life II OHARLiOTTB,N. 0., OXTJOTES ZO, 1336, THOMAS J, HOLTON, . EuiTOtt &' l'KOPRItroil. TEliMrt; The Nortli.Cirolinn Wliij, will lie a rTiiriltd tnatih. i.rilirrt ol TWO tMtl.I.AKS in aUvanerj TWO In if f A IIW A V It CI IV TV I 1" VTsl . ... l. J,UyeUIrli.r1n.,U.,indTlllttKU)M.AItS ,i tncimlnf the year. No paper mill be ii ii.i.iih ill .mi, tinu.d until an arraaraati are aaui, cacrut ul the oniimi t Hie Ktlitiir. A drerlieenient" inserted at Onf Dollar per qu re ,'IS 1 1 nr. of lira, tin. wiled type) for I lie fiiel in..f. titn, an (J J ct'iitH t'r each c.n tiiiuaiici:. ( 'mirt .(J. vrr tirini'fit. and St.rrifl''. S;iltii rhurgro irr r-n t . higltrf ; .nit 11 ftcduutmu if'J3 p. r criit. h ill be innde from thr rt- uliir pricin. 1'nr Iy Iho rciir. A ilvt-rti-iin-ni. iincrtrd ninnllily or (iier'tcriy, t m per .ijmre fur orn jiiiic. nrmi. tnnnthly H cent, per nqiloro tor each time. J rI'otin".trri re authnriaeil to art uprnt.. .)otiri). "TbeSInf Qua Son." Tit ttitktut ttkitk thtiff im But, 1. Cut. .vinc Qua Mem. Aibm trsiiUtinnrd in Kdfn. fir Imurr, The Innl ol the briml, Ihe bird and tl'e (lum r. He ricUuii'J Iho' cre.liiin iy jrrpire nuy own, T hafpitic fill th.-re'a 1 stfiryim noh, Oil! .ll-r quf nnli, iinr qua nun, To Ituppiiii'. tili Ibvre'f . .me qua itou, 1'iira )nlr nilinl ih. rrenture be mftr, Anl f.-f.t 111 toiiipraM.n a hrir.inir and aid ; 'on. A(ini, wdlle alrrpiiig. tie .liirk'd ftnl b.itrf Ant. fiintiril uf Ihf nH the ante f ai'in, i)h I ainr qua non, c. 0h!th-al-ichMili'!Bt.r3ineT(t.Bar.Min,rfscl1 ot l,,t" culprits, paa-ing like lightning And nun, blrai villi trmttti. trw hi tuinra I'nnne ; from one to another " where in Jeff Wil Wh4t .ur sncrtlnr rtut all hi chiurrn ti.ive dour, ' SAIl And r4niq 1. allji P e wrr; inr tr4 Bus, Oil !UeqJ4 lion. Si 1. TH fn-.r.n Jit himmrr and f-litnnur all Hv, That lifi jnva are fl-t I'll. tid man la bnl rUy ; .-.11, ir"lH fTl"ICU H "1 I.H..B ncji unii, lit i.'ti! Is tkt frrt ef tl e atttr ff'is aa.n. Oh' ain.quai nun, Ace. Tiff l.vft srhn MKr. ae.t aw.. f. in hi. ran. e, And puttia-s h:a biaiti in t t; li e Uw, iaf't t ti.e (..rut will. i.y, aot, wiU" ul ft ur can. t ittua a ftttttttiU pat m tiia '' " nttn, ()h ; .il.ri.u I.Nl.tVc. Tn j.Hff,tare thoojhtful and lnmJ an! wi.e, r..r iMiu-H .steihe drwk.f hate the any rye., H it .Hnn hiismraa ia otrr, litre all hi. ii on Ti fieiah liio eir.nt with ihe sis' ifom Wam, OU I aine qua ihiii. Ac. nh ; fH rja, yc htir. of l!ypp-talea" aki'l. Y fn-n of !(. in(t r, (lie p. .lit and p. II, H'h a dnp ea rncrimanri Ihr rhe k pal- and wan. l.i k ae Ihn etaaf from t'r Imsi f Itte title ewe. tmn, tlh ! air ntaa non, Ac. I'He twirl tfaa mn Bf tt.e f'13 rr.n nf I tie lyre, (if IMicofi'a fnint a nd rrnn.a-llieitn fire, 'iiuutfit hts nstiaic a'jrpaaai. Il Maii'utn aaran, Vtt fl it it all In Ihr tine y"4 tun . (Ih ! in. qti i.eil, A c. Th-i fill li t a fempee I't. ifink l'i l!e .m.te, TN. .orra", fti('(iftute, and rare ran Hryuili ; In I f.. ". fh'qor'rt palh niV e eilv nnp an, IKrr rhi rr'd ttv the I'.r nf ll.r tine 't-1 fiwft, Oii!.tnr qua ri"ii, inr qui nun, l.fer ctieer'J hr ilie lyae of tUe tine qua non. JHiscfllaiuous. HALS ISO $ S 3 a 017.! OR f ST .O T. I T.T ITS-TV fl'IT I uv.... .. Ij a. m. WW a. a mw prcEtrt rcit ( tniNn an 01. n yortii. nv i KKrif-T iiaiqi it, r.Hg. tt . ...I ft .... . - .. :n .i.:t, ! , a sadder fact, tlial great numbets of tbee i ' drinkers will gel drunk, snnieof them bring! ready to plunge over tint bay" on thai i.U'htest rrftrftefilirtn. as ff hidn flled toi 1 , ., , . . . " , ., " Mv kingdom,"' said lie, "has been so "rink. The? ar ths hair triggers of lliei , ' t... ",, , . ,, .ti 'suddenly set up on earth, that you do nut 'IrmUng world, and need only be rubbed 1 ' 1 ' against a brandy bottle, to. " go off." ( n of these weak hea led individuals was Jeff Wilson, a goo I hearted and bard hand, ed mechanic, when sober, and an excellent husband and father ; but he had that one great failing he trouhl drink, and it re quired only a slight quantity of " liqui damnation," as ll-echor bis it '. for him to keel nn " in.t wliere has hnnnene.l t.t he. ' t,- .i.n- iit- i are, and your punishment is about to begin, 'torse tlmn ad, Jell would lio down in a ' - mud puddle, or under .me body's horse ; TVI"1' ha ,,"'rc:" .1,-1 - u i .-. ii Again that terrible peal was LearJ, crash- siie.l. whenever ho was constitutionally ' tir-1 ' e l." and, once down, it was tln.ost an im- , "unningly on the senses of the listeners, possibility to move He hm been known -""nd in-very much like an odd fa-h-t l deposit bimtelf i a puddle of mud and , 'nu'" Fon? ' ,,,CB W3H h,'ttri f,'r'" n llor- water, at lea-t fix ir.ches deep, and lie there half of adavor niirht. ns tliees.e might be. mile, removed by downright force the l.i)eswerrngtobij disturb that he was (in a " bed of tuu-tt so soft and lush-us bo particular bane of Jt-flT rxi-tence s the "Half tnl Half tavern," situated ithin mile nf his cottage. Thither was Jeff aecii-tomed to repair, after (ho day's labor was ended, and there he was mro to meet a Jot of jolly fellows, nil of his own feather, and right merrily win the "black strap " and other " modified