tatea inlo the Union, cither North or South of tha MUsouri Hue J And vet, .Southern DernoCkU uuito nitb tbcm and talk large ly about t ha national De tuocracy I Mr. (iilruer said tliosame tactics were purauer inI-4.hontW Cat. w...Pror.edi(!W.iV, eotlcr judgnt will o. .How in, .Iin as a .inaiwrai a.au, auu 111 .1 v.. IUU .SO.liaa li J.usv.l IV ... Mr. G. licit -pole of the extravagance of the present A' nintttratroH. Theexpcn- f l i I t . ",c 4iu..ug ...e uu.....- tration of tou. W arngten were aniiuallv about e-2.O0D.O00. tjen. l'icrce now re- quires g; C.Ontt.OOO a vear to dafray ei- .ene 1 Mr. tf. thought tlere WiIM great need of retrenchment and reform. Ii cloqwer.lly tpokc of ou. duty Jo be coverned by rrtnci)rs and to suffer uo one to dictate to m that in this free country every man i-hould exercise his own jmismeiit and act accoriiiiiL'lv without inlerfereiice from any one said that it Was beconain a too popular error, one that portended evil to the country, to havo desire to boon the strong aide, without regard to principle spoke of the suffcritips and martyrdom of our atire.itors in defeuditig the Protestant religion that they were persecuted for rihieoumess' sake, but were willing to die ratntr than abandon their principles. Mr. liiimi r snid that he abused no one that he was wi'iiiua to stand or fall bv his j principles that the stiiplij of Gov. Brake's Fp.-ecli was abuse atsd dennnciaiion of the American pnrty, but that because he abused poo l n.en and patriots it did not change theni to bad men that some years azo Mr. f'iin.'iiuin ah'iscd the Democrats as a set of: knaves and guilty of the grossest kind of corruption ; hut th.it because Mr. t'linc- i in an i.il so it J ul not make them so ; and ; it would seem that Mr. Clinginsn did not : leliivcso b'.niscif, for that be had now j jjiued them, when it is pretty cerUin they : are no belter uow, t5 iny the Last of it,, then they were then. j After pnyinff a handsome compliment to ; the ladies, who were always for their eoun- ; trv ani the I'riiiii, Mr. tliliurr concluded 1 his speeeh. He di.-ous-.'l several minor; topic, hich wc bavi not embraced in the I f. ire join report. The speech was an able I tlcfetice of Americin principle, and, i:: re- 1 jjai'd t matters of J'tate policy, showed ' tn) Mr. Gimier is the man for tiie times. ; Mr Ura,; comn-.enced by saying tint he , had no couipiiiiu-tr.s to pay t'j our country, i lie aiiui'.ttei that Mr. Ij.bner, as a member j of the L-tliure, bad v;t:d for ' liberal i Internal lupr.cu.t nt project, calculated ' ti develjpe the rj.-"urces of the Stite. fie 1 l.i I very iittle to say himself shout Inter- ; jinl linprcveineiiti coitipare-d himself to the niau ' lo u- carried to tu whipping' post, who besnj'nt the Sheriff when he iru'. k hih :o strike lower, and wht a he lrui k ij to -trike higher that he found t d S-.'jlt to t)'.e-.e ever,' bJ v tbu! virtu-illy adiuittin.i. we t.ike it, that he had ; been soiuewhat vacillatiug iu his course ' utoa luterual I uiprov i ment. He said be1 would rcf.T his read.i-i to his Iiiaugural AJires'., if ihev would kiioiv his views upou this 1.J.J1 ct. i-t.itig tJ refrre Lit i Slum iiiutiou jr " ?aui, tlie rui-jori en i Jlai.road-i, C'ctiiinoti tthool, ahl li.'itters of that sort were " siJf iues ," and be was too .mart to be uraxri into a ui.-cu-sion of tiieae subject. M the n-'glect of the " para mount q'lesuou'1 of Know Notluuisni.) 11c lieiiouoeed, as b'.' did t.o years ago, the propos'ti of the Whi.'s to distribute the puliiic iau Js among the Stales for Iiiltrua! 1 ui rureuii I l p irposes as a humbu?. Hut 1 iu session, uurii.- tins leiiiocrat c Admin- 1 titration, hae appropriated 1 ,."tlil,l(0 acres of iaii 1 to Ioatj build ri'r.ls it. that Siate, whelt, iu tact, these lanls be'.JIii ai iu i' h, by rigi.t, t North Uaroiina, aa lo Io a. Iu regard ' j the q'tti an of Eu.m. ial re form, tue ijov. aid i.e ou':d tiotaul could not heloic-d t) dicus it. lie confessed L did not uuderstu 1 it, (a hum'liatiti; confession for a Governor to make,) and. tuere:'or, eajrJ not be expected to ui-cuis it Ik- lli.-u made a very un-'iccc-ful at te ui i at deina;ou;-m, by siviug that if thi proposed bauk or biiit nxd anythini', it was to coi.ie out of the pockets of tiie peop e. VV differ with the Governor, and , Contend thti! the beueU' of banking are , ree procai, ueneutting alike, aa a general thing. ti.e borrower and lenJer. Certain it i-. h Jeuoiliie man would become a borroacr, i ! lie tiiaujlit ii vrjiild icinjireJ by it. Tut Governor proteased t be a very can did man ai l not wi-h to deceive tti-t p-o- . p.o .ail he a,s in favor of a sinking fund. Lat ngV-lcd t' J.r.r-fit a plan forcreai-l i:ig a fuud. In re.'iri ti th'j State bond-, h'j .aid il Waa i:upraeticaie t e.t tb -in iu the Satu. 15 it it's fa-le-1 t stale aatisfac toriiy hy such walhe else. The Governor then mo'inl-. 1 the Free fcuffraje Lobby, au i role it quit-.- as d.-x-ti-roii-iy as h. i.iu-tnous predecessor, lie charged thai Mr. Giiucr'a vole kllie.l I' ree , Sitfiajc iu l ji!, when, in fact, U'erion N. Kird.., the Speaker of the S.'U-ite. and a ' particular friend of Gov lirag, gave ttjH astmj vm aud killed it. We were " at t ie kil.i'i " aud s;iw it done with ojr owu eys. lie adui tt; J that 7 the W c-tern y.-opiu were in favor of a 'iiiv-niioii, an 1 l.e ad viaed lhr:n to go a.'iii-t wh it tin y L'-iitved lobe ri'bt ' He said that Mr i n"r'a ilea about taxing land more than fiiia a " entirely cht u'.rieil" said it was a ftuSk'ielit protection, that the Seun t m wera eauh ri-ijuired to nave a property q lan i'-a'.ion of o M acres of 1 ind, and that they cou d not pis- a iaw to tag th. ir n;-igii-1 'irn, without laxinj tiiHiiii.ei 'i'h--'Gov-ri.or i, perhaps not a '.re tiiat 'piaii Bealion, iu iiiHi.y ea,-...''