Goldsboko, N. C. Tc Tnt EDiTonor tm N. C. Wtiia. Sta i You will confer a favor by copying lit eucloed article into your paper. Very respectfully, yours, Charles F. Deems. "TRIAL OF DR. SMITU." (.oLDsHoitn, N. C, Feb. 14, l'MG. M Dear IK: lutb Ivichmoi.d Cbris tiau Advocate of thU date, I Cud an edito rial kviii' lb at 1 pamphlet tv ill be issued from Kklimorxi in a few days, containing i " llie ml tie proeecdin:: in I lie case " of Dr. Smith, "rrrtfit the speeches of I'. Dut m, whicli he declines f urui-linj." Willi the , arguments for the prosecution irioy omit- ted, tbis one-eisled pau-.plilct can be of little ; uf to those who desire to arrive it the truth, j It is dur, thru, to myself that the public, should, know t lie fuels connected with thi ; decliuatute. 1 re-pcctf'ully request the pub- lic:ili on of the folluin correspondence. All : tnw-pxpers announcing the pamphlet will I please do uir the justice to iii.K rt this nrti- , clc, and ivure the public that in due time all the imitnmi mutter of my tprn-iirt will appear, with moit that will be more . iiiterotini: anI iii-tnietivf to the public than ; deirabl to the accused and the confer- , than.'' i Yer v rc.-pclfull y, ours, j CiiAkLaa'F. Deems. I. Mr Wtm to Ph. Deems. , III 1IMOND. Jail. Si. ls:.G. I'EAH Ulii': On the ?th day of Janua ry, d urine a severe i uJ i-po-i( ion, uty man 'ri J- W ill'onl, at my instance, ad dressed j on a note, thro vour father, (deem ing that the saf.-r-t nay of reaching you, re questing you to furnish ine copies of )Our ueccbes iu the trial at Dr. Suitb, for pub lication in 1 pamphlet containing the trial, which I about to puMl-l i.y authority of the Committee of the Conference, bariu cbarg.' of the ul,j-tt. Three weeks have elapsed, and I have received no ropnnc Aa you iu y not have received the first let ter, this h to request you to l'unii.-b tbe for publication. I hare new printed beyond the point for your opening speech; but shall be L .ppy to ive it a place st the next n.o-t practical point. Tbe other can come iu iu pruptr order. Let ine bear from you at ouce Awaitinj your dt-ci-iuti, I am truly, you's, Ac, Chas. II. VvE. II. Dk.Ih.ems to Mr Wvnk. (iol.I'Mioito, Feb'y 4, 1 "... Dc.tH liito: Vours of the S-th of Janu ary i.i iu Land. Vour tirt voU. I have nev er seen. If it reached ti.y father, he must Late forotteu it. If it had directed t- in; iad-lrr-s. I should probabiv have re ceiled it in poei lime. : I am surprised at the rcqacst for copies of tbe speeches by tue it. tbe pros- ; eculiou of Win. A Smith, I. !., for in. mo- ! ralily l-efore I lir- Virginia Conference, to be iM-ertel painph et to be issued under " authority of t lie Corii:.itteC ol the Center- , euee bavin- eharge ot the sul-jeet. ' I do , not know ah.) coui.o-e that Committee. , They tay be tiau.bera of that Majority of , tne . whose course has : Co.ifercr.ce, whose course has: placed lh. niin utb a position tow ards the 2i.C. Coufcrei.c that ordiuary self rcpect, and tbe ahegtance I ore my Conference for- ' i - - : . i - i -: ' u.a an caia'rnrrj a:. a in m iu ut j a..i- eallou or anything. ; afi, rno.,.. a.a.i.... ol the la.tdy We oberve,th..t The irn,a Conference is not elntent '.,, rc Ktrr lril,lr. , llie Amcric;iu c-mpdur. wttb ... act ; .- not eometit with .editing ; , of r r, ,uu;n.. ,,,, , lUre u... tu acca-ed liieii.h. r, IT MtsT Do KuMtTUIMi , , ... , , ,, . .,. , ' , i tori in the ( u.. vt.ilu m of the Amtricao I'arty at Moitt .K iiivi ; it u.ut prolong the contro-I . , . . - . 1 . ... ilurir lato trioiin. who endeavored to atiolitiuliize fer-v ; tt hi.. t. ui-iu. u me. iiraes ui mc . Church) a're-h Well, let the Conference' , do it; am. thkx itr T TARE THE KK-P..N- JFM.rTT-rAt.L THAT THE PA MI-MITT SHALL CAI.I. F' ll Dr Nulla need. U, Jo. hia. have it I hnrs. V.v ;. . aid to ,' able tn . take ore of in vc f. At an, rate the Vic I gini. Conference is tl, last body of me. I I ai.oulii think of a.kiu-r Ir. ,,-i.t . Th - aiiouia think ot asking to s-..t me. 1 ui public would have reason to auspect my ... ity, if afwr tbe trick, the trauscendent'y artful trick', i.ioli have been played upon roe by certain li.tingnished t.ii-i..ibersi of the Vs., Conference I coul-i be iuduced to con Irihutc to the produttioos of a partisau pamphlet, and thus secure for it the show . of impartiality which should deceive tbe ' pu'.'iic. I am uot q-tile so stu'.tiiicd as that. Vour letter iuforni me that on of my : f e cbe-. would Le iuerted out of its proper p -e. This coarse woiik! be in exict ao eo Malice with 'tie fjiirit of the proceedings bad hi'Lerto, so f.r a I am concerned. It was o t my fault tlmt I suffered that da in apt befr the Vi. Conference. 1 shall not now however, toluMarily go to tha traulle to give "the committee of tbe Conference LHtig char.e of the stubjct," the opportu nity to inflict the it-jury anew. Perhaps kl.e " f.'omiuittee having charge of ti.e sub- . jeet," f.U that it wojid be ad-ling insj.t to injury, to address me over their own mine;, and o sjecured the service of tiie printer of the pamphlet. Now if ibis letter can be of any aid whatever to the Committee baring charge of the subject, " t'n-y are at perfect liberty to use it ; but I shall protect against anything 'bey rnay choose to ct up as reports of .ny speeches. " . I aiu truly jours, evC, C.IAUI.La F. DlEMs. P. S. Thia tifterrioon's mail Iroui-ht your first note. My father bad mi-laid it. sod ju-t recovered it. He did tivt know iu cotitt tit. .The North iiid South Carolina papers will ui.tcrve ih'J tiiu of justice, by jjiving the above au iu-ei lion. GliK.VT riL'M'KKINtj AT cEA. The .avautiah HepuLIicin kfioouncci tLe atrival of the Lar-jue Ward Chij tnau at that port, ar. l add ; Je 1 ft Malta on llie "t b of Novfinler l-t, iid on a.