Liun-iuH n'jjL'muiaii'f i 1 iiiiiwii i rfi tm'j "Be irqc io t'oi), io not). Goi-Urn, to Moqlr VOXjUME o. 03HE!L3F2.2LflOBXt,,ZaII3, IM- CM APBLIIj 29, 1S56. ISTTJJSLTTIF. XO. i 1 in mini a an in nini i m i mmt T H 0 itl AS J . H 0 L T 0 W , ElHTUlt & l'llOl'ttlKTUR. TKUMS: r ,.. N .ril Carolina hie will lie nflordcil tosuh. ' V". 'i'v.V mtV&ST??'' Tn M .hli AMI Mr 1 I it .i.)m.ii,i be .. .. i .i ii.n i- mi'iiiht; iiii.i 1 UKLi: DuLI.AKS fi. i n t . i" lac Vc:r. .o li:.H r vv ill lit- tlifC'll. ' .,! ,11 nrr.-i.raKe.. are t xc. (,i at the i!.. i;.i,i..r. ......... 1 i rus'-iin n i iiik m.-.i ai in.- in. liar pc r siimr.- , linn mce.l i v ) I'.ir I In; timt ma. r. ,,l-i..ri.K , etu,. ..,.,-.,.!. . ... ..,,.. '"r-i-iL .?....". . .m . - - i" -- i. i:n- regular uriee, lor udvertiMTt liy ular price., lor uUvt-rtiM r l.y . v.... hi-, u.wiu . inert. .1 i.miitl.iy i IM hi .ii- U w.h I,,!,.-. . .t . r ...jiiiire t-ueli time -tin inters jre aulliorize.i tu act nrulfl ,1 t i II Of 11 II. mi TV .rti hr in Iftr Kivcr of Tlnif. ?v v r. B.iTt'firi or. r . :( id j t I utlf in ri r tii" Tin.c, .I r l f dim hrt- hit u n j , u t e -tf i " " t -fc a ii.t)ic-l cltiutr, i n;ii -ii? Ute th fft trtii-fil rltnti', n :itn J utit tHi I tic fuM. m lt iig. rT . I n w itli I tr pal. goli'en but , . 1 iiitlir I. i, i, i;.i I..- n.uiinurid tiii,.. tint cume Irrnili. - .. i iir.utl.. : '""'"'' ii - l--'t. i"l yrt wprt. n it toe A. ,.,,.,.. n-rw.,.r.w i nf-.w-i;. .. . ri. wy l.di ni lio. fcirj.l.U ,.W, V.,-.. ; . in-, s ol Ir4uty an- f I... inn f. '. : r "" I ..! It i ir i-v t, ..i.e! lot :r i . . t uii!'V r.uifid tiie lie iri. w iih s ' ilderirg w i!.-, - i u tl kuuw 'ti hut drta.;.trg. of ii.'t- i the nam.fiil Tact, l -irv ear trpssurri. tlx r.-t : .i.cp of Im-.. li . , n ..v. 'y to l.iM ; . ai t. ol' , i ilti I he .1 ul i1. r ll.i ra J -An - rr tr'Bt 9 'ui ring! U r flair. t !'pmcnt of win p, i nly .Met no; y ting. ft 4 ! t r j uj unt At i l, uni . iui. it in ut ' ;i 1 wit r r t,. t 111 i d ! it. r prd nnr , 11. u-tu t wf ir. :iic Vri-i.t teutii'ul nsd there .'.-:r ., t j; tl I'" T 'tr v t t y t. , ritnf, "'': " V T: 'Villi hi .1'- ii il ti. , tf o: i.igttt ii.m'.i rf In c k -tr. n ij ui ' - " 1 ) in ..InnM. (in.n, fc l In t ut n b 1 r.U , 4 tin 111 fin j ;.fr, -it:'ul u! wi'H i. .hsnnui.iike tiiow i i. 'i 'a- oi j i y br t nl. .1 ri: 'I'.ini- in .ts ti.rhul.nt flow, - i i v I: - Vo..-h v. r l.e:.r.t l'r ago, - v...ii . rt- a Cresin of delight. illisccilanrous. Vr-itn the Sttir.t of ile Agt. ? 3 S ' ?i , THE TWIN SISTERS. Ill -AN ISV AI.IH. g:.ti,,r around my bedside, ray " ' ti l-, n. I I. ! itie t. '! y u : v M i-.-i . : a a I but siiiip.l- t i e -- I trial. .Mabel L- und bi r I, ii..,-. wcre twins and gi i.s ' i ! !-ii- I p ireuts be-irts. '1 he chll i ' -' j --: 1 1 pireiits, an I nursed n. tiie : uirj ail i-ii, they knew no want js n ji gr.iiiSed and no pains were '- l t-i a. lorn th.-ir youthful minds. Idol ty ' t .iid and affectionate family, ca i .id p-tl.-il ;.y aiimiiing friends, it i - .iie of ..ond.r that they were not ' the seductions of Hatiery into li--. ant vanity. Not cloud be- I tie; horizon of the go!dn futur.-, ' ' r 3 'lti' hearts were i.tiron-;d with nl at.t.cipatioi.s an I tlatlcring 1,'jp. s. I . i 4n it Sl-t these sweet buds were bur-tin i ' .in uiliool th.; dark anel of iter. I feir h ippy h luseh ,! d and I a v ay th ir guardian Htid prottc-' .' a - i 1 day wm.-u tln-ir b.-l n. d -tru k;tj down by the cru-.l -p'.il- prompt". i by the imiinlsct of 1 i. r . n it ire, had becoiiio the endor r ' 't a ' ir ' :iu o, lot for mi old I l.i .h. " 1 m-ii I. This individual had plun- ' '' '.'"I. I'd-. v ,'d -chi;iii-s of -iieciilation, , 11 '. at l!,.. death of Mr. I.e.- bit cred- ' . : l I '" ! in i tided a selil.-meiit, it was foor.d !'- i.- - is itio.iv.-tit to an extent aimo-t '. ..,t only was bis ovu estate 'I1 a y , bit the bereaved widow and. ' r p in,, w-re reduced to indigence1 ' ;'! -i lo.o , and forced to soil their ' ' ' "i 'h -t.-rn struggle f.r bread.; '!!.. were prepared to rie superi- j a . ciin r-' ui ii-s ; and with bravt and ' ' -I h' aits t buffet against the heavy "I .ilvir.ity wbieli now beat over f 1 . iic-ii-st l.'-a'Js. - v. is d. t. ruiiie.d that one of the ttlns ...i a i . i ... i ... .. . A j; - :.. j-. ... rii,..a...ji. a s .Bssi-ttai.b ..... . . ... . s. ., ...... i i . r i .l . Away Iroui w li-rc ilircitvH lioisc, """). wincti a Im ml ol tln-ir inother . . , ,. , i. i. . ,i , ,i i- . ... . .tinl tlironriii2 le t 'o by. ..-l. I d tu. ui iu a distant Stale. J iiere " k ' ' J ' -V Ji.t-nu,,, as to which hould N ltll,.ri Wf., p , "' i, "'"e, lor Ih.u.'l. the idea of ,;,, j,,., , . ,.., t.,e mat rniii of , c.p.-.liy pan.- An,, rroM1 , word of pi and woe, - jth.yet each wtstoo uns.-llisi, toal- ,,,, )(t ,.r r,.,, -e otiier to endure the pang of n para-; vV,y s,n!d wc wi-l, her back a -aii " n"1 1 . ' hy hji' a,"1i r r--'-'1 frr" -"f l.