drinks " in re tpinition nn fiich ocea-ion. on one of w hich eeeurtd tho cynit- which v aro about to record, leff and his eompanionsi, with the rioep. tion of one black whiskered and reserved individual, had been indulging during one toning, and until nil of them were pretty cll piekleil. Somo of them had begun to see stars aoi laid down by any sMronomer others had retired to s,Htdy felicity under the large table and Mill others wer snooi mj ami hatf snooting io their chairs, and endeavoring to instruct each other in vsri 0,is arts, icicncfs, and hew discoveries, to ay nothiajj f paliti and f piritual rnpp j'i. The filcnt gentleman in black had been (lows of tho bar-room, opening on the street, claiming n grent deal of Jeffs attention, and I With one tremendous bound, without pans was finally accosted by him as follow . j jg to think of tho consequences, he plung- "I say, old fellow.isn't it your treat!" i ed through aasli, glass and all. making ft The stranger bowednodded to the land, lord and thai .rti. : .1:-.-, j i . ' luinirijiiueiy proceed -, ca to aupply the requirements of the twain,; Irtrrl mil that I i ..! .I,. r r .1 . . I 1 present, who wer not too oblivious to imbibe. "Devilish Due," raid Jeff, .mickine his ' O lip, oftr he had drnnk. " Derilirh J" echoed the atranyer, in a hol low voice " ho, bo Tbe foom ru instantly in total darkness ; a rushinj sobnc', and hasty st-ps were heard ; the landlord was aeir.ed and borne rapidly from the room, a was attested hv bis erics of alarm which, l r the war were soon hushed, and seemed to .lie a w. in tl,. ,11.. tance ; and again was Leard that " h', ho !" 01 me gentleman in lilack, "Spare me, Mr. Peril," exclaimed Jeff W iNon, and the form of his addrens was im-medlat-ly adopted, nith icnie variations, by each tf those a ho were not oblivious lo the proceedings. A phophoreeent light, attended by a f creeehing sound, now passed down the wa'l, and a few glimmering rays were ehed thro' out the room, enabling the rum 'uns to oberre, that a huge pair of horns were vi- ibleon the he.d of the mysterious stranr rVC' and that be was robed in !! the ll-,rk ! " I boys," Smith-" lefs all g9 ""r il color'ofT fi n take possesion of my barn, as a plac, Urr.Meco.orsora B.n l. j 1 J 1 "Men of li.pior.-Mid he. in . grum and lf " c can brf,ct'e " and hollow voice, as Lis bright gl.nee re-ted en; " keep the devil out I ' " Here," said Jeff, Iromnloti-ly. " And where is Tom Stoker, Hill Prown e Pe' cast, n, ,amrl pantnri ' Jlcre here lure . came in turre puh hral responses two of them, at 1 from under the long table. "And John P.rown, Fred Wilkins an Peter Smith !'' -.s q.iite an interval of aili nee, Anally b'oken by faint "here." "Which of the three inked the "'ntle nun in black. " Peter Smith." "Ah. may rank yourself with , thoe who bara answered. As lo thee who jar too dead drunk to know or care for mv "'is wife, .lint .he, nil b the i,.Mance of ev. ! authority in thi. n r. I sb:i pass the,;,!-. Udie, similarly i.n,,d, had played (over to the fiends without tny delay. At tendant demous bo!" j The house shook with a and ' cund doors were burst open, and a number of dark looking forms ipraug into the indistinctly lighted room. "Seize the mist-rat) le wretclies," said the controlling epirit, waving his band here and there, "and convey them to tho lowest de pth of our domain !" The room was cleared in a inoniert of all .'the topers, except the five who had narr- ed to their names, nd these began to he- I come sober through the influence of terror. J te i tl.a.t nnnm nf t l.rtn v t r r ' ........... traordinarily superslitiniu ; but th liquor) they had drank, in addition to the mytery , by which tbey were surrounded, rendered them ail at a loss w hat to Hunk , , r r il t l.a. mvilarin.ia ili-nn . The gruff er sen dis- turbed the painful silence that succeeded , the disappearance of tins " dead.-' j ' f.. Iil - l. u u.. 1..,. yet realirn th ehanga you have undergone yon do mH seem t" r. wsre Ibat yon are dead V Jeff gave an awful groan of despair, which was eehood by his companions, and each be gan to pinch biniself, to discover whether j ho was a living being or not. urli tests, added the . gentleman in Hack, " amount to iiotbini'! Dead yo all "bto rounds, commingling w, tl. Mir.eks and f"" and these in turn wcro npnropri- a,'y .---" "7 '" l smoking. rct - kinfj hr,, intone-incrcsing with such rapidity that Hi whole room was soon un- prognafed therewith, and so effectually that the affrighted topers fouud it very difficult to breathe. " ll.ivo mercy," roirej Jeff. "Sure e noiigh," he added, whispering to a compa nion, " that is the devil, and wc are is his regions !'' Denser and denser became those suffoca ting fumes, but Mill the strnngcr sat there, in the mid .He of (be room, as calmly as if he wei's in tho lovt-lieft place iu tbe world. The apartmelitwas fairly darkened by clouds of brimstone, and the victims were soon lost fo c nrh oilier, as far as the m-rtso of seeing was concerned. " One effort," thonght JotT, terribly exci ted and confused, but no( without possess ing a portion of his reason; " on cffnii, and I may throw off this h.rriblo dream, ineubus, reality, or whatever it is." . Ho suddenly rose to his feet, before tho gentleman in black could prevent him, and darted to'.vads one of the Uw front wiu-, hole full two feet ...,,. and landing on kin ........... 