r.T w ) vvm v . ,j -n.jpM'jwiaLi iawb 'Wilt i Ft hi ! VOIjiUME s. CHARLOTTE, ONT. C, -.XT&XJiB0!1 S. 1856, 1 1 II II II jl THOMAS J. HOLTON, Kin-nut !l riicriiitTou. j " In that ease," .aid Mr. Snob, after I.er ( jour exchange in New York, and your friend Mrs, (iossin had Inr-n tionc-d the ln.il I item of information as the most undoubted " Auw n," waa the reply ; " that i, they 'JT.1..MS: jof fact, " in case he is really desirous, of are not to be found. My dear charmer," IvraTW u1'!"' iY'm,U',,ro!';i wi C,ti"S ,,",rric'1' ,,ow Vir" nl"ral !t wou'sl thin was aid bitterly and sarcastically, " in LiiU.tl.!- AND r IH V ( KNTS if ,yiwni I ! bo fur "J'1" to """.V Mrs. Cotton." j celling each other, we Lave been completely ,,.,,.! tWliir U..;j..iirillKM:iHlU.AIiS SureeI10IIt. lOW, ,,,,,,, ,..:, ...I,!-, t iiif i mi of nar. .V i-r will he ni.coii Iron tht Cmrmd Caxrtir. i war. If yoo anggrst that it would be bet-1 nntivity. So tbe K .volution found the eoun-, no other vieiv eooid ft have been mt'A ppo. .AX ADOHIKSS Iter to let our Cicrman immigrants le:irn the! try of one temper ami our mind, and itli- ken or hopefully spoken. Delivered oa th8 4th Cf July 135S ' '"r-'''"'1 language before they are made ' otit any evnsidi-rahlc ln-hif atinr, plotting for- ; In thi impoinnil respect, we are deplora. By 1 placemen am! legislators immediately yo'i eign element. And tin; Revolution satisfied I I) b hind the eoioiiie,). Our bomee i,aUl,. Vir-i-on r H IRIUM-fr j are pointed to the viMiiou? JlcKalb, aslbotigh our fathers iliat it ws a vain thing to do- ns is eonc in a great measure, xet t ID " ' ' 10 WIt" tho only victim offered uj. uii the pmd on foreigner, For must of th. m, and iie.-r Southern States, here, happily, our nc .1 r.. 4. . , 1 blood-stained altar of Indem-ndenee. ii-tieciaily the author of the J'eeliir.ilioii, ho deuiestic iiif liiutroti of plnvery, hi tutn u c rDeiiker. alter ft lew rcrnai k-a ramn i. ; . . 1 ... . , ' ' ' .ow. 1 coneeue. onre for n 1 veii mnn worn n miht fnr nnmil:itiini frrjin nlirnnrl Moine lioi'tl ahor. attrielnU to our Per-OIM ,,,,! mini ill rrnri.fr. irvunJ.nci jit at the j and good lookitijr, hc-iden tin vio: a fortune i "I agree itb you," wan the reply, in'(J0 ft.stvjti0g 0f the ay a a "i-""" ,'d",,r- ; jot com m. md. And they lo fay that hhe equally litter toiiea and here we are, in 1 ,,, fTo . ' , . , .... i. ,,,.,rir. ui iin, 1 1, ir iir .n...rr . J j i j ' tliccaueot 1 e n ivc t a rue : a in . , ,!, ...ri, .. .ii...M'dim- ' U.c r.,.i n.-r. 1 roMw p5rl in her teeiin-thnt au awful Ox, with no possibility of getting . dj , a t proceeded as fob . o.i.l. )ir .irli mulii, nam I ., i, r I .1 . I. .. r mn. - L . It.. rn i ... .r :. l:.il Is ll i. . me i uiiiiuiii iiousc are nllea out 01 mm ereuii, .rli.rini lll IHl Mlrritf .ilr vitfvt1. r . . , ... I , . , mm. liquet niirt a mil net I .'I'H r eei.t. will poetry anil picture", interiiiipeled with " o, ouTcrnftl , d ni..i. irmii me reqi' i"w " miri.rr. i.y ( mrug nun Dum r anU that she hn uo eth- tl'C YV-lTt iill i vi l v 1 1 II if i a III nl i II u liiiiiuiii v ' ju.rt'.n. v $ 'if (iiirf tut inh tntr. St mi iii'ntHny j I'tnU h r qiurc fireiclt tune. j"joifi"t'' -r Jlho''ilt, to net Bgeils iloclrn. llr rtiifiiilr'fiiri. r writitn l-v mi lit-if, rc kpjirtijiri lc a( t'tr ;Tf-Ti( luttf, tiut tliuik tin ni i1rtli rr-pul-hitij ; (1)' triliitr pud to trtir rlli ki.d c i. j.(ri tuti iiiHt r d, rl! U J : MILLUD FILLKUaK. it iinnriu WII.I I4M. T" riimiU l.ttiif t'.rc.riiin; in tur r. Tur t .mil mri' f -il lirr 'i 1U1 k iinl at dt ri.rti- i t'Mn trl-rt llir !'hih eli hii, A'nl It'Ulxirr. mullef'il orrlu-3i! J , lio ft lnlil ari'l triir uf"rtlHl 'tu -;.lltle a l'i.ill b4rUl tu UbU ! !'.. "ris, llw pnth. III KhI ami Hi t If 'ii fit f. rlli Ihi.r 1 1 m. nl. in k or, . Vri 'unit the mlit tlial eel rr.-if, I rin 0 rijrrnu ainMtj., IhiHi i.t buii fur, I' .( mir rrr Tiw..! tH ,i!r Llir l.ii.ll, 'i'liC l.'ii'.Bt of l.'.iilt i;ltl ! rr object ill view than a fortunate tnarri.ee I am aurc he doc a nut need the water, for I ne'er u a woman more robu.-t and ap parently healthful in my life. Aud an phe ibti't much of a band for balla aud parties, nor any oilier i-pccicfi of amui-emtnt, ni fi,r I li.iv? been able to di-eovtr, it fullowa that h mu-t have a dekiu of that deiigutc nt'ir." H.re Mrs. Gonsip leaned lack in licr chair, apply itig a smelling buttle to her to-e, r.i;d 1'jolin' an if she waa quite fatigued by l!.e nirntal and physical labor she had juM uudergme. " t! ;, y.rf. CeMpn it, i,t .tieb . tnentary to tlie tauie wno had prepared of honor and gratitude to these men than in li.'i, depiccatcd in slrotiL' ternii the iu- ad uniitr our eoitrol. and thus-, to a largu an ovation to incy deserve. J.ven mure thnn thev He- f umo.i rff f,,i eixner a iiioiib 'Xlejit, tieiuili'ii a nuioaii aim ungovema- after deeliu-i H''rve' 'epeat : fur let it not be f"rgotli;n Itut I have iiigri ss l. Lie tonijjn labor. th at H aihington, w ho had the best oppur-' 1 he lievoiution it-tlf bear the hilir.