-ll upon .Ma.bc . L,.t , l rtt(.r pr;1 ,;,-, )jT1 11 lnu-t haw., uriina . l.Abr. ... ' ' tne-s il,., feparation of these lovely "'tiirrs Never before, bad thev beem rt .... n..,..,.r ... U....I - i r .' -i at tiou.e unit .1 sei..s..l .l...u I. ...I ' in-" parable ompauiont. I)ay iftcr i3 t-ey uiil utijojcd lib aiuB 4t.iioeci.t ntnuscnients. night after night their young In ads had .-lumbered upon the .-nine pillow! A melancholy gloom anil it silent sadness. r.-igiictl in this hitherto joyous circle ; und ',on 'e r,T hour came, it was like I lie "T.i U'77l!Vl'TUim'lt that they bowed their hoaiU in uieck sub- mission to the stern decree , ', ''"r '" tllu South, where cv- tiy mene came ii.ucii witn perliiine Iroui ,...,.... .. .I ....... "e"- ",,u i..';iioiia troves, iliu ,iaiicl as- sume the duties of her iintvii-.l vocation Venice li.ore lo.,-l.v Was KJ. n in the- vaiU I,,0,'n 01 ereuiiuii tluiii h ier new lioun-; carcc ,l,ore "appy was Kve, ere yet t-he i. .ltd to the wil.s of I he tilniu.-i, if l.i.tie had 1 only t, en there. Ilm. uiur.. l. u, I I ii ,. . . . . : , 1 10 "''e ?r"" ' I.f iutu-ti ...ey ,p un- up as it l.y ii,a;.ic in path- n.Y. I'lMI e ati I lO .-In ..jrn.l I. r.1 , .. .. .... . ..... "ime lllenili, ami a I nil- . oils 1,1 i..-.L ! i". I - . my a" co"!,"t1. " i-hange came .ar I...- .... ...A n:.t... . .. I .1 .... ..... 1 ill 1 1. a mni-i.iii.r ili.l t , ,,, .1 i ,.. i... .. i " h'J in-some mhi il.. a :u o I il.i.tli...! i., iTBr ...u.- t.... i.' ... .. I - ...jr-, mv.- I.IIU I... . . . .months -l.rinp, nummer and atit.iuiu cat j anchor upon I lie hore of eternity, and as ....e wi-,, uo.ry King a r. .pnuii, to the t-xpinn year, it wai plain that .li-,. ,ta.-e had claimed her for its victim. 15ut Utiil her letters to her mother and Lizzie (iK..c 0Vtt(j were clicering an i lopetul, und little .lid -c loveu ones uieuui Hint i-r nni... hou!d deck the earii. in got-eous Lenuty, hhe would I.e klei piiij l.-ncaih the hod ph far away from borne. Jiji i.( 1,'iieth was compelled to desist from her Ubors in the choolroom, and lur friends wiole lo ln-r 111 other bid din i' In r J . - - - i . . . i.i l,..r .1 n... I.. t ,.r m V..-.1 .1.!.. IF I .. u i i i ier s Deusiue u ,-i,e woul.l s..-e Iut a-uin on en. . ... , 'ii, I .1 . U 1.1. . 1 How lo poor JJiiie ! With ai.irreiii-' scream ' ... j. .-.i-iiuuii; die wuttk into deathlike swoon, ami f .r d.J4d,e was ii.-i-i,,iblc lo ail urro,.ml,a Y J . ",r -1 " '"' -""''" Iv 'o leave her room, inle, licence bad been r.-c Ived that dear lab.l was no mire 'i: one ho dia thu dii.p.-rv ol bis couch around bin. and lies down to pic . -ant ureauis i-I.e tiaj Lnl adieu, to the scenes ol rat th, her . re clitlv clo-e.l Iv stranger hand-, und 111 her lal.-t br. alh d. faintly whi-iiered. J.iz.e Mother home. J.ue a ten-k-r llow.-r.l traii-planted in 01 ri- er soil ; or like the ui.lle.i.'eil tirdlins; torn . 7 , ... Horn the parent iie-i,M,c .trooped and i :.-!. lor days U was tl.oujj.t that Liites spirit would burst it bomUof eiar and soar away to join hi-r ii-6 r in heranL'.l borne, lut 11 was willed otli."f wi-e, and she nan fparfJ as prop to h-r mothrr 'wkis ijjEfc;r fit.- was contiiu-'l to Lit lont-ly tUntMvr .ni-l oUu i . rhf :lt I" her ted propped up by pillows would ,"c "l-r I"01i''r 01 1"'g -MaU-l scrapu tialer. 'J he birds are sin.-inj !ti the trees, As on the very day J ha' luoruin-;. too.le r d. ar, hen M tb.-l wert a .v a v ; And Aptil s pleasant gleams have cr.n Atol April t gentle rain I'r h b-av.s are on the vine, but Will Mabel come again? Th spring is at it u- d to b", And ad tnn-t be t!n; miiii ; And yet mts, the f. elings now 'I hat aiw a; s wit It it came ; It seems a. 1.' to Ine -he made 'I be s We. t lie's of 1 he jei.r ' As if I on! I be glad id mora Now Male i3 u-jt hi IP. i , A year it '.cr-ms but ye-tcrday, j V h n in very door ; on stooi', an i she came running back, I'o say go ) 1 bye once more. lo r parting hi I i.e .i- mm worn tie saol. Ah ! little did wc think ot e year, An 1 Ma! .1 would I e ,! ad '. II it all comic bar!: to. Irippy titnc", P-f'ore our father died j hen lil.--s.-d with l.i hi wc I.n. it no want, Scarce I; ii..- a i-li d. n-i-.I His io-s an-J all our -Iru.-.-lc- on. And that worst dr-ad, to kno From home, too poor t -In iter all, That one at I.i-l mit go. How oft. r do I Manic Inyse.f, How often do I think, Hon roii I was to .-brink fiom that I'rom which be d;.lo t brink ! And when I w!h that I hid gone, And know the wi-h is vain. And say lie might have lived, I think, Hoar can i smile again ! Oh, mother had but father lived It Would not ha.e been thus; Or if liod Mill had taken h.r, She woul.l have died with us ; She wo.iid have had kind looks, fond words Around h.r dyiu bed Our hands to prs her dying hands, To raise h.r dying head. in alsavs thinkiiiL', mother noir. (;f what she mu-t have thou-ht ; l'oor 'iiil ! as day on .lay went by And n.-ither of u-. brought ; Ol ho she mu-l hive yearned, one fc J hat was not strange to ce Mow longed one. moment t have rest H. r eyes on you and me. Soiii. timet T dream, a happy dream I think th 't she is 1 ltd He-id.