T,,rviin.j,ui'.,'jt. t." , i "Se frqe io tied, fo jjoqr I t 1 i m VOLUME THOMAS J. Hu LTOW, EuiTutt Si PltOPUIKTuU. TKI!MS: Tl.eNVlh.l-ur.ih,.aVI ,ri.n a TWO HI ...... rVvcKNTSir, t l.o J)i H. L.VII.-J A NO HI' di-U y tti tiir Hires inoii iln:n.i.ri lllllii: Im.I. I. AliS. ut 11. e viiij of the year. No mmv mil he niwuii. tiuued until "II arrearages ute .Htid, except at the ill.lli.tl ol tllti a) Ktlltor. Ail verlneiiieiil.in.erlcii. I Oiif Dollar M rqmir- (Id liii. ..ir le... tlii.i.d lyjH) lor Hie tir.t in., r. lion, Htiii eriitn lor fuelt cuii tin iitiiiee. Ceurti.il. vcrti.eiiiinu unit HlienlT'i M.ili-. clir((m 'Jj jief (ml. lusher I and it deiluelinn ul'.'l ht cent, will bu iii.xle I'roni tlic ri-gula. priei-0, lur HUvi-rtmrm by Hiu yt,ir. AiliTti.ini. t. in., ri.il itiily r quurlerly.st l per nouare for rueli tunc. Semi. w .... iinmlii!y 75 renl. per .qu;.re tor tui-li tune. f l'u.lui..ti'r. ire sutlioiizcil to t.ct Ayent. '4)oc(n). so c. Wntlm for a tt A aAdfttl t ihr M-jtih WatLiHg. Un Tviat lrMCNr e Awtcfy 0 tht putt rj i Ay 1 i 'on, A. C. 'J(uni;'ll f.r'.t mc btlwcvll U, Ami rtr )ti(prme ; , 'J imujfli tiiuid tt ytrtlt o( Aug oitj'irt lir b (with, My 1 r i i k wait u, i i:t Iltrc ur mi (tif: drt pt A fid jin yu tn full churu Ouc crcd piviige rll kerp, MJiif crr.i pieue We'ii kcrj.' AnU jojit Jmu iu I u J tlmru nr at f .d (ilrv r I kr p. Vat trt4i j-ictJv uH fcriji.' V in M )ti tn Ur an 1, Surfuunut J by the tl4fira I'm.iI thrftfUli )n t r . A tul Uuik b( iiutliv tRirp K' "t(M'K rt ul ! iiiiiriittH r 'I'ue iJt frti U j lt kfefpt i he 4trtU litcjC lu kvi jt. Anf Km ) "i rt j h ! t. n, W hi rf m I tiif y a 11 1 J guiffc il mci Kn y ur lvr IV iU iii 4i) ci If at tin tii , Tf U itf uct titi, J-ik Jtt, Hut lstc ho'jU t'Htiin Your p!ifr of b.inf k, Vour pit(-Ki ol hunof keep. ti U t itkC i llOtjil t4lliQ A'.ii hi)itl nmf irwrl g'1111 I blti we iti:u lil i.urf tit-f e t' mi" 1 ti-ut r ije fta yu-j tul I i o'cf, 1 '..; iu hir our l"rri ur, r U my Uiti.tul en w, J 't'c l tr r 1 fiin uiul ifl.'.urn j cruvt us Are wjitin itiie lr J.'U, A'e wnniif l.ir fi-r ji.n, T i alrry C '' iud fhttrrii crowii Af vrtitii'x bt-re l".r yng. Arc Itrrc lr yu. Vumbi4, h, I'., April 14, lS6. 253 ?iLlKa iHit3 MFT, A SToaV or TUB IIIE.NCII HtVtI.l.HuN. CHAl'TKK IV. Hut to return to our young hero. Ilebrc ui ai Lorn at Mar-eillcs, of a poor but honest fauiilv. He Has all only child, and hi IS Parents had rive.. I.in, ... edueutio..1 which no clmol could afford to a peasant's I 1 e - -- on that which it taught at tlie fiic-ide of virtuou father and mother. Unfortunate ly, the former wan called away, while bis son waf still young, or perhaps h's influence 'night have checked that spirit of adventure which had very early begun to develop it 'df in the Loy'a charade r. It has been ob erved thit tho iuhubitants of seaport towni ire more cnt.'rpt i-iug tl.au lin n living iu l iud, and llebecijui was no exception. As soon at his father died, bo hired hini.-elf as couini'jn aailor on board a merchunt ship, i. i- . .i . . i ; trading ta llm I.evniil nml wn relurinu,. from one of his voyages when he had the good fortune to save the life of Cuuut D'Au bigny. iMar-eilk-., about this time, began to form I'i ret clubs, whieh Wcr ' in communication with Paris, and Kcbecpii, who became one of the carlic-t agitators, soon helped to throw Ai and Marseilles into commotio!.. I-ee lings lung smothered broke out iu a Hatno, llK- disaffected ro-o and attacked the n ihility in ir irongholds, where the lat ter kepi up a fort of feudal state, unmind ful of thj iiufleriiig of their poorer neigh bors. K.bfeipii left his chip, placed his mother ill a secluded retreat, a few mile, fio.n Marseilles, aud pulling himself at the head of a chosen band uf Marsoiilais, march ed t, tbo capital, and remained there until the fall of the (iirondisls ; when, indiguant at the condui t of l'aris, be returned to his native city. It is pot ucccsnary to describe at length tbo horrors that be aud bis com panions endured in trying to escape death, 'hey who are conversant with the history of the French Hevululion will leineiuber thut Uebecqui waa one of those who used to meet at a lono house at Chaicnton, a village about two miles from l'aris. To escape do tuition they were always obliged to proceed hither by different routes. It was there they planned the overthrow of tho monarchy. Hut their idea of rcpub lwauiau being of uui-putu.d parity, they 1Jtli5ccI(anfoii5. S. jcould not sanction the utrocities that they I saw comti.illed every day l.y other. Tliii being tho case a price was set on their heads; Four con- 1.1.1,1 , . , . . . i , ' ' tt'1" ,lu,lT"t nunieu ny wood bounds, ! wore obliged to take refuge III a ruined cat- ' jril,(, nunr il. i;..l . . , .t c. ei ..... mi iiiuu eunii ui 01, jiillio, , ... "J would have been starved to death but fur the de.otiou of one of the men's M.iter . . 