-t bal llit-ii, fellow-cii'Zen. i tne eoacio- lutiitie." of estimating their service, himself moral testimony to the fact, that the fon-ign si''i ot the whuie mattir! 'lue native of too just for partiality and too pure for envy element in our population wn -cari ely per- 'hi land lino been, under (joil, the arrh:- l'fX llfVfilttl II ll'jsllPlt tlilt lif I..,, I ,t.f , v.,,. ,.v.tiV,1n 'It.., u-rl.l I.... .l.,t tl-i'il. Ill it Lfl'IllIlcSv. 1 1 a . fnr piiiinlrv ti.nv. re-pouded flic count, and then both be, r,B,rn :.. J,,K. .1... ,J Z!g JiiSlir in ,. arviv hut the Mar'nuis never but once, th sublime spe. tur'lc of d or, t , u.pire m.a the -peed of a roe up. came Mullen and silent, and remained so for I !, .,i;, ,;,. ,r,.: .............. v. Il fnvrtlf. At anv rate, while wo accord thirteen indenendeiit States, each t.-ite for on the inouiilaim ? We own it to oui -ch e.. a quarter of an hour. The countesa ,n as n i le tr ilw rt: ;:H ouf-pnirioticu' vukes! t0. t'lf,M "H bonor, and cherish their services itself, pa.sriiu from the foitn of k i n l' I v gev- V hat-oever tin re may be of va'ue or of glo- i done for in thin region," i i lown : Ladiks and GKNTi.mrs : the first to speak. fresh courage at it kindlioj recolleetinri, " ""eetionate rrij, Jit mi nut permit eminent to rep'unlienii, witnoui lnocil -sle-.I " Yoa are a monster," said !ic, " a base Wc contemplate tbe present : and wc thank .tlle"1 1 ,l'co",p ,,ie fcapegoa'n to bear nw ay or even nriii menf 'J hat spectaeie ta ijOU ana OUT latlicrs lor ttie etljovnient Of ".li u..., m,; iees auu enurillines n n ne?.ei in iimi 111 iiie 1 1 ii 1 1 1 ,1 ii . ui'iine". blood-bought .liberty aid good government. 1 f .,'lt''r degr.nii .d countrymen, our fellow. Is there any people of Kurope prepared t" W'c look forward to ie future : and we ' c"'il"'", j do so, even 'ut tiis day ? Would not the nt- fervently implore heavei, that those to whom I . us 1)071 ",,fl. f can, this que. ; tempt lead ajain, a it ha already repeat our names and otir blooi sbail deeend, may ; '" Pcedenee between foreigner-, ud lly led, loeiii! war and untold disaster, receive unimpaired, ani be found worthv to "'tiv'", janifuLirly in it-jo t to .-etviees 'b'Hii national and individual ' Thin exam- traiinut unimna red. fc uneoui ted rren, r,. """ereu in i ne revolution. t ie ot moderation ami n If govi nm.ei.t deceiver a lillain I" - " And w bat are you ?'' wan the quiet res ponse ; " I don't ask the question to cast any icflections, but to lead you to take a com mon tense view of our position."' " And what may that be !"' " I tbink you are a very good hearted woman, ana mil make me an bonest ana devoted wife, after the feelings of disap pointment are passed." " And I think you :.re a vi ry j-ood lions, our rich inheritnee of freedom and1'- l" "ot ""frequently snid that at the lim e.nipicion!v fuiui-hed t.iilii br our i . : Tin t.f t... I'... I...!... . . . i - ' . i i . i . . t ," . , I . i a Human a the rount would fancy fiesb j t-rr" wa the reply ;" and allow uie to a-k I witlout being creep, richly dressed without j if your business i sufficient to snjpott u in Igaudiness, and po--c--ed of every aeccni-j New York, even in an bun, hie po-ition ?" j plisbiiiei.t that would be likely to pleaie a " It is amply so, as f?r as comfort and , gcntii tii.ni of la.-ic aud reliuiiueiit. 1 dare, the actual wants of life are concerned J say they will marry.'1 glory A higher duty bclon to this 1t Wp should examine the eile to whieb, s a j people., we have come.n order to find out i what encroaehmctits ive been made or ' hi't iray be ihreai.-uei'i WeshoulJ cxntnine ' its tillf-deeds, that we ay both fully claim our own and defend ot own. Wc should ; above all, make haste o ound the alarm, whin any of the landnrk our fathers set j up, are removed or sojbt to I removed. Our institutions are dmilteuiv in Leril. period of the J.o vultition, no were a nation fathers alnindaiitlv "hv flint thoucrli thev of Foreigner. Thi i said either in total were n! Korope, they were not '; Kurooc iirwrance or in utter di-regani of the truth.' Hut what part did foreigners lake in iIip I can rhow, I think, beyond fnutrnverv, ' I!evol :tioti ! Tliey cencially stood intlil thnt we were never nearer being a naiion . feri-nt, or sided viitli the Mother er-u7)lry. ol foreigner, than at thidav, or ar least, 1 1 believe it niiil e found to ho true 1 1; tit iti that tie were tar from being such nt the 'all the States, w here foreigner were sutli ry in onr riir.d nM'rv eviS.r, 'i-n.il liaturo, ill the prifieip'e.s ai,d high purpose ol llii- our tmlal Aimirersary, in ll.t aar r-f tie Keiolution, in our eriPntutioti of gov eminent it i all, nil our otttf ork. 'J ho grcatesiirriie of the Ki public, whether in peace or in war, iu art. or in science; the gallant tnt.s who tiavc borne her fla; tiiuni piuiiit ibi'iii-jli the i'iittie slid the bri cie : the times nlui-ii have cariied lur standard to victory and tocui.oufl ; t'u sc. with scarce ly an ext'ij ti"ti, are I one of our hone and tli-h of our flfb. And may my tortgiiei eleavi; to the root r?f my mouth, if ever, in bae riliiti; to the foreigner, I abate tiio tithe ( n In ' r fi tn lle-ir well earced fame. l I r-:i:- Iiott. ii r lioiit' n to niHillir niAr,, Jtevolulion. I should premise, however, t'lentlv iiiimerous to derive sympathy and , inipoi tunt a.