1 .-.-iti..''A.J." . . -( So r vi is VI ( I k' i . v ' v"i- ' '-. , j: ., " - - . ., i ..,...... . . "Je frije to SoO, to' ijc'qlr ficui TajO io- Mcur )'fij.' OES.IFLXjO'Z?, 3XT- O., Mv.CII Z3L, 1836, Me ;';;';-: "''' f I TUOilAS J.tHOLT0Wf Kninin & riiciPRir. wm. Tlio Norl1i.r 'ro!in'j Wliiwill hi n fT .ril.-d In ul. urnhrtn ! TWO HOI. I, A HS in mlvni rr: TWO ihjU, u aNu HH'i 4i:.sian inntiniK- t,c, teasing anl leash..' for ever ao L l-vol lurli.ii muBtlii u i'lllil.iilrol.'AKrtl. " . ., . . . . .. . - . , .1 u'n ,.w il' ll.o year. iNu .pr will ! U,mo:i. . '""g (0 Join them, lut t.ioy Latin tipnto failli rot. il until "II 4irt'-r.i"' yro iuihI, i xr. it lit ilie : l H,r F..l;i..r. . - '. T . A.I,.-rti..M,,.,,,i.,.rt.-.lMOnrn.,lbr,Kr..,,rP ... . . . .. .. lit ht'.'.r linn tir.rn 1) -pi ) lor imp nri hip'T. , nir:..c....i..r..!,h.,t1,,oi,n.-,. iruri ..i. . , , r ; ..i,.l u .1. .in. I...H d':nj i" r c i,t. wll in ii -. in. u.f "liii nim !; -i - 1. Ir.Mi. tlir rritil.ir prii-id, fur .,4v' rtirr l.v fin vtir. A 1 1 vHf Lc tiMii tk u(6rli'd inilillt I V ir ,.i.ii- riy;i.l l nr Mju..).. ..r ta. ii i:ii'f. .xiiii. ; ......... r.- "i -"..v '.'ilofin).' 1 " 1 iuin t'vtvn J'.mui-fi. TO-OVt. ,ti !'rU' irrufc i -r eluUWni'B !ny, A itl i-uljf 4iPM I" oick V -.k.j fieaitU ttr li.iiti rii hi:..llh J It ti( u !iiiu li trrh. t fnnt Jin in irfflfiMffg (iinc I i( I ! on tl'ire'a ttCKk, I 'm m-i.;'il 1' r A intii Wft ; A(i. 't " imai ttg if ru r liity w.ivc t cir ff. tu air 'I !ir riv. r ijf He th.p-jnr- 'J :i ! IT mi f yr : I, " i m-U t infe lo-M Or Jr. I upon ll.v In, II. a in li.v uMtt4f iw 'cl turn T ! (V ! !.-! tiirl MPkr iifow t ili I ki M! in r i Itf, A.i't iiowr kit MiltL i tft the !)' ! ii w l rf jinc It.ti iv 1'iufiK w.h r j 'I I. t lri. u i'f ui tfiU were r I.i ft it 4 H lit! .Vi ti .' flV, i ir i ii unt ii y Md if i s mi nr A 1iiv fe 'I 'l'-n dli ui'' in! ! itt fliiiiH uHi' ' A'-iiit, rt' I'jiifT t wflh fv ( T l MtlwM, MArriuit4 ftv T . r'Mf-:,?! iitiipf i in t'r BID t T f"M IT tf ka ifj Ilwl nun blioii) hijcl e lltfitiea, I i r : ii r tt'rv ii!ilt g l l'rniifitwti Ft tin ' W no Hi' -rtii w hcrh5i bfxr li ii ii u i I ri, N'r (t n t i t ? : Hu in Hm !? pti" tti aif, . Aft i U Hun l if mtij. IftlisccIIaiuous. I'rom Id.. r tpi-f Ira ll.iilur. TSTfTi'.f'.rn A Wm M wta M o S its II V lUUnirT r,UA ts. "I'id I erer lr!l yo low they mti b: ; I'rev.Mason of Tim Jjribjain V a-ed Aunt Pelij-rtw of in? one ivttiin as we a at be fore a brijjlt, Haling Srn, 'he will her kn I tin woil., and I witl n woik at ail ex cept aatilltijj the niyrinh of - ark, ami isl.lnp tley wre eseh of tlcm a poll dul hir, rollin ;,! ittt rutt In-tead of 111 injj j'. Pi ar old A jnt l'etj-r-Mv '. She la' nuin lerej her threescore years and t.-n, yet she i ns blithe and lively as many n maiden tits.eore ami ten yomij. r. TL. n she is ah' way o good ualuri d, that, be tie day ev er rt) cloudy, you would c rtaii.ly think while in ler joesence, the sun was shiiiin.r wiih unusual lustre. Never cross i.or pev-, i-li like many ap- d inntions, who, Heaven ll tlu-tn, Lave enoiinli to niak llem s, ' af!, i tearing a .-t of joun' ones that 2r'',r up ungodly aa the anc'u tit J'.pj pliuiis, in s(iito of all their .oroJ, pious mother 'a exam-1 pics. Thoujrli Aunt Pjitii-rew lean no relniion- ahip to me, except tl,t which Mi.ll.er N .- ti.rj eo.i.pels us all to Lear cacl other, yet I lovo L r dearly, and well Worthy iatdin of my lnvo, for f do not know that she posies- es a sihj;b. f nilt ; if ilia does I L:ue never hern a! Iu t i di-cov. r it, Indced, T. Lavn often tlorjelt wlile pni- iS into Ler mild blue eyes, and reading an . a io 1 oil oi niiniv ami i.eei-ion oi cuamr- t'-r aut'lt os I never read iu those of any other f. niale, that nhe al.me of all my fex Lad posseted sufiicieiit strength to lesist the " fori i.lden fruit" for who las tut yielded to a temptation ef some kind, though C of the lrtigrr e? J'oti't believe it, du you, luaM-u'im s ? WLy, don't the lioo.l liook tell you, (ur don't you ever read it!) lint it took the Old Ono Limseif to l"t,ipt tl,o woman, wlile poor, weak, silly man jumped at (In apple the moment the woman offered it to Lim ! In't that proof; rr'it'VO that wo are the strongest (minded) of tie two tcxes ? Hit n I was 'viflfj, there trc at, Aunt Petigrew and myself, with tie bright fire dancing and llnr.ing before us, and the light in Ler eyes dancing in unison a tlio asked me tie question- - " LiJ I uvcr toll you how they wade a free-Mason of Tim Sori-Tina !" iMiftiriwrrtrtinrtfmkriWJi rwMiffmiitafir.triiiliimri in " I liclioro int," siiiit I. " Wi.II, 3011 .hlic foiitinactl,'" it wns uiatiy eam auo, ithcn my li usbo ml Lolong d to lliem, (lie loft tticni mon after lliey tlonm;(l poor Morgan to Ptioli a Tito.) Tim iiou'li tu lilt srcrct i ve DOWCM. and to ilietM r . ... . ' . ' ""'S ' " """"" u ..i...it ...... ........ i I.AA.t .l.i..n . nil i 1. ....Ill '.i in -1 m; ijii;.iiiiu m u'uirr ,vnj iiioi, iny lu,llttll(j toW ,!., (o l.j,,, lut ,0 iu j . . . . I uic Hint tbo lultiatutl took placo at our i,t ou wo nc ana a largo room inn, i i )ii.pohc i.h mil tlio poi.nliir trrm lm li we 'Jidn't use only bt-n m b?J a lar-ft imrty. ",..:;,:,, I,.1(1li .M.u.k.. or .Letbinr. V ' V . .7' ? A , of the ku..?i tbm they ucJ if to Wc in.J- There , a large clo-ct oponod out of it il.at a. u-cd uio.-llytoftovvai.njtbof.'irl! . , , : boimi (9 and i-hanl-, and tlio IcIU-ra' hats and grcnt eoatx. H it nna rorm rol it I hid rfTvtd for my peut. r and silver cIMus, ilmt tuollii r 'avc nu !iru slic did. " Vu kiiott they iiied pewter and fihrr in tin in day, instead of on tt lien andchann, and mufli better it i.'ni, too, for it wasn't ulwa 9 fri tting Mna'lied tiji Well. VOU siC : ' j Sr,, Mor,J """'' '" cause they i ere oneo tuy dear mother's (hero Aunt i 1 Petijrfw'a lp miivered.) and no I tbou-ht I. . ,,, 1 , . , , ,e Ihflt W.illlfi f 9 iTilltl Atlt.nl. I Tin. w. c r lrA I to keep them f-if. :v, atel I had a mt of a . temporary cupboard made with l.lve in ' : i it to et t betn on, and they fhone so blight 1 ' J c I tint theT alwa attracted the attention of ' i - - . .the erl that came to the p ir'i be.iu-e j 11 ;a ureal u.atiy luver saw anv nieh di-hes , I , , ' I 1 ht her i !e. Tic uptier part of tic door ' . ill ; ..' .-i"-,:i .1 i i voi i in- null u:iu ilie n'j.ri : made of j h,- to 1, t in the h-t.t, as ' , . c ' 1 tbi re was i.i window in it. " W.ll, the Lodoe sometimes met in that Ihire room; H i.iif afirnoon my lu-ban 1 ' t ' . earn- iii and tol l me to lave a coo l fuc j , ,, , . 1 lukd 111 the ualiee-roem, as h u-ed ti if.ll it. Lit r tiijrbl, i"0 it wni!d ct warm. It . . .. . . .. 'i'l . 8 "iM r , J'" ,:;'-v 11 " J:""jns hrt.nk 11, one si le, and let n,r. into t uonli 1 f the n , r. t t know what was joinj; on. I thou l.t a 1:1 oui.nl, and tin u i-k.'d bim if 1 mir-litu t .ooi; thr uli the f.laf dor ami , ee them. " " leu, fi-iv he, ontv ! ni tilranl ou ; be wanting to lok ajaiu noiue lime 1 ' Ll II wc shouldn't want you too ' ' llusbsn-i, nay I, and I know i lv k e.1 grieved and ni ried. for I frit did ' yo j ever know of n y p- epit., or -.m' "liinj.', ' It s-,,--- .j-i. -t jii' :.. .1 ai.ytoii' w-.su l Q y biiMiies lo kle" !' l.o.l I ' ' No, dear," tay le, aud Le put Li- bp- to mine 10 ,l.l it ; ' J know you ain't like aav of the r--.t .f vour ex tli:.t 1 ever like aay w, and 1 re often tlouirlit you eo ibln'l i " bear anr rcli!ionh'n lo eld Kve, because you rc so .h stitute of ciiio-ity." " 1 wa ,o used to l.eing praised by Liu., 1 ll, I I Wl lake,. I.e .rnn, ., ,hi. ' e hint rp.ech, s-s I mcr.ly said j " ' Miy be I've Sot emmon sense ,;.. J ! to keep my cuiio-ity within it, pmper loumi., and that's ad the reason Pm ' s . better on that "cor" than 'titer women.'. " ' Ye, ve, that's it,' av be, 1 nnd vou 1 d. -ere all tie more f r;'i-- for that, brea-.i-e you r.-istllu Ii lopt. tl on, auJ (tiers don't.' " Tin n Le ki-h id lue a-iiin yoa know there's i;o harta iu teliincr on t now that i In an old Woman a-d tcilm; me to re member ami liavo everyll.injj ready , l.e h-ft ll.o room I I RI'J'l "Hi: lill'"l Hi, UI.'U il J'lllliL gU'J'l i " " one she was, too-not such 'help' as wei''i,v'"'1 ,,li'"1'" ,l" ; trcay pole lei I f- ' I t . nl. 1. ........ t t . .1 ll.fl I ltnl.lli t iKiwadav, Hat cm t do onxtlnn; hut primp and curl their hair to catch the f. I h rs I c nil l tru-t her with utmost any eict, am! nurr kti-w her to litriy it. "Well, when it come d.nk, I culled her into another room, away from tic re.-1 of the fimilv, and sav, I " ' Petty, (that was her name,) they're p 'in- Iv make a I'ice-Mason of Tim S'eii:? e'H', to-ni;;ht, and if you 11 pr.uni-e to be a hi ee-M isa t, you shall s.e them initial, him. " 11. tty laughed and clapped her hau,-, saying tie. promised, and lonj-cd for the Lour to romp. ! "'Well,' says T, ' ynn pet the larpe prid- iron and j ut it on the kitchen tire, and le sure that it g, U red hot at the proper time.' .. ...'a.. ...i :. : ii . ..v . - j m. .-...v... ,i. w ,..w...v .... .... . comprehensive powers were nearly as large ler body and that weighed two hundred, down weight. " Py ami by Tim came in, ami seating Limseif by the fire, eyed the gridiron w ith j a weful countenance. j j " Hetty stood near, and occasionally stir-t red tho lire under it, aa if she was iu a Lur. ' ry to get it Lot. I "Tim Jiegan Cdgetlitu in Lis clair, and ' t last La couldn't bear it any longer ; so he asked Petty in a low voice, as if afraid of Icing overheard, what she was beating that gi idirou for " ' WLy,' says sle, didn't you know they were going to make another Prec-Ma.on to night !' ' And she looked as solemn as tie "rave. " Tim gavo another look at the iron, now growing aa red as the coals beneath it, then gl anted at tie door, as if ho tbonglt Id could yet oscape tliB liorrld tortun; ; but fltl tlmt momoiit my buban.1, ncconipanit'd by j Iinlf a dozon oIIhts cntcro.l. and ecin" .ii-! ........ .... . .... .... ....... ..1,.. i kd bim from the room, uny.n? to Betty- V'J1 fco redj in five niiniitrs.' " At tlieo vonH, poor Tim j.mvo n ro;;ii bo teriiiilii Mint it liiirhr flared in : ii oni m V ..I.Mif i.'l...r.. I 1,-wl 1. ...... onl... I ... I l l . . I II. A ' " " """ " ii.. ...f:.... i ... ii.... iiumi uuur, imi i firii . , uui ntirinjj uu unv as roill" on. , I . . . ... . ., ."A noon o tbfy wrro laiiiyouto! the J i 1 . i l r .1 I . loom. Ut:tt v buu I Minted fur tin- clO'it. " J ' r.i I I .. I .. I . . . . I I r . 1 T,.....i.l T i.l f.., il. li...i . - u tiau i.-v, our uii? cuurii, u.u-mn- " jr u 1''s, f,jr ,H ''' 0,L " , " W'fll, v.e mounted the cburn.T fir-t - Mill IJ....V l-hlnil brea-c U v,aHl!l0 ,t " ' J' ' V :c" ' ",0 j look over my nl,oU,.l,r. j ' 1 l-ey were bliinlfjloiti 'Jim wb.n we lint V,nk,) . il,ii il,v i.,f,l ..IT 1.1. I,.,., (ir't looked ; then ihey t, ok off bis brec , ui m. iilionable-, I belli xc they ate f-wct-al-j .' 'J'ltK CoMH;.MLH. ( in I'l -Mai ia-t, ll,c led llfti one of the Mafoni mid in a very couti-e) tor A. 1''. iMunroe went I, Spiln !oleniii voiec fi'ld, to ptesil.l bit 1 i,l i f i xe. I ions to '"Mr 1Vi;fp ,rMM,'(' : th..- Supume I'ouit, anil, if iio."ibi... obtain 7- . "Then my husband epmcd a door, nt-l poor 'Jim thouiibl be was all. r the nii.lircn, of course, and oh. low he did khake fioui I . i e... .nea.i io loot. .. . Aru vou cold afl;cj 0)1(, of Mn. i . soli ninlv. . v , ." , , , , ., '"ic-s, le groaned out, and I tlou-lt . ... ity wouiu a t usieu. ' I wbisnercd her M be e.inful. for she i , t .1 i. , ., i i, rr . .honk fin I thntl'-ht i.lic it in I rU ttie churn. ., , r ,, , ,, , , , .. . ,. though 1 loubl hardly h'.lp Iaubin nht . , . ... . out in vi If, and we stuiled cur i.piotu into ' , our mo u Lit . . v .,, , , . , " 1 ou .1 soon l.e warm ennni.h, li e Ma- ,. , . ,, , F0I, replied. Ill the simc fOleliit, tone. . , , , . , , .. lu't;inn' n cane of lee as bi as c.ur pn-nt Hi Me, and laying it in a chair, two of the Masons Ion!: hold of im'i , to vt.-ailv , . , .,. , bun, and set him down , 1 .1 ri 0J,,ir Ud ll,, """e 111 cou' , , . .. 11, . . .1 1 l.uv wi.ii 101 ....bui. . a 1 1 1 in . 1. , .10111 nu nix oti Vr'p, a'ld with a veil as terr" 'e an Indian war-whoop. - ran-j fiom tl, .n wl 0 were boiditij him, ani Luunde isilv 10 the chaiuber floor. I " At this, lietly could contain herselt no .,,or ,d pra.pfd the nipt onid for sup- pott. It wa-n't nailed up 1 . ry sir 0 nll'l . 1 . . ' 1 I 1 ! - - - us sue as so ileal , i. e,io.-iA ly mi l.,.'!'. " - r ' .and came down wiib a crash that mii,i,U l like ten thou-and drums all beating a dif- fernt luiii, and Hotly eanie ah t--pl it. It didn't hurt b, r mm h. thui !.. and -he bad J-i. scnef i f mini t no !l;!l let t i -er, :..!!. c.ui. to '.ne i jut ii and Lit .-, ;i .- 01 ti.c i. i . . . ... .... t.en iii iiieu io M-e mo etuie out. . ; " I im thought to be sure le had arnved j at the lower rrein, and all the tie; of ;.V,rVi.est la I united in one eratnl (horn-cf cine, and tearing the L .. t..l a - , from hi- ' !'.' 'e fuI7 ci 8 "laJiuan, he tlout- ' ul ' -P n -' 'on f i"T oM ' 1 '' of Ve jet V , , , . ., ... , , , ll.is civ. on t ne no si le, w l.o is a e u-:u -u"1 t"""-'"1-? ro""" " "cf the 'late ltobei t ;u li'i i.r, wlo ptrp.-tru- !, M l'Jard.s the door ; hut my hi,,. u j lh rtat r.;,01,l (r,U ),., .,, , v;; ,;. hand was t o qui jk for him. lor stef j injj to n bo'e country by isiirpi i-c n sbort time - in. e. tl o door with bis back ,g:,imt i. besail-i ihs younjr ...an was , e,,.,t ;,vor ..... . . .. . e ; I! V it r. W ll. II I il :. Iter u-.-l - 1.1 II . . 1 1, r "-.' .Mr. .s,ii;iti, von cm ro i:-w ; ' , . , eo ' " , , . o-t haM.t le t. swum, ), t, :,nd w., don t ,t ft n Atm nr. ft nt il : In - v iid m orn not ifi . . - - j -"- c ' - - t i lr;t' our u or U in it m 1 . 11 v .. "' (I. T 11 swear never I . tell iev livb' , , T ,. . , .. oul as lo::- as I ii'-e, imilU-rcd rocr lim, ' I ' if you'll only j- -t let me go Lome.' ' hut you hai. n t ?one tl.tou.-.h ha.t the ro. on your Lead, you Laieiit Lad a Lole lor.d llro'jeb your tonpue, you Lnveti t ' "(lh, dear! oh, denrl' yelled Tim, in aeonv, don't tell over at y mole, and Ili mii ar l.evcr to tell a sine,!u tiling I've sien, nor Learn, nor f.-U here to-iii-ht ; ion may iianj iue, or Urown iue, or u nnyil.iu airth jou're amiiid to me, if I do.' "And will yen also swear never again to a-k us to initiate you " .. . -- . . .i . . ii i . " lis, yi, on, ji, ill .wear to nnij. rliivj, if you'll let me eo Lome now- V " My hu-Land then got our great liihle ; one of ll.o Hit it Lad Lid the ice when Tim' . lore thu bandage til' Lis ryes and placing I I. n.'s If. ud upon it, lln-y. -wore Inn, and .- .. i. .i i.i. i ..it ii f.i.11.. ii"" ..v.... , ...... "" "" P' l"1,n0- ", aMlCU lo beeon.c a Mason aft. r that.-' . . ... , ............. i "Well, and did Le violate Lis out!, V I P- " rcccnuy ca. ,,o posse,-,,, , oi . unite, a handsome prepeitvby the ile: tli ot asked ct Aunt I et.grew, as sic (misled Ler, ,ls ,uhl.r i,,,,,,,,., ,,v he was -ettim: a- story. I lon-r with the settli tnei t of lie .'slate " (', no; it was one of (be best lessons "(Hi,'' said he, I am Lavinja dreiiiful he ever learned In bis life, for it learned time; what with gcttimj out biters of t..l Lim to kt-.p i.f stent, at lea-t, fur Le nev-1 ""nistrniiou, and atlcmliii!: probate court, ,. , , .ii- .i i and si itiine; claims 1 S"i,trl i lues nninsi fi-U crisped his initiation to tuoi tal leing. ; ; i- , i i ' c hC Hud lit Vtfii. .1 t '. 