1 I I. . ..i . . nanus anu knees, hut without cnous injury. " .Tcfl"-escaped," roared Smith, as ho and ... . , . , .. ins companions gnzeu towards tlie aperturo that worth r had made ."and here rroes ' Smith !" One boiiml, and a second toper was sprawl - ing in the mud lenebtli the window. " And here goes another." cried Brown, . .. . . . imitating lliA moveinent'or liia preileeessors, hut seriously cutting hi hand as he passed inrougu me sasn-- tiurra . Tbe two remnining topers were nrt long M" following the rxaniple of t lieir compan- ! inn-, and Gvo dNconsolate Ul were aoon stand in- toother, yt-t with- l'-v "n,il t!lP P'1!-' of tbe men e v ' i ,1, ...... 1, .1... ,i: j... i i out ti e door, tv here the nun! nnele He 1. ' ' y- and eneajed in conrrmtulatin.' tbeuisulve. on I heir escape. "Devilish lucky !" said Smith, after nil ,e rest had returned a remark. " TV.iim " l,B1..l , 1U. r.m tl; " Devili-h," crlioe l a hollow voice from the battered window, and it instantly put the topers to flight. Tbey chafed down the street en mnsse ' '' forced ly the pr?mre of public opin-1 . "Jon to chnntre an attitnle of direct hostility nnd paused not until a .full qunrd-r of a mile t) C(.,1(.m(,,pf ,h;, f hrrtor ,,.. wa accomplished inaide a " firo minute " ,i., nn.,i;.-a At. n;im,.. I he proposition was accepted ; the topers (li.appearing.rank and eie.ome fifteen miU.!r"'r,,,,n "" h"nt "" "ay; and they ,;.. . --v-'- ' mn, wuo, mi, er, Tll0In cf Daxidaon, WiK,:ins. UilUy, ,,. , ,;, 1 ' 1 should also know the eleventh hour moni'"sw"; knled the bear, came to tlie.111(1 Vj,1MjuW, of l'aM.uota.u. I i. ' ' ,""nrn- ! who came over reluct ntlv to their support i nc ot the conflict and very Wiry said, Tho-e bo voted m tie lu-ative. are And how the heroes fought and watched , only when eppoitionwas' found to he in n" no, wife iintt" brave:" j : i5r Wcr 15p, ,i Uro -den, Clark, Cole. how they fran-ferrcd half of a hay mow : to the floor, as s barricade sgain-t the " hi ' ! doors" how they adept, dreamed, talkod' i , 1 1 j- 1 ii 1 ' ' i -Ptrulated. fctiavorett and fcook, we need not j mn-111 pi io rci a 10. 1 1 is enougu lo say, mat l.tnrly on the following morning, five ha-r- grl' and nea'ie-l lonkin ! nnl c" l':e ua .vt one after ... ' S mortals crawled another and ,'is . 1, a.m t.i mot their respec- 3iicand in the direction livo homes. It was some e time afterw ards, and when , , ,. ' j ad Ihoronglly rcfoimt-d, t.iro t e - 1 . . .1 n l.l. fr Wi!sm b, ; fT.cts of hu fri-ht and the reflections ! con-ec vjt ti.ereon, t liat he w as informed by the principal part iu that little cpisodo of 'ia'lt rv. Tiik M.tvnn's (TuMrt.AiNT Hock. Tt is the custom of some of tii Mayors at the North to keep complaint books, in which the people may enter complaint, of nuisances tlioy want abated. A pi opo.-of one of these, the Spirit of the Times gives the foiloain ' ' "'""-"'g f'y l-'iii.r (Vtwc, Mayor's office, 10 A. If. a bilious look ii.t man .lre-...l in a ..en , coat and black hi-kers.) S-.''t,i tirnt is the Mayor in ! Mayor . If, sir. (,-,,. re vi the Mayor: .U'tiftr iiooKing niguiueti.; ci r, l uave Sf.. -,l.l- t- iv T. , ,, , , Jl,!,m,s cr(i;rn. Have you a book in which people can leave their complaints! I At : r 11 1 1 it "nit'ir'r. v.- sir ; and at mil'! large e- nnee proceed fd lo ot"n a vc noiigii l-jr a fount 1 y unitii-iii. I I.e .'lay er having si iz. d a pen and dipped it in the ink, proceedt-.l as follows: Will you put your complaint in the book, or do on wish . i . ,,n . 7 riiilmse ''. r, Well, a.s I am a little in a hurry, you can put it in the book. 1 1' t ir fir a. luiiuionaiv. n is tie f . . t ti -1 . . . complaint! S. '.'.'.)' indivihiai. It is the liver com- I Hint.' I is Miiiicii-iu iu aj pon.ierous -l - ,..:..:.-.. ti... ,i i runt in . jiui. i ee uiuji- pen, nnd when we caught a g p ; ot Honor at Hank's, a lew moments i. ter, he 'ooiifesac-1 the corn," and put on lis cus- unoarv Mime. . "There ho goes rvr-nin," said Mrs. Par- tington in tho Legitlature, as a member stood up for the fifth time to speak on a question. "There he goes like a soda fountain, and just as fluidly as water. Now, Isaac, mind him. nnd see' if yon can't become a peaker of tho Kmiso of repreben-ihles sometimes. I ,,,;,,,, he ns now burst of elooiiencn reached her ear. " it doe. seem I as it the mant letnree ot 1'anirl Webster had . fell onto him, bo is sr. bright." Huston I'ost. j . ... .. . ' Here is something worth stu-i We find it in an old paper Pf7ZI.K. dyin over if any ! of our readers can solve it and feel j and paramount int-n-ts of that State are at Ple kw'P ,,,oir """' ,hrir r'""'"-1 the Pucitio ocean a- an uittmrtum that, lint i fb-y are perfectly at liberty to ' Make, I know no.ccfon. no ea-f, or west, ' ': "'their own hand., and ail contests . i( ,s were not done, they er W drssolv : 1 but only North Carolina, one and in.livist-1 ?,n ..iff.Ten.H-s ab.iiit the (.onstitu-icn ih!? tbe uio. Now, said Mr. te.. the I ble, my sovereign, aid hopes of my ehil-1 l!"it,pa ti;d f"' .V"rs fo ; M.ssou. i restriction havu.g been repealed, r. y dren iconic. Ibis he showed clearly, but lie ; the Mark liVpuhhcsins ia-i-t ujtoti tbe rts. the p do so 0 u o W K V O RTO U U P A P H R D A i i: r .We vn (Ti.Anrn.r.