-ra, svill he involve! in one common ruin. lla would five tbrm hi bund, then. Come and help ui I We are more in danger from the stay in which our rummies use the bu'.lot lox than their uc of the cartridge-box. The I. u of the American party was to preserve the Constitution and the Iniou intact ; to preserve ttiem from every hand that should be raised against tlictii ; and they had every tiling to Lope from the pa-trtoti-m of th' ir course. lie dosed by "nying, " wo strive for our native born sovereignly and our native born aupretnacy in t tie land which a bencfiei nt (iud has given u. Who is he that can resist liie American people, when iu a just cause they tnnd before tind and 111.111 to defend their rij-ht ?" If tin- party will hut act wor thy of their noble cause, they will triumph through its purity and patriotism. Cheers, long aud luud Ks-w riiitlo hi of tin: 4un ricni I'.ii I j . 1. An humble acknowledgment to the Supreme I?o:ng who rules the universe for Lis protecting care vouchsafed to our fath ers m their successful revolutionary strug gle, and hitherto manifested to us, tiieir Ciseeiid id's, in the preservation of the lib erties, the in leptmlciice, aud the uuiou of these States. 2. The perpetuation of the federal Union and Cotisutaiiou as the palladium of our civil and religious liberties, and the ouly are bulwark of Ann rieau Independence. 3. Americans mu-t rule America, aud to this end native-born citizens should be se lected for all i-'tate, federal and municipal ofhcs or overtimciit employ uie ut, iu pre ference tu ail others ; tu-v ert hctess', 4. Persons born ol American parents re siding triiiporarily abroad should be enti tled to a.l the rights of native-born citizens; but 5. No person should tg selected for polit ical station, whether of native or foreign Linb.) nho recigiiixcs any allegiance or obligation of any descriptive to any foreign priiice, potentate or power, or who refuse to recognize the federal aud State constitutions (each v-it'.iin its pphere) as paramount to all oiler laws, as rul-s of political action. 6. The unqualified recognition and niaiu tfoatice of the reserved rights of the sever al Stat", and tiie cultivation of harmony "end ft.1tei11.1i pood will between the citizens of the several States, and to this end, non interference by t'ongrcss silli questions ap-p-rtsitiitir sol. ly to thS individual States, arid tion-iuiei venti jii by eacti State with the iiflairs 0! any ctln r State. 7. 1 he recognition 01 the right of the native-born aud 1 aturaiix -d ciiir.-ns of the l Li ed St-ites. perniai.i tly rc-si Jing in any Ter ritory thereof, to frame their constitution and laws, and to regulate tiieir domestic and social affairs in ihetr own mode, subject on ly to the proii-iotis of the federal constitu tion, w :tii 1 In- privilege cf admission into the liiiou w'neiiever they have tne requisite, popuiaimu f-.r ctf rcj. reseiit-itive in Con pt, ss. 1'ro. i It d all ays. that none but those ho arc r it: sens of the United States, under ' the con-tKuti'n and laws thereof, and who have a fixed r s dciice in any such Ttrrito- : ry, ought to participate iu the formation cf tne coiititut!oii, or iu the enactment of laws fur said Totrilory or Mate. An enforcement of tuc principle thst lio State or Territory ouht to admit others tbau of tho L'oi'eti States to the richt of suf frage or ct hold.r," political office. !- A char.."- in the laws of naturalization, rtiakhig a cuit'i.u.-d re-Mince of twenty-une 1 years, ot ail nut hereinbefore proi ided for, an inriiipetis.ble r. rpisite for citizenship here after, tud rx'iuuiiig a'l pauper and per feutx eouvicted cf ctime frm landing upon ourslio.s-s; I ut no interference with tuc ve-t i riuhts of foreign. r. t ipj.fisi i ,n to any iiiii jn between Church an 1 State ; no intrfi r- U'-e with re ligious faith or wor-hip and to test o.itha for cfije. II. Krec and thorough inveti nation into any and ali alleged abu-e- of public f Jt,c- . t.-joanes a til a urict economy iu public cz pcudiiureif. l i. The inahiUnat'ce and euf rcemeiit of all laws, c ji,-titut:ou..l y enacted, umil aid laws hail be r-p!ed, or snail be declared ttui'. au 1 void by c Jin jicttut judicial author ity. 13. ' lpp')s!tiin to the reckless and unwie policy of th- present ad iiMiii.-tratiou in t'ne geutral niariaeiiietit of our batiotia! ailairs, and u.orr especially as shown ju removiti Amerieatis ' (by He-inatiou at. I eottser vati t in pi ineipii-) fr un oiTi'-e, and plac.ng fireicn-rs aiel u trai-ts in their f laces; as Klir.au in a trucking aub'trvit wx to the rtronger, an J an insolent and cowardly bra vado toward tin- weaker powers; as shown iu re-opi-i.in? siete nal ac.ta'ion by the r. peal of tae M ;ssoui i Ciiii. promise ; as s'.own in wratitit.jr t unnaluridaed for-iner. the 1 i;iit to sotfi j,-e in Kan-.as and Net ra-k ; as Known in its vac ila:.n.' e-jur-e on the Kau- and Nebraska rjwtioii : as shown in tiie en ru tions which pervade some of the department of tiie j;oi ert.Micut ; as shown in di-L'rariti' merit ious naval ofli'-er, tbrougn prejui'ice or cap'ie- ; aud an hown in tiie blundering uasiuiii;i ineLt of our foreijn relations. 14. Therefore, to r tiitdy cxUrinz evils, and (nevent the disn-trous consetpjeiiees otberwi.se re-ultinj; therefrom, we would build up the " A mere in party ,! upon the j-rincijlcs herein .evre stated. 15. Th..t each Sf.te Council shall bare authority t' iififml thiir wvcral ron.-t'.ta-ti"'ni as to at'oii-h the several dpgrees, and ubs:iut- a pledge of honor i;,-tead of other ('lij.-utioii., for fe.iow.-.hip and adnii. aiuii into the party. 10 A free bii'1 open di-cjusi in of all po litical pMi.e;pU- tint raced in our piatf. rm. StII I. Has A " Pll,i;." It is;-taleil,th:.t af. t-r all that ha l .-, iis:,;j a, ,ut iiiruum's lankruptcy. the " Piin.