CHARLOTTE, 1. 0 X ri Li 1 THOMAS J. IIOLTOW, Knitoii Si l'lioi'ititTou. TEKMS: I Hi! .srrt.i..'.in,linit Hln? w ill be afforded In null. ei-ilit-m hi TWO )i)t.,Ai,'s m udv.incc ; TWO 5!?i.M m (in- niii ..I' ilm tr. No .ju r mil be iIim-iiii. "i'.mm Tvl'tuuT''' ' "r-'1 "' AJ.ri,-n.,,ii),.D!:.rH.r...ti,rc -" ""' , mo approach. ng aanger. 'review of and (liil.M.-.i.r J,.,,ilii.,,1y).1.),r ii,u tlr.t iii.c. Tl.o olJ in nu was opposed to the mar-' Tlio men oLcyed Li order w ith alacrity, yy. j Brrive, r jaw ar-e and rc-nr-ct-l mi, anij j eciit (ur e.n liDoiilinumiee. t iin I ud. I . , . . , ... . i , ,-m . r . . i , i i i ,i ' 1 vert.,.-,...-,,!. .,.d .s..,,i' fi,. ,.M,KeuS( i..r' "n?e for t,, fr'" 1 poor, B,ld Lal1 "oth- !,ut '' enough to get beyond the We oudT,..:ce stated in t!- chapel, and reiii. In(,'li. r ; nod .l.-.iui-tii.ii f.13i p. r i i,i. mil - j, Lut her virtue and pretty face to inn" ""each of the animal, if he continue -Lgn rt-it"." qiiartrr'v. jit 1 jk.( nuure ..r .neli lime, bvini. u..,t!,!y e.nt. h r .q...r. (. tael. j lliii:ii.iei ic oulliuliiiil In acid nii-iit. oft nr. i urn i MI V.MI1I. OT IIM I 1 JimNftUN. T ll ! IIMii.-l r. li u . J IJ -1 r!(J, In wbti-ti w- l"ti iilnl l.i 't : hi re c jcii limn' ui- afni )iill'i 1 riis J Tu m ir "g nul b m ig t-Nir ; A'"! IIL' K iitl 4 till Mil)! I ( I'lJ. . n fir'; iiipi 1. Iiuimti iL Ili.trrtl. W hue f iiirii. Itnuifli i-i-1 . i if . Aim IttJtrn, bcuia il mi I U.iM rr.l. Hi. 'Viit. lu-ill r. vrl in Itt eillli OT wi'tnw hjjimI' r ; 1 'f niui- h..ii.if-ii ! l!c --j IJ. 'I ban .Kinf li.iTift loilr? ; And hr.iiil tlm iiur Mini ue ivr t rino A K-iv lii i" n fi-wit -in. T" WullU l.ll i ll III kirii lino iloinn, A-.U l iwit hi vutiii.tiun Oil! iicfiiur rage Ilm vcrfrv 'gaintt A p-.r, lint ii-iivbI, ir'ii.i-r S.'irr l.nt'. mil IV. ner, in. In u Jlnt.i " .! .1 orii i I li.-l ;" Anil tiii rfrliirs U t a Itfi-on v.inli, :iri. iu r.icii niiH f' iwf n, T- -l l! r.Ui.M li;r Urfiiiiu- t cm tr 'i nn bri;titiiM w!' fii iiitw. Ti f mill . t.n r! ill .ui'p-.r.B btiiiH' i-T t-b-jf ; I t r ii. '"f irilif i-l' i -ft. m .th. 'i'li ii mule (.- 1 1, 1 .-III.. y .r i . v i . - .. b. H it - l.i i u f . ilieii ll-U 1, 'I .i. i-r inun nt.ut, lute and Ifnth 1 c tiiiblllCf i.i t ctl. illiscfllancoiis. f'tvm l .4itiiifi Linn. T k .1 i , : ii u .u i , f 77 V. w ... mj DEATH UI A WHALE BOAT. !U AS OLD Wllitt MAN. A t out i ig nitiii or iwrutf vi r ao, w n-u lal.-s weie more plenty linn at it. s. i,t, r J aLips i.ilead of n.sking long voyages to tlio tea of h'sini.1. alk and Dliirmg' i-lrait.. surrounded part of the "ion with i--e, had but to dr. ). anehor in one of the i.uu.eiou.s l.-ifrfr oLlha FalLianl I -iaiol sti ik 4i i r t p uin-t-, and 1 iu verity, wl.iie the siiip . tender .rulseel out-ide, aud brought in lh" blubber fir thoa on borul to try out '. TLoso wen- Lalcyon Uy for; an ab-nce cf cue year or rill U.Ctillls a .ulTiciect to till the largest ship, ami. Mn, ii-l. tlm t.W .;,! i,,! r. uisi'in.l ni'ir n.,1 prire ihat it Joes ;.t j;.c-: lit. Mill the short- j 1. was enough to move the heart of a sto li.;s of the voyage more lujdo aineuds lie to sec the manner in which the mother for the lengfli of time w Lieli is ..oweoiisuiiie I. ! strove lo carry off Ler young, and shield Tho Falkland Islands, in tho-e days, i him from tin) lioree lance tin u-ts w hieh the wcra covered with floekl of wild g-cse, i rapt aid u i ri iii il against Li.u. Ho knew ve foe'ii", bullock", and lnntiy fl lit. wl,-e ' ry well lb tat .1 the calf Was fa-telied to, the flesli vras f teemed, and whose rich fur j pnrot.t wnihl never leave until be w as dead, brought hi.rh prices in th States. ' it a I It .ii.l i.. t take many n inut. to " turn "lop left tin, bay without each man 1 I e t I f I l.iiaril I..,......! in tM,ost- ii ,,. . i- , ........ B - .v.. ..... ... .... - .. . .1-1 was uoa i,m iSlxy 13 coii. ci tlio ni .ii. iiuis, wniie . the oihoers oftn s, cured ciio..;h d .wu from once were filed with tho animals, are now deserted. They flid for security to the South l'.a- cigj ; but still they weie i.ursaed. and driv- ' tho iie-sts of the p.-ngui,,., lo add a com-id- low her, .. 1 when she found that her r.i- J SVTM1I(N 0,,IM,lN L. TI1K Wixrni vv ' "C Ut;'vc"-J -'"- -:-' He , tna: v ou w oun. ni.o io speak 10 me-ai your, )e h , , p,.,,,..,,., ,,, iu ler a s ., ...m inct.ot. that she wou.-t .,- erable sun. to their ..vimiuc. Ilreatuawtrc u.-eless. she became maddened i , JM The follow im is'.'w. extract jr'.'tn a I s'''t'J -or the foundatiou of Ls reu.a. ks, ! service madam," 1 perquisites were imblb-rent tome, for I am reveal any tt.u.g of the mitt r, and at Liko all other busiue-s, however, whe!,,;lu rap... r flukes waved I ack ' letter from a gentleman rsidin2 at Hellv j the (Hi verse of the -hi. chapter f Genesis : The im-rtifiod mi.trcs. saw the state of poor ami needed them. I a, an I"m'-t r!. 