C-v - i ihimi miiiii.MMMniiiiiinniMM , .. .1 M iiiMiani i i ii ii r ti i n idibidiii- p:l"iict yMftiAtM ft if ; F .1 VOLUME S. CHARLOTTE, 3NT-.fl.f APRIL , 1356. THOMAS J, HOLTON, Jluuoa& 1'ttOi'HiicToa. ; . I Tli" Xorth.C tarolina VS'liiy will be nll'irdcii toi.ib. A ivirltSt itmiilM mairrtod it Out Dollor (x rtfjnarc 1 tj Iiuls i'C tut t yp 1 f.r tli lirtl m( r t j n il 1 f ii l lor (Mtrlf con hn uaiirc. Court ad. v- r t,.'m'ii ii rirtl StuTifl" S ilrw It'ireil L'j p r emt. I.ic'i'-r ; mirf tlrriuMHin nj .11 r cent, will tit.- m iUf irm the rv ulaf irin, Ihr urtvcrtis r by tin v A (1 vur U4'.m tit int.r Lt d monllily ur qiirtrtfrlr. al $1 ft'iirc! t'or truth tiutj. bemi. ui Mithiy 7. on. u ucr rquore lor victi tiniti. 1 1 r.ittm.ifU r ar-j authorise,' to act u apt ntt. !och-i). t'ntm the lTnnr I'vst. THE hSifi SHIP. y w. ii. ii . v.i a . rt n from the niPf ng ahtp, Willi hrf prrrrroua frei;it of H Vffl, 'I to hi; ii oit titr at tiilllia Ar iiuiuJ I'.wfaiMitj wivia! Tl (iJlM-ll'a 111 If itrf IV tlutitllij To Inrn ti"- V' l Ju ; K;V iwu our a!e find, it With hrr tunc jf-L-vt-u freight. T'm i a iiiyli(jr n-nlirM I1 !(,, i.'i' --I '.r(J of dun i K'larin-f in PrtUr Ilr-ftra, W i ii In r rmifJ, ulo chaiutwra, Tuf rm'ju rinjf ri'-ia u" drllKe, A-t-i h"tti vvtirt ifsr i,fi !,.c!J, N- tc v ffim tlto ntinf Ii f f H a'ii! Mrucft on tr ahorca J t'f, t v an irrt-'-ff nh-.ttt-r ff, Kowrf.t prt in Hi fr Azru ? (f anehrtrjer, ft vtf , In H cart liaa ti fttinci V ,l t r-ib. iffi lit I'tiricd, AnU K-,jfJ(jr Ouirtivn'tl ! Tft fciOi-a We lik v tjhftimirH, ofletl, Thit Dtfwarci p.)lv Mow; 1 oru f UM"lt aul tthlr'llr, Uul i i v H'.t 1 1 , nut o I Chn T! ft;- hunt 1 1 g t-I. an t Apiron ii fuf ro4t ar.n G.vf it-r, blatl of omf ntf tit . Oiva aitBf( iirir main ! fr TTt f. r !it atfit-r, liKt'j", (. ,m a titilli im hfsa ; A flunniHtint vt rrnatiia '1 a.tnuKl url K ti m rnuic. f t tin' ainil ptin toLrti 'I n it B'lr im Ui.iU l 5t, With itr (raMiua t ul of human It Tea And p.otiiig ui Hi hj ! 3 Hisccllancous. j'j n rr Tf t ;i n ft 7 "I''h f HY MBH. C. tl. t RIMVU I,. Tbe three Miv-. s Iligiiflier were sitting iu t!.i ir u.oruiiiff room, enga-cd in fancy nue- f " J t,tsrlr 1 1. ..i,l ....I ..).... tan .1. ... die-work. It ia a cold, yet pleanant day iu i . . . . . 1'. Celli her, and tho ground was covered a f w inches with snow. Sleighs jingled mer rily 1 y at short iiiU-rvals, causing the young est of the ni-tcrs to glance frequently out of j t.in wmdaw. " Flircnc, I do wi.h you wouldn't be w iutercati'd in watching those countrified le..'hs," remarked Julia, the ildest Mi- HiebSter, ' I'd be a little more (li .Mjilied were I in your place." " Oh, is," retorted l'lorcuec, saucily, " you're too stuck up, by a great deal. I think you might accept Miss Warthy 'a in vit.it'mu for to morrow night." " Iiid'fd ! that unuhl be lowering our dig nity ! Yoti forget that Jann Warthy is ou- lv a farnii-r'a daii.fitti-r. We. mint am the ! a Utinvpi daughter. e, who are the , 'I'.v t . in i. . . x in ... ..i . t.i i i j. lorrucu bt'ruiiir uae a n iirmcneu mru irom Deems .j iiiu iu u uicm i.s ujl uiii v u hi jcr. t n uicu nau keen cui.en mm. u. . ni en v ni : miw uuii"i:iiilum iinut. uu n.it i..t;s AMD HFTV i i: is !' ..,.... .1 i, .1.. . but imminent oani'cr of a war with elrcati Amniinmimi between Ir Minister ml 1'i.r.1 ii.n ....!;.,! .,f il.-,;- r.ij r.,,;a ij Aovt, Laroitiia ....... . - - - - ...... . fclJM IUUU1. ; 1 - - - "- -- - i. .. - . " .fuw 1111 t, ti. m iik ii nv iiitu j"... i-- . u . j .-j -,.,';.;,;,rf:JwJ,,.,, ! l;!:.T'li:S.,r,: i "Good eraeiouwb.t shall --do That D,!ln.iu: T. nd""". Uraiil H-" ,0 eoucedc eect!nff 5t ,omcflt to hear the salute M 1 V- ll "i j ,,..,..... .... 0 Maud by the fiiUe ol thoc ot the potent, ;ttiut I'uraL-iiay has anitiUe wliatfounr t.)i , , . . , 'Hn f-e? m mi tinuM until ll i.rreru,n in paiii, rxert ut the 1 Cirl will be an overlain? din-jraee to tho ' .... -a i ........ .i . . : of cannon. 1 Lev Lave luM. printed two ito- .. ' " " uull'MI w 1 u 1 1.. L'.J.t.. i O l;i u u u HV4 nn.111111 hi-iiiuo t. u v iiuig lull IIN HUIUU flUV III nritCUUl'l I') COD " IT-.i.-j i.. X .vl 11 I wealthie.t md most fabionabIe and n fined I gant 411li a lady," returned Fred, a family in the village, should be careful with ! 0rkig smilo npou Lis lips, and a flash of whom we cnei.le.ceud t associate." Aiidjj,t00J nipeiiority in his lino dark eyes, as Mns iliiibfln r' nasal iiroluhf ranca. which ' I,.. ,1 i . .1 . ..ri 1'.,. ,m,,i J.1,- i.i was by no nutans a small one, eb valed it- : Self enu-ide rably. " Aln in !" rjaculati'd Iloreuce, mocking ly ; " a-a-aln in ! Allow mo lo inform your ladyship that Jane Warthy u as well edu cated, und has as much refinement as Ihe proudest iu the lan 1. IK-r society is sought, you well know, by persons of the highest lespcrlabilily. Sho is a true lady, though bhe put. ou no airs aud makes no preten sions " Il is efiy to see thU you Lave been fp"iit by old uncle Wiluiot. 