d bvttun ; arid that iny majority; was eariy tso tt;oiaii-i votts. I am ber.? a the itpr' n ' . 'ire of the .Viion. .nirn- cun p'i'tti, and I shall Lriiilt from no duty Whien i'iy i.i'-;.''iiiC': t'. that p&r,y mat oe naiud. j Jtesp-etfuily; tid gratefully your scrvr.rit, 1 V. U. .SMITH. I A i"fr pr vtlii J'sPs s A; i 'Wednes.i uay eveniiij wetin ; I I-crt. r jf WarJ Uefcb-! er a church, Brooklyn, last wek, tiie sub-1 jet of Kaunas pot ahead of all ithv. Mr., Jltc-cher addressed his hearers iu iL fuilow-! iti Chii-tian 'ike maiiiji r: " lie believed that the f liarp rfle wa tru ly a agen-y, snd that there a more iiio-s! I'os- i in oik ot tio e in-trumerit-, sr. tar as t he hi a i .-boiib-rs were Ciicernid, than ta a hundred lJin,es. oa uitL-ht jn.-t as Weil. Saul he, read It.e liiole to buliaioea a.i thtfse f-iioWH who i'oliitv Alehi-oit and' Striugfijilciw ; but liny hue a supreme res pH for li.e bsic that i niiooiied in tli:.rp's i iHes. 'Ihe Ih'.ie is addrrcd to the con-' lenee ; but alien y.i address it to tbim it Ins ni effei there is l.o eon ' science 'I bn'i h he was a pen-is man, b bad the greti;st regard fur M.arp's ri flea, and for that plum that induced thoe New Ki.-jlsnd nitii to u-e ti.em. i he ahot, i-svi te Ttew ' York Day fioaik.) WOal'l be '."tli :, were lt tue firt rtiJeii. that Mr. H t ehi r bad given of hi. total wai t of all tUe rerjm-iii-s of a Chri nan ni'i.i-trr. Ilowtbe public e m be d'ljdcl iy .111 h ci ncal n.ou. ta-baii;, wi o usi-s re'-gism nieroly as a means of a livelihood. i more than e ca undi-rstand. Cb i-t rehed on the tro-pcl as the means of Voing (oid. Mr Hi i-i .-her wow d aeeomrli-h bis n.i-a n With sharps rifiis. ' What are we coii' i ? tu ? i'llll VITV WITH 1 KAVf K I) 1.--01.AMI. I t v' .. ii... . . . .1 . . . , i . l. v i ti as.iioioii ji i . .i iuu e 1 1 1 to i ue .sew Yora lli-r .i l, writinj under date of ey l, give, (in- follow inj iLti rcstni-r (if true) juf .1 luuta.'l. ; ' - It baa JvateJ out of the Stat.- Depart. . in i t that the i until i, lv.-rniii. 1,1 has ... aimed a poi-iti'Jii I t . sl l'tl I .j eertain I! a. ! a aw vessels luat tis'e in-i u li siis.erie'i since the coinHii neiiiit nt t i K-t. rn war. to ti n ens ol the United Mie, kfinj st the time of tin- ITinsb-r III A Hi" nan port-, w b ich It is likely wi.l H ike A st ol tlm i . u ii.i. bi'i ii f uriaiabfd ii Mr l a .on, our Miii .ii I ;.t I'mis, and liVi 'ieli f.-u tili it, avosed oi- the ojitol lie I'rinth tunJ Hn giish la-'tel iiumiiIs lo hoi'i tlwin as lawful pnjs ot wsr it they are e iptuii d. Mr. Ma aon it ia reeioru-d, ejnil t smue appri hen not! on .He su!.js''t. llie eiirrepoiid.-ii4 probably be lur iu a tew (iaya." .i.i . . . i WHorilr (Carolina WM CHARLOTTE : Twt'ay. February 1!), 15:6. Tltr Bihinrs ia CharKr The little advance is I ntlun has given an m- i.i.a riven an in-1 i ri, to bune .nd Cliarlotle fur tlie hat week hua pretcnlrd a livi-ly tppearaner, uml quite a numtwr of WHgons havr thronged imr ktm-la, U. -l.n -;th I'm ton ond ether arouuee. C'ottxu ia now quutcd at 8 to Si ccnte. Sl " Th.mday Hi. Vi.tiHii.' Djy ard many of unr jrung la.! it a re nn Hie i:i rirr to ' what ouI' imc I.. tl.rm. Many an iinuJ he.nt went pit.a.p.t to hnl mrl of a Valen. tine wouh! I went by itaowu lre l e. We en. ri. raland ame very handsome cnea were rrceived aim also romic oixi by eur tir We also reetived ll.e lixt ne uf ion e tnc which e in- ten.ied t.. keep tor Ilic aakrof the donnr, but final. eone!u .leu ta r.lurn il tu iW ewiirr ai near as 1 ron Id. Who is Rrspcnsiblc! n-e sag jn.i. are acn.r,.rf u; l, respon.ib.i.ty of the elect., a of Mr.i i , . B.nsa -5 b(-cikir in tl.c ahciuitra ol. u.e Amcr. lean 1'arlv. Cut tl ev " can'! eoine it etiite." and : .-sr not rcsT'OttaVibii', we intile tlieir oltt iil-rn to Ihe I,et!tr o! tut Hon. W. R. Sm.tb, e' .Ua. to! In. eonaliturnta. Mut ot H.eir own montb tlh-y are cnnuemni i. Ai.vioer n.c eorresp,ma. - ent of the Charleston Sirndard ia to bi-lieved Baiikoreee.vcd I0i instead of I votes tin may ; he a ittiaMritll !.nt it ia an alstl'd Imi if triia. Ih ; Americans could nyt eltel Aiken even if tiiey had j ft it liisurwd. 1 -- I Tht MlirdlTi j Wt stated in our pifrr of the 5th int. that foul muruer t ad been cnnimitird on the bntir of i . Tree iw L lee name . M ,ee and nri.n. . ,m the aartiru Ura laat week. Th.a we were or. rntm mDi dom.but we eive tliem now. '1 he iwr ,.,e. .Sa rrinntirf n,. Jnr. of ,on,.e.i ... , i. . i..a i. i are tuese : fthiuehoe. tlie niurtierer. had keen cm. . I ..rf I v i. . I ... , , .-, , fr . 1 bUi'.d,n,.'wb.vh he had neariv ,,id for. l,M,oe; then eon. ,t tu .anther pern. On the evening ' 1 ol tie rourtier, t tic iv in pa5ii.j; a h-u4e lit ' 1 y- ,!..rnu, uw Poiieh., who m goitiff in tLr .rirt- ri.rrcMiwf. T.tli l.i.:iM?ir,aBd waiid H r hi... t- cuiiie ' op, when he cfhed I. im fur the mony le bud p.nti him for th framr. Iunphie f-ne him no aati j f..ev.m, hnt .teM.n to pt.a him, bl the hor ( headed hi.n rer .1 tirnr.. .till for tU ; money he had paid him rtnnehnc then drew hi. knife inu the hoy waa heard to nr, "ao you " driw jynr ki.iie ..n ii. e ."' jnd he waa unserved to .: inrow UD r.l arm ri nut mere waa no i - , ..... .,.1 "unr ' " "'- "" " nii.i'.ii o. ma anii w j - ii.ariloj in warn im iwiir- ,"K' lie r.e.iveo M. atrnn,, say ohe ot four wonhl have taken hia life one in i!.e arm, A c.ltin- the main arl-'v.ami three in ths region o" li.e Veart. tier, n.g ti e ht.rt. i i W. ask onr friends cf the Yorkv.Ue Enquirer,' . h , tiunit tiiey ealieu .1 by har.h . name, part, i , .. . r. . . i-t i U on our minority, if li is is ncl a ease of horrid .... . . . ,. .i , . mun rr 7 If it ia not- we ila r.ot know what tnee Would call it. Ocr Xtnatorv If the ryes of a crtiSea of a a.ster Ftste aiial l.ii.pen Uj fall iijKiii ihe ciiiOn ef article. tie ml naturai'y inquire, "What Stnt-ri?" and- vrlre th.l he n not apprised lint -North Car. s!:na is row rrprtanUii iu liie lin'ed .Stales Sen." ate. lie w.l cat ai-ul his thou(hta and ak the' qutstion, - W hat dislmga.ahed n:m'i m ri p- rca r.t ths virtue, the pairintiain, Ihe cuimnon aense, the taier.1i, snd the wi.di.ui of Ihe notde Peop.e ill trit f r. .t M.. le of Not Hi t. j ronn. in tue inoat augut tu.dy of Jtgiaiwli.ra i. now n to the W'l.