Si '; it V: i it;-' ;C it f ' l 4 , 1 t THE CINCINNATI CONVENTION". Eare ("ports' in in pm-pr ct, w lion the grand : Loeofoco pnw-wow li ,i i I Iihvc opfiicil in Cm- ; cinnuti 'I he K'chti'in.d Enquirer demands! tl r.l 'fi'tatlcr soun iiinty shall bo repudia- I led. Il is iri tre than probable the contrary doctrine will be; lit-rei. j on there wii! Le, . or ouht to be, tlic grandest fort of a row. Missouri lias sent two H'M of dclc-rites IJei.toeians an 1 anti l$tiitoiii:.ti. There will Le another row ! New Voile bits elected two delegates, aud is now- talking of a third. There's a regular mu-ss! Hut t lie -rent 1 aitle royal will lie on tlie nomination, whin wc! see the pnt'ti.-iiu" of particular as- i pirants rippin.; open tlie political Uel of rival cniiipi lit r-, like .1 n 'Ulii,t' -xccutiou- CM. The ret. tie is before us ill fancy : I nominate James Buchanan, :ivs a Vir pini delegate, lie won t io, erics another. He wa-u t in tlie Kansas ri 1 . t . lie's cot . no ori Ilea a black-tar' ff in;in. He sin favor of hiiiidin;: a road t t tit- Pacific, w ith the Federal money. He votid for tin Batik rnpt I. ill. lie's mi old blue -iilil Federalist. Put liim out. I nominate Friiikiiii Pierce, hays a New York Soil. He shan't Lave it, ! esys another. See L''n d d first, lie turn e l out l'loii'.'ii. IK- turned in Win. J. Brown. ! He backed down It- in Cul a. He voted the Kivrr aMdJIjuJOftVilf... fte w e.-irs 'a , peck, led shirt. ut u it I. him. I nominate St' riicti A. Ioul,1i. s.iv a third meuiber, considerably iucin lau-d I l!e ; won't do, tiny tlie old fogies, lie's a Bed Republic m, a lauiea!, lies too fast. lie if' in favor of s,j latter son rtijriity. He was ! Lrouht on the track too iate, and amt iu pood ruriiint: order. Trot hi iti oft". I nou j inate U M. T. Ilun'er, cries a f. ui th. Won't do, f o:n forty volet .- at once. Old " i ri tna has bad i noo,'ii. 11 in Lrj'l I ill ti.ur '. dereJ bim. IK-s j.ot no life iu hiau. lake oat the bsuy. I nominate Leni? Cass, say a fifth. Hark from the loiii'ps, responds Yajnij Auierica. Good Loid deliver us, n i rs t vervhody. i I nominate Huk. V L s be 1 asks a ', tneinber. Ami be-n fourteen Veirs ID tlie countrv. Cmi t .-ene. dot a -oft rdace in uis ueao. iiusuc i.tni oui. 1 noun uate : Henry A. Wi-e, t-S.uts an-nlicr. Bah, rc- 1. : . 1 1 1 1 .. 1 ... T . . . (ponus the wlifve t oavcr.t'.or,. 1 nominate Mr. Nemo Nincompoop, says atiotlo r. Hur ra, good , bravo, ext. ct'y the man. My choice from the first. Nothing ran be s ai i agaitiit Nfito) Nincompoop and Nicaragua, beard ftoia every part of the hall ; in the midst of wiiirii t:.e rliairman announces that ! il is carried by -i-ci .. nitttou. and iuuii.-di t. I ly thte li'indred members comntetice iia-ii-1 ins: iff letters t-j him. asking for oCiees;! while th" others retire to the nearest bar rom, and ti conveLliou likes a rtceas. Xjk. hiu Yfgi'.iun. i Til.; FAI'F.E VIJIL General Wa'k.r's plit.:pvteiit;r y, tlie Padre Viji!. i- j i-t nvw the greav.-t ii ju in Vah:rig;...u. Happily tor itisiaid !.e can t understand a c:d cf Ki.g!l.-b, so he, will be save i t he ai.ti jyance cf hearirii; and reailn.. all ti.e reuiar,s mvle about Liut. Our highly conserrativc n i.'himr. the Cam tut i-1 ot u vl- ! j ths l'aure .-...e y on toe groaoi of ii.- bcir.j a t . ire; out, as the ' lit Ot t!.V i.V'.nlh 1 l,.'t states1 tiiat Fatlre Viji! Lad arrived in Washi'tg- i tin with uis ym, his pidreliip must be sDinetliing like Genera! I'ierce'a sjlditring, FAJrrHflataTh ri'im,', ' w ,i -h wi.l. '.f co jr.-, b; ti." cause of a good tasty ii-tr.-j-:i)j ym- ; and s'u.vl wits wii! b! caiiin.' Li.n viil-ac: reprcscLtative cf Ni-arigus. avd on. Th i'adre is repre-etitel as a rather stout, well -haven nm, whose loti skirte 1 coat, kbee-hr.-ech :s. and black hose, and filter ho ackie, accord will, the pri.o.t ' ly function wi.ieh ha oiercitvs at oo-ii".' His bair is Cat.ceaied by a -rl of brawn at.d siouehi!'! e-.p or ?.. 1 ; and, tliij.-'i of a very dark cu;p'.-xiori, the Presid-.-nt dot iwt Coo-i l-r him a V.i: U-;p'i't,iica.'' We cb er.e tint some of our caa tempo rartes 'u'-n aitei.pted to in. prove upon his name by ciliti' bin Vtrg:i : b;.t tlie orthog-rsj-by of tLi.' I'a i.e's tau.e is Vtjil. A I'llY-IOLo i!rAI. Clt'.I lStTV t Mir t',1., the man who Iris aa coeninj ijto Lis s'. oniaeti. 'O'l uced y . gun-snot wound, is iu w orK, a sicii Is of t.iat ci ui a number ot iut thv- have been eip-riioeii- t ; ri j with tt.c view tj ascertaii r-.-iiu;rtJ to iii;.":' t 1 jid. A t te tl :ue :-rtnotiieier ititi 5-luCed inn i.:-. sto-nicli through the r peniir.- rse to I'.l I'll It. Jl.ecairjt. lr. Bjtitiiig -ays, is cciiisuiued iu to C Lojri. Bar.; r ii-l beef wl.i t Viro'iii y d j.-t in a'i Lair and a hiif. Muted but-t-r wi.l no: : -t at all, tut fl-,at aboil in tu-: stomucii. Lib-fr is Coinparatr.eiy ea-y of dije-'ioii. l.'p-.ti ii.e app: cation of the g.stnc j'tlce I? a pt-ce ofpj'j .u tii-ae paf - r, the Ca.-jr at faSci. Ii, re'.a'.i ti to the patient s !..-...,. , lr Banting oi-rr-led tl: a t it had i -eii utitforu. y t X'.-.'ii. n', Laving, since iiis recovery fruiu the trt ef fects ot the sound, sjppo: ted a lare family by bis dai y labor 'I nest r-xperiuiebts do not d ffrr inauriailv frotu th e iuad ly I'r. li.-autitont twenty jsirs a") Mr .St. Martinis at present al'tl.e upwarls of t:'ty of k-je, of a spH'e frame, tat ap; ir . tally- cap ih. .- of con-i Jrra'tie eti-iurat:ce. He ia iu (ivi lietit bo-iiiy health, and Las much vivacity ol innn. r. 'i .k opening in the stomach has bad no inj arious efleci up on Lis L- a t'n, nor Las it prevented Lint irom p .r s.j m at-1 1 . e a 1. 