1 COIilnvcil to luruiab theill with a little bread. j I couietmiM they bad but tt pound a-doy ' between the five. This, with vein tul,..., .I mug rruiUroin her own urdenfl, wei all tho uourinLiiicut tLejr ItuJ to keep tbcin a - live. The tro8cribed remaiiifd in thin n.v. 1 ... d 1 um sonic tune j t.ut, ut last, even tins Tt- treat was suspected. They were then o-jedral. Itebecqui, placing hi, torch iu a bilged to separate, llebccijui leturniug to ' hole iu the wall, and poiuing to a pile of his native city to raise fresh agitatioti there. ; flambeau lying iu the corner, left them, .say lie found his mother greatly distressd on iug his account, as be was her only child, and j ' Do not be alarmed ; I pledge my life for he loved him as so t-ood a hon deserved to your safety.' be loved. But he remained with her only The Counts first thought was to con,o!e d"a- 1 his child ; but although her face belied ber CII. I'TKIt Y. ': words, she told lit tit not to be uuea-y ubout Oue evening, about f'.(e latter end of Au- her t!n;t their siti.aliou Has, iu her opinion, Ru.-t, a troop of three hundred men was en-, very romantic that ohe had all her life camped id the wood, about, five miles from M . n; ... . .1 .1 enics. incy were liiig in vu.ious at- i luunu one1, was detcriuiuej to p. ay the Iie titudei' under the trees. The moon, whieh ! roine until Ilebecijui came to releu-o them, poured a flood of light on the place where! Her father, seeing her so cbeerfui, pro they lay, allowed tin ir face to be eeu. po-. d that they houid explore their new 1 hey reclined on the soft and fragrant beds habitation; but iu order to do this it was of wiid thyme which is as plentiful iu that necessary to have more li-ht. Immediate climate as grass i., in mure noriherii ones, ly a duzcu torches were taken from the Their br..ied face, their w ar!il:e s: ... ar- benn in tin' corner, kindled, and ..laeed :.t unco, their 1'hry g.a.i Lean-iirrsM , with a Mil,...,,, preen Lr.i.ieh stuck In them lu-tcad dent that some one had lefcelitiy inhabited j Ol . .'aiiura, aiul their stratigely shaped ! guns, g ive them a iiiu!r aspect. Apart Irom ths rctt, sto.id a group of about twi n- .mi ue iisieniiig witu great attention i I .. 1 . . r . t i ... .a.. ..,....,., voui.g man. j He sr. tned to be diffeiing with thcin about I the plan oi an attach, wl.u-h they n. re am- ious to commence, he to delay. His flash- yt, liis miiiated gestures, his mai.lv r ' - - . . ! roiiiii. r,...,... ....I . . I. r "M- 'xu.e- i trough! before the mind sime of tbon splen- did portraits ( Ilapbael's, whieh rivet the eye wherever they are met with. It was noc--ui. JU seemed not to gaiu hi- point, elation, mixed with vci:- of marble, and Lr he nil to his officers : from the roof bung stalactite-, whieh, tuei-t- ' I must Lave nil hour'i delay ; when that ,lu! I ''1" "iat uaJ Utl'" '"""cd by the time is expired, follow me.' : droppings from the rock, appeared like huge So i"ayinrr be took bii wy tiwanls the coluums. Ii. oue of the tuo-t u-tiie l nook ravine ahuli led to tLe caslle of Count I'-' wa' ,ar? oval ba-iu, formed by nature, Aubig'iv. lull of clear water, which floded from a Th-t same evening, he Count .1,1 Clari-' ee w. re iu the saloon of the i hiitea'i. 1 he father Was reclining on a Urge .-ofa placed at one cud. His daughter was silting at his side, reading to him. The garri-on not having been mole-ted for some time, had been thrown off their guard. The evening was lovely. The en-e-ive beat of the day had been succeeded by a delicious brecie, when a strange ii'dsn was heard oul-ide the wall at the back of the castle, near the for ests, as if pieces of rov k were fulling into the moat, It was the lioi-e of men scaling the walla. At this moment, before the Count ......1.1 i.: - . i - . hjuim ipu nuiii nil Bi.it. u triiii uotir (in.ii. ..... . ' . ' ! sittin CJ. li.iLI.ir lrilu.i.. .li. n her.. I and an armed man snian on the floor, crying 1 , ... e .- i .i i lou ' , ?:lreirtlt: cmU,tu ...uiixvu , ou. ii.i-i. tig u.iijiowereu . " the r publicans have tired it iu several, placet ! Vou caunot je-iit but I will save i you.' j ,-uriug mis sci ne i.,ns-e w asi lixed to : ., . , , , . the spot without power of st.eak'ii ; ut soon recovering she phced herself before her father, as if to protect bun. Kcbecpii for il was he-'sli hlly smiled, and going j ........ i ... . . ..i. ...i ...i... i up to up "it euuiii. uo aec.ucu pal ai yieu , ; 1 ' 'i said i If ,, ! t . ,,... .1 1. I ... ' ' - ! tern lite, follow me. U-Aubigny, taking bis child's band, re-1 ,o, , Liin (oo ru, ? lUl M ' . wa ! and for a ino.uent regarded the strange con plied !, . , , , , ' . I ouetot the horse with much profound aston- ... , . . .. j being destroyed. Large sparks flew up m- j,,,,,,. H,s flesh quiverrJ-his nostrils ' -s. ,u ,,,u ""-l:to joe, w.n, nut proieci me me and i.onor ot her who is dearer to me thau hie. Uebccqui made them descend iu silence , 6 ' 7 . ' down a narrow flight of stairs. The door; bad scarcely shut behind them when the y ; heard a tioi.