P 1 rV .V !l :B ! ii -J "Je fo fcioc, io lieu,, fioujolni, ic fo juur Jhifij." VOLUME S. THOMAS J. HO LTON, Kurroii ,1 r.toi'iuLToit. TKKMtf : 'l'!ie X rt li -Carol inn hitf w ill Lc iiU'iitiJ.-il tonili Small .(ream run hero and there over the j to imprisou Li.n for life. Clarice became plain, and looked, H,e un shone upon alarmed, and pleaded o welUvith her hus 1 1,... 1:1,.. .1 i . -i . . . ' ' , lurcBUS ivrr, meanUunng, band that (.ho induced him to make arran-e. through the green herbage, which was ..pot-j tuents for leaving Europe J-'rom the ( ttroUna ul,-hmun. I N. Hoyden, A. U. Caldwell, M. S. Mo WHICi MEETN.l IN i.OWAN. ' Ki-nzii;, Join. licn-on, Hie-hard if iit i i-, I'nul Pursuant to notice, a full . ! ti'iu! ;i i.pt! of Sonford, A. M. Henderson, II. L. K'bar'N, II. C. Jones. .J. ti. Miming, James Dau-'li- .,,, i ,. the ol'i lino bigs took iilan- on .Monday. " ' 'Jones .j. ... l-.eining, t Two lull. I. Alls in utuMi ; 1'Hii '"I with its many-colored flowers. All wai tni l.w ...... i.i" .i ,!)" r"1' '"" '"' A. M. .o,'man was crl v, U. J.ii.g, J.,l,u 1 15yii.tr l.i.U. Alts' A.NH I Ir'TY u;NTS if ,, , v t I-I ;i,,, . . :. .. , , " ,-j,"o teo.-; np,.i ,.t..d Chairm-m and E. Mters, Est... l, ..v-.i ,rli,rie........l..., ai,,rnil.i;i: l.iiU.A.iS . ",u " ul meiarm cciiig ingly, tl.cy sailed to the United States, tak- Secretary. tlm ni'l ul' tlm vi at. .So u r n ill .ncui.. I busy ill the field with their !ah tim.nl until nil arrearage, uro jiuiii, ext. tl .1 the li.ii. "I tho J.Ji'iir. orcrs. ins with the... nil tin ir t.rnnoriir; but Kcinri H.'solutionK wrre (iutillllttt d 1 v II. in V ! ily Hie facte tli.-j.layed in the exterior, it ' di-Misted with .-it ju-, travelled to tl.o pot 1!jVI,f;"';. ul" "dvoeated by Li... v.itl, .-re.-.t ' , in.ri...m. iil..i. rt.di.i()ii I)lli.rHrnjMare " J" ,u V 11 !,c" " wou.ai. s band had been which we have remarked and built a -I , ,J JP, " , "" ' a'"1 uu Uou l I 'at point o .... ...... . U;ii kr.ni r,.mi.i'.l V.. 1.1 a The imjctiii tlicii ui1jiuru'J. A. M. i(Ul).MAN, Chiu'ii. K. Mvkiis, See. t HI, JL lor ti-euicut aud hliirttl's rh;irj;rdy"t per .'.a. InyiH-r i untl litfJu Ihii ul J.ij pt r cent, mil l;.; huii' irum the r g uUr pr n t, tur uuverimuf by t'u: vi ir. A ! vi-rtif tut n is in rtt d iimntltly or tin irlrri i ' 1 1T mii .'j .if Inr btUJl ,;.,.,..itM.l i-rtu yt:t tQKzr nr frh luiii-. U 'I'liMtniimif r tre authurtfeti to nrt at lit-, ior'o una nuunv. ji. v. n,. w-n.- J ' O" rnllffl nri n r wl inuflf (itiil n lii.t u 1 ? lioux:. bnwiiL' Lilcntv of ai-i.-tntici1. us'.-.ti;.. r,,..,,.!. Vi,t,.i i' I!. ! i ''"ii" r I'M . ti . iv i wn. ' , . it ti I. I .Mi f,n I. o o J A th i t r . IJ v rr 'jn -t of on-) iiho lias Milleied from r"pli' wf '( '. " n it .tit vtMM:v biiKinr.i, To ii.l u;h... a I il v I: I'.e Ubi d' h'l Itlu-r T fir. I.. hllV p! ..ir'. :l ... i. know . - ...nu m.m iocj, were wagonn, " tii riun wrre ulipnvt x nt-w reaped. " It wan evenii..'. 'J he mi. an tr-iab nine iiaii cleared II. e 'I'll k l'Ai'Ai. (;ovi:i;n.mi;nt. There are many dnnl.tieM. of the I'rotes- . n.iiiijtu'1 ov Le .uiil.tnr n iriiinn mntiv ..I 11. u t...r.r ,.,....J ..1. . !...! ' 1 1 r .1 .. .. I . I " - r -j tmipiunn u'j ueu nil... i a iu eu.liu u.l, ll'7.e-..- -- - ,y i Uiilil! BUU tllliale Servantu rulninn lnncl.li.. . .!,.. .-. fm... 'f.. I I... ... ' nrt.rr.i.rinl.. flml rf.lli.iit 'lief- - t-.,i ri'rirni.iilml l.u il... I... .1... i 6 ...6..,t iviu II " j Jr IU UC- . M'.-f Jk , . ,,-ml0uS, ,,,. tl. r; . ' ")'-"' " down the Llain. M.,,ni .. it 1 1 In; olutioiis were tl.cu pa'M W"" .i... t iuo oniiiiatinc t'le liijtt villf. O'sm-t'-. j fr two. The bucket was immediately A VISIT 'i'U TIIK MINK11AL J'.K-; drawn up for our companion ami .Mr. Mis (JK)X, 1 ('Use. And in s w ininutes we were all One of the E lilor.s of this j.apnr lact I lo-ether, iuluiirin the works ef Natur week avail, d bin.-elf of an " p. rtunilv to ' ,llt' o' man wbieh Biaia them pub cairy into effect a purpose l. has oti liad . s 1 vf ?urP'-e'- at heart, to vi-it the Coal and lion Jveei-I Wc w,lt-' ,0,;t fcelow the surface of .i. of l, ep lliver.in l.'balham C.Mii.tv. In . ,!' Prou'' H'dow us, about 15 feet, wero eompany with a liiend who had an oil'.eial '. workmen blasting e.ck I .r a pit which is to int. -rot 'in these minerals, but more e-pcei- he lt','t deep, intended to restive the a!lv in the Timber of that region, e left , drippings of water trrm the rock for 20(1 b. ie on Tuesday, and si.ent the foliowin.' : k"' ' ''ove. in these 211') f. tt there is no 1 .... 1 1 : ...... .......... 1 i ..:t.. 1 ...... .. m' l, 1 1 n 1 , . , 1 ' 1 uu. i 11 1 1 v nit; v .inc.. 1 1 a 1 t'S, 1 J ! til.ee. blantcd beautiful earde.i. and .-..Iti- ' , , ' ""all sue!, e would rueommeml r- iai in ineinies 01 ei vi anu re le'ous j,i ,ert v : ., en 1 I !.;- .1... .i. 1 .r .... '...i-..: . ., r .. ' J ! Mild ution 01 the lollowm remarks mil lllil'.Ub IIIV tllU Wl . .1 L lU i t'l ... III.' 1 f).lvllTilTlill ft. . ... t i . . ;,,.,,,., 1, , , , , I i- . 1 u. . , l'n""n lull's, on :i lueuioiial preei.te.i -..I ..... 1 ., 1.-,. . IH..IUJ u.,urpr...... us comer ii,:i,tov.T tl.c ripplmg Silppo,ted his family, but wa able to bar- ii cu. in cod- 1 f ti.n 1 I it ant UJr' It 4 11 . u- 1 ,; 1 "! tilsir4 1 a tcu I ' I it J I! b 1 1 Fit hi it th.il nrl in in I'.itli cull, I '1 iit-n lr ! .. I lie I m, y , Uf i1 iin r nI H f ( 'r ,t il f c tiury Tiut tti curt-tn !it'ti! ! Uc bfaMii, 'I' i .f fiu hi Juri'n r tfi u -!c i M OUtfeidl: h.Mihl-On I .1 i. 1. v ittf j LuiM i. Hut Dm 1. ti.t V, it i. f t.