THC ROWRS COLLECTION ?,ui'i. . v- CHARHiOTTEI, 0J. O., F"33SH.TJjSL.jT SO. 1356, e4 J ' wsBri-xB uJl:mxluilJlJlwllJflAJi,,lll'lli ! 'riwiiiin iin'rmifcirLs;m n.TjF:'ro'i'.utJLnj-Mk;jfr . ; m)t Matty i&&twm iOtytg. I T H 0 11 AS J. I L T 0 W , HniTim A 1'hAetoii TI.U The N-rt'i.Cnrnlin.i W'hij. tj be atThrdt'el,. ,u .,t run iii ii i a a,, .,,..,.... -itt.. ii.ii.i.Aiiji ami tit tv ears ,r Uy'lltll, u j uti-it-i ll,r Inr.-i' moil a itf Hi LI; DULI.AU.S at i -xi !' t'er year. K-'-r will be (lucon. I. n i i " 1,1 111 mri ir.igc kl uiJ. except hi ii,,) t'n- h.i.t..r. r n,-i in; i:,i.- t M, 111 V 1 t . l cent. In 1, - : .i im l, ! s iri.-tTll'4i e Doll ar per utnru T i -S, t I'S lil.eej r the tlri mse. . .. . . . .. 1 .MU.init imbiuiiiii;, V till, I aU. 1 ills and ii :..'Vt rhierccel "4 i, . n,r; i.ii.i ii inn t.f ;'U o.r crnt. ,u ! -:" '"' ''K"ur 'f rr 'l" .!-. Am. ill., il.i'l.t crti-it. liiitgLHIy or i. r; v, n: Sl r s.)uirr 1 icTT t.n.t. sicil. til in.: . . i.'i rinln H-r MjUiO Iratil lime. -'.Ii . U I n ult: Mi'.), ria'u att UK Orlit.. poctr l!MSU'.RnG A ELS. i it :i r... ..f M-. .i ! . I ! r- v i.r-- ni'r . j -n 1 H -,. .i i .- . ... I I- . m i.i.f.r l.t fii r. Ju.KcIl .N 1 1 : .ii" ni.'.ir ; ! ' . . ' - . .iL ' i p , i . il A '.v .N l - .. : . .. ikur.f, f ! a l . . j.r.. -, U A : ' v '' i t 'oun, i '1 ii l. -i 4 i i-tift l.t-n '. j M . . - ;. ' ' y t, ;i I ' A . :HI ' I VC i I ' " I" f' I i i,. i- : ... : i t i il -t r-ijf f 1 . f ' . . - ' . .. ' .v U I , ' . . a . - 4rn'r iln.df, i V. . . r I . v li ' - . .. ,l .- .'. -! .. r - ' ' t. , t .N . . - i i: u .ri: tUf.c. II-' ' in - . - --i r r; I V . i. i i i- I., miIjt, Ii- ' . - -. tl!-r..,t II ... . :!-. . ! , 1- v h-r A ...... l I Jl.lft I I . I . i- r f 1,1 r -. -; . . i . an i. ; A ... . "i p ' i ny. ' . ' A . 1 !: I: j- If (J I VI n , I: .. I. .' .I '.II 'lll.IIIU.IHif, '. li -' t . !.- i v . ' - in,-. v .. i.jj . I' 11 . .1 I .1. ll 111 .-.I. ,1 " ..I .ll-IIC, A ., . I i st t, i . .- r i. . r . ' ' - ' : n .!'. Uni ' ' - - ..;r .- .rili. ' - 1 ' - i-f ' -! M.-hlll', - 1 1 v ii i r I ' i , V. . . I 1 '..... , - ...... . t i r .. , . id- .!. .t " - iv .' : i -. j... r u.rr 'I i ' I i- v. .i ic t II-'- ' ' IL ' 1 .- ri , y uil. !T, M- . -.' i-.v y ! .fr ... I- ijl.t ' ' ' ' - - . -i - r . n sr ' vp r in r ui. II , . , , ... u, i A : -1 1 l'i ' i .' ' .. v'f - I .i 1 1 r-1 ' 4 I .. r. u . 1. 1 , v ; 3Risccll;uoii5. I, H 'i i, Oi S I 'd a. ii I i.-itil ; vi.g morniu.', I '. - 1 w a s out, 1.0 1 ay t han iii his hours, j - r -; ra fi jm .i ln."l , 1 - - !i i ll ',A duty into ' :- i 'i -e ;.- r ious n.-i.i s it. 'J h- r-li-r.: li.e cattle ' At !r. I a i' . :i h'o. . ay Vet I. ,w Witil til" j !-a- i.. ety : I. J . i ' v f v ;. : r - ', .i ti r:' Jr. . 1-1 1 w -it. r ol, and;,.- 1, .i.ltrv l'i . a: -ai.'.e nli-.i.tiou, ii I there was r 1 hr. ti i, mnd, th.j huge old : I '' , f.r the Icon had now i ' " 1 Ij r. and mho grey win- I " . t.e: i.',;. b'li.-u of luanag-; I.i r. -.1 : .. t. r : ., ,:: in ii. : ,. i .1 i-i'. .;. '. , foi tuli-.t, , V. pints i-la-l.i j . !'' l.'l I I i. .ell ',IS -li iiil'.'.r-. .. lin y 1 rolan.l strong . c ' I 'ill -a- as go , 1, bis a i 1 ins t, te, for his hurt I I' ll I A i'" r- ll y. ;.i ' of:i --,::.! "i- an I tn were jieed wigl.ty . a I h' -ri i- 11. par'. tl v i I rich he w as 1 U'i; ii. : e.i'-.iiiit ,:i.-.s. He iiii'l j j ! ! .I tv ,r i I , I l,e (liini -.1 ii a son sl.ou 1 1 . 11 ' -f to i.,o i. la ho) is of his toils, a d inl.t'-r ;, rlornn 1 ho' .same kind i ,r I.I- vvlf.-. Ili'i, I b, eu disiit.- intid and 1,, tin.' 'ild-upie Wire the 6 1 1 1 1 1 y t. ti.inls of tout lonliriii ii '4 - . I h" I). -iie-iii went tii'-chui ally about his m . nun ' lab irs ; Lo drove! ; cattle to thu v ,'. r link ; b" supplie'l 1 111 with fresh, and if;, r m eingjli'it they were eoiidoriahle, li.tirn'-d to I old '.ih hen I'.y this time tin' ; id .hiid pri pared breakla-t, and a gi nut lir m liittu.-iiig its bunt ti.roigh tin- apartment I : .. , ,1 ' .1 .... - 1 .... 1 . u'i "l'i o-Jiii.e rai u-aif IJ ureal-. 1 .1 - , a:t'-r a tnes.iti i,y the ol'l inner, but tin- im a! pa-si.d hy ill .-il. ncc. was f Jiowed by 1 f rv ent prayer and tl r ling of a J ,:'., of the .'eiij.ture. fu r this they a ij ..le d to tl," j'th,g ro t where a good lee was burning, and hcri'die old dame assumed h"r knitting, one ( those incoin-prel.en-iblr pievi s of I'cmaloi.dustry, whieh fcc'JUis to hare tisitLcr b;ni,g nor tod. 'Well,' paid i-hc with a sigh, 'This is Thanksgiving Jay. It does'nt -cem like old times at till. We tn-ed to have a house full uT company, fi o'.icksoiue young folks, and cheerful old people ; and new we are all alone, ulotio.' ' Last Thanksgiving day,' said the oil uian, ' tlicra was one wilh in who seemed to niy old eyes like un angel of light, with lier fairy coldi-u hair floating like, a 'dorr on e . j , , .. , . tlCr "noulllers-, atld her llttlli foot makltl niusio ns .she moved aliout tlio l!ul jtven then tl.ero mn a hectic flush upon her I ..... . . , .... ut tlic red upon tl;n tnaplo leaf ill ! autumn. When the tljinmrv snows lav deep ou the hills and in the hollows, we car rail her to lnT home LutGoJ's will be done.' ' ou lorj-tt thut Ha have uuoll'vr cliild alive. ' No, I Jo tut f.jri't it,' s-ai.l t!ie old man Lilt-.