M ar o it t "2e frqe U God, io jjoqr qir) io jjoqir C23:jaL.3FtXJ0,XEBZfS3, HNT- O-, SETIIJIBjSiO. , 1356. TSTXJIIISESL SO. - . - .; - . THOMAS J. HOLTON, EPITOtt & PllOIRllTOR. TF.KMS: TliNorlh.Crolin Whip will be afforded Inaub. Icribere at TWO IMil.I.Allit in advance; TWO lA)I.LAl!S AND HKTY t'KN'I'S if puymein l dtlircd lor turec inonlli ; nil Til II EK IIUl.l.Al.sj ,t il'm end of Ilia year. No peier will be iicin. lmUcd unlrl all arrearugee are paid, eacet at the of,wa u the Editor. A(liertirmrit inaertrd at One Duller prraquara 116 linn nr !, line ailed type) fur the lire! inerr. lion, nu o " . . ... .rleiiiente and ShenlT'e Sake rh.rgrd 25 per '.'higher s end a deduction of 33J u. r cent, will cent tw uudi from Hie regular uncre, for advert." re bj rear. Adrrrtineini nle inwil' d iiimithly or iiiarterly. t ti per equare for each time, bciui vumxmj ti e-n p" ..lir fur each lime. J7-Fotmitcre ere eutlioiiieil to act ee agtnte. From the N. Y. Journel of Commerce. mm tii n living. r 1. L. LiTHte. Mmirn the living, n'-t the deed, S f h nut for Ihe rl y fled. Would Jnu l.ave thnM bringe bRrk Who have ernvaed lifre tnirMiy track T WTti!d yna have them on Timr'e ahore, 'Md lU rucka and ocean roar T M-urn the livinr drna e tear (IVr the oallid child uf for, li'-r Ihe broken hearted crowd. That a thrvnaand atrtrma bave bowed, Tivmf grief hath ere o hear, li will Llrae thee fur a tear. M turn the living: whv ehnnld fricf, Wrl the J'II"W autumn leal ! N .err 'neath the rirheat dewa, t 'uu'd it gain ita early biire ; Bit t h jr trare and eare mttht give flfrnjih to timid Doerere that lite. Monrn the living, r-t the dead I'Unt gay (lime'e aUit thrtr bed ; Mmr, fur a-rtifa are f r II. e bleat : Smile, for peaceful ia their rret ; Te their e4nr nnre ehre'ed ou.- drranie, And their emilte gave b&jje ita biieine. Murn the lieng, nnt the dead, 8.f h not for Ihe erly Bed, l.attire weep f..r ihnmr whom (lealh Iaaee Io breathe life'a nnteoned breath J Wwp fnr aad hearta around theo here, Ilcaern claims not a aigli or tear. TlisccKancDus. K2. 330 vvF 2II2i.i'J. Mr. Eliphalet Brown was a bachelor of tlirty five, or thereabout; one of those men wbo'wem born to pass through the werlel .W. Save this peculiarity, there wa.no- . , r, .v p e ,. t' .ng t, di'tinfuiah Mr. Brown from the ria'titude of the other Browns who are torn, crown up. and die in this world of, can It chanced thst Brown bad oec.wion to vuit a town some Cftv miles distant, on i ' matter, of business. It was hi. nr.t visit to the place, and be proposed stopping for , diy, in order lo give Limself an oppor- tunny to look about. Walking leiaurrly along the streets, he 4il at once accosted by a child of five, j w!.o rn up to him exrlaiming " Father, I want yoj to buy me gome airily." " Father I" Was it possible that be, I ,el,, lor, was addressed by that title T lie fiuld not believe it! " In were you, epeaking te, my dear V he inquired of the little girl. " I "p ie to you, father," said the little one, anrprised. " Rfmlly," thought Mr. Eliphalet Brown, " this is eiiiharrasing." " I am not your father, my dear," he " What is your name!" "Hie child laughed heartily, evidently thinking it a good joke. " What a funny fulur you re," the said ; " but you are (Cn? to buy mo snmo candy ?" " Vfi, vos. I will buv vo a round. ;f -V1 "n't call me fatl,ne .r,,re ..id 'f. 11. nervously. He little girl clapped her hands with 'tight. The promise waa all sbe rcmem- 1 e ml. Mr. Brown proceeded to a confectionary ""re. and actually bought a pound of can ih hn-h he placed in lbs bauds of tho 'ttie pirl. ! ! eomimroutof i,- .tore, ihev enro.,.. mg out oi the store tliey cucouu- "'J the child's mother "-, mother," aaid the little girl, "just E,s how iniirli rr.J. r... i 1 1 . ii " Vou thoiililn't I,.... v..-i.. 1... . - hj .a.ucr ll.e UWUgl.V I1IV. a tin ii , . r"8""' Mr. Jones," (.id the lady, I am "nd the will make herself sick. But how : get home so quick T I did not ex J"u till ni-ht." "ur"'"-t-t"adam," eaid tbe embir ln"d Mr. Brown, "it', ,H a mistake; I tt Jonea t arl. It isn't my name. lam jJ"'rl,al,.t Brown, of W , and this is tho ir.,t i;. T it I a eirr came to tins city "Good heavens 1 Mr. Jonea. what baa P'"t this ai, tale into your bead ! You have r "nurtcd to change your name, Lave you! f rhpH it i Jur iutemio,. t0 et,tD. vour o unea'a toue was defiant, auj this tended to increase Mr. Brown's cmbarrass-l mcht" "I Lavcn't any wife, madam; I never; Lad any. On toy word at a gentleman, II never was married. ; " And do you intend to palm this tale off upon me?" said Mrs. Jonea with excite- inent. If you're not married, I'd like to know ulm I am T" "t T 1 1 bave no doubt you arc a most respec-, table