-c jtt of h -.y ficlbcr ua our I. uti'in ii ltd tv I. la ai i t. i Jcr taj l4Ui dic-ti on the Utb ot lc-cetiib:rt and vr;i hut lt d on ltt." t;W. Tlie vsael Rub-e-ijii-tu!y rati hti'rt of provinirifw, ar.d the crew ejre reduc-tl to a'i allow auce Lardy ruftfiriit o u-tain Iile. 'Ihrir supply of ha1 had Leeo rr; ei.tirt :lv r el hii)tedf wlitle a "iiMid cf Lr i ! taji b jK-r ek constituted ibtir rutt-iti, Uf- I'J tiie 1'Jtb of l-'clruary. There wtrt t o diyj on hoard, to w hicL tht y ere com ptlUd to rvort. One of tuctii hal U-cii, and th oiber was h;iu dre-n'd, on the. Any 1.11 m ntioti ed, a l--y the A ii tiica n slnp Kbentn Star, bound from itij- Ut N-vi Or.rai.-, ilf to njht and i-!? tln ir r:e:. She fc!ipplt-l Ihe ht rviu crew with pr ikh,-, ati put ou board Mr. H ck. 1.1 at t iif ciptdiu who Vrh.e'iut b-.r iutj tLi- port. A I dy objected to ctvinjj her son a 1, I .U- t i J. a. !. alt. r learning that laur Li.tary nt eu uf the ata-lies. col- igtotllr Carolina Salig. CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, March 11. I $50. A M Kill C A N X O l I X A 1 1 OX. for riiKsiPKNT, HILLARD FfLtMOHE, of m:w-vuhk, Fnrt VIi K-l'RKsiriKNT, 'I OF I KNNK.sisEE. I ;Tlie South Caro.niaa of the S.h insUint, ear, M Hy a private leinr from WaahiiiKton. d.ittd the 5(h innui'l, we leara that war with Ureal Britain a.a the Ulii there." -i-,. 1j- V I, ra from a private letter recemd in loan the Faculit lia. oeceeded .a eh..nei.,p the select. on made by the .-iiiur t'Uva, of' Bishop Hughes, to oel.Tcr ihe Valedictory JH.m.m. The """"P bow. verba declined ioacc. pl the .p. Thia nny he alir.buted to the f.iet. if we have been correctly informed, that lie ae. eepled the apisunl.nciit laatyear, and l!.tu it waa ', rieailed. ! Soiurlhiui Wron:. We the following note a few daft aco frou. a Cri.thma II... eaunly. ...d at i... re. J i,i,.i. ,i c. ii,. nfi. iv.ini'. fiee ! .... n . , , m , , Ma. LniTi.a O'l yeti rdv, the 3d day of M .,1. -. I .... .l a 1. M. l.r I ir. llircli, l".iii, I receive.! a l, it. t ny mail which ail iiitiHit :n I ii'tiifho.. t.eo, on the Nt diiy of M-in-u, i!.J, cMitjii.uijr a duiiucuie ei.ica lor. ..... iial - ii. ,,i itara ff.-tlinff tu thia and .'.". . ju-i an H.r. ning iu pi... ...u , ! three ve.raafl.r tne death of him w ho wrote a. id ; (itll'r. Beat Una it y u can. I your., &c. I STEELE CKEEK. Small Ppi. pr' I- iter from a friend in Ash. til!., in- A Turn; luriiis us t'.e Small Toi i in the viemity of that place. It h.a ma.le its ranct oo the r..d le.cirp from Aai.evi.Ic to Ru.i.erf. rd, and ,, on the road h-adu tf to li.e Warm Spring., Some 20 or 30 c are reported. It waa broujht rronl Xennrw e by a Ira ..-! r. The tow n author. j,.,., f XaheviHe are rndcavorii.r to prevent it. j .thjuj tnat villaee, and it wulil be well for the ! tuKn ,uliiur.ue. between hire and Aehetilie u . tJ ,,,. prte.titiQn. ! vur liioir, , Th: Jmrriraa Ccuuttion. This boiv arii-.urncd on the evening of the lat .. .ui.t, ai.ii we h.vr pivtn ti,e iriceuinr. ol'the ..- . :. . . j.-i. i . I: ' . , ... I m una tot recueanif wunerew. A.'er lint ine 1 , I onveHttoo ororrard with a coosiOerhle degree '' .-euwi a cor g " r. o .:.a, our r-auer. wm .ear. u.a, imJ "creeded in nomination, lli.-t are 1 P" " ' . Tif -at.o... were offered and confirmed unanimity and eru.l,ly. and their ' , . ' - wa. mu.edut.-ly recogn zed a. g.vmg tone, , eliar-irtiT ami niti.i.ilitv to llw American p.rtv, , and' into ila fiat fillinr rank, tbe aftive ' 9 ajf.-i.cie.of a nw and v.oruu. impulse. Previ. out to proceeding to vol', the Convention defined poa.tion, and rt-l-ukeU the polil:-:al par tialis, and f.uat.'Crfl .fitiU.ra tiithad ll.rowuilitu it eoofuaion and exciu inent. At an early of the, Mr KjJ- ; linjt'T of Peont v elTervd a reaulutio.., .lecLr- t if. g that tli' t'ut.V' ntiua wuuld nofiiin-jle no man wl.w not in i"...r of inurdirtnijk; aLvery in ' th; u tio..t! ierr;l'ru tvirtit nf the jj-rjiicl uf3' 3i. T11 tp'-rtcMju nt tempt to commit the jrtj V frtcwsd cio"trinti -aa Lid on the t;itd by a protT'pt atui 'Jeciaivr vole nf one huntirid nd fi: ye to fi'iy n-T, by witif h tie eotivf niton rcfotn etl to aacrifce it iutii njhty t tiie ahrire of tin re ivurly vr aectionil iiua. A Kirtion of te S.uihern ctlgtci who had ilfidr: m n, tfin ref-urci by thia at .'ion, reluru-j to tlit; I'dnvn. tioii arid ui.jIcJ nitlt it in rim h if the licriini-t. ttorm tii-t art- imvr pl-.-ttJ b fore Mtv country on lh- bro-d Ami rtcyi), ri.-tioual and coiiirv4tive ; pleitfa.rm. Tli 1 a noni riitiofi cn.pltaiicjlly jiUce the ri if ti t. nun in the right (iLce," one who, in iur year' trial won the pruud nnd dt irrvmy litte ot' tii: " Mo'k-I I'r iiii nt,' and oiie who, if gtiu ji it J in ti.:tt e t i.U d potiition wii. jiiHlify tu llie Country li w tftfioiii ot hit rt-t-kction. Frviou to tUt iionitiMtton, boevtr, isooit fif ty of wi.e more r b,o ami f nj.-ijt afHiiitiouitsta jid (V'tftl' ra withdrew, leaving th;-'. txdy to act, in a mcnurf, fr-e from the tr-tnuncla of far. . tti.n and f.n.ttir:inj. Thia defcetiun, however, did not mat rmliy weaken thr mural x'renglh of the ( ot.. -ntion, wiiit- in o'tacr reprts it w m a dci. ' jtd -to aiii. in rt u.jf l'i -! li-lfhh in(J cuUiii id i.rfitoiM. cturucti r, uitd frteifjg it from tlione (Jifd'' in i 'fi wl-o ei.tert d it with a d w Ut tt dr nioraiizit.on, in. t'.e tal-joliaim.t ot, if toatir-., of a aectioba! org .iii itiwn. Uut fjilm niot mg. oaily n t-ir i.ji, Kiev ry n.tturtl!y with drwt tiiaupoift"tl itfi ch2riied bt luf. f.iiure of arht uie which lud heen ao c.tfiteatly nJ -;ire. fuiJv Hv;'d, and from ti-e nurcn wf winch niui n h id b en forni y h-pr!. 