11 1 .l .1..., I . ... .- i I CUI 'N. IWOIIIU LU 1. U"U i-l.il, I Si me r 1 1 bf ,he of U,is e,,ir:4tioo'l An I.vrirKN-T of I.K.ir Ykvh -M" tin ol' the tt-o ..id lli.-kery lie .hen lore m wouldn't it? " I asked, laiigLili-ly. ! Wi-aml. a thiifty (.'ermin widower, of in i'ed (ien. ('.,!!, ef I 'la., for Yio Pre " Yes, and iKiuirn, too," icpliid Aunt Peti-row, as sLo lolded up her knitting work. j Ovt.V FOR PllUN. " Hob, lower yoursclfj into t lie well and holler for Lelp.' " l or w Lat! ' " To fiighlen daddy, and make some fun." contrary, and spurned her from his pies- Tob agreed to lie expt-riiii.nl, but gut'ence. Tie lady finding him inexorable, ne Inn than le Lad bargained for. Pad- Llapped a law siiit, upon him, and the g il- dy appeared and administered lots of fun ..no w .1.1 .10. .1 i... mi-, v.. . 1; .. . ... - i ,, ,. . n .. i... I, i .1 ., ii .... i . iijo. lor l in 1 1 . with a kiekory sapling, hve and a hall l.tt . long. ro. lt Katioml luUUignnr. SII0CK1M AFKAII' MAN V?.C, rY , .iV "VJ;- , . ! tl.C LI'ICUWHU t M),wrc,tll, !,.,. '"'!'11J ' TWlm from a tmvcilrr (Mr.rT, of Jcficnon, M- ) that a tiTiibio a.T.i:r t .ok ' YUv 1 ,f" 1''"". to.os cnuM., I!:n.,it ... . ib Jail nt tuat tilnce. uiui. r sri!l--r,r-, il .'. utli. 1 :.tl.. . - ' . 1 . ' tl.c day i.x.-.i lor lite ixcmtKl; l.m?' .i r. . .... i . it. tic I II 1 iiMaii', 1 nil ay I art. J i.r- ca.0 w --ry notorious on... Tb: ili Mual u ,. .1 rn ,. ' I , "-..- ...... , 11 "I'm I'Tii jm'.ik ui I irn.- i.i,"i.. ,y . ... . i .. . i ,, , luiikil! hi plication lj kid to ft ;.i owrd . ' I r i.i...ii i.y tuc pimi.-ge cf iicini;: as liai an. A ' mr-c rro .1 a'l,en-ij at t.iiat !i-101 to tvo , tl.c liai.aiii?, but loarup.l that tin ovrnor ' '' P"" -' r.MMO! y (V.i nii.Wy 1 ')-- 'he foilo,-,,. ariici, Aon. tin! i n,-tc,,t, ivirr ..f .h- tM,, o, ,,,:,m t!l,t ...pplJeai.,,, for a p,ipon..- nt ..f the c. enti.,!, bad been lnado, but tbi.t it v, as u ink r.l ood t o h u vu 1 ci ii r'ir!,.(l- 1 umkr.-loo J to have l ei n r'j. rtid : n lie v Ili- u i-1 ii it Inr 1 . w ! i . I r - .. I I ..... . . h.-.v, tilt. j!0M,m,t.,i i1m. , ., of May. Gen. hinder was accompanied by Hon. (). 1!. l'icl.lin cum-. l (,r il... .,.-..... .;,. 'II i '.. t ... .1 ... : i. vu.ni.t. ii..-, iuu.iii . uii 1'i.Miu.iv iii",.i. the council lor me pion. r I.umi, : tailed in lis endt avors. '1 biis-, the lu-tlaii t ray i t i i i . , ol !. .o has npucl, and tbts n,i-cr.ibie y0UI1. ll;al, 11U, , x,.iIllt. biseiim, I v t.t. i- J . . . nomii.ious ii.-ai:, on tin: serioil. the ijt'3- l .i . n il... cution wtil take place on l.itii. hit, tb-.-e enjoy it who can.' J ' 'J he croud at I'harb-sten "n 1'ii.lnv rutin bcred j erh:i live liund-i d. dreal indi..' nation nt the fuel that the show was no; to come otf was expressed, and aft, r wl.isbcv 1 ad circulated lit a Uuc, lb. to was min-h talk of leariliir down the jail an) Isnuin;' the man any lo.v. A bou? I we! v o'i lock tliN " " rampant, ami t:,e er.. ! pro. eecded to the pm. lb. ie vj a yuard of III! twelve 11,111 stationed at this insiintion, but tlw-y Iiliowt-d tl.-n.M-hcs hv )r-fn ..way. and lie mob demanded e,.t,-.n re t t'i" . ,. , . ., .. , bm.uii.jr. i In; jailor s wife, hoiv.-ver, loci:- fl ami billed the door, and bade them dr- .- .1 ,1 ... , , L.iu.e. tin 11101. i.o.;iuie iniiiinueu, :,i:.i attacked ti e window of I h-- eel! in wli-h .uoiiioe was eoiihue.l wuh crov liais, axe and sledees, and atli r thr. e hours' bard 1 woik, r. moved a bar and made n hole iare ei.oiii.-l fir one man to crawl thi OU'.'ll. An individual was sei.t in 1.1 t ,lt ti e ri isniu r but it was 1 e I , ar-iinr th- '.001 in bis d. n . e... i..r.;: 1.. r. 1.. ...i ;.. .. 1 :. .1. .1 - :. .i.iii-oe ii.in 1 oi.i-ii, ill niurii I ue iil- I..- .. . 1 1... .. .: . ... .m.-i n .in "ueilii. J .11 L I ... oo. eeillinis ., i . i crept in, and .Monroo was uiair-'ed ti. ia 111 out. ,bt.ru ,4 ,c,111 -&fnU y ns tt) ui,;!t ui-po?al .should be made of the muni. n r. only r.r tlir.e person-1 1 in tae rcMM.iiMbil.iy of lian::ii .' V. nun to h.m. hut o:i;. d up lo Ire-,' tu-li alt r souk consultation ho wa- a tie.-, wlicr- he r.-maii d nt.ii! t'nouii.t tiiot cne true and ... -,i i ., ,. . . ,- . , n tOu.U have . iii rted t-u .:r ict.t in n :Ce the crow,l ()) hnvc saved Monroo.a-.d prevented the deep lii-t'i ace w licit now 1.1!- upon t ,e l'n" "' ll:''' ';ft ' i t 'oun li Several of the lie-ea ;, rs of li' iuoj nave He. ii arr-'stoii. i ! 15EVKB"'b or JVP.TWN-TLera is at j te i!'f",' ",'aU U"'."".. 'VJ' ! - . - ' . v: . " po-iiioii ,.! New i ork. And n 1;:, t cs. oil it - , , .. . - ... !, J .. (.... . , ' ' .... 1 .1 1 p iiiti. in 11 1 11 1. i:i,' l'-!MM, lU'U 1 1 ; t - - " in out lai iuj jor, i ;u-') a n n m t'tvc, in a t; irfct iiiio. nf I lift luf Alit ml. r 1 I 1 in- . i.ton. the fiiend and eoun-ellor - I W.