f,m. mroiiM. LajCTiaqa. -Uiuii.au mnmi.ni tiaa;i.JltLl1glUilLai'iJJ!d.Jv ,4 'f H 1 1 i I! r 1 i Si K prepress is eq'ially as striking. Virginia,' .! J it iD'tanei', winch, until within a few years l ack, was a laggard iu tlie mce of internal iiiijrovcnitit-, lias increased her population in twenty v ears, hut I pir cent., while is tlie same pi nod, through the agency of the iron Iiou-m:, icorgiu had multiplied her pop. uiatioti per cent. c could f jrnih, Iiliiii tlie ctn-us, many other examples, show ing equally palpable disparities; but no out, will liuve the f l!y to gainsay tin. re cuperating and vivifying properties of rail roads. . This article does North Carolina, in sonic rcpects, the grossest injustice. There is proof aimed ant to show, tii.it she w as not only amuii the Ikm, lint vuiitlie foremost of the State . to make an appropriation tor a geological ami inincritlogical turvov of the Stale, and toemhaik in the. cause of!:;-ti-rnal improvement on an enlarged and libc lul scale, liitt to her ciedit be it pckcu. she lias persevered in this good work un der the most disastrous circumstances, if Pol failure-. 'J be truth i", she 1ms spent vi.'uhlc the amount llmt (ieergia has done lor ali kind.-it improvements, with the hope of bettering l.er couJition, by rendering ber people contented and happy. Vet, for come cause or other, we we Uoorgia nearly out of debt; al; of l.er works f improvement paying handsome dividends, and the State moving uiit-al on tlie . f. .,; of im jror ta ut mul o.X' if', tit Ike rinmite ui tt thai i' to it loan. i :t 1 1' ir 'it'll (it 1 nil tj'tol i bile poor cl J North Carolina, if not re trograilitig is certainly stindi.ig still, tmt uliitan ling the llercuiiii efforts that have been made ly hcrpc n'e of latr, to raise lor from the alone o: de-p.-ad. in which iiie 'aeems to have sunk s deep ; n vr.r to be extricated. Now there tiiu-t be some ade piaie cause li-r this gre-st di-en paney iu the cotniiti in and pro-pi r'uy of two of the o'd orig'.tial t iiitteu Suth-ru State.-; and wo rejoice to believe that it cannot be ju-t-ly attribute! to any natural cause.' On the other hand, we are el -any of the opinion tint it ha- been caused ly unwise an 1 in- c.ous legislation mat tue unpreceuertl- nd growth ;i;,-l J rcsp ri:y lst few years t.ist, is in o! t ivorj! i !er tue L'reat d--rL-e to ie a tribute 1 to the fact, that had t.ie wisiijin ali''. b-rc-i.-lit to cmiVr banking privileges on all bcr great line- of Ratiroa-! iu which .-h- is i.ir.'eiy inter-. st. J as a tock hjlder and li i- tlm- male taeln roilta''df and thi nly r iiowd l,, r pnpl fimu ui' t sul heavy lu-itk-u. And wluu North ('410011a awakca to l ei true intere-t. she will folLv. lue iianiple oftieoigia iu ti.U re -pec'. state inm:; km'En. 1:. Fi.:.. the Mobile A i v -ri;-- r. A CAi iPAL Arr.ll. PM.iL I! 'JAN. The Ex'iiiuj Nc a i-f j-atoruy tells lie following si.jiy ; Vui't ji'fti fij 'o.'V-A- t'.Tc Citrui.c'.i' train Was ou it- downwind Irij to ti,;.-. cily y s tcrda) luorniiig, an inci lent i-.-tiira-ii tUat Cau-ed 110 i'Uic a i.u-eine.'it to liic t a--, h gers. As the trait, was i pro'iciin.g eijt.t station, a lady fpisti icghbt!y attired, with a 1 0 t i y boipiet 1 wi.u hovera in Land, acid face c-jiii a i i fioto iew by a h ii.d f ru : v ii, w is lii-cover' d at iu i.i.. 011 tne j 'atior.u. T.ie train wa- ordered t-j st?p, '; t iur-e, to tjKe 111 tti-' Tair p fair --1 u-er atiU iin- Stop it llio. lue gallant 1 otii'i.a'ioer lant Uieumtely jiMKp. -I out Up' li ll.e plat lot tn, lit :. r i '. at liir and poat.-.'y ex- cr.e out as s-ur... "aii .in time rJI-iinj bis hat tendi igbl-haud to he.p tat i ioy aior.r l. M t bow-ver did rot recogniic ios gaHanii-y but stood (iuli.O i'lld lnollot.lt-.s asfistjl jle The astoiii-hed conduetcr a-iv jt.c.-J, irrol Liitarily rai-ed tut- vtil when, lo 1 iusf. ad of a fjee of f. 1 1 n e H. -1; and beauty, ti word- "Arttll. l'mil.,'' iu-cti't.ed on a t.'.a -k ''ii.ht w-.od chunk," met bis a-t misii; vis ion ! tie siaiti-d lack, five the signal to le ff with u:ijsual vioi.-uee, iiimped aboard . - - exclaiming to tl.e iniioceiit engineer in a -tentorial! I ' wi ll -Ijlu v-ja to -t ip le-r " Tlx SC I II 1 I. the ttorv w-.s ri. i.t-r t'naa the foregoing. Wheu tt.e Mi-sissi;pi traia Catii'.- along, a le I.-jUI's Ut r, t!.e cm lue tor obervc J a female Lgjre f-tandi;, is the twiddle of the track, upp-r.-utly g jing toward the city. The traiu was on a de t. r. the to ;jre f-tandi afening grinlc. c jti-.stc'i of eight cars pr'-lty Wen toaded. at. i ia g'-o'-g will, c-ji.sid- r b.e .-p..u. I ' .-i.p ..oa- ol a.i ti..-, ti.i. r,-duet-ir had tl.e whi-t'.e toundi d fariou-ly atri -iti ;'.: v . v . t the figuie luoti-d liot. Me in'.-t Le deal :'' ought t..e conductor, Mid ordered to slack- U spiel aii'l sound another alarm but the wou.au st..l stood in the iil ect path "f the lit e - Lie at nii.g lot- nolu e ; while the distance bttv.etn the two was beiiig rather uncoil'.', t tabel decreased. Nj', r;aUy a'.arii.el, tl.e coniuetjr ahoJt;d to s'ujtthe brakes hard dv,in ai.d rhul off st. i.in ; but it win too late. '1 he (ilu wot-id ti-A st p. and tri;i.lcto relate tlie to -catcoi r caugi.t tne su posed vs o Inaii and to-si d lc r lu.i tm i.ty t'-i t off to tue I. it Tor of the pa:--ti.g. Is, at.d the ui.-lis-guised terror tl. a-si.-tai.t uj eiinu u l-t, conductor and eliginei r, t-jat.cg through who-e excited brains were uni tmfortahie vi ions ol iini';.t, graii'l "in . s.j.icttor etc. t tiuiij n!..;m i sworn..' kt &i.u t..iui:..iii: l:t .n a ww t-j tl 1 .iii i c.n I'J . it W Jt - l U rltijf I'U Ol U'j's. feW. I til1 fuui- "Ar:i J-i ' M.t.i.r. ti,:t fc-- iruj': . U tU ( 'itrofi- I ciiilui'ior. .iu-lli.' ij a n. r- ry I- bolil: of la.t wood. g i.t i r cam and u In Soli lit 1. 