-ui 7 A iciciity crisi lew .uapi nda ita terril.te dtcri'a tvr fate of tnis great natiin. A war with Ureal liritun, inv' naif ut Forupe fgh. ling on her sr-ie, asd pr.Kabtsi, (tei.sia ami the w i..b of N..rth Amer ica enag-d on nur., is no tr,.. p'.rientous prr.Sai.ii'ly wi ieh Usme Willi riiije. '! as;w-e! m t-,r frriwhinr hor.7j.r of the futore. A reu-y livae tht Suit of Mteiijioin, New York, anii IKI.iwire i-e'ilii.d ."...tu i..i.i ...e mom).. ! tueir g --esl ml., !h el u il cal.iioi: li e Ihrea leu iitgs of War. anr who Will i'.r;iTC the Will of Nnrlh Car- loin, r tv'i.t V'.iee in vv: stnle witleei.o me an ii'tftiT ? Sa a.proi in., sp.-.kf f 'stii, whsl a-ys-t tnoa ? I hear mimwir. V nal ahali lie doiit ? Shades of .Meckhnbor arise, and mantle 1 oe i. j nie nf four ilrg. n-ra le aolii I I hate he.Trii, boi wiieiinr tiie r p'.rl it true or imi 1 ini not -.rl.inir advised, thai the hmt 'l , tu re of Ih.t St. te eljclnj one Jj.vnl S. Ki iu and A.a U'ggs, the one the fain, r of Free (-uffrage. and Ihe olrw-r one of the Coinmiaatoriers lo revise the law. of lite "M" u,"r" """""! ii.i.ger, ami oioeia oi a use ataaip ; out I never aer camel! w City thcr they had ever arnwii al the Ked. W il I the Ihnuer.tic pri as of Norlh I .nil ita k ve in full information on toia iinp'ir lil l iai jet I." Sueti ..... Ik. Iiaia. .1.:. . .aa. .I......U.. lL.1 .. s it..- i b'1.1 iicra of olner Sut. a w, i prn.M.i'y revolve t!eir ni" i"i a. whtn vi sting IIh po-.,,! p,.,tint, of our aa .l.a .Litirta riNilite lo llie f! . U.CU I : jr h'fi. now tiireatia I'.-e.riung provp-rily a a a'.toii of a fie.: .mi pr. (icttiie ai-pfe. The f ri-yoieg pari of t!..a arliel waa i , rrur U.l w... ka isue. Lot w.s Una voiiIh ii! vVa.hit.gbii ' r'-w ec rut. oiee tnat I me. our . orf -pa (Uirflit lIil.'lli'S na tiiat Mr. k-g ieogl.i actuary b-eli irms d fiom hiai a b.;a a! An.iii. , ltl iT'-r. in e. by; tna vie. ag nn-1 Vlr. Ci it I'Mi'. i "f ' : ta loli lo porihaai two linliffi'-'l cords l.i te I:,.- auri'- rio i.v.r ol tin: J'. ri. "J l'l-"".v '.K-'in l- onj'.l or u,i.. "'ropy by ( r en our g .r.ll.ia.. i,l, aunt yeara ago, rparlien il. of eli.fily anij p-mnu toe hps of &iiiaaiig Ireiaao a Uoin U f u I'i ...a..'. .'... II. .i.-.l .1. ....... L. ..... 111. I .a...l alu... u aa. . 1. ...... I. - . W...I4 i-.a o..,.a... rft,:.,.,.l phlt.aU.r..oT- .. . .ian ha-aos. , earla.i. R-. ,.,w,r V' , ' ' ' ' 3 '., ' ",e nn -'.vul-.e tl.rob, j part, tt.ay ir.d we hop, will liru,, I- l-ee Ih. Merchant, in th. s.e y t I'''"- . , v.. . in . . ... Urown broul.t elo-e. i ne plain- gotten up by the ar pin otiort of eiciiiiw slim i these cobwebs althnm . . . 3 ' ".a -.llie. N-C We do i.rr. bv give n.-nee m but a.nrc n.e AUH-ne a nrl. noatais. bast al fie same lini it Is one whii I site will wot , tr : .1 :.. . At f.m, i i i i a . ' i " ronweliS Without recourse lo harsher .1.. . . , , t .ii ii.. il I on ga,,.u tocan, tu, ,e , - r id ir. Tl I J L Tt L rr , V""' I I" ""n""r The emin,,iw f thU e, ' i d afte'M't. ?.ritnf M .reh wi' avdl t t..e I- w -I .'. -.. , il.i y, .v,.,,,!,, tse-.-aetid ,y the e p.,.,,, mUo , f Z i," . ,0 1 f JlT aA Ut Vb I I t V ' T I"' V ' M tWa'.rt fo, -. " - !" ?? . . , . . ' , . ,. , , . Iiii'isi.t, m ali'ise lannly she hail litcl. I hi: ponee. Kbe. bud aifeaily eipemUd ou bun i urt in ta Worn sense it h. i , ! . nn-r said toll, go as s t.l.t. mil. ss duly au- . ,o ,..,, md r. p.,,at... ,u by ,. .y,..,. . . ha,, tro,,.,.. of w snd co.ld ll.eref.,. rfnUU, whs, . of ,h. language ws not denied, and the died mrlbosis of poutnla st-rliii in the eai-t ' hot be Irlle I , u'L t ' ""srised la. do i. t, hi. fare.l ..r .....rihsn.- f..b0.a.,n.te.r.r. ... fav- .,! ,,g, . . .en.,. ,t p. ,K-d. But the odv-mfage. ,b4 in ph. defendant ..,,, ook to prove il. truth Irom ing w.,r-w r national debt was cl.t hum 1 rubbish of H . , ,7 . - f" , ' ' ho , 'Mi.i.e t .c.-.u ..H ,.b..,. e.i. tl..m. ' - A" " - f- m- eo,,d,e., of ,e pi.iJ.ff, bot f,t!,.,. The dred n.iiiion. n. L I be Vxpend ,, , "f ! ,ni 1" to .' a .fA 8l0l t J P. !IKSIKKSO.V. 1w. .ca.r,,.e..WD,w..u,dUi.,.u to mabi. tltem b. as, ..... a.en.l r.- jury rend. T d a verdict asseasia; d.n.,. a few ,i U.s Me ,.ld L! e7 S Hf .1. o, s , LKROY SPIUN. w,,JHMi.nF.,. Ewii.,;ish,oMy,U.,.8er.atl.a.uis.,. at 508 Wiae ta. WJ , iU fu'L,, .? ' i-Uefacter, WITUFF8 i C Al"dVLL .. The Speaker. , . Some of the Soutliern journal, are Vrry aevcre do Speaker Banks. . Now, as Fir aa we are eon. cerned, we would juat a toon aeti Banks in the Speakers Clair a a I ichardaon. Butli being I rem aali-slave-y Slates we believed they wow!