-c as it the room bad been burst into and This, with the liting of luusquetry a strong sun II of gunpowder, which! reached them even in the bowels of the 1 i earth, made them quicken thcr steps, i hey 1 walked without speaking, llebeequi leading1 the vay, and lighting them with a torch, The passage was cut out of .be solid rock, had a damp and disagreeable Miiell, and itude overspread bis face, and he sank on was evidently unknown to the count, Pot his knees and offered up a prayer of thanks having beeu used for gcv 'J'' 'be preservation of the treasure, iu coin It Was clear to M. H'Aubigny that he had parisoii with which all tho riches of the beeu lulled into a false security, that tho world were but as du-t mid a.-hes. castle hnd been surprised, bis retainers cut 1 to pieces, and that all his property would be Tiik CuNSE Tl. tT Ki.e tion and tiih burnt, lie also saw that be owed bis own FoltKUIN Vote Of the 1,7(17 Heuioei atie life, and thai of his daughter, to the gciicr- votes given iu Hartford, at the repent, vice osity of the man before him, whom he iu- tion, I ,UM) were by naturalized citizens stantly recognized to bo the sailor who had chiefly Irishmen, and of the 2,, '!,)! Heino saved him from a wntery grave souu years cratie votes given ii. New 1 1 a von, more than before. I!y this tiuig they had rca.cl.cJ tho! 1,-VJO were of tho aiue character. C22:LXj.O,,XebI?S3? 1ST- G, 11" end of tlie subterraneous pa-sage, which ter 'urinated in the rock before mentioned. Here the sounds of warfare could be dis tinotly beard, the kui. II of fire was veiy . 8,ro"1""1 'y "w rc nearest the castle liail already caught lire, qmlh to their beine; dried by the seorchiu" sun CIIAPTKli VI. llebccqui hurried them along t lie stony road, which terminated in the vi.lley, and cpriiigiiig 011 a lede of rock, where rcw conic large treen, and, putting a.i.le what appeared to be a was of entangled l.ru.-h- wood, uii-cloaed the entrance of a ca vei n. . The opeuing was ubout -evi n feet high, , riaiiieliou of all criiuua ;oruuiitto(i in the 1 rud ually Hidt-hin ua they alvancoJ, aud!5tll autl 1 UIa civ Jutricu 0." suit ; 1.... :.. . .1. . - .1... 1 county. - ' ! roof of hieh was arched over like a cuth- ' been looking for au adventure and Laving , c intervals alon ' the wall. It as ouite evi the Cuvc. or td.-e that lu.-ty pi eparations bad been mJe for expected guests. heap of viiie-cuttinjs was laced iu a nicl serving- tur a rude lire pljce. there were , i r i -, .,. a.so.wopnes ot soil luo-s, wit., large nui.- tary cloaks thrown over them, no doult iu- t. n le 1 tj make rough beds. Tl.e.e w as, likewise, sufficient wiue and bread to pre - . vent thtr .uffering hunger for at east one ts S! I..,. n .i;.l , .,' ,l..n..,:. . .....u, mi o,,r ing on the object around, gave t.. in the mo-t fanta-lic appearance'. The sides the cavern were covered with creeping v. Ul "-'-I'ring in the side of the reek. 1 K nee ran 1 ''"''ding stream, w bich, pouting o. t t'u" '"oulli of ihe cavern, da-he l foaming 'litj ul1' v"'lcy beneath. The 'door, n!-o, tta'' covered with a thick cru-t ot the same "iateii.il us the stalactites whieh prevented, 'effectually, any damp. The Could, who thought thatC.aii- "P- peurcd fatigued, mado her a.- good a couch as circumstances would admit and soon had ,i ,- e a .- -1 - the gratil.ealiou of seeing hi r t.i.l into a . , , ii- piclouiid sii. p. As the air ol the cavern felt very chilly, he set fire to the vine cut- ting-, mid then turnet' .o coutempiate his u ti ii - liter. Mi.; was rcn.'-in as m in t an o i " n - -- ' -" if .. ;.!. I. I .......... ....uui. .. . .t.s.n.i- ui, ei u i in "" : ue cheek slightly llu-hed. Her grace- attiiiuie, as me ngni ui tlie torches leli her, na.lti ber appear like some wood ha,. lie ..i I'JI I lie lug lie. lie then wrapped himself in bis cloak, tl and went to the rough archway, looking out . . . i upou the vallev. As t.e stood ui ju the!"'""".' nmaaiini cuimuci mueii . . icuge'ot t.'ie roeK, a melancholy scene pre-! 1 , . . ., ,' , I i? """ "I? " .tU I 'T ' ?' " '""""f 1 from mu.tc ,jP tood LU ; ., ,f ,1. i. i i itself was louden from his si.'ht. he hi. civ' i ft.. Mlri,,,1.i uou i,,,t . .,t ni',. It.. A...,i I 1 " " J""'- , hear the fierce sounds of warfare, mixed . , . ... . . . ., . . I wiiu uiv tiavMiiiz ui nuuu hi uauin, wiili'll tho air like rockets, winch, as they its- Cei.ded, illuminated the dark Tho, count wa as very sad : ' My poor re-' . I,, ."i, ,.. l . , . 1 i .. ., . . ,. tainers,' thought am uotau.o io Mine a single mow. As the old man stood on the rock, with bis! tall and uiajestin figure wrapped iu the cloak, I and bis white Ii-iir wavin- iu the breeie be ; looked like some supernatural being, a spirit of the mountain risen from the earth. His anus were stretched tow ar.ls the fortress, as ' if iu the act of springing to the rescue. Con- igiug to the rescue. Con-1 'ilated his bre.i-t w hen nance changed'' All bis - tlieting emotions a; suddenly his couute h.'recness vanished. A Minle ot dee, grat - M I'KPKREIl CON1 C'J'ED LIT A HOUSE, Win. Patterson U 'tried at llaleigb. - Shelby county, TenUcc, for the muidor ot 1 nomas Diernwellier.a young' planter ol i'i i.