-e cf Sl.oamcti " ha over enc hundred and I'I'y thousand dollars aecrred in tush a inatmr that ;.one of his rrediljis cmi tom-L a copper of it. Who It bows 1 ut Lis " I ;iii'Kru t. y "is merely Lis last speculation, and a Very suectssful one at llist. A in York Aem! !y man Las iniro dueed a hillim; the I--ilsture proliihi. ting the publication of unoiiviii- 'is letters in liwspnper- : and an. thcr S1011 Lss Lr vjg't forward a bill lo eX'li.ft ( i.r.'Miien of pav ing t ii! ill plank toads, in , tunipii,c-. A mnn n,;iy Laie a thousand avqiiriint-aru-cs sno 11, ( a liiind au. u.g them. Jf joj hate on.' true fii. nd, ti.i-u you lusy think yourself hiq py There is a certain kind of vice thst some per-sus wiil siiuv if it is v r au bad, and thai U ad-sice. Hortli Carolina acUjig. b V " WFuTOll i-m fix tPvMk jgmii mm charlotte: Tuesday. .Ma re I; IS. 1856. A 31 1: K It A X O 3 1 1 X A 1 1 OA. roit ritEsinnxT, MILLAR B HLLMORE, OF XEW-VOSK, rnit VICE-1'RESIPEXT, 1 fr-lrm im , g rr m f, V ,t 4 t : If If tli I i v. 1 w. . U-J t X aj U i U-i J tit t f Ol- TEXXt:.SEE. Day Appniiilcd. The eommiUte appniniej t" make prrpsrstlon for the erlehratii.n of the coinpletioti of ihr Nor Ui ("arolins Kail Rom!, has rrlrctrd the 4th nf July as a proper time. It is rather late, but the day is , good one. : """" " , inrrirnn f.imrntinn. 1 It is i.roi"S.U tn ,IJ a inectin? of the Anuri. : isprop.s.u tn iiolu a meeting of the Anuri- : cau Pori att;reei.,l-ro, on the loth of April, lor the pnrpose of sel. etirg a t'.imiidatc lor tiovernor. Sic. See the call lor a meeting of the Party in tins county, on the Dth iiiunt. Let our friends turn out like uicit d. teru.inid to tueceeU. V Tc fjilnwing" is thr Icttpr to which we re- LU luft Wtt'K, tVoill l hilfH I f1i! ; fir: (hash Uni l,.,n l -,r. K ...... W llilei',,, Z o,h po:'- uiif-rtuiiately trodden. It i. furthermore t, wa. rvctived bv yeturuiy-s stated, on the most reliable authority, that the v .r, r. s..r. ,,!.. i My IV, h m llL.ll. 1) ,,fT.,r.-s, .,. n1..s.1,. I.s ksv . l.Is. ... s..la vn..P i.,.,,,.,... pr,,,, , i.y .,..0 s.n.sl ..n. y. . A majority ot ineiv nn r t'lass e. t. i mined, as tt.ited iu tin lo-wspa p. r, two or li ree wn-ks ago,' to invite Arcli.ltishofi Hugiies tocitliv.-r li.e V-le. dirtorv Sermon to the i'last. The F-cuitv uw-n the earliest inliliidtloli llntt rciched tin In ol the Iji t, st.. terl to tiiem, tht in liirir r-p-nn.ii the mea. sore w is lil-aiivipt-d, alul itrgferi them not to prn. cei'd w-il.ioul to- eoficurrenee ol the Executive t'oin initle. 'l'he Executive t'oinuiiltee t n hs. n, nenl i y :ippreeii t-e course pursueil l.y llie F.coily, ami in liie ine in ttit.e tiie !l:io p o. (-lined the mwutn n. Lii life aw. ire th.il all si hrtions of this char--etcr, as in liie appointment of the tl.-..l-.r to ad. dress the I.nar iry Sut ieli ol Colhes. ,M.irh.ii, .c,, nrc oroir...rily it-H to llie . .ni.g men, and th.-t nejihi-r toe Fticoiiy nor the Trusi.ts, knew a-y ti ie ;:U.nt such -rraiie,.m.,S( m til th-y learn the Ciets from rumor, or ne,rpcr noticis. Be. voiui aosiee .no ejiwisi uia lion, lee r.cuu y are '. if. clothed with nr. Miwcrl.i intervenu in such malters.: I undeist nd thai the I'r. Kul er, of 11, in. more, I ss rt rei.tU b. en inviud hv 1 ,e iiieiniioous voiul aoviee snj exiioslulation, li-t Kacuity are V'te nf l,.e I 1 . to clenvi r the .tle.nrtisrv S .leliv.r the V ile.lirl, V . r llilior Cil' I .Hi iIIPHTV S' T. loon, and that M.iihiw W. Itaiis..io, En,.,of Wei. con, Lite Aiuniey Gi.neru1 has consented lo deii vi r tiu Anmi'il ACdress bi lorrti e Literary Socic. ties. 'J'he name of the ccntii uiui. whu i lo u li ( ver the A'ldn ss before lue Aiuitiut Asrueiation Ins ; not yet been suncunceH. V jurs verv resjs etfull r, i I). L. SWAI.V. 1 R. ti. Ai i.ii.s, Esq. I FILL)! ORE and DO.NLXSW. S n.e of Tl c S. Xirht j"umifl arc Ukrn all ; ainr ii hy tiie tin of Kilimore snU Pontlnon hy th: Afi-rnc.n Vrty for tl. Prtidincy ai;d Vitt- rcnJvii y. I "r t'ic lift of Dtrii!, tLcy Can not iron nit- it i tl. ir rn-ti'ir. I.i w two imn, feucti, jtirftct ii'iij'.Ji i a u w yt.ir j,o, ci. t: run -i) l.'C ue ticket i.on. Ti.cv Ux thiit t:e Aiiii ricstii Vrly if formed on i iicw (i s ti'or ni T"c imft distinctive tr;iit of which tlit A- M. HH'WH sHAl.t. ULL.K AkKIK I !" Till Citli UTIiU- jtl no i ve tli-t t ! .njct-n of t!it eovvrmiitiil a.wiulii Ise it u tu tutivtj Am ritJii'ii. Intitt4d of fuli(i 1 1 -jf tl.e hi: v.t.t ul n. J-ckw. n, of bc'm ji.g "( Amrriciuized," llie tiuijin'y of the p ovs-ri.mci.l li-it, lv n fr a uir.Lur of years tu gre.il org ree to prt-Kr foitipn Iu natiic Wn ci!i-K-nit. Titi Ii J berome iut!i a cryi' f vi! thtit the wuncitr in that tucii sj (':Tly h-tl nt iun fcrnied years kgu. H m j I Rund Uriilrut a tt rr;',!c Tsiil road : tcidt isl w )ic Ii h iCCCIlfit ot' .pM-r..d i.n the Sebcirt: and li"n ke ran r'ni nn the 1 1 t 't..iit. A pMjiieiiiitr. i,f tit tt j'i.tce, who wsii ul VVrUJfvii and heard h H e partif ul-r ..' the acci. ijf ut, ft frt- nt it at iiiofsl hrtrrit!c. Hi '.v u in. ffjfut d ih;;t I 1. i-ngne-r lit-.ird r jtort d llie Lncge a oiiisii fe evcr.i Inn. I tin- j true, tl.c fii-n. at"-r ut the roau aituKi he i Iti to o rid necbun- !r. fill rut rc in Vff ;sr. Ti,' N, w Vnf a l.x ;,f. . s siiur, 1 1 In .1 1. 1 reae. -s tlu Mr. Ii!ln,,.re i'Hs Sfetr,i,j;tl, in tint SUle iiici nilent of, ti.d si.vc all .artn , iio ,11 par. y sirrngtli. N uem. -jf ,jf u: 111 ri.ar.i' ur, lui 111 til r, s( tts Ine r. rn ol' vS in. II. 8, s.H, ilil t.r b in w.,n 1,11 w,y up from tn limnbl? uosition tu in. Vice pr-,idr.ey snu I'n i,J, nr v cf lit I', biftil s-t.tis, sn,j l,e I11, w.,ii ili.t sir upward; , witimi.t ..rt, truk, ry.,r fraud, butty mere, trenftli of cii.i.cur, t .l. m n.d unnciule ; m.d ih-t ti.e , ot I, ..f ,v.s V,.rs .ill tke care of lnm, sn.i ' tl.i r-. ;ie, t bun more tlun tbey did . 11 in Isj4s,, wln such t e,(.ri,-us 11. me as tit-.t t( AbU.lt La r Iter, nf .M.is,uctils, llit, v., ,J aairle fr tne Viti l'r sun i.e v, lo ttrei.tlwi. the 'l-vler tics.t 111 New Vork, by the pouub rity tnd uvwir of Mr. I 'iiui.br. . Lneland anil Ihr liniid .Slato. tut. jjirnc e Ir. in Kur.'jK: h.s a ti-itdr nt y " to in.-r-;isC the eoiifid.I,ce ..t those who lw,pe for an uiine.iiic s' jualuiriit el llie euei"fis now dispute urlvrsen t,.- r . couiilri' s. Tlii denre is s tlnbut . ble in part 10 the latp (s eeii of fr I' . liii, r.t-.i, on the Am, riean ettesti, 11, in re. piy In t,, ml, n,,(;,,l, nt. nf Mr. I 'ub.ii n I'-e l llillS Ol ti , s.t sf..eior,- imprfss.on jiroCuted l, th. rrin.,r of Tord Pslot.-rsioii. on u,e relations i b twiii, ti.e two ct.uiitri. s, eoiiri.i. 