-.-oi . . e ,. ... t:n. an. I on,- ot t.ie cro.ittst st ,t.-l,i.'ti ih. country La. ever produced. C7, lit,.t- ,,ve,'. . The Tvktv-Nim. of pKt.it i a n y. We j un-b i -laud that several persons in thi- . It v :. nu ieimty v In w.-re 1-orti on Hie '-'eili . ! , p. ! rimy propose to celebrate Ue nni,i. i sarv of tl. ir births, the nn-s. nt v.-i-.r A- ,),si anniversary, if w may l 'allowel a 1 1,1-. t nnism, occurs on! y oneo in I'-ir .: s. ' it w null be a cui io'i : Mi-t.ei Id I e col 1 I'ot ti as. f". .1 i lose ci 1 1 ai:i how m.v.v cu: births occurred on that odd dav. We know I a getitleiunn i this citv v- ho wis hot ti on ; I the Dili of Pebrnarv. and has i dan. -liter ; poni nll ,). f.,M,c ,',.,;. , r.,r . .-,(,. er rpiillcmau in this city l oin .-n the 'Jl'iii of Pelrmrv, had a erai.d-on. now d. ceased, ' w bo was also born on tie nnnivers-iry of his era in! f it ler's. l.i.fh llns! ti .I.'".v c" ..... ll. : ... . s, I liAViM. A iiaij" i i "ir. i.i ir .nr. 'Hi man, of l!o-luii, fi oni w lose lectures on Yan- 1 kee Lumor wo have iilreaily copied soni" ,,00j ilnnjrs at one of his late eathei m;s . . . . lutroUuecl a capital story. A cloroyman in Ilo-ton, mei tn g w ith one pt ins con-re- c! I Staunton, lately etnplovc.l a fiiend to nego tiate for the hand ot a deriiiau lady it: I. c'i ' iiiotid, wloni he had neier seen. The lady aeeeptc.l Hie proposals ,-in l went ti Maiiu- ton ; but on arriving tin ro, Wizard, to I r nstoui-Lm. nt, had .l.-t -i niined that slo should continue " in m-tidon me. itati n. fan- cy free," for ought that he would do to tl m it ioie,i a 1 .1 1. s.1,1. 11 1 o u 111.11. 11 ii. .ne ir 1 1 I . i . . . .. i . l.: i.i ... )ant widower may yet get his eyes open tj f!y of ti Klin . wi wguiaa' alTeon jus. I ... .J K'i "!vf'a UIZ. (.'CliVtlilio!! (if lIlC AlliniCilil ParlV. ' lam i'.v-aftkrnoon sksmo Tli ft r0i,v-r;ti..H wan cal'-d I.. ordr.r bv I H'Mdcnl. nl o otloek. Mr. JI,oi,loW ,. r,r.po,l to re civ ii.to lb-. (Vtirri.tiou tu'in-i nl C:iil of l-"!oiil:., am) 1'iifj Walker, of Alabama ii n ,!i r.il-i..w ..I,.. I,,.. I 1 r.; Mr Cirn.,' Vnnlnv, :uni 1 i rc:it :irTl!ui. nil- vnt.rod toivatd titu. (,ll. nud Clutraccl .. ' i lij in J be trreMe-.t merriiiiei.t ra ocraine.1 1 1 j . I . .. ny u.iMnnof mnnni-, aii'i iir. jiroiilow touK (t air M 1 i,h sent witulil-. .roT r.Klir.lit nitbiov. 1 the fl. e. i li all pro-i t.t lion. '.'all Knid bp bail givrn liibnnd to bis brollitr. an now eave hU heart to the (Wtiitkm. Ho tt a truly hapi y to bo m- i abl.-U to r.tuni h it i.out t !, b'a-t inconiS. ' l.i,tv, ,e,.u,,ed i,i,eat, ,,o.v that peace I ;i!.d baimcv aS Io.m1. U-e re Lw a ! ;.,-,at Am.-Mcanparu, d.-oi.'alc.J lo our ''"mr,. ' n ; , our v, hoic coui.ir'v, a ml noihiii.' but our ' .. i.i.. .. a.-.. i . .- .V. 'VI ..,. ....V... 1.1, , I 111 ll'.I.IT-, .IT ! e.uM.-av that hi- brethren oi' the .Notlh ,.ilt i.1tii,trf A I't. . f. -ii... ... I.. ..... l.A bad not. p..,-!,ar.-. -ranted all that he ivU,. i , i out a, hi. lau!t,i.ot theirs. WLeiiie lid re w from the I'uienlion, it was tioui: l...!v -levoiion t hi- country, and not ' Ihroii'.li any anc-r Iceln.s. lie proim.-ed to uphold the candidate of the Coin c-ntion, and if necesvaay, to i.-it the bills and val leys of t!,(; Xoitl to Jiioiimte lis cause. Loud eric were now M-ut forth for Walk er, ef Alabama. Mr.jWalker coto'rain'.-ited the ''oiivoi.tif n that the Inrl.id pool of scctionaii.-ni had I ' cn ipii. ted, an 1 n erred il,;,t be wiilidnw from tin' (.'-invention umh-r a a solemn sense of duty. He could not a'low lis stroio-f-ilito.' for Aiin i ieani-m, his profound fce in !or the crcat eonleoeraev. to put asi'ie the treat inti-rc-ts of toe section whence he cam.-. The io.it ii had not stood here, it. neirinee, 1 or w.tli anus in 1 heir hands: nut .1:1.1 wonts o pea, ti.eir lauds "ra-pin f am! kindness, and the hope of their count! v, ucntlcnieii ln.ni all sections ot li.e country, had entreated him lo return to tin' t'oiiVL.iii in, a-s'j'ii.o; l;jm tlia had n.i-ju'!.. d i;s dominant principles. 'Jin: speaker condoled by sain that he was -oin; to 'he backb 'iio I'.r l.i- country a- it stands iu its va.-t b iitli and breadth, : nd o !t r.s-ur. d that tle:..eat l.omy would let e.mde'iin bim t.,r i.sjinin his .-eat. A' v, ::.,r :.t o;-, i a 1.. a round of :.J.-.n-e. r. N.'.is.of p.iware, wii'idrr-.r t n:.-.r.!tf Join. M. ( ia ton. and said Ihi wave was Nia i.n.:. d lor Millard l'i,luioie. Mr. ll.ady In vcd ti.:.t no eentlenian be !'''.' ol ti j.ive au 1 xp'..,,;itio:i ot li.s ,ute f,r a f'.nni.'..-.t.-. TI..- io1.- f.r Pu-ih 1 t was tin. 11 proeeeil- ( I villi, li.e nan-" ol each meinner hi in CO.. t. cr.cil Stat" In III' enl!:ed to its cole iii lb- K!.-,t--ral (",!!, -.', t a! sen'cc to be v-it. d f'r ; rnj.orti nabl v ! v tin- voten ea-t ; tio State tn t u p: -.'!, ti 1 to be entitled ti vote, with t!:e .y.'lw itir re-jit : n M i .:-! e. I.' I I I i:t 1 ' I I M.-.I. . Vien i , - 'I.I I....M1I. V i.-i.. .ii; li , n 1 ' ne l,,.