- 7m. I dertn their constituents to keep up their popular.. it,ffipHir. will be r.nnii In Rottia rrrminf tu 1 "B "r"" ""g runl "l """,r"J ",u" ty. K.chtid.m. bcinC o,inlly from Kentucky, eut.niit t- the humllieticr. of Lain that whirl. ' ot lully terove red my eat- it nnyltt be redffonltf tn anpfKiM he waa national man, but aa be hud itnted tlit tlie Wil. HWtt Proviso cnnetilutitindl we iitiuliH'4 hit anndhrfta. It la true liowt aor, It ta true liuwt or, when it wi tliri'Ka is kit trrlh Mr. Riihartli admitted he waa wrung aa to the Wilmot Proviso being con atitutionnl. Hut alio tkiinki him fur thiit admi. aiin, when he WJa a eandidnte for &n itTice worth S16 per .lay. But to place him before the South, era People in hi truo liflit I lie Memphia K.igk atJtoon andoubtid nuthority, Ihut in ltr!8, a pur. ty of gentlemen went over tutu l!li-oi, Iruiu 51i. snuri, lo rerlniio a fugitive eluve. On iipprchcnd. lug the runuwuy, he WJa brought hefure 1 lie Burp. r I'mirl. dmiI 1. Im dfwi lli reuiler suiiirip Wfla - ' - --- -i-- . i i - i '. i it'i. .l. . ii -t 1 " ".. me ..... it.e,.. , ar-laWiii. the iicuiioev tif the tit-tiMicr.tic caueui, ! mhn wj prrtarnltil tn StitU s bt ing M.ynii . cm llie i.iifrjr qtirfction i Nortlun-n 1111.11 with 1 S, uihrrn principle.. Lt l those U.ipoxcd W uliiihr ' 1 r Mr Dunka turn llieir btltTi on the Krniocriuic ; Cunriib fur ttlteinpling lo p.t?in on Ihp Houae ttt" Tk?rpftcr.t;itiv it t ttk mi ill til H!r.L,nU Tbf Tora! farrt of ocr Govrrnmrnt. ; It I'ji befn a mHltrr of ert-ut Pi ton ini rrrnl tn I Ktiropt-.m journaimU, mure efK-ciHj thtr Kniuli, J how our rrprenentnlive i.1 Wiiftnutoa wtre ; lowed hr tlieir ronntitucnn to remain quit tly f i t prjci'ubl v il VtplnnjH'uii fr po long a time wttti- oat L-kclinjf a S.iki r. Sncli itt aBfiimtji in Ut proceecinea of a national rfiT.rniucnt, and with ' no serious resulla, is . matter wlueh tliev arc Ut - terly.t a loss ti. onder.tanJ. ..eb conduct, they I aver, woald Wot have been pernJUeu m i'r.nee, l- rtrn vhrn tliiat enitntrv nrufi ts-tt ta hi- frAvrriipd a, rp.t.l.ea principles. 1 he represeot.f.. a would Have be. a il..,K-r..d h, an armed mob C, i, ' , 7, ,, baring lo ii.oeh the ruhhc will aad expectation, and virtnallt leave Ilia conntrs with. - Paiitjiaii roi !are wr.nlj hare reitrif, and a' apee.'y organiaatmn or diapersion would hate Lira demand, d and obeyerf. it i, ilm want ol coi.fjdcnee, seir corn-mml and moral force tl...t constitntea the great dr-nce between the frencl. and other republican coun. Iri. a Tin... al nmr. ;n.,,.il. than . ..!.. ' 1 ' J " ment, and hastily jump at cneiuaioris without proiwrlr testing the preniiaes. Our eoterrmei.l ia uifTi rcnt, and comnid ol d.ff r nt mv rials, j Every lit lie- j ir does not throw it out of ila orbit, i or dis.-trrarge ita action snd f.metintis. A case t ' ml' " I""" """ " orgallitatlon if the llo Uae, ose Ured inlcOl.dur. .-...L.l... . ...... a a.- ; ing the aniniiled an.i esc.iiug contest Uiwreo Jcffersoii an.l Curr for the Pre. i.iency, and ti.. vet. '"S l'lto "' several weeks. Il was 0 op.i.i.m nf the prood an.l amhit.ons Curr . I thai Imie, lin t five hundred men could have assumed the aotlmr. J. '"Uii.nct the pr.iject of d. '" Sector. i the aa..e wanner a. Nspnl r . ar . r Bnu 4 r",,wi" '"ierra in mm naj mr mnK pii. ' .rham-nt. The tclrd p4bthly of nur crmftitiitional f-hric tn atond the ahoelt of tlti- iittrnal ti roee and e.tiwual irrrgiinrito?, pr.tvci liie f,tnl " offtuf m"nt mhicti lh7 tabl,-lH-.i. .yatem ' wouiu pi-f.ieiT nae gor-e to pieces, or oeen onr. j turneu on eiuter,or eacn ol me aaove nnmea oces. ions, rre it not that ihe American peeple had j been Irair. and drilled in Ihe principles snd nab. if wlneh traeh fhe rmfmaiair in apnrl! ..f a..lf. "" . . I ' """'" ..w ( """tb " t"-" P with, a'od lerame a j aec iid nature the people of ihis enantry, is the j traarranU. we ha, of th. permanency r ' e-vernmert. and the safety ol our republican inatilalions, and it ia regarded as a r prond moral triumph when controversies of this i 1 r . I kind are terminated without serious injury or a i ! resort to force. The i aciteincril msy advance ami i the dispute proceed to the very vrge of an "pen j rupture snd an inevitable civil commotion may stem to stare us in the face, yet the st.iliility of t'ne (nverniurnt, and th.- good senae of the people will'r pree.ul, nl the pnss- s and liiaeonia which tureaten the pu'.he peace wi.l become ud. iltnly cs'nitd. ,iwo,"t,n In a it not happened that at our ex. citing election contcala. Hie public oi.nd has be. come so doled and eiaaierated, that bloodshed . ,n(J . r rt i arms u enitd to be inevitable, hot toe inor.i lurce ot law and i.riier pretai'ed, ano ti-c oteaa niv pisai d i ff ailina.1 iipi a breach tti fhe p'8ee. And slim oar elei lions hiite been ft.! in- d r ri'ita and t jtc-pv, rf h.s nlwaT hren ,t t f r idicta ole to tli.- ttitrutiiictiun of the frt isjn fV. ment. The EuilfrR tDslioBs Th !t:tt inteHi Iron, fc.iropc tnrcw but i ...i...m...-.. i,..i.r... .I a - r a ..: ...... ..r . . . p-aee pfpee'a and y t. U that tup ( vr K.a thr pro. 1 - ... . ti . .. pofi)i of Lie A'tica wrfuQt r(nijKirpg hi ( ...... ...... -tv "'i i.-s ta v a ., pofiii ot l ie A'hra wiMmoi r(nijEtirpg net, or tiny f le rtyj Imu Wfld. Tit will of f the C'air t-ltiioopb inAur m (li"frjf i i f trt I iatrimfd and even eon'mlhd hy ihe iisrm. u, officer) and royal counnJlora w.(h I.h eotorn ! aa will aa tyrm-iii-rnce haa aurronnded tle Hu- I ; sun tlirone. j If ihe f.rt n it ia rprrenfrd br tfe, it 'i?.lv ' gn Pt eonfirm the rrtK if the tttntement j-rc tng eIeHrt-tit in hr ryi fitmi! y , the Lmprrr und Kwpeea. ...ellinng 10 fa seer the l.rrn.a peace p. tv, and ojiaistnai tl.e opinmrs of the Quel n Iiw agi-r, and the olner nienilK-rs of ihe Imj-rial f.nn. ily, wiii. in.iat Uwn s eoiiliriwanee of ihe war, a nd a ngof on a pr'Nu-ciilMiit of hoa; 1 1 , f ia a at all hex. srda anil to the laat eitr'i.nt r. 