1 seierc ia' ora. if does i.'it kc- p a --vinpre-s to li e (rr e i:i dt'i.kiii. wat r or awaliowtng ;.ny tJ'e j . t '0.'it,:l,l OI tt; stOil,- A Uin jn that ope iv ot v,-.u coa.o out a 'rjia.i tr h wi'! p 'i .si'J'i t Lit L.; cis , J art ot in t'ju.aic Ei litt-ii htjuw its o i f , tin? i r. z . r c L ar-p-Jirifis'jc .'-cr ti.u work of tuick or v.ifi ii.'t ptou, :ihd t if over. iii. M j io'tt. Hum .-r tut; Uicatwii i.ii i-i wu uii iy tj 11a- iir A . , 'Jill. ' i . i i g 'i K fc.-v-: Iii" jfr-rrii t-Mi.ciict a e Lut-MiiiiiT in the tin.-r,i Kn'iuu.ii. t.t- ii .tj afpr yucii f a i v lv 5 in. in t :,.a A It ?h'nj;d. tiit rj ill be ear 1 1 loiiel : e e, v .e r --i!, te , -os .,) li,e t,aaj ! i, - t.r-t up ,,i ,(i y ili.or i. r,.--! i.,if ard w, i, a-a.:i-t o-H . 1. . t ,. ,t a.i i.T'1 n an i tia pre-.- r ve in tli .1 e.f Ofi-f at Ii t.'.ei r Coli-fi.-l-li, .:, .1 f mat jr- -Ct alla-I,. e of i ,r w II A Iji i i.. ., ,r ii.e a I. tin. several ijlitooe. It oraiii-ui i- alrea'i own in ;li-it . i lion, nd Us opp jrestlliie. Avo.d ed tcelaO.. s a liotl to ihe rn-a.ii budiek : and ac 1 I l'. i'ay Mi of l!,.; -ijrta, 1 l.-otn ii.-.' piur.tU'atioi, J.UO..I yt.ix U'i', an hota'ts, ea' ,y j alt l U.a It li, ' oa.'le ti -s( .Mtij., e tli. I ii u 1 l.-iiar Ijiiii lue t r "..'e t e.j,l,:(i I I pl i.-lUiC. j. li'l til 1,1 e I, a! il-, w, a i i Hi le h. I ill.' airoat vl death Iu . V fail til -t, i,e is I: wi-e-l wlu lirst pdU I. a Louse ij wrdur.- Tlovll) (tarolina Solbiti. T lies day, M ay 27, I S5(j, A.MIimi'AX o.ii a I ION. fok ri;t:sinrT, MILLARD FfLLMORE, OK NKi - VOK K, rnn vrri- i-hempent, AMr.niCAN FLKCrOUAI, TICKF.T, I,. B CAI5.MICIIAKL. of Wilkes. JttllN W. CAMi;i!ON, of Cuwltrlat.d. lt D.inct, SJ 3d 4th ,'.-Ji t;ti 7t:l eiii J ... T. I.i iohn, nt riranville. A.J. Me. 1I1.1M., ol t. h. ', (i n. J. M. I.e:.vh, ut' hatnlMi, A. J. Il..rgiii of Ana. n. roR COVEllNt'U, JOHN A. ii I 1. 31 1: 15, t'F GVILFOHD COUNTY. CANP1PATK Fdi: 8 H FT. IFF. T"V e fcre auliion-ee. to ..ti.icoiniv H. t". t-RI. r.l. I'-q., ... 4 eaii.tie.ite t. r re.t leetK n to the of. t!- ..." NlirifT t.L-!. 1, ut Ii.e .n. t u ..i A 11 j; ust e t.on. ... irponuLNTs. Jrt' n A. H, E?q., the American ranc'id-ttc for tuernor. :.'! addrt the po!e uf liic r pccliTt! ( Ciiit.ti inma at ti'c lui.umig kitii I'UCn : II x S lurii-r, T'li Juc J:t.kttrri, .M'-iiGty, 'JtM " M ir:'t( 1-0..-0, '1 n,. y. Kill- 't , tr-i ihf, U 1 iiin MliiJ, ll!n " H r t t"'irti , Ti Uf Ki.y f "J: it Did Tr f.', f an.cicn. S:. lur.J. y 1 I'i. ' K t nt. n, Mof.ti.'V, t, m r v-i ut1', TiifPM V, lti ' V.u .or, W rui.cburr, i"lt' F;rival at the Siflhi.ilis (i.iirih. w cay" on.itted to n.r nt.. n n."l.:C i:-J bien Ii elir ja', l!:..t :.i !j ut f t M- l our e:ist Curcli ii, t i. p'ac-, and th' t I. on; h;d r. v .t . r. Suioe 2u !i profi d to e-i h:a vr- wi:ii rai.le ; j ontd ti.e ("r.urc!., 6 or 7 of who ! be ' bon Bj.iri.' .M.y ti.e Lord colit. nuc tlie XHT A fri. nd fr.i.i l;.e Souih c:;dr u li.i f-.o.w. H g coi.iii.ur. ic- t.on, :. l w c g , t to oar r.ucr, ; -a a u.alt'.T uf co.'iu.r.y, ai,d we brsp:.k a pair ? oi ti.e breed. .... ' .'I ll.rt Oa v tf e ' i.u.'ily ,i. n " '..-.I "...o lai at... S-u ,,j li.f-t " I ut ie.Ve- ot V f.'.f: 1 ' .l;..o !:.e . ast, I of tit ( not os t last w colt i ;;!. ! i-rete ;,.c.i. :" I. . I..'. -r o .1 tiil Aoi-i l hu. .'or or more I ,in " '...u ip? ef.rv imv " tl.? ay " and Coliie l'Viot; lli.-'.e or. : la l i '. moine e oornoii a ze Ine onit-y. lliat .t.e ot.o r in ar t ice aa 1 .rre. I !l ;o y ii n t a 11 C if il. J" Q 111 V '1-lit tO I W . otlo r i.m to ha u . i .c irje . ne inrlaii, two C'.o j'.' turc le Ou- .t is lien igr.'.. 1 have fv. n it to an. i, .loi ij,i kr,.. ...n ror.ticc .'U".ri 9 a li. I'.l:, i w'o;-i puk. I ALI I I I.ot. T...i ne n- a Cli t to I. e. an if yon I.:: k It .'' ?r . tf ia arp ki liberty to ...uu. t.r liic tru'.. Small Bil I. J-io?e F..ii of in. a ana t . lid l '.SL .. ifi i....:e -t L'uf aunt.ti th.:t it r hi. In ) w. r :h..-n Wt - ciiGu rv ! n. e S i;itr :v to r.:i si Wi'.al wcul't th-t tio act. for li.ree or .tr the- pei: a-ltta f.-r t be do Gt in ifie ;r fnims. lK fcUUti on vitUiO be tikrn a':;..t 41. ui.t four i-.o'a t ('t-rhrioi ! 1 f r, o h ti, ;:c a f. ir oirH-rIu-M!y t t r pirt- t'eii if? r:. -lira. Uf I r r 1 1 from th- I'j ell-. 0'.fir In., t t 1 Ni. tor th StU ti.t t t: U' .no Jury a II ;I ! I.i .irtn.f nl j. g -lit, sit tiL Ui I . T tt . I-.r ) F U ! I i I 1. 'J i.e Gr.mO Jury f lurru; a .Vtf a True ht'.i." Eul il:T .t iT,truct.'.n of fc Ci U't, .ti it t'i y tre t.'-t 4M'fn of liir i.. w, nni tiio no ctcrriioo in t i.t 111 . tier if t:. jjet v' u( ii s h tu L'u vftiiin ; uu J ry U .t.iiony L.-Jorc lin.ii., t .cy XtjK t),,- iJ.'i 1, rn u: i i',ut t t A 7;ue V.'.l '' I sgra-fii.t'.t, I'iff clsv :it f,f,.c V, .OT), t it? T of K,h4 , b-st Ol- V t. . r i. Iti Jit T I , I rt.t ;n ni. iK.1.4 : ! V f'.l Ti.e ci. utu.ri.' IT Wt nUtrt ht tne p,-t i '-' a ;. k tli (MM:i it we rmtl i.fird o to tr jV -i f-n o.r L I'A re : .irr,j i ';. r i'-uiic-r.i Mi llrtG I'Jilif 4m lr roac t a tn; t . y t-. T. f.iltfc t! I HOitiC Ji. ( il it VV.r.iiwVjro, 1,1, if fi, -ob-d be u i . -f u t'i, ;.ti.t:.y U- n tu in u g piiofk .e tfu.c 'isil yji.'.. ti.i i t . t.oo IfH y y f i 'jr.'itrU to tu;" U j; h It Ult t G. 'j ma i: it at i iy Jj.r i. tor ul t..a I '-tiii C.v. Br;:?r and Fm Sl': , G IllM T I. -i .1.1' t ! : Tf ( f Mf . , I.'; -It . ti J' .ft, 4. : .. i.i -, I., of i.,, -J ,r. ti i a i s. or: i-ui ri'. t, t , i ; a ; 1 )' .s. In -)l-. , i . 0 ,J i i r ' a i a. t ,i,'.,ij;', V ,,re n. toe ol.-. r. ,.,f r. v ii. .N -ft ",- .... , .. l . I.e V J ilH 1 ! Per-on -(.- I '. I . t e if o' I.i, I ' H . v .on . Ot. U, , ,t .n 4 U.s i- ;." . . n , ', t .. .a ,i ' n . . I ... s A,,'1 ! h t'.f p',!lle C.j.e... Ir. (i.e., w ,, ..... ,yq ;,., ,. i-.eii.;, ( ,(j !,.. ,lr,ve to i.otau. v t ' . ... .j I-. ', j a i tl .u.t 1 1 l 'a.'