. ii merely n uniual. piirticular.y in t'.is mountain rejiau, where 3'.'i teres of mout.taiu laud caa be pur ih ii 'id for a uere song The aul j. et of lu Not'i'n.'i-m itn then l.roiigiit up n the tapi. aud u re we inu-t refer our rra-ler-. il they would know what 'J jv. H. sull on tn; pr.it. G'! th'ine, to r IJ.ii't'ii.k'j's ii.ai.if.-"-t i betort the ia-t August ele.tion, at. i to tli'.1 slid later one i-ued to his c 'iitit ..'tits a few week- ago There tii.-y nil Cn l tlie Gov. a view lu full. 'J l.i--ul j-r.t wsi. the t urth.-u f bis aoiij, devotirii at i.-a-t taj-l!iir l, of bin tiniaf to it. v s'eak in sin-:. rify. when we say, thai our State pride wit wounded, when we sat and heard ot r V-to Kk-ruiive il.'Meadin; to tke miser able, lo. cutcinp- . tilde warfare .i!aiia- tue Auieiieau l'iriv, that bad i haraclei hi d the c ur-e of .-urli I lacluard as Wise, of Virginia, and sucl. a miserable dciuarojae a Clingui-ati. H i v. n imitated CTii.ttan iu l ung Scrip I ne There was neither reaa n, a .-;., t.,r it in sjt.vthii.e he sid. It v a, a plarii.j; e.!, j t to Hind the p.'op'e with p'ejuaiiee, 1 iy n.il.iiif Oiiiii: the aeerecy and oaths of lae cider', al.icB lave long been done v.t!. In Tcj.ly to the lettci of tlen. Wash-; .'.j-.i-u. .r.a a- r "'-'' " t.. rt.lt f ttfrv.gB IbSaeuOe, Upf. If'tc ; ........ . si. .:', i.r i. r!Hiin t list tt.r I JtbT of h.s fiJ-'titry taa . probably written it hastily, Ubilst in a bad burner, and that hi,, cooler judgment did not sanction tlie seiil.meuts it expressed ; What a charge to wake against the great and illuittietH Washington" ! Certainly j mm to rrpciu so aacrnrgiou. III-.: .. C. ..... ... ..... ........, ..a lit linAr llltl'l lit 1I1ICI Ulta iivi is. j against the American Party, Gov. J3ragg string lo rtl v for succeas upon popular ignor 1 T .1 1 I- ;u ,.t, .:,- ii"-. ... .... ....... lvu. J be people ate more Intel. .ut than be seems to fuppoae, aud the lirst Thursday in Augimt will a tale nufold, and etrike ' the scales from bis eje ; aud we suppose j he will onaluile, after the fit of January, j lo7, that " the post o( Louot is the private station." . , , vv f .a, 4, .. tln'TT (J 'lm Ml., (ll IllT CHlHLOTTi' : Tncsdav. June 10. 1 S 5 ii - A 31 K U 1 t'A . N O 3 1 1 X A 1 1 0 X . MILLARD FfLISORF, FOH VIli-PKESTDENT, r;.. v.i J Ve i 4 OF TKX.NEEKi AMF.IJCAN KLKCTOIIAL TICKET, V'lK THE STATE AT LiK(iC. L ?. CAKMICHA EL. of Wilkes. JOHN" W. I' A ME HON, of Cun,Ltri.i.d. Nt Ui.irirt, 2i J I 4th 5'h fit'i j.a. T. I.itt-jyi.n, nf Granville. A.J. S'ei:m .n, ol ( hi. I ha in, G n. J M. r..aLii,e!" Ii.vic.ii., A. J. Dirg.;u i.f Anaii.. j o ii a. c. i i,.m i: ir. OF ClILFORD CCt.MT. riviiHUTV rnf errpirp i V 'i; ,, ! VP F.o V. I cn!udl L tor r. tket o io t e Lf ' nee of si.er.tr of Mecklenburg county, 6t ti.e tn. ; auina - Auu.-t Lkeiien XJ e inv te attention ta the artit-ie in to-ii.t piptrr. ribjiic lf hc GubTnt tormf t!cc!:on, pc-CiI!y t ik-t jtjrl nUiivfe tu Km : Insurance Cuiuimp. In ntti'tr cnluinn we have jfivrn t..temetit 'if the nTlirniP if ti e ('l.nri'"ttt 1 irt Inmirance ' Con oanv for tlie ihI var fir ihr import.. nee of ueh riinDanT if nerd t-y nthinf. xime tvt our cit.' us h'.vc fcit ti.t-jr tui;Kjf Ulcl iv.thin tiic Ut t'A O UM. T' lV,'rrjia r.ir!.nian of t'ic Tth inatant, liroup hi ihlrl nyr.ct i tt&t on 17: si La!!t,t, J Jiiit liuri.jnan, uf ru., rfrv'riid tt.r i.mitinst.on o l. r Di m' r -Ijc I'isftr aa ineir ct.:iuttp fur Pr-a iti.t f ir r.iiu-f. M. ami li.e 2i ballot, the IKt.. J. (". Ii"cni'"f . Khttic'tT, recetfed lite hoin.n-ttoi. f-r Vi?c rrei.jeiit. DiMni.uel of ?lr. Crair.n!on. I'.'-fd-a.! ljrrcc "nt lo foth HMiises of Cnf tchp en lit- ii'tit Uit. a M'.je ft.-.Tn.v that li.iri rmtLf t t. htiin fiiitrrt.ii wi'l. .Mr. r-iHpt..n, tn Itr t h M.H'alrr, 5t fuwy.i-g a rt nu'Ttth f?Ui .Mr. M-.rrr Uj .MfJ.i! . We nil! I j t I;-:"-re our rejtit ri i. it S..n.r itt.ag'iutt th-t t!ia tt-p wiJ! tot war. Tim 11 a ms'tsgp, kiUi. out Kiig!ni d'-jirt. to brm on tt'iht.i.lit. From in Aciir from K ma-a iUt t;ut M iril Tn. al.it" i imi 7 m n r-nd b;en killed i t thr r r o auiir-r r 1 1 wnin-ls d. Annttirr 6?hi inri u. cr ,. irv rM'Cii i -uu;tl:ui..bl .3 jir-siirc. fj Hit O i.bli tifcl a..' V:r;h farilina C a i I I.i.iJ. W c a., tc-o fit ngfi tSii t!ie ciuiie nf cat iu!e ed ih.tt nuti wji madp fir itic-! e if ct. 'lur fricijfi tif ihv Snitmry W'.iciimfi takci ua to Ufk aiid aiyii that t!i cuarft ' La to on: t-m, mo nffjurb anrf riiirctjlf ut a itt tlist il ii hmrtily orlhy of not a ," an! aaka ,k h .t pthlical ffTt-ct 1 cci it pibJy h;.vr ,- Wc n-i!! nnfA-ef , jft by asin anollier q&?atinn, I)iU he trcr know tnt n.mcr..t c l'rty to uf-gltct tu nii g to ac- ' count e-T'-ry t r. tr tuat w.u!J benrf-t tUeir party in tlie r wt ? T .e ctiftrp) from niiit to iU y run ninr c-i.ubic hia fritatia ti' isp xht j.nrt the r.""'tor f'.r mstanc, who frre, ti rtmn etr more elf- ftuui'y fur btiu. If ihey a il.iy. nm un uf i:.e ICO .t.t. a in tue Ltxitif;. ton FUc. !.' v of courf wut tn.af-.var to afure (jtv. lirggi rr.tlvfl .ho, be brtitf:t- irif thf trntt ; fci.d iii,urti p f;,. a f, ttr la t.- V" 1 n il.-y h: t th.i r.g t, N , j.frtwtihfy of in, eftft h-r. Mr. W'aichin.n Oh. No! Thf-y are 4.a inno. i-nt na ui:k njf tlov-. S:xi r tnke unv nr.aiii4e. N-. not licy. We wt.u.a iot be iirjiriss"j, n.oo , i'if. ll'i jrg bv rf-Plrcicti, if the fh, ilu ai.ou'.i !-c r'.M.ftJ L-'C tu Xwu aft'if Ki in.el;ti't!. . aacex t j.v.-ti. in' u ci'irrai 8 its smfriraa liiBTiB'.ivO. Tut btmm ra( nf l.ieS'im ut. n.a awmovar. t.eic on ti.ia La.rivei.tion held here an ti.e J4tn. T.e rriil t aeeina to tiiirji. ti.a: u -.t ia a.uee lor tii jr t,M- ia not i.uir for t..r guilder, W:;en v.. ouoiiaiiro ratnrr a I.Jtijj art.cie, a trw we. ka ufi. ca:cjliied to place bun ii. rat.itr an avrkward po. ai'.oo le- t.Mri.U.trd a grrat .leal of ampinj for ua a..d i.u.- reader., ..y account ..f tip Imlb. I.ul i.e l.a. u ,r. '. m '..i;ii ar.ii. an ari.v'e rune c-ii-u.ui-a b,'.g. Well, it i... reader, arc not anrfc.u ii lo d. i.U lion, r do not r.n..w weat a.,rl uf .tuff I .eir po .tie .'