1 1. t r... v v.. i ho,.-,. 1.11 1 from tt.-. 1,( Ig VV d gills Kit. It I li. iei,. i li e i .. i t-r au-. i,..r t;i'-) at. eu'itle Ltess cl t..'.,I' II li t i in-g L,'.l -oil li.i; ti. doo! If to a i eliiiutii lor V- l.tiou. the A M.v wnn Nifc Wivls The ri-iu.s N ii.iuti Pi'.wn, tie- ino-t n inii Iioto- . aide bi.-aiiii-t in r known brtught 1 j tl.ecr Y. i oin Iii a r .1 . fl i soii - i,,i t, j ii. -ili'-fi I roln f i - v . t'. -I I . Imh i. ue li n.g tic- bu- L.e. ii lo I. , . it S e l t ts. .. t hold of li,. m 1 1 ti.i ui 1 1 .. i- now j -il, at tin- ii.-t.n.cc tit in A mar icti . ii,.- i , Ino.ai.a l.a.-c. Ib 1 , Vt a t-r d iv, under a is :. !.- wive-! Hi piuc- I. cat h aho.it t met I lop. My and tie-ul-. iu J! .in r co jiit t ins st venfh w i'.c, a r. s.-i- nt ot tni- co i he old scau.l. i - h: '- I v t l.i . e v en r - of tt j .- aiei ii is lo .r i , 1 thlec wives Wi'.liiu liv.j jtari Hminlt; JnUi:,a-i. a. It is s-.i 1 to at Mrs. .--(-jut. tl.e a'Hiior of t ucie loins ' a; in, wi.l sojii p it to !; w ji L illusii at.ng 'he alleged i. gi .i-l. .1,. of liie poor wl.ite popul iteiu ol lio: Sooih. Shf eiptct- to in ke it 6pp ar that I ne'e T'-iu's ti i-erii-s are 1 ut of t ie resu ts of slavery, biobrtlhi.-u keeping Ll.u ceuipany U s.utv. f t'i..'.-i 7iu.-if.njH. Horll) (L;tvoIiii;i SolMff- "" oiv CHARLOTTE: . Tnrsday.' April 22. 1:6. mi: in r. ( 2 1 a t i v. . Vol! rHI'MTll'.NT, m:v-voi:k, t.-i-: ri:rsiifT, ; . t "t -s OK TRNNC-sKK. t i 9 i FO!; io fcKNCH, j o ii . a 1 1. ji i: i, cF i;i ri.rM;r i oi'nty. 3"" We are iiutimrit .X.t,. nnnourCo.M-ij. S. II. W A I.KI'I, of I'nion t'.'iinl e, it a runi.'iii.ite fitr the i i 1 H.-ir ' r I taut .-I t ie N rtii r .f"iti " r.il of lUi lltti lifi. ! ! 1 r p f . I) I'll. nli"li tfi the ilrtielc oil li iV fir! 1 1 to J.,1.11 A. ( dll.IT. 3T By n iW i ee luiur a.'.fettisir o rolun ns ftlil he seen that Heine In;. Lie Tow II pr.im-r'v to I e so to.cH jlno ,;iue l4il Ko. tu( k. H:t. Bra;: Ri nnndnatrd- r. le.it. .11 .tt ,, I j ti'C I.c li 11 t ill Iv.iU-lell, .III l! ...u.nt-U t'-r Ot..i..iiur 1 ( . I, :j In Kin w r .1, l ' I' I . !i. Him leti. lii:.fit, is liieu .-t!j i -ru.ii.a. Ur ('iiii!pai:n Ujirmd. ..I Asl.ei!,e Sjnrl..l,'-r ol' lit'. -itii irtant oiTilineiil. Tor !!-..' s t-'it t.'.'.'w M'f lis! o! I.-.-... r. 1" ulti tin iti Wr l-....rii lii.it ll.u (in ..i-.r...l '. iio.iigh i... ; pi iu-u i.n I He W ii- ij our !'i uiies mil ti.t r .ut.. liir .i-iien Willi a iieorlv t' ilh'i wiln a 'C l-u" 1 "t.oi.u pull ai.d a pu'l nlt..gi-ti-r " r t.. (o; .!il N Ttli Sute ii; Iit ir..j r I. It i,1Jl .l.,r- A iJihiii-r t-i -r-si.:e t.itil..t l'.r I.n ii- A' tw.i J aia. 'l-.T'' ii".li.ti;jt.:,l : .W-A; ., i Vu.-y.-y, 'l ;.iirs: H.t .m- Iriiisiti., S-.li.rH.iv, Jtitu-- ..jsler, lolnl.iv. I'Jltt" v JlltV.i!t, '1 '(esfl-y ljlll II. r-'ers-.r. vi . t . 'I :.n.-.. v. l.V.n " A-.iii.::-, ! -turujj, I'.i ." M .rs ..,:Jt M ti-; y, !'t!i K'-IS.-l-'s Sl.tfe, 'I IHStlHV tJIJt !l I u rji Witiit. y, 5!lt " M -ri-i.. 1 .-. , " -.)J ' 1. .11;.. 1 1' :. !'!., .Mul-..-'., '.'(.ii, Iliinl Bun. Nifi.tji tr in ti-tr-J run for vifitt-ting' itifct fit- Aiic rr- :n r i rt v tf-a t !h-'V have i to f. r-. rv ! r -:.- ta.i't n ! 'ilir tt--r ptjuitsiit c iii the Wdii.i .tw; l- i.es n nii'.-w-it t';,i,n -. e 7'. iU ).: lo.a S vV . i I i .t I !, I ..., 1 . . Ajjril I, : 1 v. i ti II 1, I tin I'll- piti.lie nn,i LO. - wa irmii tiie -It -il-t w lb the I' - m .eruw c .-u . . , i .. . ' ." - 1 .e G..VS ' lie Hi. 1. 1. 1 art v w . i: v ll Alht ft. . i -, ti -t -,i SI 1 '1 I i I - i. r in in 1 1 : -t oi II v - . ; .. i , I im .it.. lt J.U. vt - .-l ei.r e. ut.irv I. llAi.f.L'. ii. ' .Mr. ,oP l: '' ii..;. . ! Iter W t ... iel.i r l. coiitr-Hiii ii.-ri to t't.t : 'In :. IJilur 0' i H. VII -J i:tl. HI 1. 1. y ui.- . 'I, '.ii t sr. . g.-i.- .1 I cinrr lo sp; I .IT:';- li .: I., v it;n i hi ti :l j f c if tl.C u.t ric-j n i' tr v," 1m .1 i ic li: i-flll I .A- 1. ! II.' I I. -.t a- .1. I,..! f Oll-l-t'll!. I .e lleiiit,. f- p.ny .te. I.. ill ;.. i : t.r a" . 1 t..- II t . Cf ! I tt'H ; lo ii. i H c, v i ,r . ii. v ; u . I - ,Wit. M, and T. th. hi r b-ri.. ov. li nr. -r ' ;j- II UiT . I it. T... I:, t, ' I, ur j;...; t i-ii- s, I . tfr IU -It II IM hli ' i "I U " Ji ; r IV !'- I! "(I .!) I- (! V llifr V III- . in- ii in v i . Jm!. l iistrrt riih n tits!.. .i. T .1... W.kU t u ul.-. IJ Al.M. i tl fltii.s:.. V. Iil I ol li.. an r lit un S-,v.. ':... 11- I. A,!.- 1 t M o. 1- tr,. I, -i - in., I., I i. I'M III V . I T ... ,:, H t. tl f.'i ef" , I .1 I '' " I" N.i. i I K S e r. , .Noli. i.v - i.l., it ir. , ai.d I.e. ..: .o I. t. i.n. in. s.rifi; .Illl.lll-tt a'. ..ii-.. I- l , i i- .i.s.iii r-it ...ns . rn .it. i.l, l-i Mh ,o. .... Ii,, '..ii. It. - ii In- r ;e. lit- e.l tiofi i.l :'. , I i,. ..I it... '. -t..r 1-, - -- l, I'-if i 1'. . ' . I... I, I.t. " f t..f f.-f toll. .i .1. i.y i.. Mr. nt Inn., -f hi'l.l i II SC,t i ller.i.j; It Vli. oil ! .j.ir u I .oin -I. SK , l- i ;, vt oui.i r i-. Mini I. V s- ttf Diviii.r lif lilt Krpnlilir I' '1'ii.ut in ii . r-i t j.r. s wi'iij-.i,!. M rl i I li i I. .to Ol tl- f Ol- .tl.tl., .11 ton i.r -1 '. it t .1' -1 s on, lit' siooi.. le.r li.t i; l ul ru. . e, r.I It -I I, I. I,. HH.i I. -,..; (,ri .- It. H i f .. 't.t , -. . r ot .or. i :l . iji.ii. .. i. .r..:--n i. .. ti i r.-i a U mi. s e-.rr tt'.l i. .. .. T ,. -.;., 1 i.t il.O.tl- ji,.. lo. j;,,.. r -V- a. -tio. u A in D tn- i ciieiit. ...iirt.i lot of lilt ' II rn. .1 ., o-i.-i.t.