lady," said Mr. Brown, " and I con- . . , . . . ... I jecture, from what you have said, that your name is Jones ; but miiio ia Brown, madam, and always was." " Mtlinda," said Ler metier, mifdenly taking the child by the arm and leading . .a - - beruD to Mr. Brown. "Me nda. who ie thie , , , j gentleman ?'' j "Why that's father!" wai the child's 1 iiuhied'atc reply, as the conGdingly placed i hcr hand on bis, " You hear tbat, Mr. Jones, do you ! Vou Lcar what that innocent child says, and yet ye-u bave the unblucbiog impudence to de-jBlncB " wai "rat mde and first refuted, gi ny that you are my husband 1 The voice Te" iu ll,e I'reaideutial Chair, aud iu a sea of nature, speaking through the child, , on of high excitement upon this suljct of should overubclm you. I'd like to know hlavery, the strongest proofs which any man if you are not her father, why you are buy- i coul J ive tBlt ,ie is n3 Abolitioniel, and no ing candy for her! 1 would like to have , Sectionalis t of any sort, but a true conscr you answer that. But I presume you nev-1 T"tive Patrio(. "e',J to sacrifice him er saw her before io your life." l ve uis eouutf J i d as the old " I never did. Ou my honor I never did. 1 I told her I would cive her the cand if 'l We" ,0 rePro,'uce l'ie refutation ; and the Territories. A til yet Southern Deino , ' ' 3 ' ' j we here subjoin it. crot" "ho DUZ ,lie Hatform, because they father any more. J0IIJECTI0N8 ro MIf ,AnD riI.r.. cannot defend (Jen. Cass's inconsistencies, she wouldu't call me "You did, did you! Bribed your own child not to call you father ! O, Mr. Jones, mis is tniamous . in you inund ta desert .t f . ...... me, sir and leave me to the cold chanties 01 me worn : aim ia tun your ursi step : t4P?" I t, with-' Mrs. Jones was so evercomc tbat, out any warning, she fell back upon the , DOB tlie sidewalk in a fainting fit. j Iustantlr a number of ctrteni ran to br .tnM 1 : , " ' yT7 e JeCl 10 fTi:ng iD I -ay ! asked the first comer of Brown. I "I don't know. She Un t my wife. I don't know anything about her." " Why, i'.'o Mrs. Jones, ain't it!' " Yc, but I'm not Mr. Jones." "Sir, said the first speaker, sternly, " this is no time to jest. I truat 4hat you auous, forced ou the Ilcuae by a paTty vot, aee not the cause of the excitement which Dli outheru Whigs as well as Northern mti.t have oeca.ioned your wife's faintinjr Whigs prevented from saying a word or pro- yourwnes iamting, c I , , , fit. Uu bad better call a coach and car- P""8 n 'endmcnt. At the close of Mr. t .. .. !..i... !..... '. . .... i. ii.. r..i,.H .......i:. ry her borne directly." Poor Brown was dumbfounded. " I wonder," thought be, " whether it's poasible that 1 m Mr. Jones without know- ing it. Perhaps I'm really Jones, and have rone eraiv in con-equence of which I fan- j cy that my name is Brown. And yet I don't tK;V I'm J0,.e. In .i,.nf .'I Ti think I in Jones. In spite of 1,1, I insist that my name is Brown." " Well. sir. what are von waiting for! It is nteeniarv that vour wife should be re.1 in nceesaary inai your wtiesnouKi ne re-. moved atone.?. , . ,ou order a carnage. I l'.rn tl,i t m. n r,rnt..t j..,.. . the diseu.sion bv a denial. He therefore ' without contesting the point, ordered a - hackney coach tu th spot. Mr. Brown accordingly let an arm to Mr. Jones, who had somewhat recovered, and was about to closo the door upon her. .1 . irt t lint . ail juu ink pniii yyufurii . " Why, no ; why should I !" " Vour wife should not go alone ; she has hardly recovered." Brown gave a despairing glance at the ,,rnvl .rnii-iitliiin .nil ft i. a mini if niil..ita ' - - - ....... - w-.v.u to make opposition where so many y seemed thoroughly convinced that be was Mr. Jones, followed the lady in. " Where shall I drive !" said the whip. "I I Idou't kuow,"said Mr. Brown, " Where would you wish to be carried !" " Home, of coarse," murmured Mrs. Jones. " Where is that!" asked tho driver. " I do not know," said Mr. Brown. " No. ID II -treet," said the gentle man already introduced, glancing coutcmp- "uly at Hrown. " Will you help .e out, Mr. Jones !" said jthe lady, "I am not fully recovered from the fiinting fit into which your cruelty drove ime." " Are you quite sure that I am Mr. Jones!" asked Mr. Brown wilh anxiety. " Of course," said Mr. Jones. " Then," said be resignedly, " I suppose I am. But if vou believe me. I was firmly 'convinced this morning that y name was' . . .. 