-Veveraernirirf. . soot from your eliimncys and stove pipes to . . .. ll'l . . . l po trirown away. I no carnon conrainen tn these suhstancos prettluei-s the be-t effects .t.'.n .r.a.t;."l vo..eliAn Tt !. 1 V. ills'. I V.I.. ..-.n.tlli.t.e in Ilia. Mninncl ..Ua. 1 Piilvcriaed charcoal is in itself a most val- t liable manure, and when mixed with gyp- , sum, poudrettc orgtmno, acts with energy, then, -mured, would 1 mot checrfullv sur As a dressing for onions, soot and charcoal j render all my hopes of preferment, if that coal dust ar- unequalled. Her nut n town xurrender would purchase the eu't, and ? 'r,:y. From, 'he Wilmington IkralJ. NOBLE SENTIMENTS. If any thing could iridenr John A. Gil- mer to the heart of t jj peopla of North 1 " ihis unselfish devotion to the beat interest df the whole State. A lihe- vs r raj r n ,ie ,Ibiv, rncours, ' private and in flublie, 'those enterprises , . 1 . .1 . . . ' . ,'; 1 come ironi om ipaner 1 ney mignr, wmrn Mooked to the advancement ot the honor j and prosperity ofkh commonwealth. I., (111 ha una nnr Inrtarsii hvriirin a I.Atm.l (his tif wns not fettereH hrriirrtf nr lmim.1 : ). , he chains of sclioi,nl' prejudice. He has always Tinen fiiirior to these conv.d - ! erations. It was efrenh for him if the ' 1 . . J ! -L . A.. nre'iro jtriijione.. a Hvvn- m """re e vA.-iieo .in us umirci".-- .Vdevelopmentofthe i yot.tsso,!, h,eh,.n all ll.esa respects ani'm-chanieal weahhl r surp.l ,.s expec.ahous. J U said r. If it did tms, nojthat, we could be placed ,.. connection it rally to its support , .th t..e re-tot the world by means ot r:ul - . I I J t . t. 1 runt faCI 1 it It st nil Ifitiu nl 11n1n.1i' avmnu .11 results as-istance in agricultural, niinernl a ; of our common niot,,.ri warmer friend could than John A. (jilmer. He was ready, with , cheering words ami vjtea, to aid it on, to .. ', v ,,, 1, I .t,n. his record on subjects ike theen, during his lr""-' leci-lative car: er, is a brilliant one; , h Morris evidences o!a liber.iity andcom- "' of tl.ewr.Mo scope of inter- ' ... ;,' ",..,' ..... ; 1! be proud. While Mr. I)rag bis opponent, ...... . . - ,,i i t i. it n ni-iii my in ! in common with ths Iet,ineraie party, ln i i.Hii i.. ... 'it"ii, .ii. j .i Mn nrnin'li- rni t -i 1 L ,! n,l n ' 'ncd them with defe. who have borne the j wretched minority ; aid they were running) S " ti"itte tilt n the very teeth of a ' un;';r"! popularity. ' have just read i speoCh on internal improvements, delivrl in the Senate by .ur. I. inner, in Kecealier. ls rj, and have . heen so much please, with the concluding ncann.l.ntw..l.l . l' ! f-. r-'h", -" '" """ "" t Trp!"J them our readers. We maKe nn apology forth space they occupy, ; for they breathe tbe sentiments of a noble .nunu. wo commem them to tt.e calm "lni'''l'r,i,n i" H r"li,si 911,1 . would ask if ho whonttered these CHirpi-nt wor(, is not wc!, (ol,e (Jje GoTernor of .. . . this proud ?ts : , ,,r, the jofle oT Nortn Carolina are more intelligent than taev ire represented .0 be in our lo-ishtive balls s and, sir, the P0Pular or not are oftener iust md liberal than ethcrwise. l or ont- L will ru-t the peon'e ; . . -irrin'e and if we wot'd all do t ' wo would pass this bill by common fn-ent and go home and tlirov ourselves on the generosi ty and discrimination of tie public, fight ing for and upholding each other, we would overwhelm all jpj.o-iti.ui. Fr one, sir,Iwould try. Il.oatnotof courage, hut when eonsnous thnt 1 am ! right I know net what it in f ar. Tain . tC ' t'tm erinhiiittoStnk 'or su nn t ii rr w ,ie, p-fii -.'Ih, in one great s'rugpfr to red,"- J'-lh Carolina. j An 1. slr, in this I wmil. know no party. ' I would le wiling to Jay aside a:l party f..". . ..- r ..i- . leeuiig- srronc parnzan as 1 am toiorgei tne mines 01 11 ,ig nmi iict;o;rii tievotfa no I -.i v....,;. 1 . . 1 . .1 .1 .1 -i e in.- with my l.r'thern on tho ether side of j. .kii .11. .4 .-..jus. in., 11 rtin in,.- tins chamber, f'jin a new oartv and devote mysi-iito it a part v 01 .rth ' arominns o it a part 11 party ilrrofi tn the 1 nl nur nj'i , Stiiif th' interests of ,r .-nn?rtn thf honor nnn trelfi.ire af ourth'H- apartv , roiiii.t opposed to all parties a partv to rescuo ! v .i (i .r . j- i i , North Carolina trom dish.nnr and poverty, ' and rags, and to cr.the lor in ntn nle and '..'