'Tis a pity you ivi lntstsy with Lim. Uo wan bringing you hp admirably '." sneered the amiable Julia. "IXar undo Wiluiot! good old man! How I wi-h father had let me remain with him. I was bo happy there.'' " We'll willingly sign a petition to have yon return to bitn," remarked tli fecoud sister, who had hitherto remained silont. " Indeed, it is a consummation devoutly to l w tolie J.M " I am going to ask father to let mo go to Jaun Warthy s party '.said Florsneo, af ter a pause of some moments, " You Lad better 1" returned Julia, de risively. " You Lave got such low notions, I would advise you to fall iu love with Fred Warthy. Hadn't you bcttc, now ?" - Julia looked aarcastisally iuio her sister's lace, aud was loth surprised and shockod to bee it mantled .i;h a burning blush.- " Good Leavens I Anna, I truly believe the creature it in love with that horrid far mer. Io look at her !" Anna LelJ up her hands Id Lorror, while Bj family. Who would Lave imagined that , - ibbe would descend tosmilo upon Fred War- I thy. What's to bo done, Anna 1" " Let us carry the matter before our res pected inotLtr," returned ber bister, who was exeevtively affected in fpcech aud mau ucr. " .Shti will undoubtedly bring matters to a crisis. Indeed, it were a ccusuinniotiou devoutly to be wished." " I wibb I could, Fred, consent." " AIluw m to ak her. Cut mother won't Wc are coiuit to ' Lav fuch a pleasaut time." " Uh no, no I There in no use. When she ays a thing there's no turning Ler." " It too bad. I i-h your mother was like oiber people." "S do I. There's uo U'O io wnln-', howcrer. lou iim-l fro, Fred ; theyll oou be home from their ulcigh ride, aud mother ill iMot murder lue if .L find. ou h..r." Dor. h a h.le u "' asked th I 11 man, a suauow reMing upou his ban J.-ome j face." "No, she does not hato you but but they all Ihihk that" '' I undomtand you, now. deem ma worthy of your bocir bo a utortiGcatiou to their pndu with a farniiT. (iood rnnrnin 1 ctici! ; lie bowed respectfully, aud msde a step j 1 toward the door. Flureuce fprung to Lis j l.ide, and e.ued.t Lim by the arm. j .. r.fd one moment' am not " " pcim.tuU lo communicate iu any tay lied, one moment . am not LU C0Ueul WiS proud have no ridieulcus ideas of cxclu.j on Uie :)1,t of j; ,rtbi j ,.54 L , ,e. sikeoeaa don't think nivrcif LctUr lLan jeret alJli UIJl,u0Wn tnbui.ul, cjuviuted of lay Dtighbors I' ' khoclder, and softly niiiraiored, "Ni!"' " liless you V liit lips touched her brow. Furling from him, the sprang to the win- I do as a sleigh da-hed up to the door, a rpieudid turnoi with a liveried d,iver. 'iIT the ire! hat La!i I do. Co out of tLe back door, Fred ! Here, quick 1" - .. I . '. I'l 1 1 . . . .1 f .so, i aont. cooiiy anserca i nu , . let tu turn Die out." Aud seating Lim. If, young Warthy quietly awaited their en trance. Mrs. Uiv.liaber and her two daughters swept into the room, all fus and J festUcM, tlauncsana ribbons, loi.oweU by . the husband and father. A battery of eight eyi-s immediately poured down upon the uu- fortunate ii.ttudi r, and four proud Leads j I . navo as many hau.-I.ty tos-s wbio pour it i 11 .. I 1 ... J . I II... I . - .- J'lorcnco stood pale and trembling in a cor n,r. Sir . ejaculated Madam Highfli. r, .iih ihe air of a quern, " we have not the honor of your acquaintance wherefore ibis iiitru-ion V Fred rose, and boning politely, replied with perfect Hinzfi m .', " I had uo intention of intruding upon you, madam ; it was Fiar t nee I f ame to ee."' " What itisulcticc !" indignantly exclaim ed Miss Julia. "It were well to order Pat rick to duck bim in the horse-poud." " Indeed," echoed Anna, " it weie a cou suuiinati u devoutly to b4 wished." " You will oblige us by retiring, sir ."' said madam, pointing to the door. Cerlainlv 1 auvthihir to obiise so ele- tlii iiiseK(. alt iiuaiiuil beneath his clauice. and each felt guilty of a very mean action, as bis manly form dituppcarcd from their view. Turning to vent themselves . upon Flor ence, it was dUcovcitd that the bird bad llown. The poor girl remained all that day and night locked up in her rooui, uot even ail in it t i ii Lvr mother. " Then you don't Late nic, Florence ! Yon iron in the treuches at Ih. ustienstad iu GOuU N EWd mo.M UtEl 1 v tB . . e 'i his is a true ftorv and when anybody ' , " . .- i it .i ;.. m. l. ..i.. i.i. ,.t i. i . . . . JJeeatise tin re is an '. ...-. l ....t ...:.f :U Jul. ill I a. .i. .J44-uii, '111 III- 1 1 II Ut & I U- Aim rnnt Air I ucstilf. v nna nl 11 riirrn an i I ,u . ,,. n. ,ni I : e I UO Dill .11 Ulb UieOOI'blQ VOUr UO.ICC X OU , , ... .v.-. ............ . j , vv..v .. v ...y.., Vau tun us num. uae; uui li.il, liu, II ; . nil,., ''nr.. ,1,1 ... . rti&rv ii, rnn:.dil hnilu.nu rl , ii.-il rnrtf ............. t . l -. , it . liuu ill llic Uiuri.-Jtu I vil not be anry ir 1 dare l-i tre.aure your " ,- ' . r., w rj of ,tie v t & u avieatio o , th at the e ue-ires it, a written acKnowieiigment ol vri, i,T,,;..., ..,! J . . ... J ... 'ot tha tesiiuonv sal I to ha.c b.tu Used in - .. ,lr ,,f l;r,,l 1(.!;,.f i ii,., ji.;L r .. 'ort1' t-arolin.i h.inK pa i tuin-c iu inv btart. Answer inc. t lore lice . ., .. ' .... c. .- -. i :.i i t-tcaiut-r J . 