'i'he nooi.fittiin.a vi .1, r tordi'.Ily nd nti.tibi-aatir-ftliy reapers rii'd if by the great hody of tlie lot' liij; ot and rfiacrvvi'ive jmrtioii of the Amrr-ic-u prple. fiiinii, tit f'ur yer ot 1 illmor. A id. ifjift, j 1 j.,n, t.c wni uhUr t;a iy true to the ( nimtilutti ii,, ti.e K-o h, ititd i.m noiuiiii'iiun b) tlte A'ntnr-1 p..r will o hai td hy gewr I Iftjiijl. tnfi luroogitoiit ti e L'niOM. H a t-in of ofTV e a ( hief .Mg itr- t w tii r ting u ii d hy ability and puntytind h; rdiU-d u;to hia f.'-btii" I uie cf the atroii:t men in the nail too. Tbe fkipuolic acf)uir'i uiili(io and toflu'-fice, and nr der prevailed ml Iiomk, and ri.(tct waa xtureti abro.ui. Mrfli'M and liilinnrr. In becnum.. Mr. f . nl not .,e W noH.inat.un, the l..n. A. If. St'-j h.-na ln'k'd up at the of ten.Seoft and re. luted to auf.ort h.rn. M'. Fillmore bmi now noiuiu..' J c.b .-. nor.. v'nt,.i,iMn r-mm w .ot , tWLtabtvk. W.ii fcu .u.t.fy fcurl. 1 . Cur Foreign EtU'.ioM. After tli enenlry had ken nearly involved ia a arar with England relative t the cmiairuclinn nf the C'laytua-Bulwer treaty, it now turna out that I-urd Clarendon, aa f..r bark N-vember, 154, had nude to Mr. lluclianan, an .ffcr nf r bitrktinu tot Third Power Ihe interprtlutiun llie Central American Contention, which ' he de clmed. but which, he aaid he wonld mke known to hi tJoieniMirnt." There i ccrUinly "'i'- tliina; trange in thia. A ninal rational proi..n. lioa h.a It.b rodc tnattile a . ed queatioo an-i it i autn-rrd Iu lie aitl.uut the lnolcclgr of our jox rnimnl f.,r nionlha. We h'C the (imposition will, at lral, he now entertained and Die ranar nf L.IU..H I iu. luu nnunlrina amiclilv ' ' v ....... ... .. . . j titled. In purfuinc the nuhircl, we are naturally led to inqirc what i there at ianue between line country and Great firiluin that aliould plunye iheui into a ttiir, which, reevalt aa it may, cannot fuil to he at tinned wilh the uioal diaatilrnua con-crjuenera tn both T According to the coiieepliona of the I.on. don Trmra, our ie"p!c and Guvrrniernt Imvccoiii. tnitteil a mort-il otT nee ajriiurt Kiit'hnil lH-c:iui:r they have ..... avmpaihia. d w.ih hern, her ...r;l"e prculiar eoi.u.t.on oi ...e num. icy with Tt ,. Xndhe Time, dr., n,.r i n.e like ..Iconic messengers,!.. rttcr of wont of mvputlijr r n nur ' rt, Tri m (lit tc critt protKcution of the Ifrnifh Mmiftcr fur hiv viniil.on of our neutrality lawn by cnli-tiiiu trf witliin our jurtfdii tinn Ut he init!ovl in a ar j np tii lion wilh which thv L'niltd Sl.itcs are u price. j F-ngUnd hn, tlui fur,'t to make the pro per uniendu f r this wn-np wlucli it due l tin prr ty noflVrinp therefrom. But the Mitt of ynHi. thy wilh Kogbrtd by this cour.try tint nol pro. cced from tint eauue tilonr, hut front the tliretit j Md out b b"h ,,,e B"",h i iheinlerfrreneehy boll. Enfl-ndand, ... the nCira of thia eon. in. nt, in the ut th. ii ln " over The nutural in.inr. o. aMI preerrvation would naturally di .ernnne nlr"lr" Pr"l,le " lurn '"llr '.vmp-.u... in ,n c-pr-aile dir. ctn.n, to a power w hoar auceea w" " inccmpatiblr wilh the peace and ealety of ,t,r'r "'n country. The point here made, howetrr, ia ainip'y wl.eth. er tl- Guterniwut of Ihe I' Stalea ahall aub- to a breach of it. law,, and act in bad fa it I. a. . frlri. .n K...lund t xbe otht, e"f confc.fttio,, c,n,r, An.e,i- . ... ... Ull, wi, ,r .,, of ri.h, 'on aide. a. Ihe , . ...i,i . i. , . . h.storv nl .he Llajton ltulwrr treaty negoeiu.MA. 1 r'-t J i . n-i ... Uaa fulj devtloiird. The question lurlhermore , ... , . . f 11.11... I'lll.LlillC 1I.UI IU 1'iV Mill. NOU Will. HI 1 UI ulc e n.ieu -.era, aim eai.nui ue rt inniii.ta i.e j them, wh.t conte may. j 11. then, t-ngi.nn war u,h... ua, or .orce. . u. in.o a war w.ih her, .t will be founded upon . w.r ..r.i.gc ,U B,.r.. o. can., o. oring an. w- , ,ed to v.ulate our law. w.thout redrew, and to) ! ",r "I"1" territory of one nf our neictriiiK Republics, the dep. ndence of whh i in- . icreat lo Ihe t'mu d Jstat. a. But Kngl.nd will ; nrver go to war with u. up-n auch i) ,. a-y praunu.. SI wiil never rnwn., a. a ol llicy, to cneount.r the vila wmeh niual awaii brr in uch a war, iu apiteof her vast naval nie.Ds 1 hey Dever give n.c an angry void or a deuce and vigor to the mind ? And it is on of annovance. And the muat and w ill, tooiicr or j crosa look, and have In-Ver deceived me or ! Iv utti-reil by lh organs of the llierar-' later, be.lriven lo the neeenity orrec-gniing an.i appreeialinj tint immutable justice of ut m.ilioii. . ., Our Libit. W, hvc b.B preaented by the publi.hcr. J D. j f.'ppefiroll C'n. will. volume cali.d Thi j '"od Time Coniir by T. S. Arthur. We have 1 g in a hiHy f nee over the work and find u an int. retting eolnme. Arthu;. ia an rni.-rum. I .ng and inslrucLve writer and tin. work ia ore-' ' . pared in a ttvle th.t ia cleul.ited to .c.,e. We have al-o been preirnted by tin above- Crn j Hi nia a with Three Marriage., or life at a IV.. i bring Place," by Mr.. Iloi.baca. I. will also , . , . i prove, i.iirrra.... to iiiimc iono o. aucn re:u.or. ' d ,i r i . c i ,i I .'