'I'hia div.amn in ill: tj,i rnk may nave lit) llie Czar to aoopt - the ennfae isdic.led in tiia r-:iris, but nt'ierw-i-e j it cow Id be .atil.e. finite lli.l aa it j may, it bring. na, w. a prae.ieal and .at- isf, h.rv s'l.ilion of liie vi i. d nuc-liuw nf iH-aee 'f lure .a I. llie doubt but I Let the war feeling in Husaia at-'l pri dominates, and if li.e parry laai.a. tioeij by liie uMlaiO. inflii' lir e of prl. at, ut jm-o. pie, it lo.istanil w;rr p'evoi, lur ih.y hate it n th. ir powt r lo control and tlirei l !,y an in.en.ih! 1 ) snd tauacknowl. dgeil tnfloenie to ahaf and fawh. ion Ihe leaning b.ii.,1. st io ths qoe.lion ol argnei. i.'.a. ricse iioania are ( of a , ' c-i in 'tawee t all p.riiea, and ioh.I.iii i.v li -a t-.i aic lah- a tn.iu the ni nlraliz , lion nl the ! It ell ,-a, alul Mt o alrsolio ol Ihe ft ra a I I fie.ili..iia nu i.r flu I no and flallil JsVa., nod Ike ee-a o. of a por l.nn of R us.ia ii t rrilor j she Trill euflVr lirrfrff to be tlma dictated lo by an inferior -tower, while the chance i.f war were still in tier power.) When the detail of these nng talked nf pones rcetvoeialinps t to he ad- inslcd. tlie main dilticiiltv in the way of maklt i I -. " . . a mitHinlly satiefaemry sdjustmcnl of meting r.r.lmnrit jr rrinlta fmni nntnf tnc relijrrvi.l pur- rilr rwnlia fmm nn. ..f the helh-rvnl p..r. tica .ronqnrini Ihr pthe. into trraie af her evn advuntiige and rictRti-m. TL(vCi4Lmlllrrs. Vt'j have rereived the Coininititia of the lb,u j the wanrlei il'jr til' tl wiid and ril.-toitcd Ini of Itt'vrca.iit.itiea, Imi huvv nul roum fur tin in j a oinnlioK, 1 ha ve fancied thai South Unrolina tliiawcek. We giw the fuar nioal m p.rUm i.ui : w aa the lirili-1 Kuipire aid (i.oternor Ad- ifuya armtJh'toaif. Iwia 1). Cm, bill ..I Dliio, ! urn wi Oeor the third, (the beit of all lluwni 'ut.tiui t.tori ., II. W. l..ioi 41 ..rj I. mi, the royal house of Hanover) ami that U.itll tSug. ni Ne york,J..h p. 'l I, ui ! ; Chat Ifi-toi, was London, and Hibernian lluli .-inn, J.'iiu-a 11. t'l-Uinbvil ol PtnurTlv.'Min, Ait 1. j 11 . 11 1 1, . . , i.:, ,, ,, , 1 ... ' I wan ltuakliii bam 1 alaee. U, liow that ISnt aniTtr lh wilt at M-.rliD.ilti .nil r.caiii J. , . . e , . ' fmgH Afi'iu a A v. M. I'. a...ei..u u New '-n "lant.that llt-reulean km killer, reveli J. ii , . T. II. I')l v of VueniM, 'I'lion.aa I.. I eH iu the wreck bin mi'-hiy getiiun hail innde, I 'lil.vutua. ot Stil III t uri.ltn.1. V 1 1 1 4. n Alfci a. ol ' .i ,. , ,, ,, ... , K.ttlh t rtihuu . II. at - I' tl I. r i.l t ..iliHt Ik.. 11 la o y (Mint, Ai'HiM liiirlingi.utt' in iN fptti ,bw iu, inn fa nnin 11. Tu u rut-til i KhHlr I-f -htl. Jeititn4 1-. (ilui A. tir-.w m r. nfiy IrniiM. . wmi..i:j yuij., n-u.-r. n. i-m r 'ar.tT l'llili lluni IV. A. Rlr-KnrtlalaliU lit I ti I fit it at hUt Itv. luCtillll't-'tf Ktilt of I'ciihiM Iviini , A. Richnrt,iu t.t ItliiMitu, tt S w Yrt-, t . K.l3lhi ft't-r I l't him m rt Ju- ft M..ryil nt fci.d Jl.i. '"''Jf ' j M .inr. I 7 Ire fitmf. If r- t'l Wh M urnr, jr., nf M iii , A . , 1 1 . Sn It n !! Cr (H pt r K. W - tf-ti i'l 'iu, 1 F. E. bpniM-rot' Nt-w Vufk, M nltci r ni 1 Mikih un, Sri uy Iter ( tilt.. t-l li tiiviij, VV . K. ; S-uulii ut Altb(.tii, iiutt J. A. Bn t'.i-m I O m. Cn TABLE. rrlfrwn fnr Marrl. is before 0. It aff .rda ita u.uijl luni'lf of it.U rLStinir rcoiine inait.r bi . , ,. ,, : Bit!ea a r ratlin.. I lte m. ol riu.i.ert-na nalli r.ia. n!l i . , , caleal.ileil tu ita laiiv roe'ris j W(J ha ,;,0 ,. u)e , fir,. Xo nf ' c u,,( plil,:i.,ed in A.l.b..rt. I y E. B. I . . . - , f BU,kr , (ujr t,. rf , uturc rll.,rj,.. ' , ,,.,..,:,, . rm .... e, , .,Aiu,.., , tr, 't Inns fair to becottie an upt ful and i uteri si.. p , i ii'tT J"rl-I. : ... . r iiate bimi tieiurc n e pi nr , v .1 vi i We h.d ,1,, ofnof M rjl I1(1 bu( , ! hi, ,,.pc.rae, aga.u - ,igJU .J, an." W t w. ctf Mm , 00r Mtini. Wehse. aUu r. ctived ihe fir. t No. of the A-h , T:. ,tw,.01. . rnl.rJ ,nd ,er much i.i.nruved in i',sar, i FOR TIIK N. C. WIMO. Tir.NrEit Mais Mim, Teh. 1 , lsW. jCinr Si; I saw a late notice of tbo wea . . l.i-lr. inor in your paper anu iuiiiki.. ine severe coldof tills WIBtef Uliht l.lllku Stable of the temperature desirable lo some of your readers for n U rtnee, I entl you one com- meiiivd Jaimarv 15. on which dnv 1 took but Ivto observation. 1'be ibeimoin. tor tl'cd is a spin t thermometer bt-loiiiriiiji to cd is a anii it thermometer b. loi ' M r. Northrop of thus place, kept on the N. ' b.s, and f.rl, closed. It aa. . Vt F - Alt BA aHV all . J . . VA c A H k.a-a f ..m - i i -i i . . i i i sbouid kc lo bear bow low and w hen it was My observation were taken three times a day. his nt 7 o'clock, A. M. 2 o'clock, 1'. M. and U o'clock P. M. as follows: 7 e.'rlock. 5.1 "clock, 'clock. Jaaoary la. at 16, 10 31 -3 17, M ;.-, 3", 53 St'l SJ 19, 9H , S8 a 21). 31 ' 3-i 2i ' 21. .1 2 17 &"., 13 US 17 " 2.1, i'l-J V3 21. 1J 3B 2 .. H 3o 26. Si) 18 !7 S7. !? '.t 2f, S4 3ej ar3 S, 18 35 a " 30, 82 3 US " 31, 12 4H ?4 February I. St sC 37 2, 27 46 35 3, Hi "7 14 4, 3 17 9 5, U it.5 18 6, 13 37 3 7, 31 4t 36 ". 8, 34 41 31 " 9. 