. .p,nr,ri,a rr u.a.: of. He wiC aa v of courar t.t trie auLj-rt ,a interealmg ii,v :.HU nhoul t.i' KUW .Nnti.tngw ,n,ii,.r ,,jW ,, . luiie, a.. I be arerpUb.e lo toe p.eiti.,1 p.i.t, f , ... . . "ia '""" l- it an. e a!e 1; rirt f. it,, a.;t tlimuj li li,e wt.o.e ,. i..r ri.,-;. otLic it v, a y iai our tri.ort. wrr a.t .f.ed a n, .. dir.. of t.,e grn'.Uinen wlio ae .., ii .t o..e.. ...mi. ii.d li.ey UelarvB w le nut rt,ar);i d airaioat loe li-.moir n.c p r.y. and IV a, dm! Pure, 'a ad-, .11.1.1-'. ,ii..n. Pot li.e part to whuli we int. od p.. '.c p..iy lo r. f. r i, . t1,. .w.nma , e.(i'a fruw thr l.o.uu.nin 1 o.'a. a l.crr t e rT.rt i. mid" to :ini. hi t'.ggit.f; in coil iter . I cirrnoi. l.-ni ... tust yr. r ,i i. .n abol,iiornt. Aa .sir. r liiiiorr r, c. ivd ll.r iiH,jorior. Ii,. T aii it.oc li.al argr, t-ui i, ,t W rraul il I,, r,l,, h,. GrM.,-!.. f m,. I - ;.n, I t xtfu frr.m Mr h. rrv. In r.n; t Mr. r.!i.o..r. ' u.o,.o i, i ! I tiff I Tlii. diaiineui.ht.l .imr-in.n and pure n.triot T We ri,j,ljct ,., nur..inaiinn, though, we do not rXKjct lo rupporl it. We r juioe in the principle that an honorable inm like, lo have a gentleman ! .7 u uriMi lk!t.e mm h,,l. le d. lVal.-.l, there iaimt a man in the I'ni. I . u. . ... I i. j fpu 31a Ira we WOUitl prel.T lo ce lCi.Mlltg lilt lit:. : feat, and enjnj ing the eurcim ..f audi a r.ciury, ( ..,.,..,. : leal, and enjn mg inr aurcn.it mi vucii a vtciurv, j Milhtrd Kill.nc.rr. He ia a Cc-ntU man, p:. Ir'i. i oi, una a wirauian oi auun y, n ' .ctlnn, coli,.t,OI,. i the aduiimatration ; ,he ovrrnm(.l;t. in bi hand, we a-hould feel j that the I'ni.m. Hit C..niiiuliu... the riEhtuf the j tan d the righta of lu South wen afe. j y.,K, Mr. Terry ia aa decided a Democrat a. ia , i suUth Carolina, and one who doca not cipeet j i0au'rt Mr. Stillmore. yet lie hua candor enough . to aii,it, that al.ould Mr. Fillmore be eleet..!, in ,and " we almuld feel that the Union, the Con. l..'i7ion, th,riehuf th. Slat,,, a4 the tight of 'SifA a.e." ll..c anyone aoppoaelhal Perry, iflhe charge olabiiiltnni..i. waa true, j wmild mki iU4-li rtm-rt.rilative loMr. Fillmore, Very far I'rum it, lie would Lave hecu llrclliot t I in l.trliling the fact to the S.mth. Irssrs. Brooks and Sumnff. The following- article fnin the rilrrahurf In. ttilifcnrer I'lprteain.ur H'ntim. iila enlirtly, rel. 'nina." j.ev j WuTt j trnds to interfere between Nicaragua unJ ativc to the uflV.r between IVil. Brnuk and Cli-. I Mr. Jefferson and hit coUniHrarif con.ider. Jt ,s a lictt of sincere regret willl I hoe '0!t Hi. Sunnier, and we agree alao with the .Nr York 'ed only the reannna h" thia I'niijratii.n waa in. wj1(J tajg a Jutere-t iu tboiible Soci-ly ' 'ie ' 'll,'!, 'bililts that Kllgland and tho Day Hook, th.it it ia to I rrjrtited th.it what ; exieJicnt for the whoh country at a time wlien t(at Christian'.'' who eotiider the truths of l'"'te States itiQ't cornhitio to tettlo tho Sunnier aaid wa of auffieinit iinjiort-incc to merit j the nil in her of foreign emifrnnta waa only aoine tiC JJji, (ie fguiidatiyll of all happiness Central American question, and augjjeiits citigti. .ii, at leaat in the murni'T it was perform. . 4,0n0. annually, it pr tfent, when the amonut tt.up01l a UJ eternal are no indiffeicut (o j the Car a uuipiro. id. .Mr. M.i-nn. ofVa , tre..te.I him he dcaerv. loffl.irifn ruiiKr.itionia more Ih.m a hundred liiora j ,ne effort put forth fur itet cireatlati at' . 'i'ho Jtrotocol oliaraeterillllif the proponi e.! he id he waa nun ompo,. We kn.w it ia ' aa treat a it we. whin Mr. JcnV.on wrote hi. ,,tMlt alJ(l ;u foreign lauds. i l,on to eP'tl' h u"uJ had been hard M tilfn t Pch hu iicaiJ uum. Sute ! und her rc?pcr!eii r-prct'niativc hy i roiil.tiioutlu j ed ttltolitiniit. It lus rt'olvod iuelf to llim, that t lorp up such speeches htc permit red in the - ,-11.. al . ' . . f . II r men pcrnei uc nariru aruci. pttituiu rn chit airT fr J canno, ..and every Uiinj, and if the ah..l,on,.t. 1 a. . 1 I .1 - III.. Arc im iL'riii.nru iuutitriuti 1 titv 1 uafo,"1"" .-..". ...viri . a-- . -1 - to fight for it : j i eh I. It kisti i' urtf jt'ft ti .1 ly Hurry ' tlrnl Mr. ttnwfcs dirtied hii cure by Ijyine it ath ' wr.rt th liouhir nf tlie hlckgurd Sunnier. ! Wt- rr-pret that 1 tiid to, not hccau- Sitntntr jot j lick am i pi. not brcuc wit nttt juitv titi tied loall l,eeot and ,ore h, .idea, hut hi-ca use t'if itn t frnnip and It in cn-rc.im,' m'l ninUr rip . '. . r itai for lieirfco! caue inl nf lliei.fl.n-. riiey will raUe a h..w'i whim will anht thr puUie rar ... ... , ... ' . . . aonnt th. vii.atinn nf thr n-iv,l(tri nf Hi la Ir . R..utl.rrn bollTi.ni, Ac.. e. MaKer ll-.rce G rely in particular will jump out of hi. ho..ta ,h... -.7 , : ,.."' fe.tkera tl.rou.hoot ti.e cimtrv. Diurrrring with the Richuitind U Iiif a in the I rtT rt of Siin.ner'a ihrnshinr. we entirelv ronrnr i with it. tl. it if ti.ra.hine i. th- only rpn-dy by which fill conduct of t. Abni.tiouiata can be I conirnllcd. that it will be verv well to Kivc Seward double dn.e at leatt rery other Hny ui.lii it on. Kenlucky, whieli are aixiliar.ea of a parei.t aa- eratr. freely on h:s p-ditical hr.wela. It is true .ociatiun of a .miliar cfaracter in the .Vur th, and , "lltZlU". h;:;t:r:'.nwl''d'"cul--l''"',!,""'tiv",ua','H t.efvuirn iti iaii.n:.l d-H-lnm are infinitely out tcry ttom tbc Sllea in whieli Ihry happen nmru dahfrf- u- In ihr cm.ntrT thin the coarse rcsptctivtrl r to settle a) ther art now Joint; in I hUckcuardmn ofthi rwriurrd w ru-h Sunnier. who ". ' '" "'"C -l". .""'"'h"' " pere luund bo ki - in. It is Iznoranff, or forrnption f It i fifl.i.inaL's for lite IeuifN:r&tie premof t!ie ' Cuuntrr to aitetre thjt tr.e Refia-Iutinn in the Atncr- ican riaifonn, wi.icn ia ii.tended to protect our people agaittai the conat.mtiy inrri-aai.ta; and i.initiig datigr-r of tlie Ruman Catholic C'hureh, wa on!y hdo( ted hy the part to pander to tlie well kn n prejat!ictfaorProte.Ui.tajf.inatrith. J olica, 4,nd thus by niair.f a trai f rel gioua fa- untie. .in in the country, carry the election foj 'Suig stDa(e nd fn icn.brra of lie lower ' ,,a'' "ie COUrtey to accept It. Jlow truly,; tC -lat0 KbU bUCU thlUfT are permitted tnea.mpie purpxMrtui ft-tti may it be aaid that DfOiocrry j If our aia.ea can publioly corijrartulate. tt of the peare and . Il-bcini? of the land, or ! . . i ...... i i will strain at a cnat, fhen lboe who are . ay tijey not publicly cuii-ltiUD T Aud it anyothcr bm.v-,1 ! ifr tion. Can it be ipr. norance or corruption, ilia, dicta let auch kutsc'i We know that it ia a.tur.1 for men wl.n aro aeek. ice t. .