-jt !,. t '1 Mtt 1 1 ft mink t 1 -i. , Kn'l tl - u't ! I JiftB ktittv. ' 1 . I i. v y l.iiiin , Hilt l i bMll I Mtv'l, ll , '.u hi m on ft m.M.. r ( r..f 1, ; . jt bfkii'l kHt,.(; In be ' I a ' r t.rjn uu (t.c i 1, . 1 ' , W lit ! f gr (, Of t tti !n r mall, I ..nj . f' t'Uiitfi tVi .ro li,. ij' f iti iiit -tit it to CjI. i -.i.i rs u. n.e lane, giiuing eatli tmy wave (or the remainder fur necessaries and col... .-.s it rose and fell under the lieht breeze. fjrts, which he could not procure on the Iu the ky, the clouda l,ad assumed eery ,piJt. As he was no kind a master, bis scr v.riety of color ; noma, previously dark and . Vai,ts were always ready to exeit tbcm,tlves bcavy, were fringed bribt'y with r,!d, Idle to the ulmo,t y,, u.ey Wtre .e other, exhibited v, ins ol put pie ruunin-thro' ' turning from rcapi'i- wheat on the evening tl.e.rn bole substance. Ah the sun'a depai t-! 1k.i we first haw them. Claris as was mg ravs fell on the heat heaves they up- her ou.t... with I.er mother and children, feared ..f a goldc. cdor, t,d the tluvsers in ' bad been to meet her bu-bat.d. They taw tioi.t of tin; 1..-. house assumed various bues little company, though occasionally they , as the daylight gradually faded aw ay. . bad a visit from oine I'rench refu-ees, bo lLc men and woineu were returning from had formed .juite a colony Cvo miles faitli thcir harvest labours. The females entered tr up the country, and were educating their ;ine principal MnHiin-, ami the men di-pers-: families iu trau pillty , far fiom all party jej lb. i..se',ves about the out bou-es, and ! strife. Many a wanderer w bo bad lost his j were soon busy in their preparation! for the way iu the nci-bbonng forests, lias Lad rea j evening meal, in .n.ler to have it ready at1 son to be thaukful for the hospitality be lias ,the return of the family. 'J here toon ap- ' reeivtd from the inmate., of UcLecjuis Ipean .l a i a I y , mi liiie a-.-.l. yet st.li baud- i' U :: on lues.iay. aii'l si.cn t- the lohn'.Mii'' anVfai,.V'Vi,g'oVersVnH!el,li'';,,t ii.teresV'''-1' ."td ',"r,'o W 4rU)S' ti,,.r Ei.r.iinn .", j f, l.l ..;.. i .. ,. r.,.,.,. 1 ''I the miners, aii.t o it is to be collected iu nmmatii.ir principles of, ,:,. , or o;1 ..,.. A,,'. ,.'tl.is bwr pit (to be completed iu about a have lciurr.cd home more than ever iin-i ' lueuce pumpj.l feel up to pressed with the truth ol the lan-uae,; f,fj,lie " iMxucM," or reservoir, located in-. ir. lien, " O l.'.rd, how manifold are thy , "5 ft-tt ir"!" H" Mirfacc, into which Cow work ! in wisdom tl.oii lia-t made them all"; '' streams of trater from various parts of ' iu-tl, is. Juli ' Ihii .-it In." ilium -- !, ti.e amount of a million The boinidiesV wealth hieh there li.-s of ailon.s a day. This h.Mlp.uiem fxtonds i i... .A :. . ! . a coii-idcralil.! distal. ee nn tlu siiles r.f .Im ...vernment ts held by enlightened Catlw ( f J ,, it0 ,i?,ltei,,,;,.H ttlli,.h shaft, its r-,f suppmted of course by heavy lies ot lti..y Use I: j would have brei. Ion- ,it.ee employed if a, l""btrl- In "I 'tseif i. admirable work. was intended to confer equality of ryl.t.i ' ttiC ..tet.ion of liber-il Ki ' itid d ! orll,ul n i'' en vored by lV.vi-! As we w alked about at the bottom of and l em Ets urion eneh and n'l the Sta7e i '.- i' ' . C'1 '."- !"' 1 dene.; w ith the rih 1 1 e:iii! e , at a ii"int so the shall, t be three beautiful seatns of I'oal . ' '' lc ' ' inoetatie lrai.ee liae ever iiiv.i.ie.l ... sue i i . ... , ., . . e;.v ol aece-s ti tli ii.ark.ts ot the wor d. I.resitiiieii tiietnseives, ti.e upper 4 teet l. ...!.. -I" I . ll.ieL- tl.i.w.i.nt.fl ' It.nl,., ll. ! . , .u.e.-ii g.n eminent. j ii.n-s are i nueeu , .,, .,... A, t,r, ,.. -.,., , :(,, i- ,., i, iris I eace Ciiiilercie e bvtl.e .'ir- ' diniau l'lenipotei.tiary. These remarks j viil show in what estiu.ation the Pone's 1 the hi'' party Ki'iJ ii'il. That this prent Charter of American Liberty, furnishes no warrant for sectionalism, and e.ives no countenance to sectional agitators North or South; but .,. . ...... ,.r... -.it-. I " v t.v. .i.,ki'. .in ' 1 '- - iii-ii, i'y v.-iiiT'i.n lu-tiee. insure (lomestie tiaii.iui iir. i, rnviiU ! 1 " . . ' . , c none soon to see tlieiliitv nortoni. ' l j r - .itn.'iit nriit'riiit.i.tir i.iiii.ru npu i.ni...tft . III. Ml Eoveriiinetit. J In ii-fsi are called by their ril.t names iu the Sardi- I jine in the Wilder... I "" .fy-I'iokiii. I.'er eyes were bent down on a beautiful babe which she earned in bcr aims, itslin!.. f:.i 1, ,,,.1 . I ... ! l'"-l.l' Ill-MIMti EM Ls. The , ., , ' ' liev. J.ihu .Mi lor the common defence, j.rouiotc, the uc . .... ti . .t . i . .... . r.n w eiiiire. aii'l secure t ne ti esu,fn n . . . , , , , . . , 7 . i man .Hiuoriai, wnieu, n responnen to l. v erty to ourselves and to our Lostei it v to the .i. ii: . . . , . me .vines, uius. I'M me recoil. nieiiceuieiii 01 ! ii new period in Italian history. t.e States i .. 'r.. t .1 , i ,i. ... ..... , ii f i.i . n'' iii'i'i'.i't ueju.i.fc oei.tiu .no V.OU" is the main ,,llar of our real imiep-ndenee ; firc,,., rcIalc t t.ver. ,,Hrl of ,,,-, ,,ut l,,e support of our tran.pnhty n hn,e. our ; ti. ,hi,f j,,,., j, .vU tJ tIl0 j, peace abroad ou- safety our prosperity : ,,i,ie r,,.!i, ,. of. I... ?,,,. I ,,.;,,;.. late-t L'eierat;ons. J'rs ili rrl. That the union -f ! and the very liberty we so bi-blv prize. y,r.so.'ce'., therefore. a cordial, habitual, and immoveable attar j i.. j . .. "... . .. "''f"'i Tiicreiore, Hint wc w i ll cliei ish : ;i,,. , r,r nif,..t ,.,.', t ..... ,.r .1 .ollfin: luirj t!.:.t a I'rotestant Ass in? in tne strint'S of the lari-e strasv bat hieh she ure to protect her face from the luloid savs that in the Uliel. 