-e is r tjiitrci to f... .;sl-; nvt.t.n tut; ap.i.l ol" ,-K .... aclinn of dinlant fcetioim, nnd the union of tlie virtiimii", tlie patriotic mid the e,iwervalive i in. culiulaliiy iniK,it.nit to urntl I lie encroachments nmkinp ii'ii the lnd im-rku cif the republic, there mnn to be roncrrt only a lining the iiieiuiin of llit I'liion aeiil only in the r:inki of tlio nt'vuraU i of new tlioorlis, ueteniiiiintiiiii mul peritiince i.nlv miiniip tin-miiieiil inn.iv it- r u)".n nil wldeli I. liill rrlo Krii cnnsiili n d cstiiblisl til, and rc. turcii il u rfKi nlii.l to li lie n'tiotMl greatnw. Artiiuifji of niiiititii, barniohiyc 111 the work 1I1 htrurtieii, mi.l eiiciiiu j "i" ImniU to wurk gi er.il rum. The AMil onisI ami tlie xlmnc Soulli cm nltrumt, opi'oncil in op iiinii, ujrrec in aclmn. Th( one niniK to ilmnolve the l iiion to g t nc! ol luverr, I lir other wniihl brruk the mlver cli.iin In Firi ng lie n ami cxteinl !.ivo ten i ti r v. m .vMiim.n.i.im. ; tii.,,5 -ecu. to rrirard meli other .,. en.-.m. .. J'''1-j mines ami Kii.pic pre. ill inMea.1 ol Ir .t. nul , eoncr.l. A iH.td.-r warfare i cpriiiginp u!' many quarter along the linen lh.it -p.rate the ; tree from the sl.ive Mt.-. I no territories are h.,tile (,r..iiin! of opinion, in which not niiiiplv I and y'oulnow it is worth a ride there to liei'.r I iloipieiit in their prui-e, mi ! protests against scnted iu the person of our worthy, " digniti .iieu.miils mid reasons w the weapons, hut him, if nothing more. The ladies also pro I t10 ,,oiiiin;iti..i of Fillmore or McLean. I ed, telf-posscssed Fx-I'residcnt. Wo have Sharp's rifle., c.lu revolver-, ilu. l..n !tc...n cmi i Ik km ie. Itut tin- .-..minion oi' i,li'.,ir tends lo create little far t lor;- ns there i a ihep sense t'j i puriotic an.i re!ifi..o otiliK.ition -:.uting tiu ; j mini! of ti.e jM-ople. Whilcnmral pruieipk- jui! I in action of individual, liw ever erroneous ina,Ui j rir piitiC.il crrtii. tlirrt- is utv ut u J Tin 'fc w ho tici-tu,r of Itu rrpuhlic mu-l i iittrnn j iiit ii lint tii- corruption of puhlic inor.il if ! a ;fiKT.!i pulttirul proflip :' v . i W lii'c the oullim vt Ihv picture dr ift u of the i . ft. ninth n l p irtit n.tjl tiv niitn-jntit'i n iJiit' A at ctiotiK, an.i Uic con upl.oii of lie . i true, we ii not rfitt rt;i in tiir tiiat ll r tit!i-n, thf jH'pul.if niuKfti, aru tochnrii th;it thrre no rcuvtiii l lihiir of tht- rt'pnMt.?. Ns-vi r tifvt t in.- t! tri ti iy ni Ue K i uio'ti t tht pr ucnt luitr t.jVf lit ) Lm en fuuiui aiittL'. " h-n luv ttirm !i.is It-Wt rttl in tJernost bLickni "s. thvv it'iv tA L'l.lles, tucy IIMM- rjl- nlief. l.,rdi..e .he1 ! ic men have Fi.ui'lit to I , ht ti .i it i brotiijiil l.opf unJ trnhimU with which pit til hind tifin. 1 1 1 r v i ii it .i uh 1 tfe t. ui it t :i u k, utsrp irtlii ir tiiu iltinn jotjut;, risinj.' auovr mere p-lili-e-il aLstr.tcliMii, 1!ict h.io tnn.ui;h liif tnuiti.- : nn.puwcroTi.ie o....... u..x.Ki.u,...w ,.,e lu p.,.. ! r,..t,s,, iniiurand a ,.e r ... .Kvof.m to the , ; ,.ul.l,cwell..r.-,...di.i..d-, tor the te, t,e ..'. . a , li.onstjr i tue belter .oncy, i,.t ruitot l'""'C , : sctien. I It'll Tilt '. C. W1IIQ. I Pursuant to previous iiolicc, a iueelii;e of .1 1 1. .... ie.. t . . .. v lnt -ivi'icriean 1 any 01 it aiauga v uuiiiv, ... -'-i "as ''td in tLe tow n of IJ-.otie, 011 'J ijurs- day, tue ui April, 1 t;oO, which was or ganized by calling '1 bouias. Hodges to the i'uair. ai.d uppoiuiiu William llortuti tc-' ictar. On ui . tiou, a con.iiisttce of two were op- pointed to dralt auiubie resolutions for the action of the meeting, 'ibe Chair ai.poiu- eu 1 vi, J.-.j , ai.o 'n il. .' . c. 11. .'iij- , l-.-.j , ai.d 'icii. J . p.. li. -Mil- cr. who teportiU the lodo' n g res jlut.jus, A'hkti were utianiuiou-ly adoptc: ; IttiisUcd. 'J but the i.niiiin.itioriii of the Convention of the American l'uity, i.,v.et with our cordial approbation, iind wewiii battle l-r its ucccos wi.i, ze. land cnthu-i- a--i;i. W -a. 'J1't ' !i!!:,rJ I'i::'re,',.erity and busiuc.-s habits of a place, for if ! we r.cognue a siatcsmau ol en. urge! ana con-er l-sues alive views, ul-ou all the important .0 :a, a natriot without ti- i j.rouc .-e dignified, coii.-ci V ativ e. ' oi.a. cour.-c. duriiig tlie llnee years ue ad- i,oi.i-tcif". the go.ei-iiinetit entitles him to . the suffrage ol t;ie Americiin pcopic. - my bead W"'jid be 0 full of other things y.eao.'tW 3.J, 'i hat his totd and manly i. I a.)uld lut le able to be .-li.i iotg c conduct iu siri.i;.g th.- l u-niie ii.ve la,' ftixgli at a time to give you any thing like thereby prUeti..g tl.d rights of" .-VitL'-ru' a conneeted c-d-t!e en the wty, or frctu tl.c people, executing the provl-ious of ibe Coll- g,)0dly til if ot Hcw.tttsv ille. I Li..e bcr-n nituliou, and guurar.tei ingperpcluity to a tot tut up iu the tit v and coiilined to the desk tcniig I ii..ti,lis..its tl.e commendation of his fellow citi!!-i,.s.cu.l l 'Uticui-r:;. tl.e rat- i'.ude ot the Couth. Jdnft'l I'ii, Th it i.-s aduiini-trati ju cor i-nt lni.'S ti:ctii.-e;ves I cii.g jud .t-, was. Vv'UrLil.lit hi rves ;Li UU.l ijl lii'i n-liKC Ihloii: bout, and Le 1 done thjn ' pl.l liiiit, " vs--.ll n i -. at t. ' t'uii, '1 hat ti e If ne-tv ana iu- d ..ii'.il.(i: v.itu wnn.. i tt.. p'.'.itua .: V. it Li 't Aii-iie-v JacHseiti I'oiivis"n 1 is lii.il s.id, challenges the esteem and re ofeveiv eoit.-crviitivi u.ait, and cut. tl.: Jac. 1.- to tl.e position be occupies. lit.Mi.iil Jiih, '1 hut iii our opinion the t lectio!) of N. P. Ihiiiki), a SpeaKer of the 11 "t-t cf Ue rc.-el.tltti-.c-s loii sti-citti.eue.l tilt faiialics of the Noilb, iu their cji.hiiig ei.d. avoia to ui.'ii I ii.ii.e the ba.-is of our lull ti.:.iei,t, alio that -!a:d tijetioii was the lesu.tuf the cour-! pursued by the ! iu ocratic party, and tiiat said paity des r.c ti.C .-cielct lej tthc.iri-Jll Ol tlitir CJUl.ti V-li.-.!:. 'i he follow ing preaino'.e and i t-o!utiou Ucic . ,.'el ii and ado) ted, .i : iluitui, lt is ropo-cd to bol l a Ktate Coiivtiition of tiie Aiin-rieau Party iu the town of rc ii-l-oi o', N. C., on tne l'-tli ii.st , for tl.c uipo.