1 lirowa, and to tell tlie truth, l Haven t any , ' ' -' recollection of this house." al1i rmatively, affect our most important iu Brown helped Mrs. Jones into the parlor; tercsts, and we CBunot be heard. I decline but roo.1 heavenal conceive tho astonish- . of all, when a man was discovered ecatcJ n ai,, chair, who was tho very ; I f i. m. : r...... r.....,., i.e. Bc'.i.c oi i'ir. jni.mii, 111 ivi ui, iv.iuii.3. and every other respect ! " Gracious 1" ejaculated tho lady-" which which is my husband !" An explanation was given, the mystery cleared up, and Mr. Brown's pardon saught for the cmbarrassinir mistake. It was free- lv necorded by Mr. Brown, who. quite de-' lighted t,o think that after all he was not Mr. Jones, with a wife and child to boot. Mr. Brown has not since visited tho place where this "Comedy of Errors " happened, lie is afraid of losing his identity. From, the American Campaigner, TIIK CHARGE OF ABOLITIONISM A- GAINST MR. FILLMORE. The Reputation The Patriot Vindi- cated. The charge that Millard Fillmore is an abolitionist a charge so crossly false and absurd, that no intelligent man, who has a conscience at nil, can make it wi.hout it i- i- . . . .- feeling his conscience give the lie to bis ps was first ureed against bun in 1848, when be was a candidate for the Vice Presidency ... .. . ' unon the ticket with Gen. Tavlor It wee - investigated then and retuted to I lie satistac- tion of the Southern I'topla, who gva tiim large popular majority t the polls, and the electoral votes of eight Southern States. mi . , . ... The most efficient instrument in exn od ntr o this charge was a small pamphlet published by Mr. Fillmore's friends, which calmly re- viewed the several allegations of the gene ral charge, and, refuted them iu detail. The old charge is now renewed notwith- Handing the fact that Mr. Fillmore has, b,r Ba' lei'" reProiJuc". tbot,t ,l0,.e ,l0t rover the question f slavery SOUTHERN OBJECTIONS TO MII.I.AnD FILL MKE The fir't obir-ction to Mr. Fillmore is. that - voloJ tf,au!it certain reo!ulior))(i ku0WD ,be Alllcrton Ktf90lulioi.s," which pass. ediu the House of Representatives, the 11th! anJ i-tu 0f D-ccmber 1-:H at the 3d scs- anu i.m ot l'.ccmjer, i .. at tne oa scs-, ,;9n 0f the 25th Congress. .;.n r,f ll,. 'J.-ilh Pnr,.r. W h , !. 1 1.. 1, Ii. torT 0f tucS4 reso mw mi alut'.oni! They were pre- s of the Democratic mem- mml in n eanena 1 1 .:.!. 1.. fi.. .t... a n i . , an., V" - """ o- - e.v.u.j, f ,,,e 14th,) the ,h f Dtccu,bcr- lk .Dd Mr. Athert.n, of Nt Hampshire, was selected to offer them iu the House. He Jul nffee ihe in ein tho 1 Ilk end matin,,, speech explanatory of bis course, concluded . , ,- ,, ,- T, by demanding the previous q.e.fon. lhus rr,J resolutions concocted in a party i Athertou'a speech, the folloning proceedings I took place : ! " Wi.-e, of Ya , said, I a-k gentlemen of l . w.ii, . ,. v .. . i. i...., i .. i i Ut lhe j0)tl) .rii V (J .j., re NOT Southern resolutions and I HEPUDI- A 'I E THEM aa such. I wish to cfler an tn-ndiuei,t." " 'lh VUW deci',cJ ,Lat B cndmcnt wouj be ; order... ' Mr. Wise. It is a plot sprung upon the South." Uoncres.ional Globe, ad Session, 111 congress, Page j ? n j " miaiua, oi icuu , ajki": :r b flCiilc,i fr,u. 0I1 tha rouuJ ... I... f I,., i ; . i i, .. ..v. uu vj-i-wi ni in. j iu iuu the resolutions. As he was precluded from "V'S T'",.'".:'" , "T'l' r ma J JUUeV nvil IV VaU WUlw UL'IIJIK UD u... (j-i, ui iwh. "His request was refused." " Mr. Stauly, of N. C, made tbe same re- quest, and staled as Ins reasons, Erst, that ue uan no nau time to examine the resolu- also, and on the second b-anch of it he vo lious, and to see whether ihey gave to the ted with John Bell, of Tem., Jas. W. Boul South all the Saulh had a right to demand. ' din?, of Ya., Ceo. W. Crat b, of Ala , Jno Another reason W3S. that like all thin.-s ' .1 Villi tan nf ro1. er.ee. Ina T. Willi. ,. - - - Another reason was, that like all things J. Millijan, of Delaware, Jos. L Williams, which came from the Palace, twe o"'f t,.ih, n.l Tl,. .1 Wul r VN.Uslnni , ' ' i a 7rrV ,mmiun. "Mr. Uuderwood.of Ky., a-ked tobeex-ibi,,, .n.ml fr.M v.ninn u,..l ...i-. ru...a .1 w ' l . nun, . , u ,i. lu.v " ' j . emsvui u . I.'; - 'th, and was refused." I '.Mr Hell, of Teiin.. moved an a Ijourn- j me.it, with request, that the house would I order the resolutions to be printed, so that when the member, come here to morrow, they mi-ht vote under.-tandini'ly." J . . . . r.J . . Mr I'n.l I,,,,,, nf V II nl, I ..,.(..! In ll, motion to print, which'could not be put w ith- out unanimous cement." Ti... ii..,.. ,,f......l .