-enmpl..n bad md. to attnbute toother. iw-ekipjf to iccoinplinh o'pr.iit.' ends the mine nio livtt wij.cli prompt ai.d tJirtct tttcir action. And th! muat be the cane io thr pr-a?nt insUr.ce. For we cannot for a n.oimnt u;'foe t!at any port. on of tlie Amer can prtaa could be m gruaaiy igno. rnt nf the pint hiktory of tl e Roman ratf.ni C hurch, mi nt to know Im iter. Such, for irnUtiCr:, aa ti.e prt t'rnii.a of the hoiy a.e, tlie authority ff ! e tratii lien. Uiatory, trai.ubwl Hit i-tlioii, lh a:r.ir;r.r of ti; !T18, it.e a-ior-jtion of tiic boat, tjie f-'tni-l of the .rup to the la ity, con f aainn, p n. ne, irt'i upT,c-a,' itr-iitr unrlii.n, tiiv invoci tioii ot tht a iir.tj, the ddnt.onof iinir-t tn.' cch l-iry uf t!ic clergy, the moratic vo, the practice of ctjiebr tin,j pubtiC wriffihip jti a unknown to the niu t iinir, the r orruptinm of tie t'ourt of floine, tiie lua'ory cf the Ki-fortiia.ioii. tr.d the c..rarti r of tins c'hu f ref.r mrr. Ilw, before th? fi !"..rnittiont priestcraft c xvircii" J itaIf in puoiiKhir'g 4i, J acilm? ZTVli nuiiibfra of lifucn. lout Ifgvnda it ot'l m.richi r,u;bt by Hkinti, snd it, irnififtg ui,n Vtc inrmce ot I e mulli. tti'le by riit;ibtjtiri)f arnon ll.tm pretended h!? riir. O-.e of th- p.tncip-1 Uf;et an.oi.g the a..-...,.., .....long ani.e ,e rulir.r; order n iric i,,'.u-ci,, ia llial no Ijiii al.ail tie H'.il with Itere'i.a; br which a lic.n. i. given atifTi-i-.-iit t d.trny t ie h..ic value ol' i.un.an coi.lr.cla. and of human t' alimony. liul e now awn lo prcr.t Una auliject in a l-fc ' "i wlnili I' w i! any 'auilirrn.r. Iiavc hull. irt.. in ni il. Ili.tnrr i.fuil f tian.i'iei. .hicli allow aa tuat in thoa': a 'ial revolution! of thr , '"' i ''""' n -. ..-.tie prmeipal oiii t ha U-en lo break dow n Hie ii.ali. ' tuti-.n of alavery.ai.rl tl.n, ,,ut an en.l to the pro. p-ny oi man m i.,.i., t), thurtli of R.nc ua. in. , var,.,bly thrown li.e whole wnji.tuf l,er n.oral , iriflijenre in f.vor of en.ai cifiation. And lur rra aoi a and Inr p..icy are plain and oi.nint.ikable, S.ie ab:.ora tlie limline tiona of ca.te, b cauae alia ! acribea lo inry prieat a n.yat. rii.u. a irilu.l tlif. nity 1. -:li . nt; ti' lufii to ti;t ui.qu.l.fiid lever, i er.ee r.f tiry iayumn ; and aoe flin-a not cona.dcr j any roan aa uiaquaiinYrt for I he pritathuud, by rta. ; nof ...a rul on. or ,,f i. a f.n.iiy. And tii.l apint I of aii;.ralilion, wirtLh Croatia anil ir.airilai... in l.er ' t cie.i ..tical jiiicy, n.s -.boiute ariitocrary -nt.re ineerK-nuifit of nr, inverta the relali.in . b.-lwerr. ti.e uwn.r and tiie Mate, and cro.ipela I e Vrrr. ''it. ry n.atr to kneel iu humble aub.n. a. 1 a. on i.rf,.re tiie ct.rifeav.oiiul ot In. lure., it iry a lave. Sue ..r.l lint her ttiflunce to annul ti.e di.tuictiori beta ten .Norman and Sai'.n in Eupl.t..!, and Ihen to brea down l.er tnatilu'ior. r.f v.ila.ejt. f ..r li.iae re.iilta we Co t.ol l.lao.e her, bceauac li.e r..eea Wtr-j tj,;y e-p. bie of .. if..ov.-rnii.el.t. Jial he l. also Inn, irrr.lly invtruineol I in ilea, troyinif A near; al iter j in ri n r tl, a u.ie lua be. n a.M.r : and for tin. we do tia me tier, li.r,,UMt ti.e jadrr are not r.jml , e..pb o'' ll'.ot. mi... nt. f h a n -1 tiie 1, . u.ry of l,,e e-.Ioi.d p..iiUtion in ti.e free Hlai, in the Wiat Irmi. I.ianda, in Af. riea, yea v n in the n.odel npub,eof I.,iK.r.a, it. at If, abur.u.i.ty pn.,e llir truth ol tlua pr..niai. tion? J .. . it.t, fix ii. loe pre.int al .riiiinif cri. na m Inr aortal and political iel..t...iia of our ll he a--.a ..1st, mil j;rr.ly uivtruineol i in ilea. '"'.'"'i.' Ari. ar; al.ter v a in ri K r tl.r a .me lla. be. n Joor : and for tin. we do biame her, n-.,UMl ti'e ,. . , ,. laH'r are not niiaal'v e.pih..- ol 1 1 i'ot. rn n. lit. . , " , . 11. a n t tue I. ..U.ri of d.c e-.lor. u p.piiUti.n in : J r ' ; "e tree Miai., in Hie Wit Irmi. I.iandi, in Af. r.ea, yea .vn in the aoodel npubucof l..ir. it- - !f. abur.u.i.ty pro.e llir truth ol tlna pr...ai. l'. 7 J " ""t. l ... toe prca.nt a I iruiing cri. H l' aor.al and politieal irl. t.oiia of our country oeuiasd of So.iiiieri. ai.ic holih ra iln ir uni'eJ vgilanre, Ix. a v. rt if poaa.Uc t'. dangera wbirla now ti. f ale u li.e inai iiutnu.a a.f tuc H-.ulh -m raiiiiy anaidn.ua form. T Or wall you wait until li.o a.rprt.1 baa bgoiledyoa wiimntiie toiopaaa a, l..r fold, of In. .eaulr ro.l rea.ir la tr,i3 r". u f-re y.o alnae ? Take la.cd U i ,( U,r ! tail in a, to na and vote for l.li,i,r. anil i..nc:r you will he a.fc. Forttn Emlfration. Th. effect of (...ignc.igratao. -p-. .b. p.c. j liar intituti.n ol tin South it a aubpet lor the J r,w, eonahleratoa of the people of the South, I . . T., .la .i numter of fi.rcienrr. I which aro T..rN.,....thl, ... tw j,,- ii0 ur niaratiile Fl. to .ctk hn.m. in our I' , midnta m:i V bo irtll ullr.biiU'd the ennatHntiy in- j -i u- i .'cwaine Im.jth uj the free koiI p.