-riy. ' Ihere is otiu living to:uew here, who has liroviht disraee upon our liiuin , who has f ir.-. tlen hi parent and hi-. v j who has drunk dt p ol the tup ol iiii..iit , uu.l who has Iroughl ruio aud woe upon his tiaiiif iud family.' ' I)o :ui .'peak har.-hly of poor WilSiatii,' pleaded t'ue mother. ' hy -lhould I not ? Was ho int in'i n- ihle to kiiiuiicss .-.t.tit-J a.iiii-t ai.Vclion l'id ho nut matter in y hnr'1 artiiu.; to the ; wind ? I- it nol to him tii..t I owe thj pr . ' pi'ct "f hi-jrg ary and tlc-liii.ti-in ! U. iiu in ; i . r tiie firt of IVhruary. 'lhii U the la-t ' dnv of "race. If the money coints Uut th.-i', , 4i. d (tj l knows wlum-e it is to conic, wo i are hoi.-"-lt-- har. WLa will care I r UJ tl,t. n ? j ' li .id "ill care i r us, '."ail the a,',l no ;, raining her eyi s revcn-uily to heaM-n. , i he old man ma U no rif v. for his ut , tt-raneo was choked. At that mo-nu t tht old i! k that t jo.I tick in it in tin: turner, ' !tr.i i 'r. the hour of nine. '1 ho deacon roe I ' !. i-i tunc i.) Iijni'vi oil I'jht in,' n.iid 1 i', for we hi0 a lun' way to r. le to n.-ti:i , an 1 the rjaJs are in a lad cou ii-ti-.-ri.' ; Tin-re pri purat: iu wi re -. ion m n, and the ol ! l' i ;'., poiily I 'it !-. n'y all'f !, s a 1 1 i . -1 1 fjrlh t) tin i r p -..I '.ic J-v !i-i:n. 'I I..; . Acrvicci eii'li'l, the di-ai m an 1 Lis wiv, as i they i-ajcl from the pucli, were kindly creeled by mauy old friend and in-iLLors, 'mre than otiij of whom pressed them to come and jiirtak; of fh.-ir than'.iin cheer. li jt the ilcnc on .'hook hi-, hi-i I. I ' Many tink, my fiii-iiJ.,' s.iid l.i-, ' but ;err Mncc I Ii ivo l" i ii a Loos--lio'.di r, I have krpt tny thr.k nt hon.i-, and 1 j shall continue to do o, j I i.a'.e a hou-i.- temniii.n over my hca i. S i th.-y rode i.ti to,' hi! th id'T on drove up to the him to put up his L ir-e, the old lady r p"i:.'d the hai-k door, was r.'wavs o: th" litidi, an 1 ei.t.-r- cJ the j. r ,. !.. hack. A, i n fir", whir A. -he 1,1 ,. .-he M.irt.,1 r w is s..-it,-d by tlm kiK'h on !,, r entranee. !!; was a U. 1 1 al ' a rt in j : :d i i a rouh suit. with a br-ad l.afed bat; his e- I'.t'-tiai.i o embroil n d by exposure to the sun and wind, and his opp-r Hp aim" t eonre al. ,1 ly a heavy and 1 ax iri . nt moustache. ' flood m irt.ii:-.', ma'am," ho sai l w.ll. f line embarras-ment. ' Finding no ' an swered my knocks, I look the liberty of walking iu. I believe I 00 you tn apolo gy, (if 1 liiie (.ff.ciat"d as tarnpil, an'. ave.J your thanksgiving turkey from burn ing." ' I am very much obliged ti you, I run ire," answered the old I nly, ju'lin oil her mitten.. Hot did yo n want to m me, or th,- ilea, on" 'i!,th of you," nn-w.rid th" Mranger. ' VoU II I 1 a l.'UI, I beii-ve .'' ' Ves," replied Mr. Wilson, with hi'iti- tin, and ca-ting ilotvu h,.-r ry s. I hav 1 n )ii 111 lately.' ' Where iuq lired th mot! with crea-i d agit.iiion. ' In ( '..'ofornia.' I ' Was he doing well 1' I ' A'lmii ah! y. M ,'her m .lher,' lie ad- ib-1 iuiiefioU-!y, throwin,' back bis hat, ' don't y ou know inc. don t y ou know your ; Wi I.i a in ." I lie ru-hed his mother's ami", and was rla-ped t ) her beating heart, while the telM M'.e Ullf'1 trom toe eyes o! Il'.lll. .l Iter'.!." fir-t greeting was our, the yoang man a - ki 'I : ! 1 ti-!...,.. : , r ' one," a n 1 w 1 red li.e in-.'.in. r, as her I" a rs flowed forth anew. Willi. -un sank ii.t-o a -'-at, and hiding l.i fae" in his h amis wept bitterly. Theniolh irdid not alt. n rl P, ( h"i k him She knew those, li ills iv 1 le J.r 1 1. ion-. ' And my father V asked the young man, win. -n he r. jaiin-fl his coio jio-ui e. 1 He i. Will. Hut you had better retire f.r iiwhl!-. lio to your old room, my son, ( , ju.t , y U le!t r, ami wait till 1 Mii.i- . .. 1 It was with ft fliittei ing In art that the ov.-ijoyi d mother went about the pn-para. tioi, for diii'ier, ami when tho luhbi was neatly f't, ev. ry eli-h in its plaeei and the tut key siiiokitii; hot, wailing to be carved, she Hiiiiinoiii . 'I Ihe old man lie mill'! his appearance al once, ai d took h.s tat Glauc irjg rouod the tahl-j Le taid : ' What is this, wife, you Lave act dates for three !' ' i t:iou-ni pei naps bomeuooy uiini (irop jctn, tho " A nti. -lU'itii, t walking in unexpectedly.' j crojs the entire w idlh of the etnire, on the ! There i.s little danger hope, I mean, under side of a platform, f appended at near- I .... . , , ,, , ly the full In iht of iLo proiceniuni. '1 his ' ol that, answered tho deacon sailly. , J , . e , , -. -,; i ' J apparently increniLlo -xliibitloti wo wit- j At this juncture, Mrs. Wilson, with a t)t.,(Cd) 0f eour-.., no little cuiiuiity. mysterious exprcsssioli, rang the bell, with In a front peat, and wi:Ii tho aid cf a f.'la.s, , which in happier days, she was ot.t to Hum-; o wero Balii-th-d t!it no .ther nuppnit ' moo her tardy children to their meals. j "'"' V "'"iiyo properties,,! iho I , , , , hocs worn by the tiei fi i, w as reiicd uron It waM answered by the appearance fdr acCompli6hin,-the ls. tho lon-lont W illiaiu. j Vben the c-i't lij ; juiii', is I 'Tli den On, V ho recognized him after a ' een, nearly i.s hi'k pro-.