..)- ii't.fc.-(j. Gove rnnrliip and He n ight of tl e p-pubir will, begun to i.rn bun f the nen itjf l chnttinji bi po.nim. ! A luilirreii .i..iti..n iriily. "' re t,.t. lu.h Hie Journal. .11 ctub n. we cllillel pe clmllr. ee Ihetrnll. .me .....jr tlnntr llinei' hut r cone fur Free SiirVrige w l, r il ilirii:crli tlic rnnv . I 111! e liri'ill Ih .1 lie ill m in tio ui. y tl ing more for it. rii.'e Sj'fcttitor. 1 Spifk Of Wiir. The rr..iurht ha . en pmr tn receive tlie ici'r."i;u n Mmialer. .Vr. l lu v ton ene it a. In miii.ien in tlie Senate a fiwdaya en, that tlii. .up would iniii'ir in n wilii '.nclmil. h This we tliink vi ry pmlnb.e, na our luiia re ni.t i.f llic linint I'm mily ehar.iel. r, nlnl .Imulil .Mr. I'runpt be, w'oi li we conies nmulil hsve btl n lione rn,e ti.lif a);", It limy precipitate tlie matter. We I.K.k upon the recrptmn of liie ,crrii;ii..ii Mniisttr by Picrca aa a ililit te llinw for t:ie nomination. Young A inirii" .a lor 1 itenoiry our limits uml tlie mani tti ili.tiny nun will .ill fa tor lua pn ti nsiom. Tlif fiimpiiieii fiiirly Cptnnl- , We nntite tlie l.if ii.ird publisttts letter frun. Miiipluy 111 wl.icl. the writer pre.emi 10 give an ) -leenUIlt ol UH' opelli.ljrol llie . UOlTH.iIlirial ...... I unii,.. nt that place, between Mera. and j I Hrncff. It 1 ol c.-urne all on one Mil. tti!in r : I 1 I We invite attention to a I, t l. r In the ! Spi etnti.r. in which I'io wnUr 'ivc a 1 nt tei.itoi In tl e arl'.ir. I'. .iiltl:c I. lief, Inch ! wii! be ll.m.ii in another cniuion. j I .. .... , I lirsvfs. llliyion ami I rilllipion. I The Kne' .M.nifter, Mf.Oi.npton. seem, lo ! h. 1 . tn.rini; under a strange In his .iirref.i.o. will. Ina Kov. ri.ii.rnt he reports ; m iue to him by Mr. l h.v!on, whieli, 1 .11,1-e 11. Itulilie-.ttit... of liie It I r Mr. i IVtSIl in 1 1. !. in the Senate, ha. n....yeiv d, n,U. Mr. layl-.n is ustanled by .Mr. (. nlieneen anil an ! ntiii r Sen-tor. .Mr. Cass ii.i also been piac-d 11 ; li e ae . . be' ury. iranipu.n aliuulJ certainly ,. , , r i i ti n .. Tutlllltmy cf LOUIS m-t U fiVor of Millard lilllimrr. In March, I.e is t'asn, than w linm ilicre i not a .nor. de vote.! puiti2.ui among the pro.i.i. m nl men uf the country, delivered a ept-eeli on ti.-.- floor of the Senate, m ti c curse of winch he pant trie miiuw i.,E coii.pim.ei.t to Mr. Kdiinore's m'eirrilv and to ins etlieieio-y in " untying lit 1 ,'mint y W'r q n-.te from tile ( 'on j ( i u tx : l " Tiir A.iiiiiti Mtr.t tion has i . .1 i'aeifi.l'o n. J I .i t't--1 VUtA Of '.. 11,11 ttit I', ui y i reei iveii li e mero of aj.iir'.b tooi Irom p i. tie.. I j i'r o I .'. s and .otit'eil l'i p'litukr uf tr xumf ; ffifimnr. i ca in. m jiift'ce. inn i ..m a rem. ! ocr.i I. a mi, le d i i in. if, I me., n to die i nr. 'Jin : a t h A.l. i, t.l:l tie re i n'iri :.i.n ' I -l.ol.i:. not On ti:elll josl.le, i-rtl I .... It !ll I t.if-.our., iii liim fc-ri .1 inillir ol tlie dttlritifirt ol t thn, it I lio.v s-i V so. I iia'.e d.o e o; I h ill c ntii ii to do so, w n..le. r -i.ii r tiieir p... p. ra ii. -. v ron I . ii ; tr I n.i it ti. l ii f t i.eir s k e, ositnr rf tilkt 'tl t.'trir cmtnti,. Siieeeb "I r. (as III ti.e Senate ul tt.c I' 11. It u Sule, M.tell iu. i-;i. i Tin. viir.rit only a iieinly tnbute from a de. voted p.irtiz. n, but wiii ene n'av m a willierilig rehuiie to " i r l el.t." of I. niocraey, t who reel. !i sl y c-sav to the n..tiei.t ii,,;i l stales. unii of An.enCa M.llar.1 I'oliror. lutlwg Int. Mr A Plrasaiit Word from ronur rtirat- A c..rri.K.n.ii nt or' ihr Iltni. Pee w rites : ' nd In .. .1 few or nooe of liie o,,i,e nr. ter --ere it. Irieoos. 'Ii.e more hn n.n.e is e-nvissed, the more- i.r. a we li .re of Ii.e very I . i i, .'l csleein , in wbieii i.e is held by t..e Anieur-n (si.u!.. An it. ti ii;e nl opie like too-e in I "oi.r.i t l.t ut a Couiinerci.) t.nd ti.i.,utai:lorir g arid itidustri. I on. co. tun unity ought to be ain-.i.a tne fore moat : ar.d la. 'cat fri. nos cf i.:it a nt'to, .u.l w. prei n t i ti.,y wdi be true n. hm. in Ii.e end. Such n p. ojie ai!' never jo into toe .u-p.'i t of lia(;teai iKieoer-ey, l.or pi..y upi'll tiiat kit. t; : r 1 1. ij .1' u M.t l.t a. t.icli Ciscour.i. i.n iiliter c but !:.t n tiooy ot Saani li puouc m. Fillmore ALruii. Ti- Xttinal Inlelltg'neer uiiiM It ltc-r fr- tri an Aiiifficin r !;: nl lit, wit.cit curii.ui.n t lie'iwii g otitic. kit'Cui-tiuM : 'S. fdr as l.avp h .0 ;in i'oriiif.i t v nT ;iif;. ;nfc', t"- iiliiiOft tin-tiMti.ftiit 1 p n.-ni ot Am r.t ri aro-irt in in l ii'.r of Mr. Ki lin.rrt . 'i'i,e loctin a fij-in 1 iiin.ia ol t1 t- iitstn' .miMiiuptf -l oll tmi, ft-. ii ; i iLJiiy chut ii.jijtiicir.tjt . in itt r - 1 1 lta ,t.: our pt-iiiiiiiij. iii.u it.iiui 1 ic t'tHi. 'I , tr.J i;.i .g Am th pff nit tf ti f un-it n. oii1 . ;.rw brc t !.. ii.t ri ti uu t r.e ul-jnl. Tim tf..l...- m y 'i Ii I- t. fi-ir ii, it t- r? r.;i! .in i-u r -.'o.t; itfui.t l.t at ut;.ii .i .Mr. f.Jiis'rt." fan K U S.i! A I- tu r fro in Wit- ii j; ion t.iy to th B.1.mi't Jnnocral, tw?. 1. u g of rrtud'fit Pur-e .! Ir. "twiir (ur a rp-noinir.t ot., .tuii i n.rtt ritiil v Ctrl m 0' I ir ir t r: in W .min u 1 1 -n, llU t-'laat tilt? f'rt-alitj' fit f il i 1 1. i UJKit, Hillll, JI,' JT( tiif o i Hfijajk.oii ij the iii'otii. it tout. r)u fit itn, t'-i' (j it i in ; t iJ, tn INt . i, ( i,f iii ,itn i lrri :,t. , hf wmid aintmi uironttTtrnt y jnrntt.t '!iit Wfjtj'd ot' T'lornt', turf ttier o r. tr.i.rr t,l r.t-t tooti a a iifw.' i'it ifi, ai.O lie bii!u t: frni.xjlvar.ia. A n.l;ng of tr e A-ot riL-iM Si i; , 1 . h-'o t II irri--f.urj; rti, ,tn : r 3- !u'f r-. !.y ,:.g n .in.i,. in.r.. ,f' !'