1 1, llauirhton was camwood -"i--"-- . ,nv mc , lu.. ,ta ,rftlK.r..i ,.,.,, .She (aid ber blu-hiu- face cu his manly ' Count ltU(1l iB hi, naL unl. h ,. -,.v. d landing ith Co-i Jlour, .Joriiic., nd rx-"'-"'J a. ou tUu b0011 "My dear children," said uncle Wilinot, " I would adiise you to marry." " I!ut my mother my bisters they will disown me !'' rejoined Florence, anxiously. " Let then. J shiill uot. They'll eonio around w hrn tLey think of iny money-bags." And the old gentleman laughed merrily. " Uut, air," said Fred, " 1 have too much pride to intrude myself upon a family who deem mo so much beneath them." " Don't talk to me in that way ! Beneath thorn, indeed! because you haven't quite as much nioucy that's all tho difference. I tell you they know you are infinitely above then in intellect, and that's the reason they dislike you. One thing you may rest as sured of, where there are little brains there is always great presumptiou and ridiculous pride." "Get married, my children, as soon as you please. Tho moiicy-L.vjs will make it all right." And they did. PllOliAUILITIES OF WAR. The following is an extract from a speech of Mr.' Picrson, of Ga., in the Senate of tho United States " View thi subject as you please, Sir, it expressed different opinions ', but, never-' theirs, it is my opinion, und I give it for u.1.,.1 ; ij um. . ..!.! I.i. ih.. ..in. what it l-i worth. V hat wonlit he the con- di.ion of the United Slates if wo were pre-1 cipitau-d into a war with Great JJnf.ui !, the U ti w nliout to nfalte peace will. Hu-1 Maandif that peace be. now ciCiudid, , urcat imam M i.c 10 tuc ue.-t conuition sue has ever Leeu in lUueo tho fuundatioii of the government to the present day, fur a war with tho United States. She has a larg er iinenl flrinane.it than she has evrr il:i(i Lt,fore. She Las a larger nnd belt, r appointed uriny thv.11 the has Len tofore boasted of j bhe has the mot ma i.ifiecrit iii'it.'iialo 01 nartuaii any country or any afro has ever iteen. In the trout of a war between Great ' JJritain and the United States, this iinmtne naval aruiaim lit, this St iinilii!iilllt fntirie nf uri nrmv umilit l.i. nreci.itated on the United States. What would be our condition to meet them T Not- with-.taii.lini: thtf weak condition in v. hieli we Hioull t.e plaeeil towards sucti tremeii- , . . . jdnus und overpowering forces as Great 1'i i- i tain would have itinh.r i..,wr to brin-! "' " a'"' -,lk'"1 fb"iit vol ill!? - 112 S-'.,0:i(,OIK) to increase the arm, of! l'iiit..d it,' LuiltU ...latcs . ) e 11!'1.0jiatI; I'l file L" LTV. Infoiniatl'jO ; I'uut-iifc ui ti.e 11 usiiiuariou cur y .1 i-1 : 1..... .... 1 .' . i! ; , 1 .:., , ,,, i, : ricati eitiien named Spear-, who after seveu months' close contimiuent, during wbicL be rion, and seDteticed to tin year's lalor , an afiirmativc reply w.tUt, fourwceks.be sbou.d, at the expniation of that time, with- i. .. ,i i . i uian iioiii eiuih w u. I. lie .'i.4ii uv .viijj,- reuiuiu.ith honor o b.s country or ad- image to its citizens. M there is no pro- t; f-. .i.. .t. ;,,.i .... I', i Tal iUbiiU that the du.-ired ai.s,,r will be - . J . . . . . 1-jrtUcoimiij;, or au Uttmuuv reail y cx 1 r i im t tli.i mill Mr .lui'lkiitt mac ., r- r " , , , "-" .. "'"' . 'VI1 IV1V.IV llUU Btttl VU1 11.11 11 G tj.ij." Mr. Danks A Man OF CpLf'R 1 We often' iee iu Kuropean journals proofs of mo-t as- .wniHtij ir.nw.ir: of ii.- l.i.inr.- iv-tiin. t;du. UI1j cl.oaraL-hv of our couulrv : but w . , the following paragraph, which we trans- . . lato from La P'trie. a well known 1 reuch , , , , ,., . journal, under date of Fibruary 21, is one ; jvu.....,, u.ii.v.. 1.. .le-mui, -.,ncJC , i t: ... , . ,,. i .rJ i ... , . . ol lue most lulicioaa t'.uuilcrs vte Lave v.er I met with or heard of: 1 Th nilr ne.'il.-i.r tC .In. llnil.-p nf TI. v uU.l,. Ti .thar.iel JianLs. is a li,ii-k vmn, a member of tho Ilepublicati delegation of .Iassachusettt. In Ins two fold capacity ofmiirtif mlvr ami aot'tim. f-t, Mr. blanks inspire a profound di-gust in the representatives ot the Southern State. His election is a double blow, hit- titil' on one ude ihe I mocrstic party, to which Pri-i lent Tierf's .i m i ni-1 r.ii i-u be-lon1-, aud on the other, the Kuow-Nothinss, - Sl'UUTfAI, AM) TfcVi'ollAl. Powni. We maititaiu the superiority of ihe spiritual over the temporal order. We maintain that the temporal ruler is bound to conform bis enactments to the divine law. We liialn- fi ll.n. ll.d fhiir. h 1J flia aim.,.!.). I.i,!.n r j-"e- of all questions concerning faith and mo- rals ; aud that iu the deteruiiuatioii of k'1 juesti ms, the Human Pontiff, as Vicar of t .1.1 . . .:! I " - j wn received by the last iteamcr frotu k'u- j tbeie, and that, Lotwith.-taiiUig the keiper these haj pened to bo a bunch of shingles ., ' " ' They do not! of in.i between Col .' -r pains to v, anvi-itors i.ctto frolu Jot wllic!j tlje ilIipcri!c:i gCnt!ein:.n i , n . , , , , It. It would;, , ... . . ., ib t the birds get within reac of their jew- , . . , , I 1 Hiall not u:idertak to find faa.t w-.tu Jaekon. our Miiii.-ter resident at .tnna. I . . . ... . . ltav.no transnnrtcd n tin- l-nal Wlion - .i ... .....1 . to as-o.d-.