....! . . i 1 i- ---s. ...... ... : soft raime lent-, ain place ta r lugn ociore the - ii i - f . . i . . . i worm as worm r ot its resoncr. anil woruiv i of the affection and veneration and devo tion of all her people. .vmi. .tir.;er, I cor, torget section ; . t . ii . - a . . , ,i, asr. .eMionn! pre ndiee, that most, . . . - .. . , ' . . - - . . I fnneiul ol nil the feelings ot the human i h,t,rt, next to fanatici-m : and like fanati-: - f.j.,,i, it springs from a good cane it is a prrvr.rtc d virMe, a noble sentiment run1 mad. Its ravings lave ever disturhed our ! ! legislative h. -ills-it utters its wild and ! j ""'vc curse, ni, all onr enterprises. j ?''f. I '"ve my home, the placo where mv ' I fathers lived and where they lie htirip.i.j lendeared as they hy a thousand t-udcr j j recollections ; and I am proud of my homo, j ' and of its people, nnl I will speak for them ' here and every where, and fight for them ; hen they are nssi Tint ,;. f,,r il. ..ire renon tW T Iova ! mv h.ime T !., Van!, f.r.vlln. ;., wh.Vh ! m v home is sitnted-orth Carolim the ' sovereign who gunrls and protects mf home, and whose hosor and shame are p-ir't i wn ,!,orefor,,. A ,-x ike ! ,i,,, T.n, :,, Kr" .., . i," ,u fr ., ! I,, to.. tt t. .. V ' rm U" nr' r"' ,nta"T"! ,-"l,n''r- ( illustrative of his pevsiion. There tbey ere.'Bn -Internal i'-rvcmi-i.t p.ty, until, ,"'7 "T Ti I S i ?? 'tl , rple shoald know ard appreciate them ; heca i.e an Intermil I.-uprovement I Tbey should know who it was that ftood jf-e, ..d the,,, and not till tin n, did the J j by them when doubt nl opposition threat- Democrats ad -.ocate Improvement : then io unite tne otaia nnu nreaK tiown a I i . , . . . ... , , . , , i the last eight years some contending for prejudices ot sections to tiring the ea-t and 1 , . , , " . J. . , . . , . , one mode of amendment, and some tor west together is cms oi iect, ot tin. hi I. ; , , ,, . - . e t ... , .... .. , ., ,J , . ... ! another, had resulted in a failure, that And Mr. speaker if only this could be ac ; hrorfA ,v. eomphshed, it would be( worth all "-'tpVkj.:l!,r n.,. failed f.r tho want of a nun ne i nc greatest ncnrevemeni ve! w t- - i nessea in tiies.j nn r.vcn lor tfust for (Ins alone, I would be 'willing, to be sacrificed. Yes. fir. if I could ' V... ' f .1 . .ft ' ,,u Ree seciinnat preju nice nun naceiui , lir.nlilf,i f ara.1.1 l.rt vllllnn t C. ll .1... I 'J " tan i, j to iho no more as a polmcian. , Itlll I f nrtntil till it a n,l n1.. w..n.f Nnrth Curnlin. t u- ...n ...-I. 1.111 i s this, start North Csrolina on a hri.'bt i career of prosperity, glory and happiness. proudly die in triunpb' JVowt the Ash trifle Spectator. GLlJEl.NATOlilAL CANVASS. Since our last, we have had tho pleasure of hearing the discussion between Messrs. Gilmer and ,ragg both at Ilen.lersonville and in this plueo. We took pretty full notes al both places, but we are unable, for the ' "ant of rpace, to write out the discii-sion ...11.. ' .... 1.1 .1. ; 1 .... .1 ""'J """ m-siit-. .,, uujcii, m tm to report only t lie auDstaneo 01 tlie peeehes, without emleavormg to pive the i I :i riff 11 m I lanyuaye. i -Mr. tii I , t . . . . timer mauethe open.n? fpeech at 1 Ilendersoin ille. lie commenced by speak- ! 'n; in plowing terms of our mountain coun- ffi-tr i...)Uiin.n .nrl;i: j . '"! ; "-" rouu laciiuu-s, minions 01 money expeliued . ., 1 . 1 1.1 11 ' li V tin. Kpi L'Pr. nl hpiillh unit ibiii'.. in rn. r . . 1 , . '. pemled in this heautitul section of the crun- 1 . 1.1 l . . ;.i 1 ; ' I, nil'. nnuin I 'it 1.1 III r H wril ll'V mill -', rtlM.-liel'Otls oenii e. Hp rh.'n r i:i iiihi.H nn r . r--. .. . .... i cxuiiiiiiu'ioii ot his Legislative record since! I "Mo, when he tnt beenum a member ot the Legislature ; he declared, aud wa.s, ready to prove by tbe record, that no pro 1 icct had ever Lei n put on foot lor the bli i i,.,.. I,,,,! ever he.'n nut ot. Inn. for tl, ;.. j - I - j provement of the Slate, Fast or We-t, that I John A. t iilmer did imt vote for that hnlepeb House concurriiis) that the follow in voted lor tlie f rcueu J.oard railroad : (charier, and was opposed to and voted! ! against the restrictions calculated to em- ! bai l ass the success ot ibis mad. The lie. ' - . . .. liiocratic rai tv. said .'I r. (nliner. had been mcU 10 appropriate an ttie credit to tlieiu- Mr. Gilmer then Mutd that while the -State debt is being increased, and the peo-1 'pie are becoming more oppressed, by taxa-! tion, it becomes our duty, as n prudent people, to look about and endeavor to de-! vise ways and means to pay otl and iiqui-j date this public debt, nud thus save the; i'.. ,..'.l.W..rt 1.11 .1. I.. .-.u.k u. n.c icueve me people ; of taxation. He thought this, in a meas- tire, at least, cuuld be accomplished, in the1 tirst place, by waking the State bonds pay-1 able at home instead ot in .V 1 been tho case hitherto ; and, sf giving the JStnte, as far as lne bcntUts ot liankiiic now pri n . secondly, by iiicitiall v de. rived by individuals that the profits now lu'",e l'- '"""'dual t.ankers n tlie State ( nerl- 10 """".'""""K aiuernai nn-1 " " ' ,!' ' '" l J rel"- 1 ,.anT,.iftii.ii'tt-uai . T 1. 1 r t. li I f ii. , ., Stat-.- might rea.ize, over and abov- six per cent., couid be laid up m a .-inkim; fund to finally liipiidate the principal of the State's ; . . 1 l. . .1 . . e .. 1 .1 . 1 I luueuicuness, j u sikih me ui-a.ivau tage of making the State L.oiids payable abroad, he Mated tuot wtien they tell duo, payment is to be made in gold and silver! ... n. I -).lT.;, it : 1 -i 1 .r r 1 1 1 1 tiov. Itragg, on being asKcil wnetner tins or their eiimvaleiit , the effect of which had , .1. , . u 111 1 , ' .,, , amendment ought not to have teen added a ruinous tendency. Nit.poac, said he, that i . . "11 ... . 