- our own old village church, U lj, re we o often played ; And with Ii. r we shall lie t;.,,, t .,7 V j, lon to ion. her lliere. " That'a the end of my tail," an the tad pole id wLti Lc turned iuto 4 builf.-o. I'lttm tlie (tife$!ttna Vutiiot. I . ..i IIH t . Vv'o regard llio American " parly as a patriotic necessity. The i clioiial ! . IT-rt-ti be-.. f,.r year, iuereasi,,, . , between the North and the oulh, fosler- . r 1. .- i '.V tl.c pnu-lcnii-i. of obi p..lit.e-il pa. tic. and hy a hyMcin of actual olli.-inl from the I'icrca ml mini.-! ration, ha ve i;ro n o iilariiiiii ns t) pr.-M-nt to tin- pitiiotii mil. I of tin- cj it nl llie In e s iiy of miui.' eltleielit clieck, In or-l. r to pn-vei.t the i-.ui i uu.-n.-.-. of di-uui..u .!i-ui.i.u in f.clin. .... . . .... ... . . ". .. .in. in, una u i . :i : I V a ill-union oi u,.,,, ,, . ' . . i . . ..... n. ........ .. ..-(..'.-.,-.... Hlir .1.(1. . IC.IIJ. . . t . . . . A cull-K e I 1j e. forllolio lie... U l.i . party, and a perhaps M 1 " on jcr poition ol .1.. t .... ... i . . . .Tiiiuimin; I -:.r.y reeiiru. or Bdect lo " b all i-egard, such alarm eau Manv ot ii...!b. I...... their leaders nuet it Td)yftt)flicif1e and abuse, expressed in the arrogant tylcof men to wilm WM., , ,1U l.eeomi! . .-eond nature- , .... ... ,. ,. '"U'"t U''" t,,c 'Ur'"ilt ' P""1 r' "u("'' " l",'n P r'ue 1 by each par- lor years, and which may now very Iruth- uily be suinmoiied up as in. a-ures o I; iji tir Jii.l tnuii'l llir O ils fnit some of iTiC-e U ad. r can n.-t, and others tiii" ."!, .I.e dangerous vet which our in -lit jiiona an? approaching. J!-'H. s those netiiaK vaii l d. . ply .'lis-tl'. ficted toward tin- confc ! -racy, n.-l we ap prehend their name is Legion.) ' hate a- i.ioii us lar-e r timbersofiiuii am' Uo.iscf prefeniunt but Li. iw in li i it lis I ioTe lo p! the l,.-:l!- II ti a. k- . f J. . : i.i 1 p .. .! party tia. - 1,;, (,, . liou.. r bound by the Ion;; an 1 Mrou; ii. s of habit and se!r-ii,ier.-t to oil or.-si.uati..i.. or- fntiizitiiitis who ,i. f I- 1 r 1 ii ll'l I'll '" Pri",'r,r II i-t, i 1 '1 ,: .14 lii'. 'O'ilCl" I3' and p jvv. r t I In ii it (in 1 r ait let the country and the p. .( e -o ! 1 .1 1 .- iii tills con. Iitioti or I Lin.-, 11 r. i nn's men 1 f rl' J'',",t ''f '! uii!!iiiei.i;i.- irre m.-u who have th t our igo t face puliti. -a! dcalh to whom the hatard of a .,, r in ,,1., ..j is s ,,. .i.iin eoiiipir t i ff rt to pr. rv. that ed with an bone- l-'',JI IuiImwi .1 h I ! ooJ vt li.e li. Id- lulioh, - - it riqures s.icli m.-u as ih. -c to Mrc , ,r,:4, tj ,,u ,,,jr l.'.s of ili-alf c- tioti, stt!i In alls I lo meet any cv, nt with tiie grac l.iine.s of pilriots who hav d me tlo ir doty t-i their c UMiv, '.it lo-pe. f j! an 1 c n!i lent of I) aj p a!- t i Am- .n p it ri ill ..i i.a . er fai.ed to secure. S..c!i nun is Jj!m A. i .i hi r, of (.' uti .ford, the nominee of the Am oi.-in S.jU ' ti-. etiiion for i.ov, rnor of .North '.it .'i ... a g. nt'e.iiau w l.o-e ic-v r .. ., ' : iii-.n we doubt It-)', eon. b. i.e nen e i f ! . ; I, met,' of si;, th.iu any other who ci.iM halt been elected to he ir the -taieiaid of t!.c ' cjiniu; canvass. Mr is anolb-r in that I list of Aniericaii worthies, l.n "the architect of bis ou fortune M if i h.incc has Lc li the ,-ole . onorab'e 1.-. n !. )-u ,. I, l of his . i 1 1 ut-ii t success iu lite; who has trou gh d up from tie liuinbb-r w a k- ot 1 (.-. a gait. I U" 'I a nt i.'.' which mi ill app .1 in. i ft. initiate -oils of loxury.los p.-;iini of , di.-iiuttioti and n.ll leiite, w h r.- the d .-,,, -eiicrou-, p itiiotiv cituin ition. ,i l.i I are fcit nmj aekuovv o d jcl I,,, i.ati-.e State, His a net--try were of tie; l.ardy .cc teh-Iii-h pion-ert of North Carolina, .h; -an active patt f.r their ountiy iu the H':ir , of Independence. Uoth bis p. itirn il and : maternal gran It it'o rs fought under com maud of Capt. Poii . s, bit mat. -i n, 1 1 UtiC-;., Who lO-t his III.; Ill Ih- 1, ill, . of I, , ; f .1-1. 'J hut his live of A in- ri i ti f o, comes by legitimate ililnl italic-, aul I: r !.l rt I duly to protect il i- among the- in i t -acre 1 he(-ie-tt of hit fath' r.. j Ills lather, like many olh r lo lcpei; , i,t . farmers of lIu. country, eo nhine I a nn eh m. ii'il with bis agin, iltural i nip ov no it, n 'i 1 reared his soils, (of whom djiin A. via, I l,e i ilde-t,) in that be-t of sch. !-, win r-; on the fa i in and in the shop are taught lln useful arts of i i - ; -t;d hy tin; rural lire-ide, mid.-r the watchfulnc-s t,( a r.-liious r, is in(i!led that high in .rainy which I, t'leiiiiprcgiiablebuKiaikofihar.iel. r.vvh. th- , tr iu the social waik, or ill the temptation. nn l storms ol public- Wo. Ly goiti' to a ,,t hi - . i,t ; .', ,- into ihile nl. a situ iti in rent, near the bottom o tli. Strait.-, an e.Unl neighborhood school in the winl. r month-, ,,f tl.,;rs truly un linn In ly, ami weli caleii- i h stions; under current of Very salt water he rec iv.