-.rty, which m now nrvpnrinr, nrriiruiiy, ',:'u,, .j f; fr, fool nf rider .1 territory nuta.de of ll.e , , ' . , Piatnct of Columbia, 1 her propoao toanrronnd j the .lave territory !, cordon of ne a , ft.. tal. ., j hy which tn keep unfile al.,vi ry apit..tin by pn. lilical partiea lo tiuMimnii.eiit daav r f a .ito. . lution of the Union, ami the di-vtruelion of uur 'republican in.titniiwk The vaat eii.igralwn of forcificra lo the nam. Mr nf nearly half .million a.aiuutly, i. to Be dreaded, n.ci.u.e, aa waa .a.d hy Jctl. Mn in I. ; note, on irrmia, m 1 .it , " thrf urine wnn mem j the nrmciplcaof the jovernmciita-wlurli they IeTi, iiii""",'l m early ynutn, or ele ni'ow inrm on m exchange fur un unlude lifcnliouanem." Slinrin; with ua the l e'leation of the country. ""r-", """ " , ' inniril, warn and Inaa it direcliona, and rendi r jt a hiterogeneoua, inoherent and diffracted nnteg on Virffii.in, UU. for te ume rt-prrol rra. i 1 on, t liunilrrd titnrfrmorr nbjpctinnsMe than i( i -w.it then. And nvuiover, there ftre pirtiroUrj ! rrannni why it ahnu d e trruuouf 1 jr discourajed . ! t .11 tl... I - akl ' U.i C .. I t..r Clt. ! i" ' ' wiuie wn are. willn tu czirnd to foreiiTieri " r . .u.4.(.,4.. r , who may hereafter eo an,n? u. a aafe retue. ! f 1-1.1 im.nar.. nr:i Ivpii.n v ttk rifrl.t tn urn turn ana .0 .ou prnper., to pro,ec. ,e,n in ineir . . . . . . . . .' ... ' , ; ,',. crc.aeof the,. rel,s.n y , .cle.rl, demonatrabf, llini 111c i7uuin v'iiiui vriiouti. , i.iohm.ii t mum una,,u..y in...t IKt tl.cy almuld .ml be per. iunt ted to anarc in eua ie,;,.ii...n. .1 lea.i tim.i the ,- htll htcoiiie fi and ct-rtainly qua lined to i . ap,,rl.cite the anirit of lur rfnuhhean in.titution., ' K , . , , , ,, , , , f ,r -and to underitajjd tkeaielicale machinery of uur ' government. -, ; The reat body of thc f.ireifi.era come amorg ' l"cd "',!' a"d tcun " ' ''' of 'cfaUe. ry. Ie tew ol liieu who nnu nomea in uie Southern St.lt. tidlj o'aniie theinaelvea ilo l ...j, tor ,;.,, i;c jl.o.e ot the Free German ,, . . ... , , Republican, ot Uichnnad, ... and in Loui....le. ;me tcntlia, iowever, of lliia foreign ' .mixtion, go, to .!! the population of the North, and contribute! the strength of the par. ' ty the re, coh.im cd of tie ficrcut, mo-t funutical j and rccklt a ubolitionii-ij. For v-era yeara p4, the numb r of foreign. er coming into the wintry. ha iiirraaat-d m al. moat n'oint tncii .-oirraion. The numbtr r-' riVinR n,jW ;n a 9,,,ge y-f ii auffioieiit to fumi-ii B p,,pUai )on for teq Suteirqual to tha t f Fhnda. And wli.Ie llua popuUua coutinuca at thia rate' ' 0lijer ti,c opera tinu of the' aquatter awureint j " Pr':bciuc of the Kauai brka act, Un freenoil sut-(. trutitkd to twentt Jiiatora in the t'niud out of t.iii aew Suit-, may be made. j AIre. t,i fe leffJ in B , Ull btr of the 1 Sui " Ju h fJ'nee ,f nrlwccn c . and ...,., coM!, T,e lIecllWl, pirtia, And in a fortn w Inch bare en b' gun ht n orf riiizrd at- 'K iation of Nollitrn A!.itiurt IjhUici to iiuucc fort;gn r migrant! t' tittle nani'diat' 'y in tlie urt'ccujMt-d Fede'ol t:rr i tr.ru , our very wurat ai. tjcipa tiona maybe re.tliz'.d, I'd t .c iiriiurtii.it; n prcMi. tatirt a of foreij; n-ra t the Siut and (''Ji.gr'na of the t'liled Stln, -y not only bold t!."- b tb rce of pom r thTP, hut ict u j lly uutnuiu b r ti.e rrirernt -t t of the jhvc brn citiz na ii; b'.th branchta if O'lr in:,fi..l I,, itjuture. l ht.i fire wtl! to our r j'ub.ic.ti, iiiatitu'i'Oi ! fire a,ni tu tli rijl.ta id maiit.it, .aot tl.c StuUi, lo . kiog the tour of KuYope for tin p'irn! ol tin: t'unst.tutiun iai.l ti.e I'lii't.. T!:c nnral!e , Lceotiiing bftt.r acq'iainletl witli tlie difft-r-lied R. (.uLl.can ralicLllan. iiniuiiccj in ti.e j.lat. cnt form of Kiiropfan povernnifntj and loruia of ti.e free l.rrinan l!i .u:..ican will Ik l '.y tub. .'u' lor our jr-v' i.t .) ji(..i. .f gu w rnnu ii. Tiir pra vera f tia: (K.op!c of d.c Scull rn SlaU-a l. be lit aiutic in t.1!; Kiaacaiui. tif tliir pr.Hrty, and in the exercia of tl.tir r;jMa aa rctv.gniicd Li ti.e ( '.nut. tut. i. n will be arnrnfuKy f.j.tU'U ..d act r.r'Uj;lit. Ai.ircliy ..nd diractio!. will take ti.e f.!ace of orlcr aial voo.J piAe-t.t.it-nt. and a liter (,rk,.ri(,lioI1 j rii(,,v tilcna ill be i..l:utei. Our grial, lor.r.t.1 ..I.J .rt.anereu. I ih.jii will be rent m fr'i... .4a, end amid li.r ahouta .f vietory rein !' p a aad roteutat.-a in ' ti.e Old VV arid, our I'ciiit'ie of Iil..'ily will be ai.i. rend, ai..i liic fried jin l.i. I. e now injoy will Lrrui, tiling of t..e pat. " a achool b.) 'a t.lr. il.t ,.,,. , a,, l,,lr to tiilurc g;.ier4lior.a tlirouli ail con. inr lime. M m (,:' t..c S. ull. ! l.r.- I..,k ;u at llie picture ' y the aueccaa uf the parti w.acli ia i.w t.pp. ,.,, w,u, j , ...il.t. ll.e tmeriran ori;anizatUli, a.,.l, ao f.r aa .1 ia able, waging a war of eater....- .,.,; avainat i.aiivcburn ciuiena. all that we have lainliy (HLtclied, and tven ali.l greater cviia, nuy ere U.r.g be ri.alii.fi : Written coi.atiiutiuria and human conatilutiona b-l.. lrnfuLiiliv rti.iirt 'IiiIiiik, i.ul tlie pr..ci aa in rnrh ,. ry ditl.m.t, Both are Koven.'-d by p-ei.liar rireiim.luee. a. In uc l.ii.naii roruli'u. i Hon. for a .oeral,i,n.l...e of .......-I lile in the ai.apcbf woru.a, we u.e Ur. M'l.anr'a Verm.luKe, ! ai.d f ,t a aunrrn bn.i.l.il.rfl of h.Ie or .i-ralii'. im nt ' . r.t . .. .. . .. ... . . u. . ii.r, me oe.i reiiiea J ia ui . ,.i i ,.ne . i.ivir It. at voti et toe genuine art.elr, i.ian..rivriur.-d by r'.e. ii.iij; Itios. of Pit1iirf.h, 1';.. l'ure'..i.aera ' will un well to lie can ful.aa adv-f. tun ia und dia. ' bone.t rij.-.i arc rndeavormjr toimtioae upon the . nuolic a apuriiMia article implldrntly aty.in il M'l.. or'. V.-... - ...al I'.ll. 'I .. . . u ' Lisa M I..M', ttiaini't iiu I.ivr. Pn i a a aaM-ri.Tir.ia ni .T Lraiso I'.aea.or I'itt. r. MKK'I'lNli f F TIIK JilJILK HOf'lETY I'll A HI OTTai JuaiC-l l)? i i.- ... , r n Mm. KlriT.jit : l'leaac give the following a . , " 5 place iu your coluuaia.i. o-i vi i i i f . . i i i w. . 