-.r,. ' i' J. ' '; I. . ...... l . '. ' . ( i I. - i ' ' 1 1 fi , l oe, .-.v V I'.iinsvi Ar . e's -A! iI.mi i I. I .. .-, A n vo:, -. v 1 i l , 1 1 t I - 3 L'er uf oel.i.euieil t 1 i-ritary aniiouneid d th'-ir the re.-ult a: f. ';' - : N '.ml . r . Nece "at" Pol- Millard votes ea to ch oil I'ion.oie, st 'J V. v 1 -"J. ll. l,:nv. (I.i'i-.t iivi-, .1 ii.iec Mi I.r ai S .ii. ni l i j 1 1 -1 . '-'I ll IM U K. i in th l.avner, '1 bo t hair diclared tl-t Millard l'i'.l.noie h ivin- rcctived a inajouty of the votes east, was tie tiOiuii.ee ot the I'ouveutioii for lleoi'iite ol President of lie I lilted Stales. .Mr. cr:i---s. of Ne'.v Yolk, said as be had llrat nominated (..'o.,e Law lur Pre.-i- .1 it, be im a move.', tint Millard Pii'iiiore be lo'i-lired the unanimous choice of the '.Vim titior.. Tl.- ii,..: ion b.-iti- put, it we- carii.d by a tr, :.'.. n.l.ius s!:out 1 1 ay s. Six b -nrtv cheers w ere then pivrn. nr,-'i lie greatest joy pi evail- d, iinill ail prc-ci t, there b. ii'' i.t liii- time l":i out -i-lers in tie 10l ni,u le ne lent I., tlmr let im.' tt of tliun.l. r. ' tl, li-ht in ton s ot tliun.l. r. Mr. IIea.lv. of Tein . promised tbree el. en lor New Y.uk. s I: ii-li were eiven I ......I ....... n.,.. .. .,-,1. ,1 tor Iran's nf New oi k. jliiee cheers wt-re ;-ien for Kentucky. Coi. im, i, d cries lor Hooks, Mr. Uniine, 'f Vu., said Le came Lore on a platfoi m ef " ri-l-t and iiet. :v." e , ,,,, , i 1... 1 i ,1, . I it'io, ire -i.i; ., .I'lOti .l in -st ill nt, and cul'.i-e'l hiiu as a man oi truth, eoura-e and all ily. Keiiinili P.iiitr, t f Norlli C.irjliua, wa a!-o noii iuati d. (.eu. ('all, of 1'b'i id ', sal i he was Jeej ly impressed with the gratitude cf lr's bretl. r m nominal : n.' him i for the distin -in- ef- lice. Ile i!e-ii-i'.l to say tl: t he was one 'man of the American party who w ! nothing for him-elf, but all for his eo ' His hand? I l l ever niini-tcrrd to Lis wanted couiitr - , - . i ... h -.io! .a I. -i I r .-er ,11: 1 . i-rsn ro nis neres - 1 .. - . . : sities, r-nd hoped they would continue tJ ! d' hereatttr. Ana all no wrante.i fi'i ,,u" ' 1 .. J ........:.. .f ikJk:ii III. t pcJ,", Laifc.u.l,, sou lou pi v-j-ei ...T o, i-u lro'" !ry- therefore, mo-t rosp. ctr-illy . ileeliiit-d the ilistingiiivhi d honor, and bc- tri'd to le ertiiittvd to preyrut one more ae-1 wa a combinaiion to obtain power, without ceptable. He pie- osed the rame of An-1 rare as regards the administration of llio drew Jatkson l'onelson. of Tr imiief'tc. j nflVirs f th country. Tie fpeuker (.aid Iinlin n-e nj. plau.-e followed t!;i.- ami. juuc- ,a,I Li-en i-bot at. Lau-bti r.' Politi 1I"',lt. rally, he meant becuu-e he had j..ined the .Mr. Call contiiim d hU remarks, and s.ntd A n.ci ica u party. He had seen that there that Mr. .ii(b.i!i was an orphan b"y. wis no hope of proinolilig demcctic tran n aied by lien. ,laekon. arid v a.i Li aid- quilSit v, or of pt oteetine our foreign rela t!e enmp tri.i.i tin) tin,.- be graduated at tioiis 'under tiio au uiiiiM ration of Mr. West Point. Ife l;m w him to boa man r,f l'iirre. ami he had ioiurd the orcanizatio "i';-f noi-or ami capnemc worthy ot iiy poMtion unit itnc'i,t I c iisM-neo n:m. t'i mr ii-hcJ . Uuli these liope be had cn No man knew mire of the pa.-t admimv t. red the party, and be would do all in bis tiationi. who had never been Pre.-id.-nt, . uW, r until ihU hope Mnill be realized. Ho than Mr. P. Ho was his aid in war, bis .accented thin nomination, hotiin-; - that the fuivaie seeieiary ain eoiiniieiitru iri.-mi ni.u (luir- 11,0 ii fii.i.-l.td l.U r.-inark M'J be a, r-rl,etly aware ol t!,.; ,:'C'"':,,t (T V.,"""'U ,,,,VLud t0 Mr- rir lI- f'f ".iniratio,, -ban to flly tl, r liu.,- ,,:n"' 'J he ene f.r Hrook wer cntinned. hiser. ll,e n kcr lii.i.-hed bis n marks , . .. 1 ,r". ,!int 'nth;m:.n -ud he ..id .,,t knmv T "v " ' " " n " 11 , f ' " 1 ' " '" " "' ",r l''t Uiel sanction the -reat principles embodied ',-l,,t ",! '" ""' -"u . ,,,,!. lK'l'la "Minthe . tneriea n platform. He had been V"". cou,"r.v. " 1 "i s ""s- de-i.e to have another -on of that State to r. piy, l have only to say that 1 thank vo.t i jzt. ,, p.,r(y 1C ,a, ,e,.n reminded of Iron, the bottom of my heart. I prmi.i-e I nn n,,Pr,,-,tt. of ( Jeneral Jackson. On tlio you that while Mr. I- illmorc will be true to ,,.;,.., ,,f tho battle of the li of Janu the Nr rth, and tn:,intr,iti her honor, he wib j.,.. .. ,..-.,, ...r -,.,. . tnerat Jaeksnn. le ns erjnally Ir.i" to tbe South and t.he . nnsliluliO'!. I i! Wool. rreti et t ie r-i'i. i ...'.Il IO I'Ol.'llllT, U.T IC'I. I -Jul MIU J.l zi 'is of the North, South, K,st and Wi-tj.), von). ta'(-. ,10 f.itv. 'p,.) i;overllor a;' nnst enemies at home and abroad. There ('laiboine, fid Jaehson. to blow it up. Ami may be some here who IV tl a disappoint-, ,0 .,. (ih p.-:,kcr) would si.y with regard . inei.t nt not InvinL' their own particular ,,e ,!ior .ani.r-. w im wanted to di-band friend i.ominat.-.l, but I pray l.Jod tli-y wili:t,o American j.artv. He v as no rr;.tr.r, iim carry tiicir e. jmL.s ot (n.