.he lat week bv reading the life of Mart Both of the above are to be found atlaiwrie A.:""' 11 "era u v ur ine ... ,....y ' Tudor, culled the blood v Mart.' - ... . . We have received from the VorUvilIc Knnu r. r j 0, ,ht Ua, of the BalUe of bing . M.,.,,.,. wl. all he Ad.lrea.e. and acco.op .mug doc.. It ,. ,, . ....... .. ... ' P""'. obl.gatKH. ; to toe pubiialnra for it tte have llao before "The Ar:.t..r " for M.rch. W, iiate rx-:iiiioed and titid it interest. u.g. The Carolina Cultivator ia also on our table. We finu it alto, upon t laH.liiatioii lo be filled with inli retting matter. We did not receive a l-'e'jru. ary Mo. Send ua one. FillDiorr and Wist. Ily r ft r'-nce ti the rt iiK.rk nf the Hon. A. II. II. ft wirt bt fore the American 'onv i.tion at : rinhnii Ip.iie, it will he n that he nUt. Hji t winch ahou!d wyrin the h'-art of tvtry trtje Aire. nc.:n ts.warda Mr. Killinore. ll is thia; Win, Gov. WiM waa btuii'ping the Httc of Vitgiuiai ht ; atetUd thnt the atlittin.atr j1k.ii of Mr. Fillnptr- I w ia W' thrinij; hot." C;iii tht Suih 1 clLt-irc Mroiir prof tli in Ihia, that Mr. Fi'liii'rt ; w'll x. true. f the w holt Ci.tir of In. :'tJniii.i. ton h ir..vni, tu the (ncuiur ii.tiliil.oii a the .Se.utli. . Since llie ahftve wan jw-rnH-d we learn tin.y, haa d nted th,.. We ho, Mr. Stuart ,!i t CA llll III. H. titit.n Millard Fillmore occupied the Pre.i.h nti .i (, not a liaurgauiz-rt .North or es.n.h, r.eiived n. appoir.t.nent to a pl of honor or profit. The coriM-quence w-it, f.t n.. t : and dia.'.fT. c.ion w-re ahi.oat atarvei! out w 1 n he left the i.faae. Ilia MUee. a.or rano; in and the p:ilf.,.i,,j.e ot the govern.. t ol UHin aholitiomata, tec. .aiooi.t, fricaoii.-rt bnd (Imiiiii ( atl.oiiet,; and the li.ion i. on the brink of dusolution. iiK. Quitman. 'Ihe following state-UK-tit, which has appeared in the papers throughout tbe Union, baa been d.-i.iud by lieu. Cj.i it in a ii iu the Wasbington I'ltiots : "It is said at Wa-iiir.jjtij.i that lieneral Quitman ( w ho ia ( of' tee on Military Aflairs; has declared that he will report a bill for aeudiiij; tro'.p. to Kansas lo butcher A rncrican citizens, whelh- ; er of one or tbe other aid.; of the iueati.jii at i-sue. : Fi.n.I. Dkath ut i nr. Late Mini-; ii:k o 1'fcKi;. '1 be I'ctcr .iiurp liiU-IJit-i-ce-r has received a lctU:r from Lima, 1'i-ru, dau d January !, l-.r.O, (,'iving tbe follow, aceoul.t of the ain'ular of the late Mu.i.r. r of IVru to this '.-ouiiiry : " 'J be lal Mini-UT 1'leiiipote.iliary of I'e ru V Ihe l.'hit. d atat..-, vil.o r' lurried lo this couhlry about ai tnonilis ti'ti, died lately in Lima ill a singular manner. Whi.e le-p be swallowed three of I.i, f;1.f t.-etb with the coid liand abieh conlined Ih.-u. id died from (be eff,- ts shortly alt. r. Kf i ions wcr tuaue 10 extract the teetu, hat without sue.j. . urove it on 1. 1 tti. n. r . ' .. ; J - ft. i - i i "" aeene is to tue consMirration ss a t.uiter-nul rul bed op with sooar, in .be ii.,ll..,jureMr.c:l.m.,,c.prc,.pe.t..autto.,.o-;le,,iplated.u.c1ile I gi: c j ou a fuw line, lo y.t ;e. work.-d.even, ,s ex- of our you.,(- gents who are cultivating ' ..m. wsy that butter nd.,..',r arc pr.p.r. the man. da v, in u more pleasant Inood, and better c.-i-dllK-ly snuil, I his is owin-' to the acan- ! i,.ir UM.r 1ms i r . .1 . J r 1 . " .-'11 1 , . f . 1 i . ,1 , , . 1 r . . 1 r 11 . "lr r "PI ' r "P j 1 for the dresniii; of puddil.e'S, divl-led 11. 1 state of tni-.d. 1 he weather is clearer and ty jnpply of water to be lound o the track, Amy.-" I wonder bow it coe, to Li-s ' tbr...' parts, and glvenit interval, of ti, 1 Fart lo br Brmrmbrrrd. ! lM', ? '. !" hf'tT,, " ; " "' 7 r'T'J''." ? S'i"". one of tUse creatures with a ,. ly ,,.i.,..te., .ill ,., f The K.y.UeviUe A,K.. remark, thnt , darkt.e,. yesterday. I; h:l, to supply ,h,s deheieney v hen ,h . Ul.,ie . . J J from oar rorrt'spondmlt. Pn ii .rnv Marr h 0. 1806 It in a raw eloouiv day and I feci dull and low rpiriled, and to male the matter: worae T li ilcJ to feceive the Wlii tt.i '"iinornirf as uuul, fO I am week behind "' hand it the news fioui Chnrlotie. I liaxe out unnrr. and Hauled in it o teu- ar) Iie aft Ucv H.otitlt tlmt the erkly pcrufal of it lnn a!mot become lie - t.lior , U1V wcj ,( -ing. JlnUii'' no olh- t.r ht,0gPr hi i n,ul litH at hand, I liaie'Lut I p it a higher mine upon lil)clf than I : ire(eJ ...r l0 fumed UnYaiiliR, in ' o be fi t ut acuin a mark 10 bo fhot t ! ' older, if powibie, to try and ri-c my 'pir- to pom. thing like an iietive w I itiiijj tent- n.i ...... ... u ...I u i I. ... if wi.i t. P ill mm li It llll jn i uiuir, (Mill null ll'J vi ... ....... I a ud uiv lien ill the other, I am perehcu up in my tlooinv. cheeiless litlle attic, tr s iiiir 10 perpetrate 0lnctiiillj of lliteresl lor your j readers licit week. i he nM in a n spirit!) nre something like the .ea, they have their ebb. and fioas, their !iml trx inj; circu.i.,ia.iceS ; on the contrary, high and low tides, and we cannot aU.jsil it a laudable mid pnl.iot.e enter - control .Iu ,.. as we would. Ilia feeling arc I pri,t. Mlld I am clad to ace the mocemet.t ..ovcrned by outward ei.cumMa.iccs, undl.o ....turnlly I. i.jr made in .be Somh. i .. - - .i . . i -i guests, ami make ua i-hudder at the wreck aud ruin of the pft, ...d brink from tbe eoiitrnipbiiioh of the fearful and untried future, 'lbe of tout..' ambition some- times comes buck lo its Ion; desei ted abode it. the hollow and deseitedlbauibers of Ihe soul, and awakes ,hou,hu and hopes and desires of what 1 ami perhaps oueht to have been, and then I am toiturcd with ijzhs lor the unattainable, and weep over the ariJ wa.-lc of life a withered morn, the ghusts oj-nuriji ied hours worsethau thrown aaay in the vain pursuit of the empty phan tii.i: of pleasure, the delusive pcrauit of .artlily Lappiiic.-. lint 1 will uot longer annoy you with my eloon.y and sad relleclions, such things n.c pel baps common at some time of life or -nolher lo all of us. My favorite n nicotic ia having the desired effect, and my spirits I are ri.