-c )( uoiiiinatiug a can didiile lor fiov ei nor : .(.. ii J, '1 hat c heartily appove of the af-.rcsai 1 p"i po-iti'-n ; and thil while c d j ii'.t t xj.rt-as a prek rnice in fa.or of any one of the noble ti ite-inen of North Caroli na, we will abiile by the. action of the Con vention, and wiilu-c ail lair and honorable iiicaii- wiiiiin our power, to secure the elec tion of the iioti.iiice. J.i fj'fil, 'J hut the Chairman appoint IU di icgiit. s from this county lo attend said (. oiiVi i.t olt. I icier the la-t resolution, the ('Lair man i pointed ti e loliowtng per-un, viz. E. V. I .. .t.-il. i,. N. lolk K--i . (.en. .1. S i:.. Mil- i. r. 11. Ma-t ii- '1 - Ailie-I llilliarl, J. V. (.ouiiciii, K-i , ala-s. Hawaii, lloit-m, Allred Miller, li.-.j i.-.J . lol. J ana (.'apt. N. llorton. On motion, the names of the Pri' tit and f-ecit tary were audci lo tlm li.-t. Iu n otion J.'nilri-il, That a convention of flic frit nds of tho American Party of thi Couiiiy, 1; In Id ill IJooue, ou Monday our licit huperior Court, for the purpose of i.oiiiiiiuiing caiididales for the Legislature. t In motion of O. N. 1'oik, l;W.. 'I hat tin- proceedings of tbi lin-1 ting be puiiii-hed in the I 'bar lotto Whig, all,buiy ili.iald, and Ashvnle Spee t.itor, and i-ili.r apt is fiii niily to the American Cau-l; be I'li-lested lo copy. '1 llo.-s. I101n;r;."v, Ch'n. Wit. ll'.H l'iN, c y. N.w VoiiK, Apiil 1 Puio.ii At. Anr.Mi'j iu lnm.vv a ll'AlM wnm, Tlivk. A diabolical at tin.pt was made li,-i night to throw the II. -toll i-xpre-s tiain from the Hack near Port hi sit r Olf liie New Haven railroad, but the obstruction was fortunately di-tov-en d in season to prevent a catastrophe. A similar attempt was made the previous higbt at the -aiue place by placing a lafg" roc, between the rails and .-pikinj a heavy sleeper acroi- 'Lc ti. k- from our forrospoiitlinls. Ciiaui.f.sTON, April CI, 1?"0. lever, 'and to come out boldly for American Correspondents must travel sometimes as principles and Americiin caudidiitcs. well as Editors, and I inn about to inuil my- j Uou. James (.'. Jonc, Senator from Ten self of the common privilege claimed by the j msseo, has written a letter stu'iug that lie scribbling crew, and leave my post fur a few j, unilccidcd w hetber to aupport tho X mcr days on a short excursion into the inteiior. I j,.;iu or IVuh.k ratio candidate for the l'rcs 1 huvo the honor of being a delegate iiotn idenry. Mr. .lone was formerly a Whig, l'alinetto liisioii No. l.of this city, and ;inJ iaj the icimtatioii of being u man of snail leave in tue t olcinilii i train :it ten o j ciock tQ,uiorrow nioiiiing, in cotnpany wnn ."some to.i or lilteen i tliers, to i.ttenil the meet- ing of the lirau 1 l'ivision at lietiuettsville, : in .Marlboro Ihstnct, which is to coinnunee ou Wednesday the '.'yd inst. We hall gooti the bouth Carolina road as t ,i r as Kingsviile, there take the Washington and Manchester lijaU Ktid go as lar ns 1 iorcnee ami tlien on ,l,e Cheraw ami JtarliliL't .ili road to I'lieraw, wR,r(, e 01 ,. borders of the Ull North State. Tlietl we so ill carriage!", ;, lis.tancc of 17 miles to I!, inn ttsviHo. den. tarev H to be there nml w ill f pen k . p,.s0 g,vliig grand cut ei t itiitiu iit t the dclegnte. c on-i i ing of a supper and colil lion paity at tie' saloon ul the Female Acad- clny. .My daiiciii!! (lay-. oi kimw , are over, but Mill I can lo-k on, a lid think of my yniin. gvr days, W hell 1 too could tip tile liol.t fill t.i-tie toe, ami mingle- in me giddy whirl, j ,.U.r 0f acee.tai..-e M.y : j perfectly sale, should Mr. Fillmore ba once where Miiig of girl-, like lovely pearls,! "This is a good letter, and pr. en!s the ! more failed to the administration of the go wrinkled betid in band and dancln;. The ,.;1c t ,.c American paity in a few bold Ucriitneiit. That his administration would cause ol temperance is the cause ot the la- ! ,,,,,1 mu-ti rly touches, will. out bluster and j not embarrass our relations with Europe, dies, andtUu-y have ever h itt it their wc. t- j utli.)ut boaslini', iu a stion,' and coiisia'elil j I feel quite certain myself; though, fortu-e.-t isii,;.. ? iH.d most active support. ith j ti-l.t. Should M r. Fiilmore niso accept, un- j nately for the country, wo Lave gone through their iiiiitvd and t tlicieiit supp ut the cause j der c iv.i of a not her such comprehensive and 'the darkest period, an 1 many hoe for bet-mu-t and will triumph, and the temperance Cll.,.rvn'ive letter, the Ain-rie in purtv mav ' ter times, happeu what n.ay. reioim will go on deepening and ideliiug ; y,.t i-et iousl v .iauia ;.' the i -timntes of tha'l ' until its "broad bumicr shall proudly Boat j 'xtlMt0 i.igg, ii n, w hich novt appears t bo i . from tvtry hill top and flutter iu every i lh(! ,xclu.lve nvtivc 0,j,itu of Loth the Se- j I'"1 N AI'Oi.toN Karlv lltl.lF IN Pks brcei. j ward iilliauce auJ Auu vitiated and ranir- , TINV. Ceiicral J. Wat-oti Webb, the edit- I shall anticipate a most pleasant and a- . ii - i i ' F,l,'l,:'MUi.r'i; '" '""l"'"' h "', " ' i haver,' lli e, l.cll and kuunrdt, I mr cl : . -.-.i i ... , , the pillars c-t lite goe-d cause in ( hai eston. ! pillars et tue gor-d cause hi ( bat leMon. ; I tLail also have a chance to take a bird's : eye view of the linns, viilagesaud tt! , inoiuh ahin? me voati, atia c m toil vou m ii m y j ,iilk . UlllilU ,J low cr District s ol'outh Carolina, w l.ich may bc f jutcri.,t tJ .our ri.aJcrs. thail cui v have an I 1oi turn t v for a pasMii 1 notice ol tne principal towns on tho rout, except Cl.er.iw where we will st p for the ! uiht, and reaching that ut ini ) 11 i lt1 t and leavii.e early mil ii oining, we will not have time to Wike exlcli-ive note-, even of this flouii-liing little burg, now enjoying the two- i fold ad v n 1 j t tr e of a navigable river and a I railroad. ,e will leave ibis place nt an cany hour iu the morning in order lo reach j Uei.t.ettsvillo in time to attend the meeting j ot the Lr-t Uav, anil t.e t re.