.!. mr- ainj .. poo, i f. iftrocuci. ; w.-if-n ov Jihowfnn 'tT rtr, - aubr-t t j t ej-firv iij; ti.- .-t.urt of t(.' ; I. - t. -wiifj r tin u from tuj V:.ii.if.i t,,i . ( uovr i,t; -n, aoo c .iiit.i; a ( ii i,..n u fiif tot S w V'-r -i, !;; of J.iiM, ; iu , inc Mi;ni,t'iit w n ffj'-rtf fi, jf, i f u t ir,i M t n G.ol-o tiy s f lc ol 3J t- J !, Utti J.!tontofi tn : O-bflr-e-n t ii-T i--f - t- IM,Mrt ap-in. I ..r. ..-...! ui , v. .. b L .t -a t....t ;... IS,.. tT. i rtnitylun iifuld. -aaaaafata - Ba afaawa - - l'Isfi:l'"l CONVLNTION. A poit;. ui of tne d. l.-ates appoii.ud by ti.e - vera!!.--, f..n. po-iri' t iu-?t it Kiee t .r a I J li-t . et, r-o i, ei. oil in the ( 'our t 1 1 011-e in ;, -.nutte. f.n ti.e I Itii in- a r.t. affor-lin.' to piior leaiii-e, si,d .i by a i i -iii to too chair, Itr. K. I' llarri-, o! I ahur lus e i j i j r y , u r.'i appointing J. . i..iains n iar y . A t II." 1,-ri'H . OOIi o . i .i A the eiiaii loan, lf-n Jno 'I i :. ul I'jtl ol lbs n.s. l- A in .i. I I. . iii ai, i"-r. i in ii.oi r, K-, . of J I'ar'aii, ot An lull, .iti. it, is r..o-!l- l I,, naii.. ol V. ; t'ai.airu-. and t.i-n Ati;i on. tl.erj p. it in li- li.lesof the Aii.iii-an pari) for H ector for tl.!. Ui.tiii-t, ii teup',1. Mr. lJarriii'.-r, with cti -iriii-teri tie luanat. unity put. inly 'lee:in ! in fa -.or of 'uu,;ii. who i, una. iiiu.ou.-iy e.e.-iar, d tin- lioiiiu,.'i; ot ti.e Jar ty I .r tlie eoin.r ea n, . ain. A e noiiiiiii i , .--ju i-t;ig of A (',. William, "on. . Ham. and h, J. Jir-vard. was appointed lo w .il upon (.-ii I 'ar,;ai. ai, J i'i (aim iii. li of bis noiuiiiatioi. liili.e abw nee of tne coniiuilti e, tin: eon , ai. eLU.; by lt- j.ji.;... u.- oq'tenc nrl cozent reasoning of Gen. J no. ( Q Unilin, of Wiliiiiii'tati. e, liir.iti was then introduced, bo ,,... ,- ...J ...,.. J.mi i r- ... ' a epeeetl 01 greai toree inn. i i.eei, 0.1.109, the oft repealed pi,iuditn of the croU. lion. Dargati was followed bv Oeii. Youtiff nml V. C. l$;iriiii:er, F.-ri , in arains of liue i eloiinence and telliiij etl. ct. j Uu motion of A. C. Willi im-on, Esq.. the convention appointed the following jreullo- inetl to Met as awltalit electors for tlie sov- oral counties,!., wit : M L MeCmkle. K.q , of Catawba ; William 1. livimii.. Ksq , ol - . '. .... 1 . Lincoln; Col. S. A. Walkup, ot imon; .. K. ( . l)inl- -on F.-q of M Jekleiiluiro ; Col. S. N. Stnwe, ' of (ia-ton : I), W. .1. Tr.Miller. of Cleave- 11 It 1 1 ."j- t ........ land ; Col. V. A. It. Palmer, of Stanley, and 1!. A. Caldwell, Fq , of Anson. On motion, ordered that the proceedings ! of ibis convention be published in the N. C. . . . . . Whig our! other American papas ot tue ."Mote. i The convention then adjourned ,-K. I. HAUUIS, Chairman L. S. WlI.i.lAMS, t-n-retary. i.m the n. v. wiiio. Jr. Etlitor : I arrived at the Court House in tita to witness the greater pari ins uf the lVtnocratic lon- " ""on ., j fin o.P ,yi t... l!til, .,,1 tnr 1 1.. 1 rioi-i-i,,,, a l'tesedeiitinl elec- in 10 eo- 1111 w.i the party during the npproaching cam 1 pain. W hen I entered the room, the pre 1 sent I'emocrptic elector was delivenn ; ni,or,,J r.d copious expose of the prmci- j,),,, iry w ,:cj,t I suppose, he wished the (.", j0 t., under-latid be would be ' pi,led ju bis expected political tour. While 1 ,e , as speaking, I was constantly remin- .!...) of l..,L...a'.PA'j ... .irlinii rtf ti.o -i,,.!,', raldroii. in which, be aava. ere'hJ of ,bc occ!,s'on- all the Illack spirits and white, blue spirits and rav; M.ngle,'c, ye who mingle may." 1 I do not object to u.iiigling in the political caldron of bis parly, us many Jor,..,, igre,lie.,t, as be pices, for tl., he has a right to do, so long as he abstains from mi-r. presenting Mr. Fillmore's po-i- lion with regard to the fugitive slave law, and I shall therefore remark upon this point only of his effusion. After having lauded Mr. I-ill inoi e si Adinit.i'ratiou to the .ies, as truly national and patriotic, he said : "But, with the grerite-t reluctance, agnt rt ti e 1-aj.itne slave l.avi , and would i.ot do ilui.tii alter having t een repeatedly urged by t .e in. m- tit,r0j Cabinet." bat the elector did not lid due ptrticie of evidence to -t.-taiu l is asscitiJti. I'll the contrary, it f known to all who are even in a smalle-degree fatni.iar with the hi-tory ol Mr. I'-H-tiiore's Administration, that be signed tin Fugitive slave I.nw pttujtly .i.d ili.erlu! Iv. The Hon. Solicitor lor this Judicial Ii-tricl, was then vociferously called to ad.Ire-s the Convei.tinii. Ilero-e, and having made a lev. pieliininaiy remarks, ctiaat'fd in a fierce assault upon what he cal.ed the secrecy of the Ainericsn party ; aa I thus continued, tor the p ice o! half an hour, vigorously Cgl.ting airaiiist a pi. , ii. i i, i of bia o ii nnajiiitioti. The Hon. Solicitor ougbt to know, that the obligation of .cciey was forever removed from the Uictnbers of tho American party by the "'fWrrVl.V' ... .Vi'J'.rJ." . . r I --.Ii, but ii h do. s not, I would advise bim 10 read tho l.'jtl and lOtb articles of the iMutlotm 1 1 . r n airl th adopted by the LoiiMii. itif:h iir.; tie lutloinir; l.jtb 44 Mi it w .vtute ('uuiit-il AtzW have authority to atuctnl tlicir several coti ."titutions. ro af tooh.i-b '.fjeteVfil tlcpices. mid itistirute a jHciIpe of honor, itenti- of otiiur obiititiou tut fvlij j aiid aJiiii Mon iiito thf p.irty. I lit Ii. A fret; and opt'L Gi-. uioii of aM polit ical priticiplcs finlrac'! iti our j-1 ilfunn. ' Le truth i, Mr. iSoiicitor, .1111. K.ioNotLiiii.' Jr., was put'ffl, during the tender ears of his irii jiH-y, under th tu ti'ajre and protection of faithful jrutirdians according t-j the court uui ver;uiy pur :i-'d by the parent- of ail elt regulated A mcricaii fanim- ; Lut ut un tntttii of the National CouttciK had f-o much iu creased in know ieiiifp, jnU hau hecome so ii.iicu diatii.uiahed far all the manly, and patriotic virtues, that the members of the Couneii eaid, adoptin,: the iauoua'e of scrip- turc, II Liiii-lf' it is 01 nrre, lei mm siieaK lor i - . . i ,t .v.. :. 