1 liH .sire L lt.i.l.t.ri. I.oilfitv li.L a Srnn. v ju Am.i .erar in the Methodist V. (Ji,urtl, , t,ls tmu U'eUneaday the 'Jtla 'j'jie J'f ,.4iJciit being ahaelit (on account 0f jicuea,; Ir. Jo. W. Koat waa re.) le-ted ,s ,. a (,'hairaiaau. The l.e. II. U. ('un- bilighaiai, l. It., op'-lied the Kxciciaca wilU prayur. T'bu Jtev. J. IS. Watt delivered ail ablu add intereatiiiii Jircoure. The Seere- tary read the Iti-poit of the liuard of Man- aer, Licit waa received. In the abaetic .of the Treaaurer hi r. Ii'.rt waa read bvthe .Secretary and being audited by M .'ra ISi i- ' aaon. SlrOL aud K. A. McaNeelv. a f mud , correct, vu : r,l IliaTaaa. I MLi llU'tHPII To anil eolleeted during the year f 660 49 Tu profit and IttMiaa oid, - ,. I'o Tn iait ia Douae, . ... . . 157 i! To ami frLfii a Frirlid. - & tt mi 60 . en hut. By anit fora M to Pn ..i S.ii-ty 3IJ CO hill ol exieiiaiar.ceiving unu rorwurtiii ... Dv rre.muiii en Pratt . B't.h a .i.'.e.t il to the poor .niit t.r f'lfii - f " Moot. on baud " CaJi - a 00 I ii 4 as n. no ioi tt 3b3 t8 Only IS out of the 40 Protestant fonpe pations within the limiis of Mecklenburg founty Lave conliibuted in the past your to aid ia the distribution of the Scriptures; i ii J f these 13 several have maJo two col - lections in behalf of ttiis gowl work. The fol.oauig getitlcineu were elceltd ot- flccrs for the current year. ltev. A. W. MILLKH, Presi.hMt. Ci.pt. JOHN WALK Eli 1 Vice. l!tv. T. M. FARllOW -J K. NYK HUTCHISON A. Secy. m. d. Johnston cv. P. J. L ) Wlil E Tien. .!' Drjmitury, Jame. r . Irwin, alios. A. liooue auu Jo- I T i, yj,:,, v ........ t;. I '... ;n.. ' 0 i llS . ! K. NVK II t TCIl 15- ? WV. TOR THK N. C. WIIIO. I have read ia the Western Democrat of tne or .April, an sriicie under me J-f - i , t . t i . .i.lt r . - I 1 t j . 1 t . xi f mi 1 .t.. ; ' OVt . a'OW BUY OIlC TV A '1 1 11 P Ull CaDHOB . . . 1 tnu . vpt v narurn vi ii' :i n : , r. r lore , 0 ; HaveMr. Fillmore and the Pone entered in- ; BUi,iiaIceoffl.B1jve aoj Mlui M,t . . i . . , 1 . 4 , Americans and ''the rest of mankind 1 , ,,,,. any one readiun , . . . - , .,,1,:-,.. i, ... , i - f i rAm artiAil 11 mora an nnrlD an an lilli liln I I . .' . - dove, an it were a tnghtinZale ; and that ; , . , , . ' . hat p nil i rr.ril In eli'itp "a ternai'st la i ,,., .., t,,, ,',;tH ..eon in rhit.niall! ; eg-jrl Hear biui in the fullowiinr nuotat ion from tn ex(rjct of u,uer from K- b. . jilbtfj in ,iie Xew.York Herald : , ' Of the speeial favor shown Mr. Fillmore i i,T ,e pce J nsV(, jpoken ir i t ',tcr .v.; T 6tl.J ,1... i,:. i ; 10Iler. wuere 1 6tata lliai Ul : stoweJ on ltut more tlaI1 prj in a previoua holiness Le- irincely honor wjen ne invited Mr. Fillmore to take t ecat ue for their preservation aud protection iu b v hi side " ,' their rights and enjoy metits aa the happiest kow,h.t5lr. Fillnaor.i.,..Ubrr.ontl,e face of the flol.e." kir.fr the tour of Kurop, tO'l -liat his Im a tne like of Itil eer trior pulli-bcd i.ct to Leeotlie aeniiaitited with the m :ttv ill a UC-pai cr ia outli CiroiiliA? J lit 1 tiers and eustoum of the Europeans ; and the ; theory and practical operation of their rfif - ( fcrcot kinds of government. Messrs. an L'u ren aod PoU, mod-is of Democracy, nb - j uclj conrntuUwU the i O0, whom thej were plearftU to style Im most christian to- Hnesfl, upon bis ipnal success io cvanir?Ii- liu and ciriliiinir the worltl ; and this t o, when ther were ' 3.1)00 tulle distant from him and jet no democrat complained of , I thi.1. although it furnished jtlt CStl'6 for! t complaint ; but Mr. Palmer finds fault with ! I Mf- Fill ut ore because the Popfl tendered to! I ",m invitation to viMt him, and be opposed to that peculiar party are conrern-1 a;',ow tt,,i " "hen the friend of the party are irr plicated A, I tiyj mn-' n . crai, ii may ne wen to sinii?, win;.; pair)r , alonj. that the Ietiiocracv in oiii iart of , ti.e I'nion affect lo Lohl hi.n in l.ad oor, hut l.e aaert, and can frov, tVnt be i a IVinocrat of '' the ktraite't aect." Hiiemrre wfighe.l in th halance of LL-mocralic prin- ciplca. h vrouM not h founH want'in?. Ah! Mr. Editor, Low forcibly do ths facn I have Hfat.'d above, illustrate the icntiuifut of 15jrn 'When SfiriH- wav-rtrf litlance aliakrt, ll'a rartl? ril.t arfju.t'.i " Mr. Fillmore, a" I l.ave aaiil. i-t now m- tlifir J.ra.tii'al operation, anJ Doouecan 'I ny that be mil thus hi cmiie hitle r nui.i , tor niiin?, on iiip tii di i'lareii i-.n, me Pre-id. ntial Chair of the l.nit-l Stat.-J, which be hai alrcadv oceutiif d aitii so mucb ' honor to hl.T-plf and benefit to hia country ;; bi'caue Lc will thm be enabled to contra.! th di'fecU of the European gocrtiuinta , witli the beauty, order an.l y-.tm of the ' r ..... . t . . An,...rn . n 1 (rr..r. 1.1. r" . acquaiutanee Willi the uinorctil powers 01 Kur.'.pc. wiil be better able to act with firm- , tie and tfuciency, thould any diiScui tin ari. c between them and cir povenimr-nt ! 1 The true Mate of the caie then is tlii, Mr. i 1 Fillmore al'liouyh he tiprei-lydt-cliucd ny ! public (leii.fiii-lralioris in bis favor in tbi'l course of hia travc'.a, ha-, everywhere been ' reeeivc.l witli marked li-tin- tion and re. Mt.i; iiii. I pre-umc, will lejt Le dettied hy Mr. Palme r. for the extract 'ti)t"d trom , the New-York Herald, utatei that. " a l.er- ( ever ele Mr. Fillmore haa act foot, lie vn received, not onlv with the honors du In : ih liiifW atatiou he once Occupied, but itli that repi't:t fur the innate dignity of the man w bicb no official puMtion, bowercr hili. Can enaurr, ullli.-.ifl COUpl.-d with peraoua dionity, and evidencca of a lat.se I individual (.haracter.'1 Unfit appear too," aat the' .... ... .. . . . '.' , ....'.; K'lll"r of tl,e "alflih standard, 'that Mr. j l'illiuore has been ' dancilij; altelidaiiCC ' j on the Kilirr of Nanlfit." Now it it DOt Ta. i.e. . ,g p trail e, that Mr. FilllUOM, P"Scr4jg!frJJilit alor j j i tliirnilv " which llie correapoti - , , , , -.. , ., i, .. ., . ah around cheerful. the " innate dent of the New-Vork Herald attributes justly to him, should be charged with" dan cin attendance on the Kiiiif of Naples?' 1 he charge i baselcati, acnrrdin; to the Ian ! 