-. ..limirr. " " Me Jenifer cf M.I brier! v slated M.. .Mr. Jenifer, of .Md briefly stated ha reasons why be desired not to vote on the ,.i.,.;.,... ' i'i. a,. uArA ; -.., the rights of the slaveholder Slates, and I the Kepresentstivcs from the South have j had no opportunity to examine them. A proposition topriut 1ms been refused, and ! an opportunity to examine denied. From j what cau be inferred from the speech of the ! mover, who called for tbe previous question j immediately after, the South th have reason to 1 believe, that some sinister object is intend ed. We of the South cannot be beard in de fence of our rights I, therefore, (said Mr. J.,) do not intend to vote upon a question, snrun? upon us without notice, comiiiu from "rce which we should distrust denied the rieht to exam tic. the privileire of seeinir in nrii.t . mull, r which mav. IH'L'Ulivelv or . ,n ,'. , r,;.i. " ni nrml. . .iintfi.e uhll'll 11 ftV. IICeaLlVClV Or to vote for another reason, which is, that these resolutions are now forced upon u, fof t(e q thtxeUe. uient upon this most important question, as 1 k.. idi it reuarus nmn uri 11 iniciii.--, wuk .v.. k ICAL IT K POSES." IL'ongres. t.lobe, ad session, '.'5th Congress, page 25. The question was then taken on the first resolution, as follows : " lirsoreit, That this Government is a GovIiniellt '0f limited powers, and that by .i,., ronsiiniiioii of tha Ciiited States. Con- cress has 110 iurisdiclion whatever over the institution of slavery ia the States ef tho Confederacy." For this resolution, which was carried by a vote of l!)'' in the affirmative, to tl in the negative, Mr. Fillmore voted; a fact which bis5 Syuthcra opponents carefully wit to note. It wax the most imp6rtant of tie lo ries. Indeed, there is a remarkable resem blance between tliis resolution nod the 7th resolution ef the Baltimore " Platform." 1 We shall place them in immediate connec- tion. for the special edification of those who' denounce Mr. Fillmore as an Aboliiiouiat. ;ro tbej aire s " of Ti ATnKBTOJl bmolotio.ni. ' "L'esored, That this Government is a Government of limited powers, and that, by tha Cnnstimiinn of the Unite,! rn. gress has no jurisdiction whatever over the e i .i.. it... institution of blavery 10 the fevcral States - ' , .1 . " . . ""r. ' .' nainuaMAiiu um.iim. ' r vo"S7 no JV1 uno" ' ie Ia rrr i i . , . t . vuiirtituuuu trv iiiitri icio 1 1 u vi vumliui iuo r .1 1 i.. vuiiicaiiu iiirbiiuiioun UI tiiB fleverai ot ales, and tlmt such States are the sole aud pro per judges of everything appertaining Io their own affairs, not prohibited by the Con stitution; that all efforts of the abolition isu or others made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery or take incipient steps in relation thereto, are cal culated to lead lo the most alarming and dangerous couaeqiences,. and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency lo di minish the happimxs of the people, and en danger the itabilitj and permanency of the Union, and ought tot to be countenanced by at y friend of ou- political institutions." Mr. Wise made tie same objection, also to this resolution that Mr. Yancey and oth ers made to the rlajbrra reaolution that in charge Mr. Fillmore with beiuu an Aboli tionist ! Th ose who voted igainst this resolution ve Mm?). j q m' yjV r.imll ) l'". Kus.-cll and Sade." Congressional ab',f'P?P"25 J . ,. , . "". rrso,ut,ons cre " ,i)Stracllon H anj C0lrevun necessary, after ! . I. . . .1 .: e.l...,.. . . .1 - ...n .uttiun oi tuu irei. njainsniiese inr. l illniore voted in conpany with Caleb Cush - Wi"ialn Parmeiter, and others of those i... ....! n:... 11 r .1.. C....I. 1 ("natural allies of the Couth kno ' "- ue coum auowu as Korluern Democrats. The Oth resolution as a, follow. , ! W(W ,hc1efore tt , kHfm ettemrite rn the part of Congress to abolish slavery in tha Distriet nf TnlnniKi. r ll.a ,:iv.; P'' remot.1 of slaves from State to Stale, or to disceminate between . - .... ' f onfi ,. - ... frderaey and another, with . he views afore - paid, are In violation of the I'nitetitution, de- strurtive of the fundamental principles on " !' l""ion of tfaeneftatui rests, and beyond the jurisdiction f Corpress ; and (llat f petition, menorial, resolution. .. .. . . proposition or paper, tout-line or relatiti" iu any way, or to any extent whntevcr, to sla- very as' aforesaid, or th; abo!itin thereof, ahall on the neeaetitntim rt..rr,f nitlmnf arv fur,,pr ac,jon therem, be laid upon the table, without being delated, printed, or referred." Congress. Gobe. p. '.. j I Mr. Wise, after a diision of the "so- lution had been ordered at the word " Con- ! grtss " io the 5th line " b test the sense of ' the House on all the' remlutions, moved a suspension of the rules wkh avit'wofoffer- inc an amendment to tlnsproposition, so as ., , .'..,., .' id sir'Ke oui uie woras -nun the views a- flrC!:,i ' 1 nl,,.,i i,;.if rnl. fP :e .i.T j mr lesoiuiiuu ii muse wirua were Mrieatii out." K - " h 1 ,Le ' , I i. w w.m r i. a. i HUM ID ll'Pt'UU I III flliP. i i'i i . a i irCi m I'll tlll'D. l will rcilinrh UIUI these are the words that SOLD the South." Congress. Globe, p. 2 Mr. Fillmore voted agahst this reiclulion Bi.