-f cl of the subject ; lo soino that the mean" of noertaiiiing our coinii- couiiteiianee fiom ,.ai h oile r, they, wilh of the realised i fiVrti i-f foK i.-n inllueuce. lion at tiuc lime iu respect of population. few noble exception, took emuiid nr: inst I " Winn e.n,ii,l:.Ii,t. " mi M;'i,,n " are neither abundant nor aitouether trust-: the cause of their adontcd eountt v. It was ! fr,.,.k- 1,,.,,' .I......1 t.j wortliy. We Imv, nevertheless, attn-in tn :so. if I mistake not. in Nouh (.'arnliua. 1-..IV. 1 .1 .1 i J -c ( ' " " - - . uj i..miii'., iik.Ii p ujv uuillll llilllllU U We "Then why shouldn't sr. continue the 1 The country is beset tbk with dam.er, ?H'r"x,"l:,,i'5U sufficiently accurate. You are aware that Hit? Scotch aud the i civil liberty obtained that wi.e mcu look . .... - e " i r rum i tun I.-, i . ... j i s,,n..,i. i..i, .i . .. .... ... i ,, , , After makinz this rpoii, Mrs. Snob i connection so fooli-hly le The language of the rt prophet seems period of one i Scorch Irish, are radically tiie same raee f..r." ,(,e ftut,l,iuls iu referetite f . . I ... I t changed the sulject of eoniersa.icn ; but That's it my d, ar- by shouldo't wc V , n?1 "aa"l"a o ne pierai eo,,sternat,Atl w, nr.. ,i . ..ii. , . alt t WJJlllltl i we cannot refrain fiom stating, that the j and the barber became gO"d natured ; " j con nc tie n between the count ami Mrs. Cot ' tmi, x not Ion" at varianec w ith tlic ptob- 'altbt n l i - , .i. ,. ami trrry vinti s i.f,irtii.i melt. j-ans ntul Sfirrmis slmll takJiJd on them ; then " I ill, most honeily and faithfully." shnU I in ;.ain as n-omnyi thnt tnnm!. " Then let it be so. We will leave for "h ! fh"" e",,'" " nvnthr. , uf tl.f ue. It nr-ili! v be came , 1 ork to-morrow, artor M-Ling off tho i w - f""f 'i f'tr gtfrn lyif, .T "r tMiffl 7' ie . i. ik.t ll... 1, '..... . " riMri-.intiflr f mir llna C,nva nit' llm , i y ...... r IJ 1 1 11 11 1 Wtie -llj..HIItrU,rWIll. IV.U....-V. v. uUl a U . I o w j j V' t HI U tni I Jl& (1 11 g TV h, If 1 h ? ( I tUt t U $ . fll.r.?rf ntwl I bis! . . .1 t . ..J 1 . ' . I I . ' . t I - . . . , iur r..r- uju ii 1 1 iii im r trtiu u i itut, i iiiiiv auu, oi nohif r v i ri ut; in an, fonifn intfl tn- or ..niiiigraijlN that arrive! iu flip Column, itvk or Ilnmnn. i on nn? awnro also thnt 1 not i-vcrj po.- wn- about .'7,000 an average oi' about " lurge st tU miit ot ' thn ionnor tv:in umd' rt?ui tr-il to in aitimaiiy. ihus m the hpace of four on t i.e .Tpe henr. an-l liVit the immctii.-itt ; tii And who Iin hrnt rir.f Jnvt n I he anprv billo nl' lln- .In p. 'fing rlt 0tk l fit p l" fritwn, ' lrni ffifilf'a Willi fr a.at.l f wttp 1 Tw of hrft un (uinl fn Irur, t W no :ort our tufqnc atitl throtipi. ' T h' wlio Jniti.' ihr tit'U'tr now, W (. pn.iitfj iiVr tic mutgntn " ' t i ntt-tHf ticrtr inH ut.bi ru tifij tn w, 1'Uf t ft fulri n fiMiiiit'r. Aim! ftif unct.tin'd 'mid cliprord' jar, l ur a ii proud air i) nJ hann r'd ttar ! V')tf trai titii t.uciif jirtf In Wif4f (rf(0.-a rtVtf Uurei f, IV ' tit nd irdt' lie nrc arc iir'ff. ru e to all coming hint" nd .nf. It' oi(h and patriot life b!tng! 'fvaa hr he i.' fii" roimlr v ir Ida vml ftbiivc a nuruw aaibrrr, io axiu ( 'it hot carliit r htntt.r uu rr Thin rrwn thr (iri t "f " m.vrrrr, U'Imi arorn'd arnlitir.n anrtlid aim, AnJ rrjr(1t loalf-Mil. the Ptnot'a fun it . T' u;ff' t nian alii'I lnr no frr Vhii In hilii ni' nUr.M tfiwn tu t'a, fluf (thnt tttr nmiil M ifltf vara. W ill ( tua ni nmr y nj In dar, h iii u f i rim a, i'f a nl l un nrih, Arr rrt-rrttrriJ ir 4il tri.a rartd! TV K fi m-4 to t.m.J apiin Thr in"''nafiiin of uur rallint lar;0' ! Ittr'il ; itttir lirf a.lt tho' o'tt tl imin, Tlir lti.f t wilU I'tnmn tJIK i '.f Ttfi-r Urmtt, u.r lii.ti'rr -m-ii!. M'-r, thnt th count had rallntl openly upon Mr at hi r, mid then thnt they were riding wnlkinir t-t.tlii -r, :.n cntlrtiy taken contract-! durin? our tremendous rjut9,9 j Vh nt ha !on all ? What lia cat)5" pam Thi.t rcsolre was duly cxpcuted. an J op with each other, whcntvtr they haj pen- ' hero and heroine ot our humMe nnrratirc .i ... . . : . i r .1 r . l . i ii . cu n iiifii. iran now uc iouuu (iur we nine win win- as-wMi all our iiiihtrme fi tiiiu i t-u n ti r r r.iii'p VAnrjtl,n t, .. b..iw nun n rsnn I ... n ,i . t . ,. r l. ' jr.. : . . j t . t . t-vvu u (renie'r . jiai firm of Uiver-iou been ordt-r t'j f urn public atteu m f r t ii thi '!'ti i i if v n ? W nrp Tiiil ir ffMllT'ltlllllW thorn A I A tan '. rtn f .. ... 