'be 'I'lolatiou. Meant i "Tb Kii.tr of Naples had an r-xtra train I . ,. - ' ..... , 1 1,1 readme., to couvey Mr. I illmort to the ! royal residence. , j The King of Naples thul ah'.wrd liii re- -port fur the innate dignity of Mr. Fill- more. 1'jc Mr. I'aliner mean to aay that because Mr. V illmorc vialtt.l the l ope he therefore entertain1 Catholic sntimciata? Mr. Filliu-aro i a I'rote.tai.t, nnd a men. her i i "f I'rotestf.l.t church. If he does not iu- j " tri Wk "fell charge, th-n the 1 an- ! t-'u'igu baa 110 forca. If F nliouM liapprsn to ' '",0 f l'iB Western iN-iuo-Ji at, l Editor lliighl, with the aame propriety, charge Ilia with being a Ibimocrut, when I' "bouhl emerge. Every cutidid Aiutricali J ,hjl 'r' Filinmre, by bia a:crp. j Uuce ' u kind im it iliori from tl.t I'ope ( 10 Visit him, lliailifi'ated a noble fpiiit, und i i " mereae1 the rpe'-t due to tlae "itjiiate dignity of hit cliarai ter. HAM. KNOW-NOTIIINO Ja. Ttlegntphtd for . SuaA CaruliHUtn. . Th ' la.iya l.nl.r I rami Uuroo. AltlllV tl. OI'TIII? Ml tUIK.t. Halifax. (N. 8.) Juno 3.. ! Th steamer Nii.irura has arrived with. Liverpool dates of the '4tb ult. I Cotton bud declined Jd. on lower gradet, while fair and uiiiUing qualitiua were rath r atiffer. Sales of the week aS,(Hll) bale, including 0,0(10 to Fpeculutors and 1,300 to i exporters, l'uir Urluatu "d.; fair upland Gij uiiddlinj; l-ld. Stock 077.0UO bales iucluding 5'dsJ,0(0 Aineriouu. I'riees at tMancLet ter were lower. Tro- visioim were dull. Flour was quiet Canal : at) a aa fOliio 38 a 37s. Wheat 2d. lower. Cora bad dec mcd 0d. a ia. while -U a ; (.. Vtfiiow 03 . I Jlouey was easier. Consols closed nt 94 The bullion in the batik bad incroat- j ed il-0,00(1. The subscriptions to the new I loan of jC.,i)00,0(K) amounts lo X 10,000,. ;t00. The loaa wits taken ot 03, and the j dtspoMkcs paid without creatiug any pres. I burc on the money market. I The political news is unimportant. I " FURTHER J1Y THE NIAGARA. I Lord John Russell gave notice of Lis in- tentiou to ask whether the govermncut in- i.. . j i. i ; u ..i i it,i..h ft. .... , 0,rtu .uu",i, "'"lHUE K . ..... . t.y which I'eUinarK agrees lo lenounce trie I uuud and 13l It dues for 3o.tm0.tl"ll ril dol- 1 .. in t rtl-.,f-i..-t ' 14IK. .Kit UiV U4M1 ItliUI. pvnvi. mw -" ' v im. "tid lVnmark .lemauds security for tLe' ..ms-..v ..t r timiiAi; rnuiiriin-r I iu ri.i il (i ll'nil Iftikrslii , . , . : v wi h rn(I. nnal. I The excitcaie.t 0 tke It.li.O ques.io. i 1 , vvui..... , ig.iu triun)pb. ed on ti.e motioii eensurtog them tor an wb.ndonme.it of the maritime law touching: I , nf r. 1 a I The Kus,iao tUCCesacs io Cirsaa.ia ar. ccLGriued A NKW ERA. Th Sjuth Caroliuian, in alludiu to th public dcniontralioti iu approval of Ml. . lirouk. usea the follo.tng Ungual " And, to add the crowning plory lo the pood work, the slaves of Columbia have at - j read j a baai aoaue iutseriy lioa, and ail! prt-set.t an appropriate tokeu of their regard to him who has made the first practical is- uegroeaof Coluii.lia Lave actually parliei-1 1 patcd in the con?ratulatioi.a of Mr. llrooka, ! d tLe uib Caro.iuun UuJa it aa " the! ; crowuiiig ghry of the good work.' ?w . fcse nieeiioga IU OuulU Laroiiii w tiMiaro . .ir. aU;ouks, aa couuttr to Uio ol the North, are proper enough, liut when, in j 1 ihe Capital of the State, elare ar permit-1 ti, najf appUudeil, aul uracil lo take part j iu Our po.itical niovemrtita to unite in popular dumoutraliwtia to raUc auhacrtp- j UuU, to prcscbt their tokem of approval to our yulhc men it in, indeed, a spectacle , a owgualinj; aa it is novel. 1 e tluaa for; one portion arc permitted la laud Mr. 1'fookA, hy in ay lut auuthef, if dinpoacdj ) mpatbUc Uh Mr. .Sunjnc-r ' , ' "ynroiimaii, tne appror-; ui ., iaiv.n .t.nm vi4.Auat cuii- : jjraluJatiou and UtiinoiiiaU ar ol.rured t y " At crowi.ing giM " of tl.ia (l.-uiuu (.nation ' AuJ, iu ain virar, we up pose that lUu bPTt deputation aud liv iou! J there not he one T when it arrives in WashiugtoD, will take pr.'rc'lciint over th.dr iiiaaicri, l.ile tin y prr.'iit to Mr. Hiook.a li.. ;r " a; pruj li .io tok-n." fcjrh a prui ei-ilni, litlar it otfen'la every nlitiiiiciit uf t'aroiiua awn ty, ii calculated tu liin ridk'u'o and diarac upon the li ne liiovcilii'tit. C i '4 ' luicut y. lie had iiitiiidcd, a day or two y or two unce. eifroarin our views on iin matter thua licuiMfd hy the Murcuii, hut were induc ed to frre.j our purp'ie. 'He remarkaof our CLarle.-lon contemporar) , buwevvr, are so very jut and appo-ite, that we cpy them an entirely expreiive cf our owu eu- mi...iiI. HV I1t.i1, I " ! Mes of Amkrica- -MtN r.r im a'ie 8r ttie l.,t buodre-i year waa George W a.-h- i iurftoti au Alneriean. , the reatol Jloctor Of Ihvililty n .Jonathan Kdwarda .... Amerlean I 'I I ..... i I'llj . I.. 11.' ' .... 6...r. u .....ji in i ... ixiijamiu l lank.iu au American. The o-reateal of liviug Sculptora il lliraiu I'owera an American i The ri-atrnl livitig Historian ia Wm. II. I'recott-u American. The greatest oruithuiUL'i"t wail J. J.! Audubon ma American. ) The (rrt-al.-n Medical Cheii.iht of modem tinii-a, aVr. J.I,. .Aytr inventor of Ayr t (Jhti y I'tLlur ant unit C'uthurlic I'tlls, is au A lutrican. Tha greuteet I.exino'rapher aince the lime of Johnson waa Noah Webster An American. The greatest invciitori of modern time, weru Fulton, Fitch, Whitney at;d Morae ail Aiiacricaia. j I a cheerful , I5i contciiUd and tbaukful : aud Lja.-Ala, In Mi-ek'eiihiir. ciui.tv, on II .u I till ult., Mia. .- SAN III M lll.'.ol typhoid fev.r.air.dt; y.ara i "'' Mi-y. Tnr auin-n of ii. n... lire, waa born ... I 'a.ter D.alrirl, H. ('.. and w ,he (1.111(ll(.r f ti,,,,,,,. rf My ullll.r. Sm. juined ll.e , . tli...l..l church m l.rr lourl.vnth II. r .'nri.iian a.ie waa n.o.l. .1 and lanaa ............ 