'T. 'f, ,",".'",.'", p"r overdone, whale weio diii.u f the ! ,,d forth iu the air, as though l.,ginS ..JSj-ings, MU,., Feb. We b a ve . he ., A nd . he Lord sai 1 unto Cai, Where is jthocac immediately, and a s n.iled wreath-; man and J, aw disc ha r Vhixvl' t tie id.ib'i,' 1'pt.'-. J as"":! w Lit'.' hill, pround, by tho florec pursuit wbieh vsas ,., ,l,oir streni-th agaiu-t our frail boat. jfol,,7 md '."?t -'";' "'at 1 j Able thy brother? and Lo said, know not: cd itself about her uieuil. . sp.te of be. selt, ; ', L" , ' , in,,,nr'vv'u by the m whi.-h -he t.ow bears. The re- f :- s Lave known duriiiu' a twent five years res- . . .1 l . , , , . , .' , . ,,, , " ..I - ', ., ! ,' , ! kept up unrelentingly, and at the pre-enl ,(jri Oo of Ler cin-lings around tL!i,t..w i ,Le South. TLe uth Las been ' Al 1 k-I" r AlU r f ' ,,,,,, ! acted I have is..,..,- I - " ' J da, a right w bah- rarely afo-w, bis head j,..,, 0fUr eal,; l-cdd.ngtou fastened .U..o-t constantly fro,, .in,,. ,h, :.d Dc cU.g the wasivc reply of Cain, , adding M ..I you pardon the blunder ot a raw ,,o of km-wlug u,at ,u a sLo, . u.ue your trU.I near the Ulan.U. aud the harbor, whieh ' ........-:, i. .... , ;. f.s, . f... ,. 'comber p,,,, J our first sMovv is now on conclusive evi lence of Lis guiil Le said ev- 1 n-1. g.i 1, my dear s.r . a told her to ca.l pew. r u -.. . j i . . ' . I c, (mm lie ground, and now w Lalemen are j ouugi-u ,n ,rcK , ,r ui. ir a..,.,, .ei- ( Uergs and fos of tLu i.uitl. lLa hlrong rurrents and dangprnus naiigalion of the ; .rrtic regions where but tbreo or lour ' ttn.itln m the year ship! can renin. n, and crew.a.ep.iKneuw.... eo.,.,,. U Ii. 1 1 1, f I ,t,l il ,ii,..,f I " ' ii. , ... I saitea Ii Dili .vew l.onuori once, iu (lie I old ship Arthur, t'apt. IV ddington. It was my third toya iu a, whaler, so I hip md . ., .,, i,, ,l as a boaUocrer, with tlm one hundred and tenth A.y, which was considered pretty good in those, days, w lieu vessels were rarely ah- aeiit more than fifteen mouths., and always . ".!.. l r i , picked un threo or four ("ner.n wl.aln on i , . 1 ' I iiaeir passag.,. , Wo went to tl.o Falkland Islands, and itaooud Lip iu Berkley .Sound. For a ten-1 lcr, wa ha.l a ton-sail r-rbooner. of about one hundred tiid fifty tons but theu, Smart aniler, and just tho craft necessary for the l'l-iiiess. nur cjitjio -a.-. i ycnii luao. f the owner, ami married to a most beautiful and, iif jareritly-, aiiiial le girl, a few weeks before wo k'I't port. Tlio lady Lad u.njj nil tlio cruaMon which f-ho win capable of, ta ! induce bor husband to remain itt dome j but Li' "tu,,borD PJ Fnted Li, icldi,,K toiler request, owing to u careless remark li;L, his father made a few days lefore . iituu and boauty were all very well, but! . . . I afterwards. I l'eddiii-ton, like a mau of, mariitd , the fill, mid linn re.olveJ to fuppoit her, 1 eniergeneies, ami with one b!o evereJ . pt.1?abe to its full i'.IuMratbu. IWd, ar j after be lia.I gut her. He was worth a lew i 'J'L rope llew alou3 the boat, and, to our jt.Lt U1JJ iUlj)UUive, he Seizes upon the !thouuiid I'ollars earned by his una txer- horror, we taw the captain wave LU liamla ttl0llfc, p0;ljtj 0f tho aubjeet, and hainjr es !tion, and ha detern,incd to increa.-o Lis '" the air, and then disappear over Le - taUil.ed the premise", a refutation of whiel wealth), an fust aa possible, and then leave the rph, an. I devote the remainder of hU' jlifeto the Lappitie-s of his w ife, whom he' ' ai-pvarvJ tj luvc dearly. j ! It limy havo been outside kIiow, but the v tiiii.'S I mw them o;.e(!-r. before ue VaileJ, ia-pired mo w ith the belief that his a'lecii'Mi was more than relumed ; for she would liuii.' ujiou his arm, and listen to his woril-, a) though hi r life depended upon tin-Ill. his n-i!e (o iiiorali.- , but l.o-.v we poor devils we who pass and Lae passed our lives upon the ocean are liable to be de- reived. Who known bow our wives spin 1 ' t'.nir fin.' w ben wo aro alsent? l'uhaps it is about as Weil that wi: doll t. f jX il Would not add greatly lo our Lappluess soim times, if we di J. I Hut (Umniagt: Las nothing to do with a ...... v. . i. i. . . r : . r ...... ' ...t ... leech, nystory. i A, s ,.. we ,-ot mi.or.-d .. , - i" ..- ut Ikrik!. y ond, w commnic. d taking .whale in -lu.hl-neo, and the try works' I . . . .. . II iblcr, aad utowiuu away the oil. Wo u,. .1 to t ike turn, on board tie I....- dor. ao a. t . ,-ive all a chanee at the bard , work of ' cutting in "' w L ile-, and i-nc trip, so.-n if;, r tie, ainveJ, I was on board wi;l. Capiaiu IVilJi. jt, who iieurr lost au op portuiiity to take a wlale, i! it was- a j. i.