1 1 . . J r " "- ..'j h-5 iuuii iuri'isrn : 'ji cviinu in: re c nuw huiri, wai v att 1 1 i.iitt to every other e.tti1 that era land ou thoe chores as do iu a muIc Mttkd mainly by the latter. N-w the re-! frpirit of Uwi-T.esrt a'nd ot embittered pco year nmr! This pregnant fact will ive g;on of the Cape Fenr wis the rery hot-brd ti uiaUt . itV, w Inch is ahrad in the land. ou viue notion of the general complexion ( uf tor im the region of the ratawba wn ' '! hi, boW! tii -,t Wliinton vf f rn crtt of our pfpulf (-ou at the period ol our Iude- th? cradle of Independents. How wa. tl.i? ically exact v. h'-n he ehraeteiiz- d foreign pendeiice. j U'i.s ru. rac-? on tho Cape IV a r in any p-- if Ibiei.r.j w m ;Vo,s Ivin- u wlt't Memaybfyctmorearc-jrato. FnrtTcn- pect inferior to that on iho Catawba: In hard bv our i-nth, while wp look" awav fur aj -!; jrmst in-ifc preceeuinr ina. ttie uo repecc. ' irner c:itwe innv nave op rn- d-i , ,,'ed this, impending vi,i,n of Deity, array- ' I . ' "'jT',; 7 1 , T 'V 5 P" ,,',n-'-r- the danger is lili unto us- d the ,. i . - , J number of immieratiu did not exceed 3..0() ted somewhat but the true secret ot this t tl..,!,.. tu in carineiiu ot ?eeaice : ., ,..,.n ti , . . , , , .... , I wold not bv aiweM,;,,. assertion - , L,L 's,l",,,tf fn 'be supposition difference to be found in the fact, that on' An alien population i silently filling oar ii ,,1 nP ,;... rKa!;,.l ,,', .... ' 1 , ." n"r,ri Hiie tne p.ipuiatiou as inmost en- land and invariii,,- our ballot-box. It i not. i s" ' ........ .... ...v .,, . n, ..... . ,i .,:.. i .i .... n.j. ,.,;... i ii . . . , . . ...... Iu go. .1 truth, iber; was nufficient cau-e ! ing a true account.) at the corner of White raced, to one eiue-fnr cViLiIm. the caus- i; ri. ' r :, ,t' rT a V V i7". ' ' ?- V' ' " a,,r!,ctt,a l";,r b-v the ., ., ' . . I , , v v , ... s are manifold hi; t dibeiiee that if , "', " (0,on,e, hut im- olit, Avery, and their neighbors and friends, prospect, of hirh wa jre, the music of a thou- rall the.-e report, was proved by an and streets, .New xork. 1 bey are " " nlsn', " . b,'lJl' Ul"' " migrant die like other men in truth, for- bo have given to history the Will of May Lnd work-hor t.Z me.,1 of unaeona. (annouueem.-ut that oon followed lhat the living so happily together, that they have f ,iSBter'pre!,lt t come ;t js TMJ! ,unn,(!l7. they die a good deal faster than 1775, were native of the Colonies. () to,ed liberty. We must' superadd also, , WITH SPREAD fKVALKSC of F,mE.. Is. ' e "'T- r . TU , ' , V r?-'UUm C,"'i'r('-i "'age. the donation of broad ,i ... . PUItlcient accuracv. set It, down, that when 1 ear was laree V tore, mi born. Krnm,74ii ..,.,. r r..i: : ' I 1. IT' J -nvoKcto Iudepe,,denccwsd,eUred,ofu-re.,nle -after the failure of the voun f i rtl f nnnriKriim iiiitd'inimr.Mu uniiinii . . H . . . . .T J tree white Pomi ation. which wn all l.i.f (.harles Kdiranf 1,1 t!,.. I!..c', count ami .irs. vottou nitemleU nmrnae , The affair came off wilh a great deal of for money."' rrhtt, and was talked of night and day for a number of weeks, before and after the e- ! vent. KrerThod said I", wai splendid and proper, and even the Mia Nancy's of the I TLe ! vicinity thought it was really a marriace of erfordt lorf and congeniality, and not one of those renounc forum stt:nr wineti o olteti ciserace lasti- n.erican ionable life. 1 cation l'rinec pi tun-. of povvcr niidr the gov ermncnf . ii, sine i ne-i iriniretni'ipt-. reckiesjv held out. s ... ,t: '-"- --''i.ikiii, which ,;i. an out .u.,iit. j.iiiijuii 10 i lie uevoiuw ANOTHER Str.X-THE CAl'SE IS THC ..A l. . ,,i ! ?'rc ttina 6y orngty tlious. ; loa.l alt. r sbip-lond of Scotch imugra.,., huve etuihkd it already to take Session. miiivt IV v .i. J 'nu were ""efnt"r. 1 Ins gives n. one arrived and a-tued in that part of the Mate, actual tl political, of our wesi-rr Terri. U- . 'l 1 r ,1 : '. "-lay- mV, i.i .eumgs roretgner to ahout fifty or sixty natives : These loyaf wcofcFi, !,. lad seen war on torv n here a ir i-nn ri,e , ., of V Western lE I, publed at Rutb- f party. It,, p-a, the mo., inauspi- whereas, by ,be eensiinof I5f I have one the field of Cullod;,.. rallied around th, rope'are lor ii i (i ay The oble't of vou on. hitherto a democratic paper, ha e.ous of our omenvat we are o.vnled in-: foreigner to eioht natives. And. .o,ltles. lUvai Standard in number- that ,,,i,l,t well l 1, " ' " ' i Jr.. ' ed this party and hoisted the A- ? P?""? flon " Mtow, that by reason of the immense immigration since hnv over-awed the ,.t rained valor of onr ,aCCof Wsfrn d.it . n .il be l Z V banner. This U a favorable indi- , .-f"..-'" eh Pportio,, to-day in favor of the native soldiery. The re.,!, you know. T ,ra ' a, 1 ' J " ' ' .?H . . " of tbe progres, of tho cause in the 7ZrZZ TL !L : !tt nV'- . ' j, :a : , ' 1 . . . i, ... " "oi mis p.'pui iiion even now muster- after the matriago. 1 T he first was as follows : ' I say, liill,"' said Count de Angier to an individual who called upon him one day i at bis hotil, I mut trouble vou for anoth- re-Is of tlmusniids of voter to Z of a clional faction .";-' n-isviy lo te tormid utile ; there a man of us but ltut a veil waa declined to be lifted fiom i Wert, and betokens a good report from ihit through our Ameln bouse-hoid this a'i'.iaiire, a we shall di.elo-., by a eon-jscctiou oa tbe 7th of August. Iw'.l en the ; J"-' '""ei u,en;, ,I0U' tear of what may : gim,i,,g of the Kevolution, compared with ju-tiee to Flora Melot,ald and her true- t Muck tl of scenes, nhirh occurred a few weeks ball! I r'',"!,u,r'': ttmt po occasion of re- v,;iat jt noWt ' hearted countrymen. I acquit then, of all ool,l l. n.e Fdifors sav. I i" 3 b r"" . 