1 i till tin. t 1, v t !.e I il m r..:n .... 1....-L .. it... sun. M e wa our o.d friend .Madame I on- puued the cluck stni.fc' oj.jtosiie the Jitjyi- link u to-et!,. r. liia li. .u.- bunal erounil, und then desici I ., Irr, tl.n. " Uu see lUattiltie lillirH'l tJ...iO.-lLi! ! OO Htl.l t.O' l':l r.- f ft 1 1 V lit it t r - i . ' tt- - . v .. ... napf y ,jie ijyy,. which sialics tl.eio to tlx lelt of y 11. I.a-L'overn- imtnoveiil.leattaeh-' .. ( t. l.;,,, tv I.I I ...J . . . . , , , -rt a v ri. m lift! i.. --'j u' iyim IhClit f.l nnP ti'if ii-.t. n 1 I i irtn ..... A. .... 1 C J .t the only paladnn, ot our political safety Otholie and Italian Slate now makes so and pro-perny; bat we Ki,l watel, for its ,,,, y in t)C .,r0so,,cc of Europe. It is ' ', ... . v c tir-..'l tliat tl anxiety; thai wc v:.I ilHeom tenance the s.i .'sion of every .nspieior., that it can in ..f I .. 7. ... . -tt " ' "r. t ' r ft it- o ',ff iff if.'f'ff . nt.i n-A M In.' , ... . . ,. .... , ,. . . OI "'e sworil is Letter ill m the ''overnintnl d,.,at,.,y trorn upon the first drawing of o-tl. urP!ic; tl.t the ecclesiastical ruler any. and every atleti.pt to a.i.-m.te any por- ,:,.,,, nt lt!.l n!v L,.r,t I,;. !.n. of our f'ltntiK.i. f.r.......-.- f..... l... i. .... . J I . itate-e, who urn carrvii.tr her little erane du. hterr-ltris.e, thin al out six months f"1''1"1 t0 J oul 1, and exactly what a health throne by f ar.i irn troops, and would acaiu be driven forth if bis subjects were releas- , -d for a week from forci.-n opi ression. ui tne 1 a ti '"l ace of -i-i . ... . . . ....... ... .. , ... , ' , ... . i i't e.'.a. aeiirr oi me t. riesiuoo'. is snohe. 1 1:0 l I.i tn r rt -il W . l.t.'t- - nr ... I . . r , ".' ' V ot 111 . 'M are one ami in.-eparaii.e a:nl we fieri hv y c.ic;.t t. i , 'it, 1 '.Hi''. ,d lo.M I I. I. it 11. of I It I .1-1 ma i.ii4i.c fMll, J AW i.f tl t;.. i.i '.ii- t , -s I . i V t il. - . "u .. . 1 ...a If ll t , If". W t.k. AW.TMi.'s Ii.i'Ii' If f V .. ..... u. W.nli.ir 'ti.fl t, N't . ..luii'i re..(.) .... I . flwH I f . '.. ri ; t .HI, I. ll Itli't. v, a.- il, and tl.cu eouie bact. and eel n. J ui.i ways on the move, and it eemeil as much duty jr.foruied, Ko.'.-rs ta. L "When I as the obi lady could do to binder her from "" """ 111 l"u i'K'MJ? house, .., :., . , r i - aud Ili father live! at .,iiiLt...i, 1 used sprinii...' oit of I.er aims. J . , c , did spe.-i.n. u u a y -oin ba -k.woo l.'Ti.aii by liumt.-er of re-ptctau.e p'-rs tiis o! o AU rex- the hand, kud Hebee.... aiui bis wile bro I OH m'-'ied lure, ai'i Well iliesstd, in . . ..,,..:... 1 .1. .. . i - -'."!: ..."1 up llie rear. 1 hey all w ore the larje sti a w . , rl ., , - il i lie uoor v I - I' . M t . I... I I I ll - 1 1. will ,.i h t. .: ;t ' I . ...i I f"i.i-: . t !i.e I .1 I- it ' ' .11'. la : h 1 i . '"iff i I'.f r liie p.ib.ir ... i vir At ',, m. I t e I. ii I I r irlt tin ,t il.-r I .rtt f Ik !-r, !. t ti.-il'f rt ; I .Mi.i.S In utij rutictri.i Miscellaneous. ,7 V jf ,. T T 1 ; . V 1 1 V V. V I ' 7T t . . . " mi 1 '-.... Ml . . ; o t; . 1 ' . A Me.KV VV Hit. lllKsetl r.l.Vnl.l 1 I'iN i i'V I.I PM). CIIAl'IKK IX. Ti e barbw. i.i.l, of Aim ri.-i rn-sel.t to the ' . ..it Mew c ine of the finest ncrnrry t,,c WA.I, ( iii:i,.nilii-r-nt elnnate aJ ""''' prat- ll i.n ate sullieiet.i iuduimcnts to many pr-: i.i i, . are e;'ed from their own country, . r whi -l-h to better their Condition. : no more civiiied parts, and come and' in: I 3 home in the w ildertie. I be I artii i 'if t-put hi it we ate eoiiij.' to di sei il .-, i 'ii uhdulat lev.l "ret u on the margin rf a beaut ' i . t of miter. It was covered with -"'"- brls so co'iimot. i:. that country. Clati-se scen,.l in ,re L. autiful than evtr. Her j;iirt was mote .ii-ii.litd, and tiu.e bad pa-s. ed li-htiy o.er Le-r lovely features. li.-r two children, of course, e;ave h. r a lie. re ii.atruuiy aj p' arsuce, but it was iiupof ' not to sic that she bad been a b man As -be tun., d I.i r r band i lace, with that ' ' ! i.:..,. ..... i .. .u "uu u i. .in t.u ?rni t" baijy wif.and '''S"" Jeli tfjui's arm, It l'-a ed in ' "'"'ehl'le di-cussiou, she tully rea'ir ,'''ll'n I'icture of Eve before the I II... t.-il. Ii.'. I lie! ... !..!', (tlnlif. llnv't. I I.I t. , 1 " ji. her bus 's cf coi;tideitee ouiitenat ce of a .; nitily pl-de our liv. . . ir f .vt 'i.'s an i our sacred honor, to iij 1, 'Id, uninta;-; and defend the I'liiou of t States. .'.L'Tin-t the arts aud inachiv.ti v.s secret or op.-n, of all its foreign or ii'tcrtial etietnies. its'.ce, that iu.ismiicii as th,. principles and administrative policy of the Whirr p .r ty b ive their ( , .nidation in th.' constitution its, If, they must cou-eti'p" v ..... as lastiii': if-'sf. 'i '.I. 1 1 . : t it is highly expi 'i;' !it and pr. ,'., that ll.e Whis of Nuith Carolina ai. l of the union should preserve and luaiu i :iu their political or aniz niou : w I that iouin, it. .uc o. i..t.. aiel .ati..nal y ot.vet.tious on tl.ii table lav I be t v b....ld be I, ,'.,! i.f. ,.. ..,.,!, ,1 suit und deterniine upon the eour-' pursued by the W lii-s iu i!le comi and national elections. I lie works now in progress fits be com- 1 ' inencs. jetwecn tne J'K ted. The coal ami iron w hieh lie- at our siate 1 i inches, and b' tw.