-e ! . eiry, one ot tutiu iUii leiily CI. lit or rab- . , s.aveu.ein voiuauieu ... ii.e a.-ove s. 1. e- land I be An.Lrian llnu.nuii.i t A nni.-.!i 1.1 . . . . . i i tllO VesSfiWUB till lied about. It Was found ;.-.,, II,. dm ... I, I I f....l ,,,.,. .1'..,! , ,., ! I'cn uie puaru euain o; a ppeiat or, n ragen , ,. . , , , , , .--.n.... .... g, Sliss l lor- i Jt,llt of tU tVashin'ton Star .sys : Ut ,.h the watch, from th l ocketaud 1 iat 11116 bu,:cb. w,t "n.r?ael ot to admit all the bnecifieations to be true, a- ' iue couvic.iv.:: o. earn, aim iu j uuu . . i a .:.. .i....i 'j'.. ... n n- - which there is no appeal ; and to whose ! gn,.rou. and dUititerested ad reudeied liim award ill the children of the Church must ; within the last three years. The arrange - virld obedience. I'li.-turtd l, t;ns, if the' ""'1!1 fjr tl,K )'i :l!C iade. A '. , ,. , ,, .- r itbitiila of three Turkish steini frieatcs and Arch liishui.l o the J'rvnw-r ot t. Lums. . . . ., -,. ' six .steamers of the aluco tin t- will aceotii- Gretfort IX has laid down the same terms, lie says: Be it known to all who are under the dominion of AceV.v, that hey arc set free from every tie of ji U hhj and diitif to them; all oaths or solemn agreement to the contrary untti tihstaiuHiig. ' Huw TH7.V i.oveii I II M. The Philadel phia News says : " When Gen. Scott was nominated in lSV-' for the Pre.-idcney, what oceans of! procs lnngratin; to, or voluitarily rntcriug tears the Loeo-Foco leaders shed over Mr. this State, without authority of law, are to Fillmore! No language was strong enough forfeit their freedom. Ilotil keepers em o convey an ad.j -ate idea of the' admira- : r;.vi''e.' frt'c negroes of anoticr State, shall tiou and love which they entertained for ! b liable to a fine of ?oi). Tje I7th section bim ! He was a pure and incorruptible pat- . . . ... 1 .. r ,il nn, I wnrt iviit the eoiih. euce 01 a . - . ..." He was indeed "a model Presidciit," whe-e administriition had been as conservative as Wusl.i.iirton'a !" Yet the vcrv men who thus extolled .lr. l illniore, will now, lorvanous purposes, swallow their owii words, belie their owu endorsement, and traduce him as ardently as they praised bi.u ! A Ilr.AiiTLKss BuurE. A little girl fell into a well in Lansinburgh, N. Y., a day or two fince. A man who was standing by was implored by the mother to rescue her child, but refused on the plea that it would .ioii his tiothes. The girl was saved thro' the heroism of a little barefooted schoolboy. Wa Inotos, March 20. The Amazon am its "f uiultaiiies . ' T,,,.;,,,.,l ...J, Lu. positively refu-i to ratify a treaty t cede to Jlrazil, regnrdil the iiaviat certain rivers, and whitHj-hts Urazii . i..:..u 1 .,.I.r the uaviatioo of, main-, i tains t,ho airemlv no.sed. Paraguay, it i well IWlaa long been ! in communication th I tL d ttatw.l proposing 10 open vaiiouj mrn.terecting : the Aiuuzuii in rcturuor cen.in advanta- , .; pe which bhe wisiic to oht.n lor hcrselt : li oni this country iiecently Uracil Us i.iadea btatement in relation to the trau-iclious t.twi 1 11 her and 1'arsguay, iu ordc that or (irivcmnient may not Le iniilud U any eotempl ited trea ty between the Uuitd titatefoiid J'arapuay, or the bordering States of outli Ameri- u, nuiuu, uji ii)r,u,i,.,lv.iU "ura 1 commercial ad vaiaj;e ou Us country with-! out the fanction Ajruzii. . I TllE Al'I'I.l 11 OF AN OdliU II. We al-1 I waJK 1I1, W thatJ'ti iehes wei net Ytry par-. i tieular alout tlc ir l od tht tin y ere in I tl .. I .1 , f ... .11. .... l.r, . ,1 r, . ... 1- ni.it ' :""-"- I . ;atO' ''''"g tLa'Caine hiindy.uid that their Ji"'"" h tolerably gooi- 1 ut until we i - t's,el'uai' "t item iu u rincu rarer - - - e must adult that v.e bad ever beard of (heir beiti" fjud of bij3uteria1.il the li-:e. ... . , . , ... . I he Jouti.al de fct. y,iehtn put-lishcd m .i .. 1 ..... .r .... . : ' .1 . t . .1 . . 1 11'. the tnwu of that namo in Fnie, cays that t o luige'o.-trieLes have bet on exhibition swallowed both at a "ult. he man thus rubbed elainorou.-!y demand, the worth of : ,Lc Rn,lh BI"1 el1'" from t--"wuian, and tho ou tl,e c fr"d J" " "-'V' "-." . ,...y .0. y francs damage., notwithsUJmg all the warning be bad given to Hare of tho ErocJJ lirJj' ' 1 . Testertay, the I itt Ai-tr.Pt. I here was a laree numbeot bidders for . el,",ract fj 'nccou.pJt-tiy t f the works t0 e"" " Jhc Kn-'ineer and all mterei'l were la fine ,r ttiinl.' iinr i.r n Lri,.riUrrj i p L-ri. i. f 1 1 t n cirit i w. i.r.Ti.-c r nitii in I e rffli. i i t . . . . I. l iz,l. uiiv aaviiv-j hiv w.-M - - . llin! Lid!! IIurraL ! ! ! rins out the bi rrn... am, ..t lis ,n rrir I,, e ve? tie a t - .. II .... .rlitnn' " f.Mi do iiiJ r.r her arrival at our port with the first aro of native ' black diamonds. WU.Ue. ., ' i ... . , ... T- ...... ' Accident im Cut. hhi.i:RS Iamil. u Saturday li.-t bebrary 1 o, as Iwn Hp I S.l.ti l i ni.ti.1 ii, .1 l.t- t-iitii ' . , ., . ' l- ' ac.-. inpaniiu ny (.ol. I au-is, ere return- ;,,,,, ,i,,. ,;.'(rM1, v;.s , i ...... ,!, 1 ii,.. to this cily from a visi to Leon, A'hcn ! i . i .i -i . . about lour miles this s.dqot Ncarote, a 1 gun In avily loaded w itu bbt and siugs, in .... t-..!. i.e. .it . : i .. i j- i i i ,. t . . . l. - : tally discharged, and tho ontvuts took cl-, , ' . .'