'i 11, il.e ,n. noon';' nn-l.t Hi. lire ti.t' us-n r,s . f ihe r' .j.'.tliv. go, rrtin sots ou ti.e niistinenl on. stioli s:e sti.i go,njf on, instead of basing' U. n br. u'it to s ron. ciu.ioii, upon ahieh ruel. party nad takri, ihtir st.,l,u, wh.ie Hiiii re,pet to tiie rouslr u' tioo ol U.p (' i,:rl Atiific.iij trealv,l e fii,.,.li yovrri.. ' tn' i. I Liie po.itiily proj.osrd rrf'-n wr ti arbi. iriio.i. Aa lii..- ll.uiatrf n re wsitii.f; furtir in forrri, tinn Irom M r. 1 r ,iiiil..n b-fort giving a r ply tu the' i-isl l' t: ti i,ea froiu W-isbmtoti, tnd il it c-f t,iin lust lb. ir wi-h, s, weii as the wish of f'arl. cwnt and lbs pop. will be t.i ,' tsnw ii.och n.i'f.id ef bow l,r liter c: n eoncedt. And Mis f, k . thst tsturiurif. ts ti.e rounlry ii disposed la do, ! thst tim.i .r trri.fif pretax 3-ir. tn rasjnslty 1 of American citiiens, all postibility of an ultiniule rupture between tliu two countries un lliut reunJ may be safely disuiisstri. On the Central American question, the offer of referring it tu arbitration, seems also, to most per sona, to place it beyond danger. I'nUss etch i lutatilis toel.iiui tn he Inaown I nrptimeiil it Hie true cue. the ,... ami o-tmy, n uwn jud'e at to which re is, of ciiurse, in reatnii ami t tirisiiamiy, no resource uui 10 can ujioii the judgement ef a third party, and to agree to abide by lis ill ei-ion. In the pruenl case, doubtless, it would be more satisfactory for belli tides to arrive at a friendly interpretation by the tieneth ef their own intellectual and moral per ceptions. If, however, through prejudice or any other cause, we have come to that mutually dis. rrcdiUblc pass that we cannot find the truth ex cipt through the wisdom nf a stranger, it it cor,, tulcrcd n..t credible that either nation will blot its history, and challenge the condemnation of posterity by assuming the responsibility of nject. iny it, and insisting ou wr. Russia and France A B rlin correspomli nt of the Loia'nn Timet artirms that the Emnrrnr Akx itider Iri.d twice. ' but without tuccess. to lure away latuis N.iiohun froiu the alliance with KnljliH. It it stated that j friendly courtesies, but of a strictly private na. lure, had bci n kept up since the couiiiieiicenieiit I of the war, bctwe. n mi nibers of the iin;ierial lam. ily of KtisMft and tiie Princess Mathilda, the cuus. in of Itis Ki.ieror of the Frrnclt, s imtuisl resutl f of her iiiarri. gr willi Trince lnmidiff. In Sep. tember last, political turn was yiven to llu, nnd one ol the suii.ll German Stte uiulertook t.. oripg about . i separate H.aet bi twein rraneeand Russia, Russia communicated to Franco the concessions ,he os willing to make, and which subti qm ntly wtre putjished ,n tl.e circular despatch of the oi.a ..r !..,.... i.- n...i : i. ...... ..fl". r. A .n France smeiai advantorcs for herself. Th. e France special advantages tor herself. 1 Iii - m - .temptations, however, the Emperor resisted, ol. though the alliance offered by Russia o,-..cd the . , r , ' ,, r w iud field for Irene!, ambi.ion and love of con. iust. fonsiderable territorial acquisitions were to I the priee and retult of this union nf the two createst and most aL-'-ressire military p-.wers' Hut it involved a breach of the Einnerur's ereace- . - j uieurnu. tiui.v uiu 1111 urvu oia ill- a-.1 .1' .1 ,1 nicnt with England, which weuld h.ve tiin.wu ! telli -eul countenance that " somethiu" rich "! ,e,K'e' unlcs 0U,J compare the noble . scss sufbeieiit tflcstant leisure to allow thrm i,;. ii. n. . ..... .. .ii. .i ...... . i,..ei.. i 1 r '. It. . jr ! M ecklenburci ans with the degraded Kam- selves to the L'spini. iras.nif crowd once a c',c,i h' f,c,s i""-d.-''tly to the prc,K.-r ities of London and Vienna, ...mmm luthor- X j The conductors of Bishop HiisIips rrgin fiver in S.il.shury are very much mil taken il'they think they have riled ut. We were not bom in the woods to he scared ly an ow l. Wc think tiny had belter couple iheir own namrt with Gretly than ourt. Mo two can walk tepelher w ithoul they ore agreed. We j;o fir F.ll niore Greely at uses l.iin. You abuse Fillmore. so docs Greely therefore you arc clearly cut. lied to be linked with him. at vnur connexion. 1.11- 1 - . IT " c reerired a coininunicit-.on invitmf s.i . , , , '" of Temperance in Charlotte, specially to slteud llie uuelinK of the l. vision in Wciiaesiin v M'l . I .,..nti,d I In, m,lir i .iit.iii.... KH I it. evening i.esl. 1 Ins notice we suppose will i n- vcr, .1 we rouiu noi insert inc eoiiiiouniosiioo this week. 1011 TIIE N. C. W 1110. TK M VEllX N CE M E ET1 NG . pursuance to notice, tbe friends of Ii temperance nist ll.is a ay in tiie Unuit House r ... ,,. J .-, .. anu oriranixea fcy ca iiiij; . it. t. mtt to tbe i chair and J. U. iikiusou was rcouested to' act as secrttarv. Mr. I'. J. Lowrie was called on who cx- r.l;..l .1.. ..I.;..,, f .1.;. ..,..,.;.... On motion 1 .1 Lowrie Wei Bitbiin. aa f'icle from another paper and publishes ' M,S Col. 11. J;U UDJ- cditorialbead'in hi, ow'n psper. ' . ,.,..,.;.. is...i n.- be "endorses" that article. A friend in- mittee throuch their chairman made tbe fol- lowing report which was unanimously adop-! ted. M'hereas, it is the settled comiction IKJ 'ins convention mat me laws ol the luiui lit ltd 1,1 ..rrt ir!,. ffir f Iim t,rr.!r.ft i..n r.f .1. .. l e eit- i.e i.it- "ens iron. ,.e evs arising irom t ie isiquor ; tt he disdained any concurrence w ill. I pent, reading people ; snd th,l on a contested Traffic, and whereas we believe this protec , ,,e opinions ad tanced in the quoted eon.. . maltcr of so much importance as the ones liou should be lodged by law in the hand, municalion. Tie ebarye, therefore, of be- i lion now before them, they will re-id I oil, 01 the sovereign people the myites er.l be-; leiving that the blending of the question of temperance with parti,an squabble, and by bringing it so as to mUrfcre with the par-1 tv fcffi.iation of independent votes Las had an cii.ct 10 prsjuuice auu einoarrass our; ciu'c, snd with a desire to disengage it, j irom an entangling amanccs anu political issues so tli.it it may Hand upon its own in tr f H"'r"" n-lappeal by its own ucoin- ; euuanvus 10 uie circumstance anu support ( ui 411 i'.ww. . ueus 01 lueeiiim 01 every par- ( ty. Therefore, ! ,7 sufrer, As the sense of this convention, j that wc dimply ask of candidates for 1 Le Legislature who may desire our votes t h n t 1 they will eon-etit to vt if elected for thei passage if a law by which our present Li- j cense Laws may bu to chaujed as t rro-1 vide thut intoxicating drinks should not be ss.1,1 til us t ... .lain .n .riv Miui.iiiiA. cept under License obtained, and further ..... ........ ... . r.., .),... providing that the quei tion of trallie. be submitted aunually to the voters common school district in the state. districts .u which a majority vote no ''0 sales of mtnxicaling drinks to be allowed i "S !3W. ' quantities, except for ine-1 oiciuai, mechanical or sacrtmental perposes, ; ' J Le provided for by Law ; aud iu those dis-'. tncts 111 which a timjorily vote traffic, tLe I . . . - 1 . , 1 1 1 1- . t tamp ii i.e leganzeu unac r liceiise, wiin sui.ti regulative le-tncliuDt and ducretiot.- .... ' . .1 1 . . ary puw.-r as me legislature may see nt lo 1 provide. I iVjor'r, J hat it is not advisable to nom-! aK- ' ,a oiks', said he, travelling leis intte any candidates, but to support those, j urcly through Virginia, when I heard from without reference, to political parties, w ho ; considerable distance, a confused noise wiil pledge themselves to vote for the plat- i mingled with odhs and imprecations, and foi in of this convention. I when approaching near the cross roads, I liiKiknl, That this convention be con-'"1 dense riti of men, apparently t'.in2 sidered as a regular organized temperance ! , convention lor .ijeeklenburj' county, and '' i.. :.. ... in 1 . 1 . . . thst a con. mines of ID be appointed by the ' chair wLo shail be called the ! cklenbur ! i-riIaLe eommiiiee whns. .!,,i. Ii sl,ll . 1 11 .i.:. '. .: " 1 ' .- i sw i.i. .tn tun . 1-1.111:11 ifjeeilier iroill lllllC ( ,. ,; ,,. ., .... , v . . ! 1 ne iiioniii'. I'ciiiieinerj were at.nointed ........... 1...: - a'. 1. ... . ' .it ... uni? iu ine resoiuiion , i, . n vv ai. i .....!.. I . . M .. 1 ... . . 1 r .... 1. 1 . ... 1 u.,., . ,..,. n,n. L -..- . I . .. ,. . .. Tho. Priee, V. Maxwell, J 15 Roberts,,,,' I and J. ii. Wilkinson, after ti.e .We w ,' ! di-poed of Col. U . Alexander ai d'' J Lowrie w. called upon who made lont1 Lsppy r-marks ' """ I wa, ,.ved V e T T! Ti ' I i1 . i ' It was moved by J. li. pjnicl tunt the i i. rum. ,-iaiiii. av. i;v s. iir. i lias. J rr,i rroceedino, ef .hi. ..,;,, i. ,.,.1.11, i.,t :.. I '. . " , , "r .7 r ' the towu Miiiers and lb Si. r t of 1 ,. A , ; . . - - - .nv 1 " U1011011, the meeting adjourned to 1 meet again at the call of the vigilance com- 1 1. 1 i u 1 1 r r 1. , u . FOtt THE N. c. vino. Mr. Editor: I Lave just read in the " Western Democrat," under the head of " The Monument Question," a " labored " cditorii'l article eomiut niiii.tr upon my ccui niunicatioD published in the ' big " of the lib instant, io wbitb I ex) o.-cd what I consider tho erroneous opinions atd s.uti menu of "a writer iu the ltaleijjh Standard," with regard to the erection of a " Monument to the signers of the Mecklei.buru I'eclara tiou of Imlc-pendciice,'' ut lvalcijjb in pref erence to Charlotte. I remark at the out set, that the article published by the Editor is bo utterly irrelevant to the opinions and sentiment expressed in my communication that itis difficult to find iu it sentences with sufficient bearing upon the subject iu (jucs tion, or perspicuity enough to require a reply. Hear him ; " Some persons are fiveca enough to believe that Editors "en dorse " every ibiug they select for their col umns aud it may be Hubert d. Allison is one of the number." The " Editor " lias con victed himself of "Old Fogyi.-m at least, by usin the adjective "green," because all the progressive writer of this truly pro gressive age, invariably use verdant instead of" green," especially when they have refer ence to (utilities of the mind and judgment. W hile w riting; about " preen," association of ideas reminds me of two illustrative an ecdotes, ruriwttthe month of March 1V4G, ted to au unusual len-th, on account of the tiful and , shi- encountered on ber pussngc a;.d being iu feeble health I was detained ten ilnvs at tbe Charleston Hotel. Purinu a brivht inorninj:. while btaiiding at the door of the Hotel in company will, the hospitable landlord and five or six o. her i "'t "7 t qnaiuiances, I -v I " ' - , """ loosing ea er.y ," s'' I TP"1'" 'y. uuw" - , at that very moment, he hastily remarked, j . . J f .' -f 60J.iIonujsi1,F . j ,4 t , , , j j ' i " ! ,i . " ; i, . j ' . ' . . - n t . . J , ru;f, f,.- ,,:,. ? THUr.iered 1.., .l. 1... p i.. .. .:. :.. , nas in siure ior ns wacn poiiiiing in uie in- j rectioi, in w hich be laid been gazing so ear - ucstly, he snid : " (ici.tlcnien, do you see '.Ui ll.:. !.!,; .,.,r, .' We answered in tbe affirmative. "Well, loue- ,,ul wle ',"lor conipiaiiis uiai i ..Ml. il... .,.,1 i.U,;,li "devoted a column and more of the from I he backwoods of Virginia, to purchase a small slock of dry .-cods, aud I have up to tbe present moment. liaDDced so as to ac- i J '' " no... a..i, , l.:... i i... r .u.. it ....I for be is so tcco that I am afraid if a cow should me.t him in the street she miht 1 of ,"a"k""1- the inconsistency of " a writer , Uowu aristocracy memory, on the police re mistake his bead for a cabba'-e-bcud and ' '." tl,e llaIc,t;n Standard aud his endorsers," ( ports, but that is generally suppressed or bite it off" in advocating the erection of the monument covered up by the kindness aud iulerfer- T ii- i ,i . . ' "t " Ualeigh." in preference to Charlotte ;! ence of iuduh-ent friends who do not wish 1 was onco walkinz alouj the street in : f . . i i .. i . c . i .i i p. . . i v i t " , if the discharge of this duty has treated them exposed. I ,. 