-ing wilh the wreaths of smoke from; my lii'ar ax it gathers iu ciicling e!o'id a- 1 ! 1,016 "7 ,l,aJ- There nre roii.e biennis of. f su.iM.ll.o my jci cross my pain, nun- I eled, lifi Ji"f, wilh some lrijiht clat.ces j fr0 'J. ,0! -' t,u"''J love, mar mihele its bores and fears with ' '' 8d '- i out the conrcre nud u.U'rcourse of some . . . IKlnil. COIIC. tllal Sl'lllt, he relapc 111- j , 1 to heathenish baiberism. Well may we i . Clivv thoe who Can say with t lie poet j .. . . , , , , , a n,. 6,,,,lrt l.neo liu. on rr.lni.ini. lh.ii.,.1 t ' . . j i i . ,,...".( inie ....aria fiillh I1..11I n nlii. A oil it 1 1 1 u f(,Brtj t,w lin of r I, e , A .e ,.(( .. 1. of bet-? ,cr , j a j 10irr M0ciHtes. j of,v fiI, nJ pe1( loi)ks .,(, f1ty(.r:f my li;o-l pleasing compaiiioiis ; they are not fj,).C) .K-ociiful ai., h.dlow hearted; lh. y never deceive me, and when I Iceoine wen- ; ricd aiHi them, 1 can cast .l.etn a-ide, and I titer will lie iirlSr and uncomt lainiiiL-i v 1 till 1 am ready to take them lip again. r i r- j jled tne astray. Hut the restless soul and.chv, the lime will assuredly come when j aspiring mind wiil not ai-taya bo . jnlciit j cntinf y, aliieli once belonged to the Doje, ! with these, but will e-k out and -i;.h for wiil k . again auljcct t hi control j the assotiation of hijirr ii.lclligci.eei. '1 be j ,c wu.t meet the ilances of a kindred! ,d tue mid t.,l0t always feed up- ou tte unsubstautial ol periabal le n-attcr ' t,e book market is now fully open, anil ; we have bait a doieu new ones cv. rv we. k. I Hv the time one reads the preface and the ; - . hrs! chapter ol one, another is u-hered into t lil'e and stands wailing to your attention. 'I be latest is "Forest tales," by Grace lireenwood, w hich I hare only bad time to .lance at 1 nave been amusing iny-el! lor "o- ' ; J e' ' It is written , ,d be u n,.ke h a be . r Vou n ' J kf ' ' ' Vfr'"" 1 U"K I"-"" of her from my childhood. She thuks that vupi.rior to Elizabeth in all the! j i ...... - . wa-i a rt",l V tthohc ai'tar any brttrr I L 1 - . 1 s . t f. t ! ifiiiii piic i caiiiii'i tyiji ii iirr ine iruiii land reliability of all Mi.s Strickland", do-! 1 .. : , tal! ot tins, the nrst IJ.ieen that ever sat i . upon the throne, t-nt one th..,jr ' cau say. that no body can read her life of! Mary without tbinbin' better of her for it.! and reckoum her .iuon. Ihe persecuted ; slid much abu-td sovcr. in of that d-trk ' and bloody eta cf F.iiL'li-h hi-torv. ext week I promiM- iny-cir the pleasure of reading the history, from the same pen, ol ' her sh-tcr and succe-or, Kliz;. belli, the firt I'rotertai.t that ever lat upon the Hnti.h throne. AfillLKV. ' I CiiAItl.Ks-TON, March 7. s.jO. j I wrote you a hunii-J letter yc-terday. :,d lest you might think from tbe wo be-, f H III! ttir-infl V t All ft fif it t 1. I h .1 a. I will vol. Mullen ali'l .i.n.liio.. In it . i- : I have been on ki..! street, and looked upon, and mihhd with, ihe luiti', moviiii;. ' restless tide of beauty and fa.-hion that- flos through that far f.iiued I'roadway ol tbe So'ith. he r fie. t of this "hort prouie- had.- La- .-een mo,i Ueli-hilnl, and the en- ! tact of llio-u heavenly bodies made me fei I i for a l.ii.u.ent that I was in t all of thi. law i an. siii-.-t.,ined i-p.rc., eouhj f.n,.y .,r I a .ii'-meht that errino man had never fallen, j ami that we were back it. our first native j Kden, where the truil of the serpent had uevcr riot-oiieU the hcai.t.lul flowers of tha: terre.tial Paradise, lint my fancy toon failed to cheat Iny ju'ltnitit, ami uaa broubt back to con-ciou-nrss and eaith. by seeing uroutid tne or-tu-ional marks of the fall as in the wiiher.i leaves " of llial loibiddrn tree whose fruit broil.-lit death into the vtoild, and all our woe. ' Tbe Kansas fever is raoing in our mid-l, ml hiinte.-ti joun- men lilt ye. ter. lay, lined ai.d i -.pipped villi rifl.-, revolver and I' knife, for that fat oft bailie ni'li!. when: the. iin:-tioii ot rbivery i- to I M illed wi.h.he potent ...d eonvim-i,,-' :,r. , eu.n. tits of 1,-r.d and M. el Tl. K" ? ' ... oi ii-ao anu steel j tie l.m Club in this city have done much toward, litting out y.iun men, in the way of m.,,,.y and arms. MiV.-ral companies will lil. j;o from In r.-, judin Ir on what lias I.e. n done already III llie abort space of a f.-w weeks. 'Ihe wealthy portion of our eit.t,, ar ij-.i.e lib ral iu the way of donation., ,Hi; alner-t any amount can be Collect. -d for as many feel willing la ". I for acknowledge that I am in candidate for Maitjrr 'om, attvl tbottgb I ibvse eii fine and nolkr q.inliti.s of the heart, ami " 1,(1 i-mmMed abouf mile mm thsi hvr privy w;m the Mcn-t ciu-v ' San l"ri"w. " n oa rly dirt-c Uoti. It of tuoft of the iu::Oi-fnt lno that a hrJ ! --'i-racM the town of Mri4a-i, coiiiain during Iiit rein. Mi" tStrickland u also! ina from 3,MHI 10 4-')" i'-l.titatilt and a a strict TroteMant. end I do net ee h i; i l,u,l'l' r "f oilwr Kinail towni nud u tile could have induced her to make M arv, ho I a!,l it i eMimufcd that there are up- bum1 mn aM"iu.aMt.'iiJuiwMj jweauw - I ho djj go, jet I rirt little fear that my 'crave will be dog upon the pluitia of Kan- aa. Une cnuipaij;" " nii.ucu me. aim iul'jied into my pcMtefully inclined craniuiu mortal antipathy for villniuous anltpetre. At. J bc-idc. oWierinj is a compUiut thnt n man will rarely have hut once, iu which puiticulnr i renemblel the niciilcs or email I Dox. only it ia not tn easily irottcli out of, n otic? you get fail ly ill. 1 I Jo not vnlue my person or nppenrnnce j more tlmn niot of rho mill lords of crea-Mi, i fur trilling um of ten dollars M inontll. j j n h j. re lit many ardent young men whoie j 1 . .... 