1 mjiiii. ais-j call II... avie....o.i o tne Hon -vlicitor to the laet, which se. n.s to hate e-enfed hi- notice, that the 1!. publican pottion of the Council voted almost unanimously against the l'latform, as did also the more portion of the ."anthem American-, which fact ftri.isbei very strotii; froof, liie platform i- con- rvative, and a r rr.ner loundation uu which t i build up the .National Atneiican party. I-i the course of his reiua'ks, when speak in.' on the Catlulic ijie-tivii, tiie lion. 5e . .r aid : " If ail the difforerit Protestant Cierpy II,. n have nut with so litt'e Success it. ejaii.iii? converts totb ir peculiar articles ot !' ail i., it i lii"i. time that all lit.-ll slmuid ni.ip- if the (';. t L jliu Creed may not be tne only true one." lie also related the following, an. cdole as be call i d it. " I a-k.-d," " aai.1 lie" Iriend 'f mine, who hid be.ti an old In,. W,ij, but had recently joiacd the Aiin rican party, althouol, n..t a member of the An. oilcan Order, bow be happened to join tin, Aim i ii a i party ; and he replied, V'.u I.h iiH.crats have been so me. o-slul ih ti.- use of humbugs, that I think wr A.oerifari r.o-.'ht If. p-' up a h'.'M. !'!'' ii 'ir- .1 r i . roo; Uli j . ii. u . , -ay I. trini s.ieli tin-til.; w.-. can inni ire o ir enemies. The Anieiiean party repudiates all such preten-led 'ro iid-, who are, in f.tcl, the ino-t d.iiier o is eneliiie... The lion. Soiieilor and I.i-lin-lid tl .l.k, tliiTefot', that Ihe idea that " Aiiif-ric ins f-houid ritU; America, " is a h'1,,,1, o. 1 am not, however, surpn-ed at th" r o n se ol th: lion. Solicitor in ln.s bit Ii r f po-ilion to Aiii.'i ie . ni in, for he in form. -.1 u-, almo-t i'i the same breath, thai l,e, hiin.-elf, is a foreigner. Alor ha v Ing mian'iinoo-ly el. -et,.-;l K. 1'. Waiin-j the l rr.fier!.' ie l.n-, tor for tlii. ( 'oriL-r"-r,n n I 1.. 'i - ! ; :u. 1 .Mr. vi. .Myers tl.,- cieiel..!,-I- r ti.,- S.-ii. t., and Me-. is W.M. Mathews and V. !'. Havid-oti candidate. ,r the 1 1 mf of I ' HI I Dions ill the tieXt tin: Convi iitfiii adjoin n. -d sine die, h.j f.'''r enouoli lor on,; day. Sam. li.'.'AV-.t,Ti:! .tore, avili'f ':"7 .Senator Su'ti'ii'-r of M i.sai-li.jse!' , was a'-.:,,ilt--d in the S.-uat ; ('liamher, a few days sjoi a!tr the ailjo iruu.i-ot of that body, hy Mr. loo ! a repre-entatise from Siuth Carolina, for som per-o:. tl remarks rela live to S. iiitor ISutb-r, who was Xf. ii.JOI.-U 1 U".i.t.W tw t-u.!.j.- il...Lf From oar Corrrspomlrnts. Chahlkston, May 23, 1850. One of our highly respected citizen com- . ..... f.. .! ,. .;,. l, ,....ii,..r u- nu.v... --v " " ( In lliroul nun a peiihiiuu, wme.i i.e i mie . ed in the presence of Ins wife before oho .could preont him. lie was rather intern- penile 111 his habits, ami Iih.I t.een 111 a mul- ' aneholy mood for some time, thereby exoi- ,tine the fears of Ills fi 'muds lest lie fliould uo lllinseil some uui.ny in., u., uicj, .1... ! watched linn lor some tune, lie was some- iwtiut uiivalieeu iu lite, anu vnunj I 1 1 1 . 1 . : I : I . ann a lare circle ci renin, ea nun 'to mourn tint inelanelioly cmi. I (). A. lirownson, the reviewer and Call. - olio lecturer is beii, lionized, feasted and .feted, by his papal brethren and friends in ; our goodly city. Ho delivered a lecture Mast night tprove that Catholicism was not J incompatible with republican governments. II I L I ! - 1 .1! ne i.-ia a istr irin aunieucc, aim was 11. tenod to by ti.e-iii with a kind of devotional deference near skin to reverential awe. 1 took down the inaiii points of his argument, which I may givn to the public as soon as I have time to write them out in full. His lectures thus far, have been answered by a very nble and logical writer in the Charles ton standard, over the cigtiature of " J'ro testaiitisiii."' The different temperance organizations i V. "re tor a grand pio t.ic, 1 r o.'li ji Jo. be riven across the river in v 1111-. a vimiiii a a 1 imi oil i u J unit It will probably be unite a rnttrthe affuir.l 'it. 11I .111 ini.rmil v t r ..iiiifitl Tl. fi(.L.-.-fd fr.i(lil lint atih hitn allv f o liv a hi. ... . .. ... '. . .. lliii rapidly at f3. One of the Kerry Boats will be chartered for the Hay, for the special accommodation ot the patty. . II. Carlisle, of the Courier, is the leader and otiiding spirit, and he will 110 doubt carry the matter thro' in a style and taste wor- m.'i' nov . iliprs it a nr. thnti fniir vi. WtlUy ot ya peaKailt) , ,uicb w,.r, ,i, ,.i.;i,t... i ii. ......... i i. of the city. : We have very rou.-h weather to day ; a regular Northeaster is blowing, and home ,,.p,e,,i0 u felt about the ;aftt, f the Svw Vork steamer which lft yesterday ' be temperature is more that of M arch than May, and thick clothing is quite comforta- ble. We ha ve bad very little hot weal her so far, and tlie musquitoes have not vet made their appearance iu auILcieul quantities to retinue a t.aviiion. i here is a Quaker church being built on Iit.g stie. t mar ijueeti, altbuu-li th. re r. but tl.r.e yuiikern iu the city. They wiil have to lul.e considerably to make much of a sensation. J be congregation will be ra ther small unless the spu it should hxpptti to move their fiiends to I urn out with thetn j.isi to make a show and nil up the seats. It appears a lot of ground was left to these iion con.batiinl promoters of I he peace, a- long as thev would use it for cliuich pur- p. ses, and the object in buihliii the church; upon is 'rj enable tin iii to bold I be lot until the ..ii... . ..i orue- sbou;il h. come large enough, either Cur model I resident is usinc tit one man Irom emigration or natural incrca-e, to foru. power very freely. Ou Monday he vetoed a congr.gmiou of aulhciiul tile lor purpo-1 two bill. both tor improvements of Wcs )es( woi.bip. I trrn rirpr,. We havtbtard fritn our young men in! Hon. John G. M.ller, an American K p-Kaii-s,ntid i',0y are all highly pleased with' reseiitativc in Congress fiom Missouri, died their l.ew home. 