-w, .in 11 a-u ihc pfiuuu u a DC 11 01 u w ir: f t vote wit i S ade and 0 dd mum ma ,e 8n Abolitionist, then these are aboli t; j .1 1 1 n ikii .tin Kri n rn iinzn n nnr t ri ti,i . ni Ge... C.U. Caleb Cushin. If Mass. and A- lexaudei Duncan of Ohio. Thus matters stood until Frid.v. Decern- K , b" 4' JT' R'U S V , ings loot place . i M . Plnll.oi. nf M.ii lU ...i..li,l ? ?el'aic,u !.T, !,,e "!Jjti" uf "erJ ' . District of t. olumbia. " M r. U ise roseaiid o.ijiX-ted to its re- ";-" t . "T,io"' 8,,d would Make the point ' of orJ bother Mr. Atherton'a 3th rcso- . . ... .... . .. lut.ou recoguisca me reception di pennons. , Vh.e 1 la,r ovrrru!ed.,u order, '""e tlie gentleman Torn ,, irg.ma. " 'r 'Vie appealed from the decision, ! ''!: tbe q itstiou now iuyjlved accord- i? ' Jlr- tllis : "aslli9 presetita-, tion of a petition under Mr. Ai.erton's reso- 1""" reception of it ! South.m gentlemen ; '10 had voted for the resolition had dared to him that the resolutim did not re-; have made more enduring personal melius, couiic tbe reeept'.ou of abolition petitions. t As to his Administration, it will ever re Now be wished them to standby that deci-' main one of the brightest spots in tho bis sion. If, oil the contrary, tha llou.-e does tory of the country. (Loud cheering.) If he affirm that resolution recoguiies tbe recep-! were as I am, an unchanged Whig, (ap tiou of these petition, then thewholc ground plause.) uone could bo found to raise a is gone, aud the abolitiouUts lave triumph- question of our preference. I am sorry, ou cd ; because, if you may rective petitions, 1 some accounts, that he has joined the A you may refer them, and referring you may : n.erican party, though it contains many oth report on them unfavorably jou may say er excellent men of unimpeachable charac but if you bave power to re Vr at all, you ter for private and public wisdom and vir may report favorably as well as unfavora-; tue. But if 1 were a young man, about to bly. This he repeated, gave up the whole : choose a wife, and had fouud a lady, ami ground to the Abolitionists. His own cau- j able, sensible, and iu every way preferable, did opinion was, tbat the word ng of the res-: I should not be disposed te reject her from olutiou laj ing the petitions on the table did , consideration, merely on account of a slight rccognixe their reception. New ho would 1 freckle ou her complexion. (Laughter and ask the South if this was th compact, if cheers ) Compare Filiuioro with his oppo tl.is waa the boon, which, at list, the South ' nents. had gained from a Northern party with 1 Cud many Whigs disposed ta go for Bu Southern principles? If this b the compact 1 cbauan. Now it vu.... that judged by to rccogniie the jurisdiction of Congress the etaudard ot Whig principles, all Fill over the subject of slavery except directly ! mores aMceedents are right, aud equally in the slaveholdinii States.it is a compact ' beyond doubt, that by the same standard, nothing belter than Abolition itself." Con- cress. Globe, p. 01.1 Mr. Glasscock, of Ga and Mr. Craige, of Ya , both democrat', concu-red with Mr. Wise, in bis construction of the resolution. Tho decision of the Chair fruia which Mr Wise had appealed, was subsequently sua tained, with only eix disscuting voices. Such is the history of the " Atherton ro tations, " resolutions which several South ern NVhis refused to.vote, aud which liKX- BY A. WISH. n ..Wine.! r,.n(li,l,.i nn iU I CASS and BL'TLEK ticket in Virginia, de- nounced as a " plat sprung upon the South," "J m "?MZ e"er '' t1,?,'!1 V?,"r l'" 8elf- And yet because MILLAKD I ILL - i WORE voted against these reoluiions,which i" sold the South." and " irnve uo the whole found to the Abolitionists Wo quote Mr. U'KL .!, l. lSB 6!l"1 wnJ " is an a uolilionisl. Wo I 1 .! . ..l.l. I.:. l.n,.;., !,,:, .!.:.. ,;i.. i.. tn l i lut wh L. tbofliatlior. ororaii.ee the mover - , ,mM ...,;D .:,:.. I . . . . . . . ""-" i""vi "v.-o ociiivu j 01 oliero rights, the Southern Demoera- cv are 1ul now so n ft nion r- 7 i phCpu hv .? e u 1 . . . ourtu ' . . e. . y the very rtandard they have established, he is much more of an Abolitionist than Mr. FILLMORE, against whom they produce him as a witness. Let us appeal to the re cord. Among the proceedings of the Sen ate, in Executive session ou the Mexican Peace Treaty, Wednesday, March , the following occurs: " Ou motion by Mr. Baldwin to insert at the end of the fiiftb. article the following words, to wit : " J'roi-i'M, That there shall be neither slavery nur involuntary servitude in the territories hereby ceded, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes, whereof the par ty thall have been duly convicted." After debate, the question was stated, 'shall these words eland as part of the fifth article V And it was determined in the negative : Yeas 15, nays 3. Those voting iu the affirmative are Messrs. ATHERTON, Baldwin, Clarke, Clayton, Corwin, Dans, of Mass., Dayton, i-'ix, ureene, jiale, tinier, .Mies, 1 Iielps, ! Spruance, L'pham Certainly this settles ithe competency, to testi v . nil Muni', the question as to fy as to the opinions tv. .... . ,i., v.,..,u,; i,v u.c UB certaiuly they are now ; estoppe from using bini for such a purpose, for they mate not with the advocate.