-ei;t at II. e com-t uienrt u.ci.t of the ii.tere-tin ' f-xerci-e. 1 utider-tand that lk nncttsv iiie is a thriving idace of tonic twelve or lift en bumlred in-1 iiabil3iit., and that a cotisid. ruble business trade is ilcue there. I idinil have ample time t examine it in detail, and shall be able, bi fore 1 leave to form a pretty cor rect e.-tiiuatc of the idace. its sue. bu-;i,i-s una inhabital.t-, with an cinjniriiig jeep at til!: ;, !;, Lid. I think ate the i.e-t test- ' i.vv.ioei, to iu L-e of the cl.arne!, r. I.ios- ! ,10y a.o light, you are pretty a.tto End evt rv tl.iiiif else i:i its i roper liiacc. T .!,. I .., l.,.i.K .1 .,,t . ...lw. hably rt.vLd about -.,.--... ti.! tun. and i l.a v e da-hed v ou off In:.- h t - : the till'. and i have ua-!o"J vou on tu: lit- ; fr, rat'icr than miss a place iu this week's. pi.t-r, a Ad knowing that after I startid,; .j Jung that when i gel out. and loo-e from Lu.siue-is and city re-tuii t I hai. feel like tu? jut out cf jail, and :iny ) very aild, volatile and impatient of control. I n ay bv a, Ie to in.t.rfss upon strangers the n.i-tie!i ilea t.mt 1 aui a young ninn, auu ou tne look out for tny stray rib. lint .t opic now a days are rather too -irirp and wide aake to be thus impo-cd upon by a would be ju venile on the tlia.ly side of forty. That i a doubtful age, and a tno-t iu.f.ortant era in one's lilt: ; it is the culminating point lor good or evil, iii.d what wo ure at forty, wo are :i t to be at four -con- if wv live so long Ourco.ir.se fot life i- pretty apt to have J ten taken, and the die cu-t t jr weal or woe for tt.t L-lancK ol oi.r live. The weather i- col, nluio t t.oiigh so f ir fro-t, at. l very diy and ilj-ty. and I ft a : that on that account cur tiip on the ro.nl in iy n it be so lea-anl ti it otherwise might. ' though c Can c!o-t the windows, and the ladies can make n.l right wiihiu, as I under stand there wi.l le i vi rs! in tue p-irty. V'c ' cant take any nrtilii ial s'ii.iulanl. to pn vent any bad effects of t T. - night air, or to k'-ep oft country f.;Ver, a- o. knowr (hat would he violating the pledge, but it -e- in- to lue that we .should take along a d ..-tor who-e b'--iness it (.boii'ld be to prescribe iu ca-e we might think a little of the " critter " w as liecc-sit.-iry for the M '.lunch's sak-, as Paul did once. Put I am ultra enough t con tend that braudy is mitr iiec s-nry only in li t- hands of a doctor or uu upothi vary, for I have never y I needed stimulants .-. bad but that a strong cup of hot c dfee or tea ! would do one more good iu every way than i a glass of Iran ly. AsIlLKV. Wa-iIIO lil'.A, April V.'!, l-o Person" ill the Sju'h, aid c-peeiuly t iu North Carolina can form in corrc t iiutt: of the eitctit of foreign iiill.ienci; ii large, and even in the small cili -s ot Not tii. '1 hey have heard thai fm-ig ban.- become numerous, air! that they ti the the III large n u in r, r s ut o-.r cleeiioti - tin y have witiicsi- tli.-ni-.-lv i i inn, uu- . . i . i.i i .i lc-.- liny nave wnin s-eu iii'-ni-ci.e- in.; cor rupting infjijeiic! which they exert, th-ir coni-i plious will fall f-.r short of tl..; actual f..ct. Wbercvi-r tlo-e pi-oplo go, in wbntevtr city or town tiny selt, it they find they nr.- unable to carry tl.e wh'.h; town, t h -y i set tle ill clans and thus control the'votes of one or iiiore wards, iind get -orn; .if their own liti'iiber, or sijine liativc-l.orii American no belter iu principle than they, into the eitv governments. Tin' nc-iit i lections iu tl.e Northern States hjve presented sinking iilu-ti alioti of this fact. In New Il iventhc II I). ocrat ic vo'e amount -d to ti.I'.'I'.l, and of this num. b.-r l,.iiiil were polled by for-ign-rs. !u 1 1 artlord, the lli-riioer icy polled I.7H? Votes, of n iiu h 1 , 1 III' wtrt: foreigners' In this cit y , where tliH ft Nicl.ts p 'll about t-','"itl voti's, forei ;ni:ia give al h-a-l I ,'i 0 of tin- n imbi r and having carried out lloir pr.iiei,e of s't tlmg together, have the complete control of: two of the wards. J I appny for il-, howe vcr, we have on two occa-ioiis deb ated Hu m in the city, and hive of our watds st in t firm ag .inst Us assni.ts. ji tuns aim ngurt-s oi mis xiu I were eir- ..... i.. .i-i-i culated in tiioe parts of the country where .,17- ' f .reign'su- I lit would cause many who arc now giving; them aid and comfort to renounce thcui for- ...I....... ..!. 1.1 i,,.li.isii,n m. tl.iu itninl 0ulu iinlicat.' that ho is degenerating iu 1,S j,i iK.ui,,-. I This letter w riting on the iiart of politi- j ,i;ins is incieasiiiL' runidlv. The insane O'ov- ernor of 'iroiui.i has addressed ono to llio I ;U(,ati:in coinniittee of New York, in which ! bo intimate that ho would like lo bo the tVmocralic candidate for t'lo ('residency himself, b'it in case bu can not get the noin- iiiaiiun he goes fur Mr. Ihieliauan. Tin Frankfort (Kentucky) News puts up the names of t'assius M. ('lav f-r 1'rcsident, ; -,, I' l;.-i,,U t,,r Vi. I're.wlonf It is The fhst (he signer of ti e Fugitive Slave bill, the hist its cliici. iil inteiprcter, who j ,(m. p,.lv dm,, ny oilier man to en- j force ils iiiiaoi ou jr.ui-..iis." j The New York Herald, a decided Sag Nirbi rmper, iu .-peaking of Mr. l'onelson n ;ni, lli-niucraev ol"T!ie-e latter days. It i- r nun , 1 i iicli too soon lo coiirlu -lc that there will no battle at all." Ti n st, ni,..r (,.. ::. f.,r l.it l.ii,.r inteliigenco ariived at New York at !'o'cl.iik t!,U urttii:ir. and tl.o Arabia, with advices ' three ilavs l iter than those bv t!i Arago. arrived at Halifax, N. S , about the oanie tiu.c. 