3'imig- j i ne paucity of immigrants prs.u to the blame. Thev loved Scotland i,Wtl Aim- and, if s-scrcssful. is ti i tie i.oitors say , tin to las rouutrvi nrr-.in.i i , in,, 1,.,,, t i... .. . . . 1 ... . . J'J . ' . . -. -m ivcvoiuuon, ti'av striKe vou a lneredi lie mei ;ea. t non-j i lrtar''!' ,,, 1. ;,-w i,n u i . ri.r n to h! : ' Sinr( VOIl Prt A -,il v ,, ,. .t A.,..l . . I.. . ,. rln ' , I W I 1. -1 ...I ,',..wl..V e,.!pU ftf VnP'k II . . . ....... . I, itMri-i'imtu lum-fli ma-, ,,,. ,.. ,ll -',,,,n,. nur sliol'eS" n ill i-enuhtu t.ic n - innv, do not stop t, to comment upon it time cvervbod, , . ti B!l, a",n? 10 our s" .... .. ...:..; ,.. :.. ..ii ... ..,.,..;., - ......r.n .,A ..;;np. Ana.li., m 1 1, 1 i T.o r i . in i I a it pi t.it. Z .1 I... ' r ... , , .I.-;!,, liM.'llt IIIIIePfT. 1 ' " r t n , an,, ...vii.iui. ,. ..,,.,-.-.-.,...,...,, m , -, i ;1 , ,-t- liiuil'-ll . hntrnrnx ..l.i,.A..n ..:.l r . I . I h e I A l.H nn I n . " 1 ' ' 1 . ,, V , . ..... . .,i,i,uLiiiai eiueini- Ol llie sain--; i.i I-, the American nartv. ara as fo ows : II mav reinark. in rim tlmt, m tin-i hr. : ,l. i. i - r , .luuchu. i ti.. u,tu i - 'r,i ' unn i ti uie I'eciaration or -- 1. I here is no ttaeci now to drter one fold form, it Is the itf ui source of results whiMi Ui icad to-day. ou r"t,iem Henceforth, the Kag'e is an American wiles of Foreign It-nce. Journal, t lur reasons for abandoning tne i Ti A striking chatigu ba taken place iu tiie there MlS lf,l p,.'ft In K-illli. IojjIi Klliscfllanfous. er flihl. 1 mariied the widow under nn 1 from that party no oatbi binding one's 'at once alarming uT peace and degr.i-, l.er our father, it, that instrument, among 'exrrctation of a fortune, but haven't cot conscience it he join it. j iling to our eharai It may be a wtll, ' other facts ' submitted to a candid worhl, hold of a clue, a vet, to its hereabouts. I Wo must bold on a few dav longer, aud I 1? lis ntitili.heil n'atform is such an rr- too. to re. ni, id vou. n,vil fri. niU of Tern- Jln.m il.ni ll.n kin? nf I'.nirland ha en position of principles as we believe to be perjure, that if drenncs be promotive j deavored to prevent the population of thec correct and sale for our common union. ! of pauperism, crimod ienorancv. the for- I States : for that Durtoe obstructinc tbe law s 1 then something fi. turn up, for we arc J 3 t. nomi,iee for the presidency has eigti pcpulation is thiit-f promoter of druu- I for the nattiralixation of foreigner, rcfusinc' '. getting into dsueed close quarter, bv rea-1 show 1 bJivlf faithful to southern as weil , kenaes. Tbe stalls of our Cities and j to pass other to eiieiurage their migration 1 hither and raising the conditions ot new np- tissiszKt, rj, i;h;a?:s3 (.rt HARRYIMG AT SARATOGA. Ii Y PR(i'. J. 1'il'l.MX. " U ho is i,l. e ? where did hc come from, 111.I t... .1. , :. .1 .. .u 'o - ' iniieti ni'iur v is piiu win 111 . d mrrnl scn, ihc. we turn, wno s on none eyes. country e-n s avert. in eany times Tt i true, that had they lived in this iifati,i no -rent oierity of opinion if, m Uu'ht SL-e, when we have learnt the art ot' iKed, the public miii'i had any fixed opin eiiancin: the allet.iar.ee of the heart s ea- jou 011 tin- h.i-et between the North aud silv as we change our coats, wj might have tbo fouih. Men bad not thou reflected expected better thim" of then,. Let us nnichor dciplyon the relation of ma-ttr charitably reti.euiler, that they were wit'.i- and slave as it t listed and still exi-ts here, out anv of those modern contrivances where-1 Tticy were witbo.it :iny clear providential hv men in a short time are made innn-tcr, ' judication ol igran l de-ign, such as we in and enabled to love the land of the str in-1 sonic :iicauic hau', in eiisUung tlie A tri- U-sjii. iu the iuidt ot Ainencau freedom. son ol this evneiisive stvle of livin-' There's as northern interests a conservative man. . larger towns estatjiithe fact, that tnree . ' A 'll,a H,i..T,h,i IMoli".,.,,, ; , ll,., ' f.n.rlKl nf ll.H rlril.HI ...nl.nniiii. I ).,;.... l..,.," 1'lla 1 1 1 C II 1 1 0 II a bomb e bill down l..irs don t know how i ";,v'.' , ii j.- ,. 1 , ri,'""l,u' r ' (,r more than the la-id of tin ir birth ' nttl,rn, tt- cm, nhccnrt.i In in full liioii nnd linrdllii Ku n L-i.l l.v lor. .1....,.. Ul,N.a nrtl iAv liiut tin TeitlcltV of I tier more in.ill llie I.I.W I linn k"i" it will be .ettleil-vessibly by leg bail, if ft ;u.liaDan h 1oo m,ny color, be eigners. Foreigners are dealt cut bv ' inuri-rants was a ru-. but also, that our f S nething ha bee,, done now. I thins, t . j ov saw pot the in-ti-ution. h we ace it, omcthine favoruMo doesn't -ccur before 'true to any one, and he was imposed upon for.ign hands." ' ! fad, regarded it in the light of a griev- i.ow, that of our population, at the Uevo. llllllll,t. ,,,, Led. on a stupemloa, scale. 1 . J. . . . , ' . V .... . a .a . y .1 I . . ... ....... 