'J hoy t meet from ! resent at hi. residence it. that Slate on the Ilth iiidicaiions, to ha .e some w arm woi k before long, but they espioss th, nis. he not only ready but willing ai y mom. nt to meet ' - on"ern laiiat-c. nnJ t,t tl.tir ahil! m: South an., her m'-. 111 ''.'"re oi tne i riles that Co!. Suiiim"" '-B Atchion troops are there, but he el! t,,e 1 X'ea j work, if nv come, will be a.3"r ""'""Ji ti.e ' Border l!ufliaii.." ioLt l7 The Ladies of the Melhodist Prc.tnsi. Church of this city, are holding a Fair tins w.-ek at ibe Institute Hall, which ia crowd ed cv. ry ui lit ty vr.uth, leauty and fa-h- tin. 'ln.-ir olj.-et is to rai-c ii.onev f;r the purj.o-e of repairing their Church and build mg a Parsonage. A.-IILEY. Was!iim;t..x, May '.'1, l-IO. On Frilayla-t.the l'retl.lentseiit toboth, ' Ho i-e. of Con-res, a coiiiii.jt.icntioti on the! suljeet ot our l.ctrai American relation., ai.. the rtee.-.t riot at ...... . a. f to. . r...u if . m' ot tlie iinpoit itiec oi Ihe l.-tliinus to this country, the treaty with New liranarla se - cuiiiij; tne rto'.t ol trati-il. and the unsuc- tesslul effoil to obtain from M. i.eo a sur - .e.meroi me ri-'ui 01 in it me noriiieri. .r.ili .t 'i.. -ii i ui inn i v. u.c i-iiniiua ny I e u u a 11 ic oee, ti.e J resilient stn aks ol the resilient sneaks of the of 1 c , I 1 e t Lb fi a rro vrcifct tit l.n I . 1. tti 114 (rs.r Iran. ... ' i- -ii, ami u. paramount inn re-i et ii.e i in - tf-u Mates in ti.e s.-eunlv soil nrotectioii of' j - . the nr. ieet.-d iit.e ol travel. II- tlu-.i id. I j - ....... let is to the lacl.that i t Iioti Is tins pov. rn- inelit lias been aske'l lo ext lid its protect- t riir power and av .. ;i ;.. ..:r ....', .,i. .1 . . . ,1 : i :. ii f". ii u.- '.s ... mat proieciou woutu seeui.-, sun n , or--a us that he tiarl toted for the di.lrihu has p.-rs. vtr.-.l in asy-t. m of ju-ti.-e and j tj,,,, 0f School fund according to while ic-p. . I f..r tl,.: liohtH and intere-ls of others 1 ppiaii,JN e ,((, jiroe-ed. d to show as well as our own in regard to all the Cel.- j t),,. iircuin.-tai,ees under which be bad ad trul American Males. ! roraied and voted for that project: rcpre- lie refers bri. fly to ti e pf-s? laken' suitinrf a Western constituency, it was his by liteat Jiritaiu of the harbor of San Ju- duty to them to represent them f-iirly that an del None, almost immediately after the ju ,-:,( an act ol the Legislature was pas -reaty of Gundaloupe Ilidaloo, iitd of the ed, d raw n by li.rttlett, providii. . ff, ci produced upon Nicaragua by that act, ' fr a ,ehool laud, In which it'wa. express" and adicrts to the uii- tiled condition of the j y provided, that said fund should hi !i. Spain-h American lepubliea and of the so- tributd according to while prpulation, ii.itiide in,. I rcj-tet in-pired on the part of. . lt acciitiiulated sulTieieiitly to be dis' this country I tributed ; thai be had always regarded it 'I he Pn-idetit, in speaking of M, tit , a, branch ol that contract to distribute it -bows the ficl that Great Hritaiti and France ! otherwise. He wanted it expressly under have both had ociision lo rc.ort to their 1 stood, v ii nt he made these remarks in an mi ilary pow. r lo cnloree the rights of their ,Bpr to eharoe made ar-ain-t bim, iuteti e,i.., i,s nrain-t the States of !. j,, nd, nl ! ,,., to di-paraoe him in the F.a-t j'that in -.,,,,. I, Atnefi.-. He hkewj.. alludes to a fairti. -s, jf he rr to rr pr- ju lie. d ! v ti.e tact tiiat. a'thoxi-h ilwool lb.; as en-v , .11. ..i,... ;,, V ... i ....... . .' e, j lor Ihe l., it.-.l States to absorb new Writ - ry fr..i.i Central America ns it is for Kuro - pcan M-ii?, 10 .1011,1, in .i.m or .vtriea, y. t we have al.-tailio'l Irom it in ohe.lii lice to ori-ide rations of lial.t not l--s than of po licy, lie. affirms that he has never failed j to iliscbaroe the duties which he owes lo I.: in self, to hi country, and to f.irei-f.i p,nv- " " " "'j ' . l ii .. .... I aa. a . T-i Hhi I illt IK III! til Vi r tut in uli.r.i i. tni in., I that lie lias never failed st. e.-.. ,i , ne aiiiin.iiiy u iii in in io re - I""" "'I'"-'-. - .Tf iii'ji violation of tl.: law of the land, which - constitution requires him to ex, rule faithfully, b.-.-aue they are contrary tn the I" of this ,' ovcriiiiii nt. and bc a t . p.-niiit them would be a departure from pood taith ti tlie American repub ' "' aimty v. onus. A..i-,a fimerifan repuhlie, to winch modern everts have imparled mist. protiiitience, is that of Nicaraua, on ac-' i. . . . . i ... " co-.iit of its transit r,.t nd o.l.i.. -;... , , r.i , , , ,. i , s f..