1 , '' , , . , . , . . . i i appearca, ly their "stores, to be in violent f.' . ' J , . ' . ,. , altercation, approackmz near I discovered ., , lr ml- that they were sppa'eutly ueeetit men, ouc 1 ii t-f l l .k l i r 1 . e 1 1 . about twei,tv-uve. anl the Other about fifty-.1 I . . J ' ! , , ' . j Eve, or sixty years of age, and that the el- 1 derl V 11: iitlem an SCtUnsi to bo COIliilis out . - r r . ol the 'lUarrel only fefond best, when I f .1 11 11.1 nf lhi fiiiurr..! mi v t.Anml tint. Bhun . . t'euieei y uunjj lua u ssauilll2 liV. saio : ri- thcr call bun Verdant, for if von ii.m t hi : . . - ... will call you W Diadainioe to band v ep. . . . . . - . . Ithets with the Jwitor, I would mere v re- 1 mark on bis charts of a ' preen " hue or ' ' ercen i- .1 - a . 1 .... IV cuar-'C IS lino me prOCreSSlVe IllOUe OF l r r h v . 1 expression, of veidaucy, that he will find j out, upon investigation, that bis " brethren ! ; uu, ul'uu iuvesujiiiwun, uiai uis oremreu , .1.. -i .l-.a- t i- ; i luc ' ul" ulu ' r lro'" " . 'or u is in editorial us.tre universally ,cknow!edZed by Editors, and "tbe Rst of mankind " wilt. i th '"J exeeption, perhaps, of Mr. Joho . IJ. I'alu.er. that when an Editor transfers , he solitary exceptiori. ptfrbnpM. of Mr. Jolio y is it" is.. , J. Va uier, that when an hJitor transfur ; ! "'ed nie, this eveiiin?. of a case in point, j of. ree"' occurrcncs. It is the following : j 'J he " Editor of the Columbia Times " bavinjr transferrtd an article from one of ; bis exchanges, io. clear himself from the '. .I.;,rr.A r.f rifl.-lS.i n ir M nav 11.I1..A in 1 1, a : ..i : 1 . 1 .. -i i -I- ",, next r.umter of " I be Columbia 1 imrs. ' . ...... . . . .... ... i,,., " eretn," which Mr Palmer lias made ,g"aio$T Iiober, Allison," recoils up.-.-, his , own bead with Infold force. If Mr. Pal-1 ,,ier had stated Hat be dissented from the 1 ei.w, of . ,;- i. ,h. U.Uih K,d.,A " .- ... , ... ...v, . . . or if he had quoted the article in a sareas- tic manner, be lould not then be said to ' " endorse it Lilt having done neither, be , must feel tLe lliagrin ' of knowing that , ., -il.L--l:.-.l. ,U cJuorial bull.ren will charge him with, Ltin? green. 1 1 advise Mr. Palmer to read the lolloansr lines from JJurus : T, sre nlirselirsns filhrrt s. e us 'I'woiilfl Irom nsny any trrors fr.e us. And tullisli noiesi ; VV list mrs 111 cms tnd gsit woul.l le'e 11s ?" Bat tin- " Kdilnr '' baa ronvietsd himself, of the tharce of Ltiii'' " jrrem as any one . no is capat,lc Ot bringing two opposing ideas into contrast Lmm. Ii.ar him - - If the writer ,. can, to insi.mate that -., - - . ffie U i -rsed proposition, by copying may dire l.ome "Z U in- ' "7 loZ?lT JJ T'ttT' e if in th!the a.ticle from the iStauJard, in favor of gr.tiato yourself into the crsces of some re- "jd, ",;:U' ellin" f,t,n than l. " "e "ee "" '- , those the erection cf a monumei.t at Haleigh, he mied iJy, w ho will t ,en call L uZ "Zr ' V. twenty four iZ U itl'r1 ' o traffic insinuates what,, not true." Now contrast denunciation of my eomplimenlary remarks, j U" '"rJ "lt lt ,t ,s profitable, and j "dd "I'1-f 6 ldlifu.r 6J. (on ii i .I.:- .1. r-i ;.. i.:,.i. .i . i..,r n i ., J ' . I men wil do almost anv il, ('.,. i , seis ui to wi 4. H the writer ileana lo inMiiuate tLat wc 'his tLe following, which is tbo last sctitence in Mr I'aimers " anti-nioiiunien-1 tat tiiort : ( l ol .course menu anti-mouu j mct.tal," so far is Charlotte is concerned,) "e uave noi however fully tiidor.-ed I .1 ' 1 . .1 .1 11. 1 .... 11 . . aieigii, ami isoners aiiisou is welcome ; to make the mottt it. 1 his reunuds me ot 1 1. .1.1 I " unecuova wn.cn was rviaieu 10 me ny a; gentleman of my acquaintance, a few years intensely upon some object, or objects in tne centre, ami bearu iningieit snouts ex . 1. 1 1 t. . . 1 ... . claiming: " lltrrah for the white, Hurrah for the black ! 1" while a bully-lookinc but ,rfi,t.el v dress. , i.isn wsILm,, ,.f.i.J. 1 -r .1 I.. .: 11 :r. : . . n ! vl "' vnvic v.siiiuaiij sueueraiiitir, iiur- , . ., ,,, ,,, . . ,,. , , , S i,r, . r,r i . I.i, . .1 ' . V " mD 1 . .. r. m. . 1 1 1 ... 1. 1 .. . 1 Ri.uu.mir lur Lit, ijiu.-K. 1.I1..I. ., vim. un - ' . . . - f - - 1 -. - .ul; tic are r. Slid loositit nisnie nf th, run. ,1 .,,) . . uisnislkkl l J.rl - I.; . , -- - ..: of 'e W1 '9 M-Uiilly xcl.ai,.,.d at the' bis voice : Hurrah f.r the white eo,:'i' ' "id before, and I can w Lip ,,y ""n 1 ''' J" the following long and querulous sentence in ! M 'a''r"i '"Mc : ! I " A .rii.., ;,. V. Wkl. .1... . ------ ".k. mi- ninitnta nf " I!ah,..t A ian.i " .... I... 1 .f " ...... K.B n IJ., read with " ch vpnn a proposition 111 the " Pcmoerat," copied from a eoHimiinipiition in tne li.'ii. igh .".tsiKiard, for the errclii.n of ..i.iA ,.....a i7 i.:.i r t . , aii;- ' 1 and more of the Whig, in a labarod- effort ' and tbe people of Columbia are going to of- Id create ureiudiee auahmt the author of.fer tbe same impediment to high freights tliu proposition aud bin " cudoiscrs." ' Ion their branch of the road. I am opposcU I reply, that I did not info.... the rea- 'o monopolies in everything, ''"' dersof the "Whin "of iho article ullud- ; f P" 'I"" toluuibu and ChurloatoD cd to. for the simple rcaseo that the Br. steamboat Company may succeed . tide itself bears internal evidence that it!, MJT' iwoedcd, after mueb was nu alterlhoueht; for if the so.uniu- perseverance, in co.nplc.tdy nicutio,, in the -Yiiu.iut.on Herald," ,0 ; break.n3 up that troublesome and danger, which it relets, bad ot beeu published, we ou, nest of hllnott street runners w bch have never should have hca.d any thing more ; nolonoo. locality, and frcm the "le..,ocrof on the subject. Tboiow peaceable and honest men eau .ju.etly Editor con uic.,..s, in ridicule, upon my np- P "vocaMons, or walk out .al to native Mecklctibu.uiaus. ealliuii ui- , al 'J?'. wllhout ou tlnui to liri'ilv and solcumly rrolesl a .,t. .i ,.,: u ,i, ,,,nsi. fionof". writer in the Raleigh Standard."; one voyage, at least, as a common sa.lor All I have to say to this is, that ridicule is I hetl.er they will or no. Some have sh.p no test of truth, aud that be thus Mill shows ' for ether ports, and part of them are Lis prefetenee lor "the proposition." Uat " ' J'. "J bave qmt tho bus,- hcai Lim ou another point : According to j " turned thcr attention to more Hubert Allisons arguments, YV.shingtous reputable if not move prohtab e employ, monument should te ou bis battle-tit-Ida "J ,l'!,t M"or he ls1,h" where he performed his fleut deeds, and .' Brdl ' iJ . ,0. dcV not at tho eapitol of bis Slato or at the cap- never found any dimeulty m itol of the t. States." managing tbe other Mayors or their othcers This is what logicians would call a non -,!"' 