-en the lower, 0 veiy feet in itt be broutnt form. I he mel.os. e struck a pick-axe into the up wealth and the power which such minerals per seam, and town caiue a (.uantit y of brin' with them to other States mn-f be,001', a portion of which we brought oil" a secured to North Carolina. And this is ", -pecin.cn of our labors as a miner, not to be done by any one enterprise. j Mr McClane touebed his lamp to a slieLt There is room enough for borii river iin- j recess in the coal, and we were treated'to provement and rail road. And so stron.iy a specimen of the " fire-damp," a beautiful do cithers think there is room fireveii m, tic lambent flame, which ili.-kered over th Il.au thee, that a dele Ration of some of the surface of two or three fet. and .hen rad most influential citizens of the Stale w ii! ' uall v went out. This fire-daren is ;. terril lf. start this day to Charleston, to cnlicei t ein-uiy in lare mines, where ther is any measures for another rail road, to connect 1 want of care in ventilation. It sometime that city with the ... ines ; and a pa 1 1 of the ' prod uccs explo-ions by which hundreds of i-l. en, n w ..,i.l to l..i ..t i... i. tit. ii.t .I.lj il. , I.. . ..... : .o -t it priesthood is evi w Ii ic li human nature can p. . . ,i v ,i . i ', , , , i "'u'lcu,, no longer bear: that even the .ov.-i nmeiit i ' ,0n. f a "V" r ca"''' . li "l! sM there w I V.H U I I IT" 1 LJ tllU . . IJ, u. a , u i a IV :. I Ii iK liilliu distance of . or :)0 miles And it i, re- 1 The rool of .he mine is .smooth hard fire porteu that Norfolk and etersburg Mi,.. I cay r iri,,., B0 support, so far, thou-b icri'ly to do fhi.s, wlicii l liarictuu liatl ' .w 1 i . .1. 1 . " . "J L ALiU I.IIUII CAirill J. Lilt" LI'S 11,11 HUT. jl'urli will of covire le proviJcd. 1 bo - M-alll.S (jfpfi.il ;i wii.'ILr .Iin ur.tl tt, elves, if they mean not to be outstril'ped in 1 hlille ,u tt,,rU.,j a,ivan. be race J be W estern rail road jld t:i,,L., 0,' ,,lis d.-.pshait, over tie surface pusueu lorwaru to completion win, me ..,;;,, all, ,l,o Ireedoiu from obs.ruetioi. temporal supremacy of the move on the oilier side. ( lur eitizetis i.iutt therefore 1 r-.tir them- ' ut o-t , I,, r-'V. 1 ! it were now c as it oi.i.'ht to have beet we ."re that we should Inve no diflieultv atisii' l.a! Il'. re vXtel.Je.i tJ Its 01 1-1- ie i.wJsc tt .tree, 111 i.i .11-,. ' Jul III. I I Jill, t , 1 li.i.' St. I, Ijllt and ncuav iv-r i pen. d, and tl . .... i 1 1 .,1 a.i walked u jo... t..eu,,s(il,aH ;i, luia t.Lle u . .. , . otly ci a person uresseu iu a clereyn. in s robes, with band-, and l.l.scr.y li.nr sha ding bis face ou either side. He was cf s ma, I statute, and bis counteli:. i.ec 1 I c il Hue wax. We all moved lour.d ti,e tabic, otiie of the party much afficti,', with our ey,'S fixed upon the vei.eralle figure that 1 .i V before ti- ; and, as we moved oil, others eaiiie up an ! sue.', ede i us iu like ma' tier. Alter we in our Iin severe latizuazc. and its incaiiacitv I lor it IiiL'ti functions t.o.illy ucciaicl. 'i ucli comes thj pi aetieal part of tile mat ter. The Allies are invited to deliberate uu i i.o i . -.oi.strt. on ot ti.e liomaii iioveru- , . ,. ..ii. i-. .i , - ......... me,,,, .-.anuma to any rcpuuia.es n P lial ,, ; ,, fhould have a hope aimo.-t site,,, tnat temporal power is necessary tor I a ,.,,; , a,ur,li(.e til;,t a N;iuli:1l tic ope,,,, order that be may lu.ly excr- roullrv w,,l,,l be I .eated in this section ct ll.i 1.1. St. 11-11.1,1 !iitfliirt...- Sli.if..ittsi,!..r.. . .. I "." v :" ; ti.e Mat- : lie va, ne ol tie property in this re.'.-, -.1 ii.i.i-.. ..tjian. .the rtlil co-i i a i., a i.s ' 'i.i.,. i tioti and business would bo crrespou'liii.'- y enlarged, li.t let U5 return to our oVjcc, which mention what v.e saw on i'ltp K-ti'tiis tni"bt be wisely restrain- -,. i. ;. -i-ueul matters, "i ""W e . ll. 1 ; .ir -Wvel .lii, Oe eieeilie.t luaiiciia- ,; .,, i ,. tun! his bine hJ.f'bS'Ki'ilv t . . . i . . . . , . . t ie, it lui.-i.t t,e in-i-t,.i that lie slioi.l.l en- tirely distiurjui-h 1. tween his duties as an . Italian sovet. i-rn; im.l that, w bile eclesias. i iieiu wit-r, and t'ie laci.ity cf handling tloj coal which fail-, instead ol bavii.j- to lift it 'ft '.'iu 1 doit. A n.ii.er with hi, atti-ndiuj laborer will pet '.) ton- of coal a day. Alter spi.tiuiii.': about a half hour iu tho mine, we ascended iu the maimer as we had j;. tie down, except that we eatne up veiy flowly, stopping several limes by tlm !"'.v.,u!i? ir,iiivo,i,.VJ- Vi"Vti 'okFsScis",L4 'hat by th- aid cf our small burps every was M.-ible in e naiiv; up, which ' wu thin: ti.e par. , P) COI1- to be : State u-1 J ... Ileal posts mi e liej.t Py caruinais ami l.i-h- . j;V(,r ops, i,ii that concerns the populi.tioii wnicl. is subject to him should be committed to ,.... '(--.', that the Wl.i-s of Nor:'1. Cr.i-lin-i will sni port no man for l'l.