-a a. i ii,e loney oi tne I iiite.l State, in n-U.tioi, to tin re,:o,,i.ion of for - ' " - " t " ' J ' vv e reciij.'iiise n.i (."jvcrnnienM without iplestio!) of their source or oroahi.aiioti or uf tin- means of which the governino jow er., attiiti thf ir pow er, provided there be a roveriiuittiil ace. pled by thf peiipln - laCit "U LtLi-U tC fuct of foreign goyernment Merctsins the actual power to investigate question of le- gitimacy ; we do uot inquire into thocauics which u.y have led to chniin of govern- u.eut. To u it is indifferent whether sue - cessful revolution has been aided by foreign intervention or not ; whether iusurrcction ha. ovei thrown cxistinz poverntnenta and another Lai beeu established in it place, according to preexUting forms, or in a man - ncr adapted for the occasion by those whom we may litid iu the actual possession of pOWcr." The messape states that a fpecial conmiis- sioiier has been despatched to I'atiama to investigate the facts of the late occurrence 1 iu that quarter, and suggests that tome I measures for security of transit must be re- sorted to, and that if the present constitu tional power of the rre.tdent is iiotsuiliciout ho will communicate to Conares aucb re connneiidalioiis as the exigency of the casu may indicate. I have civen this full synopsis of this nies sage believing it to be a matter of iutercst to every cilizeti of our country. Since my last auothcr person has been killed in this city. On Thursday a young man named Nally waa shot and instantly killed by another named Jarboe. It seems that young Nally had been pay- ing attentions to Mi-s Sarah J. Jarboe, who is about 17 years old, and that he had se- duccd her. It al.-o seems that Jarboe had done everything in his power to induce Nal- II .uiunt LI.. .1.. till. ...... ..III... V.:-. ..... be w-i I auppois bar himself, and that he. . ... ... . ." . ... . I day, if lie did not wish to do so. All that j he asked was, that he should make the only reparation in his power, by marrying her. Jo tuts request Nally utterly rtlustd to ac-ci- d e. Jarboe accordingly hid in rait for Nally and shot him iu broad daylight, aud in one of our most public streets. Jarboe baa been committed to jail to Hand a trial ou the charge of murder. I unimportant. At a recent Sag N'icht meeting in this ' A near Briti-h loan of ',OUO,OtjO h.d city the hail in which the meeting was held j advertised. was " decorated " with the French. Kngli-h, Cottm was quiet and ralhrr ei'ier, Irish and German flags ! Who will presume 'hough prices are quoted as per Asia to deny, after this, that the Sag Nicht par- 'Sales of the week 4i,uoO balei, includ.nj ly is correctly sly led the Joifin party, since ",h('U to apcculators aud 4,600 to eij.or it not only advocates foreign principles, but ' tcrs. actually sails under foreign colors ! lh stock of cotton at Liverpool Let ' ur American fiietid tbtougbout the S-TJ.UO,) bales, including a"!!,!.!.!! ..,., 4 country make a note of this, and keep it be- 1 American. Wheat had advaueedla '.'j lore the people that the ad ministration par- ('or" fid. Flour la. Canal flour IT-' a .'II, : n ly of Washington boldly hoists the foreign e ti .10 as an iniiuceuienl to m cure the lot tl n luir. ' Mr. A. Gordan McGrath, of Cbarle-lon, has been commissioned asjudecf the U- nited Stales lisirict Court lor the district of South Carolina. He mi continued ou the I .Mi inst. It is rumored that tiie President and Cab- inet have determined to hold no further di- plotnalic intercour.-o witii .Mr. (.Tampion, the Mini-ter from Kni'laud. No'hitii; de Guile however is kuowti on the subject. .... - i instant. He wa an able man, and very 1 useful member of the last Congress, though he h been prevented, Ly ill health, from taking bi aeat iti the present Congrc-a. tiur municipal canvass is waxing waim. Y :.u may ralru'ate on the election of the A- incr.cau taaui.late for .Mayor by a msji.ily - r.' nuuyreu, or more ' au-.. - MBB).-BSaBBv- - From llif AtlifviH' Spfcttktor. ' PLi.MNG OF TIIK CANV ASS. K 1 have no dou I (r, il. l uu are aniious io near say in all fairuets and' , vji.ies,. i can ....... . bsve met the enemy and or, mat "we I anu no mistake. e find a rfc . , I are ours. a.Dil Mr. n..pi.t..l d o . . i rnisa. si-eU of t.o hour le.. ..I. I, .'iV liilho.U ii;ie (l' u.;ll(1 , ..i 1 He commenced bv a jtlowiuJ ati.l . . .:f... l - -s . iieai.i.iu o-.i-ro. t.t our mountain I country il,at j make it one t ail tl'.it was necessary to the mo-t intercMini' coun. tries in the woi'd was to open our moun- j tain parses by I i Itoads. to drain th ! vast i.rO'i uetiors th ... f...l i, ' ., . -, iti vai lies. Je tell ailUllel ,rt I . J - I lalion to the Leuislation r. .1 . . I " "enioii ol . .. . rt ...... . I. ... .. r .... . ' . ' 7 T'i 'y question of ( any interest lo the Western i :a P I n. ..'. ,.nt ' .... V ..... , ..w. .... , . U',. ....... ,.......,.. I..,. I. ....... . were j .io,-i, ..iu.vs, k-u, uvL.uni; j riht in th. m-elves ey were 1 11,. next alluded to the charrrea Ih-it I , . , , . .... id i i,r. ii rr.-'i aifa list nun i ine iit-if..r.,. ' . ... .' . 'I , .... - .......,, nr i,u 'in el ,i 1 sustained by the i,e,.i,!, for whom be U ,rt ! ,,. saerilic.d ; thai he did not desire to a..,Ui,. tin s., issues : that tl.. pie of the Slate had decided against blin and hi. enn-tituenl., slid that he and they li-id remained .poet ever siti"c. H nrued ao .iu-t the fairness of aiteh p. dilieal war fare : be claimed no advantage nfllav . jrnt?i on liiM srore. bernu . . ' tl . I he (Brar-r) 1 ;,s f ,, opinion, and showed clearly Hint it was aoituted a,.,!,... I.i... iii....? . only for eff-ct. And hern let me stale, lest i -nouiu lorcet it, that l.ov. Urajr,. in bis sp-B-ch, said that il was unfsir and aruna n urfe'e lin-iii votes against Mr. Giimcr e" a caudi lute for (.oyernor that ha had vo- i. .I.. .. . ; ted rirrht. r. nre-enti,,- hi., ,.;...t.. :.. ! r- ' i a.-i m.uiin prniui of tl,e country. He I.i it passed to the s ubiect of " Free Siiffrace " ami n.n. .I.i. ...i'i I .., . ' U'J' I""'"' i 'aus, anion, snowinr; a taiine.s to ul! ; , r,f ,, u, ........ ,, , , , ! politician-. Von may rest assured that he . : a.. I .. 