1 . 1. 1 , . . ,' . ,iaiid passed, would uot atiswer, but ashed the immense p;:!!:c ot J'.ngland had U, ,-. i..i. .14 1. . 1 1 . 1 to be paid in other countries, or the debts .j .1 1 of tho Mates ot . 1 ork or Pennsylvania , , ,r ,, . . . . nhv, the effect would he, that they would become insolvent, and would have to re pudiute. Ir (jiiiner contended that it'll. .. this policv (ot wtiich t.'ic loiegoin . i--1 a niore outliiit ) siiouM aul new cncourugem.-tit V . . it . .1 .i .1 . 1 iri.i'ii-.i 1 innrnvi'iiit nr. isi is mir m n ti . . I state won hi eo on in a career ot nrosnentv. ininarting new life c .. . , . - ; nn vigor in u 111 every ' - ii ,,.,11011 . J r. (i. stated tuat he was no1 . 1. - I. : ... . if t ... .'.... 1.. I 1 I... uaiiuvr Ullliseil, imiu ui.ii uu iii'L'eu no nati . .s ,,.! .I.ia -, ll I luecssarv to understand and appreciate ; , . . ,, , , , ,, . , . al.. . . . . ..... II.. a b.,1 L.T1..A.I i.. , . . . I t,i niies'iioii. lie had challenged ids com- , p. tit..r i Gov. Ih agg) to c.ime out and show I.U hati.l nnon this niiestinn that it was a '. - . . . ti hi'" i mi. v.i.ivi.r.1. .mostiou pre-naiit with imnoilaocc. attec- .'. . - . . . : ti,.. a! t ... tanners an. i mo.. ting tne interests lire-, the main stay, the hone and sinew : w i ot tin! M-ite that it was a fi'iestioii of itati that it was a u'lestioii of Slate ! 1- tl 1 .. ..I . ..-! poacy we.! wouuj O! . c . ronaiacra-, tion ion of the Governor ot the State, and who , . . , , . tas a"ain sccKltig to I.e elevated to that; was again sccKltig to ne cievateu io tnai: hmh and distingiiisbed station. But no he could not get bun (the Gov.) to discos j it that, instead ot discussing subjects in : wtnen tne peon;e oi ;ne .-wte were neep.y and seriously intcrt-ted. I.e preferred to:(ha p re j .1 ; e.. 0f ,he people against devote l.. time to talking 'Glark Ian- j , bal ,.-iiliy did nst exi-l that is, tin ,Trn' " ,t cresy and the " oath- of the t ,ecrrcv smi tM obligations of the members, Know Nothings, nltl.oiili these things had , -,Hvinft long ago, been done away hp,'n "one "WHy with. with there being, at this time, nothing Mr. Gilmer, on the subject of amending J necessary to membership of the American the Constitution so as to b t all who vote at partv, save the approval of its j'liiri'rs. the Common, box vote a.s.j at the Sunn to , ox. w as clear, conc'it-ive, nu satisiactory showed great can. tor and honesty also ; tnat lie was a praencai, si.i-ere man. ne ; admitted that he and bis friends had been r ffi"eUn" l'' :l ' invention, as the fi,Vr 8,1,1 niore lepirblu-an idan, and one by hich Ian- making and ( or-Utnfion nok tng would be kept separate tbe peo- i i i .i i.. l. .i... ....... tlinwrn itifiL inu I ti-ui. ."I t lit' sirit.' tor . ... . ....-, v. c..., ,s.., i two-thrrds veto in the senate tuat he an l two-thrrds veto in the Senate- .tdiprs nlui desired all who voted at. the ilf,t tl1 vrU, ,a nt f Qe ofu., but who! , ,. ,1... r..nhli..., m,o.1e 'nf . Mn. i "'" . .... vrnt;on of the people, had for the Same ..... .1 f.,i-.d that it'wa ir oftrlsrit' thst vet tor ,lHir lovc ot B'on' this Con-I Jet pirrce, and Mr. Peugla-, the author question should be ended.'. nd for this .tuition is to abide by it, and woald j uf lhe bill, lint Snothrm Democrat, .4 use he and his friends had fried to ; cheerfully see -ail f.w distracting rjucatronsj beranse. tbey con'end it is a cal.e ,his 1.. .! .1.., IsHI th.t ttiota e,i,.t,l nt.. fVir ir and fheir votes bo satisfactory to their I ronstiructifs the freeholders, their imme-leigh diatn constituent., would be sati-Ped that if the convention men insisted on that mode roithing could be done, and ff those who nislitt J on tbv lA'gitUfiTe nvtija y-rs'-ted,' !d he done, without ?nie com - lo ahowed thnt by reason of the "promise, lie and bcinc protect! d, thoae ho were more iiiterested in slave property, in the eonreii - tion of 1 aa, very pmperly insi-ted that slave property should also be protected against unequal taxation by the assembly : that this was firanteil and thnt now, slr.e property, by an rxpre-s provision of the Const U'ntioi ihelf, wns secured against nn- , , tn,,.;ra.0 1. and ( Moa ,hnt lBn,l,oiders alone J .... ..1. .1.. ni... :i ... ... m e IV 1:1 ;ik II "T. J ll.m ll, in ii - i n-u , mntaT. the bill bad ..o,,e nn mid Tiinrlo'a Cimatilutional iint iKion providing that tbe Assembly should not! have power to tax the I audi propor'topal-' !)Ve .pr t) Ux tU ,.in,u pron0r!topal- ,,)!.,,,,, tlian thc ,,llX,,l,,e vvhi.e ami slv'e , 'y, ,:, (m,iMiom, j.Mo,,, j' .,,, fnr , , ,rtiu, would 1" rcA 'M ,lc purposes of the I 1 - ...1 , . . . 1 . . .1 1 .1 Senate and that this provision being added i . . . I to f he free sullYa", bill. ( winch does '.ut : contain it.) he never could sec any f;nr or ; reasonable objection with any who really ; , . . t . 1 wanted the measure to pass that no voter .... 1 ... whether he owned land or not, could ban " V rbieciion. lie culled attention to tho . ... t. f..n ..... .. ; . ,f ' , , , . ... , ,. .J l . .'siie moved in iiuieir.'. in" i in i' nd.iiii.