-misijih. J u liicueiiis ueveioiieu i f 11 ' I . . t i i ., ,,e trial were oiiie.-.o.st romantic M - lure, and the evidence, though circum- al.tiat, made Out a clearue of one of the iiiu.it revolting murders" be found iu the chronicles of guilt." , There w as ouu poiti iii.be case, about which alone there coil'l L taid to lie doubt, and thin point was l the evidence af forded, by the horuO.'Ae-ri weather. Ill order to Ulll'-'tUDi this. WO must state that by thelaw of Tennessee, the t ci iiuinal court of X-i,;,l has crituinnl j ju- I J he ci The circuit of Shelby tunty had erimi-1 nal jurisdiction iu the and other civil districts of tho county. I'he prisoner was luiiieted iu the circuit co-t at lialcigh, and the murd'T was alleged have been com- uiitteu to the ltli .listrt. J ho divuling line between the K'lh id l.'Jth distriets was the road leading froi Memphis to Her- uaudo. ii inu ci line was couiiuieu in me i-lii ir.l.. . .. ' civil district, the court i Kaleigh had no ' jurisdiction, and the prisicr would have to l The deceased was foud soma forty or Cfty steps from the Ilermdo road. The j , , had b wituess ttated that the bJv. as he thouoht. eft. dragged ther' lion, the road hence the doubt wbether.be murder took place iu the 11th or lMtlcivil district. At th s critical point, iu counsel betook them of certain uiarvelol and novel con duct of the noble hoise whicii had been relet red to, which bad Coie to their knowl edge iu conversation witlthe witnesses. J ho known instinct ofanimals has, from time immemorial, been eeined in the law as among the sources of ideiiee by which ! .in; iiLu.i-oi iiiiis ui .iii-.iiucriy cl ty have been determiml. the dearest rights ot lite, liberty and prop- I 'l'estnuony as to thc-e act-w as propo-cd !tobo submitted on behaf ol the .State, but ! waa stoutly oppo-cd by V prisoner's couu ' scd, who knew its orcrwlr'.uiiiig force. i uk ici nun juugu ovj iuieu me 'ji.jee- TI... I.,..- I ! . . i 1 .1 . . 1 : ,iotJS auJ ajmit,ua lhe v.timony. t i)H, been proven in the cour of the tri il, that ' "bout eight o click on tls S.tnday followin. that on whieh tin dec.wd and prisoner i il nr. M.ii i ii j iiom . milt n.ini.iiT t.v. t it " Warrl Metllliil- Inn. Ih, ir.. nr.in.iti In . " I r have tccu -Mr. .M.rnwea'ers cu the road about two thousand vai d-tficin the sc-ne of lie murder, and Knuili nfth, t nii l!,it.in.r ' -- l r-' a ut toll si.... ..I m .1- !;.-., ... it...,.,i au l t.j p. ai n.g to tc xcV oii,,l y frightened, w - ... - .... wl , , . au.. Uuli nilliculty the geii.-mau inteiceited and caught him. The gertleu.au findini the animal almost uncontioiUble from fril.t, bad some dilfi- cu.iy in retaining ttie'. in until a young liian caiin; lorward and Uaimed bim. I 'I be young man w hoclaiuu d the bor-e j was recognised by the gentleman, at the ' - he PrNoutr a""e lar' i lotaru, Bind tlie renlcntan, limine', the i l.ursj, thanked him gravfully for catching I him, mounted and radeLurii. il: v o!f in tho j direction of Hernando The "facts here submitted to the inn- i. refer,-,,.. !,.. ' , v ...... .w wonderful instinct-, are 6e-c I . . ' V I It wi.i be lemcmbcredthe ti oble SDiinall " , iii.iu.'.-iiui. tasnfir..r.i..re;.....l!i.-..,.,. :eartL,niid i- lost to Mew. It does not coul Uitel.ig.jiiee, and siiigularlv attached a bis nia-t.-r. whom '. be wa- in the habit of foil.wiug about when- ! Vv' r Lu WOuld co"ie to be pasture or the larui vara wnere the hore wa-. " , , fou.u several mouths .tier the prisoner had been committed to ail under indict- meiit, William Merriweajier, isrcoinpaiiied by a number of gentleinet, wittics-is in the case came up liom tluirhouus iu ."lissis- . . . . . i . i ... .pp Io attetHlltie trial. Wiiiiam Merriweathep was riding the horse ol the deceased bother, w hich bad iy mis time Leeu rccovernl iu the 1 niiily. lie journey lay along tho Hernando road, ru; w tound. About two bundtd yards before the party reached the sceie of the murder, horse urou which n. Merriweather was mounted began to exlibtt svu.ptoms of ..l i i.:.. :. .11 . . . i ,urini. - ed his rid.-r .ml il.i mlm ' ., ,. o were with him. I "0 apparent (cause of alarm, f";' ,b r0Vl'rl r h f. th" l'""' the party approached die fatal spot'; aud .. i . i . -. . i i ...... , " ueu mc' luaeueu a point ill tie road op ? . ' . 1..... l .. I. . I . .1 1 POsite tO it. the ct.olio,,., t ..rll,.. I,.r..i r,.... . . ". to so i unous a piteti thai he became almost unmanageable, The w I.oIh t.rt.nl 1-.,l.l,...rl,rc.,- , I 'J -..v . .j. uv, . . distended, and his eves .luicin- into tli wood where his noble matter had met his 'lorrible fate he stood I ru moment, erior- " '"-'g'hiiig a subnue picture of j the wildest excitemeiit. Ulle of il10 pa.ty suggcst.d to Mr. Mer.i- weather to give him the reiu that, menu- w L'lei bad bee n tightly dnwn. 