1- I I f Vo ."' IIHIL IH 1(11.1 I I V II V Ilia .tclli B. il on this o i"' tio n. He then paa-ed to the subirct of 1'ederi.l .,! I I ii J., ' tU-r"' po ni.a, end here I will s.y that the crow d were noi only satisfied, but delii.Lt.rl iiue i ue luces ot ti.e itifrrii., ..J ...i , looked awfallj, (,ivoik4, mliUt'ViiHk AtUckmtnU J oonio ctanlly "out dirt." IIB entcrM( iuto a defends of tho American party. prtdo and etl, eliowinthat ha whs at l,rJl, a true American) showed the nccessit. 1 for the orgeiiiaation ; avowed frankly,, clearl;- their principles; and answered nuc. cossfullj all tho low-flung, foultnoutbcd slanders of the opposition i ppoke of tlm languiiKO of tho opposition as applied t0 : the American party, "dark lantern," !" lousy," C'hristluss," ''fiod forsaken nn. ncrs ;" that these wero the rgmuent uf.,, I lie invited Gov. Bragg to a fair discussion of the irincip!e. of the American party, ; and was going in lino style, pitching in i. the Governor, 111 a pleasant, a successful ! and telling way when an under ep,,e!,ral j voice was heard ; " Mr. Gilmer, your time . - out whereupon Mr. Oilnicr pleasantly , thankea tne people tor mcir attention, aud took hia seat. (iov. Bragg then trose and commenced 11 y replying iu inr. .jiniiers posuiotii in - ' State policy, and evidently seemed atuioaa to svoid these matters: touched them j lightly, and Lurried 011 to his " sugsr sticks," hi slang against " Sum," atid i!m i" dark lantern crowd." lie was at ajrreal loss for the proper terms to apply to tln-tn, inasmuch as Mr. Gilmer had anticipated . and forestalled him. To do him full and complete justice, it is fair and right to say, that the Governor made an ingnuiotw, and ; to his friends, a good speech. Ha n k j worthy competitor, and entitled to the ..l..l..., wf . ' 'IL. .11.. was conducted, throughout, in a spirit r.t b i n.t n.. . .tw! til.Avalitw .,.I u Annt...ut..l.h. " v ""o....; ."....muif, Yours truly. CLAf.NOOSEY. On- Work I. liter Irmii l.nrnpr tltltlV.41, nr Till. I ,l U)t Halifax, (N'.S,)My2, Tl.- . . ...... I-......I. I... .. , ! Liverpool date of the luth. Her ik.ih "'io 3-V Cd. Corn '.'!J a .'U. Fork li:rs. Laid ol i I" icon active. I Consols closed at The bullion in bnt.k bad decreased, ' 'he Ilou-e of Parliament bad record? i a vole of thanks to the army and navy General Williams baa been made with a pension ofXl,ni)i). ' The clipper ship Ilacer had been wrecked, , W all on board were saved. I .... . I I'.UJI KANSAS. St. Lot is. May P Kana advices of the 11th stale tLa ShrriMJonea was convalescent. I The editor of the Herald of Freed -u had been arrested. Ketd.r had .cap-d. It s reported that 1,5: 0 men, armr j with Sharpe'a rifies and two cannon, were rr, camped at I.aarrnce, snd defy all arr r. The Marshal had called out 1 .000 n.r, wlii were encamped near Lawrence, t. ; compel the inhabitants to submit to lh 1 :i riloriwl 1 l ater dates from Kansas mt that tf people were rising in larc-e nuii.b. rs in r- to io. Shannon a j.roelau.aiiotj - ireat eaciter.ient prcvai'ed, and a batlie anticipated. A large field piece, con-'.:,.-i to Lawrence, Lid been seised a Kit.'. ! Gi'y. In th.a ulare. on tor I m.Unt, Mr. H0HI KT K. It II AM LKV, in 41 1 0f i, .... ii., . ninna were iotrrr.4 on Ilia -J4lii,lS M.n.c huuoia k Pn.i... I...... TRIIIll E (IK RKsfU T. Al llirrl.ijj uf Isil(f., o. 11!, I , Knd.j, .May !i3, A I.. !.!&. In ..arm-lion wt r. e. ..... . il,. nrth 0r ..i,. '..lied Bflher KoWrl II lira if j, ohm tt.f I ""'"It "a ,lu!i. .i.i ,r. uoan u...ii,u avnpi .'. liaat... Wfli... k. .... ..r .1 . a. .t. .-. wo... , V ll.tu... I. Il Uiolber Itf.brrt II. Una I. a I,. el, ,a r i, . " fea.f.rnea Ii. ii ii .. four .( J 1. ne I ".I we In, i. i.eard wil.i ..r.ri.urff I., k .1 i rt P'naatii.n of Pro. i... nr. if 11. i "'",e" has 1'ial on of i. m, rtl r .i me.iilM... ct.n. " t-e cun.ii.umly a ..u- tee .'" . .'.?. U."'" " e.i anJ I.'... I -r- . . ...... t ,..... r ..f.-tiir, wtatiil wr.r l. ' '; .'. rn.i.f ... tmrnit.r. . ' ' "" t i.ot r j I. .. " hi. .ffl.cli.. -J,.rn..ur. of or. r.rt th,moi . .,c,lBMr I),,,,,,,,, Hfolt.4. 1 hat , r-.,., .,( in,.. r.., lo II,. ,n,ily f our rtec. . .r.t lf I M I. WK1STUN. W. M Jno. L. S I'KIMiH, ,Vc' y ,.,,' Ililiiliilinti. Sl.t.Wi of ilt;"1 a ,ei,'r,d hy ti,. (' in to ( i.nrf "",i n" Tu'"fljf I'l rlork. P. M. I,irriiia.'".: ron'nn.icir.e .1 T " ara in favor r.f l- .rlong ".'rii. uu, ai.,1 ..: llluot, ate moal leap. , Hull', il""'.r '' I' . , I ''I' ,'t I" a", r-' 1 a it i A .r.y57. Ifs.-.C. I.' t HOOK A. HI,IM ( IIAKIiOTTi:. s.v. ! C'A H I K-T F.U AMUOI.M'.K IHJSIXI'SS in a II lla Iirolirhrs, wr takr tlua i f il. ' r' tl aT ths pitlilic that we ii ri at ail liitoa i ' -I'lal.r loiinin-r .1 ahort notice, in a aniiire r ' Her, all kinrta of l.iiinlu r ripce.l ami jomlni " iter. i. iir a-iah llniul n. . n. a ar f ' a- i.tieralion, atlnei, turn tf S..I, ,r.t llieie. 1 '"I,i ,ty.-. a auptttyol Kal..,l " ff anea arpl ,o,,.l..i,tl y tin ha.i.1 at ri,"1"' irir. .. 1 ' Or.lera from a H at. nee for or I' ' ir any work in cur buo will be i.n ii ,oi "' d. .l l. r ha.r on hand and e srM-el to kn , a B'i;'r ol I h . in,, in r liie ri.iir.try bJ!.i-.:. Our ... aei.t .i. .lion ia .... ( ..iiiae al.iel. l-a,i " tlic Mi tli. .di. I ( Inn . . . .- ..... ii urn 11 iiiv innr. b t in Ihe late.l .1,1. acf .d r ! l,ru,,,lr ""'hl to. W. would ..!' ! tf niton ..f Hie of (harluilo In ll.r ' " . I..ifr. we ! asvr of doing work Willi d llv . . thri.i. ' .pal. IllotlO IN, ' KIJUISILI. k WI1ISNAN'" ifi.'.ii. mr i I JW-.t 2T 1HH.I ,n. .. I aJf llllllklltl llif III.,nrisia.l .11 I I 111 at. i wed niMin mr hy Ihe rititrna of ( h !"" roontry ,., tirr. I " " I, l II. r f,., !, , ,1 Ih'' . p...,. w.ll b, .par. J , les. I n iv m PITIiiSlI.!. Ol iU.'t Ui

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