-'l a common l.ngn-li eiluealion ; and afterward-, on means r.ii-id ci.i. lly by teaciiiiig- the same school, he ptoeiire.l a I ..ubtiiti,.l knowli ib'.' of the cla-sirs an I luatiiematii-.s at the academ-, ii rough. Ilccriiititig hi- tin. nicer by t-arhinj jl,. a c!ii"sieal school for two or throe tears in , . South Carolina, In; came Iiome and ci.gag- ' . ed III the study ol Ja w, under the .liirrtioti ; of .Judge .lurphy, procured a li. ei.-e to ; practice iu ld'i, mid . nter.-d the legal f ) rum, without money, w iih. tit w ealthy or in fbj'-ntial connexions without any thing but j a vigorous constitution, a strong j ing, am! a hopeful heart. I Hit associates ami competitors at the bar were audi men as the Morclieads, S. tt!c. Nash, Hoyden, Mrtideiihall, (iorr.-l!, lira' ham, Dick, I'oiiidcxter, Wadd. II, Kerr, and olLorx who Lad achiortid tucctna and d.a i'iik -lion in the large circuit which ho chose for his career. The array of tale.-t a.non the older iii.-inbers of tin; pr ofes-ion, v ho inoiiopo'iifccd tiie practice, would have hc.-n il.sbe.-ut.-niiiL' to a youth less lion.-f tl or le 1 .... I,:. ..n r...n..r .....I ' i: ... . . J l-ries. ii.n. p titTt"! L iu m"iu n"ji ni t'.iis odds and iiiliKl'il uhie'.i f.ii iii-li.-s its own couiiiiPit.iry. He his no.v fir many .-.ns h.ldlh.- po-ilion ... . i . r . i . u one ii il.e 111 -t lawyers o. uie ciaic. , , , , H has I ecu 1 1 ui r. mark. l ot t.ilincr, that ' wnh. ml piet.iidn.- t i L: s , or per- I.-....... L- ;.. , . I... I... 1, ., I, I... i. " - - -. - ....cuUaih -.ho Is' ' . " . . . . ' ' . . . iuiiiiiieii ii.i.!iii-.i ill 1. 1. I i.iii.r ... 1 J 1- I !.. I . an. I ill iceliii-' un-i M iiii.iiim. J.yi t alct.t , ii.d I -I ry niel coinage, be his grown into fame and wealth mi the !"oil nhero he w as born, and w here his an.-t tors i'm-.I. II.. hat bien tlin lo l!..' fiielidsof I I o,j:li. ever mindful of his oiigiu, and urur iir-ir in.' lo tower ariove I tie wants, an. I interest and h v in ri i ll.i. r.f lit-1 a 1' II i. L'i'ioi-, ta f.iu't liberal" -.lino-t to citrnv a.'aliee, u-ta'iti.-s which l.j-.e I.e. u devi l. pi.. I . m-Iii iv. ly Iroui hiso tn peiiial nature, in the ini l-t of . .ir'i- r r.( i i.iti ins lieei .rilv i to ioi.v than pr.. In i .n I he i ,,,)y di-B-Katiiige wiili i wl i -h hi- had to coiit.-ii 1 . em to h e warm- ed Ins heart p. cjii.tiy towards J. mug nun i-i si', liter... 1 cireiitti-t meet, who l ave irini. i !-! ! ib -ire a li -1 tab lit fn hole,' able !! lin.ii-.Mi ii if-. Wit!, unrahul.t i,g trust, ex.-epf upon tho eh.ra.l.-ri.tie g,-.i,i,,de .f yoith. be .,, coutnl,.,, gly ,., -.I. h t. ,.,d 1 s money, t . t f ir vv 1 r ! o-iii no 11 11 1 !. ecii p.irs-i,t, '..h.r pro!-.s. If w lo ih. r uf I. is u or 1.1 in any instance be has b( i n rep tititv Link 11. :r iiit 1 !-, I. t t! mi tvt i i A hi ; ,o 1. I- the - .tl t . i ' V ! -l s "i Ii eli. 01 to ki.oa tlo.t g.-te-r. ... , . . . ri. vti-.ti w 11 tin. v hi st meil. It the I. eipi. lit. o) I. is aij vyou'el .tinl f-r'd an ! ant t I : t v tv tl.t til 't. 1 t-;.'t itl M r. ' 1 m r's 1 hit. ut. r, a .' Of tV. would h ird.v I r.ii'iired t) gain f r l.iiu t !. aft eli .:,s if lho-c w ho arc 1 :'ti I is p.-r-ot.i hilory. l.i l-.'l Mr. In. mil w is .J jted by a ... nil in. l.i jo i vol..' .d It 1 1 cimly t ; (he Mato SVnVc, iiTil has been returned, wtlluul op-P'l-ilioo, t- f i.rv e-0'in tjis cour-s in tin- I. i it or.; i - too r. c- I t and to well kiuiii to r. jure ,-n.y r. c.ip.tuia'iou at our h.lids. In I il his bet II s.i ;je-l.;. liiut his c niroit t il b hi- v.'t.'S oti ui.-is-t-."s the J-i b.Mre will I.e uc s- gi ll t b .11 . I ti.e t" I ' i II e,!!l.H-S. .V. .) lii'.t f I'! S 1 I- at ti.r- and la- resoote- ol siil;.'ii tllMt.i. And Sill h is til i li it win. -It thu thing has'y hid up :i ... i .rty nrgii.i. iti.i'i-, t'eil tin y 111..! !. l-l'll I: ill i ill I I-III t ti.l.-t. llll'll who ha 1 '"' i''.'ie..-, and im if coti-ider-c I 't' i'i'. e oi, i j, ,t jp,. , int. Any people or pal ty w .1 li s. rve t i Indeed. uiebr w on! I a tin. Mi it of I 1- li ;i r ! . v l..o u ich li iVrtnal this p i, icy h i- r. p -at lly l -u t-.l iu tie; elect eu ol a p.b.r e ! in- t "f i' e t of k lot .'. - i. j.l, to, el,.- d, dir-clcd by a k tel.. n Wc g., f ,r i!- liberal v ,. .is con.prehi li 1 the St ite or countrv, arid wh !.' 1,! of 1 to Hi I lo lie and itui. J.elldi liCe lo a-- .i ir, lo i... - i ! -to. nt. rtlviit uti- 00 tv Coll 11 lion i. . Ii . ..t 1 f.- iin.'t of an honest 1 ley I r Mijpjtt and approval. Mr l.ilio chicilv ili-ti I. ,-i I itue caiei r has been i-l.i d by his devotion to the ii.l- 1 11 ii iinpt ovi tin-lit of the State. Willi a few nth r worthy c imp at i lots, of similar in. tt'.c. In w a- f.i enio-l in . curing the cbsr ti r of to- trrcit N it t !i Carolina llaili oad, y ( on pi. t.l . ui I iv is u tit 1 1 in; in his i Hi t 1 sv CUt' million nb-eiipiiou ..ciiied ;, III Iter nt .1 v l.i i in . il.i. n.,.'f , is , U it! clieerlultii s and z-al unn a I v ii- it. d tl: u-of tin- Stale t . Wjth th -.t h i n or,.. I oi ol I., r I p,rt, I""' ie -pi -II. h -count. -nam in.