. ..... v. vimi c, ........... , net mtocuouy oi ins yotge.-t son, n,'v, , Wooiiiniry Wheeler. The lud passed hori xontaliy aero-s the back oliln- lad, lading Vitit-i' liii Inti-I.'. mid tnt kl Inn.; ctleet ill the arm. The party return! to Nagarote, from whence Col. Fabeus pacieded to Le- .. i . i . i. . - . ii. . .. i. .a... . tr returned to Leon with bs ton, and will cou with t eon, an ' 'probably remain there fo( some time, as that eitv is much more brail v than Grana- .i r s. .. . . . i-." ... i UJ'l" .iimi.if,z,i. ....j "" on aim pivi-uieu a'r. an j h r, no u t um-; t lie iinrii ppeccu man important case was j , j .,c. t , j ; v-itiou-i r-nr's 't;c cd the wounds and pronoutcd tho patient . luaac by a learned barri-tcr, the State, with anal-rete ctdt-ifof four mii outol dauger lor the presen. Col. Wheel-' , r. . , .... -. . ,.v' u u 1-the l!.n':s i- Visit or tuf St ltan toils Allies. p0!,0. t length a lawyer, bolder than the that every PcM..le pamsis taken by o"r f- ia... or uuo. .y The Fremdeu Blatt, of Viinna. Mates, on yrliturcJ t, shaka the court when, -"'!'1"' V'U ' "P."1 , '' the authority of its Const.wtin pie corres-! " . .. , ., , ail their promises tj pay in circuiati-n as lar ( po.idint. that the appearand of the Sultan ' rull"'S l:,s ec' UOUOr crv'1 0Ut' tal' ; as possible Irom the point at which they ami Mli i:o;,T Cin'U- U Sol'TH. An in. per t il. l.nUs nf th., I- n. 'i.l, i,I Vi-.,...-li .-in. ' vour next witness." But. havius been tho-' made redeemable. 1 liisconten rti: le hut- ' ,;. ,;.:.. I :.. 1 r, n made bv .lud.'e Tv poinli lit, that the apl at the balls of the llnclish ba-sics was but pnliininarj to more cxtcn - vwts- . 011,1 s W'r U r,;;l'ects in peiion to bis illustrious lilies iu Vienna, ' I ' J' ... ...i l.,,.uln. tlia.L I .i-lll tor tno p.inv his Maiestv to .Marstiles. from wh-sncc 1 i.rn, 1 (.-,', ....1 f.-nn. tl,...ip.. in P urn ami .oin -in ., w. ' r, t urn to ( on. stantinojde via A if una am the Ianubi.aii I..-.-. ::.- It: I . i- . Principalities. His suite wil consist of Ad- mil al Aelunet Pacha, the .Xu-hicr I-hniael Pacha, aud ten ten other disnit.ric of the Km- pirc. Vni-t- r.itnn pn ?riKnv m Vinr.nti Tl, n..,. f lY,i...... vir..:.,;.. j i.e iii.-ii.-i- vi ei ......ii. o in-.,,,.. passed a bill which provi-bs that free ue- : of chapter 117 of Ihe rode is repealed. J I. i . . . .. . i . 1. i ... it I . .- .. .tf t . i. i . . . it . 1 ciiiaiieiioinou n. naves sua., ne .inn aim I voi.l, unless c 1 " be rrovi.tct lor the re niovai ot sain siavoirom tie nnta witniii : twelve months. Free nccro vmviets, at the expiration of their term of itrpt isoninent in the penitentiary, are to leave the State with ty days, or forfeit their freedom. The gallant Texan Banger, Major Beu. McCulloeh, at present on a visit to Wash ington, has deposited in the gallery of the National Institute, the identical tomuhawk, which was (with an elegant rifle) presen ted by the yitJTtg men of I'li'ladelnbia to the renowned Bawd Crockett. 5o IIL".. The Empress F.uoenie. An occasional correspondent writes from Paris, dating Wednesday : -." From this Jay tlie Iliiipress wul 1101 lea7e "fcr suitc 01 BPal tnicnts. All - j gramuiei. of tic ceremonies to Ic observed,: one fur the birth nud the other lor the bap- ;... r ... ;...r.ri..t r.inn- i TU rit! of b ti?m wi!1 lo ,.(.rformed oa I 1 ,1 ,1 1 1 1 ,Ue "a3 a!il'r t,,,l,i ,n u,e '"'I"-r'11' by tho Grand Almoner of iha Court, in I presenco of the curate of Saint Germain l'Auxurrob, the parish of the Tuileries ; of the archbishops, of the metropolitan chip ... , ,. . . , , ter, of the jranJ uinitaries and f.mction- ' c c aries of the empire. Should it be a prince, tLc Graud Chancellor uf the Legion of IIou- or wil 11 brill" to Li 111 the jrraud cordon of . , , , . .01 ,1,e orf,er and the military medal, the Grand , .'lar. - hnl ot the 1 alace will take h.m arms and carry hiui back iuto Lis apart- ' i"' - tiU. It is birioulv iu conteuiDlation to, give him the tittle of ' King of Algeria, I, . . . .. y T .... , ... , . . ome vcars ago while Captain Ward v us sailing a craft ! on the utuer lakei. a man tell overboard in - the evelilltg. J Lc fact was immediately dis-1 . j 1 l( . ., covered, and the captain promptly threw a ' , ... ... - number of Ljo-c arttcles into the lake for .... . the drowning man to seize upon. Amo ii. ........ n.i i...i i. i .... i ...i l.: ..ir nit mail, auu mai nc uuu uoiiiitu u.iiiseii u7!' ne was iiikcii on ooaru, an witnout ex- lurnisli the people ot tins Mate with n pressing any gratitude for his deliverance, sound and valuable a currency in any of be told the captain, with considerable agi- her sister States. The editor of the Hiilie taliou, that be should expect pay for his tin sccuis to labour under the conviction that bbingles that bad been thrown overboard ' ; our banks are iu no way acciuntable fir Captain Ward replied that he was very eor-! t,e creat if not dis.'ractl'.illy disordered ry that if ho had know the shiuek-s were t ,m',it'.oii of our currency, it is depn.ci.t- i-i. ii.. i i ..i i.. i ' 11. 