'i bis was j J,u ' 1 n"uul1) 11,0 n'M annual ru-lied I into the wood, and down t the identitied tree under which tho body Lad beeu found, he was of the old regime; aud his great and commenced pawing at its root. Alier festival iu l-.V.' in compliment t0 Amer a iiioincnt he trotted oul liither into tlie .jean clients, as w.il as to celebrate the n.ar- " oou' ouu a.icr niaKing a seiniciicie in Lis I coulsc' returned t o tho same spot, and there t i f' trc,"''1'J-'. ..' Ping u.,. ,til hcwasloiced away. nni.ar cxhibitious wood, aud alter making a seuneircio in bis wt ie made hy the horse a nuinher ol times Lrid. giooiii literally blazed iu jewels to the afterwards in passing the spot. i M,luc"of not le- than ten laes of rupees, Atthi start. ing development in the tes- 1 5.10 .id,..) Ai l viU Ttiount. timony, a thrill of feeling ran through tbej'" Court loom like uu clectrie spar's. Thus far tho proof hid traced out the! rROlKs-iovAL Axe n.'ir. In a ngigh-hi.-tory of this mysterious murder with a boring city a yourg member of the L.ir ce.taihty too fearful to be doubted, and t thought he would adopt a im,tte. for himself ; had pointed Io the pallid youth who sat in and, after inu -h reflection, wrote in largo he prisoner's do. k as the guilty agent there-, letters and paste .1 up against the wj'.I tb.' of. " .following: " Siiuni cuiqi.," bich may be Ju-iieo tempered even with an unstrained ' traii-lated, " L-t cvtiy one have hi- own." iiiei ey see inc.l iiupatieiit for the saeriliee, A country client coming in expressed b:m wben the strong nun of the law interposed ! s. If much gratified with the maxim, but mi ni its might and majesty to shield him. The ! ded, " Vou don't spell it right." " Indeed ; veuue unprove.i, or even in doubt, would then bow ought it to be spelt V 'Ihe latter baviiieli to tla tiibuuil of juslU m other replied Sjuc ttu .f.i.e." 18, 1836. iwiiinfninn iiiiri Ti r.Mitji i mi i alternative thantobid liim to go out again a frco wanderer upon the earth, ith the ! b'" uud guilt thick upon bun. but the , "-"' ""u m""1 ",c t""u" .... ' fillip in lii. I iii.-erutuble providence, had iK' 1,1 reserve an eloquent witness ngam.t; laitiuui neariwu-s aicci --in- wiles of the corrupter, and whose testimony fell upon the astounded curs of the jury, as "Conlinuation strong As proof of holy v. tit." No blood had ever been seen on the road and uo appearance of any druggie there. If the killing had been done in the road, the i 1Wp. I.oe rnnid fliilit mid wild friolit ; n,Unt have been occasioned in.-tantiy by the , , , . . . - . ueai ii-sti jyi'ie, w.ju u uau fcuowu uoiiiin" , , . r- '., , mm of the tree in the wood. 1 he scene was . , t ., i r .i t.icturei before the Uiinds of the jury as ;.. ii i i r il tvned bv the "lonoiis art ol J.ai'uerre : the'tlr-cov into the wood the robber's du - i,v..,J t.,r ..ol,l,.r 1,1, .,Itl,., .1 .-.-itU -trii.'- ce at the'" tree and the ii.tinets, were destined to vindicate, as if by a mil ac'.e, the unerring certainty of retributive justice J nn,l tliui the venue was j.roveu thus the doom of the urisoner was sealed, and thus ,,..1,1,1,. ;,, tl.i. vfrnn.'.t I l.iil, t, .. 1 1 ,.,... fi..r,,,r fi .;v,.r ,i.,. ,i,., I i , i.. , , ' 1 1 .,!. .', .i ,i' .. .I- r ,, .. , . , , was guilty, aim sentence of death was T J ."". '" " 1 " """"" "- ""1" .sumueui io. mi- in the Mate Penitentiary. lu that gloomy catacomb of liumau hearts I and hopes, where time is as eternity, with a sense of liberty lost William l'etel'sou now tspiutes bis dreadful crime. Ciii.-.m..), April Tur Kansas I.wi.st uiat iMi Committke. Messrs Howard and Sherman, of the Congres-ional coininittee to investigate the I." ...il... ,. I....1 1.' ,.. I .. i. i,nu.i,M uinau ii i.i. ,u ui u 1 uiiiiUdHUIIJi Ml , ... , , c y, . . on ti.e I 1th inst. lr. Oliver, of Mo., had uot arrived. . i ' Washington, April -2. i liri'tv r.p tiif ivi-m r:,ivn!ti.-T iv ; liEtJAUli TO THE I'.L DoK.Hki AFFAIR. The last steamer brou -bt. ,!e.-.,ntel.. ad. dressed hv the Spanish Minister of r.ireigu U latioijs to our .'lmistcr iu .Madrid, in le- . rd v to the demands made ut different time, l i' ' uur "ovci u.ii.iiV ;or r.aress iu tue mai- in. ..f .!.: 1 .S....-- . . e .1 o i c n,e u....u: ...io am, oeieuuon 01 uie stcam-r Kl Dorado bv the Spanish mati-of. war l-'erroiano Si.a'in dei-i.le.'l hut f in. i t .,1 :.L.i... .. : i -i- i . .. IIUH.-II lllus VJ LU, ll, . in HITS II 15111 B UI uur VIUX ei i, iii em . si.ow iu I. y a series or ar- fo.n.ent- that aeeordin.r . Iw nf m..;n- the commander of the Krrolauo did noth- .in morn than the neculiar circun.sti.np. !5t .hut tin,,, . xis.i..'- in .!.,, ,...l.l,..rl,.,.s.l 0f Havana justitied. I'tm wnil I'oLa Llls. ytnttt I'ttEAK or Natlre. We saw yesterday a queer creature for this part of the country, vu., . a baS ,,:,V111? four dist.net and uselul legs, -N"c-r u,t I'cliauce, Xe.r Mexico, there i a stream of water which comes dow ufroiu a :.. .i .... i.e.. vauuii ,u uiu iiiuuukaius, unu usl oeiore i i i. , . , nip.. HIT t 111. I- Oft villi ,Ie1lI V 1.11, 1.