'S f,r three wontba, and " sequitur " from my argument i because i &MS tbemselves Iota ly unablo to escape tbe " Mecklenburg Kcclaralion of Iudcpeu- I vigilauce of bun or kw police, they have dence " originated in Charlotte, and there- i co'.cludcd to give the matter up as a bad fote has Charlotte for its oiigiua) locality : ' !'J seck otucr 1,,arUr8 or olIl,r lne,a but the Ucuiusof civil Libeity throughout j of livel.bood. the U. States, aud the w hole world, claims "x'P h4 become so exlravsgat.tly hiu. W ..u. ...J il.oe,. ould lUrsfon ! fashionable that the oiiiniliiii mcu are com- L I""' propriety in erec.it,- menu- ul " al ",c "P"0' ol h,s 0r tLe CP: itol of the U. Stales, but at the eapitol ,f every Slate, aud at every towu aud hamlet j throughout the Luion; and so may it be, i Jj ; ' ' " We sZbJ no be ! 'T eT t i . ii i r .i j t. : iu his ereat leal on the aubiitt, should erect , 01)e j Kail.schatka to the Meckleuburif Sim,r!,. J ifj. enYe l( decline the honor ; ,, . . . and would merely lulorti. the Editor ' iu I passing along, that, according to " .Mitchell s i tjcoxrnpliy and Atlas, lie Miould .spell llie .1 uiniu ii.iiiv uiiiirsu.'..iiiniv.u vi i.s,.,, A f.'.,l,.,.l,..il.s .t.iu.l ..l a k am. PrpI cllutka." I cannot .-ee the El. t of the Sen , , , " , , . r , . , ,. 1 f , ibej will not think this VprJ uIoi-'-'- I meutioued only one lo- 'eality lor the monument, aud that is Char - j Vhig in a labored effort to create prejudice ea"' ul prop"iu w.iu ' ,'! ". ". To this complaint I re- . ( !. . .1..!.. I. .. ....I lil'lfr J. VMU.-t'l ft V'i iV UiJ U Uljr IJ JJVItJfc puis IMIIU. A JA Witt WtUw.llliatl IMV !) 1.1s. .'I . I.' 1. "'io native .Meckieiinurgiaiis ami trie " rest any prejudice agaiss. thru., I car. not help i it, the blame rests on the " proposilion, not , , ., -i f .- .i , on inc. I cbarjje them with advocating the I .- r .i . . i i i erection of the uionumei-t at " Kaleivh, in , . ., , , , , . ; preference to, or rather, as I should say, to iii-iciuim u. ui i , , I the exclusion of Ch 4nU8,e 0, .jero 1 r f 11 1 tiCvofnl s:l cavil. of Charlotte, because the very propos.t.on itself establishes, 1 .-.lM M .... - I I .. . I ... - . . . " . . I I r.i sou l aiwsiu'' i-.uii im.hv:iicc cuuisius iuc : . . lanrruaire ui lu uronusiiiciD. ' " If " Kobert Allison " bad been disposed . ' lo tell" the wliola truth, id his aioiiumen- . ... . tal ellort in the hi , lie shouM have iu C......J .k. I -r .1... ...... .I... . L . lul 'i"u ou m.uia. WI ill., vmyj-.r .was vu .. .. ... . '. . . " IVuioerat also contained a article, copied from tbe Wilmington Herald, in fa . ;,..;..... il... .i.i t. - I'sn'ij,! ... ..- . .,.r ,.r . n,.. t ri...1 OC1 villi a, I cavil, IUC ITUsllOl 11IC tMW.lli.U IUC 1-CaUlliUl BT8 BCI Iliay Clllillea ... S ' I J - -.-,u-...vU. ... . w.. ws,,. v...... , .,.,.... ih,i l"tte ; but, so fsr a. the reader, of litllTr '. . i! Journal are concerned, they are left to in- tr that we gav currency to tbs proportion r a i i l i for monument ut I.aleijrh iu disparage- fer that w gave currency to tbe proposition for a monu.i.ei.t at Ualeieh iu disnarsze - mcnt or tie claims of our tow n. We bave, however, fully endorsed lUlcigb. and i " Hubert AUi.sou' i. welcome to make the . "lost of it." IW lat tho' not least, the KdiUr remarks as follows : " but we would be sorry to ' eu- dorse all tbe nonsense ' Hubert Alliscn ' has written on th Monutnftital q-wstion." It I. .1 . 1, .. .r.L.ll'.i: , ir , . , tor. that the Mecklenburg n urn sn Intel . - . sides : and, that notwithstanding all eff r...-1 to excite prejudice ...in one side they will claim (J themselves the r't-l,t of'judi 1 inir as to the rniautit v of sense or " non. I I.'- : :.lJ. . ..j... v. 1,1. a ai.n wvn n I H ITll ruirr side. Put the "Kditor " hns not pneily to perceive that in hi, w bob tho a iflbi ile- nunciatiot. of my " Monuni. nlal nuiiciation of my " Monunit nlal " article, he brands with the stigma of " nonsense " my - ., -.. ... .-' remarks with regard to the ladies of Meek- Icnburg, particularly, and ladies through mil thff n-m-I.l n.mir. 1 1 .. l. .l.n. I.:. , , , ., in ii ; liachelorisli inclinations render Ii t its mile- ' '''. or lias some early disappointment, like a canker worm, inpped 1 -. C 1! . 1 l" 1 . , iu Vie bud the tender floacrets ef Hope,, ... . . and llius Iroxcn the cental current of I, is ., . t,l r... .1 i. i.ii.i i hiiv a vui'i i ri ir riicu tur liu friu it sex ! l ie. Fie I ! .Mr I'nlmrr vmi n.l.t .i least, to Lave exempted the remarks . i .i i SO ..l,:..!. I 1. ... ;... kn..,i.i e i.. 1 1-.1 . ui.ii 1 nu, 1.1.., miu'ir,., im.iii iiiv II Ti'lil. . ini.' anatbema of four frrilfrnl .lnn..npi:.tmn ; .K 't. ' I I will dote this communication bv stilting that it csnnot have escaped the notice of .. :. . 1 . .1 ... . . the intelligent readers of Mr. Palmer's re c,., " expo.-e " on what be calls the " Mou uinent Ouestion " that a - strong centripetal n intliK nee p'-rvades throughout it '.cth, and Lreailth, aud that " i'laleii'li " is the r . & locus 01 all. action. KOLKHT ALLISON. f rum onr Corrrpondciili. Charleston, March 12, 1H.VJ. TL s Kansas fevrr eoiitiuiies to rnge with unabiited fury, and hundreds of young men j have every indication of it now From are found, not only willing hut anxious to what I can learn through the papers, this Ti uliMiUt.,v ati.iliioP s.ss.r,t... I . n M 1,1 1 ., .R . 9 - "... ..v . ..m.i tnrmoil maua ..,, .v,. u-.ll I. I. ..t.l I asstti.-tj ass t s. ti TV III 110 llliu lii. "lurrow "'fe'"1 Dl 'a'tuto Hall !yr the purpose ol cnibod vine and civiiiir exDiession . 1 ! - y , . 1 .. t-. public Sentiineiit upon the subject. 1 he crowd will no doubt be itrirneiise, and .some , , ir.,.i .. . , ., , i.nit .u'ilui. 111.1 ii.u ,.e .-a in-cie 1 . 1 .1.1 . .. a . ... .lnm I 'iiti.,i.i..l.,,n r.f ...... , ... . .on:. . uiiiiiiiiisni ui me r.verunir 'is . nas lascu an active and Ieadiuv imri in "-.! nil 1. ,. , l emigration cause, !" he of. ' most l""-'-.e..t speakers to morrow night. 'He c '"'"' PU . -.! to send for- j " "'"b'"Pny this week which may j followed bj two or tlirr-e mhers shortly.! Some active and enterur is nv n. .. i.. -.. 