-eniiini, b--, inoiuent, gaed upon hiui ith ateiuec, inn' a I 'l itl.irui riii ;an inn.te'l t. n ihut with a ipiivering lip that betrayed the I''" !ll'''', retin at cfeu end, n-.u the res- ! ,- i-i i .- : to elivo " win.'s ' upon" Lpri ;l,t-i, an Mis- I lie e.l Ins lu suppreed emotions. , , ,, . , ' ., , . pen leo by p illevs in llu ccnlie. I he i.n ! .y, l,.,tc come bacic at last, Le i-atd. ; der f .c of ,i,e platl ,rm wa. i.n a,e,,t,.,' I es, lather, but nU as I Kit jou. l'ath-j pj,,t.d t0 t Uo uno ilh, st huil .ee, it . e.', last Thai.k.--iviii' Hij l went into my ( ing the texture of wood through tin- pol..-ii j lonely room, and time, kneedin J..u, ad - ( Midway i hovu the t.ipt was tretehe'd lor 'dressed mv.-elf to Heaven, and .olen.nly ah- it f'a len-lb, a conr-e u. turn.' of ai,..ut the , , " , i i i , i wi iih j the Mi-peU'ieJ lilulioilu, i.iawn to jureJ the fatal cup wln-h ha 1 t rjant twin , r . 1 e au elastic I. n-ion. upon u.e, aud woo upon this happy WU-u ihecuttait. rose, Mi . I.cntoi, a! ut- h Mne. I'r. Ill that day to this 1 hae tl the J'i.enee, tt-ee-ii led a la I I. r to a tijched a drop. Is my probation enough . r. siin- pi ji i , had a pair of p.-eu'.iar Hat ,., '. . . . . v. . . t t'd Miinlals altjihed lo 1 1 leit.atid wall , d , t an oa noiv weleouio DacK iourou ana , , . , , i iiuly, in an inverted manlier, ciu tLe un ; L,U" '"m : "der side , the ..Ulf lit. j ' l"e'5 him ! yen, yes, llc-s you, my dear, The m,.s i.f t!,e vandal r had no o; f .r- dear boy !' aid the o'. J de. -u, plaei., his tm.ity of i x iininii., l ot ptei-t,nie tl. tl.i 'tremhiin- hand eu the, Ul, the ""-' J tal.M"""W ""'"i " i'"'"1" . , , .. , .. , . , itaiicf , and mi. t ci led the .v.r:.-i met L v Ut n I'leatli-r. ' i ou are welcome i iili.uii, l ti u - li ,, . , , . ', 1 n a.llii-Muii t ) li.e .1 n,. o.i In I ur- you come only to witue.-s the ih-.i nlall ol t c i,.i, U.tiiu., i. i... mbeud our iiuu'c' lii a t the an i . -ie In t "I fuil-ivi , ii . .. r ' ' .Not .o, father,' ans rereJ the voun man I""" "" " the I u. ete. 's, ol tm-ir e t. ,, , , the li at l I . U . I (.like l;. ei. . i... . 1 i y a-iv, 1 li.ive conn; back lo save jou . , ,. . i .. J J J par.iii'ii if tie ii li jiil ......ii,; in t a: i'r my prodi.-al.ty, for all my er- ,,a,,. '1 he i,t.r,- I., r.e r ui e ' u; .n ror-. It was this thai utailit d u.e uch milji'i -, e Lei., n is ut i!. n at II in tiie lone heart of S.e-rra N-tmIi,. when I a anting w .iu and dy ing with I, lin ger. Thought of Louie, uf you and nioth- er, and Gotl's an.-eU, etiabied me- to con- q n r iSttutie. I have come back uitli a -toie of gold you t-ha'.; uot Le a beggar iu . , , . ,. , . ju ir o. i H'e ; laiuer, wo Mini aeep 11.0 I l4f.ll.' " f'tvr f'Hi-r. An.iiv Mi-ti-k " A fiien) 'f our-, w ho was h m'.it aeefni pbhe.l sales, 'n hi, and who is kept v-ry bu-v tn ot e ;f ''hi. up t wn dry -nds, was csinp i I ii. hi..!, p.-t long since, in a manner and f.r :n as follows ; " II- I ,nl a ei-iiitrynisn 'n the sto'e, an 1 ! i- ho i Cjj hi in n very h a nils- ut.- p .-c nl ,la..!e.s dre s - ' .1 . t.t with any gnat h'-; e j of 'e'.ling it; s'lil, ther was aouto el. in" a i.J tn -':!.', il 1.- ncc-ctsiry j cur ; fi'.tn 1 a-. us t i k' p e .ti-tai.t'y in r 1 ,--' li. e. So I.,' d is!,,- ! in tine st' ! , ri.i-' d Ihe ri'.iir-. ,!' 1!,.- p il'.ei 1., , 1! ,!. d '.he . , 1 ! nr.' of tin- I" .1 tl -, le ! it .. ;i I ) a la , oraole, atlnln-il tol it lil.l I.i- I no., an-!, in chut, let ! -' a t 1 r. i.t of . 1 a-, in which it was il V iltt) iii. t.:ig.i-i. w 1 ,. h w a- in .re fi !' 1 .1 . t .e t 1 - le , e-f the a I n.i 1 nig r u-tie. or the quality of the . in j t.i i.t '..' ' ' U-iinj km 9 eye flal.el with gratified l 1 i le a l I i.e Com c-. iu, nlai v al! j - i ti to 1. 1 ui -. if, and nnot'C.-alfd a t :, 1-1. .i.ei 1. 1 at tl.e !i ,-!.;( in. lit of beauty in L g.-,ds an I 111 I. ' iu tl- s-,. t'li-i'. I'l'-'ig oil 1 1 ,..:. ! I I in- am., he 1 x'-. ai mei -' :... rv'.l 1 1.,-r. one I' and iia-i.,-1 of t i, ' I n w iih tw or three raj id bounds, (iru ..i-nap '!'. 1 a l.ttle both, red, h'd.liti th bolt of e.ids aero bot Ii hand-, ju-t as th". u'i ! I a I ' fno" n in Ihe attitude in M, .h lie had -1 li. .r ii.'-hly i 111 r r tl,.; rur.i! -1 nth Me -ii. Inn", till" ! 1 t 1:11 11 ti ni d 1 'i-i i . id .11! w lushed two bouncing gul, 'lit ol a rui wbieli .(.).! iiifr-nt of the tire, and half oiling, ball' pu-hin tlmii.. ' t r .ii. ht them ill !iont of I un of the H 1.1. t aii-'ie : " lials! h:,l there tight th, ie. S illy, IU I i.i." , Mi't'i , ut ,.- iii .' Ijtul, V 11 1 t .' ' ',r , , . I 'o - ' , io(." " It is almost . ,il-o li iy, in view of the .. cilia! i'y of t li'' ci'eiiii, stances, that our frn i.d wn ovens helmed with hi emotions, and for on. e itihn utleranee lo th" gn at ilisM j,. until, .-nt f.f the tail,, r and both daughters. ' . 1 "Ijimt erij ' .. M ;t(. ' l!,.v,v., -im- l',.n..j !'. ;.! il.. ' , f ...I. ., , , t . . d .1, c 111 ', i j I. n t he c ) m jei s j Oil, be jib'-r', y.