1 th. .i it, ..-...it lir-r,- V tl TP Tin Ii ! 0 I u if i , . i ii i i ti II :i 1 , 1 . lilt-. 1 1 1 t ht' t i id YV OrlU US hut l ao not ..weiltl.e-c flpe.'? ol tire ; nni?l. ?n, AS nm-U comntainea ot it. i tie . ,uc ;. 1 . . ,'"- i . i . i ' i . ! , i t.. !...,. -i , ,l-,i .i,'l,.i.. . i... u it- f ii nit iienv .mi sun r.r two 1 raien more mi -.-! ie.1.1 ... - - r lung. Hut lend me another hundred dol lars, Hill, and we will hope for tbe best." the South by the North, the South valine for Fierce until. a a last resort, thev toik subject. 1 do not Uobiect that this for- : i.iri is sufficient for me. It..,.l..n il,..rt,r fdlinr nn. Soul h. ' i .r n iopul Sition fillsr l.ind irith riri.on- i 1. r.rt lw. e r ifvn jiri iiiiv not be tv vsrs later. The str.njer passed over the money with- d,mf,crif v. hou.es and poor-houi and house " where , 0,,t of place here. " iencc. which it may be worth Ink to noUee. , l,cre v. u. a I, -t.ou a,,ver,c tovivory, as a rijfh. as be lemarked ! II.,r. r.. some of our reasons : and hence-' Hruiikeniiess is sold Kharbored." 1 come , It i im wonder thnt to onr father, who; We .are then a people cf one blood. Fx-, pctteral. perhaps, aud as, Ueei.leil at tho lit, our eO- .ol'UI. l'Ut. n utri'vei eiiiri mine - There are some other differ-1 tlitrtfire. that there shouid have been, as , which it mav be worth while to nntic I, It wai TI.... ., 1 l. I J M It 11 t C rloso shavile' It TOM ha VC to . OI II WC ilCV Wll II lllli Hi i V n nn oeme mm, iv w u.uft me ii..rf-.iui ui-,aR fl.a :r ril'l ichii lll.li uiri. -in.ri- - - , . , . , n- . . . i Ihcewcreth. r,c.o,.s. Inch had kept; ' """V. y lav, o roV,rVa.ivc and aumptiou, of foreigu and its arroBa.,t ! ,tis attempt t) cripple the V,oies should llomal a.e-estors w.reof Anglo-Sax-M, blo-.d. cpres-ed ,..., viahnee or offence 1 Srato.T. -oeicfy .., for a number of weeks lane to th laror again, on your return to , (1 to ,rl,ror.r:iWi,wr our 3n,eMrRl ,,av (l,,l.mJ.l, a HCvai,ce. Thev had around ! And with tbe Anglo Sax-n b'ood came the dor tin good teeung. Mare alter . tato with They were finally answered in about th ''' .k.asDick Stoke the barber, I rii;ilti Bt. wii .l.-f,,,,, ,lr belief, our faith. ' Klory and our birth-ut of Revolutionary ! all the elements of an unexampled em- An2lo-Saxon language. In our day, we rs'.ave, y in itseou,tilut,eu, toOM place n too r..;ioii, fashion stead of l'.j Angier the eount. t hope you See then at our mast-head tho proud names renown. ; pinwith one single want. They wanted ; have ail but 5 iiOO, O.iO of population, ex- I nmn v, itlut eriou. opposition, . leaii- "SIihMm. ro,ton..oriein.IWof N. ' .re well married, but 1 fear, my dear bey-" of Fillmore and tiilnier, and nur.tV, -your j It cannot have Rped well informed ! .. ! ,,,v wanted ,e to repel the Indi- .elusive of f;;-?" "";A;';;l.l;, uoroJ" 'iu'rt .a".,, annual , .'. , ,, -,,i , , ., . . , autis." inen, thul the toriigi, who this dav eu-i B!1 to f, t he forest, to i xp ore and to de- au amount ne:ii ly c .Ml to ,i ttnra el our nous n oui a u Parisian enisb, and i, worth He will leave tbe two worthier) to discuss J j j,)v the ho-pitality ofrhores and the pro-1 vci0pe the great con'tiiicnt which -tr.Mrhd . native white population, in 1.0. And a inpourii.j: ol c..n.bcr,.,:.,ds. waiters cooks nin. if m ,.,..... r . n..i. , i iif niri inn r in." ni I r . 'r.ii i .r 'I I-. . v. ..i. u. I... .. i..t.i.-i ., ..- . . . . .1... ....... .in iru qnni ,T . i : i,;t..i,i.,-.,,i,,iv, -- -v .j,.,,!,-, v, a iiiiiiinii vi .loiLiis . o,vT.e c.ii.n ft n . Utr 'cii'ii oi , qtuauv 'Ck oi tue i swat f tn e"iti--in. it rover i m- fe- m i" m . ,. -.'., ,, I.,...-. , 1. . U...... :.. -.!.! sl.'.h :t.. re.-,.::,, at l'..- . hour, at-l , XT"N .'T. . ' 11 1,,.,.,,, ana .,, ill ,,- ... , ,..;... .... . ;.l. , m-roits eomi...r.-e. '. been rrorosed ill i'-iji to P'li il.-ii ,, l,u: -.M. A UvW s.Hril gr..u au- v" " ' " IM.iN. 1 he lottl.iiiil .retis stales that tlie . . .1 .. .. ' " ' . . V ". , , ' : . i- u ... I ;.l. t.K- he ,,, t.t no-ses the ortll and is undoul.li.i!l v rradrfora nrnraisini' the character in whi. b were the eountes" -- j i r riiarriaee ' and another lady, a stranger, who had eal- The answers; were not " the whole truth, led upon her for the first time that morning. 1" 1 nothing but the truth ;" but they scrv-1 " I haven't a cent, Clara." said the conn- 'd a purpos,-., and Mr. Cotton, with a Fari- te, mvsteiionly, "and 1 begin to fear 'n fini-h, was aoon the idol of ihe rircle that 1 have been cheated in my endeavor in which she moved, and the wonder of all to cheat. If the count but I don't believe "'hers. It, was atoiiistiiug to see how her he is my iiiipre-sion i, he is poor as Job's i',.y a, (.might how politely people turkey, and has married through the fame bowed, how great an interest was manifest- motive that actuated me. If so, we nrc '' ! in her health and happiness, and how both in a devil of a fix !'' invitations were showered upon her by all la fact, good reader, as yi u may have the resident big-bugs, and big-bugs that gle-ini-d fiom ibo above conversation, the were only temj oi arily Flipping within the Count do Atigier was a barber from New ridiu of ,cr eharni. Y-ik, and the eountes. Mrs. Cotton, Saratogi m plnCc where eurio.