1 .. t.n . I ti Itli d n lift I'M till U ftf t ll A I fUiu 01 leu uunora a ii.iiih n. nyardtntyouiig men whose in aims and leudv for t.e uil IS III. liv III u ......j frav. will be of mv ot'linon hctoie tney re i turn to their homes aud frielida nciiiii. I r"1' Hould not have you underhand me as being unfavorably di,poSed to the cause of Kan- . e-n.i-r.tion under the present peculiar . - . . ' t . .Northern tanntiom mm misrule must ue ; met tt,,ddrivet. back, ami 1 know of no more t favorable time than the pre-c.l lor a dec- j j five nnd -ffrctu:.l blow. It ia evident if 1 Kansas is ever made slate Stair, that it1 ,,j tf nt the cost of blood, and thousands ill l,u found who are willing lo pay the dvan,"fi 10 v I PODs,.qaenlly, Uowe- p.icc. 1 ,c brave Missnurians will have to j ver' ,uoy de,cl,"'J " "h,.th th bfir ,e brunt of the but.le, but hundreds i Ho" , of ,,oble spirit from eve, hou.hrrn State , ' proposed to take the whole of th. ucwj i .e thete to aid ll.em, and Miike for a,10,"' , . .... ..... pioiiiinct.t place iu the picture. ASHLEY. - Tbe January number of tbe N'ortl. Amc - rican Itevicw, in an ..tide ou the political .. : -. .r .... l. n. CI it i ui' uii'i I'ur uuH'a ui tit i.oiiii n ivi i cliv, contains I r It . the ful oniiif at ron nura- I fe'i'P" : We think there can be no mention that; the papal l.ierurchy intends, expects, and is, ,c.i..v wilh sel ..utpo.e lo obtain a fun. ' foo.hold, and ultimately, at some period near or r. mole, a pie.l.m.iuance in these L'liited v-tate a. In this, it i, hm aciinj; in com- ! I,,'""p w,,h " ' ""POsed by lUcon - ! solution ami creed. Da functionaries, have always lien propajandi-f, and would I e ob - iou-ly false lo the belief they proles, that lion of Turk near Zudjrdidi, wbcu the lat tin re is no salvation out of tln ir c'.urih, if ter retreated, leaving ihrir puna and bag- , they should cense to be so. 'they are hit , . . e , . . Using instruments lui ni.-Uia lor that pur- , . , - . . . no-e. and elliliraellif r.iiniir.ii.ii.iei. n.i.rii.-. e :. . i- . . mia tir Is ueenl.i oh . L oio t ntf nut I or purpose prim ! .hat the Dope, M ar- aco. revived ihe order of the Jesuit., an order once r. jectcd by all En-i rrpe, ui,d now ili-ti-u-ted and abhorred in In any pailsofit! What means the co.i'lait i li ft u z "f liuinl er of tl.ii order into these t-lteT What inference must be drawn; from the innltipiica. ion of Jesuit ("ollejiet and S u.iiiaries i f ed.u'a.ioti, in whi. h nolh- ing is lau.'ht tending to impa.t indi-pen- Colomi. Fhemont AMlll lARirA ; 'H A 1 Frtmoi.t I... at length got bis; .great .vlaripoaa catatc Ul.y conlirmed to1 -"" ,,c c" """ '"'"? ""- ; "l'"'n ' '". '") be reganleu a one ol Ihe "chest ""n ''"'' ' l"" P""'-"' " ri:hci 1 . .1... I... :.l ... I .. i .1. 1 .1. .l I " " ... ....... vj him nt ibu White llou.-e lo Col. Fremont in person. I atents are now generally sign-1 rl lythe Private N cret.ry ol the Pr.s.- dent, a ho is thereunto au.horiied by an act r i' i . - ii- . .1 ' L Oin. 1 i.rce signed il..a . ( . .... . ,,lic ''t own hand. I be in-H utile, t .. etvrod upon taicl.m, and cover. P' finely executed map of La M.ripows. ., surveved by the Inilad JsfU i;elM.rtll ' ' "r rer t'cirerai. The tract is upwards of seventy mile.i , . . , . ... . . " ' y y e-.;n Col. Kn-nioiit boil-lit thilatnl oti lh 1 1 It Ii f "'S . f Alvcra.lo, ei-Oovornor or i-Kf :. r. 5-1 11.111 :.. .. . i. i . .1 1 "' '"'". e.-u, a.... m ine 1. .1.1 i'..i:r . 1 1 .. . . . :. . . .. .V 4 xoTi' eltravagant price. .A II r r a I'll!" 11. ''-'"'". his tith; has been fully confirmed ly ",u "p'eine : v,ouri i .. a-n. ii-i-.ti. (!f ,,,c le of Col. Fi-emonl' rrant it i ', '"'po-sible to speak with ileCtiiteness, as 11 PP"eniiy, aiino-t ueyonu calculation, Mc'r. Palmer A Co., bankers of Sim Fran ' "bo have advanced heavily 10 pay the tines upon it, and to defray the ei.Mrmoin ''l"'""':s r,! the suit, own one nii livi. led half inter.'.-! of the pronerty. Col. Fieiiiont alone owns the other l.nlf. ! Already about thirty five millions' worth of e,M du-l have been taken from the track, fl lit I t haw t.t r Ptl.lirii nf i-imIi avlioli I...' i. reei'l e.-il tin. revo.iii lo l, i1., f.... I the estate will amount lo many millions per afiituin. llrrning fust. A .S..t;TiiKit( MuvkiKr.ln the Mk- """'IT' ie!iaiaiurc, a (lay or two since, .11 r. "''' k caib d up resolutions toucbiti the lre-iI nlial b etions of I s-'O 'J hey de eiare t hat n an llie national convt ationa re- j t,K ,r nominate Presidential candidate i ''0 ar,! ''' on tbe slavery .luestion it i j Poper lor I lit- people of tile ,vtale, irre-pec-1 tive ot party, to meet in primary M.-emhlies mi. I r. n i del. Elites to a Male coiivention lo nominate an electoral ticket, pledged lo . vote lor nieii tv ho recognize tho cousitlulion- nl ri-bts of the Kouth. They also invite other ."ioutheiii fSuioa to unite in similar j movement. A day Was lixed lor their con- si'li ration Plt'.TB" TK. lit'Sl.AVK PlK.I'KHTV. The X'irii.i.i L.-).-i-la.iire is considering several bills designed to prevent thee-eape of nj.j. live slaves. In the course of the debut on Tin---lav, it a Mated that the i.eoi.le ol r x. i 1 . V V . ! S "f"'k '",V ," "la,e P'"per.y to ,,e value , ol .