- the following as Section ad, vii I "He it further enacted, (three-Hubs of he inserted as nn additional anicnuimni 10 tie Constitution :" " That no tax shall he imposed and levied by the Ccneral .Wm- hi v on real estate, which shall exceed the prrtion to tne capiiatiuti tax i - c on the hundred dollars value ot land, to 1 T,JHe , ,l0 vopil ; afl1rmntive. sre A,llPt Ch Christian. Davi, K,o.,,Kb..rn, Krct ,:,, ( t.ralmii. II augiifon, nroriortion to the caMtation tax ol cents j,,, Mc;,., Mitchell, Moiisey, liayin r, tiitin, Ciiniiiinhaui, Drake, Fuiou, Fenncll, Fisher, Fonville, liraves, Herring, llokr, Jonc, McDowell, Martin, Mills, 'l.Udfiud, Pi-ruon, Sander.-., Speight, Taylor. Thomas, of J ackson, Walker, Wilder and Wood ".J. ' tr In . e' n,l emwlnsieo . . a e ear am eonc ilsire nothing cou . . , ' . .1 mr,nner to show, that had this amendment U.eI, ,5,,, ,ie moM nsve ,a, Lia v,.te, and m arly tin.- whob- Si.nt that ,l)e amendiiiciit waa proper and just that rid slaves on the and heinrr liahli. same looting to payuij practicable,!,,, ,.,., .1... ,.,, ,.0.v ar,. thL. r0n-titu- .- 1. .1.... .i .. . .. wo,.,l have i eei. endedthat in the com- j,,,, eipctj,.,,,, ,). (y.-eholders. being anti-tied. Htll, have elected their .-i,ato,, ,,, favor showed that ho was prurriKoti 11 and wisely .. . .- 1 e .1 . 1 . rrue nieno or me mensiire, aim was working properly to have the measure pass ju .uclTsunpe, not oniy that Lis cou.-titunt , WOuld he satisfied "ti partus till rutrrt . . . . . ... . . nnd all material obieetions to its pa-iug at the next tension lie moved out of the ... ' ' ' , ' . , -. ' . 1 any ihing to any when it came up again at '.. " . m. e-i 1 .u . 1 tho next session. Mr. (nliner aaid that ... n . . . (-i-. , .i. t nc tl. an.vt Wfl.ll.l 1... nrtil . ; 1 ."in., iii-ii UUIII" ins IllVS-.lrj 1 1 III HIT' I . r,.w) , j.,,-.,.,.i K.r.. in -r, . 1 ..; ; J.. . . , 1... j , rti.i.i iic UU114 s.i v uu iuuic iiiuii lit: u.iu . . . , ....... ... said and done but II tt hecame Ins duty . . . 10 sav anviniiig 1111 1111s sut-ieei, nc wouiu . ... . . , - xei't nnise 1 to coiiinromise nn l end t firs oiiestion which eauid he done by the . . ... ' . PJ-MUe tl. -,, . . . bill ill its present . k.. .... ;,,. ,!,., I n...l ..r,..rwi.,n,i;.i , ,. , .- ..i ,- inn tor tlw satisfaction ut the freeholders, in nil ! f ' '.l ,t.i"J'. U.i' "" X ' or' "' a !t!ve districts, that tlie suid iimendnietit, i ..' i;, . ,;.,,.; ,.,' securing eiiuality as to tne taxin ; potter, power S 1 VII I t ii. ji i di , i i i -.. l i il iwts and be suiuiiittcd Si a new and ' . .. i- . nisi in li-tinct proposition and if passed under would at tne next 1 I k.aii.i. .i!i. nns. -.nil if lr,at (Tip S.innt.i . . . .. would not do this then submit tin present bm ameudei a, proposed, and that would . end it , (;:i npr ,.. ttu.ii.sed at length r :..:.,., m. ...;,i ,i,.., (Jov ,jr rttKliou.,v ,.oil1(,,l iru,Mng . . . nf American nartv t that . .,:..., ...1.i ... k rmis. Mr. ti. then stated, (what is a matter of dtorv.l that tliu po-itiou occupied Py the .ijsiiiuonists, in the Naslivnle 1 (invention, m i-.w, was ittewftcal. in reterewee to rue Missg-urt Compromise, with that occupied by the Kiack Republicans af this tune. Hntlie yvoeeedings of that Convention wjl show that they were then in favor of extension of the Msosouri Coinnromi-e to torn' mn oi t hi-I e-trution as an nit i mat u- He afc.o showed that the lVmrratie Conven tion of this Si;te, in l-'t", were rn f'tvor of abiding by the Mi-souri Comproinrse, l y the adoption of the tolbwing resolution :- lleso'rerl. That tbe C.unproiiiise, known ;is lise Mrs-ouri Compromise, was adopted ; in a spirit of mutual coiices.-ioa and con- , filiation t and though the South leeis I hat . . , , I,.., it detracts from her constitutional rights,! ecttitjii Oil this basts At that time, contintred ftr. G., the Rl- Stn'lar,i, the organ of Gov. DraggV party, tieuoirmed thoae wh w,,r lor aid ding by the I -oinpromise of 1 "."(,, " eah niis.siot.ists." llu then read the pledge tb.s.t was sigrji-d by Clay, Ftvu,, t. ' prr phens. Howell Cobb, nr.d many other distinn'fi.hed penilcnien, Whigs and le- I moer:its, to the eflrct, tfiat tftey would not janpport for President or ice resrdent, for Senator or lieprcsetitative in Conren-, or for member of a tnto Legislature, any t nan, nf ichatt rrr party, who was not known to be opposed to fhe di'stnrbatiee of the Compromise of 1 "rJd, or to the renewal, in anv form, of nt'itation, cither in or out of rM. nnan the anbieet of slavery. iio Frke t bus (o show the inconsistency, not 1 . .t 1v .1.. i.hkm.mev nrtii.- lvmorrat'c nariv r:i y I n- n . I'm, t . , - - ' i Uiir.n to tt.o reueal of the Momt . r(,mnroniise. Mr. OHmer next alluded to flic eour pursued bv Mr. Fillmore as President i that prued bv Mr. Fillmore as I'resweDt ; ma( 'patriot, during the whole of his nrlnni,istr.-.tion. did not appoint a single toiler to rffiee, but. on the contrary, w),en he found one in office, U turned Lin. 1 I . I out and placed in his stead a sound national man. in fivor of the finality of fheCompro mise of 1 "- ; thnt Mr. f'illmore not only si'-n"d the Fugitive Slave I.nw, hut enfrrc ed" it stringently during bis term of office, t'irentenin". when the biw was about to be pTnor-. nt (l.