3D 3iS att " 1, 17 4S 3-i II, 2J 4-i 36 I'y l':e above table it wiii V seen the! the dill in-tant :be coldest dsy of the sea son ; -U degres-a Iclow fre mug, or such wcatlu r as we bad on the 4 1 It iu-t , v. hen the th'-rmoinetcr ttood at 3 degrees, (?!;, 1 clow the ftet zir.g Xiibtj ought to bring us a food i-e rrrp. Jhc aierageieiiiperaiurp r . . , . - ii. i lor llie luririm.i' nlnfrvalninH ana il l.a lena , .. , . i 1 tliau Jl) ciegrei'H or uiore than I J tlecrrei-n , . , , r , . , , .. .. .. I below framing for be whole penod ol ViS , fc ... , i ilays. J he ate. age . o rlock temperature ; , ,' , ', i would be less ll.iin 4 degrees ahot e freegmej , It ,t i . 1 .1 i. . for Ihe -fi daya iioleil. and the night tern- I . ia.' prraiu'i-. 1 uijri", or very nearly. l eiow Ireeiitnr fee tho satin sseri.i Kl...i .U. .r .. . .... .. ' . .. ... , . . , m.w lie ilHIP Illf Tl H nfTtif II r sa fa til lOW T lis i a. , - . fra in. 2 point all the liiiie eicrriifiu on? dav y. , u it (li'J not '0 ttbove. lilt It-r V r;irh- ; .A c ' ea it. K.J. IIALLKNTKCK. Tl'giojiheA filths t'arolriM Timr. Wiiinot0n, February 10. IIir.nLv iMpfiBT.tsT WAhtiisirniv. t;.)vetnor Munition wiil )-ae this city fir Kansas, Hid lakes out with hi in in-true, lions from the War Ih pn tinent to Col Summers, to u.e the liiileit Mites : roops d if neecsarv, to t-nfore the Protlainaf ion 'f ' ; President Pierce. Twelve hand fed troop, Summers, to ure the United States' stationed at l-'ort Leavenworlh and Km t l!il-y are ordered to hold themselves in reii'iitiesB far action if called out. Il is ev i'li ia that a bbixly confliet i nn-tieiaaN-d, bence I be timely anil cfliCH l,t pre- M , .il,,,, bein? mule. ,. , ' '"K, Fehm.r. 10 -C-Mon-TI.e anlliia Di.rhl i. l.i.r.v...! In..l... ....I ' . . J ..w n ji uoti'i. we i.ove no change lo note I.. ..I.I . a prices, jet they are ti Q. r lhaa at our lait di -pat' h, salts ,lhu tiales. Hour and torn are dull of strle IIaIIFAJI, February I"). TllE HrTAI't.f l) STKAMKU. No tl tin of I be taniif r f.'.tiada. ay sbuut l.eraafi-ly. . People are uuea-1 r. ........ '."lA-on "'e,.i e (Wo on I , nkti l'.jtritit 1 mho II livv Tl.ia.a.B ..y.i. Ua....H. I'l. Ixistou Supenor t.owrf , on atllrday w orn-; .- r- From our Corrcspoutlcnli. rilAiafeTON, lfrb. l-vieso. LriKt week, aa jou know, I wan awfully m-lined and allocked and confused hy the a i -. - i -t Tl. . .. . I! I. . ..! , nasiiing gtenm. 01 1 iimM raj tigii.tiii.g, ,r" " ' MT ' ""'" - - courts tin! eiow na nnil . rn-llce, aitb all tur 1 " lu and leatUera,1' " lioiia and eoufu-ion " of t.e ri iti, rule and ruin of I be four Cicor cearare i i 1 founding i aa mv earn, and lean think, dream. ta:lt or w rim of littla el-e. In 1 ...t 1 1... I I ltd taM , i n ,,.,,.1 r f ............ ..v ........-. ... - ' -1 i . i . . i rj ovf;r rue aarre.1 1 tgt. n oi t.,e PcoP e, ana I. hi lfil I In crow 'tied tyrants from the throne of their ill potim po r ! Hut 1 wrf-U vou ft lonu letter )oM wcpIc ( ntf)xa yackcm3f the tltuiiderrr, and jou ' .J . .. J iced rot fear that 1 am ioinr to inflict up on you a, or accotid edition of the :in.eatnry. lie; i pifMv w inning laurels anil tnriiintr beads'm llfe'gofly city of Aufrufta, ami m at week bo ill open the royal baw, and biiii); cut the plio-t.- of the lyratii.ienl and iiiibieile ti corgi's, lirlore theloysleit ilens of Savannah, vhetn he will ner.iliiiuo date with a p"P his "'auity Fair'' of natural curio-itun and liorea, at ihe reaxonuble prices of iil'ty ceuU a brad, lliltill.-n mill kiTUnnl. Iinll l.nei. i" . 1 . ; 1 now rlisiiiiss 1 lucid-ray, the minor of . .... ... ...... lkH,k 01 ' 1,01 i " 10 ""' Vrrut to. ii I an ratilicnlion ol boll, you. awl your iiiiiiii'tois tiai.i rs 1 L I iI.m I -.1 mice cf this letter lo a cn ait-r orator and the el- . '.,,,,:,. .,, ., . 1 - J , , , ! ei.teUt allied a lrc Srtl deb-bf ed au'i tehee ... . ut ,, ,, , .. U.i .. , ..mnnr nt 1 1 .hi rmii u 1 1 1 I nn I lie " n. . ..' ... . M-iiiiifr ret-o tiltmi 111 irolniifl " llo is eti. .V.r. .l.-..l!y an Ultr.t. if rt an cr.tlm-iaat. but i:iM..,.;.l,e iLcdents of his 1,1. may perhaps lortbi. No man of anir- it can ki- the buml that suiites. bun, or lore the country that has bin,, and he may have some croun.U at leant lor bis Li- till- satire and eltumcl.t tdiillinies uoaiu.t 1 t Its- liritisb Gove. liliiei.t. , . 1..., f. r 1 no not, liostv- .rv .i,.. i. i I,,illir,lra er, belli ve very i-troiiiy lit Lis pimciptea, nor hate 1 lin.i li CulibUet:Ce in the specify i lulfi'uu i t of his prophecies about lln- doi- i lail of the liritisti Ku.pire, ami the e n.iileniiiuiii of I ri-h hln-ri v. J!nt I shrill not lias Ia Inrlrnvirl bis doctrine or cx l.i p -iicy : I shall I - - allHIIC lite SOU II .1 II. SS O. ol l' 'p'aK ol lulu ns I saw I.iiii ami h.-arft ""u ia-t iiigns n-"ii me noi.r "i nn- inner. attu tns ry.' n.i-l.iii- ni.linaut nre, anu Lis Ira me i u vtrinjf taitli ri rvo-i-ilutpit'iire on Ireland w roiij; and remedir. I ctubl see nothing vi in his apiwarnnee, nllhoil-li lie is a fine f peeinu n 01 llie educated lri-li e;t-iit!einiiii. slid does nr. i :...k ll..., .ii he m a- born to i' ruied. "e about tlie wsi.luui .-He, w n Ii a hue eye low forehead, black b ur, i t la a thick bUrk biard nm! I'-ee covered Hf i. an orator otily in eonci ption, in word ami in lliomht; ! the action, the tire, the v. hciueiice is a silt ing. Some of b.s senlnees arc thriilmjly elon-ient. and eznui.-iu I v beautiful, but he 1 wants the Dewostbene-- art of act o 1 I '- theatre eflt-c, of the pop- ul.rora.or. lie lacks , be .i,.iB and gra- ; cesof elocution, and h. evidently been more ..,..1,..,, .( .i. .......... i i 1. ! he po-w-e,, i ,,, rM;e,.i decree, tL tu.W- rial out f which o a great orator 1 be audi, nee w Inch greeted bun ass not as large, nor as st in t as the friend. ol the ili.