-Mi.iKJU w It In ti the la-t twtdvu niotiths. i 'ne of ih. bilis provides for I be iti-peetioii of j ve.scls, to - c that no fugitive on board ; 'team packets pnji.ij: the oltlcir f " for ;ae, ' ii.sp. etjoii, other tessvl, MO, I Til E Il.fcsi l.r M. I Rill PRUM'TIUN. Millard Fillmore wi I lake possession of the palace occupied by Frank Pierce, o;e ymr Jruin In iliiy, ( March 4) Cut this out for Ucpiag. .V. J'. Ljyrm. WBiuiw "$ I lt I.U-.X WMVMa St Trlrgmi'ktd fur Hit Sou Ik CmiiM. lltltlVAl, OF TJ1C III L1!C Four Dita Lstlr frwiti F.Nrupw. New York, Marcb 4. The Ktcnmer Baltic, wilhfour days' Inter , , . . 1 it J1?4 lurfPe- "e.r! Liverpool dates i to ednesdny, tbe 2(lh j . . t. - Tbe Loudon Time aunoonca that tbe !J.i.i...: . ...j . t i: t .:. sb1out to U t' C.nad. ScversI l ol'"'r regimenU will follow, so as to conceit- j .ra,e " po-cr.u. orce . .... eu,r, rreVBence or .tie ; rumored ola, thut every regiment ntt cb- L,1Hvm.a tlat , on. ! ed ,0 '',c 1 0,!'c er"'! ""?! the great number of w j 'l0'"' tlw" trv,tfc4 U '4'"r"1 j faucon ealablisbmeut, lan.iua. Tn,.nn m,riei eriminoMcitremolv u6 r.V . ml . . f "d "Z TZ A0 ?V" f lh" 'A'. V"1 ,e.' ' "" " r 1'1 , , , ,,nr, ' 'new on o'.5.00l'.n0(, " nnounred, ; "c" "n. ""P-0"""''" ' 't'ltrtfaw !j lsv.kas.ts tvt r alvAiil th fnarta rnr.a.. H.ron 1. ,,nor.d have .a:d that ltussia sincerelT desire. Ipce.but .r peace be not made within 'thne or four week", t Ihe farthest, from the opciiituf of the Conference, serious d.f- cculties luitd.t intirfere with the hnal si-ltle- : r - - . Lord Clarendon had Ull III UI S.IIC llslt Jl IUII. . 1 .... .. ,.r .1.. n...:H a t.rirate interview with the Kuinrrjr iu,m.. pt. rjr iiiiiuv : dintelt on his arrival at Pari The Duke cf Norfolk ia dead. An article in the Aaaemblie N'atinnalf , (I'-rk) to.ichi.itr ti e defensive work, being constructed at Portsmouth, F.mjl.iid, k - elicited eenne remark, and ia looked upon en.!,., .1 . .n.l.;. ;.mn ,.f V,..., ...I. ; Olly. ihe advices from Asia are to Ihe Jth ! January. Six battalion surprised a bat la page. 1 lie ll.iasiaaa aubwriuciilly attached . I 1 J . l. -ll. uc l arua a anu eeirrai tillages.. Front liuasia we bate inteliigence that the Emperor brother, the Grind ltike Nicholas, ha.m.rri...l the Trincess of Old Clibnrrr, Alrxnnd.i Detrowna. The cotton matket has been dull, with salesof '.'ti.nt.O bales during the three days, including S,.')(lt) bales for cxpo.t. Mauchca- Ur advices are uni banged. im a ti T.. . l'o.,.. Tt - i- I II r I R.sii.icy. l he arr.roaelimp con- test for will be one of tbe moat: luomcntous th it ever agitated this country. ! il .1-1 e .t ... . Who ran think of the election, by ii t, lu-iiig inrunii iiiiu tue iiou oi iif rire- ' ,- i , , ., i i. : aeutalitrs, ninJ a struggle there, ending liko .1 .f.i .1 . : .i . i r i.i i.i that of the .speaker, iu the triumiih of a Hlaik if it- -.i . . ii ! ti i- , I.epubhcan, without a .hudder . TheLnion I ' ,, , , . , , cannot survive that catastrophe. HuU- ... ' ... I, ..In.. Il,in.ii Inln ll... II 1 U . .... . " A I'TMAttMlskH An old Isdv died in Newton, N. II., lately whose prorn-rly, ae- I cuuidlatrd through her miserly propo.iai- ties, was Worth, ceording to appraisal) 8:,.41 half of the auu, .he w. es-iu.sicd lobe ioesscd of Ta show on what an extensive scale Were aooie of ber lwiluU.larp.nnn....u .Uk.rt l nj ........ G.I coverlid. 51 UabkeK 27 tedi itb 1.-' tfK- pound of fiather.,54 ullecorer and toMrT of fwrl-r ,ow. "S lw churning.. il Lai.dLrrcL.rr(ftLiUlkttlioli amount uf ; " U ,lJk U of ""J eo,OM ? Lt r spparel did not eirecd f 10 in mine. 1 f" rej li-d the Vat.-e, wii . j near akin to tho .S.M'k fn.ily, 1 gum 'would never a& that qaentMiQ if tan CtJBiota DotlJl.K MfcAMNO -riaec t rn ni. k.ow-ihe? re d,rvd ; pli ff any hrjuor on tha t-lle ; put a lialiDlorrS upecktMcr tbatk that Lultcr i.M C over it and nay, "I will engage to drink j . . every drop of tho lifjuor under that hat and 1 ; )tl I 11 nut touch the Vou then pet under the tal !e, and after riving three k(k, you make a noi nithyour moinh, i a tf you were awailomnf t'-e iKjuor. j hen f .fctiin from utiderthe lahte, ou si?. v?i.i.t iiM-n, he pleaded to loik.' Some oim, , eter to ce if you bave drank the li-juor, i -"""! - '"" J the elssM ami dru.k Ihe coiiti-ma i.iim - , ' (ei.tlcincn. I have fulfilled mv nronuia You ,rR .Une,.... thai I di,. ,,.",. " - - -" ' ' ' - suvo ",e hiL 1 A Nrvr.l. AnrniTr. Tt "At. Ounami,t. The Lynn (M as. ) .New., tell of two boy ,1 one of whom waa boasting of the beauty of . his fathvr'a hr.n. " It'a a. r..r. . " I said he, " and it s poing to have somelhiiiir 1 "dieve all you bear, including Ibo .lory of cl-e" " Wh it ia it r" asked his interested ' ufferer. I.y 'euviu, take patct.l inrd comp.nit.11. "Why, I heard father ti II 'cine, attend utio:is po larf. ly iiU mother this iroriiiiir. that it'a poin? to hat. t?1'1 enterprises, and your pro-pe-cl is irood a moi '"1! on it I'1 I Woman's CLIiloMTT.-The following . 1 . . 1 . . . M Faony. " Wby lab, Amy. of course I dou I know." Amy." Well, I brush and try il.-' going to get tbe boot Amy Cuds out, on I the scene closes. Tiir Military ok thie I. rt remark able feature of the celebration of the V2J of l ebruary, on, waa the crossing of be Icl. ware by the " Minute Men," Capt. Ilerry. Preceded by the Peim-ly vni. Cornet Hand, the company pot on the ice at Poplar street a barf, and marched in regular order across to the New Jersey shore, the band at the antiie time playinif llie national I airs. On the return, the lee -exhibited ' symptoms of wer.kness, and by tbe time the ; company reached iho wharf they stood over ! shoe-tons in water. An immense email i witnessed the crossinr. and the speetnt'l" tailed np memories of the winter of '7f when the American troops, wearing the uniform, were often lo be seen upon tho Pulawsre. l'ltilwlilj,liin American. Si i .sJhimvt Th- . st t lor : wl ic arr ved .. v - i 1"tI' r'""'1 I'ranc.seo, from '"oat-wa.rr jn.y, wilt, a cargo of oysters, rfPnr falling in with a sea serpent when Key. His sea serpenlship was r,'I,0'llJ( " l' surface of thn water, coiled - UP l'i. l wti.