- various pi f.iln-st and i ln-r.. t vv h.eli h is eomuiai,,!. I s in the. af! tils of his ll 1,1 l l - r . nt M .t- 'JCCC oan lilc. " To appr-ci i- pro., rl y the f ,i lit ode nc ci - s - .ry to i. p-li iel an in N .nh Carolina, or. cupy iu ', on i!,e miI.j.. t. of internal iinpiovc- m ni the pi ifiou In I I by Mr. (iilin. r, it would I,.- m c at v l i under-t m l thepecil- 1 ,r - ,(. of ',ii,j. in the Stnto at the time 1 it- il I i iin-ti in ; the en. i t ., . , o. s of the ino-t : I li.ady iiicnl.. j e .ui ieoiis spn lis. , the -t . t .- had i inb a i l.c I in I tit lew improve- in. -ii-. and, hv --1 r . i ii r loo soon, bad ner ..... . . . -. . noire. I I to-e I , I.e I.alllnl 1 il iir.-s. lltnl nl. f,i ores ,.i,,n.o, ,n, .....oiiii. for . I.M.I.o . ,. .1... .1. I... i!. .1; . . . ale. cou it ion of I he I oads Weie t ..Hies , .un i. .cm. s uf p. rp. tua ariingu ru no lar-.o navi.'ab'i livers " I'her si.-.-.-ting further improvements- ,, nt..,. . Mie coinineiciiil i.ia.ts to lead the way. lb -re was ti feeling of distrust among the p ibliit men a want of confidence in Ihe in telligence and p itrioli-m of tho people. T he capital and enterprise of the Statu were dai ly moving off to tiie southwest, and local feuds and jealoiisii-a interposed barriers be tween the different aections of the Ftate, and prevtutvd uuion of uuuotel and oft Suit. ii.iii; i ...lo to ioi.v Ihan'ihan its i w li r. pre-.l.tali ves. I " This stalo of things li n 1 assumed n most 1 glow..)- ueet on the entrance of Mr. Oil- i ' 1 ( mer on the theatre of pullio affair-. ; and it was in the face of nucli a poi telilou.t cloud of dillicultieii that he t-M.oused the. cause of a tl.oroii.-h .votem of iiiteriml imnrov.-mciits. . ... . :.. .,. .. in;iiiin ."id n 11 uiiuuuimiii vuimih' m.v 111 tuu d helped to infuse into the legislative rouns. U a vi'or and effieiency that arc tnw ...... a i . r . . i . . . i . . . .. nunu-in liu uic iiiimi 01 nenii u anil Leau - 1 , , , , v i r ty the once waning eneck of ortli Luroli- ' in. UU Hie i,.i.t.ul bill ' .,ns.. ,1 nets for tho iinnrov.-niei.t of tha nav. i ... r-. i.-..ion of the X.-uo K-.-p liiverv the 1 J . -. . . r- r' .i. f of t!i- Vilriiit.;.ietn ni:d lt'ilrigli and llj-t in Hail toad-., of the Wilmington and MaiiiheMcr load, for the Construction of the I'aytllev iiiu and Ve--teru l'iauk-roail the Wolern Turnpike, Ac, Ac. " lo all these measures Mr. Gilmer gave an.o-t cordial nid tlh. i.-nt aid; and dining his lei-I-itiv..- career, ! -kiu on nil Nmth t'ar o!ii a unr M ite, as his Stale be j has favored the inl.-re-t. of eveiy i-ecliuii. I "inn toils coiitempl . t. .1 niii.tovclu.-iiM a judicious and film Mippoit. "To the J". at -1 he has i e. n more liberal ' never lef.i-it.g his intlii'-nce in tavor of any ; niea-iirc designed to benefit any part of thai portion of the Slate, and anxiously d. -iring to fee its riven and ports pr-i pled in w.-d. ioi k, that cannot be lii- lived, with t he : beautiful and productive West; and .- ti.i. latt. r advett in-o public life t.ia.ked lU dawn ,f , new and bti.l.t.-r , ra." I, . , , , . . 11 this Mvelcb we have l.ol 1. 1 it if xngger- - at-'l ; but rather fa.icii slioil .-.f a sufiui. i.t Iv biel, cm, male of Mr. Gilmer character roMrjihrri ay y lnvc oru hy tiie . sot iiiigh- j r. lit that t!i tiriiiii.tunc Lotho .d und frn . u.I.-..ip .night In tray us 111- . ... to .ncakiiiL' t o wattiiiy I ir tlie ai'i.r.-eiati.ti of ,tr.Hi ' r I; is our conviet o'i that tl. Alio ro, lit st 1I1.J ..l it could tl"l have teen cjtifi led to all-r bands tho broad limits of North t'arolira, anion; all ln-r woi thy mm, l.ting the fo ld of Modioli. And if the t.i.Miibi-rs of the parly and the pfp!e of the Slate, .'. their dii'v but ha'f as well as Mr tiiiiuer wi.l il o hi-, in tjli: taiiva-s, Ir. jii.pi.ftiit, ftuect awaili Us, U AMII.M.TUN, April li. Tlir. iM.i.VS Tki.i. Ill .s IN t li l.i.i.v. A inong the otbei! ..-um. t.ts t-ci'td fiein Oi . - mi i I he let l- r Iroui Jo. 1 rainier, u- pi nn , 1 , r ... ,, . . itcnUci.t oi Indian atlnr-, w ho. conlir- loin- t!, fMs "il.- I resent iliHicuiv in ot li.rti '' ti e rcs.-nt ilifTieu ( I ;on is wholly attributable to the acts of i hit." a id in " I cannot but f. . 1 that t lie il is ...jr duty to adopt sucli inra-ui.-s at w ill , , I . ,ii r ,i ii- i t- lid 10 s.eute the lives of tll-se Itldllll). and , , , maintain the gii.ii antn at c ui cd I V tr. at v e - stipiitatiout. " I he future will prove t In t I his ar'has been forced upon t l.e-e I nd la ns aciin-t ih. ir na ) and II. it . too, by a n t of n i kl.--s vn aliotnls, or pi.-uniaiy an I olje. t '' ' " ' -...a, regard the '1 1 canity .l t he Tinted Slates it legitilnate olj-ct ot plunder. " The Jndiai.s in that .li-liirt Live b. . Il driven to by acts of cruelty committed a; t lie ir l.on.o In i.t.i l...- I ..... 0..U1...I .... I ,.