-l ili'j Uli-bi-d in, c euulu UiiVij w l-Led, ! ttry few beiue out, cirept the kith and km ! of the " Uu'.i! Country. " ! lie opened bis lecture by referenee n the i war in the Ciimea which is rocking nil l-'u ' rope with its volcanic throes, lie auid lhat the co.ilesl which was lergtheniiig snd ileip- and r.;.leiiiii, Wats daily becoming morn irtense and ah'orbing, until all the ci.ilil'd world w as look iti on the changes upon the che-sl'oard of th.s war of the gi ants, wub a deep and startlina; interest. In Iv.irope, more particularly, ate all eye- turn ed upon tii is bloody s!au liter p. - n of n i M ui, while the spirit of trunant l.ntic Irct-doin an hoveling in the sitioki;i?f battle. II. tlii.iijhi the war would continue ; he rlrirsri thai it should tr,nintif-, et.-rv 1 l-sw ihi.t wi- struck there made Kn-'l and Uiade ICii-rliiid vieiiser, and . , , ,. ... ; i"i i mi. hi'iii wnt ii ii in-'i i-ii' ii'iii'aiMiu ... . . 1 1 he soldier III the t rimes t hinks ol the ntrii" . . , , . , , Cle in which he Is hianto part am u-k , ,r , . , ., , 1 . , himself, what does til ibis nienti, and vi ii.t : , . ,i . . . .( . , is to be the end tberof : und a In ther it is m . . , , .. , bem-ht kma or aubject. pritiee or p.-opl,- -i . . . .. ' . ' , ' h' lonely emigrant upon a ili-taiit mil .- i. ....... . ., ... , , . .' Uarislies., onviit I eanis of a b.-Mer o.iy r hi kin in a fctrl irit inJs in ( . , . . ; , . , , 1 i V rry re:ti!y tlie -w-r.-i t i- 1 . . . . in ;i tsirl Irit ihIs uitlibt Ijr ofi iiout hn bi en startled by tue intelligence t pi-aee will be cou- i'jdcd, and liie t-oiih- I Lelwer 11 I lie L-reiit nations ol Kuropu will soon li-rmiiiati-, and subtle diplomacy do the w ot k ol ponder and alee!, but be did not believe it, the woriri did not believe it. '1 he t 'iar would not make peace, be dared not make peace, while B at lued tesnel w.s in the C' rime a, or at. arm. .! ha.lilii r upon ln-r soil, and all the twace ,....,,,. lut " '""' bar,tU ,'l"ron l tlt ' ,r ",0 hde be uioru lor- tumors slid u nco moi einebta. are norhiii" liheiiiioiH .nil uiounted more eamioti. It w.s lo the interest of Au-tri.t 4 ) coiitimie the war because it eth-iu-led France, and it w s to tbi: interest of l'ru"ia to protract li'i-tililii-s heeiu-i it gate her the prolits of a rem tine rati in. trsdw. Hn.. 1 .ml was now engaged ins fearful guggle! face to f tee with liti-st i, ih. i,o-t powet fu and power in i.urope, while she ,. nour- dangerous i-h:n in tier boriin at-II mori fri. ml in the per. mi of lh- third liom.p.rte,! b. tween wIhih, mi unnatural and nil unholy j al'iaiir-e had been firmed for n de-p.-rat ! b. i ami u .ngerous ctiterpiis", wlnto pi fty uiu- iiio-iti.'s and aational ri ah i. s mi!ht ili.-olve CTi-l. war. lecfor tht! b L'rmiiiuriuii of the present I is no- n.n rt in g und wiiib-; r- I -. I i..ii:...'i i. ii..w .... .niTig aim va t ii u " univir-aiiy ach i.owl,.g,., an peri-, ... - , . . . otity of frencl, prosets . .-..i.i iie.oic in.- wans oi .enastopoi . ..i-. .. (.wi ..oi,ir, -nr mis tun if Fleet, i ...:..i..i:..r i i -. . .l..l:..r l . in tut cr atiiiiiiuteriiig io tiie att-k, and : she is now firi-Iiii!? the tml-e of Kii-laml ..1 1 insl.-ad of fiodiuj: li.e regular h..lll.y l,.-al,i i ii inn "ii i mi 1 ' iim i I , imri-riiiiii iimu Thrporlrn!ouininrmurof the atarTing orcr-j At llie present day tn all enlightened wo k.'d uiilliom are already being heard states, the voice of publio, opiuion ta the like th rumbling tread of llie distant storm, fountain of power,. and the oonseutiug roice ami the cry of" bread or blood " mij:ht yet of aa intelligent coiini.tniity aa heard through -tartle front their propriety the royal in- its legitimate channels can eeldom be wronir, mate of .ti)iViiighani palnee, and aoatter In tins icue "o jmjiuli" ir ill "ro the atnrs and gnrtera of ber titled ariatoera-.Dei." , ey to the wind. ' . : And we, who are the last and freshest a- lie itiid that pre'cnl indications looked inonj the nation, wntraiuinalled by the trv towards a future war between this country ditioiia of the past owe it to the world ta and Crent Uiitnin, and that in case the event use noble manly policy in all our relation should transpire, we could count on at least with the nations of the earth. 8 forty thousand Irisbnieii who would willing-1 .. ly aiioulder their musket and full intornukj WARtllN'OTOJt, Feb. 1.1 rejoiced that an opportunity had ofivred for j J Candidate for the Presidency ar multi footings Ion? hill of blood and plunder, and plyiiig rapidly, and there need bene for settling tip old scorea with interest. And that the orlica will bo left meant for need no a piil would keep lier lover back, or a of aomo one willing to occupy it. .' mother restrain her only son, but rather like For the American tvoruiuation, In addition tho Spartan mother, abe would place tho 1 to that true patriot and genuine American arm in his land, and help him to bucklo Millard Fillmore, the nausea of Gu. vxn on tlie panoply of war and bid him po. nd lloustan, of Tetan, Jacob Itrooin of Penn! return victorious, or full among the aluin. 1 Garret Davia, of Ky. Win. R. timitb, of AU hare thus ien you a few broken frapiiente (ieoro Law, of N, I. G, V. buai'rucr of of John Mitchell' lecture what think you Va. and John J.Crittenden of apo. of it! ASULKY. kenof. It is the opinion of the wire, work- - ;crs that Mr. t'ritlenUen will be Ihe atron 'tit Newton, Feb. II, 1850. ' "'" ,,,c Convfinioaj, and will be noum,. Tl . , ... . , . led aa the moft availnllfl. There is no doubt The facta which the correspondence, and . . . . .. ouoi .. . t i . i i . i 10 r- tmtendena qualifications lor tho the rniioim rrrorda bnnir to leht in reunrd , n-. ,. ' . . ; lM . n . i t a .i enire, or of bt devotion to t ie tiriHe n es of to ( eiilral Amenean affairs are of the Terr .it . ' , ? best rfilere-t. ' i - Interested poi . j ir. ii . ii t . slifd no lt.o.ana wi I till ut lint we ilh our doctrine of manifest destiny in . i ... t i 1 . l.. . . j-ui n't.