1 1.:. 1 - i lui.ima nave orgamscl a.lme ol steamboats 1.. run between that point and Charleston, ! .ti opposition to the railroad, which i now a monopoly ,u the earrying lr.de kelweei, , those too great eommcrcial cities. The ....u-.e.. ..line 01 sieain 1,'nits , 1,. ..... 1... .. .1... .. .. .1 .. , . '-'.1. 1. ,,1VW,-VI. . 1. 1. . those too great The . 1 has -b..r, br.i,,, of!;. s,uth cLivx ' cnuirht b? those kidnappers, aud forced a : Uoaru ol sotno vessel, aim coinpcucu vu mane . j i .... i... ' pelled to charge double tor tho ladies us cy occupy two saaU. 1 key have to walk l ' '"J " I.".' f."". ! rc entirely too narrow to aecomu-.o.iaie .v two ol ,D0,,e lsl.ionable balloons abreast, i wo " ,u" ""'"",,n el 'iti i ol ipr (iik mka Iibikh. mil litvi1 til icm- themselves with a f.rm.l bow at a d,s. . " Distance .cud, enchant ,,t to th. 1 auu 1110 ul oeconiiiig iiiuuiaie w,tl fa-hmtlabla lady is now ctitll ely out of ,ue queUou, you can scarcely gel near euoiiL-h her even to be sociable i eu Ku "-r b liable. ' lue gentlemen wear shawls, Mistiguai coais aim paper collars, aim are generally i - , ........ ......... - - - - lit fiiii is hU riiiieiilmis in I nMr ilrv.d ss the ' I a'l In-. The King street wLo pan , t i i i day hmsh the tout ,nttmU above denb- ( ed, by tho addition of a ratlau, goatee and 1 patent leather boots. .Some are trym.' to live wunoui money, upon iun prosugr . . : great name which has been woru thread ! baro for the last twenty years but those au7 .aurea wu u..uiii. we...v ...c..m , or relative who is generous enough to sup- I I.ASI Vi.tstriM ..lA..iMi .I,,!,!,,! i.ig name ot revolutionary, coansn uroxen ; J here is a pitched battle of some tinpor- tance and interest lo be fought to-liiL-ht be- 1 . m i n n i i- . twecn Mrs. Ja!u Dess? Ilayne ',d Ms ' t- t . . i i . i r Fanny Morant, two celeb'aUd actrtsses of . . , , , ,. . . -, ' no ordinary talents and distinction. The former takes ber farewell of tbe Charleston ; stage to night iu the character of tbe ("" t -.. - . . .1 1 r I r . . .-iJ it I .. - " . I . 1 . 1 . 1 - r II i . -. . . . i Ayv.v. puu in? laitcr vases a isrcwcii , benefit in a musical and literary soiree at. sicai .let niersry some at , . . ! "" - coaxr.. w.i. u. r llibcruian Hall, the contest will be for1 Liie rirpceupiiefi inuuDinrrssnn wnieupier ' , , .,, ; , , parries off l!i tlt.o wtll arsar thm laurels .... r-- --- - .iy sympathies are w,tn .n,.s .Horn, n;pri,ej fi0,fi00 bales, including T.Out) u sp. i V . , . ,?. ' . . , , - r . , 1, .1 II slta hss been with us all Lh i.isan ant! hat ! ceen universally popular, f-he would not Us ksst .-A .r-A m. Mt mm Vs.. .Law it c. ....i.l.r.J . .... t,,,. .1., ceneranr oe eonsiuerea a (isr, dui sue is T J ,1 ' ,, .vT i ti.e mt tii o, iuc C5n,.,, . i mi, prrp j p , , ' I ' : U " botU P'aiJl " b'ta n " s . . , . ili t botii plactfi jut to ' , , ,. . si ) f 'fJ a! f1'."'" ,0. L.'"' "rkr " . ' auu ou. ,w .usiancea ot violation nave ye ; been reported It is a Herculean task and on. perhaps that no one but Mayor Miles ; i . r i : i ...... -..tj i...- .... i... i.. .1 ... ... ' ... , fi i,",,, , i ' : V. Vll. i ., , , i-.i i i city is cursed and which Ins been ..lowed f 10 le ):'''' "pen on Jvjmlay, timo out , . ,,' . .. " .. : of mind. W e will make the reasonably low , computation of twenty customer, to each of I the hie hundred u-rocer.es, . ..eh are g,n- eraiiir (ioiitj crl fin uitdxiv aiul r s liavs trn ' . ' 7 ... . 1 "0''an'' V'S0" , ' V, u I lll' t "T ' i - .1. .V 1 ' ' ' " . u,,l"rJ"" i.i itli 111 was lie' bgis.aling pejr,!e into soberness er very strong, but I think tl.ati dram sl,o,,s ou-ht and sh,.,.ld b. el.. ,l ,.'"".". .V"',".w. pu,"trlrl"iU 1 , , . 11 ,' tuuday Ly tbj strong aim of the aw, ;f, .. ...s,r.. l! .. I 1 .ten ' necessary. JSut I hav nutieed full as many , fl . sji , cncs of druukemivHs on runday since the;. ... . J . n:issa.,n .if ltm inw t.r.. ,t.Inl. . . . .... . . . . 1 w list 1 have a I ways said, that if people want i; .1 .. . :. 1 r.r.i - 1 spite of all the laws that ever could be made, ... , . . . ;- - -" ' T rilllie t.n-Llr an, I mir ,..n r.. 1. H i, . j r ..1 1 . . . " ready reaping a rich and extensive harvest. . " 0,iuual large amount of goods have oeeu si.ii' lined f,.r ibis r.t.i I ttnA t...u.. : l a M i ., , uecii cni'cieu iirnnrirtinu m .u..r..i.i.. . . . i , , ' vci V WM '";n,,,S"n H. " their clerk, ou Meetin2 street. Ilavue I "al.a ".".'0"' U""S ,or n'0''' 1 oeneve I would ralher tie an Kditor wlih all its annoying and harrasaiug prrplcxi- tics, than a w Inb-sale clerk, for what the 1. .1 . . -11 . .... l'"'?" , "Jsel, " h'ul " c makp un in llio i nv ... .. .1.0 wt.iM-r is gnuo wiin us snow, Irost ami ice, and the cold and piercing tiotlh- casters are being chanced into the irenlle ' xepuyra ot ine rosy tooted spring. The weatber is still somewhat chilly, but I see 1 , .. . r. ... I tne g-ircens beginning to bloom, and some ot the li uit trees sre buduing aud blossom I.... Tl - :. .... " nig. 1 he winter has been o severe that we ar lonliinj fnr &n ..,1. b r. ; .. n...i ntl1 (ecu me Mvvre.it winter tlmtuL'l.out t ic . .1 s . . c union that hat been knowu for the last twenty years. ASIILKY AlTAI.LINM Ai t IDSNT ON Till! SlEAbOAHD lloAll. W,.i.r.ow, N. C. March 10, H p. m. A most terrible and heart rending acci dc, occurred ou tLe .Se.bonl and Jtounokc Kuilroad to-day. A special messenger ha. just arrived with the meUiicholy tidings, and tl.eevent has produced a most profound sensation in our country. ' The regular mail and passenger train m it... K....I l ... i i. .. . ' 1 . " . u " . Railroad, which left Portbsmouth this inorni.iT. w.m about one mil.; this side of MarKaretsvillu bri.foc in the county of IWes Anne, and ,?.' ceeding at a rapid rate, was thrown off the track leu tortbsinout 1 this inoriiiiiT wh..u l,n,.i .. .. . . ""s moriiuig, wiii'M anoul :;:iwter rrriw mz j limb, though, not preoilj koowa fcorg, ! thought to be truly fuarlul. . Horrible to relate, ona of the passenger uoachc-t took fire froiu the stoves, and was entirely burned up, consuming with it some three or four passengers, who wi re fco caught under tho broken timbers that they could nut be extricated. My iufonnsnt is eertain as to three or four, and thinks there may have been more. Tbe scene is said to have bit., truly appalling. - Capt. lJoiirdelte, tho Weil known ind ef-fit-lent Conductor, is very seriously injured, aud so are many of tho passengers, Amidst the great distress and confusion prevailing, it was impossible to gather full pailiculat-, or the names of tho parties. It ks reported th.it among the killed are the following : Mr. Kilkully, the Adams Company's 1-ix-prcss Mosseiier. Mr. K. was for many years a Conductor ou the Wiliiiingtou and Welilon Railroad, and was uuivt r.