- if the , Wiltuot Proviso and Free-soil." FILLMORE AND THE r.MON'-JL'DGE BATES ON THE PRESIDENTIAL QUESTION. JUCIg JMtes, 01 J.0UI6, was recently ! cu " "V"1 " - "" "J Pol"lcal topics of th. day. He complied, and we subjoin its concluding passages : ! Let us briefly glance at the three Presi- dcntiul candidates. As re Mt. Buchanan, Le nominee of the democratic party, he is certainly a man of medium fair good tab eul", "d no more. In early youth being gentleman ef ea.-y circumstances aud free .i. .. j. - . f hm tuc arduous requirements of profes- rioual labor, he wedded the Commonwealth, "d with enduring constaucy, has never souebt another bride. ( LnuL'liter 1 He has served long in hih and honorable siations, '' e"j)ed ample opportunities aud ac- quired a considerable fund of experience. tf. " l,t I r , hf dlJ ever take the lead in anything ,eDd,nS 10 11,0 lfare of Uu countr-v T I!" 18 lla,lira11 secondary character, a man of.doub.t.s "' prwvisos. '1 here is nothing . . , ... , . ' . , . no intention ot revilimr him. but is he the , , , , " ' , , to be selected and setup for the great- est place in the world . . ' , ,. . I. '' us compare his opponents. I j introduced. I baVenV desire to pluck . . siucle leaf from his cuiiLlet; he has earned - . Ill J a reputation as a bold adventurer an cuter i prising discoverer and a scientific scholar, but as a political cbarcater, his life is a blank sheet of paper, aud be might well have done what Buchanan has done, that is, sink himself completely out of sight under the platform of his party. Cheer.- i Now turn to Fillmore. (Loud and re- peated cheering ) I can perhaps scarce speak ot liiJmoru with uue impartiality. 1 partiality. 11 know him. Ue is my friend. lie called - 1 offi rt-tireuictit of twenty ! years in private lilt, l cannot nut ieei;the country nearly a year, ana me oiuer '' towfrd ' rafl" SUCVQ "ncxpec-j ted ren.embrai.ee. 1 vm'.I endcaver to sup- Ps P-rtiaality and personal feeling, and to M,nt claim M ,1U are or,e t0 r, ll 1 i- I popular Mew. ue is emineutiy a man oi the people, lie did not enjoy iu his youth the opportunity of acquiring even the rudi- ,., 0i classical education. Beinr? bound apprentice to a mechauic, his riue talents , lr,c.ed the notice of au old lawyer who llrc'eu ue nonce oi au o.u lawyer, o drcw ,in, from Lis nwchanical occupation and gave hi... opportunities of entering a professional career. And from that day to the present there is one tact to be uot.ced in him, that from every public employment he has gone out with a higher reputation than be went m with. (Applause) l. is a nun of mild manners, amiable disposition, de-;nd benevolent character, anu lew men all Buchanan's antecedents are wron. He was wise to sink himself behind bis plat form ; to perform that most perfect act on record, of political self abnegation. (Here the speaker read Buchanan's speech in ae oeptauoe of tho nomination.) lie says the platform is "broad and national enough for the whole Democratic party," not for Whigs. (A laugh.) Mr. Preston, of Louisvill", with the Whig shell yet sticking to his head, had already got so high up among the Demo crats as to be one of the committee that i waited on Buchanan ou that occasion, on j which the nominee said he did not think ' 'ib,f "' nyintcrro. : tones lest he should present some issue out- side of the platform, Such was the utter burial of the man in the platform. I5t the only true way to iudee of men is ., ... ' .. ' ii- l . .i .... i by their acts, as ot a pudding by the eat- f , " ... i i .. e ' K , . . . : i . .:. .. tu v Ut2rtiiieil to see loiters from Witt" ac-isinir . ... , , . x-.... . . .1 U3 (0 HupportdUiui uecuuse uis is a nauouai cause; uud yet his strength is claimed to lie iu the very region of country where the o c o woril national is uever heard. Another ur gument calls upon us to go for him in or der to prevent a dissolution of the Union. Who is goinn to dissolve the Union! Cer laiuly not Fremont, if he is elected. W ho ever heard of a nitm placed in power who desired to destroy the very realm over which that