-ily and wa a well known " lady " from one of the n,,.i. i. i --.t : r .i. :,- VVltll ! " j-" j uie raiupaiit, auu one n-veny is cinsnrai region m mi- .; ""on succeeded by another. Thu, nt the these facts to build upon, the denouement tun every body was conversing about JIrs. was as follows : '""'.ton, and extolling her beauty, dress and ; Tho following evening, the count and hi money, a new arrival caused the excilement better half wero seated in the parlor, both to seek another chnimel. The old and u- nervou and excited, but seated side by side, u"l series of ciiiMtiuns went lhi rounds of and endeavoring to "-look loving," when the gossip,, , woro finally atiwrrcd in tbe following conversation occurred : otui Ihiii.r near this sty lc : I " My dear F,lsie,"said the count, " where " The lluW eo.ner In ('ount do Angier, of, aro your jewels mid diamond!'' 1'a'is, descendant of the An 'i.-r family so' " Fawned, m r husband !"' Republicans of Norway, in that State, have boldly thrown to the breeze tb banner of disunion. They have raised a flag hearing upon its front hut mterii suvs, to designate the sixteen free State, thus striking out from the glnrioii galaxy of tho Confedera cy the fifteen Southern States! The liepub- j There is it great deal such lihcliou stuff . wint. was it rossibl that they should in the productions of Uuth. that Ihigon I viewed otherwise than wilh resentment and from whose worship ( i,ati,i Ins not yet , indignation, the unnatural policy of tin ir recovered. Head tlnwspaper organs of i civil Fiiient Hut wo ai" in condition to I iu question the new com- t-c and demanded . .i . .:.. .i: ... . . . e i i .i . .. v. -i.i ..i u. .n,1 iu. it, i.eriinii, 1'ieiich au-1 Snaiiish. i iisfii-it 1 v c;un to p Hlllllll-U I lIKIll-l'JII. ,11 11l.il VI I " 11,1 I ,U V " ' m 01 1 I, 1. II WCIItll!,. Ill LI 11 1 I 11 tIIUI1.il-.. ll-. I07 it. v..... .., - ..... 4 - - ., a i. i . i .... i. . .i , ... I..,,.. fl,.. It 1 .on,., loc.irv t i rut li.-li the rt frreiiot- tn slavery. It t.eeaui in cut. oi its iiiu'iijii, iiitiu tic .til. tilt n u iii WOl'l, lo lllllKi. I'H'I r mil iiuuie ,i 11.11 v , , . .- . ., .. .j. . . n i . ' i i j .. ,- ;,, ,ich viti-ielv of lii-',lt-s. ot liiteli-llud s-i it -li.tere-t to or any praise, nicy i- eiititicti lo ii mi, pv as it wis tree. I i'i"i inn n :i i:.!'-''-' u.i . .- 1,1 nave 1 1 woue., ue j. t I . . ' - , , , i at all We were one, al-o, in religious taitli as iney nn n i-.v ucinanu. n.,n i.e. tin.,, in ninth.,,-' else.: in.' area of tb- States shall be r-scrved for The Frotestauti.-iii of our fathers wan wide spread and intense. Now, wor-hippcr of the Fopc. ami of .lo. Smith and of Chance worshippers of tbe sun, and of tire sire! licans of Norway have only shown a little I lu,! toreigu ,.o,.u........,uieu are luun.piy-; -..ot .,. tne ngut oi our .o.- .... more courage th in their fclloiv-con-pira.ors. " tt.ouul .t)t rattie-snake.-, , ,!,.. lil.t of exrori.nee W e ..-e that in ii i i ti I ik w i ii t;t; i in i un i iiiy 1 1 1 u lu i in i i Ktinr r i t ir t , mm - t fi i i ti -1 v it Are the people prepare.l to a.l.spt tin flag,! " , -., T . . . .';""' r , .... ..,.! r. ind.-ed of ev. rvtbin and to endorse tbe party of disunion, or.il. : - 'V IZTT' . ' , ' ' I; 1 I, ,ci but Uod I. .If. ib, on. !,.- (,,. for " nnr conntrv our w 10 eoun- ' M'"" 11 1 .nuim n mmi riiiiurcu. i ur ni":' 1 , . , . . the, go for or conn rj T wliol, co 0 ,..bu ot junke, i ,.;,,,., If lh). Kin,- bad b-nignlv gr ,ti- ; onrtborcs ,,, great multitudes. . irv.ano iiot-iniig iniiioiii lu'.iii. i. i.i ., , Hill and king s Moilii. i i, d the impatient de of hi - f de f. less lib or ii i i sin tit tn.l ,,,i nf ti iiiph iiL.i nre in HL-e ...... .lit;,,,, in.l ii.d.iced forei-.ner to ml-' nucucc. claims lor Ihe I.iehmon.l r.nqnner I nppeanui to ; rntl,,.111I1:l,j,)n. ! lat motives il may southern Know Nothings to forsake ; j M,y not to say, many of u have ...'.... l.iil,.. i il.c r!it.- of Iihim! i .'d of thou- ; on! V '' 1. 1 1 in. tend of in numbers that but J'iov, Fillmore's camp, and join the IVmocracy. : Jl)ie .yt ve fioui.lisBeli'this heap of' v,iu :av count on your finger-; it may tl I lie i-.nqinrcr n,ui cerianuy i-u ui ioi ':;(,.. am jsuit i .- f f . -. ....... 1.' ..... J utrv and ber i,c doubted whether we would not be to day I urant. uiiron-! .lcnloriiiiT in bitterness and tear tlie-hard : were vet homogeneous itildlsn e no, .fir t the election of Fremont. Were every Know j t... .i.,,.,, Jcrs. Jso, Nothing in the South to vole for Huehanan, j li ,j()ll,T jt ,av b. :Y-.i bo would not bo elected. J'.very Jsoiitlierii ; i,llt "rfr, rtuall v, nevi, less, bv the tenor Mi.", of foreigne's in our coirniv i:i 177l'. ech aud belliur. strangers to it inspiring tradition, wou d o we see! rat do wo bear! ! have iuevilal ly po-tpom d. perhaps forever. u l a faith- .ke-fellow ot t ti ign in all tiiese idolaters not a: urn, to which all aic entitled, ittttt? a. so . 