-sl-I !. thin , W'f u -d to think s -nietiue s th .t Le s as ra-l i but it was not oar place b i einoui-iratc, and as we were tilling up taut, why, ') tiid not much rare. 1 I wjs IVddiugloo's bo .it-tis.-ri r, and was nl a M i Itl I v the cant tin t haul bin. on i-s a u.iie as i . a- o-s.oie, u-i titoi ui- would lake care tf the boat adueewbieh I rigi lly adhered 10. ; . afteri.o ji., lil making our way to ti.j ship, th tender bemg marly liiled with " LUukel pieees " wo r.Ued whale, and upoia lowpriitT, f'und tbnt it was WV'1 , wl,-.lct..a, call a coif au 1 a c..!f-th.,l is, a . fen. .l-ai-d l,. r jt.g. i " I-Vlcii lo thu calf,' said the captain, as he laid .. icon. ! I h t .', iv one iron U.'.o the 1 .i-l y of ibe . little f.'h.w, and then changed places will. I'id.i.i; ! on. I . . .1 .. .1 ... i:..i. i-..M ... . . ! . . . .1 - 1,,. I.a.L- (I.n inn ir ioii... u" ", .-us., .......v. . Imariiel again, auu in ,, .. ..i l l I.I! ... . , ov.T an is back, the mother eon.- i ni.,i.r.l nor mio piayeu rcuuu anu j round tho .'.ilf, trying; to iuduee him to fol- iiiioif. tie i,, i'ii iiiniiiai remaineu siaiiouarv . i o ' ... , i ... i , i n" i too mueli sur.irised t'V lln. SU1. - llc p.,;,, to vl,.a U ,,u.:il ,engt ,, and i.:i ,i. . .n., ..nni,i I. l-,.,ris . no." in iiii. i-iii.. , ,,i, s ..i...... .... ....... , ftr,.k f..r pf,,. a,l caused her , ,mll,. Th ,,,, ,.w olll of . rUwk 0i tUu i,ojt li ke lig Lining, Lul only for a few ,iuiltp . tlun Itie whule sullenly rose, and fp0utl.,l forth a clear column of blood , . , , i . i . , , 1 1 au me ou. shouted the cat, tain, anx - . . 1 . - , , at once, as it -- - ---- , near sunset monieutr"; i 1 ,, u t vou bet ter w ait one J asked j " tlio ale is in her flurrv und ,ln,,rotis Crttin too near." ' r Q ' U.ab." l.e exclaimed, with a look ol con - t. mpt, "do you think lam going to wait l,,.ro Bll niirl.t! Haul up lively, met., and i,,( tm! finj.1, Mc.' ,, i.iii- i Tho crew o L eyed, but before wn got wuh- ' J ' r ;u t,o0,l liuictii,- il.stanc.., tl.o annual turned on us. Her flukes described abort circles in the, air cncli lima drawing nearer to the j boat, until the, spray was fluie' in our faces, like a flenvcrof rain, cau-ing tho o men to rs fear-' ' L 'I glanco uuc :-ily over their shoulders, f..l of a ii .uili..', bb.iv. ' 1 1 -ml ii.o i-fi i" oi'o-i luu eijtain, stamping Li foot with impatience at our "low movements, j J Before wo Lad time to obey his orders, 1 the dying whale suddenly commenced roll- ing over t.iJ over, winding up this lino like u ball of spun yarn, an I ouch moment draw- '(-' nearer to the boat. j " Stern all !" I'eddington cried, as he saw "tut the line, the eaptam ahoutcd, as ,,lut it w c,v;g t,1( Lont rapi(1y. . , ,, , . , . , . , . , i , I SLlz"d the Latehet, which is olwayn kept "iut the lioe, me cnpraiu Miouteu, as thf Mern of a halo boat, ready for such bows. The end of tho line had caught a- )e ctl al occah;on, t-Lallen, the coiielu rouud bii wai-t, aud drag-ed him over- kon logically and naturally follows. Con Loard. ' incc-d that he is rij;ht, Lis whole aim, in We looked at each other with silent dis- ,i, r,,IPSS c rutioii. is to couwnrr- ",1.v- U " coulcl do Bc'll'in2 to save l.nn, nu feared each mom. nt that our boat 'ou'd ,,c ,tovo- a"'1 rest of u left t9 Mru-L'le lor lite in the water. i,ut to our surpiUethe. whale no longer nppioaehed ui. IIc- continued to roll over aud on r, and for j 'cond wc could get a glimpse of the body of the Captain as he revolved lik" lightning, and then with a sullen plun-e tho animal i!iappeared from the surface of the ocean. I l,e never roe a.-am. Mie uita r ro.e again. .. e a,r,aU. and LU distressed laniy ; ai.a then, -ro . i ..o . ; ... ,. , ... were otm-rv,.,,., I do in t i l.e v.-ry ly l,c was brou-ht m, Lis f-i- wiih Ler rested the body',,, SUJJCU, turug ,U Syn pan. tie tears lo "Cre 8 w,' triuJ tu do f'1 to ;,'.' vowould apply t, t0,,. to the Vo- th, r. Laving died the day before, was car e Captain. V.'e waited of -ly auJ Hu-ly whet, he u"" '' a i-onun.ent " or, hUav. vi.,. j "-'! "UL a.M., in ti.e roo,u,,c under water, and with lier rested tne body of the unfortunate ..ear the pt where we last u hi.n, until darK, aud then WitU sorrowlul Hearts ...... .. .... and we thought that the mother had dear- lvreven-id herself. The cl.b f ma.e took charge of the ship, .inued the voyage, wLich was , sue- ees.ful one as f-ir as oil wa concerned " one as iat as on wa. conrrnwj,. U'l'.fn "r t'ot lai'k ,0 N'w Lo,",ou' ,Lc lilt. . i i. u f -i t I. ..r w... i-iv. f. .il i A . t .1i,iT i wiu iwau.. lell u-r me manmr oi nisueain. i .. ...... i :.. I , .' ... . . .. -"u "J ' "lvu " w" " "V ' rvtM, 1 rP'Uvl to M ifr ,n VCP ntoufinng, tut to my urpr,-e she .rasrea'1- ing a cheap nov.