-6 1 nt.S t llO niuuicate with any other stream ou tho eur- face. Iu this brook these le ed creatures , .. ' . . (abound. The omy mei.uou o. u.vse ii.ii . was made by Captain Howard Stan field I .jj10 c;au.e proU'yitinj any one from ' creased. The lUl.igU and Oaston lload ; some yevrs ago, but those that we saw were voting for Senator uul.'ss ho was the owner the Cape Tear improvements ; the appropri thn on'e M.eeiiu.n r. r 1. . u,.l. f. t.i tl i iu fee of lilty acres uf land, contained iu atiotis to Neuse river ; to Tar river ; to tho - i - - - - - - - -------- - -- country. They were obtained by Ir. Lan worthy, of this city who had them it, his ' possesieii but a short time before Professor i year-; and its anti-re j.ublican ai.d aristo- i Caroiitia, will have the effect directly, un-Aga-siz became avf arc of it, and wrote to!cruti0 character severely deliour.-.-ed as a'e the pre-ent Constitution, for the next Hr. L., expressing his great desire of obtaiu- j remnant of the feudal tiuies, whe n the pec- twenty years, to cause us iu the West, ing them. He says : " I can baldly tell you . j,ic were mere serfs or servaiits of the laud-; "here we have a utinoftti of the free whito how very iinportant the specimen would be i lords, ' pecple of the State, to have in the Se-natij to ine, in thettuly of out natural history,"! In con.-CiUcr,ce of (his dcuuneiatidi of one , only TlllUTtKN Mivintltsi; while the minor, kc. They were sett to him by express ; piirtieular feature of our Cotislitution, pub-'' of the bite people will have Tmuiv yesterday. j lie attention has been directed n its other tv fcs'MtMliKl'.s ! The four legs are placed J rcci-.ly as the provisions. Our people, in l-Mo, wheu! We do not desire to be ir"rstood as op legs of the alligator, and very much rcsciu- j called upon to decide upon tbo nuieti'linetits po-iug in the least a proper system of In ble tlie m iu form. They are not useless submitted to them, on! v had to decide be- tenia! Improvements; i,r as making any excrescences, but real legs, and arc used to j tvveeii the' old and uew ;" and they naturally complaints :gaii,-t what has heretofore beeu adraut.ige iu procuring flies ou the t-dge of preferred the latt'-r, a-it "ave, in one done by our Legislature. Nor arc we to the stream. They are a great curiosity ou j 1 ranch, more political wii 'htto the laass be regarded as t iking ground again-t the the whole, aud will be a valuable acquisi- tion to I'rof. Agassiz. They were procured by lr. l.angvvorthy for the express purpose of sun.liiig to Aga-siz, but be heard of it through l'lofes.-or Laird, and immediately wrote to ascertain if there really was a tpo eimen uf these creatures iu li.is city. difi'tr I'ni-ut. e.f A PlsTIMiUlslltE IllNlH.O. nioug the deaths in tue Calcutta Friend of ludia, of February -, we Uud the name 0f Aushoutosh ic well knou to our country men iu the Last Indies, and to A- meiicau hou.es m the luoia trade, as " the ri.ul American banian," or banker. This eminent Hindoo was po-e.-ed of immense wca'.th.for the u.o.-t part hereditary though ms proin-i tv aequiied in trade w.H vast. t.vcU ,r a leading banian. In social life ,-..., of his .-randsou. wa- di.-tingiii.-hcd bv fia2e of his graud.-ou, wa-elt.-t in a .Cpiendor and profusion suilic spite hi- cue-ts with the idea of , uious riches. Ou that occasioi icicnt to Ui- alluost la'o- iou the littu m , ' - vi:sTi-itx aii: r.ss. ADPKKSS To Tilt; ri;(.ii.K or .v. Carolina, (Ju the stiijcct uf Cwmttiultuiml liijonn. A ,UKCligl COi,,posed principally of We tl,ru Ul,.1l,er ot the Legislature, uitl.u.it j: of r,artv. was held in the Capitol. 01J CVtli ut 'lliu , , of Jauir, 1 r.l ' :to consider what measures were tiecc-ary . to be ad,pted to ecure to the rnn,k of N. .Carolina the ri-l.t to amend their Htatoj : Constitution, so us fully to answer the treat , lends lor whieh it uaso.igii.ail e.,tab,i.-hed ; : and to maintain that e-iuabty of rights;0.1 uie i.e oiuiwu P tn ...e.,. ...... wliieh lie. at the foundation of ail flee and ! "ot 10 be L' a . . , i, u , I.. u , i . jj u.ai t ui n un. ...... ..- i iii t ' i i , . Jt is a remarkable leature in the in-tory e . . i ... i e .i ot our Mate, thai tue lice people ot the c iii .i . Mate never have lia.l a voica in the torina- itioti of thai insti u.nei.t, bv which alone th.-ir iiies. their fortune.-, and th.-ir r.erson - ! al liberty is protected. The lir-t Coii.-titu j lion was formed at Halifax, 1 th December, I77i, immediately alter we bad throw n olf tne Jintinh yoke, when our ancestors wtie not fully alive to tb interests of tiic people but Miil r-uinc.1 n reverence for Jiritisb usages, where l'loferty was always more . l ill r i i. respected, and hau in ore political weight .i .i I . e .i i -ii I. lliiiii . in ri,r its nt Hih Tienl,Ii'. I he ili io- . ., c, . 