-', ui-uii uur imiliirr ihu nii.u r.i:i.t iu couit.lait. of Ihe et.croohn,ent.s of other ... state... 1 ct when the accusation is caannu- ed it falls to the pround. Jin t f( vr charges can I e brought against ' ii, in wluuii is a nation are concerne.l. Tso of tli.-se are ca-es of fair purehn-e, at l... I. ... i l. .1 .l ii mi ui.e tan t, iiniesit j.nL'ii.nii I ' j "J I te jewe, a apoi, on save., irom : oer i-rnin, lexna was u si.ue ft llll-c IIIIIO P''""',C' no one can doubt, a n in x.-d to u, ''J ''r r''n coniract, and think what- j ever . may please eonr.-rhih,. the neees-i- I y of the 'It'licso for eerv mile i t aics.i . ar, lor e eery square In lie i ol and We tiaul its l-ill liurkel iiue t " " " l l"im i" l in aurari in ao. ' It i.iiii,ii.l.lil,. ik.i n.h. .Ii,, 1 ..' i - ...... ........... . . " "T" V'""" l""'"" j Mat.-, should be much inr.rc.ted , escb ! olleT fi"-.' natural epMO of our ... ...... ' f t ,r w....... .so :. , . i .... 'oiua,y ... . s. o, rectum na " j S':m' vm "V"0 J " 'A 1 a.i .i . . r"""" . qwesltons OI .H-Iicey IN- ruif. ii'n IT rini'ini Ml 11 ij. It 1 1 a, is 'w 01 nature, mat weaker rac.a cis.ip - i r t V" . . , .iwia- mi r.i in e-.-ii-e VI tiariaiTHII II. V . , , , rni-t ni I ri. trnl .n.eiie4 will disappear he - fore the nil eoi qurt ing .n(.-lo Salon Our po-iiion and our interest, way even our duty, renders the Monroe doc trine a state necessity. Mlvucti r it eau he enforcer! witliiut iufiitiiii upon the rights of other., a stem policy rrpiiies ii sii.iilhl he dne. ltt sidrs tliu republics of Centra! Anuii ca aic iinli.r.illy .or alii., and look to Us lorprntci-i... Hy the fl.vton treaty, both' ii...... ..,:.,.. .... . :i i ... i i lit. . .. . .... ii"o-iuiu ana sni'Hi'i vr t-tl i ' Cured . lirs-at llr'tain r Bint both fair and foul "a "rr Br,M "P " '"" .ier e.-a-l ''' ' r"'rl .'.luetics, lor a distance of bwn- ilreiis ol rii-t. .o the iMine she has a ri-l.t, not of sovereignty, but of ni. . .i i . i . . , I. r... . .... i .... t . . . . . . i . ... I '-r- ' '""" P'"l" .' ' ra"w" M " oetwut-n her and .Meiico. ratio., r.fahirhliea .et..,.-n ber., ,A U.ien , ' ufnuon ho-.ier long cn- I ' Flte e ! "e J ,0 7. 'l" ?7" , , 1 " ' l"J ; .iBiita ol leMral America, her continued f oec"rM'on f Huatan and Ihe e teblisbment : of V1 " ,,J. "f M"ds," ran . ' f vriurrc.i no other ii-l.t luan an open .'Honors viulaliuti ot the letter ami spirit ol the trenly. .r principle of action seems lo be thai upon wbaloer icrr.tory, the may hate laid her gra-p. Siie wiil not loose her h )!d, uhlil .linen hy n.r. suite. N" sooner bad tlio treaty been cone': odrri, snd tner iean .mi n on the fl vir ol the .Senate, i.nil down the inierpn l .tion ful which our goierniiiriit now coiila nd-, than Lord Cisr en'li.ii mi l otln-r Kng'i-h Sl-lfineii, claim ed tiiC L'lliie- io be tli. ir own sboluie er- rilorv snd e.pre.sed tM, d.-.crmini.t ,m .i -ii ....... nut to givu up !-. r rnt-clorat, I nt sough! to enter . .to new irealy with II - 1'nin'l lo secure ih. ir savage al lies and roust ''i.-iitiy their bold -,pon them 'I hi y el :i i an I lift f this 1'roteitrsie has el- isli-il lliriin !. centuries. ai) ih.t hrT are led liiriin !. centuries, anii that bouti'I in iK'iior to m tint .in it. but siatv odd Vars nar. ii w .is oprnlv liisafowcd bv the r.-i.-.i-ti t in i - a iu i- tii ami iii. oni lun ne. titely sa.irl. d -ince lbs r-ni'e lo California ' and the Imi nn o the I-thniiis t uluablc For 'i, t!,er ! is but one straightforward path lo Inllow, in iu-i-t upon the full and rrimpViD ohai rvanee of tiie trsi,iyi and if thiit is not done, to sii-perid d ipiotiiatie rt-l.-t L.... I 11 I . i a ., :.i. l- i . i . . i . t ., . - ....... Ml Mm-h cm and nii -lil lo be doiw to .inc. liorsle lln c-imliiioii ,f things in Central A- .i i i - in.-ne ii, an i linn li ui-cMiun Is iiece ss ii r v f r l!,e future innnsgi-im-iit r f our uffu rs in l;i:-t rpisrh r. I l,e pr.-.. nt condilion ol thing there Is cnle .lalinl l.. en. ..I i..i. .1.. r... limit?- i . future . ' v. . . ' : " ."' --. ,i.v .-ir-ii-.iif nini nt no noun Hi our lor- rin iiueteour-e is there more rn-cd, rf . coo! clear bonded state. m:iiiah!p than this, Nothing ran he fairer than ihe po-inoi ,r,f the I nib-d Stales. While demanding nf i ire-1 Itiitai u the surrender of .11 dominion ; u ' entral w arc bindin-' ourseltc h T (he same r'i-oluiio'i. a re-ttiiiion j. ... ..,., . . ",c f"t"r' - !,e " ' j may n.ake a very irb-ome o mr-ie of events one. the Kngli-h have so lonrr been arenstmn. , "d to a wirii;s.le ayeta-m of ariticxntiou, that they bnvs co.i-e lo look upon it as a part of their nntijrnl fights, although very smna i on the pirt of any other slate, U with them . a verv moral mul rieni.eunr.hw ! It i thirst for lerrrtorY like the miaee'. : 'hirst lor told, blinding bin. to every con ; sideration tbnt dues not p.-rtiiin to grasping i and adding I., hi hoards. There t rery inn h of noble g-rieros fehnjf ill the Kngli-h jimye, but the y-oie and lb i ulrm of Kngland are unlor lunalcly not iiiiinnli... ,y t,e Mlm leHings. 