( co.nmitte I by ;!. ..e tb.ii., no,, to be cit Zen. that would di-grace the 1,,,,-t baibatlous tuition, of the esrlh. If none but lt,os who perpctrattd such arts w re to be af- f.cte-1 by this war we mijhl lo.k upouit wiill inuiifcrencc but unhappily this is not the ca-e." i I IIE ATKlta or THK M KII u AN I. AN an ,i.ieii int. a.i. . , :n. .o to.oii.ue -.wir The phciiomeuoii of so many waters con- , in unlailhl ul and incompetent Iialiii.s by the st. t ul ly flowing into the M.-.lii. ramaii st a, j ".ere influent e of I he m mey d. -lived ft.. in ami y t never pr.-c. rai-ing it. level, th" Ht'- wl.iih nr.- J aid l.j the p. op0 foi ls one .,!' thft in .l.t r. mat kahle ii. .,-.t... (ar ilitb rent put.,,.., s II i - ii I. .1 hi,' I- that u-t. )lllt, ri.c.,jy hKVil ,ie lollowiii.. expU- na lien of this h. nomeii..!,. which, it iut I w holly satisfat tei y , is at least in-.iiious n j I : is !,!,. Jhesalt water ing (he sea Ironi the Atlanlie Ocean, is subjected to the power our the li.-liTnlion lioeessof evnt.oratioii, vvbich, t,on-li bvof sbiv. rv in ihe T. 1 1 itn i. -; hut j.-l pi..f.. no means uu ul leo-iitiv . m.ii.ii. - t.i mm i.n i the surplus .pi.nitit v , is y . t pc el ful . n iui. li to Icn.otc a large p. nt of lit fic-her puli cles, leiviti', by the llluc th" water allives near tin- bead ul the s.a, i briiic, which be in' lieavi. r th.-i the watri that is con.,.iit iy pouring in Iroui ihe ocean, sinks beneath It, and 1! iws out in tin under . uncut by the same route ill which it cut -'. d. 'I Inl- while ih- re is a tronj sari a.-e current a I w ;. . s s.l litig to the llito'i-h (he Stiaits . (ll ralt ir, there i, beiientli tin- surface cur t.'iui il.if lortli to Inilieir a.' w.ln tlie i , , . , . . , , . l. rs ol mo .Atlantic. I in; exist, ntc 6i tins under current was di-covered manv-year aj.o. .. . ...i... ti. is. . . l r. M .11 si" I I I Jt i itr r. inj ns.i r.'l I - i 1 . . pert cive ineuciatis oi a moiisier uiast which w a bt ofl 1 f.-w weeks since al the new harbor works at Holyhead. It is said it r'- . i r"- r . , the labor of ix turn tu its foiuiatiort I'm. ),,. , n months and a charge of tons and in half of powder to explode it: The .iuiiii- ,if.v "f '"""" tiast was cal culalcd ut iMMiim ton. (1uad Ham. run the 1oh. On TLura diiy night last, a i-rand ball was given at the Academy of Music, in New Vork, for Ihe benefit of infant orphans in that city. The proceeds of the ball reached the high Crura of $10,000 a goodly sum for the poor little crcai-arjci. It is estimated that f,00(l persons were present, including the uioat fashiosalile people io the citj. MU. lONKLSOX'S ACriM'TANC'K. ... Sir :-l h- .National Convention in tl.ii Citv hai-nf cho-eii vou u caj j'j;, r ,10 Vice IVmiWv of ((( -, , j 1 0 , t:itfH ih tho approaching eiec- ,;,,. l,ttW. (l,.,,ii,.d the uiider.-iL-tie.rii com- Iniltee to lliuLe known to VOU. ofliciall V thin1 'rrocc-di..-. d to a.k your accen-ance of . . i,. i..,t I, .J wit i ij.;t.( are happy tr. av ail thcirelvex ot the . Ill III'. I ioliiiu "i; vi Him uuii. iiil uii'M i ' . ; opportui.iiy it i. fiords, to expres, t lit i r i.H r .on 1. 1 i r.itifift.i . ii.n i u 1 l.i. niade 1. v i ' i- - - - ; J th, and to eo.i-r.ituh.te VOu . . , . . , " 1r I upon a result no l.-hs lionoralilc to om-.. lt nl,au tu-piuotis to the Mt-llure ot tl.ecouii-l I irv , J. . itl. the l.i.hct c.iiMd,ral,on, wc have I the honor to 1. V. -.- f . le-ctnllv. viur oh't s. rvmits, A J.I- X. II. II. 'i I'i'AH !'. of ' .. AM. 'H-.W All I . oi I'eniiMlvai.ia. KHAS'J I S JU'.tOKvS, of Nelv Vork. j: is. n. ni i.i :i i . m K.Muibv. M M .1 I-: A 1 1 OS. ot M :is.;.el,i.-.tts. hl'Ill'.AIM MAll.-ll, ol.Nevr .Krsey. t ! If .lto Y, ii-ar Na-lni!le Maich iiUlh, l-.'Jl. (iHMl.t.VtM I oi'l not T.i.-ive until !.n'r") )""' Ibeial r.oie of the -tili ol l-eLruaty ium. ii.ioiii.iiis; me o. : ii n.a- Hon to ;l.c oflice ol ice IV-int ly the American art; , and a-kll.g my ucc 'he sane-. lor the flaltiriog t. r:ns in wbnh r have en. in ii t. cale.i thi pr. cte.ii: g, I h.- l.-a.e to ott. r y ou my sincere itiaiiks. I c - .... CJHI..C,, .e,;..iu ...e ... me .win . i- . , u , , ,r v could lo ui 1 the State to con can party, with .. m l l.-e I tiu.-t, ot the ,,.., ,1,. v ',' :n,!,f,,. ......i ur ! r.-sponsibi lit V beluii'-iii to it. I attended Convcnteoi with 10 xct:.tioti that ! "h an honor aw aired i.,e, a ml if my own ' llt tZt in. 111 It- r ot the Aineitcaii I rt v in wlio-e , ; rank are so many u.sittigui-i.-u in.itvi.iu ii-, , btlU; )',"JW" l" '"v u""i heiier pre- t-'1' "t""". '''ould the toiee 1. 1 I lie people he 111 iiccord wnh lb:.l of which you are the organ on t I.i s oeca-ioii. Imt acting upon 1.. 1. I ,.... , 1 or-an on this oeca-loii. Imt acting upon lie 11. a ni in left by tic great men ol lin ear, ier days o our I!, public, t- "1 " - . 1 ,,.1,1.,, ,1,,. ;,. ,,. .,1 . .. u,,, ,... thouyltt tlmt tnv m.iue HiLLl I e of -ivice "' '"''ii the m.porlaiil o a wbilh constitute : iie .Auietieati pjity. ! Our leading idtaj-that the two eld par ties, J I, nioel .1! ie land l.i-, have cease.! t) FX.