-tl'y and deservedly esteemed. He leaves a family, Mr. V. II. Daugbcrty, tbe mail agent, who we believo is a unlive of Portsmouth, and well knowu in all the sectiou of lountry through which the road passes. Iu addition to the above1, we give the fol lowing particulars froiu the Petersburg Iu telligcueer : Mr. l'ourdette, the conductor, was s Verely injured, bis head being badly bruis ed aud several ribs broken. Mr. Weymouth, the engineer, jumped off tho eugiuu and alighted on a cypress tree, which perforated his thigh aud otherwise injured him. Mr. and Mrs. Willam, passengers, were injured, tbe latter, severely as it u supiios ed that soma of ber facial bones are broken. Tbe killed aud injured Were all taken to Margarcttcstiile, where every thing that w as'neccssary was doue to alleviate the suf ferings of those who were injured. In Adams iV Co's Kxpress car there a as a large amount of money in bank notes for a bank io Wilmington, (N. C.) which weia burned and scorched aud scattered about the woods by the wind. The officers of the road are now ou tin spot for the 'purpose of clearing up the wreck and doing what liiey can to repair the damages, which are uppov.d to amount to about eliyilK). There were fortunately Very fe passen ger on the li aiu when the accidet.1 occurred. Mr. CO. .Ssndloid, the nireriiittn del t lf ,r,u,porU,ion on ,0 l'vW,utg ro,df repaired esrly yesterday mo mi eg to the scene of the disaster with an engine, bag gage car and passenger car, and tendered them to the managers of the Seaboard road, as tbe motive power of that road waa ou the I'orlsu.outh side of the wreck. I.Mlf front KtiroiM-, .titttfr ti, or Tim tt-niri. Ntwr YoHK, March. 8. The Ibii,,h and .North American llovsl Mail tetiuship Aft ica, Captain N. han bou, las arrived at this port front Liver pool with advices to the 2th ult. In cou.e.meiieeof the lam rearitiU Mid dling Orieaus and the lower iiialitis bad declined 1-HSd Tl.a other rrsde. boa. i - r i - etcr r, anchtugeJ. Fi,ir (iri mS,.( Fr tpj.uJ. Bt 6t4 , t;(i ' """"K i-piauus at a iaina. j tie sales I i .1 . .... n. . i ia .. ii . i .. i , u i ,.i , uunng me ween enaing tiie ji tl ultimo, eou.- ! eulalors The stock of coil ,u oo band i f 01 ria 4ao oyo b,,c, iBPiuj, otf 2h0 v,Hi s . , ' V ' (,..... ... , ,. , , , I -our has . Uglily siv.need, snd VTot. ! ern l.n.l was quoted st 3-s. snd Ohre it ; t barrel of ItHi lbs. Cora had - M- P" l-atrel ol 111 , s,l,.r..,J Is per 4-0 l,. Auvices inw LanU.in, UsteU llr .'-th ultimo, stat. Count (UloB had artii.d m I'ts, on Hh V!lt ultimo and that tbe W , - fprrlice w h,t op,Mi,d ,e y.,,,, y M processing favor.bly. i., i, v. .....1.t... .:. " .' 1 " "r"W'.,lil,,,'L'd " of ' paper-, five reasous for the belief r.f their f,u.r, ,., ,b. ... . :;, ro,l:ilup ., .i... mat in rm rosru nl av b . la imw I. n s. a l. r ... ,i;,.r n ., u ,,, biiii)ii, of litlt, L Mr s,JIif . pora i . nmn'U suic.iti! m jotwioi.. u not mui h x.I.i.tt vt ' """W" A tn ( ' ' W of "ll','e fleet -.as ready for sea at r!.it uesu on the evening of the sSd ult. i.i .. -... I lie .Messrs n.jihsrbii.U will take the vl.nl.. In.... Tl. . .... . I lu 11 "u r. aelieU tinny millisns. xi. ..v. . .1 11 1 1. 11 ",e Pr,e"'i"g ill the Hiitlsh Par is, ,,., i.'i 1 .. . . " " " ..!. uiti..iur 1 mil. .rn... .1 . c . 1 . 1 roill It.e I rili...a n,. lulus , iiUlligence has been received. I.ttltr 1 1 m :iirM. AltlCI V II. Ill' Till! 4 It till I. :w VtiHK, March 12. Tim Arabia hat arrived from Liverpool. She reports having veen, February 7, lati tude 4il de.'s , nuns . loi.-'itu.lc I'J deL'S.. Sll niiiid.. .it.ai.liln, nf lli.i w r. L t.T m ,tal.i.. I - ' -- n.,,... U'I""MU ,u " '.oiigeo lo tne raciUC. 'J he peace Conferences are progressing favorably. Second PesirAToii. Appearances indicate that the pieces of the wreck seen belonged to the Pacilic. llie deliberations in the conferences are strictly private. Some rumors state that mtWt "m pr"gresing favorably, others ,l,. ir....- 1 : . .. 1 - .1 .. . sy in, aussia raises objections which may liKcly breag up the conferences. An armisliea until the end of March has bceu agreed upon. l)iH, in this eoimly, i n the 5th iitttnnl, f Typhmd lever, Itolikli'l' W. olil.-.t son .1 W . V. Alexander, 111 the Utfml year of his sun The subject, of this lining w.is a )uii ins 11 of au vt. dm..ry inierest. Of 1 pr nl.ir snd quiet disfwi. wtion, sAnblfl snd unassuming in inanmr,, ha deseivrdly 011 Uj.ied a l.iKh pises in tl.n stlrim ut those Willi whom he stsm n.le.1. For sum tune previous lo his sickness, lis hud hern absent from hni.it; snd had ju-l n ltirn, d, .. andirUSt the (rriitrlnl (ml! vf ligliteninir Ihe miilliplinl rtrst of 1 kind and imluli;eiit faun r, but I, a cam home tn .lis. Tlmuijii not s inrir.lM'r of ihu ehureh. wo trust, from ctiilrnce 1usr.1lesl.-1l iturinif hit ill ness, that Ins Spun hss fi, no In tin- (.nd who fast i wher, Iher.i wilt be no mors sorrarw, i.u liwro tieknras, na nioro death. Io hit untimely ilesllt, Fatlierh.it Inst 1111 slfi elinmite son, hit coiiip'-ero valtird Iim nd, and a community am., In, bid .'air, 1.. bi-come on of its 11, 'ml useful members. A largr procession li.llowcil his r. niiiins l. tin ir (Innl realm,; place. Miy lint sort allltclma k s.inrlilieil l ihnsn must deeply Ciumici in i J snd may his young friehds Iwirn fn.i,i il, ihc untcr. lainty of hi, j may hey tr, - wateli," rinKin benny that : " Ihir life it evr on (lis winy Andd.th is ever injh: The inoiiieiit wh'n nur livi-t k. f in, Wo ill l K,n to ilit." T. lX.'.iocr.l copy.

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