'J here is 110 very important Lews t rougl.t i.v cillier ktcanier. ,'lr. uucuatiaii i1 a a ra-seiiei on the Arsi. A post office hai been ctalli-hc'l called fiandy Level, Juhusioii rojiity, N. ('., aio :'. "'"I cominerco to make it the interest one called liurica E-vel, lla'rnelt county, ! of England and the I' tilted States t lc N. t'. 'I he office her. t-jfoie known as Horse ' fiieinla, their I'rote.-tatitia and luve of con Creel;, l'ull; county. N. C haa been clian.'- !' tutiotiBl liberty were sufficient in theni- cd lo ( 'oiiiii.l-iis. Hon. A. II. iichcr, now iu this cit v. of North fiiro'iiii UKONTES. I HA'. El'MCNI; liEHEUKV. Vi e tec from the T r. eeed i is of the Anicr man meeting In Id in .'lon'uoiuerv countv. . . C, that the wiiei.ille J.dinuiid lelcriy, though now lit an advancd age, atid long since retired fi "in the po.ilical aiena, atteii- did arid participated in the iiiet tii g. Mr. 1 , lia . ing served Ion; in Corgr -wi with Mil - lard l'i.Hiiore, and being fjuuiiar with his character and t ihpt.s I 1! ! e bis tiatno w as 1 ver thought of in cvii'ivcti hi Willi a lti'ber ,.v,.r ,l.O0,..t of it. ;-on.,..-cti-i with a hi -Ler ,.,.l..l , . t, ,.f l.:. t, cfl'-ce, w an enabled t '' euk of him, lroin j,( r-.o'iial knowledge; be endorsed the' t-omi- n.tlon of Mr. 1 illinure bea. til- and rootra v- ...1 I ;. ..,;;.. : : ... i-.-. - ........ . .. . , I . . . Tcuen-ivc niaiiiier. i i.,a ,i iu.i a tin m .mil,l .r..e f...i.i tw., - ,,!. I r .,!. . ... r.dniund Utcrry. Grmnl'rin J , If P-Tlgl- deserves pr:.i-c lilid tl.e sup port of liie J-outh, le-usr iua .-pet t b nt Chicago, bo rxprcstd r.' ri t lie t. os net at i.WMg''. f.-i liinr li t i'e : I'ii i'lLitiie Sl'f: Li ", wl. tdois Mr 1 "ili- lin! -Oive, wl.o W is in Sn-bint li, nil who Mgtitil ti e l.ili vI.hmi ll.u. I ee iine a law! Several leading S ,'itln rn orrafisof .ur c; pom nts have ref. rrc 1 to tint riitl of Judge Poilglas as a t st of bis f -uiid ucsa. We n.-k th-in to l c cou-i-tu'it if they can't I; 1. !a - --(' .'''"li Vi.K'nli i 'iff. Pad r-iiiN. Tin; Ih ni'.cracy of 1! iticoml) bud a in. t-tif -g nt ti e Su'phur Springs on Saturday la-t, the result of .vliicb, we up-j.o-,., vtul be found in the .-r t f ibis wr k If tl.c party is i su.-i, -d health in this eoiilitv as lo re. i ure iiiincral waters so ear ly iu too Sens, .ti, we m-iy coui.t ou a irreat tiiirfi!:f y '-'-iri'tg th dog-diys Perhaps ti.i y arc driuknig u'phur water to ci. il.ie th-ui to pome up to the -V' n'lii ti. it s,iii. mi i 1 lh in, -ton..- is oood fr that. Alt- I I " .S-Cl ! . M AT.: Atil' A. a f-w fjither items from We 1; N C arngni. Iota Ilea, tiij.it-Miiala, San Sal-; vadur and Honduras have ail united again-t i Walker, and Co-t i l'.iea ahn.c h is "i'ii) men in the fi-id. Ii is al-o t itcd liiat W alker i-. surroiiiide l vith eiieii.ies among tlm Nic atagii.ni peep!.;, who willri.-o ngaiu-t 1 . 1 111 and bis party, in .so..ii as they Iind theiu seiv,.. property supported. A Lite letter 1 1 mil Pa ii, im a s ays : 'i lie (' i-t.i liicans aie filling up tho San .1 Ian ri v er on their borders, by sinking trees in th" channel, in or l.-r to prevent the trans port.iti.jii of troops to Walker. Carrcra, the Prt-ilei.t of ' internal i, h is put in Inotioi. a body of '! Hill lin n, 'o attack Walker on the li.rtli. The liiiti.h fiigite President, which s.i, led freni thi' poll lor Pulilil Ale-iii-, was board. -d by i.n..- ol the pn-si-ngfrs of tin; iiiiii', wlii r. i.'itti that the offieer.s nd li . ii were in high glee nt llio nro-iicet I h.ivin i a tu-tle with the li! ! .bu-tcrs. a tu-tle with the li! ! .bu-tcrs. 'J be , L, . , ' ' nt w a- I Oil miles fi mil Putt a Arenas, li di.vs out, having been deiainr-d for .ri.- eight days by a dead calm. '1 he Oregon pro d.ieed u great cxeit.-ineiit, '.v hen she touched at Piiiiin .u-nas, miller p:issfo,; down from S in l'i alici-co, the p-oplo siipposinj that -he had on hoard a gang of fillibustcrs com ing to attack the place. Another letter state, tl,:,t troop, of Costa Pica cxp.-ct to be witbi'i the limits of ...caragu... uaoom c.;.,,i uays, ami llial tbey V : 1 ... 1 . .1 t . . ... (.'ol ION Si'B I.I.Al i.iN. It is said there r- i-oii lo bi-lievi! that one of the grcatc-t iil.ilions that ha. tnkeu place for many years, is now going on in tho articlo of cot- , twenty-nine days, tho covering being re lou. The parties are said t ) ho residents .moved, it was di. covered yet ulive. Ahoy in .New j oik, l-.iigl il.il u li . 1 th.- . jutheru tal". aided bv the banks m New 1 oi k and the South. The object, is to t posses- sionofso miicli of tin- crop as to control the market, and run the pries) up cry high.! 1 1 I- sai'l It vv ill icij.ine ell investmiiii of twenty five million dollar, for five or six months, to effect the object of the specula. , tors. 1 l.s proSuboity is, tual thry willdis. .. turn Hie iiiarke t and I'lihunec the tiriee for i a while, Vitlt 6ually bi iiin rum ou them- Mr. Fillmukk's Xo.minatiu.s Rk eivbd AT lto.MK A correspoudetit of the Phila delphia Ledger, writing from Home, say : 'i he news of Mr. I'llllinore's iioiniiiation by tho "Americans." was received here on Monday last, ami caused great rejoicing.. It was announced to hi in by a numerous body of his friends, but had not tl.o least influence on hint, who really seems to be tho most imperturbable man I ever saw iu Hiulif'.i 1 1 o r.iliirtipil flio nlhir nnv frmii . Naples, in very goou iicaltli ana lit line spirits, and will return early this summer to tho I'nited States, li.ills and fostivials have been given lo liiui all over Europe, and at this di.