1 ,. gates to the t otiventioii, iu conse(uenee ol that Laturai deference tj their ancient cus - toms, were elected only bv five-holders and households j and that Coiivel.tion made tbo Constitution so formed the organic law of the Mate. Thepiople, who formed neiilier of these classes and who constituted a much larger mass of tl.o population of the State, had Uo voice ill the election of dele gates; and the Coutitutioii was not sub mitted tu then, for tLeir approval or rejec tion. At the time this Constitution was formed, ail the counties in tue .Si ate, except tight, lay east of llalcijjh, whie.i has been regar ded as the diviiliiigj line between the Kas- , ,. . : tern ami Western portions ot the Mate. i ,, . . 1 , . , ijy us j.roki.-tous cacti county, wnnoui re gard to its weuitli cr pupu.ation, was enti tled to send one Sen -nor and two members f tl,c House of Commons ; and the towns of Wiliniii ,ton. Newhci ti and Halifax, to which Iwere added, in I'TI, Fayettev blc, iu the -'. UiH-boro" and ii.-! . u ry in the ! west each, one member of the House r Commcus. I'liderthis Constitution we iived, .suffering gtiev anocs, the memory of which I I . . . ,1.. a - iiua noi U'l ic:i ui, coM-taLiiiy Miii'f'jnii u ameud it, until lo-J, when the L"gis!:.lure, in the plenitude of its n erc, grantl-d to the rootle of the State the privilege- tjsav wi.e- ther tl.ev shou Id ainelid t Ue Loustltutton III soma few iioints. 1 he delcutis tj that I - r . . r t-uliventlon were re.iiiiie.l to he sworn not to transcend the limits pre-cribed to them bJ tl Legislature, itself Lut tie K-rvanl of,"V. . I the people. The result of their labors unsta,- CoUsll- tutioii uinUr which we noiv live, liy it, I the DUinticr ot mem i.ers in tlie .-euate i- Cxed at fit ty ; and in the llou-e of Commons 1 at "e huudred and twenty. Kt.eh county i U, cllthM tkct?a ;mrut least : aud 1 1 ne remain, icr ure ciecicu Dy me counties iu j ,p.jrtioU to their federal j-opuUtiou that . is, to all whites arc added thief out of five . slave, and the sum total constitutes the I federal population. Iu the Senate, the .,'. . . . counties elect Mnatoi s ::; proportion to the ... . ... ' 1 . . taxes paid into the public treasury, without regard to the sources whence those taxes i originated w Lcther lioin tlie permanent, 'Wealth ot the country, or Uoiu tlio-e taxes !in,tio. - ed to restrain the- vices of tue c jmu.u- : . Liiy. ' the Constitution of 17: ti, was still retain, d. ' T,, il.Tj r.l..,,., ii .,. .'.,n.o, .!'.-.,, r.,,!.!!.. 1 i .HIS ll.lU-i- .1. .t u. VV'Os.iiiiiiLj liuoilC Uou firt:vtv, fur the la.-t two ' 0f tie t.ei lie of the State. It was the first in.-tauce v hen they were regarded at au by their own State Constitution, l'eing natu-, - arolinn when a system of agrananisiu rally lovers of peace ami order, ami always would be pre-eminent ; when our own peo obedieut to the Ihw- of the laud, thry rai-ed p'-c would be less observant of law ; less re no clamors agnin-t them, until they were ' gard tul of right Th- true theory of Free called upon to look into their Charter of .overument is the proper protection of its Liberty, and see that it contained oue featuie , mf'"1 iu the etijoMiient ot life, liberty and whoby" repuguant to republican equality, property. The right of property is a right lu this opinion we all concur. It is right attached to the per-on of a citizen, and ho ami proper that the people who are guveru- 's to be protected iu its enjoy mcnt Taxes ed should elect those wbogovern the'iu ; and are unilorm ; and he who possesses a little, directly at war with thut sacred prineipie ' a dee ply iuteiested in its enjoy u.e ut as contained iu the lVelaratiou of lndepcn- one posse s-ing a greater share ; and eipul deuce, " that all men are free and equal, "; Iv nay, more opposed to the imposition of to exclude from this valued privile ge any ! high taxes. freemen because of his uot being a lauilhol-j Property has no right independent of ilcr. " . persons. You can give it no rights, uut Kquallv opposed to this principle is the ; privileges, i.or immunities which effect it rule hy which p.'litteul power i- measured u-ui,". his matter and cannot feel, nor by the basis of rcpic.-ciitaiiou i" the; Senate, enjoy rights, but, iu cou-cq.ieneo of its pos To place it iu it most favorable ii.bt, the scs-don. you may give it- owucr political Scn.ite repie-ent- property, and put persons ; power aud pi ivilege s. I:, then, you protect inuev, not men matter, not wind. Put citizens in the tijoi,u,t r.f property, is it.- 0 dioii-ncss docs pat stop here. Vou are not the possessor o! hundreds equally emi all tim.i'.iar with the subject- of taxation,', tied to protection as the owner of thusn and these tax.-are represented net you, ands ? Is his enjoy nieut the less? Po tho people. All white mn'ns between the you measure enjoyment by the quantity age- af '-'1 and 4" are subject to a poli tax ; ' enjoyed ? Suppo-e you take from the rich and ail s!av(s, nmo.' a:id female, between ; man Ins thousands it is his nil. If you the ages of P.' and " ', arc subject to the take trom li.e poor his hundreds tr is his like tux. So that t Ii let -tilths ot the negroes; are repieseiit. d in the House of Common.-,1 and all the negre."