-s, r-.plied the raw re- ( cruil from the l.n.eiall I -I . . j Well, go at it tin n, said lln' Cii tain, w ho, j at that in 111 cnt w a s call. 1 to am d hi r p i 1 1 ! "f the vi-.s, I. Half an h-.ur afterwards, the rnjt illl f ollid the Coin) a-" V Is li.i--l:i,V 1'at 1 h'-i e, you luhi.i r head , w here's the compass ' Faith, it's in tho howld, sir. What in thunder is it doing there roar ed the infuriated olhcer. Why, di In t yer honor I' ll me to box li.e e"in ii an didiit I nmi'l yii! I jiaek-: d it aw ay, .-ir, iu wan of tiuiu emply hues ! ' f-oaip, i.'el. d it up ti.l.t, an 1 put it iu ti.' howld. I b.xeil il al! .safe, lor. j ! LWI'.'i IT UN 'Flip K. A bllti r ill the Courtier d.-s Ktut t nis "-peaks of a lady, to'iy in i'.uris, who wears nj.on om: elie-s foul t-in huiidri'l 111. tres ( :e in-tie- is over u yard and a epinrtcr) of fiingc 1. iiiiuiinga. I'ourtccii h'liidti-d un Ires ! a lull mile, that is to s-iv the e! 1 me 11 -ions of a nice course ' If it were n,t for sound I mg to alta-li the1 ?l 1 '!l ' i-'r''t"'1 ')' IVii..-..' to, the r-.he it ...If might I ..,,11., I ! mei.ic.-iiient ll. Kuov Nothing r-J or- without ineonvniii. ice. lie -a v s aho that u , '"r "' the 'I s n 111 I he room , and ou,-!,t you.," lady 1.1 tl.i-( ll .' hai ado. I a -, !. ' ' be e'M-lude I. A p..,,,.,,, ' !. ,.v, n die, -.Villi .vie' '""" and It;" yn.h.,1 ' """ f'v"r'"' I' eiecliiig him. I lib. is ,,!,,, "' ' j J rrilcsieil, hut r Ins f, porter linail y vv il lid re w ; nt tho a-, in-it al ion ,.f his fii-nds, thu cm I' S" Sm 1. 1 mi I'i;i..i'.t. A letter fiom' tumult. 'I Im c indilut. for '...- Foil Sneliii, ', fMlniiesola,) ilal.'l "nil, Ja.!"'s lo the St He Convention look r.i oulh uarv, -fi-es'lhat from the- -Ut I, December ,l1 ""'ming that they Wero ,. and .!. I lithe I nth ol .l.iiiuarv, the t hermoiiu t -r i langi-d front '-.i lo U.I ilegrees beluw I' r-i, and that the tru-ps were iouii!eti ly fin.' 11 111. Om: mail of Coni'Hiiy 1, t' inh rei iunutof infantry, was boxen t) death, and a,, many as eijjht or ten other soldiers bail iheir ling. 1 fioitu one Uiurnin while inoa-Uuj juafd. ' A Man Walking L'i-mde Down. Thi fitroordiiiar feat if is acconiplii.lied at the Jiioailwny Jlieaxe, Jft"t evening, hy 1 ti IL pia.e in. I.. I I,- JHa.v , one ol ll.c tl.-. usei on tit;-, in ca-i n, ot lie til', s used inij i.t t re-i i.t an isM.t ot - .1 I re-i i.t an cs'e'.l ot - ' iijs.ic ne Ii we III 5 V JfUil i- I '. i s l,.il 1 1 ..I mi In I , tlJ i ( ,) y the suj it wh,' 1. li.e itiloiiiitr lO-J.d 'an Ir-'oi i-i .1 f1'"" I. 111 if a wuaid i e over ei.-l.t liuntl 1 pi te 1 i.ta, ! , 1 ean I .lgaiu-t a virliial 11101 etii nl , ij'iif e a 11. 1, 1 1 1 1 11 -i - if bis I.ang'iig wii-i.t A.i-.ii-t a 1, i-nontal 11 i.v . 1... i.t, i.r I -at if .t.jiii- I -t aid, t... , e W - , il f ' 'JUI - a 1 e no r, -.-t u.e.-. The . I. el. led ret '. I Uf nib tl.e J rf ,: t: . r t a . 1 , !' : ar x t . 1 t it-'! -'. ra . V I r v. 1 1. ..I . At t: I. r-i. r : i. : s w ;. 1 . . , aii 1 r- a I. . I 1. - - k ' a . ." 1 v a 1 .,-! f.r ll.ti 1. I " :i t ., Ui. I ol p.- A Wimii ai 1. in iu .'.ii ni'.vi nit. '1 lie irloiK ll-ta.d of I u. ei.iv ui-:-"Mr. 1 1.0:;. a. . l!-, :-!--, hi.' wil'e ami hi r mull., r, M . s. M.,ig .ti I le . k y , I. . my w ,11. '. i. en.. 10 ii 1. .- v t U I- . t:... y - . 1 1 . '. 1 r 1 .1 -1 1 . -' , tt ..... 1 .1 I , ii ' y . 1 . oi in J i.,.1 ,..l. I. -.n-- ov r 7 in. 1 t .. lie 1 l'i ve us -, 1, .- il . !' Mr, ;.t..l Mi. l: . v,,. , i- lake 1 ll '. Ho J Ti A- d in v. ry j . r.i.:. . a li.ete t il.'. tar" 1. 1 1 1 .1 1 il at 1 n aii.o.inti.d t A ol i I an a-t.. 1-s ,1-1 1,-- it.g 1 1 Mi' Ihe , ..i I t t i: .y he ,-o.l fo r.- ,1 1, i,:.l I y the I In !!'. of l:.e i.d Ireti. .ii.-i . M fill i.1,1 1!. 1:11. .1 b. ..-I. An.- eg I.. Tv l.l.t . I -illi-lj .-. i.t I 1 .., a. . .. 1.1 1 Is to i . ai,n 1..S v a . it', e, i t- . J w i. u 1 I - -1; -I i a r a r w a i.t - I ll..- i-i v I . d-k the I. w is K I I 1 n j rui i. tj 1 i.f'.i g it ), ipoii the .- -I i iii that ii n.i. i.t cnlaiti awii.. thing ol ,.!' , ' ll I.I) ; iml ' I ' li.e lcl I m i.n' .1 ! eov-iy w a.s n. Ol t " tl. d op IU a iiM;.' I.4;; " I'l 1 aat-i tl. g '-s to the 1 .or lil'.'.e in ' hail I - -. Ttlivl.i; tut. 1 1 1 1 W It n ' 11 ... .!-...',..- ('ii V. .iiii tins nil. Im ii, III ! a as h id ol th" b'.lt .1,' 1 I. I ll.lo.iii a i.1,1' oser 1 wr, k-tl vii. uinl. 1 tin- - 1. . I loll nf d in illl M S M a 1 y , I , -. , Mhli ii pi e.t il ti be an nr. al mb., .n-u .ineut I ,t li purpo.e of s.f. 11-g hum an life. ihu I. .w.t- . t r coii-i Is of ,iii.-,,i m irt.a r li.oui.l d mi wl.nls. nud throws al.iii nl out ' p unds iu mi-lil to which i- nltaeii. il, by 1 1,- of a tlaj l,-, a miis.i about the s..e i, a coliitii'.ti ebith. s line. 'I ht '! j.-it I In eh mt the I ad in udi a in'il.i,. r that ll-' litie ;.l fall over the ve-el. by li.eaii- uf v. hu h a la r." r il ii" ton v be .i 1 a u n li oin tin sh re - A t one d i-ehar "", the . . 1 vv as I iuow 11 a d is- tatice f f sevi nlj -three fjihotns, who h was I prr.liO'llieed by eomj lent j id J. s to be a siit- ' (ii i'-ut li i I a 111 e to reach any tend tin, t may be i i tiij oii ur e V 1 1 1 - a ' en ul 1 ilun thf l.i.