-lbnt er Vice rrei.!eiit of the United Stat s, ou ac count of any platform of principle-am. ouu- ted by any imiiiiiiaMi t on- iiti, -lot's. Mate or Nai,- i.ai ; Cii an it b'i veiition ol p' Cur first vi-it was to th mrfaee mine of l!. ll.'S.n ll,.,i ,l,t..t, ... .I n C., If ttlo .l. rcspo.,-ble ministers, cboset. from the 1,11,,,.,;,;,, . TUri, u l under the sategua.d ol new aud salutary ; tlil.r j,,. . but ,0)e hlldreds of tor , ' i of coal have been taken out by hau l and -o',i in the county around fir smith's u-e. Mil. CliAMPK.S ItATlll.lt CuA.Ml'llD Iu I for which its adnp'tioti is well known. It is tl.o Senate, on Wednesday last, -Mr. ( lay- delivered at the mi uu at IU cel.ts a barrel, toil called attention to a letter from the . A lar-'e bean ij now lvin' ou the L-round. Ei ili.-h Mini.-ter at Washington, Mr. Cram r li.n I in,! lul I. . Iin.t ,i ty . .., . f i i i A .. I i.i e L t.i III., ti". i. ( . ifi,, ,..tl r,,,rt w i in . t, I I . . ti r. 1 ii ml I, 1 r : ,,-, . i.il w il.. t til ! . .. tlTI.I sr.. I tiar.1,1 I. ..I ; ei p-i t,1 i.up m , , . -h i,'i, n ut si 1 11 ll I : 'i ii',,. h ,l , , f l'i.'.i I. r, w In ! Ie frtmit-,1 1. 1!.. I ll-t ; 1 lout' e bad gone the round of the table the . iperieucc of the !at twenty v us has . ''-"J' to 1'drd -";i"-ei.dn, iu w hich it is sta iiycrii. .' procession, we descended as t nni.t us, that wc t an have no w. ii cie'ind- ,oJ tl,al ('i'11"" had, iu conversation ,lt i on vai ious occasions wnu mm, .'i r. t ra mp- ,j ton.) state. 1 tiiit he cou-iuered the island 1 1 y the pe, pie. " 'I "ot seen at a,! iu "Of.;-; ...jvrti. The s, le- of tin' .-Sit, ft were secured, wherever the earth or stone was lo-.-e, by stout bo:.: ds, firmly seemed. Where the stone. wali were linn, no boards w ere necessary. 'i in re are 15 r-er-ons regularly employed in and about the works and farm, of whom 1'-' work iu the pit, 1 at a time, el.aujiBn every s i.our,so as to carry ou the work nay ami i.i.dit. .Most cl the workmen camo Iroiu the North, 'j ho w hole has been ac complished so tar without a single accident to lite or limb a fact as credible to the we came. J tie person that lay tctore us c.l a-surai.ce, that the principles oft 1 it '..I I I .. H '. 1. .. . . I . .1 . r , , . r . . , ' tf -,iii. i.i-su-i, -a..,, hi, i uc lorms ii.-js promulgate,!, woui.l l e adi.ere earuc-t rcjuesl ol his coii.'tegation, they to, and can led out, should their i .,, e'lidate j were permuted to Uie tins pathetic 'ud be el. ct ol,, r ItV .lirtili ; iiiieenonaie larewe.i oi iiicir tc.jve tor." J pas- . ti . i .. i, ' ' oi iiuatan as luucti o: a Jirittsli possession, as J amaie a, or any other of the l!i itish Wist ludia I.-lainis. .Mr. Clayton, in the strc-ii--est possible language, lroitouiiced this statement as utterly fal-e. and, evi. him, erected the buildings, sunk the shaft l I' c Vrr II t w I' ml Utah ttli.tf ti.iw . . f,.,.i l.l'l'". 1 II i it lu.'"'1-"' Itlaii. bl-tm ..... .i.l . ; .....I. t if' ' . mi. I i,-r'i i "I ll'-h inhi V, .'Ml I1 C""11"'" A Cd.Mri.lMtNT TO THE Mell AMMKDAN.S ii.it.iil l'H"M THE Aurillilsllul' uK 1'AUIS. The Archbishop of Talis has jj t addressed to ail tho churches iu his ducesca pas That the only platform of piin- ci i, s tuat c in secure the hearty and ener getic sii port of the Whig pnlty o'.'Nolth t "ar,,'.ii. i, must be pui ily of life and charac ter, tiled atnl devoted loitt-lof ism : aiel ell.-, iticM and faithful public ser.i-es. , mony p. tne expresMon ot a eotiviction, ou , ilt,ollt fivtf ,llilc4 di-tant from the tiulf e next proceeded to Egvj t. This is a ' ,.; . ':'.. .i.,. Olf-UVfll. .o,,iii, lllll ,IS 1 1 .1 li I .1 I . o o , , ., ... ,, ,. i ,.- . i " -.' . , pru. ei.ee ot 31 r. .Mel anc as all t Hii.-s ami is cultivated witu great succes t under.' . . , ,. , '"""i-" .i ., ,- u- i ,., ,. i apout the picini.-cs are to his zeal and euer- the suiieriiiti'iidence of in. Met I itie, I,-... ! ,. .1 i . : . .- ii ,i . 1 ?' aim intelligence. the upern tcn'tet!t ot all the in'ei - rJ.. , , , , , , , c ., v .. i- , ; t'nlv a lew hum. red tons of coal have e-ts of the Northern Company which , , , , . , i i.i.- ,"i I, ecu luuied so tar ; there Uein; no u-e for has sec, troll fl lit, leas, ot to lire. ' . . - . .,..',, " ,t , , ., r . any large iiu-iiitity now w inlst no faci itics liases 1 . (K) acres in all and has, througn , . , . , . l illi fe call.-d upon the lliitish M ,!t'' and j'ut up t'uo machinery, for working I tins inn .'. 1 he (tult is on the Northern exi.-t for "citing; it to market. It is used tor working the engine; aud -0 or lid tons have been sent off to th N -ith, Ale. It j tcr to explain. Other Senators bore testi- I i,ie ot- )t.ep river Egypt on the Southern. I makes the finest possible fuel for the eu- ic. In the course of the excavation, for sev- ; letter, in which occurs the follow in 1 llcU'l'" '' "i proved much in appear- ' ,a.,c. u ref. n i,ce to tho .Mohammedans : me,. II" had lost the expression of care t. i i t '"ri . 1 " 1 nis people is no longer the same, and p, was so p .iefully i,j parent when we' will not disappoint our hopes of union . , .ii f" 1,0 bail el ow ti stouter and Where are i.o.v its ancient h.-tii.ty aud j. am ,-ptead oul in parts like- r , , . . . - ' ' , u i. tl,. .. n i . .. ..... .1 ,- wrath? It is one ot our most f ilth n .... a, ...... ...- v ,,i. , m unt -t li tit 111 a til II. n, I, ti. - - "eJ '. try. 'r.:. That in our oiiniou Millard ; l' 01 -'lr- 1 uroctiy the reverse Alui hl re.Cro,sitis at Egypt, we found a e . ... sev- stoial rilbnoictif New York, is tl.e ,fi, whose i '''' i'nputcd to bin, by bcr Majesty's fr,u brill?, in dilapidated a condition ! "al r" ""e , . . , ., Mit.i-ter and in o fir ceitiinlv conti-i. ... . . -. i . . i 'rotu IJ inches to ) feet thick", about t) felt ' i, is p itity ot i.!e, and patnolie devntiou t tne ' ' ' 11 1 ana, in . o i.ir, n i i.nniy eonii i- tin. t we tl. ought H prudent to leave our , , ' . ,. , " . . ...i i , i l butc'l to l- ace ls Ciatiiiton iu a very .1 i i . . .mad. And p i e cla V, a substance ludispen- ; tine iiitere-ts id the whole country and, ut- ' i '" viuinjiou iu a veiy i carriage in the road anu cro-s on toot 1. ,, , ., -'. . .. ' .. 