-eppointiiient cut (. this nil when they leave io-i.ij.lit. 1 in- ,sn oiKcr priiiis,-i 1 hat .New ork would not. do rlisboi or to tin- nominees tic 1 oi.vcwi on. .dr. A. !1. It. Stuart, formerly Secretary of ti.Q Interior, under Mr. I'iliinore wis loudly called for. Mr. Stun t s.ii.', le tie honor to be one of Mr. l"l'n.ore's eoulidential fal-inf-t t'ouncil daring bis :iilni:ni-tr-tion. and saw bim aiiiid-t his t r i r. ! -. Without, jjoini into n detail of Lis irtues, he would cot, tent iiiui self by sayimj that, be tw vr knew hint to niter a Mi.tiuii'iit or do an net tl -t was i;n wr.rthy of the t-lnraetr rf Washiti!;t.''ii. Mien Mr. Wie, at tie time he stmi-p.-d the .-late ot irinia, said tltr.t the adu.iMstru 1 tr-.ti .11 of 1'iilinoru was Washim.-t m li'.e :(e,b 011 Willi Villi the stand- nrd bearer, the Speaker y roi:ii-ed the Con- veiitio:; tint ev.-ii old YirL-i'lia would be c irried. Mr. i-e elainid bis election by the vote of 17,1'Uil outside Wbi'.'s, ami he could now promise the vote of tho-e WLi.'s ".for Millard 1'illinore. ( u Lis wav to this1 (.'onvcntioii, tint editors of the liiehiiiomh Whi and National Ii.t.llieeiieer promi.-ed tli.it if Millar I 1 liiii.oru was noi nnal. d bv tin- '.'onveiiii 01, ili.v U' ni 1 place lis name 1 ill tie liiiisiin ad, ami keep il llu r,.'. ; u 1 .Mr. Andrew.-, of ir.-iiiia, niominat'ii I : Percy Walker, of -Ma., lor Vice President, i A lit- Convention proet-eued to bjl.'t lor; a eaiuliilate for l're.-i.l, nt. 'J he l allot for a cau'!n!.it- lor the X ice Preside ne v as i.tti ml -1 ...i ,. ;. :. l l ,t. v., ' i i- .i.r'.- rlian'-o votescrented Oitheintv in maiiiii'' I . i i-- . . . . a eon eet record. J lie rniidiiat'-s at hr.-t ...,,i r ... ,r - ) ;.. .- 1 1-h.... n ..'ill iii.e.ii i.- - ti.. .ill1. i. i i.i.:... Aiiur-MV .laekson 1 'om-ison. ot Ieini"-see; ' If Sinni-t of 'i.-i.ini:i : llenrv .1. I.jird- ;ier, of Massaelius, tt"s: and K. ninth Pa v - ner. of North (' n-olln i. lint ft.-r the vote had beeti cai.'e dele-ites tram vnri- ous sf li e. and cl.-m-'ed ti.eir votes in favor ef Mr. Ponr-lson. TLo stilt announced as follows : Percy Walker, 8 I A. J. 1'oncl-oii, A. if. II. Stuart 2 J. Gardner, KeniH ih Kay ner, S j Mr. Umel-on haling received a m ity of the votes for tie Vice Presi.li t.ey, ' ty and tie Union, be regretted it. Dut ho w as de-.lared du'y nominated for tint posi. lad no pardon to ask of those who came in tion. to l!. Corivctition, in dispuise, to betray its (" ,'-'olin. amid in ml apil-nis 'nomination was then made iiuatiiinou. the j A motion was tn-iue, and agreed to, that a committee of the b,- appointed to Ma t ; upon the i.f'iniin-. s im, t inlorni tii'-iu oi 1 their selection, and M-s-r-. A. II. II. Stuart of Va, Andrew Stewart of Pennsylvania; ' Krast'ts l'r. ok-, of N'-iv York : P.. 1!. lint- l.tt...;' Ketitn.kv : Win. J. Via mes, of 1 is. ' saehusftt-. and the 1'resi.b-nt of tl- C'li- . venii iii were atniinted a ('.uiHoiitee ti per- ; lorni tie mi-tness. Mere cries fir Major Ponel -n, tl" rio'n- ' inee for tlio Yice Pri'sidetK-y were made, 'and that pi't:'!et.-, an, coming f'.rw ard. was received with dcers and applause. , Mr. Pone I son iid In- whs exceed inu'v , ' crstitied lit the honor conferred upon Illl, and be-.o.-ed leave to sav that ho accepted the nomination tendered with a proper sen-e of the tcebleiii a of powt rs he pes- scsscd. Put he hoped i hat Lo might here- nltor do nmre than he had yet Lad an op- poitimity to perform to advance tie t-au-e w hich a:l these prosenr t.-cl so deep an t.-el so deep all inler.sf. llelia.l hem el, icily Known . ll... I ..... .-i.. .. .. ..-.,.!.. ,r nil 1.1- .'Oil I, Ol-I ! Oil - -' ----'s. - - - 1 will tieiieral Jackson. I ron, that gre-.t he had learned the essentia, pri.o.-ip e . of A meriean l-ui. I hat uiaelial uttered lue. sellt i III. l-t which 11... W lll.-t will such L't mval i sytnfatiiv that Amel-e i sl.oiil'l I t et'iae mire Anieric:in:.ed. Ti e -peak.-r had been .... ii. ...i.i Unity years will. t. ef, r:U ., :.e.-on ho. ... spe.cles and I tt -rs :,-..- 1, by the llou - a'l'I. in im-', t.,n -. o .-o. na.i . ..-:..i. ; emniies ot tl:.' I mon, ii. is on r. hi n s! !e, , tvlieh had utterly crushed h-r the time all. u.:':.i-ni The speaker sai l he was born in a South- j em Stat-, lie was tl-o osni.-r of ovrr ne , hundred slave--. Ho loved th- institutions i of the South. Hit he owed a I t of r:i'- j it,..!., p. the people of the North. At tin Nuiil they claimed no'liin.' tnr l t"' oum not wil.in.-lv er:int lo tie .Vrtli. Hi Last, '.,' Vest. 1 1 had left the IVmoeratie . - p-irtv- f voice the democratic party lcl't ' i ...ii. "t l V.. list's so I Arrdauscl I left - ' - - - . i - -1 1 1 - . ... . . . , . ie, ' h:-tier Li-her law men of that p irty. ben he President Pierce was disposed tie Sonth as the tkiufh. .and the I :ortii a the North, be had coneludtd that j ,e odmiiii-ti ntion was one of ultrnUn,9. It m tie hope that thi-e oij. et.