1 Could a. hrln. il,. i' .t i . .... .... i-. n,,.,I .111,11.' I II . I1H peopln of Kn-Innd, il might somt be settled, but hi-r staii-emen are governed bY so dif- nut ni-r sta i-stuen ar I I.. . .i.t l.-ient .r..tiri;s. so mu h under ihe influence ii s nnil uisttpi,;, n.jof trailttiritiary policy, and blinding truth. sy.tem of dtplomaey which lo... tt-rs Iu every ciurt ill l-.iir ' uropo, tb-il we can-1 not eipeet th.-.. Kraightforward eoursu from A conl deterniine.l marrf. .,;,, . - ," nr can we .tun.-, vi iiiu viuei KR.iiit-n.rii wouiu inskA r . in una f thtii nt oflicers, but it ia my opinion, foun ded upon the inlorination 1 have been able , . , - .i l.ll I fu . . , .V" , ., """ " ' of a majotny ol the American party throuifh- . . .' ' out I bo country, aud rspceially ol tnut nor- tion of Ihe party which once actud with the lh-iuocraey. Ih the I etnicratie Convention, the coat.-st V.M1 tie bt-ttteeii t ierce ami llueiiauau and i .i lllil.rll.M (...a. III. . .... 1 I... .. ... n ven to the ,,,.,,-,. (M,.Batet ffOB, i.,,,,,.; gutes trom 1 etin.i Ivam i. ' in support him brnl, last and a! the lime,'' there Hill be prelty waitu work in makeup the w. , " ""'T'"'" "'"''V hr0"'-'1'1 mt nd '' K"nll.n as com liroiiiic . II...... i ..... .ml ti .i " ani am .an oi o. 1 . t.nar, as inr,, caiiuiii.iir. .1.... I.. I ... i Ihe mass of th. 1Urul-Ii. n.. it u knew n AmcMe.nm the,, ef! f,M4r0 ttit4 ,h rm of Brslv,,,, ' " i . ii ..i. i uw iivi pioi mi-, auia anno iiiir ' )ov, for the ' nigger lo be their chief pnu- : e,n!e . uui wh tb.m ,..U i. ... ... ,., ,llr,.. (lf lLa Auiri ' , a I J t . nlaeeil betoiid doubt. ,' ,. .. '.. ,, , , , , i r ur the ice rre-nlt aey I bear of no ons menriuiied a a or It. m. 1.1, ... il. i t . caiidniale, an.l for tba American tioiiiinaiiun 1 ., , ... , ,. r ,, ''" inv iiaiine- oi oiepui a uim, ci ail ta-. Jere. Clemens, of At., and C.J (jaidaer.of are mentioned. I he new c.fTi eers nf the Hmise hare niade a prtrty cban sweep of the Sag Nichls un d. r them. 'I be only r'ftet that 1 feel in regard to tin tu is that i!iuo-t every one of them a pointed formerly co operand uh tha W hi:' r art r. thus inniiu Iresk eiui. n , " ' " ",ff AXJT- I pomtmeiita I notice the name of Mr ..... .1... .1.1 r l . . i. n . , ,i i , .. 'Aitaaiider M. i!, of North Carolina, who has been appointed by tlu Ihiorkrrper to a .Ves-rnr place, at a aalary of CI ,0 t p. r ani.uoi. The Clerk ef the lloua ha- ap pointed Wm. I. Ingram of Ky. lui chief tlerk. J lie president has issued a pmclainaiio .L. It. : ' a; . " """. vmn..nui..K '. . , , . . . " . i , Z.i.ZTV Zf 'WH c disr- and retire peaceably to their r,. pX. ,b,Je., .ikJ ,1 rn ,f, ,fh i, .. . that any atteuipk-d insurrec tion iu aatd Ter- r-lory or aggres-tse mlru-i in into the same sill he re. i. led not only by the employment Of the local militia, but also by that of any stailable forces of the Fmled ."-rat.- j io ihe end of immunity from vnrteiire snd lull proti ction to tha pei-eiiia, proHrrl , and ev,! rights of ail fiec-efel aud law aindin -inhabitant, of tn. l errilory." He al.o c.i S on the '-cilnena, both of adjoining and cf distant States, to abstain from un.-iuth.ii '. n.n rineild ini- local coiieerus (.t the I'trriiory, ad uiorn-hiiig them that it- organ ic lew is tu be eircutrd wild Koarlial j ts- , ' ".' " . '""' rence wiiiineiir eoii.iin : an I that any rndeat or to intervene byorg.r.iird force will be lirmly withstood." '1 he I'o-iin.-ler tii nersl has elabli-he. a new po-t cffice at Kott a Island, Curium k rn ii uly, and appointed Wri. Smith, po I m as ter, t.ully s -tore, John-ton county, is ehn;rJ lo Ci ay Ion ; Win L. Joyner, pojt-ma-tcr. ' lion. W'm. U .Smith, of Ala. has given notice that he w til introduce t au enr'y in, a I ill to pn tciil the intioduciioli ii io tho eouittrj- ol foreign paupers, luliat:., or pi-raons. l'ine a aerious teeident oeeorred to flcn. Cs.s oi Krtdsv la. I. In descending the Patent tllh' C at. ps bis fool slipped, nod he lell -oine lii.ta.'i eto the p.iveinviit. !miio hiippeiied lo ace hi tn full, uiid when found he was iiisetl-ibltr. Ills head was badly cut, and bis clothes covered with blood. 1 am , i.- i r "appy to uy that he is - eiilirelv out ot , " J .i ' , , . . . . l 'd tinnger, ttioitn ne n as not aa yei re-uir en hi seat ill the Srntile. Hon. IS. A. I)ugU in his scat in Ihe iS'tisto yesterday fir the first lime tint session. The noiiiination of A. 0. Seaman fr Su perintendent of Public Printing has been . coiitirnn-d by the Henate. " i i i ti- ii -i-..: .L. .... t orm-ima vven'ieit, nt inis rny, ir ti cils nominee of the D iiiocralie party as to day elected public printer. The oiC stoosl : Kor Wendell, ltl ; Fullelt, S ; IVIritt, 15 ; sc. iter. ng V. lion, tleorge K. Iladger arrl Prof. C. C. I'Vlton. of Harvard t'wversiiy, were to dsy elected Kegcnts of the Smithsonian Inst.- in ot " Ruf,,i (')oatr ro' signed, and lion J. M. Ih-rrien, deceased. '1 he House (.'r-irmiiiteea f not Jet an noutirrd. It is thouLt by aonie, that they wire ki ft back until Ih icimmalioit of the contest lor printer. If this ia true, we may hope soon to hear of their announcement 'I be Marylur.d Legislature hrta Bud np.Mi ' to inorrow lor the (let lion of t'nited Batr ; Si-tiKlor. The Anuiiean cam us has i.r-Bii-, Haled A fi' bony Kennedy as their candidate : As the Americans bate a Istge majority l the I.ivisluiare, his election mar be regsr . tied as certain. '.li;tJNTI,'.S. (itlNoticr. VCCfirifllV'tJ I.i sn Sff ihgemenl el.lerrd trrea Itoa. the )4lh .lav ol l.ilnill. I s'H. I V and

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