-.i the ress.-l got within ten feet I be undid biinvlf, and swam by us with his be.d several f. ct out of wt-r. Its len-ib 1 a. .U,t f. ' olU was forty, nd its ctrcumfvirence a-1 boat two fed. Losiiie fow for the sakoof . eat Tt.:. me fow for the ssko of a rat. Thi. . . . 1 thiues luUrpretat.ea f g0Wg ta law. ' a III.' 1 TIIV IMVIII) ATtl W Soino yean aiueo 'a eotnuiitte wat a p. pointed in Fariu to iuTettigata tho influence I on the publio bealth, of She tenth gcneri. ' d by the workibopi of the " Knacld r " I The occupation of the knacker coui.ts lt I " tbe conversion e doad, korxet to u..fuj put poses ". !on establiihment, t,.,( , of Motitfaueon, no fewer than from txehi. to fourteen thousand korao are dipoat" 0f snnuully, and ua a eoUMMpicBoe, the air it, ... i ..i . : . ........i-u :. l . I auu Rvuui i in vjwaut j iiiwivu inq el. fiuvi from auimnl remain in every poil,c atate of decoinpoaiiion. The committee re ported in evety cianiiiiutipli mado of . , . ' - l "imilr ostablmhm..U that ab.le , tllllw,,,er was most oftnslve ami di. gu.sting there acre ri" facts to show that it was unwholesome, On tho contrary, it I . . , .... 'nitrreu thai tin. auu otucr eaunie., wuich expe t0 8UIU)al ctUuvi. tu It,, j jtensjtj( W(Te conducive to health. Duri,,,. case occurred aiuun worLn.en in the Mont ml fewer in tf.t i.,;..i.i,.,i,A,i .I.. ... . . : " lry w,r? "'7"rr7 ,,0m dioferuilu, img ttj ;icprif." " Iu fact," he w ,ottt)d ,be n,fa et.joyinj; eoi . health, th women fruitful, and tbccbildrru ric,urell of Utltbful energy." A HcosikR AT Tlir. AhT'iK III lb I itirt rin eJ. ;fr ,ern 1o th. ,1,-- ease exhibiiioa at X,- lnVork, UI W 1.0 bad al.0 en tb h PO. ! ,ho"" " h "" Id jr rctuaia nn," f ..ked bim. ! " " o", no, he .n.wered thoughtfully, i"0" '" d"J- fur -m tb"re w . ri,,, m'"1 lllal,lr ul '' sw u. a.n, ami t , ' uPr,;J "J f Si ," ' "'t ' . ....I l.. . . I t UP .ue.r I v. ru-, a.t alloacU i aa ri"o' to be treated lo the whole. " Where did you atop !" aaid I, inlerr ! ,,"u : A. the Astor IIoue. I all.a you .1.,,, , ' i-lcl. u.c going to sucb again, lb., j B" 01 l"-y called it. f.ur l,.., inj hi in .tore breakUat, au l then, when 1 went W , I lit I lj 9al I llitl I Ultrw VU kUC li- ible." ! " Weil,', said tbe old man, enun.i rat i -i items cautiously, as if from fear of on.:.. : Mon, " there w a clean plaU aroug iu,- up, a knife, a clean towel, a p'it poou, . baud bill, and what waa worse, " added hi. con panion, " the iiisultin' nu ;rr up m i , a-ked me what I wanted? ite, aa). I, . bruij; iu your viltlca, sod 1 II help myself . . . ,l i . . A tior.ti I!e."N A eountrt oedpo?oe had two pupil., to on of whom be Wa. ve- ry partial, and ibe other tcry wtvere. (Ii- . uiut ning it bapM-ned that the-e boys were j very late, and were called to acrount for it ' "Vou mut bare heard tbe bell,, bov , . ,-, . ... ' ; . wiit .iiu vnu iioe roio . " Please ir." aaid (be farorite. " I aa. " w.i-aiiiiif i a it irfiH iv va.iwrnv. . .... .... . , . ,, ' . .1 ... .1... I ..l:r ' tnq nl W lua . . . . ,, . . , . ,, steamboat bell I was goi.i m. .... ,. . 6 . , . " ery well, air, said the master, p a : . . ,. . h f a pretext lo excuse In. favorite ; an H. . , , . . now, Mr, turning U the other, " wbat lav . ... ' vou to aav I you to uy . ' I'lea-e, air please sir." the p-ai-sled boy, " I I was asitio' ten. Tout off; ' Tbi pedaoue rinoed. j 1 IJ"l ' " Do yoa waet ra'.l pr""" I f hutlee'" ak-d peddler al.o bad puked up at nily different place. " bat sort ol DulUir u that I aaae-l the ibtfrehabt. TU clear quiil u'. by my wife from A Kt w TcArncn " Sally Jodc, hare you done lli.t aunt i a. t yoa " N o thir. I can t do it." " Can't do it! I tin ashamed of you Why, A your age I conid de any sum yoa nl me. ' ' I tl.iult. thir, I know sum you esu'l ibifer out." " It ilh Ihilb, thir i If onj apple eauthed . . L...7..H ,..l , nigrum 01 ine whole biiman rathe bow r.r.y tbucb will it to ,k? . barrel of thi der!" follawinj recipa it ni ta be inf.i'li- ' ' warranted to pivq sn unfading a,or : 10 "ye Ifreen, invest miney in fal.C T Stock ei ve fre-elr to nreran.aril.drr. f''f siying a meat decided green. Cnn t -A . of fresh lard as lar-s . . " ny allowed lo pro-.-r point Com. A. J". lUemng J ott. CONSIGN FF..S PEP. P. AIL 15 OA IV JIK..M tiik 4th to tme ITtu or MA. i II. J. Sl V. fs'towe. Itosboro, C. 4. Ce, , J Caldwell, T. II. Mcltone, W. M. Holland, M. A.e.y.J, Hoke, W.X Co, U. F. Caimler, W. It. Duval, J. ll Gordan. lAll) (t Hry IIIUF., until lb, l.t f Apr.l. a. at I?t )ONK 3 ltfor v shoe t: Mi OKU V. Mtirth , Ik',."., M l': rJJ U2 TI. tai In the Original Hafchti, IV IMXKS or AND 12 Pot Ms. AND IN I'si a.-i.s, or J. , 1,5 aau 4 rocsns, rna an av f BTJZaiJS & CO., (na.nisAL isvrsTna. or a.i tt 1 e rrs ml.) Wholesale Dealers in Teas Only, N. W. con. or M.uir a Nivth Fr. , IMIII, ai)i:umi. a 1 i Trj. in Mi-h.llie f. L. n. ,.n in If, If "'a. enel.'mtnf a vtrielv rf b..lh tl.a. k at.d ,,r,r"' - l", , . Pr...l.d of Pr.ea, Terms, Ac , lurn.aht J bv m..l t. .11 who order thn. I All Tea. warranted lo plente, or ne .l. Une and the same price and term, lo all, "' 0B"n"7 - . - ... . ...... ll-ilt . itrtia ot niaea cf and f Oraea abut i a... Halt ' nrtia oi intra dint, in a rami ij psiinu'. uiu. o.-u.

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