1'... .1.. I., . r I i . I w . .,,, .,, SlInllliy7 .,,, ,p,r(irr . Mount II. brn church. Al a m. i ting of the S..n. "' 1 e... r mce. ..I isticle I re. k lovinon, o. 3I.V i.f allied aim arnrnilmj mrinber, the f.l.'ow. inj rr.anible and n aolul.u.i. were priaented an i 0ntod ; W ln rcaa, The death of fuan Hunt, r haa raii-. u a hr.-aeli an our ranka, we avail ...ai.elvra cf llie pr. arfil oeca.ion to irive public rupr. aalon to the aorrow wo Ilil at the lu.a o one of ou, Hiftntn-ra. IOl-iiMl, That tin a ill.) t iun , which remove, "i.e nf our a. Ir, call, aloud lor uur utrpeal humiliation hefor- O.ul. H',nU,it, Tl.it we cliecifu'ly b. ar tralimony to 1 tin- enri.tiail virluea Hint adorned lur charaelrr. i Itr, nir, J, Thai wc leri.li r our ainnere avn.t.atl.r I ; In the h. rnvi-d fionly left lo mourn then lu.a. llrt-ilrr.l. That a coy of tl." nhovn preamble! and reaolut.ona Ira: a. nt to the Kpint of lha An', I rs.iiiilirrn Chriatnn Advoclr, snj the (harlolle! ' paw-ra lur public-liun. tiu..7. i The IH'klmno Law or Nobtu Caboli. na. Tho revised code 'or .North Carolina, declares that if a person tight a duel and ei ther of the -parties shall be killed, the mr. vivor on couvictiou shall auuer diath, and the aider and abettors aball be oouaidered accessorie. before the fact. If dj dit!i .hall ensue, all the panic shall bo deemed guilty of iiiiadciuuaner, aud on couvictiou be pun ished accordingly and moreover be inclijji. Lie to uny office in the State. a -a a- - - CONSIGNEES PER KAIL ROAD. FitoM tiik 2d to tiik Dm ov June. D.D. KicLardsou, K. C. Cook, T. Walton, C. Fink, J. Warlick, J. 11. Gordan, II. L. k J. Grouer, J. P. Houston, J. Wilfoug, Teta plctou Si a., J. A. McNoaly. CHARLOTTE FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. 'irat .Innuuf Utfxirtt of tho PrttiJtnt and Dutrt, ort, Apiil B, I Sufi. Puliciea iaaued during the year . 8 U8.57! 00 2.1.DSJ id Amount of rrnjM'My In.nrcd Amount of Trrniiuiu Note, ati cirrs. Cash lur 1'reniiuni. received lliasuastaaNT. Caal. p.. id lor Iiouka and Sta- linn uy, ... Vi'i 33 " " Loai Draw ley it Alex ander ... 21 00 " Salaries. . . 300 00 1.436 It Oltioe Keut, Advent. sing, 4 c. 67 30 530 1 11.1 ., '00S 54 1.436 IS i a AirtrTTi. . , I J f frerm.in otca . 905 54 Art.otMit of Cupit tl The futtuwinr ir Dirrctnra Air tlna vnf. lir. yi . n. 1 1 r tor. n. r . a hfiinarr. j. f t i irmn i .. i O.er.o.n.'j. ,1. .,., A. C Steei-, J.A. y.. Or r u miss Mi. M. R T A Y I. R, I'rtrulrnt, S. P. ALEXANDER, Met 'ol. J. II. WILSuN, AUonty. JNO. F. Hi WIN, .vex y if Tn. A. V. SI KELE, ) J. H. CA USDS', Iltecutitt Com, C. OVERMAN, S Notice. ! 4 A 'j, , jf, l' 'uSluti ri'J CATION wi I a m-flr tu the rtjt (Vn. fir an .-i to iar. $irU a liA N K tn lr J lu Ilic tofTD uf t h! Jul la. Junt 10, If-.'sfi. I)0U. WITH THE PRICES. 1 1 4 rIV1 TA t V 11 ..I I LlU IV 111 CV'"' CSC OK BOOTS, ra.Hi9aiB:.ri . .'j au v. o.- tiik ritur a .0 oj i 'v i AI MTlHMl.NEIl TO CLOSE THEM OUT, AT IJV FlfjUKUS ran cash. ThoM 5n j ( ul.fr. a. (.ailer. Knc.d In 14. .. i - j nt 1 Pal. fail, Jrnrajr I.inO J. I , t alf, - " H. Vrf Calf an. I I l.,l i ( .nf ruM In Im J lo fet i0, 'a and Yuuli.'a ( vh;i.m (aiiera. al cvrreapsa nrr pr.t-ra. I. auu. .-.A t.j.uic, bla. k an.) l lo t j J. doom; k CO. Junt 10, IJ.JJ. tl STATU OF .UKTif.r.KoM.NA, Mr.i KLKMIlllii ItiU.sTY. Court uf 1 Lr.it and Huurltr Stiiioru, A- J i ti Term, 100. I. F. Ila,. .n f fa. .Oririr.l Alltrlim. hi I M. M. rS ' ; V ...... .m,j m l,,e aai.n.etl-n of ii.. eourt, tl..i i.w uriVnd.nl .a ...,t an n.a.iMi..i.r ima .Male. I.ulr. .!.. U..n,l the lim.tanrilM.aUH. '"".'" 04,.,4 I th, f Thai ,.uii.e. I..... br inaor f..f a. i .rk. m ll.e Nnrll. arolina W lujr, a new .paper pnnird in thr t..n nf I hr. lolte, n.itilymr ll.-v a.d .lel.n.Unl l.i k and ru,, u, Meair0i..,f. ., U. c'..u,t.l,... in Charl on ll.e 4'fi Mund.y in July oral. Iwn anil llurr lu plrtil, tnikrim lirin.r.n V" "II b taMe,. ar.m.l h. juu(. "iti.'aa, t .... h. K'-IU, rl. ra nf our ( ourl. t nljirr, I l.r 4th M'Mi'l. lay in Aiirn, I1.fi, .no in the coil, year ol American lnnr'.t.!enre. w. k. ui:ii. o. . c. Pn.iter'a fra r,. Ji, I.I, !?,,(,. i'l STATi; OF NOirni-CAIIOM.NA, M. hi 'Mll llil riil'M r. Court nf r,Vj mill imirtrr fritiotti, A jutl 'in in t l,"0. Ti.oa. I), Winchester 1 r. M. M. t hany Original Allaehn.tut. iT apM-ar.nr the ..tufaciion of thr court. Ihal the drfrodaiil ia not an iriinl.il.i t uf Ilu. Ml.le, hul ream., beyond toe lumla rf .ha ..mr, ( ia thnrfm, OiUrnd av tl,, fmurl. That publication Im- n.aie ..r an wrrk. in ih North 1 amino. Whiff, a iirwapiprr pnnird in ll.e town of I harlolle, oolilvinr ll.e and defendant lo bo and appear al thr neat trnn of our aaid court, lo be I. rid lor the t niiut r of .M' klrnUurj., at the "onrl.h'iiiM! in I'litrlollr, on ll.e 4th Monriav in July nril, torn and there lo plead, anawer or .lemur, or judgment pro coufeaao will bn takan aframal htm. Wi.neaa, W in. K. li. id, rlrrk of our I ujrt, at otli. e, the -t I h Monday in April, IMfl, and lit lit Belli year uf An. cr.cai IndeiH n.i. ner. W. K. HKID, c. c. c. fruiter', lie $C. Jum, 10, lt6. I'a"! .STATK OF .NOUTH-CAI.'Ol.INA, MM KI lMll HO (OU.MV. Court of I'nn am (umtet KruiuHt, A jiril Term, I-5fl. A. lam Aln imler i r. . 'triarinal Alt.cliinin t. D. O.t. a. IT .i" ..iiiiL' to the uliaf..rti.nn of th. eosrl, that in u difindaul ia not an .nhabilaul of th. a Mat.', hiat rea.dev brvon.l th. lin.tla of lh. aaiair. It l thrrrfurt (hitrttd liy Ik, oorl. Thai publication lie n.ade fur a. a wreka an Iba North Carolina Whig, a newap-iper pruilid b town nf t'l.arh.lle, notifying the anid del. ndant In ha and appear al lit. next term nf our aai.l r.urt, tu b. h. Id for the coi.nl y of Mucklcithiirf, at the court. house iii ('harlolle, on ll.e III. .Monday in July neit, then and there tu plead, au.war or de mur or judgment pro co.ilr.au will be Iskio a. gaiuat linn Witneaa, Wm. K. Reid, clerk nf our Court, t "Iticr, Ihe 4ll. Morwluy in April, Nili, and an Ihw M"lh yaar ri An.eric.ni li.dcp. ndn,e, W. K. I! KIP C C. IViulcr. feo IC. Juno IU, Ifcjb' Ul