-ae-hu-i lis llo III u.e S.el. ty lor tin ir t .1 1 -1 w n lli v !i .! I in I . In 11 nl the ' 11 1. 1 1 1 1 i nut ; in .11 i in r. 'I h 1 1 a 1 1 I iie a. 1 ncy o ll. I! I ,,! b. II q , li.e l'i. -1 !cnl rd li.i. I Association, our pe i-le have n I.. 11 sup I jili.'d vvil'i I'V.ry 11, i'e-sn 1 y lor the I re-elle of ll, - win. Ill u V h- -h'pwti 1 bed ' II 'or near our Maud. X-11 '".' ' I. t.i.ti'i. I 'ii 1 1 A I'l. 1. Pi 1 1 A I 1 I, '1 I'nn.Aiir l.iin a I'cm . uai- l'i: i.a.hh ' " M- I''''1 IMVIS.- I!e.,d'tt..i..s wet- re- it.-d iu li.e 1 1. i.i'.'rai ,, I 'n y I 'in, 1 net ion to day, i. couiun 11 lin.' to the . 1 n I r t on,, n t.oll to e.-e all le'lnn .1! ,, ine-iiis ti s, itilc lb" tioiiiinal.o'i of Mr. I ! 1, -hie nan l..r the I'll" ih-licv, V li it'll Wer.) B'l".Ii-l ll!ll'"-t una iinin "J 1 Ih, Volui.; ill the lierralive wishing the resolutions Mron-'ir in their1 e ipre'-sini of J 1 1 fit cnee for Mr. I'uehun 111 M -it-fi etiiilusi.,11 was erent"d by tin; no-I is... (giitn. ition J, rose 11 hi 11 g citizens m coiisloju'.-iicc of their birth j.Uee and relign u. Tin'1 1-ifi l'lturi- nf Ijeorgia has pas ed 11 bill 'belli ing that so much of tiny wiil nt deed as ilireils tin: tuatiu:iiistuu of any Uiv. Lc OlJ- j JJ.iAtiTl.Tt, Kxthai T. Tho following the Suiiunnl Inielligtucrt . I waif, afloat on the " ilea of readin," wu Niiaei jni on I'innnet'. clip from an exchange. Wo do not know ! HiUthing utut Jiterruil ImJiuvei fills i ii-. I at. I t.ity, but it contains .oniew bide-some J'itau.cint I.'rwm Consul, red. j truths beautifully hi t lortli. .. ' .,! ! M.u .elilom think of the great event of' , i- : lljo.e who have paid ilcath until thehaiiow nails uero., their;"'? Ksl "'tentiou to the busiueio. Irana- own path, hiding foicser from their eyes the traces of tho loved ones wbo-o living sm was tho i-ntilight uf their exi-tcuce. l't ith is the great antagonist of life, and the cold thought of the tomb i.s thu skeleton of u'lfe nsls. We do not want to go thtou-h k valley, although its pass,..,, n.'ay . . n . . '1 J i the dai (ica'l lo l'araii.c Jaiiild, Wltk t hanen '.aajih, ' we do not like to lie iluw n in the muddy grave even will, kind's in,' 1 pni'ces for our bed , d ii-ns 1 1 ti t the lint .!' natuic '- iln .tora Li... 'I hei e is I.., :. p, n.,f r. lief fi om the ' law which dowu.s us t.idu-t. AVe tlou-li-!l and v.e fade as the eai. of the lor list, in, 111..- flower that lb, i ins anil wiibrrs in a day las net a Ir.iiler hold upon life j 1 1 ti xi tl,,- n.i-l t,-.-t lii'.tiai.h that c. r sbo-.l. i ihe ( 1,1 ll, V. Illi hi- f...t-t. ps. I i f lie I .. 1 1' lis (I 1 man i,p i ar and i ai.uh i,s the gra. and the . mint ,ss ii.uliitudc that thrtings ihu world to i! a v, will t'1 tn oi t,.,v disappear as lb foot steps en the sh'.re !u tie Icautilul drania of Ion, the in-siim-t of iinin"! taiity, mi 1 1. ipiintly utii-reii by the d'-mli den t, d "irnk. linils a !. p re-poiihc i'l every thoughtful toul. hen al nut to y iehi l is y on i, j i xi-ti ueis as a to late, i,n ('Ii in;,!, the al.S if I, ley -hall not meet ajjain, to which ho ri 1 1 s : "I haves-Ued that on a dl'ul U rtion .f the In!.- tint look el, r li al of I Im i lea r k in i. in h noil II. ,w .f the iui., anions wl.i.M',.f azic ii, y raided pit ts lath wn. .,il in (.lory. h. i: I f; ile lii : ll...t ll,. it- i- ' .in. li tit - tl.rull.- ! It- be pel ll. e .-hail A.l 1rle dumb. lhit r: thy living f.,re, I .ii. g in tin love that l,ian a..'y tl.i, t i ai.niit hid! v ln.'t t aga.i, lb u:ai.::,c. " I. HAP VKAK-A IIASIV M A II 1:1 All K. 1 he li.age Hi cord. J.ubli-bed ill ("liest.-r county , 1'a . ay , t have noticed .,r s. in.. t n. 1 , in d.f!, rent i(i!t.r.., a-eounts of tiie illl's i I leal ll ta. iii . 1 ''. g, 1 -em ting tin 111 I the 1,1 I., -I lol.e III I -Iii-, y. t I.. i ii,,, iu in in 1 I that w, h ajo -t h t. r A g. eon,;. aioe l'l..ibam, "''I ' 1 1 , i-eeui 1. d a f- w ii a t s aioniiti.ii 1 f I 'i i ? I :n- nr. int- el 1 !-, . aC- 1 '" am.' n, .' 1 ., .1 a f I ' r.j .- a. a, i'! in the 1.:' I V at.-l ',. i -nl re I j""ula t I v in . I.-- I at ; ill .- .1 ... 1 11 r le, ' ' v er -lug ou mat. I s.i! - , t- ..r 3 t u.e, Mrs i i ri-d f I . r f n hr w he l; 1: I to i.s,. Mi .1 en.. I s wile. ll iiii I, In- r pit-. d be . I. -m: i" ;!y. I l. la ly iiiiine.ii it tl.e ti. a 1 1 r re-(. ,J , n:,r,. v I t,, os. .) that tit. v should 1 il, 1 it in t:..' " n. y bond . ...' It PI'S, l- plied thst v r. v. i tn in it. Wed; I iui, an I d w ,t!,., ,t .'." Ih.- e.-nl. , a e th V " In 1 11 I ' ill" s. i -e at I,, a.r.'ti I , . 1. le- tho 1 1-1,1,., u - a 1 1 " ,s 11 -i I i-ni: iti-ii, ( a i ii a r f i t j coil enie.i , an 1 j ai -..i. s, w Li r u tl.e . , h." r,,i V, , ', . 1 tie " h, i-h, " S llif il l fal rf 1 .1. v 1, i.J i" 1 n I , ifoi'i.i '.l, f e' " I... l.-i. 1 Hill, III ri !. .1 1 kc-i ll.-l it was a idl! I. Ut tie . s , . 1 t 011,, ji, .....-e mil d in . n . ;, u i . ! u'iiioi, I . 1 - i.i.,.. d, r, j le d a.t r a'i." d h it : . 1 1 1 , -,i " 1. : - h- 1 I I 1 t II In i to .1, . I ..! I .." n ' ,! .1 i i t ... . I.;e ing r.- i.:l ! -lai.l r 1;!., - Th -ie he niiii, I, ill, and . I.-I ! ! ..'' '. .1 oi.ii,.; Mi- II,!. I I-. -1 .'h with In r 1 t , ,!,-. ,!v, the treat the wed. in.