-l. aud was .-eat. d in a very .uneoneerued manner before a Kfow ing lire, as uioagu uermioe.. for-.., " So ." ith th! '-?''" wllf u '"' .l 1. 1 .'"I 1.,!. go,ur,,;.eu. a,a.i, su., g,aeu,g c. -i r .. . . . i. ....... i. i ..... nc p .gis o. ine look as anouu ...a a-, ,. . , ,. , . , , " ts ma am, 1 rep.ied witu a bow. r " I'oir mau. I'll he urpear t sutler , , , . . 1.1 li' I. . Li' I l II I I I i tf c j u 1 ei ti t tell, as we on: v ' nt Ifti'lt .. ,- . . . .!,,. ' iiiei..-e.s ol tj i i ia alt'-r lie was u.a ed iiom ,;)C bout,' I aiiswtred. ., jt nU ,jr(.adfj; , Hrowu out tin rn rc tU wa,f u ,0 CJ, !(- fLe jj H;( a ,,,,,,,. j du.w L.r'chair nearer to , 1U M- , liU,t;. - . not knowin- w Lether lo be indignant or di-usted at her . f f .. ,. v ' wJ,al, Me so careless ' sbe .-. , it r -aid at li ngl.i, after reading one or two pa .. of ,u.r ;oe!f a. j llo,,e yod (i lv lujrc careful in future. Good day." : God irrant."' I muttered, as I left the i i.i .ii lions., I- I titni re :i iiom-iti tiis. a s-i-i i . ri . ii n i-i ,- ' i i ...... r i; ct one. ?-ue!i a ..i-raoii bus no more leeiinr. or heart than an iioti statue, and it would Vi.. inn. h l.e't.-r it' rl 11. -in livo.l sin ,!.- !,H I.i. da-, share with Ler what she alone desires, his wealth.'' In one month's time after she heard tie . . i . . . . .. ... 1 ... i . ... . r.. i. ,j , j . 1 i . .. 1 I. ... ............. .. . K. . i i.,., . 1... i in.- Liv.iii.i. .v.. ,,,v-v . ...... , i . , , .i.. ..i i .i. wen tier nas been iniensri v c "u .ue . i v . i ,..,.. - il.iun tis. .i,rn Anvii-atifin m su-tien-, i d.-d' in the liM,;,,pi river a hole Memphis, j 'and very much impeded beloV that place j . i-i ' o ,- 1 consrquenco of ice. In tact the j u.ppllU.j ,, TV?uUr ,VpH. TM, is vLt hn Leen called the sunny South; l.l Ml, ITinilll ,, i,i.,n. nu,, w a. .. ... , , I am in favor of a Northern clnuipc. , i ii r. s i.s . .'i ui, I.-,,, r. , ....... ..i . i r.i- . ; 1 , . , . . . , ,, . I A novel ease came up before Judgt l.acon i s,v. ....... . M. fm.-i uItii,' ',... ....... .... ,. r .liL.l. in.. in,, uiv iiiiuuriiiiiit - ui lie week, tlic clrcunistanei las follows: A con-table bad leviett upon i..t .. . . . . -. t .-j ... the property of a mm and sold iti The ....... ..,.;.....'. ...... I. e ...... . ,n , r ri., ,1 in .i i. owner claimed that I." was a n. irrie.l man Y"!' ': '"' ' ' sued tl.o constable tor dauiajes. I the , - , i( .,., ,,, ,',,.;.,. Wr. ,iM1J. was performed about two hour 4 be-1 lore the ltfr was made, and the Cnurtde- j ciiled that tin tnarriaga had not yet I Vet. cons in.nie. i, ami rno cmnp ..... uu ni "i . . ' . . . ' . , i a married man within the meaning ot tVe stat0. Tl0 leVy was therefore held to good. Si; S'ui'!:int J'th. I?. Marw ami Sknatiiii. Antbony Ken. ').(: brother of the lion. P. Kenuedy,) ''as c'u' '"' ' ,k,'cua,,, ' tho Mnryland Legislature, in ca:.e of the Hon. 1 1 -s. ii. 1 . att, the pie.-m.' Mr K i t o. rou -1. Atui'ihan UfttMIMHHIr'ttlAH (D.0)ilinUniCai!01U 1 OR Tllli N. C. UHl'l. IttKUELLiC, N.C, l)e..;)0, 1P5-. j eann.r, 1 1... cue sifnilying f-rmeuled, nnd ! Mu : The order, .li,u.inf fr.... th.; rareusV ,l,e aii-y ,Lal! rduck "ii'oJt. I rode five miles to-day to .!;s New In,ti- "Cr UIlk-"'-"-J ' 5 that tho f,;r- oce ot Deputy at thi, , lace, 1',-ov. ni. 17. 1 lute. tohearGcu, Cary deliver a Teir per-. J "l ,Lc aMS '"'Ilw ".'.f-!;''' .. '"r This i3 a terriblo denunei.tiuu n.ain,, in- . . - . illuntrativa of th Snrii.tural erj i ave i)earj. ij,,,s and cf!l ave Jtar,. Ui, e,,u,j,ari-oi,s ami ar(; of (lc no kj ( - . ... , ;u,2 to un,a LCCi-sbai lly from the tubjeet ; nnj circuiiistance renders them indi-- Li. audience of the great moril itnportanee. all,j r(:(orw;Uv, influence of he subject of Xi-li.piTaliie which he so aily advoeates. I c Without any preliminary rcmirk.i, ho grap- peJ B ;in, completely demilishes the sl-'r- cotj-pCJ ob jections and unti ml le arguments a?ltol.t Tc-ii.perance ; and tlnii presmt.s va- ijj K.a,ons nl -ltli faVor. liUi'.cqucuce ia of illt. pr.r,ua,ic kind. He, ilia uiument, cx-I l.;.cs tcfirs cf yniptiiy for tie deluded in tlriate aud LU distressed tanily ; ai,J tlu-n, prMel)ts tie loVcy pictur(, 0f l Mmc i,lt.. , ; rfcfonm;d throu.-h the Lud influem- I C , , ,, , .,, i !,..,.,.:.;. f r,,,....- ' , IU ;voioe of ,rcst p0W . auJ SCH4l3 ! Uj , . , t() h ' , - -,, so ' . , , . . ,. . r , w lei, Le cLanges the sul je t, Iron, grave, to gay from lUely to seve.e.the tine into-I . i i. . I of W)w la,mou!ic (0 eUitl, the na- tore of the sul.ject ai to inereie the grate- ful iuterc.