-fi'ince in th city ot Jio-ton, .i ..... ...iJ,j 0t1(rrrf'f. or Ho ton I .u ,!eed' to ashes f He next . - sliowed, that den. I lerec, .. '..w.... adnpt.-d by the P.ilhmor.' Convention that Tiomini'cd' him in 1-5'-'. r'r,'-r'1 tn r" ai.t. the agitation of t'i" slavery 'nestion eithirin or out. of ('nnLres. A similar rcsoliitinn wis adopted by the National li!g l.onvr nt!oi of tno prime year, in 1 Mr. t? . of th.) general n" . , r0lpl.omise of V.O, I became President on the ' M-eh. 1 the agitation of the ' ,bvPrv ,..,; had ceased and peace, quiet, ,"rl'nv r, throu-hout the land. Jut how. iniired Mr. C , is it now ! It I wn neeilles for him to answer this que. tion. The country was !nown fo be dis tracted bv siet:miil excitement and eontrn versy, nnl real'v in more imminent peril than previous to the adoption of the Com. i.rn...; nf 1-Vl. notwithstsndii'z .Mr. j,TPC- plml-e that be would . nP agiv.tion either in f'ongres ;t r f.ilmrr sin'icaiitl v st eonne'etion that Mrf Fillmore w pledge that be would di'co'inten- ongress or out of ted in this was the sn-a 1 of a p. -or fanner, while den. 1 lerec was .. ,. ii. .1 i.....,.1 ' of s poor farmer, while lien. 1 fl. son of n Governor, lie the t h" son or a "tovernor. n i ... u , and dared dov. Jiragg to neny ir, ,ni 1're-idcnt Pierce, in the dispensation of pstrm-c in the North, discriminate! lar-.lvin favor of the abolition free-oil t ranch of bis party that lie (den. fierce) turned out Judge 15ron;on, as Collector iit the city of New York, not because he was ,1:. l.-... a ;n..ft..;...t .n nflii'tr for it was admitted that his (tnalifieati"fis were ample ; but because he w-nild not turn out :, 1 -- -rr - -- & u 'Zl. " t la" 111.1 not aricmpi 10 ") t...- n.n. tf- . - - lot u- aid nothing ahont it - vu-t: -v.. . .- Mr. Gilmer then Mat when President, had act as this of Pr-id- .11 . 11 n stated that if Mr. Fillmore, ind been guilty of -uch an ent Pierce, he fMr. fi.) would have turned ins hack upon nun na deuonnred him as he deserved, md lie be ... ..... 1 . lieved that all his old trienits would nava dene the sanxs thing. Ivut a Demnrratir .... , , -,. . President can do such thing witli itn- , , , c ,1 punitv, air.l his partv f.-vnds 111 tlie foutlt 1 .,, , . will deteP'! lum in the act. Mr. (iilmer then referred to a report, in the tt-utJ'i nl. of ihe disiursst .-v between himself and Tho.. Settle, Jr , in Stokes county, in which he (Mr. 0.) is charged wl.h having sad that he was in favor ot'tho restcTStion of the Missouri Comprui.e. He pronounced thi- a gross misrepresentation. Mr. Gilmer hero dit:netly stated, that w hatever might ha7e lieeft his views as ter the propiicty of (listurliing the Coinpromi-e of lV.'i'. yet, that art traving been repealed. ornosen ;t- ne wit- m w..".... ..nnw..r ,M , . , ... , , jlt. vtif ir a I'.ii rug i.y mm iii;.ii..tiiiitig iuc Nebraska Kansas art in its integrity ; al though he thought that the Squatter Sovc- reigutv princmie it embraced was a bad oho , - ..,.,. ,l (Mat tint ernieii'.t; runic sv.ii.- fc-a - , ' , ' ,,- , V.. .!,.. ..ii A hi Mr t alhoun and other Southern rights meu as even wor-e than the Wilmot Proviso. Mr Gilmer then (Tinraed, with gres! ability, tho que-tion of i'oreignism ; read the sentiments of Washington and Jackson, showing th:t taose great men and pure patriots advocated the same doctrines now advocate! by tbfc AmerTcan party. I! naint lint d that if the evile of foreign in ftueuee were surh as to eacite tho alarm of those meW, wh.-! the iMtnibcr of immigrant annual v was but a few thousand, how hi us-S greater are I he evils now when fhe nuir. b.-r aiinnsliy spewed irpon our shores is half a niilliou '. To sl.ow what Gen. Jackson thought of tin.' evils of foreign influence, Mr. G. stated tfrat his (Gen. A.'r) chief objection to ttin I'nited States l'.ank w.ts that foreigner, held stock in it and thus controlled the finances of tie' country. He also read tbe sentiment.- of M'- Iniehnmn, many year, ago, w lien that distinguished statjennart thought 'here wit irtnch danger to be appre hended from loreign influence. Mr. Gilmer next spoke of tbe aTsntis-fsce character and double dealing of the De sioeratie party that tu regard to tho touchstone of "inoeracy, the Nebraska K ins-is was supported by that party, both North and South, but for entirely dif ferent reasons that, at the Noith, it was court ruled that it was favorable to the or ganization off-re States and would excludo slaverv from Nebraska and Kansas that it was ' a proposition is favor of freedom,'' and thnt the repel of tho Missouri Coiii nromise crseTted the territory fnuik of (jeg. ;til nitji. fo freedom; whereas, whil i i - the line coutisiaed to bind te faith of thai eo'inti y to abide by it, it was dedicated I ,1a ver v. This was the argument of Mith. ern i.tlrask T'mocra's, un hiding Presi. wronosiiion in favor ot slsv.ry, and op,-r. the teriiiory .Vc of deg. :tt to tht) " peculiar in-tilufion." Northern De mocrat. insi-t lhat the !e'tiniate effect of tbe Nt bra-ka act, rteognuing, as it dce, tbe principle of Squatter Sovereignty, is to privcut tho aili'i-siou of any un-re e at"