-,. . 011 di .-ted for , a .. e -' ih , cuius his 0 tee n- 11 t st in I s. n l g 11,111., w 1, I Hint, d the " li..,, I ia'.- f. e " to t tin I .. I 1 '', III- i.i. V. . t:.i y .11 1 - si.., ii.r -" I- 'I" -!,., 1. 1 be ia,i- or. n ..n-.t -'(i.rtin j " 1 ! tile w..d '.Id l..!.ioli,J ly jo A I.n 1 1: in 1 I '1. i. n, -1 1 , too S-l 11 r s' ll- - thill the ."li, tl, bus Miee.'eill-il ill '.i t. ,11,111 I I il re II t.d V 11; ll 1 1 I'l I noli , t Tl Washing- I.. 11 1 111 ii ut" Hs library a . j-i nil. d in L-iw I11.'. It C'lflains luost c'.crv sp.-eies ev.-n animal cub- 1. 1 the e X pel line tits I'tiii-h, and 'ii! . ; 1 -li- l iu . t ' rui n of , 1 p, r I. nut a I mute 11.1!, in d i I nice.-, au 1 hu.s ae , m ri, in 1 1,1 ir in II. .'I I. 1 la Is VI Ii ii! ! tilv 11 in t s,1T llll-l, lull I and ri :i pe V In 1 I ore. 'Mil. 'I he loi.ow ut'i; and -pi ciiin ns - Wa-p-'., 1,1" ts, ' ' w ' i d. h"!i in le in;,, tiniibi trie, tilo J'l o Itld lie .-., Kf ;i ,V , I 1 cat, silk p'ant, fir ! .1 1 In It !e- , -1 eil cabbage -! in-, turf w I, I mi, in In.r- eh' -Mini" 'llm author Jacob I hi 1 tl. 1 x iinin rs ol in coin, sugar Cain-, leaves lull).-, linden, .Ve. I I' th" book W us profe- II Miiifb r, one of the eh I lilted ."t lies I'.iti nt I ih A I't ri'iiin Imm v. . bile engT i ! in ex, -in .eli.n'. i. t, nti y 111. on the Milwaukee and I. a l'i-.. 11. inroad, near Schli i iiger vilie, I 111 a, t'm W'liknie'i ca.iie upon the I ' 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 111,111- -1 an 1 Lilian, ami with the I'liialli, nil,..- singular idles e.'deli Inn s 'Ihe 1'n'ywns .i I feci, yd having Jiillele.l limn i,,cay. His height, at the j.rt.s. ill tiinc, vini.i.l bo i-on-nlerci igaidie, li.e U.-Ull.ig .-ivelll. lt two Un hi s. till his bleu . t was .1 j l it, ,,f , ,ipp. 1 , un which was graved liiiiii. roil- hi., rogly jdiic, the menu ing ol whuhciin liatdly he linn int'd. Futi. iheie llley inc. a leejnl of the i-u.1. Could lln 0 l.lcl;.lv,liies lo! lend they Iliiglll, p, 1 h is, unveil -n ,.' !' ll.e tny -t. iv v hie-h hangs iiiic a dark eb-ud our ihu Lislory of ihe red 111 ii it. Au ti.r..w if eoiisili ruble sticn. lli nnd mil mm c li-f. neli ui was also lo'iiid Willi hnn, and especially iuvilcs the ullciitlou 'I a hi n 1 u.ii i.i ii.-. Chai. avi V.' A rut is i nr. l'i . 1 NR. 1'b seientille inuriiis' mil sent tint by Coieru-i II, e tit t ) explore the' 1,1 i n 1 between the Mis sis i,i and the Kot'ky Mountains, bored an Ait.'-i in well near the I ems river, nuLi li tiuiu d an abundance cf very pun water. I lie boring hI- disci, ii 'l an lunnense 4ed ul" oal undellyiujj the whole of that region. mien ty most ol I tie J.eirislalures ol then i .i - . r i- . ,, n- . k,!,"'lu"-1 Vl l" ; Jimk, in the htate of Mississippi, ufTords an ..n.-r, Mate, must hav. been .truck 1 of ,Le lo"i,icb otLer w.ll, the gteat facility with winch bauk j Su,M , tenili ehirtcrs a. procured, and the .Mates in- To r,(111(. . . mnnmmtnA. luced lo increase their debts at every tics i " '"' ",e u""""1 na" olTu,r rr" 10 "'al I ,i,cr" n,u't ' V" a 'H'cial cause .it...,. l... nl. i...l . ....-..I ...... . ... .ei. ... . , . . . v .... h . . .. ; .T--U ...W L.UWi.l. ..I ' I... ... I'lV lit. U.c-e i , . .f . i . Ihoe are now, if I mistake not, near , , 1. . . ' . sinniiiii hundred bank", branches, and of- lii'ea of discount and deposite in the I' nited Mates, and yet every l.egi-lature that con venes i lit, -rally l tM.-gcd wilh aj.plical ions lo grant charters for new banks. It would m.-ui fi .un this that there is any amount of capital ill the co'inlry nctking inve.-t n.ent. hv is it that m IniitiV should wi-h to in- , i i i . i , ve-t Ho ir Miti lus means in banK stocks mid , . . . Mi lew b their Po I'ome forward ami ma , cs in constructing the lled- .ry wo.ks ol internal improvem. nt t ,h vi-.. p their resources: It is c: ident 1 ,i , i , i. ., , ,, .. , i.i . -, , . the Lank, nor thould anv individual be rer- Ihat railroads lin.i ereat lavor with the t,eo- I ;,,.j , . , r ' i r . , , ,. . . 1 milled tj subfcribe for a i-har of the re- tie, or our le'gl.-,.it"rs ton a not have been1.., : .;. ,i- j i ., r . i . , 1 - , - .1 .ii i i 'naming third, unless the first deposit with mij.jiiii J in the onir-c they have so lorn' ,i . . , . . , . . , " : the commissioners appointed ti prorura I ui -iied in Hjine cf the Males to wit, bor- i i .- . , ' , ' . .i r i ' SL"1' -suh-eriplioris a certueate of .tock re- fuwu :' tiK'iiev on the laitu ennit cf ' , . -,,,n ., . tin , , ; , . E""Vit, fuiloperMionintlie: K s oi iiiiiir iv. in, 't,i. I- , . t f . . i oi -iitiiii.-i v we nr.: in.i icil eon i-riui . . 1 . . in li.p I ! r. rt ,.. per. .i. si . . i.-ts iii their ft iects ot investment. ihe r.aiimati journal, in tummiiig 'o nP ad of the nggrrjjstu cost of all ll.u lailroa tl. sc .unity, nun then contra-tm,- this imn ,e .,). r,,,,,;,, that the rertilicates of rail e.,th the cash value i f the stock in market .aa ,st,-k b d.-t oifeil w'.ih ll,. Sil e( n. said Ihe eon, luit.iy bgiiie.v, that the -.,. ti... in-...!.... i. nl I., i.f Ih-..,.. ,i- ' l n.'lit p. r c.nt, umii r j ar, and, con-e- .ji.i i.tly, r.oilli btlle or tiotl.inj ta the b .Id- rr ns an 11 1 1 st iiienl, j eeunia 1 y results alone I 1 lig ol.