-tance from home, where parly feelings naturally subside, mi J American sentiments naturally become the only ones ' di-tinguishab!e to patriots, it is lioejagger- alion on my part to say, that Mr. 1'illinoro has no enemy on this side of the water, wh?re every American (I use tho term iu its le'-itiuiate, most extensive meaning,) is i nrnud l.i aen himself so nindsniiieelv renrfl. now some three hundred Americana from Kat, West, North and South, here in Home ; an a I am quite corlaiu that among the diver- sity of opinion and pnlilicul convictions that must necessarily exist among them, there is not one who would not think the country 'or of the New York Cornier and Enquirer, , relates I he following singular story : A yesr ago last November, ju-t before leaMiiL- Fneland, I t.rakfatd with the iaie !'S'' H"bert Harry Ingli-, one of the purcU : and host of English Hate.m.n, and who , " ever dvsiuuus ol xliibiling fin kind j feelings towards tho l iiiled titates. lie ' . " Know, the representative of Ui tonl 111 l .iru atnent lor mora lliau a quarter of a century, and used to tay that if lher I "efe n f consanguinity, language, 1 sol vrs to ceuictit between thcui an iu Ji-'oluble friendship; and certainly he did ill in his ; power lo cuitiv ate the kindest ft-t-lingt be j ween our people. At the breakfast refer- rcit to the only guests besides uivelf were tlie ltisl.op ol I 'llord and (.'mint. Valewaki, u pre.seni r iriicii 1 reii.u-r, liieu lue 1' re ncn i 1 . ; it, 1 ,,;( V . .. I" 1 t. ' - . I .1 I' . t 1 : Amnus-aUor in l.onuou, and a it la eil, : known, the eu of the great Napoleon. The converaatioii veiy naturally turned upon the present Enpi ror at. 1 hi past history, In alluding to bi viit to the I'nitcd State, ' I mentioned that he never attempted to e mceal Lia conviction that at some future period be w ould be at the hc.d of the FrfUch nation. 1'U" l!ihop of Oxford rrniarkcd nation. Th Ih.hop of Oxford remarked! il..t this rAftietim. r.U l..ir.,l ,A 1 1.. I that tin conviction could be traced to the t me of his boy bund j and proceeded to re - late lli.t. when bis ...other llort-Mf Ii vin in S.i .1 . rl -. i,,l . fri.r.,! nf tl.. tti.l.nn'. ' .i . tc . .t. i.v:. "ic a i- . a hi ijbj- muii oi v aiiiniri in tjs1 hi) Tho'l'mie iier aitnosi uaiiy . 1 l.o J ri'icc was tlicn a bout twelve years of oge. At one of tln-ae vi-irs wlo ii al out t-ikiug I. is eavc, be in- . '. , , , b . '- ti llleil l.jSJ tier boy Was j-ettinu or" .'. ..Ti i i.,5' I lie sti-wcr was, "ill., Louis wou' l do ery we, I i; in- wire ou.y more i. other Loy-,. and c mi l be persuaded to take more exer cise ; but w believer Li- lessons arc over, in stead of joining in the plays and am use- lii-nts suit.t .. to U jessr-s. be derotes him-j --if to the stiidy of miiiitsrv ork audi work, ou government strule with liiui tie and w be if I reinon- r.-ply is always the :saine: Oloth.-r, you must not inlefete ;wnl. in-; my destiny is to preside oier the i I-, ...... I. t..ti I I i . .. i. - i ... ..... . .,...., m j" !. J.t the djt.es of that stat'ou 1 ' Till: Ni 1 1, i I N CoTTnN 1'jt TollV Pi.ii-.t. h am frui.i the Milton Chronicle, that i. I '..Hi. n l-'s. t in- !.-. ,l ...s 1 I t .,;. v,H,,.. ..-. vV.ke. wa- di,. con reil to t.e Oil fire atiC'lt I OCe init.ii g of the It th in-taiit. Tl . nrenauT Mini.- Siieh progress when fr.t di,cov that oil ctTitts to save the boil ling r.r portion of its c .iitt-iil., wcro vain, and i I any -h tt tiiie- the whole was a ma s of ruins, j 'Ibe pr p ity was under a deed of tru-t. i and was adveiu-e l lo b s-iid on the day it was burnt, 'ibe propi rty Iind hecti insured ' for 51 "-.(mil, but a doubt has been express-1 cd as lo whither the trust doe. not invali-i date the in-iiraiice ; but to our coiomou 1 st-ii -e vit -,r it docs not, inasmuch, an th iu-i ti-rests of the owner is not itirigui-b" d by! the Iru-t, as his reliance remains uj ou it to , liipiidale his debt. 1 he otigin of the fire has not been ascer tained, but it is supposed lo have Itcu the woik of an iiifctiduiy. Wlir.ltc TiiK Momv (inr.n. The foreign imports entered ut the poitof New Vork, for the week ending l .'ili inst , were more thiiii ?-t,il0,fJiilJ over those of lh- corrc ponding week iu 1 .'. Among tlmse im ports were cigars, 81 "l,!!!!-; furs, f! i I 1 jewelry, c-'7,!rg ; !e, $l.r.,lt7 ; brun- 1 -'I,' ' t i gun. I I ! tea, :t'.t5,-lj:j watches, Jg. I -J-J,-II; wines, -?:i.",:jij. T. exi-e-H froui the l.-t of January to the l'gtl. iii-tant, is !!.",, t'l.i. 'ihe incres.e in ; cut, is well knowu asbcing provided w cij.oits J. tl... same date, fro... New York,),,, eI),,rmou, handle to his countenance, , ii only i.-o-v,.!!! , ovrr tbo-e to. the Jit la ofi , - . . , . .. . Atoll. I-.V. So much f,f, ,r.l.,f I ' , aliapo of a huge nose, ... fact, It IsMiurl. pan- the policy of the tariff of I " lg, ind its' fl els, wiih ti.is tiar,. f things, the natural ,it of tin: tirin of l-KI, which is fastelo - up the work shop, of the South, turn - r---iu ing all th.-ir custom,, into the huge matiu i.ii.-iorics oi i no .oriii, an 'I n riving on swarms of our mo t valuable citizens to tha West. Alt r.. Citzit'r. A SiiAMiiiAt TwtNTV mnkDayh IX A H'l-.u.. A correspondent of the Virginia I Sentinel, writing from I'uuipiier county, t. lis; asiory oi a iiaugnal iulct that lell through i ui'' covering mi i an u n Ii m - lie el wcl SCVl li l '''"cp lt was not considered worth while to look after if, but after tho lapse , was liieu lovvcrcil jy a rope, and biddy r: cud lroin imprisonment in bcr dm. ..eon where for so long a tune sLu had Leea with out food Or water " Nt-miAsKA Lav. r iJcrauso it was A measure in bchnlf of freedom, and under It another slave Stain wi.ulil iiix-er ,.,,,,. ;-, to ilm I niou." Vide conversation with Jere fSs ' iioV"-k l.ntrr from linn,,,,, Aititiv ti. or Tin: Ait u,,', IIaufax,(Nt. S.,) April 24. ffM . -4 . . 