-il tl.t ir ! -ni er bia'tbl.i I nil i. i.e.- in tin tnai ai n.i lit of the public int. I. -I, a. id, I without the intervention ft I I' ; ... s which ti)ey.-!iii tlie beloved Con ti'u tun and I i.i.'ii. 1 . .oi. nt h. .1 to us Iv our (, will lot long U preserved. ! lr the mot of the evils w,ii, which w t are ll.r.-at. ft the pr.s,it p. nod, the adinii.i-t uti in ol I'le-o',. lit Pi- c i-cvid. t t- V let Olisil. . ; lot n. -l. an ot liom- m - ' , . . ,. pjrty . ngsg. I hi tl.e iio truti-n ..i m. as M,t.,.ents of l.neri.r urrj, ,,,.. alt llv ,1 ,...,. . i ..i,,,., t! ev.-r in K atterii g the r cd . ol s. eti ui al -ti ifc "''d social a nar. Ii v. 'i 1. n I . u .1 a.-k-on en tt.e it, to ; he l'n s idency, be i.ek now It-li 'i in lis , ,, e i i- a l.litss the ohheiitioii t l tin- l ji.ti.tive to . .i . i- i . ii , tcstratu the p itionage otihe I e.Itral ' . ov- eriiiii. nt o that it .-l.oild let he t r.ui-l.t conflict w iih In.' Ir. .-dom ol k cii..n J'nt I. ode in I in. el ac v lands m ti i . el na t a-.. t i-in I .n.i-ni. I 1 i- .- .it ee- iy an . Icetioii pneintt tn tin I.'. Slate w l.iih ha- not v 0 nc-s. il tin ino.1 iiuiiulu! inter', r. nee with ci. cti-ti' I y i.e a-enis of tho I'.d.ia! loV v I l.liu nl acting tu the liailic ul iacy Jn bo u.-r t;tne vv In n t attics n crc rrev ') i .. . . l-.i i t- . t - ; - it- aio ii I - I " ii 1 1 eioon'lis upon aui.s of Lil.ti.. lliletcst to the w boV t-o.u.i iv , we never I. raid Unit a inca. r,: t-'"''1 1 " le!at.d IK-ltioer.t.f IU one p ace, and I, , Pemocratic in inn lead " K l-eu prc'csit-g to t , long to thi- paity. Vu we sec ibis tnoi u.ity exhibit, ii da. y ly ' I re--' "l'"! l'-1.' prt-i.i . x. ' he necessary re-mt ot suci. corrup ion, i. not .iicec-sfully nj.p -ed ,-t be to d.-t, ov the antagt'tii-in i ov? picv ailm- letwc n the Nonh and the South, is mainly i.tti il utable lo 1 1 e p .'tl leal in I i In c whiih bs enabled ,ll'n ol dmg "ircclly opp,.,ile ..pinions on in-' to I'Cinn- to the aim- I in .rial i all , paity. I b Net ra-ka K an- is a-t I-t-ot.-lanli v i all- cl by oti. po.lion ol Ih m-'etat-, alaw which will piev. i t tiu- ext. tl ion of -i avey t i the Te ri itoi n , ,-iti I by tmoibcr portion, a law which will enable ilm .Nun b to i any -h-Hri'v to the Territories. !y lb.' same fallacy, se. . - i o 1 1 . in. 11 li. iit'on, lib 1 1 '. ion. and i.ll oih. r nmj have found a si. ' iter und. i the fla of deinocraey , explained in it is by modem interpret, i s. In tot ti . r bln.s, alo, our 1 i -I p iltiol--, without distinction id patty -poke of the neec'-itv of uanliiig.lli.. ballot 1 ..x from the dan-cr ff loiei-ii intliieiiec und ol keep. . .r.,te tl... Cl, .,.1. Slate ; lof ' , , i .- ll,eadv,.t,f'-e to be , elived Ii oiu a lit .pient recuri. nc; to t lie eal .u r an v ice oi on r t utli ers, which it euleal. ,1 a i. v.rciiee f. r thi .compacts ol the I on-iituloin. aiul Ihe . . . . . i BtSltllCliee I I -' II I PII'M i, i nil..... ... (leoet tiphieal pat ties or tn i iy one section l , ood gov. I unn i.t and ol the same in.-ti-of tl e I'nioii ii-ait'st another. .Now, how- tutions. van only be recounted for by the cvrr. the vho'e pow.r of !, Federal taov- superior cnieipii-c and du rgy of ti c people eminent is bi oiiL'ht to bear against any of St ov er the otit.-r, .is manifested in individual who has the independence t a ,b. hir pio-. eution of the llailroad system as elare his alt lehm, lit to th.-e old fa-bioti. .1 a no alls of wealth and central pro-pel ity. scntlii'.ei.ts. Whole cl i-cs cfiara stand pro- A eoinp u i-cn with North Carolina fur scribed and osita, i.-cd for no other offeree ''Let still more Mauling results. Whin than that of joining an as.-oei. tion which the first ci-nsus wun taken, iu 17 1)0, North seeks only to correct the excesses of party s'uroliiia had nearly five times as large a spirit, and restore the Government to the population ns Georgia. In .she n purity it potscsstd when wc received ii from eceded the latter Slate by 2li0,00il. In 1 the bands of those aagea who founded and -l", in of the railroad impule, reformed it. .Georgia had nearly got up to her, and in J.ookiniz gentlemen, upon the American 1 'i''1 outstripped the "Old North party destined to eradicate the evils to Slate," ami was far ahead of her. The which 1 have thus briefly adverted it, I am contrast with other States which neglected proud tola called out of its UJeuiUra, and UailtoaJaaa the level er motive power of lean enly regret that electing iu trig bear- .i... i..:.... r ':.. 1'. ' " ' 7""""?- H"t iall. ii upon one vilio coulii tiring to the 'u,8 l'i-lier guaiunlci for its vucuess that ran be draWH from the kuinhle fervi- l'" ' ,IMV heretofore tendered my country. Tlli.l.kll.(t VOU ngain for the klU.l ll.ail- T hih you have M preyed your per- sou nl tratuipiiiioii ni inu uommaiiuua. . 1 i - A ery re-jiecifuliy. Vour ol.'t, ser t. A.J. INlMaSOX. rlt.. il... If It v ,. r ;,;,;. N - Ale. 11. II. .Nuurt, of iriuio, und others. , u" "" liY Ul.