-i'Ie r-J . Il h is never been ascertained, that I know el, what in the average puiniiiin on the lank ..f ihe country; yet I am eoni'iei.t, ir-iin sui li obsirvaiuii atid inves- ligal.oii m I have be. n all.- to ;:iv this li.a'.ler, that it Ciintn.t be h s- ihan fifteen ti five p. r cent.; pro! ably i,rar,r tl.e latter thai, the f 11.1 r if one !"::ig I - c.i. .... .1 .1. . ...... - .1 r.. , 11 1,1 . ., 1 in , . 1: . 1 i. .1 . .1 -- i". 1 1 ., 1 li li ill ji.i.s ti the av.ra-" lank csj-ital ot the country average t b us' ten 1 r , .,,. .Now. the l'i' I is we a-certaineil lliat as railr iad im re a-- ii-c, tie J r,.,t.s of banking 1 it m l stran-.-e, then that e a jut a ; ts ,!it,'i..l o-.-iti en. rjies, w.-u'l'i ai d i.K.e. anJ exert tin ir ir-rlueii.-e to produce !. very r.-u!ts t.,si we se transpiring ar .'ind 11s If the capitalists uf the iuteri ir in I .'"HI he rn Stale can pro.'urp bank chatters their liberal Legislatures, wit If. it 1 1 1 11 t e ij u i re d to J it v tiie Males a r. nt f .r lin-m and at ll.o name lime be aide, .iii other interested 11 lie-., to indue,' these same li t- s to increase their debts by i-sil-im bonds and I or row u, g money en them to 1 ,n'!!'ii 1 their great hues of in. rovciuent, w hat 1110 1 e couiu tney s-k ? 'I in- construction of I '' -e li. ; roveij.c ,t. at the exu II e uf t lie .-Iii.-. and of tho-e who sre engaged in Ih." iinl u-ti ial pur-uits of life mu't be li tin in 4 sou-cent extraoMinarv J.rnlir. ,y inereas- ill.' the d- I .-!' i'l l! e'r back-, I V lh faci- itat.ti.' ot licnlni; 111 exchanges, ami bunking so circuiii-cril. ed mid limited as lo I .e g.-iieral im reuse ei their busi . ; be able at ail lime to control it. For exam It wll tot do ts any that these money cd ' pie, if there wire I ut one bank iu each Mens are taxed, 1:1 Coii,m..'i with iu- dividual citizens, and in the same juojior - tn li to th, ir wealth and .rotits, to rai-e the revenue neee-arv to t.1.1 1 tie annual inl.-r- ee-.ry t- public d -t "II III..' public e!. lt.S. .Uctl IS n-'t thu 11 1)1. fact, lhebaiiks is true, from twenty n twenty five i.-ntSnn the share; Int it is 111 t true that the stockholders j my the l:; x ; their liner- and Ihe public pay it. I. ou'y il'mitiislics lie, ill? lile-uds ol the (lo!lar to aid the Mule m ilevclnpinir her re- st..ek lioiileis, but. as tl cy reahie more than ' so irees, it will do much to relieve the statu tiie lecal inlcreit of the, country, from four j in the future from the necessity of borrow. Iti iij.Lt .ir ce tituin ; il is worse than idlejing money and increasing its debt to extend , to ell this a ts em the ftocki, unlet s a in- j woi k of improvement. i!iv id ua is. 'I his will aj pear in a st ing light j It is certain that, under yueh an arrange- when we n ineiiibi-r lliat all w 1. j hav c money i metit, no bank or railrond company cou'J to b an aie limited by law to s: x er c ntuni si y isM,,. or j.ut in circulation more I r annum, and have al.-o toj u v m a. 1 v the in t. s or 11 tiiiieatc. of ttork than they were Mime amount of tax ou the hundred dollar respectively autboi lml todo bv their char- that t!ie bat-ki hate t jiay j.e r share on ters. Nor could any iml i v id mil or creditor ihiirst- k Now, as the losses nre gene-j of the bank j-.s-ildy be made to lo.-c as telly admitted to he greater 011 iml i v i.i ifal nun li, by fi'ly per ci nt . as t be ftoek holders loin s than tin y are ,n bum made by the land iiamieers of the bank would be liable banks, we can readily j et.i lve why it is, to i'o in case of f- ilure. Thus their pcrso- I that thne is Mich a universal rush making i mil and undivided interest, bot It in the 1 every where for bank charters and bank bank and ihe roads of the State, ntnler tho stock. j responsibilities indicated, would lead 10 (ho j Tin re is aru-lher fact whie h adds greatly exercise of all their energies, with the se- 1 t the pr lils uf 1 unking, (and causes men vci est economy that can J iisfilly be brought ' .- . . ' . 1 1 .1 1 1 1 . . -. . 1 1 ". 1 . , .1 1 1 Dj 1 ni means to wuuu.'iii pce'uniarv am ir-in 10 imar eui loin, iu make tnese comiMlica I works uf i liter 11 a I improvement,) lo wit: 11 .terest prolilalle and In in ticinl to the pub r ! that luost, il not al', the bonds of the difl'er- die in prnjioi lion. Willi three great t-udi , j : 1 nt tales aru cxeiiipleJ by liny Irom tax- ccured, the States could proceed with safe I alien, while the interest in most case s is ly and advantage iu the extension of their I 111 u J it pay-aide in t!'-' i I T of New Vuik. isv-tcms of internal improvement. Again : it is w hieli t ught lo a signilieant I id, nnd one 1 excite' altelition, 1 spe cial! y I in th Male-, w I.e re rates of exchange h steadily ailvi neatly all tin", banks buvc the p V, c teuilie living, that ivile-c ti'.l only I ) bold, but to trade in pub' to half tiie aiiii'iint "f their capita .e stocks , and nf- le 11 to tl aiiiouiit of their surtilus Inn. Is. And, in this connexion, we have tn ve-r known such nurjlus fiiiul limited to any j in u aiununt in any bank. I nder ll.e-e 1 11 1 lilmst a.ices am tint the banks in- 1 . 