-t which his auditors muifest. W ith t,i(J (,xcq,t;0I1 of ,). ion. Her, Clay, he .. tIlU rare fa,.u;t y 0f i.ici Ui"ating lu n,re ,jia) a'. ,,-,, p La" . . alj(J jt taal )(, t.utiellS ara . never cnou.i.bered with usii-ss veri iage, . . . H ?ral,.iilnqu, nt lal.iUajcdevoiJ of si-j-I . c li;ii(.al;(,u . ,ul ou coutiry, th. ie is a , ; uii.form cuu.-iatc ncy tl.rougas. ,.,v. :y pait, ' , , , o tbut you cannot aLi.t.' e .vol or l,;t,e. , , ,. , 1 lo re are in iny public spc:iis whose style ; i,ll'i e.ii i.i .ii -eg, i.ii'j nine j -o, i -1 nu- .-.. ... . t i taphors are fau't'ess in theiii'pl lieaiiiin, so thai if we sLoubl bttcini-t o dm net from their oratorical fame bv r.u-inL- to award ' . ... " , " . , the meed of, we woul ju-t,y subject ourselves to the cuisure of cing cither pre- , judieed. or destitute of re-Bed taste ; and ; ; wo listen to then, as we wold to thn-e who , p,..y S....U...V upon .ue iia.p nu wmu uav , r.ichai.t. ..cut is removed, w icok in vain . , . i - r n ...... .i , ' i .... i .. .1. . ' '"r oli'li,-v uf aui'-cnt, a-jl di.-Civu that ( instead ot fathoii.iiig tie deep oee,.u Oi ; 'thoii.-l.t, they have on'y sited lg'.t'y over' its su. lace. Hat Cen. Cars erdory is the re of this. Aboundinj, as je dms, in ' all the graces of elocution, e das not n c . . l?ct the more i.riportant o.nsi craiiou of r .-o.iJ areumenl ; and thercluc is tne mas- ; sivc column of classical arcuiteture excite ' in too m. ud of the beholder in eer increas- ; 111: interest when he eontc.nplaU the beau ty of the sculpture w Inch adorn-l .en., so the beautiful and ai p.opriatc nielabols which . . ne nurouuces, auu u i.esii imresi .o ine 1 .. I -I I ...... .! . I wei -htv r.ronortions of his ar.oiient. This fuct was amply eicmplilied in .e address j . . . . . . rv ,..,. nu nt io isu nniisi.t:,,. j.iistion : . , , , .. , , , -ni I my brothers lofts r . ana J 1 then Prj' ,,J ll'at viry man who wiil reeegnUe the fact that be is Lis brotier's keeper, and act eonsistctly with Lis -chef in this i.u- porta nt truth, cannot fail o become a zeal ous advocate of the Ttiintrauce reforma tion. He theu showed b. numerous ilhis- I trative examples, to provt that the failure ..... .r . l... :..j.. r.i.l uu , ue iiiii i o i iai -e inn i.i ui , i,e n u n,.. ., 1 " J ra,.. it... ,. , .... r, ..,, ...,,. of . ..s I great principle is tbo 1'iuiif.l source of the . . . , , i Mn "J ns-'ry that abou.,1 ... tho world. Tl, w In, m.1.1. i h uTiint 1. fin in , iilea . to ' I his no ma.Ie the great uiea, t hnl. all others were tuUiaary. , ,. ,. . ,. ., , . -" h's history ot tho rise u d progress, ol ,lie Temperance refo. .nation be staled that the Ueehabite.i formed the fist Temperance Association of which wo ha'c any account tbut this w as instituted about three thous and years ago, that the. assciiaiion still ex ists on cn Island ; that Gd promised t" ihem because they said lliey would t'.ot driuk wine, they should never want a piie.-t to stand befo.e them, which promise is uow serifying: To those who arj that the Bi 'e sanctions f,e use af wine as a bewnge. V replied th.: to litiin:! ki el' of . "le.iuuneu ill ino Will Dim iew 1 ePta- .!1eut.Snl,I,.tth,.yarercp,cse.tediutl.e Iibitw language of the Old, and tho Greek , language, by two words of .-directly oppo.-ile urUIlhOU rfVCJh I lhe LiMi'M wliir-h trn r-i! c M'aa ... n.npuKSUI lUy li'i j eMjiUitut. Iln ll . .1... j: v .i.r.u.j vi me iii-i uivoree tipcn rrcorJ, flows tlc-arlv that it wasrausnd bv the driulinc of fe.. Minted. V ;.. A .mm,, i ... v.. 7,1 .1 - - i - . . ..-Ui-iwald he, prepared a royal (east, H II I llll Ill I l.f II.b ..r.i..... ... J . .1 .. . fir i - i i -I. . . . . ... " " '"'r"""'"" ueiieeoi nis realm; and w bile under the influence of w i.,e boaMed.asthcmnju.ityofd.u.ikenhuaands1 no, ue iiaa uie f u ttK t mJc in the and ; and to tbcm of the truth of his asset tion ordered the ue ti to appear befo.e tl.ein clothed in royal atpkrcl. The ucen by innate i.mdc-sly, reliiM-d to obey his unrcasonaAla coiuinand : whereupon the King consulted with the princes and nobles, as to the degree of punMimetit which ouht to be inflicted on a queen for di.-obediince lo the commandment of her royal com-oit. ei - i- ' i i uey icaiing lest ttie ijueens example migbt induce all the married ladies in the Kingdom to become rebellious, voted that she should be divorced, d'tii. (,'ary j. roved clearly that the wine which our .Savior made out of water at the marriage-feast in (.'ana of (!ali!ee was unfeiiuented wine; and iu deed to bi.ppuse the contrary would be im pious. In conclusion (ien. Cary sai I, " I rather have engraved upon mv tunb : reaievi to my memory more .uagn.iieent ! - ' CM-1'1'" lJ U1U mol Vl' 11 tJ lower under the pledge to apply onlv I. ....... . l ...l IPi ..'.l.l.T . II- niuii ii. -ro. is .mu coiiiiuerors. ine trail rccor'J' ot tnne cannot enumerate the ben- .til r..iii,( ,,..,1 ... Ir, U,. ........ .1 .... l'm 0cnvea' -v ' t0 be ''''v, d to the',,'- . , " ' . - f'" tl ' s recent v,s,t ; for (he archnes o! -"'-n!ty alone cm fully devel them ' AU.UU.V ANKCItUTK III." V A T M V V 41 1. , ... ., , i . , . .' , , J.ndge., fa,Jalady,ntl.C,tyot.,o,h. tilli. Ulit) Hiortiin'r hti kIi.' n r.iw.i, l.t! t .. I . in her kitchen, to her servant, "wLat a. ,uan. tity ...f .soap grease you have -ot there We ss , c .. .a.v-.iaiuin,Mii i can get plenty ol" soap for it, and we must r it, and we 'nust. "V" i aio.lg, tell LlUI 1 .el,:llij... ! li;all) aijJ LtIj hc culuf at.i to sn-ak to Lin,.' Ves n.a'aoi 15, id -el, between each : whisk of lo r dishcloth, keeping a blight ljjkeutol tuo l.iteLeU winuoiv. and u j mo- . vmjr craturo escaped her watchful gaze. , ... At last industry secined to be revvnrded lor .i . i . . - i - iiun u iui- sw.ti eaiiie a laig'T j-uiiy gi n- tleinau a cano, and looking the ideture of srooJ Lumor. Sure that he was ; the man when i.o was i f,ot of tic Louse. ' j-r ii-. i ' out she flew and informed him tuat Ler mis- j tress wi-hed to spiak to bun. " Spi ak to me, my good .girl '.'" asked the . gcntleiuan. v . . : . . ... ... . .. ..1 t es.s,,, ... eo u. .o wu, - , says would you le good enough to waik , in!" ilns request, SO oileC was not to be '. refused ; so iu a state of some, up .he st. ps went the gentleman, anu up stairs went Budget, and knoeking at her ; nitrs,K' door, tint her head in and ex- , r ------ --- - - , claimed: (.'cnuciuan a in .ue panor, ma sating, she instautly decetided t the lower re tons. ; In the parlor V thought the ladv. l C - ' What can it mean. Ilridget must have blundered,'" but down to the parlor she went, ' .., 1 ,,n r.,.n.iir f ., tn.ill. IV 1 1 1, t , I . h I ft tl it . s t ... .... e . . smile and mo t gracef ul to,v. " Vour servant informed me, madam, I in the fat man to take away the soap grease-, when sLe made a iniftake you see." 'The i ,illl V fat reutleliiau leaned back j lu Lis chair and laughed such a hearty laugh ' as never couks from our lean gentry. " No apologies noedeJ, tnadatu," said hi " it s diei, icily the lest joke ol the season, j 11a, ha, ha, so she took ine for the soap- i ri i.s -rease man, did sin-. 1 ... . . It will keep me for month-, such : a good joke: I Aud all up the strut and around the j i - i . i. ... .... l . . r . l. .. 1 v.o ill i - j - , oU as be b. o,.Bht d ,w n bis i -une ' . . 1 it.. ii.l ., v .1 .i i in..,. " 1, 1 rner w,..u aru iiieiueii, i.iugu oi i ne , everv now and tin ll, and ea.eiai.ned, " ueu a-joke !" 1 .. To M.IKK Clossv SttlllT Imwom. lliosc ; ladies who wish to see tlnir "lords "var-j wish to see tlnir lords " l'"r-i -ssy shiit bosomi, wiil do well to in, nice, clos observe the following recipe: "Take two I ,,,1,1,.,'i white cum arable, powder it in a , I . .- ,,,,.1 i-. on-on it a font or mere wa-1 t., iln, ii.M-iee of stre.e tli vou lei, ii, i .'i ...- - - - - . .l.,.ir,, nud then, bavin ' coveted it, let it ..... . '1 ,,i .1,1 1 1. .he !ii,'r;:i.!' lilter it cue- e..ll f,...m .li into a clean bottle, cork it ii it iknii "... ...iil'kee,, it for use. A tablespoonful of . : i :. ,,f I, ,,,s, I.. ii, i. ,,,1'r , 'u I ,i d I .., ........ ........ ....... usual way, will give to cither white or prim ted ot newness tuat nothing il,-u .fter a.b!i:-." " A " ill I.I.III.i; JTdlM A l'K( )S( I: l!l J "" ! MAsTKR .i:m;kaL. 1 "'"'- Camj.hf.l .- wm. i u 11 1, pi i; u w ui ItUVC never I. I-,,..... .. f... :.: number ot lliat into ei never been kiiuwu to furtive opro-ition, or to lie-il.lte at ailV iliimlil e ,. l . .!..... : i . i .v J 1 . J ' . . u.iiu inner wan them, I suvuM have l,ien inlatualed indeed, if I had i .vm , t, ,! ' Jou rcl ail, n,e in olliee al'ti r I had n t.-'l to ; of.f V, 'i'l -ill''- ..I r ..uii!i-i.t nil you cap; I . . I . ' a.iu may serve to sl.ow the Ainenean p, o- I'J" "ht they have to expect, if ever your '."r'1' tll0,uld cL'tailJ tliC Vt for which Tim olliee was indeed worth s-oTiie.hin? to ine, ami so long a it could lie rct iiii-d by an lioi, and laithl'ul dim-Large of its ,!u. tits, I desired to n-tainit; but i.o Hii e. however lucrative, would have charms li me, H it as to be held on condition of truck iiiif; to a tiling so iwea.i a Jann's (.'amphcll. l'o.siinu.-ter "ietieral of ti,c I". ,S. An Iiiiiii Ide individual iiko me might sulb-r n iii.- jraee by sui rtudei in hi.s own epiuiuii- it, delLleiiee to a mat i-jan. sueh us U'a.l,. ingteii or Jackson, because in sue, a case hi! miii.t well I. lead that it n.-i ll,.. i :,it ni .m o, mu to trust to , ,. judgi,, o, ,- The very .i,y he passed the aln.sinuse o:, w l.r.m lie knew t i be wim r and 1 , tti r than i . ,. . hi...M-lf. he must be low indeed w ho 1 W"'V ' ,"'tt:u'?