1 1 "O tr. , be. undi-r the wi" about thiily six yeaisof age. was little altered. he count1''"' ll ,;".pi;,,,"'J. '.tH l"'art the ii.flu- j tlitir zealous support for l'resi 1, ut of the j liiicso. i iiii.-uau civiiizaioii ; a is ttegiu-, . .'tate-. with tlie well giouuded as-urai,c w l,o-c tried and faiibful emiiiei.t pui lie fer-1 a" " '; 1 l"Jltu"" j We beg to assure our readers in Chatham vices, j.i-tlv ci.tille him to the en ..lal sup-1 1 "l "K.re we Pear ot her .v.ajesly s .Mm- , t.at fuvt a blidga docs that i...rt ,.t i. , n-uti... .. ...... f..i. istcr at w :ist.:n.-vii low-citizens in every part of the c mntry. ! wu th "' pho"i i l'e .,.1,1 f.,r t lies., r.ei.o. ...... r -,,..,...,,.1 l.;. t.. 1 T dismissed by OUT Jiemlil. the more satisfied are , ...... i; ,.r-t..,l'f U n.....-..r'il i. ul,l, reca.led by bis own,;, I,,. ',.,,,,,,. ..,,.1 nr.lcr '..id ner!'....no.i ol" -ill ab'eti the construction of furnaces for the .c!lieltih of iron, was Twiii'trated to ll,. county no r . . ,. . ' 1 tAi. nt til i - it-el. '.i OVcrtJllR-tlt. It tin- works iu its immediate vicinity. Th, le but unknown fruits. f .... all.. .It .i wt ol it-: .... .i-... ..a 'ii.c.-s uau smooiii- ,,:,, ... ,,,,, , ,1... t,,,.. 11.1., . i of rare I 1,1 many of his wrinkles; and as he einilcd i it wiil acknowledge before long its faUu-r .... . .1 . ..-f! ftt .In, it. .. .'. !!.. it. ul,. ...... :.. - . ,. ,J -l r,,n.,-M . lllll " - ...... ...... ,,u., nu i. 3 u II 111 11 " lib. 119 ' igranc! and brillian ' . . r teen as finer--" T1:,'c (dints Imr-1 1""1'". thoughts flew back to the period , ., , , .ii ho large leaves of which1 when he hail led his own little child by the i, le.l tlic lak' i ' . .it, whose shilling bodies edit- i hand and bad bis own beloved wife leaniu rod r('dd iu the sun. Majestic ft. reti on his arm. The party soon reached th" ,. ,v the distance, and each side of the house. Tables were spread. The light laugh ', was shaded by thick groves. Iu the, of the little lleln cijui, and the merry crow J siona! tiieinls not to and its mother. W hat isM .iiaii.medanis.il at bottom I ut a sect of Chi istialiity V TO OCR I'VI KONS. Since our purchase of the entire cstab. li-hment of the (hiin oflice. We bavedeci- leil, upon consultation with our I ongres. iss,,0 th.! li'.', . . oi litis lovely spot, ou the peutie rise ul tne baby, enlivened the tea-t. It was ihhi-ih, as beret. .lore propo-c I by our late a substantial lonjj house.! truly a mij per of b.c. The room j'.si.ilnc.s l.eaily covered the larjie tor a house id tins description t.iat iu his administration of ti.e ixccutive 'department of the govel iniiiiit, he will kuiw no Noith, lioSoutli, no lla-t, no West ; : but with an o e single to tim true interests 'of the whole country he will cx' it his best . !l o ,s t secuic to evi ry section of our j w ivle-spi cad lleptiblie e.piality of rigbt ' and In in fits ; cai iu the St clional strile ami i agitation with which ambitious, interested jaud uiiscruiuloils p lliueiai.s have atllictcd i the nation ; and ie-toie once luore to our A Hi EINE HAIL HOAR 1 here is a movement mi foot, in Geor gia, to build an air line Hail Head fmui Atlanta, in that State, to Charlotte, N. C. It is a capital idea, and we hope it will suc cid. his the sl.ortc.-t route fir New I r leans, or the West, that ran be laid out ; an ! will pass through a com. try abundant in re.-ources. It is the route travellers us.-d to t ike win-n j, uriicvs were iii.uie mi . . '1....1 . i i.i i .. :. ..t . . , i 'uu, t o. v.. ii .i 1 1 1 i. .-ni'ui'i iv t -.e.it ti ij i ... . I . .i i' . .. .-. v. .i 'mines, about miles and eui ui.t.c iue uoo.l iui o. ot eu.i-.us o. .' s .t o. t it- i . .1 v- , 1 I Kgvpt, 011 the Nortl tin 1 1 1 . . e 1 . s . i.e. . . . if , f , . ,, 1 , ,, . , I 1 l.e-e are both surface mines, the former .lit II 1 . t Ul'lttll 1' ll 11 11 ll 1 1 is l I 111 s 11 V After some hour spent at this interes ting spot, Mr. Met 'lane kindly joined us in a vi-it to the 1'arniersville and Tavlor miles beiowr ic 111 m.Ic ot the river. ".t 01 I . I. In. .. t ! . .1 .... .. ....... nt.nU a ... ,,r e, ..ir f.ll',,,',.,,. . v.,.,.. .1 j. , 1 1 , .. . ' ,'...... ..vnu ... , s. ...,.,, t .,, ,, r, 11 11 ,fs-,un ,-,f,i t Mir 1 rates. lor lour months, coin. I uiiilai.i v ni.d t,i... 'II... mi!, tr,.t.. tl... -li.,. .. rt-..,l t'.,r f,!,,.!.-1 tl... ,j I.. I.... -1.1. .!... f..... ,.." 1..1.. .... .:n J. - s. .... j , . , ..... ,, ,. ., . i 1 "i in. piii-.i,, 11. ii 11,1 in i ne ,,1111 t no 11 1 - t 01 .full, 11s nill ' 1 . 1 .t. i:,i,,f .1., 1 .1 .... ... .. . ..... . . . .. .1 1 . . , '. ,...'.1.. ii c. ....i.tt.i.:.. . ! J-'"' . ' - , .1 01111 .v. ui.iiicr oi ii ui.i oiil ce ant v, lor ins I'.'r s.de were Wt-ll-fultiyalt..! gardens. . volumes ol every kind. On the wails hung ' "V campaign paper. Ipuritv of life, his anient p..ti ie'tism, bis 1, ,1 ,. 1 . , .. ., , , ,1 , . , ,, , , 1 hose American presses w hieh have been r ,. ' , ,. f ". 