11 .11.. . f 1 1 -1' ' 1 t 1 iml ci.ii.-e 'jp ami en an tne tiie Slates vihicli they ran gi t or aie iiul hot i.e.l to hold with I bo bunkers and br-ki'i.s of the commercial cities? It 11111-t be reineinbered that it is in the luigc eoTiiinei cial cllirs, an.1 under such 1 ire 11 111 st -nice nbuic as wu iillil'le to, thst ll e bunks eu 11 sell or draw upon thci bonds iu eac of emergency. Tabling this, then, to be the custom with our I auks, w,. tiol to tic. larr It lieeuteeliy llil-i'lll.'VinTS 111 ten- elcncv- lleyond disputo a T r-isteuce III this roliry niiii't opn ale v. iy prciudieially llignllisr. lliei cteeiie 'i inti 11. .'.eu .nan 1, Wo ponsider the credit of any free State to be more or less iu elanger when the bonels of such State are held abroad, aud when the investments iu tocks which represent tLat sltibt at U'U.c,to the popular wind, is suffered to fall far below par, anil the can didatcv of all parties for Govornor of tha Slate, us well ns those for member of both l" audi- of the Legislature, alike canvs the State and bariinouc the people, in mas. fro1) t tL(j .k; of McNutt, T)0 hu of ,be i.,te t;t)ion with many others which arise under our present unju.-t, expensive, and impolitic G nancial system, we .ce but one way which) 'Ppenra t,t a I practice!. !e, ul Ihat is in a, ...n. ii. r l .. ..i . i ; "e ,L ,"o..,i,.-ai,oi, oi iiui uiiiih ciiariers aim l i . l . . i i ,i i r. ; l "is tei ins upon which thev are hereafter lo be granted by our State Le-islatui es. Each .-'late hdiould resolve (as Knland did in M1) lo cvnsolidate all its banks into one, with such branches us time and experi ence may demonstrate to 1 iieeofsary tv Iran-act the business of the country. Tha liiotln-r bank tl oulil have tha supervision ,,l' ll... ,.n,..,... r . i... i. t . i ... . i , ' .'.t.. , 1 ... ll.v lildll.UI-S UUI 1U0 1 1 i . . i i - . . nranchi's uliould be kit as independent , , ,- . ,, ,. . ', , . ! ol each oilier in the nrranreinelit of their . i,,,.,,,,,., . ..:,... -n.. 5 .,...,,, , ,a . Iu, r .),.. I ...!, r j,. u.iiif; u -nai e ei ciuu luconio rauroaii i nii.-ralion in tiie Mate, for every p-hare .r f,.. .. i;.i. i i. ..v ... .v. u.'i .. .,.-,s n niti, i.o 1 . IHO t l. T. I 111 i . i i i aiik. It i-hould be re i Hire il that a 1 ub- . ... 1 . , mm iptions be j ai l in gnu! and silver, and tint Ihe capital be tailed iu as fast as the charter of die present banks expire or the business 0f ,)ir ,s!ate requites it. It bould : I 'om i.t roll r, as no.... ns the lank is autho- - i . . . ... rizeo to eoiiinicnce Pusmess nnoer its char- ter, as w-.l a-to afford ec ateral leeuritv for the r-d. iii tioii of the Mime in ease of the failure rf tie bank. The dlreriors shoul l nil be eho-en ft out the individual stockholders, and the .aiil M)ckhoidcrt i-hould have Ihe privilege of selecting a ma jority of the directors in the bank a-.d all its tranches; but 1.0 cfheer of any railroad csuipany in the Slate shouid be iligible as an olbi er or director in the l ank or any of i! branches. Il i a j arei.t that if earli Slate woulJ ff f '1 tiije a tin!; 0:1 l!,i uri-is indieat- r,( .,,,4 nil'k iU. ftyilU, the at 1 inlerrrt cf il.1 public ti e om- er more of its branches, and in its. o n currenev -it would do much to keep tk ile-bl cf th State at bo'ne and un ngtbi 11 its credit, br identi- fvmclhe efit.rc bal k circulation with Iho 1 iml, htedness and in rroremet ts of tiie .vl.-ite. This principV, e-nco adopted and firmly aJher. il to, woub! soon furnish the j enple a s-.iirid and abundant enrreney ; and i!' Sir Hid ett I'e-I i. (0 be relied ufon, as good authority , make ti." illdebtcdnc-S of th" Mat.s thus managed a blc-sing in. s'.i-a I if a curse i,r buniin to them. It woi.ld also soon bring up ihe sKh k in all great wo-1 s of iuijtrov 1 tueiit t 1 j-ar Value, t'i' e''"r! the bank the benefit of their gro-s farnini-s as deposits, and, in the inte nor ."'lales, the advantage of the excbangij that inighl ari-e m the product! pent over tin 111 to f.irei-ii n-arkcts. And this is but a sir. a, I jirrtion of l!,e betielit .!, to t;,e ,t,t.. !.,.,- .i ;r,, ( that would e p-.wcr cf Mate, the Mate could, bv increvM.irr the rate i of discount and limiting the dividends to be I paid to the private stockholders thus raise all tlic taxes necessary lo meet the demands on it treasury without having to resort t. direct taxation. Another important ad van luge "f the propoed system w suid be this: i il no in. 1, vidua! is j.( ruiiil. d lo put rs p.sprf j dollar in eiieulatioil unlil he contributes 1 M'ATK 1UGIITS. North Carolina, I'cc. i!', ISJij. Washington, Feb. 1 1. A MlStniK I if CeiMlllK.sS AhUfc-sllD. Frances O. I rcadwell, of Norfo.k, yesterday caused the arre'st of Albert Ivu-t, a 111 ember . of ,u, ,u,,, cf n.-prcse-nluliv es, charged s(ll wo ,,,,-uJ,- 1(,ul or,-rc tJreckey. a I ,lv ii.i. 'I'lns, i..An,ii,,. Air. Ilust ,v. ,"-;, v ; ,1.. ., r u-Vtll !. I. ajipcaratice nt Ihe Ciimiual Court. The lie v. Mr. Willi. nt, reputed ' Pau rdiiti of Frarii'i','' is in Wniiinglon, oppress- -J ''J "1"'-'. ac jnury.