- " open carnage, ( onid plead sueh an i U'u.-v for following J h 'r-.k"n by a tortn, and took a .e your leaders, or that of tin .vtty Hiant to . i Vi-re c -Id, that resulted in tii.i liislrueii n i.t.n.i ........ ... 1 . .. '. . :.l .1 "l. " ' .. . . ... .... l. voiiuju ii.iig.iin w.u, i ,o r. p., your ...-..., joa .e join jiiesel.l ei:iela. post- Thank Ood, it-it , the office of which ynU iave ae..neil ine, your power over n; has - .1 .i . . . , alaJ lueleiiess. ;.r. l'ieu- uio iiei ie son an le.-t. ami iu.vf v..i . ' ....... 3 ; "J , t;1..'"" "'"". t en more ear- I iti.-ii-ieu upon 111 ii II I. V lliu .A III I A .III-. the south,,. Hates. Vr every stup ; , heard their orators decl.i.v that ,iy ,,cv. ,er a.-iiid wiietinr a man wa., .r r,r a CatLo ie tint ai t lljOW was."" Is' Le'bone't, i ioieigir, V Willi. , e . . i'ul "' consiiiui.on. it may le 1 i - 1 . . ;truc that they made wry few i.iqui.ies ai....ut for, i,,,rs or catholics, but ill v, ry eer- ' t:illi -ll.-.t v. an ,.t'r T- I : l . a.iaav VU' II U ii, f 'J . 1 Ijl' H 11 ' At"".iM ' "1 when ev.r the answer has Ul'U 1,0 ;linr'":,tive. an appoint- tie:if fir tt -i v,. 1-.T ... ... - i To love our own blood to p.ole.- nu at- tachiijent to th,. rigfo 0f M,i,,. of Kv,r .. - ........ .. ..v.. ,Ur. one ms no oiii as .-eau u. I'.C ehureh has no aljso'uti-.u. 1'iJtu you Do one expeets anything bet- , , . tor : tne re never has ,..,11 an nour w ln-n vou po.,ses.-e, the nimblest -hare of the con ft - deiiec of the country. . But from your chi'if (Gen. ricrcc) some- thing was d lor, chiefly. I suppose, he- cause no one knew any thin.' about him It is the nature of the Luniiitf !; art to w bile Lope is pos-il.le, and altbougli there was little upon which to b ase if , we el i 1 i t r u -1 thi'1 Mr 1'.""'cc woui' rrean L. tiest l..:.u a"'' a patriot. T,)C disappointment has beet, bitter, but the lesson will not I e lost. It has put an end. I think, to the rein of small men, anl heroalter th- Ameri'-aii !e wiil l.e carelul Low t u-v e." n!,-r I o l . i - i..atious Up0U t!OW w ho.-e only mei it is their ubscuritv. j l'"or one, sir, 1 was prepared to vote ai t:ch t oerat'e ej.iventioti iui-l,t tive 'tne. and if the infamous system of proserib- Nattve Americans in favor ot roiiMjn. M jj 0t v,0P,, ...Inp,,,,! j,v ,lit. prvot ministrr.tion. I should most prolally Lave continued ot that mind, l. itw huil s.. ,v . t iiMll tlivimor , ..veil ivuri- i, m. M :i unti t o ' Capitol grounds for Ainerieaiiism, and nia.te ., . , . ., ,,.....,,, . corn.., declare that li.. uu ricaii party onclit to he (iannieil l-.r its ttitoieranee and 1,1 'proscription, indignation sot the het r of ..... .1T.1. -. I. 1 conri n pi, a'.'i i ceti rnii. ,eii i aet no longer with those who sought to cover their trea- smKli,iH riractices by such baref.ced hvroe- .t... T..I..J A 1 flf ! n. I nu. 1,.,,. n,n T l.nn. II... .... us,, a ,o..u. r.. , me- ... mnu him,, anu lna.'V sii, l,"vot..s. ' For that vote vou Live turne l me nut of c oiiseuuenee ; the next eleetion -trips (hut from around ymi, and then you will sink aain to the iu-dnmlicniice from whieh rou never ought to have becu dragged 1 am, sir, W. H. Henderson, Tixas. Sril.r. Anhthiui 1' in' I'.vt ivou- , : t. It is not loin.' .at we annoniif- diM.0Vvrv o( Uli,ie , p:,ie yias, in Kl I'orado eountv. (Cai ) Hv the last arri- rai. we sce that iu the upper part of Todd's . . . ,, ' . i a j;,. . . Mn n ; sr ring or s rreain or oil, i p , ai.l',, ll -iiiii, ', i , w.i, f, C! an the properties of Castor l Ui i bus i , 1 , ... .I.................. 1 .... ,.,.,, iliseovcred. A facetious, lent of th i'laccr i'ress suggests to the di-eov- i rer that he would nerhai,- do will to make a pr.pi,!,,,, u i;; De.rado people to , . ttt-.,u. . ...... ...j,,!,, u.. ,., prol,;,se his spring: tie v might u-e it to aivalllJ,c u'M!.u if 'ti.tir .,. Man : , A Kmumui s TLe eiiortn.m- ale of the new volume of Maeaul iys History i ill Knul .tid has fee., e ,v the sab, iu the IV.ted St ites. We learn tl:.,r Mes- sis. llaiper.V lirotlieis. who pud the au-1 . thor .a.: 0 for early sheets, sold a-t.Ol'O vol- . i, in.,, ot' t'.u ir three different editions iii tue .... tiis. ten i ay-. I lie l.oii- ou . are. u i ut t saoi i tl. Lave pi au". s t.j id the aulu.T JLT '""I'tu' nit inni' ii its i'iw-it . ' i I iiio'ti'iiiire --- .... - ) I 'J'UK I'NliH VTIFIT vi.V T,... . , ! , , . . ,y .v j, vtiv,,r . , .... , . ... . , entitil'le to naretif. nnd i-vi-n o i! B,'",u",e rarf,"M. "'' -vi-ti to (. prcs I'llt dllV is mn.r tin..- . t In.- ." .. f li " ... , ' ' ' ' , e:ne year- n-'i an Ir . e etitleli.aia who .. ." ' ' 'I " '" "' c" I" Vol"'. " rc'-.K.O.I 10 r.ove.f, I lo r.ove.rv i- iln.jiro. ir of an unirritefuls-cr.. ic'jey an ' .... ' lie oi-i man b-t Lis wile, and D add to , his calamity, !s i ahu l.uled. and to til h ais cup of sorrow, he Jo-t his hi -ht. 