1 lit ling,, ti.cn, loiihi our people, nt the p rio. t tic fne labo- nf Kurope. '-We loos, said a liermaii spokesman lately to a Convention nt rhi'rideij.Ha, " we look upon the strug gle a. l.in.en .'ave labor and free labor, find a triunip'i of free labor is of vital hn- Mtiiico to the tiormaiis in the I nitcd iSt.itcs." I c-'ui.t detain you till sundown with similar uM.vinioii- from their tiewspa- ' . , . . . . ti . . . i. . or press ami ti.eir riaiioitu- :i iw u per -i 1 1 1 1- ffevt t'.,it tt,i toritg i iiine iotig reg-irdi ii, amt no in uie things : ciavirv i: ti an ml eyu l of ,hc l!crooiti,.ii, i of Iriir free lahor. 'I'lier.i " a i.is. I t' it be sut t.o-e.i that tin I popui n o' rc ition :ard. in tLie aiitagoui-t , iu direct tonus i,( ri that fatal tenderness. A mil- 1 ' It I. rated in tin day of the first Napoleon He H tvrirt,, a million frat,cs is a widower ha-u t reliilion in thn .orb. with whom '" is ,i it at word paint - thry do say he cant agree wilh relatives,' and it is more Ijii jirgliillt, iliat he u tj.j.iiii? a wil'u." " And your estates and bank accounts!" "In the air, dearest,'' and siic pointed pathetically towards the ceiling'. " Damnation '." roared the count; but the coiintc.. checked him, and impiircd vote eiven lor the Cincinnati nominee wn. be a vote against the South, and in favor of the Free-soil candidate. If the Demo crat of tlie South have any desire to pro tect Southern interests they will give their votes to Millard Fillmore, antl none other. l.oiiisriilc Join mi. ii,g variety iiv l l'SC in ui ii,.-;.. v, as steel the mi.l-t ot it general i. irec." And this li.on.'.'.iie. a tt-wt-r ef -tretigtu. It w. rtli ' any p.ti 'more than t'ettsatid ivene. It united the! , d that Hut tbe North and tlie South togt ti'.er ill liamls ot 1. It sent up from fiery part ot the .,-.! that this cause ,s mad tl tts we witness, and lhat liti. mod folk are incapable of i '. ; I.- i lit it be remembcr- Inft 1 ift'K. At tho i,ias meeting at Philadelphia, recently, to ratify the nomina tion of Fremont, Judge Hoar, of Massachu setts, referred to Fremont as the man who ran awav w ith Tom Henton's daughter, while Mr. Buchanan never ran away with any. body's daughter. If all tint i said of but, be tni'-, the daughter would be more apt lo run awav from him than tj run away i.l the patriotic resolvt tic r.-uc c' yi'o.iim i'i'j tiie : )Hi i u:iH ( ,).o;;;( il uiv-in It ItiC o 1: A 1 on tho en- for all the deficiencies ol f adopted Frenc W uircuro yvar vi.tprouut,;siu i'riK'o' 1 bim. I'.'ctttcc. eitizi ns in all time to 4 allowed to bint that pe would make better c it i longer residence among) ing Shield throwu full bo biuglo huudod, bad lu.o.i ol.-, though they be, they yet . . . i i j j . i. . vote, an.t Have liu-ii.inus aim menus in vole. Th.'i 1 eloiig; to the organit itiou of 1 dor, which gives hw to tbe organiiatio, of party. Tho nira who attend Convention aud tmlTici in agitation become, in turn, the -tivants of their rva'it at home. lieu iiualt: to tn t ... f w ceo of our spei bat do Ti... ..;i;,.a ..r ,J.., .,.,1 i..i...n the achievement ot Itnlopemletico. .,.l,...l ,i.l r...i,oi.,i iviil- .1... ,1 Kin? wa providentia'lv moved to pursue ..rr .. ... .:i . i . ......n.. .1 -Tiieitv the volicv. wliieh would most cer-:la Ol lltlltl. uill.l ll.e i.ii.. iiitiiiiiiv Lii'n- I - - il...; A Ii,if !,.il., . ,I1, lainlv bnng about the cmt lie was sceKing ...iv..:..... i-.,. M.,'..L,i .:..,..! v.. ' nil tiie while tobiiuhr. In order to keep tfuininiikiv't .i"....1! .nun, .I'll - - - ,. , .. T, . ..... .i.. i'O ...,.t.,r .iiOrol llic no icw wts .1,-11 ot llnle cannot question oi r. os Utuess lor high iu.. voioi.,.. . ...... . i j s . .,,. . fn, , , .p. ......il,.,,..,. couies into a populous cit v, station, without p.ovokl an ex.ravaga"iit adopted of inducing few persons to migrate terror to toes, so ul lot l: j " - Xu.U a-e the inhabit..,., cicoini,,,,, upon Lafaye if bis merits, to thorn ; it being erroneously arPsed on , -o, cause .t and o, . - 1 , H t r t , Mms " - y a . h undoubtedly great, wel full , .. both sides of the Water -hat every Immi.tthen Fati.c, Henry cm d o , o e , .rs h r o t . . s chprnnt was an , tn .... - . . ... ' ' ' " . " ,,,.,- riro- lisuntM of ,,..'! poverty are eban-ed or sti "ibHrish'w ant of inducement, were, consequently, of plo armed . the holy cause of liberty .'- broken P , .v. e.; ,.tr, ,ay a-e.,.; I ... ' W '0 ; Tho better class. Too insignificant to ,-olate he spoke of a people of one .U!-o,.e -. ; .he several rank- otswi.-ty int.. at .egi:,. ,JXt I v i em vos. thev wore soon ahsorbed by .he I '-. people themselves or,, 1 i, sei.es and pr -ir the 1 horn o-e. Tou t'a e i:Vr n ve P tm ath-n. and -hor.ly became in- j uPon the ,oil.-an 1 of parents also hern up- I p,: ol'l'iV. who are c,o,ho.l ... hn. your face, as it " c " ' , - ' .... , ;;,, ,..,, I,. ,;..., ,l ft, e samMuounv everv dar. .im-h tht the Mexioau'''Pirt',J w ,tU the iutercu auu seDi'meui m ou a iw .u c. ... . .... UJ. .u - ...