1-iek of the house was n large enclo- some bcautilul paintings, all drawn by the L.iti.1 iti..u-li to in-fit tie ad verti inciit for 1 ' '"' ' ' 1 f our p"'- T'"' '-'Ii'S pre at distance our the: tasteful hand of Claiis-c. Over the man-! the ir,.,i",,e. ,,,,, i il ,.l,..,M. lmte the I ".".,."'al ,,".l'l'"ve!"v",t' l'",u,uiskt,J s place grew w heat, rice and ' tbpicce were si v.-ral desci iptimis of arms, above change of purpose oimu.r part. ' i ' ' . ' ', ' l!-,' . ' '"! ' a through Augusta, then scourged with el- .A i . ... . ,1 1, if- , -.. r 11011 .....1 ui. .on oi i. .est-.-i.l. is is jusiiy er - 1 .... r I.',.'.,,-,, 11 ,, '.' , . . ,, i alonidaiien of I.,.; ... .. 1. ., ( 1 ..: 1. Our ( om.'1'esMotial friends wid soon favor i .... ... . ' J 'low lever. .sii.'u "' n u.tuii. 1 1, t- t anoi inn ..iu 100. .. , -,.,' , ,, . litlcil 10 Ilic corilial ami zcalo is Mit'port ot Maud 1. f ,, .1 . .1 1 r 1 1 ..111 '. 1 "s with then" speeches III (. ..tigress audi,: ,. ..... .. , ,.. . aooiiij 01. the path before 1.11 litioued ; w us a very coiulortable place. J o explain ! . 1 . .1 .1 i ""' old line Whigs tor tne ulloo ot Chief f ' eje com ma..,', ,1 ,.r tl, l,l.. I.n.v il,. I. .r,... I....1 .1 t..vt r,,,,tl - 1...J , ,. ,, , 1 - ' , . I .Magistrate of the State, and we therefore I M'sr 31K1.AN, llnt.V ACCIDENT iar.,,.li;,f,k- nr 111 r.iit-iirs i.-i t 1 - .... !f 1. ' 1... !..... .1 .1... I,.., 1 ... I ... ' . .. . I'""""' n was built a s,il,-tn..ilul li.ti. Iin,,.- 'trulv ,. s.i. r..-r of b.t,. The r.,.,, ... . ni 1 tner, as a nnim, pa. er, but to adopt .. ... .. -' . , .,, ... i '""-'lit . , 11 mt.es py i.ulioaa Iron. Inre to -" 1- -.j n- - - n,..;.,. . . ' 11 eniiuiciii ami iraicinai g oU-wiil w.iu, , k,. ,t, .... .... 1; i.. 1 ne '.'.,' i" .. 'i ,1 as it L.it'i't-fft '. 1 , 1 1 , . , . 1 1 , 1 ; . . . . , ..... . . ... . ,1 ,,t , . .1 . , ,. , - ' I w huh tiieadliiliil-tiatioi. o Ii,,ar.l li inore ,. ;,. ., , ,., 1 ,1 , ... ( l.Jl'l , 1 "riil it. tho orotnT linn. an,! I.i tin 1. 1. li it 1.1 . .. 1 Willi a lo., illiect. If W .1 I Ot iXl'Cet o-V, 1 1 11. ami i-ii'i v I hi...' ul, nut ..iiiilin o. or rather otioi. in. is. c -retell u ii li f.i !,... in,, 1 ....... 1 . r f ... .1 was so Mgiiani nies.-i 01 wi.eii pe 1 1 urc.i , .. .1 ;.r .......... ..r 1 . ,. ...;!.... 0". .. 1 - j -1 - 1 j t - i,;) in Ui-ii rates, i,,r 1011 r nioiuiis. coin- . . , . ,, , m ,,i . . , n .-. . m- -i ,'si-u 1 1 o 111 1 1 10 .At e ii 1 1 1 v t 11 .. I . . .1 . 1 .1 1 l .. 1 0 ,.. 1 I .l .tf. I't'f ,1. .11. 1 .O.IIO..I' ,,t f ,11. I, ...... II. , ' 1 ..ti-. I here wi.i Pc no net',1 to stir.'- 0111 s , self witiij cau.phorated sjiiiits iu a-slng J t'liU'igh ti.e towns that may fall in li.e Hue, 1 l passengers 111 I in ol wlu.c p-.-sing Iu litis 1 line wi.l pas 1 1 I 01. h a high, healthy omili try, an item ot no smad nnpoi tane" totiav 4 1 ' J ' ' 1 other matter suited to the campaign, the y eoiia.',.,d a view of the whole aur-j how the wanderers had at last found a l.a- publication of which will be commence.! iu "llg SCI III IV 1 1 1 ...... 1 . ll,,. 1 tt-. f. ,, of rest ll 1. ,,,lv i,,-e,...,rv to tn- that .. f.. ... .,..,.0 l ,.1.1!.. ,, ...11..1. ,. r..n...... 1 ' r.il mil. . I,, u .1... ,.,i,.;,,a f.i, tl... i uf., r their I';, l,t fr.-.i.. T.n.b'.ii t'. .... lid ... I.i.. I al of vei.rlv subscriptions and the be.-t i f- i f"i t- of our fi iends to give the Irpmi w ider cil culalion. Ainniiun (h.in. ' t al 11,1,1 . i,, u ,,. iiioiinlains 011 the after their flight from Toulon, ft a I lul of he e mld be di liuclly .--. .1, and they ' ing pursued, they left Trance eutiicl) , ami 11 r 4 a 1. 1:0 t. inert. t bail; 1 .111,.! to tbclbr the kii.di.i--s of the ting di tain I 1 ail 1 ailey below. Stretched oil tho oth- I beetl put with many others on shore in Tus 1 . I ICllnl. US rtl .a .1 1.1 . ' - T'i itllf... . , eye could reach, Were 'I'liiabl,, pUins. Ou these nearest the ''. h- rds of tame buffaloes browsed 011 ''"'k gr.iis, or I t elined lit the;r ease uu- !' ll"' shade of the tiecs. l;ii,ls of bril- ll:,l. 1 1 1. ". 1 . . I , H. ,,, prancli to Liancli. ' Wl ''-' ", uuiiii riius us spai rnns in Eng- '. while t. nigbtingale win bled forth ? . .US HOIi-x I.OI11 Hiiinil It. .1,1.. ,,i.ni,r ' light, of water fowl !1. w about the culiy, wb. ie llcbeciiii and Claii-se were Coi Rtimi Wll.invs, An exchange pa in nrr. the editor ot which, no doubt. I.ttelv an ied. They remained there until news : .. fft wi,, a widow , goes oil thus : For came th.it an active search was Icing made, the other half of a courting match, there is after l!ebec.ui, it being d iscovercd by the 1 nothing like an interesting widow. fuel paity then in power that he w as one of those is as 11. uch differ, nee between courting a ilmitsel atnl n.. nltisctivt. uiitotr i.s tl.eri. is who had formed the little band who bad 1 j , -pbciing in addition and double rule of been thu most iict.vu belore the fall of the ' three. Courting a ;;irl is like eating fruit liiroudists, and they knowing that ho was! all very nice as far as it extends, but doing adverse to all their mm ere me asures, thought ' '-'lille t0,'1' c.y'", "" , , , , , . black crape, comes under the head ot pre ho liiight be a i.angern'is agilat n . On that , ,.,,, ,,.,... c. j i: "ii ted, no doubt, by the number of j account they wUhtd to git him into their j ,.j.,, cjrt:i'ig, wc rcpuat. give us a 'li.e wl...h -naiuivl upon it i bank. I p-jw cr lo lead biin to the sc.' ffold , or at least J r i Idcr.'" Magistrate of the State, and wc thcrcloie recommend that a united eflort shall be made by themtosiciiru hiseiection. Ik.mj i',, that we have no confidence in the present National Executive; that his open aud not, ,iion- iiiteif. lei.ee ill Slate Our town and community was much shocked ou I la-t Saturday i-MUing by the intelligence that I'aid lb llou.