power is to be exrcised ! Who then ! ' hose tliut would be displeased at his elec tion ? Will any one dare to slander the whlu South v ith the imputation of treason ! Any man, who out of pique aud disappoint ment at the constitutional and regular elec tion of an adverse party candidate, should contemplate itb rierious inteutious, the dis solution of the glorious fabric of our Union, traitor. And thall would certainly be a we accuse our brethren of the South, of one-half of the country; of this grievous en urge . i lie (so called) '.Nuniucrs ul u-...i. c i: :. i ...i vi .uuill v.iioilim Ill'tci imriiuuii ii.. ii in ii I 'j!ifiiriii! W9 ul,, -ml ti ht admitted as a free Stale, conventions were held in Ten- iicssce, Mississippi, and elsewhere. I believe, j threatening to dissolve the Lnioti in case ol tier admission with ttie ( xciu-ion oi slavery so admitted, and nothing more was heard ""P" c""rc" ua3 conuuetea of it. And nov: they try to scare you from in it about two months. A new Episcopal your honest and well merited preference Church is shortly to be erected at this place, for one of yourselves by threatening that if t)ltt jot havjng .ein purchased, and the sub- Fremont is elected, t lie y will dissolve the . . , , , , . . ,.f ,, . ' , , , J i ii scription far enouch advanced to justify a Liiiou. Such unworthy artthces should nev- r , , , ry, , cr deter a vote fioui the eupport of Fillmore, .beginning of the work. Clinton lmlepen- I am sixty three years of age, and have!"' thought the stability of my country sufli-1 cient to guarantee its blessings to myself, T!E jIovSTER Steamship. Brunei i. and to my children after me, cheers, aud can I be persuaded that this glorious fabric bu,1(,,nS 0n tLe b"k of the 11,n,e9' near is to be endangered by a mere party triumph Loudon, the mammoth steamer of the world, for fur years of office ! I have never been She is constructed entirely ef iron plates, cither a Northern or Southern man, and I is 4 qllarter of a mile in length, and about will further say that there is not an acre of . , . - v. , . , c. . . i j .v m- n . i - twice the sue of Noah s ark. She is divi land in the Mississippi valley, from Jjinne- . sola to the Gulf of Mexico, which properly h bulk-heads into !l compartments, belongs to either the political North or South, is to bave four steam engines to drive her Cheers This union is indivisible, it can- pa,die wheels, and six more to turn a large not be divided, and its principle of cohesion (crcw jj Jm t,)e?e sbe h tQ ca B(jven is such as will endure unimpaired long after ... , . . , .i . i . . . i ... . .. ,! masts t here will be accommodations for the present politics! Morms have paed a- wny. Cheers. Factions may possibly in passengers. !!er steam engines are tho lapse of a-:es, through the freiiuent rep- t0 weifh the auchor, work the pumps, and etition of insurrectionary outbreaks and se- ditions, eventually succeed in converting it ', i . l . . into a despotism, but the process imist no- eessarilv be slow. No nation ever endured a hundred years without intestine tumults, and we have had our Shay's insurrection in Massachusetts, and tLe winsKcy war in lVfn,svJv:iiti:i utiri iinw the evil passions of men are kindling an unhappy strife on our border ; but these are local and tempo- rary disturbances, which do uot nff.ct the deep sea tea louniiuiions oi our liiiou. fir ,. . , , , - .. , , n distant be tbe day of its downfall, and jou my whig brethren, stand firm where vou bave been, abandon not your tried position, and after the fiery storm of the election has passed, be able to say : " We call Heaven and Earth to witness, that if Rome must fall, we at least are innocent." BEncLARtT Sold Out I'uring the month of January, 150, while stepping at the State House in Sacramento City, Cali- forl;., I accidentally overheard a convcr- r , 'dl'"" t''" " . . -. . . .. , , . wn, from New lorkcity, anu Lad teen in ha j.Ji5t arrived " , .... e comer wa, lamenting bis con- dition and bis folly in leaving an abundance . . . fil I at uome, and especially two neaimtui naugn- ters who were just budding into womauhood te pQCktt lil.e a watch. Withiu the case is wheu he asked the New Yorkerif he had a ,en and spring-hammer, the latter con a family. nected with the fob-chain. The supposition " Yes, eir ; I have a wife and six child- ;s ,hat the thief will suppose that the watch rcn in New York and never saw ono of cl,ain is attached to a rWi file watch, and them." I will accordingly pull the chain in order to After this reply, the couplo sat a few mo-. obtaiu the prize. But instead of getting the menu in silence ; then the tnterrcgatsr a- gain commenced : " Were you ever bliuJ, sir!" " No, sir." Another lapse of silence. " Pid I understand you to say, sir, that vou bad a wife aud six children living in New York, and had nver seen one of tbeiu!" ; " Yes, sir I stated it !" j Another and longer pause of si.enc. Then the interrogator inquired : " How can it be, sir, that you never saw ons of them !" " Why," was the response, " one of them was born after I left." " Oh 1 ah !" ami a general laujh follow ed ; and after that the New Yorker wa3 es- ii. .