1 .1 ..l-.t nis, no viuuiu not nave none it; . ! u cu- As" KXIES.4IVE Dl.N.NEit. The .W faIL0U8 Chilton M 1 V n , ! a dinner lo those who IUUISI, Ut IIUU'IVIIWI;! I T, 1 UULl'lun. I wnuil Ul ' ' oou, recently gave "V ,, rr r . T li,i-,v.,rn m .n; nfw.Ti -i (T, , .1 1 n rr 1 wornea iu me pus. ... r . . . . : . t. l 1 1 . I : . i . iiir ill i ill fn wiiii ii imii' ira itv. wiiii: ii ni- loracu room ior nioie iuau ouo iiina.e .-put- , . ' . r I 1 ...... .1 -rtn r . . o1 . . .. . . . 'II... i.H. . ...h.I.aiI nntl. --ors. x lie oic c.o luiu.sneu .it. Jhe tables were luruislied with beef. IllUtton. rllllll PUddltlL'S. POtatOCs Uhd -Iditn's, potatoes and beer, iu liberal allowance. Un the. centre ! tabic stood a baron of Ltcf, wcighiug 130 i. i i. f .1... ' . . ! 1 If - I , J L,a-trotiomic rapacity of the colliers is Lad I . e . in tpltf fuct tVat ttroon5 the provenJer wore 13 i ,;,.,.. fit Im'l.a '.is. 1 . "i sbei-n. a tou of iduin - -c-- nuddin-. a tou and a half of bread, -10 . puuuintT, a tou ana a nan oi i.reau, hu , , , , ? i-,. i t . 1 bushels of potatoes, and .'"d barrels of strong 1 ... o.ir. After the ditiner the marehioin ss . . . . , Iliaoe a sue ecu ilieu vda iinin. ."u.iiiji u.ny .-ii I..U..-V..W ... . .. . . ' .. ., .. . , ,. , , . ",!,. , i ,.f .,...'..-. ot the Mate, and tue l.anks of a.i t.i ot.. i, Caught NuTiS'i- The Cincinnati Ga - , Zl t,e te;ls tlie ''"'S ttoO' - " Yesterday, iu the court bouse, vvtiue . .. ' , ... , , . . ...... . " "U"P l rV- I ed for some time, but at length sat down, remarking " the court's asleep." Lawyers i . . ofheers aud spectators sat in prolounU si- I lence for some tune, seeing the Court in re ; roughly awakened by the laugh that fob lowed, be corrected this by saying, " Pro- cced with your argument.' ! j CuNsUMi rinX OF S rKAWr.LuuiKS. Mr. 1 R. (i. Parder, in bis revised " Manual of the c ..... ,n.,. ,1 ,;,, i !.,, l.t vear i Straw bei ry, says that iiurini: the ia.-i ji ai 1 ... ,.,,.- ,,n - scW 01 cMisuineu lrotu -ii , io ...,voo ; tiii.-iclsol iu a u e iicio us i rui i i . niijuvi nu fi-.iiii 1 il it 11 to I 1 IMin : lijstoi ircm n.iwn . 1 1 OOU and Cincinnati fiom ll.tHh) to , ' , , ,, . , , n,,.. ,,,.. r J ' . .. ' '" f ":,"-v at ow lou' 'ol w I supply and that of the subuils. A sr.ig.e I count v iu New J. r ti-mii a iiii.'ifi norl . .. j .litnt e.-i-t n. . . . , , . " 1,.. ,,.,, ni , -i e ie ' I I'll I, as :,'l- siv,iiiiei',ii 0 J mil several years if'Ci the r.no hailroa 1 roiii.Lt !-!: Lu.-bels to townoua .-ingle train What Li tlle Ciiilhuen (.tv ats, nu.'L. A bevy of little children were telling I i,-ir .11 UT Wiatllic. LIU in se ueoi. , .i I. . . .I.... i . l"he - - ; el.le.-t got gra.eiui.... g. grajdiy, arithttic tn- etc. Ihe net got reuuii'g, spelling aim definitions. " And what do you get, my l.t tle soldier !'' said the father to a rosy check- ,! llitl.i filloiv. who was at that momeut ,-, , ;.- . ,l.,.sr si:,y u living n .... i ; - "Me.' oh, 1 gets rcadi.ig, spe'.'.ii' .panking , , , ,. . T-- The annual value of poultry ,n the I ni ted States is euniat"d at f 00,0110, OOd The City of New Y?rk eipctids yearly PI, n'.O.oi'O in the purchase of egg ehne. 11 v urqi Ks r. f from the hriitun i V ' l ! Mr. KuJT0K:-I:,the tir.t i.uu.Lerof tl.o ortu varolina, imiiclin, l hid an Iiton.M under the following cnptioil " liitnl.a if mid olht-f Stilts,'1 frcm ie sal -joiued txtvaet : oriuus tint a!th')':'ii the .. c0,;,. (.f ; lC KJlU. 'v, , .,,.; i,,,,! t,.. ,,i . l'tii,. ..i-,.,;;. nni.i !.. .1... k.i(j ii. ..,.. .,..,... ... of'n,ercba.iio to U o'ubt an 1 fo'.d by brok.-rs and run in on th.-e in-'iluii. -ns t , be jijUj,i,,,.,) j tp,.,.i(. or ...ri lu i 11 cj- t,v j;Vcti in the iitatM of culli ' ' iro- lia and ir -isii... l.-r ik:; Mii.i.i.a .f North Carol ma traue ru"S Mil;u an. 1 "hire pirena-es are cotuim a.:y ma.,.ug oy 1 our men-ban!.-' an! cuiz , her n.o;n- 1- ou , , 1 1 r "1 ,eurrc nt auu in a w r t urivi t. Jr mi ene-ii..- tion, ti the jjreat ii.jjry of t'.ie credit of our circulatintr nicliuin an 1 di tnnicut of our -f"iln. An-t while tin-1, tnf e i.-o. mil. Mas .outli 1 i.ro;iii;i ami Virginia (,, t :rr.ul,t;. in v 0, ,, k p .,- r, iiin, an! ' 1 ritrari'-e a.- it mav ar t'e jr is c :i -1 . . r. i eVi'll belter than cir bank -tt-j. ; di-plaeiiij l-t tll:it -""-ouiit ol home currency ir. the t i'e, crippling the usefulness of her han'icii: - in htilutions, and cireuin'eribiug their ability to accommodate the citizens of the coiiu:k ii- ... 1 . .1 1 r 1 wealth m .utservi:ig ti.e ci.n i inj ur wliith tliev wcr cr-ot.-l. 'Jhislein-a fa el . . ' .' . . ... led to moiiire M h v ius sovi n v -oi tli t leu loiliijiiiie wiiHis,.o m n v -oi 1.1 .ai j- ,- , H , a, ,)i.r0ui."t ai.v wb. re 1 r much k-s in South Ca roll 111 t.nd iruii.ia, i 1 1 11 . 1 " where so much of her vamal-ie trade a nil ti y Hows! which should brin? in the St ile in n turn, as many millions in dold and In , , , eliar'eu. i he (I'icstioii tlien nri-oj, who is to blame for our ''solvent banks '' 1'aiiiiiL' ts Ld iiK f.nnteiit organized rotnhina States to del reflate per. thereby em tail- ttou aud onviiii it as sent out, whether iu tiic wav of discounts or iu iiaymeiit of piouuce, Cy our men. u.. .iv.'ih il.ij re- mzed as currency in eiilier (. i.arle.