- lui-ht bo ac- n-Mi;t would juntity the eoijhdctiee placed ii, bim. Here A ndrew S'trvart arose and inquired if li.neral .huk'-fn were living now wbet'6 f"iM tv I f; tth -ultat paity would he lit r'noniir T ' Mr. PotieUon replied. With llit- Am, riean party. Me never tittered a, -iirl: word adver- to the prineipb- wft advrenlc. Ave, at 1 not only be, but CI n ! and Wib'ti-r, if living, noold be with u?, ! preM nt dnrini the s.-Mons of tic (.'onvctr- ,;,, nll, (.,', n.ade to di-or- the inhumation that the Lei.-lature -.... ..i ... i: .- .-. .1.....1.. i ,,lt ,v,.,.v,.r . ,.j 0t ciicrv, talent, cood ;;;( , devotion to American interest.-. :...i, i. ;, .,. ..,.1.;.....,,. .,.M . ol',,n,iHi u,ron lts 'Jhe speaker theu ! retired amid tremutiduus cl.c eriiijr." I Loud cries were now made for Urownlow, 1 of J entie-.-ee. On takim; t le stand in ret. ;r. .!,-(, be -:.i I that bis speech on this oeca . sion would he, like all his former fpeecles, short ami .sei t. bur seventeen years h had pertormed the dreadful wriiee of edit in"; a political pi per, and be could say in tuat connexion that his paper had the l iri't-t circulation of any political paper in Ti inn sece.- lie lad fou-ht Lard and Ion i lor the 'Lij party, but be bad seen tit lo leave that or'.'n '.-izatioli. Why, w ith Milliird l'illmere to 1- a 1 an.I -veil will Josh. lii.idiiiL's behind him, we could carry our Slate, iu.t witl. lids la'-je, patriotic, ereasy 1 curies .cean, ( pointino; to Major Pon elsoii.) the Pierce puity will le a trans, leendal I . 1 1 . i i . l" - I ie should so heme with tie d.-teriiiiiiaiioii o jump Lijrh, r, and fiuail ouder ti an any .'nan io Tciiiicsmcc, ami would opt-u lie ball at Kiioxviile. on Mon day. Applause and laughter. J It bail heeii unuei-ti od as airan-jcd li.at Major buin-'uLii Would Lc put o:i tlio ticket with Andrew tla'-kivii, in big l;tr, st.d Poosl sou lui.-itoe, ni.d lin n iue oiu line l'eiuo e.'ats would lliii.k that old Hickory Lad come to lite a'aui. He then proposed the 'party should disperse, Laving done the jjood work. f.-'t. Piekeit, of Tennessee, followed. Ho , , ... . i. . c . cu oi; -eu ,u . or IO e son, sntiKe oi n s ,, J , , ' f , , , ow ii e oris lo ad vant-e the t-au-e, and pled- , , ,,, ' r 'ted lue Mate ot I eiiuessee tor a tremcnuous iiiujoinjr .ui iue ..iii.ii.uii ....ass. Alexander K. Iioteler mounted the ros- 1 trum in a nswer to repeated calls. He sup- PcJ hat tl.c body had resolved into a LO'tn ral rutilieatiun meetinjr, to which he vvas agreed, tlio. i-;h no ai tioii of the Couveti- -.T,iioii ra'i I'ceu i.ih.-iiio inni .-net fc. lie uau I occupied the stand several times during the 'sessions of the (.'ftincil and the Convention. j.,iAnd he had spoke boldly, according to "jivbat were bis ideas of right. If be lad jsai l any thing harsh to those who wero :'.or- coiisi-tentlv in favor of the American par -.. ...ii. ... .-i . i. u-.. ii. e .. i prineij les. He pledged Virginia for the 1 licit t. lie thon-lit the party could get tho ton thousand W log votes that Mr. Ui.-e al- led'sed lad elected Lim. 1 'uriug the r. cent election he ha, l hecn the tirst man on the stump in this cause, the b-npet in tie Cell, and the last to leave the combat, lie would otiiv 'ay to bis brethren Le would zo iuto tie ll.'l t new wi'L t he same determination, and exprtsscd the hope that those who act- as f t ino.-s dnrin; the session of the Cot v, si ak nlion mi't pint ns friends, r sat down amid e-nsiuerahle The ap- plause. lr. ?icl iin". ot irgti.!-,, s.ml that tlio Ni tiomil I'ouii'-il bad adopted a platform which wis s.i'i-la, toiy neillu-r to the North nor the South. Tl.ev Lad now a platform which was :.!i-fic!cry to both in the ;4iape u( I'lilneoe and I'-'t eluii. lie moved this mv i.t:en r.-UiiiatC all platforms, !l,e i.,-..tion Mas sceomU ,!, and thcrcup- n r, .,t .l,1.I cufu.;,,,, to'K yxrc in tlllit , v ,i10 vrtie was takeo en Uu,, ; ; but it v :i impossi! lo for any . .,. ;, ,-inet. ileci le whether it was adopted or - I 'II 1. !..-.. 11 . .11 rejected. I lie I r.-snicni wa unauie ft le'l, .n thoue.lt that it was lost. Outh.i o fl. r li.ind, tie ireiniat.s contend that it wis adoptol. In the n.i.Ut of eonfusion, a motion was made to adjouru sir die, and it prevailed. In nu diatcH' aft. rward. Co'. I'. P. Uart- , f KeMlivU , ,. ,.a.,fJ l0 ,.1;lir, 1 an(J , ,.,iIls:e ,.r,.,(.,,t was organized f :,, ,.,.,.,,,,..11 ihlitlpnt.-in nifii.tiii., 'I'l.rt ' .... i ii ..roiiir.tn r :i t it-r si on. nice! in . .r,..j,w, , ,,.. , fow msk txpresMvo of . ru(.ul Tr1KC i t.0 nomiiiutioii, , . ,- ,i. ,..-.,,:,:., ( K.irU i.. lect tne Aii.ei lean ucaci. Andrew Stu nt, of Pennsylvania, follow- in an cub'gi-l.f sp-eel of the candidate for President, Millard I-'illtuore. lie was succeeded by Mr. Sheets, of In diana, aiid Mr. I.ri-ekeiirid-e, of Missouri, i in the same strain. Sheets said lhat he had i been a nieu.btr of the I'ineii.iiattiCcnventior., . which meeting b- . Amel if u ruitv thought had saved thV Not ll. He could not j pledge Indiana for the American ticket. to hut he and his frKUili wouhl go honoj an tio what tbey could

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