- . 1. t.., .. 1. .l peciany a.sungu.sne,, u.e u.u l- l-ll I a Wile anu SIX cuiiureu auu ucei d uue ot tueni. A Singular Fact. A sow belonging to a gentleman iu the county of Prince Wil liam, while iu a state of pregnancy, had one of her ears torn off by a dog, and wheu her pigs came lately, three of then bad guly one ear each, and tho place where the ear should be exactly resembliug the place from which the sow's ear was torn. Trooress or Relioion. The Prosbyte rial Critic has an article from the Rev. Dr. Stuart Robinson, in which it is stated that, " after a careful comparison aud rumiuiiig up of th e religious statistics of the various denominations, the Evangelical bodies of the United States now number thirty thousand minister,. four millions of church members, sixteen millions and a hulf connected by ed ucation and sympathy with them, seveuty millious of dollars invested in church prop erty, twenty in ill ions annually raised for the support of ordinances at homo, four million i for the spread of the cb juik, abroid, and . . ... . .... jweivo nnliiona lor Biiiinirs in liinr nouxts j of wors(,ip. ju e.vfiui.ltc no account is I , ... , , ,. lnkin ai thn mane iiiiiiiofi of (In an mve(l- - 1 J ted iu schools, colleges, aud seminaries', un- der the control of Evangelical denomina tions. Thus it appears that, out of t'e pop ulation estimated at twenty-six and-a half millions, nearly two-thirds of the whole are members in full communion or onder the di rect influence of Evangelical churches. The first Methodist Church ever built iu Clinton has been so near eomplefed that ser vices are now held in the building. The firt meeting wis held in this new edifice on 1 Saturday and Sunday the IHh and 10(h inst., : by Rev. I). IJ. Nicholson, whose plain straight ! forward, logical manner of preaching was received ith the highest satisfaction by the larzc audience attending. IW. J. B.. Mar- i w the regul .r pastor of the church. , Clinton is now blessed with church privi ,...(,, yj,,, Presbyterian Church has beeu , , completed about three years, and the new i .-.i i ii j. -. i . i Tn-ft t!je s.liK she j, t0 be jt,iltej wtra . , , . , .. ITs and furnished with telesrraphio wires. e w r U the ma-t-uc.nt me is to carry an eiec- trie liht, visible 15 miles, and casting a beautiful radiance on the sea for half a mile around. For life boats she is to carry couple of stoamers, ninety feet long, and a small fleet of yawls and jolly boats. Such ;s t0 t)ie "Great Eastern," iuteuded for the Pacific trade, aud expected to go rouud the globe without once stopping for coal. A Lady made a great sensation in Broad way the other day by starting a new fash ion in bonnets. Instead of weariii her botiuet on the back of her head where no one could sec it a gorgeous Johnny car ried it behind her on a crimson velvet cush ion. The result was, that every one could perceive she had a bonnet, and tbe lady 1 . -I. .1.. -e . r uerseu nan iiui me uoiuer oi carrying II. Tlie tffcct ws considered extremely light nd airy. A PinVninl.-r.f Tl.,la.ln, k..n in..nla,l , " vv down Kilst. U eona'.sts externally of a case resembling tbat of a watch in size and shape. - 1 It has a fob-chain or string, and is worn in w.t..h .the waieh r-cts hita. The nuil sauna the alarm-bell, the owner of the watch grabs the rogue, and the policemen conducts him to limbo. j The Dorw.E B.'s Gov. 'Wise, in a re cent speech, said that the "double bee" (Bl) ticket of the Democracy is bound to win. The Cincinnati Commercial has the following iu reference to it : May b these B.'s will b successful in tho battle jut b gun, but we don't b lieve it b cause they arc not the real B B by a big sight. They are D B's. Not Democratic B's cither ; but Drone B's. B sides they l.ave no Queen B; aud that no hive can flourish, without one. eaiinnt b .lenii'il W ' b b b j, . - 1 , ,, " Kin ' tiiMl, inn ill flu. mr rf " nun.. " A farmer going to get his grist ground at a mill, borrowed a bag of one of his neigh bors. Tbe poor n.au was knocked under the water wheel, and the bag with him. lie wai drowned, and wheu the melaucboly news was brought ti his wife, she exclaim ed : My sraeijujl what a fuss there'.ll be about that ha," '"

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