-t-in, .. . , . Nuriul'i, etc., th larire tiiinni! ir.a s ! j i;: t! in latir n: ol produce ,ro,u No, lU ,'ar ir ci -.-aniy p 1 . , : I :l I : K J . t .1 L ' TO U L lit h- ,i !l!i 1 t di Ci I Ci f .. i . ,im, . I. ...in . i.nn uiii''ii i ,i; t- i . inc u t" hi j riu " ' - f,:ri.i-h the sail 11a iks Willi i -.X :,. lit in rede ti.pti , . . . . i which is soul U . . - . , lf ,...us. J lrJ, ,. i,s e.l-l :y p-rei 1: 0 w on r St X tl'S 1 i sborill't ll'T t r :i a her banks crippled aul injured ia the j r j- c5,; Now, I am of tlie O'.illiott that l.ljrtal IU il'l 11C..I 111. in e . ' I.'' I A1- .i... I ... ... , ., .. i .. ., .,..'.. ;., arriving at the conclusion he has. As lo 3 the reme lv ho tiror-ves, it is eh;nii-li as it io prepo.-es, it is ehlnli-li a- ,, " '"." !"' iioriil prove tutu", it is not iruo i.nu i i 1'aiiks of the other Stat have cimoit. a.'ain-t our II itiks. The reverse oft! ,,part.r tije f:u.t. It is not true : ,i,. , ..... i , t, r liot 'eV S. t'.iiiate ! 1j . '. I'.'.i' I'lisiiirss, Imt t'l'i i. iu !y; ir.it: S and forri ti in! -'o vr.- 'i ' tr ill ti n v o7 it Ltrsr soih: Now for tin? pro..d' . , ' no i 1. . e 1 1 . . . IS ... 1 .1 .. ni tn.j a i l- ni i - r n i i ; . . .,.... ' - ''"" . , '" " " ", ... . . . '' -"."r. '"' "I" ' ; "'" ' are liri-ie pavatiem .mt im;., jn'i eai little Jialiks following this exnn.p'c, ns thev 0J.tf iu ,-.,ct Cjai,li.li(.d t0 Ho, , xchanu their notes one with another. Thti- it will be seen iviins ia taken bv ' '; j tiini policy is not iu accor tin with the common usage ot i:iiii.itiL'. as practice. i in the oilier States. In nearly, il" not nil ihe Slates, in this confederacy, and iu fact a.i civilized countries, the Bank", no matter where their notes were issued e-r made, vol unlaiily enur into some well d. lined agree ment anions themselves to swap, redeem or eancil ail their nous at some one designated State, ou diinaii,'.. And tho-e liaiiks that v. not enur ii.io such an ai 1, raiiitem. nt are ni.ei out 01 ..' in.;, matter w here locate ;,r h jw a. d ate , vent, tucy may have the reputati t. "1 -'- ; tng ami their apcr lepuuiat. .1 a-, w i.:.. n:iu the n.-s'.. language ot the n..y. " in.- cat curren-ti t- .;.., . I .:e . .nareot oui i,,n: oar ilaiiks to iiisne arrsn-r u, . .. I to eive credit slid character ta their cireu- . - . : , i, t : i i I . latioii at home an anrcail is n:nl enough in : ail con-cicnce. wneu tuey uciii.eia..- ly stoop to decrauc their own paper, .-t.ll j further bv receiving the notes of lie Ihiiik i of South Carolina and irinin on depo-tt ! and payment of holes that they have dis ' counted, when none of thc.-e Bin as vi... touch one of tin ir notes f-r any pjip j.-e v. iih , a pair of tongues, we can but Lei that such ' Banks are iinpo-ing n: ,-n us as a p op'.e, a..,l , . . : . 1 . .... "l'aoili' us as a ."late. .s v .1 , -ur burn with shame when ti these a n a 1 iii i 'V. 11 ; n in ' the ciuutrv.swij -pin ' oil i-llts .!' N ( n'o.ica paper for S .utii t aro,.n . an i ireii.u imte.' ' and sometimes p ' " ''''' f'r the , ,.lu n' i dis-rnc.-fal evasive, r-und-t.1 out hufllh'.j for ? AVhy, arc tho pu! lie th.us defi .iu le I why, ah ! why are we thus abMiiefully ue , i-radod as a State T r ortun itcly t t u, il is 1 , - . mntcf ,r , fJ ,nVer tbis!J:l-v' r'! i . ,...;..,..(.- tJ all uunre iudiccd i l'e- citu-i minds. I assert that all this pains is takou,""" ( 1 U!0 by our Bank to degrsda their own curren- Ui '-v- p3' for no other j urpoe than to cnahic thc-in " r"T"!':"3 U1'MU ,llvir 0WD no,e8' , W l' ;r r Lanks Llow l . I nlmri 1I1 lti-it ti-) 1 a I ! 1 n i' .-.. t.tiiiti nil1. the cnnc (! have (lefcribcd that no other IJai.ks in tin' L'uiuu will tuucu their liotes and I ein-r thus (ffectually outlawed abroad and di-honon-d at home, such a priititil )rif,j (;,-, y; tt tri'l nt' tirassitr full into 'lit li'inis of the truLers, from the sim ple fact that u ben it pets out of the Siato it has 1,0 where i!-e ti go. Tbe.-e thuip sighted traders v. bo think they are do'uiir. jiuely when they ran shave eon.moii Uatik iniles at our In'iilh vr crc hall fir nit, will not talre N-:rtb Carolina money under t .vo nt:d a half and three r cet.t. U hen the j atri-Hle and n .Lhl minded linaticiers whol ave eliarf of o.ir Ihn.k.-, fee this, they ate rxceedingiy e'ad, il'thnj do not shout aloud for joy in 1 hi ir -rt-tvt entit -la ve. Not!i iiis.' el.-f plea".-" them si fell as to fee their 11 iti's m l;;i:-- at a heavy di.-ccunt iu aJjuin iug States. Fur the jrreater tho ui-.cuui.t a-hi-d by their friei,'-, tlics hrokers, tho heavier the pr-miiim they will bo abb: to voiiittiar.d fr 0 1 1 . tin ir c j-to:iu-rs tor foeign and inuiicstic 1 xehin-rc. Ili-t ce we tind a!i nur liaiiics -el.ii;g (irai'ts c.:i New York and J'hiladi Iphia nt otte ar.d a half and two per cent, w hilt- tin y ooul.l bo had in Sooth t'areiinti f-.r three eights Mi l in Vircif.ia for a ball' or one jerc:i.t. It is clear, thru, frtn tin -e simple -tati an i.t-, and tbey arn , uiidet.iablr true, that car Ininhs are cot co nr.n.'u toiieer'ied to !'tirt.i-h the jienjc with a .i. :ii 1 eirei. ')';!".' nielia'.n, tln'V are t'j peril ft v.ii'h art rim. n ci t., a-f will table them to sin , e our in reli :n's and liiiallv th he ti.te ly .