-t.m bad accidentally ! fallen into the I ly w heel ot ' iiiill. .-omc three miles c:i-t elections; his shameless prostitution ot the was in-tantiv crushed to death. Mr. lions pationage of the ( over unit nt. lv cxpcliiu-' ! ton lived just out ot tow n and mingle. I da:! y after cro-sing the river, are the buildiiiLs in the D.iddic of :i wide field, 1 1 ! ' i f, , from the river, and the rail road embankment, formed of the excavated earth ami stone, leading several hundred feet tow ards the river. On this is a temporary rail road, to be made substantial aud to the rirr hank, so soon as the navigation shall be sufficiently forward to r.ip.iire it. The Engine which drives all the machin ery, is a beautiful one, ot 40 horse powir, and seems lo obey orders like a thing of life. It. pumps up the water a million of gal lons iivt ry l hours which flows into ti.e shaft. It conveys the woikinen up and. dowu the shall; and brings up the excava ted earth and stone and coal. I be water ' thrown out is conveyed by pipes evcral hundred feet until it reaches a steam saw j mill, and there it is turn-. -1 oo-e to carry . j off the saw dust which wou'.l otherwise ae (cumulate. So that everything is turned I to .iccJiir.'. There is uo waste it rower. J We had no thought of going down int? ilio-elowtr legions of Egvptiau darkness j where the coal is deposited, from which ! we could distinct. v laar ll.e sound of the: a Menu saw hammer of the workmen engaged in bias- oltiivn, n,ot ;,..,!,. ,.vi,!,v-.: s,f. :v f t! e cent, and the continence inspired by the prcs , nee of Mr. MeCiiiuc and his assistant Mr. 1 1 om filling their owned by a Northern company, the latter , by citizen of Hills! ."-rough, UcccLstoroacli, Ac. At rart.iersvilie, the works are aii ready, buildin.-s erected, steam engine, cable, cars, an! railway provided". The company has abundant mean.-, we under stand, and only waits: the completion of the river improvement or rail road to com merer operations on a large scale. A good deal of c?al (probably some hundreds c-f toti) was taken out v hen their works were con j l. ted, a portion of it has been sold and some still remains on the ground. The woiks look ri'thir ru-ry tor want of use: but thry vtl! be bright enough when the way to mark t shall be opened. At the Taj, lor mine, considerable coal has been t-,ki n out, but there are ro buil dings or machinery jiovidcd as tit. The 11 jrnesv iiie n ine, owned l y Messrs. Steoinan Home ot this place, aud others, is still lower down the livir, on the North em side. We Lad no tiu.e to visit if, though we learn tiiat a quantity cfcoal has I cm taken out will, out machiiu ry. It is the lowest mine en ti c Noith sidr. From thti.ce the coal foimaiion crests ;fie river ai d is known to extend to TKe's, r.tW of 1 a eiievi'le. 11 jut inurb rearer 5s fh: di utlioii it t xtends has Hi t bet-u ascertained. Here we must stop for to-day. for we luce conservative I'niou men, and w it h our citizens. lie was mn-t ent-rjctii'i v,.,,. .,,,, ...du.-ed ti.e deiei iniiiiitioii to h ive not time to write out th rem .inder nt' o dow a. For t!d t urroso we wero sue i . l.. ,, ,. 1 :. . . l ; . . ' tea ami lovet. iy nil who anew nun. ll is ., .. e. ., ., r,Cf,r. ie ci-tune by the t -hair hi puisuaiue et ' iz . lie ti'solution-', uu iney iooi.e-1 lor support atlvl i alj iu ,"r,)llt t,,c cap a mi,;,; See resolution in another col- ..u,.k the e,,lv m-'in wi.ieii places wi'h frec-soilers and I and upright in all the walks of life, respi c- abolitionists, or the purpose of securing the a sec nd i ncy of the liemocr ilic party, : parents, upw a rds of "O. are still living, and ' instead ot preiiiotiiig the geinral w.lfare, dcsi-rvis the severest lej lobaiioii of the American people. Kco"tv, That the Cliairiiian appoint 11? delegates to represent the Whig party iu a lli tieral Convention to be held al such time ami place as may be si looted. ll.e following gentle men were aptolnted iy euca low oil it was I . coin fort. nn.u. ti'i.'.'S, 'tt, ut'L't 1 'uf. i. a pict.ires.p.e c,i- clotn, v Uu u cap to Nmv I'vsr Hkp . The rostnia-t.r eneril has made the f.liowiiig new offices ; i. our lecollcct'cns before our paper tnu-t go t il- to press. 1 he iron and timber and otinr rre-pond, coal regions will be ll.e sulject of a brief lamp was ! description tu our next, lights are , carried d.mti or up. I'laeing our feet on ! the rim of a large backet, hands fiiui'y! Vf M r, 1-illmoi e, it is said by Mr fi rutid, clelirbed iu the liuks of a stout chain, wim iu his l,i-t ietter lo the iierai i, is ou bis Way Mr. Hui.t. similarly arranged on the oppo- i to Ivu- -Creagliead, Meckicnhurg county, N. t'; ' site side of the bucket and chain, the Word I M r. 1 1 run,! also statt s that tho I'opewiil, li.vid O. eli-Uavvn, postmaster. .McLean- ot com mi ml was given t.i ti.e engineer, and 1 at -Mr. r minor villi', liuilford county, N -C ", da-. McLean, dinit we went, t'onvcr-ing will, Mr. l'-jiiu los .i.e llo-p postmaster. j by the w ay,e reached bottom in a minute plan. suggestion, . 1 at il .-...e oi. ll: -lalnl-li uu I At.. . 1. alt