(;ft.sT. i I j.KiioLinm: cuxniAST. j .So long as the present financial sjKteiu of , ili A-Sta.. is i U.iK d , we limy expect t I i-bioiiit'l..' ucli aiiieh.s as tin! fo!;oing ; . I tt Ir of I! i iik i-'tK-!;. lit diarcs of the Jf'iipc I'ear ii.-ink Stock, Weie iolil ill I his i place on Mom'.ay 1, a t f 1 '! 1 jeinhare. j I 'dii. ( tl sri rrr. 1 A (' Itiiii'iotiil. A large quantity of lorleited .-toek was told by the '1 reai-urer, it few .lavs a iji), at an average, of Si's tier hnre. J.r.i tnu'nn i-'luiz. ; I.-,., e :.,, . 1 Poor f. Mow. w . i )0W 110,t , , .v arc t wilt. , ,lt) ,.Xt.ip,1011 ,le l,.jitVri bouorable, ,.;,;,, , ,,i,.llly iryin., hiel, . hpn , w;l0 ,.,,. ,,ni are ,vij;Ul? ,f) j,, )( .,.... .. , ,,rl. :,...,., ... State. In t ut, in. ii who have proved their ' ).,;.,, ,., . dt.eere, by subscribing and i..,....,i ............. ... t.... ...,,.,..... '(ri,,, .,. tl,.. b,r.-ua-;e above quoted foinC , ... Tl.tT-. " -ee. these bont and T ?U ?! 7' I' . i 'f I .iLinxwiiai.. vii iiir furtir, .. .1 ;.. . 1. .' .. ......!.. 1 ul .e' n 1 . 1 e 1 , 10 . i.eoooiei iiic mil. ra auu laches ot the cut- ami caulioii", who ate lis willing lo profit by their loss as anjr cots-, jn (l,,. coiiiii.uiiity. There are inaii-r w ,.. prol.--lo be i -( v,,,,, Jar0 ihieiiiai improvement men, who have never vit tiveti a penny to any work of the kind, and who, we j- .-.i nt , never vi-li. Manv ay, do l.iu. ii nt thi -e wrm-l.atted iinpol-nc putri ots lor ov.-isixiiie their piles in mh.-ci ibinp to ui li t.oiks. lor our patt, wc pity and s inp ithi-e w iih I lit-in -Ioi we know that it was -ueh men to whotti we are indebted for th- .N . C K..iiioi.i; ii ioi not jinn ' tiintu y ii . r n . ti 1. 1 idii t-iitzi us il the tnlr. And when we r- liieu.h. r bow manv ol thtni lin ed with lb. ir r.vv n haii. Is, ind moitgaged ail then r..pi rty to raise tin- li.etiiis n. ci-R-i-aiy t hue th. to enable ihciu to woik out th. ir coi.tra"ts, sndlhrn the pe ciini .ry results t hat loilow such extraordi nary labors ofsuth turn, in r-Ufli n cause, we ale i.ol -inpii-.-d that Notth Carolina is VV I' Kit K MIK Is, AMI W HAT Ml fc IS. And when-i- tin mill thai 1. -is any I ra'ii, fjiu fsihv or h.ait, that ih-es not !. plop. the .viale poji.-y. that rontiibuli's so handsomely lo it n iiil ih- inu It lit . do notion; i-iiccula- honest industry, and patriotism of the laud, A ml w ho anions us ii. fo blind a, not to see. that so a- tl.i - ruine'i. policy is su tie red lo i-l, so I.n we mil v c iiiljd t ml v ex l.ect t t'l si e our sister St stcs ill wnii such huiinl- ': .- . r n i - . lalinj contracts as II. e loilow in;, which was oi i,iui. II v clii p.-d from the Act Oilcans I'iiii im 1 1 iil livlUtm ." T be Itailroads nf (ieorgis, which coin-pti-c in round nuuibcis, .ne ihou-and miles, have made h. r what -he i the most pros-per.-e.i-, by odds, f the Southern States Al th- lit -I ct ii-iis taken by the -ov ci iiineiit, the population of South Carolina was thtce limes that of tirc-r-ia, Carolina having a population of J.iit.mul, and lieoreiii onl v P2, i tnl They m lint . ii led r. l-.tivc po-i-tion in. til I "iti'. w hen the spirit of enterprise and llailroad in.provt int tit took such a, stroiiL' hold of the people of the latter State, and ti.-orgia sh"t ahead of ln-r ncigbbor and rival with -uch .-icct-le rated speed, as to leave h.r behind in both population and ' vMl An eiaminntioti of the C-urca ex ,,;,, tcP MraWc. worfl,v ,.0 i ,-,,., ,,,0. Jt,.pin,,it,lf v.i,, ,1,,: Co, iiitneenieiit of the J.adroad era, we find Siuth Cnroljrm with a population of L'O.1),. 7-1. iintl n lave population of 31 .5,401 , inakii -; ;v total ( f ."'"l ,1 S.j. (i. orgia, at. the suit,. p.-ri nl, had n Ircc populsiion of .!Mi, !.--', ni l siave population 'JlieO-JT, tnakin.' a tod, of."iH,sg:l, or tit.atiJ Itss than South Carolina. Now mark the chntigo .lining the la-t twenty jeart! The free population iu Cr-iH, was V,S,.TS3, an in . lease iu Iwei lv v.-ar-ef only 17, "Hit; her slave populntioi". l,;,.l t i-.n to .4 I, sbow- ii'L' an increase lor IliC s n t:i p pel ion of 10, "i-", or an increiisc cd popul alien of S7 ,M'JO. The fi re population otlicorgia in 1 -oil, vv as .i'.' ',,."!:t, un iucioiisc in twenty years of 1 I; her slave population at the fume lime was -1 ,V''.i'J, showing an increase for the -nine pi ii. d of nn increase ol the ii-eic-atc population intw. iiiv years ., I .'!-!), ;!'. Ibus silting the two" Slates cgaiiist nil h other, wc find the rate of pro-ci- lor Ihe last twenty years ns follows; Ciio. ma's increase of free population 17, 7 of', lo (itoigia s iiiciea-e ol ';!;,. ! (.'aro l;.... s I. . r. . .... j., ..... l..- ..... t .' ... v V ' ' s.lil ul 1 v is ., vea.tli.ini 0!l,i,l.l, aeaiUst ,;t. j,,-,, i,it.u.a.t. cf Uilo." Now this winitiil. rful disparity in two -tat. Sj ., panitcii oi ly l y a narrow river, t-i -joy ing in an . ipuil cc-tee, the blessings

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