-'-I i :i - them N:thet:i cxtiiatieo a' rscrbirt:t r;t'- -'. If fl.i great r.ml r"-.v-in eiil i- net ri tn'-ill d, ai,d that .-petdily, it is e-.i'leiit that the ftihks will have not only the people but the State comph tJy in tie if ps'ia-, tets v ?!i thr :n a they ph ase. Let i:i" c.t' n-piify : Snrpi.-e cur Slate licit was nr'w t' a iii i Hi of dollars, which it wi l niiipiestioi, ,l.y s (on 1 r ; this sum Lear :Z an in!"rc-t of sis per c piivable -i hi i-r. t. : 1 1 y in ti.e City of New York, would ie.' iiiv thro" !i ut; 1 r-. 1 tbonsatnl d-jl-lar every six moutbs to be paid by the State in that city ti a certain day to save her ii'iti 'r and mail, tain her credit. Now let tie el as!, is it ti' I plain to the cni:prchcien of rv man in the S'at" wh baJ one parti- ele rjf I rams thtit :f t I. l. l.u.ce trade i'fetv.e'-n N "Tt :i l.'arolii.n and the Nortln rti States i- now -a excee y small as to etl- a! ie our re age ni i i:t to re pT cert, on at -i b v dexterous man- agt-un nt to realize from one and half to two pr cert, on all tt:e N irtbern fun-as that , they can now procure. Then is it not bc- von I uis"tite tl pt thev nil! lii f l- lin t!i-y s-e the Male CJinp- ii' d to pun lia-e at lea-t y hu ,.: ---I ti-.-ufum -f-'.-ns or tuts n il!!;, of them, or be di-.-raccl t'V em; ! exehatii'r i ie; ti"-:r tut:'! ') p in lo ne ready t-mid the as. I up I, ,r I , n,, .ii'. .! p t.-i,;l flirt f - - . j n I , ,fn ,,. f -. , ,.,, 11,0 L Il'il I.'U t ul ! t Ml III COIIH.", T Ii at 1.1 f V fi'iii n.iintin hir t'l tmrr- iig Ilii-in t ion i ' ' 1 1 I'm . .m - v v. . . exchange upon U'-!i t-nns a. they may sea pr p.r to demand at that critical n;omit:t. I h pc- 1 am mi-tak"n, but 1 confess I am alai in. d at the prosp-ct before in. And when I ? 'e our sc-liii; exebaugo to i our liiciciiants at the jcxort-itatit rates tuey do, an l .Mien it is certain cticcii can ca; procured for one third less in X'ir-iiiin or South Cur.'liiia i.ctu i;h-taiiuiiiir three Stat. s are in d. I t to the amount of thirty five or forty niioions of dollars I slui idcr when I cotitt mplate the avarice or mi-man-ii;emcht of our Hank- r-; and I feel cot S dent ll.-'t if our pt"M'i:t policy is pursued tntieli 1 i'v.i' r, tho State v. ith all who arc en-g-ued in the active ''iruils of iife are hound to -uM'-'f and that greatly. Thcrs is no way that I can see t avert the calamities that ate no threatetiiti to ovirwhelui us with heavy ilirtet taX'-s, disa.-tcr atnl ruin, but one; und that i- 1 1 create a i.irg Statu liatiK. tin-l so identity it w:ta our public .fIWorks of improvefient. as will ui-.ke it from e. -s;ty ..... : to I! j l-try of the State '.trees of the faitn. M -:rl protect the iti- until all the latent re- are thoroughly jhly deve- loped, and our great and good old Common wealth thoroughly iinjrrvcd, 'lii .t all this ea'a he speedily effected by keci-in our del t at home and making tho interest paean:.; at our nauas is inougoi to CO t-eyomt Caui or UOUbt 6y nt niri.-i -n l.a.- Iciii made by Jun.'e ly 1 r, at Staffotd eounty, Virciai-i, in the suit bmugLt I y the Meti.oJt.st j'.j.lscoji.il Church South, to obtain "-.-c-.-ioi, of what is known as J'.ben-zer church. The decision is in fa vor of l!i Church South, and the Court ap poinied tru.-li i s and a tei clver iu relation to tlie c li'.iee an 1 mo - iu di pule. 1 Lis sett . i . S th'.' li.ht- Ol" the Methoili-t CilUI'dl to the ecclesiastical property within its precinct.-. 'Ihe M tho'!i-t Church of the United St itcs. it i I be ia e-db-cted, n as under one gem rul c nii'i re nee, but ll.e Northern por Uoa of it Laving adopted some t-ry siriu tent re.'ulaliotis in re. poet toceiiuin bishops and ministers South, who were supposed to be connected with the ownership ot biaves, the S 'iiiherii m uibers det.-rmii.eJ upon a paration, and claillled to be cUIit'.ed to ,a siiarc of the book concern iu li.i.s city, aud ,-i,-o t the Mcthoi.-t cliut'ehis and iatieis Sou'.ii. ihev fjin.ed a .-cpai'ate and gene ral eouleieie e, and inaci iitiaUvu und un pleasant feeiiuj has since oceuried betne.-u tl-.e s .utlicru and noi .In rn branches. The Uiiltcd States Court in this city decree I in r -. lii- M'i'.a a t'i tne l' o '.; e me. ru, i' no d ihe pre-tht decii-iii shows them to have been e-q'i illy s icce.-.-', u. in luo, courts oi U. .tl' owu siclioll. Il is to he hoped that I In' un ploas.int feeling which tne e n.tiover-y has ' created wnl n jw be u;.. piled, and tinit a -tdi il of bar uony and u.-tf line , such as ' formerly exist. d between the to svcliotis, w ill be rest, re i. - v. J'ni ,'- ill I ui 1 Indemnity." 'The Kentucky L? ;i.s,.i- - tun. wi.:h a' ; sirr-d ste 'uie M ,r- i- !aw ma VI i,d toi.ns of the S:ate. rispou owuefj ol" pio, s'ffy Jci'. loyi;d by all

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