1 ' 1 1 ue picniucr nriiiii.-i 11 as arrtveil lit Liverpool auica 01 mu i.tn lust. Cotton during tho wreck had Icon f and tho sales up to Friday cvenig, tl,e I I ..I . mi , , Q insi., nau amouiiieu 10 io,oini nale., atlijj foi fair Orlcana, C I-lfld. for 111 id !;;. ugd. for fair tiplnnd, and d, for mij. dling. On Saturday, tho l'.'lli, the l'ersa, dviooii camu to band, which, beiiii' 1,1 favoruble, caused uu Doliyo demand, sales during the Cay ot over -(l,ll(l l-a;,. at l lOil. advance. Vheat had declined 3d. l-'lour Is in corn '. Camil flour a 81 a j Ohio y-j. White corn 'li a .'l is ; mixed '24 a '.', c,J l'rovisionit were generally unchanged. The bullion in the JSank had decreaneii by JCI.'tli.mil). At Manchester prices had improved, an.; trade waa belter. At Havre the sale of the week had readi ed 4,3.10 bales. Impoits (i.'OUU Luies Ssock 11H,(I0(I lalea. Cot.sols closed atUli). fSpuiu refines to redrc.s-t the grievance of firing into the f'canie r El Jlorado, The two strainer! aent iu earcli of l1,. Pacilie, Lad returned totjslnay after tiiut days unsuccessful cruise. '1 he se-sioin of the i'eaet! Congre-s on. tiuue. Austria, supported ly ltuasja, nj made Home difficulty about the cvacu icn of the Principalities, under the pretext of inaiiit iiiiing order until a rcruhr Uoverie inei.t wag established, but at the l.it couuts her troops were leaving tho tcrrin ries. The French army was about lobe redu ced to 4 10,'lUO meu. Ilus.-i hid repealed tho prohiLitioo f the export of produce. The grain markets were falling iu t!,cri. pectalion of largo reccipu Irom the liUi t Sea port. The English Cabinet Lad rejected tlie I'aiiish propositions in regard lo the Sou. ,; dues. '1 he blockade at all neutral p iu ha. been r-ii-cJ. France denies that she Let cotiteinplaUd any expedition to Madaacr. FiHTtim ur the Ar.wha. The corrcpomlent of the London P.-t nys th; tclcgraj h lias been constantly eu. ploved on the Itslin iiuestion in fndn niessngis l.rtwrrti Naples, Vienna and Paru ... , l 1 ourt I atom s proposition bavin? been rt r..-...,i ... ,i.... . ! ...1 land to make the final decision. A coiiim'ntsiijD of Austrian and Hussm officers for the rectification of the Moldavia! frontiers were w siting orders. Auir: Lid agreed to evacuate the ptic cipalities. j 'it t.M'-' r'1" ' ". " ' .e. ! 1-u"'- 1 "P"';'" ' """J ,A,S"',', "I i ' " I . " ; viou oi oiumi .-lawi ...vcn 6;nietit will tirobablv be awaited. Jtu-.ia, it is said, will now- devote 1, fttl'T (. -.1 la It -.lllsnt.-. ts-lff. Ifp-tl... li. . .- t i -i i . ., l completion of bcr rsilsrav., and the dif. r it t i , ., sion of a l.us.iau feeling ut io i,Le Cot.'n.t j 1 Alt RIVAL OF TIIK APsAtiO. New V.iHk, .April '.''! Tha ifcamrr Arso Lai arrived, l it Aralialai aaticifau-.i bcr adiiec,. M- ltl,,.,. .,. ,.. .......... .. . :.. . j Arago, ai.d rec.ive.l here as lli truc-t I f ij.c c;.v ,.Vrr, ,l, ..,,,.,,.,,: ,,, ..... pert. Hi wis e-corlc J to tl.e Kv.iU i u., ,,, il receive I.U fnnidi -t !' i ... .... ... .( ity ua.l to-morrow. IU-U-clu Hiniier, and will leave f..r P1..L p -I-pi-.a Hi lay. pKoS I.C.tVK TO lI.i I. INT.. There is end lu the rsce of small men, and it i- tti..ttl,.' t,, Bf. t,.-iT -i.l.... ... ll,.... t i ... ! swell upoi. 'be approach of a P .. - -.-- . i . . noiuii.-tion. Ulft iek- t,f ,(t s, is a long I, tttr troni (iifiebs, IOIIiillHtii.ll ii' i! P.lb.w, tit let j rum ii" Il iehsiian for tiiu i.v-Pr-idt nt ! 'I '!.- i the Vcrilabdii (iideou of Caiiiar.'.i Jti'-ii luciiiory, and who, acpirdin It bis ac was ".-hut all lo J icces" in tiie Mexican w.r 1 he acrit:cn is great, but we b i e c . l'i inocratic friends will la coitipa - and let (jidcJti off. Suianiitih J.'ijm.-i (a u . - I tu.n.r Ui h) im . Iters ars s f-w m rentc-iliea lot very prt: t.i li-ti I iltastri.t rt, w li- h tirftn tin tii I iimn .it reci.iiiiiiciitiin ua . i I'm t i t ... Y'lt Sea -ICItlira st.it al lltitlic. K--r ill un ken. tl t ti. it clil t. it. r, .'.ir li.ultli like Av-r's I'll..." for Nrctticnts kcrp i.n! ol lim.-i r. 'I'ii ut iK" i.inii-y tti yt liMC il. Ihe .N. t'. - I tir ( ou. it a a ml t 'tililn iu ke t 'lief r y l't t lo. - To ktrji out iil'j.ni i.y ..ur t i 1.1. 'I'tt tw Iis-jipv-sol. i r l.t l.-r a ii.ii'i'r, T'i f'lrasss sill -.rnts-t yi.tir ewn htiaini-- 'J'ti have a juoti ronacit .! - pj j ihe ptu.t.', tSuvik; N'osr.. The following in.idci t had from a friend who ktiowi ti e p if'; Pea -on Coiri-toek, of Hartford, Cu. le ¬ W fr its groat length. On a la to orca-i-t ; when taking up a collection in tho churi l t wbicl, Iho deacon belongs, as ,e p i--' 1 ihroin.li ll.n rnii.trp..:.ii,.,. v..re ..i-rs.ui ' - 1 win'in nr ., , , l I possessed by a sudden and unc nitr 1! " desire lo laugh. The deacon did not !"' what to make of it. lie bad oftcu pa--' round before, but no such t-fferts is lh'' bad he ever before witnessed. Tlie deaf was fairly puillcd. The secret, liowev I leaked nut He Iind been alllit te'l loT day or two with a alight soro on bis ns'' appendage, and had placed a small piece : -tukiiiL' plaster over il. Puring- th-i mir ing of the nay referred to, the plaster I' dropped off, and the deacon seeing it, "s ' BiK.rtt ikioI nn llti. Hunr rtit-lftl il UP t11- -i.oli it nn nmiln Hut ! f,.riniii w. 'I. ' f 1 t - i sometimea inakii tinfortunnte nii-liikc.. I t.ietffd (i ft Iristnit t.f i. 'tint of those l't' C i - r round piecca of paper w hich the iiisnu' '' tun a of spool coltoii, paste on the 'ii'' every spool, aud which reads as p.. in j "Warrentcd to bold out 20(1 yards." S 1 icn "u such a nose, was enough lo up'- K)ni.i(;.M.Hs, t? the pravity ofaven a puritan congress" ' I and tho laughing we think justilia! lc 1 J.'" .ii-os if H'

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