-, betw-.iu "lie ages above d. -igliate el, are represented '11 the Sennto ; but your wives and children Law no politi cal rights. l'ediars, biilLtid tables, bjwl iug alii y -, eircu-1 oh rs, j l:iy ing til d-, re tailers of spliituous liquors , broke, mer-ehant-, watches, and carriage, are ;ell tnx ed. ( hey have their Setaaiois iu the State Legislature. Put your wives and your daughters: your old men who have served their cjuutry . youu uisu who are rising lUMBEK. 12. up to be its hope and ita stay; and yuur poor nu ll upon whom misfortune has laid its heavy baud, have 110 one there to plead their cause and protect their rights. Is this Liberty? Is this Freedom '.' Is this lb-publican equality ! Vour LYii of Lights fay, '"That all po- . ,ilicl Powcr T'atc.J 'll-r,Vt:J. the jlc only. Is power iu the fcenato " L'" d',r,,veJ I'01" " J"e ' Llt " uf " sa"1 'nation and " Fentat" go baud in hand. 1 hat l"lu 'l '0 bas no appl.eauoi. here. U is true ..t our ancestors lought tne battles . w Lien I lie y were noi i eereieiiieu. jjut w uo , - . ! u revresci.te J : (. eitainiy the peot le thor? . , ' . . . . . .i . .i ! w ho r.ulil the taxes Uot the taxes thelil- , 1 . i i .i . selves. Our ancestors ticver claimed that , . ., , . , 1 .'.!',e'r rr,:Pt,r J fiouiu no leprnsci.le. I their 1 1 "ey c.aniie.1, auu just.y loo mm mey claimed, aud justly sliouid In; r.'pie-entcu. iu tue Oenate, j'l'jiftij is r.'pieseuted, and not the Jiittile ; and the same principle which prompted our ancestors to that glorious coutc-t, aud tu.itaiued ti.em in it, which terminated in the acheivenieiit of our libeities, should prompt us to war against ibis most odious . .: i i '. ,.e e ..A. i . - a nil l eru ene ii ii innuui ui leu'iui uti.iu- : , . , , , , . oruey, by which the people are taxed I y a -1 J . bodv in which thev ale not represented, . .... ' -M'l';i' ,lie principlf, and tee its injustice. Ten u.. u iu any oue county own as much r''"lILn.v P;1)' as much public tux as falJ hundred men iu anolher county. '' hey all own the same specie- of piopeity. Kucli of the live hundred is i.,ually niter- esti-d in the preservation of his little mile a- either of the ten. Kacli one has, per haps, in.iue it by the lab'r ot his hands, by the sweat of hi- brow. It is ail he ha-, by ine.-itis of which toiuaiutaiu aud provide fur his f.imily. It is the dependence of his children for education for sustenance. And yet, b. the present system, the ten are cijual to the live hundred. Is this jus tice ; Is this liberty ! Let war break out let civil commotions arise, who.-e lives aro i xposed for the protection of tiiis propnty T Who are sent loiih to light the battles of your country ! The five hundred go forth to light the laities ot your country to vin- dieate its honor to maintain its glory, leav ing their wives and little outs to struggle u" "' I'eity and ludigeiiee ; w bile the ten stay at liou.e, ( njoy their wealtli, and hoast ol the hoiwr and g.ory ot tneir country, tho ....v.., .... -. VuW I !.. t I-...M . Hill ki.iln ill) ol lU citiitei.s. Save us from such fieeduu, us Irom such . .piaiity . It is no tree- d. in it is no cpiaiity. It is downright tviaiii.y iu its most ue.ious iorm. 1 ue tew L'1 mding into tlie oust the many, under the i 1 . . L'linding into the dust the many, ir.iii heel of tower power undi r . ,. -. . Tou neei 01 power power unuer me pre- tei.ee of being Jtlived fljni "the people ! . '' operation ot this pnncipic, there are some startling tacts. According ' to the tvn-us of l4l), and the apportiou- jneut ui tM-n.noi s u uuuer mc piuvis- of the Constitution by the Legislature 'of 1 - i-.', sevente-u western Senators repie- ; ii.r.jonty ot tue wu.to luhahiunts of " "it"'1"' i "ifb will be made iu 1S52, a still greater discrepancy will be found to exist. Tha i improvements which have heretofore been made, aud still in progress in North Caroii- .1. . r.i i c i "a. tend to a great lucrea.-e ot the value of ..... ... 1 .- .1 f . proper.y ami ot rne sui jecis ot taxatiou id Kasti ru Carolina. The U'ilu.iugton llail- road, to which the Mate fins contributed so mucu. uas a.iueu gieany to tne Tame ol property of every des .-ription near it, and the amount uf taxes is proBortionabl v in "eldou Kailroad ; a.l have the same ten- deUe'V. Atidthc I in in.' lisr. a il 1011 Tit of in one v . J -- - therefore, expended here tofore in North proper protection of propel ty. We should t'e panic i.e i.i.iiieo ij see tue aay come in .orta tli d.-j. Which wi.l cling to his all with more peit nacity ! W hich will sur round it with more guards; u-e it mora sparingly; and more carefully provide tbat it shall not be consumed by prof.i-t. su.l lavish expenditures of I love rimient '. It is notorious that the poor complain uit of high taxes, aud it is natural tlie-y s.hould ; it is harder for tbciu to pay them. It diminishes tin' aggregate of each more, although the amount i- le-s ; aud every poor mat. hope- and expects to improve hit coi. viill.ii aud, oue uay uccotu. rich. He JUeO

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