'J'Lus l"'or' fnt'i'd -, blind and I'r-aken, be found a-i a-vlirn in tl,. 1'rai.L house i'ennsy lvania, W lnio an iiiin:.t - of this refuse for the afriieted, bis wicked and niejrateful on tra veled that w ay ; b- w :i- informed of his (.,. tier -s situation, and that LU patent wi-hid to see him ; r.n I although l.e t i.-nd wiiuiu two hundred yarlsif fhn he r- ! '" -!"P ec the kind father Le had iuined. 'n m-..k i! n r...,'i ot I. is eyes. II, lay at iietty, urg in a cn- . t,cl situati.iii until his funds were rxhntis- ! ' .J' ""' nl, ,,:"! 1,im i:' lll"r-" ,0,,k 1,1,11 ",c rrank..n ( . -hj ti ' y A. J be very day be was brought iu, his fi- ci.pied th mitii) hi d, and it. a ,-hort ti ' h.s ne.leele 1 and bi .ken hearted ..." ll,.. .l, llt I.J I Ul l. I f .!...- i .. .u 1, H U..irUt to lull into tho Laud of an . aUgry Uod. I'.O.M ANi 'll IS l '. A I. LII!'. Asuithas been entered by a female natu- o,l M-..;.. v.n. ...... :.. .1.. li: .- . i. .. . s .. s.ui. hum, ui iix i'i-inci vout int . -" Litis. a-a:.'i-t .MatLtou li.ehet .. to recover datiiu-.s fo stances of tLu'cc .' ler. The circuit. - are peculiarly roma nil ; .1 - ......... re tnus i.arr.-..eH ,u the true U,.ti : Mi.-s Maria Siann-,. i htr position, state, 1 1. ... 1 ....... 1 . ! . . n -.' ooi ii iii i-.c cay el ev 'ii- Uu-, in they ar 1-1?, and Las resiled here ever w.:l. a free corod .--. , . , i i . ... .. An ir.-, t...; in. I e ion le v the most I'31 ,j! the t.nn-, is. ut.t.i 'lie Lad at tasnc-u l;-r n..ij..r;ly, tuat m.c w as 0: c-.or- o' xiruction. and d ,-ghter of .M.n tiia 1j;i rc. w;i t . coming o; fiowewr, f.t r guardian fold her that she was born of white parent.-, who for reason.-, Ic.-t know n to ihetu-cives, had kept iier bin:, a setitftom Ler. ( iii tLU ii.!-r..uion, ?la- na 1 her p.i".;...'i ! ii s .vi. ry osawb.i-j woi.iHu. .i.i Iioul ii tncse circui... stances w re l incd to the ii .satisfaction of tile -n u. s w l,, 1 . v. .s u t.,. : li- rc w ere 11 a t l-tt- iiiL-, t ei i itii. ie er-.)lls ni:ii;ei- o cujugh t) ini-.t li. it was lioihii, in ire or less that, a .. .lore'! person, and among there-tone Ma'.hieu llliiieto, ou va rious -i-Msions, denominated her as such, thereby .lip riving h.-r of h r riji.t to the social position to which she was en titled :u:i oii.'.-i white p.-rsotis. I'or this do- p'-'v-i ;-'ti oi ..I ! r ; l t, uauiaii-s .- oiauued. iroof of this sMie.neut the deposition Ii of .Mi l'e.n An, ire, li ' ;.' nur.-e. is before the eo ;rt. age. ttA r. si.'.es at s'l.e ;s now 7. years of tlio i.-eriier of J'jurbou .vhe .-a vs t hat some time ana wi.cii.s m..-ci. m iui i . l ,! , a teitain Madame 1 Cole c can.e t,. . r r- si le'iee, 1 i n-'ttig iv:;.i Le r a i.w born mtai.t, and requested t .. t charge .f it, at ... mthly wajes. to t paid II, - l.ely vsi iv-s.-.l a wi-ii t.,:it t'.o ' . ... -i oubi lo- serii t'y r..i-ed, a.s as mot her ii ie.' ladv of ono of the first fui,i the city, who wruid not, f r th s weal'!.. Lave name mentioned. ' " " or' her rep it-i'i :: skilled. Sh rtlv ultei- Wild- tile' II. .tlliT ( till' child. de.-Cl'ibod h' .Mart'., i a- a 1 eaurifol vouu fi-u.-ile. about twemy and i -d 0 ! d iii'bter of Maithi, as it wis the wish of In i own mother tint uch sh .a! 1 Le .he jasc. I'l'O f .ii suhsla-oi itio:, .,f til, -.e ciieum sta.if -1 of I he d. ith of M ii tba's on u cl.tld, sh ot'v after tie1 ree-j!i ni of the httlo luirsl.i.g. was al-i p. jduci 1, an 1 on ihis .Martha passed her off as h roi.n ibild. At the pe 1 i I f the .1, .ith of M 1 1 t'u a a infant, she was 1 1 . 1 1 villi a mau u:'i,. ',! liibK.-. and therefore it was the ehiid. M iri.i S.l2-tlit.a was brought up as Maii.i S . ia n I. a. Cibls. whose nan. on coming of age he, I: jwever, ili.-ear,ied auJ bei:: inioi uied of th. t .i. I- na e i. ..: art. at. .1. ii't.Mid:;..'. Ui l:..s retov I J tue petition - I . I of the plaiatilf. admits he. statcm-nt to t r ... 'i . t. I a - 1. 1 . i oil . 1 1 - he r -1 eo! o, ,-ii ,, . ill trai is eai.'.i h. r a eo.or ,1 w on, an and calls up u her ., prove her liie eolllllailial't S i vs si.e is li.'ile I I d ... a, llooor J th.- matter llooor Judge ..,yuoM. wna-e ie the .natter will no ilou'. t be ansie i. IojL- :1 for. I..I..HWIA I.M.IsI.ATl UK - - I rneaisiire .'1 " : r ,1.. t li,--ui the ,i . .iS l,eini reeou-a-, 1 rc, l ied to t th,; lU-pjlnie ,t I the .tt i l.h.-ee oil . ii..; m.oiv.i as li rttai'.atl-.u I- .Xorii., wl.,eh Lad h.m .j.-t llonc ( l,i present a ti vcs. I j sid. led by a oii-e li..... U.v . the conn the eoinuol ee Hie st ,t ine i- i--n ,. e w. . v. , ii.i I retal .: t.. '. a ' A L v. J II